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Application for Amend to License NPF-42,revising Tech Spec Section 6.0 to Reflect Changes to Organization & Position Titles
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 09/22/1992
From: Hagan R
Shared Package
ML20118B078 List:
NA-92-0054, NA-92-54, NUDOCS 9209290393
Download: ML20118B077 (9)





NUCLEAR OPERATING CORPORATION not,en c naaen Vrc beh+nt tw kw A%*aN e NA 92-0054 U. S. l'Mclear Rcr4ulatory Ccmaisalon ATIN: Excanent. Cont.ini Desk Mail Station I'l-137 Washbc) ton, D.C.



Docket 16. 50-482: Revinion to 'D3chnical Sprifica'; ion sket.lon 6.0 - Onjanization md Ibsition Titla Cimngen Gentluain:

'Ihis lot. Lor is to transmit an application for anerrimnt to Facility Oparating Licor.m ib. IFF-42 for Wolf Creek Ganetating Station (Mr.S), Unit 1.

'1hin licenso aneJdnent m]uest proposes revising 'luchnical Specif1 cation Section 6.0 to reflect changes to Wolf Creek IMc1 car Operating Corporation i

(WCILC) organization and position titles.

Attachnrsn; I ptuvides a safety evaluation along with a detailed description of the proposcd change.

Attaciment IT providos a significant hazards canaidoration detonnination ard Attachmit III ptwidos an environnental irquet determination.

'1ho specific clenges to the technical spucifications propoad by t. hts mpest am panidad an Attachnent IV.

In acconiance with 10 CPR 50.91, a copy of this application, with at.tachnnnts, is 1:eing providsj to the designatni Kanma State Of ticial, i

250002 gg 5

9209290393 920922 ph PDR ADOCK 05000482 i ^n o na outeis % W % e u n c vti lll.



Page 2 Im 92-0054 If you Ivivo any questions concoming this mtter, please contact m or Mr.1:evin J. Ibles of nry staff.

Very truly yours, f

L Rolert C. Ihgan Vloe Pmaidant Nuclear Assun nco ICl/11b Attachnents:

1 - Safety INaluation II - Significant thzanis Consideration intennination III - thvimruwmtal Inpict lutominaticm IV - Pmpomri 'Itchnical Specification Cruuigo cc:

G. W. Allen (lum), w/a A. T. litwll (14tC), w/a J. L. M11hoan (NRC), w/a G. A. Pick (NRC), w/a W. D. Ikr.kley (NRC), w/a t

6 5

l t-t l





171'N11' O' YWIWi




Itobart C. IIagan, of lawful ago, leing first duly sw rn u an oath says that he in Vice President IJaclear Asaurance of hblf Crmk lhiclear Operating Coq oret. ion; that he has road the fonyjoing docunent arvi kncwa the content tivumf; that. he has executui that sann for ard on behalf of said Corporation with full guar arx1 authority to do so; and that the facts thatuin statal are true aid cormet to the test of his knculadge, infonrat. ion and belief. ' e ! l, l. c ) !/[N/f / h dfffft 14 Ily Roberri C. Ilagan ,/ Vice/ resident (/ P IJuclear 71surance o SU!ECRInfD and sworn to beforu no this M day of Oepb.,1992. .....~. $.h.I'k[b, h~ bl CuY, S C [mh +' ni.~$a:n#$.c h. Ibtary IMblic M /t r i i fl0T/.RY J T / Expiration Lbte IE/ 09 ll95 \\ \\s e u,g "y - a i O/[*h'* p*,

..= Attadavit I t.o fB 92-00rA IWy> 1 of 2

  1. 1TACIMIRC I i


Attadamt I to NA 92-0054 Paga 2 of 2 SAPlflY INMmTILW jlrypsrd Otangg 1he pnTose of the proposed ibchnical Specification civinges is to mvine Section 6.0 to mflect an orgartizational :hange and various title changes in the Walf Creek 1Juchur Operating CotToration (N20C) organization. Pvaluatics The title of Vice Pmsident Drurations in 'Pxhnical Specification Gcctions and is being changed to Vice Presidont Plant Operations. '1his title change is ad:ninistrative in natum and does not mpmsont any change in mporting rulationships, job maponsibliities, or overall oryanizational comitnnnts. ) The title of Director Plant Operations in 7bchnical Specification Sctions J 6.1.1,,,,, 5.8.1, F.8.2, 5.8.], 6.13 arxl 6.14 is teing changed to Vico President Plant operat. ions. '2his titic change j mflects a restructuring of the ognrations departnent to pmvide increased emphasic on plant operations. Section, will in mvised to indicate that in the enant of disagmarnant totunn the Plant Safety Levicw CcumLttee arxi the VJco Pmaident Plant Operations that the President and Chief Daacutive Of ficer, rather than the Vice Prenident Operations, shall in providad written notification within 24 hours. Rased on the above discussions and the considerations presented in Attacim2nt II, the proposed changes do not increase the protability of occurmnco or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of oguipwant important to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis report; or cruato a passibility for an accident or malfunction of a diffemnt type than any pmvlously evaluated in the safety analysis report; e crmte a possibility for an accident or nelfunct. ion of a itffemnt type tjun any pniviously evaluatcd in the safety aralysis report; or rvxiuce the Imrgin of safety na defined ir, tiv, hasis for any technical specification.

Themfom, the proposal changes do not adversely affect or endanger the health or safety of the general public or involvo a sigrtificant safety h a rd.

i i

At.tadumait 11 in NA 924)D54 ITIN 1 of 2-A1TY3 min 1' II SIGitVIC/RP IUW.Nuli (IN311X3W11(N IMO3MINATKN I -i i 9 f 3 ,-,-.w

Attadant II to NA 92-0054 IWjn 2 of 2 J SIGN!!'lCJWP IIAY.Al(1]G LINillMMTJ(N [EIM0411MT1(N 1he pigosed cJange would mviso Ubchnical Specification Section 6.0 to mflect an anytnizational chango ard various title changes in the Wolf Citek IJucloar C; orating Corporation (VCOC) organization. urn 4WU) 1 - Involvm a Significant Inannno in ilo Prrhibilit.y or Caruxxitmxm of an Axilcknt Pnulatmly INaltatni Uho pmposed changes do not involve a significant inemase in the protnhility or constquancen of an accident prov.lously evaluates. These changes involvo oa administrativo chango to the VCOC organization and to position titles and as such, have no ofloct on plant equipient or the tnchnical qualification of plant personnel. i m'Newu) 2 - Crtutn tJn 11 xmib. lit.y of a Rv or Olff ennt Kirri of Nxiitkut t f run any Pnulotmly INaltatni Uhe prorosed changes do not crmte the possibility of a ncw or diffemnt-kind of accident f.ran any accident previously evaluated. These changes aru adadnistrative in nature and do not involve any change to the. installed plant systans or the overall operating t losophy of M31f Crmk Generating h Station. j NrN4WU) 3 - Jnvolvo a Signi_ficnnt ikxtuctics in tJe Rirgin of flifety ) l The pmposal changea do not involvo a significant reduct. ion in a nnrgin of safety. 3hese changes do not involve any changes in overall organizational cunni tInnts. An organimtjm 1 change and position title changes alono do not rrduce any untgin of sais '... Based on the atuve discussions it has been deteratined that the requested ibchnical Specification revision does not involve a significant inemase in the prolubility or consequences of an accident or other adverse condition over previous evaluations; or cruate the possibility of a now or different ) kirxl of accident or condition over pmvlous evaluations; or involve a significant miuct. ion in a natgin of safety.. The requested license j annndnnnt does not involve a significant hazarris consideration, j i i l b -,#-.,ie s e..cowww..--.-. trw,w++~. = ,m.,..---,-,wm,w......v.-,rv. ,,y-e,

_-~... Attadant III in FM 92-0054 1Txp 1 of 2 i 4 NITM3HINP.III l IW/IRutMNIE IMPNIt' 11fl12MitMTf 0H i e I e 9 i i i l l I ( I 1 l l l l l s

- Attachtml HI in NA 92-0054 Ibge 2 of 2 ] t l 12N.lMMlWl'Al, IMPNJP DIUlHMhMICN q a 10 C11151.22(b) syrj fies the criteria for categorical exclusions fmn the J nquinents fur a specific envimnuental assasarent per 10 CFR 51.21. 'nda anindmont. reqacst nwts the criteria opecifitd in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9). 9ho spx:ific critnria containoJ in this acetion are discussed below. i (1) 'Ihe anordnent involves no significant har.atda consideration As danmat. rat (d in the Significant Ihzands Considaration Datenninntion in i At.tachnent n, the trquestcd license anenchmnt does not involve any significant hta.ards considerat.lon. (11) '1 hem in no significant change in the typos or significant. inamane in the annunts of any effluents that my to mleased off-site Uhe requestcd license amndmnt involves no change t.o the facility and does not involve any change in the m nner of cpration of any plant systans j involving the generation, collection or processing of radicactive nutorials l or other types of effluents. 'Ihomfore, no incmase in the anounts of of fluents or ncs +vps of of fluents muld be cmattd. (iii) 1 hem la no significant incmaso in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposum she nx;uestcd licenso anniment involves no change to the physical facility ard does not involve any chango in the mnner of opuation of any plant systems involving the generation, collection or processing of radioactive untarials or other types of of fluenta. Furthenure, imp] mentation of this pmposo:1 chango will not involve work activities which could contribute to cocupational radiation expceure. 'Ihemfom them will be no incmase in Individual or cunulative occupitional radiation exposum associateo with this pmposai change. l Eustd on the above it is concluded that there will to no in p ct on the environnent resulting fmn this change. 'Ihe change meets the criteria specificd in 10 CFR 51.22 for a categorical exclusion fmn the m]uiraments of 10 CFR 51.21 relative to specific environnental assessment by the Candssion. i .. -}}