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10CFR Part 21 Notification for Curtiss-Wright Supplied RCS-Dresser Actuator P/N: SURE-24-10-4
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/07/2022
From: Hover M
Curtiss-Wright Corp
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML22159A054 List:
EN # 55827
Download: ML22153A079 (19)


04/07/22 13:58:23 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 001 CURTISS-WRIGHT Fax Cover Sheet To:

Fax Number: 13018165151


10CFR Part 21 Notification for Curtiss-Wright Supplied RCS-Dresser Actuator P/N: SURE-24-10-4 From: "Hover, Margie" <>

Fax#: 855-305-6216 Date: 04/07/22 01:57:51 PM Total Pages: 19 including this cover page Memo: Good afternoon, Attached is the above suppo1ting documentation for 10CFR Part 21 Notification for Cmtiss-Wright Supplied RCS-Dresser Actuator PIN: SURE-24-10-4.

Please provide proof of receipt.

Sincerely, Margie Hover Document Control Technician Curtiss-Wright 4600 East Tech Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45245 UNITED STATES T 5'13.20'1.2'10'1 I TI1is e-mail and any files trru1smitted with it ru*e proprietru-y and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have reason to believe that you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender and destroy this e-mail ru1d any attached files. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this e-mail ru*e solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Cmtiss-Wright Corporation or any of its subsidiaries. Documents attached hereto may contain technology subject to government export regulations. Recipient is solely responsible for ensuring that ru1y re-export, transfer or disclosure of this inforn1ation is in accordance with applicable government export regulations. TI1e recipient should check this e-mail ru1d any attachments for the presence of Curtiss-Wright Corporation ru1d its subsidiru*ies accept no liability for any drunage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail.

04/07/22 13:58:42 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 002 This electronic communication, including attachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify sender immediately by phone, destroy this communication and all copies.

04/07/22 13:58:49 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 003 lli!l.,,a,,aft *

  • iiitliiii/1#; - DOCUMENT WRIGHT NIA TRANSMITTAL Nuc/Mr Division Nurnbor'/VencJor 4600 E:Jst.. Tedi Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45245 Purchat:Ei OrdE.!f Nun-1bHr
  • n.

DT2261'..30 T * () :S;?,fl. 7900 I F: b 13. ::.<?8.4bJ? NIA Oriqinat,,,d By Ol"ifJinat<>r.i D2V0 Projti)ct Hov<<::w, M8rgie 4/7'/2022 10CF'F1 Part 21 NotifieatiM N,mw~ Comp,my E:r1*<<ail Acknowlr;~d~Jm(~nt F~,~GeiV("id/Date I-le,idquart,,n,, Opc>r,,ition

()ffic!ir U S Nuci<:,,;;ir R,,,oulalory Cornrnif:(ion hoo.t*1o<;@n1" r

[)()CUl'l'lelnt Numl:Xi!f REIV Docurn,,;,nl Typ,, Qty rm ..

10CF*T< Fwt 21- Notific,;1tirn1 N/A F,1,ipt)II" *1 Final f~(~COn:i Rernrnl Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 004 QuolToch NP Curtis-Wright Nuclear Division 4G00 l!;;iz,l feel'! Otivt:'I, Cincinnati, OH 45245 Phonl1l: 51::1.S?.l.7$1'.H) IF: $1:,,iZ0,979Z wwvv qi,mllachnp cwf-c com April 6, 2022 Document Comrol Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornmissior1 w,.,shi11gton, nc: 20555-0001


IOCFR Part 21 Notiii.cati o11 for" Curtist1-Wright supplfod RCS/Dro,rncr A"tuator, PIN SURE24

  • I0-4

Dear Sir or Madam:

Qual'f<lch NP ts this notificmim, as a potemia! 10 CFR Part 21 issue. The TVA Browns Feny Plant notified us of two sepua.t.i, RCSll)resser n,:tuator foilur1:s which we had provided as safety rcfated c,>1n1l<lt1cnts. According to TVA the first failure ,,ccurred ()[! Fcbniary 7, 2022, atier bdl'lg installed for uppmximalely I 67 days. The 2nd failure occurred on Febnwry 9, 2(}22 an,I was in s,*rvic<' for appro,,imately 24 lwurs whlm it failed.

,'.\.ccot(Hrig to TVA in 'both c11ses th! actuator's brake a.ss1:;:mb]y wire 'iumes shorttd out tu tht frame, causing the on..h()tlrd fuse t<> blow, disabling the actuator, T'he ,,foctril:al short w;is cmmid by the* wil"c hamcss layillg agaiml a sharp edge of the metal frami, which over time hid to fraying of the wire insulation and subsequent bare wil'e to fhunc contact Both units were rctt:rruecl to Qu,dTech NP fbr evatnatit>n ;~rid <.mr findings ~:onfirnH~d TVA 's i:isscssment "rh\: roo1 ..:.iu.:is1.,* of the issu, i8 friction between the wfr1.s and the, sharp met.allic edge that i:>VC'" tiJJl cut (hr(Ji)gh the inst1lo.tion via vihrat.ion, which in tum sho:rted the powr lt":,a<ls to the fru11c. Thi$ :shorting tffocl wa:,, due !'o poor po!itioning and restrnint of the wire, harnc;ss/1.Hmdlc by the manufacturer during assembly. lt is i'l()t considered ,1 design n,.,w but a workmanship issue caused by the fllct,lry assembler.

'I'lw corre<.:tive atton mkn with th¢:: two unhs was to install new brake a$semh'lics and repnsitkm th: wirt htmuss to pn:went contact with th sharp edge, lo addition. wu*e ties were added to restrain the wire's nwvemerH. and keep it away frmn. the harp edge. Ai n fi:>Uow up uc:tdl..m the at:solf..iiatod dcdi(..*,i:lfion phm will be n.wised to inspect fbr thfo Wl>rkmon::ihip ism I;lnd corn;,ct as needtd, Additional details arc 111ov.idtd in the ,.1H11d1cd foilme cvl!IUotion. QualTcch NP ha. only ,old this port to TVA ,md cm1l<l not find any 11dditfo11al fai.limlS of this type reported by the industry, Identification of the customer's orders and. hardware involvt'.d are *provided *in the table \vhich follows.

Please phone (5 .13) 528-79() ff yon shonld h<>V<', ,my questions.

Sinc,Mtl... 4/1/


Tim Frnnc!mk Quality Assunmt:e Dirct.::l.or Quarrech NP, ()1rtiss-'Wtight Nu1::h:::ir l)iviti(')n Oftlc.c: 513,526.. 79()0, ext 176 Attachnwt1t: Qun!Tech NP (Cnniss-Wright) Failure Evaluation Report II CJ 18111.FE, Revision 2

04/07/22 13:59:51 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page HHS Ou*ITooh ~p CurtisswW!'igh! Nude.'lf Dlv($iOn 4600 East rech Drlv.ti, Cincinmi:t-i, OH 4514!)

Phone:; 513$28.n~oo [ F: 613.528:.9292 ww''u~ltf.Jdlflf). c-wfu. corn Identification of affected Orders TVA PO# QunlTcch NP :1

i QualTcch NP Qty TV A 11otifkalfo1.1 CofC# I Tag & SIN sold date to 1

! Qual1'ecb NP 7140421 CJl81 l l.l I

C/1811 HI!, 2 ..... 2/ii/2622 .


. R,:v.1 S/N O1 and 02 I

I 6527129 CJ17034.1 C.11703401, 2 319/22 I Rev.I SIN Ol and 02

04/07/22 14:00:05 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 006 Ql)i;tli$'C::h NP Curti:S!'-:,Wdgh1. N(1¢h~~,11' Divii.=:i(m 460() Ea$! *r(:!ch [)rive. Cinoim11:1.ti, OH 45245 t"hone: 513 528.7900 IF: 51~ 528.9202.

www. ('l(i11flt~chr1P owl'c oom Attachment- QualTcch NP Failure Evaluation Report CJl 8111.FE, Revision 2

04/07/22 14:00:16 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 007 Evaluation Report No. CJ18111.FE

- Revision2 RCS/Dresser Actuator SUR&-24-104 for TVA/ Browns fen-y Nuclear' Pkult This is the pr(>perty of Curliss-Wright. This rep<:>11 c.r,ntains pmprietary and confidential inflmmilion lha:t must not he duplic,1tcd or disclosed ()thcr than as expressly 1iuthori,;:d by Curtiss-.Wright.

The signalur,:s bdow cer1il1* that this report complies with the Curtiss* Wright Nuclear Division Corporate Quality AssuratKe Mm1ual, R~vision 5 datll(,I 08/01/2020, I() CFR Part 21, 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix B, ASME. NQA*L & ANSI/ASME N45.2-l977.

I*,.,_,epan:(I b. y/ I'). ate: _ _ _/A_. ""), W /:J, _Q_)

Mike 13ell, CGD Manager

  • ** * * * * , ~- ,,. ? , 4/'1' /'22.

l11dependet11 !)es,gn R.:v1cw & Approval by/ Dale: .., , ,;t@,,.il1,~J _*'*** . ,,,,,,_____

'lilik,:*\Vooldrjdgc. *sr. Prim:ipHI Engin-,:,:r CCiD/F,Q

04/07/22 14:00:42 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 008 Report No. CJ18111 J"E WRIGHT

- Revision 2 Record of R.evision Revision Issue Date Prepared Approved Pages Revised and Description By By 0 3/712022. M,JW MWB Origim,I lsisue.

1 3/15/2022 MJW MWB Revised pages 1-4, 10-12,

  • addressed customer's comments on CW sales history, reference to EGS
  • reports, effects of vibration, and*

added photograph details 2 ' MWB MJW Complete reissue to add 2nd failed

  • unit, updated conclusion Table of Contents.

1.0 lntroduction............_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 3 2.0 CURTISS-WRIGHT Findings ........ 3 3.0 Resolution and Conclusion 4 Appendix A. Customer's photos and notations . . 6 Appendix B

  • Overall Evaluation & Photos of Replaced Brake Assembly 8 THE TOTAL NUMBE.R OF PAGES CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS 13.

04/07/22 14:01:09 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 009 CCIRTISS- Report No. CJ18111.FE WRIGHT Revision 2 Failure Evaluation Report


Tl1e purpose of this reprn1 is lo documem the results of a Failure Evaluation involving two Curtiss-Wright (CW) supplkd RCS/Dresser l'N: SURE-24-10-4 actuators per TVA email/correspondence dated 2/11/2022 and 3/912022. 'I11ese units were originally qualified under HOS Report.s EGS-TR-927700-48 Rev. C and EGS--TR--927700--47 Rev. It Failure I: The CW supplied Actuator was identi.lied as Ta11, # CJ 18 .I l Hll; Serial Number 02.

The item !u.1s a 1111111ulcteturer's sed:il number of 712787()602. *n1e Actuator was (1ri~Jnally dedicated by Curliss--Wrighr for TVA agains\ their Purchiise Order II 7140421 Rev.I, imd originally shipped ()11 Fcbrum:y 81h, 20:1.2 umfor C ufC #CJ! 8111. I.

According to *rv A personnel the Actuator's motor brake foiled within 24 hmm, of op,m11ion.

  • n1ey noted the heat shrink tubing had a lmni mark and removed it  !() fiod 1h1.11 the surface lll()l.llllcd li.lse was Mown an() the wire insulation lmd exposed wiring where wiring wr,s atta~hcd 10 the f.h1rm: via a tie wmp. The it~,111 was then rel urned to Curtiss-Wright for evaluation urn.ler RA-CC l 0711 *I. Sec TV A pmvidcd l)ll()!os in Attachment A.

Failwc 2: Th<:: CW supplied Actuator wa, iden!ilit:d as Tag ii CJ 1703401; Serial Number 02.

The item has a numufacturnr's serial number (Jf 7003810902. *n1e A.:tual()I' was originally dedicated by Cm1iss-Wrighl for 'lVA agai11st their Purchase Order# 1,5271.29 Rev.I, and originally ship1it*d 011 l/22/2021 under C ofC # CJ 17034.1, According to TVA personnel the A,,tuator was installed on 8/24/2021 and failed in scrvk,e on 2/7/2022, (~xperiencing the same type failure as the fir~I failed unit, that being frayed wire insulation in the Actuator's brake assembly rcisulting in an electrical shon, 'I'he item was then returned to Cmt.iss*Wdght for evahwtiou uoder RA-CC968.l-1.

2.0 CURTJsa.WRIGHT FINDINGS Upon receipl of thi: rnturncd Actuators, Curl:iss-Wrighl performed a visuul inspc(,tion which co11Hm1ed wire d,m1age. The wiring had two issues:

04/07/22 14:01:45 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 010 CURTISS- Report No. CJ18111.FE WRIGHT Revision 2 l) Wires were tension tight to a metal edge instead of having slack as shown in TVA phol()S,

2) Wires were loc,ited next to a cut edge ofthe metal. It is pem1issable to tie adjacent to a bent edge m* a flat surfa,x~, but not wil*(:, touching a ,:,.ut edg,: or 11 h<.11,: thut 1,,,,,

not been countersunk or otherwis-, dclmrred.

Ro()f c.,nise oftht, failure is friclfon between wire insulation & the sharp meti1llic edge that cut through th,i i11su.lution vii, vibm!fon which in tum sh()rtcd the power leads to the frmne. The bk,wn fi.1sc was a sec()ndary failme to the insulation failure iii the wire bundle alfo<:led.

Dise!l$sioo with t.he OEM indic:;ted th:11 the current SURE 24 model has been in production since the 1970's. The only thing that has changed is the brake assembly, which l11l! been in pr(,lduction since the I990's. The OE.YI stated that c11mplaints of !his type arc -1xtrcmely rare and 11()! a co1m111,11 iss11e, CW ,ales history includes two sak,s from our Huntsville office (total qty (>f 11) g.ohig bnck to Febmary 2010, and two sales from our Cincinnati office (total qty of

4) going back to 2020. Othe.1" than the tw(, 1'ece11t issues nob:d by TVA wi, haw h11d m, nther compli1inls of this 1mture and TV A b the <mly cuslOmcr we lnivi:, S<lld these units to.

3:JO RESOLUTION arid CONCLUSION The leads mu~\ be pathed in such ,i way ,is to !lV()id cut/sheared edges without being able to touch or itm:rforc with moving parts. If s1.1d1 a .is not l)()Ssible, then the wires will rcquim additional protection such 11s a fiberglass sleeve or wire mesh sleeve to protect the insulalion from abrasion. In reviewing the EGS qm11ifk(1tion Repmw (see Section I Jl) if the wit'e path

,wr<o lo b" in do"' prox.imily or l(>t1d1ing a e1,11hh.,,trt,d met:illk edge there is the potential that vibration over time or II seismic event C<luld causi.: fraying of the wire insulation, resulting in a short as previously noted. lfthc wire path is led aw,1y fro1n these sharp surfaces there is little IO no risk of wire fraying frnm in service vibration or a sesimic event Thti rnmnmJ a1;tu11t1.lrn were <lO!Tec.ted by CW with iostal l,1tioo of II new brake assembly and wit:h wire bundle pluccd/positi()ned as noted t:o prevent the issue. Folit)wing brake asstimbly

.install.rtion each actuator was rededicated to the originili r,iquiremonts. For Mure Or(krs 01-,

PAGE 4 OF 13

04/07/22 14:02:18 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 011 CURTISS--

11 Report No. CJ18111.FE WRIGHT Revision 2 applicable dedication plan wi.11 be revised to inspect for wire placcmc11t and will include instrnctions on co1n,cti11g the issue if found.

Although this type of foilurt appears to be ram ii has occurred twice in the past two yc,.11*s, indicatring i.t w,~5 not an isolated event. The failure its,.,Jf is not considered a design lfaw but mon~ of a workmanship issue with OEM assemblers not properly locating or restraining, thil wire bundle in qucstio11.

With the past two CW s11k:s of this .model having a 50'1/4, litilure ml<' (2 of4 failed), this issue is considered a I OCFR Pi1r1 21 n:porti1ble 1:(mdition, Additiona.1 detiiils for these failures ,m\ (:tintained in CW Condition Reports CR 22-6238 and CR 22-63)3 ,m file at Curtiss-Wright.


04/07/22 14:02:34 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 012 CURTISS- Report No. CJ18111.FE WRIGHT Revision 2 APPENI)lX A

04/07/22 14:02:44 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 013 Report No. CJ18111.FE Revision 2 Method used by the manufacturer to secure thE: wires leads to damage and operational fail,ire.

  • i . Damaged wires from b,iing improp,!rly secured by the manufacturer l'liotns of lag I/ CJI 811101: Serial Numhcr 02

04/07/22 14:03:46 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 014 CURTISS-" Report No. CJ18111.FE Revision 2 APPENI)IX. B f'hot,:,s of Replaced Brake Assombly Avoiding Cut Edges

04/07/22 14:03:56 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 015 F,eport No. CJ18111 FE Revision 2 Customer mndilkatinn: spade to ring lugs rag# CJ I~ 11 I 111: SNial Numbt'r 02 shown

04/07/22 14:05:36 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 016 Report No CJ 18111. FE Revision 2 Similal' \icw t.n as fb1J11d condition Ing /I CJ 181110 I: Serini Number 02 shown

04/07/22 14:07:14 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 017 CURTISS- Report No. C,!18111 FE WRIGHT Revisior, 2 Viir,,s repositioned ti~ CW rcrsonncl 10 avoid ,11,irp cdggs.

hli.:1ck ,.\:ht*~ t,lVt!r h1:..-r1t 1m*,\(;;il surfl.1c1}

04/07/22 14:09:14 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 018 Report No. CJ18111.FE Revision 2 Ad~:liti1.nrnl vk\\ \\iri;:*:-; rep1>::-i1i(H1td hy ('.\\/ pt'r'::-unn(*l !u mi.1id ~harp

(;;'dgi.:~, tk wrnp'.'< atkkd to k"'*1,;p humlk: i:n,*iiy from t-han fag ii CJ Ill I I IO I : s,,111,I '-h1111 h,*1 O,' slH)llll

04/07/22 14:11:07 8553056216 -> Fax Seruer Margie Bauer Page 019 CURTISS- Report No CJ18111.FE WRIGHT Revision 2 View of heat shrink ("'er* PCTl 11,,,embly, ,,idditiom,1 vkw of wire rcpo,ilioncd by CW pe1*sonncl

  • rag# CJl811 IOl; Serial N11rnbc1* 02 ~!,own PAGE 13 or *1 *.~