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Amend 12 to License SNM-1107 for W Electric Corp
Person / Time
Site: Westinghouse
Issue date: 04/29/1998
From: Weber M
Shared Package
ML20217Q938 List:
NUDOCS 9805130042
Download: ML20217Q947 (8)





MATERIALS LICENSE Pursuant to the Atorrdc Epergy Act of 1554, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93438), and Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Chap +nr I, Parts 30, 31,32,33,34,35,36, 39,40, and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations hetetofore made by the kcensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source, and special nuclear material desig'1ated below; to use such materia! for the purpose (s) and at the placo(s) designa'ed below; to dehver or transfer such material to persons autherized to meeNe it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This bcense j

sha!! be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject h al!

l applicable rules, regulations, and orders of tne Nuclear Regulatoy Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specihd



l l

I Licensee i

1. Westinghouse Electric Corporation
3. License Number SNM-1107, Amendment 12 P.O. Box 355 I

l i

2. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 0355
4. Expiration Date November 30,2005 c OM R h G 5., occket No. 70-1151

.. ( P


Reference No.



l 6 Byprodur.t Source, and/or T

7. Chemical and/or Physical 8; Maximum amount that Licensee I

Special Nuclear Material form DMay Possess at Any One Time Under This License l


l A.

U-235 A; Any A.w0.35 kg

. ~, ~



B. AriyLexceptl[

B.' [75,000 kgs 1

' Lto not@more f, meta), @iched l

than 5.0 w/o d f


/1 x





'i C.

5 grams i


_uM j

A D.

Pu 238, D.

Sehled sotir'ces D.

1.5 grams l

Po-239 1

l 9.

Authorized place of use: The licensee's existing facilities at Columbia, South Carolina.


This license shall be deemed to contain two sections: Safety Conditions and Safeguards Conditions.

l These sections are part of the license and the licensee is subject to compliance with alllisted conditions in each section.




By:_MichaetEJNebet M

MV h 7-


Division of Fuel C+ c% Safdy.

j j

and Safeguardi, i

Washington, DC 20555 i

l l

9805130042 980429 i

PDR ADOCK 07001151 C


j L

NRc Forb 374A U.S. Nt' CLEAR REGULATORY Commission PAGE 2 of 8 PAGEs License dumber SNM-1107 MATERIALS LICENSE oocket or Reference Nurnber ~

SUPPLEMENTARY SHEF; 70-1151 Amendment No.12 r

SAFETY CONDITIONS S-t Authorized use: For use in accordance with statements, representations, and coniitions in the license application dated April 30,1995, and supplements dated May 11 and 18, August 4 and 25, and September 25,1995; November 8, and August 30,1996; July 14 and 25, August 11, November 17, and Decoraber 17,1997; and January 9 and 12,1998.



The Criticahty Safety Evaluations (CSEs) and Criticality Safety Analysis (CSAs) will define the criticality safety bases utilb.ed throughout the plant and wi!l be comp!ated as described in Sections 6.4.1 and


6.4.2 of the bcense appikation for each step of the process. A sucmittal to the NRC will be made by i

Westinghouse which willinclude information which the staff will review against the commitroents listed in Swt on 0.2.3 of the license applicati,on.Phes.e submittals will not be specific commitments, but are intended as a demonstration of the aL'equacy nfins bqses of safety itemized in Section 6.2.3. The contents listed in Section G,4,2 of the license application are commitments. The demontration will show the bgic used by the Co;umbia Fuel Fabdcation Facili.ty (CFFF)in developing the criticarity safety l

cases. It is undetstood that this demonstration may change,over time. The submittal will consist of a summary of the CSE or CSA as ~ annotated below for each spstem (which sha!! include fault trees for those systems for which a CSE nill be done). The adequacy of the commitments in Section 6.2.3 of the license applicationwill be evaluated and.a reply in the form of a letter report will be generated and sent from the stalf to WestinghouseQhe submittal by the CFFF will be provided accordir,g to the following schedule: d's N[, % iM f"M g


n e


A s

Q UN tanks summary of CSEc10/95 4 URRS D!ssolver - su;mmary of CSE - 10/95 e

e e

i Solvent Extraction - summary of CSE - TBO*

URRS Scrap Processing:

Low-Level Waste Processing System - summary of CSA - 9/96 o

Moo Water System Equipment - summary of CSA - 9/96 Incinerator System - summary of CSE - 9/96 Ash Recovery System - summary of CSE - 9/96 Liquid Honing System - summary of CSE 9/96 Ultrasonic Cleaning Systeni-summary of CSE - 9/96 Shredder System - summary of CSE:~ 9/96 URRS Waste Treatment - summary of CSA - 11/95 e

IDR Conversion - summary of CSE - Prior to Restart e

ADU Conversion - summary of CSE - 4/96 e

ADU Pedeling - summary of CSE - 6/96 e

Powder Blending - summary of CSE - 1/96 e

e Miscellaneous:

Ventilation Systems (Geometry Controlled;-

summary of CSE - 3/98" Ventilation Systems (Moderation Controlled)-

summary of CSE - 3/98"

  • The CFFF has performed a CSA upgrade and does not have a specific date for schedule of this CSE at this time.

" These systems are to be coupled with the Columbia Plant Risk Management Program (RMP) to be done for the EPA.


Licenso Norrbw l-SNM-1107 MATERIALS LICENSE Docket or Reference Number l-SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-1151 Amendment No.12 l

Scrubber Systems - summary of CSE - 3/98" l

Ho<ds & Containment - summary of CSA - 9/96 Laboratories - summary of CSA - 9/96 IFBA - summary of CSA - 3/96 e

Storage Pad - NCS is based on DOE reports K 1920 and K-1663 Rods - summary of CSA - 3/96 e

Storage - summary of CSd - 4/97 e

Final Assembly - summary of CSE - 6/97 i

UF, Cylinder Washing - summary of CSE - 12/95 e

i S-3.

The licensee shall maintain and execute tne response measures in the Site Emergency Plan, dated April 30,1990, and revisions dated Marchi31l and September 30,1992; March 25, August 15, and September 30,1994; January.9, Febr0aiy D, Xug0stj 7, and October.23,1995; or as further revised by the licensee consistent y:'lth'10 CFR 70.32(i).

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Deleted by Amendment;12, April 1998.


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of 8 PAGEs Licenso Number SNM-1107 MATERIALS LICENSE Docket of Reference Number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-1151 Amendment No.12 i

SAFEGUARDS CONDITIONS SECI1ON10 _MAIERIALCONIROLANDACCOUMIlNG SG-1.1 The licensee shall follow pages i through xvii and Chapters 1.0 through 9.0 of its " Fundamental Nuclear Material Control Plan for the Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility," with all pages identified as Revision 27 (dated May 23,1997)..Any further revis.7ons to this Plan shall be made onh in accordance with, and pursuant to, either 10 CFR 70.32(c) or 70.34.


SG-1.2 Operations invoNing special nuclear rnaterial which are not referenced in the Plan identified in Condition SG-1.1 shall not be initiated until an appropriate safeguards plan has been approved by the Nuclear Regulatory. Commission:

f 1

j SG-1.3 In lieu of the requirements contained in 10 CFR.74.13(a)(1) and (a)(2) to u% the Forms DOEiNRC-742 and '742C, the licensee may use computer generated forms provided a!!

information required by the latest printed instructions.for completing the particular form is included in lieu of the requirements'ChR 70.54 and 74.15 to use the DOE /NRC Form-741, SG-1.4 the licensee may use computer generated forrns provided all information required by the latest printed instructions for compiegg the pairticularjorm is' included,

. ; j d!19 r3 SG-1.5 Deleted Per Amendment 3, August 1996 Commitment now contained in licensee's Fundamental Nuclear Matsr!al Control Piart 3

o SG-1.6 NXwithstanding the requirements of the FNMC Plan identified in License Condition SG-1.1, the Wensee may use (1) a single standard for measurement control (including daily control limit monitoring and bias corrections) for any linear-response tube or rod scales, in any initially demonstrated to be linear over its range of use within the discrimination of the scale by calculating a bias at four levels across the range of use and demonttrating that the four results are not statistically different, and (2_) that the continued linearity of response of the r,cales is verified by monthly calibration against at least four traceable standards covering the range of use.

SG-1.7 Notwithstanding the requirements contained in Sections 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 of the licensee's Fundamental Nuclear Matenal Control Plan, the licensee is exempted from physical inventory requirements relative to the materialidentified in Condition S-4; provided the conditions and commitments contained in the licensee's November 30,1993, letter (identification # NRC 93-036) are satisfied.

SG-1.8 Notwithstanding the requirement of Section 6.2.1(a).5 of the licensee's Fundamental Nuclear Material Control Plan to unpackage and perform an item count upon receipt of special nuclear material, the licensee is exempted from such requirement relative to the materialidentified in Condition S-4; provided the conditions and commitments contained in the licensee's November 30,1993, letter (idenhfication # NRC-93-036) are satisfied.


T b


of PAGES Ucense Number SNM-1107 MATERIALS LICENSE Docket or Reference Number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-1151 l

Arnendment No.12 l

l l

SG-1.9 Notwithstanding the requirement of Section ll.A.7, block U, of NUREG/BR-0006, which is l

incorporated via 10 CFR 74.15, to complete receiver's measurements of scrap receipts (following recovery processing) within 60 days of receipt, the licensee shall not be subject to l

any time limit relative to recovering and measuring received UF, heels when the block U action code (of DOE /NRC Form 741)is used to book such receipts.

SG-1.10 With respect to Section 5.1.4 (b) of the Plan identified by Condition SG-1,1, " allowed number" within the phrase " allowed number of defects"is hereby specified as being:

(i) up to tiwo defects when each item within a batch cf items has an assigned value equal to or l

less than 50 grams U-235;f i' ' J i Qf f 5

%q (ii) no more than one'

.tct when each item with'in a batch of items has an assigned value of less than 500 grahis s

.35, but one or more itenis has an assigned value in excess of 50 lyl grams U-235; and j.

l (iii) zero defecG/ hen any It m within a bat'eb of items contains 500 or more grams U-235.

ii '


SG 1.11 Notwithstanding,rst pardghphgf Sec on;7.1 of th$ Plan identified by Cond', tion SG-1.1, the licensee shall conduct shippeifreceiver comparisons on all SNM materials received l

(regardless of whether b'oo_kedM,thd basis of r'eceiver's or shipper's values), except for those materials identified in Section 7.1 of NUREG-1065 (Rev. 2) as being exempted from shipper-receiver comparisons.

  • d J~

SECIlON2.0 -__ PHYSICAL PROTECT 1QN OF SNM OF LOW _ STRATEGIC _StGNif1CANCE SG-2.1 The licensee shall follow the " Site Physical Security Plan - Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Columbia, S.C.," dated March 1980; Revision 10.0 dated October 1,1987; the " Revision Record" contained in the approved Physical Security Plan (current to October 1,1994); and as may be revised in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 70.32(e).

SECIlON 3.0 - INTERNATIONAL SAFEGUARDS SG-3.1 The licensee shall follow Codes 1 through 6 of Transitional Facility Attachment No. 5A dated August 31,1988, to the US/lAEA Safeguards Agreement. Such Transitional Faci!ity Attar:hment shall be interpreted in accordance with Conditions SG-3.1.1 through SG-3.1,7.

l SG-3.1.1 With respect to Transitional Facility Attachment Code 2:


The reierence desion information is that dated by the licensee on October 14,1985.

"Information on the Facility" also includes other facility information submitted via Concise Notes in accordance with 10 CFR 75.11(c).



PACES License Number i

SNM-1107 MATERIALS LICENSE Dociet or Reference Number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-1151 Amendment No.12 i

i SG-3.1.2 With iespect to Trarisitional Facility Attachment Code 2.2:

1 Substantive changes to the information provided in the Columbia Plant Design Information j

Questionnaire (DIO) means those changes requiring amendment of the Transitional Facility I

Attachment. Such changes shall be provided by letter to the NRC Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards at least 70-days in advance of implementation.

Non-substantive changes to the information in the DIO means those changes not requiring


amendment of the Transitional Facility Attachment. Such changes shall be provided by j

Concise Note (From DOE /NRC-740M) within 30 days of receiving notification from the NRC j

that the facility has been identified undyr Article 39(b) of the US/lAEA Safeguards Agreement.

p3 i

The types of modificaticqs with respect to which information is required under 10 CFR 75.11, t

(to be submitted in advrco), are those items stated in Code 2.2, specifically:


i 1


"Any change in the purpose of type of facility" means:

Any deviation from the described activities involving special nuclear material and any change to the maximum enrichment and/or quantities of U 235 currently authorized by License No. SNM-1107, and/or as descrioed in Paragraoh 5 of the Design Information Questionnaire (DIO) dated October 14; 1985, or as modified in accordance with 10 CFR 75.11(c)dincluded also is any deviation from the described special nuclear material (SNM) production activities descr! bed in paragraph 6 of the DlO dated


October 14,1985, or'as modified in accordance with 10 CFR 75.11(c).

7 (b)

"Any changes in the layout of the facility which affects safeguards implementation of


the provisions of the' Protocol" means:

.Any change in the existing facility and/or site layout or new addition affecting any activity involving SNM as described in Paragraphs 10 and 11 (per the referenced i

attachments of the OlO dated October 14,1985, or as modified in accordance with 10


CFR 75.11(c). Included also is any modification to, or deviation frorn, the data provided in Paragraphs 13 and 14 (per the referenced attachments) of the DIO dated October 14,1985, or as modified in accordance with 10 CFR 75.11(c).


"Any change that makes the selected Key Measurement Points (KMPs) (as desenbed in Code 3.1.2)inadt auste for the Agency's accounting purpose" means:

Any change to the KMPs as described in Code 3.1.2 of the Westinghouse-Columbia Transitional Facility Attachment to the US/lAEA Safeguards Agreement, or as modified in accordance with 10 CFR 75.11(c), that results in any KMP alteration affecting the purpose of KMPs as stipulated by 10 CFR 75.4(m)

L l.
".: 2 s

i I


PAGEs Ucense Number l

SNM-1107 l


Docket or Retsrence Number l

SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-1151 Amendment No.12 (d)

"Any change in the physical inventory precedures that would adversely affect the l

inventory taking for the Agency's accounting purposes" means:

Any change to the description data contained in Paragraph 34 (per the referenced attachments) of the DIO dated October 14,1985, or as modified in accordance with 10 CFR 75.11(c), that would not permit the Agency to conclude an SNM material balance for the Westinghouse-Columbia facility.


" Introduction of a significantly less accurate analytical method for accounting l

purposes" means:

g fs 4 ". r ti g,

$4 Any recalculation of the " Relative Errors-Random and Systematic" as listed in 6.2 referenced in Paragraph 36 of the DlO dated October 14,1985, or as j

modified'in accordance with 10 CFR 75.11.(c), that results in the estimates of the l

randorn and systematic errors being affected by a factor of two or more.

Q p-W (f)

" Decrease in the frequency of calibrating rnhdsuring equipment if it significantly decreases the accuracy of the materials accounting system" means:

1u N.? y nM k

1 Any ch)ange that re'sults IIilhe estimates of the systematic error being affected by a 4

factor of two'or more. j $ } @


.u g

h (g)

"Any chNige in the statistical pr'o'cedures used to combine individual measurement error estimates to obtain limits of errc-f0r shipper / receiver (S/R) differences and material unac' ounted fer (MUF)".,means:


, 3 i

Any deviation from (or modification of) the equations and/or calculations outlined in Attachments 37.1,37.2, and 37.3 referenced in Paragraph 37 ofthe DIQ dated October 14,1985, or as modified in accordance with 10 CFR 75.11(c).

SG-3.1.3 With respect to Transitional Facility Attachment Code 3.1.2:

KMP* - This is a KMP in which all shipper receiver differences (SRDs) must be recorded and reported even if numerically zero. SRDs are computed and reported by the Nuclear Materials l

Management and Safeguards System upon receipt of the receiver's measurement results.

SG-3.1.4 With respect to Transitional Facility Attachment Code 4:

The licensee shall use the material composition codes documented in the DIQ dateo October f

14,1985, and as modified by Concise Notes. Further, notwithstanding any other requirements for advance notification and/or reporting, the licensee may add or delete composition codes for nuclear material routinely processed and on inventory at CFFF immediately upon telephone notification to the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. Follow-up documentation, l

in the form of a Concise Note accompanied by appropriate changes to Table 1 of Attachment 34.8 to the DIQ shall be submitted within three regular workdays of the telephone notification.



of 8 PAGEs License Numoer SNM-1107 TAATERIALS LICENSE Docket or Reference Number


SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-1151 Amendment No.12 i

l SG-3.1.5 With respect to Transitional Facility Attachment Code 4.1:

I Measured discards should be raported as an SN (Shipment to non-safeguards facility) when shipped off-site to an authorized burial ground. (The IAEA system will not process measured discards as loss / disposal (LDs) when they are shipped off-site).

SG-3.1.6 With respect to Transitional Facility Attachment Code 5.1.1:

For inventory changes, time of recording, "upon" means: No later than the next regular workday (Monday through Friday).

_n ot For those occasions where natural or depleted uranium is inadvertently enriched above 0.711 percent through comrningling with residual enrich _ed uranium in process equipment, the resultant product shall be considered as being produced through a blending operation and the material category change shall be recorded upon obtaining measurement confirmation that a material categoryTchange has occurred.

SG-3.1.7 With respect to. Transitional Facility Attactiment Code 6.2.2:



For Concise Notes describing the antic'p$ted operational programme, " anticipated operational


programme" meann Anticipatep; QWhgigalinventory schedule.


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