Letter Sequence RAI |
MONTHYEARML23180A2222023-06-29029 June 2023 Application to Revise Technical Specifications (TS) 3.5.1, Safety Injection Tanks (Sits) - Operating, TS 3.5.2, Safety Injection Tanks (Sits) - Shutdown, and TS 3.6.5, Containment Air Temperature Project stage: Request ML23181A1662023-06-30030 June 2023 Enclosure 2 - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Revision 22 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Redacted Per RIS 2015-17 Project stage: Request ML23202A0162023-07-20020 July 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Acceptance Review of LAR to Revise TSs 3.5.1, SITs - Operating; 3.5.2, SIT Shutdown; 3.6.5, Containment Air Temperature; and SRs for TS 3.5.1, SITs Operating Project stage: Acceptance Review ML23334A0072023-11-29029 November 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Official RAIs for LAR That Revises TSs 3.5.1, SITs - Operating; 3.5.2, SIT Shutdown; 3.6.5, Containment Air Temperature; and SRs for TS 3.5.1, SITs Operating Project stage: RAI ML24066A0472024-03-0606 March 2024 Response to Request for Additional Information to Revise Technical Specifications (TS) 3.5.1, Safety Injection Tanks (Sits) – Operating, TS 3.5.2, Safety Injection Tanks (Sits) – Shutdown and TS Project stage: Response to RAI ML24123A2002024-05-0101 May 2024 (E-Mail) Draft 2nd Round Request for Additional Information Concerning License Amendment Request to Modify Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) for Technical Specification (TS) 3.5.2, LCO for TS 3.6.5, and for TS 3.5.1, a Project stage: Draft RAI ML24170A9962024-06-18018 June 2024 Response to Second Request for Additional Information to Revise Technical Specifications (TS) 3.5.1, Safety Injection Tanks (Sits) – Operating, TS 3.5.2, Safety Injection Tanks (Sits) – Shutdown a Project stage: Request ML24221A2382024-08-0606 August 2024 Change in Estimated Review Schedule and Level of Effort for Palo Verde Units 1, 2, and 3 Project stage: Other ML24208A0612024-08-20020 August 2024 Issuance of Amendment Nos. 224, 224, and 224 Regarding Revision to Technical Specifications 3.5.1, 3.5.2 and 3.6.5 Project stage: Approval 2024-03-06
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MONTHYEARML25003A1752024-12-30030 December 2024 Relief Request 73- Proposed Alternative for Pressurizer Lower Shell Temperature Nozzle Life of Repair ML24354A2012024-12-18018 December 2024 PVNGS EP Exercise Inspection March 2025 RFI ML24331A1762024-11-21021 November 2024 Acceptance Review of Palo Verde Valve Relief Request (VRR) - 03 ML24326A2002024-11-20020 November 2024 Acceptance Review of Palo Verde Valve Relief Request (VRR) - 02 ML24297A6212024-10-22022 October 2024 Request for Additional Information Relief Request (RR) No. 72: Re-Submittal of RR-39/ASME Code X1 IWC-3420, IWA-3300 ML24267A2172024-09-23023 September 2024 (E-Mail) Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units 1, 2, and 3 License Amendment Request to Revise the Technical Specifications 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 Safety Injection Tank Pressure Bands, and to Use GOTHIC Code ML24257A1012024-09-11011 September 2024 Request for Additional Information License Renewal Commitment for AMP of Alloy 600 Components ML24248A2632024-09-0404 September 2024 Acceptance Review of Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3, Relief Request (RR) No. 71: Re?Submittal of RR?30 ML24242A2812024-08-26026 August 2024 RR72 Acceptance 08/27/24 - La Jr ML24221A2382024-08-0606 August 2024 Change in Estimated Review Schedule and Level of Effort for Palo Verde Units 1, 2, and 3 ML24143A1112024-05-20020 May 2024 Draft 2nd Round Request for RAIs Concerning LAR to Modify LCO for TS 3.5.2, LCO for TS 3.6.5, and Surveillance Requirements and for TS 3.5.1 and TS 3.5.2 ML24138A1112024-05-16016 May 2024 Draft 2nd Round Request for Additional Information (Rais) Concerning License Amendment Request (LAR) to Modify Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) for Technical Specification (TS) 3.5.2 ML24120A2612024-05-0101 May 2024 Email Acceptance Review of Requested Licensing Action License Renewal Commitment 23A, Alloy 600 Management Program Plan ML24123A2002024-05-0101 May 2024 (E-Mail) Draft 2nd Round Request for Additional Information Concerning License Amendment Request to Modify Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) for Technical Specification (TS) 3.5.2, LCO for TS 3.6.5, and for TS 3.5.1, a ML24114A2812024-04-19019 April 2024 Request for Additional Information (RAI-10150-R1) ML24103A1222024-04-11011 April 2024 – Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Re_ License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications 3 ML24011A1002024-01-10010 January 2024 March 2024 Emergency Preparedness Program Inspection - Request for Information ML23334A1612023-11-30030 November 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - RAIs Associated with License Renewal Commitment for Pressurizer Surge Line Welds Inspection Program to Manage Environmentally Assisted Fatigue ML23334A0072023-11-29029 November 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Official RAIs for LAR That Revises TSs 3.5.1, SITs - Operating; 3.5.2, SIT Shutdown; 3.6.5, Containment Air Temperature; and SRs for TS 3.5.1, SITs Operating ML23298A1232023-10-25025 October 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde, Unit 1 - RAIs for Relief Request 70, Proposed Alternatives for Pressurizer Lower Shell Temperature Nozzle ML23243B0082023-08-31031 August 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Action: Opportunity to Review and Comment on a New NRC Information Collection, 10 CFR Part 50.55a, Codes and Standards (3150-XXXX) ML23233A0132023-08-18018 August 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Acceptance Review of License Renewal Commitment for Pressurizer Surge Line Welds Inspection Program to Manage Environmentally Assisted Fatigue ML23220A0512023-08-0303 August 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Re Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - SUNSI Review of UFSAR, Rev. 22 ML23202A0162023-07-20020 July 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Acceptance Review of LAR to Revise TSs 3.5.1, SITs - Operating; 3.5.2, SIT Shutdown; 3.6.5, Containment Air Temperature; and SRs for TS 3.5.1, SITs Operating ML23143A1332023-05-23023 May 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Acceptance Review of LAR Revising TS 3.3.11 to Adopt TSTF-266-A, Rev. 3, Eliminate the Remote Shutdown System Table of Instrumentation and Controls ML23130A0132023-05-10010 May 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Acceptance Review for Authorized Use of Mururoa Supplied Air Suits (Models V4F1 and MTH2) Pursuant to 10 CFR 20.1703 and 10 CFR 20.1705 ML23017A0932023-01-17017 January 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde - Acceptance of License Amendment Request Regarding Adoption of TSTF-107, Separate Control Rods That Are Untrippable Versus Inoperable (L-2022-LLA-0181) ML23013A0632023-01-13013 January 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde Unit 1 -Request for Additional Information - U1R23 Inspection Summary Report for Steam Generator Tubing ML22348A1672022-12-14014 December 2022 March 2023 Emergency Preparedness Exercise Inspection - Request for Information ML22339A2372022-12-0505 December 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde Unit 1 – Request for Additional Information - U1R23 Inspection Summary Report for Steam Generator Tubing ML22173A0682022-06-17017 June 2022 Email Concurrence on SE Input for Columbia Pltr LAR ML22167A1872022-06-16016 June 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Revised Acceptance Review of LAR to Adopt TSTF-567, Add Containment Sump TS to Address GSI-191 Issues ML22136A0922022-05-16016 May 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Acceptance Review of LAR to Adopt TSTF-487-A, Revision 1, Relocate DNB Parameters to the COLR ML22075A1902022-03-16016 March 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Acceptance Review of LAR to Adopt TSTF-567, Add Containment Sump TS to Address GSI-191 Issues ML22055A5842022-02-24024 February 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde, Unit 3 - Final RAIs for 22nd Refueling Outage (Spring 2021) Steam Generator Tube Inservice Inspection Report ML22034A0132022-02-0202 February 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde, Unit 2 - Verbal Approval of RR-69 to Extend Containment Tendon Inspection from 2/8/22 to 6/8/22 ML22032A0312022-01-31031 January 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Acceptance Review for an Exemption Regarding Elimination of Dafas Using RIPE Process ML22025A4012022-01-0303 January 2022 March 2022 Emergency Preparedness Program Inspection - Request for Information ML21333A1982021-11-19019 November 2021 NRC Review of PVNGS Training Needs Analysis and Training Required by Condition I of the Confirmatory Order EA-20-054 ML21306A1882021-10-18018 October 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Second Pre-submittal Meeting for the Proposed Exemption to Eliminate Dafas Using RIPE Process ML21272A0592021-09-28028 September 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - SUNSI Review of UFSAR, Rev. 21 ML21264A1352021-09-17017 September 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2 and 3 - Acceptance Review of LAR Associated with Permanent Extension of Containment ILRT Frequency to 15 Years (Type a) and CIV Leak Rate Test Frequency to 75 Months (Type C) ML21237A0762021-08-25025 August 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Acceptance Review of RR-67, Request for Alternative Frequency to Containment Unbonded Post-Tensioning System Inservice Inspection ML21228A0082021-08-16016 August 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Acceptance Review of an LAR for Administrative Changes to Technical Specifications ML21228A1042021-08-12012 August 2021 RR-67, Request for Alternative Frequency to Containment Unbonded Post-Tensioning System Inservice Inspection (EPID L-2021-LLR-0050) (Email) ML21237A5172021-08-10010 August 2021 Email to PV Licensee and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2 and 3 - Notification of Inspection of the Licensees Implementation Industry Initiative Associated with the Open Phase Condition (NRC Bulletin 2012-01) and Request Fo ML21160A1442021-06-0909 June 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1 and, 2 - Acceptance Review for Order Approving Transfers of Control of Licenses for Minority Interests Subject to Expiring Leases ML21154A0082021-05-26026 May 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2 and 3 - Official RAIs for LAR Associated with Permanent Extension of Containment ILRT Frequency to 15 Years (Type a) and CIV Leak Rate Test Frequency to 75 Months (Type C) ML21146A3342021-05-14014 May 2021 ISFSI - Final Package for an Order Associated with Indirect Transfers of Control of Licenses from Pnm to Avangrid ML21132A2372021-05-12012 May 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3, and ISFSI - Final Package for an Order Associated with Indirect Transfers of Control of Licenses from Pnm to Avangrid 2024-09-04
[Table view] Category:Request for Additional Information (RAI)
MONTHYEARML24297A6212024-10-22022 October 2024 Request for Additional Information Relief Request (RR) No. 72: Re-Submittal of RR-39/ASME Code X1 IWC-3420, IWA-3300 ML24257A1012024-09-11011 September 2024 Request for Additional Information License Renewal Commitment for AMP of Alloy 600 Components ML24143A1112024-05-20020 May 2024 Draft 2nd Round Request for RAIs Concerning LAR to Modify LCO for TS 3.5.2, LCO for TS 3.6.5, and Surveillance Requirements and for TS 3.5.1 and TS 3.5.2 ML24123A2002024-05-0101 May 2024 (E-Mail) Draft 2nd Round Request for Additional Information Concerning License Amendment Request to Modify Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) for Technical Specification (TS) 3.5.2, LCO for TS 3.6.5, and for TS 3.5.1, a ML24114A2812024-04-19019 April 2024 Request for Additional Information (RAI-10150-R1) ML24011A1002024-01-10010 January 2024 March 2024 Emergency Preparedness Program Inspection - Request for Information ML23334A1612023-11-30030 November 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - RAIs Associated with License Renewal Commitment for Pressurizer Surge Line Welds Inspection Program to Manage Environmentally Assisted Fatigue ML23334A0072023-11-29029 November 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Official RAIs for LAR That Revises TSs 3.5.1, SITs - Operating; 3.5.2, SIT Shutdown; 3.6.5, Containment Air Temperature; and SRs for TS 3.5.1, SITs Operating ML23298A1232023-10-25025 October 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde, Unit 1 - RAIs for Relief Request 70, Proposed Alternatives for Pressurizer Lower Shell Temperature Nozzle ML23031A3392023-01-31031 January 2023 In-service Inspection Request for Information ML23013A0632023-01-13013 January 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde Unit 1 -Request for Additional Information - U1R23 Inspection Summary Report for Steam Generator Tubing ML22348A1672022-12-14014 December 2022 March 2023 Emergency Preparedness Exercise Inspection - Request for Information ML22339A2372022-12-0505 December 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde Unit 1 – Request for Additional Information - U1R23 Inspection Summary Report for Steam Generator Tubing ML22272A3252022-09-29029 September 2022 Licensed Operator Positive Fitness-For-Duty Test Request for Additional Information ML22209A1752022-07-28028 July 2022 Inservice Inspection Request for Information ML22187A2632022-07-0606 July 2022 Notification of Inspection (NRC IR 05000528/2022004, 05000529/2022004 and 05000530/2022004) and Request for Information ML22067A2292022-03-0202 March 2022 Inservice Inspection Inspection PWR Request for Information ML22055A5842022-02-24024 February 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde, Unit 3 - Final RAIs for 22nd Refueling Outage (Spring 2021) Steam Generator Tube Inservice Inspection Report ML22035A3302022-02-10010 February 2022 Requests for Confirmation of Information for Exemption to Delete Diverse Auxiliary Feedwater Actuation System Based on Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations ML22025A4012022-01-0303 January 2022 March 2022 Emergency Preparedness Program Inspection - Request for Information ML21245A2222021-09-0101 September 2021 Request for Information ML21200A2392021-07-20020 July 2021 Docs Request AC - AA August 2021 ML21154A0082021-05-26026 May 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2 and 3 - Official RAIs for LAR Associated with Permanent Extension of Containment ILRT Frequency to 15 Years (Type a) and CIV Leak Rate Test Frequency to 75 Months (Type C) ML21064A2372021-03-0303 March 2021 ISI Request for Information Rls ML21042B9692021-02-18018 February 2021 Notification of NRC Design Bases Assurance Inspection and Initial Request for Information ML21043A1462021-02-11011 February 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Official RAI for an Order Associated with Indirect License Transfer from Public Service Company of New Mexico to Avangrid, Inc ML21023A0212021-01-13013 January 2021 PVNGS PI&R Request for Information RA ML21011A1972021-01-12012 January 2021 Unit 2, and Unit 3 - Notification of an NRC Fire Protection Baseline Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000528/2021012, 05000529/2021012 and 05000530/2021012) and Request for Information ML20227A0992020-08-14014 August 2020 Licensed Operator Positive Fitness-For-Duty Test Request for Additional Information ML20118D1362020-04-28028 April 2020 Licensed Operator Positive Fitness-For-Duty Test Request for Additional Information ML20049A0992020-02-14014 February 2020 Notification of Cyber Security Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000528/2020401; 05000529/2020401; and 05000530/2020401) and Request for Information ML20049A0252020-02-12012 February 2020 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1 - Official RAIs for License Amendment Request Associated with Changes to Emergency Plan Staffing Requirements ML20021A3172020-01-21021 January 2020 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1 - Official RAIs for Relief Request 64, Impractical Examinations for the Third 10-Year ISI Interval ML19317D0782019-11-13013 November 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1 - Requests for Additional Information on Unit 1 21st Refueling Outage Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report ML19234A3202019-08-29029 August 2019 Redacted - Request for Additional Information for Amendment and Exemption Request to Support the Implementation of Framatome High Thermal Performance Fuel (EPID L-2018-LLA-0194; EPID L-2018-LLE-0010) ML19155A1842019-05-30030 May 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 3 - Mvib Official RAIs for RR-63, Impractical Examinations for the Third 10-Year ISI Interval ML19095A6552019-04-0404 April 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 3 - Mphb Official RAIs for RR-63, Impractical Examinations for the Third 10-Year ISI Interval ML19044A7342019-02-13013 February 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde1, 2, and 3 - Official Requests for Additional Information for RR 62, Third and Fourth 10-Year ISI Intervals, Proposed Alternative - Pressurizer Heat Sleeve Repairs ML19008A3612019-01-0808 January 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Official RAIs for LAR Associated with Response Time Testing of Pressure Transmitters ML18341A0252018-12-0303 December 2018 Notification of NRC Design Bases Assurance Inspection (Teams)(05000528/2019011, 05000529/2019011, and 05000530/2019011) and Initial Request for Information ML18271A0392018-10-0202 October 2018 Non Proprietary - Supplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of Requested License Amendments and Exemptions Implementation of Framatome High Thermal Performance Fuel (Epids L-2018-LLA-0194 and L-2018-LLE-0010) ML18221A5102018-08-23023 August 2018 Request for Additional Information License Amendment Request to Adopt Risk-Informed Completion Times (CAC Nos. MF6576, MF6577, and MF6578; EPID: L-2015-LLA-0001) ML18229A3132018-08-17017 August 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information Relief Request 58: Impractical Examinations for the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval Arizona Public Service Company Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station, Unit 2 - Second Se ML18227A8672018-08-15015 August 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information Relief Request 58: Impractical Examinations for the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval Arizona Public Service Company Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station, Unit 2 ML18124A0112018-05-0303 May 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Official Eeob RAIs for TSTF-505 (4b) LAR (CAC Nos. MF6576, MF6577, and MF6578; EPID L-2015-LLA-0001) ML18099A0072018-04-0606 April 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Official RAIs for 10 CFR 50.69 LAR (CAC Nos. MF9971, MF9972, and MF9973; EPID L-2017-LLA-0276) ML18094B1122018-04-0404 April 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Final RAIs for TSTF-505 (Initiative 4b) LAR (CAC Nos. MF6576, MF6577, and MF6578: EPID L-2015-LLA-0001) ML18066A7032018-03-0707 March 2018 � Notification of Nrc Design Bases Assurance Inspection (Programs) 05000528/2018011, 05000529/2018011, and 05000530/2018011 Initial Request for Information ML17248A0162017-08-31031 August 2017 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Final RAI for RRs PRR-03, PRR-04 and PRR-05, Pump Testing ML17107A0052017-04-14014 April 2017 NRR E-mail Capture - Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Ngf LAR and Exemption RAIs (CAC Nos. MF8076 to MF8081) 2024-09-11
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Siva Lingam Sent:
Wednesday, November 29, 2023 9:03 PM To:
Matthew.Cox@aps.com Cc:
Jennifer Dixon-Herrity; Jennie Rankin; Phillip Sahd; Ahsan Sallman; Jo Ambrosini (She/Her); Derek Scully; Matthew Hamm
Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Official RAIs for LAR that Revises TSs 3.5.1, SITs -
Operating; 3.5.2, SIT Shutdown; 3.6.5, Containment Air Temperature; and SRs for TS 3.5.1, SITs Operating (EPID L-2023-LLA-0098)
By letter dated June 29, 2023 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML23180A222), Arizona Public Service Company (the licensee) submitted a license amendment request (LAR) for U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approval for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 (Palo Verde, PVNGS), by requesting the following changes:
Surveillance Requirement (SR) for Technical Specification (TS) 3.5.1, Safety Injection Tanks (SITs) - Operating, SR for TS 3.5.2, Safety Injection Tanks (SITs) - Shutdown, Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) for TS 3.5.2, and LCO for TS 3.6.5, Containment Air Temperature.
The LAR proposes to revise the Palo Verde current licensing basis to express the SIT volumes in cubic feet (ft3) instead of percent level and proposes adjustments to the containment air temperature values to eliminate incorporation of margin between the design values and the TS values. After reviewing the enclosure of the licensees letter dated June 29, 2023, the NRC staff requests the licensee to provide responses to the following official requests for additional information (RAIs). Note that we transmitted draft RAIs to you on October 5, 2023, scheduled the clarification call at your request on November 6, 2023, which was cancelled due to Unit 1 outage conflict, and eventually held a clarification call on November 28, 2023, to discuss the draft RAIs. As mutually agreed during this clarification call, please provide your responses to these official RAIs by January 19, 2024.
The principal design criteria for Palo Verde were developed in consideration of the seventy General Design Criteria (GDC) for nuclear power plant construction permits proposed by the Atomic Energy Commission in a proposed rulemaking published for Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50 in the Federal Register of July 11, 1967. The principal design criteria from the Palo Verde Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) section 3.1 that is applicable is referred to in the regulatory basis for the RAIs given below.
SNSB RAI-1 Regulatory Basis:
The following 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, General Design Criteria (GDC) are applicable:
GDC 16, Containment design, as it relates to providing a reactor containment and associated systems to establish an essentially leak-tight barrier against the uncontrolled release of radioactivity to the environment and to assure that the containment design conditions important to safety are not exceeded for as long as postulated accident conditions require.
GDC 38, Containment heat removal, as it relates to providing a system to remove heat from the reactor containment whose safety function is to reduce rapidly, consistent with the functioning of other associated systems, the containment pressure and temperature following any loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) and maintain them at acceptably low levels.
GDC 50, Containment design basis, as it relates to designing the reactor containment structure, including access openings, penetrations, and the containment heat removal system so that the containment structure and its internal compartments can accommodate, without exceeding the design leakage rate and with sufficient margin, the calculated pressure and temperature conditions resulting from any LOCA.
Palo Verde UFSAR, Table 6.2.1-7, Engineered Safety Systems Operating Assumptions for Containment Peak Pressure Analysis - at 102% of 3990 (ML23181A166), states that for containment peak pressure analysis inputs at 102% of 3990 megawatts thermal (MWt), the SIT volume is 1914 ft3/tank.
(a) As noted in UFSAR, Table 6.2.1-7, the containment response in the current licensing basis (CLB) is based on SIT volume, which is different from either the minimum or the maximum volumes specified in the proposed LCOs 3.5.1 and 3.5.2. Provide impact on the peak pressure, peak vapor temperature, and peak sump temperature containment analysis of record based on the most conservative value of the SIT volumes proposed in LCOs 3.5.1 and 3.5.2.
(b) From the containment peak pressure and peak temperature response standpoint, what is the most conservative SIT volume and explain why it is conservative for both operating and shutdown conditions.
(c) In case it is determined there is no impact on the containment pressure and temperature response, provide a technical justification that the currently used SIT volume 1914 ft3/tank is most conservative.
SNSB RAI-2 Regulatory Basis:
Same as in SNSB RAI-1 RAI:
The current TS values in volumetric units for LCO 3.5.2 are a minimum of 1029.2 ft3 and a maximum of 1914 ft3 for four operable SITs and a minimum of 1451.5 ft3 and a maximum of 1914 ft3 for three operable SITs. In the proposed TS change, these values are a minimum of 908 ft3 and a maximum of 2000 ft3 for four operable SITs and a minimum of 1361 ft3 and a maximum of 2000 ft3 for three operable SITs.
(a) What is the technical basis for 908 ft3 and 2000 ft3?
(b) Provide the key features of the safety analysis (such as inputs, assumptions, methodology, and results) which includes the 908 ft3 and 2000 ft3.
SNSB RAI-3 Regulatory Basis:
Same as in SNSB RAI-1 RAI:
The LAR, section 3.2 states:
NUREG-1432, Standard Technical Specifications [STS], Combustion Engineering Plants, Revision 5.0, Volume 1, Specifications (ML21258A421), lists the LCO 3.6.5, Containment Air Temperature (Atmospheric and Dual), containment average air temperature limit as a bracketed value of 120° F. The intent of the STS is that the initial containment air temperature in the LCO be the design-basis accident analytical limit for containment average air temperature.
The initial pre-accident containment air temperature of 120° F is used in the Palo Verde design-basis accident analyses for both LOCAs and main steam line breaks (MSLBs). However, the current Palo Verde TS LCO 3.6.5 indicated limit is stated as less than or equal to 117° F instead of 120° F. The TS LCO 3.6.5 limit of 117° F has been derived to account for instrument uncertainties, which ensures the analytical limit of 120° F will not be exceeded. This LAR proposes to restore the Palo Verde LCO 3.6.5 value to of less than or equal to 120° F to be consistent with the intent of the STS and Palo Verde design-basis accident analytical limits for containment average air temperature.
The STS 3.6.5 bracketed containment temperature [120° F] is a generic value. For using it as plant specific in Palo Verde TSs, demonstrate that by applying 120° F (plus uncertainties) as an initial containment temperature along with the same other CLB inputs and assumptions, the containment response analysis results remain bounded by the containment design pressure, temperature, and the equipment qualification profile.
SNSB RAI-4 Regulatory Basis:
Same as in SNSB RAI-1 RAI:
The LAR Section 2.1.2 states:
This change will more accurately describe the design/analysis limit in the TS and will also allow for future revision to the surveillance procedures to specify the TS SRs and SIT level requirements in terms of either narrow range instrumentation percent or wide range instrumentation percent. This will provide operational flexibility, while still maintaining the current safety analyses requirements and associated SIT level limits and controls. This control would be within the licensee-controlled surveillance procedures, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59, Changes, tests and experiments, without requiring a formal license amendment. This, in turn, will allow potential PVNGS flexibility while continuing to ensure TS LCO compliance and conformance with the safety analysis.
The LAR Section 2.2.2 states:
The original PVNGS TS LCO limit for containment average air temperature was 120° F but it was changed to 117° F by license amendment (LA) 117 (ADAMS Accession No. ML021720060) The NRC staff safety evaluation documented the basis for this more restrictive change, to include instrument uncertainty in the LCO, as follows from page 51 of the safety evaluation for LA 117:
ITS 3.6.5 CTS LCO, containment air temperature, reduced to incorporate instrument uncertainties.
The proposed TS change would revise the maximum containment air temperature from 120° F to 117° F, and would change the related Bases. The licensee's reanalysis noted that as much as 3° F of uncertainty may exist for the instruments that monitor containment air temperature.
The 120° F is the analytical value utilized as an upper bound initial condition in the containment safety analyses and that 3° F has been determined to be an appropriate plant specific value to account for instrument uncertainty. The change to the CTS is needed to ensure that the 120° F upper limit is not exceeded. This change is a result of the licensee's revised analysis which incorporated instrument uncertainties in the analysis.
Provide justification that not including instrument uncertainty in the TS values will have no impact on analytical limits used as inputs in the design basis for both the LOCA analysis and the containment pressure and temperature response analysis and the analysis results as well.
In addition, the NRC staff has an editorial comment for your consideration and corrections as noted below:
In the clean pages, for SR, the needs to be on the 2nd line. Sections 3.3.4.b and 3.3.4.d of the TSTF-GG-05-01, Writers Guide for Plant-Specific Improved Technical Specifications, dated June 2005 (attached for your convenience), addresses to need to keep symbols and units on the same line of text as the numbers they address. This is how the TS is formatted in NUREG-1432, the STS consistently cited by the licensee.
Provide the relevant corrected pages per NUREG-1432 along with your RAI responses.
Siva P. Lingam U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Project Manager Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Entergy Fleet Location: O-9E22; Mail Stop: O-9E03 Telephone: 301-415-1564 E-mail address: Siva.Lingam@nrc.gov
Hearing Identifier:
NRR_DRMA Email Number:
2319 Mail Envelope Properties (SJ0PR09MB61095175AF5351E4B804E631F682A)
Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - Official RAIs for LAR that Revises TSs 3.5.1, SITs -
Operating; 3.5.2, SIT Shutdown; 3.6.5, Containment Air Temperature; and SRs for TS 3.5.1, SITs Operating (EPID L-2023-LLA-0098)
Sent Date:
11/29/2023 9:02:52 PM Received Date:
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Tracking Status: None "Jo Ambrosini (She/Her)" <Josephine.Ambrosini@nrc.gov>
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