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8 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 3, Appendix 3A, Tables
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Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/29/2020
Duke Energy Carolinas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Appendix 3A. Tables Appendix 3A. Tables

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-1 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2004)

Table 3-1. System Piping Classification Piping Class Design Criteria Designed For Seismic Loading A

Class I, USAS B31.7(2)

Yes B

Class II, USAS B31.7 Yes C

Class III, USAS B31.7 Yes D

USAS B31.1.0 Yes E

USAS B31.1.0(1)

No F

USAS B31.1.0 Yes G

USAS B31.1.0 No H

Good Industry Practice No Note:

1. Portions are considered a Class III system in accordance with FSAR Section
2. Class I RCS piping was re-analyzed to the 1983 ASME Code (No Addenda) during the replacement steam generator analysis.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-2 (Page 1 of 6)

(31 DEC 2014)

Table 3-2. System Component Classification Design Code Designed For Seismic Loading (D=Dynamic Analysis) (S=Static Analysis)

Reactor Coolant System Reactor Vessel Reactor Vessel Head Pressurizer Reactor Coolant Pump Casing Steam Generator ASME III, Class A ASME III, Class I, 1989 Edition, No Addenda ASME III, Class A ASME III, Class A (not code stamped)

ASME III, Class A Yes - D Yes - D Yes - D Yes - D Yes - D High Pressure Injection System HP Injection Pump Letdown Cooler Seal Return Cooler Letdown Storage Tank Purification Demineralizer Letdown Filter RC Pump Seal Filter See Table 6-3 ASME III-C & VIII ASME III-C & VIII ASME III-C ASME III-C ASME III-C USAS B31.7, Paragraph 2-724, Class II Yes - Note 1 Yes - D Yes - Note 2 Yes - Note 2 Yes - Note 2 Yes - Note 2 Yes - Note 3 Chemical Addition and Sampling System Boric Acid Mix Tank Lithium Hydroxide Mix Tank Caustic Mix Tank TSP Baskets Boric Acid Pump Lithium Hydroxide Pump Hydrazine Pump Caustic Pump Pressurizer Sample Cooler Steam Generator Sample Cooler USAS B96.1 AISC ASME III-C & VIII ASME VIII No No No Yes -D No No No No No No Component Cooling System

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-2 (Page 2 of 6)

(31 DEC 2014)

Design Code Designed For Seismic Loading (D=Dynamic Analysis) (S=Static Analysis)

Component Cooling Pump Component Cooler Component Cooling Surge Tank CRD Cooling Coil Filter ASME VIII AWWA D-100 ASME VIII Yes - Note 1 Yes - Note 2 Yes - S Yes - S Reactor Fuel Cooling System Spent Fuel Cooler Spent Fuel Pump Spent Fuel Filter Borated Water Recirculation Pump Spent Fuel Demineralizer Fuel Transfer Tube Incore Instrument Handling Tank ASME III-C & VIII ASME III-C ASME III-C ASME III-B AWWA D-100 Yes - Note 2 Yes - Note 1 Yes - S Yes - Note 1 Yes - Note 2 Yes - D Yes - D Low Pressure Injection System LP Injection Pump LP Injection Cooler Borated Water Storage Tank Core Flooding Tank See Table 6-3 ASME III-C & VIII AWWA D-100 ASME III-C Yes - Note 1 Yes - Note 2 Yes - S Yes - D Reactor Building Spray System Reactor Building Spray Pump See Table 6-3 Yes - Note 1 Reactor Building Penetration Room Ventilation System Penetration Room Filter Penetration Room Fan See Section 6.5.1 See Section 6.5.1 Yes - S Yes - Note 4 LP Service Water System LP Service Water Pump Yes - Note 1 SSF Systems and Components See Section Note 9 Reactor Building Cooling System Reactor Building Coolers See Section 6.2.2 Yes - D Recirculated Cooling Water System

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-2 (Page 3 of 6)

(31 DEC 2014)

Design Code Designed For Seismic Loading (D=Dynamic Analysis) (S=Static Analysis)

RCW Pump RCW Heat Exchanger U1/U2 RCW Heat Exchanger U3 RCW Surge Tank ASME VIII ASME VIII (not code stamped)

No Yes - Note 8 No No Coolant Storage System Quench Tank Quench Tank Cooler Component Drain Pump Coolant Bleed Holdup Tank Bleed Transfer Pump Deborating Demineralizer Concentrated Boric Acid Storage Tank Concentrated Boric Acid Storage Tank Pump ASME III-C ASME III-C & VIII ASME VIII (not code stamped)

ASME III-C USAS B96.1 Yes - Note 2 Yes - Note 2 Yes - Note 1 Yes - S Yes - Note 1 Yes - Note 2 Yes - S No Coolant Treatment System Coolant Bleed Evaporator Demineralizer ASME III-C Yes - Note 2 Coolant Bleed Evaporator Feed Tank AWWA D-100 Yes - S Coolant Bleed Evaporator ASME VIII (lethal)

Yes - S Recirculating Pump Yes - S Concentrate Cooler ASME VIII (lethal)

Yes - S Separator ASME VIII (lethal)

Yes - S Vapor Condenser ASME VIII (lethal)

Yes - S Distillate Pump Yes - S Distillate Cooler ASME VIII (lethal)

Yes - S Condensate Test Tank Condensate Test Tank Pump Condensate Demineralizer Coolant Bleed Evaporator Feed Pump USAS B96.1 ASME III-C Yes - S Yes - Note 1 Yes - S Yes - S

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-2 (Page 4 of 6)

(31 DEC 2014)

Design Code Designed For Seismic Loading (D=Dynamic Analysis) (S=Static Analysis)

Steam & Power Conversion System (Pertinent Components Only)

Condenser Upper Surge Tank Emergency Feedwater Pump Emergency Feedwater Pump Turbine ASME VIII Yes - S Yes - S Yes - Note 1 Yes - Note 1 Liquid Waste Disposal System High Activity Waste Tank High Activity Waste Tank Pump Low Activity Waste Tank Low Activity Waste Tank Pump Waste Holdup Tank Waste Holdup Transfer Pump Spent Resin Storage Tank Spent Resin Transfer Pump Spent Resin Sluicing Pump Waste Evaporator Feed Tank Note 7 Note 7 AWWA D-100 AWWA D-100 AWWA D-100 Yes - Note 5 No Yes - Note 5 No Yes - S Yes - Note 1 Yes - S Yes - Note 1 Yes - Note 1 Yes - S Waste Evaporator Recirculating Pump Concentrate Cooler Separator Vapor Condenser Distillate Pump Distillate Cooler ASME VIII (lethal)

ASME VIII (lethal)

ASME VIII (lethal)

ASME VIII (lethal)

ASME VIII (lethal)

Yes - S Yes - S Yes - S Yes - S Yes - S Yes - S Yes - S Reactor Building Sump Pump Waste Evaporator Feed Pump Yes - Note 1 Yes - S Gaseous Waste Disposal System

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-2 (Page 5 of 6)

(31 DEC 2014)

Design Code Designed For Seismic Loading (D=Dynamic Analysis) (S=Static Analysis)

Waste Gas Compressor Waste Gas Separator Seal Water Cooler Waste Gas Tank Waste Gas Filter Waste Gas Exhauster ASME VIII ASME VIII-C Yes - S Yes - S Yes - S Yes - S Yes - S No Condenser Cooling Water System Intake Structure CCW Pumps CCW Intake Pipe CCW Discharge Pipe ECCW Piping (Structural Portion)

Condenser Yes - S Yes - S Yes - S Yes - S Yes - S Yes - S Essential Siphon Vacuum (ESV)

System ESV Pumps ESV Tanks ASME Secton VIII Yes - Note 6 Yes - S

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-2 (Page 6 of 6)

(31 DEC 2014)

Design Code Designed For Seismic Loading (D=Dynamic Analysis) (S=Static Analysis)


1. Vendor certification that component will meet seismic loading requirement.
2. Static and Dynamic Analyses performed.
3. Shock tested in lieu of analysis.
4. Vendor certification that component will meet seismic loading requirement will be furnished.
5. Tank meets loading requirement by its location in Auxiliary Building basement floor.
6. Seismic Adequacy evaluated using experience based criteria and procedures.
7. Stainless Steel Lining for Concrete Sump
8. Dynamic analysis performed. Static and/or dynamic analyses can be performed for future changes that affect the U 1/2 RCW Heat Exchanger. Seismic loads are applied to this U 1/2 Heat Exchanger since the attached CCW piping is Class D-seismic.
9. The SSF systems and components needed for safe shutdown are designed to withstand the safe shutdown Earthquake. See Sections and
10. A separate PSW structure is provided for major electrical equipment. The PSW structure is designed to withstand the Maximum Hypothetical Earthquake (MHE) and tornado missiles, wind and differential pressure in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.76 (Revision 1). Other components that receive backup power from the PSW System retain their existing seismic and quality classifications. See Section 9.7.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-3 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2004)

Table 3-3. Summary of Missile Equations Missile Category Principle Symbolic Form of Equation Solution I

Stored strain energy equals kinetic energy 2

mV 2

v 2



2 mV E

2 v

2 o




E g

Vo Note: The above equation was revised in 2004 update.

II Work done is Converted to kinetic energy 2

V m

F 2





l o

PA m

PA 2

V o

o l


Note: The above equation was revised in 2004 update.

III Newton's second law ma F =

m F












f j

m f

o f


Note: The above equation was revised in 1999 update.



tan X

o r





n 1




2 1

f f

Note: The above equation was revised in 1995 update.

ro K


V Vo 1(

n 1


Vf Vo 1(

K 2

f 1



Note: The above equation was revised in 1999 update.


tan m


K m

o f

2 Note:

1. Either graphical techniques or numerical methods must be used to obtain the solution to category III.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-4 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-4. List of Symbols


ultimate tensile stress, (lb/ft2)


density of missile, (#/ft3)


strain = /E, (in./in.)



modulus of elasticity, (lb/ft2) v


volume of missile, (ft3) m


mass of the missile, (lb-sec2/ft)



velocity of missile, (ft/sec) g


gravity constant, (ft/sec2)



force on the missile, (lb) l


stroke length, (ft)



system pressure, (lb/ft2)



missile area under pressure, throat area, (ft2) f


density of fluid, (#/ft3)



jet velocity, (ft/sec)



projected area of missile, (ft2)



jet area, (ft2)


angle of jet expansion, (°from normal)



distance missile travels, (ft)



initial velocity of missile, (ft/sec) ro


radius of throat (ft)




Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-5 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2014)

Table 3-5. Properties of Missiles - Reactor Vessel & Control Rod Drive Missile Class Description Weight (lbs.)

Impact Area (in2)

Velocity (ft/sec)

Kinetic Energy (Ft-lbs)


1. Closure head nut [Note 1]

80 38 97 11,680

2. Closure stud w/nut [Note 1]

660 71 97 96,400

3. 1" Valve bonnet stud 0.5 0.6 73.5 42
4. C. R. nozzle flange bolt & nut 3.0 3.1 97 438 II
1. CRD closure cap 8.0 7.0 215 5,742 III
1. C. R. drive assembly 1000 64.0 90 125,777 Deleted row(s) per 2004 update Note:

These values are from the NSSS and Bechtel vendor calculations. HydraNuts have been established as acceptable alternate closure head nuts. Each HydraNut weighs approximately 108 lbs. This increase in weight and associated parameters in the table due to the use of the HydraNuts remains bounded by those of the control rod drive described in Section

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-6 (Page 1 of 2)

(31 DEC 2003)

Table 3-6. Properties of Missiles - Steam Generator Missile Class Description Weight (lbs.)

Impact Area (in2)

Velocity (ft/sec)

Kinetic Energy (Ft-lbs)

Original Steam Generator I

1. 11/2" Vent valve bonnet stud 2.0

.8 73.5 167

2. Feedwater inlet flange bolt 0.3

.6 67.5 21

3. 16" I.D. manway stud, tube side 8.0 2.1 67.5 566
4. 5" Inspection opening cover stud 1.5 1.2 73.5 125
5. 1" Valve bonnet stud 0.5

.6 73.5 42 II

1. 11/2" Vent valve stem & wheel 5.0

.45 44.5 154

2. Sample line 1" valve stem &

wheel 4.0

.3 35.8 80

3. Sample line 1" EMO valve stem and wheel 4.0

.3 35.8 80 III

1. 16" I.D. manway cover, tube side 955 615 515 1,950,000
2. 16" I.D. manway cover, shell side 478 615 777 2,230,000
3. 5" I.D. inspection cover, tube side 80 150 515 160,000
4. 5" I.D. inspection cover, shell side 40 150 852 220,000
5. 11/2" Vent valve bonnet and assembly 24 38 371 51,180
6. Sample line 1" valve bonnet &


30 27 243 27,460

7. Sample line 1" EMO bonnet &


115 27 138 34,250

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-6 (Page 2 of 2)

(31 DEC 2003)

Missile Class Description Weight (lbs.)

Impact Area (in2)

Velocity (ft/sec)

Kinetic Energy (Ft-lbs)

Replacement Steam Generator I

1. 11/2" Vent valve bonnet stud 2.0

.8 73.5 167

2. Feedwater inlet flange bolt 0.3

.6 67.5 21

3. 16" I.D. manway stud, tube side 8.0 2.1 67.5 566
4. 6 Handhole opening cover stud 1.5 1.2 73.5 125
5. 1" Valve bonnet stud 0.5

.6 73.5 42 II

1. 11/2" Vent valve stem & wheel 5.0

.45 44.5 154

2. Sample line 1" valve stem &

wheel 4.0

.3 35.8 80

3. Sample line 1" EMO valve stem and wheel 4.0

.3 35.8 80 III

1. 16" I.D. manway cover, tube side 955 615 515 1,950,000
2. 16" I.D. manway cover, shell side 478 615 777 2,230,000
3. 6 Handhole opening cover, tube side 80 150 515 160,000
4. 6 Handhole opening cover, shell side 40 150 852 220,000
5. 11/2" Vent valve bonnet and assembly 24 38 371 51,180
6. Sample line 1" valve bonnet &


30 27 243 27,460

7. Sample line 1" EMO bonnet &


115 27 138 34,250

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-7 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-7. Properties of Missiles - Pressurizer Missile Class Description Weight (lbs.)

Impact Area (in2)

Velocity (ft/sec)

Kinetic Energy (Ft-lbs)


1. 4" Valve bonnet stud 3.0 1.8 73.5 250
2. 5" Valve bonnet stud 3.0 2.4 73.5 250
3. 16" Manway cover stud 7.5 3.1 67.5 530
4. Heater bundle stud 25.0 7.0 73.5 2100
5. 3/4" Valve stem stud 0.8

.45 73.5 67 II

1. Spray line 4" EMO valve stem 9

1.0 135.0 2560

2. Sample line 3/4" valve stem 4

.3 72.7 330

3. Sample line 3/4" EMO valve stem 4

.3 72.7 330 III

1. 16" I.D. manway cover 250 615 375 546,000
2. Heater bundle assembly 2500 850 375 5,400,000
3. Spray line 4" EMO valve bonnet and assembly 325 150 521 1,370,000
4. 21/2" x 6 Relief valve bonnet and assembly 175 65 232 146,000
5. Sample line 3/4" valve bonnet and assembly 20 21 364 41,150
6. Sample line 3/4" EMO valve bonnet and assembly 115 21 258 118,400

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-8 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-8. Properties of Missiles - Quench Tank and Instruments Missile Class Description Weight (lbs.)

Impact Area (in2)

Velocity (ft/sec)

Kinetic Energy (Ft-lbs)


1. 11/2" Drain valve bonnet stud 0.6

.2 73.5 50

2. 4" Valve bonnet stud 2.0

.3 73.5 167 II

1. 11/2" EMO drain valve stem 5.0

.45 11.0 9

2. 4" EMO valve stem 9.0 1.0 21.5 65 III
1. 11/2" EMO drain valve & op.assy.

220 20 73.5 18,450

2. 11/2" Drain valve bonnet & assy.

20 20 73.5 1,670

3. 4" EMO valve bonnet & op. assy.

355 65 73.5 29,780 INSTRUMENTS III

1. RTE 1.0

.2 208 670

2. RTE & Plug 2.0 4.0 448 6230

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-9 (Page 1 of 2)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-9. Properties of Missiles - System Piping Missile Class Description Weight (lbs.)

Impact Area (in2)

Velocity (ft/sec)

Kinetic Energy (Ft-lbs)

Core Flooding Line I

14" C.V. bonnet stud 2.0 1.7 73.5 167 I

14" Valve bonnet stud 3.5 4.0 67.5 248 II 14" C.V. check pivot stud 10.0 1.75 249 9650 II 14" P.O. valve stem 98.0 5.0 143 31,100 III 14" C.V. bonnet & assembly 525.0 125 448 1,640,000 III 14" P.O. valve bonnet and assembly 1900.0 650 558 9,180,000 L.P. Injection Line I

12" C.V. bonnet stud 2.0 1.7 73.5 167 II 12" C.V. check pivot stud 10 1.75 249 9,650 III 12" C.V. bonnet and assy.

450 95 558 2,170,000 R.V. Outlet Line to L.P. System I

10" Valve bonnet stud 2.5 1.7 73.5 177 I

Relief valve bonnet stud 0.5

.3 73.5 42 I

Relief valve stem assy.

40 12.5 35.3 768 II 10" EMO valve stem 50 3.1 130 13,200 III 10" EMO valve bonnet & assy.

1270 415 558 6,140,000 R.V. Inlet Line from H.P. System I

4" C.V. bonnet stud 1.0

.8 73.5 83.5 II 4" C.V. check pivot stud 3.0

.8 158 1170 III 4" C.V. bonnet and assy.

30 19 558 145,000 S.G. Outlet Line to Pump Inlet I

1" Drain valve bonnet stud 0.8

.6 73.5 67 II 1" Drain valve stem assy.


.3 84 438 III 1" Drain valve & bonnet assy.

30.0 27 448 84,380 Pressurizer to C.A. System Line I

3/4" Valve bonnet stud 1.0

.45 73.5 83 II 3/4" Valve stem 4

.3 73 330 II 3/4" EMO valve stem 4

.3 73 330 III 3/4" Valve bonnet and assy.

20 21 425 56,250

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-9 (Page 2 of 2)

(31 DEC 2000)

Missile Class Description Weight (lbs.)

Impact Area (in2)

Velocity (ft/sec)

Kinetic Energy (Ft-lbs)

III 3/4" EMO valve bonnet and assy.

115 21 280 140,000 Primary Pump Seal Water Return to H.P. System Line I

3" EMO valve bonnet stud 1.0 1.0 73.5 83.5 II 3" EMO valve stem 25.0

.3 125.7 6150 III 3" EMO valve bonnet and assy.

285.0 85 507 1,137,000 Letdown Cooler Inlet & Outlet Lines I

11/2" EMO valve bonnet stud 2.0

.8 73.5 167 II 11/2" EMO valve stem 1.0 1.0 153.2 1830 III 11/2" EMO valve bonnet and assy.

250.0 38 320 397,000 Primary Pump Seal Water Inlet and Outlet Lines I

3" Inlet C.V. bonnet stud 1.0

.8 73.5 83.5 I

3" Outlet valve bonnet stud 2.0 1.0 73.5 167 II 3" C.V. check pivot stud 3.0

.8 158.4 1170 II 3" Outlet valve stem 25.0 2.4 125.7 6150 III 3" Inlet C.V. bonnet and assy.

25.0 85 558 120,800 III 3" Outlet valve bonnet and assy.

65.0 85 523 276,000 Primary Pump Vent & Drain Lines I

11/2" Vent & drain valve bonnet stud 2.0

.8 73.5 167 II 11/2" Vent & drain valve stem 5.0 1.0 153.2 1830 III 11/2" Vent & drain valve bonnet and assy.

55.0 38 435.0 161,600

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-10 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-10. Missile Characteristics Weight Impact Area 5944 lbs Side On - 8.368 sq ft End On - 3.657 sq ft Velocity Kinetic Energy Ft-Lbs Initial - 710 fps Impact Cylinder - 502 fps Dome - 431 fps Initial - 46.5 x 106 Impact Cylinder - 23.25 x 106 Dome - 18.0 x 106

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-11 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-11. Depth of Penetration of Concrete Case I Case II Case III Cylinder Dome Cylinder Dome Cylinder Dome 6"

51/2" 12 3/4" 121/4" 351/2" 25"

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-12 (Page 1 of 5)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-12. Containment Coatings Surface Coating Systems Dry Film Thickness Manufacturer Remarks

1. Carbon Steel 0°F - 200°F Original System Prime Coat Finish Coat Carbo Zinc 11 Phenoline 305 Finish 3.0 mils DFT 4.0 mils DFT 7.0 mils DFT Carboline Carboline Note 1 Maintenance System over Original System Maintenance Coat DP-SP28 Power Tool Cleaning DP#78-1 Carboline 890 2.0 to 7.0 mils DFT Carboline Note 2 New System Prime Coat Finish Coat DP-SP5 White Metal Blast Cleaning DP#12-1 Carbo Zinc 11 SG DP#78-1 Carboline 890 2.0 mils DFT 5.0 mils DFT 7.0 mils DFT Carboline Carboline Note 2
2. Carbon Steel 0°F - 200°F Original System Prime Coat Finish Coat Carboline 191 Primer Phenoline 305 Finish 2.0 mils DFT 5.0 mils DFT 7.0 mils DFT Carboline Carboline Note 1 Maintenance System over Original System Maintenance Coat DP-SP28 Power Tool Cleaning DP#78-1 Carboline 890 2.0 to 7.0 mils DFT Carboline Note 2 New System Prime Coat Finish Coat DP-SP5 White Metal Blast Cleaning DP#78-1 Carboline 890 DP#78-1 Carboline 890 2.0 mils DFT 5.0 mils DFT 7.0 mils DFT Carboline Carboline Note 2

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-12 (Page 2 of 5)

(31 DEC 2000)

Surface Coating Systems Dry Film Thickness Manufacturer Remarks

3. Carbon Steel 0°F - 750°F Original System Prime Coat Carbo Zinc 11 3.0 mils DFT Carboline Note 1 New system Prime Coat DP-SP5 White Metal Blast Cleaning DP#12-1 Carbo Zinc 11 SG 3.0-5.0 mils DFT Carboline Note 2
4. Carbon Steel 0°F-250°F Tank Lining New System Prime Coat Intermediate Coat Finish Coat DP-SP5 White Metal Blast Cleaning DP#71-1 7155HHB Plasite Phenolic DP#71-1 7155HHB Plasite Phenolic DP#71-1 7155HHB Plasite Phenolic 4.0 mils DFT 4.0 mils DFT 4.0 mils DFT 12.0 mils DFT Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Note 2
5. Concrete Floors Original System Prime Coat Finish Coat 195Epoxy Surfacer Phenoline 305 Finish 8.0 mils DFT 4.0-8.0 mils DFT 12.0-16.0 mils DFT Carboline Carboline Note 1 Maintenance System over Original System Maintenance Coat DP-SP25 DP#78-1 Carboline 890 Carboline Note 2 New System Prime Coat Finish Coat DP-SP25 DP#36-1 Starglaze 2011S DP#78-1 Carboline 890 Seal Concrete 8.0 mils DFT 8.0 mils DFT Carboline Carboline Note 2

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-12 (Page 3 of 5)

(31 DEC 2000)

Surface Coating Systems Dry Film Thickness Manufacturer Remarks

6. Concrete Walls Original System Prime Coat Finish Coat DP-SP17 DP#36-1 46-X-29-00 Epoxy Surfacer DP#69-1 76 Series-00 High Build Epoxy 8.0 mils DFT 4.0-8.0 mils DFT 12.0-16.0 mils DFT Carboline Carboline Note 1 Maintenance System over Original System Maintenance Coat DP-SP17 DP#78-1 Carboline 890 2.0 to 5.0 mils DFT Carboline Note 2 New System Prime Coat Finish Coat DP-SP17 DP#36-1 Starglaze 2011S DP#78-1 Carboline 890 Seal Concrete 5.0 mils DFT 8.0 mils DFT Carboline Carboline Note 2 Notes:


1. Original coating systems have satisfactorily withstood the following autoclave tests designed to simulate LOCA conditions with no loss of adherence or erosion of material from surface:

Carbon Steel


Test specimens: Coating system applied to sandblasted carbon steel coupons.


Water chemistry: 3000 ppm boron as boric acid in water; also 3% boric acid

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-12 (Page 4 of 5)

(31 DEC 2000)

Surface Coating Systems Dry Film Thickness Manufacturer Remarks



For 3000 ppm boron 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> at 285°F-290°F 2 days at 200° F 6 days at 150°F 4 days at 130°F For 3% Boric Acid 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> at 75°F-300°F 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> at 300°F 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> at 300°F-180° F 15 hours1.736111e-4 days <br />0.00417 hours <br />2.480159e-5 weeks <br />5.7075e-6 months <br /> cooling to ambient Total 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> cycle repeated ten times Concrete


Test specimens: Prepared concrete coupons.


Water Chemistry: 3000 ppm boron as boric acid in water; also 3% boric acid.



2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at 75°F - 300° F 14 hours1.62037e-4 days <br />0.00389 hours <br />2.314815e-5 weeks <br />5.327e-6 months <br /> at 300°F 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at 75° F 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> cooling to ambient We understand testing performed by ANS Subcommittee for Protective Coatings for Reactor Containment Facilities and by Dr. C D Watson at Oak Ridge did not disclose any significant difference between results of static autoclave exposure and autoclave exposure using a spray of solution on panels. On this basis either static or dynamic exposure to spray solution is considered to be acceptable as basis for testing.

We do not have available test results on jet impingement effects; however, it is felt that there is no coating system available which would

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-12 (Page 5 of 5)

(31 DEC 2000) withstand a high temperature, high velocity steam jet. We believe that the assumption of large scale, rapid LOCA by means of a double-ended pipe failure or otherwise, negates the possibility of concentrated local jet impinging on a coated steel area of substantial size.

Therefore, we believe the autoclave tests in which specimens were subjected to steam and water at elevated temperatures more nearly approximate overall building environment under LOCA conditions than would a local steam jet application.

We understand ANS subcommittee found no system for coating steel or concrete for resisting steam jet impingement and therefore has established no standards for this condition of exposure.

Decontamination factor for Phenoline 305 is 325. Test methods described in Oak Ridge National Laboratory Reports ORNL-3589, 3916 and others.

Carbo Zinc 11 withstands in excess of 3 x 109 Roentgens when irradiated in water. There is no serious damage to Phenoline 305 at 6 x 109 Roentgens when irradiated in air. Phenoline 305 withstands in excess of 2 x 109 Roentgens irradiated in water.

2. Maintenance coating over Original Coating Systems and New Coating Systems have satisfactorily withstood radiation and autoclave tests with no loss of adherence or erosion of material from surface.

Coating Systems are qualified by Engineering in accordance with ANSI N101.2 and ANSI N101.4 for (A) LOCA Conditions and (B)

Radiation Tolerance.

Coating specifications for shop and field application include the following: Scope, Coating System, Approved Materials, Application Procedures, Touchup Procedures, Workmanship Guide, Inspection Requirements, Record Requirements, and Product Data Sheets.

A Materials Certification of each batch of coating material procured is in accordance with ANSI N101.4 and is provided by the Manufacturer.

Distribution of Containment Coating Specifications and Coating Schedules are transmitted by Document Control.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-13 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-13. Service Load Combinations for Reactor Building

1. D + F + L + To
2. D + F + L + P + TA + E(or W)
3. D + F + L + P' Where:



Dead Load L


Appropriate Live Load F


Appropriate Prestressing Load P


Pressure Load (Varies with time from design pressure to zero pressure)



Thermal Loads Due to Operating Temperature TA


Thermal Loads Based on a Temperature Corresponding to a Pressure P E


Design Earthquake P'


Test Pressure = 1.15 P W


Wind Load

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-14 (Page 1 of 2)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-14. Accident, Wind, and Seismic Load Combinations and Factors for Class 1 Concrete Structures Y = 1/1.0D + 1.0P + 1.0T + E')

Y = 1/ (1.05D + 1.25P + 1.0T + 1.25E or W)

Y = 1/ (1.05D + 1.5P + 1.0T)

Y = 1/1.0D + 1.0Wt + 1.0Pi) for Tornado Forces.

(Use 0.95 where dead load subtracts from critical stress.) (Wind, W, to replace earthquake, E, in the above formula where wind stresses control)

Where Y

= required yield strength of the structure as defined above.


= dead loads of structure and equipment plus any other permanent loadings contributing stress, such as hydrostatic or soils. In addition, a portion of "live load" should be added when it includes piping, cable trays, etc. suspended from floors and an allowance should be made for future additional permanent loads.


= design accident pressure.


= thermal loads based on a temperature corresponding to the factored design accident pressure.


= seismic load based on design earthquake.


= seismic load based on maximum hypothetical earthquake.


= wind load.


= stress induced by tornado wind velocity (drag, lift and torsion).


= stress due to differential pressure.

= Concrete capacity reduction factor.


0.90 for concrete flexure.


0.85 for tension, shear, bond and anchorage in concrete.


0.75 for spirally reinforced concrete compression members.


0.70 for tied compression members.


0.90 for fabricated structural steel embedments.


0.90 for mild reinforcing steel (not prestressed) in direct tension excluding splices.


0.85 for mild reinforcing steel with mechanical splices (for lap splices, = 0.85 as above for bond and anchorage).


0.95 for prestressed tendons in direct tension.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-14 (Page 2 of 2)

(31 DEC 2000)

Additional Notes:

The Class 1 structures are proportioned to maintain elastic behavior when subjected to various combinations of dead loads, accident loads, thermal loads and wind or seismic loads. The upper limit of elastic behavior is considered to be the yield strength of the effective load-carrying structural materials.

The yield strength for steel (including reinforcing steel) is considered to be the minimum given in the appropriate ASTM specification. Concrete structures are designed for ductile behavior wherever possible; that is, with steel stress controlling the design. The values for concrete, as given in the ultimate strength design portion of the ACI 318-63 Code, will be used in determining "Y", the required yield strength of the structure.

The design loads applied to the structures are increased by load factors based on the probability and conservatism of the predicted normal design loads.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-15 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-15. Inward Displacement of Liner Plate Case Nominal Plate Thickness (In.)

Initial Inward Displacement (In.)

Anchor Spacing L1 (In.)

Anchor Spacing L2 (In.)

Factor of Safety Against Failure I

0.25 0.125 15 15 37.0 II 0.25 0.125 15 15 19.4 III 0.25 0.125 15 15 9.9 IV 0.25 0.125 15 15 6.28 V

0.25 0.25 30 15 4.25

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-16 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2003)

Table 3-16. Stress Analysis Results

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-17 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-17. Stress Analysis Results

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-18 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2003)

Table 3-18. Stress Analysis Results

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-19 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2003)

Table 3-19. Stress Analysis Results

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-20 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2003)

Table 3-20. Stress Analysis Results

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-21 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2003)

Table 3-21. Stress Analysis Results

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-22 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-22. Bent Wire Test Results Sample STRESS (psi)

Group No.

1 2

3 4

5 6

Bend Angle (Degrees) 30 60 90 30 60 Bend Radius (inch) 1.25 1.25 1.25 0

0 1

251,500 257,650 257,650 259,650 251,550 230,150 2

254,600 259,650 257,650 257,650 251,550 237,250 3

256,600 257,650 259,650 256,600 252,550 240,300 SERIES I Heat

  1. A67386 4

258,650 258,650 258,650 256,600 247,450 235,250 5

259,650 261,700 259,650 258,650 248,450 237,250 6

258,650 259,650 260,700 258,650 7

260,700 254,600 261,700 258,650 8

259,650 258,650 260,700 258,650 9

260,700 258,650 260,700 257,650 10 260,700 258,650 255,600 260,700 Average 258,850 258,550 259,250 258,350 250,300 236,050 11 252,550 249,500 249,500 243,400 229,100 12 252,550 249,500 251,550 243,400 227,100 13 249,500 249,500 248,450 243,400 229,100 SERIES II Heat

  1. A72005 14 248,450 249,500 250,500 242,350 227,100 15 247,450 250,500 248,450 241,350 228,100 16 250,500 249,500 248,450 17 254,600 253,550 252,550 18 251,550 251,550 251,550 19 252,550 251,550 249,500 20 249,500 254,600 249,500 Average 250,900 250,900 250,000 242,750 228,100

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-23 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2009)

Table 3-23. Auxiliary Building Loads and Conditions AREA CONDITIONS Control Room A,B,C,D,E Cable Room A,B,C,D,E Electrical Equipment Room A,B,C,D,E Spent Fuel Pool A,B,C,D,E Blow out panels designed to relieve 3 psi differential pressure Spent Fuel Storage Racks A,D Inherently resistant to wind loads Spent Fuel Handling Crane A,D,E Inherently resistant to wind loads. Hold down device provided Penetration Room Frames A,B,D Physical separation provided for missile protection Cable Shaft A,B,C,D,E Elevator Steel Shaft A,D Main Steam Pipe Supports A,B,D Hot Machine Shop A,D Balance of Auxiliary Building A,B,D Frame designed for B, but not external walls above grade. Areas below grade are inherently protected against missiles in C and E.

A =

All normal dead, equipment, live, and wind loads due to 95 mph wind or design basis earthquake.

B =

Normal dead and equipment loads plus tornado wind load due to 300 mph wind.

C =

Tornado missiles of (1) 8 in. diameter x 12 ft. long piece of wood, 200 pounds, 250 mph, and (2) 2,000 pound automobile, 100 mph, 20 sq. ft. impact area, for 25 ft. above grade.

D =

Normal dead and equipment loads plus maximum hypothetical earthquake loads.



Turbine-generator missile, 5,944 pounds, 502 fps, kinetic energy of 23.25 x 106 ft.-lbs., side on impact area of 8.368 sq. ft. and end on impact area of 3.657 sq. ft.

Deleted row(s) Per 2009 Update

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-24 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-24. Mark-BZ Fuel Assembly Seismic and Loca Results at 600°F Loading Case Allowable Impact Load (lbs)

Grid Deformation Allowable Grid Deformation (in.)

SSE 2824 (1)

None 0.0 LOCA Core Flood Line Guillotine 2824 None 0.0 LOCA Decay Heat Line Guillotine 2824 None 0.0 SSE and LOCA 2824 None 0.0 Note:

1. That the allowable load is actually higher than the elastic load limit given, since the criteria of SSE is to ensure control rod insertion. Therefore, the value given is conservative.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-25 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-25. Deleted per 1996 Update

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-26 (Page 1 of 1)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-26. Stress Limits for Seismic, Pipe Rupture and Combined Loads Case Loading Combination Stress Limits I

Design loads + operating basis earthquake loads m

m S

0.1 P

m b







II Design loads + safe shutdown earthquake loads m

m S

2.1 P


S 5.1(





m b



III Design Loads + pipe rupture loads m

m S

2.1 P


S 5.1(





m b



IV Design loads + safe shutdown earthquake loads + pipe rupture loads u

m S



2 P

u b









1 where PL

= Primary local membrane stress intensity Pm

= Primary general membrane stress intensity Pb

= Primary bending stress intensity Sm

= Allowable membrane stress intensity Su

= Ultimate stress for unirradiated material at operating temperature Note:

1. All symbols have the same definition or connotation as those in ASME B&PV Code Section III, Nuclear Vessels.
2. All components will be designed to insure against structural instabilities regardless of stress levels.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3 3-67 (Page 1 of 3)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-27. Deleted Per 1999 Update Table 3-28. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-29. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-30. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-31. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-32. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-33. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-34. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-35. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-36. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-37. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-38. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-39. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-40. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-41. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-42. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-43. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-44. Deleted Per 2004 Update

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3 3-67 (Page 2 of 3)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-45. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-46. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-47. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-48. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-49. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-50. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-51. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-52. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-53. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-54. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-55. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-56. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-57. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-58. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-59. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-60. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-61. Deleted Per 2004 Update

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3 3-67 (Page 3 of 3)

(31 DEC 2000)

Table 3-62. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-63. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-64. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-65. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-66. Deleted Per 2004 Update Table 3-67. Deleted Per 2004 Update

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-68 (Page 1 of 8)

(31 DEC 2019)

Table3-68. Electrical Equipment Seismic Qualification Equipment Identification Seismic Qualification Documentation Reference


Reactor Protective System Cabinets/Components Deleted Per 2013 Update.

Reactor Protective System Engineered Safeguards Protective System Replacement Equipment Qualification Report AREVA NP 66-5065212 (OM 201.N-0021.001); TXS Supplemental Equipment Qualification Summary Test Report AREVA NP 66-5015893 (OM 201.N-0021.017); Seismic Anchorage Calculation OSC-8743; Seismic Qualification of ES and RPS Cabinets AREVA NP 51-9002920; Seismic and Isolation Qualification Test Report of Phoenix Contact Relays AREVA NP 38-9057729; Test Report for Seismic Qualification of Additional Hardware for use within Teleperm XS System Areva NP 58-5066097 Deleted Per 2013 Update.


Engineered Safeguards Protective Cabinets/Components Deleted Per 2013 Update.

Reactor Protective System and Engineered Safeguards Protective System Replacement Equipment Qualification Report AREVA NP 66-5065212 (OM 201.N-0021.001); TXS Supplemental Equipment Qualification Summary Test Report AREVA NP 66-5015893 (OM 201.N-0021.017); Seismic Anchorage Calculation OSC-8743; Seismic Qualification of ES and RPS Cabinets AREVA NP 51-9002920; Seismic and Isolation Qualification Test Report of Phoenix Contact Relays AREVA NP 38-9057729; Test Report for Seismic Qualification of Additional Hardware for use within Teleperm XS System Areva NP 58-5066097 Deleted Per 2013 Update.

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-68 (Page 2 of 8)

(31 DEC 2019)

Equipment Identification Seismic Qualification Documentation Reference


Reactor Protective System Sensors

1. RC Pressure Transmitters (NR)
2. RC Temperature RTD's
3. RC Flow Transmitters
4. RB Pressure Switches
5. RCP Power Monitors Rosemount Report 2758&127516 &D8400102 also B & W 58-0261-00 Rosemount Report 1177117A, and B & W 58-0082-00 B & W 58-0081-00 and Rosemount Report D8400102 Herron Lab Report F-7040, and B & W 58-0080-00 (OM 360-0010)

Duke/Exide Test Report PH58644 WEED Instrument Report D6-8680-003(OM-357.-0008-0001)

Deleted Per 2013 Update.

Wyle Test Report No. 52511-1, Seismic Test Report; NTS Environmental and Seismic Testing of Ancillary Equipment for Oconee ES/RPS Replacement AREVA NP 38-9004984; Seismic Qualification Report Lampbox and Switches AREVA NP 38-9005550


Engineered Safeguards Protective System Sensors

1. RC Pressure Transmitters (WR)
2. RB Pressure Transmitters
3. RB Pressure Switches Rosemount Test Report D830040(OM-0267.A-0114)

&D8400102 (OM-0267-0969) ITT-Barton Test Report R3-764-9 (OM-0267.A-0041) ASCO Test Report AQR-101083 (OM-0267.A-0050)


4160 VAC Station Auxiliary Switchgear (1TC, 1TD, 1TE; 2, 3)

ITE Report No. R-8793, and Gould Report No. 33-53719-SS (OM 302-0617)


600 VAC Load Centers (1X8, 1X9, 1X10; 2, 3)

Gould Report No. 33-53729-SSA (OM 301-0079)


Motor Control Centers (1XS1, 1XS2, 1XS3; 2; 3)

1. A.O. Smith Type "CY" Starters
2. Joslyn Clark Type "TM" Starters
a. Oconee (1XS1, 1XS2, 1XS3j2;3)
b. Keowee (1XA, 1XS, 2XA, 2XS)

Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1-2-3 Motor Control Centers, DC Distribution Centers, DC Panelboards, Original QA Documentation Files Seismic Qualification of size 1-4 Joslyn Clark Motor Starters DPC-1393.00-00-0041


DC Distribution Centers (1DCA, 1DCB; 2; 3)

Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1-2-3 Motor Control Centers, DC Distribution Centers, DC Panelboards, Original QA Documentation Files

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-68 (Page 3 of 8)

(31 DEC 2019)

Equipment Identification Seismic Qualification Documentation Reference


AC Panelboards (1KVIA, 1KVIB, 1KVIC, 1KVID; 2; 3) 1SKJ, 1SKK, 1SKL; 2,3 Wyle Lab Report 42729-1 (OM-304.0002)

Square-D Report No. 8998-10.09-L31 (OM-0137)


DC Panelboard (1DIA, 1DIB, 1DIC, 1DID; 2; 3)

Wyle Lab Report 42729-1 (OM-304.0002)


Control Batteries/Racks (1CA, 1CB; 2; 3)

C & D Technologies, Environment and Seismic Qualification Report of 125 Volt Vital Instrumentation and Control Batteries, Model LCU-27 and RD-903-28EP3 Two Step Battery Racks (OM-1320.-101-001)


Battery Chargers (1CA, 1CB, 1CS; 2; 3)

Wyle Lab Report 43185-2 (OM 346-0105-1)


Inverters (1DIA, 1DIB, 1DIC, 1DID; 2; 3)

Wyle Lab Report 43185-2 (OM 346-0105-1)


Isolating Diode Assemblies (1ADA, 1ADB, 1ADC, 1ADD; 2; 3)

Exide Power Systems Div. "Seismic Test of Diode Monitors"


Oconee Main Control Boards Wyle Lab Report WR 73-1 (OM 1393-0008), OSC-1525 (1),

OSC-3942(1), OSC-2509(1)


Engineered Safeguards Terminal Cabinets Wyle Lab Report WR 73-1 (OM 1393-0008)


Emergency Power Switching Logic Cabinets Wyle Lab Report WR 73-1 (OM 1393-0008)


Oconee Unit Boards Wyle Lab Report WR 73-1 (OM 1393-0008), OSC-1525(1),

OSC-3942(1), OSC-2509(1)


Oconee Vertical Boards Wyle Lab Report WR 73-1 (OM 1393-0008), OSC-1525(1),

OSC-3942(1), OSC-2509(1)


Oconee Auxiliary Boards Wyle Lab Report WR 73-1 (OM 1393-0008), OSC-1525(1),

OSC-3942(1), OSC-2509(1)


Keowee Emergency Start Cabinets Wyle Lab Report WR 73-1 (OM 1393-0008)


Keowee Control Boards Wyle Lab Report WR 73-1 (OM 1393-0008), Loose Parts, NLI-Nuclear Logistics INC. QR-29412516-4 (KM 303. --0045.001)


Keowee Miscellaneous Terminal Cabinets Wyle Lab Report WR 73-1 (OM 1393-0008)

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-68 (Page 4 of 8)

(31 DEC 2019)

Equipment Identification Seismic Qualification Documentation Reference


Keowee Main Turbine - Generators ONS Emergency Power Source Seismic Evaluation Technical Position Paper


Keowee - Oconee Underground Power Circuit ONS Emergency Power Source Seismic Evaluation Technical Position Paper


Keowee Logic Cabinets Wyle Lab Report WR 73-1 (OM 1393-0008)


Keowee 125 VDC Battery Chargers OM 320-0167


Keowee 125 VDC Battery/Racks Keowee Battery Environmental Qualification Report (KM 320-


Keowee 125 VDC Distribution Centers Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1-2-3 Motor Control Centers, DC Distribution Centers, DC Panelboards, Original QA Documentation Files


230 KV Swyd Battery Chargers OM 320-0167


230 KV Swyd Control Batteries C & D Charter Power Systems Report Number QR-27189-01 (OM-320-163)


230 KV Swyd Distribution Centers Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1-2-3 Motor Control Centers, DC Distribution Centers, DC Panelboards, Original QA Documentation Files


230 KV Swyd Panelboards Wyle Lab Report 42729-1, (OM 304.0002)


Oconee/Keowee Overhead Power Path Equipment

a. Keowee Main Stepup Transformer G. E. letter to R. S. Thompson, 09-06-76, and G. E. letter to J.

E. Stoner, 04-03-77 (K-301)

b. Oconee Startup Transformers G. E. letter to R. S. Thompson, 09-06-76, and G. E. letter to J.

E. Stoner, 04-03-77 (OS-83-B)

c. 230 KV Disconnect Switches ITE letter & Attachment to R. S. Thompson, 08-26-76, (OS C) and OSC-926
d. 230 KV Power Circuit Breakers MEPPI Breakers (OM 323.0335.001), OSC-7895

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-68 (Page 5 of 8)

(31 DEC 2019)

Equipment Identification Seismic Qualification Documentation Reference

e. 230 KV Swyd. Coupling Capacitor G. E. letter & Attachments to J. C. Papaspyrou, 08-18-76, (OS-96-D), OSC-926, OM-330-0033-001, and OSC-7895
f. 230 KV Swyd. Lightning Arrestors G. E. letter & Attachments to J. C. Papaspyrou, 08-06-76, (OS-96-E), and OSC-926
h. 230 KV Swyd. DC Panelboards ITE letter & Attachments to J. E. Stoner, 08-16-76, (OS-89)
i. 230 KV Swyd. Control Batteries/Racks C & D letter to C. J. Wylie, 09-02-76 (OS-93)
k. 230 KV Swyd. Relay House Lighting System (Anchoring Only)

J. P. Bultman letter to J. E. Stoner, 09-23-76, (OS-89)

l. 230 KV Swyd. Relay Panels/Equipment Wyle Lab Report WR 76-17 (OM 393-0006)

AC Control Rod Drive Breaker Cabinet FANP Qualfication Test Report QR 02 Cutler Hammer DSII Series Low Voltage AC Trip Circuit Breakers and Switchgear-Rev 03, dated 12-19-03. (OM 2201.M-0377.001)


Standby Shutdown Facility

a. Control Console Wyle Lab Report 45676-1 (OM 1393-0013), OSC-279(1)
b. Miscellaneous Equipment and Interconnecting Cabinets Wyle Lab Report 45676-1 (OM 1393-0013), OSC-279(1)
c. Diesel Generator Flight Dynamics Inc. Report No. A-11-80 (OM 351-0206)
d. 4160 VAC Switchgear Gould Report No. 33-53566-SS(OM-302-0615)
e. 600 VAC Motor Control Centers GTE Seismic Report (OM 308-0361-001, -002, and 003)
f. 208 VAC Motor Control Centers GTE Seismic Report (OM 308-0361-001, -002, and -003)
g. 120 VAC/125 VDC Panelboards GTE Seismic Report (OM 308-0361-001, 002, and 003)
h. 600 VAC Load Centers Gould Report No. 33-53729-SSA (OM301-80)
i. Inverters SCI Seismic Evaluation (OM 320-0214-001)

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-68 (Page 6 of 8)

(31 DEC 2019)

Equipment Identification Seismic Qualification Documentation Reference

j. Battery Chargers OM-320-0202.001 (Environmental and Seismic Qualification Report 125 VDC/500 AMP SSF Chargers CSF & CSFS)
k. Voltage Regulators Wyle Lab Report 44741-1 (OM 352-0012)
l. Control Batteries/Racks OM-320-0202.002 (Environmental and Seismic Qualification Report, 125 Volt SSf Batteries DCSf & DCSf-S Model LCR-21 on Two-Step and Single-Row Battery Racks)
m. SSF Transmitters Rosemount Test Reports D8400102, Rev. B (OM-267-0969)

D8300040 (OM-267.A-0114)


TMI Action Item Additions

a. Reactor Building High Range Radiation Monitors Victoreen Report No. 950-301 (OM 360-35)
b. Anticipatory Reactor Trip Pressure Switches and RPS Logic Equipment B & W Report No. BWNP-20210-1 (OM-304-0001, OM-2304-0001) or Static-O-Ring Report Nos. 9058-102 (OM-267A-0124) and 9058-104 (OM-267-1284)
c. Hydrogen Analyzer Control Panel (Duke Portion)

Wyle Lab Report No. 45477-1 (OM 1393-0009)

d. Post-Accident Monitoring Recorders Wyle Lab Report WR-80-48, Rev. 1 (OM 1393-0012)
e. Post-Accident Monitoring Indicators Wyle Lab Report WR-80-48, Rev. 1 (OM 1393-0012)
f. Emergency Feedwater Initiation Pressures Switches Custom Component Switches, Inc. Report No. QTR 604-01 (CG 3008.02-01, CG 3008.02-06) or Static-O-Ring Report Nos. 9058-102 (OM-267A-0124) and 9058-104 (OM-267-1284)
g. Normal and Emergency Sump Level Transmitters FCI Test Report No. 708143 (OM 267-0762)
h. RB Pressure Transmitters RMT Report No. D8400102 Rev. B (OM-267-0969)
i. Post Accident Sampling Solenoid Valves (Air)

Valcor Test Report QR-70900-65 (CNM-1210.04-0394) Valcor Test Report QR-52600-5940-2 (OM 360-34)

j. Post Accident Sampling Solenoid Valves (Liquid)

Target Rock Report No. 2375 (OM 360-32)

k. High Point Vent System Solenoid Valves Target Rock Report No. 2375 (OM-360-32)

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-68 (Page 7 of 8)

(31 DEC 2019)

Equipment Identification Seismic Qualification Documentation Reference

l. RVLIS (Reactor Vessel Level Cabinets Instrumentation System)

Westinghouse Reports WCAP-8687 EQTR-E53A (OM-311.B-24), EQDP-ESE-4 (OM-311.B-25), WCAP8687 EQTR-E04A (OM-311.B-26), WCAP8687 EQAR-E61B (OM-311.B-32),

WCAP8687 EQTR-E02A (OM-311.B-35) and E04A-ADD1 (OM-311.B-40).

m. OTSG Level Control System Cabinets Wyle Lab Report No. 44662-1 (OM 393-0001).

Reactor Coolant Pump Monitor Cabinet Rochester Instrument Systems SN 909335 (OM 393-0007)


OSW Upgrade

1. Electrical Equipment in the ESV Bldg.
a. 600/240/120 VAC, Single-phase 7.5 kVA Transformer (1, 2, and 3SKMT, 3SKNT)

Technical Document No CGD-3014.04-01-0002

b. 600/240/120 VAC, Single-phase 2 kVA Transformer (1, 2, 3SKPT)

Technical Document No CGD-3014.04-01-0002

c. 240/120 VAC, Single-phase panelboards (1, 2, and 3SKM, N, P)

Technical Document No CGD-3014.01-24-0002

d. ESV Local Control Panels (1, 2, 3ESVLCP)

Calc 7330 - Seismic Qualification of Service Water Equipment using NARE Guidelines

2. Electrical Equipment in the Plant Control Complex.
a. ESV Relay Panel (1, 2 ESV1 and 3ESV1, 2, 3)

Calc 7330 - Seismic Qualification of Service Water Equipment using NARE Guidelines

b. Joslyn/Clark, size #2 "TM" Starter (1 ea. in MCCs 1, 2, 3XS1, 2, 3)

Seismic Qualification Test of a Joslyn/Clark Motor Starter DPC 1393.00-00-0032.


Motor Control Centers (1, 2 and 3XS4, 3XS5, 3XS6)

Qualification of Cutler Hammer MCCs. (OM 308.-0443.001)


600VAC Load Centers (1, 2 and 3X10)

Qualification of ABB Load Centers (OM 303.-0167.001)


Automatic Feedwater Isolation System (AFIS)

Qualification Report of Modified Star Components (OM-1311.D.0020)

Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Table 3-68 (Page 8 of 8)

(31 DEC 2019)

Equipment Identification Seismic Qualification Documentation Reference


Keowee 13.8 kV Switchgear (KPF1, KPF2)

NLI-Nuclear Logistics Inc. QR-29412516-1 (KM 303. --



Keowee Relay Panelboard (EB20)

NLI-Nuclear Logistics Inc. QR-29412516-3 (KM 303. --



Generator Bus Transition Junction Box (GEN1, GEN2)

NLI-Nuclear Logistics Inc. QR-29412516-2 (KM 303. --



PSW 125 VDC Panelboard (1A, 2A)

Kinectrics K-115099-FR-0001 (KM 303. --0049.002)


1. Where past and current documentation is shown within the table, these calculations and reports represent the current qualification documents for the equipment.