ML19332F528 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Braidwood |
Issue date: | 12/31/1987 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML19332F517 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 8912150125 | |
Download: ML19332F528 (61) | |
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l Reporting Period: January - December, 1987 l
p QL Date 1/12/22
(/ g. E. Huebner V General Manager Distribution:
Radioecological Group, CECO (1 copy)
Superintendent, Braidwood Station (1 copy) t l
Radiochemistry Services (1 copy) l 8912150125 891031 PDR ADOCK 05000456 O
., PNU_
i:r 4 ':. ~. j n a 47 r
. J e
Section Page List of Tables iii'
1 2.0 LISTING 0F MISSED SAMPLES....................
2 Appendices A
.Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results A-1 B
' Co l l ect i on Sc hed ul e...................... B-1 i
1 1
11 w
O '-
Title Page 1
Airborne Particulates and Iodine-131, Locations BD-01,-02,-03
-4 2
Airborne Particulates and Iodine-131, Locations 6
BD-04,-05,-06 3
Airborne Particulates and Iodine-131, Locations BD-19,-20,-21 8
4 Airborne Particulates, Quarterly Composites of Weekly Collections 10 5
11 6
.............................,13 i
7 Surface Water.........................
21 8
Co o l i ng W a t e r.........................
25 9
Well - Water 28 29 10 Vegetables
11 Grass and Cattlefeed 30 12 Fish, Edible Portions.....................
32 33 13 Aquatic Vegetation 14' Bottom Sediments 34 15 Gamma Radiation as Measured by Thermoluminiscent Dosimeters (TLDs) 35 16 Milch-Animals and Nearest Residence Census 38 17 Summary iables, First Quarter.................
39 18 Summary Tables, Second Quarter 42 l
19 Summary Tables, Third Quarter.................
47 20 Summary Tables, Fourth Quarter 51 1
iii l
The following constitutes the current Monthly Progress Report for the Environ-mental Radiological Monitoring Program conducted at the Braidwood Station, Braceville, Illinois.
Results of completed analyses are presented in the attached tables.-
Missing entries indicate analyses that are not completed and the results will appear in subsequent reports.
Data obtained in the program are well within the ranges to be expected in the environmental media sampled.
None of the media sampled this month contained radioactivity attributable to the construction of Braidwood Nuclear Power Station.
For all gama isotopic analyses, spectrum is computer scanned from 80 to 2048 kev. Specifically included are Mn-54, Co-58, Fe-59, Co-60, Zn-65, Zr-95, Nb-95, Ru-103, Ru-106, I-131, Ba-La-140, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141, and Ce-144.
Naturally occurring gama-emitters, such as K-40 and Ra daughters, are fre-quently detected but not listed here.
Data listed as "<" are at the 4.66 sigma level, others are 2 sigma.
Unless noted otherwise, the less than value
("<") for air particulates and precipitation is for Cs-137 and may be higher or lower for other radionuclides.
The positive value listed under "Gama Isotopic" for air particulates and precipitation is for Cs-137.
For all other sampling media Cs-134 and Cs-137 are listed separately.
All other gamma emitters are listed under "Other Gamas."
Unless noted otherwise, the less than value
reported under "Other Gamas" is for Co-60 and may be higher or lower for other radionuclides.
All concentrations, except for gross beta, are decay corrected to the date of collection.
1 Deviations from Scheduled Sampling and Corrective Actions Taken All samples were collected within the scheduled period unless noted otherwise in the Listing of Missed Samples.
.o BRAIDWD0D' 2.0 LISTING OF MISSED SAMPLES Expected Collection Sample Type Location Dates Reason
' Cooling Water 80-08 01-23-87 River frozen Precipitation 80-11 February Insufficient amount Precipitation BD-12 February Insufficient amount Precipitation BD-17
. February Insufficient amount Precipitation BD-18 February Insufficient amount Precipitation 80-18 July Insufficient amount Precipitation
~.80-12 October Insufficient amount NOTE:
Page 3 is intentionally left out.
Airborne Particulates and Iodine-131a Collection-Weekly Units: 10-b pC1/m3 Braidwood B0-01 Custer Park BD-02 County Line Rd. BD-03 Week Voiime Gross volume Gross Volyme Gross Ending (m3)
Beta (m3)
Beta (mJ)
'01-09-87 252 3.9i0.5 251 3.80.5 250 2.720.4 L
01-16-87 293 3.810.4 293 4.010.4 293 3.510.4 01-23-87 287 2.510.4 287 2.410.4 287 2.510.4 L
01-30-87 279 2.510.4 279 2.510.5 279 2.910.4 02-06-87 285 2.410.4 285 3.110.4 285 3.0t0.4 02-13-87 274 2.2i0.4 273 2.SiO.4 275 2.710.4 02-21-87 332 2.410.3 332 1.9i0.3 332 2.210.3 l
02-27-87 243 3.210.4 243 2.0f0.4 243 2.110.4 l-03-06-87 288 1.510.3 287 2.110.3 289 2.1i0.3 l
03-13-87 296 3.810.4 296 3.1i0.4 296 3.3*0.4 l
03-20-87 278-2.710.4 278 2.710.4 278 2.810.4 03-27-87 289 1.6i0.3 287 1.610.3 288 1.3*0.3 l-1st Qtr mean i s.d.
2.7i0.8 2.610.7 2.610.6 04-03-87 284 2.610.4 285 2.2i0.4 285 2.510.4 04-10-87 280-2.910.4 280 2.9*0.4 280 2.710.4 04-17-87 281 1.4i0.3 281 1.410.4 280 1.3i0.3 04-24-87 287 1.610.3 288 1.510.3 287 1.310.3 05-02-87 323 2.610.4 322 2.710.4 322 2.610.4 05-08 252 2.7t0.4 2'il 3.5i0.5 251 3.510.5 15-87 286 2.Si0.4 287 3.210.4 287 2.7 0.4 j
05-23-87 330 1.410.3 329
- 1. 9i0. 3 329 1.610.3 l
05-30-87 287 1.510.3 287 1.710.3 287 1.610.3 L
06-06-87 279 2.310.4 279 2.310.4 279 2.110.4 06-13-87 300 2.510.4 292 3.010.4 293 2.610.4 i
06-20-87 275 4.0f0.4 283 4.510.4 282 4.310.4 06-27-87 282 1.8i0.3 284 2.610.4 284 1.910.3 l_
2nd Qtr mean i s.d.
2.310.8 2.610.9 2.4i0.9 a Iodine-131 concentrations are less than 0.07 pCi/m3 unless noted otherwise.
l l
l l
ec BRA!DWOOD Table 1.
Airborne Particulates and Iodine-131a Braidwood BD-01 Custer Park BD-02 County Line Rd. B0-03 Week Volyme Gross Volyme Gross Volyme Gross Ending (m3)
Beta (m3)
Beta (m3)
Beta 07-04-87 289 2.7*0.4 286 2.9i0.4 286 2.8f0.4 l
07-11-87 280 1.5i0.3 280 1.9i0.3 283 2.210.4 e
07-18-87 287 1.5i0.3 286 1.6*0.3 286 1.2*0.3 07-25-87 282 2.1i0.4 235 0.6*0.3 284 0.6t0.2 07-31-87 249 2.0f0.4 247 1.5i0.4 247 1.7t0.4 08-08-87 371 2.5*0.3 325 2.8*0.3 325 3.0i0.3 08-16-87 333 2.110.3 330 2.2t0.3
-330 2.3*0.3 l
08-22-87 243 2.li0.4 244 2.8i0.4 244 2.810.4 08-28-87 246 4.410.5 245 4.810.5 245 5.210.5 09-04-87 279 2.2i0.4 282 2.6*0.4 282 2.SiO.4 09-11 289 4.3i0.4 289 4.Si0.4 289 5.0i0.5 09-19-87 323 2.8*0.4 323 2.9f0.4 323 3.510.4 09-25-87 250 1.6*0.3 250 1.6i0.3 250 2.1*0.4 10-03-87 321 3.0i0.4 324-3.5i0.4 324 4.1*0.4 3rd Qtr. mean i s.d.
2.510.9 2.6tl.2 2.811.3-10-09-87 250 1.9f0.4
'246 2.210.4 247 2.210.4 10-17-87 326 3.1i0.4 323 3.Si0.4 323 3.7*0.4 10-24-87 288 3.0i0.4 291
'2.610.4 291 3.110.4 10-31-87 284 2.9t0.4 283 2.6t0.4 283 3.li0.4 11-07-87 284 4.1i0.4 284 5.2i0.5 284 5.210.5 11-14-87 280 4.5t0.5 279 5.410.5 279 4.3i0.4 11-21-87' 292 2.610.4 292 2.6*0.4 292 2.8i0.4 11-27-87 248 3.8i0.5 248 4.5i0.5 248 5.2i0.5 12-05-87 320 2.0f0.3 321 1.8i0.3 321 2.0f0.3 12-11-87 252 2.310.4 251 2.4i0.4 251 2.4t0.4
~12-18-87 280 1.8i0.3 276 1.8i0.3 280 1.7*0.3
.12-26-87 327 2.310.3 327 3.2i0.4 327 3.410.4 01-01-88' 247 2.9i0.4 250 3.3i0.4 250 3.2i0.4 4th Qtr mean i s.d.
2.9i0.8 3.2il.2 3.2il.1 a Iodine-131 concentrations are less than 0.07 pC1/m3 unless noted otherwise.
if 5
4 p.
-Table 2.. Airborne Particulates and Iodine-131a i
CollectiongCi/mjy Week
' Units: 10- p Essex 80-04 Gardner 80-05 Godley 80-06 Week Volyme Gross VoJyme Gross Volyme Gross Ending (m3) 8 eta (m3) 8 eta (m3)
Beta 01-09-87 251'
- 3. 0f 0. 4 251 3.7i0.4 244 3.6i0.5 01-16-87 293 3.810.4 293 3.710.4 293 4.2i0.4 01-23-87 287 2.410.4 287 2.5t0.4 287 2.410.4 01-30-87 279 2.810.4 279 2.810.4 279 2.710.4 02-06-87 285 2.710.4 285 2.810.4 2 85 3.0*0.4 02-13-87 275 2.710.4 275 2.510.4 274 2.8i0.4 02-21-87 332.
1.8*0.3 332 1.810.3 332 1.8i0.3 02-27-87 243 2.210.4 243 2.210.4 243 2.610.4-l'
. 03-06-87 287 2.510.4 287 2.210.3 288 1.6*0.3 1
03-13-87 296 3.710.4 296 3.1*0.4 296 3.5i0.4 L
03-20-87 278 3.0t0.4 278 2.3i0.4 278 2.3i0.4 l
03-27-87 288 1.410.3 287 1.510.3 288 1.4i0.3 1
L 1st Qtr mean i s.d.
2.7*0.7 2.6*0.7 2.6i0.8 l
04-03-87 285 2.810.4 285 3.410.4 286 2.410.4 04-10-87 280 2.710.4 280 2.810.4 280 2.2i0.4 04-17-87 281 1.210.3 281 1.7t0.4 281 1.310.4 04-24-87 288 1.5i0.3 287 1.510.3 287 0.8i0.3 05-02-87 322 2.7*0.4 323 2.5i0.4 323 2.4i0.3 05-08-87 251 3.510.5 251 3.810.5 251 3.010.4 05-15-87 287 3.310.4 287 3.110.4 287 2.8i0.4 05-23-87 326 1.910.3 329 1.8*0.3 326 1.810.3 05-30-87 287 2.0*0.3 287 2.010.3 287 1.6i0.3 06-06-87 279 3.310.5 277 2.610.4 265 2.li0.4 06-13-87 294 3.010.4 295 2.810.4 296 2.7i0.4 06-20-87 280 4.5i0.4 279
- 3. 7*0.'4 278 3.9*0.4 i~
06-27-87 283 2.2*0.4 283 2.2*0.4 2 83 1.8t0.3 2nd Qtr mean i s.d.
2.7*0.9 2.610.8 2.210.8 a lodine-131 concentrations are less than 0.07 pCi/m3 unless noted otherwise.
l 6
Table 2.
Airborne Particulates and Iodine-131a (continued)
Essex BD-04 Gardner 80-05 Godley BD-06 Week Volyme Gross Volume Gross Volyme Gross Ending (m3)
Beta (md)
Beta (m3)
Beta 07-04-87 286 2.810.4 286 2.6i0.4 279 2.SiO.4 07-11-87 283 1.8i0.3 280 2.410.4 283 2.0f0.3 07-18-87 286
-1.810.3 286 1.6-10.3 286 1.510.3 07-25-87 284 1.2*0.3 284 0.6f0.3 254 3.2*0.4 07-31-87 247 1.410.4 247 1.210.4 247 1.310.4 08-08-87 325 3.410.4 325 3.4i0.4 325 2.910.3 08-16-87 330 2.310.3 330 2.4i0.3 330 2.210.3 08-22-87 244 3.210.4 245 3.0f0.4 245 2.910.4 08-28-87 245 5.0f0,5 245 5.1*0.5 245 4.8t0.5 09-04-87 282 2.310.4 282 2.9t0.4 282 2.310.4 09-11-87 289 4.4i0.4 289 5.li0.5 289 4.710.4 09-19-87 323 3.010.4 323 3.210.4 323 3.4t0.4 09-25-87 250 1.4*0.3 250 1.810.4 250 2.210.4 10-03-87 323 3.3i0.4 322 4.2i0.4 322 3.9f0.4 j
3rd Qtr. mean.i s.d.
2.7tl.1 2.8tl.3 2.811.1 10-09-87
.247 2.310.4 248 1.910.4 277 2.010.4 10-17-87 323 3.7*0.4 323 3.610.4 323 3.0i0.4 10-24-87 291 2.2i0.4 290 3.010.4 290 2.410.4 10-31-87 283 2.6i0.4 283 2.4i0.4 283 2.Si0.4 11-07-87 284 4.8i0.5 285 5.1*0.5 285 5.110.5 11-14-87 279 4.7*0.5 279 4.910.5 279 4.410.5 11-21-87 292 2.7i0.4 292 2.8i0.4 202 3.010.4 11-27-87 248 3.810.5 248 3.6t0.4 248 3.7f0.4 l
12-05-87 321 1.7t0.3 321 1.7*0.3 321 1.9i0.3 12-11-87 251 2.5*0.4 251 2.4i0.4 251 2.4t0.4 12-18-87 276 1.6i0.3 280 2.2i0.4 279 1.9t0.3 12-26-87 327 3.6i0.4 327 3.610.4 327 3.410.4 01-01-88 250 3.110.4 248 2.910.4 248 3.2i0.4 4th Qtr mean i s.d.
3.0il.0 3.1*1.0 3.0fl.0 a Iodine-131 concentrations are less than 0.07 pC1/m3 unless noted otherwise.
'.1 BRAIDWOOD Table 3.
Airborne Particulates and Iodine-131a Collection:
Week 1 Units:
10-2 pCi/m Nearsite NW BD-19 Nearsite N BD-20 Nearsite NE B0-21 Week Vol me Gross Volyme Gross Volyme Gross Ending (m )
Beta (m3)
Beta (m3)
Beta 01-09-87 251 4.110.5 252 3.210.4 243 3.410.4 01-16-87' 293 3.610.4 293 4.1t0.4 294 4.310.4 01-23-87 287 2.610.4 287 2.310.4 287 2.210.4 01-30-87 279 3.110.4' 279 3.210.4 279 3.0i0.4 02-06-87 285 3.310.4 285 2.9i0.4 285 3.310.4 02-13-87 274 3.1*0.4 275 2.510.4 275 2.410.4 02-21-87 332 2.010.3 332 1.9i0.3 332 2.210.3 02-27-87 243 2.710.4 243 2.310.4 243 2.6t0.4 03-06-87 286 -
2.510.4 286 1.9i0.3 286 2.310.4 03-13-87 296 4.0f0.4 296 3.410.4 296 3.210.4 L
03-20-87 278 2.8t0.4 278 2.810.4 278 2.6t0.4 l
03-27-87 287 1.3i0.3 286
- 1. 3i0. 3 285 1.410.3 l
l 1st Qtr mean i s.d.
- 2. 6i0. 8 2.710.8 l-04-03-87 286 2.4*0.4 286 2.410.4 288 2.110.4 04-10-87 280 2.810.4 280 2.5t0.4 280 2.6t0.4 04-17-87 281 1.310.3 281 1.310.3 278 1.4i0.4 04-24-87 287
- 1. 3i0. 3 287 1.410.3 287 1.210.3
-l 05-02-87 323 2.6i0.4 322 2.910.4 325 2.7*0.4 05-08-87 252 3.1*0. 4.
252 3.210.4 250 3.0*0.4 l
05-15-87 286 3.110.4 286 3.5*0.4 287 2.910.4 05-23-87 320 1.5*0.3 330 1.410.3 331 1.Si0.3 05-30-87 287 2.0*0.3 287
- 1. 7t0. 3 287 2.0t0.3 06-06-87 274
- 2. 4*0. 4 269 2.3*0.4 268 2.1i0.4 L
06-13-87 300
- 2. 8t0. 4 300 3.0i0.4 300 2.8f0.4 06-20-87 279 4.1*0.4 275 4.0*0.4 272 4.010.4 06-27-87 282 2.1*0.4 282 2.210.4 286 2.3i0.4 1
l 2nd Qtr mean i s.d.
2.410.8 2.410.8 2.410.8
- Iodine-131 cormentrations are less than 0.07 pCi/m3 unless noted otherwise.
'1 Table 3.
Airborne Particulates and Iodine-131a (continued) i Nearsite NW BD-19 Nearsite N BD-20 Nearsite NE BD-21 Week Volyme Gross Volyme Gross Volyme Gross Ending (m3)
Beta (mJ)
Beta (m3)
Beta 07-04-87 284 2.710.4 288 3.110.4 286 2.2t0.4 07-11-87 284
-2.0*0.3 282 2.2f0.4 285 2.0f0.3 07-18-87 285 1.2t0.3 286 1.7i0.3 284 1.7t0.3 07-25-87 284 2.0f0.3 283 2.310.4 285 3.310.4 07-31-87 246 1.210.4 248
'1.410.4 245 1.810.4 08-08-87 326 2.810.3 324 2.910.3 327 2.710.3 1
08-16-87 330 2.2*0.3 331.
2.3t0.3 328 2.210.3 i
08-22-87 245 3.0i0.4 245 2.4t0.4 245 2.7i0.4 08-28-87 244-5.710.6 245 5.010.5 243 4.810.5 09-04-87 282 2.5t'0.4 280 2.810.4 284 2.lt0.3 i
l-09-11-87 289 5.1i0.5 289 4.7t0.4 289 5.110.5 09-19-87 323 3.310.4 323 3.220.4 323 3.4t0.4 09-25-87 250 2.310.4 250 1.810.4 250 1.4t0.3 10-03-87 321 3.9*0.4 321 3.8*0.4 320 3.6i0.4 l
3rd Qtr. mean i s.d.
2.811.3 2.811.1 2.8tl 1 l
l 10-09-87 249 2.0i0.4 249 2.310.4 247 2.2t0.4 10-17-87 323 3.110.4 323~
3.710.4 323 3.5i0.4 10-24-87 292 2.6i0.4 290 2.7f0.4 289 2.Si0.4 10-31-87' 283 2.510.4 284 2.710.4 283 2.9i0.4 11-07-87 284' 5.0f0.5 284 5.5i0.5 284 5.510.5 11-14-87 280 4.710.5 280 4.5i0.5 278 4.3i0.4
~11-21 292 2.710.4 292 2.8*0.4 292 2.610.4 11-27-87 248 4.3f0.5 248 4.0f0.5 248 4.3i0.5 12-05-87 321 1.8i0.3 320 2.4f0.3 324 2.4f0.3 12-11-87 252 2.3t0.4 252 2.6i0.4 249 2.810.4 12-18-87 279 1.9i0.3 280 2.210.4 280 2.2t0.4 12-26-87 327 3.6f0.4 324 2.910.4 326 3.210.4 3
01-01-88 247 3.4i0.4 247 3.5i0.4 250 3.li0.4 4th Qtr mean i s.d.
3.lil.1 3.211.0 3.211.0
.a Iodine-131 concentrations are less than 0.07 pCi/m3 unless noted otherwise.
l 9
'i BRAIDWOOD Table 4.
Airborne Particulates Collection: Quarterly composites of weekly collections.
pC1/m3 3
Volymea Gammaa Location Lab Code (m3)
Sr-90 Isotopic 1st Quarter BD-01 BDAP-540 3396
<0.01 BD-02 541 3391
<0.01 BD-03 542 3395
-BD-04 543 3394
<0.01 BD-05 544 3393
<0.01 BD-06 545 3387
<0.01 BD-19 546 3391
<0.01 BD-20 547 3392
<0.01 BD-21 548 3383
<0.01 2nd Quarter BD-01 BDAP-668 3746
<0.01 BD-02 669 3748
<0.01 B0-03 670 3746
<0.01 BD-04 671 3743
<0.01 80-05 672 3744
<0.01 BD-06 673 3730
<0.01 B0-19 674 3737
<0.01 BD-20 675 3737
<0.01 BD-21 676 3739
<0.01 3rd Quarter 80-01 BDAP-782 4042
<0.01 BD-02 783 3946
<0.01 BD-03 784 3998
<0.01 BD-04 785 3997
<0.01 BD-05 786 3994
<0.01 BD-06 787 3960
<0.01 BD-19 788-3993
<0.01 BD-20 789 3995
<0.01 BD-21 790 3994
<0.01 4th Quarter 80-01 BDAP-899 3678
<0.01 BD-02 900 3671
<0.01 80-03 901 3676
<0.01 BD-04 902 3672
<0.01 BD-05 903 3675
<0.01 BD-06 904 3703
<0.01 BD-19 905 3677
<0.01 BD-20 906 3673
<0.01 BD-21 907 3673
<0.01 a See Introduction.
Table 5.
Precipitation Collection:
%nthly Units:
Collection Period Lab Code Gross Beta Lab Code Gross Beta Morris Farm BD-11 Goodwin Farm BD-12 January, 87 8DP-229 18.116.7 BDP-230
<10.3 February, 87 242 hDa 243 NDa March, 87 251 16.817.4 252 49.719.1 April, 87 269 34.518.6 270 36.218.7 May, 87 293
<12.2 294 6.7f3.5 June, 87 302 10.813.5 303 9.813.3 July, 87 333 23.'i8.0 334 10.217.2 August, 87 345
<7.1 346
<7.1 September, 87 355 55.019.5 356 18.8t7.6 October, 87 385 30.518.7 386 NDa November, 87 396
<8.5 397 14.015.2 December, 87 421
<6.0 422,3 4.912.5 Trotter's Dairy B0-17 Biros Farm 80-18 January, 87 BDP-231
<10.3 BDP-232
<10.3 February, 87 244 NDa 245 NDa March, 87 253 23.8i7.8 254
<11.7 April, 87 271 4.810.9 272 48.619.4 May, 87 295 33.718.3 296 29.2*7.6 June, 87 304 23.414.2 305 42.2i5.1 July, 87 335 21.117.9 336 NDa-August, 87 347
<7.0 348 6.514.1 September, 87 357 34.418.8 358 13.0i7.3 October, 87 387 26.518.5 388 28.018.6 November, 87 398
<8.5 399 5.314.7 December, 87 424
<6.0 425
<6.0 a ND = No data; insufficient amount o; sample for analysis.
i Table 5.
Precipitation (continued)
Lab Code Sr-89 Sr-90 H-3 Isotopic Morris Farm BD-11 1st Qtr., 87 BDP-257
<10 2nd Qtr., 87 306.
<10 3rd Qtr,, 87 369
<10 4th Qtr., 87
<10 i
Goodwin Farm BD-12 1st Qtr., 87 BDP-258
<10 2nd Qtr., 87-307-
<10 3rd Qtr., 87 370
<10 4th Qtr., 87 427
<10 Trotter's Dairy BD-17 1st Qtr., 87 BDP-259
<10 2nd Qtr., 87 308
<10 3rd Qtr., 87 371
<10 4th Qtr., 87 428
<10 Biros Farm 80-18 1st Qtr., 87 BDP-260
<10 2nd Qtr., 87 309
<10 3rd Qtr., 87 372
<10 4th Qtr., 87 429
_a See Introduction.
Milk Collection: Weekly - May through October Monthly - November through April Units:
pCi/l at the time of collection GRAZING SEASON - MAY THROUGH OCTOBER Collection Other Date Lab Code I-131 Cs-134-Cs-137 Gammasa Morris Farm BD-11 05-02-87 BDMI-302
<10 05-08-87 348
<0. 5
.05-15-87 381
<0. 5
<10 05-23-87 421
<0. 5
<10 05-30-87
.06-06-87 510
<10 06-13 549
<10 06-20-87 593
<0. 5
<10 06-27-87 621
<0. 5
<10 07-04-87 664
<10 07-11-87 711
<0. 5
<10 07-18-87 775,6-
<10 07-25-87 784
<10 07-31-87 815
<0. 5
<10 08-08-87 842
<0. 5
.08-16-87 901
<10 22-87 941
<10 08-28-87 981
<10 09-04-87 1034
<10 09-11-87 1062,3
<10 09-19-87 1112
<0. 5
<10 09-25-87 1144
<10 10-03-87 1184
<10-1049-87 1213
<10 10-17-87 1260
<10 10-24-87 1303
<10 10-31-87 1325
<10 a See Introduction.
..., _ ~ _,,
. 3..
Milk (continued)
GRAZING SEASON - MAY THROUGH OCTOBER Collection Period Lab Code Sr-89 Sr-90 Morris Farm 80-11 May Composite BDMI-516
<2 June Composite 651,2
<10 3.lil.0 July domposite 855
<10 3.110.7 t
August Composite 1013
<10 2.2i0.6 September Composite 1171
<10 2.710.7-October Composite-1359
<10 2.710.7 i
l l
Date Lab Code I-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gammasa l
Morris Farm BD-11 01-03-87 BDMI-1
<10 2.4i0.5
<10 02-06-87 110
<10 L'
03-06-87 181
<10 2.6i0.5
<10 04-03-87 241,2
<10 2.5i0.8
<10 11-07-87 1380
<10 2.0f0.6
<10 L
12-05-87 1449
<10 2.210.5
<10 l
a See Introduction.
l l
Milk (continued)
Date Lab Code I-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gammasa Goodwin Farm BD-12 05-02-87 BDMI-303.
<0. 5
<10 05-08-87 349
<10 1
1 05-15-87 382
<0. 5
<10 05-23 422
<0. 5 -
<10 05-30-87 465
<10 06-06-87 511
<10-06-13-87 550
<10 l
06-20-87 594
<10 l
06-27-87 622
<10 07-04-87 665
<10 07-11-87 712
<10 l
07-18-87 757
<10' 07-25-87 785
<10 l
l' 07-31-87 817
<10 08-08-87 843
<10 08-16-87 902
<10 08-22 942,3
<10 08-28-87 982
<0. 5
<10 u
09-04-87 1035
<10 09-11-87 1064
<10 09-19-87 1113
<0. 5
<10 09-25-87 1145
<10 10-03-87 1185
10-09-87 1214
<10 l
<10 l
10-24-87 1304
<10 10-31-87 1326
<10 8
l See Introduction.
L l
l 15
Milk (continued)
GRAZING SEASON - MAY THROUGH OCTOBER Collection Period Lab Code Sr-89 Sr-90 Goodwin Farm Bb-12 May Composite-BDMI-517
<10 2.8i0.6 l
June Composite 653
<10 2.710.6 1
July Composite 856
<10 3.1i0.6 l
August Composite 1011
<10 2.6t0.6 l
l-September Composite 1172
<10 2.5t0.5 October Composite 1360
Collection Other i
j Date Lab Code I-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gamasa i
f Goodwin Farm BD-12 01-03-87 BDMI-2
<10 2.0f0.5
<10 l
l 02-06-87 111
<10 03-06-87 182
<10 2.7i0.6
<10 04-03-87 243
<10 5.111.0
<10 11-07-87 1381
<10 12-05-87 1450-
<10 1.5t0.4
<10 l
l a See Introduction.
l 16 3
Milk (continued)
Collection-I-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gannasa Other Date Lab Code Trotter's Dairy BD-17 05-02-87 BDMI-304
. 0. 5
<10 05-08-87 350
<10 05-16-87 383
<10 05-23-87 423
<10 05-30-87 466
<10 06-07-87 512
<10 06-14-87 551
<10 06-21-87 595
<10 06-28-87 623
<10 07-04-87 666
<10 07-11-87 713
<10 07-18-87 758
<10 07-25-87 786
<10 07-31-87 818
<10 08-09-87 844
<10 08-16 903,4
<10 08-22-87 944
<10 I
08-28-87 983
<10 09-04-87 1036
<10 09-11-87 1065
<10 09-19-87 1114
<0. 3
<10 09-25-87 1146
<10 10-03-87 1186,7
<10 10-09-87 1215
<10 10-17-87 1262
<10 10-24-87 1305
<10 10-31-87 1327
<10 1
a See Introduction.
l L
1 17
1, e-BRAIDWOOD Table 6.
Milk (continued) l l
l Collection Period Lab Code Sr-89 Sr l Trotter's Dairy 8D-17 May Composite BDMI-518
<10-2.710.7 June Composite 654
<10 2.3t0.7 July Composite 857
<10 2.9i0.6 August Composite 1015
<10 2.6t0.6 l
September Composite
<10 1.2t0.4 e
October Composite 1361
<10 2.6t0.6 i
Collection Other Date Lab Code I-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gamasa Trotter's Dairy BD-17 01-03-87 BDMI-3
<10 2.5t0.5
<10 02-07-87 112
<10 03-07-87 183,4
<10 04-03-87 244
<10 2.2i0.5
<10 11-07-87 1382
<10 12-05-87 1451
<10 1.510.4
<10 a See Introduction.
- Table 6.
Milk (continued)
GRAZING SEASON - MAY THROUGH OCTOBER Collection Other Date Lab Code 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gamasa Biros Farm 80-18 05-02-87 BDMI-305
<10 05-08-87 351
<10 05-16-87 384
<10 05-23-87 424
<10 05-30-87 467
<10 06-07-87 513
<10 06-14 552
<0. 5
<10 06-21-87 596,7
<10 06-28-87 624
<0. 5
<10 07-04-87 667
<0. 5
<10 07-11-87 714
<10-07-18-87 759
<10 07-26-87 787
<10 07-31~87 819
<10 08-09-87 845
<10 08-16-87
<10 08-22-87 945
<10 08-28-87 984
<10 09-05-87 1037
<0. 5
~09-11-87 1066
<10 09-18-87 1115
<10 09-26-87 1147
<10 10-04-87 1188
<10 10-11-87 1216
<10 10-18-87 1263,4
<10 10-24-87 1306
<10 11-01-87 1328
<10 a See-Introduction.
Milk (continued)-
GRAZING SEASON - MAY THROUGH OCTOBER Collection Period Lab Code Sr-89 Sr-90 Biros Farm BD-18 May Composite BDMI-519
<10 2.110.6 June Composite 655
<10 2.510.7 July Composite 858
<10 1.010.4 August Composite 1016,7
<10 1.410.3 September Composite 1174
<10 1.310.4 October Composite 1362
-Collection Other Date Lab Code I-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gamasa Biros Farm 80-18 01-03-87 BDMI-4
<10 1
02-07-87 113
<10 03-16-87 185
<10 04-03-87 245
<10 2.6*0.5
<10 11-07-87 1383
<10 l
12-05-87 1452
<10 1.7*0.5
<10 a See Introduction.
l 20 l
Surface Water Collection:
Weekly Units:
Collection Gross Collection Gross Date Lab Code Beta Date Lab Code Beta Kankakee River Monitoring Site No. 5 (Downstream) B0-10 01-03 87 80SW-12 2.410.8 07-04-87 BDSW-2233 3.810.9 01-09-87 112 2.1*0.8 07-11-87 2305 3.810.9 01-16-87 166 1.710.7 07-18-87 2356 2.910.8 01-23-87 213 2.010.8 07-25-87 2428 3.0t0.9 01-30-87 337
<1.3 07-31-87 2543 3.6t0.9 02-06-87 405 1.4t0.7 08-08-87 2595.6 3.210.6 02-13-87 450 2.210.8 08-16-87 2667,8 2.710.6 02-21-87 502
- 2. 010. 8 08-22-87 2754 3.110.8 02-27-87 579 1.310.7 08-28-87 2823
- 2. 81 0. 8 03-06-87 664 2.810.9 09-04-87 2933 3.410.9 03-13-87 780 2.210.7 09-11-87 3045 2.410.9 03-20-87 825 2.120.7 09-19-87 3051 3.610.9 03-27-87 881 2.0f0.7 09-25-87 3107 3.210.9 1st Qtr mean t s.d.
2.0f0.4 3rd Qtr mean i s.d.
3.210.4 04-03-87 1032 1.4t0.7 10-03-87 3270 3.510.8 04-10-87 1170 1.310.7 10-09-87 3286 3.410.7 04-17-87 1201 2.410.8 10-17-87 3393 3.010.9 04-24-87 1319
<1.2 10-24-87 3510 3.110.9 05-02-81 1424 2.7t0.8 10-31-87 3627 3.510.9 05-08-87 1519 1.810.9 11-07-87 3706 3.210.9 05-15-87 1568 3.1*0.9 11-14-87 3822 3.010.9 05-23-87 1624 4.0*0.9 11-21-87 3983
- 2. 910. 9 05-30-87 1698
- 2. 91 0. 8 11-27-87 4032 3.3i0.9 06-06-87 1822 3.410.7 12-05-87 4147 4.4tl.0 06-13-87 1883 2.410.7 12-11-87 4243 3.9i0.9 06-20-87 1934
- 2. 4i0. 7 12-18-87 4306.7 6.511.1 06-27-87 2012 3.010.7 12-26-87 4387.8 3.2i0.9 2nd Qtr mean i s.d.
2.610.8 4th Qtr mean i s.d.
3.511.0 21
Surface Water (continued)
MONTHLY COMPOSITES OF WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Collection Other Perfod Lab Code Cs-134 Cs-137 Gamasa i
Kankakee River Monitoring Site No. 5 8D-10 j
i January, 87 BDSW-584
<15 february, 87 741
<15 March. 87 1062
<15 i
April, 87 1498
<15 May, 87 1715
<15 i
June, 87 2126
<15 l
July, 87 2498
<15 August, 87 3017
<15 September, 87 3496 (10
<15 October, 87 4104
<15 November, 87 4409
<15 December, 87 4791
- See Introduction.
QUARTERLY COMPOSITES OF WEEr.LY COLLECTIONS Composite Period Lab Code Sr-89 Sr-90 Tritium Kankakee River Monitoring Site No. 5 BD-10 1st Qtr., 87 BDSW-1091
<200 2nd Qtr., 87 2079
<200 3rd Qtr., 87 3500.1
<200 4th Qtr., 87 4788
<2 70051175a a Sample was analyzed three times and the result is the average of three determinations.
22 I
i BRAIDWOOD Table 7.
Surface Water (continued)
WEEKLY COLLECTION Collection Gross Collection Gross Date Lab Code Beta Date Lab Code Beta Kankakee River Upstream BD-7 01-03-87 BDSW-11 2.3i0.8 07-04-87 BDSW-2232 3.710.9 01-09 87 111 2.110.9 07-11-87 2304 3.2i0.9 01-16-87 164,5 1.5i0.6 07-18-87 2355 2.710.8 01-23-87 212 2.210.9 07-25-87 2427 2.710.8 01-30-87 336 2.4t0.8 07-31-87 2542 2.5i0.8 02-06-87 4 04 1.910.8 08-08-87 2594 3.0f0.8 02-13-87 449 1.710.8 08-16-87 2666 2.6i0.7 02-21-87
- 499 2.510.9 08-22-87 2753 2.910.8 02-27-87 578 1.410.8 08-28-87 2821,2 3.0f0.6 03-06-87 663 2.710.9 09-04-87 2932 3.4t0.9 03-13-87 779 2.8i0.9 09-11-87 3044,5 3.4*0.6 i
03-20-87 823 2.110.8 09-19-87 3050 3.910.9
03-27-87 880 1.310.8 09-25-87 3106 2.710.9 Ist Qtr mean i s.d 2.110.4 3rd Qtr mean i s.d.
3.0f0.4 l
04-03-87 1031 1.6i0.7 10-03-87 3269 4.211.0 l
04-10-87 1169 2.110.8 10-09-87 3285 3.0f0.9 04-17-87 1200 2.510.8 10-17-87 3392 3.210.9 04-24-87 1317,8 2 2t0.8 10-24-87 3509 3.611.0 05-02-87 1425 3.410.9 10-31-87 3626 3.St0.9 l
05-08-87 1520,1 2.110.8 11-07-87 3704,5 2.7t0.9 l
05-15-87 1569,70 2.4t0.8 11-14-87 3821 2.0f0.9 l
05-23-87 1625 4.4i0.9 11-21-87 3981,2 2.6i0.9 05-30-87 1699 2.510.8 11-27-87 4030,1 2.8t0.9 06-06-87 1821 3.7t0.8 12-05-87 4146 2.4t0.8 06-13-87 1882 2.610.8 12-11-87 4242 3.410.9 06-20-87 1933 2.5i0.8 12-18-87 4305 5.6tl.0 06-27-87 2011 2.6*0.8 12-26-87 4386 2.9i0.9 2nd Qtr mean i s.d.
2.710.8 4th Qtr mean i s.d.
3.210.9 l
t 23 i
r 3
I, I
Surface Water (continued) 4 MONTHLY COMPOSITES OF WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Collection Other Period Lab Code Cs-134 Cs-137 Gamasa j
Kankakee River Upstream BD-7 January, 87 BDSW 583
<15 February, 87 740
<15 March, 87 1061
<15 April, 87 1497
<15 May, 87 1716
<15 June, 87 2125
<15 July, 87 2497
<15 August, 87 3016
<15 September, 87 3495.8
<15 October, 87 4102.3
<15 November, 87 4347
<15 December, 87 4790
<15 i
8 See Introduction.
\\. :.
Composite Period Lab Code Sr-89 Sr-90 Tritium Kankakee River Upstream BD-7 1st Qtr., 87 BDSW-1090
<200 2nd Qtr., 87 2078
<200 3rd Qtr., 87 3499
<200 4th Qtr., 87 4786,7
<2 45301200a l
a Sample was analyzed three times and the result is the average of three i
l l
i l
Table 8.
Cooling Water Collection:
Weekly Units: pCi/l 1
Date Lab Code Gross 8 eta Lab Code Gross Beta Intake Pipe 80-08 (C)
Discharge Pipe 80-09 01-03-87 BDCW-13
<1. 3 80CW-14 4.3tl.1 01-09-87 113 1.810.8 114
- 4. 911. 0 01-16-87 167 2.110.7 1 68
- 3. 91 0. 9 01-23-87 NSa 214 4.711.1 01-30-87 401
- 1. 8t0. 9 402.3 4.4tl.1 02-06-87 407 3.0t0.8 408 3.5t0.9 02-13-87 452 1.610.8 453 5.411.0 02-21-87 500 2.210.8 501 3.90.9 02-27-87 580 2.0t0.8 581 3.711.0 03-06-87 665 1.810.7 666 5.4tl.0 03-13-87 776.7 2.211.2 778 5.lil.1 03-20-87 821 2.0t0.8 822 4.1t0.9 1
03-27-87 886 3.310.8 887 2.2t0.8 1st Qtr mean i s.d.
2.210.5 4.310.9 04-03-87 1034.5 2.310.8 1036 4.7t0.9 04-10-87 1171 2.0t0.8 1172 3.410.9 04-17-87 1321
- 1. 8t0. 7 1322 2.7tl.1 04-24-87 1323 1.6t0.9 1324 5.2tl.0 05-01-87 1427 2.5t0.9 1428,9 4.2t0.9 05-08-87 1572 2.1*0.8 1573 4.8i0.9 05-15-87 1574 2.910.9 1575 4.5t0.9 05-22-87 1621 4.511.0 1622 4.110.9 05-29-87 1700 3.0t0.8 1701
- 4. Sto. 9 06-05-87 1823 2.910.8 1824
- 4. 9t0. 8 06-12-87 1884 2.0t0.7 1885 5.1 0.8 06-19-87 1935 1.910.7 1936 4.410.9 06-27-87 2013 3.010.8 2014 4.2i0.9 2nd Qtr mean i s.d.
2.510.8 4.4t0.7 a NS = No sample; river frozen.
. o BRAIDWOOD Table 8.
Cooling Water (continued)
WEEKLY COLLECTION Collection Date Lab Code Gross Beta Lab Code Gross Beta i
Intake Pipe 80-08 (C)
Discharge Pipe BD-09 07-03-87 BDCW-2234 3.0f0.9 BDCW-2235.6 5.210.7 07-10-87 2306 4.111.0 2307
- 5. 9tl. 0 07-17-87 2357 3.010.9 2358 6.3tl.0 07-24-87 2429 3.210.9 2430 5.2*1.0 07-31-87 2597 4.111.0 2599 4.811.0 08-07-87 2598 3.010.8 2600 4.0f0.8 08-16-87 2669 2.310.7 2670 3.710.8 08-22-87 2755 3.6i0.8 2756 5.811.0 08-28-87 2824 3.610.8 2825 5.4tl.0 09-04-87 2934 4.4tl.0 2935 4.811.0 09-11-87 3047 3.310.8 3048 5.310.9 09-19-87 3052 4.210.9 3053 4.9*0.9 09-25-87 3108,9 3.210.5 3110 6.0il.1 3rd Qtr mean i s.d.
3.510.6 5.210.8 10-09-87 3394,5 3.210.6 3396 4.411.0 10-17s87 3397 3.8i0.9 3398 4.611.0 10-24-87 3511,12 3.7*0.2 3513 6.2il.1 10-31-87 3628 3.8i0.9 3629 5.611.0 11-06-87 3707 4.311.0 3708 5.111.0 11-13-87 3823 2.310.9 3824 6.6*1.1 11-20-87 3985 4.611.0 3986 6.211.1 11-27-87 4033 2.410.9 4034 6.411.1 12-04-87 4149,50 3.0il.0 4151 4.8tl.0 12-11-87 4245 2.710.8 4246 4.611.0 12-18-87 4393 2.5*0.8 4394 5.411.0 12.25-87 4395 2.7*0.8 4396 5.211.0 4th Qtr mean i s.d.
3.210.8 5.410.8 26
Table 8.
Cooling Water (continued)
MONTHLY COMPOSITES OF WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Composite Other Period Lab Code Tritium Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gamasa j
Intake Pipe 80-08 (C) i January, 87 BDCW-585
<2 (10
<20 l
February, 87 752
<20 March, 87 1063
<20 April, 87 1504
<20 May, 87 1717 (200
June, 87 2127 (200
<20 July, 87 2499
<20 August, 87 3018
<20 Septenber, 87 3497
<20 October, 87 4105
<20 1
November, 87 4348
<20 December, 87 4792
<20 Ditcharge Pipe 8D-09 January, 87 BDCW-586
<20 February, 87 753
_ 10
<20 March. 87 1064
<20 April, 87 1505 (200
<20 May, 87 1718
<20 June, 87 2128
<20 July, 87 2500
<20 August, 87 3019 640t110
. Septenber, 87 3498 13701110
<20 October, 87 4106 3560t150
<20 November, 87 4408 90801260
<20 December, 87 4793 6980t240
<10 (20 a See Introduction.
27 1
Well Water Collection: Weekly Units: pCi/1 QUARTERLY COMPOSITES OF WEEKLY! COLLECTI0ftS Braidwood City Hall Well 80-13 Collection Lab Gross Other Period Code Beta.
Sr-89 Sr-90.
Tritium Cs-134 Cs-137 Gaassasa 1st Quarter, 87 BDWW-1075 10.811.8
<20 2nd Quarter, 87 2064 29.613.0
<20 i
3rd Quarter, 87 3502 27.811.5
<20 4th Quarter, 87 4789 30.913.1
<20 a See Introduction.
- )
w g-
-r w
w--, -
.m-m2mm 2-t.,
_. _ _ _.,__m_m
_.____.,__._s W
Vegetables Collection: Annually linits: pCi/g wet Collection Lab Gross Other pate Code Type Beta Sr-89 Sr-90 1-131a Cs-134 Cs-137 Gaussash 80-14 Pinnick Farm 08-22-87 BDVe-247 Tomatoes 2.110.1
<0.2 08-22-R7 248 Cabbage 2.710.1
<0.2 08-22-87 249 Potatoes 3.210.1
<0.2 08-22-87 250,1 Carrots 2.810.1
<0.2 BD-15 Girot Farm 08-22-87 BDVa-252 Carrots 1.810.1
<0.2 08-22-87 253 Zucchini 1.610.1
<0.2 08-72-87 254 Potatoes 3.710.1
<0.2 08-22-87 255 Watermelon 1.110.1
<0.2 80-16 Clark Farm 08-22-R7 BDVe-256 Corn 2.110.1
<0.2 08-22-87 257 Cabbage 2.610.1
<0.2 08-22-87 258 Zucchini 1.810.1
<0.2 08-22-87 259 Tomatoes 2.110.1
- Analysis for I-131 required for leafy vegetables only.
See introduction.
=. -
BRAIDWOOD Table 11. Grass and Cattlefeed Collection: Quarterlya Units: pCi/g wet weight Collection Gross Other Date Type Lab Code Beta Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gammasb Morris Farm 80-11 02-06-87 Hay BDCF-286 31.410.7
<0.2 02- % -87 Silage 287 3.010.1
<0.2 02-06-87 Corn 288 7.410.4
<0.2 05-08-87 Grass BDG-908,9 24.310.8
<1. 0
<0.2 o,
07-11-87 Grass 959 5.410.3
<0.2 10-07-87 Grass 1046 7.610.3
_Goodwin Farm 80-12 02-06-87 Hay 80CF-289 19.110.7
<0.2 02-06-87 Silage 290 4.110.2
<0.2 02-06-87 Corn 291 3.110.2
<0.2 05-08-87 Grass BDG-910 11.310.5
<0.2 07-11-87 Grass 960 11.010.4c
<0.2 10-07-87 Grass 1047 8.410.4
<0. 2 a Grass is collected during sunner; cattlefeed is collected during winter.
b See Introduction.
c Corrected result.
BRAIDWOOD Table 11. Grass and Cattlefeed (continued)
Collection Gross Other Date Type Lab Code Beta Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gansnasb Trotter's Dairy BD-17 02-07-87 Hay BDCF-292 18.710.6
<0.2 02-14-87 Corn 297 5.910.3
<1. 0
<0.2 02-14-87 Silage 298 6.710.3
<0.2 05-16-87 Grass BDG-915 20.410.5
<0.2 07-11-87 Grass
%1 17.Qi0.6c
<0.2 10-17-87 Grass 1048 8.410.3
<0.2 w
Biros Farm BD-18 02-07-87 Hay BDCF-293 19.510.6
<0. 2 02-07-87 Silage 294.5 3.810.1
<0.2 02-07-87 Corn 2%
<0.2 05-16-87 Grass BDG-916 12.810.4
<0.2 07-11-87 Grass 962 2.310.3
<0.2 10-07-87 Grass 1049 3.410.2
<1. 0
<0.2 a Grass is collected during sunener; cattlefeed is collected during winter.
b See Introduction.
c Corrected result.
rw --
BRAIDWOOD Table 12. Fish, Edible Portion Collection: Three (3) times per year Units: pCi/g wet weight Collection Type and Gross Beta Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gammas 8 Other Date Number Analyzed Lab Code Kankakee River Upstream BD-07 05-04-87 Carp (1)
BDF-215 3.210.1
<0.13 05-04-87 Smallmouth Bass (3) 216 3.010.1
<0.13 07-09-87 Catfish (1) 327 2.610.2
<0.13 07-09-87 Gizzard Shad (3) 328 1.910.1
<0.13 10-14-87 Catfish (1) 349 2.310.1
<0.13 M
Kankakee River Downstream BD-10 05-04-87 Smallmouth Bass (3)
BDF-217 3.410.1
<0.13 05-04-87 Catfish /1 sucker (3) 218 2.710.1
<0.13 07-09-87 Catfish (1) 329 2.310.1
<0.13 07-29-87 Catfish (1) 330 2.410.1
<0.13 10-15-87 Catfish (1) 350 2.410.1
- See Introduction.
Table 13.
Aquatic Vegetation Collection:
Three (3) times per year Units:
pCi/g wet weight Date Other Collected Lab Code Gross Beta Cs-134 Cs 137 Gannasa Upstream BD-07 06-20-87 BDSL-63.4 5.610.6
<0.2 07-11-87 69
<0.2 10-17-87 88.9 2.910.8
<0.2 Downstream 80-10 06-20-87 BDSL-65
<0. 6
<0.2 07-11-87 70 3.710.4
<0.2 10-17-87 90 2.210.9
<0.2 a See Introduction.
Bottom Sediments Collection:
Three (3) times per year Units: pCi/g dry weight Date Lab Gross Other Collected Code Beta Cs-134 Cs-137 Gunnasa Upstream 80-07 (C) 05-08-87 BDBS-204 23.313.6
<0.1 0.1010.02
<0.2 07-11-87 233 19.212.8
<0.1 0.1810.03
<0. 2 12-05-87 259 18.112.9
<0.2 Downstream BD-10 05-08-87 BDBS-205.6 8.012.8
<0.2 07-11-87 234 14.312.6
<0.2 12-05-87 260 20.213.2
- See Introduction.
t BRAIDWOOD Table 15.
Gamma Radiation, as Measured by Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLDs)
STANDARD RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Date Placed:
01-03-87 03-27-87 06-27-87 10-03-87 Date Removed:
03-27-87 06-27-87 10-03-87 01-01-88 Days in the Field:
83 92 98 90 Location Average mR/Qtr.
BD-01 12.410.7 11.4i0.8 18.3i3.4 14.410.8 BD-02 12.710.9 12.710.8 14.010.7 14.Si0.7 BD-03 13.310.7 12.810.7 15.011.6 20.411.3 BD-04 13.9tl.0 12.310.8 16.111.7 15.210.6 BD-05 17.1*0.9 14.810.8 17.2tl.2 17.4t0.8 BD-06
- 13. 9tl. 3 11.910.6 13.111.1 14.310.9 B0-19 15.lio.9 13.110.8 14.810.9 16.1*0.9 BD-20 14.110.9 13.111.0 14.710.8 14.510.7 BD-21 13.110.8 12.310.8 14.2*0.7 14.510.7 Mean i s.d.
14.011.4 12.711.0 15.311.6 15.7t2.0 35
Table 15.
Gamma Radiation, as Measured by TLDs (continued)
SPECIAL PROGRAM Inner Ring, Near Site Boundary, Indicator Locations 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Date Placed:
01-03-87 03-27-87 06-27-87 10-03-87 Date Removed:
03-27-87 06-27-87 10-03-87 01-01-88 Days in the Field:
83 92 98 90 Location Average mR/Qtr.
Code BD-101-1 14.110.7 12.410.9 16.7*0.8 14.510.8 BD-101-2 12.410.8 12.110.8 13.210.8 15.1*0.9 BD-102-1 12.6t0.7 11.610.9 13.810.8 13.'810.7 BD-102-2 12.810.8 12.5i0.7 13.7tl.0 15.5i0.7 BD-104-1 12.411.0 11.510.8 13.211.2 12.810.7 BD-104-2 12.2i0.7 12.1*0.9 13.310.9 15.3i0.7 BD-105-1 12.710.7 12.611.0 14.410.8 14.310.8 BD-105-2 13.0i0.8 11.6t0.7 14.111.1 15.410.6 BD-106-1 12.810.8 12.810.9 14.511.2 14.1t0.7 BD-106-2 13.li0.9 12.1*0.7 13.811.1 15.4tl.0 B0-107-1 13.4t0.7 12.410.7 14.6t0.9 14.811.3 BD-107-2 13.210.9 11.0t0.8 14.0i0.9
- 14. 9tl.0 BD-108-1 12.2i0.6 11.210.7 13.711.0 13.310.7 BD-108-2 13.0f0.8 10.710.7 13.7i0.7 14.5tl.1 BD-109-1 15.6fl.0 15.5tl.2
- 16. 9tl.1 16.910.9 BD-109-2 15.Sil.2 13.6t0.8 17.0tl.2 16.8tl.0 80-110-1 13.311.1 12.810.9 15.511.4 15.1*1.0 BD-110-2 14.0t0.7 14.3t0.7 15.6*0.8 17.510.8 B0-111a-1 11.6t0.7 12.6i0.7 12.510.8 15.410.8 BD-111a-2 12.610.7 12.610.8 14.011.0 16.210.9 BD-111b-1 11.6t0.7 11.3i0.9 12.7tl.0 13.810.8 BD-111b-2 12.510.9 12.410.8 14.2i0.9 15.710.8 BD-112-1 12.8i0.9 11.510.8 12.710.7 13.310.7 BD-112-2 11.8i0.8 11.2i0.6 12.610.7 14.5i0.7 BD-113a-1 13.2f0.8 12.010.7 13.311.0 14.611.0 BD-113a-2 12.9f0.7 12.710.9 13.710.8 15.410.8 BD-113b-1 12.910.8 12.810.9 12.7f0.9 14.8f0.8 BD-113b-2 13.210.8 12.810.8 14.lil.0 15.4f0.7 BD-114-1 13.310.8 13.311.2 14.Di0.9 15.4i0.0 BD-114-2 12.SiO.6 11.610.6 14.011.0 14.0i0.8 BD-116-1 13.110.8 13.510.9 14.410.9
- 15. 9tl.0 80-116-2 13.910.9 11.910.7 14.710.8 14.410.8 Mean i s.d.
13.0*0.9 12.311.0 14.111.2 15.011.0 36
i BRAIDWOOD Table 15.
Ganma Radiation, as Measured by TLDs (continued)
SPECIAL PROGRAM Outer Ring, Near 5 Mile Radius, Indicator Locations 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Date Placed:
01-03-87 03-27-87 06-27-87 10-03-87 Date Removed:
03-27-87 06-27-87 10-03-87 01-01-88 Days in the Field:
83 92 98 90 Location Average mR/Qtr.
80-201-1 18.011.5 17.5*1.2 18.110.7 18.0f0.8 BD-201-2 15.411.2 14.4*0.9 16.3tl.1 17.lil.6 BD 202-1 13.6*1.2 13.810.8 14.4tl.0 15.2i0.8 BD-202-2 13.211.0 13.2il.1 14.6tl.2 14.411.2 8D-203-1 13.210.8 14 li0.7 14.910.8 16.210.7 BD-204 1 11.810.8 12.110.6 12.710.8 14.2t0.8 BD-204-2 12.710.7 11.0t0.9 13.810.8 14.010.7 BD-205-1 12.7i0.7 12.7i0.7 13.4*0.7 14.811.2 4
BD-206-1 13.210.6 14.3i0.7 13.910.7 16.211.2 80-206-2 14.0f0.8 12.410.8 15.6i0.8 15.210.7 BD-207-1 12.510.9 12.6i0.9
- 13. 9t0.8 14.6i0.7 BD-207-2 12.710.8 12.0f0.7 14.5tl.6 14.710.6 BD-208-1 12.Si0.9 11.Si0.7 13.4t0.8 13.6i0.8 80-208-2 12.610.8 11.Si0.9 13.7i0.9 14.9i0.9 BD-209-1 17.6i0.9 16.4i0.7 19.110.8 17.6i0.9 BD-210-1 19.510.7 19 Itl.5 20.910.8 19.6f0.8 BD-210-2 19.311.0 17.910.8 20.lil.1 19.9tl.0 80-211-1 16.8i0.8 15.7t0.8 18.010.8 17.510.9 BD-212-1 15.3*1.4 13.710.6 16.8tl.4 15.7i0.9 BD-212-2 16.411.1 16.3i0.8 17.810.8 19.4tl.4 BD-213-1 13.6t0.9 12.510.7 14.5i0.9 15.010.8 BD-213-2 12.7tl.1 12.710.8 13.910.8 15.611.2 l
80 214-1 15.2*1.4 13.2i0.8 16.0t0.9 15.310.9 BD-214-2 14.410.9 14.6i0.8 16.2il.0 16.9tl.1 80-215-1 12.610.7 11.Di0.6 13.Sil.3 13.010.7 BD-216-1 13.810.9 12.8i0.6 14.910.8 14.7t0.7 BD-216-2 13.511.0 12.3fl.0 15.011.1 16.011.1 l
l Mean i s.d.
14.412.2 13.812.2 15.612.2 15.911.8 l'
NOTE: Page 38 is intentionally left out.
o ENVIROWENTAL RADIOLOGICAL Mou1TORING PROMM 91sIRTERLY SWOulRY Iteme of Factitty Srofessed Itecleer Pouer Stetten Becket Re.
50-456. 50-457 Lecetten of Fact 11ty treew flie. Illinets Iteparting Perfee 1st geerter 1987 Keenty. State)
Indfceter Lecetten with Mghest Centrol
- taple Type and Lecettons geerterly steen Lecettens muster of Type Iluster of fleege ye,,,
payone men.,setfne (unfts)
Analyses LLD Ilonge facetten Range menge meselts Afr Particulates Gross Sete 108 0.01 0.027 (96/96) 88-19. ~Noorsite Inf 0.029 (12/12) 0.026 (12/123 0
(0.013-0.0431 0.3 of 9 314*
Gamme Spec.
9 0.01 (LD
<Lte e
Sr-89 9
0.01 (LD
<tLD 0
$r-90 9
<tL9 0
i Afrterne lodine I-131 108 0.07 (LD
<LLS 0
3 (pCf/m )
<.a Gemme Beck 9round Gemme Dese 9
3.0 14.0 (0/8) 80-05. Ger11aer 17.1 (1/1) 13.3 (1/1) 0 (TLDs) (se/Qtr.)
(12.4-17.1) 5.5 of 9 225*
Mfik 1-131 12 0.5 4LD 4LD 0
Gemme Spec.
12 Cs-134 5.0 SLD 4LO O
Cs-137 5.0 ALD 4LO O
Other Gemmes 10.0 ALD
<LLD 0
Sr-89 12 10
<LLD 0
Sr-90 12 2
2.5 (3/6) 80-11. sterrf s Fece 2.5 (2/3) 2.4 (2/6) 0 (2.4-2.6) 2.4 et 9 95*
(2.0-2.7) 0 90-17. Trotter's Defry 2.5 (1/3)
4.8 of 9 315*
Precipftetten Gross Dete 8
<11.7 19.6 (3/6) 80-12. Goosete Foru 49.7 (1/2) 49.7 (1/2) 0 (16.8-49.7) 7.7 et 9 67*
Gemme Spec.
4 20
<tLe 0
Tritten 4
<tLD 0
Sr-89 4
10 (LD
<tLD 0
Sr-90 4
<tLD 0
-+n im
-w 4,,
.++ _,-- -
ENVIROWEENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MetITORING PROGaus quRRTERT 5pettRT meme of Fac111ty Dreiduced nucleer Pomer Statfon Sectet to.
50-456, 50-457 Lecetten of Fec111ty Braceville, 111tnets Reporttag Perted 1st Quorter 1987 (County. State)
Indicator Lecettee with Mfghest Centrol segle Type and Lecettens Quarterly steen Locettens anseer of 4
Type mue er of pese,e y,,,
pe,,,e noe-couttee (Units)
Amelyses LLD Reage Lecetten Reage Reage aeselts Cooltag Water Gross Dete 25 1.3 4.3 (13/13) 90-03, Discherpe Pfpe 4.3(13/13) 2.2 (12/131 0
4 (pCf/1)
At Stetten (2.2-5.4)
(1.8-3.31 Game Spec.
6 Cs-134 10 ALD 4LD 0
Cs-137 10
<LLD 0
Other Gemmes 20 4LD
<L1D 0
Tritfum 6
<tLD 4LD 0
g Sr-89 6
10 4LD
<tLD 0
Sr-90 6
2 4LD 4LD 0
4 Serfect water Gross Sete 26 1.3 2.0 (12/13) 3D-07. Keakekee Rtsee 2.1 (13/13) 2.1 (13/131 0
Upstream, 5.5 et #
(I.3 2.8) 85*
i Game Spec.
6 Cs-134 10 4LD
<tLD 0
<LLD 0
Other Games 15 ALD
<tLD 0
Tritten 2
200 ALD
<tLD 0
<tLD 0
Sr-83 2
10 (LD ALD 0
3r-90 2
2 ALD i
1 i
o o
a EntI9018EmTAL RADIOLOGICAL MmIT9EleG PROG 2WI GuanTE4.T SuomRY meme of Factlf ty "Breteseed aucteer Power Stetten pocket me.30-456, 50-457 Locetten of Factif ty Dreceef11e. 111tnets Reporting Perted 1st guerter 1987 Koonts. 5 tate)
Indiceter LocF.fon wfth Mfghest Centrol semple Type and Locattens Geerteris noe=
Lecettens museer of e
Type number of meene upon meen men-routtae (Unfts)
Analyses LLD 8tenge Lecetten Range Range meselts Well Water Gross Beta 1
2.2 10.8 (1/11 88-13. Breteseed City 10.8 (1/1) meme 0
(pCf/1) mell mell, 1.7 of 9 30' Gemme 5,ec.
1 Cs-134 10 ALD mene O
meme 9
Cs.137 10 4LD b
e-a Other Gammes 20 ALD mene 0
mene 0
Trftfum 1
200 4LD Sr-89 1
10 ALD moae 0
Sr-90 1
2 RLD moae O
Cattlefeed & Grass Gross Sete 12 1.0 11.1 (9/9) 80-11. Morrts Fe e 13.9 (3/3) s.8 (3/3) 0 (pCf/g met)
(3.0-31.4) 2.4 of 9 95*
(3.1-19.11 Gamme Spec.
12 Cs-134 0.1 4LD ALD 0
Cs-137 0.1 4LD 4LD 0
Other Gammes 0.2 4LD 4LO O
Sr-89 12 1.0 4LD 4LD 0
Sr-90 12 1.0 ALD 4LD 0
l e seen and range based en detectable seeserements only. Fraction indicated in perenthests.
e c--e--
--m h
ENVIReipENTAL RADIOLOGICAL IIgu1TORIWG PROGANI QUARTERLY SINOWWtf nome of Facility tretemoed mucteer Pouer Stetten Decket me.
50-456, 50-457 Location of Fact 19ty Brecee111e, 111tnets Reporting perfed 2nd Quorter 1981 f Mw. 5tatel Indiceter Location with Nighest Centrol Seaple Type and Lecettens Quorterly poen Locettens number of Type Number of Heen ny,,
y,,,e Non-rwettne e
Analyses LLD Range Letetten Range Range meoults Afr Particulates Gross Sete 117 0.01 0.024 (104/104) 90-04 Essen. 4.8 et 0.027 (13/13) 0.C24 (13/131 0
(0.006-0.045) 0 165*
<tLD 0
Gemme Spec 9
< lib 0
1 Sr-89 9
<tLD Sr-90 9
<tLD 0
1 Alrborne 1-131 117 0.07
<L1D 0
(pct /=3)
Gentia Background Gew e Oose 9
3.0 12.7 (8/8) 80-05. Gertner 14.8 (1/1) 12.8 (1/11 0
(Ttos) (udt/Otr.)
(11.4-14.8) 5.5 et 9 225*
<tLD 0
Milk 1-131 40 0.5
<t1D (pCf/1)
Gemme Spec.
<tLD 0
1 Cs-134 5.0
<LLD 0
Other Gemmes 10
<LLS 0
<tLD 0
Sr-89 12 10
$r-90 12 2
2.6 (5/6) 90-12. Goodsta Fare 3.5 (3/3) 3.0 (6/61 0
(2.2-3.1) 7.7 et 67*
(2.7-5.11 (2.1-5.1) i k
1 i
Est1ROBBERTAL RADIOLOGICAL NWIITORIIIG PROEPJet GIIARTERLY 5W8414f Iteme of Facility Bref essed Ilocleer Power Stetten Docket me.
50-456, 50-456 Location of rectitty Breceefile, 111tnefs Reportfag perfed 2nd geerter 1987 50eenty. 5 tate) b In4fceter Lecetten with Nighest Centrol Semple Type one Lecettens Oeerterly neon Lecettens Inomer of Type lausber of 90sene in,
ge,,,e go
Analyses LLD Range Lecetfen Reage penge Reseits Precipftetten Gross Dete 12 12.2C 28.4 (8/9) 30-18. Ofres Foru 40.0 (3/3) 17.6 (3/3) 0 (4.8-48.6) 10.5 el 9 270*
(6.7-36.2) h Spec.
4 10 4LD (LD 0
Trftfen 4
200 ALD ALD 0
Sr-89 4
10 ALD ALD o
Sr-90 4
2 (LD 4LD 0
- =
w Cooling Water Gross Sete 26 1.3 4.4 (13/13) 9D-09. Discherpe 4.4 (13/13) 2.5 (13/13) 0 (pCf/1)
Pfpe,et Stetten (2.7-5.2) 11.6-4.5)
Gemme Spec.
6 Cs-134 10 4LD 4LD 0
Cs-137 10 ALD ALD 0
Other Gemmes 20 ALD 4LD 0
Trittem 6
200 4LD ALD 0
$r-89 6
10 ALD 4LD 0
$r-90 6
2 (LD 4LD 0
.m e
a e.
ENvielMENTAL RASIOLOGICAL pellTORING PROGRNt MTERLY MY lease of Fectitty Bretesced thscleer Power Statica Decket Ite.
50-456. 50-457 Lecetten of Factitty ereceville. 111tnets steporting Period 2nd Quorter 1987 Keenty. State) 1 Indicster Locetten with Highest Centrol Senple Type end Lecettens Quorterly IIeen Lacettens thumber of Type hv of 90eene n,,,
pg,,,e ston-reettne (Units)
Analyses LLD Range Lecetten Range Range Results Serface seter Gross Dete 26 1.2 2.6 (12/13) 8047. Rentekee af ver 2.7 (13/13) 2.7 (13/13) 0 (pCf/1)
- 1.3-4.0)
Upstreen. 5.5 et 9 (1.6-4.4)
(1.6-4.4) 85*
Geomme Spec.
6 Cs-134 10 (LD
<tLD 0
<tLD 0
s A
Other Gem 15 ALD
<LLD 0
Tritise 2
<LLD 0
$r-89 2
10 4LD
<tLD 0
$r-90 2
2 4LD
<tLD 0
well water Gross Sete 1
1.2 29.6 (1/1) 80-13. Dretemoed City 29.6 (1/1) none 0
(pCf/11 8tell well.1.7 et 9 30' Gemme Spec.
1 Cs-134 10 4LD IIene O
Cs-137 10 (LD mene 0
Other Gemmes 20 ALD Isone 0
Tritism 1
200 4LD None O
Sr-89 1
10 ALD mene O
Sr-90 1
2 (LD soone 0
i i
i l
L 0
g 4
i 7 sI -3 E
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3 x
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ENVIROISENTAL RADIOLOGICAL HONITORImG PROGRet quRRTERLY SW8MRT Name of Factitty trof essed nucleer Power Stetten Doctet No.
50-456, 50-457 Locetten of Fectitty traceville. Illinets Reporting ported 2nd Quarter 1987 (County. 5 tate)
Indicator Lecetten with Mfghest CentroI Sample Type and Lecettons Quorterly neon Locations mue er of Type lausener of neene y,,,
n,,,a seen-routine (Units)
Analyses LLD Range Lecetten Range asape Results Aquatic Vegetetten Gross Sete 2
0.6 4LD BO-07. Kenketee Rfeer 5.6 (1/1) 5.6 ft/1) 0 (pCf/g wet)
Upstream 5.5 of 9 85*
Gamma Spec.
2 Cs-134 0.1 4LD 4LD 0
Cs-137 0.1 4LD 4LD 0
Other Gammes 0.2 (LD
<LLD 0
cn Botton Sediments Gross Beta 2
1.0 8.0 (1/1) 89-07. Kontekee River 23.3 (1/1) 23.3 (1.1) 0 (pct /, dry)
Upstream 5.9 et 8 85*
Gamme Spec.
2 Ls-134 0.1 (LD 4LD 0
Cs-137 0.1 4LD 80-07. Kankakee Rtver 0.10 (1/1) 0.10 (1/1) 0 Upstream. 5.5 et 8 85*
Other Gammes 0.2 4LD ALD 0
e neen and range based en detectable aceserements only. Fractfons indicated in perentheses.
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ENVIRGIBIENTAL RADIOLOGICAL Mou1 TOR 1eG PROGast OuRRTERLY SW8ueY Nome of Facility Drafened nucleer Power Stetten Doctet me.
50-456.58-457 Location of Factitty Brecevf!1e. 111tnefs Reporting perted _ 3rd Quorter 1987 fceenty. State)
Indicator Location with Wighest Control Sample Type and Lecettens Omerterly steen Lecettens number of Type muster of Meene neon serene Non-routine (Unfts)
Analyses LLD Range Location Range menge Results Cooltag Water Gross Sete 26 1.3 5.2 (13/13) 30-09. Of scherpe 5.2 (13/13) 3.5 (13/131 0
Pipe, et Stetten (3.7-4.3)
Gemme Spec.
6 Cs-134 10 4LD
<LLD 0
Cs-137 10 (LD
<tLF 0
Other Gammes 20 4LD
<tLD 0
Trftfue 6
200 1.005 (2/3) 80-09. Of scherpe 1.005 (2/3)
<tLD 0
Pfpe, et Station (640-1.370)
Sr-89 6
10 (LD ALD 0
Sr-90 6
2 4LD
<tLD 0
Surface Water Gross Gete 26 1.3 3.2 (13/13) 80-10. Rankakee Rtver 3.2 (13/13) 3.0 113/13) 0 (pCf/1)
Monttorfog 5fte #5 (2.4-3.8)
(Demostroom). 5.0 of 9 76*
Gemme Spec.
<tLD 0
Cs-134 10 ALD Cs-137 10 ALD
<tLD 0
Other Gomes 15 4LD
<tLD 0
Trftfum 2
200 4LD
<tLD 0
Sr-89 2
10 4LD
<tLD 0
Sr-90 2
2 4LD ALD 0
t l.
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49 e
Name of Facility Braf M muclear power Station Docket No.
50-456, 50-457 Location of Facility erecewflie, Illinois Reporting Period 3rd Quarter 1987 (County. 5 tate)
Indicator Location wfth HT,%st Control Sample Type and Locations Omerterly steen Locattens saumber of Type Ilumber of 9teena 14een 80eena Ison-roottne (Units)
-LLD Range Location Range Range -
mesults Aquatic Vegetation Gross Beta 2
0.4 3.7 (1/1) 80-10. Kankakee River
".7 (1/1)
(LD 0
(pC1/g wet)
Downstream, 5.0 of t 76*
Gamma Spec.
2 Cs-134 0.1 4LD ALD 0
4 Cs-137 0.1
<t.LD (LD 0
Other Gammes 0.2 4LD
<LLD 0
Botton Sediments Gross Beta 2
1.0 14.3 (1/1) 3D-07. Kankakee Rtver 19.2 (1/1) 14.3 (1/1) 0 (pCf/g dry)
Upstrees 5.5 mi 9 g
85-Gamma Spec.
2 Es-134 0.1 4LD
<tLD 0
d Cs-137 0.1 4LD 80-07, Kankakee Rtver 0.18 (1/1) 0.18 (1/1) 0 Upstream 5.5 of 9 85*
Other Gamnes 0.2 4LD
<LLD 0
Vegetables Gross Beta 12 1.0 2.3 (12/12) 80-14, Pinnick Fem 2.7 (4/4)
Ilone 0
1, (1.1-3.7) 1.8 mi 9 350' (2.1-3.2)
Gamma Spec.
12 Cs-134 0.06 4LD home 0
Cs-137 0.08 ALD 100ne 0
Other Gammes 0.2 4LD Ilone O
leone O
Sr-89 12 0.1 4LD Sr-90 12 0.1 4LD 18ene 0
1-131 2
0.06 4LD Ilone 0
a Mean and range based on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated in parentheses.
ENVIROIBENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MtR11TORING PROGRAM QURRTERLY SWOWWtY Name of Factitty Bralduced leuclear Power Station Docket 10o.
50-456, 50-457 Location of Facility Braceville, 111tnots Reporting period 4th Quarter 1987 (county, State)
I-dicator Location with Nighest.
Control Sample Type and Locations Quarterly steen Locations shnuter of Type leumber of steena mean strana es,..,,gg,
Analyses LLD Range Location Range Range Results Air Part*culates Gross Beta 117 0.01 0.031 (104/104)
BD-03, County Line 0.032 (13/13) 0.032 (13/13) 0 3
(pCf/m )
Road. 6.2 mi 9 120*
Gaussa Spec.
9 0.01 4LD
<tLD 0
$r-99 9
<LLD 0
Sr-90 9
0.01 4LD 4LD 0
4 Afrborne ledine 1-131 117 0.07 4LD
<LLD 0
Gamma Background Game Dose 9
3.0 15.2 (8/8) 80-03 County Line 20.4 (1/1) 20.4 (1/1) 0 (TLDs) (mR/Qtr.)
Road. 6.2 et 9 120*
Milk 1-131 28 0.5 4LD
<LLD 0
Gamaa Spec.
28 Cs-134 5.0 4LD
<tLD 0
<LLD 0
Cs-137 5.0
<tLD 0
Other Games 10.0
'Sr-89 12 10 ALD ALD 0
l Sr-90 12 2
2.2 (5/6) 8D-18. Otros Fem 2.6 (2/3) 2.2 (2/6) 0 (1.5-2.7) 10.5 et 9 270*
Precipitation Gross Beta 11 6.0 22.6 (4/9) 80-11, Morris Fem 30.5 (1/3) 9.4 (2/2).
0 (4.9-30.5) 2.4 of 9 95*
Gamma Spec.
4 10
<LLD 0
Tritfum 4
200 4LD 4LD 0
Sr-89 4
<tLD 0
Sr-90 4
<LLD 0
ENVIROSIENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MONIT0 TING PROWust QWutTERLY SWOWWtf Name of Facility Breiemod Nuclear Pouer Station Docket No.
50-456, 50-457 Location of Factitty traceville,111tnois Reporting Period 4th Quarter 1987 -
(County. 5tetel Indicator Location with Highest Centrol
$emple Type end Lacettons Quarterly steen Locations member of Type Number of neene p,.
pies,e Non-roottne (Units)
.LLD Range Locetton Re v Reage mesults Coolfeg Water Gross Sete 24 1.3 5.4 (13/13) 80-09. Discherpe 5.4 (13/13) 3.2 (13/13) 0 (pCf/1)
Pipe, et Station (4.4-6.6)
Games Spec.
6 Cs-134 10 4LD
<tLD 0
Cs-137 10 ALD
<tLD 0
Other Gemmes 20 ALD 4LD 0
Trittum 6
200 6.540 (3/31 80-09. Discher9e 6.540 (3/3) 4LD 0
Pfpe, et Stetton (3.560-9,080)
Sr-89 6
<tLD 0
Sr-90 6
2 4LD ALD 0
Surfe e water Gross Beta 26 1.3 3.5 (13/13) 80-10, tankoht Rtver 3.5 (13/13) 3.2 (13/13) 0 (pct /1)
(Dounstream) 5.0 (2.9-6.51 (2.4-5.6) e1 9 76*
Gamme Spec.
6 Cs-134 10 4LD 4LD 0
Cs-137 10
<tLD 0
Ottier Gauses 20
<tLD 0
Tritf um 2
200 7,005 (1/11 B0-10. Kenkakee River 7.005 (1/11 4.530 (1/1) 0 (Downstreem). 5.0 et 9 76*
Sr-89 2
<tLD 4LD 0
Sr-90 2
2 4LD 4LD 0,
^ *'.
ENVIR0leqENTAL RADIOLOGICAL IIOu!TORING PROGRNE QUMtTERLY SWOWWtf Name of Fac11ity BraIdueod Nuclese Power Statlan Docket No.
50-456, 50-457 Location of Factitty Bracev111e. Illinois
_ Reporting Period 4th Quarter 1987 (county, Jtatel Indicator Location with Righest Control Sample Type and Locations Quarterly steen Locations mue er of Type Ilmater of 90eana Rean farana geon. routine (Units)
Analyses LLD Range Location Range aesults Well Water Gross Beta 1
1.2 30.9 (1/1) 90-13, Brafduced Cfty 30.9 (1/1)
None 0
Mall Well,1.7 af 9 30*
Gasme Spec.
1 Cs-134 10
<tLD None O
Cs-137 10 4LD None 0
Other Gammes 20
<tLD none 0
Tritium 1
200 4LD some 0
. Sr-89 1
<tLD Wome 0
Sr-90 1
2 4LD none 0
Fish Gross Beta 2
1.0 2.4 (1/1) 80-10. Kankak*e River 2.4 (1/1) 2.3 (1/1) 0 (pCf/g wet)
Downstrees, i.0 mi
- 76*
Gamma Spec.
2 Cs-134 0.1
<tLD 0
Cs-137 0.1
<tLD 0
Other Gansas 0.13 4LD
<tLD 0
Sr-89 2
<tLD 0
l Sr-90 2
<LLD 4LD 0
Cattlefeed a Grass Gross Beta 4
1.C 6.6 (3/3) 80-17. Trotter's Dairy 8.4 (1/1) 8.4 (1/1) 0 (pCf/g wet)
Farm. 4.8 mi 9 315*
80-12, Gooerin Faru 8.4 (1/1) 7.7 af 9 67*
Gamma Spec.
4 Cs-134 0.1
<tLD 0
Cs-137 0.1 (LD
<tLD 0
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ = _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ _. - - - _ _ _ _ -.. _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _
~ -..
ENVIROIstEETAL RADIOLOGICAL M9u!TORING PROGUWI fltMRTERLY SWOWWtf llame of Facility traithsood nuclear Peuer Station - Docket No.
50-456, 50-457 Location of Facility Braceville Illinois Reporting Period 4th Quarter 1987
-(County. 5 tate)
Indicator Location with Mighest Control Sample Type and
. Locations Quarterly neon Locations Ihsaber of Type number of Means mean
' feeana soon-routine (Units)
Analyses LLD Range Location Range Range mesults Cattlefeed 8 Grass Other Gananas 0.2 4LD J
<tLD 0
(pC1/g met)
Sr-89 4
, 4LD
<LLD 0
Sr-90 4
1.0 ALD 4LD 0
Aquatic Vegetation Gross Beta 2
0.4 2.2 (1/1) 80-07. Kankakee River 2.9 (1/1) 2.9 (1/1) 0 (pCf/g met)
Upstream. 5.5 mi 0 85*
Gamma Spec.
2 Cs-134 0.1 4LD ALD 0
Cs-137 0.1 4LD 4LD 0
4 Other Gesumes 0.2 4LD 4LD 0
Botton Sediments Cross Seta
'2 1.0 20.2 (1/1) 80-10. Kankakee River 20.2 (1/1) 18.1 (1/1) 0 (pct /g dry)
Dounstream. 5.0 mi 9 76*
h Spec.
2 Cs-134 0.1 4LD ALD 0
Cs-137 0.1 4LD 4LD 0
Other Gamnes 0.2
<LLD 0
a Mean and range based on detectable measerseents only. Fractions indicated in parentheses.
e m
t 4 ;i L,',
1 Appendix A i
I Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results -
. NOTE: Appendix A is updated twice a year and the complete Appendix is included in January and July monthly reports only.
Please refer to January and July Reports for informatlon.
January, 1988 A-1 y
n q.
. 6..:.
y r
( t:
r (b utO d 10 /[ $ 7
- l..
- g o.
b [7 ColleClion Schedule Page 1 of 2 Quarters I
Note: For samples scheduled for collection at intervals of one month or greater, "Date Scheduled
- Indicates the target date for obtaining the sample (s). Samples should be ebtained as close to that date as possible, one in any event, before the nest scheduled target collection. Dates of unsuccessful sampling attempts are to be noted on the weekly sample collection sheet.
$/ 8 L/ k 8tfd l Notes Date 5cheduled: 3
/p /7,2y Il
/y 2.1 2pli-l/2!/9l24 l i.E particuiates U**
Co1Ye Af, bf, bf, 0l, kf, f, Al, Al, Al, }l, ion Code Air 5amplers 80-01 /
/ /
'/ //
/ /
/lf /l/
/ /
Frequencies of A: W
/ /./
/ l /
1: W
-03 /
Record & Adjust
/ /t jy j
/ /'jl< /
or j / flf 3n/yr. three times a j I
-05 p'
(5eAppda:diaA-1) year (by quarte j
-06 /
/ / /
/ /
/ '// fl A. annua 11y 7l / /
/ /l/ /ift
20 /
/ /l/ //
v' //lr
-21 /:/ / /./
/ l/ /l/ /
/ //
Calib. Air Samplers Y!O
!b I
ter: M Field Rota/ Flowmeter Return to TIML for calibration
/0h January April-July October Calibration: 0 Surface Water: W BD-07 /
/ / /
/ /
60 10 /
/' / /
Well Water: W BD-13 / / / / /
/ /
/ /
Cooling 80 08
/ y /
f Intake Discharge
/ / /
/ / / / / /
Bo Sediments:-
80-07 /0/3 /
May, July, and Octo:
-10 /0/3 /
80-07 f g/g /
May, July, and Octo A']*h',, Plants:
/0/5 /
~10 Fish: 3x/y r.
80 07
' May, July, and Octo
/b)lB /
- 0*10 ta bOEblO-D /5 NM August or September g
a e at harvest)
-15 g
-16 a
- Four varieties from each location. Includes at least one (1) sample of green leafy vegetables per location. Two (2) if available.
A t w utl /C -/g f 7 4.
I May 1,83-
//t'//, f 7 Conunon Scaeduie <Cononu.d>
es,e 2 of 2 ou.rter OcY A/w Sec l Notes
3 to IT JY 3/
7 /Y ?) 21 512 lI? E6 Det Sehn,1,d, Seele Tpe:
Collection free.
Code eross or 80 11
/p/3 /
."$ U ' "
Cattlefeed: 0
,37 7
Cattlefeed: February
- 11 Jg'/9 /
jf /3 /
la Milkt if/M BO-Il /
/. / ///7 /
W: ltpy thru 0ct der M: November thru April 12 /
/ / /
/z/W lP /
/ / ///77
18' /
/ / / /
jf/7f f 2/s***/'
BO-u j p /,3 /
77/ 7f j[/ g~f Precipitation: M to'/3 /
/ 2/S'~./
12 id/s/
-le rb/ 5/
///7 /
B0 4 Air Sawler TLM Visual Chect: W
/' / !
/ / /
/ /
06 y~
/ /
All Other TLDs: Visual Check: M Revised 10 16-87 80-101 1.2.102-1.2.104-1.2.
. 110-1.2.
114-1.2.116-1.2.201 1.2.202-1.
2.203.204 1.2.211 213 1.2.214-1.2.215 7p/g 77 / 7 jg/
2 tLe achange (au):0
/f/ g y
//p/pp Dairy Census: A August a) $1te boundary to 2 mi A) C T S C l4 E' D (J L P l b 71/}% $ 0A-Alb$
b) 2 miles to 5 elles c) At Dairies:
Nearest Residence August Survey: A Check 16 meteorological sectors l
Draft: M. DiPonzio Date /0-//-87 h
A. Lewis Date /C -2O-8 7 A. Lewis, Jr.
C. Lewis Station Distribution of the Collection Schedule will be by:
Novem6er 30 for 1st Q.
February 28 for 2nd Q.
May 31 for rc Q.
August 31 for 4th Q.