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GEH Morris Operation Physical Security Plan, Revision 9
Person / Time
Site: 07200001
Issue date: 03/09/2017
From: Mcfadden T
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML22313A064 List:
Download: ML22313A062 (1)


{{#Wiki_filter:SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION PURSUANT TO 1 0CFR73.21 Security-Related lnformation*-Withhold from Public Disclosure per 10 CFR 2.390 When separated from both Safeguards Information enclosure(s) and Security-Related Information enclosure(s), this document is decontrolled provided the transmittal document does not otherwise warrant protection from unauthorized disclosure. . GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy

  • HITACHI Anthony E. McFadden Plant Manager GEH Morris Operation 7555 E. Collins Rd Morris, IL 60450 USA M170058 T 815-942-5590 March 9, 2017 Director, Division of Spent Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852


GEH Morris Operation Physical Security Plan, Revision 9


(1) NRC License SNM-2500, Docket 72-01 In accordance with 10 CFR 72.186, GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, L.L.C (GEH) hereby furnishes a report of changes to, and a copy of a new revision of, the Physical Security Plan (PSP) for its Morris, Ill licensed facility. The changes incorporated in this revision of the PSP do not reduce the safeguards effectiveness of the plan. Enclosure 1 contains a description of the changes made, and Enclosure 2 is the revised PSP itself, which replaces the prior Revision 7 of the plan submitted September 7, 2012, in its entirety. Revision 8 of the PSP was initially issued on January 9, 2017, however additional clarifications were requested during ah NRC Region Ill inspection conducted at the facility earlier this year and these clarifications have been incorporated in Rev 9 of the PSP. Changes ar~ indicated with a vertical line ( I ) to the right of the changed text or figure. Please note that Enclosure 1 has been designated as containing Security-Related Information, and, as a result, GEH requests this information be withheld from public disclosure per 10CFR2.390. Please note that Enclosure 2- has been designated as containing Safeguards Information, and, as a result, GEH requests this withheld from public disclosure and protected per 10CFR73.21. 0 D, D 1

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Director, Division of Spent Fuel Management U.S. NRG MO Physical Security Plan, Revision 9 March 9, 2017 Page 2 of 2 Upon removal of all of Enclosur(;}s 1 and 2, this transmittal letter may be decontrolled. Please contact me at (815) 942-5590 Extension 1174 if you have any questions or need additional information. Since~rely~, ~// 1/

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.,.~ , Plant Manager GEH Morris Operation Commitments: None


(1) Report Describing Changes in GEH MO Physical Security Plan, Rev.9 (Contains Security-Related Information) (2) GEH MO Physical Security Plan, Rev. 9, February 16, 2017 (Contains Safeguards Information) cc: NRG Region Ill Administrator, Lisle, Ill G. Bonano, NRG RIii DNMS MCID (w/o enclosures) PM 17-005}}