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Forwards Proposed Response to Commissioner Gilinsky 831213 Memo Re Facility Operator Qualifications.Proposed Response Received Concurrence of NRR & Oeld
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/1983
From: James O'Reilly
To: Dircks W
Shared Package
ML20209C665 List:
FOIA-85-419 NUDOCS 8401060349
Download: ML20209C660 (1)


___ . - ________ _________

/ p g oceGw, UN6T ED STATER l gj ,[o NUCLEAD R EGULATORY COMMisslON l 2 ,( e CE21: Nil 1

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0 l k I ATL ANT A, GEORGIA 30303 ,.< )



DEC g 11983 /

MEMORANDUM FOR: William J. Dircks, Executive Director for Operations FROM: James P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator -


GRAND GULF OPERATOR QUALIFICATIONS The enclosed memorandum is the proposed response to Comissioner Gilinsky's December 13, 1983, memorandum on Grand Gulf Operator Qualifications. This proposed response has received the concurrence of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and the Office of the Executive Legal Director.

m 0 W mes P. O'Reilly


p Proposed Response to Commissioner Gilinsky's mem\ o of 12/13/83 cc w/ encl.:

N Harold R. Denton Richard C. DeYoung .

Guy H. Cunningham Information in this rccord was deleted la accordance with tha freedom of Informatin Act, exemptions ./>

f0lA 95-4W f " "


'l .


/* [ o' CE *.lON il j g I tot CA*:leTTA ST~EET.D.W.

i g ATLANTA EEOAIIA 38303 k*****/

I DEC 211983 i

] / .

j MEMORANDUM FOR: Comissioner Victor Gilinsky i

{ FROM: William J. Dircks, Executive Director for Operations ~




l In your memorandum dated December 13, 1983, you expressed concern and asked i questions about the qualification of the operating staff at Grand Gulf Nuclerr ,

! Station. The staff shares your concerns on this matter and has devoted special j attention to assuring the safety of licensed activities and the correction of i weaknesses. Answers to your questions are provided in narrative and tabular i forms in Enclosures 1 and 2, respectively. Individual names have been included j to provide you with as much specific information as possible. The information j provided on individuals by name has normally been withheld by the staff from j public disclosure. A sunnery version of the information, without names, can t i be provided if you wish. l 1

j The initial licensing of Grand Gulf operators was conducted by NRR beginning

, in October 1981 On December 17, 1982 Region 11 assumed operator licensing authority and has conducted operator licensing activities at Grand Gulf since that date. In addition to routine inspections and operator examinations, Region II has conducted a nunber of special evaluations and meetings concerning

the Grand Gulf operator training, qualification, and experience issues. These i include:
1. Special training assessments in February and November 1983; j 2. Operational readiness inspections in August and September 1983; 4

j 3. Three meetings on these issues with Mississippi Power and Light management j in October and November 1983; and I

4 4. Two meetings conducted by the Regional Administrator in November 1982 and 1 November 1983 with the Chairman of the Board of Middle South Utilities and j  : the President of Mississippi Power and Light concerning operator staffing i and training issues.

i l In response to our concerns Mississippi Power and Light Company has initiated I a comprehensive; program to expand and strengthen management controls in the I operator staffing and training area and to recertify all licensed operators.

l 8704290070 870423


] REBERB5-419 PDR l


Jarres P. O'Reilly, Region II 4;

242-5500 f


( .

, j 'N  !

1 \f - ,

Comissioner Victor Gilinsky 2 DEC 211983 i l q 1 l

Management controls' changes include elevating the training function to ,

j report directly to an Assistant Plant Manager, consolidating the training  :

staff, assigning additional personnel to the training department, the initfa- ,

l j tion of a special financial incentive program to improve the staff retention % l i rate, and the addition of a Corporate Nuclear Human Resource Manager dinctly l responsible for increasing the number and level of competence of personnel <

1 .

entering the training pipeline. A number of management personnel changes have l also been made including assignment of a new Plant Manager, assignmert of an additional Assistant Plant Manager who is responsible for training, and the assignment of a new supervisor of operations training.  !

! The program to recertify licensed operators will include reexamination by the utility of all licensed operators and training in areas of identified weak-

) nesses. This specific program began in November 1983, and is expected to be

completed in late January 1984. Implementation of this program is being

! closely monitored by Region II. Upon completion of_the program and a finding that the program has been properly implemented, each operator and senior j operator will be reexamined by the NRC. Individuals who do not pass the NRC <

reexamination will be removed from licensed duties and show cause orders will b4 As a minimum, each

'operato,e issued .where apprcpriate for license revocation.r &nd senior opera plant simulator. Region II has made preparations to give written examinations

as well. Region II will make a decision regarding written examinations based i ..

on the results of continuing inspection activities, on findings from close

monitoring of the recertification program, and on the findings from the ongoing
  • i 01 investigation.

! The licensee has been infomed of the NRC staff's intent to reexamine all j operators as discussed above at the completion of the recertification program.

i l William J. Dircks j Executive Director for Operations i

i .


j 1. Narrative Response to Questions ,

2. Tables I, 2.a., 3.a/b -


! cc w/encis.:

Chairman Palladino Commissioner Roberts Comissioner Asselstine

, Commissioner Bernthal

! OPE l OGC SECY bec w/encls.:

(See page 3)

1 Comissioner Victor Gilinsky 3 WC 21 1993 bec w/encls.: 7 James P. O'Reilly, RII -

J. A. Olshinski, RII , ,

' ~

R. C. Lewis, RII



. 1 l

l l

l l

l E0P RII P RII:D:DEOP RI PRP 11 RC RII:RA D,:g BWilson:aw AFGi son J s inski RC ewis B00 es JPO'Reill HDenton J 12/21/83 12/21/83 12/21/83 12/21/83 12/21/83 12/21s 12/21/83

)h ot JLie5erman & 5 %d 12/21/83 4

i DEC 211983

/ ' ENCLOSURE 1 Question 1 Operators ..

Please provide a table which answers the following: _.

Question 1.a Which licensed operators have deficient or suspect qualification

. cards?


Enclosure 2, Table 1, lists all currently licensed personnel at the Grand i Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS), including those who have passed NRC examina-tions but who have not yet been issued licenses. Fourteen individuals have been identified by the Office of Investigations (01) as not having completed the qualification card as comitted to in their applications. These individuals are identified in Table 1. Through NRC inspections and MP&L audits additional deficiencies were found in that the qualification card evaluations were not conducted in accordance with FSAR comitments (Inspec-tion Report No. 50-416/83-53). The staff therefore, believes that the qualification cards for all licensed personnel must be considered deficient or suspect. '


As a result of our findings, each operator (RO) and senior operator (SRO) is being reevaluated by MP&L and retrained in areas where weaknesses are suspected and identified. MP&L is using newly revised and comprehensive qualification cards to certify completion of these evaluations. The revised cards include both practical factors and knowledge factors. A select group l

of licensed senior operators Aas been designated as " evaluators" and will re-examine each MP&L operator on all subject areas listed on the qualifi-cation cards. Each deficiency will be corrected by retraining and re-examination before an acceptance signature is made on the qualification card. These evaluations are being audited by MP&L management, representa-tives from two other utilities, the GE training organization, and the NRC.

The staff recomendation for full power licensing is being withheld pending satisfactory completion of this program,

! Question 1.b Which operators have received waivers of license requirements?


Table 1 identifies waivers of examination requirements granted to Grand Gulf

! operators. These waivers were issued to excuse operators from taking written or operatir.g tests which they had recently passed. For example, an SRO candidate (Docket No. 7356) failed a written exam but passed simu-

< 1ator and oral exams in July 1982. He was excused from repeating the simulator and oral exams and was given only a written exam when he was re-examined in October 1982. Issuance of such waivers is normal practice i


! Enclosure 1 2 1

and is authorized pursuant to 10 CFR 55.12(b). Table 1 also identifies '

I several instances in which" applicants were granted temporary waivers of ,

facility FSAR training commitments in order to facilitate examination . I

scheduling. For example, an RO candidate (Docket No. 8969) had not spent- l 1

three months on shift in the control room as required by the FSAR at the l time of examination. Although he had only 45 days of this experience at i the time the examination was given, his license was withheld until the l experience requirements were met. . l l

1 In none of these instances was a license granted until all commitments were satisfied.

! Question 1.c In which cases would the qualification card deficiencies, if

discovered earlier, have kept the operator from receiving his ,

license? In these cases, are the operators still licensed?

i t

! Response s

If discovered earlier, licenses would not have been granted to any operator j with significant qualification card deficiencies.

L Once qualification card deficiencies were fully realized, Region II stopped

1ssuing licenses'to Grand Gulf applicants who had passed NRC exams and i requested an investigation by 01. Three candidates (Docket Nos. 55-6604, i 55-8168, and 55-8180) who passed the NRC SRO examination in September, 1983 did not receive their licenses due to known qualification card deficiencies.

A fourth individual (Docket No. 55-20170) who had passed the September exams received his license before the qualification card deficiencies'were fully realized. He has since beeE removed from licensed duties and will not be reinstated until he is successfully re-evaluated. Preliminary results of

the ongoing 01 investigation and the results of special inspections by

, Region II indicate weaknesses in operator training, but these weaknesses, in the staff's judgment, have not been significant enough to warrant immediate license revocations based on the plant status and our knowledge of the qualifications of licensed operators. With the exception of the j l ,

four SRO applicants in September,1983 (three licenses withheld and one ,

l . formally removed from licensed duties) no action has been taken against the remaining licenses. ,

I Although licenses could have been suspended, revoked or modified pursuant

! to 10 CFR 55.40(b), the staff did not believe this action was warranted for

! these reasons:

! (1) Preliminary 01 investigation results indicate that the material false i statements made in the applications were not made with a willful intent by the applicants.


Enclosure 1 3 4

(2) MP&L has made changes t o the plant organization and has substantially

) increased management' attention and resources applied to operator training in order to increase the effectiveness of current and future ,

training. -

(3) Since July 1983, 23 of 28 licensed personnel have been evaluated by Region II through either license examinations, requalification examinations, and/or qualification card audit evaluations. The qualifications of 4 licensed individuals were found to be deficient

, and they were removed from licensed duties. Based on these evaluations and the corrective actions taken, the staff does not believe that sufficient cause exists to take further action against the individual licensees at this time.

4 i Question 1.d Would the plant have received its low power license if these i operator deficiencies had been known?


No. As discussed above, individual operators would not have been licensed if qualification card deficiencies had been known; and, of course', the

, - staff would not have supported licensing of the facility without licensed l operators. When'the qualification card deficiencies were confirmed,

, Region Il conducted an additional assessment of Grand Gulf operator quali-fications and training program effectiveness. (See Inspection. Report No.

i 50-416/83-53.) As a result of this assessment, Region II suspended further j issuance of operator licenses until completion of the recertification 4



Question 2 - Grand Gulf Instructors

! Please provide a table which answers the following:

! Question 2.a Which instructors have been granted waivers from NRC requirements, j and what were the waivers?

,' Response No waivers have been granted regarding instructor qualifications or ,'.

certification, j NRC policy, as stated in NUREG-0737, is that instructors who teach systems,

! integrated plant responses, transients and simulator courses shall demon-

! strate their competence by successful completion of an NRC SRO examination.

An MP&L commitment to implement this policy is included in GGNS FSAR i

Section Staff interpretation of NUREG-0737 does not require l re-examinations of instructors who hold or have held SRO licenses at

comparable facilities.

I i

i i


_ , - _ . _ . . . - . _ - . . _ - _ __,--__,__- _ -- -._ ._,_--_ _.._.__.-.._.___ _._..,-_ ,_ _.._._.,~

l Enclosure 1 4 i

Enclosed Table 2.a identifies the present complement of Grand Gulf i instructors with accos?anying experience and NRC licensing data. The fourteen instructors, (12 Quadrex and 2 Grand Gulf SRO licensed instruc- ,

tors), who currently participate in licensed operator training hold or have

, held SRO licenses on licensed BWR facilities. Instructors 19 and 20 are Grand Gulf employees (Docket Nos. 55-7356 and 55-8189) and presently. hold l valid SRO licenses on the facility. Waivers of NRC senior operator examina-l

  • tion requirements were identified in Table 1.

Quadrex instruct ws 1 through 12 (who were all previousiy licensed on BWR facilities) are involved in training of Grand Gulf licensed personnel while the remaining Quadrex instructors are not.

Question 2.b . Which instructors were involved in improperly signing operator j qualification cards?


The instructors who improperly signed qualification cards are identified 1 in Table 2.a. The five Quadrex instructors whose signatures appear on

! these qualification cards were 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10. During interviews with the staff in early November, these individuals maintained that they did conscientious and thorough evaluations given the time and resourse con- ,

i straints imposed upon them. Notwithstanding the above, the staff

! determined that the methods used to complete the qualification cards for j four senior reactor operator candidates did not provide the level of i training and evaluation of candidates' knowledge as described in the

! FSAR. Therefore, a Notice of Deviation was issued in Inspection Report 50-416/83-53 to MP&L for the,ir failure to meet training com:nitments

. specified by the FSAR.

Question 2 (Cont'd.)

Have the Grand Gulf instructors been examined by the NRC for plant-specific l

knowledge? If not, why not? I J

Response l l

, Grand Gulf employees (Instructors 19 and 20 Table 2.a) currently hold. valid i j SRO licenses and therefore, have been examined by the NRC for plant-specific I

knowledge. Quadrex instructors 1 through 12 meet the NUREG-0737 instructor
criteria (see response to question 2.b) and thus have not been examined by the NRC for plant-specific Grand Gulf knowledge. Nine of these 12 instruc-tors have received approximately 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> of Grand Gulf specific training.

Additional plant specific training and in-house certification of these instructors is planned following completion of the licensed personnel "

l recertification program.

l i

--..--,.--.-,,_.,,,,.<-.n--,.,,,,,------.---..----n---- ,-,_ -.,,,.--,-,,,..c-,,.----,.----_--., _ , , . . . - - , , - .

! Enclosure 1 5 1

l Question 2 (Cont'd) -


1 Are supervisors with qualifications which have been called into question by . 1 4

the recent investigation currently re-certifying the operators at Grand -



Supervisors, whose qualifications cards were found to be deficient hy the 01 investigation are currently re-certifying the operators (see response

! to question 1.a). However, these supervisors do not include any whose qualifications were called into questions by the recent (second training assessment team visit) investigation. Region II has been closely monitoring the certifications and has been satisfied by the level of knowledge. demon-strated by these supervisors.

Question 3 NRC Examiners - Statement Since the NRC operator examinations test the candidates knowledge of the Technical Specificationt and surveillances, I am very surprised that neither the candidate nor the examiners caught the grosse' rrors in'the' license.


The initial approved version of the Technical Specifications was not issued until June 16, 1982, when Grand Gulf received the five percent operating license. Seventy percent of the candidates examined at Grand Gulf were examined before this documegt was available to the examiners. The version of the Technical Specifications used in preparation for the exams was the

" proof and review" copy in which there are typically errors and pen and ink changes.

! ' Secondly, although viewed in total the errors may have been " gross", from

! an examiners' perspective they represent a small percentage of the material to be covered. In preparing for examinations the examiners concentrate on sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Technical Specifications with less emphasis of sections 4 and 6. Examiner questions concerning the technical specifica-tions are designed to probe knowledge but are generally limited to .

determining if the candidate knows what items are adoressed in the specifications, the bases for the requirements, and how to comply with the requirements. The candidate is not expected to memorize details such as numbers and surveillance requirements contained therein. We believe that examiners would have identified Technical Specification errors related to the containment isolation logic, the HPCS initiation level 2 signal, and the explosive valves on the TIP System if examination questions had been i prepared for these areas. But, such questions were not prepared.

Enclosure 1 6 Thirdly, the-examination process is an audit function,' sampling only a small portion of the Technical Specifications. As such, the examiners do not i review in detail the entire Technical Specifications but only those areas .

in which they desire to probe with their oral and written questions. --

Question 3 NRC Examiners -

Please provide a table of NRC operator examiners indicating:

a. The extent of their commercial BWR experience,
b. Previous BWR licenses held by the examiners, and
c. Which operator / instructor candidates they approved at Grand Gulf.

. Response Enclosed Table 3.a/b provides statistics on all commercial BWR experience '

and previous BWR licenses held by all operator license examiners who have

! been involved in the administration of license examinations at the Grand j Gulf Nuclear Station since October 1981. Also included in the table are j statistics on applicable NRC experience and other pertinent nuclear i experience. Enclosed Table 1 identifies the examiners who administered

] examinations to each operator / applicant.

l t

i l .


. ..i ENCLOSURE 2-TABLE 3 e/b .

Comme rc ia l NRC ego BWR Experience BWR (xperience BWR Licenses Held Other Nuclear Experience

-Nene -2) years as license examiner -None -22 Mos., Loss of Flu}d with EC&C Idaho /certirled as Test Rx (Idaho)/ Shirt RWR examiner by NRR Supervisor; 5 yrs., U.S.

Navy Nuclear f reined Orricer/ Engineering Orricer of the Watch (E00W-SRO),

SIW & 55W Novel Rxt.

-1g uonths/ -2 3/4 years with NRC as -CE RO/SRO -5 Yrs. , U.S. Navy Nuclea r D re sden-Sho reham certirled BWR examiner, certirled on Trained Orricer/

las CE employee) Dresden 2 & $ Engineering Orricer of the Watch IE00W-SRO), SIW,\ $5W &

4 ~

$60 Naval Rxs. (including Sta rt-up Testing Program, 560)

-None -2) years as licenge examiner -None -6.5 Yrs., Power Burst with ECAC Idaho /cortirled as Test racility (Idaho)/Rx.

BWR examiner by NRR Saroty Engineer, Shirt Supervisor & R0; 6 Yrs.,

U.S. Navy Nuclear Power Program / Engineering Watch Supervisor (EWS-SRO) &

R0-D20 & AlW Naval Rxs.

-None -2) years as license examiner -None -22 Yrs., Oak Ridge wi th ORNL/certi rled a s BWR National Labo rs to ry/ Des ign examiner by NRR and Reactor Analysis Engineer

-None -2 years with NRC se certirled -None -10 Yrs., U.S. Navy DWR examiner certirled by NRR Nuclear Trained Orricer/

Engineering Orricer or the Wa tch I EDOW-SRO) a nd Ch i e r l

Engineer Orricer Informatica in this reccd w3s deleted SIC Naval Rxs.3 h.S5W S.& Navy l . -

Boa rd of Inspection and 13 3CC0rd3nce Wit,h th2 freed 0:n Of Inf0rm3!.!00 Survey /Msin Proput sIon &

Act, exemptions b- Rx inspector Training FO!A WM -

, 3 = Contract Examiner 4 = NRC Examinar 2-9 4

.______,______m__.__.____ _

l .

s -

} '


AS OF 12/83 Comme rc i a l NRC

, se BWR Experience DWR_E,xperience BWR Licentes Held Other Nuclear txcerlence

-None -26 mos. as license examiner -None -21 Mos., Loss or Fluid j vith EG4C Idaho /certirled by NRR as a RWR examiner.

Test Rx (Idaho)/ Test Engineer, MO k Chemist; 18 Mos., Naval Reactors

-4 months as NRC License Training Facility (ldsho) examino r/R I . 550 Rx/Starr Instructor

$ -7 Yna rs/ Cooper -1 year as NRR certirled BWR ~7 mos./RO/ Cooper

eraminer (11/81 - 11/82) -4 years /SRO/ Cooper

! -Nona -10 yea rs with NRC as certirled -( 3 yea re/non-BWR/ -5 Yrs. . Expe rimenta l

license examinor RO&SRO/Piqui Nuclear 1

Power racility) Breed Shirt ',upervisor kRx 2 (Idaho)/

j t

Trsining Supervisor 1

-10 Yea rs Dresden -2 yonrs with NRC as certirled -5) yrs /SR0/Dresden .

) (3 yrs. Starr RWR IIcense examinde.

.; Nticinar Enginenr) i

-Nono -? years as llennan ewsminer -None -29 Mos., loss or Fluid

] with ECAG Idaho /cartirled as Test Rx (ldeho)/ Control nWR examiner by NRR. Room Operator: 5 Mos.,

V. C. Summer /1st Asst.

Control Room Operator; 3.5 Yrs., Mavel Reactors Training recility (Idaho),

SIW Naval Rx/RO, Plant Leading RO, Engineering


Orricer or the Watch (

(EDOW-SRO) & Engineering Watch Supervisor (EWS-SRO) j

-None -11 months with NRC/certirled .None -6) Yra., U. S. Novy \

BWR examiner - Ril Nuclear Trained Orricer/


' Engineering Orricer or the l Watch (EDOW-SRO), 55G &

j 55W Novel Rx Plants / \ '

Quellfled Engineer \

! -2 Yea rs/ Quad -1) years w/BWR responsibilities ~1 yea r/SRO/ Quad . -1 yr., Nava l Reactors Cities in rRP/4 months as BWR certirled Cities -

Training racility (Idaho)/

ews m i ne r. RO l

Informaticn in this reccrd was de!eted .

j in acccrda :ce with the freedca of infcr=ation 2-8

! Act,exenTticas b FOIA C + d _/ I i

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f Previous NRC Licenses and/or Initial NRC instructor Name Celtfrien Qon/ Facility /Typit Licenses issued Expe r i e nc e ** * -

SRO/ Cooper - BVR 4 SRO - 5/78 Nuclear - 9) yrs, j

Comme rc le l BWR - 6 yrs.


' Licensed Commercia l l

BWR - 4 yrs.

i SRO/llatch - BWR ts SRO -4/78 Commerols t llWR - 8 yrs.

j Licensed Commercla t BWR = ts yrs.

CE-SRO certirled - BWR in None - Comme rc i a l llWN - 12 yrs.

i RO/ Hatch - RWR fa RO - 4/82 Comme rc ia l BWR - 5) yrs.

1 Licensed Commercial i

i . BWR - ) yr.

1 RO/Rrowns Ferry - BWR 18 RO - 3/77 Comme ro l e t BWR - 9 yrs, t

e Licensed Commerofal e BWR - 3) yrs.

! CP-SRO Certirled - BWR is SRO - 7/76 Nuclear - 16 yre.

i sno/ Univ. Florida - Test Reactor Commercls l BWR - 3 yrs.

CE-sno certirled - BWR 6 None Commercial BVR - $ yrs.

RD/listch - BWR 4 RO - 11/82 Comme rc ia l BWR - 6 yrs.

Licensed Commerclei BWR - ) yr.

RO/nrtinswick - nWR la RO - 9/80 Nuclear - 11 yrs, sno/crand cuir - nWR 6 SRO - 1/83 Commn rc i a l BWR - Si yrs.

Llennaed Commercial BWR - 2 yrs.


Sno/Crand Culr - RWR 6 SRO - 5/82 Nuclear - 10 yrs.

Comme rc ia l BWR - 11 yrs.

Licensed Commerclel BWR - Il yrs.

  • Do not teach llennsed opnrator traininel entornos.
    • Instruction given to llennsed operator candidates limited to Ranctor Theory, Heat Transrae and Fluid Flow.
      • ExperInnce da ta is approximate and provided by Quadrax.

Informatica in'this record was deleted 2-7 s.

in acccrdar.ce wit the Freedom of Information Act, exemplians -

E01A I6 ~+19 /  !

ENCLOSURE 2-TABLE 2.s Previous NDC Licenses and/or initial NRC Instructor Name Ce rt i fica t inn /Jac il ityf Typ_e Licenses issued Expe r i ence * *

  • sno/ Cooper - nWR 8: SRO-7/788 . Nudiesr - Ils yrs.

Commercial BWR - 11 yrs.

Licensed Commercial BWR - 7) yrs.

SRO/Dresden - BWR 4 SRO - 1/80. Nuclear - 6) yrs.

CC-SRO Ce rt i r led - BWR is (CE Instructor comme rc ia l BWR - 4 yrs.

and DWR 6 Morris, IL)- Licensed Commercial BWR - 0 SRO/Dunne Arnold - BWR 8 SRO - 12/7[ Nuclea r - 16 yrs.

Commercis t BWR - 8 yrs.

Licensed Commercial BWR - 6 yrs.

Sn0/ versant Yankne - BWR 4 SRO - 5/19 e, Nuclear commercis-t 65 BWR yrs.1

- 5 yrs.

Licensed Commercial BWR - 4 yrs.

RO/ Browns Ferry - BWR 4 RO - 1/74 SRO/Rrowns Ferry - BWR 4 Muclear - 12) yrs.

SRO - 5/75 Commercist BWR - 121 yrs.

Licensed Commercisi BWR - 7 yrs.

SRO/LaSalle - BWR 5 SRO - 10/81 Nuclea r - 12.8 yrs.

CE-SRO Certirled - DWR 4 Commercial BWR - 8.3 re.

Licensed Commercial BWR - 1) yrs.

RO/ Quad Cition - RWR 3 RO - 4/72 Nuclea r - Ill yrs.

SRO/ Quad Citien - nWR 3 SRO - 2/80 Commercial BWR - its yrs.

Licenand commercial nWR - 11 yrs.

SRO/ Quad Citton - RWR 3 SRO - 12/71 Comme rc ia l BWR - 3) yrs.

Licensed Commercial

, BWR - ) yr.

RO/ Browns Ferry - BWR 4 RO - 5/73 Comme rc ia l BWR - 13 yrs.

SRO/Growns Ferry - DWR is SRO - 5/75 Licensed commercial BWR - 9) yrs.

RO/ reach notton - RWR fl RO - 6/718 Nuclear - 13) yrs.

SRO/ Peach Bottom - RWR 8: SRO - 10/79 Commercia l BWR - 12 yrs.

Licensed Comm Information in this record was deleted BWR - 9 f ra. e rc i a l in accordance with the Freedom ct Information Act, exemptions b f F0!A CD+d


6 . . . . .

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. Englosure d - Table 1 ' ,

CURREN11.Y l.ICQlSED R05 11/83' Docket Errectivo Evolustion initial Examiner ins No Date Appletn Result Examiner Reapplied Wolvers Result Examiner Result 8971 05/09/83 10/08/82 ralled Written W - Munro 03/03/83 1st: 3 mos. Pass W-Craves / Hehl/ Sat.

O - Munro on shirt Hunro 5 - N/A (8:5 days S-Munro arter exem) 2nd W - All Out Sec. 5 and Oral 20125 09/01/83 05/25/83 Pass W - Munro/ Munro/ Sat.


  • 0 - Cuenther .

- e' S - Cuenther 20128 09/01/03 05/25/63 pann W - Munro/ 4 Cuenther i 0 - Cuenther '

S - Guenther 876f 11/on/82 05/08/n2 Pass W - Rventa llahl 0 - Kvsme9 Honro/ Sat.

S - Kvamme 8969 03/09/83 10/08/82 Pass W - Munro 3 Mos. on 0 - Hunro Shirt (45 5 - N/A days af ter exem) 8970 01/19/03 10/08/82 Pass W - Munro Munro/ Set.

0 - Munro S - N/A

/A - Non-Plant specific simulator nxams not regtslred arter 10/1/82. ,

= Quallrication cards found Incomplete by 01 investigation. .

- Licanned oporn tors evnluntnd an -'nnn t. -7re removed f rne lleensed duties.

Information in this record was deleted in accordance wit the freedom of Informatica ' \

Act, exemptions

  • 5 F0IA 86+\9 _.

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!1 Enclosure _2 - Table 1 SRO LICENSES PENDING Docket Errective Initial Es No. Date Appictn Result Examiner Wolvers 660ft Ponding 08/18/83 Pass W - Honro/Cuenther (1), (2) 0 - Hunro S - Hunro .

8168 Pending 08/18/83 Paan W - Hunro/Cuenthsr (1)

O - Guenther R20170 S - Guenther 8180 Pending 08/18/83 Pass W - Hunro/Guenther (1) 0 - Hunro \

5 - Hunro 10/181/83 08/18/83 Pa ss ,* W - Hunro/Cuenther O - Hunro S - Hunro

') Walvar granted to delny a 1-week Supervisory Trsining course (required by CCNS FSAR) until arter the examination date, but prior to assuming SRO duties.

!) Two-week critical operations experience valved until exam grading period.

' Information in this record was deleted in accordance wit) the Freedom of Information Act, exemptions 6 F0IA B F 4 W 2-1 - *-



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11/83 i

Evolustion Docket Errect.t ve initial Examiner No. Date Appictn Result Examiner Reapplied Wolvers Result Examiner Result 7356 01/09/83 05/14/82 relled Written W - Mvemme 10/08/82 Oral & Pass Monro 7/15/82 0 - Munro Simulator S - Persons 8110 08/22/83 09/03/81 ralled W - Mvemme/ 05/11s/82 Oral & rall Kvamme *

. Written Cooley 0 - Mvemme Simulator 7/13/82 10/29/81 S - Cook -

8169 02/25/82 09/03/81 Pass W - Kvamme/ Heht/ Set.

Cooley 0 - Persons S - Kvamme i 8174 02/25/82 09/03/81 Pass W - Mvemme/ . N nro/ Set.

s' Cooley 0 - Persons S - Kvamme 8176 02/25/82 09/03/81 Pass W - Mvemme/ #Munro/Unsat Cooley 0 - Wiens S - Cook 8181 02/25/02 09/03/31 Pass W - kiemme/ Hunro/ Set.

Cooley 0 - kyseme S-7 8178 02/25/82 09/03/81 Pass W - Mvemme/

Cooley 0-7 5-7 ,

8183 05/18/82 09/03/81 ralled Written W - Kvamen/ 03/30/82 All But Pass Berry Hehl/ Sat.

3 ISno) 10/29/81 Cnoley Cat. M 5/14/82 Passed RO O - Hunro S - Kvemme Informatioil in this record was deleted

, in accordance wit the Freedom of Information Act, exemptions F0lA .694R i.

1 i

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