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Annual Environ Operating Rept for 1988,including List of All Changes in Station Design & List of All Nonroutine Repts
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/28/1989
From: Hunsader S
To: Murley T
0101T, 101T, NUDOCS 8905020454
Download: ML20245F666 (4)


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Commonwealth Edison 72 West Adamt Street, Chicago, liknois Addr'ess Ripfy~iE~P65t OMce 667767 ~

Chicago, Illinois 60690 0767 April 28, 1989 Dr. Thomas E. Murley, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attn Document Control Desk


Braidwood Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 Annual Environmental Operation Report HEC._D2CARimli2ft 50-Of and 50-457

Dear Dr. Murley:

Attached you will find the Annual Environmental Operating Report as required by Appendix B, Ss '-tkn 5.4 of Facility Operating Licenses NPF-72 and NPF-77. The period of this report is from January ) '.988 to December 31, 1988. The report has been reviewed against the objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan as stated in Section 1 of Appendix B. The review has determined that these objectives are being met.

The report is ine)uded in Attachments A, B, and C and contains the following:

Attachment A - A lir.t of all changes in Station design or operation, tests, and experiments as required-by Appendix B, Section 3.1.

Attaciunent B - A list of all non-routine reports as required by Appendix B, Section 5.4.2.

Attachment C - A list of noncompliance to the Environmental Protection Plan and any corrective actions taken.

Please address any questions concerning this report to this office.

0905020454 8904287 S.C. Hunsader k

DR ADOCK 0500 6 Nuclear Licensing Administrator sc1:0101T 1 Attachment cc: S.P. Sands-NRR /

J. Illnds-RIII Resident Inspector-Braidwood /[ i l


'. l Section 3.1 requires a brief description, analysis, interpretation and evaluation of changes, tests or experiments that do not involve an unreviewed environmental question or constitute a decrease in che effectiveness of the EPP. Based on this requirement the following is provided:

During the summer drought period, the flow rate of the Kankakee ,

River diminished to the point at which withdrawal from the river was j suspended until adequate rates of flow resumed. During the period l of suspension, the cooling pond level was lowered. It was I determined that the station could operate without make-up water from l the river by drawing down the pond level from the normal elevation  !

of 595.0 ft Mean Sea Level (MSL) to as low as 591.5 ft MSL.

As the 591.5 ft level was approached, it was necessary to supplement the pond by drawing water from adjacent strip mine ponds. These ponds are owned by Commonwealth Edison and are located just south of j the cooling pond.

The possible effects on the strip mine ponds and the off-site effects were analyzed. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, local officials and neighboring land owners were consulted.

I The possible environmental effects on the strip mine ponds that were  !

considered were fish kills in the ponds to be pumped down and the I possibility of lowering the water level in neighboring ponds that were not being pumped. Plans were made to restock the ponds if fish i kills occurred. The water was pumped from the deepest points in the j ponds. No fish kills were observed in these ponds during or after l the pumping operation. Water levels in the ponds that were not being pumped were monitored and no abnormal changes were recorded.

1 The off-site environmental effect of the action that was considered l was a possible lowering of the groundwater level. A " Water Restoration Plan" was prepared which addressed this concern and detailed the actions to be taken if any property owners' water well was affected. Monitoring wells were drilled to detect groundwater l 1evel changec, if any. No abnormal changes in levels were detected.

At the conclusion of the drought period, normal withdrawal of  ;

make-up water from the Kankakee River was resumed and plans were l made to restore the water levels in the strip mine ponds. An application for a discharge permit for the cooling pond was submitted to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and wan l subsequently received on November 21, 1988. The water return was j completed on January 11, 1989.

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/sc1:0101T 2


l List of non-routine reports submitted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.2.


  • i None - 1988 f

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/sc1 0101T 3


.i s i List of Environmental Protection Plan'non-compliances and corrective .

action,s. J

. I None - 1988 1

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