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Application for Amend to License R-97,requesting possession- only-license
Person / Time
Site: Neely Research Reactor
Issue date: 08/07/1997
From: Davidson J
Neely Research Reactor, ATLANTA, GA
To: Mendonca M
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20198F087 List:
NUDOCS 9708110177
Download: ML20198F083 (6)




@[lTechmr4As@y Collegeof Engineering Offkeof theIkan l

August 7,1997 United States Nuclear Regulatory Comrnission Docket No,50160 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville. MD 20852 2738 l


Mr. Marvin M. Mendonca, Acting Director 1

- Non Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate l

Division of Reactor Program management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Possession Only License Amendment Request for Georgia institute of Technology Research Reactor Current Status Report of the Georgia Institute of Technology Research Reactor Decommissioning Program


1. NRC letter dated July 22,1997,


Possession-Only License I

Amendment Request for the Georgia Institute of Technology -

2, Georgia Tech letter dated July 1,1997,


Possession Only License (P O L) Request Submittal

3. Technical Specifications to Operating License No. R 97 per Amendment 1 I dated September 20,1995 4, NUREG 1537, Part 1, Chapter 17, Section 17.2
5. Georgia institute of Technology Research Reactor (GTRR) U.S. NRC License No, R 97
6. NRC Docket No. 50160 i

Dear Mr. Mendonca:

The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is hereby submitting a Possession Only License (P.

0 L) amendment request for the referenced license, Enclosure I herein contains the required information to support our P 0 L status request in accordance with the applicable sections of NUREG 1$37,

/ provides an overview of the current status and planned activities of the Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program. This overview will be updated monthly,


uoW2 College of Engineering Atlanta, Georgia 30332 0360 USA llkh 11KWE 4N 894 3350 I AX 4N'894*0168 A Unit of the Uniwnity Sy< tem of Gawgin

. An Eeualrdwe m und Imt%nent O vrwtunityInstautis n t



_E e

Mr. Maivin M. Mendonca Page 2 August 7,1997 linclosure 3 contains the curriculum vitae of all members of the Technical and Safety lleview Committee which, as described in linclosure 1, has been established by the President of Georgia Tech, Dr. G. Wayne

'; lough. 'the Committee has been given specific charter to provide management and technical oversight throughout the entire decommissioning program of the Georgia Tech itesearch iteactor. For your information, Georgia Tech has selected N11S, Inc to assist with the decommissioning program.

Georgia Tech is totally committed to carry out the decommissioning of the nuclear facility in an orderly and safe manner, ultimately resulting in license termination. We would appreciate a timely processing of this amendment request. If you need additionalinformation do not hesitate to contact me (404 894 3350) or our project manager, Mr. Ilill Miller (404 894-4610).




. Narl Davi n

Interim Dean Chair, Technical Safety lleview Committee linclosures (3) as stated cc:

Dr. G. Wayne Clough, President J

Docket No. 50160 Possession-Only-License Support Information

i Docket No. 50160 Possession-Only License Aamendswat Suppo 11afonmation


A. Purpose i

It is the objective of the Georgia lastitute of Technology (Georgia Tech) to request and obtain a Possession Only. License (POL) amendment since all of the Georgia Tech Research Reactor (OTRR) fuel 4

j j

has been removed from the facility as of February 19,1996 Georgia Tech las taken the administrative and functional steps to decommission its research reactor (See Enclosure 2, twrewith), A POL status


will allow Ocorgia Tech to administer its reactor facility under a nunagement structure commensurate


with its defueled and shutdown conditions. The changes in Technical Specifications as requested terewith will remove unnecessary requirements and will prmide budget savings that can be applied toward funding tle D&D program.

B. Eatiy Shutdown Decision Georgia Tech made the decision to permanently cease the operation ofits research reactor before th:

projected termination of reactor operation based on budgetary, program, and underutillr.ation considerations. The administration of Georgia Tech evaluated the issue of early shutdown for many months by conducting both a cost and an educational benefit analysis.

C. becommissioning Prograin Schedule Georgia Tech anticipates submittal of a decommissioning plan to the NRC on or about January 30,1998.

The decommissioning plan will be in accordance with USNRC guidelines and will include a decommissioning cost estimate and a site characterization report. (See Enclosure 2 for specific activities perfonned and planned as of July 31,1997) 11

Docket No. $0160 D. Safety Analysis Statement A safety analysis of the Ocorgia Todi Research Reactor based on its current and projected P-O-L conditions showed nn pntential niety laard and/or abnormal radiological conditions since:

All nuclear fuel has been shipped off site.

All hea5y water inventory has been drained to the required holding tank.

There ivwill be total positive access control to the reactor containment building.

Only personnel authorized by the Reactor Director and responsible for suntillance and monitoring activities are allowed inside the reactor containment, There are no activities being performed inside the reactor containment other than the required e

surveillance and monitoring ncthitics.

The shutdown phase of the reactor yielded a safe shutdown facilliy status.

All reacter related radiuactivity is totally undisturbeu nd subjoct only to its nurmal decay pheaomena.

The safe shutdown conditions of the 0:orgia Tech Research Reactor do not present a twed cf any kind to the health and safety of the general public or to the staff, faculty and students of Georgia Toch.

E. Physical Security and Emergency Plan The current Physical Security and Emcrgency Plans will be revised in accordance with the requested changes in tech specs and enh upon r:ccipt of the P O L amendment. The revisions to these documents willis nienated by the Revtor pergan;!, gn3 g}g g; 7;yj.Ed and @M by d@m W W Resiew Committee.


l 1

Docket No. 50160 F. Facility Ucense Georgia Tech is hereby :*linquishing the authority to operate the facility and requests that the power level data be removed from the license as well as the authorization to possess nuclear fuel.

i G. TttbeltsiSpeelfications Georgia Tech is her:by submitting its proposed changes in Technical Specifications (attxhed herewith) that would allow the administration of POL during the decommissioning program. Upon recelg4 of the Pol amendment. applicable internal procedures and work orders pertaining to the operation of the nacient reactor will be revised in their entirety to reflect the PO-L status.


Technical Specifications Revision to Facilitate Decommissioning of tie Neely Nuclear Research Center 13