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Trojan Nuclear Plant Certified Fuel Handler Training Program
Person / Time
Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/27/1993
Shared Package
ML20127P231 List:
NUDOCS 9302010219
Download: ML20127P238 (17)


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'b Trojan-Nuclear Plant . Document' Contro1~. Desk' Docket 50-344 -January- 27 -1993; License NPF-1 At tachmen t :-

16 Pages



9302010219 930127

.PDR. ADOCK 05000344-p PDR



. . . . . ................. 1.0-1 2.0 TRAINING PROGRAM . . . ................. 2.0-1 2.1 FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING . ................. 2.1-1 2.2 ON-THE-JOB TRAINING . . ................. 2.2-1 2.3 CANDIDATE EVALUATION , ...... .......... 2.3-1 2.4 QUALIFICATION . . . . . ................. 2.4-1 3.0 RETRAINING PROGRAM . . ................. 3.1-1 3.1 RETRAINING , . . . . . ................. 3.1-1 3.2 SCHEDULE , . . . . . . ................. 3.2-1 3.3 RETRAINING EVALUATION . ................. 3.3-1 3.4 MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLER QUALIFICATION . . . 3.4-1 4.0 PROGRAM EVALUATION . . ................. 4.0-1 APPENDIX A Written Examination Areas Certified Fuel Handler Training Program . ................. A-1 APPENDIX B, Operating Examination Areas Certified Fuel Handler Training Program . ................. B-1 i


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! 4 MSTRACT This Topical Report describes Portland General Electric Company's. program for the-certification of, and maintenance of certification of, personnel that supervise and/or perform duties necessary to ensure the handling, storage, and cooling of nuclear fuel is performed in-a manner consistent with ensuring the health and safety of the public. The criteria-upon which the program becomes offective are specifled.

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The Certified Fuel Handler (CFH) Training and Retraining Programs contained herein describe the Training Program to be implemented by Portland General Electric Company (PGE) to ensure the handling,! storage, and cooling of nuclear fuel is performed in a manner consistent with ensuring the health and safety of the public.

The program l describes the personnel to whom the program applies.:the areas in which training is provided, what_ constitutes certification, how _ _

certification is maintained, and required qualifications (e.g.. medical).

The Certified Fuel Han'ler d Training and Retraining Programn becomes effective upon (1) Approval of the Certified Fuel Handler Training and-Retraining Programs by the Nuclear- Regulatory Cor Assion, and (2) Issuance of a Possession Only License for'the Trojan facility (or other regulatory action which prohibits' transfer of fuel into the Containment Building), and (3) Amendment of-the facility license for the Trojan Nuclear Plant to eliminate the requirements for Nuclear Regulatory.

Commission (NRC) licensed ~ Senior Reactor Op'erators and.

Reactor Operators, and the requirement for the associated 10 CFR 55 Training Program. -(Tro'jan Technical -

'fications 6.2.2, 6.3, and 6.4.).

Training of 2nel can be conducted prior. to the Certified ' Fuel Handler Trai ,, and Retraining programs becoming effective.

The training of current holders of NRC Senior. Reactor-Operator and Reactor Operator licenses may be evaluated tol determine if they satisfy 1.0-1

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the requirements of this program, or if only portions of this program are needed to qualify an individual as a Certified Fuel llandler.

Appropriate PGE management shall document the basis for such an evaluation qualifying an individual as a Certified Fuel llandler.

Appropriate PGE management may exempt an individual from a specific training requirement based upon the individual's depth of experience and previous training. Such exemptions, including the basis, shall be documented.


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2.0 TRAINING PROGRMi id_1.UNDMIENIALS_lBAINIRQ The fundamentals training phase of the Certified Fuel Handler Training Program consists of individual lecture and/or self study of topics appropriate to the handling, storage, and cooling of nuclear fuel.

Typically these fundamentals include thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, radiological safety principles and monitoring, electrical theory, valve and pwnp operation, facility / system design and function, _

and facility administrative and safety procedures, as appropriate for tha current Plant status. ,


L2_0N-TIEJ0!LIIMINING The on-the-job training phase of the Certifled Fuel llandler Training Program includes learning the basics of shift operations such as shift turnover, shift record keeping, clearances, and watch standing. Watch standing includes on-the-job training in operation of systems / components used to provide storage, cooling, and monitoring of the fuel; normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures; accident analysis; Emergency Plan; facility license; and content, bases, and importance of Technical Specifications. A period of on-shift watches under the instruction of a Certified Fuel llandler must be completed as part of the qualification process.

t 2.2-1


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2.3,Llxamination A comprehensive final examination shall be administered at the end of the program, The comprehensive examination shall include a written examination and an operating examination. Areas examined are described in Appendices A and is for the written and operating examinations, respectively. The written examination requires a minimum score of 80 percent to pass. The operating examination is scored on a pass / fall _


Z.dd__Exmninatinn_Eailures An individual who falls to pass either the written or operating examination shall not perform Certified Fuel Handler duties until he/she has completed a reme6ial training program and passed an appropriate examination.

2,3 . 3 _Wa ivs t o L Tr ain ing_Re.quiremen t s Appropriate PGE management ma" exempt an individual f rom a specif ic training requirement based upon the individual's lepth of experience and -

previous training. Such exemptions, including the basis, shall be documented. The requirea:ent for a medical examination shall not be waived.

The phrase " appropriate PGE management" means the General Manager, Trojan Plant to whom the Certified Fuel Handlers report.


4 2,h _QUALIf1 Call 0N All candidates shall satisfy the following requirements, or have the requirement waived per Section 2.3.3:

(1) Complete the Certifled Fuel Handler Training Program.

(2) Score at least 80 percent on a written examination.

(3) pass the operating examination.

(4) Pass a medical examination by a physician to determine that the candidate's medical condition is not such as might cause operational errors that could endanger other in-Plant personnel or the public health and safety.

2.4-1 l




3.0 RETRAINING PROGRAM-3.1 RETBAlHING The Certified Fuel llandler Retraining Program consists of individual lecture and/or self-study of topics appropriate to the handling, storage, and cooling of nuclear f uel. The actual content shall be determined by appropriate PGE management. The content typically includes review of facility changes associated with handling / storage / cooling of fuel, procedure changes, problem areas, and selected topics from the initial _

training program (e.g., fluid mechanics).



3,2 J .CIIEDULE 3.2.1_.Courac_ Schedule The Certified Fuel llandler Retraining Program cycle shall span a period of not greater than 24 months. The cycle includes annual operating examinations and a biennial written examination.

3.2 2_ Missed _ Training Any missed material or examinations must be made up. If required training is not completed, the Certified Fuel llandler shall be suspended from Certified Fuel llandler duty pending completion of the retraining.

3.2-1 1

l 3.3..3EIRAINING_ EVALUATION 3.3 d_.1xaminationa A comprehensive final examination shall be administered at the end of the retraining cycle. The comprehensive examination shall include a written examination and an opercting exmnination. Areas examined are described in Appendices A and 11 for the written and operating examinations, respectively. The written examination requires a minimum score of 80 percent to pass. The operating examination is scored on a pass / fail basis.

3.3. L Ixamination Jailures An individual who fails to pass either the written or operating examination shall not perform Certified Fuel llandler duties until a remedial training program is completed and an appropriate examination is passed.


4 L LEAINTEN AN C E_0 L CERTIEI ED_ EU E L_I!AND LER _QUALIIlCAIIONS L b CRe quucmenta_Lolain t ain_Qua l ifica ti on To maintain Certified Fuel llandler qualification, the following requirements must be satisfied, or waived per Section 3.4.2:

a. Complete the Certified Fuci Handler Retraining Program.
b. Score at 1 cast 80 percent on the biennial written examination. _.
c. Pass the annual operating examination,
d. Pass a biennial medical examination by a physician to determine that the Certifled Fuel llandler's medical condition is not such as might cause operational errors that could endanger other in-Plant personnel or the public health and safety,
c. Stand the Certifled Fuel llandler watch for a minimum of eight hours per calendar quarter. A Certified Fuel Handler who fails to meet this time requirement can regain qualified r,tatus by serving eight hours of watch under the instruction -

of a qualified Certified Fuel llandler. The time under inotruction should include a review of the decay heat cooling system f or the f uel, and shif t turnover procedures.

LL2 Waher_oi_MainLenance__oLQualificatinn_Refluirements Appropriate PGE management may exempt an individual from specific retraining program requirements. Such exemptions, including the basis, shall be documented. The requirement for a biennial medical examination shall not be waived. An individual shall not be waived from two consecutive annual operating or biennial writte1 examinations on the basis that the individual helped prepare the examination.


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The phrase " appropriate- FGE management:means the General Manager,1 Trojan Plant to whom the certified Fuel Handlers Report..

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-As a part of the training process, routine assessments of the-effectiveness and accuracy of training are made by appropriate PGE manageruent personnel.

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' WRITTEN EXAMINATION AREAS CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLER TRAINING PROGRAM The written examination shall sample the following aspects of the Certified Fuel !!andler position: - '

a. Design, function, and operation of systems used in the handling, storage, cooling, and monitoring of nuclear fuel.
b. Purpose and operation of the radiation monitoring systems.
c. Radiological safety principles and procedures including radiation. _

hazards that may arise during normal, maintenance, and abnormal activities,

d. Principles of heat transfer, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics as-tley apply to fuel handling, storage, cooling, and-monitoring.
e. Conditions and limitations of facility license, including content, f basis, and importance r,f Technical Specifications.
f.  : Assessment of facility condition and selection of appropriate procedures during normal, abnormal, and emergency situations.
g. Fuel handling facilities and procedures.

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TRAINING PROGRAM The operating examination shall sample the following aspects of the CerLifled Fuel llandler positiun

n. Evaluato annunciators; valve, pump, and breaker status indicaturat ,

and instrument readings as necessary to determine / perform -3 appropriate remedial actions,

b. Evaluato the ability to manipulate the controls required'to obtain .;

desired operating results during normal, abnormal, and ernergency conditions. This includes the decay heat removal system (s) and those auxiliary and emergency systems that could affect the release of radioactive material to the environment,

c. Evaluate radiation monitoting system readings, including alarm conditions, to determine appropriate actions. Such' actions may include setting an alarm setpoint to monitor a release or determine appropriate remedial actions for a: alarm condition.  ;
d. Evaluate abnormal or emergency conditions to determire if the emergency plan for the facility should be-implemented; and, if implemented.-evaluate performance of duties as required by the-  ;

Faergency Plan.



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