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Amend 2 to Environ Rept - OL Stage
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Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1983
Shared Package
ML20076M052 List:
ENVR-830731, NUDOCS 8307200125
Download: ML20076M055 (200)


/ , i Braicwooo ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPDATING YOUR ER To upoate your copy of the Braiowood Station Environmental Report - Operating License Stage, please remove and cestroy tne following pages anc figures ano insert tne Amenoment 2 pages ano figures as incicated.

VOLUME 1 REMOVE INSERT Page 11 Page 11 Pages 2.0-v/2.0-vi anc Page 2.0-v/2.0-vi and 2.0-vii/2.0-viii 2. 0-vil / 2. 0-viii Pa ges 2.1-1/ 2.1-2 tnrougn Pages 2.1-1/ 2.1-2 througn 2.1-8a 2.1-7/2.1-8 Pages 2.1-15/2.1-16 througn Pages 2.1-15/2.1-16 through 2.1-29/2.1-30 2.1-29/2.1-30 Page 2.1-33/2.1-34 Page 2.1-33/2.1-34 Pages 2.1-37/2.1-38 anc Pages 2.1-37/2.1-38 ana 2.1-39/2.1-40 2.1-39/2.1-40 Pages 2.1-43/2.1-44 through Pages 2.1-43/ 2.1-44 through 2.1-47/2.1-48 2.1-47a/2.1-48 Page 2.1-55/2.1-56 Page 2.1-55/2.1-56 Figure 2.1-3 Figure 2.1-3 Figure 2.1-13 Figure 2.1-13 Pa ge 2. 3-21/ 2. 3-12 Page 2.3-21/2.3-22 Pages 2.4-3/2.4 4 and Pages 2.4-3/ 2.4-4 and

2. 4 -5 / 2. 4 -6 2.4-5/2.4-6 Page 2.4-17/2.4-18 Page 2.4-17/ 2.4-18 '

Pa ge 2. 4-21/ 2.4-22 Page 2.4-21/ 2.4-22 Figure 2.5-2 Figure 2.5-2 VOLUME 2 REMOVE INSERT Fage 11 Page 11 Page 3.1-1/3.1-2 Page 3.1-1/3.1-2 Pages 3.3-1/3.3-2 through Pages 3.3-1/3.3-2 through 3.3-5/3.3-6 3.3-5/3.3-6 Figure 3.3-1 Figure 3.3-1 Pages 3.4-1/3.4-2 through 3.4-5 Pages 3.4-1 through 3.4-5 Figure 3.4-1 Figure 3.4-1 Pages 3.5-9 and 3.5-9a/3.5-10 Pages 3.5-9 and 3.5-9a/3.5-10 Pages 3.5-15/3.5-16 througn Pages 3.5-15/3.5-36 througn 3.5-19a/3.5-20 3.5-19a/3.5-20 Figure 3.5-1 Figure 3.5-1 l

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f Braidwooo ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 VOLUME 2 (continued)

REMOVE INSERT Page 3.5a-19/3.5a-20 Page 3.5a-19/3.5a-20 Pages 3.6-1/3.6-2 through Pages 3.6-1 through 3.6-7/3.6-8 3.6-7/3.6-8 Page 3.7-1/3.7-2 Page 3.7-1/3.7-2 Page 4.1-1 Page 4.1-1 Page 5.2-3/5.2-4 Page 5.2-3/5.2-4 Page 5.2-9/5.2-10 Page 5.2-9/5.2-10 Pages 5.3-l/5.3-2 through Pages 5.3-1/5,3-2 througn 5.3-5 5.3-5 Page 5.4-1 Page 5.4-1 Page 5.7-1/5.7-2 Page 5.7-1/5.7-2 Page 6.0-lii/6.0-iv Page 6.0-1ii/6.0-iv Page 6.1-17/6.1-18 Pages 6.1-17/6.1-18 and 6.1-18a Page 6.1-44a Page 6.1-44a Page 6.1-55/6.1-56 Page 6.1-55 and 6.1-55a/6.1-56 Figure 6.1-3 Figure 6.1-3 Page 6.4-1 Page 6.4-1 Page 8.2-1/8.2-2 Page 8.2-1/8.2-2 Pages 11.0-1/11.0-2 tnrougn Pages 11.0-1/11.0-2 througn 11.0-3/11.0-4 11.0-3/11.0-4 Pages 13.0-1/13.0-2 tnrougn Pages 13.0-1/13.0-2 tnrougn 13.0-7/13.0-8 13.0-7a/13.0-6 Page 13.0-21/13.0-22 Page 13.0-21/13.0-22 Following Page Al-1/Al-2 (do not remove) Amenoment 2 tab Page QO-1 Pages QE100.1-1/QE100.1-2 through QE100.1-5 Page QE100.2-1 Page QE290.1-1 Page QE290.2-1 Page QE290.3-1 Page QE290.4-1 Page QE291.1-1 Page QE291.2-1 Page QE291.3-1 Page QE291.4-1 Page QE291.5-1 Page QE291.6-1 Page QE291.8-1 Page QE291.9-1 Page QE291.10-1 Page QE291.ll-1

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Braidwooo ER-OLS AMEN 0 MENT 2 JULY 1983 VOLUME 2 (continued)

REMOVE INSERT l Page QE291.12-1 l Page QE291.14-1 Page QE291.15-1 Page QE291.16-1 Page QE291.17-1 Page QE291.19-1 Page QE291.20-1 Page Q E291. 21-1/QE291. 21-2 through QE291.21-7 Pages QE291s22-1/QE291.22-2 ano Q E291. 22-3 /Q E291. 22-4 Page QE310.1-1 Page QE310.2-1 Page QE310.3-1 Page QE310.4-1 Page QE310.5-1 Page QE310.6-1 Page QE310.7-1 Page QE310.8-1 Pages QER470.1-1/QER470.1-2 and QER470.1-3 Pages QER470.2-1/QER470.2-2 through QER470.2-5 Page QER470.3-1 Page Q 7. 3 .ll-1


JULY 1983 w

BRAIDWOOD NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION - UNITS 1 & 2 ENVIRO W NTAL REPORT - OPERATING LICENSE STAGE CONTENTS CHAPTER VOLtNE Chapter. 8.0 - Economic and Social Effects of Station Construction and Operation 2 Chapter 9.0 - Alternative Energy Sources and Sites 2 Chapter 10.0 - Station Design Alternatives 2 Chapter 11.0 - Summary of Cost-Benefit Analysis 2 Cnapter 12.0 - Environmental Approvals and Consultation 2 O cnenter 1> o - aerereaces 2 Amendment 1 - Voluntary Revisions 2 1 Amencment 2 - NRC Review Questions and Responses 2 2 lO 11 L - 3

Braidwood ER-OLS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont 'd)

Os PAGE 2.' Wedron Formation 2.5-2 Bedrock Units 2.5-3 2.6 REGIONAL HISTORIC, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, ARCHITECTURAL, SCENIC, CULTURAL, AND NATURAL FEATURES 2.6-1 2.6.1 Plant Site 2.6-1 2.6.2 Transmission Line Rights-of-Way 2.6-2 2.6A CULTURAL, HISTORICAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL LETTERS 2.6A-1 NOISE 4

2.7 2.7-1 2.7.1 Approach 2.7-1 2.7.2 Procedures 2.7-1 a

2.7.3 Applicable Guidelines 2.7-2 5 Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 2.7-2 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 2.7-2 2 Department of Housing and Urban Develop-j ment 2.7-2


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r Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDENT 2 g JULY 1983 W l CHAPTER 2.0 - THE SITE AND ENVIRONENTAL INTERFACES LIST OF TABLES NLNBER TITLE PAGE 2.1-1 Distance from Gaseous Effluent Release Point to Nearest Site Bounoary in the 16 Major Compass Directions T. 1-15 2.1-2 1980 and Projected Population Dutributions within 10 Miles of the Braidwood Statico 2.1-16 2.1-2a Average Number of People Per Household in Town-ships within 10 Miles of the Sits 2.1-21 2 2.1-3 1980 and Projected Population Dis;ributions within 10 to 50 Miles of the Braiowood Station 2.1-23 2.1 A Population Centers witnin 50 Miles of the Braidwood Station 2.1-28 2.1-5 Urban Centers within 30 Miles of the Braidwood Station 2.1-29 2.1-6 Major Recreational Areas within LO Miles of the Braiowood Station 2.1-30 2.1-7 Industries within 10 Miles of tht: Braidwood 2.1-8 Station Eoucation Institutions within 1C Miles of the 2.1-31 h Braicwood Station 2.1-32 2.1-9 1980 and Projected Population Distributions 2 Between 0 and 10 Miles of the B aidwood Station Including Peak Daily Transient Population 2.1-33 2.1-10 1974 Farm Statistics 2.1-34 2.1-11 Major Crop Statistics 2.1-35 2.1-12 Livestock Statistics and Production 2.1-37 2.1-13 1983 Survey of Milk Cows and Gcats within a 5- 2 Mile Radius of the Braidwood Stition 2.1-38 2.1-14 Nearest Residence and Garden wiNn 5 Miles of the Braidwood Station 2.1-39 2.1-15 011 Pipelines within 5 Miles of' the Braidwood Station 2.3-40 l

2.1-16 Major Crop Statistics for Counties within 50 Miles of the Braidwood Station 2.1-41 l

l 2.1-17 Estimated 1978 Beef Production within 50 Miles l of the Braidwood Station > 2.1-43 2 l 2.1-18 Estimated 1978 Pork Production within 50 Miles l of the Braidwood Station 2.1-44 2.1-19 Estimated 1974 Mutton and Lamb Froduction within 50 Miles of the Braidwood Staticn 2.1-45 2.1-20 Estimated 1981 Milk Production iltnin 50 Miles of 2 the Braidwood Station i 2.1-46 O

2.0-vi '

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r-Braidwood ER-OLS AENDENT 2 pd JULY 1983 LIST OF TABLES (cont'd)

NLNBER TITLE PAGE 2.1- 21 Estimated 1978 Vegetable Production Harvested for Sale within 50 Miles of the Braidwood Station 2.1-47 2.1-21a Estimated 1978 Non-Leafy Vegetable Production 2 Harvested for Sale within 50 Miles of the Braidwood Station 2.1-47a 2.1-22 Approximate Yields for Crops Harveste&for Forage witnin 50 Miles of the Braidwood Station 2.1-48 2.1-23 Illinois Public Wnting Areas within 50 Miles of the Braidwood Station 2.1-49 2.1-24 1977 Illinois Hunting Season Dates' 2.1-50 2.1-25 1975 Illinois Wnting License Sales within 50 Miles of the Braicwood Station 2.1-51 2.1-26 1976 Lockage Statistics on the Illinois River within 50 Radial Miles Downstream from the Braidwood Station 2.1-52 2.1-27 Species of Fish Caught in the Kankakee River During 1972 and During the creel Census in July 1973 2.1-53 O

V 2.1-28 Fishing Areas Along the Illinois River Known to Have Good Sport Fish Populations within 50 Radial Miles Downstream from the Braidwood Station 2.1-54 2.1-29 Facilities at Puolic Access Areas to the Illinois River within 50 Racial Miles Downstream of the Braicwood Station 2.1-55 2.1-30 Poundage of Fish Taken from Illinois River by Commercial Fishermen 2.1-56 2.1-31 Reported Catch of Fish Taken from Navigation Pools of the Illinois River within 50 Miles Down-stream from the Site by Commercial Fishermen 2.1-57 2.1-32 Industrial Intakes within 50 Radial Miles Down-stream from the Blaidwood Station 2.1-58 2.2-1 Aquatic Analysis for the Braidwood Site Physical and Chemical Parameters: 1972-1973 2.2-77 2.2.2 Aquatic Analysis for the Braidwood Site Bio-logical Parameters: 1972 1973 2.2-79 2.2-3 Aquatic Parameters for the Braidwood Site (1974-1975) 2.2-81 2.2-4 Summary of Temperatures of the Kankakee River and Horse Creek During the Braidwood Aquatic Monitor-ing Program 1974-1975 2.2-86 2.0-vii I

1 Brcidwood ER-OLS LIST OF TABLES (Con t 'd )

O NUMBER TITLE PAGE 2.2-5 Summary of Conductivity Data Collected from the Kankakee River and Horse C, reek During the Braidwood Aquatic Moni-toring Program 1974-1975 2.2-87 2.2-6 Summary of Total Solids, Dissolved Solids, Suspended Solids, and Volatile Solids Collected from the Kankakee River and Horse Creek During the Braidwood Aquatic Monitoring Program 1974-1975 2.2-88 2.2-7 Summary of Turbidity and Color Data Collected from the Kankakee River and Horse Creek During the Braidwood Aquatic Monitoring Program 1974-1975 2.2-89 2.2-8 Summary of pH, Alkalinity, and Hardness Data Collected from the Kankakee River and Horse Creek During the Braidwood Aquatic Monitoring Program 1974-1975 2.2-90 2.2-9 Summary of Calcium and Magnesium Data Collected from the Kankakee River and Horse Creek During the Braid-wood Aquatic Monitoring Program 1974-1975 2.2-91 g

2.2-10 Total Organic Carbon, Biological Oxygen Demand, and Chemical Oxygen Demand Data Collected from the Kan-kakee River and Horse Creek During the Braidwood Aquatic Monitoring Program 1974-1975 2.2-92 2.2-11 Dissolved Oxygen Content and Percent Saturation Data Collected from the Kankakee River and Horse Creek Dur-ing the Braidwood Aquatic Monitoring Program 1974-1975 2.2-93 2.2-12 Summary of Nitrate, Nitrite, and Ammonia Data Collected from the Kankakee River and Horse Creek During the Braidwood Aquatic Moni-toring Program 1974-1975 2.2-94

, 2.2-13 Summary of Phosphorus Data Col-l 1ected from the Kankakee River and l Horse Creek During the Braidwood i Aquatic Monitoring Program 1974-1975 2.2-95 2.2-14 Summary of Heavy Metals Data Col-1ected from the Kankakee River and Horse Creek During the Braidwood Aquatic Monitoring Program 1974- &

1975 2.2-96 W 2.0-viii

J Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 (s"-} FEBRUARY 1983 CHAPTER 2.0 - THE SITE AND ENVIRONMENTAL INTERFACES 2.1 GEOGRAPHY AND DEMOGRAPHY 2.1.1 Site Location and Description Specification of Location The Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station - Units 1 and 2 (Braidwood Station) is located in Reed Township of Will County northeastern Illinois approximately 50 miles southwest of Chicago and 20 miles south-southwest of Joliet. It is adjacent at its northwest corner to the village of Godley and its western and southern borders lie adjacent to the Grundy and Kankakee County boundary lines, respec-tively. The site is in an area of flat agricultural farmland that has been scarred from coal strip mining, and the site itself is located principally on terrain that has been strip mined.

At its closest approach, the Kankakee River is approximately 3 miles east of the northeastern site boundary; this point is approx-imately 12 miles upstream of the headwaters of the Illinois River r at the confluence of the Kankakee and Oes Plaines Rivers. The


) Braidwood Station is located approximately 8 miles southwest of the Joliet Arsenal.

Figure 2.1-1 shows the location of the site within the State of Illinois, and Figure 2.1-2 outlines the site with respect to the

, Kankakee River and the county boundaries. The following coordi-nates of the center of containments are given in both latitude and

longitude and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinates.

Latitude and longitude are given to the nearest second and UTM Coordinates are given to the nearest 100 meters.

Nuclear Unit Latitude and Longitude UTM Coordinates 1 880 13' 4 2" W x 410 14' 38" N 4,565,300 N 397,000 E 2 880 13' 42" W x 410 14' 36" N 4,565,200 N 397,000 E Site Area The roughly rectangular site occupies approximately 4454 acres of $

which 2537 acres comprise the cooling pond. The pond has an eleva-tion of 595 feet above mean sea level (MSL) when filled to capac-ity. The plant property lines and the site boundary lines are the same.

() The site boundary and the general outline of the pond are shown in Figure 2.1-3. As noted in this figure, the nuclear generating 2.1-1

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i Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 lll AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 facilities are located at the northwest ' corner of the site.

Figure 2.1-4 shows the location and orientation of the princi-pal plant structures. The makeup and blowdown lines are buried in the ground within a transmission line corridor and have their respective source and terminus at the Kankakee River as 1 shown in Figure 2.1-2.

The plant exclusien ar'ea', located within the site boundary, is illustrated in Figure 2.1-5. The minimum exclusion boundary distance from the gaseous release point is 1625 feet.

There are no industrial, commercial, institutional, recrea-tional, or residential structures on the site. Illinois State Routes 53 and 129 are adjacent to the northwest boundary of the site. The Illinois Central Gulf Railroad (previously the Gulf Mobile & Ohio Railroad) runs parallel between State Routes 53 and 129 and provides spur track access from the site area to the main line. Interstate 55 is less than 2 miles west-north-west of the site and State Route 113 is approximately 2 miles north of the site. Figure 2.1-6 illustrates these transporta- a tion routes. The Kankakee River is approximately 3 miles east W of the northeastern site boundary. Boundaries for Establishing Ef fluent Release Limits It is required by Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 20.106 (10 CFR 20.106) that "a licensee shall not pos-sess, use, or transfer licensed material so as to release to an unrestricted area radioactive material in concentrations which exceed the limits specified in Appendix 'B', Table II of this part . . . "; it is further required by 10 CFR 50.34a that "in the case of an application filed on or after January 2, 1971, the application shall also identify the design objectives, and the means to be employed, for keeping levels of radioactive material in effluents to unrestricted areas as low as practic-able."

The restricted area boundary, the boundary that separates the restricted area from the unrestricted by 10 CFR 20.106, is specified to be the plant property line for the 'Braidwood Sta-tion. Expected concentrations of radionuclides in effluents are shown in Sections 3.5 and 5.2 to be in compliance with 10 CFR 20.106 criteria.

2 The distances from the release point of gaseous effluents (the vent stack) to the restricted area boundary for each of the 16 llh directional segments are given in Table 2.1-1. The site boun-dary closest to the release point of gaseous effluents is in the northwestern direction at a distance of 1625 feet. Figure 2.1-3 illustrates the restricted area boundary. 2 2.1 - 2

p Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 td FEERUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 Liquid effluents are discharged into the cooling pond blowdown line, which subsequently discharges into the Kankakee River.

Radionuclides in liquio effluents, tnerefore, enter the unre-stricted area at that point.

The restricted area boundary is posted conspicuously with

" Private Property - No Trespassing" signs. In addition, admin-istrative procedures include periodic patrolling to control access to the area.

2.1.2 Population Distribution In order to assess the population distribution within a 10-mile radius of the Braicwood Station, a detailed analysis was per-formed. For this purpose, the region surrounding the station was divided into sixteen 22.50 azimuthal sectors centered on the centerline of the reactors with outer radial increments of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 miles. The geographical locations of these sectors are identified in Figure 2.1-7. The 1980 popula-tion censities within these radial-azimuthal sectors were ob- 1

() tained by performing a house count utilizing a combination of data obtained from 1981 and 1982 aerial photographs, and a 2 field survey conducted in 1981. To estimate the population, 3 the number of houses was multiplied by the average number of people per household in each township as listed in Table 2.1- 2A . These numbers are based on the number of housing units in the unincorporated areas of each township and the U.S.

Census Bureau population statistics.

The Census Bureau 1980 population for all townships between 10 and 50 miles of the station was proportioned into each of the 16 directional sectors and 10 mile distance increments. The geographical locations of the population sectors are found in Figure 2.1-9. The proportion of the population assigned to each sector was based on the proportion of land area of each township falling in that sector. In order to ensure that the figures more accurately represent the population distribution of an area, the proportioning technique incorporated knowledge of the area, location of outstancing features such as parks and military bases, and location of large populations in cities.

Projected population distributions were made by a computer program using a mocified " ratio technique." The ratio tech-nique essentially involves calculating the future population of an area by projecting the ratio of the total population of that



area to the total population of a larger area containing the 2.1-3 i

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AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 first, for which population projections have already been made. Projection of the ratio for this report included the following techniques: 1) the geographic units used for the ratio were state and township, 2) to determine the rate of change in the ratio for use in projection, the historical base period 1970 to 1965 was used, and 3) the rate of change in the ratio found curing the base period was projected linearly for a few years, but was gradually decreased to zero--the ratio it-self became constant after 20 years. The ef fect of the third technique is that the growth rate of the township may differ significantly from that of the state during the base period and for a few years thereafter, but after about 20 years the growth rates for the two areas will be the same. State projections required for use in the modified ratio technique were projected geometrically based on state growth during the base period. Fopulation Within 10 Miles The 1980 and projected population distribution within 10 miles of the Braidwood Station is shown in Table 2.1-2. The total 1980 population is estimated at 27,482 with an average density llh of 87 persons per square mile within this area. The maximum population densities in tne near vicinity of the station occur in the northern sectors, which includes the cities of Braidwood and Wilmington, and the village of Coal City.

Figure 2.1-8 shows the location of cities and villages within 10 miles and their 1980 population. Wilmington (1980 popula-tion 4,424), Braidwood (1980 population 3,429), and Coal City (1980 population 3,028) are the largest urbanized areas within 10 miles of the plant. The village of Godley (1980 population 373) located approximately 0.5 mile southwest of the station is 1 2 the closest village.

The total population within 10 miles is projected to be 35,411 by 2020 with average density projected to be 113 within this region.

The projected national age distribution for the year 2000 (mid-point of station operating life) is 17.0% in the O to 9 age group, 17.4% in the 10 to 19 age group, and 65.6% in the 20 and over age group (Bureau of the Census 1980). These percentages correspond to a projected 2000 population of 5,691 persons in the O to 9 age group, 5,825 persons in the 10 to 19 age group, and 21,960 persons in the 20 and over age group within 10 miles O



(]) FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 of the site. The U.S. projecteo age distribution was used because the area within a 10-mile radius of the site (Will, Kankakee, and Grundy Counties) did not show a significant dif-ference from the 1980 U.S. Census age distribution (Bureau of the Census 1977).

When applying the significance test described in Appendix D of Regulatory Guide 4.2, Will, Grundy and Kankakee Counties did not significantly dif fer from the U.S. distribution. The aver-age age oistribution for the three counties did not vary more than 10% from the 1980 U.S. Census age distribution. Thus, it is assumed that the area within a 10-mile radius of the site will have a projected age distribution similar to the U.S. pro-jected age distribution. Population between 10 and 50 Miles The 1980 population distribution and the estimated projected population distributions tnrough 2020 at 10-year intervals for the area between 10 and 50 miles are-summarized in Table (s~/} 2.1-3. The geographical locations of the population sectors are found in Figure 2.1-9. The total population within 50 miles was 4,580,641 in 1980 with an average population density 1 2 of 583 persons per square mile. By 2020, the population is projected to grow to 5,124,734, which yields a population den-sity of 653 persons per square mile.

The most heavily populated sectors within 50 miles of the site lie in the north-northeast and northeast directions, with 1980 populations of 1,178,378 and 2,201,145, respectively. The high populations in these sectors are due primarily to the inclusion of the City of Joliet (1980 population 77,956) and a portion of Chicago (1980 population 3,005,072). Also included in this s'rea are some suburbs of Chicago and cities in Lake County, Indiana. ,

Tne nearest population center is Joliet, located approximately 20 miles north-northeast o f the site. According to the 1970 population census, Joliet had a population of 80,378, and in 1980, 77,956, a decrease of 3.1% during the last decade. Its expected population is 82,501 by 2020. The city of Kankakee, located approximately 20 miles eastsoutheast of the site, had a 1970 population of 30,944, and in 1980, 30,141, and has an

, expected population of 31,065 by 2020. Table 2.1-4 lists the 1 25 population centers within 50 miles of the site and Figure 2.1-5


AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 2.1-10 locates them. Most of these centers are located near the greater Chicago metropolitan area, 40 to 50 miles northeast of the site.

Table 2.1-5 lists the distance and approximate direction from 1 the site of all urban centers (those locations with a popula-tion greater than 2500) within a 30-mile radius of the site and gives their 1980 populations. It should be noted that there are only 22 such urban centers and that only two of these, Joliet and Kankakee, are population centers.

The projected national age distribution for the year 2000 (mid-point of station operating life) is 17.0% in the O to 9 age group, 17.4% in the 10 to 19 age group, and 65.6% in the 20 and 2 over age group (Bureau of the Census 1980). These percentages correspond to a projected 2000 population of 820,375 persons in the O to 9 age group, 839,678 persons in the 10 to 19 age group, and 3,165,682 persons in the 20 and over age group within 50 miles of the site. The U.S. projected age distribu-tion was used because the age distribution of Will County, the county in which the station is located, did not vary signifi-cantly from the 1980 U.S. Census age distribution described in Appendix 0 of Regulatory Guide 4.2. Transient Population The transient population within 10 miles of. the site is com-posed of visitors to recreational facilities, students enrolled at and teaching staff employed by schools, and employees at industrial establishments.

As shown in Table 2.1-6, the state parks and conservation areas within a 10-mile radius of the site include the Des Plaines Conservation Area approximately 8 miles north of the site, the Goose Lake Prairie State Park approximately 9 miles northnorth-west of the site, the Kankakee River State Park approximately 9 miles east of the site, and the Illinois and Michigan Canal State Trail (Channahon Park Access) approximately 10 miles north of the site. In 1981, these four parks had a combined annual attendence of 1,634,875 persons (Illinois Department of 2

Conservation 1982) . The estimated peak daily attendances for these areas are respectively 1000, 2,706, 25,000, and 851 visitors.


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t l Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1

(^)S s FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 The Des Plaines Conservation Area consists of 4253 acres and ofiers camping, picnicking, fishing, boating, and hunting (Illinois Department of Conservation 1976). The Goose Lake Prairie State Park consists of 235,7 acres of whic.h approxi-mately 1513 acres are dedicated as an Illinois Nature Pre-serve. The park offers picnicking, hiking, and year-round nature study programs (Illinois Department of Conservation  ;

, 1974). The Kankakee River State Park consists of 2968 acres extending along the Kankakee River and offers camping, picnick-ing, fishing, boating, hiking, horse trails, hunting, and a summer nature study program (Illinois Department of Conserva-l tion 1974). The Illinois and Michigan Canal State Trail is currently being developea for hiking, bicycling, and canoeing.

Tne portion of the trail near the Channahon access is now com- I pleted and offers camping, canoeing, bicycling, and hiking (Illinois Department of Conservation 1975).

In addition to these state recreational facilities, there are several privately owned recreation areas within 10 miles of the Braidwood Station. Taole 2.1-6 lists these recreation areas

() along with their location, their total membership, and their estimated peak cally attendance. These clubs and parks provide a variety of recreational activities and attract people from

outside the 10-mile radius.

Tne estimated peak daily attendance figures in Table 2.1-6 indicate that on a short-term basis, the population within 10 miles of the station could increase by 50,417 persons due to both state and private facilities. Should all these visitors 2 be from outside the 10-mile radius, the total population within the 10-mile area would increase by 183%.

As listed in Table 2.1-7, there are 10 industries within 10 miles of the station. Approximately 860 persons are employed at these industries. Even if all these people come from out-side the 10-mile area, which is highly unlikely, the total population of this area would only increase during working 1

hours by about 3%.

As shown in Table 2.1-8, the total of 16 schools within 10 miles of the site had a total 1981-1982 enrollment of 5625 students and a staff of 332 teachers. The great majority of students attending tnese schools reside within a 10-mile radius of the station.


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Braidwood ER-DLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 The 1980 and projected population distributions within the 2 10-mile radius are given in Table 2.1-9. This table includes the residential population and the peak daily transient popula-tion resulting from recreational activities within the 10-mile area.

2.1.3 Uses of Adjacent Lands and Waters Land Use Land Use within 5 Miles The area within a 5-mile radius of the station includes land in Will, Kankakee, and Grundy Counties. This area as well as the remainder of Will, Kankakee, and Grundy Counties is pre-dominantly agricultural. According to the 1974 farm statistics in Table 2.1-10, 64.8%, 89.7%, and 82.9% of the total land acreage in Will, Kankakee, and Grundy Counties, respectively, is farmland. The percentage of the total county land under cultivation is: Will County--55.1%, Kankakee County--79.3% and .

Grundy County--71.1%. lll The major crops grown in the three counties are corn and soy-beans. Hay, oats, and wheat are also grown in the area. Table 2.1-11 gives the 1974 and 1975 acreage, yield, production, and dollar value of these crops for the three counties and the State of Illinois. In general, Grundy and Kankakee countics were more productive in 1975 than the state average, with the exception of corn yield in Kankakee County, which was slightly less than the state average. In 1975 Will County was less productive than the state average, with the exception of wheat yield, which was slightly higher than the state average. In general, the number of acres devoted to corn and soybeans in the three counties decreased between 1974 and 1975 while the number of acres devoted to wheat, oats, and hay increased.

Corn and soybeans are the major crops grown within a 5-mile radius of the site. A " pick your own" christmas tree, blue-berry, and strawberry farm is located approximately 3.5 miles southeast of the station.

2.1-8 g


N 2,000 NNE 3,000 '

NE 2,600

ENE 2,300 E 3,400 ESE 8,900 SE 11,200 SSE 11,300 S 15,200 SSW 3,200 l SW 2,050 I e i WSW 1,750 W 1,700 j

WNW 1,650 NW 1,625 NNW 1,675 2.1-15

. . - -... - .- - - - ..--.... . - ... ---. .~. -..~._.-... .-,- .-. -----. - .- - . ..--. . ,


1980 RADIAL INTERVAL (miles)

Sector Designation 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-5 0-10 N 34 690 389 15 2 309 1,130 1,439 NNE 75 823 960 294 70 234 2,222 2,456 NE O 107 103 0 480 4,735 690 5,425 I ENE E

4 O

12 O

22 13 22 28 291 22 1,980 1,027 351 63 2,331 1,090 fg  !

l m

ESE O O 17 18 50 236 85 3 21 E l s SE O O 4 9 8 156 21 177 o b

SSE O O 60 9 235 358 304 662 S O O O 3 3 686 6 692 $

SSW 0 8 17 29 173 849 227 1,076 b SW 402 296 214 19 89 1,384 1,020 2,404 E WSW 82 218 0 37 214 163 551 714 W 0 34 179 3 11 794 227 1,0 21 WNW 8 0 8 37 13 251 66 317 >

NW 4 25 42 1,499 1,340 928 2,910 3,838 NNW 6 256 119 1,692 526 920 2,599 3,519 Sum for Radial Interval 615 2,469 2,147 3,714 3,527 15,010 12,472 27,482 Cummulative Total to Outer Radius 615 3,084 5,231 8,945 12,472 27,482 12,472 27,482 Average Density (people /mi 2) in $ @

Radial Region 196 262 137 169 125 64 159 87 v y 4

e "$"

  • i


m )


, O O O TABLE 2.1-2 (continued) i 1990 RADIAL INTERVAL (miles)

Sector Designation 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-5 0-10 N 44 890 502 18 2 356 1,456 1,812

, NNE 97 1,061 1,238 307 73 247 2,776 3,023 NE O 138 133 0 501 5,037 772 5,809 ENE 5 15 26 25 327 2,084 398 2,482

. E O O 15 31 25 1,105 71 1,176 4

ESE O O 20 20 56 269 96 365 m SE O O 5 10 9 181 24 205 g SSE O O 77 11 276 414 364 S 0 0 0 778 g

4 4 772 8 780 g

.N SSW 0 8 17 30 177 869 232 1,101 7 SW 478 304 220 g

20 94 1,473 1,116 2,589

, tj WSW W

104 0

224 35 184 0 38 3

221 12 167 857 587 234 754 1,091 fo

{ WNW 8 0 8 38 14 297 68 b NW 365

5 26 43 1,560 1,663 1,291 3,297 4,588
NNW 8 328 140 2,246 715 1,414 3,437 4,851 3 Sum for
Radial Interval 749 3,029 2,6 28 4,361 4,169 16,833 14,936 31,769 1 Cummulative Total 4

to Outer Radius 749 3,778 6,406 10,767 14,936 16,833 14,936 31,769 Average Oensity (people /mi 2) in g j Radial Region 238 3 21 167 198 147 71 190 101 Q s


l 4

TABLE 2.1-2 (continued)

Sector 2000 RADIAL INTERVAL (mlles)

Designation 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-5 0-10 N 47 956 539 19 2 375 1,563 1,938 NNE 104 1,140 1,330 317 75 255 NE 2,966 3, 221 O 148 143 0 517 5,219 808 6,027 ENE 6 17 28 26 343 2,154 E

420 2,574 O O 16 33 26 1,148 75 1,223 ESE O O 22 21 59 283 102 385 m SE O O 6 11 10 191 27 218 3 SSE O O 83 12 291 436 386 822 'd y S 0 0 0 4 4 809 SSW 0 8 817 y g 8 18 31 181 893 238 LD SW 506 313 226 20 1,131 g 97 1,527 1,162 2,689 WSW W

111 0

230 36 189 0 39 3

228 12 171 891 608 240 779 1,131 f

WNW 8 0 8 39 15 314 b NW 70 384 6 26 44 1,608 1,776 1,405 3,460 NNW 8 4,865 352 148 2,4 26 776 1,561 3,710 5,271 Sum for Radial Interval 796 3,226 2,800 4,609 4,412 17,632 15,843 33,475 Cummulative Total to Outer Radius 796 4,022 6,822 11,431 15,843 33,475 15,843 33,475 Average Density (people /m1 2) in Radial Region 253 342 178 210 156 75 202 107 g

g m O 8?m o

e G G

O O O TABLE 2.1-2 (continued) 1 2010 RADIAL INTERVAL (miles) '

l Sector Designation 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-5 0-10

) N 48 983 554 20 2 386 1,607 1,993 l

.NNE 107 1,173 1,368 326 77 262 3,051 3,313 l NE O 152 147 0 532 5,368 831 6,199 5

ENE 6 17 29 27 352 2,216 431 2,647

E O O 17 34 27 1,180 78 1,258 j ESE O O 22 22 61 291 105 396 m
SE O O 6 11 10 197 27 224 3 SSE O O 86 12 299 448 397 845 E

, g S 0 0 0 4 4 832 8 840 y g SSW 0 9 18 31 186 919 244 1,163 &

L SW 520 322 233 21 100 1,570 1,196 2,766 i


114 0

237 37 195 0 40 3

234 13 176 917 625 248 801 1,165 f

, WNW 9 0 9 40 15 323 73 396 b NW 6 27 46 1,654 1,826 1,445 3,559 5,004

NNW 9 362 153 2,495 798 1,605 3,817 5,422 Sum for Radial Interval 819 3,319 2,883 4,740 4,536 18,135 16,297 34,432 i

Cummulative Total to Outer Radius 819 4,138 7, 0 21 11,761 16,297 18,135 16,297 34,432 Average Oensity i (people /m1 2) in 4 l Radial Region 261 352 184 216 160 77 207 110


h m

v m



TABLE 2.1-2 (continued) 2020 RAOIAL INTERVAL (miles)

Sector Designation 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-5 0-10 N 50 1,011 570 20 2 397 1,653 2,050 NNE 110 1,206 1,407 336 80 270 3,139 3,409 NE O 157 151 0 547 5,520 855 6,375 ENE 6 18 30 27 363 2,279 444 2,723 E O O 17 35 27 1,214 79 1,293 ESE O O 23 22 62 299 107 406 SE O O 6 11 10 202 27 229 m SSE O O 88 12 308 461 408 869 3 S 0 0 0 4 4 856 8 864 $

." SSW 0 9 19 32 192 945 252 1,197 o Y SW 535 331 239 21 103 1,615 1,229 2, 844 &

o WSW 117 244 0 42 241 1 81 644 825 g W 0 38 200 4 13 943 255 1,198 i WNW 9 0 9 42 16 332 76 408 y NW 6 28 47 1,701 1, 87 8 1,4 86 3,660 5,146 l

NNW 9 372 157 2,566 820 1,651 3,924 5,575 Sum for Radial Interval 842 3,414 2,963 4, 875 4,666 18,651 16,760 35,411 l Cummulative Total

! to Outer Radius 842 4,256 7,219 12,094 16,760 18,651 16',760 35,411 Average Oensity (people /m12) in p Radial Region 268 362 1 89 222 165 79 213 113 P

" 5 m


O v




Will County Channahon 2.7 Custer 3.1 Florence 3.6 Reed 2.0 Wesley 3.5 Wilmington 2.0 ,

Grundy County Braceville 2.8 Felix 3.2 Garfield 3.4 Goodfarm 2.9 Goose Lake 3.8 Greenfield 2.6 Maine 3.3 Mazon 2.7 Wauponsee 3.1 Kankakee County Essex 2.7 Norton 2.9 Salina 3.1 a Numbers based on U.S. Census Bureau's 1980 population, statistics and the number of housing units in the unincorporated areas of each township.

O 2.1- 21

4 Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 g


2.1 22 e



Sector Designation 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 0-50 N 18,118 21,607 159,852 196,880 397,896 NNE 18,014 140,555 210,493 806,860 1,178,378 NE 4,170 31,037 328,860 1,831,653 2,201,145 ENE 1,252 7,008 135,725 251,879 398,195 g E 1, 875 7,055 6,972 16,999 33,991 g ESE 25,876 45,742 9,524 3, 854 85,317 g m

SE 3,479 6,320 2,591 9,739 22,306  ::

SSE 1,963 1,977 5,545 2,61 8 12,765 k b

S 1,191 1,583 2,91 8 2,502 8,886 SSW 833 1,395 6,401 2,418 12,123 N SW 4,926 2,012 14,651 6,144 30,137 b WSW 711 2,612 21,515 5,561 31,113 E W 1,075 2 ... 8,9 87 31,459 44,555

WNW 1,970 9,491 19,687 4,206 35,671 NW 11,138 3,675 12,042 4,979 35,672 NNW 1, 840 6,195 29,119 11,818 52,491 Sum for
Radial Interval 98,431 290,277 974,882 3,189,569 4,580,641 Cummulative Total to Outer Radius 125,913 416,190 1,391,072 4,580,641 4,580,641 Average Density <

(people /mi 2) in w Radial Region 104 1 85 443 1,128 5 83


~ md m
  • TABLE 2.1-3 (continued) 1990 RADIAL INTERVAL (miles)

Sector Designation 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 0-50 N 24,174 27,526 187,765 247,373 488,650 NNE 18,675 150,493 268,507 790,971 1,231,669 NE 5,273 44,293 379,601 1,676,391 425,326 ENE 1,367 8,5 80 154,612 258,285 425,326 E 1,219 5,192 8,140 22,523 38,250 ESE 30,443 47,173 10,307 4,231 92,519 SE 3, 821 6,630 2,636 9,663 22,955 m SSE 2,140 2,005 5,524 2,388 12,835 2 S 1,313 1,577 2,730 2,247 8,647 $

." SSW 849 1,368 6,436 2,0 83 11,837 d 7 SW 5,268 1,926 15,657 6,067 31,507 S

% WSW 622 2,499 20,820 5,292 29,987 g W 1,087 2,349 9,290 30,514 44,331 g WNW 2,246 10,293 18,757 4,296 35,957 g NW 11,881 4,141 14,168 4 , 81 4 39,592 NNW 2,127 7,868 34,744 14,888 64,478 Sum for Radial Interval 112,505 323,913 1,139,694 3,082,026 4,689,907 Cummulative Total to Outer Radius 144,274 468,187 1,607,881 4,689,907 4,689,907 Average Density (people /mi 2) in Radial Region 119 206 518 1,090 597 N b A



TABLE 2.1-3 (continued) 2000 RADIAL INTERVAL (miles) i Sector Designation 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 0-50 N 26,127 29,520 198,444 264,664 520,693 NNE 19,241 156,133 288,030 804,612 1,271,237 NE 5,648 48,379 399,855 1,678,125 2,138,034 l ENE 1,424 9,137 162,464 270,509 446,108

) E 1,092 4, 86 8 8,640 24, 871 40,694 ESE 32,184 48,546 10,729 4,506 96,350 m

! SE 3,9 85 6, 84 9 2,704 9, 862 23,618 g SSE 2,228 2,056 5,640 2,3 87 13,133 g i m S 1,370 1,610 2,746 2,236 8,779 g i L. SSW 871 1,392 6,5 85 2,051 12,030 g h SW 5,464 1,948 16,237 6,1 82 32,520

  • WSW 615 2,527 21,114 5,345 30,360 $

W 1,114 2,4 80 9,565 30,962 45,252 S l WNW 2,360 10,708 18,950 4,412 36,814 6 i NW 12,317 4,342 14,978 4, 8 81 41,38) j NNW 2,241 8,433 36,828 15,936 68,709 Sum for Radial Interval 118,281 338,928 1,203,509 3,131,541 4,825,734 i

Cummulative Total to Outer Radius 151,756 490,684 1,694,193 4,825,734 4,825,734 T


, Average Density (people /m1 2) in i

Radial Region 126 216 547 1,108 614 i m U$




TABLE 2.1-3 (continued) 2010 RA01AL INTERVAL (miles)

Sector Designation 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 0-50 N 26,871 30,361 204,093 272,197 535,515 NNE 19,788 160,577 296,228 827,514 1,307,420 NE 5,809 49,756 411,236 1,727,849 2,200,849 ENE 1,465 9,397 167,114 285,085 465,708 E 1,123 5,007 8,948 26,282 42,618 ESE 33,100 49,928 11,049 4,758 99,231 SE 4,098 7,043 2,781 10,150 24,296  ?

SSE 2,292 2,114 5,801 2,455 13,507 $

,m S 1,409 1,656 2,824 2,300 9,029  %

y SSW 896 3,431 6,772 2,109 12,371 8 g SW 5,619 2,004 16,699 6,358 33,446 "

WSW 632 2,599 21,715 5,497 31,244 @

W 1,146 2,550 9,837 31,843 46,541 6 WNW 2,427 11,013 19,490 4,538 37,864 5 NW 12,668 4,465 15,404 5,019 42,560 NNW 2,304 8,673 37,876 16,389 70,664 Sum for Radial Interval 121,647 348,574 1,237,867 3,230,343 4,972,863 Cummulative Total to Outer Radius 156,079 504,653 1,742,520 4,972,863 4,972,863 Average Oensity (people /mi 2) in "D Radial Region 129 222 563 1,143 633 h6


%s0 va N


_ ._ . - - - . -. . _ - . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ . = _- . _

O O O 1

TABLE 2.1-3 (continued) 2020 RADIAL INTERVAL (miles) ,

Sector Designation 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 0-50 N 27,636 31,225 209,902 279,945 550,758 NNE 20,352 165,147 304,659 851,067 1,344,634 NE 5,974 51,172 422,941 1,779,099 2,265,561 ENE 1,507 9,665 171,899 300,466 486,260 E 1,155 5,149 9,267 27,773 44,637 ESE 34,042 51,349 11,379 5,025 102,201 j SE 4,215 7,244 2, 86 0 10,447 24,995 ,
SSE 2,357 2,175 5,966 2,525 13,892 g
S 1,449 1,703 2,905 2,365 9,2 86 g i y SSW 921 1,472 6,965 2,169 12,724 g
. SW 5,779 2,061 17,175 6,539 34,398 g ,

' WSW 650 2,673 22,333 5,654 32,135

) M W 1,178 2,623 10,117 20,044 32,749 4,667 47,865 38,942 E


! WNW 2,497 11,326 i NW 13,028 4,592 15,843 5,162 43,771 6 NNW 2,370 8,920 38,954 16,856 72,675 Sum for Radial Interval 125,110 358,496 1,273,209 3,332,508 5,124,734 i

i Cummulative Total 1 to Outer Radius 160,521 519,017 1,792,226 5,124,734 5,124,734 Average Oensity 4 (people /mi 2) in j Radial Region 133 228 579 1,179 653 i

se N



TABLE 2.1-4 POPULATION CENTERS WITHIN 50 MILES OF THE BRAIDWOOD STATION Population Distance & Direction 1980 Center County From the Site Population Joliet Will (IL) 20 miles NNE 77,956 Kankakee Kankakee (IL) 20 miles ESE 30,141 Park Forest Will & Cook (IL) 32 miles ENE 26,222 Bolingbrook Will & DuPage (IL) 34 miles NNE 37,261 Tinley Park Cook (IL) 34 miles NE 26,171 m Aurora Kane (IL) 35 miles N 81,293 3 m Chicago Heights Cook (IL) 35 miles ENE 37,026 $

- Naperville DuPage & Will (IL) 37 miles N 42,330 0 Y Oak Forest Cook (IL) 37 miles NE 26,096 E o$ Downers Grove Dupage (IL) 39 miles NNE 42,572 2 g Harvey Cook (IL) 39 miles NE 35,810 i Oak Lawn Cook (IL) 42 miles NE 60,590 1 h Burbank Cook (IL) 43 miles NNE 28,462 Lansing Cook (IL) 43 miles NE 29,039 Wheaton DuPage (IL) 44 miles N 43,043 Calumet City Cook (IL) 45 miles NE 39,697 Chicago (part) Cook (IL) 45 miles NE 3,005,072 Lombard DuPage (IL) 46 miles NNE 37,C95 Hammond Lake (IN) 47 miles ENE 93,714 Highland Lake (IN) 47 miles ENE 25,935 Elmhurst DuPage (IL) 48 miles NNE . 44,276 Addison DuPage (IL) 49 miles NNE 29,759 Berwyn Cook (IL) 49 miles NNE 46,849 h Cicero (part) Cook (IL) 49 miles NNE 61,232 Maywood Cook (IL) 49 miles NNE 27,998 g c

. $hk v -

u O O O



T ABLE 2.1-5 URBAN CENTERS WITHIN 30 MILES OF THE BRAIDWOOD STATION OISTANCE & DIRECTION 1980 URBAN CENTERa COUNTYD FROM THE SITE POPULATION Braidwood Will 1.5 miles NNE 3,429 Coal City Grundy 3.5 miles NW 3,028 Wilmington Will 6.0 miles NE 4,424 Morris Grundy 13 miles NW 8,833 Channahon Will 13 miles N 3,734 Owight Livingston 14 miles SW 4,146 Bourbonnais Kankakee 19 miles ESE 13,280 Bradley Kankakee 20 miles ESE 11,008 Joliet Will 20 miles NNE 77,956 Kankakee Kankakee 20 miles ESE 30,141 1 Shorewood Will 20 miles N 4,714 Manteno Kankakee 21 miles E 3,155 Crest Hill Will 22 miles NNE 9,252 Peotone Will 24 miles ENE 2,832 New Lenox Will 24 miles NE 5,792

() Frankfort Lockport Will Will 26 miles NE 26 miles NNE 4,357 9,170 Marseilles LaSalle 26 miles WNW 4,766 Plainfield Will 26 miles N 3,767 Mokena Will 27 miles NE 4,578 Romeoville Will 29 miles NNE 15,519 Yorkville Kendall 30 miles NNW 3,422 aAn urban center is defined as an incoporated or unincorporated place with a population of over 2500 according to the 1980 census, i ball counties are in Illinois.

1 2.1-29 p_

, (-)

l l


Braidtood ER-OLS MENIEENP 2 JULY 1983 rasL8 2.1-4

= utuar-1 au eirme i. mi. e, m ual-. .,.rios Ritat.arleitat nata Su rams .

nun w. 91TE ion mal.

afTf wDam g e urmaru ,ua Da? omhmt h

.. e. e ,- i . . .e e me. no ees Co re

=ee 8 e. i.e . 2. i.9 n i .co0 Lose r..ane uu.

Co,se . 9 estes e i4 r.u2 2.10.e ee 8ase, ..e.e eer. 9 wee 8 i.u 80, m ee. .a.,4 Camel scese treal 8518 (Cheeeense Para assesel to sales 8 117.809 etit Cemet possistsee8 Brandemed beee med SG Sessee mesose Preeeroe 2 estee WE $40 7 eiles et 1.214 lie Forsytae Weede 9 estes s

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Pf teece perse med Ctde 0.9 ennee SW et h10 e3aeoge hoogle Clee8 I eales EE 2.350 eue 8 endeoed Seerestsee Cadh teosa.unleassteo sporteese's 3 estee 558 1.850 8J0-1.000 C L ee

3. 9 es tee 5 e %0 390 aree 1 Oetesse C1=bJ us.e .. e.ies .4 8 ri 3.* 2 Poemerose 5,ettoase's C1d1 4 estee 8 200 to tense estesagtes Fsteens Reed one Port Clege 4 ealee 58M 1.800 2.100 sall Caesap 5,ersease's 4 ealee EE ISO F00 Cl ube Poes11 Geek teoreetase Cle6* 6.5 males 54 160 620 GCo se,Leyees escenstase acces satase. los.P S estee sief 500 1.000 Cool Caer area Cleet 1 sales sief 1.9h 6.000 5 males 8 e6 100 see teeteettee Cad 8 sheemoe Shereer 4 males 8 181 1.000 troedee Lasse speete 7 ealee guaf 3JO e Clet IPe416eie Besomeo Ceessal $seet Ge eerwet tee t F estes sad 3.400 1.000 Geese Leme Cid* 7.3 este, paaf 900 2.300 mese s es tes tos (*) aodasetee safeemettee een avetjette.

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Braidwood ER-013 #ENDMEN? 2 JULY 1993 1&&LE 2.1-9 1980 AND PROJECTED POPULAt!ON OtSTRIBUT!Ons SET %Ttu O AND 10 NILES OF TME SAAIDWOOD STATION INCLUDINC PE AR CALLY TRAN$ttNT POPUIAf tcss EECTOS DE31CMATION 1980 1990 2000 2010 g na 3.840 4.213 4.339 4.394 4.451 (1.439 + (1.812 + Lt.938 + (1.993 + (2.050 +

2.401*) 2.6018) 2.401*) 2.401*) 2.401*)

hath 5,876 6.443 4,641 6.733 6.829 (2.456 + ( 3.023 + (3.221 + ( 3. 313 + ( 3.409 +

3.420*) 3.420*) 3.420*) 3.420*) 3.420*)

age 7.055 7.439 7.657 7.829 8.005 (5.425 + (5.809 + (6.027 + (6.199 + (6.375 +

1.630*) 1.630*) 1.630*) 1.430*) 1.6308)

ENE 2.331 2.482 2.574 2.647 2.723 g4 26.090 26.176 26.223 26.254 26.29)

(1.090 + (1.176

  • Lt.223 * (1.258 + (1.193 +

25.000*) 25.000*) 25.000*) 25.000*) 25.000*)

T ESE 321 365 345 396 406 st 177 205 218 224 229 SE' 1.662 1.778 1.822 1.445 1.869 (662 + (778 + (822 + (845 + (869 +

1.000*) 1.000*) 1.000*) 1.000*) 1.000*)

58 2

1.452 1.940 1.977 2.000 2.024 (692 +

( 7 80 + (417 + (840 4 (See + l 1.160*) 1.160*) 1.160*) 1.160*) 1.1608) i 18h8 3.176 3.201 3.231 3.263 3.297 (1.076 + (1,101 + (1.131 + (1.163 + (1.197 +

2.100*) 2.100*) 2.100*) 2.100*) 2.1008)

$@ 2.904 3.089 3.189 3,266 3.344 (2.604 * (2.549 + (2.689 + (2.766 + (2.844 +

500*) 500*) 500*) 5008) 500*)

W5W 714 754 799 801 825 W  !.021 1.091 1.131 1.165 1.194 WWW 317 365 384 396 408

    • 4.838 5.584 5.865 6.004 6.146

( 3.838 + (4.584 + (4.865 + (5.004 + (5.146 +

1.000*) 1.000*) 1.000*) 1.000*) 1.000*)

NWi 15.725 17.057 17.477 17,628 17.741 (3.519 + (4.451 + ( 5.2 71 + (5.422 + (5.575 +

12.206*) 12.206*) 12.206*) 12.206*) 12.206*)

Sua for 0-10 77.899 82.146 83.892 84,849 85.828 nate 1sterval (17.482 + (31.769 + (33.475 + ( 34,432 + (35.411 +

k0.417*) 50.41?*) 50.417*) 50,417*) 50.417*)

Averese Density Pereenalai2 )

is 0-10 Mile Interval 248 262 267 270 273 Note: Asterisk (*) indicates tramatest population part of total.

a$ector includes Dee Pleanes Cemeervation Area.111inese Nachi 8 am Casal state Trail.

McKaaley tioods and Area 1 (hatdoor Club.

g b5ector includes Wtimaastos sacreataos Area Club and Fossil asek tecreation Club.

88ector tactudes Broadwood Dunes and Savanna hature Preserve. Forsythe Woods. Staidwood Secreation Club end Will County Sportsmen's Club.

danctor includes Emakakee River State Park.

' Sector includes South Wilainston Sportenee's Club.

f $ector includes Ponderose Sportsman's Club. Sue Recreation Club and Shanaae $ bores.

8 Sector includee South Wilmington Firemaa Beach and Park Club.

b 5ector includes Chicago Seagle Club.

aSector Lactudes 84tabow Council Scout asservatson.

35ector includes Goose take Prairie State Park. Ceco Employees Recreation Assocattoa.

Eac.. Coal Csty Area Club. Dresden Lakee sports Cli.b and Goose take Club.

2.1-33 io

TABLE 2.1-10 1974 FARM STATISTICS KANKAKEE APPROXIMATE LAND AREA WILL COUNTY GRUNDY COUNTY COUNTY ILLINOIS Total Land (acres) 542,336 276,224 434,176 35,679,936 Percentage in Farms 64.8 82.9 89.7 81.5 Land in Farms (acres) 351,486 228,990 389,262 29,094,794 Number of Farms 1,430 708 1,384 111,049 m E

Average Size of Farms (acres) 246 323 281 262 r-F I T

w 8


Cropland liarvested (acres) 298,954 196,530 344,251 21,517,665 y o

Cropland Pastured (acres) 10,584 3,451 8,668 1,855,810 C Cropland Not liarvested 9,658 5,306 8,848 1,026,083 and Not Pastured (acres)

Woodland Including 5,931 7,445 5,905 1,969,796 Woodland Pasture (acres)

Other Lands (roads, homes, 26,359 16,258 21,590 2,725,440 etc.) (acres)

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census (1977).

O O O ,

TABLE 2.1-12 LIVESTOCK STATISTICS AND PRODUCTION GRUNDY COUNTY KANKAKEE COUNTY WILL COUNTY 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 14,400* b 20,300 a 20,900 b All Cattle 9,200* 10,100 14,700 (no. of head)

D D 3,800* b Beef Cows 2,600 8 2,500 3,000* 2,700 3,300

, (no. of head) b 2,300* b 4,800* b g Milk Cows 1,400* 1,300 2,200 4,500 (no. of head)  %


d d 18,400 d c c c g Hogs and Pigs 8,900 7,200 20,500 16,800 21,000 7 &

3 (no. of head)

Sheep 1,700* 1,500 D 1,300* 1,100 D 2,100* 1,800 b g (no. of head) d Egg Production 30,900 29,000 183,800 139,100 373,200 387,100 (no. of eggs)

Source: Illinois Cooperative Crop Reporting Service et al. (1976b).

8 As of January 1, 1975 b As of January 1, 1976 c As of December 1, 1974 d As of December 1, 1975 f

m.. ___y , _ . .

Braidwooo ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 TABLE 2.1-13 2


N --

NNE --

NE --

ENE --

E 2.2 D

Graue A Milk 4.1 Pats 0 Pets ESE 2.3 Grade A Milk 4.3 c Pets 2 SE -- 4.6 SSE --

S --

SSW --

h SW --

WSW l.7 Not used for --

numan milk con-sumption, used for raising calves.

W 2.7 Not used for --

human milk con-sumption, used for raising calves.

i WWN --

NW --

NNW --

Source: Pilch (1977); Ruf f (1977a); Wicklein (19770) .

aNone within 5 miles in this direction, bThese two groups are in the same herd. g cAdded June 23, 1983. New survey was 2 conducted by A. Lewis on June 23, 1983.



0.7 0.7 i NNE 1.2 1.2 NE a 2 1.1 1.l ENE 0.7 0.8 E

a 2.2 2.3 2 ESE 2.8 2.8 SE SSE 3.2 3.4

>9 O s SSW 39 0.9 0.9 SW 0.7 0.7 WSW 0.4 0.4 W 0.3 0.3 WNW 0.4 0.4 NW 0.3 0.3 NNW 0.4 0.4 Source: Ruff (19770).

1 aRevised June 23,1983. New survey conducted 2 by A. Lewis on June 23, 1983.

i l


TARLE 2.5-15 O I L P l P.r l. l N t.,S, g l T H I N 5 MI,LFS O ,Tif t:, 14 h A_I fMFCM) STATION DISTANCE AND DIPFCTION M4.X l MIIM FROM SITE pupIAL f f r?t AT I N(; LOCATION AND telneest SITI AGE DE PTit r!'I NSUpl: TYPI: OD Pfrtl,1NJ y etrANY aj.g,r uach l ,( ,t n . ) (years) lft) ., it s t ) ,,,, ISOLAT, ION Vilpy f'RODtyTS Arco Pipeline Company" 3.3 miles NW 8 25 to 74 1 450 Manual block volves pefined location depende product s b

upon terrain.

lidwestern Can Trane- 4.5 milce C 10 18 2.5 700-800 *d Natural mienton Line Company C or more gat Natural Cao Pipeline 4.1 miles t I fi 24 3.% Destoned for 858 Company of Amer ica' Automatie valves Natural e.autmum, Nor- located every qae
m. ally .l.... not 10 miles.

<n == r a t .- at ===tmum.

Northern Illinois Gas 4.2 miles S 4 11 3 60 manual valve located Companyf Natural at least every gas 10 miles.

15 2.4 miles N 6 f to 9 1 Draignco fnr fin. Manual valve located H Natural n ecrating at 150. at least every use N 10 miles. M*

De M 2.8 allee Nw 12

  • 3 60 Manual valve located Natural e

at least every gne h to m61ce.

b 2.9 miten NW 16 4

12 1 750 Manual valve located o Natural at least eve ry gas N 10 mtles. N 1

Tenaco-Ci t ace % vice 2.8 mileg Sr Ftpelinc Company 32 4R 2 in 1 720 Manual valves located Crude Oil O at pumte 9tatlone and U major streams. O 2.8 milce SE 12 40 2 to 1 750 Manual valves located Crude Oil at pumo gtations and major streams.

4.8 milce FSE 18 28 2 to 1 850 Manual valves located Crude oil at pump stations and maior streams.

"Sourcer Marel (1977).

b Refined products include assoline, kerocene. LPC..and ammonia.

Source Howard f1977).

Asterlek (*) indicates information is not available.

' Sources Harbach (1977).

Sourcet Mores (1977).

' Sources weitsch ( 19 .* 7 ) .

Source: Millwr (1977).

e O G

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 j TAB 12 2.1-17 F.STIMATED 1978* BEEF PRODUCTION WITHIN 50 MI!.ES OF THE BRAIDWOOD STATION (All Values in Thousand kg/yr)


DIRECTION QM 1 TO 2 2 TO 3 3 TO 4 4 TO 5 N O 0 0 0 0 NNE , 0 0 0 0 0 NE O O O 0 13 ENE O O O O 31 E 0 0 0 13 7 ESE O 0 0 0 0 SE O O O O O i

SSE O O O 0 0 j S 0 0 0 0 0 4 SSW 0 0 0 0 0 SW 0 11 0 0 0 WSW 0 0 05 6 0 W 0 0 6 11 0 WNW 0 0 0 11 0 NW 0 0 0 0 0

. NNW 0 0 0 0 0 l

, DilECTION 5 TO 10 10 TO 20 20 TO 30 30 FO 40 40 Tu 50 N O 252 689 342 545 NNE 13 167 167 29 46 NE Q 153 276 16 20 ENE 20 167 307 227 176 E 20 106 186 275 491 ESE 37 115 208 417 775 sE 100 115 386 606 849 SSE 12 181 442 596 850 S 25 211 373 490 750 SSW 0 172 295 395 681 SW 0 170 295 395 627 WSW 0 137 501 511 1,069 W 23 172 749 1,001 1,392 WNW 11 144 741 1,001 1,385

,NW 0 162 1,020 2,046 5,749 NNW 0 456 1,468 2,285 4,299

  • Prodaction within 10 alles of the station derived from location of beef cattle farms an 1982.

Sources: 1. U.S. Department of Commerce, 1981.

2. R. Morgan and C. Meyer, 1983, Kankakee County ASCS Office.

l 3. T. Ward, 1983, Kankakee County Agriculture Extension Advisor.

4. A. Pilch, 1983, Grundy County Agriculture Extension Advisor.


5. A. Nay, 1983 Will County Soil Conservation Service.

2.1-43 l


DISTANCE (miles)

DIRECTION O TO 1 1 TO 2 2 TO 3 3 TO 4 4 TO 5 N O O O O 0 NNE O O O O O NE O O O O O ENE O O O 0 0 E O O O O O LSE O O O O O SE O O O O o LSE 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 SSW 0 0 0 0 0 SW 0 0 0 0 0 WSW 0 0 0. 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 WNW D 0 0 0 0 NW 0 0 0 0 0 Nhv 0 0 0 0 0 DIRECTION 5 TO 10 10 TO 20 20 TO 30 30 70 40 40 TO 50 N O 233 713 340 2,960 NNE 21 261 261 53 85 NE 0 240 421 41 52 ENE O 261 479 341 195 E 21 239 401 515 541 ESE 57 259 462 655 1,091 SE 45 259 447 553 828 SSE 99 316 409 543 775 S 0 445 690 895 1,077 SSW 0 480 820 1,099 1,481 SW 0 450 820 1,099 1,682 WSW 0 303 782 1,056 1,660 W 24 305 646 864 1,308 WNW 24 328 702 864 1,195 NW 0 511 811 1,271 2,945 NNW 0 471 1,074 1,483 2,238 l


' Production within 10 miles of the station derived from location of pig farms in 1982.

Sources: 1. U.S. Department of Commerce, 1981.

2. R. Morgan and C. Meyer, 1983, Kankakee County ASCS Office.
3. T. Ward, 1983, Kankakee County Agriculture Extension Advisor.
4. A. Pilch, 1983, Grundy County Agriculture Extension Advisor.
5. A. May, 1983, Will County Soil Conservation Service.



OtSTANCE (miles)

DIRECTION OM1 1 TO 2 2 TO 3 3 TO 4 4 10 $

N 0 0 0 0 0 NNE O O O O O NE O O 0 0 0 ENE O O O O O E O O O O 120 ESE O O 0 0 0 SE O O O O O SSE O O O O O S 0 0 0 0 0 SSW 0 0 0 0 0 SW 0 0 0 0 0 WSW 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 WNW 0 0 0 0 0 NW 0 0 0 0 0 NNW 0 0 0 0 0 DIRECTION 5 TO 10 10 TO 20 20 TO 30 30 TO 40 40 TO 50 N 424 1,700 4,160 7,660 6,990 NNE 424 1,700 2,120 1,510 1,580 NE 424 1,700 1,770 220 968 ENE 424 1.270 1,700 2,520 2,990 E 424 2,710 3,610 4,200 4,000 4

ESE 424 1,800 3,610 7,200 6,600 SE 902 2,710 7,34n 8,310 12,700 SSE 902 3,610 8,310 11,100 13,800 S 1.350 3.060 9,490 10,700 16,600 SSW 500 2.520 5,040 10,100 15,900 >

SW 580 3,100 5,040 7,560 27,900 WSW 580 2,320 14,700 14,400 42,400 W 580 1,160 24,400 24,400 40,700 WNW 580 2,320 16,900 32,600 33,900 MW $80 1.160 17,900 25,600 25,400 MWW 500 7,790 13,300 14,200 20,600 l 1 f


O 2.1-45



DIRECTION O TO 1 1 TO 2 2 TO 3 3 TO 4 4 TO 5 N O O O O O NNE O O O 0 0 NE O O 0 0 0 ENE O 0 0 0 0 E O O 135 0 0 ESE O O O 0 0 SE O O O O O SSE O 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 SSW 0 0 0 0 0 SW 0 0 0 0 0 WSW 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 194 0 0 WNW D 0 0 0 0 hw 0 0 0 0 194 NNW 0 0 0 0 0 DIRECTION 5 To 10 10 TO 20 20 To 30 30 TO 40 40 TO 50 N O 976 2,171 943 2,242 NNE O 1,264 1,264 206 330 NE O 1,159 2,011 133 166 ENE 135 1,264 2,317 1,745 1,489 E O 670 1,212 1,791 2,517 ESE 145 727 1,305 1,912 539 SE 290 727 1,673 2,352 2,948 SSE O 909 1,681 2,312 3,296 S 194 696 600 963 1,270 SSW 0 454 776 1,040 1,209 SW 0 450 776 1,040 1,174 WSW 0 354 784 1,018 1,018 W 582 356 687 918 1,373 WNW 0 389 759 918 1,270 hW 291 377 754 1,287 2,906 NNW 0 471 922 3,610 7,063 6 Production within 10 miles of the station derived from location of dairy f arms in 1982.

Sources: 1. Illinois Cooperative Crop Reporting Service, 1982.

2. Indiana Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, 1981.
3. R. Morgan and C. Meyer, 1983, Kankakee County ASC3 Office.
4. T. Ward, 1983, Kankakee County Agriculture Extension Advisor.
5. A. Pilch, 1983, Grundy County Agriculture Extenaion Advisor.
6. A. May, 1983, Will County Soil Conservation Service.


Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 TABLE 2.1-21 s.


DISTANCE (miles)

DIRECTION O TO 1 1 TO 2 2 TO 3 1 TO 4 4 TO 5 N O O O O O NNE O O O 0 0 NE 0 0 0 0 0 ENE O 0 0 0 0

, E O O 0 0 0 ESE O O O O 0 SE O O O 0 0 SSE 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 SSW 0 0 0 0 0 SW 0 0 0 0 0 WSW D 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 WNW 0 0 0 0 0 NW 0 0 0 0 0 NNW D 0 0 0 0 2

DIRECTION 5 TO 10 10 TO 20 20 TO 30 30 TO 40 40 TO 50 N O 99 222 88 45 NNE O 148 148 230 454 NE O 136 274 517 649 ENE O 148 279 422 564 E 0 133 225 419 840 ESE O 145 256 254 10 SE O 145 123 66 81 SSE 0 140 46 64 92 S 0 89 -

7 15 SSW 0 - - - -

SW 0 - - - -

WSW 0 - - -

8 W 0 -

3 4 10 WNW 0 -

3 4 5 NW 0 - -

31 123 NNW 0 - -

33 118 Note: "

" indicates less than 1,000 kg produced.

Sources: 1. U.S. Department of Commerce,1981.

j -

2. Illinois Cooperative Crop Reporting Service, 1982.

f l 3. Indiana Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, 1981.

i-l 2.1-47 l


DISTANCE (miles)

DIRECTION O TO 1 1 TO 2 2 TO 3 3 TO 4 4 TO 5 N O O O O 0 NNE O O O 0 0 NE O 0 0 0 0 ENE O O O O 0 E O O O 0 0 ESE 0 0 0 0 0 SE 0 0 0 0 0 SSE O O 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 SSW 0 0 0 0 0 SW 0 0 0 0 0 WSW 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 WNW 0 0 0 0 0 NW 0 0 0 0 0 NNW 0 0 0 0 0 2

DIRECTION 3 TO 10 10 TO 20 20 TO 30 30 TO 40 40 TO $0 N O 244 556 354 532 NNE 0 330 330 532 987 KE O 303 592 924 1,170 E'fE O 330 619 772 631 E O 147 274 516 956 ESE 0 159 307 1,199 666 SE O 159 1,662 3,001 3,758 SSE 0 497 2,174 2,949 4,206 S 0 385 932 1,258 2,674 SSW 0 23 39 52 736 SW 0 32 39 52 320 WSW 0 59 633 411 1,248 W 0 155 1,443 1,930 2,327 WNW 0 49 1,358 1,930 2,669 NW 0 49 565 3,108 8,318 NNW 0 81 202 966 4,585

/~} Sources: 1. U.S. Department of Comunerce,1981.

V 2. Illinois Cooperative crop Reporting Service, 1982.

3. Indiana Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, 1981.


. . _ . - ~ _ . . , _. , _- _ _ _ __ _ . . - _ . . - . _ .

Braidwood ER-OLS TABLE 2.1-22 lll APPROXIMATE YIELDS FOR CROPS HARVESTED FOR FORAGE WITHIN 50 MILES OF THE BRAIDWOOD STATION APPROXIMATE YIELDS WITHIN A 50-MILE 1975 ILLINOIS CROP RADIUS (kg/m2 )a YIELDS (kq/m2) b Oats (silage) 0.6 NA Oats (dry) 0.2 0.2 Alfalfa (silage) 1.6 NA Alfalfa Hay (dry) 0.7 0.7 Sorghum /Sudex (silage) 3.4 2.7 O

Corn (silage) 4.5 3.7 1

  • Source: Whitson (1977).

b Source: Illinois Cooperative Crop Reporting Service et al. (1976a).

ll) c NA = Not Available. .._

l 2.1-48  !


Des Plaines Fish ana Wildlife Area (1) X X X X Dresden Dam (2) 5 I Wm. G. Stratton State Park (3) X X X $

m g Illini State Park (4) X X X X

,' E ,

  • Allen Park (5) X X X @


Starved Rock State Park (6) X X X X G I

. Source: Bertrand (1975).

Note: Area numbers are keyed to Figure 2.1-13.

m a

m j

TABLE 2.1-30 POUNDAGE OF FISil TAKEN FROM ILLINOIS RIVER BY COMMERCIAL FISIIERMEN 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 SPECIES (lb) (1b) (lb) (lb) (lb)


Carp 353,974 353,838 310,780 212,953 263,164 214,196 Buffalo 431,940 438,732 260,312 117,828 207,764 161,149 Drum 25,776 44,606 16,910 7,239 4,929 13,601 Catfish 71,663 50,443 54,261 45,429 53,675 54,972 $

Bullheads 21,666 15,276 6,620 15,113 25,036 14,358 E.

a P Sturgeon 48 - -

100 -

20 y Paddlefish 6,094 1,210 3,123 807 16,365 3,438 8.

White carp 330 500 600 600 190 5,550 y Suckers - - -

200 -

1,020 o e

m Gars 716 - - - - 3,240 ,

Bowfin 1,282 493 600 500 -

2,100 Mooneye & Goldeye - - - 2 -

100 Eel - - - -

35 6 Crappies - - - - -

135 Yellow perch - - - - - -

TOTAL 912,589 905,098 653,206 400,771 571,158 273,885 Source: Illinois Department of Conservation, Fisheries Division (1975).


9 O G

S- - -



$ 1 8

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               >I H

z. D' Vg O N4 O /gl tom 2

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               $                                                                                                                                                                                        2 3
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SCALE e STATE PARKS (SEE TABLE 2.1-6 ) a FISHING AREAS ( SEE TABLE 2.1 - 28 ) A PUBLIC ACCESS AREAS (SEE TABLE 2.1 - 29 ) C ' w 3R0 . A?iE R~~ L R E o (2,..2k..CARJ e I



s AMENDMDff 2 . JULY 1983 JOLIET mm E

     >                                                                                                                         h H

z 3 8  : m: ~~ KEND ALL COUNTY

                                                     '-                 "                                 p*


         .                                                  LOCK & DAM           1 8


                                                                   ^8sor200 12.s . oz                                                      l

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 () FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 Long-term joint frequency distributions of wind direction and wind speed for each Pasquill stability class at Peoria (1966-1975) are summarized in Table 2.3-30. Inversions and High Air Pollution Potential The 13 years of data (1952-1964) on vertical temperature gradi-ents from Argnone (Moses and Bogner 1967) provide a measure of

thermodynamic stability, or mixing potential. Weather records a

from many stations in United States have also been analyzed with the objective of characterizing atmospheric dispersion potential (Hosler 1961; Holzworth 1972). i The seasonal frequencies of inversions based below 500 feet for the Braidwood Station area are shown by Hosler as follows: Inversions Below 500 Feet Percentage of 24-Hour Periods Percentage With at least One 1 O- Season of Total Hours Hour of Inversion Spring 30 68 2 Summer 31 81 Fall 38 1 72 Winter 28 48 , Since northern Illinois has a primarily continental climate, inversion frequencies are closely related to the diurnal cycle. The less frequent occurrence of storms in summer produces a larger frequency of nights with short-duration inversion condi-ti ons . Holzworth's data give estimates of the average depth of vigor-cus vertical mixing, which give an indication of the vertical depth of atmosphere available for mixing and dispersion of effluents. For the Braidwood Station region, the seasonal values of the mean daily mixing depths (in meters) are as fol-lows: Mean Daily Mixing Depths Season Morning Afternoon Spring 4 80 1500

  %-                   Summer                 320             1600 t
                        . Fall                400             1200 Winter                 470              610 2.3-21                                       ,

Braidwood ER-OLS When daytime (maximum) mixing depths are shallow, pollution g potential is highest. W The following list presents Argonne data on the frequency of inversion conditions in the 5.5- to 144-foot layer above the ground expressed as a percentage of the total observations, and on the average duration of inversion conditions: Month Inversion Frequency First Hour Final Hour Jan. 30.5% 5 p.m. 8 a.m. Apr. 33.1% 6 p.m. 6 a.m. Jul. 42.4% 6 p.m. 6 a.m. Oct. 48.4% 5 p.m. 7 a.m. Nocturnal inversions begin at dusk and normally continue until daylight the next day. The inversion frequency for January at Argonne compares well with Hosler's winter value, and the fall season shows a maximum in both Argonne and Hosler's data. Fall also has the longest period of inversion conditions. Holzworth has also presented statistics on the frequency of episodes of high air pollution potential, as indicated by low mixing depth and light winds (Holzworth 1972) . His data indicate that, during the 5 year period from 1960 through 1964, the region i g including the Braidwood Station experienced no episodes of 2 days I or longer with mixing depths less than 500 meters and winds less than 2 meters per second. There were two such episodes with winds remaining less than 4 metere per second. For mixing heights less than 1000 meters and winds less than 4 meters per second, there were about nine episodes in the 5-year period lasting 2 days or more, but no episodes lasting 5 days or more. Holzworth's data indicate that northern Illinois is in a relatively favorable dispersion regime with respect to the icw frequency of extended periods of high air pollution potential. Topographical Description Figure 2. 3-22 is a topographic map showing the area surrounding the Braidwood Station. Figures 2.3-23 and 2.3-24 show topographic cross sections in each of the 16 compass point directions radiating from the site. It can be seen that the station, at an elevation of approximately 600 f eet above mean sea level (MSL) is at one of the highest points within a 5-mile radius. The lowest points within 5 miles of the site are about 550 feet above MSL. Terrain in the vicinity of the Braidwood Station f alls of f except in the northeast clockwise through the south-southeast directions (see Figure 2.3-24) . The slope from the station site to the lower points is gradual. t O 2.3-22 l

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JELY 1983 The bottom contours in the discharge area (approximately 2000 feet downstream from the mouth of Horse Creek) indicate that this () part of the river is narrower and shallower than any other section of the Kankakee River (see Figure 2.4-4). River velocities are higher in the region of the discharge canal than in other sections of the river because of the reduced cross-sectional area in this region. See Section 2.1.3 for a discussion of water uses. Section discusses surface-water quality characteristics. Floods Flood History The information needed to describe the flood history of the Braidwood Station vicinity was obtained from several USGS sources (1947-1949, 1950-1960, 1950, 961- 1981 ; and 1964) and from l2 Mitchell (1954). The peak discharge, corresponding gauge height, and maximum gauge height (if higher) for each water year (October through September) of record on the Kankakee River near Wilmington are entered in Table 2. 4-1. The gauge is located in the northwest quarter of Section 15, T33N, R9E, 0.4 mile downstream from Prairie Creek and 8.78 miles downstream from the intake point. The intercepted drainage area is 5150 square miles. The datum, (~') As or zero point, of the waterstage recorder is at an elevation of 510.86 feet MSL (North American datum 1929) . Peak discharges shown for the water years 1915 through 1933 were. derived from Kankakee River gauging records at Custer Park, 0.25 mile upstream of Horse Creek. This gauge intercepted a drainage area of approximately 4870 square miles. The flow rates listed in the table were adjusted for the Wilmington site by multiplying the Custer Park discharge times the ratio of the square. roots of the drainage areas. The maximum known discharge near Wilmington was 75,900 cf s on July 13, 1957. The corresponding gauge height was 11.40 feet above datum. The maximum stage of 13.88 feet during the period of record was caused by ice jams. Ice jam floods in 1883 and 1887 reached a stage of 16.73 feet, but the corresponding discharge rates are unknown. All of the maximum stages that were greater than those caused by floods were caused by ice jams. Ice Flooding Ice flooding is common on the Kankakee River, but only the river screen house could be affected by ice flooding. In 17 of the 2 last 34 years of record at the Wilmington gauging station, the highest annual water levels were caused by ice jams. At such times, ice forms all along the Kankakee River in Illinois. Major e ice jams (like those in 1866, 1883, and 1887) produced stages (_)s much higher than the stages created by flood discharges alone. 2.4-3

Braidwood ER-OLS According to the Woermann profile of 1927, the 1866 ice jam generated a stage of 553.0 feet near Horse Creek. The 1803 ice jam destroyed the railroad bridge at Custer Park and displaced the approach embankments several feet downstream. It also completely destroyed the upper dam at Wilmington. Just before the Wilmington dam failure, the jam was reportedly 20 feet higher than the crest elevation of 545.0 feet (the present crest is at 530.5 feet) (Barker 1972). The maximum elevation upstream of Custer Park, 554.5 feet on February 15, 1959, was caused by an ice jam. Therefore, ice flooding is expected to raise the water surface near the intake to a maximum elevation of 555 feet. Low Flows Historical Low Flow Monthly average flow rates for the Kankakee River at the intake for the period from 1941 to 1976 are given in Table 2.4-2. The drainage area at the intake is 5000 square miles. The drainage area at the Wilmington gauge is 5150 square miles. The flow rates at the intake were transposed from those at the Wilmington gauge using a ratio of the square roots of the appropriate drainage areas. The lowest annual flow at the Wilmington gauge for the period of record from 1941 to 1976 occurred during the 1964 water year. During this year, the mean flow at the Wilmington gauge was 1407 ggg cfs. Table 2.4-2 lists the monthly mean flows for 1964. The lowest daily flow at the Wilmington gauge for the period of record was 204 cfs on August 1, 1936. The historical daily low flow at the intake was estimated at 198 cfs. The minimum daily flows for each month for the period from 1941 to 1976 are given in Table 2.4-3. Low flow elevations in the Kankakee River at the Braidwood Station site are controlled by a rcck ledge that lies across the river between the Resthaven and Lakewood shores, 7700 feet upstream of the Wilmington dam. The ledge acts as a dam, creating a pool of water that reaches upstream to Custer Park, approximately 1 mile upstream of the intake. Under low flow conditions, the rock ledge, which is at an elevation of 534 feet MSL, maintains a minimum water elevation of 534 feet. Low flow rates and frequencies for the Kankakee River at the intake (see Table 2,4-4) were derived from the Wilmington gauge statistical summary based on the record from 1916 to 1976 (USGS 1977). The estimated 7-day, 10 year low flow at the intake ic 440 cfs. Future uses of Kankakee River water are not expected to eignificantly lower minimum flows. It is predicted that the urban Kankakee area will gradually increase its withdrawal rate for public and industrial water supply, but that most of the , 2.4-4

AMENDtENT 2 Braidwood ER-OLS JULY 1983 supply will return to the river as wastewater. The city of (} 44 Joliet may use the Kankakee River to supplement its water supply in the future (Barker 1967). However, the withdrawal ' point would probably be downstrean from the plant intake. Historical data indicate that low flow levels have increased irregularly since the lowest recorded flow at the Wilmington gauge occurred 39 years ago. Based on an analysis with two units operating at 100% load factor for the period from 1949 to 1965, the concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) in the pond and the pond drawdown would be within the required limits. The maximum TDS would be 1025 ppm compared with the limit of 1151 ppm. The maximum pond drawdown (minimum pond elevation) would be 593. 5 feet MSL compared with the limit of elevation 592. 8 feet MSL, which is the circulating water pump net positive suction head requirement. During low flow conditions, the makeup flow to the pond would be limited to 10% or less of the Kankakee River flow. Plant Requirements Makeup water for the cooling pond is withdrawn from the Kankakee River. Makeup is required to maintain pond water quality and to balance the amounts of water lost and gained through evaporation, seepage, blowdown, and rainfall. Table 3.3-1 shows the individual estimates for each of these parameters. The average water makeup requirement is 90.8 cfs. On the average, 56.8 cfs r-)S

      \_      is lost through seepage and evaporation. Since 43.2 cfs are                                                   2 returned to the river as blowdown and approximately 9 3 cfs are added in rainfall, the average net usage rate is about 47.6 cfs.

Actual usage rates may vary according to station power levels and seasonal changes in qua' ntities of evaporation. Table 2.4-5 shows the percentage of Kankakee River low flows required to arrive at an average net use of 47.6 cfs. The sump invert in the river 2 screen house is at an elevation of 526 feet MSL. This is well below the estimated minimum river water-surface elevation of 534 feet M3L The cooling pond has a normal pool elevation of 595 feet MSL with a surf ace area of 2557 acres. The pond's normal volume is 22,300 2 acre-feet. Figure 2.4-5 presents the overall plan for the pond. The cooling pond reservoir storage-elevation curves are displayed in Figure 2.4-6. The minumum required essential cooling water flow of 89 cfs is withdrawn from the essential cooling pond. The essential cooling pond is an excavated area within the cooling pond that was i designed to provide sufficient water volume to permit the safe I shutdown of the station for 30 days (minimum) without requiring the withdrawal of makeup water from the Kankakee River. It is estimated that the water loss caused by seepage and evaporation in the pond would amount to 178.5 acre-feet for such a 30-day l () period. The essential cooling pond is 99 acres in size and 6.0 2.4-5 I i

Braidwood EF-OLS feet deep at an elevation 590.0 feet MSL. The pond's area-capacity curve is presented in Figure 2.4-7. ggg Some storage capacity could be lost over the life of the station as a result of sedimentation in the essential cooling pond. Sediment can come from th'~ e sources: (a) runof f from the pond drair. age area, (b) erosion of pond bottom material caused by pond water circulation, and (c) suspended solids flowing in makeup water f rom the Kankakee River. Since the amount of runoff into the pond is negligible and the velocity of the circulating flow is relatively slow, the first two sources' contributions can be dismissed as relatively insignificant compared to the portion of sediment load contributed by the third source. Statistical analysis of 5 years of data (1957-1961) on the Kankakee River at the Wilmington gauge indicates that 50% of the time the turbidity was lower than 15 Jackson turbidity units (JTU) (Harmeson et al. 1969). Assuming that sediment load can be estimated f rom turbidity, sediment could be deposited in the essential pond at a rate of 0.38 acre-feet per year. At this rate the total sediment deposition for a 40-year period would be 15.3 acre-feet or 2.7% of the essential cooling pond's capacity. This could raise the pond's bottom elevation to 584.17 feet MSL. However, it is probable that only a portion of the sediment will accumulate in the essential cooling pond. Whatever the case, periodic surveys will be made to detect any changes in the pond botton elevaticn. Studies were conducted to determine the quality of existing sur- O face waters and the potential loading of substances from surface and subsurface soils. Based on an extensive pH and conductivity survey of the nurface waters and soil extracts, the site was divided into the representative areas shown in Figure 2.4-8. Extractions made from incubated surface and subsurface soil

 ' samples yielded data on the potential for substances backing into an overlying column. These data were then used to predict                                                               pond water chemistry.                    Results of the investigations follow.

Tables 2.4-6 and 2.4-7 show a breakdown of leached soil components and their possible ef fects on water quality. The amount of salt added to the lake water through the leaching of soil constituents is likely to have an insignificant ef fect on the water quality of the Braidwood Station cooling pond (see Subsection 2. 2. 2) . The present phosphorus concentration in the Kankakee River is a bout 0.48 ppm. The phosphorus concentration in the cooling pond reflects this concentration. It is predicted that leaching will contribute an additional 0.03 ppm. Considering evaporation effects, the expected phosphorus concontration for the pond is 1.03 mg phosphorus / liter of cooling pond water. O 2.4-6

Braiduood ER-OLS N2 JUI,Y 1983 748LE 2.4-1 FLOODS ON THE M ANN 4KEE AlvER NE4R WILMINGTON C. PE4N FLOOD unTER 015CMARGE $14GE MAR 1Mye 04UGE VE4R (efs) (ft) . HE IGMT (ft) 1981 41,000 6.45 Saees a 9 80 24.800 5.88 Same 1979 48,000 12.07 1978 2 30,500 6.68 9.40 1977 16,200 4.54 Same 1976 32.600 6.95 Same 1975 27.100 6.24 Same 1974 49,100 8.49 12.78 1973 33.200 7.03 Same 1972 15,800 4.47 Saee 1971 12,600 4.07 Same 1970 54,500 9.40 Some 1969 29.700 6.59 Same 1968 35,100 7.26 13.88 1967 19,400 5.18 10.08 1966 23,400 5.75 6.99 1965 19,500 5.20 Same 1964 10,800 3.70 Same 1963 22.000 -- 9.72 1962 23,800 5.70 6.68 1961 17,000 4. 86 . Same 1960 19,500 5.25 9.13 1959 30,000 -- 9.52 1958 30,600 6.72 9.92 1957 75,900 11.40 Same 1956 16,200 4.70 Same 1955 14,400 4.38 7.13 1954 15,000 4.53 Same 1953 19,500 5.17 Same 1952 29,000 6.46 9.43 1951 30,000 --

10. 83 1950 37,800 7.61 11.39 1949 16,700 4. 80 11.57 O'

1948 1947 1946 23,000 21,600 19,500 5.67 5.40 5.20 6.00 Same 1945 21,600 5.40 1944 33,800 7.10 1943 48,000 8.87 10.06 19a2 46,600 8.70 1941 8,290 3.30 1940 11,100 3.95 1939 24,600 6.00 1938 19,600 5.30 1937 15,100 4.65 1936 17,500 5.00 1935 17,500 1934 5.00 7,000 .. 1933 35,300 1932 10,600 1931 6,510 1930 17,200 1929 24,000 1928 24.000 i 1927 29,100  ! I 1926 20,900 1925 14,100 1924 18,900 1923 16,400 1922 34,33o 1921 7,270 1920 26,200 1919 22,800 1918 26,600 1917 15,600 1916 14,500 1915 22.400 1 1887 1883

                               --                                                              --                               16.73 16.73 a$ame      samlau m gauge helght is same as peau floco stage gauge height.
    .                             2.4-17 l

Braidwood ER-OLS TABLE 2.4-2 KANKAKEE RIVER FLOW CHARACTERISTICS AT THE INTAKE O AVERAGE FLOW MONTHLY MEAN FLOW (1941-1976) (1964) MONTH (cfs) (cfs) October 1836 500 November 2547 638 December 3379 618 January 4586 787 February 5579 885 March 6625 1610 April 7463 4357 May 6608 2371 June 4847 1997 July 3094 1609 August 1613 572 September 1353 483 I 0 I 2.4-18 . I


l 1: 1

Braidwood ER-OLS. AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 TABLE 2.4-5 PERCENT OF KANKAKEE RIVER FLOW REQUIRED FOR AN AVERAGE NET USE OF 47. 6 cfs 2 FLOW DURATION FREQUENCY PERCENT 1-day 10-year low 12.5 3-day 10-year low 11.4 7-day 10-year low 10.8 30-day 10-year low 9.6 Average Annual Flow 1.2 O l f O 1 2.4-21

TABLE 2.4-6 EQUIVALENT CONCENTRATIONS OF THE HAJOR ALKALINE AND ACID FORMING COMPCNENTS EXTRACTED FROM SOIL PPOPILE CATIONSa SAMPLE DEPTH DUPLICATE CALCIUM ANIONS CATION MAGNESIUM SODIUM POTASSIUM TOTAL SULFATE NO. (in.) NUMBER (meq) (meq) CHLORIDE TOTAL ANION (meq) (meq) .meq) ( (meq) (meq) (meq) RATIO 17 0-6 1 21.80 5.18 0.42 0.10 27.50 16.20 0-6 2 1.25 3.16 0.66 0.23 16.43 1.67 6-12 17.65 0.06 5.13 12.91 0.18 13.09 1 8.14 0.49 0.22 26.50 0.39 6-12 2 22.77 5.60 0.34 3.42 0.15 3.57 7.42 0.11 28.82 15.57 0.28 15.85 1.82 9 0-6 1 9.32 10.21 0.62 0.12 20.37 0 0-6 2 7.65 8.41 0.51 0.17 16.74 0.19 0.19 107.21 6-12 16.45 1.42 0.15 1.57 10.66 1 39.08 0.44 0.05 56.02 5.78 0.23 6-12 2 15.99 39.69 0.37 0.06 6.01 9.32 55.11 0 0.27 0.27 207.82 D3 Pt 29 0-6 1 13.74 29.39 W bJ 0-6 1.80 0.45 45.38 37.56 0.17 37.73

  • 2 12.44 32.76 1.90 0.41 47.51 1.20 P' i

l j' 6-12 6-12 1 2 10.19 15.90 30.60 30.50 1.99 1.95 0.27 0.29 43.05 48.64 7.85 5.85 9.24 0.15 0.14 8.00 5.99 5.96 7.19 [h h bg 0.16 9.40 5.17 C) ha 5 0-6 1 0.72 4.85 0.37 0.08 6.02 CL 0-6 2 0.70 4.47 0.54 0 0.16 0.16 37.63 0.11 5.82 0 0.15 6-12 1 7.32 19.21 0.98 0.19 0.15 38.80 Ed 6-12 2 27.70 11.64 0.14 11.78 8.86 23.63 1.26 0.26 34.01 0 2.35 PU 0.16 0.16 212.56 l [) t4 U3 I l (

                      ?tillicquivalent (rcy) concentrations are calculated from undaluted soal extracts.

b The bicarbonate anion is not included. l 1 e l O O 1 J


                                                                       ,A         s 98
                                                                   /         !.
  • 89

A88 D 538 Y 988l 0 89 f30 9 988 ( , 548 f 838 988 9 540 538 988 538 D1 548 UNITS 538 I82 538 89 9 89 , 538 53 MKNy 98 8 988 g 189 988

                                        -.' 49 988 89 49 x   988 Boundary of Strip Mine Ond Spoil Area
                      \                           '08      "
                      , 988 4

49 988 [ 49 N 49 988 49 49 4 4

                                                  'N M L-      9gg Cooling    Pond, Exterior 0;y,
 '...                           49 i                          em -                                                                                                             -


                                                                                      . A'] T J ~                       ]!

( Mi ._ \ v i\ -- k,. C A'R J

"# f" vy\

iso- . LEGEND Soll Series 49 Watseko loomy fine sand

              \ 89                                                538, 53C Bloomfield fine sand 53c                               548, 54D Plainfield sand i53c                                                89 Maumes fine sandy loom e9                                             988 Ade loomy fine sand 130 Pittwood fine sandy loam 347 Canisteo loom Qs                                 M.L. Mined Land jgg                                 E33 Prime Formland l

9 NOTES N 98s 1. From Wascher, H.L., Veal, P.T., 49 and Odell, R.T.,1962. Boudry - 2. From May, A.D.,1983. of Strip Mine and Spoils Area 98 pProperty Line Q 1000 2000 N _ - - Scale in feet

49 Cooling Pond a Exterior Dike g g ggg, g if&gerture . Card I R A I B Il O O D NUCLEAR CENERAllNC STAil0N  !



r Braidwood ER-OLS AENDENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 AENDENT 2 - R Y 1983 BRAIDWOOD NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION - UNITS 1 & 2 ENVIR0rNENTAL REPORT - OPERATING LICENSE STAE CONTENTS CHAPTER VOLLNE Chapter 8.0 - Economic and Social Effects of Station Construction and Operation 2 Chapter 9.0 - Alternative Energy Sources and Sites 2 Chapter 10.0 - Station Design Alternatives 2 Chapter 11.0 - Sumary of Cost-Benefit Analysis 2 Cnapter 12.0 - Environmental Approvals and Consultation . 2 Chapter 13.0 - References 2 Amendment 1 - Voluntary Revisions 2 1 Amendment 2 - NRC Review Questions and Responses 2 2 i . O 11 l


    )                                                     CllAPTER 3.0 - THE STATION 3.1   EXTERNAL APPEARANCE                                    a 3.1.1         Structures The principal structures at the Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station - Units 16 2 (Braidwood Station) ,' shown in the artist's g

conception in the fron'tispiece, consist of:

a. the turbine building (containing two steam turbine-generators and sassociated equipment) ;

i b. two reactor containment buildings (each housing a pressurized water reactor and associated reactor , coolant system) ;

c. the service and solid radioactive waste storage building (foi of fice- use and other related service functions) ;
d. the auxiliary building (containing auxiliary systems and equipment) ;
e. the fuel storage and handling building; and
f. an electrical switchyard.

Additional facilities include two vent stacks associated with the auxiliary building, a train washdown shed associated with the fuel storage and handling building, transmission lines, a pond screenhouse, and a river screenhouse and blowdown discharge structure on the Kankakee River, and a 2537-acre cooling pond. 1 3.1.2 Arrangement of Structures The arrangement of the principal structures is illustrated in the f rontis piece. Further details of the layout, including the locations of the plant perimeter and exclusion boundary, are presented in Figure 2.1-4. The switchyard is located near a central group of buildings. This group includes the turbine { building, the auxiliary building, the fuel store _a and handling

building, and the two reactor containment buildings.

The turbine building, auxiliary building, and fuel storage and handling building form a "T" shape. The turbine building is at one end of the "T" and the fuel storage and handling building is i at the other. The auxiliary building connects these two ! buildings and is flanked by the two reactor containment l buildings. The train car washdown shed extends from the end of the fuel storage and handling building. Adjoining the turbine () building is the service and solid radioactive waste storage building. 3.1-1

Braiawood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 lll


3.1.3 Architectural Features and Aesthetic Considerations Although the facility is obviously an industrial facility, much effort has been expenaed to oevelop a functional design that is aesthetically pleasing. For example, while the major materials of construction are concrete ana steel, colored metal siding is employed as part of the architectural treatment to provide variety of texture as well as color. The siding is used on the entire turbine building and on the tendon enclosures of the reactor buildings. The structures are physically contiguous to each other; the grouping provides a Dalance and symmetry of design and a pleasing variety of roof and corner lines. The river screenhouse has as low a profile as possible, a screen 2 call hides the trash rack cleaning machinery from view and the screen house area was extensively landscaped. 3.1.4 Release Points The release points for gaseous effluents are through vent stacks located on the auxiliary Duilding roof. The vent stacks, described further in Section 3.5, extend above the turbine building to about 200 feet above the plant grace. The g Unit 1 vent stack is located at Universal Transverse Mercator T (UTM) coordinates 4,565,265 meters north and 396,950 meters east. The Unit 2 vent stack is located at UTM coordinates 4,565,250 meters north ana 396,950 meters east. The release point for liquia effluents is the Olowdown dis-charge structure on the west Dank of the Kankakee River at an elevation of 536 feet above mean sea level at UTM cooroinates 4,565,887 meters north and 403,568 meters east. 3.1-2 O

Braidwood ER-OLS 3.3 STATION WATER USE This section describes the expected uses of water at the Braidwood Nuclear Gener2 ting Station - Units 1 62 (Braidwood

         ~ Station) . The plant systems that require water are the circulating water system, the service water systems, the steam cycle makeup system, and the potable water supply system. An            ,

initial supply of water is provided for the primary water makeup system, the reactor auxiliary systems, and the refueling water and spent fuel pool systems. Since most of the water from these systems is recycled, only a small amount of makeup water is required to compensate for . evaporative losses. A flow chart that details the predicted quantitative uses is depicted in Figure 3.3-1. Chemical, thermal, and radiological discharges are discussed in subsequent sections. Water quality implications of pond formation and blowdown are discussed in Subsection 2.4.1. Water for the continuous operation of the Braidwood Station is obtained from the Kankakee River. Data pertaining to flow parameters of the Kankakee River and the groundwater hydrology of the area are discussed in Section 2.u. The quantity of makeup water is dependent primarily upon the following factors:

a. the amount of cooling pond blowdown necessary to prevent the total dissolved solids content from increasing to a level in excess of that desirable for

() operating purposes or permitted by state of Illinois effluent requirements;

b. the amount of water lost due to evaporation and seepage across the cooling pond;
c. the amount of water lost due to transpiration by aquatic plants; and
d. the amount of water gained by rainfall and other forms of precipitation.

The predicted quantitative uses depicted in Figure 3. 3-1 present the best estimate based on engineering judgment. Seepage estimates are discussed in subsection 3.3.6. i By noting that aquatic plant growth is expected to be limited to the marginal, shallow water (1 to 18 inches) ' areas of the cooling pond, it was determined that transpiration would result in only a - small water loss. 1 . Compared to the amount of water lost by evaporation and seepage, l the amount lost by transpiration will be very small. Since cattails . (Typha latifolia) have been observed on several l occasions as the dominant aquatic plant along the banks of ponds () within the area inundated by the cooling pond, it is expected that- shoreline areas of the cooling pond can also support significant populations of this plant. Because T u latifolia has i 3.3-1 l l

l Braidwood ER-OLS MSDD7f 2 anx 1983 l one of the highest rates of transpiration of aquatic plants g M studied (115 acre-inches / acre per year) and is also expected to be the dominant vegetative constituent of the pond, this aquatic plant was selected for obtaining conservative estimates of pond water loss due to plant tra nspiraticn (Curtis and Clark 1950). Assuming a total shoreline length of 38.45 miles (see subsection 4.1.4) and a width of 10 feet as an upper boundary of the area in which cattails would grow (46.6 acres) , the water loss due to transpiration is about 0.15 x 109 gallons / year. Table 3. 3- 1 indicates that the annual average water loss from natural and f orced evaporation is about 12 x 10' callons/ year. Thus, even on the basis of very conservative assumptions, transpiration from aquatic plants could increase pond water loss by only 1. 3 % above that associated with physical evaporation alone. 3.3.1 Circulatina Water System The station circulating water system is a closed-cycle cooling water system used to dissipate the heat gained from the condensation of steam formed in the secondary cycle by the steam generators. The cdoling system consists of a cooling pond that dissipates the excess process heat to the atmosphere. The condenser cooling water is pumped to the cooling pond at a rate of approximately 3250 cfs for two units. At 100% load fqctor, the temperature rise of the water passing through the condenser is about 220 F, and the water temperature is reduced in the cooling pond through the evaporation of a portion of the water llk and through conductive and convective sensible heat transfer mechani sms. Calculations have been made of the anticipated volumetric con-sumption of water by the plant (i.e., the loss by evaporation and seepage f rom the cooling pond) . An analysis was made of the amount of river makeup needed to replace these losses and the amount of cooling pond blowdown necessary to control the chemistry of the circulating water system. The evaporation rate from the cooling pond varies with weather conditions and the plant load factor. Evaporation is estimated to range seasonally between 31.8 and 71.1 cfs, with the average 51.8 cfs, based on 100% load factor. Rainfall, at an estimated average rate of 9.3 cfs, compensates for part of this evaporative The loss. The loss due to seepage f rom the pond is about 5 cfs. blowdown necessary to maintain water chemistry was calculated using the net evaporative and seepage losses. A blowdown averaging 4 3. 2 cfs can maintain an average total dissolved solids (TDS) level of 900 mg/ liter in the pond. To compensate for the 2 evaporation , seepage, and blowdcwn, the makeup taken from the Kankakee River averages 90. 8 cf s. These figures are based on 100% load f actor. Table 3.3-1 shows the seasonal variations of the water usage. O 3.3-2

l Braidwood EB-OLS

 /") Under most circumstances, the two-unit Braidwood Station will be

( > capable of operation at full load with cooling pond consumptive losses supplied by a net withdrawal rate no greater than 10% of the Kankakee River flow. During the simultaneous occurrence of cbnormally adverse weather and low river flow, however, cooling pond consumptive demand at full load may exceed 10% of the river flow. In this instance, the net withdrawal from the river will be maintained at a level acceptable to the Illinois Department of Conservation with the remainder of the pond consumptive demand being satisfied by drawing down the level of the pond. Following c cessation of the adverse weather, or a reduction in system load demand enabling a reduction in plant power level, the net river withdrawal rate will be maintained at no greater than 10% until the normal pond level is restored. 3.3.2 Service Water Systems Service water is used to cool plant and auxiliary equipment. There are two service water systems provided for the plant, the nonessential service water and the essential service water systems. Nonessential Service Water System The nonessential service water cools equipment that is not

  <~3 caf ety-related and not essential for the safe shutdown of the (Jreactor.              The water is taken from the circulating water system.

After its use the nonessential service water returns to the cooling pond along with the condenser cooling water. The nonessential service water circulation rate is about 78 cfs per unit. Makeup and blowdown are sent to and taken from the cooling pond as was discussed in Subsection 3.3.1. Essential Service Water System The essential service water cools the equipment that is safety-related. The design provides for two identical, full-capacity cystems for each unit. Each unit has two full-capacity pumps, each of which takes suction from a separate supply line. This cystem supplies water to the reacter containment f an coolers, the diesel generator coolers, the component cooling heat exchangers, and the other equipment necessary for the safe shutdown of the reactor. The total required circulation rate for the essential cervice water system is approximately 54 cfs per unit. A small cooling pond, which also serves as the ultimate heat sink, is located within the cooling pond to maintain a 30-day supply of water for the essential service water system. This pond, which will remain intact even if the larger pond fails, was formed by cxcavating an area of 93.5 acres to a depth of 6 feet below the Oxisting grade. The bo; tom elevation is 584 f eet MS L. O Q ,/ 5 3.3-3 }

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 3.3.3 Potable Water Supply System The plant potable water treating system provides water from the Kankakee River for sanitary purposes. The makeup water is pumped from the river into the freshwater holding pond which 2 overflows into the cooling pond. The potaole water is taken from this freshwater holding pond. Approximately 15,000 gal-lons per day are required for normal operation. The withorawal of the water complies with the applicable Federal, state, and local regulations. Further information on sanitary water and its disposal is contained in Section 3.7. 3.3.4 Makeup Demineralizer System Surface water from either the Kankakee River or the cooling ponc is used as raw water for demineralizer makeup. There are two identical cemineralizer trains, each capable of producing the total daily requirements averaging 150 gpm. The details of the makeup water system are oiscussac in Subsection 3.6.3. 3.3.5 Seepage The method of seepage control consists of a slurry cutoff trench made up of, depending on conditions, soil bentonite or lll cement bentonite around the entire perimeter of the exterior dike. The slurry trench was constructed to an impermeable layer Delow the oike, creating an impervious barrier to impede water flow. The material underneath the slurry trench has been tested both in the laDoratory and field to determine its aver-age permeability. The permeability value of the slurry trench back fill was determined from research, past case histories, and laboratory ano fiela-cetermined values for the test sec-tion. Based on the measured and assumed values for permeaDil-ity, the amount of total seepage was calculated using finite element techniques. The following data were used in a computer program developed to determine seepage at a section consiaered to be representative of the pond aike:

a. geometry of the oike section and foundation;
b. maximum probable neac;
c. material properties of the oike and founda-tion materials; and
d. boundary conoitions related to the site conditions. gl '


Braidwood ER-OLS b('s Based on these computations, the total water loss from the dike structure is less than 5 cfs. The estimated rate of seepage is not sufficient to cause any significant effect on underground features. Based on an evalu-ation of coal mining recoras (see Subsection of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report), Doring logs, ano geologi-cal data, the existing underground mines as affected by the head imposed by the cooling pond have no significant detrimen-tal effect on the groundwater regime. Coal mining occurred in the Pennsylvanian bedrock ano did not penetrate the underlying Maquoketa formation. The Pennsylvanian bedrock, which underlies about 50 feet of Quaternary drift, is about 150 feet thick in the area, and the mines are on the order of 125 feet deep or less. Uncerlying the Pennsylvanian rock (and possibly a thin Silurian dolomite), the Maquaketa shale is approximately 120 feet thick. The Maquoketa shale is an ef fective aquiclude or aquitard that confines anc protects the underlying Cambrian-Ordovician aqui fer . (^) The mines and mine shafts are located in the west and northwest part of the cooling pona. The mines beneath the pond are not directly connected to those to the west, and the vertical access shafts within the cooling pond area were sealed with compacted clay during the earthwork for the cooling pond. Since no fracture zones have been identified in the area and the permeaullity of the Maquoketa shale is low, the slightly increasea groundwater velocity cue to the head imposed by the cooling pond should have no significant ef fect. The potential for dike failure is minimizeo by the detailed investigations of the underlying soil, the use of the slurry , wall trench to preclude a failure, and the detailed inspections of the di'<e work during construction. The slurry wall trench extends into the till and acts as an impervious barrier to localized large scale seepage through soils unoerlying the dike. In addition, the dikes are designec as extremely stable structures and are protecteo against the ef fects of wave runup where appropriate. The potential for a dike failure is there-fore considered negligible. 3.3.6 Variations in Plant Water Use Variations in plant water consumption, for 100% operation, 50% operation, hot standby, and cola shutdown conditions are given () in Table 3.3-2. 3.3.5

Braidwood ER-OLS TABLE 3.3-1 lll AVERAGE SEASONAL VARIATIONS OF COOLING POND SYSTEM (at 100% load factor) WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL AVERAGE Makeup (cfs) 76.6 92.0 105.2 89.3 90.8 Evaporation (cfs) 31.8 52.3 71.1 52.2 51.8 Seepage (cfs) 5 5 5 5 5 Rainfall (cfs) 6.2 11.3 11.7 8.0 9.3 Blowdown (cfs) 46 46 40.8 40.1 43.2 TDS of Blowdown (mg/ liter) 750 899 1048 976 906 0 O 3.3-6


                                                                                                                                                                                            \                     >


                                                           =                                                                                              CFS r      SERVICE       --->


  • WATER S a 1V


                                                           =                             WASTE z   8            RADWASTE  6                                                                                                                  NONRAD RETENTION g        h   a                                                                                                         CONDENSER                                    TANK x=       z g




                                                                                                                    ?4                                    3250)


D "


                                                       "   "                                                                                                                                        BUILDING       II c-
                                              $  2        mE                                         JL                                                                                                  JL    CLARIFIERS --)         y
                                                           =                1r                                                                                          JL                  JL                                   cn "


                                                       "o O ".. "=          STORAGE  4                WATER               4                 WATER      a 1.1      CARBON FILTERS '


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 @g dk                  dk
                                              $        b   $                       BACKWASH k

0.22 CFS w g g - g

                                                           ;                                                              INTERMITTENT BACKViASH                                                    CD gq g           .                                                                                qp 0.76 CFS N


                                                       "   [                       SEWAGE                                               POTABLE                   10 MIN./ day                                   SLUDGE                   -

d i Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 Os -' FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 { 3 .~ 4 HEAT' DISSIPATION SYSTEM i 4 During the operation of the Braidwood. Nuclear Generating Sta-tion - Units 1 & 2 (Braidwood Station), the condensers and

other heat exchange equipment require cooling water. This water is taken from the cooling pond shown in Figure 3.4-1 and i circulated through the various cooling equipment; the heated effluent is'then returned-to the cooling pond. This closeo-cycle cooling pond serves as the heat sink to dissipate most of i

the waste heat to the atomosphere. This heat is dissipated by }- evaporation and by convective, reflective, and sensible heat j transfer mechanisms. The cooling pond has an overall area of about 3540 acres, with a water surface area of 2537 acres. Approximately 30% of the 1 total pond area is occupied by islands. The maximum depth of the pond is about 15 feet, and it has an average depth of about 9 feet. Figure 3.4-1 indicates the general layout of the pond. Earthen dikes having a width of 14 feet at the top form the O boundary of the pond. The top elevation and most of the dikes is 600 feet above mean sea level (MSL), 5 feet above the normal J pond pool level of 595 feet MSL; the only exception, a portion i of the dikes just south of the plant, has a tcp elevation of 602.5 feet MSL. Interior dikes have been included in the de-

!                         sign of the Braidwood Pond in order to assure that the maximum utilization of the pond cooling surface is attained. With the interior dikes, the possibility of channeling or short circuit-ing of the warm water through portions of the pond is reduced to a minimum, and the cooling performance of the pond is im-proved.                      The layout of these internal dikes is shown in Figure 3.4-1.                  With the arrangement of the pond, no recirculation effects that would be detrimental to the performance of the pond are anticipated.

Channeling does occur in the Braidwood pond due to stagnant water'in deep or side-arm regions, thus shortening the resi- 2 dence time of heated water in the pond. This channeling was considered in the pond performance analysis by using only the effective area and volume instead of total area and volume. The residence time for heated water in the pond is estimated at 2 1 2.9 days based on a volumetric ef ficiency of 83 percent. . Significant vertical stratification of temperatures and veloci- l t ties in the pond is expecteo to occur only in those regions () that are deeper than the 10-foot deptn of discharge. L 3.4-1 4 4

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r--- --,,,u--,.we,rv-m- --gr ,--,*-,r,--- ,--+ypy,.w-my w--,,,,,,,,,,-,- -w~,-w,%w--=w,,,w,,e----,y-,-,,-vvg,-

Braidwooo ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 () JULY 1983 Tne cooling pond is supplieo witn makeup water from the Kankakee River to compensate for losses oue to evaporation, seepage, and blowoown. This makeup water is withdrawn from the river at an expectea rate of 90.8 cubic feet per second (cfs) by means of a river intake structure illustrated in Figure 3.4-2. The intake structure operating floor is located at elevation 557 feet above mean sea level (MSL), which is aDove the 1975 flood (flood of record) elevation of 552 feet MSL. The average flow ano 1-day low flow 2 of the Kankakee River at the intake are 3952 cfs and () O > 4-1e l l

  , . . , . _ . , . _ . . , , . . _ . , . . . . _ . . -. m.,-   _ . _ . _ . . , , . . . --, __ _ . - . . _ _ - _ ,_., _ __ _ , ,_ _ .. _- ..                _ . . . ...-..

Braidwood ER-OLS 487 cfs, and the corresponding water surface elevations are 538 h

 ,      and 534 feet MSL.

The intake structure houses three intake pumps; two pumps of 53.5 cfs capacity are used to supply water for normal operation and a third pump of the same capacity serves as a standby and is used for pond filling. The velocity at the river intake structure is between 0.32 and 0.48 feet per second (f ps) based on two-unit ope ra tion . At the river intake structure the water flows through bar grills and vertical traveling screens to remove debris from the intake water. The debris removed from the screens is disposed of off the site by an independent contractcr. The blowdown from the cooling pond is released to the Kankakee River f rom a discharge structure illustrated in Figure 3. 4-3. Flow control is provided on the blcwdown line so that flow may be terminated when both units are shut down or are being refueled. The location and orientation of the blowdown discharge and the river intake structures are shown in Figure 3.4-4 The orientation of the discharge is approximately perpendicular to the river shoreline. The river intake structure is approximately 2000 feet below the confluence of Horse Creek with the Kankakee River, and the discharge structure is about 500 feet below the intake st ructure. The discharge is returned to the river at a maximum velocity of 4.3 fps and at an increased temperature, & W which varies seasonally. Table 3.4-1 shows the median monthly temperatures load f actor. for the blowdown with both units operating at 100% The predicted blowdown temperature ranges f rom 490 F in January to 880 F in July. As a result of the discharge of the blowdown into the flowing Kankakee Fiver, a thermal plume is established downstream whose detailed temperature profile depends on river conditions and the blowdown characteristics. A discussion of the extent and ef fect of this plume is in Section 5.1; a description of the model used to estimate these parameters is in Appendix 5.1A. Three vertical dry pit circulating water pumps per unit draw water f rom the cooling pond through a pond screen house near the pumps ( see Fi gure 3. 4-5) . At the pond screen house the water flows through bar grills and vertical traveling screens that remove debris from the intake water. The debris removed from the screens is disposed of off the site by an independent contractor. The water is pumped through a 16-foot diameter pipeline to the condensers, then through another 16-foot diameter pipeline to the discharge outf all structure and back into the pond. The - Braidwood Station condenser cooling water requires a continuous flow of about 3250 cfs for the two units. This water is withdrawn f rom the cooling pond and returned there with a temperature rise of about 220 F. I The total heat dissipated to the condenser cooling water is approximately 1.6 x 1010 Btu /hr for the two units. lll 1 3.4-2 l

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 Nonessential cooling water is withdrawn similarly from the cooling pond. Essential service water, at a flow rate of 108 cfs Os for two units, is cycled through an essential cooling pond that is contained within the larger cooling pond. The temperature of the larger cooling pond varies depending on the distance from the point of the discharge of the heated effluent. As shown in Table 3. 4-2, the evaporation f rom the pond varies between 30.9 cfs and 72.2 cfs with two units operating at 1005 load factor. This evaporation includes both natural and forced evaporation. Rainfall to the pond compensates in part for the evaporation. The annual average precipitation is 35.1 inches (see Table 2. 3-1) . The monthly precipitation ranges between 13.1 and 0.03 inches per month with an average of 2.92 inches per mon th. This rainfall results in adding about 6.2 to 11.7 cfs of rain to the pond or an average of 9.3 cfs for the year. Since this pond is perched, the runoff to the pond is negligible. The losses due to seepage are expected to be approximately 5 cfs. The blowdown necessary to maintain water chemistry is calculated using these evaporative and seepage losses and gains from rainfall. An average blowdown of about 43.2 cfs can maintain a total dissolved solids (TDS) level in the cooling pond of about 900 mg/ liter. The TDS level varies depending on the river water 2 quality and evaporation rate. The average overall water consumption from the Kankakee River, which is the difference between makeup and blowdown, is approximately 47.6 cfs. Studies () have been done to determine any effect on pond water chemistry from leaching of substances from surface and subsurface soils (see Subsection 2. 4.1. 4.2 and section 5.4) . O 3.4-3

l l Braidwood ER-OLS l TABLE 3.4-1 ESTIMATED MONTHLY VARIATION IN DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE COOLING POND BLOWDOWN DISCHARGE MONTH TEMPERATURE (*F) Jan. 49 Feb. 52 Mar. 57 Apr. 66 May 77 June 85 July 88 Aug. 86 Sept. 80 Oct. 71 0 Nov. 59 Dec. 51 ( t o 5 l l' h. 3.4-4

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 m TABLE 3.4-2 -

           )                                                                   BRAIDWOOD STATION COOLING POND EVAPORATION RATE POND EVAPORATION (cfs)

MONTH NATURAL FORCED TOTAL Jan. 5.19 23.73 30.92 Feb. 4.51 28.95 33.46 Mar. 5.89 34.45 40.34 1 Apr. 11.67 40.36 52.03 May 19.29 45.19 64.46 June 23.41 48.79 72.20 July 22.72 49.22 71.94 4 Aug. 20.63 48.45 69.08 , Sept. 17.62 45.45 63.07 i O Oct. 11.45 40.98 52.44 Nov. 6.94 '34.19 41.13 Dec. 4.32 26.72 31.04 ( NOTE: Evaporation calculated on the basis of the following conditions: Operating Condition = two 1120 MW nuclear units at 100% capacity Circulating water rate = 3250 cfs 2 Condenser temperature rise = 22' F O 3.4-5 i

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AMENENENT 2 JULY 1983 , i l i b" *.Lodb  ; I ggfg'l//i^y v, g ', 33, , RESTRICTL'D AREA BOUNDARY AND SITE BOUNDARY h ~_._ _. __ (6 -n-.-Y,,yyy


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                                                                                                       ' perture Card Cia BR AIDWOOD NUCLEAR CENE R ATIN G STATION U N115 1 & 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT - OPERATING tlCENSE ST AGE FIGURE 3.4-1 GENERAL LAYOUT OF BRAIDWOOD COOLING POND                  l 8807200125-04 1

I i



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FEBRUARY 1983 ) . - AMENOMENT 2 l JULY 1983 blowdown demineralizers. These wastes are pumped to a 10,000 gallon tank for collection and sampling. The recycle evaporator condensate demineralizer, which is shared by both units, is expected to be regenerated three times per calendar year, producing about 4,000 gsllons of wastes per regeneration. The radwaste mixed-bed demineralizers which are shared by both units, are regenerated as often as required to maintain a decontamination factor of 10 for soluble ions. Each radwaste mixed bed demineralizer requires regeneration every 1 to 2 weeks depending on usage, and produces about 1800 gallons of waste per regeneration. Expected source terms are given in Table 11.1-6 of the FSAR. 1 2

3. 5. 2. 2. 4 Turbine Building Floor Drains Tne turbine building floor drains are shared by two units. The expected flow rates are an average of 4,200 gal / day, with a maximum of 12,000 gal / day. The two turbine building floor drain tanks have a capacity of 12,000 gallons each. Turbine building floor drains, which are normally non-radioactive, may I) be released from the plant without treatment other than filtra-tion after sampling. If sampling indicates that the wastes are not suitable for release, they will be processed through the radwaste evaporators and recycled. The expected source terms 2 are given in Table 11.1-6 of the FSAR. Turbine Building Eouipment Drains The turbine building equipment drains are shared by both units. The expected flow rates are an average of 4,200 gal / day, with a maximum of 12,000 gal / day. The two turbine build-ing equipment drain tanks have a capacity of 12,000 gallons each. After sampling, the turbine building equipment drains are nor-mally processed through one of the blowdown mixed bed deminer-alizer and recycled. Expected source terms are given in Table 11.1-6 of the FSAR. 2 Auxiliary Building Equipment Drains The auxiliary building equipment drains collect an average 5,600 gal / day and a maximum of 16,000 gal / day. The expected hv 3.5-9

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 (~' FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 source terms are given in Table 11.1-6 of the FSAR. Since all 2 equipment in the auxiliary building containing potentially radioactive liquid is periodically drained into this subsystem, the volume and activity on any given day varies according to the operations in progress, such as replacing filter elements, draining ion exchange vessels, and flushing and cleaning tanks and equipment. These equipment drains are collected in two 8,000-gallon tanks, which are shared by both units. After sampling, the wastes are processed through filters and the radwaste evaporator. O C:) 3.3-9a L

Braidwood ER-OLS Auxiliary Building Floor Drains


The auxiliary building floor drains collect an average of 5,600 llh gal / day and a maximum of 16,000 gal / day. The expected sources cre given in Table 11.1-6 of the FSAR. These drains include pump baseplate drains in the auxiliary building, reactor coolant leakages, pump seal and stuffing box leakages, valve stem packing leakages, and other equipment overflows or spills. Inputs also include waste from operations such as washdown and equipment maintenance. These floor drains collect in two 8000-gallon tanks that are shared by both units. After sampling, the waste is filtered and evaporated. Laundry Drains Laundry wastes are collected directly f rom the laundry facilities of the two units. The expected average daily flow for this cubsystem is 1400 gallons, with a maximum daily flow of 4000 gallons for both units. The expected activities are given in Table 11.1-6 of the FSAR. The Itundry wastes are collected in ene 4000-gallon tank and two 2000-gallon tanks. After sampling, the waste is filtered and evaporated. Because of potentially high carryover due to the detergent, the laundry waste will be processed separately from other wastes. Liquid Radwaste rischarges All liquid wastes to be released are analyzed f or gross beta, gamma, and tritium activity in one of the five 20,000-gallon monitor tanks after thorough mixing by recirculation. The liquid is then pumped to the 30,000-gallon release tank where a sample is again analyzed for gross beta, gamma, and tritium activity. Based on this analysis, a discharge rate is determined so that, when mixed with circulatir.g water blowdown, the water leaving the plant has a radioactivity level less than the applicable MPC as ctated in 10 CFR 20. A key-locked switch may then be manually cpened so that water can be discharged. The key for the valve lock is controlled by administrative procedures. As a further backup, a radiation detector monitors the discharge line before the discharge is mixed with the cooling pond blowdown line. Upon detecting an abnormal level of radiation, a valve on the release tank line immediately ahead of the mixing point closes and an alarm signal is relayed to the control room. Records are maintained of all radioactive wastes discharged to the environs to verify that radioactive releases conform with the requirements of 10 CFR 20 and 10 CFR 50. Liquid radwaste releases were calculated using the PWR-GALE computer program and the parameters listed in Table 3.5-5. Expected annual activity releases to the discharge canal are given in Table 3.5-3. The radiological impact of these releases is discussed in Section 5.2. , O 3.5-10 l l

Braidwood ER-OLS condensers. All radioactive noble gases entering the main condenser are assumed to be removed from the system by the SJAE. Os The SJAE exhaust exhausts through the plant vent. In the event o' high radioiodine activity in the SJAE exhaust, off-gases are released through both HEPA filters and a charcoal filter system affording a DF of 10 for iodine. Gaseous Peleases Releases of radionuclides in gaseous ef fluents were calculated using the PWR-GALE computer program and the parameters listed in Table 3.5-5. Expected annual releases of radioactive noble gases and particulates are given in Table 3.5-7. The radiological impact of these releases is discussed in Section 5.2. Ventilation stacks Two ventilatio:: stacks exhaust air emissions to the atmosphere. Each rectangular stack has inside dimensions of 13 feet 3-3/8 inches by 5 feet 0 inches. The stacks terminate 200 feet above grade at an elevation of 800 feet above sea level. Each stack (one for each unit) handles the exhaust air from the following:

a. auxiliary building ventilation system exhaust;
b. solid radwaste ventilation system exhaust;


c. normal containment purge system exhaust; and
d. miscellaneous vents collected from various sources such as battery rooms, laboratory facilities, waste-gas decay tank vents, air ejector, and decontamination room.

The following i.; a list of the approximate ventilation exhaust rates through the vent stack,

a. auxiliary building ventilation exhaust air - 150,000 cfm;
b. solid radwaste ventilation system - 15,000 cfm;
c. normal containment purge system exhaust air - 40,000 cfm; and
d. miscellaneous vents collected from various sources such as battery rooms, laboratory facilities, waste-gas decay tank vents, air ejector, and decontamination room - 8,140 cfm.

( 3.5-15 i

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 ggg Total air capacity exhausted through the exhaust vent is ap-proximately 214,000 c fm , which corresponds to 2,800 ft/ min face velocity. Under all plant operating conditions, a radiation detector in the exhaust vent continuously monitors the radioactivity level of the exhaust air before its release to the atmosphere. At high radioactivity levels, this detector sounds an alarm in the main control room and alerts the operator to initiate correc-tive action. Figure 3.5-3 depicts the general arrangement of the plant's roof and shows the location of the vent stacks. 3.5.4 Solid Radwaste System Objectives and Design Basis The Braidwood Station solid radwaste system is designed to receive, dewater, solidify with cement, seal in a 55-gallon drum, and temporarily store the following wastes: demineral-izer bead resins, evaporator concentrates, and spent filter cartridges. The system also receives, compacts, and temporar- lll ily stores radioactive dry wastes produced during station oper-ation and maintenance. Evaporator concentrates and cry active waste (DAW) residue can also be solidified by polymer af ter being processed by the volume reduction system. Closed-top 1 drums approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) are used for packaging solidified wastes, and 00T approved open-top drums are used for packaging dry solid wastes. The expected annual weight, volume, and activity of solid radwaste shipped from the Braidwood Station appear in Table 3.5-8, which gives values both with and without the use of a volume reouc- 1 tion system. Packaged radioactive solid wastes are shipped off the site and buried in accordance with applicable Nuclear Regu-latory Commission (NRC) and DOT reguations. The system is designed specifically for a 40-year service life, maximum reli-ability, minimum maintenance, and minimum exposure to station personnel and the general public. The expected solid radwaste system output is 5760 to 6910 drums per year if the volume 1 reduction system is not operational and 900 to 940 drums if it is. System Description Operation of the solid radwaste system is indicated in Figure 1 3.5-4 o f the ER and Figure 11.4-7 o f the FSAR. Table 11.4-1 of 3.5-16

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 () FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 the FSAR lists the process equipment and storage design capaci-ties. A more detailed system description is given in the Braidwood Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) Subsections 1 11.4.2 and 11.4.3. The solid radwaste system is comprised of the following eight components: J i a. drum preparation station,

b. decanting station,
c. drumming station, 1 d. drum handling equipment,
e. smear test and label station
f. dry waste compactor,
g. radwaste drum storage areas, and 1 2
h. control station.

1 Each is discussed separately in the following subsections.

() 3. 5. 4. 2.1 Drum Preparation Station This station consists of cement unloading, storing, feeding, weighing, ano conveying equipment used to load 55-gallon drums. A mixing weight is added to tne drum to ensure uniform mixing when the drum is tumbled. The unit is designed for dust-free operation, with an exhaust-air filter assembly at-
,    tached to the side of the fixing material storage tank to cap-ture dust generated within the tank.
3. 5. 4. 2. 2 Decanting Station This station consists of a stainless steel decanting tank that receives spent resins, a progressive cavity decanting pump that removes excess liquid, a piston-type metering pump that trans-ports accurate quantities of waste from the decanting tank to the drum, and all associated valves and instrumentation to provide remote manual operation of the unit. Processing equip-ment in contact with radioactive materials is located on the radioactive side of a thick machined-steel shield wall. Most drives, limit switches, and instrumentation are located on the low radiation side of the shield wall to minimize the dose to maintenance personnel.

() 3.5-17

1 Graidecod ER-DLS 1 0

3. 5. 4. 2. 3 Drumming Station This station consists of a drum processing-unit and a heat-traced, pistantype metering pump. The pump transports accurate quantities of waste from the concentrated waste tank to the drum. The drum processing-unit is essentially a stainless steel box with an aircylinder actuated hatch in the top. The following remotely-performeo operations occur within the drum processing-unit: cap removal, drum filling, cap reinsertion, tumbling of the drum for drum for mixing, and washing the ex-terior of the drum if required. Two separate fill nozzles are provided, one for spent resins and one for concentrated waste.

A scale and a radiation monitor provide drum weight and activ-ity level readouts on the control console after removal from the drum processing-unit.

3. 5. 4. 2. 4 Drum Handling Eouipment This equipment includes three remotely operated cranes with television cameras for visual surveillance, two drum transfer cars, and a filter-cartridge transfer vehicle. The cranes are used to transport preloaded drums to the drumming station, remove and position drums on r scale, transport and position sealed drums in either high or low-level storage, and retrieve and transport them to trucks for offsite disposal. The drum transfer cars transport drums between the process units and the storage area. The filter cartridge transfer vehicle transports drums containing spent filter cartridges from the filter area to a place wnere the drums may be placed on the drum transfer car. Smear Test and Label Station This station consists of a motor-operated turntable setdown position for drums behind a small shield wall equipped with access plugs and working tools to accomplish remote labeling, smear testing, and radiation monitoring of all external sur-faces of sealed drums before offsite disposal. f 3. 5. 4. 2. 6 Dry Waste Compactor The dry waste compactor compresses paper, fabrics, plastics, ano other wastes into 55-gallon drums. A large-ciameter, pneu-matically-powered ram drives the platen down into the drum. l During compaction, a safety shield encloses the loading areas 3.5-18 O

() Braidwood ER-OLS ex AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 above the drum and protects the operator from debris that might escape. An air filtration assembly maintains control of con-taminated particles during compactor operation. Radioactive dust is captured by means of a roughing filter and two HEPA filters operating in parallel. The filtration system 5s inter-connected to the plant radioactive vent system. The radioac-tivity of most of the dry waste is low enough to permit manual handling. 1 2 Radwaste Drum Storage Areas Shielded areas are provided for the storage of low-activity and intermediate-activity waste drums and of compacted dry-waste drums according to the requirements noted in Table 11.4-1 of the FSAR. Storage space is designed to accommodate approxi-mately 20% of the normal yearly output of packaged waste (i.e., 1 without VRS) or 1.3 years of output from the volume reduction system. Visual surveillance for the low-activity and interme-diate-activity waste storage areas is provided by the drum handling system television cameras. The intermediate-activity

 /^3  waste storage area capacity is sufficient to allow a decay of
 \>   60 days when used on a rotating basis. Control Room 2 This room houses equipment for the remote visual monitoring and 1 control of the solid radwaste building system. A liquid / solid interface control panel is provided for transferring waste to the solid radwaste system from the liquio radwaste system. Volume Reduction System 2 The major components of this system are a fluidized bed dryer, a dry waste processer, a gas-solids separator, a condenser, two scrubbers, and an air filtration unit. The system eliminates the water from tne evaporator concentrates and reduces combust- 1 lble material to ash. The remaining salts and ash are solidi-fled in polymer in 55 gallon drums using a specially designed 2 drumming station. The air exhausted from this system is passed i l through two HEPA and one charcoal filter before entering the auxiliary building filtered vent exhaust system. i Interconnections with Liould Radwaste Systems ,

2 l The solid radwsste system 1s interconnected with the liquid radwaste systems via the spent resin ano concentrated waste ( )) system comprised of the following tanks: 3.5-19



Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 (_)s FEBRUARY 1983 ' AMENDMENT 2  : JULY 1983

a. concentrates holding tank, and
b. spent resin tank.

Tank capacities are given in Table 11.2-5 of the FSAR. 1 Spent resins are discharged to the decanting station, de-watered, and then routed to the drumming station for solidifi-cation. Concentrates are pumped from the concentrates holding tank directly to the drumming station. Shipment 2 All wastes are shipped from the site by truck after solidifica-tion (compacting for dry compressible wastes). The empty drum 1 storage area for shipping containers is shown on Figure 11.4-3 of the FSAR. Intermediate-level wastes will be shipped with sufficient shielding to meet the regulation governing radioactive ship-ments. (]} 3.5.5 Process and Effluent Monitoring 1 The release points described in Subsection 3.1.4 are monitored for potentially radioactive effluents in the following manner:

a. Continuous radiation monitoring of gase-ous effluents is provided for each of the two auxiliary building vent stacks.

No automatic control action occurs at high radioactivity levels, but alarms alert operating personnel to take cor-rective action.

b. Potential radioactive release to the circulating water blowdown line is con-tinuously monitored at the injection point from the radwaste system release tank into the blowdown line. If high radioactivity-level setpoints are reached, the monitor automatically closes the release pump discharge valve.

A detailed description of process and effluent radiation monitors is presented in Section 11.5 of the Braidwood Station FSAR. O 3.5-19a d'

                                   , _ . _ - . _ ,       n- r- - --         ' ' ^ ' '   ~     ~

Braidwood ER-OLS TABLE 3.5-1 PARAMETERS USED IN THE CALCULATION OF THE INVENTORY OF RADIONUCLIDES IN THE SECONDARY COOLANT PARAMETER VALUE Steam flow rate per steam generator 3.79 x 10 6 lb/hr Number of condensate polishers used none Mass of water in four steam generators 3.82 x 105 lb Primary water isotope activities (see Table 3.5-1) Carry-over factor from water to steam noble gases 1.0 0.01 e iodines all other isotopes 0.001 Primary to secondary leak rate design basis 1 gpm for 14 days l expected normal 110 lb/ day l Blowdown flow rate design basis 135 gpm per unit expected normal 20 to 60 gpm per unit O 3.5-20


   !                                                                                  (CEMENT) l                                                                 ED l                                                           DEMIN.


l If
             )f~~~                       ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ {                                                                MONITOR RELEASE                                                                                                           TANK TANK VACUUM         m DEGASIFIER I I                                                                                                               If BLOWDOWN LINE                                                        CATCH BASIN                                 CONDENSATE STORAGE TANK PRIM ARY W ATER FLOW PATTERN                                                     STORAGE BRAIBWOOD NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION 8MITS 1&2 j                           NORMAL                                                       ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT - OPERATING LICENSE STAGE FIGURE 3.5-1

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 l JULY 1983 ' ( reduce airborne concentration of this isotope to approximately 1 x 10-10 Ci/cm3 The containment internal recirculation system will operate approximately 18 hours before purging. The containment is purged at a rate of 40,000 cfm before the - admission of workers for refueling, maintenance, or repair of equipment. The design purge frequency is 10 purges / year per unit. The expected purge frequency is approximately C purges / year per unit. The containment is purged continuously, however, at a rate of 3000 cfm. 3.SA.7 SOLID WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEMS Request:

1. In tabular form, provide the following information concerning all inputs to the solid waste processing system: source, volume (f t3/yr per reactor) , and activity (Ci/yr per reactor) of principal radionuclides, along with bases for valves used.


Inf ormation concerning inputs to the solid waste processing system are given in Table 3.5-8. () Request:

2. Provide information on onsite storage provisions (location and capacity) and expected onsite storage times for all solid wastes prior to shipment.


Solid wastes hill be stored in the Radwaste Building before shipment (see B/B FSAR Figure 11.4-3) . Storage space is designed to accommodate approximately 25% of the normal yearly output of packaged waste. This amount was selected to allow for some decay of drummed material, startups, trucking strikes, unavailability of burial sites, and other contingencies. Information on the solid waste storage area is given in the following list. For other information ref er to Section 11.4 of the B/B FSAR. Number of Design Capacity Storage Area Storage Areas Per Storage _ Area Low Level 1' Soo drums 2 Intermediate level 1 640 drums Dry compacted waste 1 70 drums 1 (} Dry uncompacted waste 1 90 ft3 1 Empty drum 2 100 drums (total)

3. S A-19

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 O FEBRUARY 1983 Request:

3. Provide piping and instrumentation diagrams (P& ids) for the solid radwaste system.


The P&ID drawings of the solid radwaste system are shown on B/B FSAR Figures 11.4-5 and 11.4-6. 1 O l 1 l l 3.5A-20 h

f~ k-)/ Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 3.6 CHEMICAL AND BIOCIDE SYSTEMS The source of water for the Braidwood Nuclear Generating Sta-tion - Units 1 & 2 (Braidwood Station) is the Kankakee River, which supplies water for the initial pond filling and for the pond makeup water. Table 3.6-1 shows the expected seasonal composition of the river water. The flow path and ultimate disposition of the plant's various water systems are shown in Fi gure 3.3-1. Tables 3.6-2 and 3.6-3 list the average and maximum chemical compositions of the aischarge to the Kankakee River, which is made up of the following major components: cooling pond blowcown, sewage treatment plant effluent, and wastewater treatment systems ef fluent. 3.6.1 Cooling Water Systems Circulating Water System As discussed in Subsection 3.3.1, each steam turbine unit has a closed-cycle, once-through cooling water system to remove the heat released during condensation of the turbine exhaust steam. The dissolved solids content of the water in the cooling pond is maintained at the level necessary for operation such that the blowdown meets the applicable State of Illinois water qual-ity standards. Table 3.6-2 lists the expected chemical compo-sition of the blowoown, which is controlled to limit the aver-age total dissolved solids (TDS) to 900 mg/ liter. The blowdown ' contains the same chemical constituents as the river, but in higher concentrations due to evaporation. Chemical analysis of the blowdown may vary depending on the seasonal variations in the concentration of dissolved solids in the Kankakee River water. Scale buildup in the main condensers is controlled by carbon dioxide (CO 2) feeo to the circulating water. Carbon dioxide 2 is injected into the plant intake water forming carbonic acio (H2 CO3 ) before it is sucked througn the circulating and service water pumps. The location of the olffusers allows maximum mixing before the treated stream reaches the pumps and ensures even acid distribution between the pumps. The total average carbon aioxide feed rate is 3500 lbs. per hour. 2 Biological growth and slime buildup in the main condensers are controlled through the use of mechanical cleaning, which greatly reduces the Quantity of hypochlorite needed in the plant. The Amertap system at the Braidwood Station uses two (]) 3.6-1

                                  . , , _ . .       _,          .,.y ,

l ( Braidwooo ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY:1983 types of small, sponge-rubber balls sized to the inside diameter of the condenser tubes, a plain, sponge-rubber ball and a similar ball with an abrasive band Donded t o 'i t.. During operation, these balls are injected into ~the circu-lating water piping at the inlet to the condenser. The balls, with a submerged density nearly equal to-the density of water, are dispersed in the circulating water stream and forced through the condenser tubes by the pressure of the flowing water. As the balls pass througn'the tubes, they wipe them clean. A system of baffles and screens in the 2 0 0 O 3.6-la 2 j

l Draidwood ER-OLS circulating piping at the outlet of the condenser collects the bnlis as they flow out of the condenser. The balls are removed from the circulating water stream and reinjected at the condenser inlet or stored for later use. It is also necessary to add small amounts of chlorine derivatives to the circulating water system to control algal growth. Hypochlorite is injected intermittently into the circulating-water line before the main condensers but af ter the blowdown take-off point. The chlorine dosage is controlled to satisfy the chlorine demand of the cooling water and provide a free residual chlorine concentration of 0.1 ppm. Since the f ree residual chlorine is dissipated in the cooling pond, the blowdown from the circulating water system has no chlorine residual. service Water system service water is used to cool plant and auxiliary equipment. The service water is taken from the circulating cooling water system, pumped through the power plant equipment, and then returned to the cooling pond. The service water is hypochlorinated to prevent biological growth in the cooling equipment. The hypochlorination method requires controlled addition of hypochlorite solution three times a day for half-hour periods. The service water is chlorinated with a g 15% solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) . The essential and nonessential service water systems of each unit are chlorinated separately. Each day an average of 1840 pounds of 15% NaOCl is added to the nonessential service water, and an average of 1275 pounds of 15% NaOCl is added to the essential service water. When sodium hypochlorite is added to water the following reactions occur: NaOCl + H 2O  : HOCl + NaOH (3. 6-1) HOCl H+ + OCl- (3. 6-2)

The rate at which hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion are forme,d varies depending on the pH; the two are present in approximately equal concentrations at pH 7.5. The hypochlorous acid is the active disinfectant compound formed. This compound kills bacteria by reacting with their enzymatic systems. As the reactions with HOCl and the enzymes proceed, the residual j chlorine is dissipated.

The presence of ammonia in the water leads to the rapid formation j of chloramines. The reactions are as follows: NH 3 + HOCl  : NHaCl + HaO ( 3. 6-3) h NHaCl + HOct-**NBCl, + Ha0 (3.6-4) l NHCl + HOCb-**NCl 3 + Hao ( 3. 6-5) 3.6-2

-' Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 The formation of monochloramines (Ecuation 3.6-3) takes prece-dence over that of di- and trichloramines and is general,1y in-stantaneous. The chloramines formed are present as monochlora-mines due to the small ratio of HOCl to NH 3. The chlorine in chloramines still retains aDout half of its oxidizing potential and is still effective as a Dactericide. The reaction rate of chloramines, however, is lower than that of HOC 1. , The small concentrations of chloramines formed and the residual chlorine present are not expected to persist in the water for three reasons. First, the circulating water contains bacteria that assimilate the residual chlorine and chloramines of the nonessential service water. The residual chlorine and chlora-miner of the essential service water are assimilated when com-bineo with the blowdown from the essential cooling pond, which will still contain bacteria. Second, part of the volatile chloramines are lost due to evaporation. Third, while retain-ing their oxidizing potential, HOCl and chloramines react with and are destroyed by reducing agents like S=, F++, and Mn++, as shown in the following equations: H2S + 4 HOC 1 - eH2SO4 + 4dC1 (3.6-6) 2Fe(HCO 3 )2 + HOC 1 + hcl + Ca(HCO 3 )2--*2Fe(Oh 3 + CaC12 + 6C02+HO 2 (3.6-7) MnSO4 + HOC 1 + hcl + 4NaOH % Mn02 + 2 Nacl + Na2SO4 + 3H 2O (3.0-8) Since there is no accurate way to predict the chlorine demand of the pond, the exact quantity of Na0Cl used is impossiDie to predict. The feed rate is carefully monitored. The service water, which may have a small residual chlorine content after chlorination, is returned to the cooling pond. Since the con-denser cooling water is chlorinated after the blowdown take-off point, chlorine concentration at the point of olowdown dis-charge is negligible. 3.6.2 Makeup Water Treatment System Surface water from the freshwater holding pond is used to sup- 2 ply the makeup water required for the steam cycle. As shown in Figure 3.3-1, the water is passed through a chlorine retention tank, clarifiers, and a clear well. From there the water pas-ses through three parallel sand filters. Each filter operates at 3.0 gpm/ft2 during normal operation and a maximum of 4.5 gpm/ft2 when one filter is out of service. After each use, each filter is backwashed for 5 to 10 minutes, using 1000 gpm of filtered water for each filter. Tne filterea water is () stored in a 150,000 gallon tank. 3.6-3

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 Three filtered-water transfer pumps (one a spare) supply water to the demineralizer trains for treatment. There are two iden-tical demineralizer trains, each capaole of producing a net daily average of 150 gpm. Each train consists of, in order, a primary, strong-acid cation unit, a secondary, strong-acia ca-tion unit, a weak-base anion unit, a strong-base anion unit, and a mixed bed unit. After treatment, the water goes to the condensate storage tank or primary storage tank. Regeneration Wastes After a quantity of water has been processed through the cemin-eralizer train, the ion exchange resin is exhausted ano needs chemical regeneration. Regeneration of the exhausted resins may take place once each day. During regeneration, whicn lasts about 4 hours, the only chemicals added are sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Each regeneration require 2240 pounds of 93% H SO4 2 and 792 pounds of 100% NaOH for regeneration and neutralization. The 70,095 gallons of waste produceo curing each regeneration are routed into the g circulating water flow. Filter Backwash Effluent The makeup filter subsystem consists of three parallel sand filters and caroon filters. Each filter is backwashed once each day with water from the filtered water storage tank. The backwash water contains dissolved solids ano suspended solids that are collected during the filtering process. The sana filters are backwashed each day for a 10-minute period at a rate of 1.9 cuoic feet per secona (cfs), and the carbon filters are backwashed each day for a 10-minute period at a rate of 0.76 c fs. The discharge from this backwashing operation is routed to the waste treatment building. 3.6.3 Waste Treatment Treatment consists of an oil separator, an agitated equaliza-tion basin, chemical addition, a Quadricell separator, and 2 filt r a tion , after which the clean water ef fluent is routed to the circulating water system. 1 The oil separator is equippea with skimmers to remove oil. The skimmed oil flows to a waste oil holding tank. The waste oil is disposed of, as necessary, by a licensed contractor in an approved manner. lll 3.6-4

Braidwooo ER-OLS AMENOMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 i i f Sludge from the Quadricell is pumped by sludge transfer pumps to' sludge drying beds. Underflow from the beds is pumped by underflow pumps to the equalization tank. The dried sludge is 1 scraped off and hauled away by a licensed contractor for dis-posal in a certifiec landfill site. 3.6.4 Potable Water System

The volume of water used for potable and sanitary purposes is small (about 15,000 gallons per day [gpd)) in comparison with other plant uses. Water is taken from the filtered water storage tank. The water is chlorinated with hypochlorite, ,

which is fed at a rate proportional to the flow rate. The chlorinated water is then stored for potable and sanitary use. All sanitary wastes are treated in a sewage treatment system of approved design (for further details see Section 3.7). The

,                   discharge from the sewage treatment plant is continuously chlo-

! p, . rinated, as indicated in Section 3.7, and is discharged with V the cooling pond blowdown. The chlorine dosage is usually 3 to 10 mg/ liter. This dose results in a free residual chlorine concentration of about 0.5 ppm. After mixing with the cooling 4 pond blowdown, the chlorine concentration is negligible. 3.6.5 Radwaste System The discharge from the radwaste system is high-purity distilled water. The radwaste plant receives ano decontaminates wastes that result from the operation of the nuclear reactors. After the necessary decontamination, the liquid effluents are batch

;                   discharged to the cooling pond blowdown. Section 3.5 discusses the radwaste system in detail.

Table 3.6-2 snows the estimated effluent analysis, ano Table d 3.6-3 the average analysis, of the final discharge, which in

            ,       both cases meets all State of Illinois effluent standards.

1 s O 3.6-5

          %  ,--.      ,      . _ . , ~    - . . . , , . . s.,.-    -...-.--~,e--      ,r--r,. . . - ,  -
                                                                                                          --r-,-.-,- r, - , . .-.% . , . ~ , - - . - , , , . , ,-,,w.

l Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 TABLE 3.6-1 SEASONAL ANALYSIS OF KANKAKEE RIVER WATER (All values in mg/ liter) WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL AVERAGE MAXIMUM Calcium 71.9 78.7 81.8 77.8 77.6 118 Magnesium 23.9 21.3 24.8 24.0 23.5 31.0 Sodium 16.4 7.2 13.8 14.7 13.0 25.6 Alkalinity (As CACO3 ) 178 140 159 202 170 235 Sulfate 62.4 60.4 45.7 93.9 65.6 164 Chloridea 23.0 22.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 25 Nitrate 1.7 4.5 2. 2 C.9 2.3 6.2 Silica 2.3 3.1 4.2 3.2 3.2 5.3 q Filterable Residue 381 361 397 All 388 489 Note: pH average 8.2, range 7.0 to 9.0 Samples taken at Location 3, Intake Area Sources: Illinois Natural History Survey 1977-1979, 1981 a Commonwealth Edison 1977-1978 0 3.6-6 i

O - Braidwood ER-OLS AMEN 0 MENT 2 JULY. 1983 TABLE 3.6-2 ESTIMATES OF AVERAGE EFFLUENT ANALYSIS (All Values in mg/ liter) PONO DISCHARGE BLOWOOWN TO RIVER Calcium 100 100 Magnesium 50 50 Socium 26 26 Alkalinity (as CACO 3) 120 120 , Sulfate 273 273 2 Chloride 44 44 Nitrate 5 5 Silica 6 6 Total Dissolved Solids 900 900 Phosphate (as PO4) 1.1 1.2 0 3.6-7

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT. 2 JULY 1983 TABLE 3.6-3 ESTIMATES OF MAXIMUM EFFLUENT WATER COMPOSITION (All Values in mg/ liter) PONO DISCHARGE BLOWDOWNa TO RIVERb Calcium 120 120 Magnesium 70 70 Socium 33 33 Alkalinity (as CACO 3) 160 160 Sulfate 360 360 2 Chloride 46. 46 h Nitrate 9 9 Silica 8 8 Total Dissolved Solids 980 980 Phosphate (as PO 4) 1.7 2.2 a Highest of the four seasonal average river analyses were used (see Table 3.6-1). O In this analysis, the radwaste and sanitary waste dis-charges to the Olowdown were negligible. O 3.6-8

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JELY 1983 3.7 SANITARY AND OTHER WASTE SYSTEMS 40 3.7.1 Sanitary Wastes The sanitary wastes from the Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station - Units 1S 2 (Braidwood Station) are collected by a sewer system and discharged into a packaged sewage treatment plant located at the station. The treatment plant is designed to handle a maximum of 15,000 gallons per day. The treated effluent is combined with the cooling pond blowdown and discharged to the Kankakee River. The ef fluent contains a residual of up to 1 mg/ liter free chlorine, and after mixing with the cooling pond blowdown, the residual chlorine content is negligible. Water from onsite wells is used for the sanitary system during construction. During station operation, water from the Kankakee River will be used for the sanitary system. The sewage treatment unit for permanent plant service operates as an extended aeration system for 553 operating personnel at 2 approximately 25 gallons per person per day. The effluent from the unit is given tertiary treatment (consisting of filtration and recirculation in a packaged unit) and then is chlorinated before discharge. During construction, factory-installed modifications allowed the package unit to operate as a contact stabilization system designed for 1,500 construction personnel at O. 15 gallons per person per day, or a total of 22,500 gallons for the 8-hour work day. The environmental effect of the treated sewage is discussed in sections 4.1 and 5. 5. 3.7.2 Other waste systems The station maintains four diesel generators to provide emergency electrical power during a loss of offsite power. The station also has two diesel-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps, one miscellaneous equipment diesel, and one diesel-driven fire pump. These engines exhaust directly to the atmosphere through muffler systems. The use of these systems other than for routine testing is not anticipated during normal operation. Two No. 2 fuel oil-fired auxiliary steam boilers, each rated at about 75 x 10* Btu, are used to supply steam for initial plant startup and for those infrequent occasions when both nuclear units are shut down. These boilers are supplied with low-sulfur distillate oil to meet Illinois state emission standards for control of gaseous sulfur dioxide emissions. When firing distillate oil, these standards limit SO2 emission to 0.3 lb per million Btu heat input. In addition, the oil used has a low ash content so that the emission of particulate matter from the stack () is within the Illinois state emission standard of 0.1 lb per million Btu heat input. The emission standard on the visual scale is 30% opacity, which is achieved when firing the low-ash distillate oil. Table 3.7-1 lists the state emission standards l l 3.7-1

gr Braidwood ER-OLS for new distillate oil-fired units of less than 250 x 10* Btu. These are the only standards currently applicable to the cuxiliary steam boilers. During normal operation, one boiler is expected to operate an average of about 2 weeks per year at 80% capacity. Trash from the plant is disposed of of fsite by an independent contractor. Laundry wastes ' and wastes from chemical laboratory drains are processed through the radwaste system, which is described in Section 3. 5. Solid, nonradioactive chemical wastes are disposed of offsite by an independent contractor. G 9 3.7-2


l (~Ns-) Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 CHAPTER 4.0 - ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF SITE PREPARATION, STATION CONSTRUCTION, AND TRANSMISSION FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION 4.1 SITE PREPARATION AND PLANT CONSTRUCTION 4.1.1 Construction Schedule A Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) construction permit for the Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station - Units 1 and 2 (Braidwood Station) was issued on December 31, 1975. As of April 1, 1983, 51% of the estimated 13.1 billion project cost had been expended. Completion dates for Units 1 and 2 have 1 2 been set for October 1985 and October 1986, respectively. The specific conditions for environmental protection attached to the contruction permits are listed in Section 4.5. The effects of site preparation and construction activities on land ano water use are described in the following subsections. () 4.1.2 Land Use In the development of the 4454 acre Braidwood Station site, 130 1 acres are affected for actual plant building activities, in-cluding 35 acres of woods and 70 acres of cultivated fields that will be changed during the life of the station from cur-rent use. There are also 25 acres of fallow fields within the station construction area. After building construction is completed, 20 acres will be occupied by permanent physical structures (Edmonds 1974). The exclusion area around the station and switchyards includes approximately 300 acres, of which 120 acres are wooded. Approximately 35 acres of open woodland will be cleared for construction. Tne other 85 acres will remain standing. This limited clearing will maintain the availability of biotic cover in the Braidwood Station site area (Edmonds 1974). Aerial photographic measurements conducted by Westinghouse Environmental Systems Department (WESD) during initial site surveys indicated that the proposed cooling pond will encompass 3540 acres, and construction will af fect 704 acres of culti-vated land, 301 acres of fallow-field vegetation, 222 acres of woods and 2313 acres of strip-mine spoil. Subsequent Commonwealth Edison Company (Ceco) projections indicate that

 /~     after the completion of mining in the area, the affected pond k-)'   area is expected to comprise 2838 acres of strip-mine spoil, 204 acres of fallow fields,117 acres of woods, and 381 acres of agricultural fields. Approximately-784 acres within the           1 l        site will not be affected by station construction (Edmonds, 1974).


(') Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 Adaitional exposure pathways include direct exposure from con-taminated ground and vegetation and exposure from ingestion of contaminated vegetables and meats. The gaseous effluent concentrations were calculated for each 22.50 sector within 50 miles of the Braidwood Station based on 3 years of meteorological data gathered at the site. Resultant skin, thyroid, inhalation, and whole-body dose rates were calculatea for the predicted population in each sector for the year 2000 and for the hypothetical individual exposed con-tinuously to the gaseous effluents at the site boundary where minimum effluent dilution has occured. The inhalation dose to such a " maximum" individual was also calculated. The resultant exposure rates are conservative estimates since occupancy fac-tors and the shielding afforded by structures such as houses were ignored. Aquatic Pathways The aquatic pathways of radiation exposure to persons will be essentially the same as those describeo for biota other than man in Subsection The two important exposure path-((_N) ways for persons are the following:

a. internal exposure from ingestion of water or contaminated food chain components; and
b. external exposure from the surface of contaminated water or sediment.

There are no municipal water intakes or public drinking water 2 intakes within 50 miles downstream from the Braidwood Station. The nearest downstream municipal water intake is located at the city of Peoria, 115 miles below the Braidwood Station on the Illinois Riv'er. 2 Recreational uses of the Kankakee River include fishing and boating, but little swimming other than that associated with water skiing (see Subsection Public exposure to radioactivity in the Kankakee River during fishing and boating activities would therefore be generally restricted to the ex-tremely small amount of radiation escaping from the river sur-face. Activities such as swimming or water skiing would be expected to result in slightly nigher, although still insignif-icant, radiation doses. ( 5.2-3

l Braidwood ER-OLS N ENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 Commercial fishing is illegal on the Kankakee River, and there is , O very little commercial fishing within 50 miles downstream from the site. Since there is no known use of the Kankakee River for irrigating crops within 50 miles of the discharge, the only pathways for radiation exposure of the public through the aquatic food chain is by the consumption of fish caught by sport fishermen in the general vicinity of the blowdown discharge and through the drinking water consumed by the small number of employees at the Illinois Nitrogen Company. External dose rates were estimated for an individual boating or swimming at the discharge point. The exposure rate from contaminated shoreline sediments was also calculated. A drinking-water dose was estimated, although consumption of water near the discharge is not anticipated. Evaluation of each pathway was based on maximized conditions; no credit was taken for dilution of the effluents by mixing in the river. All interactions were a3sumed to occur with the radionuclide concentrations that will occur at the point of discharge. , 5.2.2 Radioactivity in Environment This subsection describes quantitatively the distribution in the environment of the small releases of radioactivity from the g Braidwood Station. These releases are included in the liquid and gaseous effluents discharged from the station. Surface Water Models The models used to predict the fate of radionuclides released into surf ace waters estimated the physical eff ects using conservative assumptions. The radionuclides released in the blowdown from the Braidwood Station cooling pond will be rapidly diluted in the Kankakee River. The average annual blowdown rate is 43.2 cubic feet per second (cfs) compared with the average annual river flow rate of 3952 cfs. 2 Dilution of station ef fluents by ambient river water occurs immediately after release of blowdown to the river. A dilution factor of 90 times for the blowdown was calculated from the average l2 yearly river flow. Also, a reduction in radionuclide concentrations will occur due to radioactive decay between the time of effluent release and the time of exposure; however, credit for this reduction in concentration was not taken in the calculation of doses in order to obtain the most conservative dose estimate. The concentration of isotopes in the Kankakee River and the bioaccumulation factors for fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and aquatic plants are listed in Table 5.2-1. The radionuclide 5.2-4 v

Braidwood ER-OLS estimated dose from gaseous effluents for the year 2000 population within a 50-mile radius of the site appears in Table 5.2-10. This table shows whole-body, skin, and thyroid doses resulting from exposure from immersion, inhalation, and ground deposition. The population dose caused by direct radiation to all individuals ' living within a _50-mile radius of the Braidwood Station was also calculated using population data projected for the year 2000; it is given in Table 5.2-11. The population dose resulting from natural background radiation to all individuals living within a 50-mile radius of the Braidwood Station is given in Table 5.2-11. This dose was calculated assuming a dose to individuals of 135 mrem /yr and was based on population data projected for the year 2000. 5.2.5 summary of Annual Radiation Doses The estimated radiation doses to the regional population from all 4 station-related sources are summarized in Table 5. 2-11.


t (/ l l 5.2-9


  • POINTE AQUATIC St0ACCUMUtATION FACTOt3 ISOTOPE ( Ci /f r) (pci/11ter) FISH CRUSTACEAN MOLLUSK ALCA2 e-3 3.0 a 102 1.6 a 10' 9.0 a 10-1 9.0 a 10-1 9.0 a 10*1 9.0 a 10-1 Cr-51 6.2 a 10-5 3,3 go-3 2.0 a 101 2.0 a 103 2.0 a 103 4.0 a 103 Ma-54 1.0 a 10-3 5.4 a 10-2 4,o a 102 9.0 m 104 9.0 a 104 1.0 a 10' re-55 5.4 a 10-5 2.9 a 10*3 1.0 a 102 3.2 a 103 3.2 a 103 1.0 a 103 Fe-59 3.5 a 10-5 1.9 a 10-3 1.0 a 102 3.2 a 103 3.2 a 103 1.0 a 103 Co-58 4.5 a 10-3 2.4 a 10-1 5.0 m 101 2.0 a 102 2.0 a 102 2.0 a 102 Co-60 8.8 a 10-3 4.8 a 10-1 5.0 a 101 2.0 s 107 2.0 a 102 2.0 a 102 er-83+d 1.8 a 10-5 9.7 a 10-6 4.2 a 102 3,3 tot 3.3 a 102 5.0 s 102 ab-86 4. 7 a 10-5 2.5 a 10-3 2.0 a 103 1.0 a 103 1.0 x 103 1.0 a 103 Sr-89 1.3 a 10-5 7.0 a 10-4 3.0 a 101 1.0 a 102 1.0 m 102 5.0 a 102 Mo-99+d 2.0 a 10-3 1.1 a 10-1 1.0 a 101 1.0 a 101 1.0 a 101 1.0 m 103 Mo-99d 1.0 a 10-3 1.1 a 10-1 1.0 a 101 1.0 a 101 1.0 a 101 1.0 a 103 Tc-99e 2.3 a 10-3 1.2 a 10-1 1.5 a 100 5.0 m 100 5.0 a 100 4,o a got 1 Ta-127 1.4 a 10-5 '7.6 a 10-' 4.0 m 102 7.5 s 101 7.5 a 101 1.0 m 102 Te-129e+d 4.6 a 10-5 2.5 a 10-3 4.0 a 102 7.5 s 101 7.5 a 101 1.0 a 102 Te-129 3.0 a 10-5 1.6 a 10-3 4.0 a 102 7.5 m to! 7.5 a 101 1.0 a 102 Te-131e 3.3 a 10-5 1.8 a 10*3 4.0 a 102 7.5 a 101 7.5 a 101 1.0 a 102 Te-132 6.2 a 10-4 3.3 a 10-2 4,o a 102 7.5 a 101 7.5 s 101 1.0 a 102 Te-132d 6.2 a 10-4 3.3 a 10-2 4.0 a 102 7.5 a 101 7.5 a 101 1.0 a 102 I-130 1.1 a 10-4 5.9 a 10-3 1.5 a 101 5.0 a 100 5.0 a 100 4.0 a 101 1-131 8.0 a 10*2 4.3 m 100 g,$ , got 5.0 a 101 5.0 a 100 4.0 a 101 1-132 1.8 a 10-3 9.7 a 10-2 1.5 a 101 5.0 a 100 5.0 a 100 4.0 s 101 1-133 3.7 a 10-2 2.0 a 100 g,5 got 5.0 a 100 5.0 m 100 4,o a got 1-135 4.3 x 10-3 2.3 a to-I 1.5 a 101 5.0 a 100 5.0 a 100 4.0 a 101 l Cs-134 2.8 a 10-2 1.5 a 100 2.0 a 103 1.0 s 102 1.0 a 102 5.0 a 102 Cs-136 6.9 s 10-3 3.7 s 10-1 2.0 a 103 1.0 a 102 1.0 a 102 5,o a go2 CS-137 3.5 s 10-2 1.9 a 100 2.0 a 103 1.0 a 102 1.0 a 102 5.0 s 102 sp-239 2.3 a 10-5 1.2 a 10-3 1.0 s 101 4.0 a 102 4.0 a 102~ 3.0 a 102
 " Values based on 1-unit operation and 21.6 efs everage blowfown rate.                           2 V

5.2-10 wu_

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDM 2 JULY 1983 l 5.3 EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL AND EIOCIDE DISCHARGES l At the Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station - Units 1 &2 (Braidwood Station) there are three major systems utilizing water. In each instance, decisions were made regarding the necessity of water treatment for these systems and, if necessary, the type of treatment to be used. These decisions reflect the engineering experience of Commonwealth Edison Company and its con tractors. The major systems discharging chemicals or biocides are (a) the cooling water system, (b) the steam cycle makeup water system, and (c) the potable and sanitary water systems. These systems are discussed in Sections 3.6 and 3.7. The major source of chemical and biocide discharges into the Kankakee River at the Braidwood Station is the cooling pond blowdown. The average concentrations of chemicals and biocides from this source is expected to be within state effluent and water quality standards (see Table 5. 3-1) . The circulating water system is one of the components of the , cooling water system. Kankakee River water is used for the Braidwood cooling pond makeup. The cooling pond blowdown will contain the same. chemical constituents as the river, but at higher concentrations because of evaporative water losses (see Table 5. 3-1) . Total dissolved solids concentrations will be raised be-cause of the carbon dioxide feed added to prevent scale formation in the 2 heat exchange equipnent. The expected chemical concentrations of the blowdown from the cooling pond to the Kankakee River is shown in Table 5.3-1. Leaching is expected to have a very insignificant effect on the Braidwood cooling pond water chemistry. Tables 2.4-6 and 2.4-7 provide a quantified breakdown of leached soil components and their possible ef fect on the water quality of the Braidwood cooling pond (see Subsection for discussion) . The effect of the cooling pond on groundwater is discussed in Subsection 2. 4. 2. 2. 3. Another component of the plant's cooling water systems is the service water system, comprising the non-essential system and the essential system. Both service water systems use pond water and are hypochlorinated periodically to prevent biological growths. Blowdown to the river is not expected to contain free chlorine because of the long path . (about 10 miles) and long time (about 3 l2 days) of exposure before the plant effluent reaches the discharge. The plant makeup water system uses surf ace water f rom either the Kankakee River or the cooling pond, demineralized by means of ion exchange methods. The chemical waste products of this process are routed into the circulating water flow (see Subsection

3. 6. 2.1) .

5.3-1 i l

Brcidwood ER-OLS In Table 5.3-1 the concentrations of chemical constituents in the blowdown are listed together with state effluent and water quality standards. It can be seen that the expected TDs I discharge to the river is considerably lower than the maximum allowed by the effluent limits for total dissolved solids. The expected pH of the discharge to the river is also within the offluent limits. There are no effluent limits on the other chemical discharges. The expected maximum discharge concentrations of chlorides and TDS listed in Table 5. 3-2 satisfy the water quality standards without river dilution. In .he case of sulfate, sufficient mixing occurs within a mixing zone of 26 acres to dilute the effluent sulfate concentration to a value well below the 500 mg/ liter standard. The actual mixing zone required to bring the sulfate concentration within allowable limits may be determined by relation to the area required for the thermal mixing zone. Since the same diffusion and transport phenomena account for temperature gradients in the mixing zone as the concentration gradients, the concentration distributions may be explicitly related to the temperature distributions. If t is the temperature along a given isotherm (constant temperature line), then the concentration of a chosen constituent along the same isotherm is given by: ,


C = Cr + (Cb - Cr) (t - TW (5. 3-1) (Tb - Tr) .. h where, C = concentration of the constituent, T = temperature, r = river ambient, and b = blowdown stream at discharge point. For the sulfate concentration to decrease to a value of 500 mg/ liter from the maximum discharge value of 588 mg/ liter, the l following mixing ratio is required:

                 - t - T.               50.81                         ( 5. 3-2)


                 . b-Tr.

i It may be seen from the values of cooling pond blowdown I temperature (a3) and ambient river temperature (T r) in Table 5.1-1 that the mixing ratio at a particular isotherm (t - T r) reaches a maximum during the month of August when average river flow rates are lowest. For this month, a 20 F isotherm corresponds to a mixing ratio: 20 = 20 = 0.17 ( 5. 3-3) _b-Tr. T 91 - 79.5 0 5.3-2

l l I l Brcidwood ER-OLS l l l n Hence, any sulfate discharged to the Kankakee River from the l V operation of the Braidwood Station complies with water quality standards by river dilution within an area that does not exceed the extent of the 58 F isotherm. As shown in Table 5.1-2, the area of the thermal plume within the 58 F isotherm is 0.16 acres in August; this area is well below the 26-acre mixing zone allowed by Illinois water quality standards. The estimated concentrations of chemicals discharged in the cooling pond blowdown at locations on the Kankakee River corresponding to 58 F and 28 F isotherms are provided in Table 5.3-2. This table aows that most chemicals reach near-ambient i values at the 28 isotherm. As noted previously, these concentrations are based on the thermal plume model that considers the volume of river water necessary in August to reduce the blowdown temperature to that of the indicated isotherms; this water volume also causes a dilution of chemical effluents from the cooling pond. No adverse effects of these discharges upon the Kankakee River biota are anticipated. All concentrations are below existing standards and most are at near-ambient values. O 4 0 O l 5.3-3 __.._.___________m

TABLE 5.3-1 CHEMICAL DISCHARCES OF THE BRAIDWOOD STATION INCLUDING LEACHING EFFECTS (All values except pH in mg/ liter) APPLICABLE AVERAGE AVERAGE ILLINDIS STANDARDS AMBIENT POND DISCHARGE WATER RIVERa BLOWDOWN TO RIVER EFFLUENT QUALITY Alkalinity (as CACO 3) 170 120 120 None None Calcium 77.6 100 100 None None e Chlorides 27.0 44 44 None 500 g a Magnesium 23.5 50 50 None None y Ni tra tes 2.3 5 5 None None pH 7.0-9.0 Within Within 5-10 6.5-9.0 2 Limits Stanoards Silica 3.2 6 6 None None Sodium 13.0 26 26 None None Sulfates 65.6 273 273 None None

  • Total Dissolved Solids 388 900 900 3500b 1000  %

aFrom Table 3.6-1. ro b Applicable limit for recycling or other pollution abatement practices. O O O

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENOMENT 2 O JULY 1983 TABLE 5.3.2 ESTIMATED MAXIMUM CONCENTRATIONS OF CHEMICALS DISCHARGE 0 TO THE KANKAKEE RIVER (All values in mg/ liter) MAXIMUM MAXIMUM AT 50 AT 20 AMBIENT DISCHARGE ISOTHERMa ISOTHERMD RIVER Alkalinity (as CACO 3) 160 203 222 235 Calcium 120 119 118 118 Chlorides 46 34 29 25 Magnesium 70 48 38 31 Nitrates 9 7 7 6.2 2


Silica 8 6 6 5.3 Sodium 33 29 27 25.6 Sulfates 360 248 198 164 l Total Dissolved Solids 980 699 573 489 aEstimated August isotherm area = 0.16 acres. t bEstimated August isotherm area = 1.42 acres. [ 5.3-5 l

Braidwood ER-OLS NM 2 JELY 1983 5.4 EFFECTS OF SANITARY WASTE DISCHARGES All sanitary waste systems derive their water f rom the potable water system. Floor drains from the service building and common sewage are routed to the sanitary waste system. The largest portion of the sanitary waste is sewage. Af ter the sanitary waste has been treated by extended aeration, with tertiary treatment for the additional removal of nutrients, the effluent is chlorinated on a continuous basis to maintain fecal coliforms at or below allowed levels (geometric mean, 20 0 fecal coliforms / (Illinois EPA 1972) The plant effluent chlorine level is about 1 ppm. This concentration is discharged at an average rate of less than 0.1 cfs into the pond blowdown, 2 which is maintained at an average flow of about 43 2 cfs. Dilution d by this means should be more than adequate to reduce the nutrient and residual chlorine levels to values below that of the river. All sanitary waste effluents meet the applicable standards of the state of Illinois. O O 5.4-1 l l . _ __ ___, -

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENIFENP 2 JULY 1983 5.7 RESOURCES COMMITTED Resource commitments due to operation of the Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station - Units 1 S 2 (Braidwood Station) fall into two categories: resources committed during the active lifetime of the plant and resources consumed (i.e., committed irretrievably) during plant operation. Resources committed during plant construction are described in Section 4.3. 5.7.1 Resources Committed During Plant Lifetime Section 2.2 describes the present ecological characteristics of the Braidwood Station site area. The expected impact of plant construction on the surrounding ecological community is described in Section 4.1. The expected ecological impact due to plant cieration is presented in this section. Although changes in the local terrestrial ecology attributable to the presence of Braidwood Station could be interpreted as being commitments of resources, a distinction should be made between such consequences an the displacement of animal populations and the destruction of animal habitats; i.e., natural vegetation. Plant operation should not reduce further the wildlife habitat altered by plant construction and therefore should not displace any more animal populations. Ecological monitoring will identify and document changes in the quantity and quality of the chemical and thermal discharges and the resultant effects on the biotic community in

-} the Kankakee River (see Section 6.2) .

J Resources committed during plant life cannot reasonably be considered as irretrievable long-term net losses. Preconstruction surveys (see Section 2.2) indicated that there are no known threatened or endangered species of plants or animals indigenous to the Braidwood Station area. Since no undue er extreme environmental disturbance is expected to result from plant operation, it is anticipated that natural flora and fauna could reestablish themselves after the plant is decommissioned if the area is allowed to revert to a natural state. The use of land for the Breidwood Station is also a resource  ; comnitment. Subsection 4.3.1 describes the land that is removed f rom natural and agricultural production by plant construction. During plant operation, 4454 acres will be occupied by plant 2 facilities, the cooling pond, and the exclusion area. The cooling pond provides a habitat for waterfowl, shore birds, and semi-aquatic mammals. Portions of this land not occupied or disturbed during construction will be allowed to return to their natural state in order to provide habitat for terrestrial l wildlife. The land that will be unavailable to agriculture represents only about 0.22% of the total agricultural land in Will County. Most of it could be reclaimed after the plant is decommissioned (see Section 5.8). 5.7-1

Braidwood ER-OLS Makeup water is expected to be withdrawn from the Kankakee River at an average annual rate of 90.8 cfs (see Table 3. 3- 1) . An additional 9.3 cfs of rainf all will be added to the Braidwood ~ll) pond ( see Table 3. 3- 1) . An average of 56.8 cfs of water is expected to be lost through evaporation and seepage from the cooling pond. Although most of this water is eventually returned to the earth as precipitation, it is an immediate loss to the local area. In addition, an annual average blowdown of 43.2 cfs is eventually returned to the Kankakee River (see Table 3.3-1) . 5.7.2 Irretrievable Commitments of Resources The environmental effects of uranium mining and milling, the production of uranium hexafluoride, isotopic enrichment, fuel fabrication, reprocessing of irradiated fuel, transportation of radioactive materials, and management of low-level and high-level wastes are within the scope of the NRC report entitled

 " Environmental Survey of the Uranium Fuel Cycle" (see Table 5.7-1).

The operation of the Braidwood Station will involve the consumption of a certain amount of uranium ore that represents a fraction of the current reserves and resources of the United S ta tes. The radioactive materials inventory appears in S ection 3.8. During the expected lifetime of the plant, the estimated annual use will be 64,450 pounds of UO2 or 56,010 pounds of U. O l l l O 5.7-2

Braidwood ER-OLS AENDENT 2 /7 JULY 1983 V CHAPTER 6.0 - EFFLUENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL EASUREENTS AND MCNITORING PROGRAMS LIST OF TABLES NLHBER TITLE PAGE 6.1-1 Sampling Locations Used During the Braidwood Aquatic Monitoring Program 1974-1975 6.1-51 6.1-2 Sampling Schedule Used During the Braidwood Aquatic Monitorng Program 1974-1975 6.1-52 6.1-3 Pnysical and Chemical Parameters Measured in Water Samples Collected from the Kankakee River and Horse Creek During the Braidwood Aquatic Monitoring Program 1974-1975 6.1-53 6.1-4 Heavy Metals and Cyanide Measured in Water Samples Collected from the Kankakee River and Horse Creek During the Braidwood Aquatic Monitor-ing Program 1974-1975 6.1-54 6.1-5 Pesticides and Polychlorinateo Biphenyls Measured in Water Samples Collected from the Kankakee River and Horse Creek During the Braidwood Aquatic o Monitoring Program 1974-1975 6.1-55 L) 6.1-Sa Groundwater Monitoring Action Levels by Well 6.1-55a 2 6.1-6 Description of Braidwood Fall Baseline Terrestrial Survey Transects 1972-1973 6.1-56 6.1-7 Description of Braicwood Winter Baseline Terres-trial Survey Transects 1972-1973 6.1-57 6.1-8 Description of Braidwood Spring Baseline Terres-trial Survey Transects 1972-1973 6.1-58 6.1-9 ' Cescription of Braidwood Summer Baseline Terres-trial Survey Transects 1972-1973 6.1-59 6.1-10 Preoperational Raciological Sampling Program 6.1-60 6.1-11 Practical Low Limits of Detection (LLD) for Standard Environmental Raalological Monitoring Program 6.1-61 6.1-12 Expected Braidwooa Background Radiation Levels Based on Dresden Data 6.1-62 6.2-1 Braidwood Station Operational Phase Water 6.2-4 6.2-2 Standarc Radiological Monitoring Program 6.2-5 6.3-1 The Number of Each Species of Fish Col-lected by Electrofishing During the 1976 anc 1977 Annual Kankakee River Mainstream Surveys 6.3-3 2 6.0-111

Braidwood ER-OLS CHAPTER 6.0 - EFFLUENT AND ENVIFONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS AND MONITORING PROGRAMS ll LIST OF FIGURES NUMBER TITLE 6.1-1 Baseline Monitoring Aquatic Sampling Locations 6.1-2 Construction Monitoring Aquatic Sampling Locations

6. 1-3 Locations of Pond Observation Wells 6.1-4 Locations of Station Observation Wells 6.1-5 Sampling Transects for Terrestrial Baseline 1972-1973 Surveys 6.1-6 Sampling Areas for Terrestrial Baseline 1974-1975 Surveys 6.1-7 Radiological Monitoring Sampling Locations O

l O 6.0-iv

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 () 4 JULY 1983 All fish collected are identified to species, weighed, and measured. Samples are identified by cate, sampling station, and method of collection. Fecundity is also measured. Scales or spines are taken from each species (excluding minnows) that is examined for length and weight. They are used to determine both age and growth. Food habits are determined for sport fish and ictalurids that are eviscerated for sex determination. Condition factors [K(TL)] are determined for the immature fish and for the adults that have had their sex determined. Condi-tion factors are kept separate by season, sex, age, year, and sampling station. Physical abnormalities of fish and incidence of external disease and parasitism are noted from gross examin-ation and recorded. Fish eggs and larvae are collected once a week over a 24-hour period Deginning in mid-April and continuing through mid-July at sampling locations 1, 2, 3, and 6. Sampling is extended for an additional 6 weeks from mid-July through August if fish eggs and larvae are found in early July. The samples are taken with metered nets using a No. 0-mesh plankton net. Horse Creek (location 2) has one sampling point, the surface. The sampling boat is anchored in position, and the nets are lowered to the n' s-proper cepth and held in place until an adequate volume of water is sampled. The concentrated sample is preserved in buffered formalin. Later, the eggs and larvae are identified anc counted. 6.1.2 Groundwater Physical and Chemical Parameters The properties and configurations of the local aquifers at the Braidwood Station site are described in Subsection 2.4.2. Seven shallow water wells were installed in 1973 to obtain groundwater table data arouno the periphery of the Braidwood Station cooling pond. These wells, which were installed in the glacial drif t, were monitoreo from July 1973 through June 1975. In late 1975, eight additional observation wells were installed in the glacial drift around the Braidwood Station power block excavation and outside the slurry trench to monitor groundwater quality and level during construction. These wells, site wells 1 through 8 were installed in pairs at varying distances from the slurry trench (see Figure 6.1-4). Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO) began monitoring all 15 wells for both water 2 quality and -level in January 1976.

 -g                                         6.1-17


Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 lll In 1978, 71 additional observation wells were installed to mon-itor any ef fects of pond filling on groundwater levels. Subse-quently, 10 additional wells were added to the program. The water levels are checked monthly in these 81 wells. The preoperational monitoring program for groundwater quality in the vicinity of the site was modified in March 1981. This modification involveo selection of some new wells and the establishment of action guides. Water quality analyses are performed in accordance with EPA approved procedures: Standard Metnods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 14th Edition (APHA 1975). This groundwater monitoring program is not part of any future radiological moni-toring program. Well depths are determined for those wells where access is available by use of a meter connected to a probe that is lowered into the well. The meter operates on the principle of specific conductance, that is, when the probe reaches the water level, the meter inoicates electrical conduc-tance. The depth is read from the connecting line, which is calibrated in feet. Under the modifieo program, the following wells are sampled ggg Quarterly for water quality: 2

1. G-1 ano G-2
2. D-1, 0-2, 0-3 and D-4 Wells G-1 and G-2 are onsite wells close to the town of Godley. The D-series wells are domestic wells that are in current use. Tne location of these wells are depicted on Figure 6.1-3. The criteria used to select the various wells involved selecting representative locations on and around the site in coordination with groundwater hydrological characteris-tics. Action guides are assigned to each parameter measured at each well.

The establishment of these action guides took into considera-tion data collected during construction for the D and G series wells. For pH, the action guide is 0.5 pH units greater than the highest observed background value or 0.5 pH units less than the lowest observed Dackground value. For all other param-eters, the levels are 50% greater than the highest observed Dackground level or 50% less than the lowest ODserveo back-ground value. The parameters measured and the levels estab-lished by the guide are listed in Table 6.1-5A. 6.1-18 O

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 Tnis water quality program will continue through one year of commercial station operation. 2 Samples will be collected quar-terly. Models No mathematical groundwater models were used in the preopera-tional groundwater investigations. 6.1.3 Air . Meteorology A 320-foot meteorological tower was erecteo on the Braidwood Station site approximately 1880 feet northeast of the Braidwood Station reactor building, the major plant structure closest to the tower. The tower is locatea on relatively level terrain in the center of a large, open grassy field with no other tall structures or trees in the vicinity. The tower is thus essen-tially free of aerodynamic influences from the Braidwood Station buildings for all directions. The elevation of the base of the tower is close to the final plant grade, 600 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The location of the tower is shown () in Figure 2.1-5. The meteorological instruments are mounted on booms that extend more than one tower width away from the open-latticed structure of the tower. The meteorological monitoring system at the Braidwood Station is operated in accordance with the recommenoations of Regula-tory Guide 1.23. Wino speeo and wind direction are measured at 34 feet and 203 feet above grade level. Temperature is meas-ured at 30 feet, and temperature oif ference (delta T) is meas-ured between the 30- and 199-foot levels. Relative humidity (dew point) is measured at both the 30- and 199-foot levels. A precipitation gauge is used to measure rain and snowfall at ground level near the base of the tower. (During November 1977 the wind speed and direction instrumentation at Doth tower levels was raised by 4 feet from 30 and 199 feet above grade level. This change in instrumentation levels resultea from equipment modifications to improve system reliability.) All meteorological data are recorded on an analog recording system. An additional analog recording system serves as a i ('T V 6.1-18a 1

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 (~) FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 6.1.5 Radiological Monitoring The preoperational radiological monitoring program planned for the Braidwooo Station was descrioed in the Environmental Report

       - Construction Permit Stage (ER-CPS). The monitoring program currently planned incorporates some changes in sample collec-tion anb analysis that were made to obtain more useful data.

The area to be monitored is essentially the same as that des-cribed in the ER-CPS (see ER-CPS Subsection 6.1.5). CECO plans to start its preoperational radiological monitoring program by August, 1983. The preoperational monitoring program 2 will provide measurements of natural background and other radi-ation sources, such as fallout, that are external to Braidwood 1 Station. This program will continue until the plant loads nuclear fuel and the operational-phase monitoring program be-gins. Details of the proposed monitoring program are discussed in this subsection. Sampling Media, Locations, and Frequency () Table 6.1-10 presents the preoperational radiological sampling program to be used at the Braidwood Station. The media to be 2 sampled include the most importarst dose pathways. Air sampling stations ano surface and well water sampling sites that will be in the program are shown in Figure 6.1-7. Air sampling sites were selected on the basis of population and site meteorologi-cal conditions. Environmental samples will be collected at these locations with the frequencies specified in the technical speci fications. O 6.1.44a

Brcidwood ER-OLS

 .O V


  • BHC (beta) ug/ liter
  • BHC (gamma) pg/ liter
  • BHC (delta) ug/ liter
  • BHC (total) ug/ liter
  • C 2, 4, D ug/ liter
  • 2, 4, 5, T d ug/ liter
  • I DDE' ug/ liter
  • I *
                          -DDD                                                                      ug/ liter

] DDT 9 (PP') ug/ liter ~* DDT (OP') ug/ liter

  • DDT (total) ug/ liter
  • Dieldrin ug/ liter
  • Heptachlor epoxide ug/ liter
  • PCB h
  • ug/ liter i


                           ' Asterisk (*) indicates procedures used are those described in Proposed Water Quality Information (U.S. EPA 1973).

Benzene Hexachloride. C 2-(2, 4 - dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid. d 2-(2, 4, 5 - trichlorophenoxy) acetic acid. ! '2, 2 - bis (4 - chlorophenyl) - 1, 1 - dichloroethylene. I I, 1 - bis (4 - chlorophenyl) -2, 2 - dichloroethane. 9,2 2 - bis (4 - chlorophenyl) - 1,1 - trichloroethane. ' bolychlorinatedbiphenyl. lO 6.1-55

  . . . _ . _ _ . , _ .               ___ . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ - . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _                                 _ _..._ _ _ _ _ _.._ _.__~._ ._

4 O O O TABLE 6.1-5A GROUNDWATER MONITORING ACTION LEVELS BY WELL (Values Given as Higher / Lower Action Level) Parameter D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 G-1 G-2 Depth (inches) a a a a 185/29 139/16 1 pH 7.6/6.6 9.1/7.4 8.6/6.8 8.8/7.0 8.4/6.7 8.0/6.3 4 i Fecal Coliform (number /ml) 2/< 1 2/< 1 2/< 1 2/< 1 10/< 1 4/< 1 @


os Ammonia, as N @ E e (mg/1) 0.95/< .05 0.56/0.06 0.21/< 0.05 0.32/< 0.05 0.77/0.13 0.26/< 0.05 { if Arsenic (mg/1) 0.003/< 0.001 0.003/< 0.001 0.002/< 0.001 0.002/< 0.001 0.039/< 0.001 0.038/< 0.001 E! 6 Boron (mg/1) 1.1/< 0.1 3.5/0.4 1. 2/< 0.1 0.9/< 0.1 1.2/< 0.1 0.5/< 0.1 C 1 Dissolved Solids s (mg/1) 1150/261 591/175 471/115 372/92 477/102 678/205 Phosphorus (mg/1) j (total, total, as P) 0.045/< 0.005 0.182/< 0.005 0.240/< 0.005 0.132/< 0.005 0.273/0.017 0.404/< 0.005 Sulfate (ag/1) 245/41 3/< 1 113/28 117/18 6/< 1 204/51 4 I i 1 a The D-Series are active off-site domestic water wells; sq I depth cannot be determined, do r 6 M

Braidwood ER-OLS TABLE 6.1-6 DESCRIPTION OF BRAIDWOOD FALL BASELINE TERRESTRIAL SUPVEY TRANSECTS 1972-1973 TRAN-SECT AREA LENGTH NUMBER DESCRIPTION SA.WPLE DESCRIPTION (ft) 1 Fallow Field Veg.-line intercept 600 Mam.-20 stations, 4 nights 1000 Birds-quantitative 1000 Insects and Herpetof auna-qual. 1000 2 Recently ?eg.-line intercept 2000 Strip-mined Maa.-16 stations, 4 nights 800 Sirds-quantitative 2000 Insects and Herpetof auna-qual. 2000 3 Strip-mined Veg.-point intercept 1000 in 1940's Mam. -2 0 s ta t ions , 3 nights 1000 Birds-quantitative 1000 Insects and Herpetof auna-qual. 1000 4 Uncultivated Veg.-point intercept 1600 Woodlands and Mam.-20 stations, 3 nights 1000 Soybean Fields Birds-quantitative 2000 Insects and Herpetofauna-qual. 1000 5 Strip-mined Veg.-qualitative 1000 in 1950's Mam.-qualitative 1000 (offsite area) Dirds-quantitative 1000 Insects and Herpetofauna-qual. 1000 6 7- to 10-year-old Veg.-point intercept 1000 Strip-mined Area Mam. -6 s tations, 2 nights 300 Birds-quantitative 1000 Insects and Herpetof auna-qual. 1000 7 Cultivated Veg.-qualitative 500 Corn Field Mam.-8 stations, 2 nights 400 (offsite area) Birds-quantitative 1000 Insects and Herpetofauna-qual. 1000 8 Uncultivated Veg.-point intercept 900 Woodlands riam.-qualitative 1000 Birds-quantitative 1000 Insects and Herpetofauna-qual. 1000 l l l l l 1 O

            . ..'                        6.1-56 1

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                                                                                                                                 -                                               BRAIBWOOD llu CLE A R CE N E R A TIN G S T Ail 0 N INITS 1&2 o'                                                           ENVitONMENTAL REPORT - OPERATJNG LICENSE STAGE

[ ~ FIGURE 6.1-3 m - was

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Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 O FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 6.4 PREOPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING DATA The preoperational radiological monitoring program for the Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station - Units 1 and 2 will begin 3 in the summer of 1983. When 12 months of monitoring data, including data from a crop harvest and a complete growing season, are available, they will be submitted. 2

CE) e 1

() 6.4-1 1

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 8.2 OPERATIONAL PHASE ANNUAL STATION PROPERTY TAX BENEFITS The annual property tax breakdown for Braidwood Station, both for 1 1981 and projected to 1986, is listed in Table 8.2-1. 4 O 1 1 i I 4 8.2-1

  ,,--m,e   n- --,e  n- ---w--s-,,--   , ,n,   - , . , v. ,- < - - ------,,,,-,--em-,----..-e,       .,,,,v-.   - - - - ~ ~ . e-..,-- ev e..,-e,v.,,--.,.ww.nww . , s ,-w w   -


Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 19 83 AMENDMENT 2 g JULY 19 83 TABLE 8.2-1 BRAIDWOOD STATION ANNUAL PROPERTY TAXES ACTUAL ESTIMATED TAXING UNIT 19 81 T AXE S 19 86 TAXESa l2 County $ 567,198 $1,518,900 Forest Preserve 206,209 443,000 Reed Township 74,123 121,600 Braidwood Fire District 186,480 306,800 1 School District U-225 3,641,618 6,078,100 Community College District 525 249,426 592,300 g Fossil Ridge Public Library 134,908 221,200 TOTAL $5,039,942 $9,2 81,900 a Estimated 19 86 taxes are in 19 82 dollars. 2 8.2-2 0

Braidwood ER-OLS O CHAPTER 11.0 -


COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS Information on the summary cost-benefit analysis for the Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station - Units 1 6 2 (Braidwood Station) is presented in Table 11.0-1. O 1 O 11.0-1

Braidwod ER-OIS #EOfNr 1 FEBlURY 1983 NODENT2 JULY 1983 TABE 11.0-1 SIM1ARY OF (DSI-fEEFIT ANALYSIS OF THE BRAIIN00D STATIDN NUCEAR 10WER STATIDN (DNDITIDtB AND PRESENT BRAIIE00D WITH ASSOCIATED CHMACIIRISTIG 5'rATIDN ENVIRCtNENT (D(LING 1010 lbtal Anticipated Capital $3.1 billion 1 2 Inwstmmt Eccxxxny of the Braidwod Resource-based ecaxxny /nnual pa-mnt exployee pay- 3 Station Ibgion especially oriented toward roll: $14.6 million agriculture and namng Annual local taxes on station:

                                                            $9.3 million estimated for     3 1986 when the second mit be-canes ccranercial Taxes (local, state, federal) over 30-year period $1,482.4 at112cn 3    g Eccxxxny of the               Extrenely diverse eccncxny,   Annual value of power prMud     3 h alth Edison                 highly industrialized in      under presmt schedules: $836 Qxnpany Service Area          Oticago cetropolitan area     million and scx:e outlying centers (Joliet, Rockford), m d pri-marily agriculturally ori-ented in non-setropolitan areas Ihysical and Qiemical         lands: 1he present Imd use Approximately u,% mcw og           1 in the area is pnmarily       land lurve been acq>ind for stripsune spoil with scxte    use by the proposed stLicxt cultivated Imd                and cooling pond. Of this acreage, a:aout 820 acres will form the exclusion area.

Cropland md residential land in the exclusion area will be changed because no crop will be grom md house ed farm buildings have been removed. The actual station structure will occupy 130 acres. Ioss 11.0-2 O

l l l l l Braidwood ER-0IS #DDENI 1 p), (, FEBRUARY 1983

                                                                           #DDDTI 2 JULY 1983 TABIE 11.0-1 (Ont'd)

SLNMARY OF (DSI-BEEFIT ANALEIS OF 'DE BRAIDWOCD STATIDN NLEIEAR ICER SIATION GhDITIDE AND IRESENT BRAIIN00D WITH ASSOCIAED CHNIACIIRISTIG STATION EWIR0tNENT GXLING IOW of wildlife habitat is ex-pected to be small. Qxt-structim of the cooling pond requires the diversim of 704 acres of cultivated agricul-tural land. Of the z = aining area required for pond con-struction, the major portion, 2313 acres, currently consist of strip-mine spoil Water: Kankakee River near Water cmsuned through evapor-O' site: average flow = 3952 cfs aticn and seepage loss: approximately 57 cfs 2

                          'Ihmperature ranges:           'Ibe concentration of radicr-Sunmer 16.50 to 30.00C       nuclides in the discharge will Spring and Fall              be nuch less than the maximan 0.50 to 26.5oc       permissible concentration Winter 0.0 to 9.50C           (MPC) of 10 CER 20 and will meet the design objectives of Q2ality is good, with little 10 CER 50, Appendix I.

effect due to damatic and industrial discharge 'Ihermal discharge to river is expected to be negligible and in compliance with thermal mixing zcne regulaticus. Overal discharge into the Kankakee River due to opera-ticn of the staticn is not considered significmt.

                                                         'Ihe only disdiarge to the groundwater (approximately 5 cfs) will be associated with seepage fran the cooling pcnd.

v ll.0-2a i

Braidwood ER-OLS L')- TA812 11. 0-1 (Cont'd) CONDITIONS AND NUCLEAR POWEA STATI0tl PRESENT BRAIDwOOD WITH ASSOCIATED CHARACTERISTICS STATION ENVIROMtENT COOLING POND Ap r Quality is good. The evaporation rate from Heavy fog (visibility the cooling pond will very 0.25 mile or lessa occurs seasonally with weather an average of 24 days conditions and station load annually, factor. There will be some steam tog over the pond whenever the air le sufficiently colder than the Pond surface water. Approximately 0.2 hours of fog per year will be caused along 1111nois State Highways 53 and 129. No damage to surrounding vegetation due to ice or fog is expected.

                                                  " I*

The station and screen house will be designed and constructed to operate in compliance with Illinois EPA. U.S. EPA, and HUDa noise regulation guidelines. Biological Plankton: Extremely No Change in plankton will rich and diverse plank- result from thermal plume ton community. Diatoms effects. are the most dominant, indicative of good water + quality. Benthoe Diverse benthic No change in benthos com-community that does not position will result from

           -I                                    appear depressed or in-        thermal plume effects.
        ,V                                       dicative of organic pol-lution. Aquatic insects predominate.

Nekton: Moderately diverse Thermal plume effects on fisli community adult fish are expected to representing 46 species. be negligible. High abundance of channel cat fish, rock bass, small- No effects on fish migration. nough bass and walleye. No commeretal fishing. It may be assumed that all fish a eggs and larvae taken in with makeup water will be killed. No appreciable fish loss due to impingement and entrain-ment on structure because of low intake volume and velocity ( 0.5 feet per second). Species composition.of the Braadwood cooling pond will be similar to that of the Kankakee River. Cultural. Historical, and Archaeological Rural society, primarily The aesthetic value of the ) Features strip-sine spoil with some cooling pond enhances cultivated land. the existing landscape since it resembles a natural No national historic olaces backwa*er area of the of interest or natural Rankakee River, Much of landmarks are located on the land required for the ( or near the site. pond construction is currently strip-eine spot 1. The I Previous mining activities, diversion of strip-sine . } which lessened the value of 8Poil to an aquatic state r the traidwood Station site must be considered an land for other purposes, has aesthette change. caused fossiis to be exposed and accessible. 1

     ,se      aNUD e Department of Housing and Urban Development.                                                                          l I

( s


e 11.0-3 4 _r.. v

Braidwood ER-OIS #DDENI 2 JUIX 1983 TABE 11.0-1 (Otnt'd) SLNHARY OF CDSI-BE!EFFI ANAUSIS OF TIE BRAIDWOOD STATIDN NLEIEAR 10ER STATION (DNDITDE AND IRESENI BRAIIM00D WEIH ASSOCIA1ED CHARACIERISIIG SIATIDN ENVIR0tNENI (DOLDU 1010 At archaeological survey determined that no archaeo-logical site of sigtificance was threatened by the site developnent plats, and the impe t has been mitigated in accordance with the Historic and Archaeological Preserva-tien Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-291). Go has reached an g g-,- t with the Field & sets of Natural History to provide 2 g eraas to porticns of the W pcmd to allow collection of fossils of scientific inter-est (Braidwood EES, App. G-3). l 1 ! 11.0-4 0 1

}- . I. ' d J AMENDMENT 1 4 Braidwood ER-OLS. FEBRUARY 1983 CHAPTER 13.0 - REFERENCES i - 1


'l 4 Intentionally Left Blank 3 4- , O d a j a O I I .i 1 i O 13.0-1 l

  .. _ _.           __.-~ _ _ .._.__.._ _ _ __ _ ._____ _ __ _ . _ ____.___ _ _                                                   . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ , _ _ . _ - - .

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 h JULY 1983 Section 2.1 Adams, C., 1982, Ponderosa Sportsmen's Club, Telephone Conversation on 2 September 29 with J. E. Jung, CECO, Environmental Affairs. American Hospital Association, 1972, The AHA Guide g the Health Care - Field, 1977, Chicago, Illinois. Arp, A. ,1977. Kankakee County Building and Zoning Of fice, Telephone Conversation on July 29 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Luncy Cultural Resource Analyst. Basil, J., 1977, Reichold Chemicals, Inc., Telephone Conversation on July 25 with J. M. Ruf f, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Research Analyst. Bell, C., 1977, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Public Water Supplies, Telephone Conversation on July 6 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Bent, C., 1982, Illinois Department of Conservation, Bureau of Lands and Public Parks, Telephone Conversation en September 27 with J. E. Jung, CECO, Environmental Affairs. 2 Berta, M., 1983, Coal City Area Club, Telephone Conversation on June 8 with B. B. Barickman, Ceco, Environmental Affairs. Bertrand B., 1975, " Fishing the Illinois", Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Fisheries, Springfield, Illinois. Burdick, M., 1982, Will County Sportsmen's Club, Telephone Conversation on September 30 with J. E. Jung, CECO, Environmental Affairs. 2 Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1972, "1970 Census of Housing," U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

      , 1975, Population Estimates and Projections, Series P-25, No. 601, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
      , 1977, Census of Agriculture - 1974, Area Reports, Part 12, Illinois, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
      , 1981, 1980 Census of Population and Housing, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
      , 1982, 1978 Census of Agriculture, County St.mmary Data,                 2 Washington, D.C.


F t Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 4 JULY 1983 1 l , Burton, A., 1977 National Biscuit Company, Telephone Conversation on July 26 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Rasource Analyst.  ; Carlock, R. ,1977, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Joliet Project Office, l Telephone Conversation on April 6 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Chilman, B.,1982, Braidwood Recreation Club, Telephone Conversation i on September 28 with J. E. Jung, CECO, Environmental Affairs. 2 i Cole, R., 1977, Indiana Crop and Livestock Reporting Service,

Agricultural Statistican, Telephone Conversation on June 29 with J. M.

Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst.  ! i-Commonwealth Edison Company, 1973, " Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, i Braidwood Station," Table 2.1-8, p. 2.1-23, Sargent & Lundy Engineers, ] Chicago, Illinois.  !

                             ,   1977a, 316(b) Demonstration, Braidwood Generating Station, Makeup Water Intake System, February 1 Report, Commonwealth Edison Company, j                      Chicago, Illinois.
                             , 1977b, LaSalle County Station Environmental Report, Operatina License Stage, Sections 2.4 and 3.3, Sargent & Lundy Engineers, Chicago, Illinois.
                             , 1982, Survey by Joliet Area Marketing Department.

2 i Crescenzo, C., 1983, Sun Recreation Club, Telephone Conversation on June 10 with B. B. Barickman, CECO, Environmental Affairs. i l Daugherty, J., 1977, LaSalle County Cooperative Extension Service, Agent, Telephone Conversation on July 25 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Demog Studies (DEMOG) 11.1.018-3.1 (1974), Sargent & Lundy Computer 2 Program, revised 1982. f Drill, E. ,1977,' Beker Industries, Telephone Conversation on July 29 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. l Dvorak, J., 1982, South Wilmington Sportsmen's Club, Telephone Conversation on September 28 with J. J. Jung, CECO Environmental 2 j Affairs. ' O' 13.0-3 I l

~.      . - - . _ - - -                                               . - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - _ -

1 Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 h JULY 1983 1 2 Fishwick, J. D. ,1977, Norfolk and Western Railraod, President and Chief Executive Officer, Letter of June 20 to J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Flore11a, Sister, 1982, St. Rose School, Telephone Conversation on 1 September 28 with J. E. Jung, Ceco. Environmental Affairs. Forsyth, F. ,1977, Joliet Army Ammunition Plant, Telephone Conversation on July 25 with J. M. Ruf f, Sargent and Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Fredrick, R., 1982, Kankakee River State Park, Telephone Conversation September 27 with J. E. Jung, CECO, Environmental Affairs. 2 Grundy County Chamber of Commerce, Undated, " Industrial - Wholesale Directory," Morris, Illinois. Grundy County Planning Commission, 1969a, " Garfield and Greenfield Townships' Zoning Map," County Planning Consultants, Chicago, Illinois.

      , 1969b, " Maine and Braceville Townships' Zoning Map," County Planning Consultants, Chicago, Illinois.
      , 1974, " Goose Lake and Felix Townships' Zoning Map," County Planning Consultants, Chicago, Illinois.

Harbach, M., 1977, Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, Telephone Conversation on April 4 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Howard, L. ,1977, Midwestern Gas Transmission Line Company, Telephone Conversation with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Illinois Cooperative Crop Reporting Service, Illinois Department of Agriculture, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1976a, " Illinois Agricultural Statistics, Annual Summary 1976," Bull. 76-1 Illinois Cooperative Crop Reporting Service, Springfield, Illinois.

      , 1976b, " Illinois Agricultural Statistics, Assessors' Annual Fam Census 1975," Illinois Cooperative Crop Reporting Service, Springfield, Illinois.
      , 1982, " Illinois Agricultural Statistics:                               Annaul Survey,"             2 Springfield, Illinois.

Illinois Department of Conservation, 19 74a , " Goose Lake Prairie State Park," State of Illinois. O 13.0-4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l

                                                            - - - - -n     - - --


            ,   1974b, "Kankakee River State Park," State of Illinois.
             ,  1975, " Illinois and Michigan Canal State Trail " State of Illinois.
             ,  1976a, " Recreational Areas," State of Illinois.
             ,  1976b, " Analysis of Sales, 1975 Series, Fishing, Hunting, and Trapping Licenses," Springfield, Illinois.                                                  2
             ,   1977a, "Public Hunting Areas in Illinois," Springfield, Illinois.
             ,   1977b, "1977 Illinois Hunting Information," Springfield, Illinois.

I Illinois Department of Conservation, Fisheries Division, 1973, Untitled statistics on commercial fishing, Springfield, Illinois.

             ,   1974, Untitled statistics on comercial fishing, Springfield, Illinois.

p V

              ,  1975, Untitled statistics on commercial fishing, Illinois Department of Coaservation, Springfield, Illinois.                                        1 1

Indiana Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, Purdue University, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1976, " Indiana Crop and Livestock Statistics, Annual crop and Livestock Sumary 1975," Lafayette, Indiana.

              , 1982, " Annual Crop and Livestock Summary - 1981," West Lafayette, Indiana.

Ingersoll, D., 1983, Fossil Rock Recreation Club, Telephone Conversation 2 on June 13 with W. W. Badie, CECO, Joliet Area Marketing Department. Johnson, S., 1982, Goose Lake Club, Telephone Conversation on December 10 with B. B. Barickman, CECO, Environmental Affairs. Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce,1975, "Joliet Region Directory of Manufacturers," Joliet Region Chamber of Consnerce, Joliet, Illinois. Kelly, D., 1983, Kaiser Agricultural Chemicals, Telephone Conversation 1 on February 9 with B. Barickman, CECO., Environmental Affairs. Klemba, B.,1977, Army Corps of Engineers, Telephone Conversation on April 6 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. O 13.0-5

I Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 Larson, R., 1977, Illinois Department of Public Health, Environmental Control Engineer, Letter of August 5 to J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Lewis, A., 1983, Survey of Milk Cows and Goats within 5 Miles of the Braidwood Station, Field Survey on June 23, 1983.

      , 1983, Nearest Residence and Garden within 5 Miles of the            2 braidwood Station, Field Survey on June 23, 1983.

May, A., 1983, Will County Soil Conservation Service, Personal Interview on May 13 with S. Halloran, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Miller, H. M., 1977, Texaco - Cities Service Pipeline Company, Division Manager, Letter of May 18 to J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Morel, A. F., 1977, Arco Pipeline Company, Mazon District Office, Telephone Conversation on April 4 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Mores, R., 1977, Northern Illinois Gas Company, Telephone Conversation on April I with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Morgan, R., and Meyer, C., 1983. Kankakee County ASCS Office, Personal Interview on May 19 with S. Halloran, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource 2 Analyst. Morris, R., 1977, Dairy Farmer, Telephone Conversation on August 18 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Nyhoff, J. ,1982, Goose Lake Prairie State Park, Telephone Conversation on September 27 with J. E. Jung, Ceco, Environmental Affairs. 2 Pilch, A., 1977, Grundy County Cooperative Extension Service, Agent, Telephone Conversations on June 23 and July 25 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst.

     , 1982, Grundy County Cooperative Extension Service, Agent, Personal Interview on May 19 with S. Halloran, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst.

2 Ray, J., 1983, Areal Outdoor Club, Telephone Conversation on June 6 with B. B. Barickman, CECO, Environmental Affairs. 13.0-6

! Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 () Renkosik, J., 1977, Wesclox Corporation, Telephone Conversation on July 26 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Reynolds, H., 1982, Dresden Lakes Sports Club, Personal Interview on December 3 with B. B. Barickman, CECO, Environmental Affairs. 2 1 Ruff, J. M, 1977a, Field Survey and Telephone Converations on June 23 and August 18 with farmers located within 5 miles of the Braidwood site. 1977b, Nearest Residence and Garden Field Survey on April 12 and 13 of the area within 5 miles of the Braidwood site. Scott, R.,1982, CECO Employees Recreation Club, Telephone Conversation on October 28 with B. B. Barickman, CECO, Environmental Affairs. 2 Southall, B., 1983, Wilmington Recreation Club, Telephone Conversation on June 8 with B. B. Barickman, Ceco, Environmental Affairs. Stoeckel, C., 1982, Illinois State Board of Education, Letter of October 18 to J. E. Jung, CECO, Environmental Affairs. 1 Testa, C., 1983, South Wilmington Fireman Beach and Park Club, Telephone Convereation on June 10 with B. B. Barickman, CECO, Environmental 2 Affairs. () Turnland, J. L. ,1977, Illinois Central Gulf Railroad, Superintendent of Yards and Terminals, Leiter of June 7 to J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Turniand, J. L. ,1977 Illinois Central Guf Railroad, Superintendent of Yards and Terminals, Telephone Conversation on June 28 with J. M. Ruff, 1 Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, " Draft Environmental Statement Relating to the Propostd Collins Generating Station of the Commonwealth Edison Company," Chicago, Illinois. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, " Lockage Statistics, 1976," Chicago, Illinois. U.S. Atomic Energy Gommission, 1973, "Dresden Nuclear Power Stations Units 2 & 3, Final Environmental Statement," Bethesda, Maryland. 13.0-7 l a l _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - - _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . ~ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ - - _ _ , _ _ . .

I l l


Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 1 FEBRUARY 1983 O AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Chicago Area Office, and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Chicago Regional Office, 1977, " Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Finger Lakes Es tates," HUD - ROS - EIS 05(D), Department of Housing and Area Development, Chicago, Illinois. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1976, Regulatory Guide 1.109, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Valentine, D.,1977, Will County Building and Zoning Office, Telephone Conversation on July 29 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Walden, R., 1976, Illinois Power Company, Supervisor of Air and Water Pollution Control, Telephone Conversation on December 20 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Ward, T., 1983, University of Illinois Agricultural Extension Advisor, Kankakee County, Personal Interview on May 19 with S. Halloran, Sargent

           & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst.

2 Warren, T. ,1982, Illinois Michigan Canal Complex, Telephone Conversa-O tion on September 27 with J. E. Jung, CECO, Environmental Affairs. Weirich, B.,1977, Northern Illinois Gas Company, Telephone Conversation on April 4 with J. M. Ruf f, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Whitson, D.,1977, Kankakee County Cooperative Extension Service, Agent, Personal Communication on June 23 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst. Wicklein, A. A. ,1977a, Will County Cooperative Extension Service, Agent, Telephone Conversation on July 25 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst.

                 ,1976b, Will County Cooperative Extension Service, Agent, Personal Communication on June 23 with J. M. Ruff, Sargent & Lundy Cultural Resource Analyst.

Wills, J. ,1982, Boy Scouts of America, Telephone Conversation on October 1 with J. E. Jung, CECO, Environmental Affairs.

2 Zidich, P. ,1982, Chicago Beagle Club, Telephone Conversation on October

( 28 with B. B. Barickman, CECO, Environmental Affairs. 13.0-7a 1

m- , Braidwood ER-OLS Section 2.2 References cited Anderson, H. G. , 1959, " Food Habits of Migra tory Ducks in Illinois,"4.Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin, Vol. 27 Article , Anderson, P. K. , Missouri Press, Columbia, Missouri.1965, The Reptiles of Missouri, University Barnickol, P. G. , and W. C. Starrett, 1951, History S urvey, Vol.25, Fishes No. 5, ofpp. the265-350. Mississippi River," Bulletin of Illinoi Be rn e r, R . A. , McGraw-Hill, Inc.1971, Principles of Chemical Sedimentoloov, Booth, E. S., 1971, The Mammals, William C. Brown Co. , Dubuque, I owa. Borror, D. J., and R. E. White, 1970, A Field Guide to the Insects of America North of Mexico, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston . Boyd, C. E., 1970, " Vascular Aquatic Plants for Mineral Nutrient Removal pp. 95-103. from Polluted Waters," Economic Botany, Vol. 24, No. 1, Brattstrom, B. H., 1963, Requiremente of Amphibians," Ecology,"A Preliminary Vol. 44, No. Review of the Thermal g 238-255. 1, pp. W Breckenridge, W. J., University Minnesota Prest,,1944, Reptiles and Minneapolis, Amphibians of Minnesota, Minnesota. Burt, W. H., and R. P. Grossenheider,1964, A Field _ Guide to the Mammals, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts. Committee on Water Quality Criteria, 1972, " Water Quality criteria 1972," EPA.R3.73-033, Environmental Sciences Board, National Academy Washington, D.C. of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering , Commonwealth Edison Company, 1973, Braidwood Station Environmental Report, Vol. II, - Docket Nos. STN 50-456 and STN 50-457.Section 4.0,October 1973, NRC Conant, R., 1958, A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of _the United States and Canada Mif flin Co. , Boston, East of the 100th Meridian, Houghton Massachusetts. Croxton, W. C., Lands," Ecology, 1928, "Revegetation of Illinois Coal Stripped Vol. 9, pp. 155-175. O 13.0-8 1

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 i I JULY 1983 I Section 2.5 ' Buschbach, T. C. ,1977, Coordinator of Nuclear Facilities Siting Studies, Illinois State Geological Survey, Letter of March 8 to A. Funk, Staff Geologist, Sargent & Lundy. May, A. D.,1983, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Will County Office, Letter of June 9 and Enclosed Reed and Custer Township Soil Maps to 2 B. B. Barickman, CECO, Environmental Af fairs. Wascher, H. L., P. T. Veale, and R. T. Odell, 1962, Will County Soils, Soil Report 80, University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana, Illinois. Willman, H. B., and J. C. Frye, 1970, Pleistocene Stratigraphy of[ Illinois, Bulletin 94, Illinois State Geological Surve, Urbana, Illinois. I l I ( 13.0-21

Braidwood ER-OLS Section 2.6 References Cited Federal Register, 1975, May 5 edition, Washington, D.C. National Registry g Natural Landmarks, @ Federal Register, February 1 edition, Washington, D.C.1977a, National Register g Historic Pla Federal Register, 1977b, National May 10 edition, Washington, D.C. Register of Historic Places, Ison, M., 1977, Library of Congress, Telephone Conversion of July 11 with M.P. Tenner, Environmental Affairs, Cosuoonwealth Edison Company, Listing sites on the Historic American Buildings Survey ande.on the Pictorial Archives of Early American Architectur Resseguie, P., M.P. 1977, National Park Service, Letter of June 2 to Tenner, Environmental Affairs, Commonwealth Edison Company, containing

    ![atural      the January 1977 update of the National Registry g Landmarks.

Richardson, E.S. , Jr. , 19 74, Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, Field Museum of Natural History, Testimony at AEC (NRC) Environmental Bearings, Joliet, Illinois. St. Lawrence-Taylor, C., Conversation of July 11 with 1977, National Park Service, Telephone M. P. g commonwealth Edison Company, Listing sites on the HistoricTenner, Environmenta American Buildings Survey. Section 2.6 References Not Cited Brevet's Illinois Historical Markers and Sites, 1976 Brevet Press, Inc. , Sioux Falls. Commonwealth Edison Company, 1976, LaSalle County Station Environmental Report - NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374. Operating License Stage, Vol. I, Sec. 2. 6, Illinois Bistoric Landmarks Survey,1974a, Inventory M Historic Landmarks in Grundy County-Interim Report, Illinois Department of conservation. 1974b, Inventory g Historic Landmarks M Kankakee County-Interim Report, Illinois Department of Conservation. 1974c, Inventory of Historic Landmarks M Will County-Interim Report, Illinois Department of Conservation. Illinois Historic n Structures Survey, 1972a, Inventory of Historic Structures of i_n,Grundy County-Interim Report, Illinois Department Conservation. l g 13.0-22

i Braidwood ER-OLS AMENOMENT 2 JULY 1983 O )

This section contains the NRC request for additional informa- i tion based on B. J. Youngblood's letter of May 24, 1983, fol-  ! lowed by 'he response to the question. In some cases the  ! response includes a reference to the appropriate updated sections of the text. l I i i

;       O                                                                                                                        1 l-1 I

r 1 l O o.0-1

O Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 i JULY 1983 QUESTION E100.1 In addition to other requested information, provide a summary and brief discussion, in table form, by section, of differences between currently projected environmental effects (including those that would degrade and those that would enhance environ-mental conditions) and the effects ciscussed in the environ-mental report and environmental hearings associated with the construction permit review. On a similar basis, indicate

 ,              changes in plant or plant component design, location or opera-tion that have been mace or planned since the construction permit review.


The differences between the environmental ef fects discussed in the construction permit environmental report and the current operating license stage environmental report are presenteo in O the attachea Table Q100.1-1. The changes in plant or plant component cesign location or operation are presented in the attacheo Table Q100.1-2. 1 QE100.1-1 i

                                       . . - _ . . . _ _ __ _,_ __                   _- _ _ _ . _         . _ , _ _ _~..

TABLE QE100.1-1 DIFFERENCES IN ESTIMATED ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS SECTION DISCUSSION OF BRAIDWOOD ER-CP BRAIDWOOD ER-OLS ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECT 2.3.4 No consideration of archae- Archaeological surveys have Previously unkown archaeological ological resources on trans- been completed on the trans-mission rights-of-way. sites are now recorded and can mission right-of-way. be protected from future impacts. 3.9.1 Two transmission line rights- One transmission line right- Reduces all the impacts normally of-way. of-way.

        ' ' -                                                                                       associated with transmission          T lines including less river and
   ,' ' ' ~ C                         _._        ~~

E h3 highway crossings, fewer acres $ 8 of farm land, woodlands and wet- 8 g lands disturbed, reduced visual ' ru impact and reduction in cost. E 8 Lattice steel towers. Tangent and light angle struc- Reduction in acres of farm land o tures to be single shaft. 6 taken out of production, less

  • interference with farming practices.

5.7 Noise at property line not Noise levels at property line Ambient, predictive and some covered, to be in accordance with operational noise surveys have applicable state and federal been conducted. standards. 8.0 Station operation to create Station operation to create about 200 new jobs at an Larger staff and induced employ-approximately 533 new jobs ment will provide additional job estimated annual payroll of with an estimated annual pay-43 million (1972 dollars). opportunities to the local popu-roll of $14 million (1982 lation and the resulting larger  % dollars). payroll will enhance the local e

                                                                                       ,           economy. Larger staff, however,   '$$

u4 ru e O O

o O O TABLE QE100.1-1 (continued) DIFFERENCES IN ESTIMATED ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS SECTION BRAIDWOOD ER-CP DISCUSSION OF BRAIDWOOD ER-OLS ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECT will increase local traffic and require local governmental and health services (police and fire protection, sewers, schools, doctors and hospitals). Compar-ing the 1970 and 1980 censuses shows population growth in some T o of the local towns and villages. E

  .D                                                                          No infrastructure problems are       @

8 anticipated. 8 w " 8.4 Total property taxes for 1981 d estimated to be $3,218,000. Actual property taxes for 1980, paid in 1981, were Local property taxes paid by $ Braidwood Station represent the b

                                              $5,039,942 for the partially    major source of revenue to the completed plant. For 1986,                                           E local taxing units of the the first year the plant is     Braidwood and Reed Township completed . The estimated       area.

property taxes are $9,281,900. 4


TABLE QE100.1-2 CHANGES IN PLANT DESIGN SECTION BRAIDWOOD ER-CP BRAIDWOOD ER-OLS DISCUSSION OF DIFFERENCE 2.1 Cooling pond size, 2,640 Cooling pond size, 2,537 The 2640 acre figure was an surface acres. surface acres. estimate. The 2537 acre figure is as-built after filling the pond. Site size, 4,320 acres. Site size, 4,454 acres. Approximately 160 acres of strip mined land was added to the g southeast section of the site. g Ej Minor reductions due to sale or [ exchange of small tracts and g

   ?                                                                        final survey adjustments re-        g

i in a net increace of 134 acres.

   #                                                                                                           Y 3.1.1    Size of structures.          Technical Support Center (TSC) The TSC addition is an elonga-     O i

added to the turbine build- tion of the turbine building, b ing. Station gate house en- The gate house and parking lot larged and permanent parking are also enlargements and are lot enlarged. not obtrusive. 3.1.3 Architectural Features River screenhouse modified to The river screenhouse profile lower profile and a screen- was lowered and the screenwall wall was added to hide trash- was added to improve the rack cleaning equipment. appearance of the facility. 3.3.4 Sanitary water system and Sanitary and demineralizer Poor quality groundwater re-3.3.5 demineralizer system water system water will be drawn sulted in decision to use obtained from deep wells, from the fresh water holding surface water. pond with surface water from h K the Kankakee River. g gg

                                                                                                             $4 m

e O O

O O O s TABLE QE100.1-2 (continued) CHANGES IN PLANT DESIGN SECTION BRAIDWOOD ER-CP BRAIDWOOD ER-OLS DISCUSSION OF DIFFERENCE 3.9.1 Two transmission rights-of- One transmission R.O.W. to Two 345 kv circuits from LaSalle way (R.O.W.). One to Joliet Crete Transmission Substa- County Station to East Frankfort Station and one to Crete tion. Transmission Substation were Transmission Substation. tapped into the Braidwood Sta-tion Switchyard eliminating the . need for the transmission line to Joliet Station. The effects of this transmission line and @ g R.O.W. utilization were con- $. s sidered in the licensing of $ 0 LaSalle County Station. 8 s Lattice steel towers. Single shaft structures for Reduces the acreage needed for dn El tangent and light angles tower bases and lessens the in-(up to 130) lattice steel 6 convenience to the farmers. G towers for angles over 130 i i 4 m 8?

                                                                                                                                                                    ,o a

4 1

                                           ,                                                                                                                i Braidwood ER-OLS                                AMENDMENT 2

{} JULY 1983 1 QUESTION E100.2 Much of the environmental descriptive information in the Envi-ronmental Report OL Stage is several years old. These descrip-tions formed the bases for site environmental quality and plant operational phase impact assessments. Provide updated informa-tion, as available, on the abiotic and biotic resources of the site anc vicinity, as compiled from various construction or preoperational phase monitoring programs including studies of the cooling pond during the filling and post-filling periods. Indicate, with bases, whether this new information changes the assessments of the environmental quality of the site and sur-roundings or of the environmental impacts of plant operation.


Amendment 1 of the Environmental Report contains summaries of the terrestrial and aquatic monitoring programs that have been conducted during the construction period at Braidwood Station. A summary of the terrestrial monitoring program for the years 1979 through 1982 is contained in Section of the ER, Copies of the reports for these years have been furnished for NRC staff review. The corresponding aerial photographs were O made available for NRC staf f inspection during the May 3-5,-1983 site visit. The results of the aquatic studies for the period 1977 through 1981 are contained in Section of the ER and the execu-tive summaries of the reports are contained in Appendix 4.1C. A summary of the 1976 and 1981 clam bed mapping program is con-tained in Section Copies of the clam bed mapping survey reports as well as the aquatic studies reports were pro-vided for staff review during the site visit. No species of plant or animal on the Illinois list of endangered or threatened species was collected in any of the study pro-grams. The Asiatic clam Corbicula fluminea was collected during the clam Ded mapping survey. Based on the results of the construction phase studies discussed above there has been no new information collected which changes the assessments of the environmental quality of the site and surroundings or of the environmental impacts of plant operation. QE100.2-1 s

    , r.-   , , - - - . - - ,   ,- . , . =   ,-,,-.--,-r-e,-     ---m-----,   -   -  - , - - - - , - - . . - , - - - - -   -.,-,,-.,,---y   n-,,.v,,---w,,.

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 ( JULY 1983 I QUESTION E290.1  ! Indicate the likely extent, location and duration of all pres-ently active or future strip mining on the site.


Strip mining on the site ceased prior to the beginning of plant construction in 1975. No strip mining has been done on the site since that time and none is planned for the future. O I QE290.1-1 l O- _ , . . , _ _ . . . . , ,,__._._,..,..,,_....c_-_ . . , , _ . . , , _ . _ , , , , . . . . . , . , , . . , , . . _ _ , _ . , _ _ _ ________=,,..._,ym,,. , _..

l l Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDHENT 2 { JULY 1983 QUESTION E290.2 In the ER-OL on p. 5.5-1, it is implied that herbicides will be used to control undesirable woody plants in those portions of the rights-of-way that traverse woodland. Indicate which herbi-cices, if any, will be used, whether they are on the current EPA list of approved herbicides and the justification for use of any that are not on the current EPA list. Indicate whether the transport, handling and application of all herbicides to be used will comply with current EPA regulations. Describe and provide the rationale for any such activities that do not comply with the EPA regulations.


The maintenance program used to control tall growing trees on the Braidwood Station transmission line right of way will in-clude the use of some herbicides. 2-4-D is an approved herbi-cide and will be used in this program. Materials such as Banvel 520 and Weedone 170 are the commercial names of two of the cur-rently used herbicides which contain 2-4-D. These products are used on the stumps of trees to prevent their regrowth and also (w), s, are used on a selective basis as a basal spray on standing brush and trees. It is not possible to estimate the volume of herbi-cide that will be used as that is dependent on the number of trees that resurge and threaten to interfere with the transmis-sion lines. It is estimated tnat the right-of-way includes approximately 234 acres of wooded land. With the selective control methods described above, the volume of herbicides used will be minimized. The frequency of application is planned to be about once every five years. All herbicides used in the control programs will be transported, handled and applied in accordance with the restrictions stated on the registered container labels. s QE290.2-1 s,-)

Braiowood ER-OLS AMENOMENT 2 (} JULY 1983 QUESTION E290.3 Identify the area, location and classification of any portion of the site that is classified as prime, unique or locally impor-tant agricultural land by the Soil Conservation Service.


Figure 2.5-2 of the ER has been revised and it now illustrates the extent of prime agricultural land on the Braiowood Station site prior to construction. There is no unique or locally im-portant agricultural lano on the site. 2 l QE290.3-1


Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 QUESTION E290.4 Describe any consultation with the Will County Soil and Water Conservation District as to the oest use of spare land onsite. REdPONSE Consultation with the Will County Soil and Water Conservation District has been througn the Will County Soil Conservationist. The subject of the most recent consultation was the use of approximately 36 acres of land that previously had been farmed on the site. It was agreed that the best use would be to plant and maintain the area for wildlife habitat enhancement. His recommendations for fertilizer, seeding mixtures and maintenance of naturalizing grouno covers have also been used for land on the site, on the makeup - blowdown corridor ano for the land at the river screenhouse. O l QE290.4-1 l l

- . , , - _ , _ - - , - - . . - , . ~ - - - - - - - --- --- ---

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 O au'v 1983 QUESTION E291.1 Indicate the location, size and fate of drainage from any on-site ponds that will remain after the completion of the Braidwood cooling pond.


No onsite ponds with discharge into drainage systems will remain after the completion of the Braidwood construction activities. O QE291.1-1 l

 , *+..   ,y,,.,           ,   - , . . , _ _ _    -- __ ..w-.- .. -... . ,       , . - - , - . ,,,.--,,--...,..,_m.,_,      , , .   ~.-e -,w--,,-,--.,,,.w,-, , - .


 -( )                                                                                         JULY 1983 QUESTION E291.2 Indicate the date or expected date when the Braidwood cooling pond reached normal operating level (i.e., 595 ft M5L).


i The initial filling of the pond commenced on December 1, 1980 and terminated on February 18, 1981 when ponc reached desired level. Additional water has Deen pumped into the cooling pond from time to time for various pump tests and to refill the fresh water holding pond. I O l QE291.2-1 [} I . t

I Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 QUESTION E291.3 Describe the area, volume and purpose of the " fresh water hold-ing pond" shown on Figure 2.1-3.


The surf ace of the fresh water holding pond at the maximum %kater surface elevation is 1.39 acres with storage volume of about 12.0 acre-feet. The cooling pond make-up water from the Kankakee River is pumped into this pond and allowed to flow through a weir dam into the cooling pond. The purpose of this fresh water holding pond is to assure a supply of good quality water for domestic water use and to supply the plant demineralizer system. QE291.3-1 i  :

   ,-   ,        ., - ,-                  . , , , - , - - - - - , - - - ,,   s - ,     e- - , -- e

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 QUESTION E291.4 Indicate the expected frequency, duration and rate of Braiowood cooling pond overflow to the Mazon River.


The normal operating pool elevation of the Braidwood cooling pond is 595.0 feet MSL. This level will be maintained by ad-justing the operation of the makeup pumps. The crest elevation of the overflow spillway is at El. 595.75 feet. The runoff from a 100-year rainfall will be contained between the normal pool and the crest of the overflow spillway. There would be no over-flow from the cooling pond if the rainfall on the drainage basin of the pond is less than one in one-hundred year recurrence interval event. Whenever the rainfall is in excess of one in one-hundred year rainfall event, overflow from the pond over the spillway will occur. The frequency, duration and the rate of overflow will depend on a particular rainfall event which is more severe than the one in one-hundred year rainfall event. The rate of outflow and the auration of flow through the over-flow spillway due to an extreme rainfall event of the Probable Maximum Precipitation are shown on FSAR Figure 2.4-32. O QE291.4-1

O Braidwooo ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 QUESTION E291.5 Provide an update of the status of developments of the ground-water monitoring program (operational phase) that was submitted to the NRC as part of the Operating License application.


The preoperational groundwater monitoring was implemented in March 1981 with action level estaolished in June of 1983. Subsection 6.1.2 has been amendeo to indicate the well loca-tions, parameters oeing measured, frequency of sampling ano action levels established. { O l O QE291.5-1

l I Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY.1983 l QUESTION E291.6 Indicate the plant operating and annual average load factor used as a basis for the water use and waste discharge. sections of the Environmental Report.



i The water consumption values contained in Section 3.3 STATION ' WATER USE were calculated on the basis of 100% loa ~d factor with the exception of subsection 3.3.6 where reference is mdde to Table 3.3-2 VARIATIONS IN PLANT WATER USE. The 100% load factor case was used to oefine the anticipateo maximum" Water use. The anticipated annual average load factor for the 'tations~ is 65%. J The estimated average water consumption at 65% load factor would be 33.9 cubic feet per second as calculated _ Dy interpolation of the values contained in Table 3.3-2. ' The estimated waste discharges from the station are based on-100% load factor. O J QE291.6-1

Braiowood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 QUESTION E291.8 Considering the channeling of the Braiawood cooling pond ex-pected to occur during operation, estimate the resultant effec-tive volume of the pond and the resultant average residence time for water in the pond between station discharge and intake. Also provide, if available, information on the bathymetry of the cooling pond, particularly indicating shallow pond areas of fisheries importance.


The estimated ef fective volume of Braiawood cooling pond is 18,490 acre feet with an average residence time for water in the pond between the station discharge and intake of 2.9 days. The normal operating water level of the cooling pond is 595 feet MSL. A figure has been furnished that presents the available data of the bathymetry of the cooling pond. The shallow pond areas that i C_)s may have importance as a fishery can be determined from the figure . In particular many areas of the shoreline along the exterior dike from station marker numoer 190 to 380 should pro-vide areas for spawning, juvenile development and feeding. There are also a number of areas suitable for these activities along sections of tne interior dike system. Depth measurements were taken in several of the known deeper areas where there was standing water when the aerial bathymetric survey was taken. l i (_/ QE291.8-1

l Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 , QUESTION E291.9 Indicate the transit time for condenser cooling water through Braidwood Station.


The estimated transit time for cooling water from the pond in-take through the concensers and back to the pona discharge canal i s eleven minutes. 4 O l QE291.9-1 4 k

      -.,w            , , .      , ,                 g  -..w.g---y-.y-- w w n_ pw y9,      - , - , , . - - ,pw.,mv-my9             t T-   *-eWw4' T TW'tF

l 4 Braidwood ER-OLS AMENOMENT 2

                                                                                                                                             ' JULY 1983 QUESTION E291.10 Provide a scaled diagram showing location and plan elevation of the circulating water discharge structure.                                     Provide the same for

! the essential service water discharge structure. II


Scaled diagrams showing the location, plan and elevation of the i circulating water and essential service water discharge struc- ]. tures were provided at the site visit. Simplified figures cepicting the requested information will be provided in a future amendment to this ER. !O i 4 i i i e i 1 i i i. QE291.10-1 }. j l' .I i- _ - . - . . . ,_.. .- . - . - - . - . - - . . - - - - . - . ~ . - - - - - , , ~ - - - - - - , - - - - - - - ' - ~ ~ ' - ' - ~ - -

l-Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 () JULY 1983 QUESTION E291.ll Indicate the basis for the effluent analysis values given in Tables 3.6-2 and 3.6-3. If these values differ from those that would result from consideration of expected cooling pond quality as. source water, provide an analysis based on the expected cooling

       .pona quality.


The circulating water blowdown chemistry from the Braidwood Station cooling pond is based on an optimized two cycles of concentration with carbon dioxide (CO 2) feed to maintain-non-scaling conditions. The analysis is based on the expected cooling pond water quality. Tables 3.6-2 and 3.6-3 nave oeen revised to reflect updated water quality data on Table 3.6-1 and-use of CO2 rather than sulfuric acid for scale control. I O QE291.ll-1

Braidwooa ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 7_s JULY 1983 () QUESTION E291.12 Indicate whether acid treatment and chlorination of plant cool-ing water systems are expected to be conducted all year around. Provide the_ expected frequency and duration of the chlorination of the circulating and service water systems. .


It is anticipated that chlorination of the plant cooling water systems will occur all year round. The expected frequency and duration of chlorination is as follows: System Frequency Duration-Circulating Water Twice per day 5 to 30 minutes Essential Service Water Twice per day 5 to 30 minutes Non-essential Service Water Twice per day 5 to 30 minutes Chlorination of the Circulating Water System is accomplished by sequentially injecting sodium hypccilorite into each of the four condenser water boxes on both Unit 1 and Unit 2. There is () sufficient dilution with this method so that no chlorine residual is expected at the aischarge point into the cooling pond. It is expected that the cleanliness of the main condensers can be maintainea with chlorination and use of the Amertap Condenser Tube Cleaning System installed on each unit. If scale formation cannot be controlleo with the Amertap system, additional chemi-cal treatment will be implementea. If the pond water pH must be lowered to prevent scale formation, liquid carbon dioxioe will be injected into the system rather than sulfuric acid as origi-nally anticipated. Alternatives to pH control will also be considered, such as injecting small amounts of polymers for crystal growth inhibition. l l () QE291.12-1

I i l i

s. Braidwooo ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 O au'v 1983 QUESTION E291.14 Estimate the average amount of sludge expected to be produced from the waste treatment system each year.

[ RESPONSE The estimated average sludge production is 800 pounds per day of dry sludge. This sludge will be disposed of off-site by a

!                                              licensed contractor.

) i j 4 O e i 4 1. 2 QE291.14-1 i i s i

       . . - . . - , - , . , . .-,.,...-...,,,.,,..__.,,,,,.-c.,,,-,...--,.,.~nn..                             <. .- , - - . . - , . - . , , .    ,n,,-, , - , _ . . - - , -..-.r.-.-,  ,,.


 '().                                                             JULY 1983      l QUESTION E291.15 4

Provide a copy of the following documents:

a. Illinois EPA Division of Water Pollution Control 401 Cer-tification for Braidwood Station and all modifications thereto.
b. U.S. EPA NPDES Permit for construction and operation (if applicable) of Braidwood Station and all modifications thereto.
c. Application for operational NPDES permit.
RESPONSE The copies of the requested documents have been provided.

l () __m . -

l l Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 () JULY 1983 QUESTION E291.16 Resolve the differences in reported Kankakee River average flow of 3952 cfs (ER p. 2.4-2), 3640 cfs (ER Fig. 3.3-1) and 4116 cfs (ER Table 11.0-1). RESPONSE ~ The differences in average flows reported are oue to different averaging periods being used for each flow. The estimated aver-age annual flow rate of 3952 cfs for the Kankakee River at the screenhouse was obtained from the flow records publisned by U.S. Geological Survey at the.Wilmington Gaging Station for the period 1933-1976. This average flow of 3952 cfs will be used in this ER. Figure 3.3-1 and ER Table 11.0-1 have Deen amended to include this flow rate. O 1 () QE291.16-1 i

              , , .      - - - - - - . ,,m, -~~=,,c,m..,--.,..,s..,., , - , , , , -     ,      ,   ,   -y -

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 () JULY 1983 QUESTION E291.17 Identify the intake locations which are representa?.ive of the estimated approach velocities of 0.32 fps ano 0.48 fps, given on ER, p. 3.4-2.


The indicated velocities were presented in the 316(b) Demonstra-tion for the Braidwood Generating Station, dated February 1, , 1977, which was prepared by Commonwealth Edison Company. The calculations indicate that at the normal make-up rate of 107 cfs using two pumps, the river intake velocities at the approach inlet, at the opening tnrough the concrete wall of the intake structure af ter the trash bars, will be 0.32 fps at normal water level of 538 feet MSL and 0.48 fps at low water level 534 feet MSL. 4 0 4 QE291.17-1 i

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 QUESTION E291.19 Provide the status of 'ny recreational plans for the Braidwood cooling pond.


There are no plans for recreational use of the Braidwood Station cooling pond at this time. l . O i i l l l- _O ae291 19-1 f I

Braidwooo ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 (} JULY 1983 QUESTION E291.20 Define the concept of " fish preserve" as used to describe the Kankakee River.


The following wording is taken 'from the state law and is their basis for decla' ring the Kankakee River a fish preserve: Illinois Department of Conservation Laws Chapter 56 Article 6 Section 6.1-effective January 1, 1980 All waters in the state including boundary waters under the jurisdiction of the state, Lake Michigan, Mississippi River and the Wabash River shall be fish preserves. Hook and line or sport fishing gear up to 50 hooks except as provideo in this act and subsequent aoministrative orders, are the only lawful means of taking fish. () The Illinois Department of Conservation, however, has the authority through administrative order to prohiDit all sport fishing or certain sport fishing devices in designated waters and also has the authority through administrative order to regulate all commercial fishing in designated waters by regu-lating commercial fishing devices used, in the interest of the total management of the fishery resources. [ QE291.20-1 l

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 {} JULY 1983 QUESTION E291. 21 Provide the status of any required operational demonstration under Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act.


An impingement program was conducted during the filling of the cooling pond, however, because the filling occurred curing the winter, an entrainment study was not conducted. We have sug-gested that a one year impingement study be conducted during the first year of unit one operation. We plan to conouct an en-trainment study during the first spring and summer seasons following Unit 1 being placed in commercial service. The en-closed correspondence explains the program. O , '( ) Q E 291. 21-1

               ,    -y  y   +w-y p- w-,-5vw    , --v ,-g,----- -- w,- - - y e yv -p-- wy----e      y- -we- - - e cg-9g--w,-m-+-e --Sv

e' '

                                                                            -                           Braidwood ER-OLS           AMENDMENP 2 JULY 1983 I
2. From April 15, 1980 to August 31, 1930, not sar.>

ples will be taken in the intake boy on every O. Tuesday that pumping into the pond is occurring. l Sampling locations and frequencies will be the same as discussed in number one. I t

3. If fish eggs or larvac cre found in the last sam-plo taken in August, 1930, not samplos will bo i taken, in the forobay on Tuesdays when pumping is occurring, until no fish eggs or 1crvae are found or until Septc=bor 30, 1930, whichever occurs first. Sampling locations and frequencios will
                                       .be the same as discussed in number one.
4. From April 15, 1980 to August 31, 1980, fish egg and larvac snaples will be taken on Tuesdays in the Kankakco River at the railroad bridge transect (four locations, two depths, tt:0 replicates, once during the day and once during the nicht over a twenty-four hour period) and in Horse Crcok (cno location, one depth, four replicates,once during the day and once during the night over o. twenty-four hour period).
5. Fish egg and larvac scaples vill be taken on Tuesdays in the discharge canal if the plant is discharging water from April 1, 1980 to July 1, O 19ao (ouo locatio= o=o centa two rov 11cato=.

once during the day and onco during theright). It may becomo nocessary to modify this part of the study based on assessment of the situation once unter is actually being dischargod from the pond. Any pmposed change would be discussed d . with the IEPA staff. ,

6. Tuo hmdred of the scsples collected during the
,                                      fish egg cr.d larvao program will also be enanined for nacroinvertebrato drift. Senples to bo ex-cnined vill be celected so that senples frou cach sa=pling transect, dato and tino poried are represented.

Operational (after oporation of Unit Onc) D. If it is determined that an entrainnent study is needed after linit One is operational, it would be conducted following the same methods, schedules, sonpling locations, oct., as discussed abovo under itens 3 through 6. If after conducting the preoperational propcm, changes are indicated for the operational progros any such changes will be coordinated with the IEPA staff. The proposed O QE291.21-3

   .+-v     y   .   -,y.  -g.      -,y          +-------w    ,,-.--3     r+ , - , ,, - - - - - , - - -g      -

w -,..<r-,,. .. . w,.-w e--- ,, . , . , ,

i Braidwood ER-OLS AMENOMENT 2 JULY 1983 (} QUESTION E291.21 Provide the status of any required operational demonstration under Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act.


An impingement program was conducted during the filling of the cooling pond, however, because the filling occurred during the winter, an entrainment study was not conducted. We have sug-gested that a one year impingement study be conducted during the first year of unit one operation. We plan to conouct an en-trainment study during the first spring and summer seasons following Unit 1 being placed in commercial service. The en-j closed correspondence explains the program. i

C) i i

1 i l () Q E 291. 21-1 e 3

                  ,,,.-.--,,w--                w-     . . , - - - _ . , , . - - - w,,,--,..,,,,,,.,w----<m,,.---,.--- ---,--r--,,--=v.     ,w,- ,~,,,.,w,  , . . . - - _ - - , -,, , , , , ,

cur-,,-,--w r -.-- ., ,- - , .

Comm:nw;alth EdisIn u , p wrst Aoams street chicago. fin"*' Braidwood ER-OLS AME2DMENT 2 OC Addr ;ss R: ply to Post Offica Box 767 Chicago, lilinois 60690 JULY 1983 July 27, 1973 O l CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Willian Busch Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 2200 Churchill Road Springfield, Illinois 62706

Dear Mr. Busch:

This letter is in response to your letter of June 13, 1979, regarding the impingement and entrainment studies to be conducted at Eraidwood Station (NPDES Permit Ho. IL 0048321) and is a follow-up to a neoting held at the Braidwood site with R. Schacht on July 17, 1979. As a result of modifications in the construction sched-ulos,(the fall start of pond fill has changed from August, 1979 toScutenber-ncvember)


has changed from October, 1981 to October, 1932. g During the site meeting, sampling locations were visitoc and sampling problems were discussed. This mooting resulted in the following nodifications rzal

   . clarifications to the impingement and entrainnont studies:

I. Inpingement The proposed iupingenent monitoring prograu (throc con-secutive trenty-four hour periods per week) will be conducted during the period of pond fill. II. Entrainment A. Preoperation (Beforo operction of Unit One)

1. If pond fill begins during September, 1979, net samples will be taken every Tuesday, during the '

month of September, in the intake forobay of the river screenhouse uhen pumping is occurting. In each of the two intake bays, two locations and  ! I two depths will be sampled once during the day and onco during the night over a trenty-four hcur period. g, GE291.21-2 f I

          .*'                                                                                              =-                                     Braidwood ER-0IE    AMENDMENP 2 JULY 1983   !

' 2. From April 15, 1980 to August 31, 1930, not can-  ! ples y m be taken in the intake bay on every O Tuesdar that nu=21=c into the rond is occurrinc. Sampling locations and frequencies will be the , same as discussed in

3. If fish eggs or larvae are found in the last sam-ple tcken in August,1930, not sampics will be taken, in the forobay on Tucsdays when pumping is occurring, until no fish eggs or larvae oro found or until Septc=bcr 30, 1930, whichever occurs first. Sampling locations and frequencies will -

be the same as discussed in number one.

4. From April 15, 1980 to August 3L,1980, fish egg and larvao samples will be taken on Tuesdays in the Kan'cakco River at the railroad bridge transect (four locations, two depths, two replicates, once during the day and once during the nicht over a

, twenty-four hour period) and in Horse Crcok (one location, one depth, four replicates,once du"ing the day and once during the night over a twenty-four hour period).

5. Fish egg and larvac samples vill be taken on Tucadays in the discharge canal if the plant is dischar 1980, (ging water from one April 1,1900 to July 1, Q one location, once during the day ar.d once during thezicht).

depth, two replicates, It may becomo necessary to modify this part of the study based on assessment of the situation once water is actually being dischargod from the pond. Any proposed change would be discussed with the IEPA staff.

6. Tuo hundred of the samples collected during the fish egg and larvac program will also be er.anined for macroinvertebrato drift. Scmples to be e:c-amined vill be celected so that sampics from each
sampling transect, date and time period a-e represented.

1 B. Operational (after oporation of Unit Onc) 1 i If it is detersined that an entrainnent study is nooded .! after IInit One is operational, it would be conducted following the same methods, schedulos, sampling locations, , oct., as discussed above under itens 3 through 6. If after conducting the preoperational propcm, changes are indicated for the operational program any such changes will be coordinated with the IEPA staff. The proposed O QE291.21-3 4

  . . .   ..    . .-.-     -.-     .-.-. -. -       --..   ----. ..,..- ----- -.- - - - ,... -- . - . - ..-. - , ------ .~....... . -. . .....,                    .

L' "

                                              .-      Braidwood ER-0IS    AMENIX/ENT 2 JULY 1983 sa=ple schedulos vill be followed unicas a holiday or unforesson problems crise i.e., severe inclement               a weather, flooding conditions. If such an event                     W occurs, appropriate actions will be tal:en.

A final report for the studies involving the preopera-tional impingement and entrainment studies will be sub J.tted 120 days after completion of the study (report is due on December 31, 1980). We will await your response to these proposed programs before initiating them. In order for the pro 5ran to start in September,1979 (if pond fill has begun), a response by late August would bo-appreciated. If you have any questions we will be happy to ceet with you or you may call Dr. Richard Mor41ngo of my staff at 312/294-4450. Sincerely, et,u/[ , ohn H. Hughes Director of Wa er Quality RGM:JHH:ds O cc: Mr. R. Schacht Mr. A. Manzardo O I l 3291.21 4 1 O.

ILLINglS Environmental Protection Agency 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706 Braidwood ER-0IE AMENDMENT 2 t JULY 1983 217/782-1696 @ /j August 20, 1979

                                                                     @ gtI d N                                         !

g N g g ggl9 ) y golTM- T-

                                                                   $                           T, Mr. John H. Hughes                                                   g Director of Water Quality                                                ig i 6 Commonwealth Edison Company 72 West Adams Street Post Office Box 767 Chicago, Illinois 60690

Dear Mr. Hughes:

The Agency finds your proposed impingement and entrainment monitoring programs for the Braidwood Station (NPDES Permit No. IL0048321) acceptable as proposed in your letter of July 27, 1979. Any changes to the proposed programs will require prior Agency approval. Very truly yours, [ 0 William H. Busch, Manager Field Operations Section Division of Water Pollution Control WHB: bid /9818a/10 cc: Gary Milburn, USEPA ., GE291.21-5 2 l

l [ N Commonwealth Edisoft

                ) 72 west Mams street. Chicago, minois    Braidwood ER-OLS       AME M E R 2
       \        7 Accress Reply to: Post Office Box 767                          JULY 1983
        'A     e' CNcago, Ilknois 60690 November 21, 1980 Mr. William Busch Illinois Environ:nental Protection Agency 2200 Churchill Road Springfield, Illinois 62706


NPDES Permit No. lL 0048321 Braidwood Generating Station

Dear Mr. Busch:

Construction at the Kankakee River Screenhouse for the Braidwood Station resumed in Septenber, 1980. The coffer dams were removed in September. The filling of the Braidwood Cooling Pond began on November 18, 1980. It will take from three to five months to fill the pond, based on cur-rent projections. The required impingement study, began on November 18, 1980 The other field studies will resume or begin in the Spring of 1981. The projected operating date for Unit One is now October,1985, followed by Unit Two in October,1986. If you have any questions, we will be happy to meet with you or you may call Dr. Richard G. Monzingo of my staff at 312/294-4446. Sincerely,


N Thomas E. Hemminger Director of Water Quality RGM:TEH:ds cc: Mr. R. Schacht Mr. A. Manzardo O QE291.21-6 i i r


s [ - ,')N Commonwealth Edison 72 West Adams street. CNeogo, minois Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENP 2

               $ C 7 Address Reply 'a: Post Offece Box 767                                      JULY 1983 i
                 \.     / CNeago, minois 80800 December 29, 1981 l

, [_sss} Mr. William Busch Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 2200 Churchill Road Springfield, Illinois 62706


Braidwood Generating Station NPDES Permit No: ILLOO48321

Dear Mr. Busch:

Attached is a report concerning the impingement study which was conducted at Braidwood's Kankakee River screenhouse during the filling of the cooling pond (as approved in the August 20, 1979 letter from W. Busch to J. Hughes). The impingement study covers the period December 1, 1980 through February 18, 1981. on December 1, 1980 we began filling the cooling pond on a continuous 24 hour basis. The pond was declared filled on February 18, 1981). l An entrainment study was not conducted because continuous pumping did not occur during the study period April 15 through September 30 Puzoing did occur on four occasions in June for i f'T s/ brief periods of time. This pumping was related to preliminary testing of the make-up demineralizer. The water level in the

  • cooling pond remained up, therefore, there was no need to pump additional water into the cooling pond.

The impingement data obtained during the filling of the cooling pond could not be extrapolated to the whole year because the sampling period was too short. We suggest that a one year impingement study be conducted when Braidwood Unit One begins i commercial operation. If you have any questions, we will be happy to meet with you or your staff or you may call Dr. Richard G. Monzingo of my staff at 312/294-4446. l Si erely, i M s


Thomas E. Hemminger TEH:RGM:pc Director of Water Quality Attachment cc: Mr. R. Schacht w/att. Mr. A. Manzardo w/att. [) s-QE291.21-7

l Braidwood ER-OLS O AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 l 1 QUESTION E291.22 Provide copies of correspondence, if any, regarding federal or state agencies review and/or approval of results from the clam bed mapping studies.


Page QE291.22-2 is a copy of a letter from the Department of

Interior to the Corps of Engineers dated March 18, 1977 which indicates that the first clam survey, conducted'before construc-tion of the intake and discharges began, was reviewed. This letter also requests that another study be conducted approxi-mately one year after the construction of the intake and outfall structures is completed.

Page QE291.22-4 is a copy of a letter to the Corp of Engineers from Commonwealth Edison dateo June 6, 1983 which transmits the results of the clam study that was performed one year af ter construction was complete. g QE291.22-1 r{ }

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          '      .*                             m      Braidwood ER-OLS                     T-
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AMENDIE7f 2 United (dtates Department of the Interior , JULY 1983 C 4  %*' FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE '"** **'**

  • Federal Building, Fort Snelling Twin Cities, Minnesota 55111 '

MAR 181977 P

                                                                 "                                                               t Colonel Andrew C. Remson, Jr.                                                                              '

District Engineer U.S. Army Engineer District , Chicago . 219 South Dearborn Street L Chicago, IL 60604


Dear Colonel Remson:

L' i This letter refers to Public Notice NCC00-P 3807411 dated August 9, 1974, and the Department of the Interior's letters of November 1, 1974, and July 22, 1976, regarding an application by Conunonwealth Edison Com- ' pany for a permit to construct a river intake screen house and blowdown gi outlet along the south bank of the Kanakakee River at the Braidwood Nuc- 1 lear Power Generating Units 1 and 2 in Will County, Illinois. g These comments have been prepared in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) and are consistent with the intent of the National Environ-mental Policy Act of 1969. On January 25, 1977, biologists from the Service's Rock Island Field Office net with representatives of Commonwealth Edison to resolve the , W remaining difficulties with this permit application. Revised drawings m' were submitted on January 19, 1977, eliminating the cofferdam. The re- - port of January 20, 1977, describing the clam bed mapping in the Kankakee - River was reviewed, and Commonwealth Edison agreed to repeat this survey g approximately one year after construction is completed. . i The Department of the Interior, therefore, has no objection to the issu- o-ance of a permit provided the following conditions are stipulated in the - permit issued for work proposed in the subject public notice.

1. Construction be modified as detailed in drawings dated January 19; 1977. (.- -
2. The aquatic monitoring program as submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Counission by Connonwealth Edison in an August 26, a pt,.

1976, letter be implemented.

                                                                                                                         ,      L cE291.22-2
,                                                                                                                          l    I 9                                     *
                                                      .3                              "  I e=           *   **

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Braidwood ER-OLS I  ! DDRVER 2 ' l -

         - .     .e                          t JULY 1983 i
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2  :

3. Clam bed mapping as documented in the January 20, 1977, re- 4.i port be repeated approximately one year after completed con- p',

l struction of the intake and outfall structures in order to monitor possible impacts of construction on the mussel 4, population.  ; Sincerely yours, ' 1 ( w

                                                                                ]@       .         J Raymond L. St. Orcs
  • Acting Assistant EegionalDiroctor cc: U.S. EPA, Federal Activities Branch, Chicago Illinois EPA, Springfield Attn: Mr. Ward L. Akers .

Illinois Dept. of Conservation, Springfield EE r L l O r ma. um e-E (-

6. -

l i no l l 1 lo


L Q,E291.22-3 - L l -- , . , ,

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EN Commonwealth Edison Braidwood ER-OLS AMM 2 [ 0- ) 72 W;st Adams Street, Chicago, lltinois JULY 1983

    '\    O ] Address Reply to: Post Office Box 767 (j/ Chicago, Illinois 60690 O

June 6, 1983 Lt. Colonel Christes A. Dovas District Engineer U.S. Army Engineer District 219 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60604

Dear Lt. Colonel Dovas:

! On August 9,1977 a permit (Application Number 3807411) was issued by Colonel Rcmson to Commonwealth Edison for construction of intake and outfall structures on the Kankakee River. One of the special conditions (e) was that Edison conduct a clam survey after construction was completed, as requested by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service in a letter to the Corps dated March 18, 1977. Enclosed is a copy of the required report, which was prepared by Ecological Analysts, Inc., entitled " Freshwater Mussel Mapping of the Kankakee River near Custer Park, Illinois" and dated January, 1982. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Richard Monzingo of my staff at 312/294-4446. Sincerely,

                                                                                      /                 1 NH44' %

Thomas E. Hemminger  ! , Director of Water Quality 2408E RGM:TEH:ds cc: U.S. Fish and Wildlife - Rock Island Office RE291.22-4

1 Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 O JULY 1983 QUESTION E310.1 Are there any substantial changes in the station external ap-pearance or layout which have been made subsequent to the description in Section 3.17 If so please describe.


The station building has been enlargeo to accommodate the Tech-nical Support Center. The Security Building has been enlarged and the parking lot has been expanded. The river screenhouse design was modified to present a lower profile by elimination of the overhead crane penthouse and the trash rack cleaning machin-ery has been screened from view from the river and the opposite shore. In adoition, the screenhouse area was also extensively landscaped to minimize the aesthetic effects. Figure 2.1-4 will be amended to cepict changes in station layout and will be included in a future amendment to this ER. O l i (O_/ l QE310.1-1

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 (} QUESTION E310.2 Are there any new roads, transmission corridors or rail lines or relocations of roads, transmission corridors or rail lines near the plant which have been proposed subsequent to the description in Section 3.1 and 3.97 If so, please describe.


There are no new roads, transmission corridors or rail lines or relocations of roads, transmission corridors or rail lines off site near the plant which have Deen proposed that would alter the current descriptions in Sections 3.1 and 3.9 to the best of our knowledge. O ( QE310.2-1

4 Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 () f, JULY 1983 QUESTION E310.3 Section states: " House counts were converted to population Oy assuming 3.4 persons per household based on 1970 U.S. Bureau of Census data for Will County. Comparable values for Grundy and Kankakee Counties were 3.17 and 3.15, respectively." Tne NRC staff has calculated 1970 and 1980 values of persons per househola for Will, Grundy, ano Kankakee Counties using U.S. Bureau of Census cata. The following table contains the results: Persons per Household by County County 1970 1980 Will 3.38 2.96 Grunoy 3.00 2.65 Kankakee 3.28 2.74 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1980 Census of Population and Housing, Illinois, PHC80-V-15, (s_s) Maren 1981. Please revise the 1980 population estimates within 10 miles of the station using 1980 township based Census data of persons per hcusehould.


The 1980 population estimates within 10 miles of the station have been revised based on 1980 census data. The revised esti-mates are discussed in Section and are shown in Table 2.1-2. The methods used for estimating the population are in-cluded in Section 2.1.2. QE310.3-1 l

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 0 - au'v 1983-QUESTION E310.4 -- Section indicates that the population growth within 10 miles is based on 1970 Census data, at the latest. Please re-vise your estimates to reflect the demographic cata' included in the 1980 Census. RESPONSE ,- The estimated population growth' within 10 miles of the station has been revised Lased on 1980 census data. The revised growth estimates are discussed in Section and are shown in i Table 2.1-2. The methods used for estimating and projecting are

!     included in Section 2.1.2.

i ( O 't O'- QE310.4-1

( + l Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2

       - ()                                                                                                                                                                               JULY 1983 QUESTION E310.5

Section, which describes population between 10 and 50 l miles of the station, describes population projections being i made generally according to the same tecnniques used for the O to 10 mile region. Please revise the projections to reflect the , demographic data available in the 1980 Census. l RESPONSE i Section has been revised based on 1980 Census data. The revised _ estimates and projections for 10 to 50 miles from the station are shown in Table 2.1-3. The techniques used for mak-

ing the estimates and projections are included in Section 2.1.2.

I i  : i i a f i t QE310.5-1 l l-l



Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 QUESTION E310.6 Section 2.6 of the ER-OL refers to plans for paleontologists to recover fossils in the strip-mining pits. The appendix of that section contains a letter dated June 13, 1974 from Byron Lee, Jr., Commonwealth Edison to B. J. Youngblood, NRC which refers to a Commonwealth Edison agreement with Dr. Eugene S. Richardson of the Field Museum of Natural History. The agreement is with regard to allowing collectors to search for fossils in the area of the site which had been strip-mined. The letter stated that

     " details remain to be developed."

What is the present status of that agreement ano are any changes in the agreement foreseen once the station commences operation?


l The present agreement allows limited access to the Braidwood Station site for fossil collectors with admission passes jointly issued by the Field Museum of Natural History (Museum) and Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO). Access to the site for (] limited periods for others are arranged by obtaining preapproval from the Museum.

;    Access is granted to other fossil hunters to the strip-mined i     area south of the Braidwood Station site that is owned by CECO and leased to others by issuance of one day passes.

This policy will be reviewed at the time fuel is delivered to the site and again at the time fuel is loaded to assass the effect on security and emergency planning requirements. O V QE310.6-1 l

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 QUESTION E310.7 Are the estimated 1986 taxes as shown in Table 8.2-1 in 1986 dollars? If so, please convert to 1982 dollars.


The estimated 1986 taxes shown in Taole 8.2-1 are in 1982 001-lars. Table 8.2-1 has been revised to so indicate. O ('i 'v' QE310.7-1

l s Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 ' QUESTION E310.8 Section 2.6.2 reports that "the archeological investigations have not yet been completed" along the Braidwooo-Crete transmis-sion line. What is the present status of the archeological survey and when may the NRC expect to receive a report on that survey? Also, if there exists any correspondence with the State Historic Preservation Officer on the survey along the transmis-sion line, please provide copies to the NRC.


The archaeological investigations have been completed. The field work on the Braidwood to Davis Creek Substation portion of the transmission line and on the Davis Creek Substation site was done in 1978 and 1979 prior to construction of the transmission line and the substation. Field work on the Davis Creek to Crete portion of the transmission line began in 1979 and continued in 1980. The resurvey testing of four known prehistoric sites and the field work on parcels of right-of-way where access had been disputed and where facilities would be located was completed in (") v March, 1983. Two reports covering all the phases of the invest-igation have been prepared. The first report was completeo in , 1981 and covered the 1978, 1979 and 1980 field work. The secono report, completed in 1983, covers the final field work done in 1983. Both reports have been submitteo to the State Historic Preservation Officer for review and approval and to the NRC staff. I O QE310.8-1

Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 () JULY 1983 QUESTION ER470.1 The applicant snould provide the following information, which is necessary to estimate population and maximum-exposed individual doses due to gaseous releases. This information should reflect 1981-1982 (or most recent available) data.

1. Within 80 km of the reactor: the total projected year 2010 population, (baseo on 1980 census), annual meat production (kg/yr), annual milk production (liters /yr),

and vegetable production (kg/yr) with separate data for leafy (e.g., lettuce) and nonleafy (e.g., corn) vegetables.

2. Fraction of year leafy vegetables are grown.
3. Fraction of ingested crop from garden.
4. Fraction of year cows, beef cattle, and goats are on pasture.
5. Fraction of daily intake of cows, beef cattle, and goats derived from pasture food while on pasture.
() 6. Absolute or relative humidity over growing season.
7. Average temperature over growing season.
8. Reconfirmation that data in Tables 2.1-13 and 2.1-14 are valid.
9. Tabulation of beef cattle within five miles of Braidwood similar to Tables 2.1-13 and 2.1-14.

The information requested above may be presented in tabular form.


1. The total projected population within 80 km of the reactor for the year 2010 is found in the Environmental Report in revised Table 2.1-2 (0-10 miles) and Table 2.1-3 (10-50 miles). These tables have been revised based on 1980 census data. The information on meat production is found in revised Taules 2.1-17 (beef) and 2.1-18 (pork). Table 2.1-19 (mutton and lamb production) was not revised be-cause statistics are no longer kept on mutton production t


Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 in this area, due to low volume. The information on milk production is found in revised Table 2.1-20. The vege-table production is found in revised Table 2.1-21 (leafy) and new Table 2.1-21A (nonleafy). The information in these tables is the most recent that is available from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Illinois and Indiana Crop and Livestock Reporting Services and from the county agri-culture extension advisors in Grundy, Kankakee and Will Counties.

2. The fraction of the year leafy vegetables are grown is 0.5. This is based on the local growing season of May through October.

3, The fraction of ingested crop from the garden is 0.76 for produce and 1.0 for leafy vegetables.

4. The fraction of the year cows, beef cattle and goats are on the pasture is 0.5.
5. The fraction of daily intake of cows, beef cattle and goats derived from pasture food while on pasture is 0.5.
6. The mean relative humidity over the growing season of 1982 was 73%.
7. The mean temperature over the 1982 growing season was 65.00F,
8. Tables 2.1-13 and 2.1-14 have been revised and contain information obtained by a survey conducted on June 23, 1983.
9. Table QER470.1-1 shows the nearest beef animal and the nearest pig within 5 miles of the station in each sector.

QER470.1-2 l l


;        DIRECTION                 (miles)                                            (miles)                         for sale)

N 2.4 2.3 Home

NNE 3.4 3.4 For sale NE 3.8 3.3 For sale a For sale ENE 2.9 --

E 2.8 -- For sale ESE 2.3 -- Home SE 4.6 -- For sale SSE 3.4 -- For sale a ,, ,, S -- l SSW -- -- SW 3.0 3.0 For sale WSW 3.7 3.7 For sale W 3.9 3.9 For sale WNW -- -- NW l.7 -- .Home l NNW -- -- aNone within 5 miles in this oirection. Survey was conoucteo by A. Lewis on June 23, 1983. QER470.1-3 b 4

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r -

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  • Braidwood ER-OLS AMEN 0 MENT 2 O. JULY 1983 QUESTION E470.2 4

The applicant should provide the following information, which is necessary to estimate population and m.aximum-exposed individual doses due to liquid releases. This information should reflect 1981-1982 (or most recent availaDie) data. ! 1. Projected year 2010 population (based on 1980 census) to 80 km.

2. Locations and estimates of commercial vertebrate and in-vertebrate fishing catches and sport vertebrate and inver-tebrate fishing catches (kg/yr) downstream of plant (to 80 km). Include bases for each estimate and representative dilution factors and discharge transit times to each loca-tion.
3. Locations and estimates of recreational use downstream including shoreline, boating, and swimming uses (to 80 km). Include bases for each estimate and representative dilution factors and discharge transit times to each loca-
4. Downstream locations and estimate of drinking water intakes (to 80 km). Include bases for each estimate and represen-tative dilution factors and 01scharge transit times to each location.

l The information requested above may De presented in tabular form.


1. The population estimates and projections of growtn for the years 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2020 from 0 to 80 km have been revised and the information is contained in Tables 2.!-2 and 2.1-3 in Section 2.1. 2.
2. A point eighty kilometers (50 miles) downstream of the Braidwooo Station discharge woulo include a 15 mile stretch of the Kankakee River (to its confluence with the Oes Plaines River which forms the Illinois River); a small part of the Dresden Pool; all of the Marseilles pool; ano most of the Starved Rock Pool. The approximate Illinois River mile for the Starved Rock, Marsellies, and Oresden Dams and the mouth of the Kankakee River are 231, 247, 271, and 273, respectively.



Braidwooo ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 lll Since the Kankakee River is a fish preserve, commercial fishing for vertebrates and invertebrates is not allowed. The pools. commercial fishing cata for the Illinois River is by follows: The most recent data available from the state is as Commercial Fish Catch by Pool in Pounds Starvec Rock Marseilles Dresden Year Pool Pool Pool 1977 2655 0 0 1978 3990 0 1979 0 315 0 0 1980 0 0 0 1981 0 0 0 This data indicates that commercial fishing in the lllinois River within 80 kilometers of the Braidwood Station dis-charge structure is negligible. Tne state does not have data on the sport fishing take for the portions of the Kankakee and within the 80 km area of interest. Illinois Rivers The lack tt are of coinmercial fishing takes in the three Illinois River pools in the area of frominterest these indicates that a significant sport fishing take pools is unlikely. { In 1978 and 1979, a creel survey was conducted by CECO on a 25 mile reach of the Kankakee River from its mouth. Data from these surveys, when extrapolated indicate an annual take of 17,189 lbs of fish in the Kankakee River oownstream from the Braidwood Station discharge. Most of this catch is carp and redhorse species 32% ano 31% of total catch, respectively. The majority of the fish are caught in the area of the Wilmington dem to the mouth of the Kankakee. The estimated discharge transit time to the Wilmington dam is four hours with a dilution factor of ninety. Estimated discharge travel ' times and dilution factors for the Illinois River pools are: QE470.2-2

i Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 ()s JULY 1983 Pool Starved Dresden Marseilles Rock Estimated Travel Time - Hours 15 17 41 Dilution Factors 193 193 286

3. There are no authorized swimming areas or beaches down-stream within 80 km of the station discharge.

Recreational boating is important on the navigable portion of the lower Kankakee River and on the Illinois River. The major categories of use are cruising, water skiing and fishing. The boating season for cruising and water skiing covers the period from mid-May to mid-September with most of the water skiing activity occurring in June, July and August. Both of these uses are mainly confined to week- <'N ends. Fishing is more important on the lower Kankakee than on any of the other pools within 80 km. The fishing season (-) is longer than the water skiing and cruising seasons both in the spring and the fall. Fishing is popular during the weekday periods when there is not as much water skiing ac ti vi ty . Boat launchings for fishing during the week are conservatively estimated to De at a level of about 10% of the peak weekend launching numbers. Fall waterfowl hunting is an additional use throughout the area of interest. All access points report some hunting activity. The uses by - area and pool are tabulated in Table QE470.2-1 as part of this response. From the station discharge to the Wilmington Dam the Kankakee River is navigable for power boats but access is restricted to residents because there is no public launch-ing ramp in the area. Recreation activity is almost exclu-sively boat fishing and bank fishing from resioents proper-ties and from the city park in Wilmington. Below the dam the river is shallow to a point downstream of the I-55 bridge. Bank fishing and caneoing are the main activities on this part of the river. The lower Kankakee River ano the first two miles of the Illinois River (from the confluence of the Kankakee ano f) s- QE4 70. 2 -3

E Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 JULY 1983 h Des Plaines Rivers to the Dresden Island Dam) are acces-sible to boaters from several points. The Des Plaines Fish and Wildlife Area provides a boat launching ramp on the Kankakee and there are marinas and boat clubs on the lower Des Plaines which provide ramps and mooring slips. The major categories of use for the combined areas are cruis-ing, water skiing, and fishing. The operators report that most of the moored boats are used for cruising, while most of the ramp launched boats are used for water skiing and fishing. It was felt that most of the boats on the lower Kankakee and the Dresden pool of the Illinois re"31n in the pool for their activities. Bank fishing is done on both sides of the lower Kankakee River from the Des Plaines Fish and Wildlife Area and from the residential area on the opposite shore. On the Marseilles Pool access to the river for coating is obtained from two State parks, William G. Stratton at Morris and Illini at Marseilles. In addition, there is a large marina and other private facilities. The major uses in the Marseilles Pool are cruising and water skiing. There is some boat fishing throughout the pool and some bank fishing reported at the State parks. the boats remain on the Marseilles Pool. The majority of g On the Starved Rock Pool there is no state park access point. There are no water front activities at Buffalo Rock State Park and the boat launching ramp at Starved Rock State Park is below the Starved Rock Lock and Dam. There are marinas and clubs on the pool plus a municipal boat ramp provided by the Ottawa Park Dis tric t . Cruising and

  • water skiing are the major uses. Houseboats are popular on the Starved Rock Pool. The result is larger average num-t bers of passengers and longer duration of time spent on the water. The majority of the boats remain in the pool for their activities.
4. There are no drinking water intakes from either the Kankakee or the Illinois Rivers within tne aistance of 80 km downstream from the Braidwood Station discharge.


Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENP 2 JULY 1983

 -                                       TABLE QE470.2-1 RECREATIONAL USES DOWNSTREAM WITHIN 80 KM OF THE BRAIDWOOD STATION DISCHARGE KANKAKEE                   ILLINOIS RIVER RIVER                                         STARVED PEAK DAY USE         DISCHARGE TO      IDWER KANKAKEE      MARSEILLES    ROCK WEEKEND / HOLIDAY       I-55 BRIDGE     AND DRESDEN POOL         POOL       POOL Number of Boate
  • 650 570 530 Percent of Use Cruising 40% 45% 45%
   ,    Water Skiing                                  40%                45%        45%

Fishing 100% 20% 101 10% Boat Party Sise

  • 4 5 6 Duration of Activity (Hours)
  • 4-5 6-8 8-10 Remain fu Pool 100% 95% 95% 90%

Travel Time from Discharge to Area (Hours) 0 4 17 41 90(1) Dilution Factors 90 193(2) 193 286 a

  • Information not available.

(1) For lower Kankakee River. (2) For Dresden Pool. Sources: Pohl, R., 1983, Des Plaines Fish and Wildlife Area Telephone Conversation on June 28, 1983 with B. Barickman, Ceco, Environmental Affaire (EA). Walker, R.,1983, Joliet Yacht Club, Telephone Conversation on June 27, 1983 with B. Berickman, CECO, EA. Vitek, J., 1983, Bayhill Marina, Telephone Conversation on June 27,1983 with B. Berickman, CECO, EA. Carr, D.,1983, William C. Stratton State Park, . Telephone Conversation on June 27, 1983 with B. Barickman, CECO, EA. Thorpe, J.,1983, Springbrook Marina, Telephone conversation on June 28, 1983 with B. Barickman, CECO, EA. Castelli, R., 1983, Illini State Park, Telephone Conversation on June 27, 1983 with B. Barickman, CECO EA. Schomas, B., Fox River Marina, Telephone Conversation on June 28, 1983 with B. Berickman, CECO, EA. l l Powers, R., 1983, Starved Rock Marina, Telephone Conversation on June 28, l 1983 with B. Barickman, CECO, EA. Klecsewski, R.,1983, Starved Rock Ste*e Park, Telephone Conversation on June 27, 1983 with B. Barickman, Ceco, Et QE470.P-5

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l l I i d' Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 , JULY 1983 k  : j QUESTION ER470.3 The applicant should update Section 6.2.3 of the Environmental Report to include tables equivalent to tables presented in - USNRC Branch Technical Position, "An Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Revision 1," November 1979 (attached). The licensee should also indicate when the pre-i operational radiological monitoring program will begin.

_ RESPONSE Section 6.1.5, Radiological Monitoring, contains a description i' of the program from its start, Summer of 1983, continuing througn the first two years after commercial operation of the plant begins.

The monitoring program after two years of commercial operation is described in Section 6.2.3. I Both Sections 6.1.5 and 6.2.3 have been revised in Amendment 2, July 1983, to provide the latest available information. 9 O QER470.3-1 4

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Braidwood ER-OLS AMENDMENT 2 (} JULY 1983 QUESTION 7.1.11

1. Discuss the status of the evacuation plan. When will reli-able evacuation speed estimates 'tue available?


The present status of the Braidwood Station evacuation plan is the " Preliminary Evacuation Time Stuoy of the 10-Mile Radius Emergency Planning Zone at the Braidwooo Station," dated August 1980. A copy of this stucy, which was attached to the L. O. Del George (CECO) letter to D. G. Eisenhut, dated August 29, 1980, has been provided to the staff as a partial response to this question. This study presents evacuation time estimates which are very conservative. A new evacuation time study for Braidwood Station is expected to De completed oy December 1983 using present standards and updated population data. O ? 4

  )                                Q7.1.11-1 l

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