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Confirms Understanding of Listed Activities & Responsible Individuals Re Review of Facility Containment Safety Study. Site Visit Will Be Arranged for 860929 & 30 W/V Rooney, G Lainas,J Hulman,W Hodges & M Thadani as Participants
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee, 05000000
Issue date: 09/19/1986
From: Thadani M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Bernero R, Houston W, Lainas G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20210T528 List:
FOIA-87-10 NUDOCS 8702180263
Download: ML20210T651 (2)



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. p September'19, 1986 d

NOTE FOR: R. Bernero, Director, Division of BWR Licensing W. Houston, Deputy Director, Division of BWR Licensing

.G. Lainas, Assistant Director for BWR, Division of BWR Licensing D. Muller, Project Director, BWR Project Directorate #2 W. Hodges, Chief, BWR Reactor Systems Branch J. Hulman, Chief, BWR Plant Systems Branch V. Rooney, Project Manager, BWR Project Directorate #2-FROM: Mohan C. Thadani, Project Manager BWR Project Directorate #2 Division of BWR Licensing


VERMONT YANKEE CONTAINMENT SAFETY STUDY REVIEW This note is to confirm my understanding of the activities and responsible individuals for review of the subject study.

l Arrange for a site visit, on September 29 and 30,1986, to Vermont Yankee. Site visit participants will be Vern Rooney, Gus Lainas, Jerry Hulman, Wayne Hodges, and Mohan Thadani. Vern Roo'ney is responsbile for coordinating the site visit with the licensee.

By.0ctober 10, 1986, prepare a draft of a letter to Vermont Yankee which will enclose the staff's preliminary conclusion on the study and request additional information. Responsible individual ^ is Mohan Thadani.

By October 17, 1986, prepare (1) summary of NRC evaluation of the subject study and (2) a set of questions requesting additional information. Responsible individuals are Jerry Hulman and Wayne Hodges.

By October 23, 1986, finalize the letter (and the two enclosures) to Vermont Yankee under R. Bernero's signature. Reponsible individuals for assuring timely dispatch of the letter are Mohan Thadani and Vernon Rooney.

L Arrange a meeting in Bethesda, Maryland with Vermont Yankee'on L

November 13, 1986, in the afternoon to get response to NRC questions. Responsible individual is Vernon Rooney.

On December 24, 1986 write a letter to Vermont Yankee under R.

Berr.ero's signature giving tentative final review based on draft fo rff-fr7- W O 8702180263 870211 PDR FOIA 3 ,


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Generic Letter. Responsible coordinators are Mohan Thadani and

  • Vernon Rocne .

Orte 31dpadW Moh'andThadant,ProjectManager.

BWR Project Directorate #2 Division of'BWR Licensing Distribution FtTnadani PD#2 Reading .


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