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Us Dept. of Transportation, Maritime Admin - Annual Report for CY2023 Revision 0
Person / Time
Site: NS Savannah
Issue date: 02/29/2024
From: Koehler E
US Dept of Transportation, Maritime Admin
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML24064A031 (17)


U.S, Department . office of ship Operations 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE.

OfTransportatton  ; . . Washington, do 20590

IViqritime'. ,


Ref: 10 CFR 50.36(c)(5), 50.54(w), 50.59(d)(2)

February 29, 2024:

ATTN: . Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission: :

Washington, DC 20555


Docket No. 50-238; License No. NS-1; Aimual Report for CY2023j Revision p

Pursuant to Technical Specification 3,4.2, the Maritime Administration (MARAD) is required to submit an annual written report. MARAD hereby submits Revision 0 to the Aimual Report for Cy2023 as:

Enclosure (1). : . .

The annual report is also intended to meet the routine reporting requirements for:

o 10 CFR 5b.59(d)(2) requires a sunuhary of safety, evaluations for activities implemented under

. . 10 CFR 50.59; and, '

o 10 CFR 50.54(w) Insurance Annual Report.

This annual report is also intended to meet the reporting requirements of the Programmatic Agreement executed iii March 2023 among MARAD, the NRC, the Advisory Cotmcil on Historic Places, and the Maryland State Historic Preservation Officer. Sectipn 4.4 of the aimual report has been revised and expanded to suit this requirement. .

. .This submittal contains no new Regulatory Commitments.

If there are any questions or concerns with ainy issue discussed in this submittal, please contact me at:

0: (2021 366-2631. M: (4101 776-8268. and/or e-niail me at erhard.koehler@,dot:gov.


Erhard W. Kpehler Senior Technical Advisor,.N.S. SAVANNAH Office of Ship Operations


Docket No. 50-238; License NS-1; N.S. SAVANNAH Submittal of Annual Report for CY2(j23, Revision 0 February 29,2024 ,


1. STS-224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0 Dockrt No. 50-238; License NS-1; 'N.S. Savannah Submittal of Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0 February 29, 2024


Electronic copy



MAR 610, 612, 615 .

Elardcopy, cover letter only

. MAR-600, 640, 640.2

Hardcopy with aU cnclosures

, . MAR-100, 640.2 (rf)

USNRC (Tanya Hood, Andrew Tavema)

USNRC Regional Administrator - NRC Region I MD Department of the. Environment (Eva Nair)

EWK/jmo U.S. Deportment Office of Ship Operations 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE of Tronspbrtotion Washington, DC 20590

Maritime Administration

Docket No. 50-238; License No. NS-1; N.S. to Submittal of Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0 STS- 224, ANNUAL REPORT FOR CY2023 U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration :

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N.S. Savannah


STS - 224 Revision 0

Approved: Date: February 29, 2024

Meager, N.S. SA VANNAH. Programs

Prepared by: .

Nuclear Ship Support Services, LLC .

Savannah Technical Staff STS - 224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0


Revision Summary of Revisions

0 The original version of the 2023 Annual Report License NS-1


Page No. Rev. No. Page No. Rev. No. Page No. Rev. No.

1 0 2 0 3 0

A 0 5 0 6 0

1 0 8 0 9 0

10 0 11 0 12 0

13 0

Revision 0 Savannah Technical Staff STS - 224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0

Table of Contents


4 2.0 ITEMS REQUIRED BY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4 2.1 TS .a. Status of the Facility 4 2.1.1 License Activities 5 2.1.2 Organization. 5 2.1.3 Review of Other Technical Specification Requirements 5 2.2 TS .b. Radiation Surveys and Monitoring Station Dosimeter Readings 7 2.2.1 Radiation Surveys 7 2.2.2 Monitoring Station Dosimeter Results 7 2.3 TS .d. Quarterly Intrusion Alarm System Checks 8 2.4 TS .f. Principal Decommissioning and Maintenance Activities 8 2.5 TS .g. Unauthorized Entry Into Radiologically Controlled Areas (RCAs) 9

2.5.1 Event Discussion 9 2.5.2 Improvements to Access Control 9 2.6 TS .h. Inspection of Primary, Secondary and Auxiliary Systems Degradation 9 2.7 TS Summary of Occupational Exposure 9

3.0 OTHER NRC REPORTS 10 3.1 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2) Report of Changes, Tests or Experiments 10 3.2 10 CFR 50.54(w)(3) Insurance Annual Report 10 3.3 Commitment Management 10

4.0 SIGNIFICANT MARAD ISSUES 10 4.1 Remaining Decommissioning Timeline 10 4.2 Public Events, Visitation and Training 10 4.3 Historic Stewardship 10 4.4 National Historic Preservation Act Consultation 11 4.5 COVID-19 Pandemic National Emergency 12


12 APPENDIX A. CY2023 Radiation Survey Results in Radiologically Controlled Areas 13

Revision 0 Savannah TechmcaX Staff STS - 224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0


This Annual Report is submitted by the Maritime Administration (MARAD) as licensee for the Nuclear Ship Sa VANNAH (NSS) and covers the Calendar Year (CY) 2023 reporting period. This report is arranged into three sections following the introduction. Section 2.0 provides the discussion of the various reporting items required by the Technical Specifications (TSs). Section 3.0 includes other periodic reports required by the NRG, and issues of regulatory significance. Section 4.0 includes facility issues that MARAD believes may be of interest to the NRG, including the GOVID-19 pandemic national emergency.

In accordance with the requirements of TS, the written annual report shall be submitted prior to March 1 of the following calendar year and shall specifically include the seven (7) reporting items listed in that specification. These items are addressed in Sections 2.1 through 2.7 inclusive. In addition, TS 3.6.3 requires the Safety Review Gommittee (SRG) to review ten (10) items, one of which is this annual report. Section 2.1.3 includes the status of these ten (10) SRG review items.

This annual report is provided to parties to the NSS Programmatic Agreement (PA) covering the Decommissioning and Disposition of NSS (Reference a), in accordance with Stipulation VIII of that agreement. T^e NRG is a signatory to the PA. Sections 4,3 and 4.4 of this report have been expanded to cover the reporting requirements contained in Stipulation VIII, including a summary report of work performed pursuant to the terms of the PA, any proposed schedule changes, any problems encountered, and any disputes or objections received.

2.0 ITEMS REQUIRED BY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The seven (7)^ TS items specifically required to be included in the written annual report are as follows:

a. The status of the facility (see 2.1).
b. The results of the radiation surveys and monitoring station dosimeter readings (see 2.2).
c. The results of quarterly intrusion alarm system checks (see 2.3).
d. A description of the principal maintenance performed on the vessel (see 2-4).
e. Any unauthorized entry into radiation control areas by visitors or employees and corrective action(s) taken to improve access control (see 2.5).
f. Any degradation of one of the several boundaries which contain the radioactive materials aboard the NSS (see 2.6).
g. Results of occupational exposure indicated by personal dosimetry (see 2.7).

These TS items were reviewed by the Safety Review Gommittee at its annual meeting on December 12, 2023. The Executive Steering Gommittee members reviewed it during its concurrence routing prior to submission.

2.1 TS 3.4.2.I.A. STATUS OF THE FACILITY During GY2023, the ship was berthed at Pier 13, Ganton Marine Terminal, 4601 Newgate Avenue, Baltimore, MD.

' There were originally nine (9) requirements lettered a thru i. Items c and e have been deleted through lieense amendments. This report consolidates the remaining seven (7) requirements and letters them a thru g.

Revision 0 Savannah Technical Staff STS - 224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0

MARAD holds a Possession-only license for the NSS nuclear utilization facilities that was modified by License Amendment 15 (Reference b) to allow dismantlement and disposal. As a result of License Amendment 15, the status of the facility is "Dismantlement."

Dismantlement is defined in Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.86, "Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors," Reference (c). This 1974 RG describes the now outmoded Dismantling option of decommissioning. MARAD understands RG 1.86 was withdrawn as noticed in the Federal Register (81 FR 53507) on August 12, 2016; its withdrawal does not impact the NSS licensing basis. MARAD uses the words 'active decommissioning' and 'dismantlement' interchangeably.

Dismantlement is characterized by removal of radioactive fluids, radioactive wastes and other materials having activities above accepted unrestricted activity levels. Mothballed activities continue to be performed. These include active surveillance, monitoring and maintenance of the nuclear facilities housed onboard the ship, and custody and maintenance of the ship as the primary physical boundary and protective barrier of the licensed site.

Significant dismantlement activities were performed throughout the year as described in Section 2.4 below.

2.1.1 LICENSE ACTIVITIES MARAD and NRG discussed dismantlement activities at monthly status meetings throughout the year. On July 20, 2023, MARAD submitted Revision 13 to its Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) (Reference d). The License Termination Plan (LTP) (reference e) was submitted on October 23, 2023, as a license amendment request and a supplement to the UFSAR.

On December 15, 2023, MARAD was notified NRG had "concluded that it [i'/c (the LTP)] does provide technical information in sufficient detail to enable the NRG staff to complete its detailed technical review."

As of December 31, 2023, a revision to the Decommissioning Quality Assurance Plan (DQAP) was being developed to describe the Final Status Survey (FSS) organization. It was submitted on January 22,2024.


During 2023, the FSS organization was created and staffed.

Additional staffing was ehanged as needed to support the five-year integrated services contract to Nuclear Ship Support Services (NSSSJV)^, LLG, of Seabrook, New Hampshire. The new position of FSS manager was staffed.

2.1.3 REVIEW OF OTHER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS In accordance with TS 3.6.3, the Safety Review Committee (SRG) is specifically required to review the following items with or without a formal meeting;

a. Proposed changes to Technical Specifications There were no proposed changes to Technical Specifications in GY2023.

^ Because the acronym NSSS is very close to the accepted three-letter-acronym NSS (for Nuclear Ship Savannah), MARAD will add the letters JV to more easily distinguish the contractor from the ship.

Revision 0 Savannah Technical Staff STS - 224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0

b. Evaluations required by 10 CFR 50.59 Safety Evaluation Screenings were performed as required and forwarded for committee review for information. No screening determined that a 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation was required; consequently, none were performed. Additional information regarding 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations is found in Section 3.1 of this report.
c. Proposed changes or modifications to a Radiologically Controlled Area entry alarm system or reactor containment vessel system In CY2023, there were no changes to alarm systems and reactor containment vessel systems.
d. Evaluations ofsubstantive changes to the results ofradiological surveys There were substantive changes to the results of radiological surveys as the ship's nuclear facility was dismantled and radiological waste was processed prior to its shipment to Clive, UT. Surveys of areas where contaminated components were removed from their installed locations showed expected lower values. Areas where shipments of these components were handled and processed showed increased values prior to shipment and substantially lower values after shipment.
e. Procedures and revisions per TS 3.5 Procedures and their revisions were reviewed prior to approval.
f. Evaluations ofreported violations of Technical Specifications There were no NRC reportable violations to Technical Specifications in 2023.

Corrective Action Report 2023-077 described a security event where during the end of the day security walkdown, the RC B-deck door was found shut and alarmed but unlocked and unguarded (the normal daytime configuration when the B Deck door is in-use as an emergency egress point for the Containment Vessel - see subparagraph h below). The event and corrective actions were discussed at the December All-hands Meeting.

MARAD recognizes that this event is similar to an event reported in the CY2022 Aimual Report. The significant mitigating difference of this event is the watchstander was stationed at the ship's entrance (A-18) and monitoring video cameras (again, the normal daytime configuration).

g. Evaluations of reportable events per TS There were no reportable events to the NRC. The September 28, 2023 minor sewage spill on the pier was reported to the National Response Center who provided reports to required state and federal agencies. MARAD made an email notification to the NRC Program Manager and Inspector on the same date.
h. Evaluations of deviations allowed by TS Three deviations were in effect, as needed, throughout the year.
  • STS-004 Deviation - Radiologically Controlled Area doors unlocked and unguarded during Reactor Compartment and Containment Vessel entry.

>> STS-004 Deviation - Severe Weather prevents daily security patrols.

Revision 0 Savannah Technical Staff STS - 224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0

All deviations were reviewed for continued applicability as required.

i. Audits and self-assessments to verify the effectiveness of the Decommissioning Quality Assurance Plan

Assessments were performed in the following functional areas during the reporting period:

QSA-2023-002, 1 st Quarter, 2023 First Quarter Radiation Protection Program Assessment QSA-2023-002, 2nd Quarter, 2023 Second Quarter Radiation Protection Program Assessment QSA-2023-002, 3rd Quarter, 2023 Third Quarter Radiation Protection Program Assessment QSA-2023-002, 4th Quarter, 2023 Fourth Quarter Radiation Protection Program Assessment (DRAFT)

QSA-2023-002, Annual, 2023 Aimual Radiation Protection Program Assessment (DRAFT)

QSA-2023-003, Commitment Periodic Review 2023 QSA-2023-004, Technical Specification Deviations Review 2023 QSA-2023-005, Procedure Annual Review 2023

j. Annual reports to the NRC During CY2023, the following reports were reviewed prior to their submission to the NRC:
  • Annual Report for CY2022(STS-221).
  • Decommissioning Funds Status Report for CY2022 (STS-222).
  • Annual Radiological Environmental Monitoring and Radioactive Effluent Release Reports for CY2022 (STS-223).


2.2.1 RADIATION SURVEYS A routine radiological survey program continued to be followed in CY2023. Radiological survey measurements were taken in various RCAs and non-RCAs. All readings in non-RCAs were insignificant as compared to background radiation levels.

The results of the CY2023 Radiation Survey Results in RCAs are listed in Appendix A.

2.2.2 MONITORING STATION DOSIMETER RESULTS Sixty-eight (68) permanently placed thermo-luminescent dosimeter (TLD)^ monitoring stations are dispersed throughout the non-RCAs of the NSS and in those areas of the NSS that are routinely occupied. Fixed point radiation surveys are performed during TLD change outs.

Results from the TLDs from all monitoring stations indicated that readings were insignificant as compared to the background radiation levels.

' The Annual Report for CY2022 (STS-221) incorrectly stated fifty-eight (58).

Revision 0 SaVANNAH Technical Staff STS - 224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0

2.3 TS3.4.2.1.D. QUARTERLY INTRUSION ALARM SYSTEM CHECKS Routine security surveillances were conducted as required by TS On a quarterly basis, the staff performed SIC-TS-Q-1, RCA Entrances Secured, Lock, Key and Seal Number Verification Inspection. Other monitored doors were tested.

2.4 TS 3.4.2.I.F. PRINCIPAL DECOMMISSIONING AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES The following principal maintenance activities were completed in CY2023:

  • Performed ship husbandry and custodial care:
  • Mooring systems and equipment maintenance.
  • Minor steel and equipment repairs.
  • Hull preservation and painting.
  • Maintained and repaired lighting and electrical distribution systems.
  • Performed American Bureau of Shipping Aimual Survey of Lay-up.

The decommissioning activities completed in CY2023 included removing and disposing of small bore piping, components and interferences. Major dismantlement activities were concluded with the segmentation and removal of the Reactor Coolant System aft loop piping. The piping was segregated in Cargo Hold 3 and retained for the balance of CY 2023 for evaluation of possible decontamination and free-release of the pipe segments. In February 2024, prior to the submittal of this report, MARAD concluded that free-release of the pipe segments was not possible, and they will be disposed during CY 2024.

The magnitude of decommissioning activities is best illustrated by listing the total amount of waste disposed from the NSS in Table 2-1, Waste Disposed from the Ship. Changes from CY2022 are shown in bold text.

Revision 0 5!^ K4AWy4^ Technical Staff STS - 224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0


Container Amount LiquidContent Solid Content Volume Generated HazardClassification

Intermodal 27 Dry Active Waste / 18225 ff Phase n Radioactive Metal Intermodal 5 Dry Active Waste / 3375 Phase I Radioactive Metal Intermodal 3 Lead (Pb) 21200 lbs Phase l/II Recycle Water, Chromate 434.5 Intermodal 3 and Lead (Pb) and 1735 Phase n Mixed trash gallons of water B-12 2 Lead (Pb) 90 Phase n Mixed Sealand 1 Reactor Intemals 312 Phase 11 Radioactive Reactor Head 1 Reactor Head 168 ft' Phase n Radioactive Reactor 1 RPV 2424 ft' Phase n Radioactive Pressure Vessel Control Rod 1 Metal 1600 ft' Phase n Radioactive Drive Tower Tanker 4 Water 18124 gal. Phase IT Radioactive Control Rod 2 Oil Personal Protective 70 gal. Phase n EPA Code Drive Oil Equipment / Lead and 280 D007 and Drum fines ft' D008


No unauthorized entries were made into any RCAs in CY2023.

2.5.1 EVENT DISCUSSION Not Applicable

2.5.2 IMPROVEMENTS TO ACCESS CONTROL Not Applicable 2.6 TS 3.4.2.I.H. INSPECTION OF PRIMARY, SECONDARY AND AUXILIARY SYSTEMS DEGRADA TION The annual inspection required by TS was completed on December 20,2023, and is used to identify any degradation of boundaries containing radioactive material aboard the NSS as required by TS 3.4.2.l.h. It is documented in SIC-TS-A-2 RO Structures, Systems and Components Aimual Inspection 2023. For those primary, secondary or auxiliary systems that that remain installed and/or are awaiting dismantlement, there was no notable degradation since the last inspection in 2022.

2.7 TS


OF OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE In 2023, approximately 54 individuals were monitored. As of December 31, 2023, the total Project Dose was approximately 2172 mrem and total dose for 2023 was approximately 203 mrem.

Revision 0 Savannah Technical Staff STS - 224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0

3.0 OTHER NRC REPORTS 3.1 10 CFR 50.59(D)(2) REPORT OF CHANGES, TESTS OR EXPERIMENTS The regulations require eaeh power reactor licensee to submit, at intervals not to exceed 24 months, a report containing a brief description of any changes, tests, and experiments, including a summary of the evaluation of each.

No Changes, Tests or Experiments were proposed in CY2023 that would require a 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation, and, consequently, no evaluations were completed.

Screenings are forwarded to Safety Review Committee members for information.

3.2 10 CFR 50.54(W)(3) INSURANCE ANNUAL REPORT The regulations require eaeh power reactor licensee to obtain insurance available at reasonable costs and on reasonable terms from private sources or to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the NRC that it possesses an equivalent amount of protection covering the licensee's obligation. MARAD adheres to the Federal rules of self-insurance as a matter of established policy.

3.3 COMMITMENT MANAGEMENT No Regulatory Commitments were made or revised in CY2023.


4.1 REMAINING DECOMMISSIONING TIMELINE The license termination deadline for the NSS is December 3, 2031, based on the Permanent Cessation of Operations milestone date of December 3,1971. Decommissioning is on schedule to be complete well within the allowed 60-year license termination period. As noted in Reference e, MARAD anticipates requesting license termination to be effective in December 2025, provided all prerequisite actions are complete.

4.2 PUBLIC EVENTS, VISITATION AND TRAINING Public events and visitation showed a marked increase following the end of the COVID-19 Pandemic National Emergency (see section 4.5). Although MARAD resumed in-person visitation in CY 2022, those events were somewhat limited in scope compared to a pre-COVID baseline. MARAD hosted a public open house in conjunction with National Maritime Day on Sunday, May 21, 2023. Approximately 450 persons attended the event. Beginning in August, regular visitation (on an RSVP basis) was organized concurrent with the monthly operating sessions of the ship's amateur radio club. Guided tours are managed by the N/S SAVANNAH Association, with tours scheduled at 10am and 2pm.

Approximately 100 persons attended these tours from August to December. Other group tours and visitation were organized as requested. No formal training events for outside parties were conducted in 2023, but such activities have increased substantially early in 2024.

4.3 HISTORIC STEWARDSHIP The NSS was designated as a National Historic Landmark (NHL) in 1991, and is the only directly-owned, managed, and maintained NHL property in the Department of Transportation inventory. Under the provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended, the highest standard of care for historic objects falls upon federal owners of NHLs. MARAD maintains a continuous focus on

  • December 3,1971 is the de facto date of permanent cessation of operations date based on completing the reactor defiteling that date by tensioning the reactor vessel head with six studs.

Revision 0 10 Savannah Technical Staff STS - 224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0

its historic stewardship responsibilities when conducting activities on the NSS site. All work on the ship, whether radiological or not, is sensitive to maintaining the historic fabric and appearance of the ship.

MARAD's Federal Preservation Officer (FPO) provides expert advice and guidance to licensee staff in these matters, particularly with respect to the implementation of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and Historic Vessel Preservation Projects.

4.4 NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT CONSULTATION Because the decommissioning of the nuclear power plant is an adverse effect and the disposition of the ship is unknown, MARAD entered consultation in compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA and developed a Programmatic Agreement (PA) to guide the process. The PA among the US DOT, MARAD, NRC, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), and Maryland State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), for the Decommissioning and Disposition of the NS Savannah was executed on March 17, 2023. This section of the Annual Report has been prepared in accordance with Stipulation VIII (Monitoring and Reporting) of the PA to provide a summary of activities undertaken pursuant to the PA over the course of CY 2023.

Following execution of the PA, the Peer Review Group (PRO) was formally established in accordance with Stipulation 11 (Savannah Peer Review Group). The PRG is the mechanism for continuing consultation and its members includes signatories and concurring parties to the PA, as well as other organizations and individuals with an interest in the ship. The roles and responsibilities of the members of the PRG are outlined in a charter which was adopted in July 2023, and generally include attending meetings, reviewing deliverables associated with stipulations in the PA, and providing individual input and guidance to MARAD. The first official PRG meeting was held in March 2023, with the intent of holding these meetings bi-monthly. However, the May meeting was cancelled while MARAD reviewed and finalized procedures for providing public notice for these meetings to ensure all information is publicly accessible in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act. These procedures include publishing all notices in the Federal Register and posting all notices and supporting documentation on MARAD's docket and website. Subsequent PRG meetings were held in July, September, and November of 2023. In addition, a NHPA consultation meeting was held with the same participants in January 2023 although it was not a formal PRG meeting as the PA had not yet been executed.

In addition to PRG meetings, MARAD worked on deliverables associated with Stipulation IV (Disposition Alternatives Process). This stipulation outlines a sequential disposition process, wherein a Disposition Alternatives Study (b) will be prepared, followed by the preparation of a Notice of Availability/Request for Information (NOA/RFI) (c). However, MARAD recognized that it would be beneficial to put the NOA/RFI out in advance of the Disposition Alternatives Study, because it would make better use of the relatively fixed timeline for disposition. Because this was a minor change that did not result in substantive changes to the PA, and amending the PA could delay the disposition process, MARAD consulted with the signatories to determine if they would concur that the order of these two activities could be switched without amending the PA. All signatories concurred via email in August 2023.

In October 2023, MARAD published the NOA/RFI in the Federal Register. The notice, along with supporting materials, was also posted on MARAD's docket and website. The purpose of the NOA/RFI is to identify entities that may be interested in acquiring the ship for preservation purposes. A hybrid (virtual and in-person) information session was held on November 18, 2023, and was attended by approximately 13 people. Site visits were held onboard the ship on December 16 and 17, 2023, and were attended by approximately 24 people in total. Although the NOA/RFI response period was initially slated to end on February 16, 2024, due to interest generated and to allow interested parties additional time to respond, the period was extended to April 1, 2024. In conjunction with the extension of the response period, an additional information session / site visit was added in February 2024.

Revision 0 11 Savannah Technical Staff STS - 224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0

MARAD has also conducted considerable outreach in support of the NOA/RFI, and has contacted relevant professional organizations, Chambers of Commerce and Tomism Councils in port cities, and the Eisenhower family and foundation. Members of the PRO have also provided outreach in support of the NOA/RFI. This outreach effort remains ongoing in CY 2024.

MARAD is also working on the draft Disposition Study, which will be completed in CY 2024, and this, plus the information received in response to the NOA/RFI will be developed into a Disposition Plan for the ship, which will include at least one preservation alternative for the ship. Mitigation, including the Collections Management Plan and Thematic Context, is also anticipated to be completed in CY 2024.

4.5 COVID-19 PANDEMIC NA TIONAL EMERGENCY The Federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration ended on May 11, 2023. Until that date, controls such as medical screening, mask use and physical distancing, remained in effect. The Standing Order continues to specify requirements for persons who develop illness symptoms during the workday or who are identified as ill or at-risk when they report for work.


a. Programmatic Agreement Among the U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the Maryland State Historic Preservation Officer for the Decommissioning and Disposition of the Nuclear Ship SAVANNAH, Baltimore, Maryland, March 2023
b. Regulatory Guide 1.86, Termination of Operating Licensesfor Nuclear Reactors, June 1974
c. Letter from Mr. John B. Hickman (NRC) to Mr. Erhard W. Koehler (MARAD), dated April 23, 2018, Nuclear Ship Sa VANNAH - Issuance of Amendment 15 to revise the License to allow Dismantlement and Disposal
d. Letter from Mr. Erhard W. Koehler (MARAD) to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC),

dated July 20,2023, Submittal of Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Revision 13

e. Letter from Mr. Erhard W. Koehler (MARAD) to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC),

dated October 23, 2023, License Amendment Request No. LAR 2023-01, Submittal and Request for Approval of the License Termination Plan

Revision 0 12 Savannah Technical Staff STS - 224, Annual Report for CY2023, Revision 0 Appendix A CY2023 Radiation Survey Results in Radiologically Controlled Areas


Area General Area Highest General Area Highest Radiation Radiation Level Contamination Contamination levels mrem/hr mrem/hr Level Level (milli-rem/hr) (milli-rem/hr) (DPM/lOOcm^) (DPM/lOOcm^)

Reactor <1.0 <1.0 <1000 <1000 Compartment Cupola Level A Deck Reactor <1.0 ' <1.0 <1000 <1000 Compartment Upper Level B Deck Reactor <1.0 <1.0 <1000 <1000 Compartment Middle Level C Deck Reactor <1.0 <1.0 <1000 <1000 Compartment Middle Level D Deck Reactor <1.0 <1.0 <1000 <1000 Compartment Lower Level Containment <1.0 <1.0 <1000 <1000 Vessel 1 St Level Containment <1.0 <1.0 <1000 <1000 Vessel 2nd Level Containment <1.0 <1.0 <1000 <1000 Vessel 3rd Level Containment <1.0 <1.0 <1000 2000 Vessel 4th Level

Revision 0 13