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U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration - Notice of Management Contract Award
Person / Time
Site: NS Savannah
Issue date: 04/30/2021
From: Koehler E
US Dept of Transportation, Maritime Admin
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML21126A212 (5)


  • Maritime Administration A ril 30. 2021 p '* .

ATTN: Document Control Desk

. U.S, Nuclear Regulatory Comniission

_Washington, DC 20555

--~Notice-0f.Management-GontractAward~- ~--~ ----~-~--~--~~-r-<--

References (a) Letter from Mr. Erhard W. Koehler (Man.time Administration) to Document Control Desk (NRC) dated Mru:ch 27, 2013, Notice of Management Contract Award (b) ~ fro~ Mr: Erhard w: Koehler (Maritime Administration) to Document'

. . Control Desk (NRC)*datedApril 30, 2008, Submittal ofDeco~sioning Quality

., ________ *___ *___ AssurancePlan,.Revision2. _

  • __.___ _ _ ________ *-----

(c) Letter from Mi. Erhard W. K_oehler (Maritime Administration) to Document Control Desk (NRC) dated May 1, 2019, Submittal ofUpdated'Final'Safety

- - - . . -- - -- -- - -~ysiillepcirl, l{evisfoti TO. -- --- . -,- -- -- - --, ----- -- -* -

(d) Decommissioning Project Status Upda~ Meeting between.Maritime Administration and Nuclear Regu~ Commission, April ,21, 2021.

(e) Letter from Mr. Erh~ Vf.. Koehler (Maritime Administration) to Document Control Desk (NRC) dated April 24, 2020, Submittal ~fDecoi:nmissfoning Funds Status Report for Calendar Year. (CY) 2019. . _

(f) ~tter from Mr. Erhard W- Koehler (Maritime Administration) to D~cument Control Desk (NRq dated March 31, 2()21, Submittal ofDec.ommis_sioning Funds Status *Report.for* Calendar Year (CY) 2020. *J The Maritim~ Administration (MARAD) bas awar~ed an integrated .services contract to Nuclear Ship Support Services (NSS~JV) 1, LLC, of S~brook, New Hampshire. The prinie contractor, NSSSJV, is a Joint Venture between Radif¢,on Safety and Control Services (RSCS), of New Hampshire and .

EnergySolutions Federal Support (ESFS); of Utah. The contract is in 'th~ same generaffo~ and provides the same baseline services as those discussed in Rf;f~ce (a); TOTE ~ervices, L~, of Florida, is a principal ~bcontractor to NSSSJV to perform the marine services of shlp husbandry and custodial care. I.

BothRSCS and TOTE are J1rior incumbent contractor:s to MARAD forN.S. SAVA.NNAH(NSS) services.

NSSSN will perform the contract activities that support MA.RA-D's d~ommissioning projC?Ct phases IL

.and ill, leading to termination of the NS-1 license. The ~ntract Notice to. Proceed (NTP) was April 1, 2021, and the contract lias a period of performance qf five years. The post-award protest period concluded on April 24, ~021.

  • MARAD*s licensee organization is described in References (b) and (c). In Reference (d), MAR.AD observed that change~ to the organizational' descriptions contained in both niferences will be required.

1 Became the ecroµym NSSS is vay .close to tho e'cccptod three-letter-acronym NSS (for Nuclear Ship Sevmmah), MARAD will add tho !otters N to more easily d!Jtlngui!h tho contractor from ~o ship. * . ;4 DLD JV1(/4.

J Docket No. 50-238; License NS-1; N.S. SAVANNAH Notice of Management Contract Award

_April 30, 2021 because of this contract award. Because the award and NTP. fell very close to the required biennial

. submission date of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), that document was processed and.

. will be submitted without incorporating changes to its organizational description. Within ninety (90) days

. of the date oftbis letter, MARAD will submit revisions to botli the Decommissioning Quality Assurance

  • Plan (DQAP) and 1.Jl'.SAR, to acco~odate thes~ organization~ ?jianges. .
  • In References (e) and (f), MARAD requested withholding of.certain :fi,nancial information _requ~ to be reported to the NRC. In each case, the information was determined to be source selection sensitive material related to the acquisition of the subject contract Now that the acquisition bas been completed without protest, the information withheld in References (e)" and (f) may ~ disclo~ ...
  • This submittal contains one 0) new Regulatory 'Commitment See Enclosure 1, List of Regulatory Commitments .

.~..---,.~~--~f_;~~:m;:~~~ns.or..con~~~~~g-this ,notice, ..0:-(202)366-:-2631,--

M: (410) 776-8268, and/or by e-mail at erhard.koehler@dotgov. .

~ _y,_ --~


--Brbard-W.-Koebler- -------

Senior Technical Advisor, N.S. SAVANNAH Office o(Sbip _Disp_osal___*~--.


  • 2

Docket No. *so-238; License NS-1; N.S. SAVANN.Ml

  • Notice of Management Contract Aivard

. April 30, 2021 .


1. List ofRegulatory Commitments 3

Docket'No. 50-238; License NS.;.1; N.S. SAVANNAH Notice of Management Contract Award*

April 30, 2021 cc:

Eiectronic *copy.


. MAR 610, 612, 615 Hardcopy, cover letter only

. }1AR-600, 640, 640.2


MAR-10O, 640.2 (rf)

USNRC (Ted Smith, Katherine Warner)

USNRC Regional A4ministrator - ~C Region I MD Department of the Environment (Eva.Nair)

EWK/jmo 4

U.S. Department Office of Ship Disposal 1200 *New Jersey Ave., SE W~hlngton, DC 20590 of Transportaflon

  • Maritime

. Administration Doc~et No. 50-238; License No. NS-1; N.S. SA.VANNAH Enclosure 1 to Notice of Management Contract Award LIST OF REGULATORY COMMITMENTS

  • The following table identifies those actions committed to by MARAD in this document Any other statements in this submittal are provided for information purposes and are not cop.sidered to be regulatory commitments. Please direct questions r_egarding these commitments fu Erhard Koehler a~: 0: (202) 366-263 i; M: (410) '776-8268, and/or erhard:koehler@dotgov. * * * * *
  • TYPE (Check One)

REGIJLATORY'cOMMITMENT One Time .Continuing DUE DATE Action Action

  • MARAD will submit revisions to both the . .. - ... ...

- ~,,

Deoommissi~ning QUality ~surance Plan (DQAP) and UFSAR to accommodate ~ 7/29/2021

- --- -- - -~ organiz.ational ~_sea that result from awarding a_ . **--.- ~--- -,-,,-- -- ~- -----*- --- .. ----- ---- ....... - - - - - ~

contract to Nuclear Ship Support Services.

  • 5