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Forwards Augmented Insp Team Repts 50-440/87-24 & 50-440/87-27 Describing Failure of Several MSIVs at Plant to Close or Close within Max Allowable Time Delineated in Facility Tech Specs.Summary of Recommendations Encl
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/28/1988
From: Miller H
To: Martin T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20148M398 List:
NUDOCS 8804050356
Download: ML20148M396 (3)

See also: IR 05000440/1987024



                                        VAR 2 81988
   MEMORANDUM FOR:    T. T. Martin, Acting Associate Director for Inspection and
                        Technical Assessment, NRR
   FROM:              Hubert J. Miller, Director, Division of Reactor Ssfety,
                        Region III


   Attached are copies of two recent AIT reports describing the failure of several
   Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) at Perry to close or ; lose within the
   maximum allowable time delineated in the facility technh. ' specifications.
   In addition to the events described in the attached reports, at least one other
   related event has occurred. This event occurred at LaSalle Unit 1.
   Contained within the body of these reports are a list of recommendations
   made by the AIT. As indicated in the attached reports and their recommen-
   dations, problems with Automatic Switch Company (ASCO) solenoid operated
   valves (S0Vs) have been relatively widespread. Each affected licensee appears
   to be dealing with these problems in a piecemeal manner. The NRC, in turn,
   is largely constrained to dealing with licensees individually as problems
   arise. Several past generic communications on these problems have been issued
   but they appear to have had little, if any, lasting effect as evidenced by the
   fact that the problems continue to occur. Adding to the problem is the fact
   that the vendor, in dealing with individual licensees, has not been cooperative
   in all cases. It would appear that the most effective and appropriate approach
   to resolving the issues raised by the AIT would be to pursue them with one or
   more of the industry self-improvement groups, such as NUMARC. This course of
   action would help assure that adequate, coordinated, resources were brought to
   bear in promptly resolving the issues.
   Attached for your convenience is a sumary of the recomendations made
   by the AIT that 1nvolve action by the NRC if they are to be utilized.
   Also condensed from the AIT reports are the basis for the recomendations.
   While several of the recomendations would appear to be most appropriately
   handled by the industry, the third recommendation would also appear to warrant
   further review and evaluation by NRR. With regard to the fourth recomendation,
   Region III has submitted a proposed Inforr.ation Notice. Region III will
   continue to follow the actions of LaSalle and Perry as they continue to work
   toward final resolution of the events that occurred at their facilities.
                                              .E!!Ai. SSiED in BU25.I J. MilliR
 b                                             Hubert J. Miller, Director
                                               Division of Reactor Safety
   See Attached Distribution
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                                                        MAR 2 a 13gg
               T. T. Martin                           2
               1.    Summary of Perry AIT
                       Recommendations Requiring
                       NRC Action
               2.    AIT Report No. 50-440/87024(DRS)
               3.    AIT Report No. 50-440/87027(DRS)
               cc w/o attachments:
               A. B. Davis, RA
               E. G. Greenman, DRP


 Equum mmumm                                                         __.-mmmmmmW
                                                                 Attachment 1           -
     *  Action should be taken to obtain indepth design infonnation from ASCO
        regarding their SOVs. The basis of this recommendation is that the
        failure mechanisms of tne large number of ASCO S0V failures in safety
        systems have not been fully understood and the design tolerances,
        characteristics, calculations, and operating margins of the 50V have
        not been made available to the licensees or the NRC. This information
        appears to be important to developing a full understanding of the
        various failures and to identifying with confidence what maintenance
        and testing is required of these valves given their apparent fragile      j
        design.                                                                   ;
        The rapid repair of steam leaks and avoidance of high localized
        temperatures which could lead to degradation and failure of seemingly     ,
        qualified equipment should be addressed.      The recommendation also     ,
        suggests that technical specifications and LCOs regarding containment     i
        and steam tunnel temperatures may require modification. The basis of       ,
        this recomendation is that it is believed that the existence of
        steam leaks at Perry was a precursor tc the initial set of MSIV
        failures that occurred.
     *  The equipment qualification (EQ) testing of ASCO S0Vs should be
         revisited to assure that the testing properly accounts for normal
        plant operating conditions (including normal operation of equipment),
         anticipated transients or equipment malfunction, design basis
        accidents, and combinations thereof. The basis of this recomendation
         is that the EQ testing and qualification of the Perry ASCO S0Vs            ,
        may have not reflected actual usage of the equipment under day-to-day
         conditions that could normally be expected to occur (e.g., steam
         leaks, cycling interval well in excess of daily, etc.).     As a result,
         problems with the S0Vs under these conditions are only now coming
         to light instead of being detected prior to their qualification.
        An Information Notice (IN) should be issued to alert the industry )
         to the more current failures and what kinds of failure mechanism (s
         are postulated to exist, what should be looked for if S0Vs are               ,
         disassembled, and a recommended testing program that can be used to          l
         help detect failures prior to those occurring during an actual
         transient as discussed above. It appears that licensees in general,
         are not following the intent of ASCO's recommendation for cycling
         the S0Vs periodically to ensure that they will function and that,
         based on another ASCO failure that occurred in Region III (not
         discussed in the attached reports), licensees are not familiar with
         all the potential failure mechanisms and therefore overlook evidence
         of the failure during their inspection. In addition, consideration
         should be given to alerting industry self-improvement groups (such
         as NUMARC) that industry initiative needs to be taken to resolve this
          issue. The recomendation riso suggests that a Bulletin should be
         considered if further infc mation indicates the specific actions
          licensees should take. The basis of this last recommendation is that
          the NRC over the past 15-20 years, has issued several forms of
         comunications to alert the industry to these potentially significant
          failures that are occurring. However, as evidenced by the fact that
          these failures continue to occur, it appears that the industry has not
          been aggressive in correcting the problems.

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                                                ATTACH 1!ENT 2
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                 Docket No. 50-440
                The Cleveland Electric Illuminating
                ATTN: Mr. Alvin Kaplan
                        Vice President
                        Nuclear Group
                 10 Center Road
                Perry, OH 44081
               The enclosed report refers to the special onsite review conducted by an NRC
               Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) composed of R. D. Lanksbury, K. A. Connaughton,
               and S. D. Eick of this office and H. L. Ornstein (AE0D), H. K. Shaw (NRR), and
               J. J. Stefano (NRR) on November 4 through 9,1987. The review was in response
               to the failure of several Main Steam Isolation Valves to close within the maximum
               allowable time as Jelineated in the Perry Technical Specifications. Operation
               of the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1, is authorized by Operating License No.
               NPF-58. The essence of our findings were discussed with Mr. A. Kaplan and others
              of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection.
              The enclosed copy of our inspection report identifies areas examined during
               the inspection. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of a selective
               examination of procedures and representative records, observations, and
               interviews with personnel.
              The major purpose of the AIT was to conduct a timely, thorough, and systematic
               inspection of the event in order to determine the cause(s), conditions, and
              circumstances pertaining to it, and to comunicate to NRC management the
              facts and safety concerns related to the event. While primarily a fact finding
              mission, issues identified by the AIT may be examined for possible enforcement
              in subsequent inspections.
              In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of                            l
              this lettcr and the enclosed inspection report will be placed in the NRC
              Public Document Room.
              We will gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this inspection.
                                                               q..       .
                                                                           ..                    ..  . . . . . , ,
                                                            Hubert J. Miller, Director
                                                            Division of Reactor Safety
      ':3 9)G3 &f),
              Encio re: Mgmented Inspection Team
                  Repor No.50-440/87024(DRS)
              See Attached Distribution
              RIII g            RII!.           RIII       RIII          RIlI %   RIII                     RIII       l
                     bWi        fc S M 8 W                                                                   iV      J
              La sbury/lc       Cornaughton     E               ht       F        Chr'M     ssotirno       MflTer     i
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               The Cleveland Electric Illuminating    2                                                                 - 3AN 22 IS'Mr
                  Company                                                                                                                                  ,
               cc w/ enclosure:
               F. R. Stead, Director, Perry
                  Plant Technical Department
               M. D. Lyster. neral Manager,
                  Perry Pio.     erations
               Ms. E. M. Buzzelli, Manager
                  Licensing and Compliance
               M. R. Edelman, Nuclear
                  Vice President,
                  Centerior Energy
               DCD/DCB (RIDS)
               Licensing Fee Management Branch
               Resident Inspector, Rlll
               Harold W. Kohn, Ohio EPA
               Terry J. Lodge, Esq.
               James W. Harris, State of Ohio
               Robert M. Quillin, Ohio
                 Department of Health
               State of Ohio, Public
                 Utilities Comission



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                                          U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION


                Report No:     50-440/87024(DRS)
                Docket No:     50-440                                      License No: NPF-58
               Licensee: Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company
                              Post Office Box 5000
                              Cleveland, Ohio 44101
               Facility Name:       Perry Nuclear Power Plar.t. Unit 1
               Inspection At:       Perry Site, Perry, Ohio
               Inspection Conducted:       November 4 through 9, 1987
                                           NRC Augment       Inspection Team
               Inspectors:       Team Leader:
                                               hR. D. LbnkTbury
                                                         Co d
                                Team Members:                                         llufst
                                                 9. b. BcJ
                                                 h.D.Eick         *
                                                  .   . Ornstein                     lln/W
                                                dCK. Sha             h               ll2.2 / tv
                                                         w ro ~ -                    ilulr<
                                               j                                        (Date)
             Approved By:        G.     rih (Chef                                      / 12 E 4
                                 Operations Branch                                      (Date)
                       'L-                                    i
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                 Inspection Summary
                 Inspection on November 4 through 9,1987 (Report No. 50-440/87024(DRS))
                 Areas Inspected: Special Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) inspection conducted
                 in response to the Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) closure failures of
                 October 29, 1987, and November 3,1987, for Perry Unit I and related
                 activities. The review included root cause determination, safety
                 significance, maintenance history, similar previous occurrences, and broader
                 industry implications.                                                            l
                 Results: No violations or deviations were identified; however, the licensee       i
                 has committed to additional and expanded surveillances of the MSIV's and          '
                 continued investigation efforts to attempt to pinpoint the failure mechanism
                 involved in the slow closure time.


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                                              EXECUTIVE SUPNARY
            On October 29, 1987, the Perry Nuclear Power Plant was in the process of
            completing their Startup Test Program and was perfoming stroke time testing
            of the Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV's) when the inboard valve in the "D"
            main steam line failed to close within the maximum value delineated in the
            facility technical specifications. Two other MSIV's also failed, including the
            outboard MSIV in the "D" main steam line.      In all cases, subsequent stroke
            times for these three MSIV's were within acceptable values. The licensee
            initially declared the MSIV's inoperable. However, based on the acceptable
            stroke times achieved after the second try, later declared them operable. The
            licensee believed that the failures were the result of impurities in the MSIV
            actuator control unit and that the imourities had apparently been dislodged
            and/or expelled during MISV operation. Plant operation and the Startup Test
            Program were contirued with the stipulation that additional stroke time tests
            on the MSIV's, to confim their operability just prior to the perfomance of
            the full reactor isolation startup test be performed.
            On November 3,1987, while performing the additional stroke time testing of
            the MSIV's both the inboard and outboard MSIV's in the "D" main steam line
            again exhibited unacceptable stroke times. The licensee reported the failure
            of the two MSIV's to the NRC and commenced an orderly shutdown. As a result
            of this event Region III dispatched an Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) to the
            site the following day.
            The licensee evaluated potential component failures and from this developed a
            carefully planned disassembly and troubleshooting program. As a part of this
            troubleshooting program the licensee disassembled the MSIV actuator control
            units f rom the three MSIV's that had previously failed. The results of this
            disassembly and inspection revealed that the Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer
            (EPDM) elastomers contained within the Automatic Switch Company (ASCO) dual
            solenoid valves had been significantly degraded by exposure to high temperature
            and possibly hydrocarbons. An annular dimple was also observed on the seat
            material and resulted in part of the seat material being extruded into the
            exhaust orifice. This dimple, together with the deteriorated state of the
            seat material, indicated that the exhaust seat could be held in an "energized"
            position even though the solenoids had been deenergized, and would prevent the
            control air from being exhausted to atmosphere and therefore prevent the MSIV
            from closing.
            The AIT concluded that the most probable root cause of the observed MSIV's
            failure to close on October 29, 1987, and again on November 3,1987, was a
            malfunction of the ASCO Model NP-8323A20E three-way dual solenoid valve caused
            by deterioration and degradation of the Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM)
            discs in the ASCO dual solenoid valve due to exposure to a high temperature
            environment. The high temperature environment was the result of several steam
            leaks in the vicinity of the failed valves. The second most probable cause of
            the deteriorated and degraded EPDM discs appears to be hydrocarbon intrusion
            into the valve, or a combination of high temperature and hydrocarbon intrusion.
            The licensee subsequently replaced or rebuilt all eight MSIV dual solenoid
            valves. The plant was restarted on November 13, 1987, and the Startup Test
            Program, including the full reactor isolation startup test, was successfully
                                                     iii                                    ,

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                                                AUGMENTEDINSPECTIONTEAM(AIT) REPORT
                                                                                       Page No.
                I.       Introduction                                                      1
                       A.            Synopsis of Events                                   1-2
                         B.          Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) Fonnation             2
                         C.          AIT Charter                                          2-3
                         D.          Persons Contacted
                II. Description - MSIV Slow Closure of October 29
                                               and November 3, 1987
                      A.             Narrative Description                                3-5
                       B.            Sequence of Events                                   5-7
                III. Failure Mechanism Analysis                                           7-9
                IV.    Investigative Efforts
                      A.             System Descriptions
                                     1.   Instrument / Service Air                       9-10
                                          (Portions Peirtaining to MSIV's Only)
                                     2.   Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIV's)          10-12
                      B.             Evaluation of Safety Significance
                                     1.   Immediate Safety Significance                  12
                                     2.   Other Safety Significance                     12-14
                      C.             Effect of Maintenance Activities
                                     1.   MSIV Maintenance History                       14
                                     2.   Service Air (SA) and Instrument Air (IA)      14-15
                                          Maintenance History
                      D.           Operations Activities
                                     1.   Operator Response                             15-17     ,
                                   2.     Impact of Concurrent Surveillance Activities  17-18
                                          on MSIV Performance                                     ;


                      E.          Troubleshooting Activities and Results                18-22


              V.      Recent Events Involving MSIV Slow Closure / Failure to Close
                      A.           Perry Events                                          22
                      B.            Industry Events
                                    1.    Solenoid Valve Related MSIV Failures         22-25
                                   2.     Solenoid Valves Not Related to MSIV Failures 25-26
              VI. AIT Conclusions                                                      26-27
              VII AIT Recommendations                                                  27-32
              VIII Analysis Plan for EPDM Solenoid Components                          32-33
              IX      Exit Interview                                                   33-34
              X       Startup Review
                      A.         Prior to Startup                                        34       c.
                      B.        Following Startup                                        35
                                           -                       IV
          '                                                                       -
     .         .
   .         *
      , .      .
                 Attachment No.                      Description
                       1                  Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL)
                       2                  Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) Charter
                       3                  Air System P&ID
                       4                  Main Steam Line Isolation Yalve (MSIV)
                       5                  MSIV Control Unit Schematic Drawing
                       6                   Cutaway Drawing of an ASCO 8320
                                             Solenoid Valve
                       7                   Sketch of Disk Holder Seated Against
                                             the Valve Exhaust Orifice
                       8                   Restart Authorization



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              I.  INTRODUCTION
                 A.     Synopsis of Event
                        On October 29, 1987, while at approximately 76% power and in the
                        process of completing the Startup Test Program, one of the Main
                        Steam Isolation Valves (MSIV's) in the "D" main steam line (inboard)
                        at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1, was found to have a stroke
                        time greater than the maximum allowable value delineated in the
                        facility technical specifications. As a result of this failure, each
                        of the other seven MSIV's were tested. Two of these MSIV's, one in
                        the "B" main steam line (outboard) and the remaining one in the "D"
                       main steam line (outboard) also exhibited unacceptable stroke times.
                        In all cases subsequent stroking of the MSIV's resulted in stroke
                        times within the technical specification range of allowable values.
                        Initially the three MSIV's were declared inoperable, but based upon
                        the inability to recreate the failures and the subsequent satisfactory
                       MSIV performance the licensee declared the MSIV's operable. Based
                       upon discussions between the licensee, NRC Region III, and the Office
                        of Nuclear Reactor Regulations (NRR) management the licensee agreed
                        to perform additional individual fast closure tests on the MSIV's to
                       confirm their operability just prior to the performance of the full
                       reactor isolation startup test.
                       On November 3,1987, while perfoming the MSIV fast closure operability
                       checks, the inboard and outboard MSIV's in the "0" main steam line
                       again exhibited stroke times in excess of the technical specification
                       maximum value.      These two MSIV's were among the three that had
                       exhibited the same problem on October 29, 1987. The MSIV in the "B"
                       main steam line that had failed on October 29 showed an acceptable
                       stroke time during this test.     The licensee reported the failure of
                       the two MSIV's to the NRC and comenced an orderly shutdown.
                 B.   Auamented Inspection Team (AIT) Formation
                      On November 3,1987, the Perry Senior Resident Inspector (SRI)
                       infomed Region III that while observing the licensee's perfomance
                       of the MSIV operability check in preparation for the full reactor
                       isolation startup test, that two MSIV's had again failed to close
                      properly. Subsequent to the report of this event, Region III eval-
                      uated the information and determined that the criteria for dispatching
                      an AIT had been met. Assistance from NRR was requested in several
                      specialized areas including air systems and valves. This assistance
                      was provided by Dr. H. l.. Ornstein, Senior Reactor Engineer (AE00),
                      H. K. Shaw, Senior Mechanical Engineer (NRR), and J. J. Stefano, Femi
                      Project Manager and fomally Perry Project Manager. In addition,
                      Region III provided expertise in operations and plant maintenance by
                      assigning K. A. Connaughton, SRI, S. D. Eick, Reactor Inspector, and
                      R. D. Lanksbury, Acting Chief, Test Programs Section as Team Leader.
                      All of these individuals arrived on site on the morning of November 4,
                      1987. Concurrent with the AIT activities, Region III issued a Confir-
                      matory Action Letter (CAL) RIII-87-019) which was received by the
                      licensee on November 4, 1987.      The CAL confirmed certain actions to  '
                      be taken by the licensee in support of the AIT and also confimed
      *   '
                  that the plant would not be restarted without the concurrence of the
                  Regional Administrator or his designee. The CAL is Attachment 1 to
                  this report.
              C.  AIT Charter
                  On November 3, 1987, a draft charter for the AIT was formulated with
                  a list of preliminary questions to be pursued and a list of general
                  areas to be investigated:
                        Failure of MSIV's to close/close within Yechnical Specification
                        Safety significance, root cause(s).
                         Interaction of prior maintenance activities to the event.
                        Safety implications if actual Group I isolation signal had
                        been present.
                        History of any previous problems.
                        Broader implications.
                        Event reporting.
                  A finalized AIT Charter was issued on November 5, 1987.    This
                  Charter is Attachment 2 to this report.
              D. Persons Contacted
                 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (CEI)
                 *A.Kaplan, Vice President, Nuclear Group
                 *M.   D. Lyster, General Manager, Perry Plant Operations Department (PP0D)
                 *F. R. Stead, Director, Perry Plant Technical Department (PPTD)
                   E. Riley, Director, Nuclear Quality Assurance Department (NQAD)
                   C. M. Shuster, Director, Nuclear Engineering Department (NED)
                 *R. A. Newkirk, Manger, Technical Section, PPTD
                 *V. K. Higaki, Manager, Outage Planning Section, PPOD
                 *W. E. Coleman, Manager, Operations Quality Section, NQAD
                 *B. D. Walrath, Manager, Engineering Projects Support Section, NED
                 *D. R. Green, Manager, Electrical Design Section, NED
                 *E. M. Buzzelli, Manager, Licensing and Compliance Section, PPTD
                 *S. J. Wojton, Manager, Radiation Protection Section, PPTD
                 *K. R. Pech, Manager, Mechanical Design Section, NED
                 *R. A Stratman, Manager, Operations Department, PPOD
                  W. R. Kanda, Jr., Manager, Instrumentation and Control Section, PPOD
                 *T. A. Oleksiak, Jr., Lead Supervisor, Maintenance Section, PPOD

! *V. J. Concel, Lead System Engineer, Technical Section, PPTD l *S. F. Kensicki, Technical Superintendent, PPTD l *G. A. Dunn, Supervisor, Licensing and Compliance Section, PPTD ] K. F. Russell, Shift Supervisor, Operations Section, PPOD .

                  M. W. Gmyrek, Senior Operations Coordinator, Operations Section, PPOD

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      .        .
                             J. P. Eppich, Senior Project Engineer, Mechanical Design Section, NED
                             G. W. Heffner, Supervisor of Media Relations
                             P. J. Arthur, Nuclear Steam Supply System Lead, Technical Section,
                            General Electric
                            *J. J. Sheehan, Operations Manager
                            Automatic Switch Company (ASCO)
                             K. Thomas, Sales Engineer
                            Ralph A. Hiller Company
                             J. Nancy, Sales Engineer
                            * Denotes those attending the exit meeting on November 9, 1987.
                            In addition to the above, other members of the Perry staff were
                           contacted by the AIT.
                       A.  Narrative Description
                           On Thursday, October 29, 1987, at about 6:35 p.m. (EST) while Perry
                           Unit I was operating at approximately 76t power, the licensee
                           performed a fast closure test of the "D" inboard main steam line
                           MSIV (IB21-F0022D) as part of Startup Test Instruction (STI)
                           1821-025A, "MSIV Function Test". When the control switch for
                           1821-F0022D was placed in the "CLOSE" position, the valve failed
                           to start closing for approximately 18 seconds. At that point the
                           valve stroked closed for a total stroke time, including the 18 second
                           delay, of 22.8 seconds. Technical Specification 3/4.4.7 requires
                           that the MSIV's close within a time frame of 2.5 to 5 seconds and
                           Technical Specification 3/4.6.4 requires that they close within 5
                           seconds. The licensee wrote a Level 1 test exce
                           meet the Level 1 acceptance criteria of the and     STI)ption  (failure to
                                                                                  at 6:42 p.m.
                           reopened 1821-F00220. At 7:00 p.m. the Unit Supervisor declared
                           iB21-F0022D inoperable based upon its slow closure time. The appli-
                           cable action statements were then entered in accordance with Technical
                           Specifications Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.4.7.a and LC0
                           3.6.4.a.. LCO 3.4.7.a. requires that with one MSIV inoperable, either
                           restore that MSIV to operable status within 8 hours or isolate the
                           affected main steam line by closing and deactivating an MSIV in that
                           main steam line. LC0 3.6.4.a. requires that with one containment

l l isolation valve (MSIV) inoperable, either restore the valve to operable l

                           status within 4 hours or isolate the affected penetration by use of
                           at least one deactivated, closed, valve.

l I ! Subsequently, the decision was made to re-stroke the 1821-F0022D MSIV.

                           This was accomplished twice - once at 9:03 p.m. with a resultant stroke
                           time of 3.2 seconds and again at 9:06 p.m. with a resultant stroke time

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                 of 2.9 seconds. Also, subsequent to the failure of the 1821-F00220
                 MSIV the licensee convened the Plant Operations Review Comittee (PORC)
                 to evaluate the situation.
                 At 9:44 p.m. the "D" outboard main steam line MSIV (1821-F00280) was
                 fast closure tested with a resultant closure time of 77 seconds. Again,
                 at 9:52 p.m., MSIV 1821-F0028D was stroked with a resultant closure
                 time of 3.2 seconds. As a result of this second failed MSIV the licensee
                made the decision to test the remaining MSIV's. This was accomplished
                between 9:53 p.m. and 10:20 p.m. and, with the exception of MSIV
                 1821-F00288, all showed acceptable closure times. The stroke time for
                 the IB21-F0028B MSIV, was found to be 11.9 seconds. A second test of
                this valve resulted in a closure time of 3.9 seconds.
                In accordance with Technical Specification LC0 3.4.7.a. and 3.6.4.a.
                the licensee isolated the "D" main steam line at 10:40 p.m. This
                was accomplished by closing / verifying closed the 1821-F0028D MSIV,
                the before seat drain valves and the MSIV Leakage Control System
                Isolation valve. These valves were then deenergized.
               The licensee's PORC initiated a review of the situation and concluded
                that the M51V's were operable based on successul stroke time tests
                subsequent to the initial failures. From the observed MSIV behavior,
               the licensee believed that the failures were due to the presence of
                impurities in the MSIV actuator control unit and that the impurities
               were apparently dislodged and/or expelled during MSIV operation. Based
               on their review, at approximately 11:10 p.m. , MSIV's 1821-F0022D,
               1821-F0028D, and 1821-F00288 were declared operable. At 11:40 p.m.
               the "D" main steam line was restored to an operable status and at
               12:10 a.m. on October 30, 1987, the licensee made a 4 hour report on
               the slow closure of the MSIV's as required by 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iii).
               In a discussion between the licensee and NRC management on October 30,
               1987, a concern was expressed to the licensee that while a plausible
               explanation for the MSIV failures had been provided, additional assur-
               antes of continued MSIV operability were warranted pending further
               evaluation. To address this concern, the licensee agreed to perform
               additional MSIV stroke time testing prior to the performance of the
               full reactor isolation startup test which was then scheduled to be
              performed within the following seven days.
              On Tuesday, November 3,1987, at about 11:45 a.m. (EST) the licensee
              decreased power to 80% in order to perform the additional MSIV stroke
              time testing. At 11:57 a.m. the 1821-F0022D MSIV was tested with a
              resultant stroke time of 18 seconds. Based upon this, the Unit
              Supervisor, at 11:58 a.m. , declared 1821-F0022D inoperable. Using
              canagement guidance previously provided this MSIV was re-stroked at
              11:59 a.m. with a closure time of 3.0 seconds and declared operable
              at 12:00 p.m. by the Unit Supervisor. At 12:12 p.m. the 1821-F002CD
              MSIV was stroked and failed to close in the 2 minutes and 49 seconds
              that the control switch was held in the "CLOSE" position. The control
              switch was allowed to return to its normal position of "AUT0" and was
              then taken back to the "CLOSE" position. The MSIV then closed in 3.4
              seconds. Even though the MSIV had closed within acceptable limits on

l I



       .   .
                  the second closure attempt the Unit Supervisor declared IB21-F0028D
                   inoperable. Subsequently, at 12:30 p.m. the decision was made to
                  declare the "D" main steam line inoperable. The other sb: MSIV's
                  were stroke time tested with acceptable results.
                  Within the hour following these MSIV failures, another discursion was
                  held between NRC and licensee management personnel. During this
                  discussion, the licensee informed NRC management of its intent to
                  increase power and perform the full reactor isolation startup test
                  thereby placing the unit in Hot Shutdown within the time limits of
                  Technical Specifications 3/4.4.7 and 3/4.6.4. The licensee was
                  informed that this course of action was considered to be both noncon-
                  servative and contrary to the intent of the technical specification.
                  Under the circumstances, technical specifications intended that an
                  orderly plant shutdown be conducted to minimize the potential for
                  challenging the inoperable MSIV's. Based upon this discussion, the
                  licensee agreed to perform an orderly reactor shutdown. At 1:30 p.m.
                  the licensee infonned the System Operation Center of the intended
                  plant shutdown and at 1:37 p.m. commenced a normal plant shutdown. At
                  1:53 p.m. and 1:54 p.m. the 1821-F0022D and 1821-F0028D MSIV's,
                  respectively, were fast closed. MSIV 1821-F0022D had a stroke time of
                  3.4 seconds and 1821-F0028D had a stroke time of 3.3. seconds. This
                  was done to comply with Technical Specification LC0 3.4.7.a. and
                  3.6.4.a. requirements to isolate the affected line. At 1:55 p.m. the
                  licensee made an Emergency Notification System (ENS) notification on
                  the slow closure times of the MSIV's and on the plant shutdown in
                  accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iii) and 10 CFR 50.72(b)(1)(i)A.
               B. Sequence of Events and Operator Actions
                  At the AIT's request, a chronology of events related to the MSIV
                  failures on October 29 and Nover'>er 3, 1987, was assembled by the
                  licensee. The chronology, whici included MSIV performance data and
                  operator actions, was verified to be accurate by AIT personnel
                  through review of operating logs, Technical Specification LC0
                  tracking system documentation, interviews with licensee operating
                  personnet, and inspector observation of MSIV surveillance testing
                  conducted an November 3, 1987. The chronology was as follows:
                  NOTE: All times are in Eastern Standard Time.
                  October 29, 1987
                  1835       Stroked MSIV 1B21-F0022D for Startup Test Instruction
                             (STI)-B21-025A Section 8.3. Valve did not begin to close
                             for 18 seconds. Level 1 Test Exception Report written.
                  1842       Re-opened 1821-F0022D.
                  1900       Declared 1821-F00220 inoperable based upon a total closing
                             time of 22.8 seconds. Entered associated LCOs.
                  2103       Re-stroked 1821-F0022D - time to close 3.2 seconds.
 }.      *
 'c.   ,
           . *q'
 : .          -
 t   a   .      -
                     2106      Stroked IB21-F0022D again - time to close 2.9 seconds.
 i                   2144      Stroked IB21-F0028D - time to close 77 seconds.
                     2152      Re-stroked IB21-F0028D - time to close 3.2 seconds.
                     2153-     Stroked remaining MSIV's. All satisfactory with the
                     2220      exception of IB21-F00288. Found 1821-F0028B had an
                               initial slow stroke time of 11.9 seconds, second stroke
                               was 3.9 seconds.
                    2240       Isolated "D" Main Steam Line (MSL). MSIV 1821-F028D
                    2310       All MSIV's were verified to stroke within 3-5 seconds.
                               Could not repeat the initial condition causing MSIV to
                               slow close. Based on licensee management review the
                               decision was made to declare all MSIV's operable.
                    2340       Restored "D" MSL.
                    October 30, 1987
                    0010      Made 4 hr. report on slow closing MSIV's in accordance with
                               10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iii).
                    November 2, 1987
                    1942      Comenced Surveillance Instruction (SVI)C71-T0039, "MSL
                               ! solation Valve Closure Channel Functional" (10% stroke -
                              partial closure - RPS).
                    2142      Completed SVI C71-T0039 - Satisfactory.
                    November 3, 1987
                    1145      Decreased power to 801 to stroke MSIV's.
                    1154-     Stroked MSIV's.
                    1157      1821-F0022D took 18 seconds to close.
                    1158      Unit Supervisor declared IB21-F00220 inoperable.
                    1159      1821-F0022D restroked in 3.0 seconds.
                    1200      Unit Supervisor declared 1821-F00220 operable.
                    1212      1821-F0028D did not close in the 2 minute 49 seconds that
                              the control switch was in "close". Took switch back to
                              "Auto", then to "close", valve shut in 3.4 seconds.
                    1212     Unit Supervisor declared 1B21-F0028D inoperable.             f

, '


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     ,   . ,3
   . .       .
                           1230       Declared MSL "D" inoperable based on repeated failure of
                                       1821-F0022D and 1821-F0028D to stroke in required time.
                           1330        Informed System Operation Center of intended plant
                           1337       Connenced a normal reactor shutdown.
                           1353       Closed 1821-F0022D 3.4 seconds.
                           1354       Closed IB21-F0028D 3.3 seconds.
                           1355       Made ENS notification on slow closing MSIV's and plant
                                      CFR 50.72(b)(1)(i)A.
                    After the second event on November 3,1987, the licensee convened a team
                    of individuals from various departments including representatives of
                    Gilbert Associates (the architect engineer) and General Electric (GE).
                    The charter of this team was to develop a list of components whose failure
                    would result in the observed behavior of the MSIV's. After developing this
                    list, the known facts were used to evaluate the probability associated with
                    each of the potential component failures. Their analysis yielded twent
                    (24) potential component failures. Of these twenty-four, nineteen (19)y-four
                    evaluated as unlikely failures, one (1) was evaluated as a moderate proba-
                    bility failure, and four (4) were evaluated as likely failures. The four
                    likely failures and the one moderate probability failure can be grouped
                    together into a category involving the ASCO dual solenoid valves on the MSIY
                    actuator air control units and the air system feeding them. The twenty-four
                    potential component failures and their associated probabilities of causing
                    the observed behavior were as follows:
                    *   Failure of the Automatic Switch Company (ASCO) Model 8323 three-way dual
                           solenoid valve (fast closure)
                    *   Instrument air system quality
                    *   Obstructions / foreign materials in air lines / accumulators
                    * One or both of the solcnoid's of the dual solenoid salves for each
                           of the MSIV's failed to decouple (mechanically separate) upon
                    + Solenoid valve exhaust port blocked
                        Failure of the Norgren two-way control valve
                        Hydraulic speed control failure
                        MSIY internal binding
                        Swagelock fittings improper installation / assembly / leakage
                        Failure of the ASCO Model 8323 three-way solenoid valve (slow closure / test)
                        Valve packing too tight
                        Failure of the Norgren four-way control valve
                        Valve lineup of instrument air header system
                        Control unit wiring and termination failure resulting in a hot short
                        Glared contacts on control and relay components


 . .     .
                   Relay failure or incorrect operation resulting in misoperation of the
                   Panel control switch failure or misoperation
                   Limit switch settings incorrect or inoperable
                   Mis-wiring for indication of instrumentation or switches
                   Data acquisition failure
                   Procedural error for testing
                   High steam flow /high reactor power interaction
                    Incorrect reassembly and installation of the control unit
                   Actuator binding / stem binding
               *   Likely failure
               + Moderate probability failure
                In conjunction with the above, the AIT also evaluated potential failure
               modes and concluded that the most probable component failure was the ASCO
               dual solenoid valve.      In addition, the AIT evaluated the above analysis
               performed by the licensee and agreed with the methodology and conclusions
               reached. Subsequent to this analysis the licensee provided a written
               proposal for troubleshooting the MSIV's to the AIT for concurrence. After
               evaluation and coment by the AIT, a carefully planned disassembly and
               troubleshooting program was generated.
               The focus of the troubleshooting was to gather more data with regard to
               the failures postulated as probable or likely. This was accomplished by
               performing various tests of the air system, including particulate counts,
               dew point measurement and analysis of air samples for hydrocarbons, and
               by disassembly of various portions of the MSIV actuator air control units.
               A discussion of the inspection process for the control units and corre-
               sponding results is provided in Paragraph IV.E. of this report.
               The licensee evaluated the facts gathered during the troubleshooting program
               and concluded that they had substantiated their original evaluation that the
               most probable failure mechanism was the ASCO dual solenoid valve. The
               licensee reconvened the original failure analysis team and tasked them with
               developing a list of potential failure modes of the ASCO dual solenoid
               valve and the corresponding probability of each of these modes. Their
               analysis yielded a total of nine (9) potential failure modes. Of these,
               one (1) was evaluated as likely, two (2) were evaluated as possible, and
               six (6) were evaluated as unlikely. The nine potential failure modes and
               their associated probabilities of causing the observed behavior are as
               *   Local high temperature has caused deterioration of EPDM seal materials
                   Blockage of the dual solenoid valve exhaust port with tape
                   Jaming of kinematic components
               +   0xidation of EPDM compound used in the gaskets, seals, and disc seal
                   Residual mar etism following coil de-energization
                   Wrong materials
                   Lockseal vapors
               + 0-ring / lubricant interaction
                   Corrosion within solenoid enclosure


   . .      .
                    * Likely failure
                    + Possible failure
                    The AIT reviewed the conclusions of the failure analysis team and agreed
                    with their assessment with one exception. The AIT considered that deteriora-
                    tion due to hydrocarbon attack of the EPDM sealing materials within the ASCO
                    dual solenoid was a likely probable cause and that information available
                    did not invalidate this concern. The licensee had obtained an air sample
                    and had it analyzed for hydrocarbons with negative results. However, this
                    alone did not preclude a previous contamination of the air system with
                    hydrocarbons nor did it preclude an introduction of hydrocarbons from a
                    source upstream of the air supply line such as from the use of non-approved
                    pipe thread sealants or lubricants.
                    A.    System Descriptions
                          1.    Instrument / Service Air (Portions Pertaining to MSIV's Only)
                               A drawing of the service air and instrument air system is shown
                               on Attachment 3. The service air system for each unit censists
                               of one motor driven compressor with an integral intercooler and
                               af tercooler, an air intake filter silencer, lube oil subsystem,
                               filters, condensate traps, controls, e receiver tank and a piping
                               network for distribution throughout the plant. A cross tie header
                               between Perry Unit 1 and Perry Unit 2 is included in which distri-
                               bution connections to the various plant areas are provided. During
                               nomal operation, the service air systems for the two units are
                               cross connected with one compressor running and the other in the
                               automatic standby mode. If the service air system pressure drops
                               below 110 psig the standby service air compressor starts
                               Separate instrument air systems are provided for each unit to
                               supply clean, dry, oil free air for control purposes throughout
                               the plant. The system is designed to meet the guidelines of ANSI
                               Standard MC-11-1 (ISA-57.3) with the exception that the r.aximum
                               allowable particle size for air to safety related equipment is
                               specified to be less than or equal to 40 microns.
                               The nomal supply of air to the instrument air system is from the
                               respective service air system for the unit and the instrument air
                               compressor for each unit is used as a backup. The service air
                               compressor is operated continuously to provide a constant output
                               pressure of 125 psig. The instrument air system for each unit
                               also includes an af ter cooler (integral with the compressor), a
                               receiver tank, a prefilter, an air dryer, an afterfilter, and a
                               piping network for distribution throughout the plant. All instru-
                               ment air leaving the receiver tank passes through the filters and
                               the air dryer. The Unit I and 2 instrument air distribution
                               systems are cross-tied.
     ,'.  o., .                                                                      .


   . .     .
                       If the instrument air system pressure drops below 90 psig the
                       instrument air compressor starts automatically and maintains
                     system pressure in the 90 psig to 100 psig range. A diaphragm
                     operated isolation valve is provided in the air supply line
                     from the service air system. This valve closes automatically
                     when the instrument air system pressure drops below 90 psig and
                    may be manually opened by a switch in the control room when the
                     system pressure rises above 90 psig.
                    The output of the last downstream afterfilter is directed to
                     numerous places throughout the plant including the accumulators
                    and control units for the MSIV's.
                2.  Main Steam Isolation Yalves (MSIV's)
                    horizontal run of each of the four main steam line pipes; one
                    valve is as close as possible to the inside of the drywell and
                    the other is just outside the containment.
                    Attachment 4 shows a main steam line isolation valve. Each is
                    a 26 inch Y pattern, globe valve. The main disc or poppet is
                    attached to the lowtr end of the stem. Nomal steam flow tends
                    to close the valve, and higher inlet pressure tends to hold the
                    valve closed. The bottom end of the valve stem closes a small
                    pressure balancing hole in the poppet. When the hole is open,
                    it acts as a pilot valve to relieve differential pressure forces
                    on the poppet. Valve stem travel is sufficient to give flow
                    areas past the wide open poppet greater than the seat port area.
                   The poppet travels approximately 90 percent of the valve stem
                    travel to close the main seat port area; the last 10 percent of
                   valve stem travel closes the pilot valve.
                   A 45 degree angle pemits the inlet and outlet passages to be
                   streamlined. This minimizes pressure drop during normal steam
                   flow and helps prevent debris blockage. The valve stem penetrates
                   the valve bonnet. through a stuffing box that has two sets of
                   replaceable packing. A lantern ring and leakoff drain are located
                   between the two sets of packing. To help prevent leakage through
                   the stem packing, the poppet backseats when the valve is fully
                   Attached to the upper end of the stem is an air cylinder that
                   opens and closes the valve and a hydraulic dashpot that controls
                   its speed. The speed is adjusted by a valve in the hydraulic
                   return line bypassing the dashput piston. Valve closing time
                   is adjustable to between 3 and 10 seconds. The air cylinder is
                   supported on the valve bonnet by actuator support and spring
                   guide shafts. Helical springs around the spring guide shafts
                   close the valve if air pressure is not available.
                   The valve is operated by pneumatic pressure and by the action
                   of compressed springs. The control unit is attached to the air
                   cylinder. This unit is shown on Attachment 5 and contains air       j
 y        .-
 :   ..
 (,,         .
      . .      .
                    control valves and solenoid operated valves. Part 4 of Attachment
                    5 is the main pilot control valve (dual solenoid valve). This
                    valve consists of a valve body with a solenoid attached to either
                    end (see Attachment 6). The dual solenoid valve provides control
                    air to operate the four-way control valve (part 1) and the two-way
                    control valve (part 3) and is used for opening and for fast
                    closure of the MS!Y. When both of the solenoids on the dual
                    solenoid valve are energized the incoming solenoid air supply is
                    directed through the valve body to shift the four-way control
 ,                  valve and the two-way control valve to the open position. In the
                    open position the four-way control valve ports air through the
                    three-way control valve (part 2) to the underside of the MSIY
                    actuator piston while at the same time venting the over piston
                    area of the MSIV actuator to atmosphere. With the two-way control
                    valve in the open position the exhaust path through it to atmos-
                    phere is closed. For a fast closure of the MSIV both solenoids
                    de-energize shutting off the control air to the four-way control
                    valve and the two-way control valve and venting them both to
                    atmosphere. When this occurs both valves will shift to the closed
                    position. In the closed position the four-way control valve now
                    directs air to the over piston area of the MSIV actuator and vents
                    the under piston area to atmosphere. The two-way control valve
                    now is in the closed position and also vents the under piston
                    area of the MSIV actuator to atmosphere. In this condition the
                   MSIV is closed both by air pressure and by the helical valve
                    Slow closure capability (used for test purposes) of the MSIV is
                   accomplished through the use of the single solenoid valve (part 5).
                   When the MSIV is open and the solenoid for the single solenoid
                   valve is energized, air is directed to the three-way control valve
                    (part 2) causing it to shift to the closed position. In this
                   position the air that was directed to the under piston area of
                   the MSIV actuator from the four-way control valve is stopped and
                   a vent path for the under piston area is opened up through an air
                   metering valve (part 9). The over piston area is still vented to
                   atmosphere through the four-way control valve.    In this configu-
                   ration the air trapped in the under piston area is slowly bled off
                   through the metering valve allowing the MSIV to slowly close.
                   Remote manual switches in the control room enable the operator
                   to operate the valves. Operating air is supplied to the valves
                   from the Instrument / Service Air System. An air tank (accumulator)
                   between the control valve and check valve provides backup
                   operating air.
                   The main steam line isolation valves are designed to close under
                   accident environmental conditions of 330*F for one hour at drywell
                   pressures of 30 psig maximum and -14 psig minimum.     In addition,
                   they are designed to remain closed under the following post-
                   accident environmental conditions:
                   a.    330'F for an additional 2 hours at drywell pressure of 15


                         psig maximum.
 h , . ~. .. . . .
                           b.      310'F for an additional 3 hours at 15 psig maximum.
 f                         c.      250*F for in additional 18 hours at 15 psig maximum.
                           d.      250'F to 100'F ramp during the next 99 days at 15 psig
                   B. Evaluation of Safety Significance
                      1.    Imediate Safety Significance
                           Based upon the absence of plant conditions requiring an automatic
                           main steamline isolation, the excessive MSIV stroke times did not
                           have imediate safety significance. Had a main steamline isola-
                           tion been required, isolation of the "D" main steamline may not
                           have occurred within the timeframe assumed in the accident analysis
                           for the Perry plant. The safety significance of such an occurrence
                            is further discussed in the following paragraph.
                      2.   Other Safety Significance
                           In response to the question of whether or not the accident analysis
                           bounded the event which occurred on November 3, 1987, when both
                           the inboard and outboard MSIV's in one of the four main steam
                           lines failed to close within the 5 second time required in the
                           plant Technical Specifications, the licensee was tasked to perform
                           an analysis to evaluate the safety significance of this event.
                           There was no additional safety significance attributable to the
                           other MSIV that failed to close since the redundant MSIV in that
                           line closed within the prescribed technical specification values.
                           The two MSIV's in one main steam line (line "D") that failed to
                           close within the required time were identified as IB21-F0022D and
                           IB21-F0028D.     The IB21-F00220 (inboard) MSIV took 18 seconds to
                           close; the 1821-F00280 (outboard) MSIV did not close until the
                           valve switch was recycled in the control room (approximately 2
                           minutes 40 seconds). Both General Electric (GE) and Gilbert
                           Associates (GAI), the Perry Architect Engineer, assisted the
                           licensee in the performance of this analysis.
                           First GE determined that two accident scenarios and three
                           transients described in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)
                           took credit for closure of the MSIVs.       These events were the

! 1) Main steam line break outside containment

                           2)    Inside containment breaks which cause reactor water level
                                    to reach the Level 1
                           3) Pressure regulator failure transient
                           4) Loss of condenser vacuum transient
                           5) Loss of AC power transient
                           The bounding event was determined to be the main stean line break


                           outside containment, since that event would pemit the largest

' amount of activity to reach the cite boundary. Therefore, GE

                          was tasked with detemining what the mass flow would be for a

i main steam line break outside containment given the at found 1


F .

  .  ,'.~,.
    ..   .
              conditions that existed on November 3,1987 (i.e., three main
              steam lines isolated within proper times, and the remaining main
              steam line isolating in 18 seconds). The analysis was perfomed      .
              using the GE "SAFE 06" Code, an NRC approved Code which had been    j
              previously used by Perry in the ECCS performance analyses (FSAR     i
              Chapter 6). It should be noted that the mass release detemined
              by this Code was muc5 less than the mass release discussed in
              FSAR Section for the main steam line break outside con-
              tainment due to the conservative assumptions used in the FSAR
              anclysis (assuming that level rise time is 1.0 second; that
              steam-water mixture quality is a constant 7.0%, and that the        ;
              system ressure remains constant at 1060 psig throughout HSI'l
              closure .
              In addition, GAI was asked to perform two additional calculations.
              The first calculation considered the mass release given in the
              FSAR (FSAR page 15.6-10) for the first 5.5 seconds of the event
              and then using the GE supplied flow data after 5.5 seconds with
              one main steam line open. The second calculation used the GE
              supplied data throughout the event. For each calculation two
              results were detemined. First the postulated amount of radia-
              tion which would be released in the 18 seconds it took for the
              1B21-F0022D (inboard) MSIY to isolate on November 3, and second
              the postulated total time it would take with one main steam line
              unisolated before 10 CFR Part 100 limits (i.e., Iodine dose of
              300 Rem) were exceeded.     It was assumed for these calculations
              that there would be no plateout or hold up time for the release
              and that no fuel failure would occur.
              For the calculation using the FSAR mass release the following
              conclusions were drawn (EB = Exclusion Boundary):
              EB lodine dose with 18 second single MSIV closure - 192 Rem
              EB Iodine dose with 79 second single MSIV closure - 300 Rem
              for the calculation using the GE data the following conclusions
              were drawn:
              EB Iodine dose with 18 second single MSIV closure - 82 Rem
              EB Iodine dose with 120 second single MSIV closure - 300 Rem
              As shown above for either calculation the slow closure (18 seconds)
              of the 1821-F03220 MSIY on November 3 would not have resulted in
              a release exceeding 10 CFR Part 100 guidelines. Also, depending
              upon which calculation was used, the plant would have had between
              79 and 120 seconds to isolate that line under accident conditions
              prior to exceeding 10 CFR Part 100 guidelines based on the assump-
              tions given previously. Therefore, the licensee concluded that
              the 18 second slow closure of the IB21-F00220 (inboard) MSIV had
              been shown to be within the bounds of the accident guidelines.
              The NRR technical staff reviewed the calculations perfomed by
              GE and GAI addressing the MSIV slow closure event which occurred
              on November 3, 1987, in the "D" main steam line, and found the
 . .[.   .3


  .       .
                        licensee's assumptions and conclusion that the accident guide-
                        lines of 10 CFR Part 100 would not have been exceeded had a LOCA                !
                        occurred during the time the inboard MSIV (1821-F00220) remained                l
                       open, to be reasonable.
            C.  Effect of Maintenance Activities
               Service AITAirreviewed
                                (SA) and the  licensee's
                                          Instrument        maintenance
                                                      Air (IA)             history
                                                               Systems. This        of the1)MSIV's,(thl
               a review of work orders (WO's) that had been performed on the systems                    !
               of these   January   1985, (2)
                            maintenance         the testing)that
                                            activities,           was performed
                                                        (3 interviewing            as the
                                                                        the licensee's     result
               with respect to the maintenance perfomed, and (4) the existing material
               condition of the affected MSIV's and interconnected instrument air as
                it could affect the MSIV closure functions.
               1.      MSIV Maintenance History
                      Approximately sixty (60) WO's were reviewed to determine maintenance
                       history on the MSIV's for the past two years. Numerous maintenance
                       activities had been performed on the valves in recent months such
                       as lapping the valve seats, machining valve poppet seats, adjusting
                       limit switch settings and retorquino packing glands. These W0's
                      were followed up with appropriate post-maintenance testing and
                      acceptable LLRT results. No anomalies could be seen that could
                      be considered as contributing to the MSIV closure function failure.
                      During the inspection, the remoial of the MSIV actuator control
                      units for the three failed MSIV's was observed and a v 0ual
                      inspection of the other MSIV's was 6 e to assess the material
                      condition and environment these valves were subjected to. Results
                      of this inspection are detailed in Section IV.E. of this report.
                      This work, perfomed per W0 87-9293, WO 87-9324 and WO 87-9285,
                     was done in an expeditious and efficient manner.
               2.     Service Air (SA) and Instrument Air (IA) Maintenance History
                      In reviewing WO's it became apparent that a number of air system
                      problems had been experienced over the past two years. Various
                     air system supplied valves (none related to MSIV operation) were
                      found to have dirt desiccant, sand and/or rust in them that pre-
                     vented proper valv. seating and operation. Past problems with the
                     quality of the IA system had been attributed to either not meeting
                     the system dewpoint requirement of -40*F or not meeting the system
                     particulate requirement of no particles greater than 40 microns.
                     Although the potential for detrimental effects to the MSIV's and
                     associated equipment existed, the licensee indicated that based
                     on a review of the system, that they determined that the contam-
                     ination was apparently insufficient to cause detrimental effects
                     on the MSIV's and interfacing equipment.
                     Not meeting the dew point requirement caused moisture to be
                     introduced into the air system. Particulate introduction stemmed
                     from the afterfilters being: (1) bypassed (due to inadequate                     i
   .. . . . . .
                          procedures), (2) overdue for element change out, or (3) the
                          repetitive (maintenance) task for filter change out had been
                         missed due to leaking isolation valves. Also, per the recomen-
                         dation of the vendor, the desiccant had been changed from a
                         mixture of silica gel and activated alumina to 100% activated
                         alumina. The silica gel desiccant was found to break down into
                         silica sand and cause plugging of the filter. This was a main
                         contributor to the various air system supplied valves not seating
                         At the time of this inspection the licensee w'as not perfoming
                         routine inspections of the IA system prefilters. The only
                         requirement for prefilter change out or possible problem ident-
                          ifier was a high differential pressure (10 psid) alarm across the
                         filter. The differential
                         recomended by the vendor)With.
                                                          pressure  wasinspections
                                                              no visual monitoredbeing
                                                                                    once per day (as
                         performed there existed a possibility that the filters could
                         develop a hole and that the alarm point of 10 psid would never
                         be realized. Because Perry's IA and SA systems were supplied by
                         lubricated compressors, the systems prefilters had the function
                         of filtering oil or oil aerosols and preventing any form of hydro-
                         carbons from entering the desiccant and ultimately the air syster.
                         Hydrocarbons have been shown to degrade certain elastomers, such
                         as EPDM, that are utilized in the ASCO solenoid valves on the
                        MSIV control units.
                         Preventive maintenance on the IA system afterfilters was a semi-
                        annual "repetitive task" that entailed doing a visual inspection
                         for degradation. A particulate count (40 micron limit) and a dew
                         point check (-40*F) were done on a yearly basis with a desiccant
                        visual examination done on a semi-annual basis. To improve the
                        quality of the IA system and therefore minimize the potential
                        for introducing hydrocarbons into the air system, the licensee
                        agreed to establish a requirenent in their preventive maintenance
                        program which will include periodic replacement of the IA system

i prefilters and semi-annual visual inspections. Dew point and , '

                        particulate sampling of the IA system will continue in accordance
                        with the existing plant administrative procedure with unacceptable
                        results being evaluated and system blowdowns being conducted
                        until satisfactory results are obtained.      The implementation of
                        new maintenance practices along with the continued dew point and
                        particulate sample should provide the licensee with a reliable
                        means for determination of the air quality of the IA system.
                D. Operations Activities

i 1. Operator Response

                        The AIT reviewed the event chronology discussed in paragraph II.B.
                        against the requirements of the licensee's technical specifications

j as well as applicable operating and administrative procedures and i detemined that actions saken by operating personnel met the i requirements. The AIT also reviewed licensee actions for class-

                        ifying and reporting the MSIV failures to the NRC pursuant to

1 i

} .

   ..     .
                 10 CFR 50.72, and determined that the events were reported under
                 the appropriate reporting criteria and within the required time-
                frames. These findings, however, hinge upon the assumption that
                following the initial MSIV stroke time failures and subsequent
                acceptable MSIV stroke time tests on October 29, 1987, that the
                liceqsee correctly detemined that the affected MSIV's had been
                restored to operable status. Based upon the t.dditional MSIV
                stroke time failures on November 3,1987, and the root cause(s)
                of the MSIV failures identified and discussed in Paragraph VI of
                this report, the licensee's MSIV operability determinatior, oa
                October 29, 1987, does not appear, in hindsight, to have been
                well supported.
                The AIT reviewed licensee nomal, offnomal, and emergency
                operating procedures to determine whether or not appropriate
                guidance was provided for operator response to the MSIV stroke
                time test failures on November 3,1987. The following procedures
               were reviewed:
                      Plant Emergency Instruction (PEI)-B13 "Reactor Pressure
                      Yessel Control"
                     Off-Nomal Instruction (ONI)-N11 "High Energy Pipe Break
                     Outside Containment"
                     Plant Emergency Instruction (PEI)-D11. "Radiation Release
                     Control" System Operating Instruction (501)-B21 "Nuclear
                     Steam Supply Shutoff, Automatic Depressurization, and
                     Nuclear Steam Supply Systems (Unit 1)."
              Under the circumstances which existed on November 3, 1987,
               following the MSIV stroke time test failures, operators were
              provided adequate procedural direction via 501-B21 to manually
               reattempt MSIV closure. Step-by-step direction was provided for
              manipulating the MSIV controls to affect fast or slow manual
              MSIV closure. 'In the event that manual fast closure attempts
              had not succeeded, operating procedures could have been utilized
              to manually slow-close the MSIV's in the test mode. With the
              valves closed in the test mode and the MSIV test pushbutton held
              in the depressed position, the valves would have remained closed
              indefinitely, permitting evaluation of available options and, if
              deemed necessary, the performance of additional actions to secure
              the valves in the closed position (e.g. shutting down the plant
              and securing the instrument air supply to the MSIV actuators.)
              For circumstances requiring an automatic HSIV closure signal, or
              where specified plant instruments indicated significant steam
              leak (s) isolable utilizing one or more MSIV's, ti.e AIT detemined
              that operators would have been directed, by procedure, to verify
              and/or close the appropriate MSIV's. Additionally, instruction
              was provided for responding to the much more serious types of
              events in which conditions required a main steam line isolation     ,
              and multiple MSIV failures resulting in unisolable main steam       :

i- .

             . l ., .                                                                            ;
  .            .
     ..          .
                          line(s). Activation of the licensee's emergency response plan
                          was directed for these more serious types of events.
                          Based upon a review of the licensee's operator training and
                          requalification program, the AIT determined that licensed
                          operators were provided classroom and simulator training in the
                          utilization of PEI-B13, ONI-Nil, PEI-D17 and 501-021. During
                          initial training, operators were provided approximately 100
                          hours of simulator instruction and 80 hours of classroom instrec-
                          tion which included plant transients and accidents requiring the
                          use of these instructions. Training to these and other PEls and
                          ONIs covered entry conditions, immediate operator actions, and
                          supplemental actions.
                          While the circumstances surrounding the November 3, 1987 MSIV
                          stroke time failures did not require entry into these instructions,
                          inspector observation of operator actions during the event
                          indicated that the operators had a good understandina of the
                          operating and surveillance test procedures in use and that
                          procedural requirements were being adhered to.
                      2.  Impact of Concurrent Surveillance Activities on MSIV Perfomance
                          The AIT reviewed a list of surveillance tests in progress at the
                          tinte of the MSIV stroke time test failures. The list was compiled
                          by the licensee and verified accurate by review of the list against
                         operating log entries over the timeframes of intere3t. At the
                          time of the October 29, 1987, MSIV failures, the following
                         surveillance tests were in progress:
                          Instruction No.                            Title
                         B21-T0187-R                  "ECCS Reactor Water Level Channel
                         E22-T0195-C                  "ECCS Suppression Pool Water Level        i
                                                      High Channel C Functional"
                         E22-T1202                    "HPCS s.ap Discharge Flow Low Channel
                         M16-T2001                    "Drywell Vaccuum Breaker Isolation
                                                      Valve Operability Test"
                         M17-T2002                    "Containment Yaccuum Relief Valve
                                                      Operability Test"
                         At the time of the November 3,1987, MSIV stroke time test
                         failures, the following surveillance tests were in progress:


                                                                                                          _    . _ _ _ _                    _ _ _ _ _ _
 1          .           .
               .L..., *
 ,               .
             .     .
                                               Instruction No.                            Title                                 T
                                               B21-T0369-A                 "Safety Relief Valve Pressurt
                                                                           Actuation Channel Functional"
                                               C51-T0026                   "APRM Flow Biased Power / Flow                *}         ,
                                                                           Verification"                                  '
                                               Based upon the root cause(s) of the MSIV failures discursed in
                                               Paragraph VI of this report and the review of the foregoing
                                               Surveillance Instructions, the AIT concluded that the perfonnance
                                               of these surveillances had no bearing on the hSI'/ failures s
                          E.           Troubleshooting Activities and Results                                N                                            ,
                                       Af ter the event of November 3,1987, the licenste convened a tehjf                               ,
                                       specialists, including representatives of GAI and GE, to cetehr;ne 'the                             N ",
                                       potential components whose failure would fit the observed facts, Their
                                       analysis yielded twenty-four (24) potential component failurds ?Nine-
                                       teen (19) of these were evaluated to be unlibly, one (1) was baluated
                                       as a potential failure, and four (4) were evaluat.ed as likely failurcs.
                                       The four likely failures and the one potential failure all fell into
                                       a category involving the ASCO dual solenoid valves cr the air system
                                       feeding them. This analysis was used in developing a troubleshooting
                                       During the Entrance Meeting on November 4,1987, the rednirements of
                                       the CAL (Attachment 1 of this report) were reinforced - specifically
                                       that no work was to be performed on the specified components / systems
                                       without the concurrence of the AIT team leader. Subsequent to this
                                       the licensee provided a written proposal for troubleshooting the MSIV's
                                       to the AIT for concurrence. After evaluatien and comment hv the All a
                                       carefully planned disassembly and troubleshooting progra'.uw generated.
                                       In conjunction with the above, the AIT also independentiy enluated
                                       potential failure modes and concluded that the most probhple domponent
                                                                                                            " i"

i failure was the ASCO dual solenoid valve.



                                       To determine the cause of the mis-operatn.*n of the hW/ control syn, . ems,                        s
three MSIV actuator control units were removed and dtsassemt t ad. These


                                       were the units on MSIV's 1821-F0022D (inboard),1821-MG28b foutboaro),                          i


                                       and IB21-F0028B (outboard). All three units were des hned anl con-
                                       structed identically. The B21-F0028D MSIV was the vulve that f911ed
                                       to close until cycled a second time during one of the events, while
                                       the other two had not meet the Technical Specification reau1r:h.uits
                                       for clostre times. Prior to any work on the MSIV's teing perfonned,
                                       a visual examination of all eight MSIV's was y rformed t,o document the
                                       as found conditions. The material condition fund in the centrol enit


                                       connections, air control valves, and the ASCO solenoic valves in the

l control unit was as fellows: i

                                       1.    The first control unit to be removea an'd uisasserabled was

i 1821-F0022D. Prior to removal, the MSIV war opened (ASCO dual i solenoids energized) and voltage checks were made to detennine . 3





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                                          1              ,the as found conditions. No anomalies were noted. In addition,
     5Wiv'. I 1
                                                           air blows were also perfonned on the MS!Y actuator air supply,
                                                           the solenoid air supply and the MSIV accumulator. These tests
       )                             ,
                                                            included collection of any exhausted material by pillow case, a
      i                                                    particle count check, and a dew point check. No negative results
                                                           were reported for the pillow case air blows and the dew point
               ,                                   h checks indicated that they were less than -40'F. The particle
                                                   w count checks wcre performed by blowing the air through 0.45
                                                          r.icern filter pper. Several of these were sent to an indepen-
                                                           c'en laborato y for particle size measurement and characterization.
                                                           Particle sizes,were reported in excess of the 40 micron limit
                                                           for the instrwet air system committed to by the licensee. The
                                                           licensee noted tilat bitruse the sampling methodology allowed for


                                                           potential contaminaion of the samples from outside air and from
                                                          handling t. hat these realts were indetenninate. The particles
                                                           collected were characterized into three basic types: white
                                                          translucent, rust in color, and black metallic. The sample
                                                           sizes were'too smell tr.,' allow further analysis. After removal
                                                          of the contrc.1 unit, it was taken to a work area where it was
                                                          connectedsto e icoulated (90 psig) nitrogen supply and a test
                                                          box thi.t uTiweis the solenoids to be energized and de-energized.
                                                          The control uc,13 was then cycled several times. In each case
                                                          thc control un t TJnctioned per design with no anomalies being
                          .                               Metallic shavings and a dirt-like substance were discovered at
                                                          the 1-5/8" inlet port to the MSIV actuator and the swage lock
                                                           input fitting had deep grooves or etched scratches. The ASCO
                                  \                       dual solenoid valve was disassembled and no foreign materials
                                   1                      were fouid in the valve internals. All body gaskets were flat-
                      u             !                     tened, br a tle, degraded, and showed evidence of being exposed
                                                          to higb temperature. The body gaskets were found to be adhering
                               <                          to the brass valve body and wtien peeled from the valve body lef t
    3                 ,
                                                          portions of their EPDM material behind. The B solenoid coil was
                                                          raty, apparently due to moisture intrusion. Both the A and B
                                                          coils were meggered and checked for continuity with no anomalies
                                                          notert. The EPDM disc on the solenoid operated disc holder was                                  I
                                                          four.d to be hardened and somewhat deformed. An annular dimple                                  !
  ,                                                       was observed en the EPDM disc of the disc holder. This was
                                                          caused from :td disc holder being pushed against the raised
                         x                                (cone-like) exhaust orifice of the solanoid valve body (see
                                                          Attachment ?) causing the orif'ce to cut into the seat material.
                                                          This resulted in part of the seet material being extruded into
                                                          the exhaust orifice. 1 tis dimpie, together with the deteriorated
                                                          stm of the disc materfal, indicated that the disc holder could
                                                          be held in an "energized' rnition even though the solenoid had
                                                          beer de-energized, and would prevent the control air from being
                                            . '
                                                          exhausted to atmosphere and therefore prevent the MSIV from
                                                2.        The control unit f or valve 1821-F0028B was the next to be removed
                                     ;                    and disassembled. When the 1-5/8" stainleu steel air supply
                                                          piping was removed from the control unit, metal filings were
                                                          discovered on internal threads together with an unknown material.
                                                                           _ ___.      - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ - - _ _ _
                                                                                                                                                   - __ _ a
                                                                                                                .   .
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                                                                                             .. . . .
                                       . . .              . _
   s    . . .     - -
   ,          .
                         This material was later analyzed using Infrared Spectrophotometry
                         (IR), and was determined not to be "Neverseeze" lubricant (commonly
                         used for making up air system joints) and to possibly be "Rectorseal"
                         thread sealant. However, no evidence of foreign material in the
                         control unit internals was discovered during the dismantling
                         process, When the control unit was removed from the MSIV a
                         "puddle" of unknown fluid was found in one of the actuator air
                         ports. Subsequent analysis using IR identified the fluid as

! silicon lubricant.

                         Air blows were also perfonned on the MS!Y actuator air supply and
                         the solenoid air supply. These tests included collection of
                         exhausted material by pillow case, a particle count check, and a
                         dew point check. The results of this testing was similar to
                         that reported above for MSIV 1821-F00220.
                         When the ASCO dual solenoid valve was disassembled, small amounts
                         of dirt / grease (possibly 0-ring lubricant) mixture and some
                         unidentified particles (possibly metal shavings) were found in
                         the exhaust port and the internal thread of the exhaust and
                         intake ports. Material galling was discovered at the ferrule
                         area in the T-fitting connected to the solenoid valve inlet and
                         the air supply port. Both the upper and lower cylinder connection
                         ports were smeared with substantiai amounts of blackish grease
                          (possibly 0-ring lubricant), but there was no foreign material
                         found inside the solenoid valve assembly or in the pilot air
                          line. Neither solenoid A nor B sub-assemblies contained foreign
                         material but all body gaskets (0-rings) were brittle, degraded,
                          flattened, and showed evidence of being exposed to high temperature
                          (per the ASCO representative who inspected them). As with the
                         previous control unit the body gaskets were also found to be
                         adhering to the brass valve body and when peeled away portions
                         of the gasket material remained adhering to the valve. The sole-
                          noid coil surfaces were slightly discolored possibly because of
                          high temperature exposure.                                        Both the A and B coils were meggered
                          and checked for continuity with no anomalies noted. Inspection
                          of the EPDM material on the disc holder revealed conditions,
                          including the annular dimple, similar to that reported in section
                          1 above for the 1821-F0022D control unit.
                      3.  The third control unit removed was for MSIV IB21-F00280. While
                         witnessing the removal of the control unit for MSIV 1821-F0028B,
                          a member of the AIT noted the presence of a piece of duct tape
                          over the exhaust port of the 1821-F0028D ASCO dual solenoid valve.
                          This finding was significant in that if the exhaust port is
                          plugged, the MSIV would not be able to close. As a result of
                          this finding the remaining MSIV's were inspected but no other
                          similar conditions were noted. In order to allow testing to
                          detennine if this duct tape contributed to the problems exhibited
                          by the 1B21-F0028D MSIV, the AIT instructed the licensee to leave
                          the tape in an undisturbed state. In addition, it was requested
                           that the valve be tested in the disassembly work area to deter-
                          mine what effect, if any, the duct tape had on the solenoid
                          valves operation. After its removal and transport to the work
                                             - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - _ - -                  - - - -   _                         _____._
 4.               .
 '          .
      .       .
                    area the control unit was mounted on a test rig, connected to a
                    regulated (90 psig) nitrogen supply and a test box. The control
                    unit was energized, simulating the MSIV being in the open position,
                    and allowed to sit for approximately two hours and fifteen minutes.
                    This wait period was to allow the solenoids and valve body to heat
                    up to an equilibrium value. The equilibrium value was approxi-
                    mately 130*F in an ambient temperature of approximately 85'F. It
                    was hoped that by allowing the valve to sit and heat up that the
                    original failure could be recreated on the bench. When the control
                    unit was de-energized it worked per design. It was observed that
                    the duct tape covering the ASCO dual solenoid valves exhaust port
                    acted like a flap and lifted away from the port, except for one
                    point of attachment, and allowed the valve to exhaust to atmo-
                    sphere. The tepe was then removed and examined. The examination
                    revealed that the tape had been in place for some time. The
                    tape no longer had the flexibility of new tape and remained in
                    its installed shape even after removal. The tape also had
                    become so porous that when held up to a light source pinpoint
                    holes could be seen. In addition, the sticky side of the tape
                    that had not been attached to the valve body had collected dust
                    and dirt.    The AIT concluded that based upon the test performed
                    and the examination of the tape that it had not been a contributor
                    to the observed behavior of the 1B21-F0028D MSIV. The licensee's
                    investigation into the origin of the duct tape revealed that it
                    had probably been put in place during a previous maintenance
                    outage as a cleanliness barrier.
                    The material condition of the control unit air connections and
                    the ASCO dual solenoid valve was similar to the condition found
                    in the two earlier ones but to a different degree.     It appeared
                    that high temperature had caused a more severe degradation of

, Other valves in the 1821-F0028D control unit were then disassembled. '

                    Small amounts of dirt and some metallic particles or shavings were
                    found inside the air control valves, but no foreign matter was
                    found in the dual solenoid valve. With the exception of the ASCO
                    dual solenoid valve, the operability of the control unit was
                    believed to be unimpaired by these small particles of contamination.
                    With respect to the ASCO dual solenoid valve, though no foreign
                    matter was found inside of the valve, the failure of the MSIV's
                    due to this could not be totally eliminated since the foreign
                    material could have conceivably been blown out of the exhaust

j port during subsequent operation.

                    The licensee evaluated the data gathered as a result of the trouble-
                    shooting program and concluded that the root cause of the failures
                    of October 29, 1987, and November 3, 1987, was a failure of the
                    respective MSIV's ASCO dual solenoid valve. This failure was
                    attributed to the hardening and dimpling of the EPDM seat material
                    as the result of exposure to a local high temperature environment
                    caused by steam leaks in the vicinity of the control units. As
                    part of their corrective action the licensee rebuilt some of the
                    ASCO dual solenoid valves. Inspection of the remaining solenoid

i i 21 __

                                                                                           _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
   . . :. . ..


                            valves that were disassembled indicated that their material con-


                            dition was significantly better than the three that had been


                             installed on the MSIV's that had failed. Seat impressions were
                            noted on the valve seat, however, the dimpling condition evident
                            on the other valves was not on any of these valves.
                  A.  Perry Events
                      The AIT reviewed MSIV fast closure stroke time tett results for MSIV
                      testing conducted since operating license issuance and prior to
                      October 29, 1987. These test results included tests conducted to
                      satisfy technical specification surveillance test requirements and
                      startup tests involving MSIV closure. Based upon this review, a total
                      of 78 individual MSIV fast closures were identified. Two instances
                      were identified in which individual MSIV's exceeded their maximum
                      allowable stioke time. One occurred following the loss of offsite
                      power startup test conducted on May 10, 1987, when MSIV 1B21-F0028B
                      closed in 5.1 seconds; the second occurred during surveillance testing
                      conducted on August 10, 1987, when MSIV 1B21-F0028C closed in 5.3
                       seconds. Following each of these occurrences, adjustments were made
                       to the MSIV fast stroke speed controllers and the valves were retested
                      with satisfactory closure times (4.0 - 4.6 seconds).
                      While MSIV IB21-F0028B was among those MSIVs which failed on October 29,
                       1987, the AIT could not determine whether the earlier failure on May 10,
                       1987, was due to the same root cause(s). The small magnitude by which
                       the stroke time was exceeded on May 10, 1987, did, however, suggest
                       that the failures were not related.
                      The root cause of the failure of MSIV IB21-0028C on August 10, 1987,
                      appeared to be more clearly unrelated to the October 29 and hovember 3,
                       1987, MSIV failures. Aside from the fact that this valve did not
                      experience subsequent failures, inspection of the ASCO dual solenoid
                       valve internals for MSIV 1821-F0028C showed little, if any, degradation.
                      The licensee had experienced additional failures of solenoid valves
                       similar to the ASCO dual solenoid valve used on the MSly control unit.
                      On July 30,1986, (LER 86-030) the licensee reported the failure of
                       a similar ASCO dual solenoid valve in the containment vacuum relief
                       system. The valve (model 8-HB-8320 A9) was found to be "leaking air
                       due to an accumulation of dust in the valve seating area." The LER
                       noted that "a similar solenoid valve connected to the same airline
                       in the same panel was then inspected in order to determine if it was
                       experiencing a similar problem. No further problems were identified."
                       A review of Work Order No. 860010560 by the AIT showed that the
                       adjacent valve had been removed, cleaned and rebuilt. The work
                       order indicated that the maintenance staff had found small amounts
                       of black dust in the body of the second valve.
                  B.   Industry Events
                       1.    Solenoid Valve Related MS!V Failures
                                         - _ _ _ _ _ _
 , .; . . . .


  .       .
                  There have been a multitude of solenoid valve failures at U.S.
                  nuclear power plants. With regard to solenoid valves used for
                  MSIY closure there have been several dozen failures. Some of
                  these events are reported below along with descriptions of
                  notifications that the NRC provided and a discussion of the
                  actions taken by the licensee in response to those notifications.
                  The following failures occurred between 1970 and 1980:
                  Dresden-2             9 failures
                  Hatch-1               5 failures
                  Hatch-2               1 failure
                  Haddam Neck           1 failure
                  Lacrosse              1 failure
                  Millstone-1           3 failures
                  Monticello            3 failures
                  Nine Mile Point-1     2 failures
                  Oyster Creek          3 failures
                  Peach Bottom-3        2 failures
                  Pilgrim-1             3 failures
                  Quad Cities-1         5 failurer
                  Quad Cities-2         2 failures
                  Trojan                1 failure
                  Vermont Yankee        4 failures
                  Zion-1                2 failures
                  Zion-2                4 failures
                  These failures were reported in NRC Inspection and Enforcement
                   (IE) Circular 81-14 * Main Steam Isolation Valve Failures to Close",
                  November 5, 1981. The circular recommended that holders of con-
                  struction permits: 1 "Evaluate MSIV control system design in
                   light of both successful and unsuccessful industry experience";
                  2 - Consider design changes where appropriate to ensure high
                  reliability and to minimize or eliminate the common-mode failure
                  potential present in current designs."
                  No written response to the circular was required and the AIT is
                  unaware of any action taken by CEI as a result of it.
                   IE Infonnation Notice (IN) 86-57, "Operating Prot'lems with Solenoid
                  Operated Valves at Nuclear Power Plants", July 11, 1986, presented
                   information about a September 27, 1985, event at Brunswick-2 in
                  which 3 out of 8 MSIV's failed to fast close. As with the event
                  at Perry, two of the MSIV's were in one main steam line. The
                  event at Brunswick was suspected to most likely have been caused
                  by hydrocarbon contamination of the air system and high ambient
                   temperature conditions, degrading the Ethylene Propylene Diene
                  Monomer (EPDM) valve seating and seal material. The information
                   notice stated that Brunswick was replacing the solenoid valves
                  EPDM internals with Viton since EPDM is unsuitable in air systems
                   that are not designed to "oil free" specifications.   EPDM absorbs
                  hydrocarbons resulting in swelling and loss of mechanical prcperties.
                  The infonnation notice discussed Viton's superior high temperature    ,
                   perfomance when compared to EPDM. Viton's disadvantage was also
                                                                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _
      .. .... .
    .      .
      .      .
 <              noted, i.e., it is less resistant to radiation than EPDM (by a
                factorof10).       IE IN 86-57 noted ASCO's recomendation that
                Viton be used for applications where radiation levels do not
                exceed 20 megarads. The information notice also addressed
                chloride contaminstion of other MSIV solenoid coils, and the
                failure of several scram discharge valves at Brunswick which were
                caused by excessive amounts of silicone lubricant. CEI reviewed
                IE IN 86-57 and detemined that no action was necessary because:
                (a) The use of Viton seals vs. EPDM had already been investigated
                      at Perry, and the use of such seals was consistent with
                      Perry's Equipment Qualification (EQ) Program requirerients.
                      The original ASCO dual solenoid valves that were used for
                      Perry's MSIV's had Viton seals, seats and gaskets, but were
                      changed to EPDM because of EQ concerns.
                (b) The licensee's maintenance program and adherence to ASCO's
                      installation and maintenance instructions were expected to
                      prevent the problems noted in the infomation notice, i.e.,
                      "high temperature ambient conditions, inadequate maintenance
                      program on short-lived components and the excessive use of
                      lubricants during maintenance." The response also noted that
                      oil free air is useo at Perry and that there is no danger of
                      hydrocarbon buildup. Upon contacting General Electric (GE)
                      the licensee was informed that GE believed the prelems dis-
                      cussed in IE IN 86 57 were due to hydrocarbon contaminants
                      and not high temperatures; that the EPDM materials used in
                      the MSIV's passed high temperature and radiation EQ testing;
                      and that the unit at Grand Gulf (which had similiar ASCO
                      solenoid valves) had not experienced any problems due to
                      high temperatures. In addition, GE recomended that the
                      air system used by Perry be designed to oil free specifica-
                      tions thus eliminating the possibility of hydrocarbon
                IE IN 85-17 and 85-17 Supplement 1. "Possible Sticking of ASCO
                Solenoid Valves" March 1, 1985, and October 1, 1985, described
                the failure of ASCO solenoid valves which resulted in the failure
                of three (3) MSIV's at Grand Gulf Unit 1 to fast close. Those
                solenoid valves had Viton seals, seats, and gaskets. ASCO
                attributed the failures to high-temperature sticking which
                resulted from a foreign substance which collected at the lower
                core / plug nut interfaces. Definitive identification of the
                foreign substances were not accomplished due to the small


                amounts of material that was collected. GE recomended that
                Grand Gulf replace the potentially contaminated MSIV solenoid
                valves and periodically examine and clean them. Subsequently,
                Grand Gulf replaced all 8 of the solenoid valves with similar
                environmentally qualified ones having EPDM (as opposed to Viton)
                seals, seat and gaskets. The EPDM valves did not stick when
                subjected to the same conditions that caused the Viton valves to

b rW

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   .-          .
                        CEI's followup determined that no action was required since there                    '
                        were no solenoid valves with Viton used in safety-related
                        applications at Perry; and the ASCO solenoid valves used for the
                        MSIV's were qualified and had EPDM internals rather than Viton.
                   2.   Solenoids Valves Not Related to MSIV Failures
                         IE IN 80-11 "Generic Problems with ASCO Valves in Nuclear
                        Applications Including Fire Protection Systems," March 14, 1980,
                        discussed the problems of having oil in contact with EPDM parts
                       which are internal to ASCO solenoid valves. The notice stated
                        that there is a potential for failure of solenoid valves having
                        EPDM internals due to traces of oil from oil based thread lubricants
                        and traces of oil from instrument air compressors. The informa-
                        tion notice cited ASCO's recomendation that EPDM elastomers
                        found in EQ qualified ASCO NP-1 solenoid valves be replaced with
                        Viton kits. Attachtd to the information notice was a letter from
                        EG&G Idaho, Inc. which described fifty failures of solenoid valves,
                       citing common mode failures due to oil or other foreign material
                        in the air supply system. In addition, it noted that 18 percent
                       of the failures found were caused by high temperatures and humidity
                       resulting in electrical failure. The licensee's response to IN
                       80-11 indicated that similar Class 1E qualified ASCO solenoid valves
                        (NP-1) having EPDM would be rebuilt with Viton kits. Similarly
                       certain ASCO 8320 solenoid valves would also have the EPDM replaced
                       with Viton.
                       The licensee's review package for IE IN 80-11 also included an
                       ASCO service bulletin on the subject (dated April 1,1980). That
                       bulletin stated that "If pipe thread sealant is properly applied,
                       and if ASCO NP-1 solenoid valves are properly installed in an oil
                       free instrument air system, there should be no need to replace
                       the ethylene propylene elastomeric parts with Viton kits. If there
                      are traces of compressor oil in the system, steps should be taken
                       to eliminate it, to prevent damage to other components in the
                       IE IN 81-29 "Equipment Qualification Testing Experience,"
                      September 24, 1981; and IE IN 82-52 "Equipment Environmental
                      Qualification Testing Experience - Updating of Test Sumaries
                      Previously Published in IN 81-29," December 21, 1982, discussed
                      problems with ASCO solenoid valves in which Viton elastomer
                      seals deteriorated under high radiation exposure. IE IN 82-52
                      recomended that licensee's should review their system require-
                      ments for Viton compatability in view of ASCO's recomendation
                      that Viton seals should not be used in applications where expo-
                      sures are in excess of 20 megarads (EPDM being the recomended
                      replacement for Viton).
                      The licensee's review of these information notices for
                      applicability to the MSIV control unit's noted that Perry's ASCO
                      solenoid valves already had EPDM seals and, therefore, the
                      information notices were not applicable,                                             j
     .. . . < . ,
  r ,.      .
  :   .
                                     IE IN 84-23 "Results of the NRC Sponsored Qualification Methodology
 }                                   Research Test on ASCO Solenoid Valves," April 5,1984, highlighted
 J_                                  the fact that two ASCO solenoid valves which had undergone natural
                                     aging had failed EQ tests. The valves were heated in an air oven
                                    at 140*F for three years. The valves were pressurized with nitro-
                                    gen and the coils were continuously energized. One of the failure
                                    mechanisms involved was the sticking of the EPDM to the valve's
                                    metallic parts. The failure of the other naturally aged valve was
                                    attributed to the accumulative degradation of the EPDM diaphram,
                                    The licensee's review of this information notice focused upon the
                                    fact that the MSIV control unit contained different ASCO solenoid
                                    valves (NP-3320 and NP-8323) which were fully qualified in accor-
                                    dance with testing perfomed by GE. As a result the licensee
                                    concluded that the information presented in IN 84-23 was not
                                    applicable to their MSIV control unit.
                                    Information Notice 85-08, "Industry Experience on Certain Materials
                                   used in Safety-Related Equipment" dated January 30, 1985, addressed
                                    the environmental qualifications of ASCO solenoid valves having
                                   Viton and EPDM parts in addition to addressing the use of elas-
                                    tomers and epoxy coatings in personnel air locks, hydrogen
                                   recombiners and oil storage tanks. The information notice stated
                                   the conditions under which the NRC considered Viton and EPDM to
                                   be environmentally qualified.
                                   The licensee's review of the information notice (relating to the
                                   MSIV control unit) noted that all of the valves in the control
                                   unit contained EPDM parts, and the valves were fully qualified
                                   in accordance with GE equipment qualification report NEDC-30800.
                                   As a result the licensee concluded that no action was required
                                   in response to the information notice.
                  VI. AIT CONCLUSIONS
                        The most probable root cause of the observed MSIV's failure to close on
                        October 29, 1987, and again on November 3,1987, was a malfunction of the
                        ASCO Model NP-8323A20E three-way dual solenoid valve caused by deterioration
                        and degradation of,the Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) discs in
                        the ASCO dual solenoid valve due to exposure to a high temperature environ-
                        ment. The high temperature environment was the result of several steam
                        leaks in the vicinity of the failed valves. The second most probable
                        cause of the deteriorated and degraded EPDM discs appears to be hydrocarbon
                        intrusion into the valve, or a combination of high temperature and hydro-
                        carbon intrusion.
                        All evidence collected during the investigation indicated that the event
                        was probably caused by the failure of the ASCO dual solenoid valve to shift
                        to the de-energized position. The evidence collected included the following:
                        a.    The MSIV's in question stuck open during one command, but closed
                              within the Technical Specification requirement in responding to      .
                              the next command.

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                                                                -                             _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                         The design of the control unit is such that the simultaneous failure
  *     *
                         of more than one of the air control valves would be required to cause
                         the observed failures.
                  c.     The EPDM disc on the solenoid operated disc holder in the MSIV's in
                         question was found to be hardened and somewhat deformed.

I d. An annular dimple had formed on the EPDM disc. This dimple, together

                         with the deteriorated state of the disc material, indicated that the
                         disc holder could be held in an "energized" position during the
                         de-energizing comand, and would prevent the control air from being
                         exhausted to atmosphere and, therefore, prevent the other air control
                         valves from shifting to the proper position to vent the underside of
                         the MSIV actuator piston to atmosphere and to port control air above
                         the MSIY actuator piston.
                  The EPDM disc material was qualified for service temperatures up to 140
                  degrees Fahrenheit using clean, dry air. From the state found on the disc,
                  it is suspected that the qualified service limits of the EPDM material may
                  have been exceeded. Plant records showed that steam, at temperaturcs of
                  300 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, leaked from the IB21-F00220 MSIV during
                  September 1987 and from leakage control system valves in the vicinty of
                  the IB21-F0028B and 1821-F0028D MSIV's in early 1987. However, the evidence
                 was not conclusive enough to determine whether this deterioration was caused
                  by the high steam temperature alone, by the interaction of EPDM and hydro-
                  carbons released from the instrumentation air system, or by the action of
                 The AIT also concluded that while the licensee was very responsive after
                  the event of November 3,1987, and proceeded in a methodical, well thought
                 out, manner in determining the probable root cause, their lack of action
                  in starting to formulate a troubleshooting program prior to the second
                  failure, to validate their theorized failure mechanism, was not as conser-
                 vative as the NRC would like to see. In addition, the licensee's plan
                 after the November 3,1987, event to increase power and perfom the full
                  reactor isolation startup test, thereby place the unit in Hot Shutdown, is
                 considered by the AIT to be both nonconservative and contrary to the
                  intent of the technical specifications.
                 A.     Failure Mechanism Investigation *_
                        The AIT recommends that in order to more definitively determine the
                        root cause(s) of the ASCO dual solenoid valve failures the licensee
                        should have sophisticated laboratory analysis perfomed on the solenoid
                        valves from the MSIV control units that failed, parts which were
                        removed from the solenoid valves which were rebuilt, and the air
                        samples which were taken from the inlet and outlet lines from the
                        control' units.
                        Some of the possible contributors to, or root causes of, the solenoid
                        valve malfunctions which could be revealed by such analysis (in
                        addition to high temperature, or possibly pointing towards synergism
                        with high temperature) are:                                                                   l
                                                                        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _               _ _ _ _ _

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          '    -
      7. . :
  .       .
        -   .
                 1. Impurities in the instrument air, such as:                         -
                          a.      Hydrocarbon from:
                                  (1)    the service air compressors,'
                                  (2)    temporary air compressors which were used in
                                         containment (July / August 1987),
                                  (3)    pipe threading materials in the air system.
                                  (4)    improper lubricant or excessive lubricant on
                                         the solenoid valves from manufacture,
                                         installation or maintenance,
                          b.      Desiccant from previous air system malfuntions
                                  (incorrect filter installation) or mis-operation
                          c.      Dirt, shavings / particles, pipe scalant, weld or
                                  soldering debris from incorrect installation or
                                  maintenance operations (e.g., pipe threading, gasket,
                                  seats, system).
                          d.      Dirt, scale, oxides, etc. from the manufacturing of
                                  the air system components or from subsequent corrosion
                                  or surface oxidation of air system components.
                          e.      Moisture from the air system; e.g. temporary air
                                  compressors which were used in containment (July /
                                  August 1987),ormoistureintrusionfromthe
                                  environment; e.g. steam leaks, etc.
                 2. Inadequate cycling: ASCO recommends cycling the solenoid valves
                    to prevent sticking. ASCO Bulletin 8003, "Installation and
                    Maintenance Instructions" notes the following:
                    "Preventive Maintenance
                    a.    Keep the medium flowing through the solenoid operator or
                          valve as free from dirt and foreign material as possible,
                    b.    While in service, the solenoid operator or valve should be
                          operated at least once a month to insure proper opening and
                 3. Aging of elastomers:       possibility that the elastomers are breaking
                    down due to excess age.        Shelf life information does not appear to
                    be readily available regarding ASCO solenoid valves and rebuild
                    kits,    it is known that the elastomers used in many ASCO solenoid
                    valves have short shelf lives - however, it did not appear that
                    the ASCO solenoid valves and rebuild kits at Perry had records or
                    caution labels noting any limitations in this regard.
   .     ...;-
     *      '
                B.  ASCO Design

. .

                    The AIT recomends that in view of the fact that there have been a
                    large number of ASCO solenoid valve failures in safety systems, and
                    that 1) the failure mechanisms have not been fully understood, and
                    2) the design tolerances, design characteristics, design calculations
                   and operating margins of the solenoid valves have not been made avail-


                    able to the licensees or the NRC, that NRC should take actions to


                    obtain in depth design infomation from ASCO needed to assure satis-
                    factory operations of such valves (e.g., ASCO has not responded to
                    the question of what is the maximum air stream particle size the
                    solenoid valves can handle).
                C.  Potential Generic Technical Specification Deficiencies
                   The AIT recommends that the issue * of rapid repair of steam leaks and
                   the avoidance of high localized temperatures which can lead to degrad-
                   ation and failure of seemingly qualified safety equipment should be
                   addressed by the NRC. The technical specifications and LCO's regarding
                   containment and steam tunnel temperatures may require modifications.
                   The existence of steam leaks at the Perry plant prior to October 29,
                   1987, is believed to have been one of the initiating events of the
                   failures of the MS!V's to function properly. The technical specifica-
                   tions at most plants are predicated upon gross averages of containment
                   and steam tunnel temperatures without consideration of localized high
                D. Equipment Qualification Testing *
                   The AIT recommends that work be done by the licensee and NRC to assure
                   that EQ testing properly accounts for nomal plant operating conditions
                   (including normal operation of equipment), anticipated transients or
                   equipment malfunction, design basis accidents, and combinations thereof.
                   The direct applicability of the current EQ tests to the actual plant
                   operating and accident conditions is suspect. EQ testing of the MSIV
                   control unit solenoid valves entailed a 1000 hour elevated temperature
                   test.    That test included cycling the valves once every 24 hours. Such
                   a test is not indicative of a long period high temperature soak as may
                   have occurred at the Perry plant prior to the October 29 failures.
                   The cycling during the EQ testing would minimize the likelihood of
                   valve failure due to disk to seat sticking, as evidenced by proper
                   valve operation after the initial failures.
                E. Instrument Air System Deficiencies
                   The AIT recommends that plant specific instrument air system
                   deficiencies at Perry, as noted below, should be corrected:
                   1.    System Design Criteria
                         It is recommended that the licensee review the instrument air
                         system, and the components which are dependent upon it and take
                         action to assure that there is a match between the needs of the
                         components and the quality of the instrument air delivered to
 ._. _            ___ ._                                            . _ _                    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
         ..   .
                            the components.      In addition, the plant specifications and the
                            FSAR should be modified to assure compatibility between the system
                            and the components / systems which use and/or depend upon instrument
                            The instrument air system was originally supposed to meet ANSI
                            standard MC 1.11 - 1976 (ISA-57.3) "Quality Standard For Instrument
                            Air" which limits particulate size to 3 microns. However, the
                            NRC granted the Perry plant relaxation from the ANS!/ISA 3 micron
                            requirement to 40 microns, based upon General Electric document
                            22A2537-Revision 2 "Field Cleaning and Cleanliness of Nuclear
                            Power Plant Components," November 1979, which defines instrument
                            quality air as "compressed air dried to a dew point of -40'F at
                            the supply pressure and passed through an oil trap and a less than
                            or equal to 50 micron filter to remove oil and foreign particles."
                            The 40 micron requirement is not consistent with the needs of all
                            equipment using the instrument air (e.g., air compressor seal air
                            system has a maximum allowable particle size of 10 microns at
                            Perry - see item 3.c. below).
                         2. Air System Degradation by Use of Temporary Compressors
                            The AIT recommends that the licensee institute appropriate controls
                            to ensure that the quality of the air in the air system, and
                            therefore the air operated components it supplies, is not degraded
                            by the use of temporary compressors. It is possible that air
                            operated components may have been degraded at Perry during periods
                            in which the containment air system was isolated and a temporary
                            portable air compressor was used. The presence of particulates
                            or impurities introduced by such activities would probably not
                            show up in "air blows" months later. However, the presence of
                            such contaminants could have caused degradation and malfunctions
                            of air-operated equipment several months after their introduction
                            to the system.
                         3. Inadequate Maintenance and Surveillance Testing *
                            The AIT recommends that the licensee review each of the following
                            issues and take appropriate action:

l a. There was no prefilter inspection program (at the time of

                                  this inspection there was no comitment to inspect the
                                  prefilter until the pressure drop across it became excessive-10
                                  psid). A blown or incorrectly installed prefilter would

. l

                                  not be identified by this criteria - this could be an

i especially important deficiency in view of the fact that ! the prefilter is the primary defense against hydrocarbon ! intrusion from the compressor or intake.

                            b.    Desiccant column inspection is inadequate - semiannual


                                  surveillance involves visual inspection of desiccant in the

! column. The inspection is limited to viewing the desiccant

on the very top of the column. However, the material which
                                  1s observed is the most recently added material which may



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           , 'm'
         .      .
                                     have little resemblance to the older and possibly degraded

g desiccant which is below it; in addition, there did not

appear to be a fim comitment for providing desiccant
                                     column change out,
                              c.     In accordance with the manufacturer's data, the maximum
                                     allowable particle size for the air compressors' seal air
                                     system is 10 microns. Failure of the seal air system could
                                     result in the intrusion of oil into the instrument air          *

. system. Consequently, the presence of particulates in the

                                     instrument air system in excess of 10 microns has the
                                     potential for degrading the compressor's seal system
                                     thereby leading to gross contamination of the instrument
                                     air system. (Such a contamination coupled with a blown or
                                     improperly installed prefilter could cause major air system
                              d.     Dew point is noted daily near the dryers, with an instrument
                                     air sample being drawn annually from downstream of the
                                     afterfilter.    The sample's particle count is also taken,
                                     however it is not checked for hydrocarbons or other contam-
                                     inants. It appears that no testing is done to check for
                                     hydrocarbons or specific contaminants in the air system.
                              e.     The licensee's acceptance of instrument air having particulates
                                     in excess of component (vendor) design requirements indi-
                                     cated their lack of understanding of the problem; e.g., in a
                                     November 9, 1987 letter (PY-CEI/01E-0288L, Edelman to
                                     Davis), the licensee stated that "very small quantities of
                                     particles greater than 40 microns were identified which
                                     indicates acceptable air system quality. Therefore, it is
                                     a very low probability that the particles had an adverse
                                     affect upon the solenoid valve operation."**
                           4. Safety Accumulators
                              The AIT recomends that the licensee review MSIV surveillance
                              testing (and other testing involving accumulators as applicable)
                              for adequacy. The surveillance testing of the MSIV's do not
                              test the adequacy of the backup safety accumulators. The safety
                              related check valves are not tested frequently to assure their
                              operability upon a loss of instrument air. Accumulator pressures
                              are not monitored, therefore, a malfunctioning check valve is
                              not readily detectable. (Although this inspection was confined
                              to MSIV accumulators, it is believed that accumulators for other
                              safety systems at Perry may have similar deficiencies.)
                  ** Note:    As described in IN 85-17 and its supplement, other BWRs have
                              experienced sticking of safety related ASCO solenoid valves;
                              siiniliar failures at Grand Gulf were attributed to failures due
                              to "microscopic particles" which were found in the valves. The
                              licensee's acceptance of a less than desirable air system and
                              their lack of adequate attention to NRC generic comunications
                              is of concern to the NRC.


                      F.    Potential Generic Issue Information Dissemination
                            The AIT recommends that in the short term an infomation notice be
                            issued to alert the industr to the more current failures and what
                            kinds of failure mechanism s(y) are postulated to exist, what should be
                            looked for if solenoids are disassembled, and a recommended testing
                            program that can be used to help detect failures prior to these
                            occurring during an actual transient. In the longer tem, a Bulletin
                            should be considered to require specific actions by licensee's to
                            mitigate future failures if further information indicates the speci-
                            fic actions to be taken. Issuance of this Bulletin should be held
                            in abeyance until further information can be gathered regarding the
                            failure r'echanism(s) so that adequate corrective actions can be
                            developed. In addition, consideration should be given to alerting
                            industry self improvement groups (such as INPO) that industry
                            initiative needs to be taken to resolve this issue.
                            As described in section V.B. of this report there have been numerous
                            failures of ASCO solenoid valves over the past 15 to 20 years. At
                            various times during this period the NRC has issued several foms of
                            comunications to alert the industry to these potentially significant
                            failures. However, as evidenced by the fact that these failures
                            continue to occur, it appears that the industry has not been aggressive
                            in correcting the problems.
                *     Items A, D and E.3., above were discussed at an NRC/CEI meeting on November 10,
                      ICP CEI management indicated that the faulty maintenance and surveillance
                      preuices would be corrected and that a test program would be implemented.
                      After completion of the licensee's troubleshooting program and evaluation
                      of the data collected, the licensee proposed a number of correctivt actions
                      that they intended to implement (reference letter PY-CET/0!E-0266, dated
                      11/13/87, Edelman to Davis). Among these was an analysis plan for the EPDM
                      solenoid components. This plan entailed chemical analysis of the removed
                      elastomer materials at a molecular level to detemine if changes had
                      occurred from its original state. The plan also entailed a comparison
                      of the physical properties of the removed elastomer materials to that of
                      new materials to detemine the extent of degradation and reduced performance.
                      In developing this plan the licensee utilized current industry experience
                      with ASCO solenoids, including a similar event at Brunswick in 1985, to
                      provide guidance. The data gathered from this analysis plan combined with
                      other industry experiences would be utilized to detemine a final root
                      cause for the previous events. The following is an outline of the analysis
                      A.    Samples
                            1.    Unused elastomer gasket material
                            2.    Used elastomer from pilot solenoids which did not fail
                            3.    Used, degraded elastomer material from failed ASCO dual
                            4.    ASCO dual solenoid valve bodies with elastomer residue
                                                                                          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
  .. , ....-


   .       *
                  B.    Physical Testing
                        1.   Profilimetric analysis to compare indentations in EPDM discs
                                 (sample nos. 2 and 3).
                        2.   Optical Microscopy to detemine the presence of foreign
                                material, or loss of material from surfaces.
                        3.   Hardness testing to compare with original specifications.
                        4.   Compression set to compare with unused material and note
                                 perfonnance degradation.
                  C.    Chemical Testing
                        1.    Infrared Spectrophotometry survey to detennine carbonile content.
                                 This will provide information about the mode of attack (organic
                                 acids from the presence of hydrocarbons) and extent of
                        2.    Scanning Electron Microscopy /X-Ray Dispersion Spectrometry to
                                 confirm or negate copper-catalyzed accelerated oxidation
                                 (which was a postulated failure mode at Brunswick.)
                  D.    Environmental Testing
                             Six new dual coil solenoids will be sent to a laboratory for
                             additional environmental testing. The solenoids will be placed
                              in three separate environmental chambers (two per chamber) at
                             various elevated temperatures in an energized condition. The
                             solenoids will remain energized for predetermined times in an
                             attempt to determine the temperature and continuously energized
                             time at which the solenoids do not perform their function. The
                             test duration has been set at 92 days.
                  The licensee's proposed schedule for the completion of the above is that
                   Item C.1 would be complete by the end of January 1988, with the remaining
                   items to be complete by the end of March 1988. The licensee also
                  committed that a test plan for item D would be provided by November 23,
                  1987, and that interim test results would be provided as they become
                  The AIT reviewed the proposed plan and found it acceptable. As noted in
                  Section V of this report, the most probable failure mechanism of the ASCO
                  dual solenoid valve is the deterioration and degradation of its EPDM
                  components due to high temperatures. The second most likely failure
                  mechanism is the same as the first but with hydrocarbon interaction with
                   the EPDM components as the cause of the deterioration and degradation. A
                  combination of both of these failure mechanisms is also a possible cause.
                  The results of the above program should validate which of these failure
                  mechanisms was the root cause of the ASCO dual solenoid's inability to
                  shift to the de-energized position.
             IX. EXIT INTERVIEW
                  The AIT met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph I.D.)
                   infonnally throughout the inspection period and at the conclusion of the
                  inspection on November 9,1987, and sumarized the scope and findings of
                  the inspection activities.
      _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _

. *

                                 The AIT also discussed the likely infonnational content of the inspection
                                 report with regard to documents or processes reviewed by the inspectors
                                 during the inspection. None of the areas expected to be contained in the
                                 report were identified by the licensee as proprietary. The licensee
                                 acknowledged the findings of the inspection.
                               X STARTUP REVIEW
                                 On November 10, 1987, the licensee met with members of the Region III
                                 staff, and members of Headquarters staff, in Region !!! to discuss their
                                 plans for startup and to obtain NRC approval. As a result of this
                                 meeting the licensee committed to perfonn a number of actions both prior
                                 to startup and subsequent to startup. These comitments are detailed in
                                 a letter (PY-CEI/0!E-0289 L) dated November 13, 1987, from Edelman, CEI,
                                 to Davis, NRC. The following is a sumary of these actions:'
                                 A.    Prior to Startup
                                       1.    Replace the entire control unit for MSIV 1821-F0028D with a new
                                             unit and the ASCO dual solenoids on MSIV's IB21-F0022D and
                                             IB21-F0022A with new ASCO's. The remaining five (5) ASCO dual
                                             solenoids would be rebuilt.
                                       2.    Replace the ASCO single solenoid (slow closure) on MSIV
                                       3.    Perfom an evaluation of all other ASCO solenoid valves
                                             classified as Class 1E used in harsh environment applications
                                             in the plant.
                                       4.    Evaluate other equipment in the vicinity of the steam leaks
                                             that occurred near MSIV's IB21-F0022D,1821-F00280, and
                                             1B21-F0028B to assess any impact that these steam leaks may
                                             have had.
                                       5.    Determine the historical readings of the permanent steam tunnel
                                             and drp ell temperature elements in the vicinity of the MSIV's
                                             and detennine a baseline for each element and criteria to be
                                             used to indicate onset of a steam leak in the monitored area.
                                             Establish a procedure with actions to be taken upon exceeding a
                                             threshold value.
                                       6.    Install temporbry temperature elements in the vicinity of the
                                             ASCO dual solenoids and on the solenoids and valve bodies
                                             themselves in both the steam tunnel and the drywell. Develop
                                             baseline data for these elements and an interim temperature
                                       7.    Perfonn a test to verify that air does not flow between the air
                                             compressor reduction gear vents and the air compressor intake.
 .      .


                B.   Following Startup
                     1.    Perfonn a laboratory anal
                           of the EPDM degradationhightemperature/hydrocarbonattack).
                                                        (ysis to confinn the failure mechanism
                           This item is further discussed in Section VI11 of this report.
                     2.   Establish a preventive maintenance program for periodic
                          replacement of the instrument air system prefilters. In
                          addition, add a generic precaution to air system work orders           ,
                          regarding the use of thread lubricants and sealants.
                     3.   Until the first refueling outage perfonn a monthly ASCO dual
                          solenoid operability test and a quarterly fast closure time
                          test. Prior to eaceeding a six (6) month period, an inspection
                          of the ASCO dual solenoid experiencing the highest temperature
                          profile shall be performed.
                    4.    Complete a review of all known steam leaks in the plant which
                          could affect Class IE equipment and evaluate for any effect on
                          their long term qualified life. Also, complete a review of
                          potentially high temperature area environments of all Class IE
                          solenoids and other equipment with EPDM sub-components where
                          elastomer compression set or degradation r~ H result in
                          equipment not being able to perform its * ...ded function.
              On November 13, 1987, Region !!! released the licensee from CAL RI!!-87-019
               (Attachment 1) based on their corrective actions, comitments, and the
              prelimnary results of the AIT inspection. Region III also concurred with
              the licensee's request to allow the plant to startup and proceed with their
              Startup Test Program. The above was documented in a letter (Attachment 8)
              from Davis to Edelman dated November 13, 1987.
              Subsequent to the restart of the Perry Plant and completion of the Startup
              Test Program, another MSIV dual solenoid valve failed. On Nover.ber 3, 1987,
              while performing the expanded monthly operability test for the dual solenoid
              valves, the dual solenoid valve for MSIV 1821-F00228 failed to change state
              when de-energized. The licensee shutdown the plant, and the NRC dispatched
              an AIT to the site. The findings of that inspection will be documented in
              Inspection Report No. 50-440/87027.
