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News Article Delbello:Evacuation Plan Test Unlikely in 60 Days
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point, 05000000
Issue date: 06/19/1983
From: Barlow M
Shared Package
ML20079R924 List:
FOIA-83-478 PR-830619, NUDOCS 8402130522
Download: ML20080G632 (3)


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DelBello: Evacuation Pian -

test unlikely in 60 days By Mike Barlow met Tuesday night with members of the U'""- -- committee responsible for developmg Rockland's own plan for coping'with an A propnsed state radiological emergen- emergency at the Indian Point nuclear

' ey plan for Rockland County isn't likely to power plants.

, be ready for test;ng within the next 60 days, Lt. Gov. Alfred DelBello said Tues- But the peaceful atmosphere of the day. meeting, at the County Office Building in However, De1 Bello said he hoped that New City, was momentarily broken when county Legislator Sam GdansU reiterated an exercise to test the practicality plan could be scheduled within two to of the his threat to launch a court battle against three months.

the state's prestnce in Rockland.

In a session characterized by candid talk and a spirit of cooperation, DelBello Gdanski, D-Ramapo, said the state's . two utilities that operate the Indian decision to implement its own plan in Point reactors. All tha employees cho-

' Rockland had " usurped the role of the sen for the plan would live in or near local municipality." Rockland. .

De1 Bello, who was ordered last Rockland, which withdrew last year week by Gov. Mario Cuomo to complete from a regional disaster plan drawn by and administer a state emergency plan consultants for the utilities, has no -

! for Rockland, repeatedly stressed that formal plan of its own. The committee

- he no intentiun of undermining formed by the Rockland Legislature to local control over disaster planning; develop such a plan does not expect to The former Westchester county ex- complete its work until early 1984.

ecutive said his role would be " parallel or rupplemental" to Rockland's own DelBello confirmed that neither efforts to develop an emergency plan. state nor federal officials expect the "It's going to be a horrendous ef- state's " compensating plan" - essen-fort.

  • he said, tially identical to a draft plan devel-County officials and members of the oped last year by county officials - to committee wished DelBello luck but be tested for at least anothec 60 days.

.It's up to FEMA (the Federal expressed doubt that he would be any more successful than the committee in Emergency Management, Agency) to set devising a practical plan fcr evacuatlog the date for an exercise, DelBello said, more than a quarter of a million Rock. Reisman said he doubted the law.

land residents in the event of,a full. makers would back Gdanski's plan to scale nuclear disaster at the Buchanan sue the state.

reactors. "The worst thing Rockland could do "You are embarking on an impossi- now is go to war with New York nate,"

ble course," said Legislature Chairman the chairman said.

Herbert Reisman.

Reisman said a series of recent After the meeting, arranged in the talks with state officials had convinced wake of last Thursday's decision by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to let him that the state was making a. sincere ladian Point remain effort to provide financing for emer-m emergency plannm, open g on both despite sides of flaws gency equipment, commtinication gear the Hudson River, DelBello said he was and specially equipped vehicles needed to carry out a disaster plan.

" impressed",by the depth and sincerity He said the county would continue e offe u ce that to plan would not be a charade.,,the wo k n th tate a n.

Ideally,state he explained, the state plan would be a During the meeting, Rockland Cher-foundation upon which Rockland could, iff's Patrol Chi f James Kralik, who if it chose, " build"its own plan. ab serves on the ecmmittee, told The state plan would be carried out DelBello the county could develop a by about 50 state workers and some 500 workable plan if given enough time.

employees of Consolidated Edison and "I don'.t know how we got into this '

the New York Power Authority - the mess," Krallk lamented. .o . . j 8402130522 831128 '


. .k[ (NT ED Gannett Westchester Newspapers a

8 SectionM ,

Sunday, June 15,1983 l

1 Relations appear cordial .

among pickets, supervisors .

6 By Edward Frost .) If a man wants gets hug to lessen onwhen h pay the job, con Ed he comes Staff wnter back to work or even hire someone The picket lines were up at many else."

Consolidated Edison plants in Westches- Two workers at the Rye plant com-ter Saturday afternoon, but relat.lcas plained that their health benefits cidn't between striking workers and the su- cover their rnedical experws.

i pervisors replacing them seemed cor- "You send in a lab bill for $29 and I dial. you get $8 back. That's not the best "We,re all very amicable here,,, said medical coverage," he said. "The only Sophie Vinokur, a stenographer who thing they treat you good for bere is Edison was a 210a,estchester carrying  % picket sign office mCon er, and who wants cancer?"

Ave.outside can.c.The company made tremendous White Plains, where she works. ro We re all friends, all the same [ar, fits last year," said his partner, whoworked for Con Ediso ily. Its a warm group here, she they had lost money, we wouldn't be Rubin Burns, a maintenance worker out here. You make no money from them standing nearby, agreed. checx.,,You live week to-week on each ,

.Unlike the last strike against Con Neither man would give h!s name,

- Edison - a 13-day walkout in l>ecem-ber 1968 that was punctuated with fearing reprisals from management af-incidents of shooting and arson - there ter the strike.

were no reports in Westchester Satur. While they wtre picketing at about 4:30 p.m., two supervisors drove a day of violence or vandalism.

Across_the_rounty, several strikers " cherry picker" truck into the plant, worried about whether keeping C6n and the four had a polite conversation.

Edison's Iridian Point nuclear reactor The two employees asked how thing

.opin,was safe; since most of the700 were going, and onc foreman seld it employees who volunteered for the was Both quiet.Rye workers wondered what

~u tlhty s edeuation program are on .

strike. would happen if an emergency hit, and one speculated that management might

~ ~"The who strike includes evactrate pio)IF~ the busIndian fror6 drivers " make arrangements to get the strikers



the Rye servic year veteran"Those outside-guys back inside on are the job, not spring 7ith no evacuition plan, I believe chickens any more," said the 27-year the plant should close," said a worker man, referring to the foremen. "If there from Peekskill on a picket line in were a massive thunderstorm, we'd go Buchanan near the reactor. He said he back to work, no doubt about it. People would welcome anti-nuclear demonstra. want their power.

tors who wanted to march with the "There's not enough of them to go strikers because of the danger of not around if there's a major storm," t.e having an evacuation plan ur' der way, added.

l "wJl outath

  • proper _peoplejrt_there, At the Buchanan generating station I Lt's just not safe," another Peekskill and Indian Point 2, the superWs6rs st7in t'Eaid: - were locked in to maintain safety, a But the primary consideration for shop steward at union headquarters in the strikers, who walked off their jobs Buchanan said.

at 12:01 a.m. Saturday, is getting a The supervisors were told to pack better contract. enough clothes for two weeks, and are "We want to maintain what we've working 12-hour shif ts.

l gotten and get a fair raise for the It won't be anything like a vacation economy and a benefits package," said trip. "There's no showers here," noted a shop steward at the Buchanan strike one supervisor entering the Pleasant- ~

headquarters. ville substation on Maqvj!!e Road.

" Cost . of living, that's all we're asking for," said a Peekskill man who Staff writers contributing to this works at Indian Point. "They (Con story were Greg Burke, Roth Glachino Edison) want to take away our security. and Nancy McCana.

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In the ratter of ) .


(Indian Foint, Unit No. 2)

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50-247 SP 50-286 EP g


(Indian Point, thit No. 3) ) .23 June 1983

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'Ihe thion of Concerned Scientists supports NYPIRG's motion for

. reconsideration of the Corr..ission decision of June 9/1983,' permitting the Irdian hint plants to continue operation without restriction despite centinued rencompliance with emergency plannire requirements.

We will not repeat the argtnents made by NYPIRG. 'Ihere are two points which should be em;hesized.

First, due to the strike by Coned enployees, there can be no pretense that the hundreds of utility employees who are supposed to stand in for local and county personnel and bus drivers will be there to de these jobs. Indeed, the strike will e'ven prevent their being trained and acquainted with their functions. Na mention khatever was made to the Com:aissioners by the utilities or NRC of the iminence of a strike. tbd the strike begun before the Commission vote en June 9, the Commission could not have permitted p'lant operation.

Secord, the majority decision and the separate views of the

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a Comission2rs in th2 mmjor'kty appect to h va besn written without benefit of revie'w of the FEMA report on the status of planning and preparedness which was d211vered to the Cemission the day-before the vote. When one gets beyond the

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carofully phrased ambiguities of the cover letter and into the substance of th2 rep:rt, it is uncuestionably apparent that emergency planning for Irdian Point is a chimera. NYPIRG's motion paints out some of these deficiencies.

LCS was astonished to read in the FF.A report, in particular, that none of the nine training standards have been met. Virtually all of the persons who are supposed to ef fect an ve' acuation .and to protect the public, including the cmargency coordinators, police, fire, bus drivers are not trained. The lorrg list of deficiences in the plan proceeds from there on, but one can scarcely imagine a more fundamental one. Had the Commission been fully aware of the scrry state of preparedness, it surely would not have allowed Indian Raint to operate. . -


LCS urges the Commission to reconsider its decision of June 9,1983.

  • Respectfully submitted, t _

Ellyn R.' Weiss General Counsel thion of Con:erned Scientists 1

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The Coy 1@'6f: Rockland  !

. OFFICE OF THs.CtdNIY ATTORNEY Coerdid.ilE 52ilding

. New City,'Ned.


York 10956

_ ~ MARC L. PARRIS (914) 423 5150 _

Can.y AnemC - (914) 425 5000 June 13, 1983


Yy+Sb%%QQ'QQf".;:fpfBiMM .c..a. darety and Safeguards Director oT ..

Director, Office of Inspection.and Enforcement ~

Public Document Room

'U17-H Streer, N.W.


and THE POWER AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK (Indian Point' Units 2 and 3)

Gentlemen: , .

. P1gase be advised that the Rockland County Attorney, purs'uant to Ro~ckland County Resolution No. 302 of 1983, copy of which is attached, hereby requests, pursuant to 10CFR2.206 and 10.

. CFR2.202(fj , that the determination of the Commissioners of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission of June 9,1983, be immed- -

iately reversed and that the licenses of the above referenced riu C I e a r __T]c 1,J 1 t 1 e s b e i mm Cd_i'ayejU'Js p;e n,d e d .

The request of the County of Rockland is based upon the in-ability of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to assure

- that public health and safety can be protec'ted in the 10 mile EPZ surrounding the Indian Point Nuclear Power Facilities.-

i Very truly yours, ILAN S. SCHOENBERGER j.c-t4 n g C o u n ty A tto r n ey

'N -

N, ' f l ;W M; NY-ERIC 01.E THORSEN .

l Assistant County Attorney-E0T/ep attachment

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___, e -= 630613 (

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