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Cover Sheet for Proposed Rule 10CFR40, U Mill Tailings: Groundwater Protection & Other Issues;Refs for Supplementary Info:Ix.B Costs & Benefits of Mods
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/31/1985
Shared Package
ML20198R528 List:
FRN-49FR46425, RULE-PR-40 AB56-1, AB56-1-50, SECY-86-043, SECY-86-43, NUDOCS 8603240221
Download: ML20199D545 (4)



4/356 "

Gk 10 CFR PART 40

. Proposed Rule 4

Uranium Mill Tailings: Ground-Water Protection and Other Issues ' I

. References for Supplementary Information: IX. B. Costs and Benefits

. . of the Modifications



-October, 1985 f


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- LIST OF REFERENCES Barcelona, M. J., Gibb, J. P., and Miller, R. A. 1983. A Guide to the Selection of Materials for Monitoring Well Construction and Ground-Water Sampling. Illinois State Water Survey ISWS Centract Report 327.

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Buelt, J. L., Hale, V. Q., Barnes, S. M., and Silviera, D. J. 1981. An Evaluation of Liners for a Uranium-Mill Tailings Disposal Site - A Status Report. U. S. Department of Energy, DOE /UMT-0200.

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Dewolf, G., Murin, P., Jarvis, J., and Kelly, M. 1984. The Control-Cost Digest: Cost Summaries of Selected Environmental Control Technologies.

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-600/8-84-010.

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