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8 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 6, Appendix 6A, Tables
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Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/29/2020
Duke Energy Carolinas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Appendix 6A. Tables Appendix 6A. Tables

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-1 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-1. Deleted per 1995 Update

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-2 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-2. Deleted per 2000 Update

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-3 (Page 1 of 2)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-3. Quality Control Standards for Engineered Safeguards Systems Summary of Requirements for Core Flooding Tanks CLASSIFICATION:

ASME III, Class C, Paragraph N-2113 and the requirements of ASME VIII, Paragraph UW-2(a) (lethal substances)

Inspection Requirements Acceptance Standard

1. Inspection of raw materials and review of certificates ASME III material
2. Hydro test ASME III
3. Radiograph ASME VIII Summary of Requirements for Low Pressure Injection Heat Exchanger CLASSIFICATGION: Shell ASME VIII, Tube ASME III, Class C (lethal)

Inspection Requirements Acceptance Standard

1. Inspection of raw materials and review of material certificates ASME II, III, VIII
2. Seal weld on tubes-to-tube sheet TEMA-R-7 and additional requirements
3. Liquid penetrant inspection on tube-to-tube sheet ASME III, N-627 and additional requirements
4. Hydro test ASME III, VIII, TEMA-R
5. Leak test and seal weld (air)

Summary of Requirements for Valves Inspection Requirements Acceptance Standard Class I and II Valves

1. Radiographic inspection of the body casing USAS B31.7
2. Inspection of material and review of material USAS B31.7 certificates
3. Liquids penetrant inspection of the valve body USAS B31.7
4. Hydro test of valve assembly USAS B16.5 and additional requirements
5. Seat Leakage test MSS-SP-61 and additional requirements Class III Valves
1. Inspection of material and review of material USAS B31.7 certificates
2. Hydro test of valve assembly USAS B16.5
3. Seat leakage test MSS-SP-61 and additional requirements In addition to these inspections listed above, all valve materials must meet the ASTM material specification.

Summary of Requirements for Engineered Safeguards Systems Pumps

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-3 (Page 2 of 2)

(31 DEC 2000)

Inspection Requirements Acceptance Standard

1. Inspection of materials and review of material ASTM certificates
2. Liquid-penetrant inspection of castings ASME VIII
3. Performance test Hydraulic Institute Standard Additional requirements:

Low Pressure Injection Pumps

1. Hydrotest casing to 600 psig. Test pressure is held for 30 minutes per inch of thickness with a minimum holding time of 30 minutes. This exceeds the hydrotest requirements of ASME VIII Paragraph UG-99 (> 1.5 x design pressure).

Reactor Building Spray Pumps

1. Hydrotest casing to 1,200 psig. Test pressure is held for 30 minutes per inch of thickness with a minimum holding time of 30 minutes. This exceeds the hydrotest requirements of ASME VIII Paragraph UG-99 (> 1.5 x design pressure).

High Pressure Injection Pumps

1. Ultrasonic examination of pump barrel.
2. Hydrotest nozzle head and pump barrel to 4,575 psig. Test pressure is held for 30 minutes per inch of thickness with a minimum holding time of 30 minutes. This exceeds the hydrotest requirements of ASME VIII Paragraph UG-99 (> 1.5 x design pressure of 3,050 psig).

Low Pressure Service Water Pumps

1. Documented quality control records and certified caliper measurements of the entire casting thickness will be furnished.
2. Witness performance test will be performed. Acceptance standards are per Hydraulic Institute Standard.
3. A documented, non-witness, hydro-test will be performed. Acceptance standards are per ASME code.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-4 (Page 1 of 2)

(31 DEC 2016)

Table 6-4. Engineered Safeguards Piping Design Conditions Temp (F)

Press. (psig)


High Pressure Injection System


From the pump discharge to upstream of the check valves inside the secondary shielding.

200/150 3,040/3120


High pressure injection pump.

200/150 3,040/3,120


From upstream of the check valves to the reactor inlet line.

650 2,500


Low Pressure Injection System


From the borated water storage tank to upstream of the borated water storage tank outlet valves.

150 Static


From upstream of the borated water storage tank outlet valve to upstream of the electric motor operated valves in the borated water feed lines. (Unit 2 only, is to the check valves in the borated water feed lines) 200 100


From upstream of the electric motor operated valves in the borated water feed lines to upstream of the valves at the pump inlets. (Unit 2 only, is from the check valves in the borated water feed lines) 300 200


From upstream of the system inlet valves at the pump inlets to the pump inlet.

Trains 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C 300/250 470/505 Trains 1B, 2B 300 370


From the pump outlet to upstream of the throttle valves at the cooler discharge.

Trains 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C 1 300/250 470/515 Trains 1B, 2B 300 370


From upstream of the throttle valves at the cooler discharge to upstream of the LPI Header isolation valves.

Trains 1A, 2A 300/250 470/515 Trains 1B, 2B 300 470/505


From upstream of the system inlet valves to upstream of the check valves in the core flooding lines.

300 2,500


From upstream of the check valves in the core flooding lines to the reactor vessel.

650 2,500


From the Reactor Building emergency sump to upstream of the valves in the recirculation lines.

300 59


Reactor Building Spray System

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-4 (Page 2 of 2)

(31 DEC 2016)

Temp (F)

Press. (psig)


From downstream of the pump inlet valves to downstream of the Reactor Building valves.

250 495


From downstream of the inlet valves through the nozzles2.

250/286 200


Low Pressure Service Water System


Condenser circulating water crossover to low pressure service water pump suction.

100 50


Pump discharge 100 100 (OCONEE 3 ONLY)


Low Pressure Injection System


From the borated water storage tank to upstream of the borated water storage tank outlet valves.

150 Static


From upstream of the borated water storage tank outlet valve to upstream of the check valves in the borated water feed lines.

200 100


From upstream of the check valves to upstream of the motor operated valves in the borated water feed lines.

300 300


From upstream of the electric motor operated valves in the borated water feed lines to upstream of the valves at the pump inlets.

300 388


From upstream of the system inlet valves at the pump inlets to upstream of the LPI Header Isolation valves.

300/250 470/505


From upstream of the system inlet valves to upstream of the check valves in the core flooding lines.

300 2,500


From upstream of the check valves in the core flooding lines to the reactor vessel.

650 2,500


From the Reactor Building emergency sump to upstream of the valves in the recirculation lines.

300 59 Note:

1. For the C Train Connection to the B Train Cooler, design conditions are 300°F and 370 psig beginning downstream of the cross over valve.
2. A 286 F design temperature is applicable due to the Post-LOCA and Post-MSLB environmental temperature inside containment. All other plant conditions that require integrity of this pipe are enveloped by the 250 F design temperature.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-5 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-5. Single Failure Analysis Reactor Building Spray System Component Malfunction Comments


Reactor Building the spray pump.

Fails to start.

Since each of the two strings of Reactor Building Spray System is equally sized, the remaining string will provide heat removal capability at a reduced rate. In combination with the Reactor Building Cooling System, heat removal capability in excess of the requirements will be provided.


Building isolation valve.

Fails to open.

(Same as above.)


Check valve in suction or discharge line.

Fails to open.

(Same as above.)

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-6 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-6. Single Failure Analysis For Reactor Building Cooling System Component Malfunction Comments


Circulating fan Fails to operate.

The cooling capacity of the cooling units is reduced; however, 2 of 3 cooling units provide the required cooling.


Cooler service water outlet valve.

(LPSW-18, -21, -24)

Fails to open fully Valve will normally be partially open. If the valve fails to open fully, the unit will operate under reduced heat removal capability. The required cooling load will be met by 2 of 3 cooling units.


Cooler service water inlet valve. (LPSW-16, -19, -22)

Inadvertently left closed.

The flow through this string will be unavailable for cooling. It is unlikely that this condition would occur during an accident since the position and flow are monitored during normal operation. The required cooling load will be met by 2 of 3 cooling units.


Service water pump (1A, 1B, 1C).

Fails to operate.

The two remaining pumps will provide full low pressure service water flow to all components.


Service water pump (3A, 3B).

Fails to operate.

The one remaining pump will provide full low pressure service water flow to all components.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-7 (Page 1 of 7)

(31 DEC 2014)

Table 6-7. Reactor Building Penetration Valve Information Pen Description Vlv Arrg Inside Penetration Valve Data Outside Penetration Valve Data Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Norm Fail Post Acc Norm Fail Post Acc 1(16)

Pressurizer Sample 1



OTSG A Sample 8

Closed Loop Inside Containment 1


Component Cooling Inlet 3

1 6



OTSG B Drain 7

Closed Loop Inside Containment 1

4 SH EMO ES OP AI CL YES 5A RB Normal Sump Drain 24 None 5



2 SH AIR ES OP CL CL YES 5B Post Accident Liquid Sample 13 None 2(5) 1 SH SOL(5)

CL CL(5)


YES(5) 6 RC Letdown 1

2 2



RC Pump Seal Return 4

1 3,4(7)



CL YES 8A Pressurizer Aux Spray 3

1 1,11/2(11)



CK OP CL NO 8B Loop A Nozzle Warming 3

1 1,11/2(11)




HP Injection Loop A 2

1 4

CK OP OP NO None 10A RC Pump Seal Injection 3

1 1



CK OP CL NO 10B RC Pump Seal Injection 3

1 1



Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-7 (Page 2 of 7)

(31 DEC 2014)

Pen Description Vlv Arrg Inside Penetration Valve Data Outside Penetration Valve Data Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Norm Fail Post Acc Norm Fail Post Acc 11 Fuel Transfer Tube 19 Special Closure (Flange)

None 1


4 SH EMO CL AL CL YES 12 Fuel Transfer Tube 18 Special Closure (Flange)

None 1



1 SH EMO CL AL CL YES 13 RB Spray Inlet 2

1 8

CK CL OP NO None 14 RB Spray Inlet 2

1 8

CK CL OP NO None 15 LPI Inlet 2

1 10 CK CL OP NO None 16 LPI Inlet 2

1 10 CK CL OP NO None 17 OTSG B EFW Injection 5

Closed Loop Inside Containment None 18 Quench Tank Vent 4

1 2


2 SH AIR ES OP CL CL YES 19 RB Purge Inlet 4


48 SH AIR ES CL CL CL YES 20 RB Purge Outlet 4


48 SH AIR ES CL CL CL YES 21 LPSW to RCP Coolers 7

Closed Loop Inside Containment 1

10 SH EMO ES OP AI CL YES 22 LPSW from RCP Coolers 7

Closed Loop Inside Containment 1

10 SH EMO ES OP AI CL YES 23A RC Pump Seal Injection 3

1 1


1 CK OP CL NO 23B RC Pump Seal Injection 3

1 1


1 CK OP CL NO 24A RB Hydrogen Analyzer 10 None 1




Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-7 (Page 3 of 7)

(31 DEC 2014)

Pen Description Vlv Arrg Inside Penetration Valve Data Outside Penetration Valve Data Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Norm Fail Post Acc Norm Fail Post Acc 24B RB Hydrogen Analyzer 10 None 1



YES 25 OTSG B Feedwater Line 6

Closed Loop Inside Containment 1

24 CK OP CL NO 26 OTSG A Main Stream Line 5

Closed Loop Inside Containment None 27 OTSG A Feedwater Line 6

Closed Loop Inside Containment 1

24 CK OP CL NO 28(20)

OTSG B Main Steam Line 5

Closed Loop Inside Containment None 29 Quench Tank Drain 4

1 4



Closed Loop Inside Containment None 31 LPSW to RBCU 5

Closed Loop Inside Containment None 32 LPSW to RBCU 5

Closed Loop Inside Containment None 33 LPSW from RBCU 5

Closed Loop Inside Containment None 34 LPSW from RBCU 5

Closed Loop Inside Containment None 35 LPSW from RBCU 5

Closed Loop Inside Containment None 36 RB Emergency Sump Recirc 12 None 1

14 SH EMO CL AI OP YES 37 RB Emergency Sump Recirc 15 None 1


1 SH MAN CL OP NO 38 Quench Tank Cooler Inlet 3

1 11/2 CK OP CL NO 1


CK OP CL NO 39a(17)

Core Flood 16 1



Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-7 (Page 4 of 7)

(31 DEC 2014)

Pen Description Vlv Arrg Inside Penetration Valve Data Outside Penetration Valve Data Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Norm Fail Post Acc Norm Fail Post Acc Tank Vent 39b HP Nitrogen Supply 20 1




1 SH MAN CL CL NO 40 RB Emergency Sump Drain 14 None 1



3/4 SH MAN CL CL NO 41 Instrument Air Supply 9

1 3


3 SH MAN CL CL NO 42A RB Hydrogen Analyzer 10 None 1



YES 42B RB Hydrogen Analyzer 10 None 1



YES 43 OTSG A Drain 7

Closed Loop Inside Containment 1

4 SH EMO ES OP AI CL YES 44 Component Cooling to CRD 3

1 21/2 CK OP CL NO 1

21/2 CK OP CL NO 45A Leak Rate Test Line 9

1 1/2 SH MAN CL CL NO 1

1/2 SH MAN CK CL NO 45B Leak Rate Test Line 9

1 1/2 SH MAN CL CL NO 1

1/2 SH MAN CL CL NO 45C(17)

Leak Rate Test Line 9

1 1/2 SH MAN CL CL NO 1

1/2 SH MAN CL CL NO 48 Breathing Air Supply to RB 9

1 2


2 SH MAN CL CL NO 49(16)

LP Nitrogen Supply to RB 22 1

11/2 CK CL CL NO 2

1 SH MAN CL CL NO 50 OTSG A EFW Injection 5

Closed Loop Inside Containment None 51 LRT Supply 11 Special Closure (Flange) 1 8


Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-7 (Page 5 of 7)

(31 DEC 2014)

Pen Description Vlv Arrg Inside Penetration Valve Data Outside Penetration Valve Data Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Norm Fail Post Acc Norm Fail Post Acc and Exhaust 1


SH MAN CL CL NO 52 HP Injection B Loop 2

1 4

CK CL OP NO None 53A HP Nitrogen to CFT 20 1


1/2, 1(8)



1 CK CL CL NO 53B(17)

LP Nitrogen Supply to RB 21 1

11/2 CK CL CL NO 1

2 SH MAN CL CL NO 54 Component Cooling Outlet 4

1 8



CL YES 55 Demin Water Supply 9

1 4


4 SH MAN CL CL NO 56 Spent Fuel Canal Fill/Drain 9

1 8


8 SH MAN CL CL NO 57(16)

DHR Return Line 28 1

12 SH EMO CL AI CL14 YES None 1


8 SH EMO CL AI CL14 YES 58A(17)

Pressurizer Sample Line 1

2 3/4 1(13)


1/2 SH AIR ES OP CL CL YES 58B OTSG B Sample 8

Closed Loop Inside Containment 1

1/2 SH AIR ES CL CL CL YES 59 Core Flood Tank Sample 17

`2 1


1 SH MAN CL CL NO 60 RB Sample Line (Outlet) 23 1





1/2, 1(3)

SH MAN CL CL NO 61 RB Sample Line (Intlet) 25 1




Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-7 (Page 6 of 7)

(31 DEC 2014)

Pen Description Vlv Arrg Inside Penetration Valve Data Outside Penetration Valve Data Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Norm Fail Post Acc Norm Fail Post Acc 62(17)

DHR Return Line 29 1

12 SH EMO CL AI CL(14)

YES None 1

10 SH MAN CL CL NO 63 LPSW RBACs Supply 27 None 2

6 SH AIR ES OP CL CL YES 64 LPSW RBACs Return 27 None 2


Qty - Quantity of comparable penetration valves shown Type - Valve types:

SH (Shut Off Valve) - gate, globe, ball, plug, butterfly, diaphragm or other type on/off valve with the ability to shut off flow.

CK (Check Valve) - stop check, swing check, tilting disc check, lift check, or other type of check valve whose function is to prevent flow in the reverse direction.

Size - Valve size in inches Oper - Valve operator types MAN - manual EMO - electric motor operator AIR - diaphragm operator HYD - hydraulic operator SOL - solenoid Signal - Noted "ES" if the valve receives an Engineered Safeguards signal. Refer to Section 7.3 for further discussion of ES signals.

Valve Positions - Norm: position during normal operation, Fail: position without operator motive force, Post Acc: desired post-accident position OP - Open CL - Closed AI - As Is Indication - remove valve position indication

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-7 (Page 7 of 7)

(31 DEC 2014)

Pen Description Vlv Arrg Inside Penetration Valve Data Outside Penetration Valve Data Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Qty Size Type Oper Signal Valve Position Indi-cation Norm Fail Post Acc Norm Fail Post Acc Notes:


Penetrations 7, 54, 60, and 61 outboard isolation valves fail open on loss of ES power to their associated solenoid valves provided air is available to open the valves. With ES power energizing the solenoid valves, the isolation valves close with or without supply air.


Although initially closed for Reactor Building isolation, valves associated with penetrations 24 and 42 can be opened for post-accident hydrogen monitoring.


For Penetration 60, the Unit 3 outside, manual penetration valve is 1/2 inch while the Unit 1 and Unit 2 outside, manual penetration valve is 1 inch.z


For Penetration 60, the Unit 3 inside, non-ES actuated penetration valve is 3 inch while the Unit 1 and Unit 2 inside, non-ES actuated penetration valve is 2 inch.


For Penetration 5b, there are two outside penetration solenoid valves for Units 1 and 2. There are two outside penetration manually operated valves for Unit 3. Only the solenoid valves on Units 1 & 2 fail closed and have remote position indication.


For Penetration 10a, the Unit 2 outside penetration valve is 1.5 inches while the Unit 1 & 3 outside penetration valves are 1 inch.


For Penetration 7, the Unit 2 inside penetration valve is 3 inch while the Unit 1 and Unit 3 inside penetration valves are 4 inch.


For Penetration 53a, the Unit 1 outside penetration valve is 1 inch while the Unit 2 and Unit 3 outside penetration valves are 1/2 inch.


For Penetration 38, the Unit 1 outside penetration valve is 1.5 inches while the Unit 2 and Unit 3 outside penetration valves are 2 inches.

10. For Penetration 51, the Unit 1 outside penetration valve is 1 inch while the Unit 2 and Unit 3 outside penetration valves are 1/2 inch.
11. For Penetration 8a & 8b, the Unit 1 inside and outside penetration valve sizes are 1.5 inches. The Units 2 and 3 inside and outside penetration valve sizes are 1 inch.
12. For Penetration 24 & 42, the Unit 1 and 3 outside penetration valve sizes are 1/2 inch while the Unit 2 outside penetration valve sizes are 3/8 inch.
13. For Penetration 58a, the two Unit 2 inside penetration valve sizes are 1 inch while the two Unit 3 inside penetration valve sizes are 3/4 inch and 1 inch.
14. Although initially closed for Reactor Building isolation, valves associated with penetrations 57 and 62 (DHR Drop Line) can be opened for post-accident boron dilution.
15. Although initially closed for Reactor Building isolation, valves associated with penetration 5b may be opened post-accident for post accident liquid samples (PALS).
16. Penetration number applies to Unit 1 only.
17. Penetration number applies to Unit 2 and Unit 3 only.
18. Deleted per 2005 Update.
19. Deleted per 2005 Update.
20. For Penetration 28, the OTSG B Main Steam Line piping exits the Reactor Building to the yard.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-8 (Page 1 of 2)

(31 DEC 2005)

Table 6-8. High Pressure Injection System Component Data High Pressure Injection Pump Type Vertical, multistage, centrifugal, mechanical seal Capacity, gal/min (See Figure 6-16)

Head, ft H20 (at sp. gr. = 1)

(See Figure 6-16)

Motor Horsepower, nameplate hp 600 Pump Material SS wetted parts Design Pressure, psig 3,040/3,120 Design Temperature, F 200/150 Letdown Cooler Type Shell and spiral tube Heat Transferred, Btu/hr 16.0 x 106 Letdown Flow, lb/hr 3.5 x 104 Letdown Cooler lnlet/Outlet Temperature, F 555/120 Material, shell/tube CS/SS Design Pressure, psig 2,500 Design Temperature, F 600 Component Cooling Water Flow (ea.), lb/hr 2 x 105 Code ASME Sec. III-C & VIII Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Return Cooler Type Shell and tube Heat Transferred, Btu/hr 2.2 x 106 Seal Return Flow, lb/hr 1.25 x 105 Seal Return Temperature Change, F 145 - 127 Material, shell/tube SS/SS Design Pressure, psig 150 Design Temperature, F 286 (Unit 1), 200 (Units 2&3)

Recirculated Cooling Water Flow (ea.), lb/hr 1.25 x 105 Code ASME Sec. III-C & VIII Letdown Storage Tank Volume, ft3 600 Design Pressure, psig 100 Design Temperature, F 200

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-8 (Page 2 of 2)

(31 DEC 2005)

Material SS Code ASME Sec. III-C Purification Demineralizer Type Mixed bed, boric acid saturated Material SS Resin Volume, ft3 50 Flow, gal/min 70 Vessel Design Pressure, psig 150 Vessel Design Temperature, F 200 Code ASME Sec. III-C Letdown Filter Design Flow Rate, gal/min 80 Material SS Design Temperature 200 Design Pressure 150 Code ASME Sec. III-C

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-9 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2009)

Table 6-9. Low Pressure Injection System Component Data Pump (each)

Type Single stage, centrifugal Capacity, gpm 3,000 Head at Rated Capacity, ft H20 350 Motor Horsepower, hp 400 Material SS (wetted parts)

Design Pressure, psig 560/580 Design Temperature, F 300/250 Cooler (each)

Type Shell and tube Capacity (at 140 F), Btu/hr 60 x 106 Reactor Coolant Flow, gal/min 6,000 Low Pressure Service Water Flow, gal/min 6,000 Low Pressure Service Water lnlet Temp, F 75 Material, Shell/Tube CS/SS Design Pressure, Shell 150 Design Pressure, Tube 515(1)/370(2) (470/505 for Unit 3 only)

Design Temperature, F 250(1)/300(2) (300/250 for Unit 3 only)

Code ASME Section III-C, III and VIII Borated Water Storage Tank (each)

Capacity, gal 388,000 Material CS/Coated inside Design Pressure Vessel Full plus 10 ft Hydro Head Design Temperature, F 150 Code AWWA D-100 Note:

1. A Cooler Units 1 & 2
2. B Cooler Units 1 & 2

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-10 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-10. Core Flooding System Components Data Core Flooding Tanks Number 2

Design Pressure, psig 700 Operating Pressure, psig 600 Minimum Pressure, psig 575 Design Temperature, F 300 Operating Temperature, F 110 Total Volume, ft3 1,410 Normal Water Volume, ft3 1,040 Minimum Water Volume, ft3 1,010 Material of Construction Carbon steel lined with SS Check Valves Number per Flood Line 2

Size, in.

14 Material 316 SS Design Pressure, psig 2,500 Design Temperature Valve nearest reactor, F 650 Valve nearest tank, F 300 Isolation Valves Number per Flood Line 1

Size, in.

14 Material 304 SS Design Pressure, psig 2,500 Design Temperature, F 300 Piping Reactor to First Check Valve First Check Valve to Isolation Valve Isolation Valve to Tank Size, in.

14 14 14 Material 316 SS 304 SS 304 SS Design Pressure, psig 2,500 2,500 700 Design Temperature, F 650 300 300

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-11 (Page 1 of 2)

(31 DEC 2005)

Table 6-11. Single Failure Analysis - Emergency Core Cooling System Component Malfunction Comments A.

High Pressure Injection System


Suction valve for high pressure injection pump from borated water storage tank.

Fails to open.

The parallel valve will supply the required flow to one pump string.


High pressure injection valve Fails to open.

The alternate line and the two cross connect lines will provide the total required flow.


High pressure injection pump (operating).

Fails (stops).

Two backup pumps are available to deliver the flow.


High pressure injection pump.

Fails to start.

Two backup pumps are available to deliver the flow.


Seal return line isolation valve.

Fails to close on ES signal.

The other isolation valve will close eliminating this fluid path.


Letdown cooler isolation valve.

Fails to close on ES signal.

The other isolation valve will close the flow path.


LDST-RBES return line isolation valve Fails to open.

The other isolation valve will provide a LDST-RBES return flow path.


Low Pressure Injection System


Low pressure injection pump.

Fails to start.

Adequate injection is provided by the other pump.


Low pressure injection isolation valve.

Fails to open.

Other line admits necessary flow through both injection headers via the passive cross-over line.


Valve in suction line from the Reactor Coolant System Fails to open.

Drain line upstream of the first isolation valve opens admitting flow to the emergency sump. The LPI System then operates in the recirculation mode.


LPI Cooler isolation valve (LPSW-4, -5)

Fails to open.

Other LPSW train admits necessary flow.


Service water pump - 1A, 1B, 1C Fails to operate The two remaining pumps will provide full low pressure service water flow to all components.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-11 (Page 2 of 2)

(31 DEC 2005)

Component Malfunction Comments


Service water pump - 3A, 3B Fails to operate The one remaining pump will provide full low pressure service water flow to all components.



Valve in suction line from emergency sump.

Fails to open.

Other line admits necessary flow.


Valve in suction line from BWST.

Fails to close after initiating recirculation.

Check valve prevents flow into BWST.


Low pressure injection pump.

Loss of pump.

Reactor core protection will be maintained by alternate pump and low pressure injection string.


Valve in post accident boron dilution flow path from reactor outlet to emergency sump.

Fails to open Redundant post accident boron dilution path admits necessary flow.


Core Flooding System


Isolation valve in discharge line.

Closes during normal operation.

If the valve cannot be manually opened, the reactor must shut down or operations limited as specified in Technical Specifications.


Tank relief valve.

Opens during normal operation.

Loss of nitrogen pressure and consequent loss of ability of tank to perform. Reactor must be shut down or operations adjusted to Technical Specification limits and relief valve must be repaired.


Check valves in charge line.

Excessive leak detected during normal reactor operation.

It is extremely unlikely that both check valves would permit excessive leakage.

Leakage would be indicated by core flooding tank pressure and level changes. If leakage becomes progressively worse or is unacceptably high, reactor must be shut down while the check valves are repaired.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-12 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-12. Oconee Nuclear Station Analysis of Valve Motors Which May Become Submerged Following A LOCA No.

Valve Identification Description Evaluation 1CF-1 2CF-1 3CF-1 "A" Core Flood Tank Discharge Valve No effect on ECCS capability or containment integrity. Valve is locked open during operation and is not operated subsequent to a LOCA. Valve is not a containment isolation valve.

1CS-51 2CS-51 3CS-51 Reactor Building Isolation Valve for Quench Tank Drain No effect on ECCS capability or containment integrity. Valve is normally closed. Redundant isolation valve on outside of containment is not affected.

1HP-1 2HP-1 3HP-1 Reactor Coolant Inlet to "A" Letdown Cooler No effect on ECCS capability or containment integrity. Letdown coolers are not used following a LOCA. Valve is not a containment isolation valve.

1HP-2 2HP-2 3HP-2 Reactor Coolant Inlet to "B" Letdown Cooler No effect on ECCS capability or containment integrity. Letdown coolers are not used following a LOCA. Valve is not a containment isolation valve.

1HP-31 2HP-31 3HP-31 Reactor Coolant Outlet from "A" Letdown Cooler and Reactor Building Isolation Valve No effect on ECCS capability or containment integrity. Letdown coolers are not used following a LOCA. Redundant isolation valve on outside of containment is not affected.

1HP-41 2HP-41 3HP-41 Reactor Coolant Outlet from "B" Letdown Cooler and Reactor Building Isolation Valve No effect on ECCS capability or containment integrity. Letdown coolers are not used following a LOCA. Redundant isolation valve on outside of containment is not affected.

1CC-1 2CC-1 3CC-1 Component Cooling Water Inlet to "A" Letdown Coolers No effect on ECCS capability or containment integrity. Letdown coolers are not used following a LOCA. Valve is not a containment isolation valve.

1CC-2 2CC-2 3CC-2 Component Cooling Water Inlet to "B" Letdown Coolers No effect on ECCS capability or containment integrity. Letdown coolers are not used following a LOCA. Valve is not a containment isolation valve.


1. Valve is an ES valve and would shut upon ES actuation before becoming submerged.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-13 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-13. Equipment Operational During An Accident and Located Outside Containment 4160 Volt Station Auxiliary Switchgear 600 Volt Load Centers 600 Volt and 208 Volt Motor Control Center Batteries Chargers and Inverters Panelboards Low Pressure Injection Pump Motors High Pressure Injection Pump Motors Reactor Building Spray Pump Motors Low Pressure Service Water Pump Motors Cables

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-14 (Page 1 of 2)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-14. Equipment Operational During an Accident and Located Within the Containment Equipment Accident Environmental Tests Reactor Building Cooling Fans and Motors After preaging a prototype motor for an extrapolated 40 years insulation life and Fan testing it for operation under seismic conditions, the motor and fan assembly was placed in a pressure vessel. Steam is then injected into the chamber to a pressure of 70 to 80 psia and chemicals similar to those used in the spray system are introduced. The pressure cycle is repeated four additional times and then pressure is reduced to the level to be expected following the accident. The motor then is run continuously for a minimum of 7 days in the test chamber.

Cables Representative samples of preaged cables are tested under high pressure, temperature and humidity conditions equal to or exceeding those specified for the LOCA. These cables are preaged for forty years of radiation and temperature prior to testing.

Valves A typical production valve and actuator was tested as follows under simulated accident conditions. After preaging heat test and shock and vibration tests, the production valve and actuator was subjected to the following environmental tests:

1. Saturated steam at 90 psig for one hour.
2. Boric acid spray for the next two hours at 70 psig followed by a pressure drop to 40 psig with the spray continuing for an additional half hour.
3. Steam pressure was maintained at 40 psig for a period of 11/2 hours followed by a pressure dropoff of 20 psig.
4. Steam pressure was maintained at 20 psig for the remaining nineteen hours of the first day followed by a pressure decrease to 10 psig.
5. Steam pressure at 10 psig was then maintained for six days yielding a total test time of seven days.
6. Valve operation was conducted at the beginning and the end of each level of pressure in 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 above.

Electrical Penetrations Qualification tests have been performed on one production assembly of each type that is required to function during or following the loss-of-coolant accident to verify its functional capability. The interior end of the penetration assemblies were subjected to the following emergency conditions at 100 percent relative humidity in an autoclave built to duplicate Oconee Reactor Building concrete and nozzle design.

1. First fifteen minutes:

Pressure of 65 psig at a temperature of 300 F

° Rise time for normal operating conditions - less than ten seconds.

2. Next forty-five minutes:

Pressure of 40 psig at a temperature of 260 F


3. Next twenty-three hours:

Pressure of 35 psig at a temperature of 250 F

° During the environmental tests, functional capability was demonstrated by applying rated current to conductors in series at 600 volts r.m.s. above ground.

The temperature along the nozzle and in the wire bundles was monitored throughout the test. Leak rate was measured and recorded during the test.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-14 (Page 2 of 2)

(31 DEC 2000)

Equipment Accident Environmental Tests The following tests were performed before and after the autoclave test:

1. Connector and conductor resistance test. Measured ohmic resistance of each conductor.
2. Dielectric withstand tests.
3. Conductor to ground and conductor to conductor.
4. Insulation resistance. Conductor to ground.
5. Leak rate test.

Reactor Coolant System Pressure Transmitters Reactor coolant pressure transmitters required for use within the Reactor Building following an accident have been conservatively tested under conditions simulating the environment expected after the design base 14.1 ft2 LOCA. The results of these tests show that the transmitters are acceptable for the required functions. A three phase test was performed to simulate the post-LOCA Reactor Building environment. The respective phases are given below:

Phase I - Pre-accident test at the Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Development Center (NDC) to simulate the environmental dose to the transmitters associated with the 40-year plant design lifetime.

Phase II - Environmental autoclave test at Franklin Institute Research Laboratory to simulate the Reactor Building pressure and temperature history for a LOCA.

Phase III - Post-accident test at NDC to simulate the maximum expected dose to the transmitters after an LOCA.

Phase I consisted of irradiating the transmitters while the units were in a nonoperating mode. The transmitters were placed in a sealed aluminum box with two dosimeters attachment to each transmitter and positioned over two reactor fuel elements in the NDC storage pool.

Phase II consisted of exposing the transmitters in the operating mode to a steam environment in a test autoclave for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. The units were supplied with a constant input of approximately 2/3 of full range and the resultant output/input ratio was measured for the test duration.

Phase III consisted of irradiating the transmitters while the units were in the operating mode in much the same manner as Phase I except that the box was lowered into position beside one fuel element from the reactor. A constant input of approximately 2/3 of full range was maintained throughout the test.

The resulting output signal inaccuracies for each test phase were analyzed and found to be acceptable.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-15 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2005)

Table 6-15. Emergency Core Cooling Systems Performance Testing High Pressure Injection Pumps One of two pumps operates continuously. The other pump will be operated periodically.

High Pressure Injection Line Valves The remotely operated stop valves in each line are opened partially one at a time.

The flow monitors will indicate flow through the lines.

High Pressure Injection Pump Suction Valves The valves are opened and closed individually and console lights monitored to indicate valve position.

Low Pressure Injection Pumps Pumps are used in normal service for shutdown cooling. These pumps are tested singly for operability by opening the borated water storage tank outlet valves and the bypass valves in the borated water storage tank fill line. This allows water to be pumped from the borated water storage tank through each of the injection lines and back to the tank.

Borated Water Storage Tank Outlet Valves The operational readiness of these valves is established in completing the pump operational test discussed above. During this test, each valve is tested separately.

Low Pressure Injection Valves With pumps shut down and borated water storage tank outlet valves closed, these valves can be opened and reclosed by operator action.

Sump Recirculation Suction Valves With low pressure injection pumps shut down, operation of these valves can be checked.

Check Valves in Core Flooding Injection With the reactor shut down, the check valves in each core flood line are checked for operability by closing the isolation valves, reducing the Reactor Coolant System pressure to provide P slightly above the check valve opening pressure, and opening the isolation valves. Check valve operability is shown by tank pressure and level changes.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-16 and 6-17 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-16. Deleted Per 1999 Update Table 6-17. Deleted Per 1999 Update

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-18 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-18. Inventory of Iodine Isotopes in Reactor Building (at t = o)

Isotope Initial Inventory Curies/MWt Iodine 131 2.51 x 104 Iodine 132 3.81 x 104 Iodine 133 5.63 x 104 Iodine 134 6.58 x 104 Iodine 135 5.10 x 104

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-19 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2015)

Table 6-19. Deleted Per 2015 Update

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-20 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-20. Parameters for Boron Precipitation Analysis Initial Reactor Core Power 2568 MWth Decay Heat 120% of 1971 ANS LPI Flow Rate 402 lbm/sec Core Mixing Mass 60000 lbm LPI Injection Enthalpy 123 Btu/lbm Containment Pressure 25 psia RCS Boron Concentration 2100 ppm BWST Boron Concentration 3000 ppm CFT Boron Concentration 4000 ppm

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-21 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2003)

Table 6-21. Summary of Calculated Containment Pressures and Temperatures for LOCA Cases Description Peak Containment Pressure (psig)

Peak Containment Temperature


Time of Peak Pressure (sec)

Blowdown Energy Release (x106Btu)

Hot Leg SG Inlet Cases (14.1 ft2 break size) 100% RTP 56.95 281.68 14.5 316.23 Reduced Tavg 55.27 279.57 15.3 312.37 10°F Tcold 56.62 281.29 13.9 314.59 80% RTP 56.34 280.94 14.2 313.78 60% RTP 55.74 280.19 14.2 311.65 Max ECCS case 56.88 281.45 14.3 315.74 LOOP Case 56.82 281.54 14.2 315.39 Hot Leg RV Outlet Cases (14.1 ft2 break size) 100% RTP 56.69 281.40 13.0 316.56 Cold Leg Pump Discharge Case (8.55 ft2 break size) 100% RTP 52.52 276.00 16.8 313.31 Cold Leg Pump Suction Case (8.55 ft2 break size 100% RTP 53.50 277.31 23.6 303.47

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-22 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2017)

Table 6-22. Containment Response Analyses Initial Conditions General Information External containment design pressure (psid) 3.0 Internal containment design pressure (psig) 59 Containment design temperature (°F)

Containment free volume (ft3) 1,810,000 Containment design leak rate (/1st day at peak accident pressure) 0.2%

Large LOCA Short Term Large LOCA Long-Term Steam Line Break Initial Conditions Reactor power (MWt @ 102% design overpower) 2619 2619 2619 Average reactor coolant temperature (°F) 581 581 581 Containment pressure (psig) 1.2 0

1.5 Containment atmosphere temperature (°F) 80 variable 170 Containment atmosphere relative humidity (%)

0 100 0

Low pressure service water temperature (°F)

N/A variable N/A Borated water temperature (°F)

N/A 115 120 Borated water storage tank level (ft)

N/A 46 N/A Core flood tank volume (both, ft3) 1944 1944 1940

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-23 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2013)

Table 6-23. Containment Structural Heat Sink Data Heat Sink Painted Material Thickness (ft)

Unpainted Metal Thickness Group Unpainted Metal Exposed Surface Area (ft2)

Unpainted Metal Total Mass (lbm)

Total Surface Area (ft2)

Carbon Steel Building Cylinder 0.0208 61,353 Concrete Building Cylinder 3.75 61,353 Carbon Steel Building Dome 0.0208 16,230 Concrete Building Dome 3.25 16,230 Carbon Steel Building Base 0.0208 8890 Concrete Building Base 8.5 8890 Internal Concrete 1.76 66,231 Internal Carbon Steel 0.0316 165,400 Internal Carbon Steel 1

63,727 300,000 63,727 Internal Stainless Steel 2

8628 258,000 8628 Internal Aluminum 1

9892 3828 9892 Internal Copper 4

727 23,268 727

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-24 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2017)

Table 6-24. Accident Chronology for Limiting Break for Equipment Qualification Event Time(seconds)

Beginning of ECCS injection 6.0 Beginning of CFT injection 12.0 Peak containment pressure 20 End of blowdown phase 26.5 Beginning of RB Spray 142 Beginning of RBCU operation 302 Peak containment pressure after blowdown N/A End of core reflood phase 535 Beginning of sump recirculation phase 4529 End of RB Spray/Beginning of re-circ spray 4529 End of S/G energy release N/A Depressurization of containment (1/2 of design pressure) within 2000 seconds (depending on RBCU assumptions)

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-25 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2017)

Table 6-25. Minimum Acceptable Combinations of Containment Heat Removal Equipment Performance Case No.

INPUT ASSUMPTIONS RESULTS LPI Overall Ht Transfer Coeff @250F LPI (Btu/hr-ft2-ºF)

RBCU (MBtu/hr)



Rx Bldg Temp


RBS (inj phase)


RBS (recirc phase)


T (1 day)


T (15 days)


H-2-25 250 105.79 90 130 700 900 180.8 140.2

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-26 (Page 1 of 2)

(31 DEC 2013)

Table 6-26. Engineered Safety Feature Assumptions in Containment Response Analyses Passive safety injection system Full Capacity Large LOCA Short-Term Large LOCA Long-Term Steam Line Break Number of core flood tanks 2

N/A 2

2 Core flood tank pressure setpoint (psig) 600 N/A 655 550 Active safety injection systems Number of HPI lines 2

N/A 1

1 Number of HPI pumps 3

N/A 2

2 HPI flow rate (gpm/pump) 300 N/A variable variable Number of LPI lines 2

N/A 1

1 Number of LPI pumps 3

N/A 1

1 LPI flow rate (gpm/pump) 3000 N/A variable N/A Containment spray system Number of injection spray lines 2

N/A 1

1 Number of injection spray pumps 2

N/A 1

1 Number of injection spray headers 2

N/A 1

1 Injection flow rate (gpm/pump) 700-1200 N/A 700 700 Number of recirculation spray lines 2

N/A 1

N/A Number of recirculation spray pumps 2

N/A 1

N/A Number of recirculation spray headers 2

N/A 1

N/A Recirculation flow rate (gpm/pump) 1000 N/A 900 N/A Containment fan cooler system Number of coolers (RBCUs) 3 N/A 2

2 Air side flow rate per RBCU (cfm) 108,000 N/A 54,000 54,000

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-26 (Page 2 of 2)

(31 DEC 2013)

Heat removal rate at design temperature (millions of Btu/hr) 80 N/A variable variable Heat Exchangers Full Capacity Large LOCA Short-Term Large LOCA Long-Term Steam Line Break System LPI N/A LPI N/A Type U-tube N/A U-tube N/A Number 2

N/A 1

N/A Heat transfer area (ft2) 3986 N/A 3900 N/A Heat removal rate at design temperature (millions of Btu/hr) 60 N/A variable N/A Recirculation side flow rate (gpm) 6000 N/A 2830 N/A Exterior side flow rate (gpm) 6000 N/A 5000 N/A Source of cooling water LPSW N/A LPSW N/A Cooling begins (sec) not calculated N/A 5467 N/A Deleted row (s) per 2011 update

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-27 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2008)

Table 6-27. Summary of Calculated Containment Pressures and Temperatures for Secondary System Pipe Rupture Cases Break Location Break Size Peak Pressure (psig)

Peak Temperature (F)

Time of Peak Pressure (sec)

Energy Released to Containment up to End of Blowdown (106Btu)

Deleted row(s) per 2008 update S/G outlet 12.6 58.85 464 156 291

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-28 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 6-28. Steam Generator Compartment Pressure Response Flowpath Discharge Coefficients Flow Area (ft2)

Vent Flowpath Location West Compartment East Compartment Discharge Coefficients Top 528 417 (Figure 6-46)

Bottom 522 522 0.85 Cross Compartment 116 116 (Figure 6-47)

Cross Compartment 167 167 0.60 Total 1,333 ft2 1,222 ft2

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 1 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Table 6-29. Peak Pressure Mass and Energy Release Data Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 0.0 3010.01 1184.97 49671.97 582.17 2193.5 3285.7 1185.3 53516.7 582.0 2194.5 0.1 3292.43 1186.06 48890.57 578.04 1181.629 3595.0 1186.3 50971.8 577.1 1197.0 0.2 3514.61 1187.31 47678.99 574.34 1159.982 3628.0 1188.2 46317.2 572.9 1107.1 0.3 3543.37 1188.18 44653.10 572.03 1110.159 3397.0 1190.1 41300.8 572.3 1029.7 0.4 3630.87 1189.37 40559.81 567.41 1049.93 3693.9 1191.7 35278.7 566.8 976.9 0.5 3635.68 1190.27 38647.09 565.67 1034.564 4278.5 1195.5 31515.0 552.9 936.0 0.6 3648.05 1190.44 38356.02 565.55 1035.154 4962.8 1201.0 30910.8 531.2 856.1 0.7 3669.39 1190.34 38597.74 565.83 1038.666 5331.4 1204.5 29974.4 516.3 804.5 0.8 3718.86 1190.34 38499.13 565.82 1039.054 5240.4 1205.9 28512.6 508.7 755.2 0.9 3792.57 1190.46 38007.04 565.60 1035.513 4979.0 1206.5 27982.4 503.2 731.9 1.0 3894.59 1190.67 37243.49 565.28 1032.616 4666.8 1206.5 28170.5 500.4 718.2 1.1 4040.05 1191.05 36056.67 564.56 1024.747 4338.3 1206.1 28843.6 499.1 714.5 1.2 4207.73 1191.60 34568.39 563.29 1013.115 4009.4 1205.6 29806.0 498.8 716.5 1.3 4365.54 1192.20 33138.08 561.69 1000.073 3717.0 1205.0 30817.1 499.0 720.2 1.4 4993.88 1195.85 32492.03 552.24 989.5376 3479.8 1204.6 31694.5 499.3 723.7 1.5 5680.12 1199.71 30794.20 538.92 875.3103 3300.6 1204.3 32345.0 499.5 726.3 1.6 5890.87 1201.23 29217.68 532.83 910.9592 3181.6 1204.1 32666.4 499.7 728.1 1.7 6230.52 1203.24 28865.65 528.18 886.991 3106.0 1204.0 32723.4 499.8 729.0 1.8 6589.77 1206.18 26964.95 519.59 803.0924 3052.9 1203.9 32680.9 499.6 728.4

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 2 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 1.9 6793.44 1208.29 24854.61 512.88 762.0923 3020.8 1203.9 32600.2 499.2 726.3 2.0 6987.48 1209.57 23543.95 509.93 757.0142 3010.7 1204.0 32499.2 498.5 722.8 2.1 7049.20 1210.37 22700.01 507.46 732.7446 3020.8 1204.1 32356.9 497.7 717.8 2.2 6982.30 1210.71 22352.82 505.43 722.8103 3050.3 1204.4 32131.9 496.6 711.7 2.3 6929.43 1211.04 21991.46 503.58 712.88 3106.2 1204.6 31730.6 495.4 705.0 2.4 6926.97 1211.55 21424.15 501.60 700.4492 3181.4 1204.9 31161.7 494.3 698.2 2.5 6972.51 1212.27 20638.07 499.39 686.8077 3257.5 1205.1 30565.0 493.1 691.1 2.6 7045.78 1213.19 19690.63 496.92 670.8762 3329.2 1205.4 29990.4 491.9 684.3 2.7 7104.95 1214.14 18744.18 494.28 653.8654 3396.4 1205.7 29409.8 490.6 677.1 2.8 7120.03 1214.90 17983.51 491.78 638.7917 3460.7 1206.0 28798.3 489.2 669.3 2.9 7090.58 1215.41 17449.85 489.58 626.4775 3523.6 1206.3 28153.2 487.6 660.6 3.0 7024.28 1215.70 17117.19 487.66 616.2853 3586.2 1206.7 27480.8 486.0 651.3 3.1 6931.13 1215.78 16983.97 486.12 608.9916 3650.1 1207.0 26806.2 484.1 641.6 3.2 6827.70 1215.69 16999.04 484.98 604.6638 3707.1 1207.4 26140.4 482.1 629.7 3.3 6723.07 1215.54 17071.12 484.04 601.1656 3751.8 1207.7 25494.8 480.1 619.2 3.4 6617.46 1215.36 17164.90 483.17 598.1012 3787.5 1208.0 24906.0 478.3 609.5 3.5 6513.70 1215.16 17283.34 482.42 595.6895 3819.2 1208.3 24363.3 476.7 601.6 3.6 6410.98 1214.94 17419.40 481.73 593.6919 3851.2 1208.6 23822.7 475.1 593.5 3.7 6306.66 1214.70 17580.36 481.12 592.0447 3885.2 1208.9 23248.5 473.4 584.7 3.8 6197.66 1214.45 17746.44 480.48 590.5136 3928.3 1209.2 22613.2 471.6 575.1

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 3 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 3.9 6091.36 1214.23 17887.72 479.78 588.2765 3975.1 1209.6 21950.0 469.7 565.2 4.0 5999.57 1214.06 17982.71 479.08 586.2639 4013.3 1209.9 21316.9 467.8 555.6 4.1 5919.56 1213.96 17999.05 478.23 582.8126 4041.9 1210.2 20723.0 465.9 546.1 4.2 5850.31 1213.91 17975.75 477.35 578.8416 4063.8 1210.5 20159.5 464.1 536.9 4.3 5785.93 1213.86 17948.31 476.51 575.8641 4081.9 1210.8 19619.1 462.2 527.8 4.4 5719.81 1213.82 17907.76 475.59 571.6936 4097.2 1211.1 19096.9 460.4 519.1 4.5 5657.05 1213.79 17859.65 474.68 567.8912 4109.7 1211.3 18589.4 458.6 510.5 4.6 5601.93 1213.77 17801.33 473.81 564.1906 4120.8 1211.6 18096.4 456.8 501.9 4.7 5556.08 1213.79 17707.59 472.91 560.3049 4130.3 1211.8 17625.7 455.1 493.9 4.8 5521.32 1213.86 17560.69 471.95 555.8145 4135.5 1212.1 17179.0 453.4 486.0 4.9 5497.49 1213.99 17366.12 470.94 550.9728 4136.0 1212.3 16743.6 451.7 478.2 5.0 5479.21 1214.14 17138.19 469.87 545.6119 4135.3 1212.5 16305.3 450.0 470.1 5.1 5461.59 1214.30 16903.19 468.77 540.1775 4138.0 1212.8 15863.6 448.2 462.2 5.2 5458.31 1214.41 16753.36 468.13 534.9559 4144.7 1213.0 15424.4 446.6 454.6 5.3 5452.41 1214.50 16629.87 467.58 537.133 4154.3 1213.3 14993.1 445.0 447.2 5.4 5418.88 1214.63 16392.82 466.31 527.8124 4167.1 1213.5 14579.1 443.5 440.3 5.5 5377.81 1214.79 16119.89 464.77 520.9561 4179.8 1213.8 14186.3 442.0 433.9 5.6 5331.54 1214.88 15926.04 463.43 514.8933 4187.2 1214.0 13802.8 440.6 427.4 5.7 5270.87 1214.87 15832.54 462.28 510.2204 4191.7 1214.2 13411.3 439.1 420.5 5.8 5202.57 1214.79 15800.48 461.26 506.3772 4199.3 1214.5 12999.4 437.5 413.4

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 4 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 5.9 5136.92 1214.70 15777.82 460.32 502.8705 4214.5 1214.9 12544.7 435.8 406.0 6.0 5084.95 1214.66 15709.59 459.38 499.2031 4227.8 1215.2 12095.1 434.1 398.1 6.1 5058.63 1214.74 15535.22 458.37 494.8307 4233.7 1215.5 11685.9 432.5 391.1 6.2 5061.77 1214.98 15214.89 457.19 488.941 4238.8 1215.8 11282.6 430.9 383.9 6.3 5087.59 1215.37 14763.62 455.79 481.5992 4242.2 1216.2 10887.3 429.3 376.9 6.4 5126.83 1215.87 14229.35 454.24 473.1572 4243.0 1216.5 10506.6 427.7 370.0 6.5 5166.82 1216.43 13671.74 452.60 464.2117 4241.2 1216.8 10139.1 426.1 363.3 6.6 5199.58 1216.96 13143.25 450.96 455.6055 4236.9 1217.0 9782.5 424.5 356.6 6.7 5225.96 1217.46 12655.68 449.39 447.4246 4230.4 1217.3 9435.8 422.9 349.9 6.8 5248.35 1217.96 12194.42 447.88 439.5559 4221.9 1217.6 9097.6 421.3 343.4 6.9 5268.13 1218.45 11744.27 446.39 431.8085 4211.2 1217.9 8767.5 419.7 336.9 7.0 5285.42 1218.94 11299.63 444.91 424.1094 4197.9 1218.1 8446.1 418.1 330.4 7.1 5300.02 1219.44 10861.96 443.41 416.4128 4182.1 1218.4 8134.4 416.5 324.0 7.2 5312.88 1219.96 10430.75 441.92 408.7826 4163.6 1218.7 7835.1 414.9 317.6 7.3 5325.34 1220.51 9998.25 440.43 401.1175 4142.7 1219.0 7549.3 413.3 311.4 7.4 5335.32 1221.08 9568.11 438.92 393.3681 4119.8 1219.2 7275.8 411.7 305.4 7.5 5339.94 1221.65 9151.08 437.39 385.6325 4094.8 1219.5 7015.1 410.1 299.5 7.6 5338.68 1222.21 8748.44 435.83 377.9228 4068.1 1219.7 6768.1 408.5 293.7 7.7 5332.27 1222.75 8363.09 434.27 370.244 4039.8 1219.9 6534.3 406.9 288.1 7.8 5321.04 1223.26 7998.24 432.72 363.0505 4010.1 1220.1 6313.3 405.4 282.8

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 5 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 7.9 5303.07 1223.73 7652.23 431.15 355.3909 3979.5 1220.3 6103.5 403.9 277.5 8.0 5280.96 1224.18 7327.65 429.60 348.3742 3949.0 1220.4 5902.4 402.4 272.5 8.1 5255.83 1224.61 7021.56 428.07 341.5477 3919.4 1220.6 5705.6 401.0 267.6 8.2 5222.98 1225.02 6721.74 426.45 334.4929 3888.6 1220.8 5505.3 399.5 262.7 8.3 5178.24 1225.42 6421.44 424.64 326.976 3830.0 1220.8 5307.4 397.5 256.6 8.4 5121.44 1225.79 6125.63 422.63 318.8619 3733.0 1220.5 5167.8 394.9 249.3 8.5 5056.17 1226.14 5837.72 420.50 310.7606 3634.5 1220.1 5061.3 392.4 243.5 8.6 4982.49 1226.47 5555.02 418.23 302.328 3564.0 1220.0 4863.4 390.1 237.0 8.7 4898.50 1226.75 5286.03 415.81 293.5971 3523.9 1220.5 4527.7 387.7 229.0 8.8 4808.09 1226.93 5044.59 413.34 285.3314 3502.3 1221.3 4096.3 385.3 219.9 8.9 4711.35 1227.00 4833.97 410.86 277.262 3479.2 1222.3 3639.8 382.7 210.2 9.0 4606.88 1226.95 4657.63 408.31 269.5202 3436.9 1223.2 3223.6 379.9 200.3 9.1 4500.25 1226.80 4515.59 405.81 262.4702 3367.1 1223.8 2891.7 376.8 190.9 9.2 4393.63 1226.56 4395.57 403.35 255.7832 3271.4 1223.9 2665.5 373.5 182.4 9.3 4285.60 1226.25 4292.05 400.89 249.39 3159.3 1223.5 2537.1 370.1 175.4 9.4 4172.87 1225.85 4206.82 398.35 243.1775 3043.6 1222.8 2464.3 366.8 169.2 9.5 4056.84 1225.37 4138.37 395.77 236.9903 2935.8 1222.0 2423.7 363.8 164.0 9.6 3947.57 1224.86 4087.16 393.33 231.5702 2840.2 1221.2 2389.4 361.1 159.6 9.7 3835.90 1224.30 4041.69 390.82 226.4181 2761.6 1220.7 2326.7 358.6 154.9 9.8 3723.65 1223.79 3970.26 388.15 220.1975 2702.5 1220.5 2239.8 356.6 151.0

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 6 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 9.9 3637.49 1223.53 3852.26 385.81 214.6207 2655.9 1220.6 2113.9 354.7 146.8 10.0 3574.11 1223.47 3707.97 383.83 209.3918 2612.7 1220.9 1954.7 352.7 141.6 10.1 3516.03 1223.39 3588.09 382.03 204.7022 2568.8 1221.1 1814.3 350.7 137.2 10.2 3453.19 1223.16 3511.79 380.28 200.9402 2529.7 1221.5 1663.8 348.9 132.8 10.3 3387.37 1222.85 3449.77 378.51 197.0519 2502.7 1222.4 1463.3 347.3 127.5 10.4 3332.71 1222.68 3368.08 376.89 193.3959 2478.7 1223.5 1269.5 345.8 122.5 10.5 3291.35 1222.70 3256.39 375.45 189.7945 2451.0 1224.3 1115.5 344.4 118.4 10.6 3252.54 1222.80 3126.88 373.98 185.8833 2433.4 1225.5 959.8 343.3 114.4 10.7 3209.24 1222.88 2997.81 372.40 181.8303 2427.7 1227.2 776.2 342.7 110.4 10.8 3159.90 1222.89 2878.73 370.69 177.7135 2414.3 1229.0 598.8 342.1 105.9 10.9 3102.83 1222.81 2767.53 368.80 173.5954 2375.7 1229.9 481.5 340.7 101.7 11.0 3022.52 1222.51 2652.96 366.29 168.4726 2316.7 1229.9 432.5 338.6 98.3 11.1 2921.69 1222.01 2534.35 363.17 162.1219 2258.8 1229.5 408.8 336.6 95.6 11.2 2841.36 1221.68 2419.12 360.53 156.5801 2215.6 1229.5 367.6 335.1 93.0 11.3 2784.73 1221.45 2336.24 358.61 153.2978 2187.5 1230.1 299.6 334.1 90.4 11.4 2721.38 1221.00 2289.86 356.65 150.1807 2167.0 1231.1 219.2 333.3 87.8 11.5 2647.53 1220.47 2225.48 354.32 146.3128 2139.3 1231.8 148.1 332.4 85.3 11.6 2571.92 1219.92 2152.39 351.83 141.5976 2029.6 1226.9 103.5 328.2 82.5 11.7 2488.89 1219.16 2103.44 349.18 138.5105 1909.2 1219.9 86.3 322.5 89.6 11.8 2367.60 1217.94 2038.88 345.28 132.5417 1857.9 1217.9 82.1 320.5 88.9

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 7 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 11.9 2211.88 1216.15 1985.77 340.13 125.396 1811.1 1216.6 74.3 318.8 88.0 12.0 2080.26 1214.41 1975.41 335.77 120.0252 1755.1 1215.1 62.1 316.7 86.8 12.1 1976.69 1212.96 1984.45 332.23 116.7781 1687.3 1213.3 52.1 314.2 85.5 12.2 1861.60 1211.18 2028.49 328.28 112.3925 1621.1 1211.6 45.5 311.7 84.3 12.3 1741.18 1209.23 2069.41 324.04 108.2196 1572.0 1210.3 41.4 309.9 83.4 12.4 1656.14 1207.86 2074.89 320.78 103.8234 1542.5 1209.5 39.3 308.9 83.0 12.5 1638.77 1207.62 2064.24 319.99 104.8238 1522.9 1209.0 39.2 308.2 82.7 12.6 1615.17 1207.37 2011.97 318.74 101.6428 1501.4 1208.4 43.4 307.4 82.4 12.7 1570.89 1206.86 1922.47 316.35 98.20489 1473.8 1207.6 46.0 306.5 82.1 12.8 1552.09 1206.91 1808.22 314.80 96.26216 1432.9 1206.5 41.1 305.1 81.5 12.9 1513.04 1206.70 1663.76 312.22 91.32984 1391.3 1205.4 34.5 303.6 80.6 13.0 1441.60 1205.89 1529.09 308.12 86.44714 1370.8 1204.9 29.9 302.8 80.4 13.1 1359.13 1204.64 1441.25 303.62 81.8531 1341.3 1204.2 27.2 301.8 80.1 13.2 1285.69 1202.69 1399.98 300.88 81.00603 1261.1 1202.2 24.5 299.1 78.9 13.3 1228.48 1200.84 1361.43 299.37 81.01533 1169.0 1201.0 21.8 296.1 77.8 13.4 1194.66 1200.05 1321.72 297.96 80.41002 1112.3 1201.4 21.8 294.3 77.3 13.5 1163.71 1199.33 1295.32 296.58 79.40754 1078.9 1201.6 26.5 293.4 76.9 13.6 1120.23 1198.26 1262.64 294.55 77.6799 1043.2 1201.0 31.8 292.3 77.1 13.7 1082.17 1197.28 1236.92 293.01 77.24097 985.0 1200.0 32.5 290.7 76.3 13.8 1050.36 1196.44 1226.41 292.06 76.99243 925.1 1199.6 32.2 289.0 75.9

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 8 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 13.9 1020.71 1195.68 1219.63 291.20 76.7229 886.0 1199.2 39.4 287.9 75.7 14.0 972.68 1194.51 1198.88 289.84 76.36981 866.2 1198.3 55.0 287.5 75.6 14.1 900.88 1192.79 1158.71 287.89 75.62348 862.1 1197.5 70.2 287.4 75.7 14.2 827.53 1191.10 1109.10 286.04 75.25019 857.7 1197.0 76.0 287.3 75.7 14.3 771.08 1189.85 1064.41 284.73 74.94771 825.2 1196.5 70.2 286.5 75.5 14.4 738.42 1189.16 1044.59 284.05 74.85709 764.6 1195.9 62.2 285.0 75.0 14.5 722.98 1188.85 1059.36 283.76 74.9034 700.9 1195.2 61.0 283.5 74.6 14.6 701.42 1188.44 1056.75 283.32 74.7923 638.2 1194.4 63.0 282.2 74.3 14.7 655.77 1187.63 961.10 282.40 74.49541 567.0 1193.5 62.7 281.0 74.4 14.8 585.34 1186.84 825.49 281.11 74.0854 483.4 1192.9 58.9 279.8 73.6 14.9 506.65 1186.41 727.80 279.85 73.87328 366.5 1192.3 49.7 278.4 73.4 15.0 445.48 1186.14 661.92 279.03 73.8341 210.5 1192.0 33.0 277.2 73.6 15.1 411.78 1185.81 619.64 278.64 73.87054 64.4 1192.0 12.5 276.6 73.5 15.2 385.86 1185.49 592.75 278.37 73.83266 1.1 1190.4 1.0 276.2 73.6 15.3 349.27 1185.30 554.67 278.03 73.74274 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.6 15.4 319.59 1185.20 507.41 277.77 73.76365 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.6 15.5 325.76 1185.22 498.53 277.98 73.77338 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.6 15.6 369.42 1184.78 575.30 278.45 74.58835 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.5 15.7 346.74 1184.61 584.43 278.21 73.66819 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.5 15.8 262.52 1184.94 466.55 277.51 73.63993 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.4

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 9 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 15.9 218.42 1184.87 361.49 277.11 73.67149 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.3 16.0 222.61 1184.76 320.17 277.10 73.7808 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.3 16.1 256.26 1184.43 361.74 277.35 73.88752 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.5 16.2 314.87 1184.32 484.15 278.05 74.00542 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.5 16.3 399.70 1184.46 651.48 278.87 74.611 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.6 16.4 424.88 1184.86 697.94 278.89 73.8687 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.6 16.5 386.37 1185.31 628.68 278.39 73.86523 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.6 16.6 346.12 1185.35 566.91 278.02 73.71196 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.5 16.7 322.87 1185.29 517.31 277.81 73.76705 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.1 16.8 333.86 1185.05 522.15 277.92 73.94365 25.1 1184.8 0.1 275.9 73.8 16.9 347.65 1184.83 558.07 278.03 73.91508 35.5 1184.8 0.4 275.3 73.6 17.0 345.70 1184.89 568.38 277.99 73.85989 10.5 1185.0 0.3 275.0 73.5 17.1 350.61 1185.03 570.27 278.08 73.87688 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.6 17.2 379.62 1184.96 607.60 278.44 74.09661 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.8 17.3 404.80 1184.94 647.60 278.66 74.03583 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 17.4 435.72 1185.41 687.07 279.23 74.02745 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 17.5 598.94 1187.92 924.39 282.82 75.58422 18.0 1184.9 0.0 300.0 73.7 17.6 720.00 1188.90 1114.95 284.07 74.80801 96.3 1186.4 1.0 277.4 73.9 17.7 680.45 1188.07 1081.59 282.91 74.60171 83.9 1186.8 1.1 276.9 73.4 17.8 651.61 1187.52 1065.14 282.37 74.85718 52.1 1187.6 0.5 274.3 73.8

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 10 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 17.9 633.42 1187.19 1015.64 282.03 74.48551 59.0 1187.8 0.6 276.1 73.5 18.0 607.27 1186.78 915.49 281.51 74.38813 12.5 1189.0 0.2 282.2 73.6 18.1 587.60 1186.59 852.64 281.15 74.21064 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 18.2 553.74 1186.32 815.45 280.62 74.19325 0.3 1184.5 0.0 10.0 73.8 18.3 478.24 1186.12 732.12 279.57 73.75981 0.4 1183.7 0.0 10.0 73.6 18.4 429.67 1186.05 664.12 278.92 73.93896 2.3 1184.7 0.0 100.0 73.8 18.5 438.00 1185.61 678.40 279.04 74.11103 2.3 1184.8 0.0 100.0 73.2 18.6 457.94 1185.43 719.11 279.32 74.05242 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 71.4 18.7 482.49 1185.54 754.55 279.68 74.06602 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 71.3 18.8 504.59 1185.59 780.58 279.95 74.33266 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 72.4 18.9 503.49 1185.66 768.14 279.87 74.15369 49.5 1186.1 0.0 300.0 74.0 19.0 476.57 1185.79 724.02 279.47 73.98391 135.2 1189.1 0.1 280.0 73.8 19.1 466.39 1185.81 711.54 279.38 74.10407 161.5 1193.2 0.2 273.5 73.7 19.2 495.61 1185.75 756.43 279.88 74.2496 77.7 1195.9 0.1 280.0 73.5 19.3 525.03 1185.73 791.41 280.25 74.28757 1.9 1197.3 0.0 500.0 73.7 19.4 523.68 1185.85 767.50 280.16 74.18356 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.6 19.5 522.86 1186.05 749.64 280.17 74.31515 3.3 1186.5 0.0 10.0 73.8 19.6 533.74 1185.99 768.04 280.33 74.43989 3.3 1186.5 0.0 10.0 73.6 19.7 502.24 1185.92 730.49 279.85 73.89213 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 19.8 508.56 1186.34 734.64 280.20 74.19047 11.4 1187.3 0.0 10.0 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 11 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 19.9 616.57 1187.48 917.68 282.36 74.8431 64.5 1192.6 0.0 200.0 73.8 20.0 775.01 1190.10 1383.88 285.64 76.28355 28.5 1195.3 0.0 200.0 73.6 20.5 768.54 1189.90 1293.07 285.24 75.66263 6.5 1198.0 0.0 10.0 72.1 21.0 737.11 1189.18 1175.02 284.21 74.90845 70.9 1196.7 0.0 276.0 69.2 21.5 735.01 1189.12 1277.36 284.25 75.24608 80.3 1196.4 0.0 280.0 73.5 22.0 720.92 1188.88 1432.47 284.08 75.57133 9.4 1194.6 0.0 100.0 73.7 22.5 726.28 1189.06 1447.13 284.21 75.18275 61.9 1195.8 0.0 10.0 72.5 23.0 773.58 1189.98 1180.22 284.93 75.54347 73.5 1197.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 23.5 743.87 1189.42 909.58 284.23 74.70858 12.2 1202.9 0.0 10.0 73.7 24.0 653.24 1187.68 951.56 282.29 74.38791 40.8 1196.2 0.0 10.0 73.4 24.5 622.69 1187.07 1153.75 281.98 74.78619 57.5 1198.2 0.0 10.0 73.7 25.0 591.01 1186.75 1165.02 281.47 74.57095 26.6 1201.6 0.0 10.0 73.7 25.5 517.97 1185.79 1246.63 280.26 74.32353 11.5 1197.8 0.0 10.0 73.7 26.0 470.72 1184.94 1528.44 279.77 74.51925 29.9 1203.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 26.5 438.75 1184.57 1620.52 279.41 74.44828 37.2 1204.4 0.0 10.0 73.7 27.0 395.58 1184.51 1391.44 278.83 74.1436 15.0 1205.2 0.0 10.0 73.6 27.5 354.94 1184.46 1206.39 278.25 74.01461 11.1 1205.5 0.0 10.0 73.7 28.0 323.82 1184.30 1180.52 277.94 73.94646 12.2 1205.8 0.0 10.0 73.7 28.5 292.90 1184.23 1080.88 277.65 73.87787 7.0 1205.2 0.0 10.0 73.7 29.0 264.78 1184.22 925.93 277.40 73.82074 0.4 1197.2 0.0 10.0 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 12 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 29.5 245.07 1184.19 783.58 277.24 73.79306 0.7 1191.1 0.0 10.0 73.7 30.0 229.02 1184.14 675.89 277.13 73.76751 2.4 1191.5 0.0 10.0 73.7 30.5 213.60 1184.07 602.43 277.03 73.76419 2.1 1191.2 0.0 10.0 73.7 31.0 198.66 1183.96 559.76 276.95 73.75786 0.4 1189.1 0.0 10.0 73.7 31.5 186.45 1183.85 523.38 276.88 73.75477 0.7 1186.9 0.0 10.0 73.7 32.0 177.71 1183.74 519.98 276.84 73.75468 11.1 1197.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 32.5 169.39 1183.59 570.67 276.81 73.75427 28.1 1203.4 0.0 10.0 73.7 33.0 159.81 1183.43 642.99 276.77 73.74869 32.7 1208.1 0.0 10.0 73.7 33.5 151.10 1183.28 707.65 276.75 73.77543 28.2 1206.7 0.0 10.0 73.7 34.0 146.42 1183.16 789.63 276.74 73.76569 13.4 1203.3 0.0 10.0 73.6 34.5 144.36 1183.05 1033.98 276.76 73.78262 0.1 1206.4 0.0 10.0 72.9 35.0 141.69 1182.90 1571.86 276.82 73.81935 6.3 1186.6 0.0 10.0 71.2 35.5 137.42 1182.69 2171.55 276.87 73.89374 41.0 1191.9 0.0 200.0 73.9 36.0 135.44 1182.48 2562.42 276.95 73.96019 53.1 1192.8 0.0 200.0 73.8 36.5 134.63 1182.34 2833.52 277.00 74.03759 24.5 1193.0 0.0 10.0 73.6 37.0 131.47 1182.28 2925.39 276.99 74.02323 27.0 1195.9 0.0 10.0 73.5 37.5 127.70 1182.29 2813.08 276.94 73.99922 22.8 1197.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 38.0 123.37 1182.32 2700.79 276.88 73.9596 2.6 1197.9 0.0 10.0 73.7 38.5 118.40 1182.32 2638.13 276.83 73.92158 11.2 1193.1 0.0 10.0 73.8 39.0 114.06 1182.31 2613.86 276.80 73.92563 16.2 1193.1 0.0 10.0 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 13 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 39.5 108.28 1182.30 2554.13 276.70 73.88004 7.8 1192.9 0.0 10.0 73.7 40.0 100.17 1182.31 2396.29 276.57 73.70213 3.1 1192.8 0.0 10.0 73.7 40.5 92.79 1182.32 2230.38 276.51 73.70171 1.8 1191.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 41.0 87.72 1182.29 2155.10 276.49 73.70168 7.2 1195.5 0.0 10.0 73.7 41.5 84.54 1182.24 2182.41 276.49 73.70219 13.5 1199.4 0.0 10.0 73.7 42.0 82.74 1182.21 2261.05 276.48 73.70177 14.1 1203.9 0.0 10.0 73.7 42.5 83.64 1182.15 2397.74 276.49 73.70461 15.0 1206.8 0.0 10.0 73.7 43.0 88.05 1181.99 2703.09 276.51 73.70767 16.8 1208.7 0.0 10.0 73.7 43.5 92.99 1181.86 3081.04 276.53 73.71006 18.3 1210.4 0.0 10.0 73.7 44.0 97.06 1181.81 3345.76 276.55 73.713 19.8 1211.8 0.0 10.0 73.7 44.5 100.77 1181.80 3464.22 276.57 73.71436 20.3 1213.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 45.0 102.87 1181.82 3440.50 276.57 73.71311 20.2 1214.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 45.5 102.00 1181.87 3331.83 276.56 73.70994 20.2 1214.8 0.0 10.0 73.7 46.0 98.34 1181.93 3218.84 276.55 73.70684 21.2 1215.5 0.0 10.0 73.7 46.5 94.03 1181.96 3146.64 276.53 73.70648 23.9 1216.1 0.0 10.0 73.7 47.0 92.13 1181.94 3165.32 276.53 73.70738 27.5 1216.5 0.0 10.0 73.7 47.5 94.10 1181.87 3291.14 276.54 73.71215 29.7 1216.9 0.0 10.0 73.7 48.0 96.45 1181.83 3429.04 276.55 73.71077 26.7 1217.1 0.0 10.0 73.7 48.5 94.99 1181.86 3441.09 276.54 73.7085 25.4 1217.3 0.0 10.0 73.7 49.0 90.01 1181.96 3220.39 276.52 73.70547 25.6 1217.5 0.0 10.0 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 14 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 49.5 79.93 1182.12 2782.82 276.49 73.69555 13.3 1217.6 0.0 10.0 73.7 50.0 65.72 1182.28 2336.62 276.46 73.69418 1.5 1217.7 0.0 10.0 73.7 50.5 51.69 1182.43 1936.11 276.44 73.69373 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 51.0 39.33 1182.59 1511.38 276.42 73.69345 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 51.5 31.34 1182.63 1108.77 276.42 73.69723 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.6 52.0 26.53 1182.53 784.76 276.41 73.6967 0.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 73.6 52.5 21.48 1182.40 524.23 276.40 73.70061 4.4 1188.1 0.0 10.0 73.7 53.0 17.17 1182.48 320.55 276.40 73.69612 4.7 1188.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 53.5 14.90 1182.73 196.09 276.40 73.69675 9.1 1191.8 0.0 10.0 73.7 54.0 14.21 1182.97 107.19 276.41 73.69689 31.5 1198.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 54.5 14.48 1183.19 44.46 276.42 73.6972 54.1 1204.5 0.0 10.0 73.7 55.0 16.08 1183.41 16.26 276.33 73.69724 62.3 1209.8 0.0 10.0 73.7 55.5 22.12 1183.51 19.64 276.40 73.69837 54.2 1213.2 0.0 10.0 73.7 56.0 30.62 1183.12 130.51 276.41 73.69796 41.6 1215.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 56.5 34.60 1182.53 378.40 276.41 73.69784 25.4 1215.8 0.0 10.0 73.7 57.0 33.66 1182.14 581.39 276.41 73.69814 9.4 1216.4 0.0 10.0 73.7 57.5 32.50 1181.98 662.14 276.41 73.6994 8.6 1217.1 0.0 10.0 73.7 58.0 31.96 1181.85 730.39 276.41 73.69713 13.9 1217.5 0.0 10.0 73.7 58.5 29.60 1181.70 720.18 276.41 73.69666 16.6 1217.9 0.0 10.0 73.7 59.0 23.23 1181.54 549.73 276.40 73.69803 18.5 1218.2 0.0 10.0 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-29 (Page 15 of 15)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi) 59.5 16.54 1181.55 318.06 276.40 73.6974 15.3 1218.4 0.0 10.0 73.7 60.0 14.63 1182.30 100.15 276.40 73.69705 10.3 1218.8 0.0 10.0 73.7 61.0 14.80 1182.92 27.07 276.41 73.69739 14.4 1219.2 0.0 10.0 73.7 62.0 14.93 1183.46 3.28 276.49 73.69757 26.0 1219.2 0.0 10.0 73.7 63.0 15.01 1183.93 0.42 276.52 73.69798 29.6 1219.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 64.0 14.08 1184.38 0.07 270.27 73.69649 23.7 1218.9 0.0 10.0 73.7 65.0 11.02 1184.53 0.06 277.31 73.6967 21.6 1219.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 66.0 7.83 1184.36 0.05 284.31 73.69694 22.3 1219.1 0.0 10.0 73.7 67.0 8.98 1184.83 0.03 264.15 73.6979 22.8 1219.2 0.0 10.0 73.7 68.0 13.77 1185.80 0.02 258.06 73.69794 24.3 1219.2 0.0 10.0 73.7 69.0 19.57 1185.76 0.82 276.83 73.6981 26.4 1219.1 0.0 10.0 73.7 70.0 22.80 1184.37 36.64 276.41 73.69612 28.4 1219.1 0.0 10.0 73.7 71.0 21.97 1183.10 150.45 276.40 73.69683 29.5 1219.0 0.0 10.0 73.7 71.68426 20.81 1182.71 265.61 276.40 73.69853 29.8 1219.0 0.0 10.0 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 1 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Table 6-30. RELAP5 Long-Term Mass and Energy Release Data Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 0.0 2.61 1190.80 45034.67 560.04 2294.67 622.72 1195.07 24082.41 538.81 2296.60 0.00 0.5 1.35 1190.73 45002.73 561.03 1141.73 701.17 1195.39 23503.53 536.92 946.56 0.00 1.0 1.97 1189.03 43883.38 561.31 1112.71 821.86 1195.63 22712.44 535.16 946.49 0.00 1.5 14.86 1188.96 41138.78 560.56 1113.47 940.61 1195.69 22178.90 535.45 952.13 0.00 2.0 50.78 1188.48 37445.88 561.23 1121.34 1048.83 1196.19 20838.21 536.12 928.40 0.00 2.5 131.14 1188.16 33748.12 562.75 1143.21 1085.61 1196.58 19040.70 538.38 895.71 0.00 3.0 295.10 1188.29 31133.46 563.51 1137.55 1165.81 1196.70 17346.79 538.67 874.28 0.00 3.5 499.44 1188.67 29332.74 562.72 1127.36 1339.95 1197.43 15457.64 534.17 837.95 0.00 4.0 702.87 1189.19 27711.68 561.28 1120.62 1789.77 1201.47 13673.54 517.80 797.22 0.00 4.5 973.92 1190.10 25969.13 558.99 1104.83 2328.37 1205.61 11416.29 495.80 685.83 0.00 5.0 1308.56 1191.25 23634.97 556.36 1072.47 2574.99 1207.92 9250.46 482.53 620.76 0.00 5.5 1580.32 1191.83 20906.55 556.08 1032.60 2641.20 1209.04 8241.40 475.89 590.78 0.00 6.0 1802.31 1192.39 18632.19 555.19 1003.97 2628.75 1209.53 7834.36 472.11 577.39 0.00 6.5 2004.58 1193.41 17055.64 550.93 979.81 2676.06 1210.49 7089.30 467.57 557.19 7.51 7.0 2142.47 1194.57 15821.38 545.99 951.27 2816.47 1212.28 5780.78 460.58 509.76 15.21 7.5 2201.87 1195.71 14909.52 540.90 924.81 2904.60 1213.70 4810.09 454.21 479.95 23.09 8.0 2201.25 1196.85 14343.35 535.83 901.26 2906.34 1214.35 4396.83 450.43 464.32 31.11 8.5 2432.66 1200.19 14060.63 524.56 844.18 2868.05 1214.66 4167.69 447.20 451.84 39.38 9.0 2754.27 1203.35 13282.68 512.71 792.59 2818.77 1214.99 3900.91 443.34 435.95 47.90

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 2 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 9.5 2871.87 1204.91 12016.15 506.08 753.66 2771.95 1215.55 3502.50 438.36 413.89 56.67 10.0 2910.01 1206.30 10930.33 499.17 715.22 2732.74 1216.38 2996.00 432.48 387.73 65.73 10.5 2893.94 1207.56 9959.00 491.68 672.61 2681.48 1217.16 2516.27 426.21 362.25 75.14 11.0 2866.07 1208.79 9014.42 483.96 632.15 2594.28 1217.52 2178.14 419.90 338.86 84.77 11.5 2839.38 1209.99 8060.30 475.90 588.69 2485.06 1217.59 1934.33 413.70 318.78 94.71 12.0 2659.09 1210.53 7615.43 466.52 551.69 2376.03 1217.67 1697.65 407.37 296.84 104.83 12.5 2069.41 1209.75 8732.67 450.07 490.74 2281.22 1217.91 1430.96 401.09 277.06 115.14 13.0 1475.93 1208.24 10159.54 433.27 422.92 2207.90 1218.48 1111.64 394.91 255.52 125.01 13.5 1223.13 1207.47 10460.70 418.41 371.54 2140.84 1219.30 783.30 388.66 234.91 134.01 14.0 1074.33 1206.66 10258.17 404.44 322.90 2054.75 1220.00 502.83 382.03 213.44 143.03 14.5 959.22 1205.72 9831.20 392.62 285.56 1945.08 1220.32 301.89 374.90 194.07 152.06 15.0 825.84 1204.48 9494.08 382.34 261.44 1814.99 1220.50 154.67 368.23 172.93 161.10 15.5 687.19 1202.93 9221.88 372.02 235.30 1648.52 1219.51 91.58 356.60 155.28 170.15 16.0 582.34 1201.44 8886.18 361.07 214.06 1471.92 1217.77 73.06 349.40 136.72 179.21 16.5 522.33 1200.11 8517.77 347.47 201.93 1310.72 1219.71 25.72 342.61 118.47 188.27 17.0 462.30 1198.49 8201.79 333.03 181.54 1140.02 1232.42 2.62 335.89 101.48 197.34 17.5 388.14 1196.14 8086.54 320.25 154.66 982.25 1247.77 0.09 319.35 88.88 206.40 18.0 334.42 1193.50 8097.22 308.14 132.07 856.27 1250.00 0.11 310.19 79.00 215.45 18.5 300.17 1190.66 8172.03 296.34 111.48 745.49 1246.15 0.13 303.05 75.32 224.50 19.0 249.01 1187.99 7975.41 285.43 93.94 648.70 1239.56 0.21 294.81 72.42 233.54

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 3 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 19.5 171.69 1185.35 7496.61 273.86 88.14 572.76 1221.23 1.02 285.27 70.02 242.58 20.0 125.51 1181.92 7477.24 258.83 68.46 510.71 1203.59 5.30 281.20 68.44 251.61 20.5 85.76 1178.12 7206.32 234.47 58.72 461.12 1198.73 16.35 279.10 67.69 251.64 21.0 41.52 1172.48 6823.43 209.85 43.15 423.82 1195.20 34.96 277.24 67.20 251.67 21.5 24.30 1169.09 6869.18 199.55 37.14 393.55 1190.35 56.72 275.83 66.92 251.68 22.0 16.74 1167.35 6706.53 193.57 35.06 368.52 1186.88 77.95 274.67 66.61 251.69 22.5 13.23 1166.81 6332.16 191.06 33.87 343.15 1185.05 100.84 273.64 66.33 251.70 23.0 11.13 1166.81 5975.03 190.89 35.99 318.22 1184.14 118.38 272.77 66.03 251.72 23.5 8.81 1166.62 5793.32 188.98 33.97 297.75 1183.51 129.30 272.05 65.84 251.73 24.0 6.98 1166.70 5463.94 188.53 33.11 278.42 1182.96 137.99 271.41 65.63 251.74 24.5 6.18 1167.51 5209.50 188.10 33.87 260.48 1182.47 137.95 270.81 65.37 251.75 25.0 8.81 1172.33 5088.87 192.17 34.44 239.74 1182.10 129.04 270.16 65.16 251.77 25.5 13.66 1177.36 5061.48 191.39 49.33 221.36 1181.90 121.85 269.57 64.91 251.77 26.0 13.92 1179.01 4819.75 183.61 49.14 210.18 1182.30 112.02 269.24 64.80 251.79 26.5 12.38 1178.14 4099.11 191.56 55.62 183.79 1184.18 87.49 268.66 64.46 251.81 27.0 9.08 1178.57 3385.51 196.88 54.40 152.31 1187.39 61.24 267.95 64.29 251.80 27.5 4.62 1182.12 2978.50 191.22 56.41 118.94 1190.83 41.35 267.47 64.12 251.83 28.0 1.67 1186.52 1546.48 190.48 62.83 56.84 1193.16 20.05 267.00 63.94 251.86 28.5 0.00 1173.07 97.41 190.70 61.92 8.18 1191.67 4.20 266.56 63.85 251.86 29.0 0.00 1169.54 0.00 261.52 55.11 0.00 1174.65 0.00 261.50 63.81 251.87

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 4 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 29.5 0.00 1168.90 0.00 261.67 53.33 0.00 1174.36 0.00 261.63 63.35 251.87 30.0 0.00 1169.17 0.00 261.47 54.14 0.00 1174.26 0.00 261.68 63.14 251.87 31 0.00 1167.33 0.00 262.99 49.67 0.00 1173.95 0.00 261.82 62.58 251.89 32 0.00 1168.81 0.00 261.39 52.98 14.15 1207.90 0.04 269.33 62.69 251.87 33 0.00 1172.52 0.00 262.87 60.22 14.24 1207.93 0.04 267.47 63.33 251.85 34 0.00 1169.02 0.00 260.98 53.42 9.28 1202.56 0.02 260.61 62.61 251.87 35 0.00 1170.08 0.00 260.67 55.62 11.91 1199.71 0.02 264.86 62.76 251.86 36 12.25 1202.55 120.64 226.64 56.40 31.16 1216.23 0.04 265.91 62.79 251.86 37 12.81 1201.81 133.73 225.33 62.25 31.38 1219.40 0.05 265.31 62.82 251.86 38 114.71 1187.73 259.64 265.32 63.96 70.37 1251.25 0.03 265.62 63.18 251.82 39 287.46 1190.16 392.15 268.51 64.44 148.11 1233.85 2.85 266.58 62.71 251.80 40 379.29 1189.84 362.22 270.53 64.37 177.09 1205.36 16.57 266.97 62.71 251.80 41 391.99 1187.18 375.78 270.82 65.50 184.09 1191.36 34.19 266.69 62.76 251.78 42 357.15 1185.55 421.36 270.33 63.22 170.81 1187.04 46.01 266.36 62.37 251.81 43 371.22 1186.09 475.78 270.67 67.23 177.56 1184.23 62.23 266.42 62.80 251.78 44 358.14 1185.62 373.60 269.60 63.36 168.68 1183.55 65.23 266.10 62.24 251.80 45 301.98 1183.54 317.79 267.52 62.84 140.01 1184.02 64.73 265.36 62.03 251.81 46 292.95 1183.15 305.97 267.16 62.79 130.70 1182.49 81.70 265.12 61.95 251.81 47 298.85 1183.16 315.79 267.17 62.58 130.47 1181.63 93.87 265.01 61.80 251.82 48 302.29 1183.22 337.72 267.17 62.67 131.96 1181.30 98.58 264.91 61.71 251.81

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 5 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 49 304.79 1183.28 336.95 267.10 62.59 132.09 1180.90 105.03 264.78 61.60 251.81 50 299.65 1183.10 328.89 266.84 62.38 128.95 1180.52 113.38 264.61 61.47 251.81 51 282.29 1182.63 313.69 266.34 62.12 122.57 1180.41 117.85 264.39 61.34 251.82 52 260.99 1182.20 300.55 265.76 61.72 114.38 1180.57 117.71 264.14 61.17 251.82 53 249.94 1181.97 302.22 265.43 61.58 109.41 1180.67 117.90 263.94 61.04 251.82 54 245.26 1181.81 306.17 265.23 61.48 108.17 1180.58 119.63 263.79 60.92 251.82 55 232.70 1181.79 292.61 264.89 61.24 104.07 1180.70 117.76 263.60 60.78 251.83 56 218.64 1181.80 281.43 264.50 60.99 98.82 1180.94 114.52 263.40 60.63 251.83 57 212.67 1181.80 277.39 264.28 60.85 96.38 1181.04 113.40 263.23 60.50 251.83 58 205.27 1181.90 258.90 264.02 60.70 93.57 1181.17 111.40 263.06 60.37 251.83 59 205.83 1182.09 295.46 264.49 60.46 90.84 1181.39 109.86 262.91 60.23 251.83 60 241.80 1182.13 361.54 265.08 62.43 110.30 1180.18 132.93 263.20 60.43 251.82 61 242.62 1181.86 314.13 264.64 60.52 113.22 1180.08 130.16 263.16 60.12 251.83 62 216.16 1181.77 243.87 263.80 60.43 96.33 1181.28 102.44 262.73 60.06 251.83 63 211.13 1182.03 224.70 263.67 60.31 93.84 1181.45 100.33 262.66 60.01 251.83 64 196.74 1182.09 212.49 263.41 60.20 88.70 1181.63 101.00 262.57 59.96 251.84 65 188.06 1182.12 205.51 263.26 60.15 85.51 1181.76 102.27 262.50 59.93 251.84 66 184.70 1182.18 191.29 263.15 60.05 83.60 1181.90 101.57 262.45 59.89 251.84 67 176.40 1182.12 189.67 262.97 59.98 81.07 1182.14 98.32 262.38 59.85 251.84 68 205.52 1181.96 268.47 263.92 59.93 96.50 1181.12 115.51 262.77 59.82 251.84

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 6 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 69 228.28 1181.58 314.22 264.12 60.56 105.73 1180.77 114.93 262.83 59.86 251.82 70 211.39 1181.50 260.95 263.51 60.05 96.34 1181.79 87.90 262.43 59.76 251.84 71 205.62 1182.15 211.03 263.29 60.03 92.69 1182.19 83.58 262.34 59.74 251.83 72 195.59 1182.56 181.51 263.07 59.89 87.25 1182.01 91.87 262.25 59.69 251.84 73 186.06 1182.68 167.17 262.88 59.81 82.39 1181.86 101.60 262.17 59.66 251.84 74 182.09 1182.72 152.77 262.73 59.73 79.81 1181.80 106.64 262.12 59.62 251.84 75 174.34 1182.42 167.84 262.59 59.67 78.35 1181.84 107.38 262.07 59.59 251.84 76 167.76 1182.02 194.13 262.51 59.66 78.08 1181.88 106.55 262.03 59.55 251.84 77 171.14 1181.79 211.29 262.57 59.62 79.29 1181.86 105.66 262.00 59.52 251.84 78 180.39 1181.60 229.44 262.71 59.74 82.74 1181.66 106.10 262.00 59.51 251.84 79 186.18 1181.59 227.52 262.75 59.70 85.12 1181.56 105.29 261.98 59.47 251.84 80 187.40 1181.76 216.34 262.72 59.65 85.92 1181.56 103.65 261.95 59.44 251.84 81 189.20 1182.09 193.61 262.68 59.61 85.20 1181.72 99.97 261.91 59.39 251.84 82 189.21 1182.36 169.14 262.61 59.52 83.05 1182.06 93.54 261.84 59.36 251.84 83 182.44 1182.30 174.37 262.46 59.48 81.51 1182.24 90.08 261.79 59.32 251.84 84 173.12 1182.11 187.45 262.29 59.40 79.56 1182.26 91.10 261.73 59.28 251.84 85 166.15 1181.96 191.34 262.15 59.35 77.67 1182.18 95.13 261.68 59.25 251.84 86 160.21 1181.90 185.84 262.03 59.28 75.57 1182.12 99.01 261.62 59.21 251.84 87 154.33 1181.85 180.63 261.92 59.22 73.36 1182.13 101.85 261.57 59.17 251.84 88 150.02 1181.84 173.45 261.83 59.17 71.37 1182.12 104.41 261.51 59.14 251.84

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 7 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 89 146.81 1181.87 163.70 261.75 59.12 69.25 1182.01 106.84 261.46 59.10 251.84 90 145.08 1182.03 144.75 261.71 59.08 66.73 1181.81 108.90 261.40 59.06 251.84 91 142.31 1182.13 132.30 261.67 59.06 64.49 1181.63 110.74 261.37 59.05 251.85 92 140.24 1182.31 118.47 261.65 59.05 62.77 1181.49 112.28 261.34 59.03 251.85 93 138.59 1182.51 101.62 261.63 59.03 60.68 1181.37 111.96 261.31 59.02 251.85 94 135.67 1182.75 90.54 261.61 59.01 58.76 1181.30 109.76 261.28 59.00 251.85 95 132.34 1183.11 75.58 261.59 59.00 57.23 1181.30 105.54 261.26 58.99 251.85 96 128.05 1183.34 66.81 261.55 58.98 56.13 1181.38 99.03 261.24 58.97 251.85 97 124.92 1183.63 56.19 261.53 58.97 55.40 1181.51 91.22 261.22 58.96 251.85 98 121.64 1183.88 47.33 261.51 58.96 54.29 1181.62 83.38 261.20 58.95 251.85 99 117.13 1184.02 40.18 261.48 58.94 52.44 1181.65 77.13 261.17 58.93 251.85 100 111.09 1184.10 33.74 261.45 58.92 50.11 1181.58 73.41 261.14 58.92 251.85 101 104.19 1184.15 29.03 261.41 58.91 47.06 1181.40 72.24 261.12 58.90 251.85 102 97.68 1184.23 25.76 261.34 58.91 43.21 1181.17 71.12 261.09 58.89 251.85 103 92.03 1184.39 23.33 261.28 58.89 39.93 1180.96 69.33 261.06 58.87 251.85 104 87.56 1184.59 21.68 261.25 58.87 38.11 1180.82 68.30 261.04 58.86 251.85 105 85.72 1185.08 20.35 261.23 58.87 37.50 1180.80 66.37 261.02 58.85 251.85 106 84.95 1186.62 18.17 261.22 58.86 37.70 1180.95 61.67 261.02 58.84 251.85 107 84.60 1188.89 15.56 261.21 58.86 40.14 1181.38 54.67 261.02 58.83 251.85 108 86.92 1190.59 14.32 261.18 58.84 43.40 1181.91 49.81 261.02 58.84 251.85

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 8 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 109 85.56 1191.89 11.98 261.16 58.83 39.54 1181.95 42.35 261.00 58.81 251.85 110 79.56 1193.00 8.41 261.13 58.82 34.12 1181.74 33.81 260.96 58.80 251.85 111 75.29 1193.63 6.58 261.07 58.81 33.16 1181.58 34.06 260.94 58.79 251.85 112 73.24 1194.03 6.34 261.02 58.80 32.67 1181.17 41.18 260.92 58.78 251.85 113 73.47 1193.95 7.97 261.02 58.79 33.24 1180.87 49.57 260.91 58.77 251.85 114 74.47 1193.93 10.91 261.08 58.77 34.71 1180.96 51.47 260.91 58.76 251.85 115 75.20 1194.45 12.40 261.06 58.77 37.11 1181.63 43.45 260.92 58.76 251.85 116 76.21 1195.58 10.62 261.03 58.77 39.94 1183.13 29.36 260.93 58.75 251.85 117 77.94 1196.99 6.96 260.98 58.75 43.21 1185.50 16.82 260.93 58.75 251.85 118 76.80 1198.30 3.77 260.92 58.74 43.01 1186.48 12.18 260.92 58.73 251.85 119 73.04 1198.00 3.72 261.02 58.73 40.91 1185.19 16.21 260.90 58.72 251.85 120 71.80 1192.62 17.04 260.98 58.73 43.25 1181.99 53.40 260.88 58.71 251.85 125 76.74 1192.45 19.02 260.97 58.67 44.71 1181.31 66.34 260.85 58.68 251.85 130 80.32 1193.99 13.63 260.95 58.63 44.73 1183.14 49.67 260.81 58.63 251.85 135 77.98 1198.43 4.59 260.88 58.58 42.47 1189.86 15.96 260.75 58.58 251.85 140 106.76 1198.56 54.64 261.64 58.54 54.59 1188.32 19.19 260.86 58.53 251.85 145 141.38 1190.46 106.37 261.59 58.50 65.70 1182.93 53.92 260.85 58.49 251.85 150 151.29 1183.48 116.84 261.51 58.49 66.58 1181.41 74.15 260.80 58.49 251.85 155 159.11 1182.54 125.19 261.45 58.43 69.29 1181.15 83.06 260.75 58.44 251.85 160 163.67 1182.52 124.93 261.41 58.37 68.87 1180.80 90.80 260.70 58.38 251.85

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 9 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 165 163.65 1182.12 142.01 261.30 58.86 70.41 1180.88 85.43 260.66 58.48 251.84 170 156.93 1181.96 146.92 261.14 58.30 68.83 1180.92 83.45 260.57 58.29 251.85 175 149.54 1182.01 134.68 261.00 58.27 64.30 1180.75 88.06 260.48 58.25 251.85 180 146.79 1182.10 131.98 260.94 58.19 61.47 1180.38 95.10 260.41 58.19 251.85 185 136.31 1184.21 101.69 260.81 58.14 55.55 1180.44 83.27 260.32 58.14 251.85 190 118.19 1185.09 74.19 260.50 58.09 49.80 1181.02 58.11 260.19 58.08 251.85 195 93.44 1184.22 69.65 260.36 58.01 44.53 1183.00 28.88 260.13 58.01 251.85 200 61.38 1188.49 36.98 260.22 57.96 34.83 1183.95 9.20 259.98 57.95 251.85 205 34.94 1195.83 6.77 260.06 57.90 22.27 1182.35 6.50 259.91 57.90 251.86 210 18.66 1201.86 0.15 259.81 57.86 15.18 1181.60 4.62 259.81 57.86 251.86 215 12.87 1206.61 0.03 257.58 57.81 15.20 1183.23 3.73 259.77 57.81 251.86 220 12.25 1209.83 0.02 256.04 57.76 15.49 1184.96 1.68 259.71 57.76 251.86 225 13.75 1210.42 0.02 257.86 57.71 14.96 1203.17 0.89 259.70 57.71 251.86 230 34.98 1205.70 0.75 259.95 57.67 18.79 1249.57 0.02 260.50 57.67 251.86 235 58.49 1200.67 20.78 259.72 57.57 26.81 1245.36 0.59 259.53 57.61 251.85 240 63.22 1191.11 77.61 259.73 57.57 32.35 1205.38 4.95 259.54 57.57 251.86 245 59.61 1185.05 110.68 259.69 57.52 31.36 1188.44 5.09 259.53 57.53 251.86 250 58.98 1183.14 250.47 260.07 57.46 28.68 1195.90 1.86 259.42 57.48 251.86 255 76.45 1181.50 295.98 260.01 57.65 35.55 1190.11 8.87 259.38 57.44 251.85 260 85.21 1182.24 161.11 259.63 57.41 40.11 1183.19 32.03 259.32 57.38 251.85

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 10 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 265 70.56 1183.17 115.93 259.52 57.35 33.17 1180.38 48.45 259.27 57.36 251.86 270 58.17 1182.98 108.49 259.40 57.31 26.47 1179.67 33.27 259.21 57.29 251.86 275 46.24 1183.17 86.62 259.30 57.24 20.51 1180.49 11.18 259.15 57.24 251.86 280 26.43 1185.23 34.42 259.18 57.19 11.67 1181.14 2.33 259.08 57.19 251.86 285 16.46 1190.90 3.02 259.06 57.15 7.89 1193.57 0.28 259.04 57.14 251.86 290 15.98 1195.10 0.74 258.89 57.10 8.23 1221.46 0.01 259.42 57.09 251.86 295 17.43 1189.80 14.99 258.90 57.05 8.47 1240.39 0.00 253.86 57.04 251.86 300 16.37 1184.34 24.97 258.86 56.99 8.31 1241.14 0.00 253.81 57.00 251.86 305 14.46 1184.34 21.97 258.80 56.96 7.54 1247.83 0.00 253.77 56.96 251.86 310 17.52 1183.79 35.47 258.75 56.92 8.48 1251.49 0.00 253.72 56.92 251.86 315 19.05 1183.48 39.99 258.72 56.88 8.37 1249.76 0.00 253.68 56.88 251.86 320 14.62 1183.70 30.07 258.66 56.83 6.54 1245.51 0.00 253.61 56.83 251.86 325 9.47 1183.70 25.79 258.60 56.79 5.94 1242.48 0.00 253.57 56.79 251.86 330 7.57 1183.88 16.45 258.56 56.76 5.54 1246.80 0.00 253.52 56.75 251.86 335 7.09 1184.10 10.49 258.49 56.71 5.11 1255.87 0.00 253.47 56.71 251.86 340 14.81 1183.32 43.87 258.47 56.67 7.70 1258.51 0.00 253.43 56.67 251.86 345 20.13 1183.07 65.11 258.44 56.63 9.05 1239.76 0.01 253.38 56.62 251.86 350 23.28 1182.59 75.27 258.40 56.59 9.91 1196.69 0.34 258.35 56.58 251.86 355 30.57 1181.98 105.94 258.39 56.55 12.29 1181.00 2.02 258.25 56.54 251.86 360 36.96 1180.30 143.28 258.36 56.51 13.69 1179.20 7.16 258.22 56.50 251.86

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 11 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 365 41.06 1178.74 172.25 258.34 56.48 14.17 1178.68 15.04 258.18 56.46 251.86 370 40.77 1178.35 174.37 258.30 56.43 13.65 1178.45 22.60 258.13 56.42 251.86 375 38.97 1178.34 169.67 258.25 56.39 12.99 1178.34 26.98 258.09 56.37 251.86 380 33.45 1178.37 140.89 258.18 56.34 11.07 1178.26 24.72 258.04 56.33 251.86 385 27.20 1178.63 98.55 258.09 56.30 7.50 1178.18 15.53 258.00 56.29 251.86 390 28.82 1178.66 99.17 258.02 56.26 7.00 1178.43 7.38 257.95 56.25 251.86 395 32.44 1178.47 115.24 258.00 56.22 9.47 1178.40 12.48 257.87 56.21 251.86 400 31.88 1178.37 106.91 257.95 56.18 10.31 1178.23 17.71 257.85 56.17 251.86 405 29.51 1178.32 101.09 257.89 56.13 10.26 1178.28 14.18 257.80 56.13 251.86 410 24.79 1178.47 87.79 257.83 56.09 8.95 1178.26 11.06 257.75 56.08 251.86 415 20.89 1178.63 76.83 257.75 56.05 6.85 1178.22 7.42 257.70 56.04 251.86 420 15.30 1178.65 60.79 257.68 55.99 5.07 1178.43 3.47 257.66 56.00 251.86 425 8.58 1179.04 31.53 257.62 55.94 3.36 1178.84 0.95 257.62 55.95 251.86 430 4.02 1179.46 14.93 257.58 55.90 1.87 1179.23 0.19 257.55 55.91 251.86 435 2.93 1179.87 13.75 257.53 55.87 1.39 1184.60 0.03 257.64 55.87 251.86 440 4.49 1180.02 15.59 257.49 55.78 1.67 1193.87 0.00 252.45 55.83 251.86 445 5.57 1180.39 23.49 257.42 55.79 2.67 1219.61 0.00 252.39 55.78 251.86 450 11.89 1179.28 66.46 257.35 55.75 5.21 1250.75 0.00 252.35 55.75 251.86 455 19.39 1178.21 138.34 257.35 55.71 7.91 1238.88 0.01 252.30 55.71 251.86 460 22.16 1177.81 196.83 257.34 55.67 9.88 1199.92 0.31 257.17 55.67 251.86

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 12 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 465 24.64 1177.94 243.61 257.31 55.65 10.55 1180.22 3.39 257.18 55.62 251.86 470 27.67 1179.91 298.59 257.29 55.60 10.26 1178.20 11.27 257.14 55.58 251.86 475 28.62 1181.51 325.73 257.25 55.54 9.68 1177.91 19.07 257.10 55.54 251.86 480 28.02 1182.12 333.19 257.20 55.50 9.05 1177.81 21.34 257.05 55.50 251.86 485 28.65 1182.16 335.36 257.15 55.47 8.39 1177.78 20.06 257.00 55.46 251.86 490 29.05 1181.28 336.11 257.10 55.43 7.47 1177.80 14.55 256.96 55.42 251.86 495 29.37 1181.87 337.37 257.05 55.38 7.05 1178.10 6.07 256.93 55.37 251.86 500 30.06 1181.96 314.79 257.00 55.34 6.56 1179.58 1.25 256.89 55.33 251.86 505 29.34 1181.65 297.75 256.94 55.30 5.94 1190.02 0.11 256.89 55.29 251.86 510 28.32 1182.08 311.80 256.89 55.26 6.03 1202.14 0.00 251.76 55.25 251.86 515 28.06 1181.89 317.88 256.84 55.22 5.93 1204.84 0.00 251.71 55.21 251.86 520 27.50 1182.20 300.49 256.78 55.17 5.60 1205.03 0.00 251.66 55.17 251.86 525 26.91 1182.39 290.72 256.73 55.11 5.56 1205.12 0.00 251.61 55.13 251.86 530 26.49 1181.89 289.91 256.68 55.09 5.43 1205.28 0.00 251.56 55.08 251.86 535 24.18 1182.01 262.12 256.62 55.05 4.72 1205.46 0.00 251.51 55.04 251.86 540 17.20 1181.75 153.46 256.56 55.00 2.76 1206.62 0.00 251.45 55.00 251.87 545 17.48 1178.41 119.78 256.47 54.96 5.26 1212.00 0.05 256.26 54.96 251.87 550 26.48 1177.45 191.53 256.46 54.92 7.48 1198.97 1.63 256.34 54.92 251.87 555 30.38 1179.49 256.27 256.44 54.88 6.17 1178.09 2.40 256.33 54.87 251.87 560 30.27 1181.52 287.52 256.39 54.84 6.18 1178.98 0.93 256.27 54.83 251.87

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 13 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 565 29.68 1182.10 289.02 256.34 54.80 5.81 1188.63 0.12 256.17 54.79 251.87 570 29.00 1182.49 319.90 256.30 54.76 6.16 1201.20 0.00 251.16 54.75 251.87 575 28.82 1181.95 349.48 256.26 54.72 6.22 1204.55 0.00 251.11 54.71 251.87 580 28.74 1181.58 335.08 256.21 54.67 5.72 1204.78 0.00 251.06 54.67 251.87 585 27.90 1181.53 317.08 256.14 54.63 5.57 1204.95 0.00 251.01 54.62 251.87 590 27.41 1181.83 332.46 256.10 54.59 5.59 1204.91 0.00 250.96 54.58 251.87 595 27.02 1181.85 350.62 256.05 54.55 5.76 1204.89 0.00 250.91 54.54 251.87 600 27.14 1181.99 337.96 256.00 54.51 5.61 1204.90 0.00 250.86 54.50 251.87 605 27.77 1182.06 322.40 255.94 54.46 5.39 1204.93 0.00 250.81 54.46 301.87 610 27.77 1181.46 288.88 255.89 54.42 5.23 1205.08 0.00 250.76 54.42 301.87 615 27.53 1181.16 250.34 255.82 54.38 5.07 1205.32 0.00 250.71 54.37 301.87 620 27.37 1180.31 236.36 255.77 54.34 4.90 1205.47 0.00 250.66 54.33 301.87 625 27.22 1180.09 225.57 255.71 54.30 4.86 1205.47 0.00 250.61 54.29 301.87 630 26.99 1180.08 227.60 255.66 54.26 4.82 1205.47 0.00 250.56 54.25 301.87 635 26.77 1180.58 241.34 255.61 54.21 4.96 1205.40 0.00 250.51 54.21 301.87 640 26.59 1180.51 255.24 255.57 54.17 5.13 1205.37 0.00 250.45 54.16 301.87 645 26.66 1180.38 247.06 255.52 54.13 4.77 1205.40 0.00 250.40 54.12 301.87 650 26.69 1180.58 248.12 255.47 54.09 4.85 1205.32 0.00 250.35 54.08 301.87 655 26.72 1180.03 252.04 255.42 54.05 5.15 1205.32 0.00 250.30 54.04 301.87 660 25.87 1178.97 226.41 255.37 54.01 4.74 1205.45 0.00 250.25 54.00 301.87

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 14 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 665 25.53 1177.48 234.07 255.31 53.96 4.81 1205.27 0.00 250.21 53.96 301.87 670 26.01 1178.19 258.72 255.01 53.92 5.81 1201.25 0.09 255.07 53.92 301.87 675 26.88 1178.10 255.58 254.96 53.88 5.90 1188.49 0.65 255.09 53.87 301.87 680 27.03 1176.99 222.88 255.18 53.84 5.51 1177.89 0.82 255.08 53.83 301.87 685 27.32 1177.77 234.35 255.13 53.79 5.89 1179.08 0.53 254.98 53.79 301.87 690 28.96 1178.60 266.16 255.09 53.75 6.21 1178.94 0.68 254.92 53.75 301.87 695 28.67 1178.30 285.31 255.04 53.71 6.39 1180.46 0.47 254.89 53.71 301.87 700 28.28 1177.69 275.35 254.99 53.67 5.93 1191.03 0.07 254.68 53.67 301.87 705 27.51 1177.10 221.73 254.92 53.63 5.34 1202.99 0.00 249.80 53.62 301.87 710 26.20 1176.76 226.97 254.87 53.59 5.30 1204.57 0.00 249.75 53.58 301.87 715 26.07 1176.68 231.41 254.82 53.55 5.32 1204.70 0.00 249.70 53.54 301.87 720 25.81 1176.68 231.83 254.77 53.50 5.36 1204.69 0.00 249.65 53.50 301.87 725 25.40 1176.71 237.27 254.72 53.46 5.36 1204.67 0.00 249.59 53.46 301.87 730 25.32 1176.70 229.92 254.67 53.42 5.25 1204.74 0.00 249.54 53.42 301.87 735 25.25 1176.68 222.03 254.61 53.38 5.06 1204.75 0.00 249.49 53.37 301.87 740 25.02 1176.65 217.70 254.56 53.34 5.17 1204.76 0.00 249.44 53.33 301.87 745 24.79 1176.65 220.01 254.51 53.29 5.22 1204.87 0.00 249.39 53.29 301.87 750 24.75 1176.63 213.97 254.46 53.25 5.01 1204.80 0.00 249.34 53.25 301.87 755 24.42 1176.63 220.85 254.40 53.21 5.22 1204.76 0.00 249.29 53.21 301.87 760 24.31 1176.56 224.99 254.35 53.17 5.13 1204.87 0.00 249.24 53.17 301.87

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 15 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 765 24.26 1176.52 215.18 254.30 53.13 4.96 1204.83 0.00 249.19 53.12 301.87 770 24.09 1176.51 209.85 254.25 53.09 5.17 1204.80 0.00 249.13 53.08 301.87 775 24.14 1176.53 208.88 254.20 53.04 4.88 1204.89 0.00 249.08 53.04 301.87 780 23.63 1176.59 229.88 254.15 53.00 5.03 1204.74 0.00 249.03 53.00 301.87 785 23.58 1176.58 239.83 254.10 52.96 5.18 1204.74 0.00 248.98 52.96 301.87 790 23.65 1176.55 235.12 254.05 52.92 4.94 1204.78 0.00 248.93 52.92 301.87 795 23.33 1176.54 234.43 254.00 52.88 5.02 1204.74 0.00 248.88 52.87 301.87 800 23.14 1176.52 231.85 253.94 52.84 5.20 1204.80 0.00 248.83 52.83 301.87 805 23.29 1176.48 218.85 253.89 52.80 4.81 1204.83 0.00 248.78 52.79 301.87 810 22.99 1176.78 229.13 253.70 52.75 5.11 1204.73 0.00 248.72 52.75 301.87 815 22.80 1176.78 225.98 253.45 52.71 5.01 1204.83 0.00 248.67 52.71 301.87 820 22.32 1176.52 210.71 252.33 52.67 4.71 1192.86 0.12 253.64 52.67 301.87 825 21.72 1177.67 227.24 249.12 52.63 5.20 1180.62 0.23 253.55 52.62 301.87 830 22.54 1177.92 222.46 246.63 52.59 4.78 1177.85 0.28 253.56 52.58 301.87 835 21.51 1177.71 240.40 242.95 52.54 4.79 1178.20 0.31 253.46 52.54 301.87 840 19.39 1178.97 280.58 235.87 52.50 5.22 1178.16 0.35 253.37 52.50 301.87 845 20.33 1178.39 266.18 229.96 52.47 4.81 1177.39 0.52 253.35 52.46 301.87 850 19.72 1177.20 243.59 230.57 52.41 4.86 1177.31 0.64 253.32 52.42 301.87 855 18.44 1178.05 299.71 226.22 52.37 5.30 1177.45 0.53 253.31 52.37 301.87 860 18.92 1179.02 326.12 214.84 52.34 5.05 1179.15 0.29 253.18 52.33 301.87

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 16 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 865 17.80 1178.83 252.70 216.09 52.29 3.99 1179.33 0.34 253.10 52.29 301.87 870 16.97 1179.99 271.38 218.34 52.24 4.75 1177.27 0.74 253.10 52.25 301.87 875 17.45 1180.78 310.02 210.19 52.21 5.82 1177.34 0.92 253.05 52.21 301.87 880 17.93 1179.19 232.52 217.26 52.16 4.08 1177.10 0.87 253.02 52.16 301.87 885 17.29 1179.86 254.57 215.56 52.17 4.74 1177.10 0.96 252.93 52.13 301.87 890 17.24 1180.18 310.69 205.39 52.08 5.53 1177.37 0.83 252.91 52.08 301.88 895 17.26 1178.74 256.64 212.66 52.03 3.82 1177.25 0.91 252.86 52.04 301.88 900 16.92 1180.56 265.04 213.30 52.00 5.05 1177.03 1.18 252.79 52.00 301.87 905 17.88 1180.52 252.95 206.59 51.97 5.21 1177.15 0.95 252.75 51.96 301.88 910 18.01 1179.30 244.00 209.84 51.94 3.74 1177.14 0.97 252.69 51.93 301.87 915 18.20 1180.43 248.91 212.02 51.90 4.87 1177.18 0.96 252.68 51.90 301.88 920 17.89 1179.43 178.18 222.76 51.87 6.27 1181.07 0.47 252.67 51.87 301.88 925 16.65 1179.34 166.34 223.40 51.83 6.84 1207.64 0.14 252.61 51.83 301.88 930 16.95 1178.97 137.39 223.31 51.80 6.70 1233.76 0.00 247.55 51.80 301.88 935 16.88 1178.70 176.77 227.14 51.77 6.93 1236.87 0.00 247.50 51.77 301.88 940 17.01 1178.26 174.69 228.48 51.73 7.04 1236.49 0.00 247.46 51.73 301.88 945 17.74 1177.65 193.15 237.64 51.70 6.00 1226.72 0.18 252.38 51.70 301.88 950 20.25 1179.17 266.62 232.52 51.67 5.46 1195.25 0.50 252.38 51.67 301.88 955 23.16 1177.96 249.89 239.34 51.61 4.86 1176.95 0.83 252.34 51.63 301.88 960 23.46 1178.00 278.10 240.43 51.60 4.36 1176.89 0.70 252.28 51.60 301.88

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 17 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 965 24.63 1177.51 209.56 239.31 51.57 4.08 1178.42 0.22 252.24 51.56 301.88 970 24.97 1175.87 147.55 252.24 51.53 4.27 1184.28 0.04 252.24 51.53 301.88 975 24.22 1175.78 184.87 252.27 51.50 4.60 1184.47 0.04 251.82 51.50 301.88 980 24.53 1175.75 196.38 252.24 51.47 4.23 1190.20 0.02 251.95 51.47 301.88 985 24.32 1175.77 212.19 252.20 51.44 4.58 1201.71 0.00 247.08 51.43 301.88 990 24.62 1175.77 208.66 252.16 51.40 4.09 1204.52 0.00 247.04 51.40 301.88 995 23.90 1175.83 231.24 252.11 51.37 4.34 1195.99 0.06 252.21 51.37 301.88 1000 23.39 1175.81 251.65 252.08 51.34 4.60 1184.97 0.14 251.92 51.33 301.88 1005 23.31 1175.75 234.44 252.03 51.30 4.37 1184.25 0.08 251.91 51.30 301.88 1010 23.02 1175.95 222.89 251.76 51.27 4.40 1195.80 0.00 246.87 51.27 301.88 1015 23.16 1176.03 246.80 251.63 51.24 4.31 1192.74 0.23 251.79 51.23 301.88 1020 22.90 1175.84 265.86 251.81 51.20 4.78 1180.37 0.42 251.79 51.20 301.88 1025 22.97 1175.79 252.45 251.86 51.17 4.68 1180.14 0.21 251.76 51.17 301.88 1030 23.05 1175.74 226.25 251.82 51.14 4.37 1191.89 0.02 252.25 51.13 301.88 1035 22.50 1175.75 218.13 251.77 51.10 4.53 1202.71 0.00 246.66 51.10 301.88 1040 22.45 1176.29 270.51 251.39 51.06 4.50 1204.33 0.00 246.62 51.07 301.88 1045 22.73 1176.19 269.50 251.35 51.03 4.37 1204.63 0.00 246.58 51.03 301.88 1050 22.53 1175.62 219.91 251.64 51.00 4.06 1204.65 0.00 246.53 51.00 301.88 1055 22.27 1175.59 207.85 251.59 50.97 4.18 1202.38 0.01 246.49 50.97 301.88 1060 21.94 1175.65 231.20 251.56 50.94 4.49 1190.07 0.07 251.53 50.93 301.88

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 18 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 1065 21.83 1175.66 239.80 251.52 50.90 4.40 1182.25 0.07 251.60 50.90 301.88 1070 21.74 1175.59 216.69 251.47 50.87 4.42 1193.73 0.01 246.36 50.87 301.88 1075 22.23 1175.53 184.92 251.42 50.84 4.05 1203.35 0.00 246.32 50.83 301.88 1080 21.72 1175.56 203.55 251.38 50.80 4.44 1191.70 0.16 251.25 50.80 301.88 1085 21.65 1175.54 224.82 251.34 50.77 4.44 1179.26 0.27 251.26 50.77 301.88 1090 21.68 1175.49 201.62 251.30 50.74 4.32 1177.75 0.17 251.15 50.73 301.88 1095 20.75 1176.03 208.73 243.76 50.70 4.34 1178.26 0.10 250.96 50.70 301.88 1100 21.15 1176.56 234.28 243.60 50.68 4.33 1179.36 0.13 251.23 50.67 301.88 1105 20.75 1176.57 274.99 244.68 50.61 4.84 1179.36 0.15 251.13 50.63 301.88 1110 19.43 1177.52 322.60 233.27 50.60 4.94 1186.80 0.06 251.02 50.60 301.88 1115 19.64 1177.89 294.36 228.42 50.57 4.14 1198.38 0.00 245.98 50.57 301.88 1120 18.01 1177.68 273.20 226.40 50.54 4.06 1188.84 0.28 250.85 50.53 301.88 1125 16.54 1179.09 332.81 213.41 50.50 5.01 1177.77 0.59 250.92 50.50 301.88 1130 17.76 1178.55 283.41 215.83 50.45 3.91 1176.57 0.54 250.86 50.47 301.88 1135 16.13 1177.66 266.68 213.73 50.44 3.98 1176.56 0.64 250.81 50.43 301.88 1140 14.99 1177.93 316.84 202.77 50.40 4.86 1176.71 0.61 250.80 50.40 301.88 1145 14.80 1176.97 237.35 213.26 50.37 4.66 1176.56 0.56 250.70 50.37 301.88 1150 13.70 1177.28 254.22 211.19 50.34 6.32 1178.75 0.58 250.71 50.33 301.88 1155 13.34 1177.99 268.99 199.08 50.30 6.66 1197.44 0.24 250.67 50.30 301.88 1160 13.50 1177.15 209.90 208.50 50.25 4.01 1208.01 0.08 250.46 50.26 301.88

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 19 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 1165 14.02 1178.05 254.88 205.99 50.24 4.17 1177.60 0.27 250.55 50.23 301.88 1170 14.37 1178.61 286.20 199.32 50.20 4.74 1177.27 0.37 250.50 50.20 301.88 1175 15.61 1177.42 256.10 209.72 50.18 3.42 1176.60 0.43 250.48 50.17 301.88 1180 16.30 1177.73 280.26 203.37 50.14 4.37 1176.61 0.51 250.44 50.13 301.88 1185 16.18 1177.32 235.82 204.44 49.91 3.76 1176.64 0.41 250.39 50.10 301.88 1190 16.31 1177.06 241.18 214.02 50.06 4.11 1176.55 0.55 250.32 50.07 301.88 1195 16.88 1178.14 308.80 204.13 50.03 5.04 1176.59 0.62 250.31 50.03 301.88 1200 17.66 1178.06 259.68 210.10 49.99 4.41 1176.40 0.66 250.23 50.00 301.88 1210 17.72 1177.84 240.85 215.72 49.94 4.63 1176.38 0.68 250.17 49.93 301.88 1220 17.51 1177.09 235.10 215.37 49.87 4.55 1176.45 0.62 250.08 49.87 301.88 1230 18.72 1176.41 231.44 219.72 49.81 4.31 1176.40 0.59 249.99 49.80 301.88 1240 21.09 1176.21 207.39 233.01 49.74 4.09 1177.28 0.37 249.93 49.73 301.88 1250 23.14 1175.55 202.50 246.80 49.67 4.20 1184.65 0.12 249.94 49.67 301.88 1260 23.98 1174.94 193.33 249.71 49.60 4.40 1191.81 0.03 250.09 49.60 301.88 1270 23.41 1174.80 185.95 249.75 49.54 4.34 1198.41 0.00 244.65 49.53 301.88 1280 22.81 1174.84 211.46 249.67 49.47 4.26 1203.96 0.00 244.56 49.47 301.88 1290 22.16 1174.87 218.76 249.58 49.40 4.26 1204.00 0.00 244.48 49.40 301.88 1300 21.47 1174.88 225.03 249.49 49.34 4.22 1203.81 0.00 244.39 49.33 301.88 1310 21.03 1175.37 244.42 248.91 49.27 4.15 1203.36 0.00 244.30 49.27 301.88 1320 20.14 1176.36 269.26 245.05 49.20 4.26 1203.45 0.00 244.22 49.20 301.88

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 20 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 1330 19.25 1177.07 302.52 241.29 49.14 4.13 1203.83 0.00 244.13 49.13 301.88 1340 17.51 1177.87 301.64 228.48 49.06 4.13 1201.34 0.01 248.64 49.07 301.88 1350 15.22 1178.03 299.56 215.78 49.00 4.21 1189.09 0.05 248.88 49.00 301.89 1360 13.85 1176.85 268.95 213.24 48.94 3.84 1178.18 0.06 248.96 48.93 301.89 1370 12.01 1177.05 264.88 200.87 48.86 4.28 1181.28 0.06 248.66 48.87 301.89 1380 10.33 1177.45 267.46 196.56 48.81 4.51 1180.14 0.19 248.65 48.80 301.89 1390 10.13 1176.65 210.18 197.46 48.73 3.92 1176.10 0.31 248.61 48.73 301.89 1400 13.37 1176.88 335.28 194.41 48.65 6.34 1177.45 20.09 248.47 48.67 301.88 1410 16.72 1176.82 355.03 201.37 48.60 6.40 1177.10 24.47 248.45 48.60 301.89 1420 17.47 1176.03 279.69 205.55 48.53 4.81 1175.22 11.82 248.33 48.53 301.89 1430 18.74 1175.81 219.60 201.59 48.47 4.62 1175.42 8.40 248.27 48.46 301.89 1440 20.18 1176.11 184.84 213.17 48.41 4.33 1175.43 7.14 248.14 48.41 301.89 1450 19.34 1175.89 193.95 219.68 48.34 4.64 1175.29 7.45 248.11 48.33 301.89 1460 16.65 1175.97 141.72 232.04 48.27 5.12 1179.23 1.76 248.02 48.27 301.89 1470 14.30 1176.75 188.04 225.87 48.20 6.17 1202.78 0.33 247.93 48.20 301.89 1480 13.06 1176.69 212.12 224.13 48.14 6.01 1224.85 0.00 242.81 48.13 301.89 1490 13.28 1176.35 206.06 225.06 48.07 5.92 1225.40 0.00 242.73 48.07 301.89 1500 19.00 1176.82 335.32 222.56 48.00 6.27 1204.08 0.22 247.64 48.00 301.89 1510 24.99 1176.14 328.41 228.87 47.96 6.10 1180.85 0.72 247.58 47.96 301.89 1520 26.02 1175.15 185.76 246.53 47.93 5.44 1185.14 0.51 247.57 47.92 301.89

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 21 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 1530 26.49 1175.75 175.36 247.48 47.88 5.28 1198.68 0.00 242.48 47.88 301.89 1540 26.34 1175.74 199.51 247.53 47.84 5.15 1202.14 0.00 242.42 47.84 301.89 1550 25.25 1175.40 250.22 241.71 47.80 5.24 1201.94 0.00 242.37 47.80 301.89 1560 25.43 1175.75 245.85 241.44 47.76 5.32 1201.89 0.00 242.31 47.76 301.89 1570 25.50 1177.09 206.55 246.32 47.72 5.14 1202.04 0.00 242.26 47.72 301.89 1580 24.59 1178.05 200.98 246.37 47.68 4.99 1202.03 0.00 242.21 47.68 301.89 1590 24.11 1177.08 197.40 247.25 47.64 5.01 1201.98 0.00 242.16 47.64 301.89 1600 22.33 1177.17 232.84 247.20 47.60 5.13 1201.87 0.00 242.10 47.60 301.89 1610 20.28 1177.76 254.97 244.06 47.56 5.24 1201.79 0.00 242.05 47.56 301.89 1620 17.68 1177.26 247.30 231.92 47.53 5.06 1200.06 0.00 242.00 47.52 301.89 1630 13.96 1176.36 262.39 213.34 47.48 4.86 1190.71 0.06 246.79 47.48 301.89 1640 11.02 1176.44 321.56 198.17 47.40 4.98 1179.97 0.35 246.87 47.44 301.89 1650 9.39 1176.63 306.59 193.47 47.41 4.56 1176.27 0.45 246.83 47.40 301.89 1660 7.78 1175.66 237.10 189.19 47.35 4.41 1183.71 0.19 246.85 47.36 301.89 1670 6.12 1175.64 267.73 186.38 47.24 4.36 1201.56 0.03 247.18 47.32 301.89 1680 5.19 1176.46 255.85 187.94 47.28 3.62 1215.01 0.00 241.67 47.28 301.89 1690 6.41 1175.88 239.39 191.14 47.25 3.63 1213.63 0.00 241.62 47.24 301.89 1700 7.59 1176.08 290.02 192.98 47.11 4.02 1210.67 0.00 241.57 47.20 301.89 1710 7.88 1176.07 266.98 195.92 47.16 3.82 1210.99 0.00 241.51 47.16 301.89 1720 9.09 1175.35 249.26 198.13 47.13 4.02 1212.99 0.00 241.45 47.12 301.89

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 22 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 1730 9.61 1175.52 275.56 199.15 47.05 4.39 1212.27 0.00 241.40 47.08 301.89 1740 9.98 1175.72 249.71 204.12 47.04 4.40 1211.30 0.00 241.35 47.04 301.89 1750 11.00 1177.76 270.22 208.78 47.00 4.31 1203.13 0.80 246.24 47.00 301.89 1760 21.34 1176.20 356.99 214.03 46.98 5.01 1183.15 2.13 246.23 46.95 301.89 1770 24.77 1174.79 240.94 216.75 46.92 5.12 1176.04 1.38 246.22 46.92 301.89 1780 17.12 1174.84 98.05 213.69 46.88 5.13 1190.72 0.06 246.18 46.88 301.89 1790 16.22 1174.80 116.91 228.22 46.84 6.10 1204.39 0.00 241.08 46.84 301.89 1800 17.25 1174.23 127.18 243.23 46.80 6.28 1207.93 0.00 241.02 46.80 301.89 1810 17.50 1174.08 141.14 245.99 46.76 6.22 1207.68 0.00 240.97 46.76 301.89 1820 16.84 1174.39 161.10 245.97 46.72 6.10 1207.41 0.00 240.92 46.72 301.89 1830 15.45 1174.72 204.02 241.42 46.68 6.01 1207.04 0.00 240.86 46.68 301.89 1840 14.44 1175.16 274.64 228.25 46.70 5.46 1200.52 0.01 240.81 46.64 301.89 1850 15.13 1175.41 289.94 225.31 46.58 4.76 1186.36 0.04 245.58 46.60 301.89 1860 15.53 1175.41 225.40 232.52 46.56 4.72 1182.65 0.05 245.57 46.56 301.89 1870 14.74 1175.39 215.79 226.43 46.52 4.67 1184.99 0.04 245.49 46.52 301.89 1880 15.10 1175.49 241.89 223.04 46.48 4.10 1183.17 0.03 245.44 46.48 301.89 1890 15.33 1175.40 263.41 217.54 46.45 3.42 1186.32 0.02 245.79 46.44 301.89 1900 13.46 1175.00 275.44 208.62 46.41 3.96 1195.75 0.01 240.47 46.40 301.89 1910 13.27 1175.31 278.26 210.65 46.33 4.46 1190.70 0.05 245.41 46.36 301.89 1920 14.26 1175.39 272.39 210.74 46.32 4.12 1182.76 0.06 245.43 46.32 301.89

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 23 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 1930 14.31 1175.81 249.44 205.85 46.28 4.02 1182.61 0.02 245.33 46.28 301.89 1940 14.21 1176.77 246.04 203.64 46.24 3.81 1184.61 0.01 244.97 46.24 301.89 1950 14.93 1177.36 223.18 209.53 46.20 2.89 1190.19 0.00 240.21 46.19 301.89 1960 15.10 1178.01 240.46 209.78 46.16 2.42 1197.24 0.00 240.15 46.16 301.89 1970 14.28 1178.43 257.28 205.60 46.13 3.13 1199.86 0.00 240.09 46.12 301.89 1980 13.36 1177.80 264.47 200.20 46.09 3.40 1201.40 0.00 240.03 46.08 301.90 1990 12.99 1176.04 257.97 198.59 45.91 2.69 1205.61 0.00 239.98 46.04 301.90 2000 12.92 1174.94 254.80 203.30 46.00 2.51 1205.71 0.00 239.92 46.00 301.90 2010 12.75 1174.22 245.29 206.08 45.97 2.53 1200.04 0.00 239.88 45.97 301.90 2020 11.55 1173.98 257.56 198.31 45.95 2.63 1200.30 0.00 239.84 45.94 301.90 2030 10.08 1174.43 292.00 191.62 45.86 2.54 1203.35 0.00 239.80 45.91 301.90 2040 10.09 1174.63 235.62 195.59 45.88 2.07 1203.49 0.00 239.76 45.88 301.90 2050 10.03 1175.88 241.87 195.99 45.86 2.85 1202.80 0.00 239.72 45.85 301.90 2060 9.86 1177.89 293.14 191.70 45.79 3.07 1201.26 0.00 239.68 45.82 301.90 2070 9.78 1179.03 261.28 191.51 45.79 2.56 1200.54 0.00 239.64 45.79 301.90 2080 10.01 1178.70 214.97 194.45 45.76 2.73 1199.97 0.00 239.59 45.76 301.90 2090 10.58 1177.97 268.62 193.91 45.72 2.74 1200.03 0.00 239.55 45.73 301.90 2100 11.03 1178.51 288.25 195.35 45.71 2.91 1199.45 0.02 244.64 45.70 301.90 2110 12.18 1178.52 238.53 201.04 45.63 2.96 1192.60 0.02 244.40 45.67 301.90 2120 13.02 1178.10 206.77 205.20 45.64 2.95 1194.38 0.01 243.49 45.64 301.90

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 24 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 2130 13.30 1178.00 204.62 203.40 45.61 3.39 1191.05 0.02 244.14 45.61 301.90 2140 14.27 1178.18 235.21 203.05 45.58 3.30 1188.69 0.01 239.34 45.58 301.90 2150 14.87 1177.50 229.89 206.74 45.55 2.59 1194.16 0.00 239.30 45.55 301.90 2160 14.37 1177.31 230.56 206.44 45.52 2.61 1196.63 0.00 239.26 45.52 301.90 2170 13.85 1177.59 254.91 205.77 45.49 3.45 1197.19 0.00 239.22 45.49 301.90 2180 14.12 1177.95 262.08 209.85 45.44 3.12 1197.23 0.00 239.18 45.46 301.90 2190 13.81 1179.09 255.27 207.35 45.43 2.43 1199.91 0.00 239.13 45.43 301.90 2200 14.07 1177.70 214.48 208.84 45.40 2.37 1195.09 0.00 239.09 45.40 301.90 2210 13.43 1176.81 187.24 212.76 45.37 2.76 1198.58 0.00 239.05 45.37 301.90 2220 13.32 1177.65 242.68 210.36 45.34 2.50 1201.72 0.00 239.01 45.34 301.90 2230 13.82 1178.41 282.79 208.21 45.31 2.34 1196.71 0.00 238.97 45.31 301.90 2240 13.14 1178.98 268.70 207.36 45.26 3.09 1198.51 0.00 238.93 45.28 301.90 2250 13.53 1178.46 261.03 209.29 45.26 2.76 1202.82 0.00 238.88 45.25 301.90 2260 13.32 1178.04 274.96 202.13 45.22 2.67 1199.81 0.00 238.84 45.22 301.90 2270 13.28 1177.08 269.13 200.05 45.19 2.99 1194.71 0.00 238.80 45.19 301.90 2280 13.33 1176.87 250.29 201.40 45.16 2.62 1192.34 0.00 238.76 45.16 301.90 2290 13.31 1176.55 236.84 202.66 45.13 2.36 1198.39 0.00 238.72 45.13 301.90 2300 13.13 1176.26 228.27 202.59 45.10 2.20 1203.37 0.00 238.67 45.10 301.90 2310 12.83 1176.65 232.93 200.49 45.07 2.56 1193.79 0.00 238.63 45.07 301.90 2320 13.65 1177.12 250.72 200.33 45.03 2.25 1190.38 0.00 238.59 45.04 301.90

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 25 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 2330 13.36 1178.13 253.86 198.64 45.01 2.28 1198.25 0.00 238.55 45.01 301.90 2340 11.86 1178.02 243.56 202.12 44.98 3.20 1201.87 0.00 238.51 44.98 301.90 2350 12.58 1177.50 249.14 206.92 45.24 2.72 1202.30 0.00 238.46 44.95 301.90 2360 13.07 1177.71 257.10 204.79 44.92 2.12 1200.34 0.00 238.42 44.92 301.90 2370 12.57 1177.12 243.77 202.99 44.89 2.35 1193.70 0.01 238.38 44.89 301.90 2380 13.04 1177.21 233.84 203.63 44.86 2.67 1194.61 0.00 238.34 44.86 301.90 2390 13.07 1178.08 275.37 199.92 44.83 2.08 1198.56 0.00 238.29 44.83 301.90 2400 12.37 1177.64 282.07 195.14 44.80 2.41 1201.80 0.00 238.25 44.80 301.90 2410 12.32 1177.33 269.60 196.07 44.74 2.68 1201.89 0.00 238.21 44.77 301.90 2420 12.20 1177.24 254.49 198.27 44.74 1.93 1198.91 0.00 238.17 44.74 301.90 2430 11.72 1176.69 221.21 196.59 44.71 2.23 1194.68 0.00 238.13 44.71 301.90 2440 12.69 1177.22 252.21 196.43 44.68 1.99 1193.15 0.00 238.08 44.68 301.90 2450 12.51 1177.78 265.72 193.28 44.65 2.36 1199.83 0.00 238.04 44.65 301.90 2460 12.65 1178.19 254.90 194.74 44.63 2.47 1197.10 0.00 238.00 44.62 301.90 2470 12.85 1178.38 251.42 196.83 44.59 2.11 1194.65 0.00 237.96 44.59 301.90 2480 12.48 1178.28 235.33 200.14 44.53 2.40 1196.66 0.00 237.91 44.56 301.90 2490 12.49 1177.67 235.09 201.13 44.53 2.05 1197.94 0.00 237.87 44.53 301.90 2500 12.50 1177.55 232.66 200.30 44.50 2.24 1194.70 0.00 237.83 44.50 301.90 2510 12.63 1178.05 241.38 201.11 44.47 2.20 1193.51 0.00 237.79 44.47 301.90 2520 12.50 1177.46 253.89 198.59 44.42 2.32 1193.52 0.00 237.74 44.44 301.90

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 26 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 2530 12.36 1177.08 256.25 196.96 44.39 2.90 1195.30 0.00 237.70 44.41 301.90 2540 12.42 1176.77 276.94 194.54 44.37 2.37 1198.47 0.00 237.66 44.38 301.90 2550 13.02 1176.60 270.95 194.95 44.36 2.10 1200.07 0.00 237.62 44.35 301.90 2560 12.83 1176.32 239.93 195.60 44.32 2.76 1202.47 0.00 237.57 44.32 301.90 2570 12.63 1176.57 260.29 194.28 44.30 2.35 1199.10 0.00 237.53 44.29 301.90 2580 13.01 1176.58 262.47 194.97 44.26 2.07 1195.19 0.00 237.49 44.26 301.90 2590 12.49 1176.20 241.81 193.09 44.24 2.80 1199.10 0.00 237.45 44.23 301.90 2600 11.90 1176.68 263.70 192.76 44.20 2.62 1199.78 0.00 237.40 44.20 301.90 2610 11.92 1177.05 256.18 193.58 44.17 2.66 1198.93 0.00 237.36 44.17 301.90 2620 11.74 1176.89 254.17 193.50 44.12 2.58 1196.77 0.00 237.32 44.14 301.90 2630 11.57 1176.38 257.59 196.02 44.10 2.36 1197.02 0.00 237.28 44.11 301.90 2640 11.49 1176.99 233.90 196.75 44.08 2.34 1201.14 0.00 237.23 44.08 301.90 2650 11.75 1177.26 223.96 195.71 44.05 2.11 1201.55 0.00 237.19 44.05 301.90 2660 12.17 1177.16 238.23 192.24 44.02 2.47 1201.57 0.00 237.15 44.02 301.90 2670 12.37 1177.10 249.44 192.82 43.99 2.21 1200.03 0.00 237.10 43.99 301.90 2680 12.45 1177.07 242.01 195.94 43.96 2.18 1200.83 0.00 237.06 43.96 301.90 2690 12.55 1177.10 253.23 193.86 43.93 2.62 1202.68 0.00 237.02 43.93 301.90 2700 11.92 1176.98 266.46 190.97 43.90 2.49 1200.44 0.00 236.97 43.90 301.90 2710 11.78 1176.70 248.67 191.94 43.86 2.66 1198.77 0.00 236.93 43.87 301.90 2720 11.79 1176.34 263.58 192.28 43.82 2.56 1198.63 0.00 236.89 43.84 301.90

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 27 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 2730 12.10 1175.81 268.62 192.53 43.82 2.37 1198.77 0.00 236.84 43.81 301.90 2740 12.14 1175.67 245.70 191.94 43.78 2.82 1200.23 0.00 236.80 43.78 301.90 2750 12.50 1176.39 287.69 192.08 43.76 2.21 1202.02 0.00 236.76 43.75 301.90 2760 12.47 1176.72 290.53 194.33 43.66 1.71 1204.48 0.00 236.72 43.72 301.90 2770 11.48 1176.15 242.01 198.55 43.69 2.05 1202.19 0.00 236.67 43.69 301.90 2780 11.35 1175.76 240.22 199.20 43.66 1.66 1200.45 0.00 236.63 43.66 301.90 2790 11.56 1175.37 265.35 194.94 43.60 1.76 1199.10 0.00 236.59 43.63 301.90 2800 12.02 1174.67 261.00 194.16 43.58 2.51 1200.63 0.00 236.54 43.60 301.90 2810 11.42 1175.70 270.84 192.43 43.56 2.38 1201.49 0.00 236.50 43.57 301.90 2820 11.30 1176.67 264.28 191.41 43.55 2.59 1198.99 0.00 236.46 43.54 301.90 2830 11.65 1177.26 263.93 191.62 43.52 2.50 1195.94 0.00 236.41 43.51 301.90 2840 11.49 1177.21 261.57 192.70 43.48 2.43 1196.19 0.00 236.37 43.48 301.90 2850 12.04 1177.02 258.58 194.77 43.45 2.38 1196.77 0.00 236.33 43.45 301.90 2860 12.31 1176.92 271.84 191.11 43.42 2.01 1198.09 0.00 236.28 43.42 301.90 2870 11.55 1176.27 241.87 189.90 42.95 2.57 1202.40 0.00 236.24 43.39 301.90 2880 11.20 1177.21 238.23 196.05 43.36 2.66 1201.80 0.00 236.20 43.36 301.90 2890 12.36 1177.88 251.71 195.46 43.33 2.17 1200.89 0.00 236.15 43.33 301.90 2900 12.87 1177.12 267.37 191.13 43.30 1.98 1201.10 0.00 236.11 43.30 301.90 2910 11.76 1176.44 248.01 191.13 43.27 2.23 1201.34 0.00 236.07 43.27 301.90 2920 12.12 1177.06 240.84 193.95 43.24 2.28 1198.69 0.00 236.02 43.24 301.90

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 28 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 2930 11.36 1176.82 231.17 190.99 43.21 2.33 1199.43 0.00 235.98 43.21 301.90 2940 10.44 1176.89 220.55 193.30 43.18 2.55 1202.91 0.00 235.94 43.18 301.91 2950 10.96 1176.79 210.61 198.58 43.15 2.17 1202.53 0.00 235.89 43.15 301.91 2960 10.72 1176.04 223.22 195.07 43.12 2.22 1200.24 0.00 235.85 43.12 301.90 2970 11.24 1175.52 296.82 192.76 43.09 2.08 1198.37 0.00 235.81 43.09 301.90 2980 11.56 1174.62 272.49 191.73 43.06 2.22 1196.87 0.00 235.76 43.06 301.90 2990 9.97 1175.47 240.42 189.17 43.03 2.80 1199.91 0.00 235.72 43.03 301.90 3000 10.14 1175.85 276.97 190.89 42.99 2.39 1201.57 0.00 235.68 43.00 301.91 3010 10.85 1174.77 266.93 192.80 42.95 2.43 1199.28 0.00 235.60 42.95 301.91 3020 10.78 1173.96 266.06 192.12 42.91 2.48 1196.46 0.00 235.53 42.90 301.91 3030 11.91 1174.53 280.03 189.86 42.85 2.13 1196.89 0.00 235.45 42.85 301.91 3040 11.60 1175.13 245.12 188.77 42.80 2.09 1200.95 0.00 235.38 42.80 301.91 3050 11.44 1175.69 246.09 192.54 42.75 2.23 1199.19 0.00 235.31 42.75 301.91 3060 11.98 1175.67 265.08 189.70 42.70 2.19 1199.65 0.00 235.24 42.70 301.91 3070 12.01 1174.81 245.72 189.16 42.65 1.81 1201.45 0.00 235.16 42.65 301.91 3080 11.90 1175.41 233.14 191.81 42.60 1.84 1198.47 0.00 235.09 42.60 301.91 3090 11.89 1175.40 249.55 189.99 42.56 2.20 1199.12 0.00 235.02 42.55 301.91 3100 12.42 1174.95 274.15 189.16 42.50 2.30 1201.26 0.00 234.94 42.50 301.91 3110 11.31 1175.87 250.18 187.79 42.45 2.38 1199.56 0.00 234.87 42.45 301.91 3120 9.81 1175.20 226.87 188.25 42.40 2.22 1198.76 0.00 234.80 42.40 301.91

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 29 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 3130 10.76 1173.55 252.44 191.54 42.35 2.18 1196.63 0.00 234.72 42.35 301.91 3140 10.61 1173.91 231.81 192.09 42.31 2.43 1198.10 0.00 234.65 42.30 301.91 3150 10.67 1175.36 243.62 190.04 42.25 2.06 1201.22 0.00 234.57 42.25 301.91 3160 11.37 1175.07 252.60 188.47 42.19 2.12 1199.26 0.00 234.50 42.20 301.91 3170 9.44 1174.08 237.32 184.24 42.13 2.50 1201.13 0.00 234.43 42.15 301.91 3180 10.16 1174.22 278.28 186.96 42.11 2.00 1199.73 0.00 234.36 42.10 301.91 3190 11.88 1174.80 281.80 188.48 42.05 2.04 1194.80 0.00 234.28 42.05 301.91 3200 10.94 1174.60 259.80 186.33 42.01 2.72 1198.03 0.00 234.21 42.00 301.91 3210 11.29 1174.51 270.78 189.28 41.96 2.31 1197.94 0.00 234.13 41.95 301.91 3220 11.79 1175.02 272.52 186.86 41.88 1.96 1196.61 0.00 234.06 41.90 301.91 3230 11.18 1174.45 247.16 184.92 41.83 2.58 1199.79 0.00 233.98 41.85 301.91 3240 11.76 1174.89 255.00 189.21 41.81 2.15 1199.01 0.00 233.91 41.80 301.91 3250 12.15 1175.34 258.45 185.20 41.74 1.79 1198.39 0.00 233.84 41.75 301.91 3260 10.98 1174.26 232.62 182.65 41.67 2.49 1201.26 0.00 233.76 41.70 301.91 3270 10.09 1174.60 229.02 189.72 41.65 2.84 1201.43 0.00 233.69 41.65 301.91 3280 11.21 1175.25 259.39 190.17 41.60 2.27 1199.10 0.00 233.61 41.60 301.91 3290 11.05 1174.29 237.82 186.57 41.55 2.10 1199.82 0.00 233.54 41.55 301.91 3300 9.52 1173.82 223.23 190.19 41.51 2.37 1202.43 0.00 233.46 41.50 301.91 3310 10.85 1174.76 262.36 194.21 41.45 2.18 1199.64 0.00 233.39 41.45 301.91 3320 11.71 1174.76 278.39 188.92 41.40 2.04 1198.48 0.00 233.31 41.40 301.91

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 30 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 3330 11.45 1173.77 283.97 184.57 41.35 2.00 1200.66 0.00 233.24 41.35 301.91 3340 10.98 1173.70 253.54 186.97 41.23 2.39 1200.86 0.00 233.16 41.30 301.91 3350 10.40 1173.84 238.19 192.40 41.25 2.49 1200.87 0.00 233.09 41.25 301.91 3360 11.72 1173.56 280.22 192.54 41.20 2.38 1199.29 0.00 233.01 41.20 301.91 3370 12.35 1174.15 309.63 188.37 41.15 2.24 1199.26 0.00 232.93 41.15 301.91 3380 10.98 1173.75 271.47 187.54 41.10 2.06 1201.13 0.00 232.86 41.10 301.91 3390 11.35 1172.80 257.33 192.04 41.01 2.03 1197.94 0.00 232.78 41.05 301.91 3400 11.89 1173.28 284.53 187.19 41.00 2.04 1197.32 0.00 232.71 41.00 301.91 3410 10.48 1173.17 253.59 182.37 40.95 2.38 1200.25 0.00 232.63 40.95 301.91 3420 9.87 1172.69 225.14 189.86 40.90 2.45 1200.19 0.00 232.56 40.90 301.91 3430 11.02 1173.17 250.89 190.08 40.85 2.22 1196.80 0.00 232.48 40.85 301.91 3440 11.53 1173.16 273.45 183.56 40.80 2.04 1195.69 0.00 232.40 40.80 301.91 3450 10.31 1172.61 251.21 184.09 40.75 2.23 1200.09 0.00 232.33 40.75 301.91 3460 9.87 1173.07 230.68 190.11 40.70 2.26 1201.45 0.00 232.25 40.70 301.91 3470 11.17 1173.39 247.89 189.20 40.65 2.06 1199.01 0.00 232.18 40.65 301.91 3480 10.27 1173.42 238.36 185.45 40.60 2.24 1199.52 0.00 232.10 40.60 301.91 3490 9.49 1173.67 233.68 188.23 40.55 2.11 1201.82 0.00 232.02 40.55 301.91 3500 11.04 1173.69 263.30 188.84 40.49 2.05 1197.76 0.00 231.95 40.50 301.91 3510 10.55 1173.12 258.89 185.97 40.43 2.04 1197.49 0.00 231.87 40.45 301.91 3520 10.51 1172.61 258.87 186.41 40.40 2.05 1198.80 0.00 231.80 40.40 301.91

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 31 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 3530 11.16 1172.76 279.20 184.26 40.35 2.19 1197.73 0.00 231.72 40.35 301.91 3540 9.47 1172.40 243.04 183.41 40.31 2.14 1200.30 0.00 231.64 40.30 301.91 3550 9.56 1172.24 225.68 188.63 40.25 1.91 1202.55 0.00 231.56 40.25 301.91 3560 10.95 1172.36 254.66 187.57 40.21 2.00 1199.87 0.00 231.49 40.20 301.91 3570 9.27 1172.45 229.46 182.82 40.15 2.26 1199.84 0.00 231.41 40.15 301.92 3580 9.86 1172.80 230.74 188.24 40.10 1.85 1202.37 0.00 231.33 40.10 301.91 3590 11.01 1172.95 258.78 189.85 40.04 2.02 1198.04 0.00 231.26 40.05 301.91 3600 8.87 1173.06 244.76 184.16 40.00 2.34 1198.71 0.00 231.18 40.00 301.92 3610 9.66 1172.73 267.47 188.44 39.93 1.76 1202.65 0.00 231.10 39.95 301.91 3620 10.89 1172.39 266.96 190.79 39.89 1.99 1200.09 0.00 231.02 39.90 301.91 3630 8.89 1172.53 250.00 185.78 39.82 2.44 1200.71 0.00 230.95 39.85 301.91 3640 9.60 1172.69 277.46 186.87 39.80 1.78 1201.49 0.00 230.87 39.80 301.92 3650 10.61 1172.42 259.62 187.01 39.76 2.03 1199.20 0.00 230.79 39.75 301.92 3660 8.63 1172.37 245.75 184.84 39.69 2.45 1201.23 0.00 230.72 39.70 301.92 3670 9.58 1172.57 272.09 187.39 39.66 1.69 1200.90 0.00 230.64 39.65 301.92 3680 10.56 1172.26 257.78 186.84 39.61 2.01 1198.09 0.00 230.56 39.60 301.92 3690 8.52 1172.17 243.60 185.49 39.56 2.51 1201.14 0.00 230.48 39.55 301.92 3700 9.29 1172.47 269.74 186.50 39.51 1.78 1199.23 0.00 230.41 39.50 301.92 3710 10.62 1172.17 279.28 183.99 39.45 1.72 1193.49 0.00 230.33 39.45 301.92 3720 9.70 1171.83 253.68 182.34 39.41 2.43 1198.44 0.00 230.25 39.40 301.92

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 32 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 3730 8.49 1171.85 242.06 183.93 39.36 2.65 1201.59 0.00 230.17 39.35 301.92 3740 9.35 1171.80 269.87 185.29 39.31 1.96 1199.08 0.00 230.09 39.30 301.92 3750 10.22 1171.70 263.03 184.42 39.25 2.21 1197.26 0.00 230.02 39.25 301.92 3760 10.74 1172.05 261.15 186.25 39.21 1.92 1196.64 0.00 229.94 39.20 301.92 3770 10.79 1172.45 248.31 186.01 39.14 1.76 1197.44 0.00 229.86 39.15 301.92 3780 8.65 1172.62 233.27 184.47 39.10 2.45 1202.15 0.00 229.78 39.10 301.92 3790 9.43 1172.48 271.43 184.97 39.04 1.73 1198.62 0.00 229.70 39.05 301.92 3800 10.57 1172.00 275.24 182.16 38.96 1.61 1193.60 0.00 229.62 39.00 301.92 3810 9.56 1171.51 253.48 182.76 38.95 2.32 1200.18 0.00 229.54 38.95 301.92 3820 8.21 1171.63 245.66 185.51 38.91 2.50 1203.09 0.00 229.46 38.90 301.92 3830 9.47 1172.09 263.98 186.24 38.85 1.76 1199.94 0.00 229.39 38.85 301.92 3840 10.17 1171.87 249.10 183.42 38.80 1.93 1198.00 0.00 229.31 38.80 301.92 3850 7.95 1171.64 232.95 182.63 38.72 2.45 1201.86 0.00 229.23 38.75 301.92 3860 9.05 1171.98 269.68 184.88 38.69 1.80 1198.24 0.00 229.15 38.70 301.92 3870 10.19 1171.68 283.63 182.05 38.65 1.65 1194.28 0.00 229.07 38.65 301.92 3880 9.07 1171.29 257.36 180.86 38.60 2.37 1199.05 0.00 228.99 38.60 301.92 3890 8.28 1171.48 238.84 184.94 38.53 2.60 1201.44 0.00 228.91 38.55 301.92 3900 9.73 1171.90 258.76 185.13 38.50 1.82 1198.38 0.00 228.83 38.50 301.92 3910 10.26 1171.61 249.68 183.10 38.43 1.95 1196.49 0.00 228.75 38.45 301.92 3920 8.19 1171.33 239.06 184.13 38.39 2.51 1201.56 0.00 228.67 38.40 301.92

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 33 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 3930 9.26 1171.75 267.74 184.79 38.33 1.71 1198.80 0.00 228.59 38.35 301.92 3940 10.34 1171.57 274.24 182.10 38.28 1.52 1193.40 0.00 228.51 38.30 301.92 3950 9.31 1171.18 249.18 180.42 38.25 2.36 1199.07 0.00 228.43 38.25 301.92 3960 8.41 1171.22 236.40 184.16 38.21 2.61 1201.60 0.00 228.35 38.20 301.92 3970 9.49 1171.60 262.67 185.68 38.16 1.82 1199.09 0.00 228.27 38.15 301.92 3980 10.19 1171.41 254.87 183.44 38.10 1.98 1197.48 0.00 228.19 38.10 301.92 3990 8.31 1171.13 233.62 182.92 38.06 2.48 1200.93 0.00 228.11 38.05 301.92 4000 9.27 1171.57 265.68 185.35 38.01 1.60 1199.94 0.00 228.03 38.00 301.92 4010 9.95 1171.42 261.01 184.42 37.98 1.95 1197.56 0.00 228.00 37.98 301.92 4020 7.83 1171.15 231.08 181.53 37.96 2.45 1200.64 0.00 227.96 37.96 301.92 4030 8.32 1171.46 262.98 182.16 37.95 1.66 1199.92 0.00 227.93 37.94 301.92 4040 9.58 1171.38 279.54 181.17 37.93 1.71 1194.91 0.00 227.90 37.92 301.92 4050 9.63 1171.29 243.89 180.34 37.90 1.96 1196.73 0.00 227.87 37.90 301.92 4060 9.22 1171.41 250.01 179.99 37.86 2.12 1198.53 0.00 227.84 37.88 301.92 4070 7.81 1171.39 245.93 178.64 37.86 2.41 1199.85 0.00 227.80 37.86 301.92 4080 8.57 1171.10 232.45 182.74 37.84 1.94 1201.65 0.00 227.77 37.84 301.92 4090 9.49 1171.31 270.79 182.32 37.83 2.00 1196.98 0.00 227.74 37.82 301.92 4100 7.93 1171.58 259.83 177.64 37.80 2.53 1197.61 0.00 227.70 37.80 301.92 4110 7.80 1171.16 245.77 179.51 37.79 2.12 1201.20 0.00 227.67 37.78 301.92 4120 8.83 1171.19 278.95 181.37 37.76 1.92 1197.70 0.00 227.64 37.76 301.92

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 34 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 4130 9.40 1171.32 294.00 180.76 37.74 2.14 1197.71 0.00 227.61 37.74 301.92 4140 8.84 1171.05 259.29 181.26 37.72 2.35 1200.85 0.00 227.58 37.72 301.92 4150 7.81 1170.92 236.50 182.66 37.70 2.24 1201.08 0.00 227.54 37.70 301.92 4160 8.71 1171.34 269.84 180.62 37.68 2.01 1197.83 0.00 227.51 37.68 301.92 4170 9.78 1171.49 288.14 177.12 37.66 1.99 1195.90 0.00 227.48 37.66 301.92 4180 8.84 1171.25 251.75 177.17 37.63 2.27 1199.09 0.00 227.45 37.64 301.92 4190 7.64 1171.02 225.48 180.25 37.62 2.51 1200.45 0.00 227.41 37.62 301.92 4200 8.56 1171.15 259.92 181.14 37.61 1.79 1197.77 0.00 227.38 37.60 301.92 4210 8.83 1171.04 260.28 180.29 37.58 1.98 1198.06 0.00 227.35 37.58 301.92 4220 7.68 1170.80 231.08 180.48 37.56 2.53 1200.87 0.00 227.32 37.56 301.92 4230 8.64 1171.13 260.93 181.44 37.51 1.72 1197.92 0.00 227.28 37.54 301.92 4240 8.86 1171.02 262.73 181.09 37.49 1.93 1197.24 0.00 227.26 37.52 301.92 4250 7.42 1170.73 231.38 180.81 37.50 2.65 1200.46 0.00 227.22 37.50 301.92 4260 8.01 1171.01 262.96 182.08 37.48 1.96 1198.33 0.00 227.19 37.48 301.92 4270 8.72 1170.94 285.16 181.24 37.46 1.56 1194.49 0.00 227.16 37.46 301.92 4280 8.44 1170.61 247.85 181.18 37.45 2.27 1198.63 0.00 227.12 37.44 301.92 4290 7.80 1170.67 228.28 181.93 37.42 2.59 1200.44 0.00 227.09 37.42 301.92 4300 8.35 1170.99 247.21 181.42 37.40 1.80 1199.75 0.00 227.06 37.40 301.92 4310 8.52 1170.99 252.46 180.96 37.37 1.94 1199.63 0.00 227.02 37.38 301.92 4320 7.62 1170.79 234.23 180.11 37.33 2.62 1200.60 0.00 226.99 37.36 301.92

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 35 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 4330 8.43 1170.95 249.61 182.54 37.33 1.97 1200.64 0.00 226.96 37.34 301.92 4340 8.73 1171.02 269.58 182.15 37.29 1.85 1197.56 0.00 226.93 37.32 301.92 4350 8.42 1170.71 275.62 179.86 37.30 2.30 1197.67 0.00 226.89 37.30 301.92 4360 7.78 1170.69 267.45 179.40 37.28 2.41 1199.53 0.00 226.86 37.28 301.92 4370 7.85 1170.66 252.31 179.68 37.26 2.07 1200.66 0.00 226.83 37.26 301.92 4380 8.70 1170.86 276.49 179.26 37.23 1.93 1198.14 0.00 226.80 37.24 301.92 4390 8.21 1171.02 268.59 178.83 37.22 2.26 1197.91 0.00 226.76 37.22 301.92 4400 8.19 1170.81 265.48 178.96 37.21 2.13 1199.06 0.00 226.73 37.20 301.92 4410 8.20 1170.76 256.66 179.61 37.18 2.17 1199.36 0.00 226.70 37.18 301.93 4420 9.08 1170.85 238.18 182.57 37.16 2.01 1199.14 0.00 226.67 37.16 301.93 4430 9.68 1170.75 219.16 183.90 37.14 2.18 1199.48 0.00 226.63 37.14 301.93 4440 9.09 1170.61 183.19 187.03 37.09 2.63 1200.84 0.00 226.60 37.12 301.93 4450 10.95 1171.02 203.00 187.54 37.11 1.77 1197.62 0.00 226.57 37.10 301.92 4460 11.53 1170.84 188.86 187.19 37.06 1.77 1197.09 0.00 226.54 37.08 301.93 4470 10.30 1170.51 149.90 192.53 37.07 2.48 1200.49 0.00 226.50 37.06 301.92 4480 11.30 1170.70 166.68 194.43 37.04 1.90 1199.90 0.00 226.47 37.04 301.92 4490 11.98 1170.96 206.84 189.31 37.02 1.94 1197.44 0.00 226.44 37.02 301.92 4500 11.31 1171.09 209.05 186.73 37.00 2.35 1198.85 0.00 226.40 37.00 301.93 4510 11.75 1171.37 213.42 185.15 36.98 2.06 1200.17 0.00 226.37 36.98 301.93 4520 11.15 1171.45 199.03 182.99 36.96 2.19 1200.78 0.00 226.34 36.96 301.93

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 36 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 4530 11.20 1171.08 178.13 186.70 36.94 1.62 1199.63 0.00 226.31 36.94 301.93 4540 11.64 1171.08 161.19 191.30 36.92 1.69 1200.28 0.00 226.27 36.92 301.93 4550 10.37 1171.17 151.73 191.07 36.88 2.67 1201.38 0.00 226.24 36.90 301.92 4560 10.79 1171.34 173.37 193.32 36.88 2.43 1200.64 0.00 226.20 36.88 301.93 4570 10.97 1171.65 194.79 195.90 36.86 1.76 1200.82 0.00 226.17 36.86 301.93 4580 10.96 1171.31 200.58 201.77 36.84 1.98 1201.21 0.00 226.14 36.84 301.93 4590 11.05 1171.47 177.91 203.20 36.82 2.58 1200.99 0.00 226.11 36.82 301.93 4600 10.51 1172.67 170.85 197.66 36.80 2.54 1200.77 0.00 226.07 36.80 301.93 4610 10.78 1173.10 187.47 196.40 36.78 2.28 1200.15 0.00 226.04 36.78 301.93 4620 11.62 1172.95 226.93 191.94 36.76 2.02 1197.61 0.00 226.01 36.76 301.93 4630 11.50 1172.03 205.17 191.31 36.74 2.23 1198.60 0.00 225.97 36.74 301.93 4640 10.31 1171.54 170.63 189.53 36.72 2.57 1200.30 0.00 225.94 36.72 301.93 4650 11.19 1171.65 193.55 189.14 36.70 1.64 1197.90 0.00 225.91 36.70 301.93 4660 11.65 1170.83 179.24 192.84 36.68 1.59 1198.06 0.00 225.88 36.68 301.93 4670 10.55 1170.33 152.38 193.82 36.65 2.60 1200.44 0.00 225.84 36.66 301.93 4680 10.34 1171.21 155.21 194.04 36.64 2.53 1200.68 0.00 225.81 36.64 301.93 4690 11.01 1172.55 189.43 192.97 36.62 1.97 1199.58 0.00 225.77 36.62 301.93 4700 11.96 1172.31 206.45 192.35 36.60 1.68 1197.70 0.00 225.74 36.60 301.93 4710 11.04 1172.09 192.96 190.64 36.58 2.20 1199.62 0.00 225.71 36.58 301.93 4720 8.36 1171.58 141.13 186.65 36.56 1.90 1201.74 0.00 225.68 36.56 301.93

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 37 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 4730 7.88 1169.89 149.45 193.70 36.54 1.75 1205.09 0.00 225.64 36.54 301.93 4740 10.20 1169.97 196.81 199.19 36.52 2.07 1203.34 0.00 225.61 36.52 301.93 4750 12.21 1170.61 213.27 192.22 36.50 1.93 1198.06 0.00 225.58 36.50 301.93 4760 11.78 1170.83 205.44 184.99 36.48 2.27 1197.56 0.00 225.54 36.48 301.93 4770 12.33 1170.70 173.88 188.62 36.39 1.56 1196.97 0.00 225.51 36.46 301.93 4780 12.95 1170.99 155.65 194.43 36.45 1.57 1197.99 0.00 225.48 36.44 301.93 4790 11.51 1171.13 130.54 198.92 36.41 2.46 1200.27 0.00 225.44 36.42 301.93 4800 11.31 1171.13 142.54 201.12 36.40 2.42 1200.97 0.00 225.41 36.40 301.93 4810 12.07 1171.12 164.12 200.56 36.38 2.06 1200.60 0.00 225.38 36.38 301.93 4820 12.76 1171.64 184.21 200.05 36.36 2.00 1199.69 0.00 225.34 36.36 301.93 4830 12.12 1171.61 167.15 201.13 36.34 2.48 1200.21 0.00 225.31 36.34 301.93 4840 11.29 1170.67 154.12 202.44 36.32 2.57 1201.25 0.00 225.28 36.32 301.93 4850 11.51 1170.75 168.96 204.22 36.30 2.36 1201.23 0.00 225.24 36.30 301.93 4860 12.62 1171.65 200.72 203.69 36.28 2.03 1200.84 0.00 225.21 36.28 301.93 4870 12.30 1171.85 196.58 202.07 36.26 2.26 1200.88 0.00 225.17 36.26 301.93 4880 11.02 1171.47 160.80 203.24 36.24 2.61 1200.99 0.00 225.14 36.24 301.93 4890 10.97 1171.48 153.73 206.70 36.22 2.60 1200.96 0.00 225.11 36.22 301.93 4900 11.71 1171.59 171.45 206.11 36.20 2.07 1200.23 0.00 225.07 36.20 301.93 4910 12.14 1172.28 241.08 193.92 36.18 1.96 1200.19 0.00 225.04 36.18 301.93 4920 12.09 1172.20 259.43 186.75 36.16 1.90 1200.09 0.00 225.01 36.16 301.93

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 38 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 4930 11.78 1170.56 177.50 187.97 36.14 2.00 1201.03 0.00 224.98 36.14 301.93 4940 11.07 1170.22 131.88 194.56 36.12 2.57 1201.30 0.00 224.94 36.12 301.93 4950 10.44 1170.87 146.73 197.05 36.08 2.55 1200.62 0.00 224.91 36.10 301.93 4960 9.28 1170.35 168.33 193.04 36.09 2.56 1200.66 0.00 224.87 36.08 301.93 4970 10.49 1170.20 194.53 193.47 36.07 1.78 1199.38 0.00 224.84 36.06 301.93 4980 11.78 1171.05 219.17 191.43 36.03 1.71 1196.08 0.00 224.81 36.04 301.93 4990 11.55 1171.41 237.87 186.73 36.02 2.35 1197.99 0.00 224.78 36.02 301.93 5000 11.19 1170.78 212.91 185.92 36.00 2.50 1200.24 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5010 11.55 1171.29 189.32 181.28 36.00 1.93 1199.96 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5020 11.52 1171.51 169.65 183.67 35.99 1.82 1201.35 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5030 11.46 1170.93 145.48 193.38 36.01 1.80 1200.60 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5040 11.46 1170.45 166.49 190.35 36.02 1.68 1197.49 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5050 10.59 1170.00 192.87 185.94 36.00 2.36 1199.12 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5060 11.61 1171.96 218.48 184.14 36.00 2.18 1199.63 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5070 11.24 1172.88 194.70 183.39 36.00 2.26 1200.01 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5080 11.71 1171.18 147.68 189.98 35.99 1.38 1199.77 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5090 12.03 1170.10 138.18 193.57 36.00 1.23 1197.64 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5100 10.14 1169.74 143.77 189.99 35.98 2.30 1199.77 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5110 10.68 1170.81 188.41 190.05 36.00 1.96 1200.69 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5120 9.20 1170.84 164.15 195.10 36.00 1.76 1198.68 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 39 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 5130 13.53 1169.80 252.02 204.92 36.01 2.21 1197.54 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5140 15.88 1169.76 261.95 200.50 36.00 2.63 1196.93 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5150 13.46 1169.68 103.37 187.50 36.00 2.53 1195.41 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5160 16.09 1170.32 95.15 188.75 35.98 1.66 1194.54 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5170 16.14 1171.89 125.64 191.39 36.00 1.95 1196.84 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5180 14.95 1173.17 145.74 191.47 36.00 2.56 1198.26 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5190 15.00 1174.01 174.95 190.73 36.00 2.10 1198.94 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5200 14.62 1174.12 172.55 191.32 36.00 2.36 1199.30 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5210 14.50 1174.05 169.77 189.21 36.00 1.95 1199.56 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5220 15.67 1173.70 171.43 194.64 36.01 1.34 1201.72 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5230 15.48 1172.72 184.42 194.20 35.99 1.90 1201.36 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5240 14.99 1173.54 233.19 186.76 36.00 2.28 1198.78 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5250 14.92 1174.05 212.67 182.95 36.00 1.68 1197.46 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5260 14.44 1172.88 145.09 188.87 36.00 1.89 1200.03 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5270 14.40 1172.38 138.45 196.72 35.99 2.15 1200.55 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5280 14.20 1173.00 170.10 190.18 36.00 1.79 1198.82 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5290 12.57 1172.25 182.66 188.98 36.00 2.35 1199.72 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5300 11.66 1171.87 180.78 184.95 36.00 2.56 1199.57 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5310 11.66 1172.21 127.89 190.13 36.00 1.22 1198.03 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5320 13.07 1169.96 185.42 212.05 35.98 1.34 1196.44 0.01 224.74 36.00 301.93

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-30 (Page 40 of 40)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Pump Discharge Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Spilled HPI Flow (gpm) 5330 16.16 1168.56 177.12 215.15 35.96 2.60 1189.95 0.01 230.08 36.00 301.93 5340 16.29 1169.11 101.32 198.85 36.00 2.44 1189.32 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5350 15.15 1170.34 158.45 180.98 36.00 2.09 1197.23 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5360 14.68 1171.32 147.86 178.48 36.00 2.13 1199.31 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5370 14.76 1171.98 117.27 186.78 36.00 1.66 1199.23 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5380 15.86 1172.83 158.02 192.27 36.00 1.70 1196.44 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5390 15.44 1173.84 201.41 190.11 36.00 2.35 1196.62 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5400 13.60 1174.34 195.33 186.41 36.00 2.55 1198.57 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5410 13.68 1173.84 181.14 183.49 36.00 1.92 1199.56 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5420 15.41 1172.81 149.62 190.78 35.98 1.17 1201.90 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5430 14.90 1173.15 154.24 194.17 35.99 2.03 1200.15 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5440 13.31 1174.10 194.49 187.81 36.00 2.62 1199.03 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5450 13.25 1175.02 215.33 182.62 36.00 2.30 1199.91 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5460 14.59 1173.67 166.76 186.09 36.00 1.45 1199.67 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93 5466.85 15.50 1171.05 70.54 218.83 36.00 0.58 1198.07 0.00 224.74 36.00 301.93

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-31 (Page 1 of 2)

(31 DEC 2017)

Table 6-31. BFLOW/FATHOMS Long-Term Mass and Energy Releases Time (sec)

Time (Days)

Steam Flow (lbm/sec)

Steam Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Bk liq flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm) 4561 25.24 1163.93 358.19 170.13 4811 24.63 1164.56 350.28 169.97 7211 19.56 1166.13 356.92 162.03 10012 18.25 1165.98 359.64 154.52 24012 15.16 1163.50 371.60 128.60 36013 13.98 1161.70 373.59 117.93 49415 13.25 1160.26 374.87 110.18 72815 12.07 1158.49 376.61 102.09 87216 1.01 11.71 1157.80 377.19 98.73 2.1 9.86 1155.60 379.67 89.18 3.1 8.41 1154.24 381.39 85.79 4.0 7.41 1153.41 382.54 84.13 5.1 6.55 1152.74 383.52 82.85 6.1 5.91 1152.25 384.26 81.81 7.0 5.36 1152.62 384.96 80.19 8.1 4.75 1153.15 386.07 74.55 9.0 4.45 1152.58 386.39 74.21 10.0 4.16 1152.16 386.69 73.98 11.1 3.91 1151.83 386.95 73.81 12.0 3.71 1151.57 387.16 73.69 13.0 3.51 1151.33 386.91 73.59 14.1 3.34 1151.13 387.10 73.49

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-31 (Page 2 of 2)

(31 DEC 2017)

Time (sec)

Time (Days)

Steam Flow (lbm/sec)

Steam Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Bk liq flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm) 15.0 3.19 1150.96 387.69 73.44 16.1 3.04 1150.79 387.84 73.38 17.1 2.91 1150.65 387.97 73.32 18.0 2.80 1150.53 386.18 73.29 19.1 2.69 1150.42 384.25 73.27 20.1 2.58 1150.31 388.32 73.18 21.0 2.49 1150.22 388.41 73.14 22.1 2.40 1150.13 388.51 73.11 23.0 2.32 1150.05 388.59 73.08 24.0 2.23 1149.98 388.67 73.05 25.1 2.16 1149.88 388.75 73.01 26.0 2.09 1149.79 388.82 72.98 27.1 2.02 1149.69 388.89 72.94 28.1 1.96 1149.60 384.45 72.96 29.0 1.90 1149.53 389.02 72.88 30.1 1.84 1149.45 389.08 72.85 31.1 1.78 1149.38 389.14 72.82 32.0 1.73 1149.31 389.19 72.80 33.1 1.68 1149.24 387.48 72.79 34.0 1.63 1149.18 389.29 72.75 35.0 1.57 1149.11 389.35 72.72 38

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-32 (Page 1 of 5)

(31 DEC 2003)

Table 6-32. Steam Line Break Mass and Energy Releases for Double-Ended Guillotine Break Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia) 0.0 0.0 1261.9 944.1 2.1 6737.0 1270.7 834.7 4.2 3029.1 1275.1 784.7 0.1 16210.7 1262.9 933.9 2.2 6687.0 1270.8 833.4 4.3 2947.1 1275.2 783.2 0.2 11175.3 1265.2 909.5 2.3 6646.9 1271.0 831.8 4.4 2893.7 1275.3 781.8 0.3 9092.1 1266.6 895.2 2.4 6618.9 1271.1 830.0 4.5 2885.6 1275.3 780.2 0.4 8239.2 1267.5 884.4 2.5 6586.4 1271.4 827.3 4.6 2878.4 1275.3 778.4 0.5 8007.2 1268.1 876.9 2.6 6495.0 1271.6 824.4 4.7 2871.9 1275.4 776.1 0.6 8083.4 1268.6 871.5 2.7 6341.9 1271.9 821.6 4.8 2866.1 1275.6 773.8 0.7 8133.4 1268.9 867.3 2.8 6147.2 1272.0 818.8 4.9 2860.2 1275.8 771.5 0.8 8100.8 1269.1 863.6 2.9 5915.9 1272.2 816.1 5.0 2894.2 1276.0 769.4 0.9 7998.8 1269.3 860.4 3.0 5645.9 1272.4 813.3 5.5 2795.1 1276.6 759.4 1.0 7858.0 1269.6 856.9 3.1 5354.2 1272.6 810.7 6.0 2728.0 1277.4 743.2 1.1 7705.4 1269.9 853.0 3.2 5038.2 1272.7 808.3 6.5 2687.9 1277.7 724.7 1.2 7556.9 1270.2 849.0 3.3 4673.2 1272.9 806.1 7.0 2616.5 1277.3 712.3 1.3 7420.6 1270.5 845.3 3.4 4219.5 1273.1 803.7 7.5 2557.0 1277.7 693.3 1.4 7297.7 1270.7 842.3 3.5 3923.4 1273.3 801.4 8.0 2473.2 1277.6 674.9 1.5 7188.1 1270.7 840.0 3.6 3711.9 1273.6 798.6 8.5 2422.2 1277.4 658.9 1.6 7089.9 1270.7 838.1 3.7 3539.0 1273.9 795.7 9.0 2364.1 1276.5 649.7 1.7 7005.0 1270.6 837.4 3.8 3391.3 1274.1 793.2 9.5 2351.6 1275.2 644.6 1.8 6929.4 1270.6 837.0 3.9 3278.9 1274.4 790.9 10.0 2322.4 1273.9 639.7 1.9 6859.9 1270.5 836.4 4.0 3196.1 1274.6 788.7 10.5 2309.3 1272.6 635.2 2.0 6795.3 1270.6 835.7 4.1 3117.8 1274.9 786.5 11.0 2289.4 1271.4 630.2

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-32 (Page 2 of 5)

(31 DEC 2003)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia) 11.5 2263.4 1270.4 623.9 22.5 2165.9 1252.6 569.4 33.5 1832.3 1244.4 495.4 12.0 2234.8 1269.8 616.0 23.0 2109.0 1248.9 574.6 34.0 1824.5 1244.1 493.4 12.5 2199.7 1269.3 609.2 23.5 2098.7 1247.4 575.6 34.5 1817.9 1243.8 491.3 13.0 2176.4 1268.9 602.6 24.0 2088.9 1247.0 572.6 35.0 1809.5 1243.4 489.2 13.5 2131.2 1269.1 591.1 24.5 2077.7 1246.8 567.0 35.5 1801.6 1242.9 487.1 14.0 2088.8 1269.3 579.4 25.0 2063.4 1246.7 560.7 36.0 1792.4 1242.4 484.8 14.5 2035.1 1269.3 569.9 25.5 2049.0 1246.6 554.6 36.5 1782.9 1241.9 482.3 15.0 2026.8 1268.6 568.5 26.0 2030.4 1246.4 548.5 37.0 1773.0 1241.5 479.7 15.5 2040.1 1267.4 571.8 26.5 2008.4 1246.3 542.8 37.5 1762.5 1241.1 477.0 16.0 2054.8 1266.1 575.8 27.0 1990.3 1246.2 537.7 38.0 1751.8 1240.7 474.1 16.5 2069.9 1265.0 579.6 27.5 1971.6 1246.1 532.8 38.5 1740.8 1240.4 471.1 17.0 2091.3 1263.9 582.9 28.0 1956.4 1245.9 528.3 39.0 1729.9 1240.1 468.2 17.5 2091.6 1263.1 583.0 28.5 1940.4 1245.8 524.3 39.5 1718.4 1239.8 465.1 18.0 2090.9 1262.7 580.1 29.0 1926.8 1245.6 520.6 40.0 1707.5 1239.5 462.1 18.5 2097.9 1262.1 577.6 29.5 1913.8 1245.5 517.5 40.5 1695.8 1239.3 458.9 19.0 2083.5 1261.5 575.2 30.0 1901.5 1245.3 514.3 41.0 1685.6 1239.1 455.9 19.5 2067.7 1260.8 574.1 30.5 1889.7 1245.2 511.0 41.5 1674.8 1238.9 453.0 20.0 2053.4 1260.2 573.3 31.0 1878.2 1245.2 507.9 42.0 1664.8 1238.8 449.9 20.5 2052.9 1259.4 572.2 31.5 1867.4 1245.1 504.8 42.5 1653.9 1238.6 447.1 21.0 2060.6 1258.6 569.7 32.0 1856.7 1245.0 502.1 43.0 1644.1 1238.4 444.6 21.5 2081.0 1257.6 566.8 32.5 1848.0 1244.8 499.8 43.5 1634.8 1238.3 442.1 22.0 2066.0 1256.3 565.5 33.0 1839.3 1244.6 497.6 44.0 1625.9 1238.1 440.1

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-32 (Page 3 of 5)

(31 DEC 2003)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia) 44.5 1617.3 1238.0 437.7 56.0 1445.1 1235.1 391.5 79.0 1235.5 1231.0 338.7 45.0 1609.4 1237.8 436.3 57.0 1432.4 1234.9 388.9 80.0 1227.6 1230.9 336.5 45.5 1602.7 1237.6 434.3 59.0 1412.0 1234.4 384.5 81.0 1219.2 1230.8 334.4 46.0 1595.5 1237.4 432.5 60.0 1403.8 1234.1 382.9 82.0 1210.9 1230.6 332.3 46.5 1589.0 1237.3 430.4 61.0 1396.1 1233.8 380.9 83.0 1203.1 1230.5 330.4 47.0 1582.0 1237.0 429.0 62.0 1387.7 1233.5 378.9 85.0 1188.4 1230.4 326.3 47.5 1575.5 1236.9 426.8 63.0 1378.7 1233.3 376.2 86.0 1181.2 1230.3 324.3 48.0 1568.3 1236.7 424.8 64.0 1369.2 1233.1 373.3 87.0 1173.5 1230.2 322.3 48.5 1561.9 1236.5 423.3 65.0 1358.7 1233.1 370.6 88.0 1165.9 1230.0 320.4 49.0 1554.6 1236.3 421.3 66.0 1348.7 1233.0 368.0 89.0 1158.6 1229.7 318.7 49.5 1547.4 1236.1 419.5 67.0 1338.3 1233.0 364.4 90.0 1150.9 1229.4 316.6 50.0 1540.0 1236.0 417.6 68.0 1326.6 1232.9 361.2 91.0 1142.4 1229.1 314.2 50.5 1532.4 1235.9 414.8 69.0 1317.5 1232.8 359.4 92.0 1133.3 1228.8 312.2 51.0 1524.4 1235.8 412.4 70.0 1309.8 1232.5 357.5 93.0 1123.3 1228.5 309.1 51.5 1515.7 1235.7 410.4 71.0 1302.9 1232.2 356.0 94.0 1112.9 1228.2 306.6 52.0 1507.3 1235.6 408.2 72.0 1294.8 1232.1 353.7 95.0 1102.1 1227.8 303.7 52.5 1499.5 1235.5 406.3 73.0 1285.4 1232.0 351.4 96.0 1090.8 1227.5 301.1 53.0 1491.6 1235.4 404.2 74.0 1275.8 1231.9 348.9 97.0 1078.3 1226.9 297.8 53.5 1483.5 1235.3 401.9 75.0 1266.3 1231.7 346.5 98.0 1064.5 1226.4 294.4 54.0 1475.3 1235.2 400.1 76.0 1257.7 1231.6 344.4 99.0 1051.0 1226.0 291.0 54.5 1466.7 1235.2 397.8 77.0 1250.1 1231.4 342.4 100.0 1039.2 1226.0 287.9 55.0 1459.7 1235.1 396.0 78.0 1242.9 1231.2 340.8 101.0 1028.7 1226.6 283.8

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-32 (Page 4 of 5)

(31 DEC 2003)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia) 102.0 1019.3 1227.2 280.9 124.0 895.0 1220.9 252.5 146.0 709.1 1222.7 206.6 103.0 1009.5 1227.8 277.7 125.0 886.7 1220.4 250.6 147.0 681.2 1223.4 202.9 104.0 1000.0 1228.1 274.9 126.0 878.0 1220.3 248.4 148.0 714.2 1223.9 198.7 105.0 991.5 1227.9 273.2 127.0 871.4 1220.5 246.6 149.0 689.0 1223.9 194.5 106.0 984.6 1227.3 272.3 128.0 867.7 1220.8 244.9 150.0 662.3 1224.0 190.2 107.0 977.9 1226.5 271.5 129.0 863.1 1221.0 243.1 151.0 640.4 1224.1 184.7 108.0 971.1 1225.7 270.4 130.0 855.0 1221.1 240.7 152.0 623.1 1224.1 178.6 109.0 964.3 1224.9 268.8 131.0 846.8 1220.9 238.7 153.0 607.7 1224.3 172.1 110.0 958.3 1224.5 267.1 132.0 838.0 1220.3 236.7 154.0 591.5 1225.0 164.6 111.0 951.9 1224.3 264.9 133.0 828.7 1219.8 234.1 155.0 571.4 1226.1 156.5 112.0 945.5 1224.3 262.8 134.0 819.0 1219.5 231.4 156.0 545.0 1227.4 147.4 113.0 938.6 1224.0 260.9 135.0 811.1 1219.6 229.1 157.0 511.4 1228.8 138.1 114.0 930.6 1223.7 259.2 136.0 804.5 1220.0 227.0 158.0 471.5 1230.1 128.1 115.0 924.6 1223.3 257.6 137.0 799.3 1220.4 225.5 159.0 429.0 1231.2 118.0 116.0 918.2 1223.4 256.2 138.0 795.6 1220.6 224.3 160.0 387.2 1232.2 107.8 117.0 911.6 1223.7 255.1 139.0 793.9 1220.4 223.6 161.0 346.1 1233.3 97.2 118.0 909.1 1224.0 254.7 140.0 781.4 1220.6 222.1 162.0 305.5 1234.5 86.1 119.0 910.5 1224.0 254.8 141.0 773.9 1220.5 220.3 163.0 275.5 1235.4 77.5 120.0 911.9 1223.6 255.3 142.0 765.9 1220.5 218.2 164.0 249.6 1236.1 70.5 121.0 911.2 1223.0 255.7 143.0 755.4 1220.6 215.4 165.0 224.6 1236.7 64.0 122.0 908.2 1222.4 255.3 144.0 743.9 1221.1 212.5 166.0 201.9 1237.5 57.6 123.0 902.3 1221.7 254.1 145.0 731.9 1221.9 209.5 167.0 195.1 1238.1 55.1

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-32 (Page 5 of 5)

(31 DEC 2003)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia)

Time (sec)

Flow (lbm/sec)

Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psia) 168.0 173.0 1239.5 49.5 177.0 55.7 1243.3 27.4 186.0 37.9 1245.2 27.8 169.0 151.3 1241.0 44.1 178.0 53.3 1243.3 27.6 187.0 37.0 1245.2 27.6 170.0 174.4 1240.9 49.1 179.0 51.4 1243.7 27.4 188.0 32.6 1245.2 27.5 171.0 154.1 1241.7 45.2 180.0 46.8 1244.3 27.3 190.0 32.4 1245.2 27.9 172.0 137.3 1242.3 40.9 181.0 43.0 1244.8 27.5 192.0 26.8 1245.3 27.6 173.0 122.7 1242.6 37.5 182.0 45.0 1245.1 27.7 194.0 28.3 1246.0 28.1 174.0 112.1 1242.8 34.7 183.0 43.6 1245.3 27.5 196.0 22.1 1246.9 27.8 175.0 98.5 1243.1 31.4 184.0 39.1 1245.3 27.3 198.0 25.0 1246.8 28.3 176.0 87.7 1243.3 28.6 185.0 35.3 1245.2 27.7 200.0 17.7 1246.5 27.9

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-33 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2005)

Table 6-33. NPSH Available and Required for LPI and BS Pumps (Limiting Flow Case)

Flow NPSHr NPSHa BS 1110 gpm 15.0 ft 21.33 ft LPI 3840 gpm 16.5 ft 18.09 ft Note:

The above information is currently being revised as part of the Reactor Building Emergency Sump Screen replacement project and will be replaced with updated valves at the completion of that effort.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-34 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2008)

Table 6-34. Deleted Per 2008 Update

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 1 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Table 6-35. ROTSG Peak Pressure Mass and Energy Release Data Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 0.0 2952.54 1185.14 50071.66 586.96 2194.9 3246.74 1185.47 53239.03 586.22 2195.9 0.1 3252.01 1186.21 49158.25 582.61 1184.1 3591.04 1186.39 50260.68 580.74 1187.2 0.2 3480.73 1187.49 47758.00 578.56 1155.1 3667.39 1188.29 44940.82 575.74 1078.4 0.3 3491.71 1188.37 44815.42 576.24 1108.5 3528.65 1190.47 39264.74 574.99 1010.7 0.4 3572.82 1189.50 40849.95 571.75 1049.1 3814.95 1192.29 33527.03 569.28 962.7 0.5 3582.23 1190.37 38848.06 569.99 1033.8 4077.28 1194.93 30429.58 558.98 923.0 0.6 3603.98 1190.57 38417.86 569.85 1032.2 4555.21 1200.03 30843.14 537.92 849.1 0.7 3631.00 1190.50 38565.54 570.09 1034.6 4940.88 1203.72 31095.94 521.43 807.9 0.8 3681.98 1190.50 38455.83 570.10 1035.7 4877.74 1204.80 29888.32 515.67 776.7 0.9 3757.54 1190.61 37989.32 569.90 1031.9 4689.83 1205.30 29486.80 511.62 754.1 1.0 3857.08 1190.78 37278.62 569.65 1029.8 4451.19 1205.38 29643.73 509.03 742.1 1.1 3998.17 1191.12 36168.17 569.06 1022.8 4192.05 1205.19 30189.31 507.64 736.7 1.2 4164.63 1191.64 34711.18 567.89 1012.0 3936.15 1204.89 30906.12 506.99 735.4 1.3 4325.52 1192.23 33257.31 566.34 999.0 3706.45 1204.57 31632.17 506.74 735.9 1.4 4885.59 1195.32 32760.04 558.32 988.0 3515.74 1204.30 32257.22 506.65 736.9 1.5 5584.34 1199.42 30882.26 544.85 873.7 3370.40 1204.10 32701.09 506.54 737.3 1.6 5860.66 1201.32 29087.52 537.20 912.6 3273.78 1203.98 32895.95 506.36 737.1 1.7 6167.30 1203.04 28953.62 533.36 884.2 3214.41 1203.93 32897.65 506.07 736.0 1.8 6527.57 1205.91 27179.85 525.07 806.8 3178.33 1203.95 32817.10 505.55 733.3

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 2 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 1.9 6729.14 1208.08 25068.96 517.96 766.6 3163.92 1204.06 32678.24 504.79 729.2 2.0 6928.72 1209.35 23784.28 515.08 758.2 3172.02 1204.22 32466.24 503.84 723.8 2.1 7030.19 1210.21 22869.40 512.77 733.3 3207.95 1204.43 32106.56 502.78 717.6 2.2 6979.55 1210.67 22385.05 510.46 724.0 3265.28 1204.66 31601.79 501.67 711.2 2.3 6907.46 1210.93 22100.22 508.65 713.2 3329.78 1204.92 31039.75 500.48 704.3 2.4 6861.16 1211.26 21717.82 506.83 703.7 3397.75 1205.19 30450.86 499.22 696.9 2.5 6859.45 1211.75 21169.86 504.92 692.3 3468.03 1205.48 29853.11 497.92 689.3 2.6 6897.89 1212.43 20433.47 502.80 679.2 3538.34 1205.78 29265.49 496.63 681.9 2.7 6946.79 1213.25 19584.63 500.40 663.8 3606.07 1206.08 28677.95 495.32 674.5 2.8 6972.43 1214.01 18804.56 497.95 648.7 3670.47 1206.40 28063.32 493.89 666.5 2.9 6965.69 1214.59 18207.22 495.77 636.2 3733.35 1206.74 27429.91 492.32 657.7 3.0 6929.04 1214.96 17795.66 493.90 625.8 3792.59 1207.12 26777.52 490.47 647.6 3.1 6864.79 1215.14 17567.74 492.36 617.9 3842.57 1207.49 26105.76 488.42 636.0 3.2 6784.36 1215.15 17506.03 491.21 612.8 3877.66 1207.82 25467.85 486.44 625.4 3.3 6698.04 1215.06 17543.30 490.34 609.6 3895.99 1208.09 24920.13 484.63 616.2 3.4 6605.71 1214.92 17611.35 489.54 606.6 3926.78 1208.38 24355.35 482.94 607.4 3.5 6506.09 1214.76 17695.64 488.72 603.7 3983.00 1208.74 23690.59 481.19 597.9 3.6 6399.97 1214.56 17815.95 487.95 601.1 4041.44 1209.13 23004.56 479.38 588.2 3.7 6291.48 1214.31 17985.53 487.32 599.3 4091.37 1209.50 22330.49 477.50 578.4 3.8 6189.08 1214.05 18192.78 486.90 598.9 4132.22 1209.86 21676.24 475.58 568.2

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 3 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 3.9 6093.43 1213.81 18364.62 486.43 598.2 4166.94 1210.20 21051.50 473.67 558.5 4.0 6002.18 1213.65 18455.89 485.75 595.6 4197.72 1210.53 20464.28 471.84 549.2 4.1 5911.43 1213.51 18513.10 484.94 592.6 4223.01 1210.84 19912.58 470.07 540.3 4.2 5816.88 1213.37 18590.20 484.14 589.5 4242.05 1211.12 19393.09 468.34 531.6 4.3 5723.32 1213.20 18694.91 483.44 587.5 4255.78 1211.39 18902.81 466.64 523.3 4.4 5636.97 1213.05 18782.69 482.76 585.1 4265.65 1211.64 18437.72 464.97 515.2 4.5 5564.71 1212.95 18826.56 482.08 582.7 4272.74 1211.89 17995.82 463.35 507.6 4.6 5509.04 1212.91 18804.40 481.36 579.8 4277.21 1212.11 17578.40 461.79 499.9 4.7 5462.44 1212.92 18716.22 480.50 575.8 4278.83 1212.31 17196.05 460.31 493.2 4.8 5420.41 1212.96 18600.10 479.59 571.6 4275.28 1212.50 16828.26 458.83 486.3 4.9 5384.66 1213.01 18470.19 478.68 567.3 4271.12 1212.70 16445.34 457.27 479.1 5.0 5355.41 1213.09 18322.90 477.77 563.1 4271.49 1212.92 16042.20 455.68 471.8 5.1 5331.29 1213.19 18153.43 476.84 558.7 4276.89 1213.18 15619.78 454.08 464.4 5.2 5313.06 1213.31 17958.80 475.89 554.0 4287.63 1213.45 15191.15 452.52 457.0 5.3 5301.69 1213.46 17733.09 474.89 549.1 4300.49 1213.72 14774.33 451.03 450.1 5.4 5294.20 1213.64 17480.21 473.84 543.8 4312.15 1213.98 14377.30 449.60 443.4 5.5 5286.91 1213.82 17214.45 472.74 538.2 4322.38 1214.24 13995.30 448.20 437.0 5.6 5275.98 1214.00 16947.60 471.59 532.5 4331.98 1214.49 13619.61 446.82 430.6 5.7 5251.41 1214.14 16715.41 470.39 526.7 4341.53 1214.74 13244.54 445.44 424.3 5.8 5209.31 1214.20 16562.60 469.26 521.7 4351.99 1215.01 12866.73 444.06 417.9

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 4 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 5.9 5158.60 1214.20 16472.15 468.24 517.5 4364.10 1215.30 12483.40 442.68 411.5 6.0 5106.65 1214.18 16399.34 467.29 513.6 4377.46 1215.62 12092.86 441.28 405.1 6.1 5058.53 1214.18 16312.48 466.33 509.7 4391.25 1215.96 11695.23 439.85 398.5 6.2 5021.41 1214.22 16171.40 465.30 505.4 4405.59 1216.32 11292.11 438.40 391.8 6.3 5008.39 1214.37 15923.55 464.18 500.1 4420.27 1216.70 10885.50 436.94 385.1 6.4 5028.54 1214.69 15526.34 462.92 493.6 4434.26 1217.10 10478.32 435.47 378.3 6.5 5073.99 1215.17 14990.52 461.44 485.4 4446.69 1217.50 10073.97 433.98 371.4 6.6 5131.58 1215.76 14374.32 459.81 476.3 4457.04 1217.91 9674.69 432.48 364.6 6.7 5192.27 1216.42 13736.12 458.12 466.8 4465.40 1218.32 9281.44 430.98 357.7 6.8 5249.12 1217.09 13113.67 456.44 457.3 4472.38 1218.73 8892.40 429.48 350.9 6.9 5296.99 1217.74 12529.17 454.80 448.2 4478.43 1219.16 8504.16 427.96 344.0 7.0 5332.93 1218.34 11994.73 453.20 439.6 4482.85 1219.62 8117.96 426.43 337.0 7.1 5356.00 1218.89 11511.85 451.64 431.4 4484.09 1220.10 7740.85 424.88 330.1 7.2 5366.87 1219.38 11074.62 450.09 423.4 4480.96 1220.57 7380.27 423.32 323.2 7.3 5367.60 1219.82 10674.91 448.55 415.8 4472.86 1221.03 7040.36 421.75 316.5 7.4 5360.53 1220.23 10304.23 447.02 408.4 4459.67 1221.46 6723.53 420.19 309.9 7.5 5347.24 1220.62 9952.78 445.47 401.1 4441.79 1221.87 6430.98 418.65 303.6 7.6 5329.40 1221.01 9610.96 443.89 393.9 4420.44 1222.25 6159.93 417.13 297.6 7.7 5309.32 1221.40 9272.87 442.29 386.5 4397.48 1222.62 5903.92 415.65 291.8 7.8 5289.64 1221.80 8939.86 440.72 379.4 4374.99 1222.97 5655.91 414.21 286.1

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 5 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 7.9 5268.74 1222.20 8605.68 439.13 372.0 4354.75 1223.35 5409.71 412.83 280.6 8.0 5248.62 1222.62 8268.98 437.54 364.9 4337.88 1223.77 5160.27 411.50 275.1 8.1 5230.61 1223.05 7936.95 436.00 357.8 4324.49 1224.26 4904.01 410.20 269.7 8.2 5210.71 1223.48 7610.42 434.47 350.8 4314.28 1224.82 4639.68 408.94 264.2 8.3 5185.50 1223.90 7290.51 432.88 343.7 4306.97 1225.45 4368.42 407.72 258.6 8.4 5149.89 1224.29 6981.38 431.16 336.3 4301.07 1226.14 4090.33 406.52 253.0 8.5 5100.61 1224.64 6679.60 429.25 328.6 4294.15 1226.91 3802.16 405.28 247.1 8.6 5041.01 1224.99 6373.97 427.14 320.3 4284.88 1227.80 3496.22 403.95 240.7 8.7 4978.61 1225.36 6064.05 424.95 311.6 4274.21 1228.88 3160.36 402.53 233.6 8.8 4918.44 1225.77 5753.83 422.78 303.5 4264.47 1230.27 2780.89 401.03 225.7 8.9 4859.23 1226.22 5444.20 420.61 295.1 4251.25 1231.89 2383.49 399.48 216.8 9.0 4794.44 1226.62 5150.07 418.40 286.7 4228.88 1233.57 2005.01 397.92 208.0 9.1 4717.10 1226.84 4907.84 416.13 278.8 4188.11 1235.11 1676.80 396.21 199.4 9.2 4624.94 1226.89 4713.82 413.76 271.5 4112.29 1236.10 1442.54 394.02 191.3 9.3 4525.57 1226.87 4533.67 411.27 263.9 3998.83 1236.25 1317.06 391.19 183.9 9.4 4422.59 1226.80 4361.82 408.70 256.4 3861.17 1235.62 1286.28 387.94 177.7 9.5 4315.34 1226.64 4203.04 406.06 249.0 3715.11 1234.44 1319.44 384.55 172.6 9.6 4208.39 1226.45 4054.94 403.42 241.8 3573.79 1233.01 1380.84 381.29 168.3 9.7 4104.11 1226.25 3915.19 400.81 235.0 3445.38 1231.61 1443.70 378.29 164.5 9.8 4002.98 1226.03 3788.12 398.26 228.3 3332.54 1230.37 1493.29 375.59 161.1

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 6 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 9.9 3908.74 1225.76 3686.30 395.90 222.8 3235.32 1229.36 1523.70 373.18 157.8 10.0 3801.62 1225.32 3605.12 393.31 217.0 3153.27 1228.60 1532.33 371.06 154.7 10.1 3687.34 1224.80 3519.22 385.59 210.5 3071.49 1227.93 1523.21 363.94 151.6 10.2 3598.56 1224.52 3405.70 383.18 205.0 2967.43 1226.83 1549.42 361.12 147.2 10.3 3531.04 1224.44 3275.64 381.14 199.7 2870.76 1225.59 1600.47 358.61 144.8 10.4 3452.24 1224.25 3152.52 378.85 194.4 2817.51 1225.22 1574.44 357.04 142.2 10.5 3373.12 1224.02 3041.46 376.54 188.9 2800.35 1225.91 1439.72 356.10 138.8 10.6 3318.92 1223.97 2937.43 374.82 185.2 2805.61 1227.46 1230.88 355.62 134.6 10.7 3269.83 1223.96 2833.32 373.22 181.2 2817.97 1229.48 997.89 355.40 130.1 10.8 3218.68 1223.93 2728.20 371.54 177.3 2819.66 1231.40 793.71 355.12 125.7 10.9 3169.92 1223.96 2615.11 369.88 173.3 2801.31 1232.76 646.69 354.42 121.7 11.0 3125.78 1224.06 2493.59 368.29 169.4 2769.07 1233.57 549.41 353.39 118.3 11.1 3082.71 1224.18 2371.39 366.71 165.5 2733.85 1234.12 477.96 352.30 115.4 11.2 3033.10 1224.22 2253.22 364.98 161.5 2701.95 1234.66 411.81 351.34 112.6 11.3 2978.77 1224.19 2143.80 363.14 157.3 2674.46 1235.34 340.97 350.52 109.9 11.4 2917.64 1224.00 2054.52 361.15 153.5 2655.81 1236.24 261.71 349.97 107.4 11.5 2828.28 1223.26 2024.93 358.55 149.4 2634.93 1237.07 183.28 349.40 105.1 11.6 2701.04 1221.73 2072.60 355.13 145.6 2591.18 1237.36 132.54 348.04 102.0 11.7 2555.45 1219.84 2134.30 351.21 141.0 2532.07 1237.23 110.37 346.19 99.0 11.8 2436.12 1218.47 2116.77 347.68 136.2 2469.99 1237.01 96.33 344.28 96.2

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 7 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 11.9 2362.55 1218.10 1983.73 344.92 131.5 2387.35 1236.41 96.19 341.42 93.1 12.0 2299.06 1217.99 1823.81 342.21 125.6 2290.04 1235.13 128.95 337.94 88.7 12.1 2231.38 1217.45 1749.89 339.65 122.2 2214.12 1233.88 164.33 335.58 87.4 12.2 2156.97 1216.50 1740.04 337.15 119.1 2164.22 1233.34 169.13 333.89 85.3 12.3 2086.06 1215.54 1733.57 334.74 116.9 2115.02 1232.75 136.58 332.50 83.6 12.4 2000.08 1214.39 1719.46 331.65 113.3 1983.88 1227.32 85.18 328.13 89.1 12.5 1888.23 1212.76 1721.13 327.54 108.5 1842.30 1221.08 68.73 320.75 87.8 12.6 1790.06 1211.21 1731.31 323.87 104.3 1770.92 1219.50 84.20 318.18 87.0 12.7 1699.34 1209.85 1697.05 320.14 100.3 1696.64 1218.10 88.07 315.82 85.9 12.8 1635.43 1208.94 1652.94 317.23 96.5 1625.43 1218.07 69.02 313.51 84.1 12.9 1604.09 1208.60 1605.97 315.61 94.4 1597.64 1219.20 56.24 312.47 84.1 13.0 1562.55 1208.19 1524.04 313.36 91.8 1562.54 1218.43 60.74 311.14 83.7 13.1 1506.14 1207.46 1456.85 310.43 87.3 1478.04 1216.79 57.02 308.37 82.2 13.2 1426.02 1206.05 1435.39 306.58 83.5 1382.20 1215.66 50.38 304.67 80.9 13.3 1341.05 1204.34 1439.95 302.58 80.5 1271.34 1213.67 49.85 300.87 79.4 13.4 1284.05 1202.63 1427.75 300.78 77.8 1148.56 1212.05 44.11 296.93 77.9 13.5 1245.77 1201.26 1370.61 299.99 81.8 1055.04 1211.63 39.42 293.67 76.9 13.6 1219.57 1200.67 1313.42 298.86 80.6 992.54 1211.09 40.57 291.74 76.6 13.7 1176.63 1199.67 1294.43 297.08 79.7 921.42 1209.96 41.28 289.68 76.0 13.8 1109.17 1197.98 1281.82 294.30 77.6 847.66 1209.21 40.34 287.58 75.4

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 8 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 13.9 1036.37 1196.13 1258.32 291.69 76.8 783.40 1208.74 40.25 285.91 75.1 14.0 958.19 1194.18 1229.61 289.47 76.2 706.24 1207.53 42.45 284.02 74.6 14.1 872.95 1192.17 1177.32 287.22 75.5 615.42 1205.51 47.28 282.05 74.4 14.2 788.89 1190.28 1097.60 285.16 75.0 520.17 1203.40 51.66 280.37 74.2 14.3 718.62 1188.80 999.35 283.60 74.7 398.36 1202.09 48.53 278.82 73.8 14.4 656.81 1187.68 894.77 282.35 74.4 246.09 1201.97 35.16 277.43 73.6 14.5 600.47 1186.91 814.76 281.31 74.2 128.05 1201.52 20.20 276.64 73.6 14.6 552.32 1186.50 769.06 280.53 74.1 124.91 1198.52 19.51 276.67 73.8 14.7 506.53 1186.20 731.54 279.86 74.0 106.18 1197.65 18.85 276.60 73.6 14.8 466.33 1185.95 689.70 279.30 74.0 25.93 1197.03 6.47 276.43 73.6 14.9 424.01 1185.72 643.05 278.80 73.8 0.00 1178.28 0.12 284.00 73.7 15.0 375.60 1185.54 584.78 278.30 73.8 0.00 1178.14 0.00 271.42 73.5 15.1 337.56 1185.36 529.24 277.94 73.8 0.00 1178.24 0.00 271.43 73.6 15.2 317.03 1185.18 492.40 277.74 73.8 0.00 1178.09 0.00 271.49 73.4 15.3 305.80 1184.98 477.44 277.63 73.8 0.00 1178.09 0.00 271.52 73.4 15.4 281.06 1184.75 461.91 277.46 73.7 0.00 1178.04 0.00 271.59 73.3 15.5 236.22 1184.58 411.74 277.23 73.7 0.00 1177.90 0.00 271.73 73.1 15.6 190.97 1184.41 336.17 276.98 73.7 0.00 1177.81 0.00 271.85 72.9 15.7 159.07 1184.23 273.40 276.77 73.7 0.00 1177.80 0.00 271.87 72.8 15.8 145.83 1184.09 237.46 276.71 73.7 0.00 1177.78 0.00 271.89 72.8

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 9 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 15.9 162.79 1184.08 234.57 276.80 73.8 0.00 1177.83 0.00 271.87 72.9 16.0 204.82 1183.92 287.14 277.05 73.9 0.00 1178.21 0.00 271.48 73.6 16.1 263.22 1183.94 395.96 277.64 73.9 0.00 1178.06 0.00 271.58 73.3 16.2 353.08 1184.07 577.52 278.45 74.5 0.00 1177.94 0.00 271.69 73.1 16.3 364.98 1184.35 642.89 278.36 73.7 0.00 1177.56 0.00 272.04 72.5 16.4 300.17 1184.95 529.82 277.74 73.7 0.00 1177.06 0.00 272.62 71.5 16.5 302.18 1185.10 470.69 277.74 73.9 111.37 1197.18 0.18 277.14 74.1 16.6 346.51 1184.78 526.70 278.13 74.0 132.52 1198.18 0.22 277.78 73.4 16.7 377.87 1184.68 605.16 278.38 74.0 21.16 1203.47 0.05 280.00 73.2 16.8 388.91 1184.93 629.58 278.46 74.0 0.00 1178.09 0.00 271.51 73.4 16.9 404.55 1185.15 643.68 278.67 74.0 0.00 1178.13 0.00 271.53 73.5 17.0 426.13 1185.16 670.75 278.91 74.1 0.00 1178.10 0.00 271.59 73.4 17.1 423.44 1185.24 669.67 278.82 74.0 0.00 1178.20 0.00 271.49 73.6 17.2 414.13 1185.43 651.39 278.72 74.0 0.00 1178.21 0.00 271.48 73.6 17.3 419.35 1185.35 656.09 278.80 74.1 0.00 1178.01 0.00 271.53 73.3 17.4 422.88 1185.38 662.39 278.86 73.9 0.00 1177.81 0.00 271.83 72.9 17.5 463.43 1185.55 718.56 279.57 74.3 0.00 1177.77 0.00 271.92 72.8 17.6 533.97 1185.84 823.64 280.52 74.6 0.00 1178.08 0.00 271.65 73.3 17.7 513.09 1186.16 791.87 280.13 73.8 6.58 1187.22 0.00 272.09 72.2 17.8 450.98 1186.10 693.63 279.12 73.9 106.67 1198.85 0.00 272.62 74.5

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 10 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 17.9 478.30 1186.17 730.24 279.88 74.0 110.32 1200.25 0.00 271.27 73.5 18.0 573.32 1186.80 877.21 281.40 75.3 10.23 1206.49 0.00 271.40 73.7 18.1 587.98 1186.84 889.92 281.30 74.1 62.46 1208.55 0.00 271.41 73.8 18.2 531.31 1186.47 779.51 280.27 74.0 94.26 1210.86 0.00 271.75 73.6 18.3 536.99 1186.32 791.79 280.43 74.9 31.80 1215.40 0.00 271.42 73.5 18.4 525.84 1186.22 792.74 280.25 73.9 15.26 1195.91 0.00 271.48 73.6 18.5 483.93 1186.08 736.24 279.57 74.0 82.90 1210.27 0.00 271.91 73.9 18.6 514.15 1186.25 780.92 280.32 74.1 70.67 1213.79 0.00 271.28 73.5 18.7 617.22 1187.39 950.24 282.25 75.1 3.04 1219.95 0.00 271.49 73.4 18.8 667.82 1187.83 1102.16 282.78 74.9 0.00 1178.30 0.00 271.48 73.7 18.9 645.51 1187.42 1141.82 282.31 74.7 0.00 1178.22 0.00 271.48 73.6 19.0 628.92 1187.12 1126.53 282.04 74.6 4.03 1186.52 0.00 271.72 73.1 19.1 622.35 1187.00 1097.76 281.92 74.6 26.97 1193.74 0.00 271.80 74.0 19.2 627.60 1187.10 1089.15 282.03 74.6 22.94 1195.01 0.00 271.96 72.5 19.3 634.07 1187.20 1089.87 282.13 74.8 0.00 1176.90 0.00 272.77 71.2 19.4 628.25 1187.10 1061.93 281.98 74.7 0.00 1176.11 0.00 273.36 69.7 19.5 615.30 1186.87 1021.49 281.73 74.5 0.00 1175.67 0.00 273.59 68.8 19.6 615.67 1186.88 1017.16 281.75 74.6 0.00 1175.75 0.00 273.56 68.9 19.7 622.13 1187.00 1031.23 281.91 74.5 0.00 1176.61 0.00 273.12 70.5 19.8 641.78 1187.36 1071.28 282.31 75.0 131.44 1201.24 0.01 266.67 74.1

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 11 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 19.9 660.65 1187.68 1105.49 282.65 74.7 297.04 1208.90 0.03 280.00 73.9 20.0 693.38 1188.33 1156.25 283.34 74.9 99.94 1213.59 0.01 272.33 73.6 20.5 670.39 1187.93 1106.57 282.89 74.9 29.06 1212.19 0.00 271.41 73.6 21.0 627.19 1187.19 1024.96 282.00 75.2 2.35 1214.04 0.00 271.42 73.5 21.5 622.60 1187.31 942.12 282.04 74.2 6.47 1192.30 0.00 271.41 73.6 22.0 686.28 1188.48 987.12 283.37 75.0 17.12 1198.12 0.00 271.40 73.6 22.5 750.89 1189.44 1103.70 284.44 75.1 19.11 1206.91 0.00 271.34 73.6 23.0 685.30 1188.72 852.21 283.60 74.5 8.32 1214.00 0.00 271.44 73.5 23.5 615.57 1187.41 753.03 281.84 74.2 47.88 1208.63 0.00 271.54 73.6 24.0 637.82 1187.44 1130.65 282.45 75.3 59.58 1208.17 0.00 271.45 73.7 24.5 634.17 1187.47 1069.06 282.31 74.6 14.91 1206.76 0.00 271.43 73.7 25.0 574.77 1186.80 887.07 280.95 74.2 4.34 1203.16 0.00 271.41 73.6 25.5 537.79 1185.98 1117.72 280.56 74.5 5.24 1197.52 0.00 271.43 73.7 26.0 511.36 1185.64 1195.69 280.22 74.4 7.49 1198.95 0.00 271.41 73.7 26.5 458.63 1185.30 1158.46 279.44 74.2 12.45 1207.33 0.00 271.43 73.7 27.0 411.02 1184.92 1179.36 278.87 74.2 13.00 1213.62 0.00 271.40 73.7 27.5 372.88 1184.54 1296.24 278.46 74.1 12.37 1221.75 0.00 271.45 73.7 28.0 344.56 1184.22 1409.40 278.22 74.1 9.15 1221.44 0.00 271.41 73.7 28.5 317.63 1184.07 1368.75 277.94 74.0 2.74 1206.24 0.00 271.42 73.7 29.0 291.03 1184.01 1290.63 277.67 74.0 4.29 1207.32 0.00 271.39 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 12 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 29.5 262.84 1183.99 1173.69 277.42 73.9 2.42 1208.45 0.00 271.37 73.7 30.0 239.91 1183.99 1028.93 277.24 73.8 0.17 1208.16 0.00 271.42 73.7 30.5 222.83 1183.93 933.73 277.12 73.8 0.30 1186.83 0.00 271.40 73.7 31.0 206.51 1183.84 852.42 277.02 73.8 1.01 1188.83 0.00 271.39 73.7 31.5 196.63 1183.76 776.21 276.96 73.8 4.08 1201.34 0.00 271.39 73.7 32.0 190.70 1183.69 775.96 276.93 73.8 13.68 1223.72 0.00 271.42 73.7 32.5 179.66 1183.56 854.17 276.88 73.8 19.86 1235.99 0.00 271.40 73.7 33.0 162.66 1183.39 903.59 276.81 73.8 14.99 1240.65 0.00 271.40 73.7 33.5 148.17 1183.26 783.13 276.74 73.7 6.54 1231.93 0.00 271.40 73.7 34.0 141.77 1183.20 623.80 276.71 73.7 3.27 1203.22 0.00 271.33 73.6 34.5 145.56 1183.16 679.51 276.74 73.8 4.76 1210.38 0.00 271.41 73.7 35.0 148.67 1183.06 1109.38 276.79 73.8 2.59 1216.08 0.00 271.40 73.8 35.5 143.83 1182.84 1858.91 276.87 73.8 16.90 1208.62 0.00 271.55 73.4 36.0 137.78 1182.56 2537.08 276.93 73.9 23.19 1208.76 0.00 271.46 73.8 36.5 132.72 1182.38 2826.84 276.96 74.0 12.90 1214.29 0.00 271.42 73.7 37.0 129.98 1182.29 2876.72 276.97 74.0 9.91 1219.01 0.00 271.40 73.7 37.5 128.23 1182.24 2964.72 276.99 74.0 8.40 1208.43 0.00 271.49 73.8 38.0 127.47 1182.17 3154.39 277.03 74.1 8.06 1204.87 0.00 271.40 73.7 38.5 126.26 1182.12 3340.97 277.06 74.1 6.62 1217.32 0.00 271.41 73.7 39.0 123.70 1182.09 3378.19 277.04 74.1 9.45 1230.39 0.00 271.40 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 13 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 39.5 119.88 1182.10 3245.16 276.97 74.1 13.37 1239.57 0.00 271.40 73.7 40.0 115.99 1182.13 3085.22 276.91 74.0 17.92 1244.92 0.00 271.41 73.7 40.5 113.36 1182.14 3022.42 276.89 74.0 17.58 1246.55 0.00 271.41 73.7 41.0 111.45 1182.12 3045.18 276.88 74.0 18.08 1247.27 0.00 271.41 73.7 41.5 108.87 1182.10 3107.73 276.87 74.0 18.19 1247.50 0.00 271.38 73.7 42.0 105.23 1182.09 3179.22 276.85 74.0 18.37 1247.68 0.00 271.42 73.7 42.5 100.54 1182.08 3197.31 276.81 74.0 18.19 1247.58 0.00 271.41 73.7 43.0 95.27 1182.06 3102.78 276.71 73.9 17.86 1247.60 0.00 271.42 73.7 43.5 89.48 1182.07 2936.29 276.57 73.7 16.11 1247.82 0.00 271.41 73.7 44.0 81.96 1182.14 2729.48 276.49 73.7 6.77 1246.77 0.00 271.40 73.7 44.5 73.11 1182.20 2494.15 276.47 73.7 1.37 1242.27 0.00 271.39 73.7 45.0 63.95 1182.27 2241.93 276.46 73.7 0.01 1232.88 0.00 271.40 73.7 45.5 55.22 1182.38 1956.43 276.44 73.7 0.00 1178.26 0.00 271.40 73.7 46.0 47.90 1182.48 1663.32 276.43 73.7 0.00 1190.48 0.00 271.40 73.7 46.5 42.12 1182.55 1402.24 276.42 73.7 0.00 1190.48 0.00 271.40 73.7 47.0 38.02 1182.57 1176.52 276.42 73.7 0.00 1178.26 0.00 271.40 73.7 47.5 35.43 1182.54 984.30 276.42 73.7 0.00 1178.26 0.00 271.40 73.7 48.0 33.13 1182.46 796.83 276.41 73.7 0.00 1178.27 0.00 271.40 73.7 48.5 27.86 1182.33 576.53 276.41 73.7 0.00 1178.26 0.00 271.40 73.7 49.0 20.12 1182.33 360.50 276.40 73.7 0.00 1178.26 0.00 271.40 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 14 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 49.5 15.66 1182.63 205.44 276.40 73.7 2.83 1199.98 0.00 271.40 73.7 50.0 14.31 1182.88 109.99 276.40 73.7 10.68 1224.31 0.00 271.41 73.7 50.5 13.18 1183.07 50.45 276.42 73.7 16.67 1242.89 0.00 271.40 73.7 51.0 12.51 1183.25 19.05 276.40 73.7 18.05 1252.86 0.00 271.40 73.7 51.5 12.21 1183.43 6.73 276.36 73.7 19.22 1253.45 0.00 271.41 73.7 52.0 11.87 1183.61 2.34 276.42 73.7 18.79 1252.25 0.00 271.41 73.7 52.5 11.56 1183.83 0.85 276.80 73.7 18.10 1251.16 0.00 271.40 73.7 53.0 10.61 1184.05 0.31 275.97 73.7 19.19 1250.40 0.00 271.41 73.7 53.5 8.27 1184.17 0.11 268.52 73.7 20.75 1249.60 0.00 271.41 73.7 54.0 7.05 1184.30 0.04 282.05 73.7 25.68 1248.39 0.00 271.41 73.7 54.5 7.30 1184.63 0.02 294.12 73.7 31.30 1246.59 0.00 271.42 73.7 55.0 7.41 1185.11 0.01 271.39 73.7 33.32 1244.62 0.00 271.42 73.7 55.5 9.39 1185.63 0.01 271.40 73.7 31.63 1243.25 0.00 271.42 73.7 56.0 12.10 1185.99 0.01 250.00 73.7 25.44 1242.73 0.00 271.41 73.7 56.5 13.96 1186.32 0.01 307.69 73.7 22.89 1243.26 0.00 271.41 73.7 57.0 14.70 1186.66 0.01 307.69 73.7 24.77 1243.80 0.00 271.41 73.7 57.5 14.90 1186.69 0.03 264.71 73.7 25.35 1243.97 0.00 271.41 73.7 58.0 14.52 1186.24 0.09 271.74 73.7 25.52 1244.02 0.00 271.41 73.7 58.5 13.35 1185.60 0.16 280.49 73.7 25.61 1244.01 0.00 271.41 73.7 59.0 15.18 1185.26 0.22 277.27 73.7 25.57 1244.01 0.00 271.41 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 15 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 59.5 19.13 1185.31 0.23 273.50 73.7 25.64 1244.02 0.00 271.41 73.7 60.0 25.72 1184.02 99.31 276.41 73.7 25.82 1243.98 0.00 271.41 73.7 61.0 30.04 1182.83 427.22 276.41 73.7 26.16 1243.96 0.00 271.41 73.7 62.0 31.92 1182.15 831.35 276.41 73.7 27.06 1243.80 0.00 271.41 73.7 63.0 30.90 1182.08 1148.93 276.41 73.7 27.87 1243.49 0.00 271.41 73.7 64.0 30.37 1182.05 1655.04 276.43 73.7 28.48 1243.22 0.00 271.42 73.7 65.0 32.75 1182.00 2211.42 276.44 73.7 29.14 1242.96 0.00 271.42 73.7 66.0 37.71 1181.93 2669.84 276.46 73.7 29.89 1242.70 0.00 271.42 73.7 67.0 43.89 1181.88 3053.06 276.47 73.7 26.48 1242.64 0.00 271.42 73.7 68.0 46.17 1181.94 3056.26 276.46 73.7 24.54 1243.47 0.00 271.42 73.7 69.0 44.31 1182.08 2662.50 276.45 73.7 25.42 1244.21 0.00 271.41 73.7 70.0 42.25 1182.21 2283.35 276.44 73.7 24.27 1244.49 0.00 271.41 73.7 71.0 39.46 1182.33 1940.20 276.43 73.7 24.15 1244.81 0.00 271.41 73.7 72.0 36.35 1182.40 1619.69 276.42 73.7 24.19 1245.02 0.00 271.41 73.7 73.0 34.16 1182.41 1433.50 276.42 73.7 23.40 1245.13 0.00 271.41 73.7 74.0 32.39 1182.37 1420.85 276.42 73.7 15.34 1243.79 0.00 271.38 73.7 75.0 29.01 1182.34 1379.54 276.41 73.7 14.94 1246.29 0.00 271.41 73.7 76.0 25.21 1182.27 1133.99 276.41 73.7 21.09 1248.61 0.00 271.41 73.7 77.0 20.49 1182.07 768.40 276.41 73.7 13.71 1248.25 0.00 271.40 73.7 78.0 13.07 1182.03 327.82 276.40 73.7 8.49 1249.98 0.00 271.40 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 16 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 79.0 6.98 1182.44 52.21 276.41 73.7 7.54 1252.99 0.00 271.40 73.7 80.0 7.00 1183.19 4.79 276.36 73.7 10.24 1257.64 0.00 271.40 73.7 81.0 13.08 1183.97 0.48 275.68 73.7 28.12 1253.17 0.00 271.42 73.7 82.0 16.95 1184.69 0.08 281.44 73.7 38.06 1248.07 0.00 271.43 73.7 83.0 16.93 1185.64 0.02 275.00 73.7 32.77 1243.86 0.00 271.42 73.7 84.0 15.74 1186.35 0.00 271.40 73.7 29.90 1243.17 0.00 271.42 73.7 85.0 12.49 1186.69 0.00 271.40 73.7 29.73 1243.22 0.00 271.42 73.7 86.0 9.03 1186.89 0.00 271.39 73.7 30.38 1243.21 0.00 271.42 73.7 87.0 7.06 1187.06 0.00 271.39 73.7 31.34 1243.04 0.00 271.42 73.7 88.0 7.32 1187.16 0.00 271.39 73.7 31.83 1242.80 0.00 271.42 73.7 89.0 8.50 1187.17 0.00 271.39 73.7 33.49 1242.50 0.00 271.42 73.7 90.0 9.96 1187.12 0.00 271.40 73.7 25.08 1242.66 0.00 271.40 73.7 91.0 9.49 1186.28 0.10 279.19 73.7 11.93 1244.52 0.00 271.41 73.7 92.0 6.89 1184.72 0.13 276.00 73.7 6.03 1238.16 0.00 271.40 73.7 93.0 5.98 1184.21 0.04 271.43 73.7 4.40 1229.30 0.00 271.39 73.7 94.0 11.56 1184.14 29.04 276.43 73.7 14.76 1250.61 0.00 271.41 73.7 95.0 20.35 1182.98 457.00 276.41 73.7 23.87 1252.59 0.00 271.41 73.7 96.0 24.11 1182.12 1181.10 276.42 73.7 22.32 1250.36 0.00 271.41 73.7 97.0 26.24 1182.04 1662.26 276.43 73.7 11.46 1247.09 0.00 271.39 73.7 98.0 30.59 1182.00 2074.41 276.44 73.7 2.40 1210.96 0.00 271.41 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 17 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 99.0 33.02 1182.01 2352.03 276.44 73.7 2.51 1199.28 0.00 271.41 73.7 100.0 34.11 1182.08 2242.85 276.44 73.7 3.16 1199.39 0.00 271.39 73.7 101.0 41.00 1182.01 2530.23 276.45 73.7 2.13 1199.49 0.00 271.41 73.7 102.0 43.05 1182.07 2549.61 276.45 73.7 1.54 1195.93 0.00 271.40 73.7 103.0 40.88 1182.19 2217.35 276.44 73.7 3.94 1201.74 0.00 271.40 73.7 104.0 42.66 1182.17 2200.29 276.44 73.7 8.60 1226.53 0.00 271.40 73.7 105.0 42.50 1182.22 2064.81 276.43 73.7 7.67 1236.21 0.00 271.40 73.7 106.0 39.63 1182.30 1863.45 276.43 73.7 10.23 1248.74 0.00 271.40 73.7 107.0 35.08 1182.36 1655.03 276.42 73.7 19.95 1251.28 0.00 271.41 73.7 108.0 31.95 1182.34 1542.39 276.42 73.7 22.72 1251.14 0.00 271.41 73.7 109.0 30.93 1182.29 1489.64 276.42 73.7 26.43 1248.84 0.00 271.42 73.7 110.0 31.95 1182.24 1542.24 276.42 73.7 29.30 1246.86 0.00 271.42 73.7 111.0 34.72 1182.19 1710.75 276.43 73.7 29.98 1245.53 0.00 271.42 73.7 112.0 38.13 1182.15 1939.91 276.43 73.7 29.70 1244.89 0.00 271.42 73.7 113.0 41.41 1182.12 2170.53 276.44 73.7 29.36 1244.79 0.00 271.41 73.7 114.0 45.61 1182.06 2419.51 276.45 73.7 30.54 1244.69 0.00 271.42 73.7 115.0 47.92 1182.05 2583.92 276.45 73.7 20.10 1243.91 0.00 271.40 73.7 116.0 41.84 1182.20 2215.63 276.44 73.7 10.62 1236.42 0.00 271.40 73.7 117.0 31.86 1182.38 1646.20 276.42 73.7 8.76 1237.16 0.00 271.41 73.7 118.0 21.12 1182.35 1068.09 276.41 73.7 3.06 1247.95 0.00 271.40 73.7

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 6-35 (Page 18 of 18)

(31 DEC 2003)

Reactor Vessel Side Steam Generator Side Time (seconds)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Pressure (psi)

Gas Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Gas Enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

Liquid Mass Flow (lbm/sec)

Liquid Enthalpy (lbm/sec)

Pressure (psi) 119.0 7.80 1182.31 382.58 276.41 73.7 1.84 1196.98 0.00 271.40 73.7 120.0 1.89 1182.72 58.32 276.40 73.7 20.89 1228.71 0.00 271.42 73.7 121.0 2.77 1182.88 9.00 276.35 73.7 38.09 1231.78 0.00 271.42 73.7