ML21272A059 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Palo Verde ![]() |
Issue date: | 09/28/2021 |
From: | Siva Lingam NRC/NRR/DORL/LPL4 |
To: | Jennifer Dixon-Herrity NRC/NRR/DORL/LPL4 |
References | |
L-2021-LRO-0038 | |
Download: ML21272A059 (3) | |
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 1:37 PM To:
Lingam, Siva Cc:
Dixon-Herrity, Jennifer
RE: Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - SUNSI Review of UFSAR, Rev. 21 (EPID L-2021-LRO-0038)
Done the below ML numbers have been changed to MD 3.4 Non-Public B.1 ML21201A314 Non-public and non-sensitive ML21201A315 Non-public and non-sensitive ML21201A316 Non-public and non-sensitive ML21201A318 Non-public and non-sensitive ML21201A319 Non-public and non-sensitive Done the ML Numbers below have been changed to publicly available and have been released to the public.
ML21201A312 Public and non-sensitive (package)
ML21201A261 Public and non-sensitive ML21201A262 Public and non-sensitive ML21201A263 Public and non-sensitive ML21201A265 Public and non-sensitive ML21201A266 Public and non-sensitive ML21201A267 Public and non-sensitive
- Thanks, Wendy DeWolfe, Acting on behalf of ADAMS IM From: Lingam, Siva <>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2021 4:14 PM To: ADAMS IM <>
Cc: Dixon-Herrity, Jennifer <>
Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - SUNSI Review of UFSAR, Rev. 21 (EPID L-2021-LRO-0038)
Please note the following, and incorporate the changes accordingly:
ML21201A312 Public and non-sensitive (package)
ML21201A261 Public and non-sensitive ML21201A262 Public and non-sensitive ML21201A263 Public and non-sensitive
ML21201A265 Public and non-sensitive ML21201A266 Public and non-sensitive ML21201A267 Public and non-sensitive ML21201A314 Non-public and non-sensitive ML21201A315 Non-public and non-sensitive ML21201A316 Non-public and non-sensitive ML21201A318 Non-public and non-sensitive ML21201A319 Non-public and non-sensitive SUNSI review is complete. Thank you.
Siva P. Lingam U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Project Manager Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Entergy Fleet Location: O-9E22; Mail Stop: O-9E03 Telephone: 301-415-1564 E-mail address:
Hearing Identifier:
NRR_DRMA Email Number:
1363 Mail Envelope Properties (SA1PR09MB8767DF0FE374BC4FF3DDAC6E82A89)
RE: Palo Verde 1, 2, and 3 - SUNSI Review of UFSAR, Rev. 21 (EPID L-2021-LRO-0038)
Sent Date:
9/28/2021 1:37:29 PM Received Date:
9/28/2021 1:37:31 PM From:
ADAMS IM Created By: Recipients:
"Dixon-Herrity, Jennifer" <>
Tracking Status: None "Lingam, Siva" <>
Tracking Status: None Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 1969 9/28/2021 1:37:31 PM Options Priority:
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