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License NPF-68,authorizing Operation Up to 100% of Power (3,411 Mwt)
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1987
From: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20247K981 List:
NUDOCS 8908010132
Download: ML20247L054 (28)


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1. The Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Comission or the NRC) has found that:

A. The aoD11 cation for license filed by the Georgia Power Comoany acting for itself, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia, (the licensees) complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Comission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; and all required notifications to other agencies or

. bodies have been duly made; B.. Construction of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 1 (the facility) has been substantially comoleted in conformity with Construc-tion Permit No. CPPR-108 and the aoolication, as amended, the Drovisions of the Act and the regulations of the Comission; C. The facility will operate in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Comission (exceci as exempted from compliance in Section 2.D. below);

D. There is reasonable assurance: (1) that the activities authorized by this operating license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (11) that :such activities will be con-ducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I (except as exempted from compliance in Section 2.0.


E. Georgia Power Comoany* is technically qualified to engage in the activ-ities authorized by this license in accordance with the Comission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; 1


  • Georgia Power company is authorized to act as agent for the Oglethorpe l Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia, and has exclusive responsibility and control over the physical construction, operation, and maintenance of the facility.

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The licensees have Latisfied the applicable provisions of 10 CFR Part 1 140, " Financial Protection Requirements and Indemnity Agreements," of the Comission's regulations; I G.

The issuance of this license will not be inimical to the comon de-fense and security or to the health and safety of the public; H.

Af ter weighing the environmental, economic, technical, and other bene-fits of the facility against environmental and other costs and considering available alternatives the issuance of this Facility Operating License No. NPF-68, subject to the conditions for protection of the environment set forth in the Environmental Protection Plan attached as Appendix B is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Comission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied; I. The receipt, possession, and use of source, byoroduct and soecial nuclear material as authorized by this license will be in accordance with the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70.


Based on the foregoing findings and the Partial Initial Decision and the Concluding Partial Initial Decision issued by the Atomic . Safety and Licensing Board on August 27 and December 23, 1986, respectively, regarding this facility and satisfaction of conditions therein imposed, and pursuant to approval March by the Nuclear Regulatory Comission at a meeting held on 12,1987, Facility Operating License No. NPF-61, issued on January 16, 1987, is superseded by Facilit

, to the Georgia Power Comoany (y Doerating GPC), License Oglethorpe No. NPF-68,Municipal Power Corporation, hereby issued Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia (the licensees) to read as follows:


This license applies to the Vogtle Electric Generatina Plant, Unit 1, a pressurized water reactor and associated equipment {the facility) owned by GPC, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia. The facility is located on the licensees' site in Burke County, Georgia, on the west bank of the Savannah River approximately 25 miles south of Augusta, Georgia, and is described in Georgia Power Company's Final Safety Analysis Report, as supplemented and amended, and in its Environ-mental Report, as supplemented and amended; B.

Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Comission hereby licenses:

L (1) GPC. pursuant to Section 103 of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, to possess, use, and operate the facility at the designated location in Burke County, Georgia, in accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in this license; (2) Oolethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia, pursuant to the Act and i 10 CFR Part 50, to possess the facility at the designated location I in Burke County, Georgia, in accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in this license;


4 3-(3) GPC, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time special nuclear material as reactor fuel, in accordance with the limitations for storage and amounts required for reactor operation, as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, as supplemented and amended; (4) GPC, pursuant to.the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70 to re-ceive, possess, and use at any time any byproduct, source and soecial nuclear material as sealed neutron sources for reactor startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring equipment calibration, and as fission detectors in amounts as required; (5) GPC, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to re-ceive, possess, and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical fonn,. for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated'with radioactive apparatus or components; (e) GPC, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70,- to pos-sess, but not separate, such bycroduct and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of the facility authorized herein.

C. This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the Connission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Coninission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:

(1) Maximum Power Level GPC is authorized to operate the facility at reactor core power levels not in excess of 3411 megawatts thermal (100 percent power) in accordance with the conditions specified herein.

(2) Technical Specifications and Environmental Protection Plan The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A and the Environmental Protection Plan contained in Appendix B 'both of which are attached hereto, are hereby incorporated into this license. GPC shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications and the Environmental Protection Plan.

(3) Initial Startup Test Program (Section 14 SER)*

Any changes to the Initial Test Program described in Section 14 of the FSAR made in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59 shall be reported in accordance with 50.59(b) within one month of such change.

The parenthetical notation following the title of many license conditions denotes the section of the Safety Evaluation Report and/or its supplements wherein the license condition is discussed.

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x (4)- Emercency Plannina (Section 13.3, SER and SSERs 2, 3, 4 and Si In the event that the NRC finds that the lack of progress in completion of the procedures in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's final rule, 44 CFR Part 350, is an indication that a major substantive problem exists in achieving or maintaining an adequate state of emergency preparedness, the provisions of 10 CFR Section 50.54(s)(2) will aoply.

,(5) Steam Generator Tube Ruoture (Section 15.6.3, SER and SSER 31 By March 1,1988, GPC shall. submit for NRC review a revised plant-specific steam generator tube rupture analysis based on the Westinghouse Aner's Group generic resolution, which includes radiological consequence analyses, analysis of steamline static-load in the event of overfill, and justification that systems and

. components credited in the analysis to mitigate accident con-sequences are safety related.

(6) Transamerica Delaval, Inc. (TDI) Diesel- Generators (Section 9.5.4, 5tR and 55ERs 4 and 5)

'GPC shall implement the TDI diesel generator requirements as specified in Attachment 1. Attachment 1 is hereby incorporated into this license.

(7) NUREG-0737 Items

a. Compliance with NUREG-0737. Item II.F.2 (Section 4.4.8, SER and SSERs 1 and 4)

In accordance with NUREG-0737 Item II.F.2, GPC shall submit the proposed reactor vessel level instrumentation system (RVLIS) report by Jure 1, 1987.


b. Supplemental Report on Safety Parameter Display System (Section 18.2, SSER 6)

GPC shall submit by March 1,1988, a supplemental report on the safety parameter display system as discussed in Section 18.2 of SSER 6.

c. Supplemental Sumary Report on Detailed Control Room Design Review (Section 18, SSER S)

GPC shall submit by March 1,1988, a Supplemental Sumary Report

'on the detailed control room design review discussing:

I, the final results of the remaining control room surveys (ambientnoise; illumination; heating, ventilation,and air conditioning; plant safety monitoring system computer survey; automatic turbine supervisor computer survey; and communications)y and instrumentation the resolution of any human engineering discrepancies (HEDs) resulting from these surveys

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2. a complete assessment of cumulative an'd interactive'  !

effects of the HEDs

3. the. completed review of annunciator nuisance alarms and modifications to minimize nuisance alarms and the number of annunciator windows lit during normal operations l J 4 documentation showing tradeoff analyses and 'other 1 information used in resolving HEDs- ,"j
5. the methodology by which control room changesiwere to be factorei into the operators' training program
6. procedures that incorporate human factors review inte the design process for future control room modifications. .

(8) _ Zine Coating of Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tanks (Section', 55f.R 4) ]

Prior to restart following the first refueling,- GPC shall-(1) replace'the zinc coating in the diesel generator fuel oil, storage: tanks with a coating which does not contain zine or (2) by March 1,1988 provide an acceptable justification to the ,

staff that the present fuel oil storage tank zinc-based coating will not affect the operability and reliability of the diesel generators.over. the life of the plant as specified in'1E Circular 77-15. ,

If option (1) is chosen, GPC shall provide the NRCMith a modifi-cation ~ status report 30 days before the expiration of the license condition.

(9). Alternate Radwaste Facility (Section 11.4, SSERs 3 and 4)

Prior to restart following the first refueling, the ventilation exhaust of the' alternate radwaste facility shall be modified to exhaust through HEPA filters already installed in the euxiliary building HVAC system.

GPC shall provide the NRC with a modification status report'30 days before the expiration of the license condition.

D. The facility requires exemptions from certain requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 and 10 CFR Part 70. These include (a) an exemotion from the requirements of 10 CFR 70.24 for two criticality monitors around the fuel storage area, (b) an exemotion from the requirements of ParagraDh III.D.2(b)(ii) of Appendix J of 10 CFR 50, the testing of containment air locks at times when containment integrity is not required, and i

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(c) a schedular exemotion from'10 CFR 50.34(b)(2)(1).as it pertains 11 to GDC 2, 61, and 62 of- Appendix A to 10 CFR 50 for the spent fuel-L, - pool . racks for the time period before the racks' contain irradiated k -

fuel. The special circumstances. regarding exemptions b and c are l ' identified in Sections' 6.2.6 and 9.1.2 of SSER 5, respectively. .

' An exemotion was previously granted. Dursuant, to 10 CFR 70.24 The exemption was granted with-NRC materials license No. SNM-1967, issued

' August. 21,1986,' and, relieved GPC from the requirement of. having a L

criticality alann system. GPC is hereby exempted from the' criticality.

L alarm system provision of 10 CFR 70.24 so far-as this section applies

'to the- storage of fuel assemblies held under this license.

l; These exemptions are authorized by law,~will not present an undue risk to the public health and safety. and are consistent with the common defense and s~ecurity. .The exemptions in items b and c above are gran.ted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12. With these exemptions, the facility will

' operate, to the extent authorized herein, in conformity with the application. as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the:Comission.

E. 'GPC shall: fully implement and maintain in effect all provisions of- the.

physical security, guard training and qualification, and ' safeguards contingency plans previously approved by the Commission and all amend-ments and revisions to such ',,lans made pursyant to the authority of

-10 CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.54(p). The plans) which contain Safeguards Information protected under 10 CFR 73.21, are entitled: "Vogtle Electric

. Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 Physical Security and Contingency Plan,"

with revisions submitted through December 5,1986; and "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 Nuclear and Qualification Plan " with revisions submitted through June 2, 1986.

.F. GPC shall comply with the antitrust conditions delineated in Appendix'C to this license.

G. GPC shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in the Final Safety

- Analysis Report for the facility, and submittals dated July 2, August 4 and 13, October 10 and 24 November 5, and December 19, 1986, and January 2,1987, as aooroved in the SER-(NUREG-1137) through Supplement 5 subject to the following orovision:

GPC may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the Comission, only if those changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe-shutdown in the event of a fire, i


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' H. Reporting'to the Commission Except. as otherwise provided in the Technical Specifications or. Environ-

' mental Protection Plan, GPC shall report any violations 'of the require-ments' contained in Section 2.C. of this license in the following manner:

initial notification shall be made within twenty-four. (24) hours to the NRC Deerations Center via the' Emergency Notification System with writter. .

follow-up within 30 days in accordance with the procedures described in 10 CFR 50.73(b).. (c), and (e).

.. o 1.- The licensees shall have and maintain financial protection of such type -q and in such amounts as. the Comission shall require in accordance with Section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, to cover public liability claims.


This license midnight is effective on January as of the date of issuance and shall exof 16, 2027. ' '


/ 0m Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Attachment 1-- TDI Requirements
2. Apoendix A - Technical Specifications

- 3. Apoendix B - Environmental Protection Plan 4 Appendix C - Antitrust Conditions

. Date of Issuance: March 16, 1987 e

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~;  ; V - ~P March 16. 1987 f" ATTACHMENT 1 TO LICENSE NPF-61 I


L 1.

Changes to the maintenance and surveillance programs for the TDI diesel engines, as identified in Section of Sucolement 4 to the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Safety Evaluation Report, shall be subject to the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59.

, \

l The ' frequency of the major engine overhauls referred to in the license  !

conditions below shall be consistent with Section IV.I. " Overhaul )

Frequency" in Revision 2 of Appendix II of the Design Review /0uality Revalidation report which was transmitted by letter dated May 1,1986, l- from J. George. Owners Group, to H. Denton, NRC. -

o 2.

Connecting rod assemblies shall be subjected to the following inspections at each major engine overhaul:

l a.

The surfaces of the rack teeth shall be inspected for signs of fretting. If fretting has occurred, it shall be subject to an  ;

engineering evaluation for appropriate corrective action. ]

b. All connecting-rod bolts shall be lubricated in accordance with the engine manufacturer's instructions and torqued to the specifi-cations of the manufacturer. The lengths of the two pairs of bolts above the crankoin shall be measured ultrasonically pre- and post-tensioning.
c. The lengths of the two pairs of bolts above the crankpin shall be o

measured bolts. ultrasonically prior to detensioning and disassembly of the If bolt tension is less than 93% of the value at installation, the cause shall be determined, appropriate corrective action shall be taken, and the interval between checks of bolt tension shall be '


d. All connecting-rod bolts shall be visually inspected for thread damage (e.g. galling), and the two pairs of connecting rod bolts above the crank pin shall be inspected by magnetic particle testing (MT) to verify the continued absence of cracking. All washers used with the bolts shall be examined visually for signs of galling or cracking, and replaced if damaged.
e. Visual inspection shall be performed of all external surfaces of the link rod box to verify the absence of any signs of service ,

induced distress. i f.

All of the bolt holes in the link rod box shall be inspected for thread damage (e.g., galling) or other signs of abnonnalities. '

In addition, the bolt holes subject to the highest stresses (i.e.,

the pair immediately above the crankoin) shall be examined with an '

appropriate nondestructive method to verify the continued absence of  !

cracking. Any indications shall be recorded for engineering evaluation and appropriate corrective action.


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2-1 3.

The cylinder blocks shall be subjected to the following inspections at the interval specified in the inspections:

a. Cylinder blocks shall be inspected for " ligament" cracks, " stud-to-stud" cracks and " stud-to-end" cracks as defined in a report
  • by Failure Analysis Associates, Inc. (FaAA) entitled, " Design Review of TDI R-4 and RV-4 Series Emergency Diesel Generator Cylinder Blocks"  ;

(FaAA report no. FaAA-84-9-11.1), dated December 1984 (Note that the FaAA report specifies additional inspe::tions to be performed for blocks with "known" or " assumed" ligament cracks). The inspection intervals (i.e., frequency) shall not exceed the intervals calculated using the cumulative damage index model in the subject FaAA report.

In addition, the inspection method shall be consistent with or equiv-alent to those identified in the subject FaAA report,

b. In addition to inspections specified in the aforementioned FaAA report, blocks with "known" or " assumed" ligament cracks (as defined  !

in the FaAA report)~ shall be inspected at each refueling outage to determine whether or not cracks have initiated on the top surface exposed by the removal of two or more cylinder heads. This orocess shall be repeated over several refueling outages until the entire block too has been inspected. Liquid-penetrant testing or a similarly sensitive nondestructive testing technique shall be used to detect cracking, and eddy current shall be used as appropriate to detemine the depth of any cracks discovered, a

c. If inspection reveals cracks in the cylinder blocks between stud holes of adjacent cylinders (" stud-to-stud" cracks) or " stud-to-end" cracks, this condition shall be reported promptly to the NRC staff and the affected engine shall be considered inoperable. The engine shall not be restored to " operable" status until the proposed disposition and/or corrective actions have been approved by the NRC staff.

4 The following air roll test shall be perfomed as specified below, except I when the plant is already in an Action Statement of Technical Specification 3/4.8.1, " Electric Power Systems, A.C. Sources":

The engines shall be rolled over with the airstart system and with the  !

cylinder stopcocks open prior to each planned start, unless that start j occurs within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of a shutdown. The engines shall also be rolled over with the airstart system and with the cylinder stopcocks open after )

i 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, but not more than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> after engine shutdown and then rolled over once again approximately 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after each shutdown. (In the event an engine is removed from service for any reason other than the rolling over procedure prior to expiration of the 8-hour or 24-hour periods noted above, that engine need not be rolled over while it is out of i service. The licensee shall air roll the engine over with the stopcocks open at the time it is returned to service). The origin of any water )

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  • This report was transmitted to H. Denton, NRC, from C. L. Ray, Jr., TDI Owners Group, by letter dated December 11, 1984 L_ -- - - - - - - - )



leaks.due detected in tothe a crack cylinder shallmust be determined and any cylinder head which be replaced.

discontinued following conditions: following the first refueling outage subject to the-The above a.

All 1980).cylinder heads are Group III heads (i.e., cast after September -


Ouality. revalidation inspections, as. identified in the Design

. Review cylinder /Ouality heads, Revalidation report, have been comoleted for all c.

Group III heads continue to demonstrate leak-free perfomance.-

This- should be confirmed with TDI' orior to deleting air roll tests.


Periodic inspections of the turbocharger shall include the followino: .


The turbocharger thrust bearings shall be. visually inspected for excessive wear after.40 non-prelubed starts since the previous-visual inspection, b.

Turbocharger rotor axial clearance shall be measured at each ~

refueling outage to verify como11ance with TDI/Elliott specifications.

In addition, thrust bearing measurements shall be compared with measurements taken previously to determine a need for further inspection'or corrective action.


Spectrographic engine oil and ferrographic engine oil (wear) analysis shall be performed quarterly to provido early evidence of bearing degradation.

Particular attention shall be paid to copper level and particulate size which could signify thrust-bearing degradation.

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March 16, 1987 '

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1.0 Objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan The Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) is to provide for protection of nonradiological environmental values during operation of the nuclear facility. The principal objectives of the EPP are as follows:

(3) Verify ~ that the facility is operated in an environmer. tally acceptable ranner, as established by the Final Environmental Statement - Operating Licensing Stage (FES-OL)'and other NRC environmental impact assessments.

(2) Coordinate NRC requirements and maintain consistency with other Federal, State and local requirements for environmental protection.

(3) Keep NRC informed of the. environmental effects of facility construction and operation and of actions taken to control those effects.

Environmental concerns identified in the FES-OL which relate to water quality s

matters are reoulated by way of the licensee's NJPDES permit.

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L . . ex-w ~ 4 2.0 Environmental Protection issues In the FIS (NUREG-1087), dated March,1985, the staff considered the environmental impacts associated with the operatter. of the two unit Yogtle Electric f,enerating Plant (VEGP). Certair, environmental issues were identified which required study, or license conditions to resolve concerns and assure adequate protection of the environment.

2.) Aquatic Issues No specific aquatic issues were identified in the FES-OL.

2.7 Terrestrial Issues No specific terrestrial issues were identified in the FES-OL.

2.3 Issues Related to Maintenance of Transmission Line Corriders E

Routin* maintenance requirements for the extent of use of herbicides, trinrire of the trtes, and for preservation of National Natural Landmarks and Historic Places are discussed in Section 4.2.3.

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,,f 4 .e,y 2.4: Noise Issues v

L Noise levels at residences along the transmission lines could be slightly h

L above ambient levels. Ponitoring requirements for reise associated with transmission facilities are specified in Section'4.2.4.




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3.0 Consistency Requirements' y l

3.2 Plant Design and Operation The licensee hay make changes in plant design or operation or perfom test's or experiments affecting the environment provided such activities de not involve an unreviewed environmental question and de not involve a change in the EPP*. Change's in plant design or operation or perfnmance of tests or experimen> A which do nnt affect the environment are not sub,4ect to the requirements of this EPP. Activities governed b.y Section 3.3 ar.e not subject to the requirements of this Section.

Before engaging in additfor.el coristruction or operational activities wMch mav significantly affect the environment, the licensee shall preoarc and record an environmental evaluation of such activity. Activities are


excluded from this requirement if all measurable nonradiological environ-i

-- mental effects are canfined to the on-site areas previously disturbed during site preparation and plant con truction. When the evaluation F

indicates that such activity involves an unreviewed environmental cuestion, I the licensee shall provide a written tvaluation of such activity and obtain prior NRC approval. When suen activity involves a change in the EPP, such activity and change to the EPP may be implemented only in accordance with en appropriate license amendment as set forth ir Section S.3 of this EPP.

  • This provision does not relieve the licensee of the requirements of 10 CFR 50.5g.


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A proposed change, test or experiment shall be deemed to involve an l unreviewed environmental question if it concerns: (1) a metter which may I' result in a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact

.previously evaluated in the FES-OL, environmental impact appraise 15, or in any decisions of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; or (2) a significant change in effluents or power level; or (3) a matter, not previously reviewed and evaluated in the documents specified in (1) of this Subsection, which may have a significant adverse environmental impact.

The licensee shall maintain records of changes in plant design or .

operation and of tests and experiments carried out pursuant *.o this Sub-section. These records shall include written evaluations which provide bases for the determination that the change, test, or experiment does not ineolve an unreviewed environ mental question or constitute a decrease in the effectiveness of this EPP to meet the objectives specified in Section 1.0.

The licensee shall include as part of the Annual Environmental Operating Report (per Subsection 5.4.1) brief descriptions, analyses, interpretaticos, and evaluations of such changes, tests and experiments.

E 3.2 Reporting Related to the NPDES Pemit and State Certification Changes to, or renewals of, the NPDES Pemit or the State certification shall be reported to the NRC within 30 days following the date the change or renewal is approved. If a permit or certification, in part or in its entirety, is appealed and stayed, the NRC shall be notified within 30 days following the date the stay is granted.


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~The licenste'shall notify the NFC of changes to the ef fective hPDES Ferrit L

proposed by the licensee by providing NRC with a copy of the proposed change at'the same tire it is submitted to the permitting agency. The licensee shall provide the NRC a copy of the application for renewal of the NPDES at the same time the application is submitted to the permitting agency.

3.3 Change; Required for Compliance with Other Environmental Regulations Changes in plant design or operation and performance of tests or experiments which are required to achieve compliance with other Federal. State, and local environmental regulations are not subject to the requirements of Sectien 3.1.

m 3-3 1


4.0 Environmental Conditions 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events Any occurrence of an unusual or important event thet indicates or could result in'significant environmental impact causally related to plant operation shall be recorded and repnrted to the NRC within 74 hours8.564815e-4 days <br />0.0206 hours <br />1.223545e-4 weeks <br />2.8157e-5 months <br /> followed by a written report per Subsection 5.4.2. The following are examples: excessive bird impaction eve 7ts; onsite plant or animal disease outbreaks; mortality or unusual occurrence of any species protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973; fish kills or impingement events en the intake screens; increase in nuisance organisms or conditions; unanticipated or emergency discharge of waste water or chemical substances; and damage to vegetation resulting from cooling tower operations.

No routine monitoring programs are reouired to implerent this condition.

- 4.? Environmental Monitoring E

J.2.] Aquatic Monitoring The certifications and permits required under the Clean Water Act provide Fechanisms for protecting water quPlity and, indirectly, aquatic biota.

The NRC will rePa on the decisions made by the State of Georgis under the authority of the Clean Water Act for any requirements for aquatic wenitoring.


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4.2.2 Terrestrial Monitoring Terrestrial monitoring is not required.

4.2.3 Maintenance of Transmission Line Corridors l/

ine use of herbicides within the Vogtle Electric Generating Plai.s transmission line corridors'(VEGP-Thelmann, VEGP Scherer, Georgia side of VEGP-South Carolina flectric and Gas, and VEGP-Goshen) shall conform to the approved use of selected herbicides as registered by the Environmental .

Protection Agency and approved by the State of Georgia autv?tities and applied as directed on it.e herbicide label.

Receeds shall b'e maintaired in accordance with EPA or State of Georgia requirements by the Itcensee's Transmission Operating and Maintenance Department concerning herbicide use. Such records shall be made readily available to the NRC upon request. There shall be no routine reporting


requirement associated with this condition.

E Ebenezer Creek Any routine maintenance involving trimming of the trees within the National Natural Landmark area necessary to r.aintain conductor clearance shall be donebyhand(Section5.2.2,FES-OL). l l


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' Francis Plantation

-Reutine maintenance invniving triming of the trees within the Nationni ,

Register of Historic Places property necessary to maintain conducto:- I clearance shall be done by hand (Memorandum of Agreeeent between Advisory

  • , Ceuncil en Historic Preservation (ACHP), U.5, Nuclear Pegulatory Comissien l

- (NRC), State flistoric Preservation Officer (SHPD) for Georgia Power Cor.pany). Cultural Preperties Along Transmission Line Corridors

! Routine maintenance activities in these areas will be in accordance with' '


the Fina1 ' Cultural Resource Management Plan. ,

4.2.4 Noise Monitoring

- -Complaints received by Georgia Power Company regarding noise along the hich voltage transmission lines (VEGP.Goshen, VEGP.Scherer VEGP-Thalman, and '

Georgia side of VEGP-SCEG) and a report of the actions taken in response to

  • E .

anycomplaintsshallbesubmittedtotheNRCintheannualreport(FES.0L Section 5.12.2).

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5.C Administrative Procedures 5.1 Review and Audit-The licensee shall provide for review and r.udit of compliance with the EPP.

The audits shall be conducted independently of the individual or groups responsible for perfoming the specific activity. A description of the organization structure utilized to achieve the independent review and audit i

function and results of the audit activities shall be maintained and r.ede l available for inspection. ,

5.2 Records Retention Records and logs relative to the environmental aspects of statier, op? ration shall be made and retained in a manner convertent for review and inspectitn.

These records and logs shall be made avsilable to NRC on request.

- Records of modifications to station structures, systems and components detemined to potentially affect the continued protection of the environ-ment shall be retained for the life of the ststion. All other records, data and logs relating to this EPP shall be retained for five years cr. where applicable, in accordance with the requirements of other agencies.



..e 5.3 Changes in Environmental Pro' etion Plan f

Requests for changes in the EPP shall include an assessment of the '

environmental impact nf the proposed change and a supporting . justification.

Implementation of such changes in the EPP shall not comence prior to Art approval of the proposed changes in the fem of a license amendment incorporating the appropriate revision to the EPP.

5.4 Plant Reporting Requirements .

5.4.1 Routine Reports '

. An Annual Environmental Operating Report describing implementation of this EPP for the previous year shall be submitted to the NRC prior to May 1 of each year. The period of the first report shall begin with the date of issuance of the Operating License for Unit 1, and the initial report shall be submitted prior to May 1 of the year following issuance of the Operating License for Unit 1.

The report shall include sumaries and ansivses of the results of the environmental protection activities required by Subsection 4.2 (if any) of this EPP for the repo"t period, including a comparison with related preopera-tional studies, operational controls (as appropriate), and previous nonradiological environmental monitoring reports, and an assessment of the observed impacts of the plai.t operation on the environment. If harmful 6-2

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k effects or evidence of trends toward irreversible damage to the environeer. ' I are observed, the licensee shall provide a detailed analysis of the data and a proposed ~ course of mitigating action.

The Annual Environmental Operating Report shall also include:

(1) A list of EPP noncompliance and the entrective actions taken to remedy thert.

4-(2) A list (7 all changes in station design or operation, tests, and experiments made in accordance with Subsection 3.1 which invoirei a potentially significant unreviewed environmental question.

(3) A list of nonroutine reperts submitted in accordance with Subsectier 5.4.2.

In the event that some results are not available by the report due date, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the missing results. The 1 missing results shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary

. report.

5.4.? Nonroutine Reports l

A written report shall be submitted to the NRC within 30 days of occurrence of a nonroutine event. The report shall: (a) describe, analyze and evalunte 1


q the event, including extent and magnitude of the impact, and plant operating characteristics; (b) describe the probable cause nf the event; (c) ind!cete the action taken to correct the reported event; (d) indicate the corrective action taken to preclude repetition of the event and to prevent similar occurrences involving similar components or systems; and (e) indicate the agencies notified and their preliminary responses.

Events reportable under this subsection which also require reports to other os Federal State or local agencies shall be reported in accordance with those .

reportin[ requirements in lieu of the requirements of this subsection. The NRC shall be provided with a copy of such report at the same time it is submitted to the other agency.


5-4 l

Mareh 16. 19873

. ?p e Aopendix C 1

. Antitrust Conditions



The following antitrust conditions are. hereby incorporated in Facility Operating License NPF-68:

(1) 'As used herein:

(a) " Entity" means any financially responsible person, private or public-  :

corporation. municipality, county, cooperative, association, joint  :

stock association or business trust, or facil%ies within the State- o of Georgia (other than Chatham, Effingham, Fannin, Towns' and Union Counties) for the generation, transmission or distribution of elec-

.tricity, provided that, except for municipalities, counties, or rural electric cooperatives, " entity" is restricted to those which are or will be public utilities under the laws of the State of Georgia or under the laws of the United States, and are or will be --

providing~ retail electric' service under a contract of the Public.

Service Commission of the State c" Georgia or any regulatory agency of the United States, and, provi'ed further, that as to municipal-ities, counties or rural: electric cooperatives, " entity" is restricted to those which provide electricity to the public at re-tail within the' State of Georgia (other than Chatham, Effingham, Fannin, Towns and Union Counties) or to responsible and legally qualified organizations of such municipalities, counties and/or cooperatives in the State of Georgia (other than Chatham, Effingham, Fannin, Towns and Union Counties) to the extent they may bind their members.


(b) " Licensee" mea'ns Georgia Power Company, any successor, assignee of this license,'or assignee of all or substantially all of Georgia Power Company's assets, and any affiliate or subsidiary of-Georgia Power Company to the extent it engages in the ownership of any t'ulk power supply generation or transmission resource in the State of Georgia (but specifically not including (1) flood rights and other land rights acquired in the State of Georgia incidental to hydro-

- electric generation facilities located in another state and (2) facilities located west of the thread of the stream on that part

' of the Chattahoochee River serving as the boundary between the States of Georgia and Alabama).

(2) Licensee recognizes that it is often in the public interest for those engaging in bulk power supply and purchases to interconnect, coordinate for reliability and economy, and engage in bulk power supply transactions in order to increase interconnected system reliability and reduce the costs of electric power. Such arrangements must provide for licensee's costs (including a reasonable return) in connection therewith and allow other participating entities full access to the benefits available from interconnected bulk power supply operations and must provide net benefits to licensee. In entering into such arrangements neithe- licensee nor any other participant should be required to violate the principles of sound engineering practice or forego a reasonably contemporaneous altern-ative arrangement with another, developed in good faith in anns length



2 negotiations (but not including arrangements between licensee and its affiliates or subsidiaries which impair such arrangements made in good faith between licensee and a non-affiliate or non-subsidiary) which af fords it greater benefits. Any such arrangement must provide for adequate notice and joint planning procedures consistent with sound )

engineering practice, and must relieve licensee from obligations under-taken by it in the event such procedures are not followed by' any j participating entity. l Licensee recognizes that each entity may acquire some or all of.its bulk power supply from sources other than applicant.

, In the implementation of the obligations stated in the succeeding para- .-

graphs, licensee and entities shall act in accordance with the foregoing principles, and these principles are conditions to each of licensee's y obligations herein undertaken. -

(3) Licensee shall interconnect with any entity which provides, or which has undertaken firm contractual obligations to provide, some or all of its bulk power supply from sources other than licensee on terms to be included in an interconnection agreement which shall provide for appropriate allo-  ;

cation of the costs of interconnection facilities; provided, however, that if an entity undertakes to negotiate such a finn contractual obligation, the licensee shall,'in good f aith, negotiate with such entity concerning any proposed interconnection. Such interconnection agreement shall provide, without undue preference or discrimination, for the following, among other a things, insofar as consistent with the operating necessities of licensee's -

and any participating entity's systems:

(a) maintenance and coordination of reserves, including, where appropriate, the purchase and sale thereof, (b) emergency support, (c) maintenance support, (d) economy energy exchanges, (e) purchase and sale of finn and non-finn capacity and energy.

(f) economic dispatch of power resources within the State of Georgia, orovided, however, that in no event shall such arrangements impose a higher percentage of reserve requirements on the participating entity than that maintained by licensee for similar resources.

(4) Licensee shall sell full requirements power to any entity. Licensee shall sell partial requirements power to any entity. Such sales shall be made pursuant to rates on file with the Federal Power Comnission, or any successor regulatory agency, and subject to reasonable terms and conditions.


    • \
  1. i (5) (a) Licensee shall transmit (" transmission service") bulk power over its system to any entity or entities with which it is interconnected, pursuant to rate schedules on file with the Federal Power Comission which'will fully compensate licensee for the use of its system, to the extent that such arrangements can be accommodated from a functional engineering standpoint and to the extent that licensee has surolus line capacity or reasonably available funds to finance new construction for this purpose. To the extent the entity or entities are able, they shall reciprocally provide transmission service to licensee. Trans-mission service will be provided under this subparagraph for the delivery of power to an entity for its or its members' consumption and retail distribution or for casual resale to another entity for (1) its consumption or (2) its retail' distribution. Nothing contained herein shall require the licensee to transmit bulk power so as to have the effect of making the' Tennessee Valley Authority ("TVA") or its dis-tributors, directly or indirectly, a source of power supply outside-the area determined by the TVA Board of Directors by resolution of May 16, 1966 to be the area for which the TVA or its distributors were the primary source of oower supply on July 1,1957, the date specified in the Revenue Bond Act of 1959, 16 USC 831 n-4 (bl Licensee shall transmit over its system from any entity or entities with which it is interconnected, pursuant to rate schedules on file with the Federal Power Comission which will fully compensate licensee fcr the use of its system, bulk power which results from any such entity having excess capacity available from self-owned generating d resources in the State of Georgia, to the extent such excess necessarily

- results for economic unit sizing or from failure to forecast load accurately or from such generating resources becoming operational earlier than the planned in-service date, to the extent that such arrangements can be accommodated from a functional engineering stand-point, and to the extent' licensee has surplus line capacity available.

(6) Upon request, licensee shall provide service to any entity purchasing partial requirements service, full requirements service or transmission service from licensee at a delivery voltage appropriate for loads served by such entity, commensurate with licensee's available transmission facilities. Sales of such service shall be made pursuant to rates on file with the Federal Power Comission or any successor regulatory scency, and subject to reasonable terms and conditions.

(7) Upon reasonable notice licensee shall grant any entity the opportunity to purchase an appropriate share in the ownership of, or, at the option ,

of the entity, to purchase an appropriate share of unit power from, each of the following nuclear generating units at licensee's costs, to the ex-tent the same are constructed and operated: Hatch 2, Vogtle 1, Vogtle 2, and any other nuclear generating unit constructed by licensee in the State of Georgia which, in the application filed with the USAEC or its successor agency, is scheduled for commercial operation prior to January 1, 1989.


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i An entity's request for a share must have regard for the economic size of I such nuclear unit (s), for the entity's load size, growth and characteristics, and for demands upon licensee's system from other entities and licensee's retail customers, all in accordance with sound engineering practice. Execu- I tory agreements to accomplish the foregoing shall contain orovisions I reascnably specified by licensee requiring the entity to consummate and pay for such purchase by an early date or dates certain. For. purposes of 1 this provision, " unit power" shall mean capacity and associated energy from i a specified generating unit. )

1 (8) To effect the foregoing conditions, the following steps shall be taken:

1 (a ) Licensee shall file with the appropriate regulatory authorities and i thereafter maintain in force as needed an appropriate transmission  !

tadff available to any entity; .  !

(b) Licensee shall file with the appropriate regulatory authorities and thereafter maintain in force as needed an appropriate partial require-ments tariff available to any entity; licensee shall have its liability limited to the partial requirements service actually contracted for and the entity shall be made responsible for the security of the bulk power supply resources acquired by the entity from sources other than the licensee; (c) Licensee shall amend the general terms and conditicns of its current Federal Power Commission tariff and thereafter maintain in force as

', needed provisions to enable any entity to receive bulk power at trans-mission voltage at appropriate rates; (d) Licensee shall not have the unilateral right to defeat the intended access by each entity to alternative sources of bulk power suoply pro-vided by the conditions to this license; but licensee shall retain the right to seek regulatory approval of changes in its tariffs to the end that it be adequately compensated for services it provides, specifically '

including, but not limited to, the provisions of Section 205 of the Federal Power Act; (e) Licensee shall use its best efforts to amend any outstanding contract to which it is a party that contains provisions which are inconsistent with the conditions of this license; (f) Licensee affirms that no consents are or will become necessary frorr licensee's parent, affiliates or subsidiaries to enable licensee to carry out its obligations hereunder or to enable the entities to enjoy their rights hereunder; (g) All provisions of these conditions shall be subject to and implemented in accordance with the laws of the United States and of the State of )

Georgia, as applicable, and with rules, regulations and orders of agencies of both, as applicable.


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7500-01 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION V0GTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT, UNIT 1 DOCKET NO. 50-424 NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE Notice is hereby given that the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the 7 T Comission) has issued Facility Operating License No NPF-6fQo Georgia Power Company, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of_ Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia, (the licensees) which authorizes operation of the .

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 1, at reactor core power levels not in excess of 3411 megawatts thermal in accordance with the provisions of the license, the Technical Specifications, and the Environmental Protection Plan.

On January 16, 1987, the Comission issued Facility Operating License No. NPF-61 to the licensees which authorized operation of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 1, to five cercent of full power (170 megawatts thermal).

License No. NPF-68 supersedes NPF-61.

The Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 1, is a pressurized water reactor located in Burke County, Geurgia, approximately 25 miles south of Augusta, Georgia.

The application for the license complies with the standards and require-ments of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act) and the Comission's regulations. The Comission has made appropriate findings as required by the Act and the Comission's regulations in 10 CFR Chapter 1, which are set forth in the license. Prior public notice of the overall action involving the pro-posed issuance of an operating license was published in the Federal Reoister

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O on December 28, 1983'(48 FR 57183). .The power level authorized by this license and the conditions contained therein'are encompassed by that orfor notice.

The Commission has detennined that the' issuance of this license will not result in any environmental impacts other.than those evaluated in the Final.

Environmental Statement since the activity authorized by the license is encon-passed by the overall action evaluated in the Final Environmental Statement.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the Commission has determined that the issuance of exemptions included in this license will have no significant impact on the ~

environment (52 FR 1565).

For further details with respect to this action, see (1) Facility Operating License No. NPF-68; (2) Facility Operating License No. NPF-61; (3) the Commission's Safety Evaluation Report, dated June 1985 (NUREG-1137), and Supole-ments 1 through 6; (4) the Final Safety Analysis Report and Amendments thereto;.

(5) the Environmental Report and supplements thereto; (6) the Final Environ-nental Statement, dated March 1985 (NUREG-1087); (7) the Partial Initial Decision of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, dated August 27, 1986; and (8) the Concluding Partial Initial Decision dated December 23, 1986.

These items are available at the Commission's Public Document Room,1717 H Street, N. W.,

Washington, D. C. 20555, and at the Burke County Library, 4th Street Waynesboro, Georgia 30830. A copy of Facility Operating License NPF-68 may be obtained upon request addressed to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C. 20555, Attention: Director, Division of PWR i

Licensing-A. Copies of the Safety Evaluation Report and its sucolements l-(NUREG-1137) and the Final Environmental Statement (NUREG-1087) may be Durchased I


, -3 through the' U. S.' Government Printing Office by calling (202) 275-2060 or by writino:to the U.'S Government Printing Office. P. 0. Box 37082 Washingten,

.D. C.'20013-7082. Copies may also be ourchased from the National Technical

'Infonnation Service, U. S. Department of Comerce, 5285 Po.rt Royal Poad, Springfield, Virginia 22161.

Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this16*Nay of March 1987



i Mm )

B. .Youngblo d, Director PW Project D ectorate 44 Division of PWR Licensing-A I'

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y pa rag

  1. ' - UNITED STATES .

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.f %c ' o . ~ WASHINGTON. D. C. 20666 p :5 f

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a Effective March 16, 1987 , Indemnity Agreement No. B-107, between Georoia Power Company, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of .

Georgia and City of Dalton, Georgia and the Nuclear Pegulatory Commissian, dated August 21, 1986, is hereby amended as follows:

Item 3 of the Attachment to the indemnity agreement is deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefor:

Item 3 - License number or numbers SNM-1967 (From 12:01 a.m., August 21, 1986 to i , 12 midnight, January 15, 1987 inclusive)

NPF-% (From 19:01 a.m., January 16, 1987 to 12 midnight, March 15, 1987, inclusive)-

(From I?:01 a.m. , March 16, 1987 )


Darrei A. Nash, Acting Assistant Director State and Licensee Relations Office o' State Programs

a l- .o


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l Accepted _ , 19 *,7 Accepted _ , loa 7 By Av hlTiBIA POWER COMPANY -


Accepted , 1987 Accepted , 1987

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By *y -



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