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Proposed Tech Spec 5.3.1, Fuel Assemblies to Permit Removal of Defective Rods or Replacement of Defective Rods W/Zircaloy or Filler Rods
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1991
Shared Package
ML20077D981 List:
NUDOCS 9106050347
Download: ML20077D991 (2)



Docket Number 50-346 i

  • License Number NPT-3  !

Serial Number 1924 l Attachment  !

Page 5


. DESIGN PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE 5.2.2 The reactor containment building is designed and shall be maintained for a maximum internal pressure of 40 psig and a temperature of 264'F.

5.3 REACTOR CORE-TUEL ASSEMBLIES n lace. vik o.bched p

I5.3.1 The reactor core shall contain 177 fuel assemblies with each fuel assembly containing 208 fuel rods clad with Zircaloy -4. Each fuel rod shall l have a_ nominal active fuel length of 144. inches and contain a maximum total i veight of 2500 grams uranium. Reload fuel shall be similar in physical design I

to the initial core loading and shall have a maximum enrichment of 3.8 veight (percentU-235.

C0!frROL RODS 5.3.2 The reactor core shall contain 53 safety and regulating and 8 axial power shaping (APSR) control rods. The safety and regulating control rods shall contain a nominal 134 inches of absorber material. The nominal values of absorber material:shall be 30 percent silver, 15 percent indium and 5 percent cadmium. All control rods shall be clad with_ stainless steel tubing. The APSRs shall contain a nominal 63 inches of absorber material at their lover ends. The absorber material for the APSRs shall be 100 percent Inconel-600.

5.4 REACTOR COOLANT STSTEM DESIGN PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE 5.4.1 The reactor coolant system is designed and shall be maintained:

a. In accordance with the code requirements specified in Section 5.2 of the FSAR, with allovance for normal degradation pursuant to applicable Surveillance _ Requirements.

For a pressure of 2500 psig, and



For a temperature of 650'F, except for the pressurizer and pressurizer c.

surge line which is 670*F.

DAVIS-BESSE, UNIT 1 5-4 Amendment No. ZZ. 19,12.3.130, 135 910605G347 910531 PDR ADOCK 05000346 p FDR

Docket Number 50-346

,. Licence Numb?r NPF-3 Serial Number-1924 Attachment Page 6 Current Vording:

5.3.1 The reactor core shall contain 177 fuel assemblies with each fuel assembly containing 208 fuel rods clad with Zircaloy-4. Each fuel tod shall have a nominal active fuel length of 144 inches and contain a maximum total veight of 2500 grams uranium. Reload fuel shall be similar in physical design to the initial core loading and shall have a maximum c.61chment of 3.8 veight percent U-235.

Proposed Vording:

5.3.1 The reactor core shall contain 177 fuel assemblies with each fuel assembly normally containing 208 fuel rods clad with Zircaloy-4. Each Suel rod shall have a nominal active fuel length of 144 inches and contain a maximum total veight of 2500 grams uranium. Reload fuel shall be similar in phys cal design to the initial core loading and shall have a maximum enrichment of 3.8 veight percent U-235. Fuel-rods with defective cladding may be removed or replaced with stainless steel or Zircaloy filler rods.

The acceptability of non-fuel bearing rods or vater channels is determined by cycle specific reload analyses, using NRC approved methodologies. If any fuel assembly has less than 208 active fuel rods, NRC approval for initial post-refueling restart vill be required.