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SER Supporting Util 831105 & 850215 Responses to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.1 & 3.1.2, Post-Maint Testing Verification... & 4.1 & 4.5.1, Reactor Trip Sys Reliability.... Proposed Programs Meet Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/17/1985
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20209G635 List:
GL-83-28, NUDOCS 8509190610
Download: ML20209G638 (2)




COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY BRAIDWOOD STATION, UNITS 1 AND 2 DOCKET NO. 50 456, 50-457 1.0. Introduction A. Background Information Subsequent to the anticipated transient without scram (ATWS) events at the Salem Nuclear Power Plant, the Comission reviewed inter-mediate term actions to be taken by the licensees. The actions ,

r taken were developed on the basis of information contained in ,

.NUREG-1000, " Generic Implications of ATWS events at the Salem .

- Nuclear Power Plant". On July 8,1983, Generic Letter (GL) 83-28 was issued by NRR. The letter identified NRC positions developed

.- from review of the Salem ATWS events. These positions are related -

to reactor trip system reliability and general management capability.

The specific GL 83-28 items covered by this Safety Evaluation are Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, " Post-Maintenance Testing (RTS Components)";

4.1, "RTS Reliability (Vendor Related Modifications)"; and 4.5.1, "RTS Reliability (System Functional Test Description)". Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 will be evaluated upon receipt of licensee's completed

_. response.

O~ =

B. Licensee's Response to Generic Letter (GL) 83-28

_ By letter dated November 5,1983, Comonwealth Edison Company responded to specific items of GL 83-28. The licensee sumarized the results


- of the requested review and concluded that all items have been '

appropriately addressed.

? -

C. Scope of Review The staff's review consisted of an evaluation of the response to detennine if the requirements of GL 83-28 have been satisfied. The licensee's submittal outlines the proposed programs that are to be used upon licensing of the facility. The evaluation for each of the items is given below.

2.0 Evaluation


A. Items 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, " Post-Maintenance Testing (RTS Components)"

The review criteria for these items require that the licensee submit a statement indicating that he has reviewed plant test and maintenance procedures and Technical Specifications to ensure that post-maintenance I

8509190610 850917 ~

PDR ADOCM 05000456 A PDR ,

operability testing of safety-related components in the reactor trip system is required. Also, the licensee's statement should contain a verification that vendor' recommended test guidance has becn reviewed, evaluated, and where appropriate, included in the test and maintenance procedures or the Technical Specifications. The staff has evaluated the licensee's November 5, 1983, submittels for this item and has determined it to be adequate in content.

B. Item 4.1, "RTS Reliability (Vendor Related Modifications)"

The review criteria for this item requires that the licensee submit a statement indicating that he has reviewed all vendor recommended reactor trip breaker modifications and determined that (1) each modification has been implemented or (2) a written evaluation which specifies the technical reasons for not implementing the modification

- exists. The staff has evaluated the licensee's November 5,1983,

- submittal for this item and has determined it to be adequate in

-- content.  ;


7- -~C. ~ Item 4.5.1, "RTS Reliability (System Functional Test Description)"


The review criteria for this item requires that the licensee submit -

a statement committing to independent, on-line functional testing of the diverse trip features. The staff has evaluated the licensee's November 5,1983 and February 15, 1985, submittals for this item, committing to on-line testing of the undervoltage and shunt trip mechanisms, and has determined it to be adequate in content.

3.0 Conclusion The staff concludes that the proposed programs outlined in the licensee's submittals adequately address the requirements of Generic Letter 83-28 for the areas specified in this Safety Evaluation. -

h Dated: SEP 1711B5 ,

The following NRC personnel have contributed to this Safety Evaluation:

T. E. Taylor e

