RBG-24299, Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jan-June 1986

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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jan-June 1986
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1986
From: Booker J, Eisele W, Fantacci C
To: Martin R
86-1011, RBG-24299, NUDOCS 8609170321
Download: ML20210A723 (33)


{{#Wiki_filter:r RIVER BEND STATION, UNIT 1 SEMIANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EETLUENT RELEASE REPORP REPOHT PERIT: January 1, 1986 to Ju-e 30, 1986 PRINCIPAL PREPARER - W.F. Eisele, Health Physicist REVIEWED BY C.L. Fantacci, Radiological Engineering Supervisor APPPOVED BY llA-{/ _ - / r.M. Cargill, Stipervisbr - Radiological Programs 860630 8609170321ADOCK PDR PDR 00000458 R

  • 4 f i t I l'


                                      'IUTAL RADIOACTIVITY E.         BAIG RELEASES                                                                                                8 F.        ABNORMAL RELEASES                                                                                             9 G.~        ESTIMATE OF 'IUTAL ERROR                                                                                    10 III. GASEQUS EITLUDES SGNARY INFORMATION                                                                                    11 IV. LIQUID EFFIUDES SGNARY INFORMATIm                                                                                      11 V. SOLID WASTE                                                                                                            11 VI. RADIOIOGICAL IMPACT W MAN                                                                                              11 VII. ME7fEOROIOGICAL DATA                                                                                                   11 VIII. RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFIEDE IT)NITORING                                                                                 11 INSTRUMENTATI W OPERABILITY IX. RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFIUDE MONITORING                                                                                 12 INSTRUMENTATIN OPERABILITY X. LIQUID HOID UP TANKS                                                                                                   12 XI. RADIOLOGICAL DWIRONENTAL MONITORING                                                                                    12 XII. LAND USE CENSUS                                                                                                        12 XIII. OFFSITE DOSE CAICUIATION MANUAL (COCM)                                                                                 12 XIV. M\JOR CHANGES TO RADIOACTIVE LIQUID,                                                                                   12 GASEQUS AND SOLID WASTE TREAINDE SYSTD4S f



SEMIANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT FACILITY: River Bend Station, Unit 1 LICENSEE: Gulf States Utilities REPORT PERIOD: January 1, 1986 to June 30, 1986 I. INTRODUCTION This Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of January 1, 1986 through June 30, 1986, is submitted in accordance with Technical Specification of Appendix A to River Bend Station (RBS) License Number NPF-47. 1 1 of 29


1. 10CFR20 Limits
a. Fission and Activation Gases In accordance with Technical Specification, the dose rate due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be limited to less than or equal to 500 mrems/yr to the total body and less than or equal to 3000 mtems/yr to the skin:

DR = Dose rate to the total body in mrems/yr TB n .

                        = 3.15 x 10
                                          }}}K g (X/Q) Qg 5 500 mrems/yr i=1 ayLd DR            =    Dose rate to the skin in mrems/yr skin n                 _ .
                        =    3.15 x 10    f    (L g + 1.1Mg)(X/Q) Q1 $ 3000 mrems/yr i= 1' "

(above terms defined in RBS ODCM).

b. Radiolodines and Particulates In accordance with Technical Specification, the dose rato due to iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE B0UNDARY shall be limited to less than or equal to 1500 mrems/yr to any organ:

DR = Dose rate to the organ t for the age I&8DPt group of interest from iodines, tritium, and 8 day particulates via the inhalation pathway in mrems/yr n .

                                         })) Pg (X/Q)D 0 1        5  00 mrems/yr i=1 (above terms defined in RBS ODCM) 2 of 29
c. Liquid Effluents In accordance with Technical Specification, the concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be limited to the concentrations specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B. Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved and entrained noble gases. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be limited to 2 x 10 microcuries/ml total activity.
2. 10CFR50, Appendix I Limits
a. Fission and Activation Gases In accordance with Technical Specification, the air dose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents to areas at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be limited to:

D = The gamma air dose from radioactive noble Gamma-Air gases in mrad

                          "         Ni I   )0 1 $ 5 mrads/qtr g,1             $ 10 mrads/yr D                 ea air dose from radoactive nome Beta-Air gases in mrad
                         =           N g(@)Qg  $ 10 mrads/qtr g                $ 20 mrads/yr (above terms defined in RBS ODCM)
b. Radiciodines and Particulates In accordance with Technical Specification, the dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from iodine-131, iodine-133, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days, in gaseous effluents releases to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be limited to:

D = Dose in mrem to the organ (t) of a I68DPt specified age group from radiciodines, tritium, and 8 day particulates via the pathway of interest. 3 of 29


                   =     3.17.x 10              R h IX/0)D 0 1 i=1 and/or n
                   =     3.17 x 10' {Rh (D/Q) Q1 i= 1 --

and D = Dose in mrem to the organ (t) of a specified age group from radiciodines, tritium, and 8 day particulates from all pathways n


{D z=1 I&8DPt 5 . mrems/qtr

                                                $ 15 mrems/yr (above terms defined in RBS ODCM)
c. Liquid Effluents In accordance with Technical Specification, the dose or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in 11guld effluents released to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be limited to:

D = tal dose commitment to the organ (t) TOTALt due to all releases during the desired time interval in mrem n ta l i where: D TOTALt ={(D i=1 n n and D,, = { D it " ' i=1 i=1 D, (DF)3 4 of 29 f

and D TOTAL $ 1.5 mrems/qtr Total Body 5 3 mrems/yr D TOTAL $ 5 mrems/qtr ANY ORGAN

                                           $   10 mrems/yr (above terms defined in RBS ODCM)
3. 40CFR190 Limits In accordance with Technical Specification 3.11.4, the annual (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC, due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources, shall be limited to:
             $     25 mrems to the total body or any organ (except the thyroid)
             $     75 mrems to the thyroid
4. Miscellaneous Limits
a. Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System In accordance with Technical Specification, the VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected doses, due to gaseous effluent releases to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY would exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ in a 31 day period,
b. Liquid Radwaste Treatment System In accordance with Technical Specification, the liquid radwaste treatment system shall be used to reduce the radioactivo materials in liquid wastes prior to their discharge when the projected doses, due to the liquid effluent, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS would exceed 0.06 mrem to the total body or 0.2 mrem to any organ in a 31 day period.

5 of 29

B. Maximum Permissible Concentrations

1. Gaseous Releases The RBS Radiological Effluents Technical. Specifications (RETS) for gaseous releases are based on the dose rate restrictions of 10CFR20, rather than the Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPC) listed in 10CFR20 Appendix B, Table II, Column 1.
2. Liquid Releases The Maximum Permissible Concentration of radioactive materials in liquid effluents is limited by 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2. The MPC chosen is the most conservative value (i.e., the lowest) of either the soluble or insoluble MPC for each radionuclide.

C. Average Energy Not applicable to RBS RETS D. Measurements and Approximations of Total Radioactivity

1. Gaseous Effluents
a. Fission and Activation Gases Periodic grab samples are obtained from the Main Plant Exhaust Duct, Fuel Building Exhaust Vent and Radwaste Building Exhaust Vent. These samples are analyzed utilizing high resolution germanium detectors coupled to computerized pulse height analyzers. The sampling and analysis frequencies are described in Table 1. Sampling and analysis of these effluent streams provide noble gas radionuclide relative abundances which can then be applied to the noble gas gross activity and gross activity release rate to obtain nuclida specific activities and release rates. The noble gas gross activity released within a specific time period is determined by integrating the stack monitor release rate over the considered time period. A Xe-135 correlation factor (laboratory analysis derived sample activity concentration - monitor response in uCi/cc) of 0.136 was used for determining the total amount of noble gas activity released in the month of June. Prior to June, a correlation factor of 1.0 was used. If no activity was detected in the stack sample, the nuclide relative abundances of the last sample which indicated the presence of activity was utilized to obtain nuclide specific activities.

6 of 29

b. Particulates and Iodines Particulates and iodines are continuously sampled from each of the three release points utilizing a particulate filter and charcoal cartridge in line with a sample pump (stack monitor pump). These filters and charcoal cartridges are removed and analyzed in accordance with the frequencies specified in Table 1. Analysis is performed to identify and quantify radionuclides utilizing high-resolution germanium detectors coupled to computerized pulse height analyzers. Given the nuclide specific activity concentrations, process flow rate, and time which the sample covered; the nuclide specific activity released to the. environment can be obtained.

Due to the continuous sampling process, it is assumed that the radioactive material is released to the environment at a constant rate within the sampling period. Sr-89 and Sr-90 are quantitatively analyzed by counting the digested filter precipitate with a gas flow proportional counter. Gross alpha analysis is performed using a zinc sulfide scintillation counter.

c. Tritium Tritium grab samples are obtained from the three release points at the specified frequencies listed in Table 1 utilizing an acetone / water ice bath condensation collec-tion method. The collected sample is then analyzed utilizing a Liquid Scintillation Counter. Given the tritium concentration, process flow rate, and time period for which the sample is obtained, the tritium activity released to the environment can be determined. Due to the frequency of sampling, it is assumed that the tritium is released to the environment at a constant rate within the time period for which the sample is obtained.
2. Liquid Effluents Representative grab samples are obtained from the appropriate sample recovery tank and analyzed prior to release of the tank in accordance with the frequencies listed in Table 2.

Analysis for gamma emitting nuclides (including dissolved and entrained noble gases) is parformed utilizing a high resolution germanium detector coupled to a computerized pulse height analyzer. Tritium concentration is determined i utilizing a Liquid Scintillation Counter. Sr-89 and Sr-90 are quantitatively analyzed by counting the precipitate with a gas flow proportional counter. Fe-55 is counted with a Liquid Scintillation Counter after digestion of the iron. Gross alpha analysis is performed using a zinc sulfide scintillation counter. Given the nuclide specific activity concentration and total volume of the tank that was released, the activity of each nuclide released to the environment can be determined. 7 of 29

E. Batch Releases

1. Liquid 1st Quarter 1986
a. Number of batch releases  : 181
b. Total time period for batch releases  : 1041.98 hr
c. Maximum time period for batch releases  : 8.17 hr
d. Average time period for batch releases  : 5.76 hr
e. Minimum time period for a batch release  : 2.18 hr
f. . Average stream flow during periods of 3

release of effluent into a flowing stream : 536,000 ft /sec 2nd Quarter 1986

a. Number of batch releases  : 192
b. Total time period for batch releases  : 1139.10 hr
c. Maximum time period for batch releases  : 10.86 hr
d. Average time period for batch releases  : 5.93 hr
e. Minimum time period for a batch release  : 2.46 hr
f. Average stream flow during periods of 3

release of effluent into a flowing stream : 558,000 ft /sec

2. Gaseous Primary Containment /Drywell purges are considered gaseous batch releases. Purges are directed through the Main Plant Exhaust Duct prior to release to the environment and are therefore monitored by the Main Plant Exhaust Duct stack monitor. For purposes of this report, a purge is in effect only when purge inlet valves *A0V-128 and *A0V-166, and purge outlet valves *A0V-165 and *A0V-123 are open. Containment venting (i.e., for pressure reduction) is not considered a release due to the short time duration of each venting period and limited motive force of the release. Due to logistical considerations, all releases through the Main Plant Exhaust Duct for the duration of the purge are'*onsidered c as part of the batch.

1st Quarter 1986

a. Number of batch releases  : 25
b. Total time period for batch releases  : 76.4 hr
c. Maximum time period for a batch release : 22.8 hr
d. Average time period for batch releases  : 3.1 hr
e. Minimum time period for a batch release : 0.15 hr 8 of 29

2nd Quarter 1986

a. Number of batch releases  : 31
b. Total time period for batch releases  : 42.3 hr
c. Maximum time period for a batch release : 6.3 hr
d. Average timo pariod for batch releases  : 1.36 br
e. Minimum time period for a batch releases : 0.08 hr F. Abnormal Releases
1. Liquid 1st Quarter 1986
a. Number of releases  : I
b. Total activity releases . 1.21E-3 Curies 2nd Quarter 1986
a. 11 amber of releases  : 0
b. Total activity released  : O Curies On January 14, 1986 at 1624 hrs, radioactive liquid discharge no. 86-0044 was initiated without the radwaste liquid effluent monitor (1RMS-RS107) sample pump being started. At 2150 hours the radwaste operator terminated the release and observed that the sample pump was not running. The entire contents of recovery sample tank 1LWS-TK4A had been discharged without the required radiation monitor which provides an automatic termination of the release at a preset activity concentration !!ICH ALARM limit. Samples taken before the incident indicated the presence of only tritium. No gamma-emitting radionuclides were detected in s ampics taken before and after the discharge. A total of 1210.11 uCi oi tritium was discharged to the environment during this unmonitored release. An investigation proved that the sample pump was never started due to procedural inadequacies and miscommunication between operators.

All discharges were terminated until the required procedure changes and training were conducted. These changes require the operators to initial the permit indicating initiation of sample pump operation and to physically verify the operation of the pump. In addition, a modification request was initiated to provide automatic closure of discharge isolation valve ILWS-A0V257 in the event of a low sample flew rate signal from the 1RMS-RE107 monitor. There were no safety and health conseqtences to the public as a result of this event as indicated by samples taken before and after the discharge.

2. Gaseous 1_st_ Quarter 1986
n. Number of releases  : 0
b. Total activity releases  : O Curles 2nd Quarter 1986
a. Number of releases  : 1
b. Total activity released  : 1.92E-05 Curies 9 of 29
           .On April   2,   1986, it was discovered that air was exiting the Main Steam Tunnel blow out panels on top of the Auxiliary Building roof (170' elevation). Since this flow of air represented a possible pathway for unmonitored radioactive releases, air samplers were positioned in front of these panels      On April 15, analysis of air samples indicated the presence of radioactive material in the air exiting the panels.             It is estimated that approximately 19 uCi of particulate (T                 >8 days) and radioiodine 1/2 activity were released from the blow out panels from 4/2/86 through 6/30/86. These releases coincided with reactor power levels of at least 50 percent or greater. No activity was detected in air sampics when the unit was shut down. A Modification Request was initiated on 6/6/86 to prevent further releases.        The field work for .this Modification Request is scheduled to be completed by 9/1/86.

G. Estimate of Total Error

1. Liquid The maximum error associated with sample collection, laboratory analysis, and discharge volume are collectively estimated to be:

Fission and Activation Products : 1 14.2% Tritium : 1 14.2% Dissolved and Entrained Noble Gases : 1 14.2% Gross Alpha Radioactivity : 1 14.2%

2. Gaseous The maximum errors (not including sample line loss) associated with sample flow, process flow, sample collection, monitor accuracy and laboratory analysis are collectively estimated to be:

Fission and Activation Gases : 37.0%

1 18.6%

Particulates : 1 18.6% Tritium : 1 18.2% i 3. Determination of Total Error l l The total error (i.e., collective error due to sample l collection, laboratory analysis, sample flow, process flow, ( monitor accuracy, etc.) is calculated using the following i equation: E + (E 2) + ... (E n) T ( 1) where: E "

  • t"l "## #

T 10 of 29 I l

4 Eg ,'E2 ... E = individual errors due to sample collection, laboratory analysis, sample flow, process flow, monitor accuracy, etc. III. GASEOUS EFFLUENTS


INFORMATION Refer to Tables 3, 4 and 5 for Summation of All Releases and Nuclides Released, respectively, It should be noted that an entry of "0.00E+00" Ci or uCi/sec in this section does not indicate.the absence of a radionuclide; but, rather, indicates that the i concentration. of the particular radionuclide was below the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) as listed in Table 1. IV. LIQUID EFFLUENTS


INFORMATION Refer to Table 6 for Summation of All Releases and Nuclides Released. It should be noted that an entry of "0.00E+00" Ci or uCi/ml in this i section does not indicate the absence of a radionuclide; but, rather, indicates that. the concentration of the particular radionuclide was below the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) as listed in Tabic 2., l ) V. SOLID WASTE [ Refer to Table 7 , VI. RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT ON MAN . This information will .l>e provided in the end-cf-year raport as -

described in Technical Specification



VII. METEOROLOGICAL DATA ] I This information will be- provided in the end-of-year report as described in Technical Specification 1 4 VIII. RADI0 ACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY , 4 The minimum number of channels required to be OPERABLE as described in Table of Technical Specification were, if inoperable at any time in the period January 1, 1986 through June 30, 1986, restored to operable status within the required time. ] Reporting of these inoperable channels in this report is, therefore,

not required.

i i i l . 11 of 29

IX. RADI0 ACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY The minimum number of channels required to be OPERABLE as described in Table of Technical Specification were, if inoperable at any time in the period January 1, 1986 through June 30, 1986,- restored to operable status within the required time. Reporting of these inoperable channels in this report is, therefore, not required. X. LIQUID HOLD UP TANKS The maximum quantity of radioactive material, excluding tritium and dissolved or entrained noble gases, contained in any unprotected outdoor tank during the period of January 1, 1986 through June 30, 1986 was 1.67E-04 Curies, which is less than the 10 Curie limit as required by Technical Specification XI. RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING There were no changes in sampling locations for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) during the reporting period January 1, 1986 through June 30, 1986. XII. LAND USE CENSUS This information will be presented in the end-of-year report. The Land Use Census results will be available in September 1986. XIII. OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) No changes were made to the RBS ODCM, Revision 3 for the period January 1, 1986 through June 30, 1986. XIV. MAJOR CifANGES TO RADI0 ACTIVE LIQUID. GASEOUS, AND SOLID WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS There were no licensee-initiated major changes made to the radioactive liquid, gaseous, and solid waste. treatment systems for the period of January 1,1986 through June 30, 1986. XV. PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) No changes were made to the RBS Process Control Program (PCP) for the period January 1, 1986 through June 30, 1986. 12 of 29

13tBul: 1 , BRDIGICTIVE Gymrum us3!: sapptwr: JIgm JINhLYSIS PROGulM 4 Mirumma lower Iamit of - Sagling Analysis Type of Detection (LID) i 6 m is Release Type Frequency W' Activity Analysis (uCi/ml) A. Main Plant M Principal Gartma Dnitters lx10" l he Dtrt Grab Sanple M

                                                                                                                                                                                                   -6 H-3                                                                                                              1x10
                                                                                                                                                                                                   -4 l     B. Fuel B1ilding               M                                      Principal Ganna Dnitters                                                                                         1x10 Ventilation             Grab Sanple               M
                                                                                                                                                                                                   -6 Exhaust Duct                                                       H-3                                                                                                              1x10 l


                                                                                                                                                                                                   -4 C. Radwaste Enilaing           M                                      Principal Ganna Dnitters                                                                                         lx10
,         Ventilation             Grab Sanple               M Exhaust Duct l


. D. All Release Types       Continuous                W                I-131                                                                                                            lx10 -12 o
    "     as listed in A,B,                             Charcoal                                                                                                                                   -10 g     C above.                                      Sanple               I-133                                                                                                            1x10
                                                                                                                                                                                                   -II Continuous                 W               Pnncipal Ganna Dnitters                                                                                          1x10 Particulate             (I-131, others)
;                                                       Sanple                                                                                                                                                    !
!                                                                                                                                                                                                  -11 l                                  Continuous                 M               Gross Alpha                                                                                                      1x10 Caposite j                                                       Particulate I                                                       Sanple a
.                                 Continuot2s                Q               SR-89, SR-90                                                                                                     lx10                ,
!                                                       C P site l                                                     Particulate i                                                       Sanple
!                           W= At least once per 7 days                                                                                                                                                           !

l M= At least coce per 31 days j Q= At least once per 92 cbys , I i

TABIE 2 RADIOPCTIVE IJQUID WAS'IE SAMPIJNG MO ANALYSIS PROGRAM Iower Limit Minimum of Detection Idquid Release Sanpling Analysis Type of Activity (LID) Type Frequency Frequency Analysis (uCi/ml)


A. Batch Waste P P Principal Gama 5x10 Release E.lch Batch Each Batch Dnitters; except -6 (Liquid for Cc-144 5x10 Radwaste Recovery

                                                                                                                        ~6 Sanple                                   I-131                1x10 Tanks         ,

P M Dissolved and 1x10

                                                                                                                        -5 One Batch /M               Entrained Gases (Gama Ekdtters)

P M 1x10

                                                                                                                        -5 11- 3 Each Batch    Camposite Gross Alpha         1x10"
                                                                                                                        -8 P             Q      Sr-89, Sr-90        5x10 Each Batch     Ccroposite
                                                                                                                        ~0 Fe-55               1x10 P = Prior to each radioactive release M = At least once per 31 days 0 = At least once per 92 days 14 of 29

TABus 3 Effluent and Maste Di==m1 SemtL-Anranal Rgort 1986 Year r:mmar== Effluents - m=mation of All blanasm 1/2 Quarters Est. Unit Quarter Quarter Total 1 2 Error, % A. Noble Gases

1. Total release C1 2.52E+02 8.65E+01 3.70E+01
2. Average release rate uCi/sec 3.24E+01 1.10E+01 for period
3. Percent of technical  % 3.58E+00 5.74E-01 specification limit (1)

D. Iodines I-131

1. Total I-131 and I-133 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.86E+01 1-133 l Ci 0.00E+00 2.59E-06 1.86E+01 I-131
2. Average release rate uCi 0.00E+00 0.00E+00

, for pericd sec l I-133 0.00E400 3.30E-07 ! 3. 1-131 + I-133 contribu-  % l tion percent of techni- 0.00E+00 7.35E-04 cal specification limit (2) l l C. Particulates l

1. Particulates with half- Ci 1.86E+01 lives of > 8 days 1.95E-06 1.29E-05
2. Average release rate uCi/sec for period 2.51E-07 1.64E-06 l
3. Percent of technical  %

specification limit (2) 6.55E-04 2.99E-05 l l 4. Gross alpha Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 radioactivity l 15 of 29

Est. Unit Quarter Quarter Total 1 2 Error, % D. Tritium

1. Total release Ci 1.09E-01 1.65E-01 1.82E+01
2. Average release rate uCi/sec 1.40E-02 2.09E-02 for period
3. Percent of technical  % 2.95E-03 1.57E-03 specification limit (2) j (1) Gama airdose limit of 5 mrads/qtr (T.S. .

(2) organ dose limit (frm radiciodines, 8 day particulates, and tritim) of 7.5 mrems/qtr (T.S. . It should be noted that the Quarter 2 particulates percent of technical specification limit is calculated for only Mn-54. The percent of the technical specification dose limit for particulate radionuclides other than Mn-54 will be provided in a suppleental report. 16 of 29 j

TABLE 4 Effluent and Waste Diapnaal Semi-Annual Report 1986 Year Gaseous Effluents - Conditionally Elevated Relaans* 1/2 Quarters Continuous Mode Batch Mode l i i i i i l Nuclides Released l Unit l Quarter 1 l Quarter 2 l Quarter 1 l Quarter 2

1. Fission Gases
     !                               !       I                i          i               L l     Argon-41                    Ci    l 1.42E+02         1.76E+01 l 4.60E+00         7.83E-02   l l                               l       1                !          I                           L Krypton-85m            l    Ci       0.00E+00        0.00E+00     0.00E+00       0.00E+00 l

l \ \ l l Krypton-85 Ci ' O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.60E-02 ' Krypton-87 Ci 0.00E+00 l0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l l . , I l Krypton-88 Ci 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 ' O.00E+00 " 0.00E+00 l l I l Xenon-133m Ci 0.00E+00 l 5.18E+00 0.00E+00 1.22E-01 l l l l Xenon-133 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.03E-04 "

     ,     Xenon-135m                  Ci       0.00E+00        0.00E+00     0.00E+00       0.00E+00 l

l Xenon-135 Ci 4.78E+01 5.70E+01 2.73E+00 2.64E+00 l l Xenon-137 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 [ l l Ci 1.44E-02 Xenon-138 l 5.42E+01 ' 3.70E+00 7.42E-01  ; i " l unidentified l Ci N/A N/A N/A N/A l i , l_ Total for period l Ci L 2.44E+02 l 8.35E+01 l 8.07E+00 l 2.88E+00

2. Gascous Iodines i

Iodine-131 Ci l 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 i

     '     Iodine-132                  Ci       0.00E+00   " 0.00E+00        0.00E+00       0.00E+00 l Iodine-133 Ci       0.00E+00   " 0.00E+00        0.00E+00       0.00E+00 Iodine-134             '

Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 ' O.00E+00 Iodine-135 Ci ' O.00E+00 " 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 17 of 29 .[

Continuous Mode Batch Mode i i i i i l l Nuclides Released l Unit ! Quarter 1 l Quarter 2 l Quarter 1 l Ouarter 2 l

3. Particulates i ll l l l l Strontium-89 ' l.88E-06 Ci' (1) ' 6.56E-08 (1) l l

l Strontian-90 ' Cl 0.00E400 (1) O.00E+00 (1) l l 1 ,

   '  Cesita-134                   Ci         0.00E+00         0.00E+00 " 0.00E+00      ' O.00E+00 Cesitm-137            '

Ci ' O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Baritn-lanthanun-140, Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 ' 1 , c l l_ Cobalt-60 Ci ' O.00E+00 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l l l Chrcntiun-51 Ci ' O.00E+00 0.0CE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l l l o o l Zirconiun-niobiun-95 l 0.00E+00 ' l Ci O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 l l 1 l l Zine-65 Ci 0.00E400 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l l o

                                                                                      .l               l Iron-59                      Ci   '

0'.00E+00 0.00E+00 " 0.00E+00 L 0.00E+00 l l Manganese-54 Ci 0.00E400 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l > L h , l l Iodine-131 ' Ci ' O.00E+00 " 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l . i l l Cerium-141 Ci O.00E+00 1, 0.00E+00 ' O.00E+00  ! O,00E+00 l l I i i l l Cerlun-144 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 " 0.00E+00 l l . . l l Cobalt-57 " C1 l 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l l , i l Silver-410m Ci l 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E400 ' O.00E+00 l l l l , I l Molybdentm-99 C1' l 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 ' l 0.00E+00 l l , i , l l unident.ified ' Ci i N/A N/A " N/A l N/A l l , , , I l l Total for period  ; Ci ' 1.88E-06 l (1) l 6.56E-08 l (1) l 18 of 29

4 Continuous Mode Batch Mode

        !                                 i             i             ;                          l l    Nuclides Released     Unit ! Quarter 1 l Quarter 2         Quarter 1 ' Quarter 2 j 4.0 Tritiun i                        i                       l           l              l l    Hydrwui-3           l   Ci     5.96E-02       1.49E-01  l 3.12E-03     l 4.20E-03 n

(1) Not available for subnission at this time, supplanental report to follow. Main Plant Exhaust Duct is considered a conditionally elevated release point. i 19 of 29

TFBLE 5 Effluent and Maste Diapnaal Semi-Annual Report 1986 Year r:anares Effluents - Ground Ievel >1aaaan 1/2 Quarters Continuous Mode Batch Mode l l l l l l l l Nuclides Released j Unit ! Quarter 1 l Quarter 2 l Quarter 1 l Ouarter 2 l

1. Fission Gases l Argon-41 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 ,

l , , l Krypton-85m Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l Krypton-85 Ci l 0.00E+00 h0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.18E-04 l u I L l Krypton-87 " ' l Ci O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l , l l Krypton-88 Ci 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 'O.00E+00 l l a , i ,  : l l Xenon-133m Ci l 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 ' O.00E+00 l l , o l . l Xenon-133 Ci " 0.00E+00 ' O.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.16E-04 l l l Xenon-135m l Ci j 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l l l l Xenon-135 ' Ci l 0.00E+00 i 1.17E-01 ' O.00E+00 0.00E+00 ,

                                          'i              i                                            I l    Xenon-137             L    Ci      O.00E+00         0.00E+00 O.00E+00         0.00E+00 l l                          L                                                                     l l    Xenon-138             !_   Ci  l 0.00E+00 O.00E+00      0.00E+00         0.00E+00 l l                          l        1                                ,             l l           l l    unidentified              'Ci  l      N/A      l       N/A           N/A      l       N/A   l l                            .

I i i l l Total for period l Ci j 0.00E+00 l 1.17E-01 " 0.00E+00 l 2.34E-04 l

2. Gaseous Iodines l I i i l
     -l    Iodine-131            l    Ci  j 0.00S+00           0.00E+00      0.00E+00    l 0.00E+00    l l                          1        I               i                              i             !

Iodine-132 l Ci j 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 ' O.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l l , , i

      ,   -Iodine-133                 Ci  l 0.00E+00      l 0.00E+00         0.00E+00    l 0.00E+00 l                          m        I               i                ,

i  ; i Iodine-134 l Ci j 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l l l c I i  ! l Iodine-135 l Ci  ! 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 j 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 20 of 29

Continuous Mode Batch Mode Nuclides Released Unit Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 1 Quarter 2

3. Particulates Strontium-89 Ci 0.00E+00 (1) 0.00E+00 (1)

Strontium-90 Ci 0.00E+00 (1) 0.00E+00 (1) Cesium-134 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Cesium-137 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0+00E+00 0.00E+00 i Barium-lanthanum-140 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Cobalt-60 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Chrcmium-51 Ci 0.00E+00 1.16E-05' O.00E+00 0.00E+00 Zirconium-niobium-95 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Zinc-65 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Iron-59 '{i 0.00E+00 1.34E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Manganese-54 Ci 0.00E+00 7.94E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00

Iodine-131 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Iodine-132 Ci 0.00E+00 3.65E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Iodine-133 Ci 0.00E+00 2.59E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Cerium-141 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Cerium-144 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 j Cobalt-57 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00. 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l Silver-110m Ci 0.00E+00 3.70E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1

. Molybdenum-99 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 ! unidentified Ci N/A N/A N/A N/A I Total for period Ci 0.00E+00 (1) 0.00E+00 (1) 21 of 29

Continuous Mcde Batch Mode i i i i i i l l Nuclides Released l Unit  ! Quarter 1 I Quarter 2 l Quarter 1 l Quarter 2 l 4.0 Tritiun l l l l l l l Hy i % i-3 l Ci  ! 4.59E-02 l 1.13E-02 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 (1) Not available for subnission at this time, suppernental report to follow. Fuel Building Exhaust Vent and Radwaste Building Exhaust Vent are considered ground level release points. 22 of 29

                                                   'mBE 6 Effluent and Waste Diamaal Semi-Annual Report             1986    Year T imiti Effluents - Stunnation of All Relaam l                                    1        -i                         i Est.       l l                                   l  Unit     ! Quarter '     Quarter l 'Ibtal      l l                                   !           l      1           2     l Error, % l A. Fission and activation products l        .                           I          i            i           i            l l  ~1. Total release (not in- l       Ci      l 3.59E-04 l 8.07E-03 l 1.42E+01       l l       cluding tritiun,-gases, j               l          .l            l            l alpha                       j          j             l                        l i           i            i
       ;  2. Average diluted concen- l uCi/ml l 5.20E-10-l 1.44E-08 h l       tration during period                   l                       l l                                  h           i                        l l  3. Percent of applicable       j   %      l 2.87E-02      6.46E-61 l l       limit                 (1) l            l                        l B. Tritiun l                                  1           i            i           i             l Total release              '

l 1. Ci 6.03E-01 " 1.79E+00 1.42E+01 l l -l l , , i l 2. Average diluted concen- ll uCi/ml l 8.73E-07 ll 3.20E-06 l l tration during period l l l l l l l l 3. Percent of applicable j  %  ! 2.91E-02 l 1.07E-1 l l limit (2) l l l l C. Dissolved and entrained gases l I i i i l l 1. Total release l Ci l 1.43E-03 l 4.74E-03 l 1.42E+01 l l l l l l l l l I i i l 2. Average diluted concen- l uCi/ml l 2.07E-09 l' 8.48E-09 l l tration during period l l l l l 1 . l l 3. Percent of applicable l  % l 1.04E-03 i 4.24E-03 l l limit (3) l l l l 23 of 29 __

Est. Unit Quarter Quarter '1btal 1 2 Error, % D. Gross alpha radioactivity

1. Total release Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.42E+01 E. Volume of waste released liters 1.05E+07 1.11E+07 8.73E-01 (prior to dilution)

F. Volume of dilution water liters 6.80E+08 5.48E+08 5.70E-01 used during period (1) One quarter of 5 Ci annual limit (1.25 Ci) for liquid releases except for tritium and dissolved or entrained noble gases frcxn 10CFR50 Appendix I. (2) 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 MPC limit of 3.00E-03 uCi/ml. (3) Technical Specification limit of 2.0E-04 uCi/ml for dissolved or entrained noble gases in liquid effluents. 1 24 of 29

Effluent and Waste Dispnaal Seni-Annual Report 1986 Year G. Ydrydd Effluents 1/2 Quarters Continuous Mode Batch Mode l l I i i i l l Nuclides Released Unit l Ouarter 1 Quarter 2 " Ouarter 1 l Ouarter 2 l l l l l l Hidrogen-3 l Ci " N/A l N/A 6.03E-01 1.'79E+00 l

        !.                                                                                                     l l   Arsenic-76                   Ci          N/A             N/A          0.00E+00           4.59E-04  l l                            ll            l          s                 \                l l   Strontitzn-89           '

Ci ' N/A l N/A L 0.00E+00 (1)

        'l                                                    l             'l Strontiun-90                 Ci          N/A      l      N/A 0.00E+00                (1) l                       l                                  l l   Cesiun-134              l'   Ci          N/A             N/A          0.00E+00       ' O.00E+00
        !                             ,            ,                        u                    l             l l    Cesitzn-137               '

Ci ' l N/A N/A 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l 1 l Iodine-131 Ci N/A 'l N/A O.00E+00 0.00E+00 l , L l Iodine-132 y Ci N/A N/A 0.00E+00 , 0.00E+00 l l l l . i l l Iodine-133 l Ci N/A N/A O.00E+00 ' O.00E+00 l l l Iodine-134 l Ci l N/A l N/A 0.00E+00 0.00EM0 i i i l Iodine-135 ' Ci N/A " N/A 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l . l l l Soditzn-24 i Ci l N/A j N/A 0.00E%0 l 8.11E-05 l l i I l l Cobalt-58 Ci N/A N/A ' O.00E+00 l 8.51E-04 l l . c i l Cobalt-60 i Ci l N/A L N/A 0.00E+00 ' 1.07E-04 l l l l t l l Iron-55 l Ci l N/A l N/A 0.00E+00 (1) ll l l l l ll Iron-59 " Ci ' ' 2.46E-04 l N/A N/A l 0.00E+00

       !                                                                    I
       '    Zinc-65                      Ci      '

N/A 0.00E+00 " N/A l 0.00E+00 L i l l Manganese-54 l Ci l N/A N/A l 0.00E+00 1.06E-04 I .\ I l l Manganese-56 l Ci ' N/A 1 N/A l 2.43E-04 7.84E-04 i i i l . l l l Chronitzn-51 l Ci " N/A i N/A 1.16E-04 '

                                                                                                 ' 5.38E-03    l l                           l             .

i l Zirconitzn-niobitzn-95 l Ci l N/A l N/A 0.00E+00 , 1.35E-05 l l 1 i i , 1 l l Molybdentrn-99 l Ci j N/A j N/A l 0.00E+00 2.11E-05 l l l l l 1 , l l Technicitzn-99m l Ci j N/A l N/A l 0.00E+00 l 2.21E-05 l t ( 25 of 29

Continuous Mode Batch Mode l l l l l l Nuclides Released Unit 1

                                             ~~                 Quarter 3 l Quarter 4 " Quarter 3                                      Quarter 4 lI l                                                    l              r 1        .

H I i I l Bariun-lanthanun-140 Ci " N/A N/A 0.00E+00 ' O.00E+00- l e i l Cerlun-141 Ci N/A N/A 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 l , , l l Cerlun-144 Ci ' N/A L N/A " 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l l l l Total for period Ci , N/A , N/A 6.03E-01 1.80E+00 l H. Dinanived and Entrainoa casma Continuous Mode Batch Mode l I i i i i l l Nuclides Released 'l Unit j Quarter 1 l Coarter 2 l Quarter 1 l Quarter 2 l l 1 i i  ! _l Argon 41 , Ci l N/A l N/A l 0.00E+00 , 0.00E+00 l l 1 i l l l Krypton-85m Ci l N/A l N/A l 0.00E+00 L 2.17E-05 l I 'i i l I . l  ! l Krypton-85 Ci l N/A " N/A l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l 6 i I l . I

        'l  Krypton-87 l     Ci      l         N/A -

N/A ' O.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 1 i l

        .,  Krypton-88                  l       Ci       '

l N/A N/A l 0.00E+00 3.40E-05 l l l . i i l  ! Ci l xenon-133m l l N/A N/A 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l I I  ! l I l~ j xenon-133 " Ci ' N/A N/A ' 8.03E-04 l 2.36E-03 l l l ,. . i  ! l xenon-135m l Ci N/A l N/A l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l l , I I I l l xenon-135 l Ci j N/A l N/A l 6.25E-04 l 2.31E-03 l

        !                             I                i                  I                   l                              I                     l l   xenon-137                 l         Ci     l          N/A               N/A        O.00E+00                    ' O.00E+00            l l                            i                 i                  h                     l                                                  l l   xenon-138                l          Ci     l          N/A         '

N/A l 0.00E+00 1.13E l l I l h , l L ' l unidentified Ci N/A N/A l N/A N/A l

        !                            o                 L                                      I                                                    !

l , I 'l l l 6 i . l l l l l l l l l l ll . l l l l l l l l 1 I i l l l l l l l l l I I l I L  ! l Total for period l Ci l N/A l N/A l 1.43E-03 l 4.74E-03 l (1) Not available at this time, supplanental report to follow. 26 of 29

                                                                                  .     . , -          .. . _ _ = _ - . _ _                     --

TAB 2 7 Effluent and Waste Disenaal Samiarutual Report 1986 Year Solid Waste and Irrarliated Ebel ShimA. Reporting Period 01/01/86 to 06/30/86 Otr 1/2 A. Solid Waste Shipped for Burial or Disposal (Not irradiated fuel)

     !                                         l          l   6-month l Waste       Est. Total l' l   1. Type of waste                     l   Unit l     Period ' Class         Error, %    ,

3 I ' l a. Spent resins, filter sludges l m j 2.06E+02 A l [ l evaporator bottczns, etc. l l ll l Ci l 1.98E+00 2.24E+01

b. Dry ccmpressible waste, l m3 0.00E+00 'l N/A I l_ contaminated equip, etc. Ci 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l
c. Irradiated ccznponents, m 0.00E+00 , N/A-
     !           control rods, etc.            l   Ci        0.00E+00            l 0.00E+00     l l                                         l                         ,

i l l d. Other (None)  ! m i 0.00E+00 l N/A -l l_ l l Ci l 0.00E+00 l l 0.00E+00 l 27 of 29

r-2. TYPE OF Spent Desins, filter Dry ompressible Irradiated Cmponents Other WASTE sludges, evaporator waste, contaminated control rods,-etc. (None) bottcans, etc. equip, etc. Principle H-3 5.88E+00 N/A N/A N/A Radionuclides C-14 8.20E-02 (Identify and Na-24 4.09E-08

      % Abundance)  Cr-51      2.47E+01 Mn-54      2.51E+01 Co-57      3.97E-03 Co-58      2.72E+01 Fe-59      6.38E+00 Co-60      6.13E+00 Ni-63      1.21E-01 Cu-64      7.37E-03 Zn-65      2.92E+00 As-76      3.28E-02 Nb-95      3.20E-01 Zr-95      4.42E-01 bb-99      4.14E-02 Ag-110m    3.10E-03 Sn-113     4.86E-03 Sb-122     3.33E-02 Sb-124     2.78E-01 I-131      1.87E-02 Te-131m    1.77E-04 Te-132     1.98E-04 Ba-140     1.94E-01 Ia-140     1.02E-02 Ce-141     5.00E-04 Ce-144     2.80E-02 W-187      2.22E-02 Np-239     7.79E-04 On-242     1.10E-04 TRU        2.24E-04 L                                          28 of 29

l TYPE OF l Spent Resins, filter j Dry ecznpressible  :' Irradiated Ccmponents Other l

             ' WASTE        l sludges, evaporator     ' waste, contaminated' control rods, etc.        '

l (None) ' l l bottczns, etc. equip, etc. l . I i , I l . lAbove Determined l l l lby: ' [ lA. measurenent l " i l' . l lB. estimation C N/A l N/A '

                                                                                                         , N/A l lC. measurement                                 !                     'l                           l l and correlation
      !                                               u                        .

i l TYPE OF l Strong, Tight Liners N/A 1 N/A l N/A [

     -l c m rAINER          j                                                                          l l                     I                                               ll           .             i l SOLIDIFICATIN l                               ll        N/A           l         N/A            j N/A l l AGENr OR            l         Canent '       l                      l                          l          l l ABSORBArr           l                         l                     !                          l          l
3. SOLID NASTE DISPOSITION Number of Shipnents Mode of Transportation Destination 18 Truck, Exclusive Use CNSI, Barnwell',

South Carolina B. IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS (Disposition) Ntznber of Shipnents Mode of Transportation Destination 0 N/A N/A ( 29 of 29


      '-      4 muur l         $0N   _

S, > GULF STATES UTILITIES COMPAMi -gg RIVER BEND STATION POST OFFICE BOX 220 ST. FRANCISVILLE. LOUISIANA 70775 AREA CODE $04 635-6094 346 8661 . August 28, 1986 RBG- 24299 File Nos. G9.5, G9.25.1.5 Mr. Robert D. Martin, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, TX 76011

Dear Mr. Martin:

River Bend Station - Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458 Enclosed is the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of January 1 to June 30, 1986. This report is submitted in accordance with Technical Specification of Appendix A to River Bend Station (RBS) License Number NPF-47. Sincerely,

                                                                                               .b J. E. Booker Manager-Engineering Nuclear Fuels & Licensing River Bend Nuclear Group JEB/   /    /je l

Enclosure l 4 , 0' .%-lo1\ L 4}}