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Ltr Contract:Task Order 002, St Luci Engineering & Technical Support Insp, Under Contract NRC-03-98-021
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/19/1998
From: Wiggins E
To: Beckman V
CON-FIN-J-2548, CON-NRC-03-98-021, CON-NRC-3-98-21 NUDOCS 9805280127
Download: ML20247P833 (6)



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C WASHINGTON. D.C. 20555-0001 n,,y,/

MAY 'l)4 1998'



ATTN: Beckman,

1071 State Rou.te.136 Be1.le Verrion. PA 15012,


TASK. ORDER.NO: 002, "ST. LUCI,E ENGINEERING AND.TEGiNICAL SUPPORT INSPECTION" UNDER CONTRACT NO. NRC-03-98-021 Dear Ms. Beckman; In accor' ance'with Section G). Task Order Procedures, of the subject contract.

d this letter defirjitizes the subject. task order and confirms the verbal authorization provided to you on May 7.1998, to. commence work.' effective May 7..

1998, with a temporary ce'iling of $15.000.00. The effort'shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work.

Task Order No. 002 shall be in effect from May 7.1998 through June'26, 1998, with a cost ceiling of $68.856.33.

The amount of $66.688.94 represents the estimated reimbursable costs, and the amount of $2.167.39 represents the fixed fee.

Accounting data.for Task Order No. 002 is as follows:

B&R No.

820-15-11-20-2B Job Code:

J-2548 BOC:

252A APPN No.

31X0200.820 Oblig. Amt.

$68.856.33(This amount is inclusive of.the

$15.000.00 verbal authorization. This amount is deducted from the 5489.040.00 that was obligated on the basic contract.)

g O

l The following individuals are considered to be essential to the successful


performance for work hereunder:

Mr. Terrence Tinkel and Mr. Robert Quirk. The f

Contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed from the effo the task order without compliance with Contract Clause H.4. Kev Personnel.

The issuance of this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract.

.1 4G05280127 980519 PDR CONTR NRC-03-98-021 PDR

g y



'Your contacts during the course'of'this. task or' der are:

Technical Matters:

Armando Masciantonio Project Officer (301) 415-1290 Contractual. Matters:

Mona Selden

' Contract Specialist (301) 415-7907 Acceptance of Task Order No. 002 ' hould be made by having an official, authorized s

to bind your organization. execute three copies of this document in the sp' ace provided and return two copies to the Contract Specialist at the address below.

You should retain the third copy for your records.

Sincerely, e

1-Elois J. Wiggins, racting Officer Contract Management Br. 2 Division of Contracts and Property Management Office of Administration


Statement of Work ACCEPTED:

Task Order No. 002


14t e NAME

<s,L Lt~y c$p TITLE s

Fy f - 92 DATE

, w. '. v.




Task Order 002 ~

TITLE St. Lucie E&TS Inspection.

. DOCKET NUMBER: 50-482 B&R NUMBER: 820-15-11-20-28 JOB CODE: J-2548 -


A. S. Mascianfonio, NRR (30i) 415-1290 '



John Yorli, Ril (404) 562-4632

-May 7/1998 - Jurie 26,1998 PERFORMANCE PERIOD:

BACKGROUND An Engineenng & Technical Support inspection (E&TS) will be conducted for the St. Lucie nuclear plant near Ft. Pierce, FL. The inspection will asses's the effectiveness of engineering activities through an in-depth review of calculations, analysis, and other engineering documents used to support the design adequacy and performance of plant safety systems during normal, abnormal, and accident conditions. The inspection will also verify. actions completed in connection with plant modification safety evaluations for conformance with regulatory requirements in addition to verifying regulatory commitments that the licensee made with regard to the safety systems. The.

inspection will be performed in accordance with NRC Inspection Procedure 37550.

OBJECTIVE The ob ective of this task order is to obtain expert technical assistance in the areas of electncal and l

' mechanical design. The specialists' are needed to assist the NRC inspection team in the 1

performance of the inspection. The specialists should primarily have a design background, such

- as.from an' architect-engineer firm. The electrical specialist should have experience in electrical /l&C design and setpoints; the mechanical specialist should have experience in mechanical design in addition to system operational requirements. The specialists should also be familiar with installation and surveillance testing of equipment along with cognizance of how site engineering and operations organizations function. The specialists should be thoroughly familiar with NRC regulations and inspection methodology. Also, the specialists should be familiar with the regulatory process, and should be able to develop a list of regulatory commitments from docketed licensee correspondence for'the plant system (s) selected for review. The specialists will then be required to verify implementation of the licensee's commitments.

It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assign technical staff,. employees, and subcontractors, who have the required combination of educational background and experience to L

meet both the technical and regulatory objectives of the work specified in this Statement Of Work, (SOW). The NRC will rely on representation made by the contractor conceming the qualifications \\'

of the personnel proposed for assignment to this task order including assurance that all information contained in.the technical and cost proposals, including resumes and conflict of interest

' disclosures, is accurate and truthful.

Attachment a



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The contractor shall, provideIhe qtialified specialikt's, and the necessar'y faciiities, materials land -

e' s' rvices to assist'the NRC' staff iri preparing for, conducting, and documenting the' inspection activities and findings.; The Technical Monitor for this task is John York.. The Technical Monitor.

may issbe technical instructions from time to time during the duration lof this task order! Technical instructions must be within the general statement'of work stated in this task order and shall not constitute new assignments of work or changes of.such nature as to justify an adjust. ment in cost


or period of performance. The contractor shall refer to the basic contract for further information~and guidance on any technical directions issued under this task order.

Any modifications to the scope of work, cost or period of performance of this task order mu'st tie


issued by the Contracting Officer and will be coordinated with the NRR. Project Officer. Specific

, tasks under.this' task order are:

Iagh Schedule Comoletion 1.

Review d'esign ba. sis documentation inspectio.n paparation will take place May including design

criteria, system 11-15, 1998, at t'he Region ll offices in descriptions, drawings, calculations, and Atlanta, GA.

analyses for the selected plant system (s) and determine the functional requirements for the system and each active component during accident or abnormal conditions. Review licensing basis documents, i 2., Tech Specs, FSAR, and licensee's commitment tracking ~ system 'shd' ' develop'a ' list bf'


regulatory commitments for the selected system (s). Prepare an inspection plan and obtain a thorough understanding of the selected system (s).


Perform the inspection.

On-site inspection is to take place on May 18-22,1998, and June 1-5,1998, at the St.

Lucie site, with four days of intervening review, May 26-29, 1998, at the Region 11 offices.


Prepare the inspection report.

Documentation of inspection will take place June 8-12,1998, at the contractor's home offices. Final ispection report input is due June 12,1998.

NOTE: No work will be performed on May 25,1998, due to the Memorial Day holiday.

A Prior to the start of on-site preparation, the contractor's staff is required to be available to coordinate inspection aspects, such as travel logistics, with the Team Leader.


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"b' Technical fleport


Aithe completion of Task 1, the contractor's specialist sIialfprovide an'irispechen plan to the NRC' Team. Leader.' The' format and scope of this inpilt shall be as directed by the NRC' Team Leader.

Dunng Task 2, the contractor's speciahst ishall provide daily reports to the NRC Team Leadet The

  • format and scope of this report shall be as directed by the NRC Team Leader.

At the. completion.of Task 2 (prior to the inspection team's exit meeting with.the licensee),.the..

contractor's specialists shall provide a draft inspection report input to the NRC Team Leader. The 7

format and scope shsil be as directed by the NRQ Team Leader. Typically, this input Will. consist -

of a handwritten sumrnary of the specialist's in,spection findings..,..

At the completion of Task 3, the contractor shall deliver the final inspection report input (feeder report) to the NRC Project Officer (original and one copy) with one hard copy and one computer diskette version (Wordperfect 5.1/6.1 or other IBM PC compatible software acceptable to the NRC Team Leader) to the NRC Team Leader. The format and scope of the final report inputs shall be as directed by the NRC Team Leader.

A' specialist's feeder report will serve as documentation of the specialist's inspection activities, effort, and findings, and will be used by the NRC Team Leader for the preparation of the NRC's inspection report.'. The form and scope of the final report input shall be as directed by the NRC Team Leader. As a minimum, each specialist's report input shall include the following:


.#.,....ldentjty of, the individuals,(,rnpany,,and, title),that provided.information, to the _

specialist during the inspection.

e For each area inspected, a description of the activities and general findings and conclusions reached regarding the adequacy of the area.

e' For each area with a concern or findings, a discussion of the concems or findings with technical bases.

NOTE: The contractor is not required to undertake any further efforts toward report finalization.

For example, management review of the feeder report beyond its submittal to the NRC Team Leader and Project Manager is not needed.

Business Letter Reoort The contractor shall provide monthly progress reports in accordance with the requirements of the basic contract.

MEETINGS AND TRAVEL For estimating purposes, the following meetings and travel are anticipated:

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. One, two-person, 5-day trip to.T?egion ll 'in ' Atlanta.,' GA to', prepare f6r the inspection -


. (May 11-15l 1998).-


.One, two-person, 5-day trip to the St., t,ucie site' to conduct the inspection

. (May.18-22,1998).'. ' '.

  • One, two-person, 4-day trip to Region il to rev'ew inspection findings -



-(Ma' 26-29, j998).




One, two-person, 5-day trip to the plant site to' complete the inspechon

. (June 1-5,1998).


. The contractor's. staff shalf coordinate all trayel advance with.the NRC T.eam Leader.;

ESTIMATED LEVEL OF EFFORT Number Discioline Hours 1

Electrical Design Specialist 230 1

Mechanical Design Specialist 230 The estimated level of effort for each inspector consists of 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> for inspection preparation,140 i

hours for on-site inspection and review, and 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> for inspection documentation. The hours

.. ar.e hased.on,ar3 e.ffqrt.of.1.0.houts/ pay,while.on site.and the regional. office, a.nd 8. hours /d.ay.ig, office..Off-normal travel time, if needed, is in addition to the above effort.

NRC FURNISHED MATERIAL Documents required to prepare for the inspection will be provided by the NRC Team Leader.

OTHER APPLICABLE INFORMATION The work specified in this SOW is 100% licer;see fee recoverable. The contractor shall provide fee recovery information in the monthly progress reports in accordance with the requirements of the basic contract.

1 The contractor's specialists assigned to this task order will have to be badged for unescorted access privilege at the plant site..The contractor shall provide all documentation required for badging (as identified by the NRC Team Leader) at the plant site. Questions conceming badging

- and the plant site access shall be addressed to the NRC Technical Monitor.


