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Special Insp Repts 50-072/88-01 & 50-407/88-01 on 880216-19. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Reactor Operation, Emergency Planning,Physical Security & Radiological Controls Associated W/Reactor & Physical Security & Decommissioning
Person / Time
Site: 05000072, University of Utah
Issue date: 03/21/1988
From: Chaney H, Robert Evans, Murray B, Powers D
Shared Package
ML20148E270 List:
50-072-88-01, 50-407-88-01, 50-407-88-1, 50-72-88-1, NUDOCS 8803250050
Download: ML20148E280 (23)

See also: IR 05000072/1988001


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NRC' Inspection Report: 50-072/88-01 Operating Licenses: R-25

3 50-407/88-01 R-126

Docket 2: '50-072


Licensee: University of Utah (VofU)

Salt Lake City, Utah 84112


Facility Name: Nuclear. Engineering Laboratory (NEL)

Inspection At: University of Utah, Merrill Engineering Building,

Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah

Inspection Conducted: February 16-19, 1988

Inspectors: \0; M

H. D. Chaney, Radiation Specialist, Facilities Date

Radi logical Protection Section



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j $ Evan$, Reactor Inspector, Operational Da'te i

Programs Section

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D. A. Powers, Enforcement Officer



Approved:  ; //d/(d//J

B. Murray, Chief, Facili ies Radiological



i Protection Section

Inspection Summary


Inspection Conducted February 16-19, 1988 (Report 50-072/88-01 and 50-407/88-01)

Areas Inspected: Special, unannounced team inspection of the licensee's

, reactor operation, emergency planning, physical security, and radiological

controls associated with the TRIGA reactor, and the physical security and

decommissioning status of the AGN-201 reactor.

8803250050 880322

PDR ADOCK 05000072


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Results: Within the areas inspected, 7 violations, 1 unresolved item,

1 deviation, and 15 open items were identified.





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1. Persons Contacted-


  • R. E. Stephenson, Reactor Administrator
  • J. S. Bennion, Senior Reactor Operator (SR0)
  • J. M. Byrne, Reactor Safety Committee (RSC) Member
  • C. M. Fejer, Radiation Safety Analyst
  • T. C. Gansauge, SR0
  • G. M. Sandquist, Reactor Supervisor

K. J. Schlager, University of Utah (VofU), Radiation Safety Officer (RS0)

  • N. L. Smith, Radiation Safety Analyst
  • Denotes those present at the exit interview on February 19, 1988.

2. Open Items Identified During This Inspection

An open item is a matter.that requires further review and evaluation by

the NRC inspector. Open items are used to document, track, and ensure

adequate followup on matters of concern to tne NRC inspector. The

following open items were identified:

'Open Item Title See Paragraph


407/8801-10 Reactor Program Support 6

407/8801-11 Operator Requalification Tests 7

407/8801-12 Operator Requalification Program 7


407/8801-13 Reactor Modifications Training 7

407/8801-14 Documentation of Scram Test Times 8

407/8801-15 Excess Reactivity Reference Value 8

407/8801-16 Response to RSC Audit Findings 9

407/8801-17 Pen and Ink Changes to Documents 10

407/8801-18 Procedure Control and Distribution 11

407/8801-19 Set Point Limits and Tolerances 11

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'407/8801-20 Leaking Fuel Element Followup 13

407/8801-21 Police Department Procedures 16

407/8801-22 Police Department Use of Area Radiation 17

Monitor (ARM)

407/8801-23 ARM and Intrusion Alarm Backup Power 17

Supply Batteries

407/8801-24 Fuel Inventory Review 19

3. Unresolved Items

An unresolved item is a matter about which more information is required in

order to determine whether it is in an acceptable item, a violation, or a

deviation. The following unresolved item was identified:

Unresolved Item Title See Paragraph

407/8801-08 Missing Documentation of Monthly 17

Intrusion Drill

4. Licensee Action on Previously Identified Inspection Findings

(0 pen) Violation 407/8601-06: Operator Requalification Program - This

item was discussed in NRC Inspection Report 50-407/86-01 and involved the

licensee's failure to fully implement the TRIGA reactor operator

requalification program (ORP). This item was reviewed in NRC Inspection

Report 50-407/87-01 and the requalification program was found to be

improved, but no personnel had successfully completed the operator

licensing program other than the Reactor Supervisor. Therefore, no

assessment of the implementation of the requalification program could be

made at that time. During.this inspection, the ORP was reviewed again,

and the NRC inspector determined that the operator requalification

examinations that were administered did not contain all of the topics

listed in 10 CFR 55.21 and 22. Topics listed in 10 CFR 55.21 and 22, but

not found on the examinations, include fuel handling procedures, reactor

theory, core alterations, and alarm setpoints. This item remains open

pending licensee evaluation and modification of the ORP.

5. Background

AGN-201 - The AGN reactor was being decommissioned. The reactor had not

been operated since February 1985. The licensee had performed periodic

surveillance on the integrity of the AGN core and shield water vessel.

The licensee-had removed the 25 tons of brick that were used both as a

radiation shield and a physical security barrier for protection of the AGN

fuel. The licensee had surveyed the bricks for radioactivity and the NRC

inspector performed confirmatory measurements on the bricks. The bricks

apparently did not contain any activated materials or radioactive




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contamination and have been released by the licensee for unrestricted use.

The licensee was currently evaluating the method to be employed for

removal and shipment of the AGN fuel to a Department of Energy repository.

Once the AGN fuel is removed, the licensee will submit a decommissioning

plan to the NRC for approval. At the time of the inspection, only

Dr. Sandquist was licensed to operate the AGN reactor.

TRIGA - The TRIGA reactor was being used for education and research

purposes. The reactor was operated for approximately 369 hours0.00427 days <br />0.103 hours <br />6.10119e-4 weeks <br />1.404045e-4 months <br /> during the

1985-1986 reporting period and approximately 142 hours0.00164 days <br />0.0394 hours <br />2.347884e-4 weeks <br />5.4031e-5 months <br /> during the

1986-1987 reporting period. The licensee had recently (December 1987)

' become aware of a fuel integrity problem with the current core

configuration and had been operating the reactor for short periods and

shuffling fuel in an attempt to locate the faulty fuel element. No

significant radiological problems have been observed, and the indicators

of leaking fuel are evident by small increases in the fission product

inventory within the reactor coolant (RC) and the RC cleanup

demineralizers. The licensee was limiting full power runs to short

periods of time since the fission product increases were only detected

after several hours of full power operation. At the time of the

inspection, Dr. Sandquist and two graduate students were licensed to

operate the TRIGA reactor.

6. Management Organization and Controls (40750)

The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's management organization to

determine compliance with the requirements of TRIGA Technical

Specification (TS) 6.1, 6.2, 6.5.1, 6.5.3, and 6.5.4 and agreement with

the TRIGA Safety Evaluation Report (SER/NUREG-1096).

The licensee's organization and assignment of responsibilities are

contained in the NEL Operations Manual. The NRC inspectors compared the

existing organization to the requirements in the TRIGA TS. Dr. Sandquist

was found to be filling TS Figure 6.1 positions of both Laboratory

Director and Reactor Supervisor. Dr. Sandquist was found to have a

teaching load that included seven courses per year and was currently

advisor to 12 graduate students. Dr. Sandquist devotes approximately 15

to 25 percent of his time to TRIGA/AGN reactor activities. The NRC

inspectors found very little support by the Reactor Administrator whose

only activity in regard to the TRIGA/AGN reactor programs was to chair the

RSC meetings. The TRIGA/AGN programs were, for the most part, carried out

by the two SR0 graduate students who were also pursuing advanced degrees

at the UofU. The NRC inspectors expressed their concern about the lack of

active support for the TRIGA/AGN reactor programs. This is considered an

open item pending licensee review of program support for the TRIGA/AGN

reactors. (407/8801-10)

The RSC's charter and membership were reviewed. The NRC inspectors also

reviewed NEL procedures. Since late 1986, the licensee had been

performing a detailed review of NEL operating procedures and developing a

master administrative plan for the operation and management of NEL

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activities related to the two reactors. The master plan was being

prepared by a graduate student as a thesis project.

No violations or deviations were identified.

7. Qualification and Training (40750)

Personnel qualification and training were reviewed to determine compliance

with the requirements of TRIGA TS 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5.2; Appendix A to

10 CFR Part 55; and agreement with industry standard ANSI /ANS-15.4-1977.

The NRC inspectors noted that previous requalification examinations

administered to the operators were almost identical each time an

individual took an examination. Several examinations answers were found

to be typed, and at least one examination q'uoted the TS word for word,

which indicated an open book examinations was given. NRC I&E Informatica

Notice (IEIN) 87-22 addressa the subject of take-home or open-book

examinations. IEIN 87-22 clearly indicates that take-home or open-book

examinations are not an acceptable means for certifying individual

performance. IEIN 87-22 states, in part, "The integrity of the

requalification examination is r.ssential because it is used to certify

that the operator's performance is adequate to warrant renewal of his or

her license." The examination process at the NEL TRIGA facility does not

ensure operator knowledge of the required material. This is considered an

open item pending licensee evaluation and action. (407/8801-11)

Part of the requalification training process, as stated in the

requalification program, includes lectures and on-the-job training. The

operator requalification training checklist /signoff sheet (this checklist

was developed to resolve NRC Violation 407/8601-03) was reviewed by the

NRC inspectors to ensure all items stated in the lectures and on-the-job

training sections of the approved rcqualification program were on the

checklist. The review indicated several subjects were not on the

checklists. In the lectures section of the checklist, the "Operational

Characteristics, Use, and Storage Locations of Existing and New Radiation

Safety Equipment" sections were not referenced. In the on-the-job

training section, the "Fuel Inspection," "Fuel Temperature Measurement,"

"Control Rod Worth Measurements," and "Annual Maintenance Shutdown

Program" sections were not referenced. This is considered an open itera  :

pending licensee evaluation and action. (407/8801-12)


During the inspection, licensee personnel were interviewed about a

December 28, 1987, letter that the licensee had submitted to NRC. The

letter commented on an examination answer that an SR0 candidate had given .

during a written examination administered by an NRC licensing examiner on

June 23, 1987. The particular examination was the second SRO examination

for the candidate. Although the candidate did not make a perfect score on

the second examination, the test score was a passing grade. In the

licensee's December letter, the licensee submitted for NRC consideration

an explanation as to why NRC should accept the candidate's answer to





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question number J.10, which the examiner had marked as incorrect.

Question number J.10 was as follows:

Asst. ming no operator action, what is the most likely cause of a

reactor scram during a continuous rod withdrawal at normal rod


The candidate's answer was as follows:

The nercent power trip at 120 percent of licensed power (120 kW).

The licensee's post-test comment (December letter) was as follows:

The percent power setpoint is presently set at 115 percent of

licensed power (115kW). However, the most likely cause of a reactor

scram would be the linear recorder which would actuate at 100 percent

of full scale and, therefore, scram slightly greater than 100 kW.

UU SER Section 7.3.1, P. 7-8 (Safety Evaluation Report, NUREG-1096)


"If the power level increases to 100 percent of full scale of

the recorder on any power range, a linear power level scram


The licensee's letter went on to say that they recommend acceptance of the

examinee's answer on the basis of actual operating conditions that

> presently exist.

The NRC inspectors determined tha'. the licensee's comment was confusing

because the licensee had previously reported to the NRC by letter dated

July 3, 1987, that the linear power channel scram circuit had been

disconnected in January 1986. Previously, the licensee had

self-identified, as a result of an RSC audit on June 3, 1987, that a

facility modification had disabled the linear power channel scram

resulting in a violation of the facility TS. This was because the reactor

no longer had the TS 3.3.3 required scram channels (2) set to a limit of

less than 120 percent of full power (e.g., 100 kW). The licensee

corrected this situation and reset the scram channels as required by the

TS. (See NRC Inspection Report 50-407/87-01, paragraph 5.a.) This

problem was not a repeat violation. Consequently, in NRC Inspection

Report 50-407/87-01, the licensee was not cited for a violation pursuant

to the provisions of the NRC Enforcement Policy for licensee identified

Severity Level IV and V violations.

When licensee personnel were questioned about the physical nature of the

scram circuitry, varying des.rees of understanding were evident.

Subsequent discussions with licensee personnel and a review of the scram

circuitry wiring schematics, along with a test demonstration of the

reactor, verified that the January 1986 facility modification had only

partially disabled the linear power scram channel. Specifically, scram

circuitry for the 1-watt power range, which initiates from signals on the

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fission chamber, was operable; however, when the power range selector

switch was. increased beyond the 1-watt power setting, scram signals

arising from'the uncompensated ion chamber were directed to a computer

console, thus not resulting in reactor scrams. Therefore, the SR0

candidate's answer to question J.10 and the licensee's December letter on

the candidate's answer were both based on an incorrect understanding of

the actual reactor control circuitry and were both incorrect. This

incident demonstrated a need for the licensee to improve management

controls on reactor modifications and the training of operators on the

full affects of such modifications. This is considered an open item

pending licensee evaluation and action. (407/8801-13)

No violations or deviations were identified.

8. Operations (40750)

The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's reactor operating program for

compliance with the TRIGA license and TS conditions requirements. The

licensee's operations were reviewed also for agreement with the

commitments contained in the licensee's application for a 20 year renewal

of the TRIGA operating license dated March 8, 1983, and subsequent

November 29, 1984, supporting documentation in response to NRC questions.

The NRC inspectors inspected the licensee's facilities; operational,

maintenance, and access logs; procedures; reactor safety committee meeting

minutes; experiments; interviewed reactor operators; and observed the

licensee operate the TRIGA reactor at low power levels to verify reactor

protection systems operation.

The NRC inspectors determined that, except for some confusion over the

technical details of the integrated computer console for monitoring

selected TRIGA reactor functions, the reactor operators were familiar with

the reactor and its support systems and demonstrated an adequate ability

to properly and safely operate the reactor.

An inspection of the TRIGA reactor TS surveillance requirements was

performed. The surveillance requirement specifications (TS 4.0) and

licensee documentation were examined to ensure TS surveillances were being

performed within the required time intervals. During the inspection, the

following problem areas were noted:

TS 4.5 requires the conductivity and pH of the primary coolant water

to be measured monthly. The current monthly checklist ensures that

the conductivity and pH are recorded on a monthly basis. Prior to

this checklist revision (November 16, 1987), verification of

performance of the required surveillances could not be established

for water pH. The water conductivity was recorded on the TRIGA

Preliminary Check Sheet each time a reactor startup was performed.

The water pH was not a checkoff item on the TRIGA Preliminary Check

Sheet and therefore was not recorded. This problem was

self-identified by the licensee during a June 6,1987 internal audit

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by the RSC. This audit finding resulted in the revision to the

Monthly Inspection Checklist.

The failure to perform monthly pH surveillances during the period of

April 17, 1985 (when TS were last revised Amendment 5) to

October 1987 (Monthly Inspection Checklist revised in November 1987)

would normally be considered an apparent violation of TS 4.5.

However, the licensee's actions satisfied the criteria in 10 CFR

Part 2, Appendix C for licensee-identified violations.

TS 4.2(3) requires a channel check of the fuel element temperature

measuring channel to be made each time the reactor is operated. This

is performed by comparing the indicated instrumented fuel element

temperature with previous values for the current core configuration

and power level.

Contrary to the above, the NRC inspectors determined on February 19,

1987, that the licensee had not fully implemented the requirements of

TS 4.2(3) in that a review of operation documents failed to verify

that TS 4.2(3) was being performed each time the reactor was being

operated. The licensee was only evaluating cold shut down

temperature and a partial evaluation of fuel temperature during power

operator. Additionally, no acceptance criteria for comparison of

various fuel temperature versus power levels was found to exist.

This apparent violation was also identified in a June 6,1987, RSC

audit. However, no action was taken to resolve the identified


The failure to implement adequate procedures and to perform the fuel

temperature comparison is an apparent violation of TS 4.2(3).


TS 4.3.2(1) requires reactor control and safety system scram times to

be measured annually, but at intervals not to exceed 15 months. The

scram time measurements were being added to the "Procedure for

Semi-annual Control Rod Worth Determination" data sheets as a

handwritten step 7. The licensee relies on writing of the

TS 4.3.2(1) surveillance requirement each time the procedure is

performed. The handwritten step was not found on the procedure data

sheets dated October 8,1985, and February 12, 1986. However, the

scram time information was available on the scram graphic record

attached to the procedure data sheets.


The performance and recording of the scram times should be a

permanent part of the "Procedure for Semi-annual Control Rod Worth

Determination" and should not be a handwritten step. This is

considered an open item pending evaluation and action by the

licensee. (407/8801-14)

During the review of the licensee surveillance documents, three data

sheets were found to reference an out-of-date TS value. The

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following forms referenced an excess reactivity TS value of $3.00:

(The TS limit is currently $2.80 as per the facility operating

license issued April 17, 1985.)

Control Rod Worth Calculation Sheet

Biennial Control Rod Check Sheet (This sheet also references

TS 4.2.c, which is not'a current TS paragraph number), and

Control Rod Movement or Repair Procedure

The. error in the excess reactivity value on the "Control Rod Movement

or Repair Procedure" was discussed in the RSC meeting minutes of

June 4, 1987. The NRC inspectors determined that the licensee had

not responded to the RSC input concerning the error on the Control

Rod Movement or Repair Procedure. A revision of the affected

procedures is required because the values on the data sheets are less

conservative than TS requirements. A review of recorded data

indicated that the $2.80 value was not exceeded. The licensee

revised the three documents during the inspection and they were to be

presented to the RSC for approval.

This is considered an open item pending approval of the forms by the

RSC. (407/8801-15)

In the TRIGA reactor license renewal documentation (licensee to NRC

1983 and 1984), the licensee stated in response to NRC question 46

that the low and high alarm setpoints for the three TRIGA facility

ARMS (TS 5.4) were 0.1 and 1.0 millire;n per hour (mr/hr),

respectively. The NRC inspectors determined during the approach to

criticality checkout of the TRIGA reactor on Februtry 19. 1988, that

the actual alarm setpoints for the ARMS were 1.0 and 10 mr/hr,

respectively. Neither the licensee's calibration nor operational

procedures address the required setpoints of the detectors. This

condition has existed for an indeterminate length of time. The

failure to maintain facility ARM setpoints is considered a deviation

from commitments made to the NRC in TRIGA licensing documentation

dated November 29, 1984. (407/8801-09)

l The NRC inspectors determined, during the review of operational logs,

that during the approach to criticality on January 4, 1988, the SR0

noted that the reactor became critical prematurely while withdrawing


the regulating rod with the safety rod already withdrawn and latched.


The SR0 expected the reactor to only become critical following full


withdrawal of the regulating rod and subsequent partial withdrawal of

! the shim rod. The R50 manually tripped the reactor and conducted an

l investigation into the occurrence. The investigation was documented

l in the maintenance log and master operations log. The investigation

revealed that the trapezoidal heavy water (D2 0) reflector tank (see

Section 10.1.4 of the SER) was improper}y reassembled and replaced

into the core following biennial reactor core preventative





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maintenance. The improperly reassembled-tank resulted in an air

. space being replaced by heavy water which caused additional neutron

moderation and reflection, thus causing a premature criticality. The

improper reassembly and placement of the D 2 0 tank into the core

following maintenance is discussed as an apparent vidlation in

paragraph 10 of this report. The SR0's actions were considered

appropriate and well documented. Operation was continued following

removal of the 02 0 tank from the core and correcting its


No other violations or deviations were identified.

9. Review and Audits (40750)

The licensee's review and audit program for the TRIGA and AGN-201 reactor -

facility was inspected to determine compliance with the requirements of

AGN-201 TS 6.4.2 and 6.4.3 and TRIGA TS-6.5.4 and 6.5.5.

The NRC inspectors determined that the RSC audits were being performed in

a detailed and thorough manner. Minutes of the RSC meetings for the

period of 1986 through 1988 were reviewed. The NRC inspectors determined

that the NEL staff's response to RSC audit findings were less than

adequate and that, due to the failure to respond to RSC audit findings,

there were several apparent violations and open items documented in this

report. The Reactor Supervisor indicated that the increased RSC oversight

has increased the operations staff's workload and that additional manpower

resources were not available to both maintain the facility and correct all

of the deficiencies promptly. The licensee's lack of adequate response to

and followup on audit deficiencies is considered an open item pending

licensee evaluation of the RSC audit process. (407/8801-16)

No violations or deviations were identified.

10. Logs and Records (40750)

The licensee's program for documentation of the TRIGA and AGN-201 reactor

activities was reviewed for compliance with the requirements of AGN-201

TS 6.4.5 and 6.10 and TRIGA TS 4.3.5, 6.5.6, and 6.9.

The NRC inspectors reviewed the documentation of reactor operation for the

TRIGA reactor for the period March 1985 to February 1988. The AGN-201

reactor was not operated during this period. The documents and records

associated with maintenance, fuel movement, fuel inspection, personnel

exposure, experiments, startup checklists, and instrument response checks

were reviewed. The NRC inspectors determined that the licensee maintained

legible operation and maintenance logs. However, many checkoff sheets for

documentation of maintenance activities and periodic surveillance showed

corrections that did not identify by whom and when the change / correction

had been made. The NRC inspectors discussed with the licensee the

standard industry practice of using a single line-out of an error, and the

placing of the initials (legible) of the individual making the change and

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the date of the correction near the item (s) corrected. This is considered

an open' item pending evaluation and action by the' licensee. (407/8801-17)

No violations or deviations were identified.

11. Procedures (4075J)

The licensee's reactor operating procedures were reviewed for compliance

with the requirements of TRIGA TS 6.8.

The NRC inspectors determined that the licensee does not have a method of

ensuring that only the most current RSC and/or NRC approved procedures,

plans, TS, data sheets, and other forms are maintained available in the

control room. This was evidenced-by an SR0's confusion over what revision

of the Emergency Plan was approved for use by both the RSC and the NRC.

Three different revisions were available and approved by the RSC. The

licensee did not have a formal document control and distribution program.

This is considered an oje_n item pending licensee actions to improve

document control and distribution. (407/8801-18)

TRIGA T5 6.8 states, in part, that "Written operating procedures shall be

adequate to ensure the safety of operation of the reactor . . Operathg

procedures shall be in effect for the following items: ...

(4) core changes and fuel movement . . .

(6) performing preventative maintenance . . . on the reactor and

associated equipment"

During the biennial fuel and control rod inspection, the trapezoidal heavy

water (D20) tank was removed from the core on December 29, 1987, for

inspection and maintenance. No reference was made to the use of a

procedure for this activity. The TRIGA reactor core was reassembled and

the 02 0 tank was replaced in its position at the outer periphery of the

core on or about January 4,1968. During the subsequent TRIGA resctor

approach to criticality on January 4, 1988, the reactor prematurely went

critical (see paragraph 7 for details). The ensuing investigation by the

NEL staff determined that the D2 0 tank had been installed without

replacing the dry experiment tube in the tank center which caused the

normal air space to be replaced with 02 0 water, thus increasing neutron


moderation and reflection. (Paragraph 4.1 and 10.1.4 of the SER addresses


functional design considerations of the D2 0 tanks.)

During a review of the maintenance log on February 18, 1988, the NRC


inspector? could not verify that a procedure had been established and used

for the removal, inspection, disassembly, and reassembly of the D2 0 tank

prior to placing it back into the TRIGA core tank. The NRC inspectors

determined on February 19, 1988, that the failure to properly reassemble

the 02 0 tank was in part due to the lack of written procedure. The NRC

inspector noted that a member of the RSC was reviewing the maintenance log

entries on the same day as the NRC inspectors and that he also noted the


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problem. The' failure to develop and implement adequate procedures for

core alterations and reactor maintenance operations is considered an

apparent violation of TS 6.8(4) and (5). (407/8801-02)

The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's calibration of the fuel element

temperature thermocouple (T/C). The licensee used a written procedure

(Semiannual Thermocouple Calibration) for the T/C calibration. The

calibration was performed using properly calibrated reference equipment

and in-house laboratory prepared reference standards. The NRC inspectors

noted that the stated calibration tolerances were considerably less than ,

that which could be accurately determined from the fuel element

temperature readout meter. The reactor console fuel element temperature

readout is in increments of 5.0 C on the analog meter (0-500 C) and the ,

calibration procedure requires that the fuel temperature alarm / trip point

setting be within 10.5 C of the actual setting. A limitation of one-half

of the smallest scale division is normally taken as standard industry

practice when interpreting analog meter readings. The licensee's use of

0.5 C as a tolerance is approximately 5 times greater than what can

accurately be discerned from the fuel element temperature readout.

Discussions with licensee personnel about the overly restrictive tolerance

resulted in the reestablishing of the setpoint tolerance for this

particular activity at 15.0 C. The NRC inspectors noted that the licensee

did not in all cases include TS limit values and, in most cases,

setpoint/ calibration tolerances on instrument calibration and checkout

sheets. This is considered an open item pending the licensee's evaluation

and review of current calibration and surveillance check sheets.


No violations or deviations were identified.

12. Experiments (40750)

The licensee's program for the control and conduct of experiments was

inspected to determine compliance with the requirements of TRIGA TS 1.2,

3.2, 3.6, and 6.5.4(1); agreement with the recommendations of NRC

Regulatory Guides (RG) 2.2 and 2.4; and agreement with industry standard


The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's installation (as an experiment)

of a computerized monitoring system for the monitoring of certain core

parameters. The computer installation was reported to the NRC via the

July 1, 1986, through June 30, 1987, "TRIGA Reactor Annual Operating

Report." ibe licensee also included a 10 CFR Part 50.59(a) evaluation of



the computer installation in the annual report. The NRC inspectors

verified that the computer console was installed as depicted in the annual

report. The licensee is treating the computer operation as a routine

Class 2 type experiment TS 1.2(2). The NRC inspectors verified that the

computer did not interfere with any reactor safety systems and had no

affect on the reactor's automatic scram actions or engineered safety

features. The computer monitors 11 reactor parameters. The licensee has

had frequent software problems with the computer. Currently, the licensee

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.does not possess sufficient documentation for evaluation of the computer

for permanent replacement of official core parameter monitoring circuitry.

The licensee had also installed a new rack and pinion control rod drive

mechanism (commonly used on TRIGA reactors) for replacement of the old

drum and cable system-(paragraph 4.1.2, 4.6.1, and 7.1.2 of the SER


address the existing control rod drive mechanism) now employed. The .

licensee has. connected the regulating control rod to the computer


controlled rod drive mechanisms and classified it as an experiment. Due

to the regulating rod's low reactivity worth (approximately $0.46), the

reactor staff, through the RSC, determined that the use of the regulating  ;

rod in the experimental mode (with the rack and power system) would not '

cause an unreviewed safety question and approved its use in the computer

system experiment. This change was also reported to the NRC in the same

annual report.

No violations or deviations were identified.

13. Reactor Fuel Handling (40750)


The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's procedures and logs regarding ,

the handling and storage of TRIGA reactor fuel for compliance with the

requirements of TRIGA TS 4.4 and 5.5.

The licensee's biennial inspection of fuel for the period January 1985

through February 1988 were reviewed. The results of the 1985 fuel

inspection and identification of excessive corrosion were reported to the

NRC in the 1985-86 TRIGA Reactor Annual Report. The licensee's 1987

biennial fuel inspection did not identify any significant findings. An

instrumented fuel element (fuel temperature thermocouples) was changed out

due to failure of the thermocouples and excessive corrosion. The licensee i

had verified their suspicion that the core contained a leaking fLel

element by finding positive indications of fission products in the TRIGA

reactor core tank following a January 11, 1988, reactor run. Since that

time, the licensee has only operated the reactor for purposes of trying to

find the laaking fuel element following fuel shuffles. This is in

accordance with the requirements of TS 4.4(3) which allows short-term

operation of the reactor to aid in finding the leaking fuel element (s).

This is an open item pending further review by the NRC during future




No violations or deviations were identified.

14. Transportation of Radioactive Materials (86721)

No transportation of radioactive materials has been made by the licensee

since this area was last inspected in 1986. t


No violations or deviations were identified.






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15. Radiation Protection (40750)

The licensee's radiation protection program was inspected to determine

compliance with the requirements of the TRIGA TS.3.7, 4.3.3, 5.4, and

10 CFR Part 20 and agreement with the recommendations of industry standard

ANSI /ANS-15.11-1977.

The NRC inspectors reviewed current facility radiological surveys and

reports to the NRC concerning comprehensive NEL surveys, performed

independent confirmatory measurements of the loose surface contamination

and radiation levels, and inspected portable and fixed radiation

monitoring instrumentation within the NEL.

10 CFR Part 20.201(a) states, in part, that "As used in the regulations

... ' Survey' means an evaluation of the radiation hazards incident to

the . . . use, release, disposal, or presence of radioactive materials or

other_ sources of radiation under a specific set of conditions. When

appropriate, such evaluations include a physical survey of the locations

of materials . . . and measurements of levels of radiation . . present."

Part 20.201(b) requires, in part, that "Each licensee shall make or cause

to be made.such surveys as (1) may be necessary for the licensee to comply

with regulations . . . (2) are reasonable under the circumstances to

evaluate the extent of radiation hazards that may be present."

a. During the independent radiation surveys on February 17, 1988, the

NRC inspectors found.that a part of the TRIGA reactor pneumatic

sample transfer system (rabbit terminus) stored on the floor in the

AGN and TRIGA reactor room (1205-E, which is posted as a radiation

area) had gamma radiation levels at contact near one end of

approximately 120 mr/hr and approximately 10 mr/hr at 1 foot.

Licensee documentation showed that on February 1, 1988, the rabbit

terminus was removed from the reactor core and surveyed by an SR0.

The SR0 determined that the rabbit terminus had gamma radiation

levels of 18 mr/hr on contact and approximately 10 mr/hr at 1 foot.

. The SR0 tagged the rabbit terminus with a "Caution Radioactive

i Material" tag and annotated it with the contact dose reading. The

NRC inspectors determined that the rabbit terminus was improperly

surveyed and the posting failed to properly warn personnel of the

radiation hazards associated with handling the material. The

licensee on February 17, 1988, verified the NRC inspector's survey


results with their own surveys and posted the rabbit terminus with a

i "Caution Radiation Area" sign. This is similar to the inspection


findings referenced in NRC Inspection Report 50-407/86-01.

l b. The NRC inspectors determined on February 17, 1988, during loose

! surface contamination surveys (smear surveys), that the NEL exhaust


ventilation system (an engineered safety feature, paragraph 6.1 of

the SER) was contamin.ited internally to a level of approximately

3,000 disintegrations per minute per 100 square centimeters. This

contamination was found on the downstream side of the system's


. filters and system radiation monitors (four). The licensee confirmed






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on February 17, 1988, by gamma spectrometry, that the contamination

was primarily composed of cobalt-60. The licensee had never

performed smear surveys of the interior of the ventilation ducting.

However, the licensee had known of the presence of cobalt-60 , 'l

contamination in the facility since initial core loading (1977).

Routine NEL area smear surveys have detected the presence of ,

cobalt-60 contamination throughout the facility on several previous

occasions. The contanination hsa resulted from the reactor fuel

being shipped to the licensee in fuel containers that were

contaminated with cobalt-f0.

( '

The NRC inspectors discussed with the licensee the nu d to,*eevaluate

the reactor facility's airborne effluer,t safety analysis in view of

the above findings and report the results in the next TRIGA annual


The failure to adequately survey the rabbit terminus and the . ventilation

system internals is considered an apparent violation of 10 CFR

Part 20.201(b). (407/8801-03)

TRIGA TS 5.0, "Design Features," and TS 5.4, "Radiation Manitoring

System," -tate, in part, "This specification describes the functions an

essentia~, components of the . . . system for continuously ponitoring

airborne radioactivity . . . (2) Function of Continuous Air Radiation

(CAM) Honitor (beta , gamma-sensitive detector with particuinte collyction

capability): Monitor concentration of radioactive particulate activity in

the pool room, alarm and readout at control console."

The NRC inspectors determined on February 18, 1988, that tre airborne

monitors did not have the capability to collect or monitor' qualitatively-

or quantitatively particulate radioactivity. This item was also addressed

in an RSC audit performed ty the UofU Radiation Safety Officer on June 6

1987. The RS0 recommer.ded installation of a CAM in the f acility, but no 7

action had been taken to resolve the audit finding.

The failure to have installed and operating a continuous' airborne. '


monitoring with particulate collection capabilities'is considered an '


apparent of TS 5.4(2). (407/8801-04)

No other violations er deviations were identified.

16. Emergency Planning and Preparedness (40750)


The licensee's imp) mentation of the NRC approved UofU Emergency

l Plan (E-Plan) for the AGN-201 and TRIGA reactors was reviewed for

compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.54(q) and (r) and

agreement with the recommendations of NRC RG 2.6 and industry standard '



l ANSI /ANS-15.16-1982.



The licensee,has not conducted an exercise of the E-Plan since June 12,

1986. NRC Itispection Report 50-407/86-01 addresses NRC observations and



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concerns identified by the inspectors during the 1986 exercise. The

licedsee has tentativd y scheduled an E-Plan exercise before June 1,1988.


T[e licensee is currently conducting training of staff and of fsite support

services on the requireme,ts of the E-Plan.

The NRC inspectors discuss d with the licensee the current status of the

revised E-Plan (December 1, 1986) submitted to the NRC Office of Nuclear


Regulation (NRR) for review and approval on oi- about May 21, 1987. The

NRC inspectors verified that the old E-Plan (3184) was still the E-Plan

being implemented. .

The NRC inspectors inventoried the contents of the E-Plan required


emergency supply kit located in the NEL. All items that are required were

j . found to be in the emergency kit (duffel bag) or were accessible during an



,; The NRC inspectors determined on February 17, 1988, that the campus police


department dispatcher's office contained an outdated NEL emergency

a response procedure (Appendix 5A, dated May 30, 1986). An RSC revision to

Appendix 5A was issued / approved June 4, 19874 This is considered an

open item pending licensee actions to ensure that nonNEL organizations

which have emergency response responsibilitiL; have and will continue to

receive the latest revision to the emergency procedures. (407/8801-21)

s No violations or deviations were identified.

17. Physical Security (81431]

The NRC' inspectors verified the implementation of the Physical Security

Plan (PSP) by review of logs, observation of equipment, and discussions

with'Mcensee representatives responsible for implementation of the PSP.

An unannounced test of the Uofu police department's response to an

intrusion ala!m was conducted. The current PSP approved for

implementation by the licensee is addressed in Amendment No. 5 to the

facility license (R-H6). License Condition 2.C(3) of License R-126

t.tates, in part, that "The licensee shall maintain and fully implement all

provisions of the Commission-approved ptysical security plan, including

ar:endment and chanrfes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.54(p).

The approved physical security plan coasists of documents . . . entitled

"University of Utah Physical Security Plan for Probction of SNM of Low

Strategic SigrJficance under Licenses R-25 and R-126 . . . Revision 1

dated July 28, 1980 ...


Chapter 3 of the PSP states, in part, "In every event of a violation of

the UNEL (University Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, also known as the

NEL) Intrusion Alarm System an armed campus police officer is dispatched

to the UNEL to inve.tigate the incident . Each campus police officer

receives annual faw;1iarization tours and instructions . . and incident

response procedures are given. The dispatcher's office.'s supplied with

written instructions for sequential actions . ...


Chapter 2 of the PSP





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\ j 1

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.f D requires th4 Vne satisfactory operation of the entire intrdon alarm '




( system lfied monthly. ,




Appendix SA of'the NEL Emergency Proceduras, RSC-approved May 30, 986,

and June 7, 1987, titled "NEL Em ngerc% Procedures.for.Non-NEL

P- Organizations," requires that upon M eipt intrusion (NR) alarm.



,, .\ -

signal from the NEL the dispatcher (campus police) should imnediately


T' dispatch one or more officers to Merrill Engineering Building (MEB). The

officer (s) responding to'an alarm from the NEi. shall first check the


,s exterior perimeter of the facility fcr physical damagn si/prj breach of

gy security. The entrances (old room No./new room No.) th e'evecked are:


i \

Exterior door to dom 1001/1205 MEB





Exterior doo9tto room 1001- Y1205-G. No't: Mr'usstothisdooris

a through the Mest end of room'105UJ156

% ;Y ,j -


3 Exterior windows (outdoors, west side of hEB) l




Roll-up garage door (west side of MEB)

NOTE: Room numbers were revised in 1986. Room and door identifiers are

contained in Revision 1 to the PS!J and tFigure 4.1 of the SER.

Furthermore, one radiochemistry room is mislabeled in these documents;

1001-E shoald be labeled 1001-G.


On February 17, 1988, an unannounced security d-ill was conducted and was


initiated by tripping the intrusion alarm at roo.n ;G01 G/1205-G exterior

door'(enters into room 1156) to a radiochemistry rocm. An SR0 and an NRC

inspector were positioned at the open door. The campus police responded

to t @ event within 4 minutes. Howe /er, the NRC inspectors determined

a t;ht the responding police officer cntered MEB room 1001/1205 prior to

cheJking the perimeter of the facility. The responding officer then only

' checked on the status of the roon.;1305 0, exterior door af ter some coaching

, from a supervising p11 ice officer u the dispatcher's office.

, Ov.c 100lrG/1205-G wcs not tiiscovereO cpen until approximately 16 minutes

! af ter the jolice officer 's arrival at the. NEB /NEL. The officer's entry *


into the cessroom of room 1001/1205 could have prevented the police

, officer's efforts to determine if an intrusien had been made ana al?owaa

i the iatruder to make q exit )ia rcom 1056/E56 of the MEB. The



responding officer strted tnat hc ud beca provided a imilia hica t9ur

of the NEL during the hst 12 months. ,

\ >

[. , The f rivre to follow the scquential renoiraments of the NEL emergency

responsa'hrocedures which impMment the W 'is an apparent violation of



the PSP. Ti07/8801-05) s

The NRC inspectors determined during toe inspection that an area radiation

mnitor (ARM) located just inside and over the entrance door to

classroom 1001/1205 was not turried on for most of the time the NRC

irspectors were present in the room. The ARM was turned on prior to the .


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conducting of the intrusion test on February 17, 1988, but was again noted

by the NRC inspectors to be turned off on February 18-19, 1988.

Appendix 5A of the NEL Emergency Procedures requires, in part, that "the

security personnel observe area radiation monitor readout for dose rate

information when responding to an alarm. This is to be accomplished

before entering the NEL interior but after inspection of the perimeter

doors." The ARM to be used in this instance is located inside the NEL

over the entrance door to room 1001/1205. The responding police officer

did not know how to determine if the monitor was on or how to turn the

monitor on. When in the off mode, the monitor's radiation level indicator

reads zero (no radiation present). This could lead to a false assumption

by the responding officer that no radiation is present. The area

radiation monitor is not referenced in or required by the E-Plan.

This is considered to be an open item pending evaluating and action by the

licensee. (407/8801-22)

The NRC inspector's review of the NEL Monthly Inspection Checklist log

book found one monthly checklist missing (June 1987). The monthly

checklist was present for all other months reviewed (1985-1988). Part of

the monthly checklist concerns an intrusion alarm check. This security

drill is required on a monthly basis by the PSP. Failure tc perform the

PSP required monthly security drill is an apparent violation of the PSP.

However, the licensee believes the security check was performed and they

will conduct a search in order to locate the record. This is considered

an unresolved item pending further NRC review. (407/8801-08)

A test of the emergency power system was performed on February 17, 1988.

Emergency power (or back-up power) is supplied by a 12 Vdc battery to the

radiation monitors and intrusion detectors on a loss of building AC power.

To test the battery capacity, the trickle charge supply to the battery and

AC power to the TRIGA console were disconnected. The emergency power

system (batteries) dropped in voltage to 2-3 Vdc within 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />. At that

time, an automatic trouble alarm was received by the UofU police

department. The trouble alarm was responded to by the UofU maintenance

department. Prior to the maintenance person correcting the problem, the

SR0 attempted to activate the intrusion alarm by opening alarmed

door 1001-E/1205-E. The intrusion alarm circuitry failed to actuate due

l to the low voltage condition of the discharged battery. The NRC

inspectors determined that the backup power system (batteries) failed to

maintain the radiation and intrusion alarms circuits operable.

The test indicated the batteries would fail to perform their intended

I function over a period of time if a real loss of AC power emergency event

had occurred. Additionally, a large crack was noted on one of the battery


j cells. The preventative mainte.1ance program for the batteries appears to


need more attention by the licensee. This is considered an open item

pending evaluation and action by the licensee. (407/8801-23)






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- 20 -

Chapter 1 of the PSP states that all Special Nuclear Material (SNM) for

the AGN-201 nuclear reactor is located within the core assembly of the

reactor. Access to this SNM requires the removal of approximately 25 tons

of dense concrete block and three other mechanical barriers to gain access

to the AGN fuel. Due to the time and heavy equipment needed to gain

access to the AGN fuel, this is considered an adequate barrier to prevent

unauthorized removal of the AGN fuel.

Further, the PSP states, in regard to the protection of TRIGA fuel, that

fuel elements within the reactor core tank are covered by 24 feet of water

and require a special tool (which is locked up when not in actual use) for

removal of the fuel elements from the tank.

The NRC inspectors determined on February 16, 1987, that the licensee

removed the 25 tons of concrete block from over and around the AGN-201

reactor. The licensee had started this removal in August 1987 and had

completed the removal about November 28, 1987. When questioned by the NRC

inspectors on the removal of the concrete bricks, licensee representatives

indicated that they thought of the concrete bricks only as a radiation

shield and not a required physical barrier to prevent removal of the AGN

fuel. The last review of the PSP by the RSC was conducted on or about

May 21, 1987. Removal of the concrete physical barrier was not approved

by the NRC. In addition, the NRC inspectors also determined that the

licensee was storing the TRIGA fuel handling tool in an unlocked cabinet

below the chemistry fume hood in room 1205-F (unlocked access door)

adjacent to the TRIGA/AGN reactor room (1205-E). This condition had

existed for an indeterminate amount of time. The NRC inspectors noted

that RSC audits do not appear to include PSP components or requirements.

The failures to properly implement the PSP regarding protection of SNM is

considered apparent violations of the PSP. (407/8801-06)

No other violations or deviations were identified.

18. Plans, Procedures, and Reviews (81401)

The licensee's control and maintenance of the PSP was reviewed to

determine compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.54(p).

The NRC inspectors reviewed the current PSP (December 1, 1986) and

compared its contents against the previous PSP (July 28, 1980) to

determine that changes to the PSP have not decreased the overall

effectiveness of the plan and the implementing procedures are adequate to


satisfy the performance objectives of the regulations.


l License Condition 2.C(3) of License R-126 states, in part, that "The

licensee shall maintain and fully implement all provisions of the

Commission-approved physical security plan, including amendments and

changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.54(p)."





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10 CFR Part 50.54(p)(1) states that the licensee may make no change which

would decrease the effectiveness of a security plan prepared pursuant to

50.54(c). Furthermore, Part 50.54(p)(2) states that a licensee may make

changes to the plans referenced in Part 50.54(p)(1) without prior

Commission approval if the changes do not decrease the safeguards

effectiveness of the plan. When such changes are made, the licensee must

submit, as specified in Part 50.4, a report containing a description of

each change within 2 months after the change is made.

Revision 2 of the PSP (new plan) dated December 1, 1986, was reviewed and

approved by the RSC. The revised PSP was sent to the NRC for review on or

about May 21,1987, some 5 months following its apparent implementation.

The NRC inspectors determined on February 18, 1988, that Revision 2 to the

PSP decreased the plan's effectiveness in at least five areas and thus

decreased the overall effectiveness of the plan. NDTET Room numbers were

revised in 1986, but the old room numbers will be used in this discussion.

Room and door identifiers are contained in Revision 1 to the PSP and

Figure 4.1 of the SER. Furthermore, one radiochemistry room is mislabeled

1001-E in these documents and should be labeled 1001-G.

The five areas of decreased effectiveness are:

a. Old Plan - The two doors (4 and 5) leading to and between the two

chemistry rooms (1001-F and G) from the adjoining TRIGA/AGN reactor

room (1001-E) were both required to be secured by dead bolt lock.

These two chemistry rooms share a common false ceiling.

New Plan - Only requires that door 5 between rooms 1001-F and 1001-G

be the only door required to be dead bolt locked.

Discussion - Due to the existence of a common false ceiling (between

rooms 1001-F and G) over door 5 and the lack of a requirement for

dead bolting of door 4 (door leads directly into the TRIGA/AGN

reactor room (1001-E)). This effectively decreases access control to

room 1001-E.

b. Old Plan - States that door 3 (entrance to room 1001-E from 1001-D),

door 4 (entrance from 1001-E to 1001-F), and door 5 (entrance from

1001-F to 1001-G) are treated the same for security purposes.

New Plan - States that only doors 3 and 4 are treated the same for

security purposes.

Discussion - This is in line with the change made in paragraph 1

above. However, this does result in a lessening of the access

control plan for the facility,

c. Old Plan - States that there are four physical barriers to prevent

access and the removal of fuel from the AGN reactor. One of the

specified barriers is 25 tons of concrete blocks stacked over and

around the AGN reactor.


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New Plan - Has eliminated reference to the 25 tons of concrete blocks

Trom the plan.

Discussion - This decreases the physical security for the AGN fuel.

d. Old Plan - Stated that the NEL's intrusion alarm was tied into the

VofU's Radiation Safety Office as well as the campus police '

department and provides a visual as well as an oral alarm.

New Plan - Deletes reference to this secondary alarm location.

Discussion - The licensee was previously issued a Notice of Violation

(NRC Inspection Report 50-407/86-01) concerning the failure to

maintain this alarm at the Radiation Safety Office. The deletion of

the secondary alarm is considered a reduction in the PSP intrusion

alarm capabilities.


e. Old Plan - Chapter 3 required that the police dispatch in every event

of a violation of the NEL intrusion' alarm system an armed campus

police officer to the NEL to investigate the incident and to report

to the dispatcher the officer's findings.  !

New Plan - Chapter 3 now states, "In every unresolved event of a

violation of the . . . intrusion alarm . . ."


Discussion - This change indicates that the dispatcher now makes an

evaluation of the alarm and decides on whether or not to dispatch an

officer. No guidance has been given the dispatcher on how they are

to accomplish this evaluation. The licensee indicated that the

dispatcher would try and contact someone at the NEL to confirm the

alarm as part of the evaluation. This reasoning does not provide for

the possibility that the person being contacted is under duress

(being forced to give a positive reply) and informing the dispatcher

that the alarm was a false alarm. This also decreases the

effectiveness of the PSP. t

The NRC inspectors determined that the effectiveness of the PSP had been

overall decreased by the combined changes in Revision 2 to the PSP. Even

j though some of the changes were warranted, the licensee and the RSC failed



to provide adequate documentation as to why the changes were being made,

and obtain NRC approval prior to making them.

The failure to submit the revised PSP to the NRC within 2 months after

implementation and the failure to obtain NRC approval before implementing

the revised PSP is considered an apparent violation of and 10 CFR

Part 50.54. (407/8801-07)

No deviations or other findings were noted in this area.



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19. Material Control and Accounting (85102)

The licensee's SNM control and accountability program was reviewed to

determine compliance with 10 CFR Part 70.

The NRC inspected the licensee's NRC Forms 741 and 742 to determine

compliance with inventory and reporting requirements. The licensee has

been reporting a combined SNM inventory of 5,498 grams in the routine

reports since 1985 to the NRC per 10 CFR Part 74.13.

The NRC inspectors performed a inventory of SNM including TRIGA fuel the

licensee had on site. Inventory balance for the TRIGA fuel showed that

based on SER values for SNM content of TRIGA fuel the licensee's reporting

values are lower than those calculated by the NRC inspectors. The NRC

inspectors did not consider burn up and only considered the inventoried

fuel elements to contain the original quantities of SNM. The licensee's.

TRIGA fuel element inventory by serial number is over 8 years old. The

NRC inspectors discussed the need to conduct a serial number inventory of

each fuel element and source containing SNM on site, including the AGN

fuel. The NRC inspectors determined the licensee had 5 spent TRIGA

elements in the spent fuel storage wells (4 in the south well, none in the


, center well, and 1 in the north well) ard 50 elements in 6 fuel storage

racks inside the reactcr tank, and 81 fuel elements in the TRIGA core.

These values agree with the licensee inventory of 136 fuel elements.

This is considered an open item pending the licensee's review of the SNM

accountability program. (407/8801-24)

No violations or deviations were identified.

20. Reports and Notifications

The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's submittal of reports and

notification to the NRC to determine compliance with AGN-201 TS 6.9.1 and

6.9.2, and TRIGA TS 6.10 requirements.

The NRC inspectors reviewed reactor facility annual reports since 1980,


30-day notifications concerning self-identified TS deficiencies, and

telephonic communications with NRC NRR and Regional staffs.

No violations or deviations were identified.

21. Ex*. Interview

The NRC inspectors met with the licensee's representatives identified in

paragraph 1 of this report on February 19, 1988. lhe NRC inspectors

summarized the scope and the results of the inspection. The NRC

inspectors emphasized to the licensee that the numerous violations

indicate a lack of management oversight and support.

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