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Thirty-sixth Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents. App Ttt Records Being Withheld in Part (Ref FOIA Exemption 6)
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/14/1997
From: Reed C
To: Binder N
Shared Package
ML20141C606 List:
FOIA-96-485 NUDOCS 9705190102
Download: ML20141C601 (10)







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Ne agency records subject to the request have been located.

l Na additional agency records subject to the request have been located.

l Requested records are available through another public distribution program. See Comments section.

Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Appendix (es) are already available for public inspection and copying at the I NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC.

Agency records subject to the request that are Identified in Appendix (es) are being made available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC, in a folder under this FOI A number.

The nonproprietary version of the proposal (s) that you agreed to accept in a telephone conversation with a member of my staff is now being made available I for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC, in a folder under this FOIA number, Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Appendix (es) may be inspected and copied at the NRC Local Public Document 1 Room identified in the Comments section.

l Enclosed is information on how you may obtain access to and the charges for copying records located at the NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, I N.W., Washington, DC.

Agency records subject to the request are enclosed l Records subject to the request have been referret . 2 another Federal agency (ies) for review and direct response to you.

Fees You will be billed by the NRC for fees totaling $ _

You will receive a refund from the NRC in the amount of $ .

In view of N RC's response to this request, no further action is being taken on appeal letter dated , No.

PART 11. A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certa!n information in the requested records is being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to the exemptions deicribed in and for the reasons stated

)( in Part II, B, C, and D. Any relased portions of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheid are being made available for public inspection and copying in the NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC in a folder under this FOI A number.

COMMENTS Copies of the releasable portions of the records identified on Appendix TTT are enclosed.

0' 4 m j y.t l.




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  • RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF g- INFORMATION ACT (FOlA) REQUEST FOIA 485 MAy ,- , tS$,r (CONTINUATION) ll PART ll.8- APPUCABLE EXEMPTIONS Records subject to the request that are described iri the enclosed Appendix (es) TTT are being withheld in their entirety or in part under the Exemption No.(s) and for the reason (s) given below pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b) and 10 CF R 9.17(a) of N RC regulations,
1. The withheld mformation is properly classified pursuant to Executive Order. (Exemption 1)
2. The withheld information relates solely to the mternal personnel rules and procedures of NRC. (Exemption 2)

[ l3. The withheld information is specifically exempted from public disclosure by statute indicated. (Exemption 3)

Sections 141145 of the Atomic Energy Act, which prohibits the disclosure of Restricted Data or Formerly Restrictert Data (42 U.S.C. 21612165).

Section 147 of the Atomic Energy Act, which prohibits the disclosure of Unclassified Safeguards information (42 U.S.C. 2167).

_4 The withheld mformation is a trade secret or commercial or financial information that is being withheld for the reasontsi indicated. (Exemption 4)

The mformation is considered to be confidential busmens loroprietaryl mformation


The mformation is considered to be proprietary information pursuant to 10 CFR 2 790 ldh 11 The mformation was submitted and received in confidence pursuant to 10 CFR 2 790tdll2)

6. The withheld mformation consists of interagency or mtraagency records that are not ava.laba hrough discove y dunng htigation (Exemption 5L Appbcable Privilege:

Deliberative Process: Dischsure of prede5sional mformation would tend to inhibit tne open and frank enchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

Where records are withheld m their entirety. the f acts are inextricably intertwined with the predecisionat information There also are no reasonably segregable f actual portions because the release of the f acts would permet an indirect inquiry into the predecisional r,cocess of the agency l

-. Attorney work product privilege (Documents prepared bv an attorney m contemplation of litapation i l Attorney-client pnvilege. (Confidential communications between an attorney and his/her client.)

6. Tra withheid mformation is saempted from public disciosure because its disclosure would resat m a , arty unwarranted invasion of perime privacy (Exemption 6)
7. The withheld information consists of records compiled for law enforcement purposes and is being withheid for the reasonts! mdicated (Exemption 7)

Disclosure could reasonably be expected to interfere with an enforcement proceeding because it couid reveal the scope, direction, and focus of enforcement efforts, and thus could possibly allow recipients to take action to shield potential wrongdoing or a violation of NRC requirements from investiestors. (Exemption 7 ( AD Disclosure would constitute en unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. (Exemption 7(Cl) as The information consists of names of er dividuals and nther information the delosure of which could reasonably be timoected to reveal identities of confidential sources. (Exemption 7 (D))

OTHER i i I l PART 11. C-DENYlNG OFFICIALS l Pursuent to 10 CF R 9 25tb) anu or 9 25(c) of the U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission regul. ons. it has been determined that tne mformabon withheld is exempt from pro-duction or d sclosure. and that its production or d>sclosure is contrary to the pubhc mterest. The .wrsons responsible for the denial are those officials identified below as denying officials end the Director, Division of F reedom of Information and Pubhcations Services. Office of Admmistration, for any damals that may be appealed to the Executive Director for Ope.ctions IEDO)


I Regional Administrator * " "' '

l Luis A. Reyes p!! Aon TTT Y l

l 1

>l PART 18. D- APPEAL RIGHTS The denid by each denying official identified in Part ll.C may be appealed to the Appellate Official identified there. Any such appeal must be made in writ mg within 30 days of receipt l

i of this response, Appeals must be addressed, as appropriate, to the Executive Director for Operations. to the Secretary of the Commission, or to the inspector General, U.S. Nuclear l Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that at is en " Appeal from an initial FOlA Decision."



en a


1. 1/1/96 Personnel Contamination 1995 (2 pages) EX. 6
2. 1/1/96 Personnel Contamination 1995 (2 pages) EX. 6
3. 11/26/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #20 (1 page)

EX. 6 4 '. 11/25/95 Personnel Contamination Monitcring, # 19 (1 page)-

EX. 6

5. 11/19/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 18 (1 page)

EX. 6

6. 11/15/95 Personnel Contam1..ation Monitoring, # 17 (1 page)

EX. 6 7, 11/14/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 16 (1 page)

EX. 6

8. 10/30/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 15 (1 page)

EX. 6

9. 9/9/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 14 (1 page)

EX. 6

10. 9/13/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 13 (1 page)

EX. 6

11. 1/30/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #1 (1 page)

EX. 6

12. 2/28/95 Personnel' Contamination Monitoring, #2 (1 page)

EX. 6

13. 2/28/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #3 (1 page)

EX. 6

14. 2/28/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #4 (1 page)

EX. 6

15. 2/28/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #5 (1 page)

EX. 6

,.o. '

i i- 2 l.

!' 16. '3/8/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #6 (1 page)  !

j EX. 6 .

17. 5/4/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #7 (1 page) l EX. 6 i f
18. 8/10/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #8 (1 page) i EX. 6 4


19. 8/10/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #9 (1 page)

EX. 6 i 20. 8/10/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 10 (1 page)

1. EX. 6 .

k- 21. 8/27/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 11 (1 page) ,l 4 .

EX. 6 l I

! 22. 8/30/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 12 (1 page)  !

$ EX. 6 i i

i '23. 2/26/95 Personnel Contaminat-ion Monitoring, #1 (1 page)  !

I EX. 6

24. 2/24/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring,_#2 (1 page) ,

i EX. 6

25. 4/24/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 3 (1 page) ,

4 EX. 6 4

26. 6/15/35 Personnel Skin and Clothing Contamination Report .

l (1 page) EX. 6

! 27. 9/12/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #5 (1 page)  ;

EX. 6 J

l 28. 9/26/95 Personnel' Contamination Monitoring, #6 (1 page) ,

l EX. 6

{~ 29. 10/1/95 Personnei Contamination Monitoring, #7 (1 page)

EX. 6

30. 10/9/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #8 (1 page) l EX. 6 l-I '31. 10/9/95 '

Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #9 (1 page)

EX. 6


32. 10/13/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 10 (1 page)

) EX. 6 4



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3 33, 10/14/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #.11 (1 page)

EX: 6

34. 10/14/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 12 (1 page)

EX. 6

- 35. 10/16/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 13 (1 page)

EX. 6

36. 10/16/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 14 (1 page)

EX. 6

.37. 10/19/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 15 (1 page)

EX. 6 ,


38. 10/18/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 16 (1 page). l EX. 6
39. 10/18/95 Personnel Contaraination Monitoring, # 17 (1 page)

EX. 6 1


40. 10/18/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, . # 18 (1 page)

EX. 6


- 41. 10/18/95 -Personnel Contamination' Monitoring, # 19 (1 page) l EX. 6


42. 10/20/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 20 (1 page)

EX. 6

- 43. 10/21795 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 21 (1 page)

EX. 6

44. 10/21/95 Personnel Contamination-Monitoring, # 22 (1 page)'

EX. 6

45. 10/24/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 23 (1 page)

EX. 6

46. 10/28/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 24 (1 page)

EX. 6

47. 10/29/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 25 (1 page')

EX. 6 48, 10/29/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 26 (1 page)  :

EX. 6

49. 10/29/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 27 (1 page)

EX. 6 9

4 L. ,

1 4

50. 10/29/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 28 (1 page)

EX. 6

51. 10/30/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 29 (1 page)

EX. 6

52. 10/30/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 30 (1 page)

EX. 6

53. 10/30/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 31 (1 page)

EX. 6

54. 10/30/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 32 (1 page)

EX. 6

55. 10/30/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 33 (1 page)

EX. 6

56. 11/1/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 34 (1 page)

EX. 6

57. 11/2/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 35 (1 page)

EX. 6

58. 11/2/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 36 (1 page)

EX. 6

59. 11/3/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 37 (1 page)

EX. 6

60. 11/6/35 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 38 (1 page)

EX. 6

61. 11/8/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 39 (1 page)

EX. 6

62. 11/8/95 Pe;uonnel Contamination Monitoring, # 40 (1 page)

EX. 6

63. 11/11/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 41 (1 page)

EX. 6

64. 11/13/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 42 (1 page)

EX. 6

65. 11/14/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 43 (1 page)

EX. 6

66. 11/15/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 44 (1 page)

EX. 6

.. _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ . . . _ _ . . - _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ . . _ . . . . - _ . . __--.__.-._-_-m l 5


67. .11/19/95 Personnel. Contamination Monitoring, # 45 (1 page)

EX. 6 l 68. 11/20/95 Personnel Contamination = Monitoring,' # 46 (l'page) .

EX. 6 l

) 69, 11/24/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 47. (1 page)

EX. 6 l


70. 11/25/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 48 (1 page)

{ EX. 6 a

j 71. 11/28/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 49 (1 page)

EX. 6-

72. 11/28/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 50 (1 page)

EX. 6 j

73. 11/29/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 51 (1 page) 1 EX. e' '
74. 12/2/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 52 (1 page)

EX. 6 l

.75. 12/3/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 53 (1 page) ,

EX. 6 l

76. 12/6/95 ' Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 54 (1 page)

EX. 6 1 l

77. 12/13795 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 55 (1 page) )

EX. 6 '


78. 12/14/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 56 (1 page) l EX. 6


79. 12/17/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 57 (1 page)

EX. 6

80. 12/17/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 58 (1 page)

EX. 6

81. 12/20/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 59 (1 page)

EX. 6

82. 12/20/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 60 (1 page)

EX. 6

83. 12/21/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 61 (1 page)

EX. 6 1

I l

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84. 12/21/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 62 (1 page) l EX. 6 l
85. 5/20/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 64 (2 pages)

EX. 6

86. 5/20/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 65 (2 pages) i EX. 6 '


87. 5/21/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 66 (2 pages) 1 EX. 6
88. 5/21/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 67 (2 pages)

EX. 6 j 1

89. 5/21/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 68 (1 page)

EX. 6

90. 5/23/96 Personnel Contaminatic' Monitoring, # 69 (2 pages)

EX. 6

91. 5/22/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 70 (1 page)

EX. 6

92. 5/22/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 71 (2 pages)

EX. 6

93. 5/22/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 72 (6 pages)

EX. 6 )

94. 5/23/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 73 (2 pages)

EX. 6

95. 5/23/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 74 (2 pages)

EX. 6

96. 5/23/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 75 (2 pages)

EX. 6

97. 5/23/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 76 (2 pages)

EX. 6 1 i

98. 5/23/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 77 (3 pages) l EX. 6 l
99. 5/23/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 78 (2 pages)

EX. 6 100. 5/23/96 Personnel Contamination Morf:,oring, # 79 (3 pages)

EX. 6 l

- - - . . __ ~ . . - -. - . - - ..-. .- - . .- . _ . . -. . _ . . - . . . - - . - . . -

l 4

! 7

}' 101. 5/24/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 80 (2 pages)

," EX. 6
102.'5/13/96 Perso.Inel Contamination Monitoring, # 81 (1 page) j; EX. 6 4

? '

103. 5/24/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 82 (2 pages)  ;

EX. 6 104. 5/26/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 83 (2 pages)

EX. 6 ,

105. 5/26/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 84 (2 pages)

EX.-6 106. 5/28/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 90 (12 pages)

EX. 6 107. 5/29/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 91 (2 pages)

EX. 6 108. 5/29/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 92 (2 pages) ,

EX. 6 ,

109. 5/29/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #'93 (2 pages)

EX. 6 ,

110. 5/30/96- Personnel-Contamination Monitoring, # 94 (2 pages)

EX. 6 '

111. 5/30/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 95 (3 pages)

EX. 6 112. 5/30/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 96 (2 pages)

EX. 6 113. 5/31/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 97 (2 pages) l EX. 6 114. 6/3/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 98 (2 pages)

  • EX. 6 ,

L 115. G/6/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 99 (2 pages)

EX. 6 j 116. 6/10/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 100 (2 pages)

EX. 6 117. 6/11/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, # 101 (1 page)

EX. 6 l

118. 2/27/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #1 (3 pages) i I

l l


8 119. 4/24/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #2 (3 pages)

EX. 6 120, 5/1/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #3 (2 pages)

EX.-6 121 5/18/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring, #4 (1 page)

EX. 6 122. 5/14/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring (1 page) EX. 6 123. 5/19/96 Personnel Contamination Monitoring (1 page) EX. 6 124. 5/26/96 Personnel Contamina'.. ion Monitoring (1 page) EX. 6 125. 12/26/95 Personnel Contamination Monitoring (1 page) EX. 6 126. 10/12/95 Memo to Training Files from H.F. Buchanan,


49 CFR 172 Subpart H Training Record for Hazmat Employees R.B. Somers (27 pages) EX. 6 127. Undated Instructions for Using the Emergency Response Directory (23 pages) EX. 6 128. 12/26/95 Mail message from C Wood to R Walker et al.,


E-Plan Participants (5 pages) EX. 6 129. 10/15/96 To Distribution from J Rone,


PTN Review of PSL Emergency Preparedness Program Allegations (34 pages) EX. 6 130. 11/7/96 Instrument & Control (14 pages) EX. 6 1

131. Undated Personnel Contamination Event Documentation 1996 l Unit 1 (96 page) EX. 6 l l

I i

1 l

SEValCE & PLIMPTON 875 THIRD AVENUE ,s gessraen g 2:

Agp v i enero Count.s Te m.i.

NEW YORK, NY 10022 Tampwone e m.auoo Tnspwows cas.ti ao 73 12 Tnspwose mit > sas om )

(p;a m Tatscomen aca ass a1to TntCOPIER (331) 47 20 50 82 TELECOMER (44171) 329 0060 1 IF ENTeRTAaNMENT BOUW3 80 QUEtwa nOAD CENTRAL 1066 SUDUEST f I

TELECoPIER: (212) 909-6836 TnipwoNE sono 7eis NfiUfon.5 I Tnzmn casa 2elo este TarcomEn (361) 132 7s95 November 14, 1996 Russell Powell FO!UPA M Chief of the FOIA/LPDR (,ase No: 94-886 Nuclear Regulatory Conmission Date Rec'd //-If- 94 Mail Stop T6D8 g g.

  • geg ~

l Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Related Case- .

Dear Mr. Powell:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information  ;

Act, 5 U.S.C. 5 552. I request that a copy of all records i and other documents that fit the following description be l i sent to me:


1) All records or other documents from January 1, IL993 to the present that are not currently in the i public documents room and that relate to Florida ,

Power and Light's St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant (Unit 1 and/or Unit 2).

2) The number of inspection hours (by quarter) devoted by the'NRC to'all licensed nuclear plants in region 2 I since January 1, 1993.

In order to help determine,my status for the purpose of assessing any fees, you should be advised that I j represent a company, and I am seeking information for use  !

related to the company's business. l l

Please advise me of any fees associated with processing this request.


- - l Neil S. Binder j l





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