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Notice of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: River Bend  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/18/1984
From: Cassidy B
Federal Emergency Management Agency
NUDOCS 8406200359
Download: ML20092B768 (2)



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.g NY20 N1:04 In the Matter of


!. T r i,S [6 _eN yb-


Ibcket Nos. 50-458 EC" GULF STATES UTILITIES CGtPANY, et al.


50-459 (River Bend Station, Units 1 and 2)


NCTTICE OF APPEARANCE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned attorney herewith enters his appearance in the above-captioned matter. In accordance with 10 C.F.R.

S 2.713 (b), the following information is provided:

NAME: Brian P. Cassidy, Regional Counsel ADDRESS: Federal Emergency Management Agency Region I J.W. McCormack POCH Boston, MA 02109 TELEPHONE: (617) 223-4741 FTS 223-4741 ADtISSIONS: Ccrteronwealth of Massachusetta United States District Court for Massachusetts United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit NAME OF PARTY: Federal Emergency Management Agency u

m a.

BRIAN P. GSM8Y Regional Counsel, I

Federal Emergency Management Agency CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Brian P. Cassidy, state that on this 18th day of June,1984, a copy of this appearance was served, by mailing in a franked envel y, upon the enclos-ed service list.

LQ BRIAN P. P.ASSZDY 8406200359 840618 7 AoOm oSoeo g ep;

River _ Bend _ Service List Dr. Richard F. Cole J. David Moleill, III, Esquire Ackninistrative Judge Department of Justice Atomic Safety & Licensing 7434 Perkins' Road Board Panel Suite C U.S. N elaar Regulatory Censaission Baton Rouge, Iouisiana 70808 Washington, D.C.

20555 James W. Pierce, Jr., Esquire B. Paul Cotter, Jr., Chairman P.O. Box 23571 Askninistrative Judge Baton Rouge, Icuisiana 70893 Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel H. Anne Plettinger U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission 712 Carol Marie Drive Washington, D.C.

20555 Baton Rouge, Iouisiana 70806 Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger Linda B.' Untkins, Esquire Askninistrative Judge Attorney at Law Atomic Safety & Licensing 355 Napoleon Street Board Panel Baton Rouge, Iouisiana 70802 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccamission Washington, D.C.

20555 At m ic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board Gret &en R. Rothschild U.S Nuclear Regulatory Casaission Iouisianians for Safe Energy, Inc.

Washington, D.C.

20555 1659 Glenmore Avenue Baton Rouge, Iouisiana 70808 Atmic Safety & Licensing.

Board Panel Mr. David zaloudek U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Energy Division unshington, D.C.

20555 Icuisiana Dept. of Environmental Quality Docketing & Serrice section P.O. Box 14690 office of the Sucretary.

Baton Rouge, Iouisiana 70898 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Camission Washington,.D.C.

.20555 Troy B. Conner, Jr.

Mark J. Wetterhahn Ime Dewey, Esquire Conner & Wetterhahn Office of the Executive Imgal 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Director Suite 1050 U.S Nuclear Regulatory Consnission Washington, D.C.-


. Washington, D.C.


James E.. Booker i

Gulf State Utilities Cenpany P.O. Box 2951 Beaumont, Texas '77701 Stephen M. Irving, Esquire 355 Napoleon Street Baton Rouge,Iouisiana 70002 i

