NMP2L2748, Core Operating Limits Report

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Core Operating Limits Report
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/14/2020
From: Shultz B
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML20297A483 (25)


Exelon Generation© Technical Specification 5.6.5 NMP2L2748 October 14, 2020 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-001 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-69 NRG Docket No. 50-410


Core Operating Limits Report Enclosed is a copy of the Core Operating Limits Report, Revision 6, for Nine Mile Point Unit 2, Cycle 18. This report is being submitted pursuant to NMP2 Technical Specification 5.6.5.d.

Should you have any questions regarding the information In this submittal, please contact Mr.

John Darweesh at (315) 349-7444.


~ Digitally signed by Shultz, Brandon K 5 hUItz 8 ran d On 1

l{ADN: cn=Shultz, Brandon K i1*"7Sa'te: 2020.10.13 14:29.39 -Q4'00' Brandon K. Shultz Regulatory Assurance Manager, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Exelon Generation Company, LLC BKS/DJW


Core Operating Limits Report, Revision 6, for Nine Mile Point Unit 2, Cycle 18 cc: NRG Regional Administrator, Region I NRG Project Manager NRG Senior Resident Inspector

NMP2 Core Operating limits Report October 14, 2020 Page 2 bee: (Without Enclosure)

P. M. Orphanos T.A. Tierney C. D. Giambrone A Kovacs J. N. Darweesh

Enclosure Core Operating Limits Report, Revision 6 For Nine Mile Point Unit 2, Cycle 18

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT FOR NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 CYCLE 18 D1gltally signed by Glenn, Corle Prepared By: ~ I\

,DN: cn==Glenn, Cone

'Date 2020.08.2814:52*37-0S'OO' Date: 8/28/2020 Corie Glenn Preparer, Nuclear Fuels DoerzbacherI Aig1tally Megan signed by Doerzbacher,

~ *lll.Lm=Doerzbacher, Megan Reviewed By: Meg an I) Date: 2020.08.28 16:21 :37 --04'00' Date: _a_12_812_0_2_0_ _

Megan A. Doerzbacher Independent Reviewer, Nuclear Fuels Reviewed By: ba-vi} Sr ~~e,r David S. Knepper 2020.08.28 15:28:35

-05'00' D a t e : - - - -

Independent Reviewer, Engineering Safety Analysis XDigitally signed by Kelsey, Eric A Reviewed By:

Kelsey, Eric A ,/_.;!t)ate: 2020.0N}e14:56:54 -04'00' Eric A. Kelsey Reviewer, Reactor Engineering grtally signed by Kovacs, Ashley

cn=Kovacs, Ashley Approved By: r, te* 2020 09.01 OB*t)t§f:@r.'00' Ashley Kovacs Senior Manager, Nuclear Fuels


  • i Digitally signed by Kelsey, Eric A SQR By: ~v j-~te: 2020.09.fljal:e!09:16-04'00' Eric A. Kelsey Station Qualified Reviewer Page 1 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID. COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report Table of Contents Section Page Number Summary of Revisions 3 List of Tables 4 1.0 Terms and Definitions 5 2.0 General Information 7 3.0 MAPLHGR Limits 8 4.0 MCPR Limits 9 5.0 LHGR Limits 13 60 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints 15 7.0 Turbine Bypass Valve Parameters 16 8.0 Modes of Operation 17 9.0 Stability Protection 18 10.0 Power Flow Operating Map 19 11.0 Methodolo gy 19 12.0 References 20 Appendix A 21 Page 2 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev 6 Core Operating Limits Report Summary of Revisions Revision Description Revision 5 New Issue for Cycle 18 Revision 6 Revision to include limits for RPTOOS + TBVOOS Page 3 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID. COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report List of Tables Page Table 3-1 MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure 8 Table 3-2 MAPLHGR SLO Multiplier 8 Table 4-1 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR) 10 Table 4-2 Power Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRP) and Multipliers (l(p) 11 Table 4-3 Flow Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for DLO 11 Table 4-4 Flow Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for SLO 11 Table 4-5 Cycle Specific SLMCPR (MCPR99.9%) 12 Table 5-1 LHGR Limits for U02 Fuel Rods 13 Table 5-2 LHGR Limrts for Gadolinia Rods 13 Table 5-3 Power Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACp) 14 Table 5-4 Flow Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACF) 14 Table 6-1 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints 15 Table 6-2 ARTS RWE Validated MCPR Values 15 Table 7-1 Turbine Bypass Valve Response Time 16 Table 8-1 Modes of Operation 17 Table 8-2 EOOS Conditions Included under BASE Option 17 Table 9-1 BSP Endpoints for Normal Feedwater Temperature 18 Table 9-2 Automated BSP Setpoints 18 Page 4 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID. COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report 1.0 Terms and Definitions ADSOOS Automatic Depressunzation System Out of Service APLHGR Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate APRM Average Power Range Monitor ARTS APRM and RBM Technical Specification Analysis BSP Backup Stability Protection GOLR Core _Operating Limits Report DLO Dual Loop Operation EGGS Emergency Core Cooling System EIS Equipment m Service EGOS Equipment Out of Service EOR End of Rated The cycle exposure at which reactor power Is equal to 100% rated (3988 MWth), recirculation flow equal to 100% rated (108.5 Mlb/hr), and all control blades are fully withdrawn with equilibrium xenon EPU Extended Power Uprate GEH General Electric-Hitachi GNF Global Nuclear Fuel HFGL High Flow Control Line HTSP High Tnp Set Pomt (regarding RBM)

IGF Increased Core Flow INOP Inoperable ITSP Intermediate Trip Set Point (regarding RBM)

KP Off-rated power dependent OLMCPR multiplier LGO Limiting Condition for Operation LHGR Linear Heat Generation Rate LHGRFAGF Off-rated flow dependent LHGR multiplier LHGRFACp Off-rated power dependent LHGR multiplier LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident LTSP Low Trip Set Point (regarding RBM)

MAPFACF Off-rated flow dependent MAPLHGR multiplier MAPFACP Off-rated power dependent MAPLHGR multiplier MAPLHGR Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate MCPR Minimum Critical Power Ratio MCPR99.9% Limiting MCPR value such that 99.9 percent of the fuel in the core is not susceptible to boiling transition. Also known as the cycle-specific SLMCPR.

MCPRF Off-rated flow dependent OLMCPR MCPRr Off-rated power dependent OLMCPR MELLLA Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Page 5 of 22

Exelon Generation Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report MELLLA+ Maximum Extended Load Line L1m1t Analysis Plus MSIVOOS Mam Steam Isolation Valve Out of Service NCL Natural Circulation Line NRG Nuclear Regulatory Commission OLMCPR Operatmg L1m1t MCPR OPRM Oscillation Power Range Monrtor PROOS Pressure Regulator Out of Service RBM Rod Block Monitor RDF Recirculation Dnve Flow RPTOOS Recirculation Pump Trip Out of Service; also known as EOC-RPT RTP Rated Thermal Power (3988 MWt)

RWE Rod Withdrawal Error SLMCPR Safety Limit MCPR SLO Single Loop Operation SRVOOS Safety Relief Valve Out of Service TBV Turbine Bypass Valve TBVOOS Turbine Bypass Valve Out of Service. TBVOOS supports 3 of 5 TBVs slow open and 2 of 5 TBVs do not slow open (stuck closed)

TCV Turbine Control Valve TCVOOS Turbine Control Valve Out of Service TS Technical Specification TSV Turbine Stop Valve TSVOOS Turbine Stop Valve Out of Service Page 6 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report 2.0 General Information This report is prepared in accordance with Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.5 of Reference 1. Power and flow dependent limits are listed for various power and flow levels. Linear interpolation is to be used for intermediate values.

This report provides the values of the power distribution limits, control rod withdraw block instrumentation, and stability protection setpoints for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Cycle 18.

This report provides the following cycle-specific parameter limits for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Cycle 18 (Reload 17):

  • Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (MAPLHGR)
  • Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR)
  • ARTS MCPR thermal limit adjustments and multipliers
  • Single Loop Operation (SLO) MCPR adjustment
  • Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR)
  • Single Loop Operation (SLO) LHGR multipliers
  • Rod Block Monitor (RBM) Nominal Trip Setpoints, Allowable Values and MCPR Limits
  • Backup Stability Protection (BSP) parameters

The BASE thermal limit values shown in tables are for normal, equipment-in-service (EIS) two loop operation. Analysis also supports Increased Core Flow (ICF) for operational flexibility. Additional equipment out of service (EOOS) applicability can be found in Section 8.0, Modes of Operation.

The data presented in this report is valid for all licensed operating domains on the operating map, including (Reference 2):

  • Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus (MELLLA+) to a minimum core flow of 85% of rated.
  • ICF up to 105% rated (rated core flow is 108.5 Mlb/hr).
  • Coastdown operation down to 40% Rated Thermal Power (RTP)

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report 3.0 MAPLHGR Limits Technical Specification Sections 3.2.1, 3.4.1 The MAPLHGR limits obtained from the ECCS analysis are provided in Table 3-1. The limiting MAPLHGR value for the most limiting lattice of each fuel type as a function of exposure is given. For SLO, a multiplier is used as shown in Table 3-2.

The power and flow dependent LHGR multipliers are sufficient to provide adequate protection for the off-rated conditions from an ECCS-LOCA analysis perspective and there is no need for MAPLHGR multipliers, in addition to off-rated LHGR multipliers per Reference 2 - Section 16.

Table 3-1 MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure All Fuel Types (Reference 2 - Table 7)

Average Planar Exposure [GWD/STI MAPLHGR Limit [KW/ft]

0.00 13.78 17.15 13.78 60.78 6.87 63.50 5.50 Table 3-2 MAPLHGR SLO Multiplier All Fuel Types (Reference 2 -Table 8)

Fuel Type I SLO Multiplier GNF2 0.78 Page 8 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report 4.0 MCPR Limits Technical Specification Sections 3.2.2,, 3.4.1, 3. 7.5 OLMCPR values listed in Table 4-1 cover all conditions listed In Section 8.0, Modes of Operation.

Additional EOOS information can be found in Section 8.0. ARTS provides for power and flow dependent thermal limits adjustments, which allow for a more reliable administration of the MCPR thermal limit. Per TS 3.2.2, all MCPR's shall be verified in accordance with limits specified in this section.

Control rod scram time verification is also required per TS 3.1.4, Control Rod Scram Times. The applicable MCPR thermal limit set shall be determined with Tau (r), a measure of scram time performance throughout the cycle based on the cumulative plant scram time test results. The calculation of Tau shall be performed in accordance with site procedures.

ARTS power and flow dependent thermal limits have been confirmed for the following modes of operation: Base, Turbine Bypass Valves Out-Of-Service (TBVOOS), Recirculation Pump Trip Out-Of-Service (RPTOOS), Pressure Regulator Out-Of-Service (PROOS), and RPTOOS combined with TBVOOS (RPTOOS + TBVOOS).

The cycle-specific SLMCPRs, known as MCPR99.9%, can be found in Table 4-5 for dual loop and single loop operating conditions. The values in Table 4-5 or conservative values were used to calculate the MCPR limits and off-rated limits in this section.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report Table 4-1 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR)

All Fuel Types (Reference 2 - Section 11 and Reference 15 - Section 4.2)

SCRAM Time Cycle Exposure EOOS Combination 1 Option <EOR-3414 MWD/ST ~EOR-3414 MWD/ST A 1.62 1.69 BASE B 1.46 1.49 A 1.65 1.72 BASE SLO B 1.49 1.52 A 1.75 1.75 TBVOOS B 1.52 1.52 A 1.78 1.78 TBVOOS SLO B 1.55 1.55 A 1.68 1.73 RPTOOS B 1.46 1.49 A 1.71 1.76 RPTOOS SLO B 1.49 1.52 A 1.62 1.69 PROOS B 1.46 1.49 A 1.74 1.81 RPTOOS + TBVOOS B 1.46 1.52 RPTOOS + TBVOOS A 1.77 1.84 SLO B 1.49 1.55 1 For tau (r) = =

0, use SCRAM Time Option 8 limits For (T) 1, use SCRAM Time Option A limits. \JVhen tau does not equal O or 1, use linear interpolation in accordance with site procedure to calculate OLMCPR.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev 6 Core Operating Limits Report Table 4-2 Power Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRP) and Multipliers (Kp)

All Fuel Types (Reference 2 -Appendix D and Reference 15 - Section 4.3)

Core Thermal Power [% of rated]

Core Flow 0 23 :S26 >26 55 60 85 100 EOOS Combination r10 of rated] Operating Limit Operating Limit MCPR Multiplier (Kp)


~75 BASE 1.218 1.180 1.150 1.056 1 000

<75 2.65 2.65 2.57

~75 BASE SLO 1.218 1.180 1.150 1.056 1.000

<75 2.68 2.68 2.60

~75 TBVOOS 1.218 1.180 1.150 1.056 1.000

<75 3.51 3.51.. 3.22

~75 TBVOOS SLO 1.218 1.180 1.150 1.056 1.000

<75 3.54 3.54 3.25

~75 RPTOOS 1.218 1 180 1.150 1.056 1.000

<75 2.65 2.65 2.57

~75 , .

RPTOOS SLO 1.218 1.180 1.150 1.056 1.000

<75 2.68 2.68 2.60

~75 PROOS 1.218 1.180 1.172 1.056 1.000

<75 2.65 2.65 2 57

~75 RPTOOS + TBVOOS 1 218 1.180 1.150 1.056 1.000

<75 3.51 3.51 3.22 RPTOOS + TBVOOS ~75 1.218 1.180 1.150 1.056 1.000 SLO <75 3.54 3.54 3.25 Table 4-3 Flow Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRi=) for DLO All Fuel Types (Refere nee 2 - A ppen d"1x D an d Ref erence 15 - S ec1onf 4.4)

Flow [°A, ratedl MCPRi= Limit 0.0 2.01 30.0 1.78 94.2 1.29 112.0 1.29 Table 4-4 Flow Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for SLO All Fuel Types (Refere nee 2 - A ppen d"Ix D an d Ref erence 15 - S ecf I0n 4.4)

Flow rlo ratedl MCPRF Limit 0.0 2.04 30.0 1.81 94.2 1.32 112.0 1.32 Page 11 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID* COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev 6 Core Operating Limits Report Table 4--5 Cycle Specific SLMCPR (MCPR99.9%}

(Reference 2 - Section 11)

Flow Mode MCPR99.9%

DLO 1.14 SLO 1.14 Page 12 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev 6 Core Operabng Limits Report 5.0 LHGR Limits Technical Specification Section 3.2.3 The LHGR limit is the product of the exposure dependent LHGR limit and the minimum of the LHGRFACp or the LHGRFACF.

The off-rated limits assumed in the ECCS-LOCA analyses are confirmed to be consistent with the cycle-specific off-rated LHGR multipliers calculated for MELLLA+ operation. The off-rated LHGR multipliers provide adequate protection for MELLLA+ operation (Reference 2).

Table 5-1 LHGR Limits for U02 Fuel Rods Reference 3 Reference 5 Reference 11 GNF2 See Reference 5 Table 5-2 LHGR Limits for Gadolinia Rods Reference 5 Reference 11 LHGR Limit KW/ff GNF2 See Reference 5 Page 13 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report Table 5-3 Power Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACp)

All Fuels Types (Reference 2 -Appendix D and Reference 15 - Section 4.3)

EOOS Core Flow r10 Core Thermal Power [% of rated Combination of rated] 0 23 S26 >26 55 60 85 100 2:75 BASE 0.613 0 720 0.791 0.922 1.000

<75 0.495 0.495 0.502

~75 BASE SLO 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

<75 0.495 0.495 0.502 2:75 TBVOOS 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1 000

<75 0.475 0.475 0.502 2:75 TBVOOS SLO 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

<75 0.475 0.475 0.502 2:75 RPTOOS 0.613 0.720 0.791 0 922 1.000

<75 0.495 0.495 0.502 2:75 RPTOOS SLO 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1 000

<75 0.495 0.495 0.502

~75 PROOS 0.613 0.720 0.740 0 831 1.000

<75 0.495 0.495 0.502 RPTOOS + 2:75 0.613 0.720 0 791 0.922 1.000 TBVOOS <75 0.475 0.475 0.502 RPTOOS + ~75 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1 000 TBVOOS SLO <75 0.475 0.475 0.502 Table 5-4 Flow Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACF)

All Fuel Types and Modes of Operation (Reference 2 - Appendix D and Reference 15 - Section 4.4)

EOOS Core Flow ro/o of ratedl Condition 0 30 40 52.7 85 112 DLO 0.241 0.580 0.693 1.000 1.000 SLO 0.241 0.580 0.693 0.780 0.780 0.780 Page 14 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev 6 Core Operating Limrts Report 6.0 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints Technical Specification Section Per Technical Specifications, the RSM instrumentation channels will be operable with the allowable values set to the values shown in Table 6-1. The values given in Table 6-1 are unfiltered; these unfiltered values are applicable as the time filter constant is set to zero. (Reference 7 - Table 58). The RSM operability requirements have been evaluated and shown to be sufficient to ensure that the cycle specific SLM CPR and cladding 1% plastic strain criteria will not be exceeded in the event of a Rod Withdrawal Error.

The ARTS RWE analysis validated the MCPR values in Table 6-2 below for use in Cycle 18. The RWE MCPR values have been analyzed at discrete setpoint values and unblocked (continuous withdrawal) conditions.

Table 6-1 Rod Block Monitor Setpolnts 2 (Reference 2 - Section 10, Reference 8 - Section 3 Power Level Allowable Value Nominal Trip Setpolnt Analytical Limit LTSP 121.6% 121.2% 124.0%

ITSP 116.6% 116.2% 119.0%

HTSP 111.6% 111.2% 114.0%

Table 6-2

, ARTS RWE Valldated MCPR Values (Reference 2 - Section 10)

Power Level [% Ratedl MCPR

<90% ~1.81

~90% ~1.49 2

See Reference 8 for filtered values Page 15 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document JD* COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report 7.0 Turbine Bypass Valve Parameters Technical Specification Section 3.7.5 Per Technical Specification LCO 3.7.5, whenever the reactor power is at or above 23% RTP the main turbine bypass system shall be operable or the plant must operate with the TBVOOS penalties.

The definition of operable is given in Table 7-1 below.

Table 7-1 Turbine Bypass Valve Response Time (Reference 9 - Section 1.6)

Event Response Time [sec]

Maximum delay time before start of bypass valve opening following initial turbine inlet 0.15 valve movement Maximum time after initial turbine inlet valve movement for bypass valve position to 0.30 reach 80% of full flow (includes the above delay time)

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID COLR Nme Mile Point 2, Rev 6 Core Operating Limits Report 8.0 Modes of Operation The following conditions are supported by the Cycle 18 licensing analysis; operation in a condition (or conditions) is controlled by station procedures. If a combination of options is not listed, it is not supported. Table 8-1 provides allowed modes of operation with thermal limit sets in the COLR. Table 8-2 provides allowed modes of operation that do not contain explicit thermal limit sets but are included in the BASE option. Note that per TS LCO 3.4.1, SLO in the MELLLA or MELLLA+ domains is prohibited.

Table 8-1 Modes of Operation (Reference 2, Reference 10, Reference 12, Reference 15)

Options 3 Allowed Operating Region BASE Yes BASE SLO Yes 7


RPTOOS + TBVOOS SL0 Yes Table 8-2 EOOS Conditions Included under BASE Option (Reference 2, Reference 13)


The EOOS Options hsted apply to both Option A and Option 8 4 Base indudes 2 SRVOOS, 1 MSIVOOS (limited to 75% pmver), 1 TCVffSVOOS (limited to 85% power), and 1 ADSOOS 5 1 MSIVOOS limited to 75% rated thermal power 6 1 TCVffSVOOS limited to 85% rated thermal power 7 TCVffSVOOS not analyzed concurrent wrth TBVOOS or RPTOOS + TBVOOS Page 17 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Llmrts Report 9.0 Stability Protection Technical Specification Section The OPRM Amplitude Discriminator Setpoint (SAD) is 1.10 (Reference 2 - Section 15.1). Results have been validated with rated feedwater temperature~ 420.5°F as described by Reference 2. Per TS 5.6.5.a.4, the Backup Stability Protection (BSP) regions and values are as shown below in Tables 9-1 and 9-2. The manual BSP region boundary endpoints are connected using the Generic Shape Function. A graphical representation of the BSP regions can be found in Reference 2 - Figure 1.

Table 9-1 BSP Endpoints for Normal Feedwater Temperature8 *9 Reference 2 - Table 3)

Power Flow Endpoint Definition

[% of rated] [% of rated]

A1 69.1 43.6 Scram Region Boundary, HFCL 81 39.7 29.5 Scram Region Boundary, NCL A2 64.5 50.0 Controlled Entry Region Boundary, HFCL 82 27.5 28.9 Controlled Entry Region Boundary, NCL A3 100.0 88.3 BSP Boundary Intercept HFCL 83 68.7 55.0 BSP Boundary Intercept, MELLLA Boundary Table 9-2 Automated BSP Setpoints 10 (Reference 2-Table 4)

Parameter Symbol Value Slope of Automated BSP APRM flow-biased mrnIP 1.26 trip linear segment Automated BSP APRM flow-biased trip setpoint power intercept. Constant Power PssP-TRIP 39.7% RTP Line for Trip from zero Drive Flow to Flow Breakpoint value.

Automated BSP APRM flow-biased trip

  • setpoint drive flow intercept. Constant Flow WssP-TRIP 36.9% RDF Line for Trip.

Flow Breakpoint value WssP-BREAK 19.2% RDF 8

Bounding for both DLO and SLO 9 Station may elect to place additional administrative margin on the endpoints provided in Table 9-1 10 Applicable to both DLO and SLO Page 18 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report 10.0 Power Flow Operating Map See Appendix A for a Power Flow Map (Reference 6).

11.0 Methodology The analytical methods used to detem,ine the core operating limits shall be those previously reviewed and approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, particularly those described in the following documents:

1. "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel (GESTAR II) (Supplement for United States)", NEDE-24011-P-A-29-US, October 2019.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID* COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report 12.0 References

1. "Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Renewed Facility Operating License", Exelon Document, Docket No. 50-410, Renewed License No. NPF-69.
2. "Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Reload 17 Cycle 18", Global Nuclear Fuel Document, No. 004N8624, Revision 0, January 2020.
3. "Fuel Bundle Information Report for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Reload 17 Cycle 18", GNF Document, No. 004N8625, Revision 0, January 2020.
4. "Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Revised TMOL Application Evaluation" Global Nuclear Fuel Document, No 005N5463, Revision 0, January 2020.
5. "Revised GNF2 Thermal Mechanical Operating Limits for Nine Mile Point Unit 2" Global Nuclear Fuel Document, No 005N5546, Revision 1, January 2020.
6. "Safety Analysis Report for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus", GEH Document, No. NEDC-33576P, Revision 0, October 2013.
7. "Revise 22A2843AM", Engineering Change Notice for NSSS161405000 "Design Spec Data Sheet, Neutron Monitoring System", Exelon Document, No. 007242, Revision 1, April 2008.
8. "Instrumentation Limits Calculation Constellation Generation Group Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 Rod Block Monitor (NUMAC ARTS-MELLLA)", GEH Document, No. 0000-0053-1006 NMP2 A-M-T506-RBM-Calc-2006, Revision 1, March 2008.
9. "Final resolved OPL-3 parameters for NMP2 C18", Exelon Document, ENSAF ID No.

ES1900009, Revision 0, September 2019.

10. "Nine Mile Point 2 GNF2 NFI T0900 Coincident Equipment Out-of-Service (EOOS) Report",

GEH Document, No. 003N2077-R0 Revision 0, February 2016.Searchable in FCMS as 003N2077.

11. "GNF2 Advantage Generic Compliance with NEDE-24011-P-A (GESTAR 11)", GNF Document, No. NEDC-33270P, Revision 9, December 2017.
12. "GNF2 Fuel Design Cycle-Independent Analyses for Exelon Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2", GEH Document, No. 003N2003 Revision 5, August 2019.
13. "Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Option B' Scram Speed Implementation", GEH Document, No.

004N0521-R0, September 2017.

14. "Removal of Generic ARTS Rated RWE DCPR for Limerick Units 1 and 2, Nine Mile Point Unit 2, and Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3," General Electric Hitachi Nuclear Energy Document No.

005N2836-R0, Revision 0, July 2019.

15. "TSO NF-B756 Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Cycle 18 RPTOOS + TBVOOS Thermal Limits," GEH Document No. 006N0918-R0, July 2020.

Page 20 of 22

Exelon Generation Nuclear Fuels Document ID. COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev 6 Core Operating Limits Report Appendix A Page 21 of 22

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 6 Core Operating Limits Report Q>nfli>*~


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