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Forwards Draft Public Announcement on Proposed Rule for Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in NRC-approved Storage Casks at Reactor Sites.Comments Should Be Coordinated Before Forwarding Paper to Commission
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/22/1988
From: Gagner S
To: Pearson B
Shared Package
ML20245D207 List:
FRN-54FR19379, RULE-PR-170, RULE-PR-50, RULE-PR-72 AC76-1-11, NUDOCS 8906020174
Download: ML20247L464 (4)



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g WASHINGTON, D. C. 20666


March 22, 1988



Bill Pearson, RES FROM:

Sue F. Gagner, GPA.,


DRAFT PUBLIC ANN 0UNCEMENT Enclosed for your comments and approval is a draft public announcement on the proposed rule.for storage of spent nuclear fuel in NRC-approved storage casks at reactor. sites. Please coordinate any suggested comments with this office before forwarding your paper to the Commission.


As stated l

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' DRAFT NRC CONSIDERS AMENDMENTS TO REGULATIONS ON SPENT FUEL STORAGE The Nuc?aar Regulatory Commission is'considering amending its regulations q

to authorize nuclear power plant licensees to store spent fuel on reactor

~ pre-approved dry storage casks, without submitting a specific application for NRC approval.

The proposed rule also sets out criteria and procedures for obtaining i

NRC certification of the casks to be used for the spent fuel storage.

Only spent fuel generated in a power reactor at the site could be stored under this rule. The authority to store the spent fuel would terminate when the NRC terminates the license for the final nuclear power reactor operating at a multi -unit site.

l The nuclear reactor licensee would have to ensure, through written evaluations, that there are no unreviewed safety questions.or changes needed in association with the use of the casks for storage of spent fuel at the particular reactor site. A record of these evaluations would have to be retained by the licensee for three years after the initial use of each type of



The licensee would also have to develop technical specifications and operating procedures for use of the dry storage casks on-site, including preoperational testing.

Records of preoperational test results would have to be retained for three years.



' DRAFT Within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of discovery of a defect in a cask during first use or a significant reduction in safety effectiveness during use, the licensee would havo to make an initial report to the NRC. A complete written report,


including a description of the means used to repair any defects or damage and I

to prevent recurrence, would have to be submitted to the NRC within 30 days.

To obtain NRC approval of a dry storage cask, an applicant would have to submit a topical safety analysis report describing the proposed cask and how it should be used to store spent fuel safely. The applicant would have to make provisions for the NRC to inspect the premises and facilities I

where a spent fuel storage cask is fabricated and tested.

In addition, the i

I applicant would have to perform, and make provisions to allow the NRC to l

perform, tests that the NRC decides are necessary.

Design, fabrication and modification of a spent fuel storage cask would have to comply with technical criteria in the Comission's regulations and be conducted under a quality assurance program that meets the NRC's requirements. Cask decertification would be required 20 years after issuance of a certificate of compliance.

l The cask would have to be designed and constructed so that the spent fuel i.

is maintained in a subcritical condition under all credible conditions.

It would have to be designed to store the spent fuel safely for a minimum of 20 years and permit maintenance as required.



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' DRAFT y<.,


' Other details of. the proposed amendments, which are principally to.Part

72 of. the Commission's regulations,. are contained in a Federal Register notice.

l published on Interested persons are invited to' submit written-comments by to the. Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington,-DC 20555, Attention:

Docketing and. Service Branch.


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