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Meeting Summary: Public Meeting on Proposed Rule Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/04/2023
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Yanely Malave Velez
Download: ML23100A207 (5)


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Meeting Summary April 4, 2023


Public Meetings on Proposed Rule Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses -

Environmental Review Meeting Identifier: 20230198 Date of Meeting: April 4, 2023 Time of Meeting: 6pm (ET)

Location: Alloy King of Prussia 301 West DeKalb Pike King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Webinar (via Microsoft Teams)

Type of Meeting: Comment-Gathering Public Meeting Purpose of Meeting:

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff discussed the proposed rule to amend its environmental protection regulations by updating the Commissions 2013 findings on the environmental effect of renewing the operating license of a nuclear power plant. The purpose of the meeting was to provide information and receive public comments on the proposed changes to NRC regulations, draft Revision 2 to NUREG-1437, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (LR GEIS), and associated guidance.

General Details:

The proposed rule titled Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review would codify the revised findings of the LR GEIS in Part 51 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 51), Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions. The NRC relies on the findings and analyses in the LR GEIS to determine which resources areas require a power plant-specific review (e.g.,

historic and cultural resources, endangered species) and those that do not (e.g., land use, socioeconomics). Additionally, the NRC is issuing for public comment the draft revised LR GEIS and associated guidance contained in Draft Regulatory Guide-4027, Supplement 1, Revision 2, Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal Applications, and Draft NUREG-1555, Supplement 1, Revision 2, Standard Review Plans for Environmental Reviews for Nuclear Power Plants, Supplement 1: Operating License Renewal. This proposed rule would further redefine the number and scope of the environmental issues that must be addressed by the NRC and applicants during license renewal environmental reviews. These changes are based primarily on the lessons learned and knowledge gained from initial license renewal and subsequent license renewal (SLR) reviews performed by the NRC since development of the 2013 LR GEIS. The changes also address Commission direction in Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM)-SECY-22-0024, Rulemaking Plan for Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review (RIN 3150-AK32, NRC-2018-0296),

by thoroughly evaluating SLR in this review and update. In addition, new scientific research, public comments, changes in environmental regulations and impacts methodology, and other 1

new information were considered in evaluating the significance of impacts associated with license renewal.

Rulemaking was initiated in April 2022, and the proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on March 3, 2023 (88 FR 13329) for a 60-day comment period that ends on May 2, 2023.

The NRC staff plans to deliver the final rule to the Commission in November 2023, and the estimated publication date of the final rule is April 2024.

The NRC staff also issued the following documents and for public comment in parallel with the proposed rule:

ADAMS Accession Document Title No.

Draft NUREG-1437, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License ML23010A078 Renewal of Nuclear Power Plants, Volumes 1 & 2, Revision 2 ML23010A086 Draft NUREG-1555, Supplement 1, Revision 2, Standard Review Plans for Environmental Reviews for Nuclear Power Plants, Supplement 1: Operating ML22165A070 License Renewal Draft Regulatory Guide DG-4027, Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal Applications (also referenced as ML22165A072 RG 4.2, Supplement 1)

Draft Regulatory Analysis for the 10 CFR Part 51, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Power Plants ML23010A074 The meeting consisted of an NRC presentation on the topics covered in the proposed rule, a questions and answers session where the public was invited to pose questions to the NRC to get any needed clarifications on the presentation, and a comment session where the public was invited to provide comments on the proposed rule and associated guidance documents.

The meeting session was attended by approximately 22 people participating through webinar or in person, including NRC staff and members of the public.

Summary of Presentation:

Lance Rakovan of the NRC opened the meeting and introduced himself as the meeting facilitator. Mr. Rakovan discussed the purpose of the meeting and advised participants on the features of the teleconference platform, including how to ask questions and provide comments.

Mr. Rakovan then introduced Dr. Patricia Holahan of the NRC to give opening remarks.

Dr. Holahan discussed the purpose of the meeting and expressed the desire that the meeting will help the public better understand the proposed rule and encouraged public participation during the meeting. Dr. Holahan noted that comments offered during the meeting will be considered for development of the final rule and that formal comments made by the public should also be submitted in writing using the methods described in the proposed rule notice. Dr.

Holahan then introduced Ms. Jennifer Davis.

Ms. Davis discussed the agenda, background on the scoping activities and rulemaking plans that initiated the LR GEIS rulemaking. In addition, Ms. Davis discussed the (1) purpose of the LR GEIS and how it is codified in the regulations, (2) described the process the NRC follows to update the LR GEIS and Table B-1, (3) and summarized the proposed updates to Table B-1.

Ms. Davis then introduced Mr. Kevin Folk.


Mr. Folk explained the consolidation of the following issues:

  • Groundwater quality degradation (cooling ponds at inland sites) [Cat. 2] and Groundwater quality degradation (cooling ponds in salt marshes [Cat.1] to Category 2 Issue Groundwater quality degradation (plants with cooling ponds)
  • Impingement and entrainment of aquatic organisms (plants with once through cooling systems or cooling ponds) [Cat. 2] and Impingement component of Losses from predation, parasitism, and disease among organisms exposed to sublethal stresses

[Cat. 1] to Impingement mortality and entrainment of aquatic organisms (plants with oncethrough cooling systems or cooling ponds) [Cat. 2]

  • Impingement and entrainment of aquatic organisms (plants with cooling towers) [Cat. 1]

and Impingement component of Losses from predation, parasitism, and disease among organisms exposed to sublethal stresses [Cat. 1] to Impingement mortality and entrainment of aquatic organisms (plants with cooling towers) [Cat. 1]

  • Infrequently reported thermal impacts (all plants) [Cat. 1], Effects of cooling water discharge on dissolved oxygen, gas supersaturation, and eutrophication [Cat. 1], and Thermal effluent component of Losses from predation, parasitism, among organisms exposed to sublethal stresses [Cat. 1] to Infrequently reported effects of thermal effluents [Cat. 1]

In addition, Mr. Folk explained the subdivision of the Category 2 issue Threatened, endangered, and protected species, critical habitat and essential fish habitat into three new Category 2 issues. Mr. Folk explained the addition of the three issues: National Marine Sanctuaries Act:

sanctuary resources (Cat. 2), Greenhouse gas impacts on climate change (Cat. 1), and Climate change impacts on environmental resources (Cat. 2). Lastly, Mr. Folk explained the change of Severe accidents from Category 2 to Category 1. Mr. Folk then introduced Ms.

Yanely Malave.

Ms. Malave summarized the proposed amendments in the regulation and LR GEIS, explained the rulemaking main milestones, and how to access the supporting documents. Ms. Malave also described the different methods for submitting comments and the end date for the public comment period. Lastly, Ms. Malave identified the multiple points of contacts for the project.

Public Feedback and Questions:

Mr. Rakovan explained how to provide questions and comments in the room, via Teams webinar, and the phone. Members of the public asked clarifying questions on the presentation and provided comments on the proposed rule and LR GEIS. For a detailed description of the questions and comments, please review the meeting transcript (ADAMS Accession No. ML23107A244).


Dr. Holahan made brief closing remarks, including mentioning that participants in the public meeting can submit feedback to improve the structure of future public meetings through the NRC Public Meeting Feedback Form, thanked everyone for their time and attention, and ended the meeting.


Related Documents ADAMS Accession Numbers:

  • ML23072A470 - Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss the Proposed Rule -

Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review

  • ML23069A013 - NRC Presentation for Proposed Rule - Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review
  • ML23107A244 - Official Transcript of April 4, 2023, Public Comments-Gathering Meeting on PR Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses -

Environmental Review 4

Proposed Rule - Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Public Meeting Attendees list (*Denotes Virtual Attendance)

April 4, 2023 Name Organization / Affiliation

1. Philip Meyer* Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
2. Rajiv Prasad* Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
3. Dave Anderson* PNNL
4. Julia Flaherty* Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
5. Steven Short* Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
6. Matt Urie* Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
7. Jonathan Napier* Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
8. Jackie Toth Good Energy Collective
9. Caitlin Condon* PNNL
10. Kim Leigh* PNNL
11. Daisuke Nio Japan Atomic Energy Agency
12. Dave Goodman* PNNL
13. Kenneth Thomas* PNNL
14. Matthew Marzano* Idaho National Laboratory
15. Jessica Umana* NRC
16. Jeff Luse* Generation Atomic
18. Neil Sheehan* NRC
19. Tara ONeil* PNNL
20. Diane Screnci* NRC
21. Chris Wilson Constellation
22. Marinela Mastronto Constellation 5