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Proposed Tech Specs Adding Limiting Conditions of Operation & Surveillance Requirements for high-range Radioactive Noble Gas Effluent Monitors to Comply w/NUREG-0737,Item II.F.1.1
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 06/30/1989
Shared Package
ML20236E609 List:
TASK-2.F.1, TASK-TM NUDOCS 8907310332
Download: ML20247J795 (8)


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2. With the number of operable channels less than the total number i of channels shown in Table 3.13.1, restore the inoperable

! channel to operable status within 30 dejs or place the reactor in the shutdown condf tion within the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

3. With tre number of operable channels less than the minimum '

channels operable requirements cf Table 3.13.1, restore at least one chMnel to operable status within 7 days or place the reacto in the shutdown condition within the ne.xt 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

G. Containment High-Range Radiation Monitor i

1. Two in-containment high range radiation monitors shall be operable at all times except for cold shutdown and other times when primary containment is not required.
2. In case of failure of one or more monitors, appropriate actions shall be taken to restore its operable capability as soon as possible. Also, refer to Table 3.1.1 for any additional action which may be required.
3. If the monitor or monitors are not restored to operable condition within 7 days after the failure, a special report shall be submitted to the NRC within '4 days following the event, outlining the cause of inoperability, actions taken and the planned schedule for restoring the equipment to operable status.

H. High Range Radioactive Noble Gas Effluent Monitor

1. The high range radioactive noble gas effluent monitors listed in Table 3.13.1 shall be OPERABLE during POWER OPERATION.
2. With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the minimum channels OPERABLE requirements, restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within 7 days of the event or prepare and submit a Special Report within 30 days following the event outlining the action taken, the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the equipment to OPERABLE status.

BASES The purpose of the safety / relief valve accident monitoring instrumentation is to alert the operator to a stuck open safety / relief valve which could result in an inventory threatening event.

As the safety valves present distinctly different concerns than those related to relief valves, the technical specifications are separated as to the actions taken upon inoperability. Clearly, the actuation of a safety valve will l'~ immediately detectable by observed increase in drywell pressure.

Further confirmation car, be gained by observing reactor pressure and water level. Operator action in response to these symptoms would be taken 8907310332 DR 890630 ADOCK 05000219 FDC '

0YSTER CREEK 3.13-3 Amendment No.: 54, 57, 94, 116,

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regardless of the acoustic monitoring system s';stus. ~ fcoustic monitors act only to confirm the reseating of the safety valve. In actuality, the operator actions in response to the lifting of a safety valve will not change whether )

or not the safety valve reseats. Therefore, the actions taken for inoperable acoustic monitors on safety valves 'are_ significantly less stringent than that 3 taken for those monitors associated with relief valves. l Should an acoustic monitor on a safety valve become inoperable, setpoints on


j adjacent monitors will be reduced to assure alarm actuation should the safety valve lift, since it is of no importance to the operator as to which valves lift but only that one has lifted. Analyses, using very conservative blowdown forces and attenuation factors, show that reducing the alarm setpoint on adjacent monitors to less than 1.4g will assure alarm actuatfon should the-adjacent safety valve . lift. Minimum blowdown force considered was 30g with a maximum attenuation of 27dB. In actuality, a safety valve lift would result in considerably larger blowdown force. The maximum attenuation of 27dB was determined based on actual testing of a similar monitoring system installed in a similar configuration.

The operability of the accident monitoring instrumentation ensures that sufficient int'ormation is available on selected plant parameters to monitor l and assess these variables during and following an accident. This capability is consistent with NUREGs 0578 and 0737.

The capability is provided to detect and measure concentrations of noble gas fission products in plant gaseous effluents during and following an accident.

Two Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Systems (RAGEMS) are installed at Oyster Creek-to perform this function; one to monitor releases at the main stack (RAGEMS I) and one to monitor the turbine building vents (RAGEMS II).

These monitors augment the capabilities provided by the Post Accident Sampling System (see FSAR section 11.5) and the Offsite Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Program (see Emergency Plan section

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OYSTER CREEK 3.13-4 Amendment No.: 54, 57, 94, 116,

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1. Relief Valve Position Indicator 1/ valve 1/ valve (Primary Detector *)

Relief Yalve Position Indicator 1/ valve (Backup Indications **)

2. Wide Range Drywell Pressure 2 1 Monitor (PT/PR-53 & 54)
3. Wide Range Torus Water Level 2 1 (LT/LR-37 & 38)
4. Drywell H2 Monitor. 2 1
5. Containment High Range Radiation 2 1 6.. High Range Radioactive Noble Gas Effluent Monitor a.- Main Stack 1 1
b. - Turbine Building Vents 1 1

-* Acoustic Monitor

    • Thermocouple .

Thermocouple TE 65A can be substituted for thermocouple TE210-43V, W or X Thermocouple TE 65B can be substituted.for thermocouple TE2f 0-43Y or Z l

0YSTER CREEK. 3.13-5 Arnendment NoS: 54,57,88,94,116,

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~w' i Applicability: Applies to surveillance requirements for the accident monitoring instrument 4tfon.

' Objective: To' verify the operability of the accident monitorin_g instrumentation. .

Specificati_oni o A,. Safety & Relief Valve Position Indicators L Each accident monitoring instruraentation channel shall be demonstrated operable by performance of the Channel 1 Check and Channel Calibration operctic;1s at- the '

frequencies shown in Table 4.13-1.


8 Wide Range Drywell gressure Monitor Each accident monitoring instrumentation channel shal?

be.dem6nstrated operable by performance of the Channel Check and Channel Calibration operations at the frequencies shown in Table 4.13-1.

C. Wide Range Torus Water Level Monitor ,

Each accident monitoring instruraentation chatnel shall be demonstrated operable by performance of the Channel '

ChJck and Channel Calibration operations at the n frequencies shown in Table 4.12-1.

'D. Drywell H2 Monitor Each accident monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated operable by performance of the Channel Check.and Channel Calibration operations at the frequencies shown in Table 4.13-1.

E. Containment High-Range, Radiation Monitor Each accident monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated operable by performance of the Channel Check and Channel Calibrati6n operations at the frequencies shown in Table 4.13-1.

F. High Range Radioactive Noble Gas Effluent Monitor Each accident monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated cperable by perforreance of the Channel Check and Channel Calibration operations at the frequencies shown in Table 4.13-1.


The operability of.the accident monitoring inFtrunientation ensures that sufficient information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess these variables during and following an accident. This capability is consistent with EURESs 0578 and 0737.

.0YSTER CREEK 4.13-1 Afaendment No.: 54, 94, 116, j

1. Primary and Safety Valve Position A B Indicator (Primary Detector *)

Relief and Safety Valve Position A B Indicator (Backup Indications **)

Relief Valve Position Indicator C 8 (Common Header Temperature  !

Element **)

2. Wide Range Drywell Pressure iicnitor A D (Pi/PR 53 & 54)
3. dide Range Torus Water Level Monitor A D (LT/LR 37 & 38)
4. Drywell hp Monitor Al E i
5. Containment Hfgh Range Radiation A F***

N nitor

6. High Range Radioactive Noble Gas Effluent Monitor
a. Vain Stack A F
b. Turbine Building Vent A F q Legend:

A = at least once per 31 days B = 6t least once per 18 months (560 days)

C = at least once per 15 days until channel calibration is performed and thence at least once per 31 days D = at least once per G months E = at least. once per 12 months F = each refueling outage 1 = Span and Zero using calibration gases

  • Acoustic Monitor
    • Thermocouple
      • Channel calitiration shall consist of electronic sigtal substitution of the channel, not including the det.ector, for all decades above 10R/hr and a one point calibration check of the detector at or below 10R/hr by means of a calibrated portable radiation Source traceable to NBS.

i OYSTER CREEK 4.13-2 Amendment No: 54-80,94,116,

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.Special reports shall be submitted to the Director of Regulatory Operations Regional.' Office within the time period specified for each report. These e

reports shal'l be. submitted covering the activities identified belew pursuant l1 to the requirements cf the applicableyrfere.1ce specification.

a.- Materials Radiation Surveillance Specim Reports (4.3A) y '6. 19t6 grated Primary Containment Leakage Tests (4.5)

c. Results of required leak tests performed on sealed sources if tia tests reveal the presence of 0$J5 mferocuries or more af-nemovable contamination.


d. IE4@able Fire Protection Equipment (3.12)
e. .Cor9 Snray Spargsr !nservice Inspection (Table 4.3.1-9)

Prior' to startup of each cycle, a speci&1 report presenting tha results of tre inservice inspection of the Core Spray Spargers caring each refueling outage shall be submitted to the

'Commissibn- for review.

- f. Liquid cadeaste batch dischagge exceeGag Specification 3.6.B.1.

g. l'ain condenser offg&s discharge without treatntnt ptr Specification &6.D.1,
h. Dose due to radioactive.11guid efflubnt exceeding Specification
3. 6.J .1.

'i . Air dose due to radianctive noble gas in gaseous effluent exceeding Specification 3.6.L.1.

h Air dose due to radiodine and particulate exceeding Cpecific,ation 3.6.M.1.

k. Annaal total dose due to' radioactive effiuents encecding Specification 3.6.N.1.

l.. Rerds of results of analyses required by the Radiolo9tcal EnvironmeMal MSnitoring Program.

m. Failurbs and t%11enges to Relief end Safety Yalves Failures and challenges to Relief end Safety Valves wnDb do not-l constitute an LER will be the subject of a spiditi re' ort p ,

submitted to the Commission within 60 fays of the oxurrence. A "

challenge is defined as any automatic actuation (other than during surveillance or testing) of Safety or Relief Yalves.

I n. Plans for compliance with standby liquid control Specifications 1

3.2.C.3(b) and '3.2.C.3(e)(1) or plans to obtain 2nrichment test results per Specification 4.2.E.5.

o. Inoperable high range radioactive noble gas ef fluent monitor l (3.13.H) 3

'0YSTER CREEK 6-18 Amendment No.: 69, 78, 108, 124, m_.m-m_-____.m_m__.. .___._.:.-.._m_. m _ e . .- m. ._.m._ - _ - . _ _ _ . . . _ -.m .