IR 07100104/2012001

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Notice of Deviation from Insp on 871104-1201.Deviation Noted:Baseplate Reported to Be 8 Inches Long Found by NRC Inspector to Be 9 Inches Long
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak, 07100104 Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 12/18/1987
From: Warnick R
Shared Package
ML20238D401 List:
50-445-87-31, NUDOCS 8801040258
Download: ML20238D439 (3)







TU Electric Docket: 50-445/87-31 !

Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Permit: CPPR-126 Unit 1, Glen Rose, Texas l

The following deviation was identified during inspections conducted on November 4 through December 1, 198 i Section 4.1, "Walkdown Guidelines" of Revision 2 to Impell Project )

Instruction (PI) 0210-052-004 states, in part, "The Walkdown J information will be documented using the checklists provided in Attachment B . . . . Table 1 provides the acceptable tolerances to be used in the walkdown proces i

" Guidelines for performing the conduit support and conduit routing I


walkdowns are provided below:

" Item Support _ configuration

- Draw an as-built sketch

- Identify all structural /Unistrut member sizes, lengths . . .

" Item Hilti Kwik Anchor bolt Information

- Identify letter stamp and projection length of all anchor bolts on supports . . . .

" Conduit Routing Checklist

" Item 1 Conduit Isometrics

- Draw an as-built sketch showing conduit routing . . .


- Determine span lengths" Section 4.1.4, " Seismic Evaluation of Train C Conduit Supports," of Revision 3 to Impell PI 02310-052-003, states, in part, " . . . SSE support loads are generally calculated by multiplying the conduit tributary mass times the equivalent static acceleration . . . ."

Paragraph 4.3.4 further states, ". . . for interaction of . . .

loads, the following interaction . . . equation shall be used . . . . "

8801040258 871218 PDR ADOCK 0b000445 g PDR

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The following examples, identified by the NRC durino inspection and review of the post construction hardware validation program (PCHVP)

module, Train C Conduit Less Than or Equal to 2", are in deviation from'thi above criteria: On the Type 7 support A-02456/NQ-16508,.the NRC inspector identified several discrepancies. The baseplate was reported to be 8"-long but was found by the NRC inspector to be 9" lon Impell also reported that the anchor bolts were 1/2" Hilti Kwik bolts; however, they were found to be 1/2" Hilti Super Kwik bolts. Impell reported that the Nelson studs were 1/4" diameter while the NRC inspector determined these bolts to be 3/8" diamete . On the support identified as detail "B", a Type 7 support, Impell reported that.the anchor belts were Hilti 1*.wik bolts; i however, the NRC inspector determined that they were Hilti Super Kwik bolt . On the isometric provided. on page 4 of 8 in Appendix A of Calculation / Problem No. A-02603, ~Capall reported a length of conduit between the Type 5 support identified as A-02628 and an adjacent Type 5 support as 21"; however, the NRC inspector


determined. this length to be 12 -1/2". In Calculation / Problem No. A-02454,'wh11e performing the load calculatim; for the northeast / southwest . direction for support A-0260b, the engineer neglected to include a 14" length of conduit between the support being evaluated and an adjacent suppor . On the Type 5 support evaluation for support A-02605/NO-16507, the calculated embedmont length for the-Hilti Kwik bolt was found to be incorrect. Furthermore, the' interaction check for the " finger" clamp exceeded the allowable and was justified by adding a note which stated that the calculation is conservative; however, this support is the rdme support mentioned in paragraph 4 above for which the load calculation is incorrect (445/8731-D-03).

Please provide to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN:

Document Control Desk, Washington, ,.with a copy to the Assistant Director for Inspection Programs, Comanche PecA Project Division, Office of Special Projects, in writing within 30 days of the date of this Notice, the reason for the deviation, the corrective steps which have been taken and the resuYcci achieved, the corrective steps which will be taken to avoid fur'ther deviations, and the date when your corrective action will be


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completed. Where good cause is shown, consideration will be given to extending the response tim FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION R F~/j) m ale Dated this 18th day of December 1987 at Comanche Peak Site









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