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Application for Amend to License R-95,requesting That Submitted Changes Be Made to Noted Pp & Sections
Person / Time
Site: Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission
Issue date: 05/20/1997
From: Tehan T
To: Mendonca M
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20148D915 List:
NUDOCS 9706020191
Download: ML20148D911 (6)


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409 RHODE ISLAND ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Nuclear Science Center South Ferry Road Narragansett, R.I. 02882-1197 May 20, 1997 Docket No. 50-193 Mr. Marvin Mendonca, Senior Project Manager Non-Power Reactors, Decommissioning and Environmental Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects - III/IV/V U.S. Naclear Regulatoiy Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Mendonca:

This letter concerns a request for an amendment of the RIAEC license by

' changes to the Technical Specifications. Upon completion of a thorough review of the Technical Specifications, the RINSC staff requests the following j changes.

1. page 7 Section 1.25.5 & 6 Reportable Occurrence FROM: 5. An uncontrolled or unplanned release of radioactive material
from the restricted area of the facility;
6. An uncontrolled or unplanned release of radioactive material which results in concentrations of radioactive materials within the restricted area in excess of the limits specified in Appendix B, Table 1 of 10CFR20;
TO: 1 An uncontrolled or unplanned release of radioactive material which results in concentrations of radioactive materials inside or outside the restricted area in e> cess of the limits specified in Annendix B, of 10CFR20; 4 E. Deleted.

] Basis for Change:

Combine paragraphs 1.25.5 and 1.25.6 which incorporates limits on f releases of radioactive material from a restricted area.


2. page 20 Section 3.2 Reactor Safety System i Delete second paragraph of objective.

Basis for Change: Typo, Paragraph repeated.

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3. page 29 Section Radiation Monitoring Systems I


, FROM: 2. When the reactor is operating, at least one constant ,

l air monitoring unit (Table 3.2.10) located in the confinement building shall be operating. Temporary shutdown of this unit shall be limited as in 3.7.1 I

l above.

TO: 2. When the reactor is operating, at least one constant air monitoring unit (Table 3.2.11) located in the confinement building shall be operating. Temporary i shutdown of this unit shall be limited as in 3.7.1 l above. )

1 Basis for change: Correct reference to appropriate section of j Table 3.2. 1 I

4. page 29 Section Radiation Monitoring Systems FROM: 3. The reactor shall not be continuously
  • operated without a minimum of one area radiation monitor (Table 3.2.7) on the " ground floor level" of the reactor building and one area monitor (Table 3.2.5) over the reactor pool (reactor bridge) operating and capable of warning personnel of high radiation levels.

TO: 3. The reactor shall not be continuously

  • operae.ed without a minimum of one area radiation monicor (Table 3.2.8) on the " ground floor level" of the i reactor building and one area monitor (Table 3.2 6) over the reactor pool (reactor bridge) operating and i capable of warning personnel of high radiation



Basis for change: Correct reference to appropriate section of l Table 3.2.


5. page 31 Section 3.7.2.a Airborne Effluents FROM: Bases:

The limits established in specification 3.7.2 incorporate a dilution factor of 105 for effluents released through the exhaust stacks. This dilution factor is more conservative than that calculated from actual meteorological data which

. represents the lowest dispersion factor determined and the highest frequency of wind in any sector. Because of the use of the most conservative measured values of wind directional frequency and dispersion factors, this dilution factor will assure that concentrations of radioactive material in l unrestricted areas around the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center will be far below the limits of 10CFR20. (Refer to letter dated April 16, 1963 sent to the NRC in connection  ;

[ with license questions.)

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l This dilution factor is used for calculating maximum ground concentration down wind for noble gases. The SAR contains calculations for doses from the iodine at the 48 - meter distance. ,


TO: Bases:

The limits established in specification 3.7.2 incorporate a dilution factor of 4x104 for effluent concentrations released through the exhaust stacks.

l This dilution factor is based on a dispersion factor (%/Q =

10-5 sec/M3) calculated from actual meteorological data which is determined using the highest frequency of wind in any sector.

Because of the use of the most conservative measured values of wind directional frequency and dispersion factors, this dilution factor will assure that concentrations of radioactive material in unrestricted areas around the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center will bc far below the limits i of 10CFR20. 1 (Refer to letter-dated April 16, 1963 sent to the NRC in l

l. connection with license questions.) j This dilution factor is used for calculating maximum ground }

concentration of noble gases down wind vs.. exhaust stack l effluent concentrations.

The SAR contains calculations for doses from the iodine at i

the 48 meter distance.

Basis for change:

To make clear a distinction between the dilution factor used for the effluent concentration calculation and the dispersion factor used for an effluent release rate calculation developed from %/Q data.


6. page 31 Section 3.7.2.a Effluents FROM: a. Liquid Effluents TO: h. Liquid Effluents l l

Basis for change: Typo correction.


l 7. page 34 Section 3.8 Limitations on Experiments l

l FROM: Bases:  !

i )'

l Specifications 1 through 5, 8 and 9 are intended to reduce the likelihood of damage to reactor components and/or radioactivity l l releases resulting from experiment failure and, along with the i i

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reactivity restriction of pertinent specification in 3.1, serve as a guide for the r%2ew and approval of new and untried experiments  !

by. the operations utaff as well as the Reactor . Utilization i Subcommittee.

'TO: Bases:

Specifications 1 through 3, 8 and 9 are intended to reduce the likelihood of damage to reactor components and/or radioactivity I releases resulting from experiment failure and, along with the j reactivity restriction'of per.inent specification in 3.1,. serve as  ;

a guide for the review and approval of new and untried experiments  ;

by the operations staff as well as the Nuclear and Radiation Safetv' Subcommittee, .

't Basis for change: Name change originally approved in Amendment 21.  ;


.l I

8. page 44 Section 4.4,4.5,4.6.f RINSC Confinement and Emergency l Exhaust System j

. FROM: f. the exhaust rate through the cleanup system shall not exceed 4500 CFM with not more than 1500 CFM

. j coming from the reactor building and passing through j the scrubber filter. The remaining air will be -!

provided by a separate blower from an uncontaminated j source.

TO: f. the exhaust rate through the emergency cleanup system l shall not be more than 1500 CFM coming from the i reactor building and passing through the scrubber l filters. Dilution air-will be provided by a separate 1 blower from an uncontaminated source. I i

Basis for change: , _ l Referring to the drawing below, the air cleanup system is defined as l the charcoal and absolute filters and cleanup blower. A maximum flow rate limit through the charcoal bed is required to provide for an acceptable atmospheric residence time in the charcoal (ref. Reg. 3 Guide 1.52).

The dilution air blower (which is net part of the cleanup system) maximum flowrate limit from the original specifications (4500 CFM minus the emerg. cleanup flow rate) has been removed to allow for as much dilution air as possible.

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Containment Building n l'


Cleanup Blower -

t r 3 -

A Absolute &

Charcoal Filters ( h I ( )

max 1500 cfm I

- Uncontaminated Air / Dilution Supply i max 0000 cf,T, Lab Hood Blower

9. page 48 section 4.9.c Reactor Core Components FROM: c. LEU Fuel Elements TO: h. LEU Fuel Elements l Basis for change: Typo correction.
10. page 59 Section 6.4.d Review and Audit FROM: d. Determination of whether a proposed change, test, or experiment would constitute an unreviewed safety ,

question which may require a change to the Technical Specifications or facility license.

TO: d. Determination of whether a proposed change, test, or experiment would constitute an unreviewed safety question nr which may require a change to the Technical l Specifications or facility license.

i Basis for change: Typo correction.  !

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i l 11. page 63 Section 6.8.1.c Reporting Requirements

1.c. Any reportable occurrences as defined in paragraph 1.35 of ,

these specifications. ,


1.c. Any reportable occurrences as defined in paragraph 1.25 of these specifications.

n I Basis for change: Reference correction.

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j 12. page 63 Section 6.8.2 Reporting Requirements FROM: 2. A written report within 14 days in the event of a

reportable occurrence, as defined in Section 1.35, a through i e. The report shall TO
2. The written report shall be sent within 30 days. The report shall:

4 4

Basis for change:

1' Change reporting requirements to that stated in 10CFR50. And remove unnecessary definition reference.

.i f

i 13. page 66 Section 6.9 Plant Operating Records J


Delete second occurrence of 1.g on page 66.

Basis for Change: Typo, line repeaced.

d Enclosed are the new Technical Specifications pages. If there are any questions regarding these changes, you can reach me at (401) 789-9391.

Sincer i n  ;


  • i Terry ,.han Direct r i
Tom Dragoun, U.S. NRC, Region 1

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