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Forwards Category B Rept Re Util Advising AEC That Util Does Not Intend to Reinstall Inner Filters in Crds.No ACRS Action Warranted
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 04/10/1970
From: Mckinley J
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
To: Bush S, Stratton W
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20091A092 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-282 NUDOCS 9203250125
Download: ML20141K755 (2)


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, II April 10, 1970 g- @

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Qa - t W. 1. Stratton, Chairman Oyster Creek Subcouaittes

8. M. Bush Ytte Chairman, Acts

, CATEG7RY 3 REPORTS - OYSTER CREEK - JERKEY CINTRAL POWER & LIGHT CONFANY j LETTER DATED MARCN 6,1970g JERKEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGNY CONFANT LETTER DATED MARCH 20, 1970 l Attached is a brief euumary of the informatieu presented in the owMect correspondence. No ACM e.etion appears warranted.

These items may be destroyed when you have completed your evaluation of this matter.

l l

J. C. McKinley Staff Assistant Attachmentat

1) Sunmary
2) Jersey Central Power & Light Co itr dtd 3/6/70
3) Jersey Central Power & Light Co l Itr dtd 3/20/70 l

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l OY8TER CREEK Jersey Central power J 1Labt Casepany. .

l dated March 6.1970 advises the ABC they I do not intend to reinstall the tener E!aare l in the control red drives. They base left F j drives with filters of varying meek etees *end ,

have observed me increase is tbs eeocage eerse time between the filtered and enfiltered drives.

They will rootteus to see the high speed re-corder for at least emother year to messere scram times. Filters have been ordered and will be installed if red drive diffieulties are orperienced.

No ACEE mettee appears meerested.

I Jerm Ceenal Poser 4, t.itht Commear letigt,

,datpd Dewh 70. ,QZ9. forwards their repart on the inspection and repair of the malt 3

steme isolatten valves during the estage j starting on January 31, 1970.

At shutdown the reacter veneel eenld smet be pressurised to 20 peig with em air eystem tiist could deliver 9000 CIH. It was later isund that one valve was reasonably tight and saly mitor repair work was required ta bring another back into specified limits. After i retteving the tension en the valve support j devices and relapping the seats the other tso i ,

valves were brought withis specified leakage limits.

No real indication of esat damage was observed.

It is believed that emeessive restraining l forces distorted the valves or operators w f-l ficiently to provost tight cleeure.

Ij The operatore plan to test the velves again at the mast scheduled shutdown and cooldews (but possibly not before the first refooting catage).

l No Acts action appears warrested.


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e. AEC m h ,V. W AICM O M
  • u. 6, soet=* v e sis tie s e rrec t t e s t o- m-s e t

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