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Effluent Semiannual Rept for Jan-June 1986
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1986
Shared Package
ML20214L996 List:
NUDOCS 8609100498
Download: ML20214M004 (15)


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PINGP 158, R;v. 6 j l, Page 1 of 8 Retention: Lifetime EFFLUENT SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT January THROUGH June. 1986 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Facility - Prairie Islano Nuclear Generating Plant Licensee - Northern States Power Company License Nos. - DPR-42 & DPR-60 A. Regulatory Limits

1. Liquid Effluents:
a. The dose or dose commitment to an individual from radio-active materials in liquid effluents released from the site shall be limited:

for the Quarter 3.0 mrem Total Body 10.0 mrem Any Organ for the Year 6.0 mrem Total Body 20.0 mrem Any Organ

2. Gaseous Effluents:
a. The dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site shall be limited to:

Noble Gases 5 500 mrem / Year Total Body 1 3000 mrem / Year Skin i

I-131, H-3, LLP 1 1500 mrem / Year Any Organ j b. The dose due to radioactive gaseous effluents shall be limited to:

1 Noble Gases 5 10 mrad /Qtr Gamma 4

4 5 20 mrad /Qtr Beta 5 20 mrad / Year Gamma

$ 04 mrad / Year Beta 4

I-131, H-3, LLP $ 15 mrem /Qtr 4

5 30 mrem / Year i

j 4

8609100498 860828 PDR ADOCK 05000282 R PDR

PINGP 158, Rev. 6 P:ge 2 ef 8

B. Maximum Permissible Concentrations
1. Fission and activation gases in gaseous releases:

4 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 1

2. Iodine and particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous releases:

10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 1

3. Liquid Effluents for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained gases:

10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2

4. Liquid Effluent dissolved and entrained gases:

2.0E-04 pei/ml Total Activity C. Average Energy Not applicable to Prairie Island Regulatory Limits.

D. Measurements and Approximations of Total Radioactivity

1. Fission and activation gases Total Geli in gaseous releases: Nuclide Geli
2. Iodines in gaseous releases Total Geli Nuclide Geli
3. Particulates in gaseous Total Geli releases: Nuclide Geli
4. Liquid Effluents: Total Geli Nuclide Geli 1.0 BATCH RELEASES (Liquid)

QTR 1 QTR 2 1.1 Number of Batch Releases l5.10E+01 5.50E+01 l 1.2 Total Time Period for a Batch Release l l (hr.) l_8.89E+01 9.52E+01 l 1.3 Maximam Time for a Batch Release (br) l 3.70E+00 2.30E+00 l 1

1.4 Average Time for a Batch Release (br) l1.74r+nn 1.73r+nn l 1.5 Minimum Time for a Batch Release (br) I s 2nr-n1 1.11rton l 1.6 Ave Mississippi flow during Quarter (CFS)l 1.71p+o4 6.str+os l

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., ..,, PINGP 158, Rev. 6 Page 3 of 8 -

2.0. BATCH RELEASES (Gaseous)

QTR 1 QTR 2 2.1 Number of Batch Releases l 2.00E+00 6.00E+00 l 2.2 Total Time Period for a Batch Release (br) l 1.80E+01- 5.10E+01 l 12.3 ' Maximum Time for a Batch Release (br) l 1.00E+01 1.91E+01 l 2.4 Average Time for a Batch Release (hr) l 9.00E+00 8.50E+00 l 2.5 Minimum Time for a batch Release (br) 1 8.00E+00 1.08E-02 l 3.0 ABNORMAL RELEASES (Liquid)

QTR 1 QTR 2 3.1 Number of Batch Releases l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 3.2 Total Activity Release (Ci) l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 3.3 Total Tritium Release (Ci) l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 4.0. ABNORMAL RELEASES (Gaseous)

QTR 1 QTR 2 4.1 Number of Batch Releases l 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l 4.2 Total Activity Release (Ci) 1 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l


l l QTR i l QTR_2_ l I l l l ERROR % lI 5.0 FISSION AND ACTIVATION GASES 5.1 Total Release (Ci) l 1 11r+oi 4.44r+00 2.50E+01l 5.2 Average Release Rate (pCi/sec) l 1.67v+co s.6sr-01 5.3 Gamma Dose (mrad) l s.sar_n, 1.47p-na l 5.4 Beta Dose (mrad) l 1_Anv_n? 1.Rtv-n? l 5.5 % of Gamma T.S. Limit (%) I s.snt-n? 1.47F-n? I 5.6 % of Beta T.S. Limit (%) l n_,nt-n? o nsr-n2 l 6.0 IODINES 6.1 Total I-131 (Ci) l 1.30E-03 8.05E-05 2.50E+011 6.2 Average Release Rate (pCi/sec) l 1.65E-04 1.02E-05 7.0 PARTICULATES 7.1 Total Release (Ci) l 1.15E-05 6.00E-07 l2.50E+01l 7.2 Average Release Rate (pCi/sec) l 1.46E-06 7.63E-08 l 8.0 TRITIUM 8.1 Total Release (Ci) l 1.76E+01 l 3.77E+01 2.50E+01 l 8.2 Average Release Rate (pCi/sec) l 2.24E+00 l 4.80E+00 i t

9.0 TOTAL IODINE PARTICULATES AND l - l l l TRITIUM (pCi/sec) l 2.24E+00 l 4.80E+00 l 2. 50r+01 l 10.0 DOSE (mrem) l 1. ORE-01 l 7.26E-02 l 11.0 % OF T.S. LIMIT (%) l 7.20E-01 1 4.84E-01 l 12.0 GROSS ALPHA 12.1 Total Release (Ci) l 8.26E-09 l 8.42E-08 b . 50E+01 l

', , ,, PINGP 158, R'v. 6 Page 5 of 8 TABLE IC EFFLUENT SEMIANNUAL REPORT GASEOUS EFFLUENTS GROUND LEVEL RELEASES CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE l l l 1 1 I l l NUCLIDE l UNIT l QTR 1 l QTR1 l QTR1 l QTR_2_ l 1 1 I I I I l 13.0 INDIVIDUAL FISSION AND ACTIVATION GASES l Kr85 Ci i 1.73E+00 l l Kr85m Ci I l l Kr87 Ci l l Kr88 Ci l l Xe133 Ci 1.25E+01 2.42E+00 5.47E-01 2.89E-01 l l Xe135 Ci 5.51E-03 2.74E-04 l l Xe135m Ci l l Xe138 Ci l l Xe131m Ci l l Ar41 H Ci l l Xe133m Ci 4.93F-03 l l l l l l 1 l Total Ci 1.25E+01 2.42E+00 5.57E-01 2.02E+00 l 14.0 10 DINES (Ci) l I131 Ci l 1.30E-03 1 8.05E-05 l l I133 Ci l l l 1135 Ci l 5.78E-05 i l

l Total Ci l 1.36F-03 1 8.05E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE l l l l 1 l l l NUCLIDE l UNIT l QTR1 l QTR1 l QTR 1 l l QTR_2_

l 1 1 I I I i 15.0 PARTICULATES (Ci) l Sr89 Ci l 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l Sr90 Ci 4 0. 00EM)0 0.00E+00 l l Cs134 Ci l l Cs137 Ci l l Ba-La140 Ci l l CoS8 Ci 5.29F-07 6.00E-07 l l Co60 Ci l l

lSe75 C1 1 inr-ns l l l_ Total l C1 1.15E-05 6.00E-07 l 0.00E+00 n.00E+00 l



16.0 VOLUME OF WASTE (Prior to Dilution) l Liters l t_,ar+n7 l 2 Ror+n7 17.snr+nt l 17.0 VOLUME OF DILUTION Water (liters) l Liters l i_iop+11 l g ar#in l g.sormi l 18.0 FISSION AND ACTIVATION PRODUCTS 1

18.1 Total Release W/0 H-3, (Ci) l l l l 1 Rad Gas, Alpha l 6.07E-03 8.56E-03 l2.50E+011 4

18.2 Average Diluted (pCi/ml) l l Concentration l 5.10E-Il l 9.90E-11 l 19.0 TRITIUM 19.1 Total Release (Ci) l 1.68E+02 i 1.99E+02 2.50E+01 l 19.2 Average Diluted (pCi/ml) l l Concentration l 1.41E-06 l 2.30E-06 l 20.0 DISSOLVED AND ENTRAINED GASES 20.1 Total Release (Ci) l 1.31E-02 1.67E-02 12. 50E+01 l 20.2 Average Diluted (pCi/ml) l l Concentration l 1.10E-10 l 1.93E-10 l 21.0 GROSS ALPHA 21.1 Total Release (Ci) l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l2.50E+01l 22.0 TOTAL TRITIUM, FISSION AND ACTIVATION PRODUCTS (pCi/ml) l 1.41E-06 l 2.30E-06 l 2. 50E+01 l

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PINGP 158, Rev. 6 P:ge 7 ef 8 TABLE 2A EFFLUENT SEMIANNUAL REPORT LIQUID EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES l UNIT l QTR 1 l QTR_2_ l l I l l gl 23.0 TOTAL BODY DOSE (mrem) l 6.53E-04 l 5.26E-04 l 24.0 CRITICAL ORGAN DOSE (mrem) l 7.6sr-na n ntr nA l (organ) l Tavrnia cr l 25.0 % TOTAL BODY T.S. LIMIT (%) l 2.1Rr-n? I i_7sr n? l 26.0 % OF CRITICAL ORGAN (%) l l l T.S. Limit l 7.65r-n1 l R . n i r-n't l i


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. PINGP 158, Rev. 6

. Page 8 of 8 TABLE 2A EFFLUEhT SEMIANNUAL RPEORT LIQUID EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE l l 1 I I I I l NUCLIDE l UNIT l QTx 1 l QTR_2_ l QTR 1 l QTR1 l l l l l l l l 27.0 INDIVIDUAL LIQUID EFFLUEhT l Sr89 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l Sr90 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l Cs134 Ci 3.67E-05 3.68E-06 l l Cs137 C1 1.71E-05 1.29E-05 l l 1131 Ci 5.67E-04 2.65E-06 l l CoS8 Ci 1.50E-03 2.21E-03 l l Co60 C1 1.52E-04 1.88E-03 l l Fe59 Ci 7.38E-05 3.45E-04 l l Zn65 Ci l l Mn54 C1 1.12E-04 l l Cr51 C1 1.74E-04 l l Zr-Nb95 C1 1.11E-05 l l Mo99 Ci l l Ba-La140 Ci l l

  • Ci 1.77E-03 3.81E-03 l l Fe-55 C1 1.95E-03 l l Total Ci 0. 00 E+00 0.00E+00 6.07E-03 '

8.56E-03 l

  • ADDITIONAL NUCLIDE ACTIVITIES FROM ATTACHMENT #1 CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE I I I I I i l l NUCLIDE l UNIT l QTR 1 l QTR 2 l QTR 1 l QTR 2 l l l l I I l l 28.0 DISSOLVED AND ENTRAINED GASES l Xe133 Ci 1.22E-02 1.58E-02 l l Xe133m Ci 3.01E-05 l l Xe131m Ci 3.63E-04 2.05E-04 l l Xe135 Ci 6.82E-06 5.32E-05 l l_Kr85m Ci l l Kr85 Ci 5.22E-04 6.30E-04 l l Kr88 Ci l l l l l l Total Ci 0.cor+nn 0.00E+00 1.31F-02 1.67E-02 l
  • w-t ATTACHMENT 1 ADDITIONAL NUCLIDES LIQUID. EFFLUENTS CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE NUCLIDE UNIT QTR 1 2 QTR 1 QTR 2 i_________j____;____________l____Q_TR _______l____________i____________g l Ag-110m l Ci l l l 1.92E-04 1.00E-03 l l_________l____i____________i____________;____________ll____________i l I-133 l Ci l 2
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ j _ _ _ _ _i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l _ l _ _ _ _. 5 8 E-l 0 5 l Nb-97 l ________l____________i l Ci l l 1.85E-05 l 2.17E-05 j.________;____l____________ll____________;-___________;____________1 i l Rh-105 l Ci l l l l 2.67E-05 l l_________i____;____________i____________l____________i____________i l Sb-124 l Ci l l 1.32E-03 l
_________i____;____________l____________ll____________l___2.07E-03 l Sb-125 l Ci l l _________i 3.37 l 1.83E-04 l l_________l____l____________l____________l______E-06 i [ ______;____________i l Sc-47 l Ci l j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; _ _ _ _ ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l _ ;l _ _ _ _ _ _l _ _ _ _ _ _ l _ l_ _1. 6 3E- 0 l Sn-ll3

_________i____________l l Ci l l_________j____;____________ 4.95E-04 ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _l _ _ _ _ _ l _ _4l . 3 3 E- 0 5 l Sr-85 l __________l____________i l Ci l l 2.30E-06 l l_________i____l____________;____________ll____________l__2.70E-06 l Zr-97

__________i l Ci l i_________;____;____________l l 3.88E-06 1.06E-05 l_________l____l____________i____________l_____

l Subtotall Ci l 0.00E+00 l____________[____________i____________i 0.00E+00 l

3.81E-03 i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ ; _ _ _l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _l _ _ _ _ _ _ ll _l _ _1. 7 7 E- 0


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PINGP 753, Rev. 1 .

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Page 1 of 5 Lifetime PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Period: 1-1-R6 en 7-1-86 '

NORTHERN STATES POWER License No. DPR-42 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Table 1: Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments A. Solid Waste Total Volumes and Measured Curie Quantities:

1. Type of Waste:

Container Units Total Volumes 1 A. noc4n we 1 un 170 ci 1.22s B. nry comnnered Ft 3 .1890 7.5

.... c4 6.41.5 C. unn _ cn.,mo,.r a vr 1 got og r4 n 1L7 D. Filter Media Ft 3 340 _

170 cf 1_66R S. gpo ,, r,,ei pt 3 0 c4 n I


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PINGP 753, Rev. 1 Retention: Lifetime Page 2 of 5 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Period: 1-1-86 to 7-1-86 NORTHERN STATES POWER License No. DPR-42 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Table 1: Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Continued)

2. Measured Major Nuclide Composition by Type of Waste:

TYPE (From Page 1) Nuclide Percent A

  • H3 11.1 v4A3 7r_o
  • Fe55 19.4 co60 6.4 cu!17 6.7 coSR 9.1 cs114 1.0 Mh125 0.7 Mn54 0.7 J


  • Fo95 19_?
  • Nf61 to %

Apl10m 11 0

  • M1 10.1 co60 4_7 cs137 4.7 cs134 ?_0 coS8 2_4 I
  • = Inferred - Not Measured on Site

5 s + & ,_.-%.%s


PINGP 753, Rev. 1 Retention: Lifetime Page 3 of 5 O


2. Measured Major Nuclide Composition by Type of Waste (Continuation):

TYPE (From Page 1) Nuclide Percent c

  • r,55 11.1
  • M461 1R_4
  • M1 15_?

Ag110m I?_?

cn60 Q1 cn197 4.0 cn5R 2.7 cs194 1.4 D

  • c14 15_1
  • Fe55 96_1
  • M1 Q_R co60 4R cn5A R_1
  • Nf63 1.5 cr51 1.0 AcIlOm 1.4 Mn54 1.2


  • = Inferred - Not Measured on Site

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PINGP 753, Rev. 1 Retention: Lifetime Page.4 of 5 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Period: 1-1-86 to 7-1-86 NORTHERN STATES POWER License No. DPR-42 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Table 1: Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Continued)

3. Solid Waste Disposition:

Number of Shipments Mode Destination 7 Truck Richinnd. WA B. Irradiated Fuel Shipments:

Number of Shipments Mode Destination 0



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PINGP 753, Rev. 1 Retention: Lifetime Page 5 of 5 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Period: 1-1-86 to 7-1-86 NORTHERN STATES POWER License No. DPR-42 ,

I SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Table I: Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Continued)

C. Shipping Container and Solidification Method:

l No. Volume Activity Type of Container Solidify 1

(Ft3) (Ci) Waste Code Code A6- 1 QR O 071 0 T. ____

R6- 1 610 1_969 T. ____

R6- 9 QR O 049 f .' T.

R6_ 9 640 9 690 R T. ____

R6_ 6 QR O OR9 C T. ____

R6. 6 Ann 9 9n? n T. ____

R6-?? 170 1_101 A __

T. ____

R6_?1 170 O_RR6 n T.

R6.74 170 7.194 A T. ____

R6_?6 17n 9 7R9 n T. ____

CONTAINER CODES: L = LSA A = Type A B = Type B Q = Large Quantity SOLIDIFICATION CODES: C = Cement TYPES OF WASTE: A = Resins B = Dry Compacted C = Non-Compacted D = Ws4-r-Gor +e, Filter Media


-. S = Spent Fuel


In accordance with the Prairie Island Technical Specifications, Section TS6.5E "Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)", a change to Table 5.1-1 " Radiological Enviromental Monitoring Program", Sampling Location, is reported. The highest 0/0 garden where broad leaf vegetation is collected has changed from H. Larson Residence (1.6 miles @ 287'/WNW) to the Suter Residence (0.6 miles @ 158? /SSE). Figure 5.1-1 has been changed to reflect this revision. -

Also on page 3-15, " meat animal" has been removed from the controlled locations that equation 3.3-3 is applied. The reason is that " meat animal" is inconsistant with Section 3.3.4, which does not require the identification of meat animals in the land use Census.

These changes will not reduce the accuracy or reliability of Dose Calculations or setpoint determinations.

There changes were reviewed and found acceptable by the Prairie Island Operations Committee on February 14 , 1986.

Instructio..> .'or Enterino Revision 6 to the Prairie Island ODCM

1. Remove ODCM cover page and pages V, VI, 3-15, 5-3, and 5-6.
2. Replace with ODCM cover page and pages V, VI, 3-15, 5-3 and 5-6 with Revision 6 pages. Replace page 3-14 Rev. 2 page 5-5 Rev. 1, page 5-4 Rev. I with reprinted pages as they were originally printed on the opposite side of the revised pages.
3. Use ODCM page VI to page check your manual, if desired.


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