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Request for Information and Notification of Conduct of IP 71111.21.N.04, Age-Related Degradation, Reference Inspection Report 05000317/2024010 and 05000318/2024010
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/29/2024
From: Mel Gray
To: Rhoades D
Constellation Energy Generation, Constellation Nuclear
IR 2024010
Download: ML24029A010 (1)

See also: IR 05000317/2024010


January 29, 2024

David P. Rhoades

Senior Vice President

Constellation Energy Generation, LLC

President and Chief Nuclear Officer (CNO)

Constellation Nuclear

4300 Winfield Road

Warrenville, IL 60555





INSPECTION REPORT 05000317/2024010 AND 05000318/2024010

Dear David Rhoades:

The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

staff will conduct IP 71111.21N.04, Age-Related Degradation, baseline inspection at the Calvert

Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in April 2024. Kevin Mangan, a Senior Reactor Inspector from the

NRCs Region I Office, will lead the inspection team. The team will be composed of personnel

from the NRC Region I Office. The inspection will be conducted in accordance with IP

71111.21N.04, dated January 1, 2024 (ADAMS Accession No. ML23318A426). The inspection

will evaluate the implementation of the programs and activities to determine on a sampling basis

that age-related degradation of structures and components (SCs) is identified and addressed.

The schedule for the inspection is as follows:

Information gathering visit: Week of March 4, 2024

Onsite inspection: Weeks of April 8 and April 22, 2024

The purpose of the information gathering visit is to become familiar with the station

maintenance, surveillance, testing, inspection, and condition monitoring programs, become

familiar with plant layout, support identification of SCs that will be reviewed during the

inspection, and, as necessary, obtain plant specific site access training and badging for

unescorted site access. An initial list of documents that the team will review during the

information gathering visit are listed in the attached Enclosure.

During the information gathering visit, the team leader will also discuss the following

inspection support administrative details: office space size and location; specific documents

requested to be made available to the team in their office spaces; arrangements for reactor

site access and the availability of knowledgeable plant staff and licensing organization

personnel to serve as points of contact during the inspection.

D. Rhoades


For SCs that the inspection will review, an initial list of the documents the team will review during

the conduct of the inspection are also listed in the Enclosure. The team leader will contact you

with identified SCs. Also, personnel should be available at the site during the inspection who are

knowledgeable regarding maintenance, surveillance, testing, inspection, and condition

monitoring programs.

This letter does not contain new or amended information collection requirements subject to the

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing information collection

requirements were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, under Control Number

3150-0011. The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a

request for information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document

displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget control number.

In accordance with 10 Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 2.390 of the NRC rules and

practices, a copy of this letter and its enclosures will be available electronically for public

inspection in the NRC public document room or from the publicly available records component

of NRCs document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC website


This baseline inspection and the supporting inspection procedure and documentation template

are new to the Reactor Oversight Process this year. As such, please communicate with the team

lead readily if there are questions as to document scope or suggestions to better accomplish this



Mel Gray,

Branch Chief

Engineering Branch 1

Division of Operating Reactor Safety

Docket Nos. 05000317 and 05000318 License

Nos. DPR-53 and DPR-69


Documents Requested for Information

Gathering Visit

cc w/encl: Distribution via ListServ

Melvin K.


Digitally signed by Melvin

K. Gray

Date: 2024.01.29

08:24:59 -05'00'



SUNSI Review





Publicly Available

Non-Publicly Available










Enclosure: Documents Requested for Information Gathering Visit

The following information is requested by March 4, 2024, which is the first day of the information

gathering trip. Electronic format is the preferred media. If electronic media is made available via

an internet based remote document management system, then the remote document access

should allow inspectors to download, save, and print the documents in the NRC's regional office.

Electronic media on compact disc or paper records (hard copy) are acceptable. At the end of the

inspection, the documents in the team's possession will not be retained.

This document request is based on typical documents that a generic plant might have. As such,

this document request is not meant to imply that any specific plant is required to have all of the

listed documents. In addition, your plant specific document titles may vary from the document

titles listed below.

Contact Information:

Team Leader: Kevin Mangan


Telephone: (610) 337-5234

Documents Requested:

1) A list of 50.65 (a)(1) structures, systems and components from the past 5 years.

2) A list of maintenance rule functional failure evaluations from the past 5 years.

3) A list of most recent system health status for High Safety Significance (HSS) and degraded

Low Safety Significance (LSS) systems.

4) Maintenance rule scoping and performance criteria document.

5) The most recent evaluation of maintenance effectiveness required per 10 CFR 50.65(a)(3).

6) List of preventative maintenance deferrals and preventative maintenance change requests

in the last 5 years.

7) List of corrective action documents associated with component failures, or keyword

search of aging, age-related, wear, accelerated wear, corrosion, abnormal

wear, accelerated degradation, and abnormal degradation from the past 5 years. If

the site uses other terms to identify age-related degradation mechanisms, please

provide a list related to those terms. Please include a short description of the issue in

the system generated listing.

8) A list of Part 21 Reports applicable to the site from the past 5 years.

9) A list of top 100 most risk-significant SCs. If possible, designate the component as active

or passive in the risk ranking.

10) The site-specific probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) identifying risk-significant functions

and latest PRA Summary Document.

11) A list of RISC-1, RISC-2, and RISC-3 SSCs.

Enclosure: Documents Requested for Information Gathering Visit

12) List of risk-significant long-lived passive SCs.

13) Equipment reliability characterization and preventative maintenance program


14) Scoping document and basis for 10 CFR 50.49, Environmental Qualification.

15) Aging management programs and basis documents.

16) List of systems (system numbers / designators and corresponding noun names).

17) A listing of commercial grade dedication packages for the last 5 years.