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Amend 24 to License R-95,clarifies TS Requirements & Corrects Typographical Errors
Person / Time
Site: Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission
Issue date: 09/23/1997
From: Weiss S
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20217E289 List:
R-095-A-024, R-95-A-24, NUDOCS 9710060439
Download: ML20217E292 (17)


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AMENDMENT TO FACII.lTY LICENSE Amendment No. 24 License No. R-95

1. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Comission) has found that:

A. The application for an amendment to Facility License No. R-95 filed by the Rhode Island Atomic Energy Comission (the licensee) on May 20, 1997, and supplemented on May 30, July 31, and August 20, 1997, complies wit 1 the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the regulations of the Commission as set forth in Chapter I of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Reaulations (10 CFR);

B. The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C. There-is reasonable assurance (1) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the regulations of the Commission; D. The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; E. The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with the regulations of the Commission as set forth in 10 CFR Part 51, and all applicable requirements have been satisfied; and F. Prior notice of this amendment was not required by 10 CFR 2.105 and publication of notice for this amendment is not required by 10 CFR 2.106.

l 9710060439 97092";

PDR ADOCK 05000193 p PDR


2. Accordingly, the license is amended by changes to the Technical Specifications as indicated in the enclosure to this license amendment, and paragraph 3.b of facility License No. R-95 is hereby amended to read as follows:

3.b Technical Soecifications .

The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No. 24, are hereby incorporated in the license.

The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.

3. This license amendment is effective as of the date of issuance.


Seym ur H. Weiss, Director Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate Division of Reactor Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Appendix A Technical Specifications Changes Date o'f Issuance: September 23, 1997

-. 3 l

[' ENCLOSURE TO LICENSE AMENDMENT NO. 24 3- FACILITY LICENSE NO. R-95 DOCKET NO. 50-193 Replace the following lages of the Appendix A Technical Specifications mth the enclosed pages. Tie revised pages are identified by amendment number and contains vertical lines indicating the area of change.

Remove Pace Insert Pace r

7 7 14 14


l 16 16 l 20 20 4

d 25 25 j 29 29 i 31 31

34 34 i

! 44 44 I 48 48

59 59 62 62 f

63 63


66 66 i

i s

4 l -


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center

- Docket 50193, License R 95 Revision 1-1.25 Reportable Occurrence A reportable occurrence is any of the following:

1. A safety system setting less_ conservative than the limiting setting established in the Technical Specifications;
2. Operation in violation of a limiting condition for '

operation established in the Technical Specifications;

3. A safety system component malfunction or other component or system malfunction which could, or threaten to, render the safety system incapable of -

performing its intended safety functions;

4. Release of fission products from a failed fuel element;
5. An_ uncontrolled or unplanned release of radioactive material which results in concentrations of radioactive materials inside or outside ~ the restricted area in excess of the: limits specified in Appendix B of 10CFR20;
6. An uncontrolled or unanticipated change in reactivity in excess of 0.5 %AK/K;
7. Conditions arising from natural or man-made events that affect or threaten to affect the ' safe operation of _the facility;


8. An observed inadequacy in the implementation of administrative or procedural controls such that the inadequacy causes or threatens to cause the existence .or-
development of an unsafe condition in connection with the operation of the facility.

l.26 Research Reactor

- Page 7 Admendment 24

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4-TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Docket- 50193, License R 95 Revision 1 i

3. The pool temperature does not exceed 1300F.-


The basis for natural convection safety limits is that. the

! calculated maximum cladding temperature in the hot channel of the most compact core will not reach nucleatt boiling of the water coolant at a pool' depth of 23.54 feet.

2.2 Limiting Safety System Settings (LSSS) 2.2.1 Limiting- Safety System Setting in the Forced Convection Mode Applicability:

LEU Fuel Temperature - Forced Convection Mode Objective:

This specification applies to the setpoint for the safety

. channels monitoring reactor power, primr.ry coolant flow, pool level and core outlet temperature to assure - that the maximum ' fuel temperature permitted is such that _ no damage to the fuel cladding will result in the forced convection mode. ,

4 Specification:

The limiting sr.fety system settings for reactor thermal power- (P), primary coolant flow through the core (m),

3 height of water above the top of the core (H),_ and reactor coolant outlet temperature (To) shall be as follows:

Parameter LSSS P (Max) 2.30 MW m (Min) 1600.00 gpm H- (Min) 23.70 ft To (Max) 121.0 oF Bases

Page 14 Admendment 24

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Docket 50103, License R 95 Revision- 1 2.2.2 Limiting Safety System Settings in the Natural

-Convection Flow Mode Applicability:

These specifications apply to the setpoint for the safety ,

channels monitoring reactor thermal power level (P),

monitors for pool level (H), and pool water temperature (T p) in the natural convection mode.


To assure that automatic protective action is initiated to prevent a safety limit from being exceeded.


1. The limiting safety system setting for reactor thermal power (P), height of water above the top of the core (H), and pool water temperature (Tp) shall be as follows:

Parameter .I.SSS P (Max) 115.0 kw H (Min) 23.7 . ft. l T p (Max) 126.0 oF Bases:

The SAR has determined that up to 217 kw can be removed by natural convection, however, the existing license requirement of 100 kw operation will be maintained and with a 15% overpower trip,115 kw will be the LSSS. The pool level scram (2" drop) is the same as the forced convection mode. The pool temperature 1300F safety limit, having a 3% error, results in a LSSS of 1260F. The LSSS for natural convection assures that automatic protective action will prevent a safety li.ait from being exceeded.

Page 16 Admendment 24

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i TECIINICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center 1 Docket 50193, License R.95 4 Revision 1 Specification:

j The reactor shall not be made critical unless:

l_ l. The reactor safety systems and safety related instrumentation are operable in accordance with Tables 3.1 and 3.2 -including the minimum number

of channels and the indicated ' maximum or minimum setpoint; o

7 2. All shim safety blades are operable in accordance with Technical Specification 4.1.1 and 4.1.2.

3. The time from-initiation of a scram condition until-the control element is fully _ inserted shall not i

exceed I second in accordance with Technical

. Specification 4.2.5 and 4.2.6.


4. The reactivity insertion rates of individual control and regulating blades will not exceed 0,02 %AK/K
per second, Bases:

Neutron flux level scrams provide redundant automatic

protective action to prevent exceeding the safety limit on The period scram limits the rate of rise of the reactor power.

reactor power to periods which are manually controllable l without_ reaching excessive power levels or fuel temperatures, i

The loss of flow scram ' assures that an automatic loss of flow scram will occur in the event of a loss of flow- when the reactor is operating at power levels above- 0.1 MW.

~ The reactivity insertion rate limit was determined in the SAR, l.

Section XI and predicts a safe fuel ~ clad temperature. e 4



Page 20 Admendment 24 i



~ Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Docket 50193, License R 95 Revision 1 3.3 Coolant Water

, (a) Primary Coolant Water Applicability:

a This specification applies to the limit!ng conditions for primary coolant pH, resistivity, available pool water volume and radioactivity.


1 To maintain the primary coolant in a condition to minimize the corrosion of the primary coolant system, fuel cladding, and other reactor components, and to assure proper conditions of coolant for normal and emergency requirements, j Specification:

1. The primary coolant pH shall be maintained between 5.5 and 7.5.
2. The primary coolant resistivity shall be maintained at a value greater than 500Kohms/cm (conductivity 2micrombos/cm).
3. The primary coolant shall be analyzed for
  • radioactivity.


Experience at this and other facilities has shown that the maintenance of primary coolant system water quality in the ranges specified in specification 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 will control the. corrosion of the aluminum components of the primary coolant system and the fuel element cladding.

Conductivity Specification 3.3.2 also insures adequate Page 25 Admendment 24

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Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center i

, _ . Docket 50193,-License R 95 Revision 1

. reactor operation, fuel movement and handling of j~ radioactive materials in the reactor building,

[ Objective: '

i l To assure that . radiation monitoring equipment is j available for evaluation- of radiation conditions and that  :

l the release of airborne radioactive material is maintained j below the -limits established in 10CFR20.

I Specification:

l l 1 _ When the' reactor is operating, gaseous and

particulate sampling of the stack effluent i- shall be monitored by a stack monitor with a i readout in the control room.
i .

l The particulate - activity monitor and the

gaseous activity monitor for the facility
exhaust stack shall be operating. If either

! unit is to be - out _ of - service, either the i reactor shall be shut down or the unit shall i be replaced by- one- of comparable monitoring capability;

2. When the reactor is- operating, at least one l constant air . monitoring. unit (Table 3.2.11) g located in the confinement
building shall be l - operating. Temporary shutdown of this unit
shall be limited as in 3.7.1 above.-


3. The - reactor shall not . be continuously
  • L operated _ without a minimum - of one area

[ radiation monitor (Table 3.2.8) on the experimental- level of the reactor building and

, one t rea- monitor (Table 3.2.6) over the

, -reactor pool -(reactor bridge) operating and

-capable- of _w arning personnel of: high


- radiation levels.


l Page 29 Admendment- 24 1

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center

. Docket 50193, License R 95 Revision 1 Bases:

The limits established in specification- 3.7.2 incorporate a dilution factor of 4x104 for effluent concentrations released through the exhaust stacks. This dilution factor is based on a

, dispersion factor (X/Q = 10-5 sec/M3) calculated from actual meteorological data which is determined using the highest

, frequency- of wind in any sector. Because of the use of the most conservative measured values of wind directional -

frequency and dispersion factors,- this dilution factor will assure that concentrations of radioactive material in unrestricted areas around the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center will be far below the limits of 10CFR20. (Refer to letter dated April 16, 1963 sent to the NRC in connection .

with license questions.) This dilution factor is used for calculating maximum ground concentration of noble gases-down wind vs. exhaust stack effluent concentrations. The SAR contains calculations for doses from the iodine at the 48 meter distance,

b. Liquid Effluents l Applicability:

This specification applies to. the monitoring _of radioactive liquid effluents from the Rhode Island NrSr Science

- Center.


The objective is to assure that exposure to the public resulting from 'the release of- liquid effluents will be within the. regulatory limits and consistent with as low as reasonably achievable requirements.


The -liquid waste retention tank discharge shall' be-batch sampled and the gross activity per unit volume determined before release. All off-site releases shall be- directed into the municipal sewer system.

Page 31 Admendment 24

  • TECIINICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Docket 50193, License R.95 Revision 1 conditions in the reactor, and (3) possible accident conditions in the experiment shall be limited in activity such that: if 100% of the gaseous activity or radioactive aerosols produced escaped to the reactor room or the atmosphere, the airborne concentration of radioactivity averaged over a year

.would not exceed the occupational limits for maximum permissible concentration.

' In calculations pursuant to the above, the following assumptions shall be used: (1) If the effluent from an experimental facility exhausts 'through ductwork-which closes aute.atically on high radiation level, at least 10% of the gaseous activity or aerosols produced will escape. (2) If the effluent from an experimental facility exhausts through a filter installation designed for greater than 99% efficiency for 0.3 micron particles, at least 10% of these vapors can escape. (3) For materials whose boiling point is above 550C and where vapors formed by boiling this material can escape only through an undisturbed column of water above the core, at least 10% of these vapors can escape. (4) Limits for maximum permissible concentrations are specified in the appropriate section of 10CFR20.

Bases-J Specifications 1.through 5, 8 and 9 are intended to reduce the likelihood of damage to reactor components and/or radioactivity releases resulting from experiment failure and, along with the reactivity restriction of pertinent specification in 3.1, serve as a guide for the review and approval of new and untried experiments by the operations staff as well as the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Subcommittee.

Specifications 3 and 4 are self explanatory.

, Specification 6 assures that no physical or nuclear interferences compromise the safe operation of the reactor by, for example, Page 34 Admendment 24

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7. _ . _
  • TECHN1 CAL SPECIFICATIONS Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center j Docket 50-193. License R.95 Revision I

. c. the negative differential pressure between  !

[ the inside and outside of the building is at i t

' least 0.5 inches of water. This is determined by - reading the pressure gauge in the control t room; 4 f. the exhaust rate through the emergency

cleanup system shall not be more than 1500
CFM coming from the reactor building and
passing through the scrubber filters. Dilution i air will be provided -by a separate - blower j from an uncontaminated source.



2. The _ condition of the following equipment shall be 4 inspected in accordance with written operating procedures every 6 months. .
a. Building ventilation blowers and dampers (including solenoid valves, pressure switches, piping, etc.);
b. Personnel access and reactor room overhead i


l 3. The testing and maintenance of the emergency generator will be performed in accordance with the 4 RINSC operating procedures and manufacturer recommendation.


4. The -efficiency test for the charcoal filter shall be
tested annually as specified in the operating procedures.

. Bases:

o The weekly check of the confinement system provides t

assurance that the automatic function .will be actuated when

confinement isolation is required. The semiannual inspection "

[ of valves .and doors will provide assurance that the closures

will~ perform their function of limiting leakage through these i

Page 44 Admendment 24


,* Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center 1

---.- Docket 50193, License R 95 j Revi ,lon 1 1



To prevent physical damage to the beryllium reflectors in the core from accomulated neutron flux exposure.


The maximum accumulated neutron fiux shall be lx1022

neutrons /cm2 The exposure shall be determined i annually in accordance with the operating procedures.

Inspections and core fit shall be conducted annually.


4 The RINSC SAR (Part A Section VIII) has addressed this limit as a conservative limit. (Annual inspections and i core box fit as well as calculated total exposure serve as a method to monitor the beryllium lifetime.)

LEU Fuel Elements

-b. l 1 ,


This specification applies to surveillance of LEU fuel elements.


1 To prevent operation with damaged fuel elements and verify the physical condition of the fuel element.


The fuel elements shall be visually examined and functionally fit into the core grid box annually.

1 Page 48 Admendment 24

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Docket 50193, License R 95 1 Revision 1 -)

c. Review and audit of proposed changes to the facility systems or equipment, procedures, and operations.
d. Determination of whether a proposed change, test, or experiment would constitute an unreviewed safety question or which may require a change to the Technical Specifications or facility license.


e. Review of all violations of the Technical Specifications and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulations, and significant violations of internal rules or procedures,-

with recommendations for corrective action to prevent recurrence.

f. Review of the qualifications and competency of the operating organization to assure retention of staff quality.
g. Review changes to the NRSC charter.
h. Review, at least annually, the radiation safety aspects of the facility.
3. The NRSC shall have a written charter defining such matters as the authority _ of the Committee, the subjects within its purview, and other_ such administrative - provisions as are required for effective functioning of the Committee. Minutes of all meetings of .the Committee shall be kept. All minutes of the previous _ Reactor Utilization Committee shall be retained for the life of the facility. -
4. A quorum of the NRSC shall .. consist of not less than four (4) members and shall include the Radiation Safety Officer or designee, the Director or the Assistant Director for Operations and the Chairman or -


Page 59 Admendment 24

TECilNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center

- . Docket 50193, License R 95  !

Revision 1  !

1. The reactor will be shut down and reactor operations will not be resumed until authorization is obtained from the NRC.
2. Immediate notification shall be made to the NRC in

, accordance with paragraph 6.8 of these specifications and to the Director.

3. A prompt report shall be prepared by the Senior Reactor Operator. The report shall include a complete analysis of the causes of the event and the extent of possible damage together with recommendations to prevent or reduce the probability of recurrence. This report shall be submitted to the NRSC for review and appropriate action, and a suitable similar report shall be submitted to the NRC in accordance with Paragraph 4

6.8 of these specifications and in support of a request for authorization for resumption of operations.

6.8 Reporting Requirements In addition to the requirements of applicable regulations, all written reports shall be sent to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Attn: Document Coauoi Desk, Washington, DC 20555, with a copy to the Region I Administrator. The written reports include the following:

1. Within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, a report by telephone through the NRC Operations Center, Washington, DC and the NRC Region 1:
a. Any accidental release of radioactivity to unrestricted areas above permissible limits, whether or not the release resulted in property damage, personal injury or exposure.
b. Any significant variation. of measured values from a corresponding predicted or previously measured value of safety related operating characteristics occurring during operation of the reactor.

Page 62 Admendment 24


Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Docket 50193, License R 95 Revision 1 previously measured value of safety related operating characteristics occurring during -

operation of the reactor,

c. Any reportable occurrences as defined in Paragraph 1.25 of these specifications.
d. Any violation of a Safety Limit,
c. Discovery of any substantial variance from performance specifications contained in - the technical spec!fications and safety analysis.

2, The written repor, shall -be sent within 14 days. The H report shall:

a. Describe, analyze, and evaluate safety implications; )
b. Outline the measures ' taken to assure that  ;

the cause of the condition is determinedt

c. . Indicate the corrective action - taken, including any changes made to the procedures and to the quality assurance program, to prevent repetition of the occurrence and of similar occurrences involving similar components or systemst i
d. Evaluate the safety implication of the

~ incident in light of .the cumulative experience obtained from the record of previous failure and malfunctions of similar systems and components.

3. Unusual Events A written report shall be forwarded within thirty (30) l days in the event of:

Page 63 Admendment 24

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rhode ~1sland Nuclear Science Center j , Docket 50193, License R 95 Revision 1 --


g. Fuel inveritories and transfers; and i h. Changes to procedures systems, components,

! and equipment.


-2. - Records to be retained for the life of the facility:


a. Gaseous and liquid radioactive effluents released to the environs;
b. Off site environmental monitoring surveys;-
c. Personnel radiation exposures; i d. . Updated, "as-built" drawings of the facility; j and
e. Minutes of the NRSC (and previous Reactor


Utilization Committee) meetings.

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