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Licensed Fuel Facility Status Report.Inventory Difference Data.January-June 1986.(Gray Book II)
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/28/1987
NUREG-0430, NUREG-0430-V07-N01, NUREG-430, NUREG-430-V7-N1, NUDOCS 8703120210
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NUREG-0430 i

Vol. 7, No. I 1




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Availab.1 from Superintendent of Dacuments U.S. Government Offico Post Offico Box 37082 Washington, D.C. 20013 7082 A year's subscription consists of 2 issues for this publication.

Single copies of this publication are available from National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 l

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NUREG-0430 Vol. 7, No.1 l



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A8STRACT NRC is committed to the periodic publication of licensed fuel facilities' inventory difference data, following agency review of the information and completion of any related investigations. Information in this report includes inventory difference data for active fuel fabrication facilities possessing more than one effective kilogram of high enriched uranium, low enriched ura-nium, plutonium, or uranium-233.


CONTENTS Palle Abstract............................................................. iii Abbreviations........................................................ vii Inventory Difference Data ........................................... 1 Definitions of Terms ................................................ 3 Tabulation of Inventory Differences .................................. 5 v

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ABBREVIATIONS CFR Code of Federal Regulations HEU high enriched uranium ID inventory difference LEID limit of error of the inventory difference LEU low enriched uranium MUF material unaccounted for NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pu plutonium SNM special nuclear material S-R shioper-receiver U-235 uranium-235 t

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LICENSED FUEL FACILITY STATUS REPORT INVENTORY DIFFERENCE DATA Inventory Difference Data An inventory difference (ID), also referred to as material unaccounted for (MUF),

is the difference between the quantity of special nuclear material (SNM) that a licensee's accounting records show should be on hand and that which a licensee's physical inventory shows is actually on hand.

The ID data presented are for active, licensed facilities that are authorized to possess, in an unsealed form, at least one effective kilogram of special nuclear material (that is, high enriched uranium (HEU), plutonium, and ura-nium-233) or at least one effective kilogram of low enriched uranium (LEU).

For example, LEU is the nuclear fuel used in commercial light-water nuclear power reactors. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requires licen-sees possessing significant quantities of HEU, plutonium, or uranium-233 to conduct an inventory every 2 months. Licensees possessing one effective kilo-gram of low enriched uranium are required to inventory every 12 months.

It is important to understand the distinction between the low strategic signifi-cance of LEU and the higher strategic significance of HEU and plutonium. Most LEU is enriched to a level of 1 to 4 percent in the isotem uranium-235. At this level of enrichment, the uranium is not capable of sustaining the kind of nuclear reaction that takes place in a nuclear explosion.

NRC safeguards requirements covering LEU are graded to reflect its low strate-gic significance. They include a formal structured system for material control and accounting and basic industrial security measures. On the other hand, because of the higher strategic significance of HEU and plutonium, NRC requires licensees to provide substantial physical protection of this material in addition to controlling and accounting for it. Physical protection of this material includes safeguards measures such as barriers, intru:, ion alarms, armed guards, and offsite police response capabilitics. Internal systems to control the move-ment of HEU are also required.

ids arise when nuclear materials are processed, particularly when chemical oper-ations are involved. These differences can result from variations in measuring and processing, measurement inaccuracy or imprecision, unmeasured flows from the process, unmeasured inventory, bookkeeping errors, or loss or thef t. Although an ID larger than its overall measurement uncertainty may signal an abnormal situation requiring determination of the cause, the fact that an ID falls within its associated limit of error- even an*ID of zero- provides no automatic or con-clusive proof that loss or theft of material has not occurred. Therefore, NRC relies on information provided not only by the material accounting system but also by the internal control system, the physical security system, NRC inspec-tions and evaluations, and NRC and licensee investigations.

The concept of the limit of error of the inventory difference (LEID) is a method that licensees and NRC currently use to determine the significance of the ID. LEID is a calculated estimate of the measurement uncertainties that are associated with a plant's processing activity. The ID should be less than the LEID 19 out of 20 times, if the ID results only from measurement uncertainty.

Because an ID that exceeds its associated LEID may be an indication of process-ing problems, biased or otherwise inaccurate measurements, bookkeeping errors, or loss or theft of material, NRC accordingly requires licensees to take increas-ingly stronger investigative actions depending on how much the inventory dif-ference exceeds both LEID and minimum quantities specified in 10 CFR $74.13(b),

(namely, 200 grams of Pu, 300 grams of U-235 contained in HEU, or 9,000 grams of U-235 contained in LEU). If the ID exceeds its LEID, but does not exceed the minimum quantities, no formal investigation is required. However, the licensee is required to try to determine why the ID exceeded the LEID.

The ids for this reporting period (January 1 through June 30, 1986) are indi-cated in the Tabulation of Inventory Differences that begins on page 5 of this report. An explanation of the significance, and in some cases, the source of the ids is included in the last column of the' table. None of the ids was such as to require an NRC investigation.

Definitions of Terms

1. Special nuclear material (SNM): (1) Plutonium, uranium-233, uranium enriched in the isotope uranium-235, and any other material that the Commission, pursuant to the provisions of Section 51 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, determined to be special nuclear material, but does not include source material; or (2) any material artificially enriched in any of the foregoing, but does not include source material.
2. Source material: (1) Uranium or thorium, or any combination thereof, in any physical or chemical form or (2) ores which contain by weight one-twentieth of one percent (0.05%) or more of: (i) uranium, (ii) thorium, or (iii) any combination thereof. Source material does not include special nuclear material.

l 3. Effective kilogram of special nuclear material: (1) Fcr plutonium and j uranium-233, their weight in kilograms; (2) for uranium with an enrich..ient l in the isotope uranium-235 of 0.01 (1%) and above, its element weight in kilograms multiplied by the square of its enrichment expressed as a deci-mal weight fraction; and (3) for uranium with an enrichment in the isotope uranium-235 below 0.01 (1%), its element weight in kilograms multiplied by l


4. Strategic special nuclear material: Uranium-235 (contained in uranium enriched to 20 percent or more in the U-235 isotope), uranium-233, or plu-tonium.

! 5. Isotope: One of two or more atoms with the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei.

6. Highenricheduranium(HEUl: Uranium whose isotope content is 20 percent or more uranium-235 by weight.

l 7. Low enriched uranium (LEU): Uranium whose isotope content is less than l 20 percent uranium-235 by weight.

8. Inventory difference (ID): The arithmetic difference between a book inven-tory and the corresponding physical inventory, calculated by subtracting I

ending inventory (EI) plus removals (R) from beginning inventory (BI) plus additions (A). Mathematically, this becomes ID = (BI + A) - (El + R).

9. Limit of error of the inventory dif ference (LEID): Twice the standard error of the estimated measurement uncertainty associated with the inventory difference.


10. "The inventory difference falls within the applicable regulatory limit":

The 10 does not exceed both LEID and the minimum quantities specified in 10 CFR S74.13(b).

11. Negative inventory difference: A situation that occurs when the amount of material on hand, as determined by physical inventory, exceeds the amount of material being carried on the books (that is, there appears to be a gain of material). Mathematically, a negative ID is written as -ID or is shown in parentheses. A negative ID is also referred to as an "ID gain."
12. Positive inventory difference: A situation that occurs when the amount of material on hand, as determined by physical inventory, is less than the amount of material being carried on the books (that is, there appears to be a loss of material). Mathematically, a positive ID is written as

+ID or ID (without designation of sign). A positive ID is also referred to as an "ID loss."

13. Shipper-receiver difference (S-R difference): The arithmetic difference between the quantity of special nuclear material measured by the shipper and the quantity measured by the receiver.

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Tabulation of Inventory Differences Inventory Difference Licensee Material Inventory (Grams of Licensee No. SNM- Type Date U-235 or Pu) Explanation Babcock & Wilcox, 42 HEU 1/3/86 100 Tha inventory difference falls within Naval Nuclear Fuel the applicable regulatory limit.


Lynchburg, VA HEU 2/28/86 -145 The inventory difference falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

HEU 5/2/86 -453 The inventory difference. falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

HEU 6/27/86 821 The inventory difference falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

Babcock & Wilcox, 1168 LEU 4/28/86 756 The inventory difference falls within Commercial Nuclear the applicable regulatory limit.

Fuel Plant, Lynchburg, VA Cintichem, Inc. 639 HEU 1/2/86 55 The inventory difference falls within Tuxedo, NY the applicable regulatory limit.

HEU 2/27/86 -42 The inventory difference falls within the applicable. regulatory limit.

HEU 4/25/86 -119 The inventory difference falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

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j Inventory

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Licensee Material Inventory Grams of Licensee No. SNM - Type Date U-235 or Pu) Explanation Combustion Engineer- 33 LEU 2/12/86 -90 The inventory difference falls within ing, Hematite, MO the applicable regulatory limit.

I Combustion Engineer- 1067 LEU 2/27/86 4,359 The inventory difference falls within ing, Windsor, CT the applicable regulatory limit.

1 1 Exxon Nuclear Co., 1227 LEU ----- ----

The licensee did not conduct an l Richland, WA inventory during this period.

i l GA Technologies, 696 HEU 1/13/86 0 The inventory difference falls within La Jolla, CA the applicable regulatory limit.

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HEU 3/17/86 -8. The inventory difference falls within

, the applicable regulatory limit.

l U233 3/17/86 2 The inventory. difference falls within j the applicable regulatory limit.

LEU 3/17/86 44 The inventory difference-falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

{ HEU 5/19/86 -5 The inventory difference falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

General Electric, 1097 LEU ---- ----

The licensee did not conduct an-Wilmington, NC inventory during this period.

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Inventory Difference Licensee Material Inventory (Grams of Licensee No. SNM- Type Date U-235 or Pu) Explanation Nuclear Fuel 124 HEU 2/27/86 -3,786 The inventory difference exceeded the Services, Erwin, TN limit of error. An investigation was performed by the licensee and the determining cause of the ID was attri-buted to difficulty in measuring a specified material type.

HEU 4/15/86 527 The inventory difference falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

HEU 6/19/86 -1,583 The inventory difference falls within the ' applicable regulatory limit.

LEU 5/23/86 -49 The inventory difference falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

Rockwell, International 21 Pu 2/3/86 0 The inventory difference falls within Santa Susana, CA -

the applicable regulatory limit.

HEU 2/3/86 0 The inventory difference falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

Pu 4/1/86 0 The inventory difference falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

HEU 4/1/86 -1 The inventory difference falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

HEU 5/30/86 -1 The inventory difference falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

Inventory Difference Licensee Material Inventory. (Grams of Licensee No. SNM- Type Date U-235 or Pu) Explanation United Nuclear Corp., 368 HEU 1/10/86 65 The inventory difference falls within Montville, CT the applicable regulatory limit.

HEU 3/14/86 -9 The inventory difference falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

HEU 5/16/86 255 The inventory difference' falls within the applicable regulatory limit.

Westinghouse, 1107 LEU ---- ----

The licensee did not conduct an Columbia, SC inventory during this period.

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EY's'E BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET us i=sraver.o.i o,, r.. .svia,, 1UREG-0430, Vo. 7, No 1 2 TITLE aNo Sutief 2 LlavE SLAN.

Licensed F Facility Status Report Inventory Di- rence Data January 1986 - ne 1986 a oars an'oa' co** urso poNTM vtAR December

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January 1,1986 - June 30,1986

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NRC is committed to the periodic publicati Af licensed fuel facilities inventory difference data, following agency review of, :he information and completion of any related NRC investigations. Information is is report includes inventory difference data for active fuel fabrication facilitifs ssessing more than one effective kilogram of high enriched uranium, low " riche ranium, plutonium, or uranium-233.


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