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Corrected Page 3 to Annual Rept for Trojan Nuclear Plant for 1986
Person / Time
Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1986
From: Cockfield D
NUDOCS 8707070074
Download: ML20234D029 (2)


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1.A. EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT This section contains a summary of the liquid and gaseous release limits; a listing of the maximum, permissible concentrations of the isotopes released; a summary of batch and abnormal release data; a sunnary of total liquid and gaseous releases; listings of isotopes released classi-fled by pathway, gaseous or liquid, md type, continuous or batch; and a summary of solid radioactive waste shipments. This section represents all releases during the period January 1, 1986 through December 31, 1986. Data for January 1, 1986 through June 30, 1986 have been previously reported.

As per Technical Specification the condenser air ejector flow rate measuring device (FR-3100) is reported as inoperable during the )

period January.1, 1986 through December 31, 1986. As reported in the ]'

March 21, 1986 letter to J. B. Martin of USNRC, Region V, this flow rate has been measured every shift using rotometers FI-3111 or FE-33184. The j repair and/or replacement of FR-3100 or the implementation of some other i alternative is being aggressively pursued. l In 1986, very low-level tritium contamination was detected in the storm .

and sanitary sewers at the Trojan Nuclear Plant. Tritium levels of waters released off the Trojan site from the storm and sanitary sewer (

system were less than the maximum permissible concentration specified in Table 2, Column 2 of 10 CFR 20. The levels were also less than the U.S. l Environmental Protection Agency limit for community drinking water and. l the Environmental Technical Specification 3.12.1.b reporting level for radioactivity concentrations in environmental samples. The total tritium release from the storm and sanitary sewers was <0.1 percent of those  :

reported in the liquid release information tables. The Trojan Nuclear Plant is continuing to monitor the tritium levels in the storm and sani-tary sewer systems. l In July 1986, corrections were made to the volume curves for the Treated Waste Monitor Tank (TWMT) and the Dirty Waste Monitor Tank (DWMT) at Troj an . The volume corrections cause less than a 20 percent increase in j the volumes of liquid released from these tanks. This change is within the reported error for liquid radioactive effluent releases. Further-more, the r eported releases were sufficiently below the limits so that the possible 20 percent increase caused by the tank volume corrections did not cau;e any release limits to be exceeded. Therefore, the correc-tions to the volume curves for the TWMT and DWMT do not have a signifi-cant impact on the previously reported quantities of radioactivity l released through the liquid pathway or the corresponding offsite doses to the public.

The term ND used through these tables means "Not Detectable".  !


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r - E David W. Cockfield Vice President, Nuclear June 30, 1987 Trojan Nuclear Plant Docket 50-344 j License NPF-1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington DC 20555

Dear Sir:

Annual Report A typographical error was present on Page 3 (Section 1.A Effluent and Waste Disposal Report) of the Portland General Electric Company's 1986 i Annual Report for the Trojan Nuclear Plant, PGE-1015-86. In the fourth paragraph of this page, the volume corrections to the Treated and Dirty Waste Monitor Tanks should have been noted as a 20 percent incroaco rather than as a 10 percent increase. The conclusions drawn in this paragraph were correctly noted for a maximum possible. volumetric increase of 20 percent.

l The corrected Page 3 for PCE-1015-66 is attached.



Attachment l 1

c: Mr. John B. Martin f Regional Administrator, Region V U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. R. C. Barr NRC Resident Inspector Trojan Nucicar Plant Mr. David Kish, Director j State of Oregon Department of Energy p ]

121 S.W Satmon Street Pontand. Oregon 97204 l

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