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8 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 7, Appendix 7A, Tables
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Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/29/2020
Duke Energy Carolinas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20189A066 List:
Download: ML20189A087 (8)


Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Appendix 7A. Tables Appendix 7A. Tables

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 7-1 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2016)

Table 7-1. Reactor Trip Summary Trip Variable No. of Sensors Steady-State Normal Range Trip Value or Condition for Trip Over Power4 4 Flux Sensors 0-100%

105.5 percent of rated thermal power4 (RTP) with four RC pumps operating 80.5 percent of RTP when reset for three RC pumps operating Nuclear Over Power Based on Flow and Imbalance2 4 Two-Section Flux Sensors 8 P Flow NA 109.4 percent RTP times flow minus reduction due to imbalance Power/RC Pumps2 4 Pump Monitors 3 to 4 Pumps Loss of any two operating reactor coolant pumps with the reactor at power operation Reactor Outlet Temperature 4 Temperature Sensors 532-604 F 618 F Pressure/

Temperature2 4 Pressure Sensors 4 Temperature Sensors NA (11.14Thot-4706) P Reactor Coolant Pressure 4 Pressure Sensors 2,090-2,220 psig 2,355 psig (high)3 1,800 psig (low)2 Reactor Building Pressure 4 Pressure Sensors 0 psig 4 psig Main Turbine Trip 4 Pressure Sensors NA Turbine Trip Loss of Main Feedwater Trip 4 Pressure Sensors /pump (8 total)

NA Loss of both Main Feedwater Pump Turbines Note:

1. Trip condition bypassed at predetermined low power setpoints.
2. Bypassed by shutdown bypass.
3. Reset to 1720 psig by shutdown bypass.
4. Administratively reset to 5 percent during reactor shutdown.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 7-2 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2012)

Table 7-2. Engineered Safeguards Actuation Conditions Channel No.

Action Trip Condition Steady State Normal Value Trip Point1 1,22 High Pressure Injection and Reactor Building Non-Essential Isolation Low Reactor Coolant Pressure or 2,120-2,250 psig 1,600 psig4 High Reactor Building Pressure Atmospheric 3 psig 3,43 Low-Pressure Injection Very Low Reactor Coolant Pressure or 2,120-2,250 psig 550 psig High Reactor Building Pressure Atmospheric 3 psig 5,6 Reactor Building Cooling &

Reactor Building Essential Isolation High Reactor Building Pressure Atmospheric 3 psig 7,8 Reactor Building Spray Very High Reactor Building Pressure Atmospheric 10 psig Note:

1. Typical values and conditions. Refer to Technical specifications for current allowable value requirements.
2. May be bypassed below 1750 psig and is automatically reinstated above the removal setpoint value.
3. May be bypassed below 900 psig and is automatically reinstated above the removal setpoint value.
4. Based on the analyses presented in BAW-1976, SBLOCA Analyses for B&W 177-FA Lowered-Loop Plants in Response to NUREG-0737, Item II.K.3.31, and the measurement uncertainty associated with wide range RCS pressure, 1600 psig is the minimum allowable setpoint for low RCS pressure.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 7-3 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2012)

Table 7-3. Engineered Safeguards Actuated Devices Channel 1 Channel 2 Channels 1 &

2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channels 3 & 4 HP-P1A HP-24 HP-26 HP-3 HP-4 HP-20 KEOWEE START (Channel A)



1 Standby BUS FEED BKR. 1 RC-5 RC-6 FDW-105 FDW-107 GWD-12 LWD-1 CS-5 PR-1(7)


PR-7 PR-9 HP-P1C HP-25 HP-27 HP-5 HP-21 KEOWEE START (Channel B)


STBY. BRK. 2 Standby BUS FEED BKR. 2 RC-7 FDW-106 FDW-108 GWD-13 LWD-2 CS-6 PR-2(7)




PR-8 PR-10 FDW-103 FDW-104 HP-P1B LP-P1A LP-17 LPSW-PIA(1)


LPSW-P1C (3)

Channel 5 Channel 6 Channels 5 & 6 Channel 7 Channel 8 CC-7 LPSW-18 RBCU-F1A PR-E1A LPSW-1055 LPSW-1061 CC-8 LPSW-24 RBCU-F1C PR-E1B LPSW-1054 LPSW-1062 LPSW-15 LPSW-6 LPSW-21 RBCU-F1B BS-1 BS-P1A BS-2 BS-P1B NOTES:

1. LPSW-P1C for Unit 2 LPSW-P3A for Unit 3
2. LPSW-P1B for Unit 2 LPSW-P3B for Unit 3
3. LPSW-P1A for Unit 2
4. Deleted per 2012 update
5. Deleted per 2012 update
6. Deleted per 2006 update
7. Maintained in ES position (closed) in accordance with the requirements of NUREG 0737, Item II.E.4.2.6 in any mode where ES is required operable.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 7-4 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2013)

Table 7-4. Characteristics of Out-of-Core Neutron Detector Assemblies Characteristic Source/Wide Power Type Tube Sensitivity FC Gamma - Metrics 900217-101 UCIC1 Thermal Neutron Flux 20 CPS/nv Note 2 Gamma Flux NA 1.5x10-10 A/R/hr Maximum Ratings External Pressure 70 psig (QTR 010) 150 psig Temperature 420 F (DBE QTR 010) 212 F Thermal Neutron Flux Operating 1x1010 nv 1.5x1010 nv Non-Operating 1x1010 nv 2.5x1011 nv Gamma Flux 1x106 R/hr 5x105 R/hr Integrated Exposure Before 10% Reduction in Sensitivity Neutron 1020 nvt 1019 nvt Gamma N/A 3x109 R Note:

1. WL23636, WL23636A, and WL23636B Type Detectors are installed in various locations in Oconee Units (For Safety Related RPS Inputs); WL23675 is only installed in unit 1, a non-safety application (Unit 1 NI-9 abandoned in place per EC100792). Unit 2 NI-9 was abandoned in place per EC100793 and Unit 3 NI-9 was abandoned in place per EC100794. The original Qualification Test Report is for a WL23675 detector. All applicable data is the same for the WL23636 series except for Thermal Neutron Sensitivity. WL23636B is available replacement for all applications.
2. Approximate Thermal Neutron Sensitivity for Each Section WL-23675 3.75 x 10-13 A/nv WL-23636 3.75 x 10-13 A/nv WL-23636A 3.75 x 10-13 A/nv WL-23636B 2.15 x 10-13 A/nv (spec. for new detector)

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 7-5 (Page 1 of 2)

(31 DEC 2006)

Table 7-5. NNI Inputs to Engineered Safeguards Characteristics Reactor Outlet Pressure (WR)(1)

Reactor Building Pressure (WR)

Reactor Building Pressure (NR)

Component Item Number RC3A-PT3 RC3A-PT4 RC3B-PT3 BS4-PS1 & 2 BS4-PS3 & 4 BS4-PS5 & 6 BS4-PT1 BS4-PT2 BS4-PT3 ESPS Channel A,B,C A,B,C A,B,C Sensor Type Pressure Transmitter Pressure Switch Pressure Transmitter Type Readout all indicating NA all indicating Power Required external none external Sensors Connected to Common Taps Note (3)

BS4-PS2 & BS4-PT1 BS4-PS4 & BS4-PT2 BS4-PS6 & BS4-PT3 All separate building penetrations NNI Inputs to RPS Characteristics Reactor Outlet Pressure (NR)(1)

Reactor Outlet Temperature (NR)

Reactor Coolant Flow Reactor Building Pressure (NR)

Component Item Number RC3A-PT1 RC3A-PT2 RC3B-PT1 RC3B-PT2 RC4A-TE1 RC4A-TE4 RC4B-TE1 RC4B-TE4 RC14A-dPT1 RC14A-dPT2 RC14A-dPT3 RC14A-dPT4 RC14B-dPT1 RC14B-dPT2 RC14B-dPT3 RC14B-dPT4 BS4-PS7 BS4-PS8 BS4-PS9 BS4-PS10 Reactor Protective Channel A,B,C,D A,B,C,D A,B,C,D(2)

A,B,C,D Sensor Type Press.

Transmitter RTD Differential Pressure Transmitter Pressure Switch Type Readout all indicating all indicating all indicating NA Power Required external external external none

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 7-5 (Page 2 of 2)

(31 DEC 2006)

NNI Inputs to RPS Characteristics Reactor Outlet Pressure (NR)(1)

Reactor Outlet Temperature (NR)

Reactor Coolant Flow Reactor Building Pressure (NR)

Sensors Connected to Common Taps RC3A-PT1 (3) &



RC3B-PT3 All sensors have separate taps.

All sensors for same loop are connected to common taps.

All sensors have separate taps.


1. NR = Narrow Range, WR = Wide Range
2. Each channel has an input from each loop.
3. Pressure taps for each RPS channel are independent. A RPS channel and an ESPS channel may have common pressure sensing taps.
4. Deleted per 2006 Update.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 7-6 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2005)

Table 7-6. ICS Transient Limits Transient Ramp Range

(% Full Power)

Ramp Input Limit (% Power/min)

Power Increase 2-15 1

15-20 5

20-95 9.9 95-100 5

Power Decrease 100-95 9.9 95-20 9.9 20-15 5

15-2 1

Runback High Limit

(% Full Power)

Ramp Input Limit

(% Power/min)

RC Flow 20 RCP 74 25 Feedwater Pump Limit 65 25 Asymmetric Rod 55 1

Generator Breakers 20 20 Maximum Runback 15 20 Condensate/Feedwater Pump Low Suction Pressure 15 20 Reactor Trip 0