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Memorandum & Order,Memorandum (Proposed Order Concerning Standardized Computer Filing Formats).* Proposed Uniform Format for Filing Documents to Facilitate Search.Served on 870406
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 04/03/1987
From: Bloch P
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#287-3003 79-430-06-OL, 79-430-6-OL, 86-528-02-CPA, 86-528-2-CPA, CPA, OL, NUDOCS 8704130081
Download: ML20206C544 (8)


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DOCKETED BNN0001 87/04/03 .

g7 gpg .6 A10:39 N/A computer filing. format index pretest transcripts electronic filing modem 0FFICE CF SECE'M i disks 00CKEigg.jF'.M N/A UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION gg App g g Before Administrative Judges:

Peter B. Bloch, Chairman Dr. Kenneth A. McCollom Dr. Walter H. Jordan In the Matter of Docket Nos. 50-445-0L-

) 50-446-OL




(Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, ASLBP No. 79-430-06 OL'

) s Units 1 and 2) )

) April 3, 1987


In the Matter of ) Docket No. 50-445-CPA.





~)) ASLBP No. 86-528-02-CPA Units 1 and 2) )

) April 3, 1987 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER MEMORANDUM (Proposed Order Concerning Standardized Computer Filing Formats)

To facilitate the efficient analysis of the record in these cases, we have decided to propose a uniform format for filing documents in a way that will make it easy for us to add the documents to computerized 8704130081 870403 PDR ADOCK 05000445 0 PDR hse



Computer Standardization: 2 files and therefore to facilitate search. The purpose of this Memorandum is to propose some procedures for comment. We will make these procedures final after the parties have had an opportunity to comment on them.

We urge that all filings for the record be made in the adopted format, including filings of pre-filed testimony. Additionally, we invite parties that wish to rely on previous parts of the record to submit those portions anew in this new format.

The Board will, of course, continue to be responsible for reviewing the entire record. Compliance with our format will assist us in per-forming that duty.

I. Standard PC Document Format PRIMARY FORMAT:

PAGE SIZE 8.5 x 11 inches PAGE LENGTH 66 lines PAGE NUMBERS embedded in the text at line 63 (centered)

PITCH 10 (PC); 12 (5520)

FOOTNOTES starting on new page at end of document SPACING double TAB SETTINGS every five positions from left margin MARGINS 2 and 80 (PC); 12and90(5520)

ALTERNATE FORMAT Only one format parameter will be set differently from the primary fo rmat. Spacing will be set as single spacing.

9 k

Computer Standardization: 3 Transmission Standard All documents must be converted to ASCII by an ASCII Save or Print to Disk Function prior to transmission to the ASLBP. We will receive documents by modem, upon appointment, or by parties sending us a disk.

We will accumulate disks sent to us by the parties and will return about a half-dozen to them as they accumulate from time to time.

II. INDEXING REQUIREMENT To facilitate computerization and search of all of your documents, place the following information on the first eight lines of copy on your document, single spaced and left justified (with a carriage return and line feed), reoardless of whether the document is submitted in 1

I electronic form:

. A. Line 1

, A unique consecutive number using two letters and four digits before the decimal point and four digits after the point. The first letter will be "A" for Applicants, "S" for Staff, "C" for CASE, "Y" for Cygna, and "J" for joint intervenors. (Board memoranda, orders and other decisions will be labeled "B" for Board, as at the top of this document.) The second letter will be "E" if the document has been admitted into evidence and "N" if it has not been admitted. The third letter will be an "E" if the document is intended as an exhibit, and an "N" if it is not.

h Computer Standardization: 4 For filings, other than filings intended to be submitted as exhibits, the four digits before the decimal point will be a unique number assigned to all documents filed April 15 or thereafter. On that date, Applicants' first document will be ANN 0001, CASE's will be CNN0001 and Staff's will be SNN0001. Applicants' second document will be ANN 0002.

Filings that are intended to be exhibits (note that pre-filed testimony is not an exhibit) shall be filed using the old, pre-existing system of designation (unless parties choose to start over at 0001 for this portion of the case). The system for numbering exhibits will use the four integers after the decimal point to identify these documents before they have been admitted into evidence. For example, if the document is CASE's 950th exhibit document, it would be CNE0000.0950 (unless CASE chooses to start over and call it CNE0000.0001).

When an exhibit is admitted into evidence, it will receive a unique evidentiary designation that falls within the first four integers. The first admitted exhibit for Staff might be SEE00001.0002.

When other documents are admitted into evidence, the document designation will be changed to indicate that. For example, ANN 0001 would become AEN0001 after it was admitted into evidence.

B. Line 2 The date of the filing in the format 01/01/87.

C. Line 3

Computer Standardization: 5 The purpose of this line is to link together documents that are all


4 related to one another. For example, there always is a set of discovery


documents beginning with a discovery motion and including some or all of the following: answer and motion for protective order, response to motion for protective order and motion to compel, answer to motion to compel, reply (if specially permitted), Board decision.

If applicable, the unique consecutive number of the motion that began the sequence to which this filing is a part should be placed on this line. If not applicable, enter N/A, Note that it is not permissible to leave any of the eight lines of the index format blank.

Always enter N/A on a line that would otherwise be blank.

D. Lines 4 to 7 These lines may contain no more than 30 characters apiece. They should contain key words (for example, authors' names, topics covered,

> type of filing) that will assist in identifying the document as part of a computer search. Use no more lines than would be helpful for setting out key words for searching. All blank lines must have the entry:{ k/A.

i Line 8 will always say "N/A" at the time it is submitted so that the Board will be able to add its own additional key words.

E.- Additional Information If you feel that the document has not been fully indexed within the provided indexing format, add additional lines immediately following the eight line. Have them all be part of a single paragraph beginning with l

1 a

Computer Standardization: 6 the (apparently misspelled) word "Indexx:", in order to faciliate subsequent word search.

III. Pretest Applicants already have sent a disk for us to test for use in our own computer files. The disk contained a document done in Wordstar without footnotes. We would appreciate receiving the next three filings in the proposed format on one or more disks from each of the parties, including Applicants. To the extent that different word processing programs may be used by a party, it would be helpful if the disks that were submitted represented the range of possibilities.

Although we . are requiring intervenors to comply with indexing requirements , we are not requiring intervenors to file electronic materials. We encouraging the filing of electronic materials because of the increased speed of analysis that we anticipate. We also intend to make available on line, to all parties thut file electronic materials, all hearing transcripts, thus creating the possibility of substantial savings for all parties.

IV. Paper Filings We are not at this time considering. dispensing with paper filings, although filing by modem would substitute for express mail. Also, the ASLBP will need one fewer paper copies, since the chair will rely on the electronic copy and the paper copy will be kept by the ASLBP docket room.

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Computer Standardization: 7. >



The docket maintained by the Office of the Secretary will continue

< to be the official record of the proceeding.

V. Electronic Filings ,

/ We are considering requiring Applicants and the NRC Staff to have all their filings delivered in electronic form either by railing an s i

acceptable 51" floppy diskette (as determined by pretest) or by successfully transmitting (and confirming transmission) the document

'directly to the panel headquarters electronically (PC to PC transmission).

Intervenors may file documents in electronic form. If they do not I

do so, they shall produce all documents in a form such that the textual portions (i.e., excluding graphs, drawings, and' the like) are suitable for conversion to electronic form by optical character reading equip-ment.

' VI. Start Date It is proposed that all documents filed after April 14 be part of this system. Previously s bmitted important documents are encouraged to

' be submicted for 'Ar ter si as well. Do not change the original date of.

filing on such documents but refile them in electronic form and assign them numbers within the unique numbering system set up in this

'remorandum. (We would particularly appreciate the refiling of the CPRT 7

Plan and the Results Reports in electronic form.)

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.1 Computer Standardization: 8 s

VII. Our System Detailed information on our micro-computer based system are

-available from Jack Whetstine. We use an IBM XT, 20 megabytes and also have available a Compaq with 130 megabytes plus expansion capabili',v for a larger capacity drive. Our principle software will be Bluefish. We intend to make our computer available in read-only answer mode at periodic intervals that will be announed.


+' u For all the foregoing reasons and' based on consideration of the entire record in this matter, it is this 3rd day of April 1987 ORDERED:

That comments on the accompanying Memorandum may be filed before April 12,1987.


Peter B.2Bloch, Chairman ADMINISlR(CIVE JUDGE e

Bethesda, Maryland

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