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Second Interval Inservice Insp Program Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1,2 & 3, Technical Evaluation Rept
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Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/1990
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ML16148B005 List:
CON-NRC-03-87-029, CON-NRC-3-87-29 SAIC-88-1942, NUDOCS 9004300349
Download: ML20072P671 (129)


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. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Contract 03-87-029 Submitted by Science Applications International Corporation Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 "O

April 1990 .

'][i O U7, [3 9 3U '-!

LSiitIE An Employee-Owned Company


1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .



2. EVALVATION OF INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 ' Documents Evaluated .................... 3 2.3 Summary of Requirements .................. 3 2.3.1 Code Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Class 1 Requirements ............... . 4 Class 2 Requirements .............., 5 Class 3 Requirements ............... 5 Component Supports ................ 5 2.3.2 License Conditions ................ 5 2.4 Compliance with Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.4,1 Applicable Code Edi tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.4.2 Code Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.4.3 Perservice Inspection Commitments . . . . . . . . . 7 2.5 Conclusions and Recommendations .............. 8

3. REQUESTS FOR RELIEF FF,0M ASME CODE SECTION XI EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS . ,................. 8 3.1 CLASS 1 COMPCNENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.1.1 Roactor Vessel ..............,,.. 10 Relief Request ONS-001, Nozzle-to-Safe End and Safe End-to-Pipe Welds, Units 1, 2, and 3, Category B-F, Item B5.10 ............. 10 3.1.2 Pressurizer (no relief requests) 3.1.3 Heat Exchangers and Steam Generators (no relief requests) i .

1 l

3.1.4 Piping Pressure Boundary ............. 12 Relief Request ONS-002, Pipe Welds, Units 1, 2, and 3 Category B-J,

  • Item B9.11 .................... 12 3.1.5 Pump Pressure Boundary .............. 15 . Relief Requests ONS-007 and ONS 00B, Unit 2 and 3 Reactor Coolant Pump Casing Welds and Internal Surfaces, Units 2 and 3, Categories B-L-1 and B L-2, items B12.10 and B12.20 .................... 15 3.1.6 Valve Pressure Boundary (no relief requests) 3.2 CLASS 2 COMP 0NENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.2.1 Pressure Vessels (no relief requests) 3.2.2 Piping Pressure Boundary ............. 17 Relief Request ONS-006, Containment Spray System and Reactor Building Emergency Sump Piping Welds, Units 1, 2, and 3, Category C-F, item C5.11 (Category C F, item C2.1 in 74575) . . . 17 3.2.3 Pump Pressure Boundary (no relief requests) 3.2.4 Valve Pressure Boundary (no relief requests) 3.3 CLASS 3 COMPONENTS (no relief requests) 3.4 PRESSURE TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 20 3.4.1 Class .1 Components ................ 20 Relief Request ONS-005, Hydrostatic Test of Reactor Coolant System, Units 1, 2, I

and 3, Category B-P, Item _B15.51 ......... 20 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 1 Repair Welds Associated with Valve ILP-46, Unit 1, l

Article IWA-4440 ................. 22


3.'4.1.3 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 1 Repair Welds Associated with Low Pressure Injection System Valve 2LP-45, Unit 2, IWA 4440 ..................... 24 I

11 t Hydrostatic Testing of Class 1 Repair Welds Associated with High Pressure Injection System Valve 2HP-188, Unit 2, IWA-4440 . . . . . . . ......... ' 26 3.4.1,5 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 1 and 2 Repair Welds Associated with Iow Pressure Injection System Valves LP-IS), LP-132,

  • and LP 133, Units 1 and 2, IWA-4440 . . . . . . . . 28 3.4.2 Class 2 Components . . . . . . .......... 31 Hydrostatic Test of Steam Generator Drain Lines After Repair, Unit 3, Article IWA-4440 . . . . . . . .......... 31 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 2 Repair Welds Associated with Unit 2 Main Steam Power Operated Valve 2MS-84, Unit 2, IWA-4440 . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 33 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 2 Reptir Welds Associated with Low Pressure Service Water Valve 3LPSW-15, Unit 3, IWA-4440 . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 35 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 2 Repair Welds Associated with low Pressure Injection System Valve 2LP-19, Unit 2, IWA-4440 . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 37 Hydrostatic Testing of a Repair to Class 2

.- Feedwater System Weld 30B, Unit 1, IWA-4440 . . . . 39 Hydrostatic Testing of Repairs to Class 2 Low Pressure Service Water System Welds 31 and 32 Associated with Valve ILPSW-6, Unit-1, IWA-4440 . . . . . . . .......... 41 Hydrostatic Testing of Class.2 and 3

. Repair Welds Associated with Low Pressure Service Water System Valve ILPSW-15, Unit 1, IWA-4440 . . . . . . . ,,........ 43 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 2 Repair Welds Associated with Feedwater System


Valves IFDW-207 and lFDW-209, Unit 1, IWA-4440 . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 45 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 2 Repair Welds Associated with Feedwater System Valves 2FDW-206, 2FDW-209, and 2FDW-144, Unit 2, IWA-4440 . . .......... 47 iii

..M 3.4.3 Class 3 Components ........,,, ,,.. 49 Hydrostatic Testing of Emergency ~

Feedwater System Piping, Units 1, 2, and 3, Category D-A, item 01.10 ........... .. 49 Pressure Testing of the Reactor Building .

Hydrogen Purge Cart, Units 1, 2, and 3, Category 0-B, item D2.10 ........ ... .. 51 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 3 Penetration Room Ventilation System, Units 1, 2, and 3, Category D-B, item D2.10 .......... . .. 53 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 3 Purification Demineralizer Piping at Units 1, 2, and 3, IWA-5240 ........ .. 55 Hydrostatic Testing of Emergency Feed-water Pump Turbine Steam Drain Gate Valve 15043, Unit 1, Article IWA-4440 . . . . . . . 57 Hydrostatic Testing of a Repair Weld in the Emergency Feedwater Pump Turbine Oil Cooler Pump Suction Line, Unit 1, Article IWA-4440 ................. 59 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 3 Repair Welds Associated with Auxiliary Steam Check Valve 1AS-39, Unit 1, IWA-4440 ....... 61 ilydrostatic Testing of Class 3 Repair Weids Associated with Main Steam Check

- Valves 3MS-83 and 3MS-85, Unit 3, IWA-4440 .... 63 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 3 Repair Welds Associated with Spent Fuel Cooling System Valve ISF-65, Unit 1, IWA-4440 . . . . . . . 65 Hydrostatic Testing of Class 3 Repair Welds Associated with Main Steam System Valves 2MN-83 and 2MN-85, Unit 2, IWA-4440 .... 67 3.5 GENERAL .............. ........... 69 3.5.1 Relief Request ONS-003, Ultrasonic

__ Calibration Blocks for Reactor Coolant System Piping, Units 1, 2, and 3 ......... 69 3.5.2 Relief Request ONS-004, Ultrasonic Calibration Blocks for the Pressurizers and Steam Generators, Units 1, 2, and 3 . . . . . . 71 iv

3.5.3- Start Date and Applicable Code for the Second' Ten Year Interval, Units 1,-2, and 3 . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . ~ 73 3.6 SUPPORTS . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . 75 .

3.6.2 Snubber Functional Testing Program, IWF 5300 and IWF-5400, Units 1, 2, and 3 ..... 75



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Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1. 2. and 3

1. INTRODUCTION Section 50.55a of 10 CFR Part 50 defines the requirements for the Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program for light-water-cooled nuclear power facilities. Incorporated by reference in this regulatica isSection XI of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers _(ASME), which provides the basis for implementing inservice ~ inspection.*

Two types of inspections are required: (1) a preservice inspection conducted before commercial operation to establish a baseline and (2) peri-odic inservice inspections conducted during 10 year inspection intervals that normally start from the date of commercial operation. Separate plans for completing preservice inspection and each 10 year inservice inspection must be formulated and submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The plan for each 10-year interval must be submitted at least six months before the start of the interval.

The current revision to 10 CFR 50.55a requires that ISI programs be updated each 120 months to meet the requirements of newer editions of Section XI. Specifically, each program is to mect tne requirements (to the extent practical) of the edition and addenda of the Code incorporated in the regulation by refe"ence in paragraph 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2) 12 months prior to the start of the current 120-month interval. The current 120-month interval for Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3 (0NS-1, 2 and 3) began March 1, 1984, and runs through March 1, 1994, and is the second inspection interval for the plant. Accordingly, the applicable version of the Code for the second ISI interval is the 1980 Edition of Section XI, with addenda.through Winter 1980.

Section 2 of this report evaluates the second interval ISI plan developed by the licensee, Duke Power Company (DPC), for ONS-1,- 2, and 3 for. (a) compliance with this edition of Section XI, (b) compliance with ISI-related commitments identified during the NRC's review before granting an Operating License, (c) acceptability of examination sample, and (d) exclusion criteria.

  • Specific inservice test programs for pumps and valves (IST programs) are being evaluated in other reports.


Based on the date the construction permit for ONS-1, 2, and 3 was issued (November 6, 1967), the plant's components (including supports) s, hall meet the requirements of paragraphs 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4) and (5) to the extent practical.

Paragraph 10 CFR 50.55a(g) recognizes that some requirements of the .

current edition and addenda of Section XI may not be practical to implement because of limitations of design, geometry, and materials of construction of components bnd systems that were designed to the older Code. The regulation therefore permits exceptions to impractical examination or testing require-ments of the current Code to be requested. Relief from these requirements may be granted, provided the health and safety of the public are not endangered, giving due consideration to the burden placed on the licensee if the requirements were imposed. Section 3 of this report evaluates requests for relief dealing with inservice examination of components and with system pressure tests.

The current revision of the regulation provides that ISI programs may meet the requirements of subsequent Code editions and addenda, incorporated by reference in paragraph (b) and subject to NRC approval. Portions of such editions or addenda may be used, provided that all related requirements of the respective editions or addenda are met, t.ikewise,Section XI of the Code provides for certain components and systems to be exempted from its requirements, in some instances, these exemptions are not acceptable to the NRC or are only acceptable with restrictions. As appropriate, exemptions are also discussed in Section 3 of the report.

A Preservice Inspection (PSI) program wat not required at ONS-1, 2, and 3 by the Code of Federal Regulations based on a construction permit date of No ber 6, 1967. T 1970, , July 1973,g)NRCSafetyEvaluat Nove r 7, 1980. - ReportsdatedDecger29, Janua 16, 1981, A 1982, May 17, 1982, February 14, 1984, and February 7, April 1985, (8)evaluatedOconeeUnits1,2,and3first10-yearinterval inspection plans and relief requests.

The initial ISl program for the secmd interval was submitted Septempu; r 25,1984,L 91 with addiucr.&1 sppc; fics provided on March 5,

1985,( for Unit 2 and on May 1, 1985,0 0 for Unit 3. The latest i revision (Revision 5) of the ISI program was submitted July 5,1988.(12)

Reliefrequestsweresubmitt9g4forthesecondinterygg)onSeptember13, 1984,1 13) November 1 December U 1985,(16) November 16,1984,(t, 1985, 17) Janu 11,1984(18). November 12, y3 April 1986, )10, May1986,15, 6, n$ary23,1986,(19) 2 June 27, l

Januar(23)1,1986,(2p1Decem t 3, 1986,(]}

1986, 7,\

i i

March 1987, (j0)1987,lp71 October 29, 1987, (two letters), and March 16, 1988 (0 )

April 7,(gi ) March 15, Marqg 7,1988,(g 25 request was withdrawn by letter dated November 18, TheNovember16,(gS4gh .

1 I relief Two of the relief requests submitted in the September 25, 19874 letter (hydrotesting of repairs to ves IBS-14 and IFDW-329) were withdrawn by letter dated May 15, 1989 (


On July 22,1985,(38)May4,1988,(39) and March 27, 1989,(40) the NRC requested additional information to complete the review of the ISI program and relief requests. Thejnformationwasfurnisggyasattachments 0 October 2 to 1986,tletf3(1sdatedOctober8,ISgg}(July September 19, 1986,t 5,1988,}i l2;/ and May985,1 'l August 28 15,1989.(37)

2. EVALUATION OF INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN 2.1 Introduction The approach being taken in this evaluation is to review the applicable program documents to determine the adequacy of their response to Code requirements and any license conditions pertinent to ISI activities. The rest of this section describes the submittals reviewed, the basic require-ments of the effective Code, and the appropriate license conditions. The results of the review are then described. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are given.

2.2 Documents Evaluated A chon0 logy of documents on ONS-1, -2, and -3 ISI is given in Sectio 1 of this report.

The key documents that impggt this ISI program evaluation are (1) r to the Revision 5oftheISIprogram,W1(2)the1jgnge'g'4gsgnyi(3)the staff's requests for additional information,t > *

  • staff's previous Safety Evaluation Reports on(4) ISI,'4the relief requests, and (5) to a lesser extent, the previous submittals on the first interval ISI program.

2.3 Summary of Reouirements The requirements on which this review is focused include the following:

(1) Comoliance with Acolicable Code Editions. The Inservice Inspection Program shall be based on the Code editions defined in 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4) and 10 CFR 50.55a(b). The licensee for ONS-1,

-2, and -3 has written the first interval program to the 1980 Edition with addenda through Winter 1980. These Code requirements are summarized in 2.3.1 below and detailed Code requirements are given in Appendix A. The 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda, is-to be used for selecting Class 2 welds in systems providing the functions of residual heat removal, emergency core cooling, and containment heat removal. This is a requirement of 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(iv)(A).

3 .

(2) Acceptability of the Examinalj,on Samnh. Inservice volumetric, surface, and visual examinations shall be performed on ASME Code


Class 1 and 2 components and their supports using sampling schedules-described in Section XI of the ASME Code and 10 CFR 50.55a(b). Sample size designations are identified as part of the Code requirements-given in Appendix A. ,

(3) Exclusion Criteria. The criteria used to exclude components from examination shall be consistent with IWB-1220, IWC-1220, IWD-1220, and 10 CFR 50.55a(b).

(4) PSI Commitments. The Inservice Inspection Program should address all license -conditions, qualified acceptance conditions, or other ISI-related commitments described in the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) and its supplements-for the preservice examination.

2.3.1 Code Requirements The following requirements are summarized from the 1980 Edition of Section XI with addenda through Wintar 1980. .Many requirements call for the examinations of all areas, while other requirements specify more limited examinations based on criteria such as representative percentage, components examined under.other categories, material thickness, location relative to other welds or discontinuities, and; component function and construction.

For detailed requirements, see Appendix A of this report or the Code itself.

2.3.. 1 Class 1 Reouirements. The following Class I components are to l be examined in the first interval in accordance with Table IWB-2500-1:

1) ' Pressure-Retaining Welds in Reactor Vessels

! (2) Pressure-Retaining Welds ~in Vessels Other than Reactor Vessels l- (3) Full Penetration Welds of Nozzles in Vessels i (4) Pressure-Retairing Partial Penetration Welds in Vessels (5) Pressure-Retaining Dissimilar Metal Welds (6) -Pressure-Retaining Bo' ting, Greater than 2 in. Diameter (7) Pressure-Fotaining Bolting, 2 in, and Less in Diameter (8) Integral Attachments for Vessels l (9) Pressure-Retaining Welds in Piping l

(10) Integral Attachments for Piping, Pumps, and Valves (11) P6mp Casings ana Valve Bodies, including Pressure-Retaining j_

Welds (12) Interior of Reactor Vessel, including Integrally Welded Core l Support Structures, Interior Attachments, and Removable Core l Support Structures 4

(13) Pressure-Retaining Welds in Control Rod Housings (14) All Pressure-Retaining Components - Pressure Tests


(15) Steam Generator Tubing. Class 2 Recuirements. The following Class 2 components are to be examined in the first interval in accordance with Table IWC-2500-1:

(1) Pressure-Retaining Welds in Pressure Vessels (2) Pressure-Retaining Nozzle Welds in Vessels (3) Integral Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps, and Valves t (4) Pressure-Retaining Bolting Greater than 2 in. Diameter (5) Pressure-Retaining Welds in Piping 1 (6) Pressure-Retaining Welds in Pumps and Valves (7) All Pressure-Retaining Components - Pressure Tests.

L Class 3 Reouirements. The following Class 3 reactor-connected and associated systems are to be examined in the first interval

_ in accordance with IWD-2500-1:

(1) Systems in Support of Reactor Shutdown function (2) Systems in Support of Emergency Core Cooling, Containment Heat Removal, Atmosphere Cleanup, and Reactor Residual Heat Removal (3) Systems in Support of Residual Heat Removal from Spent Fuel Storage Pool. Comoonent Suocorts. The following examination and inspection of component supports are to be examined in the first interval in accordance with IWF-2500-1:

(1) Plate and Shell type Supports (2) Linear Type Supports (3) Component Standard Supports.

2.3.2 License Conditions No PSI program was required at ONS-1, 2, and 3 based on a construction permit date-of November 6,1967. As a result, there are no license con-ditions related to PSI. However, the augmented examination described below has been deemed necessary by the NRC staff pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)


KY 5

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The High Pressure Injection (HPI) System in Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) designed facilities, contains a high pressure injection nozzle-to-cold 1,eg junction in each of the four reactor coolant system cold legs. The system is used to provide coolant for emergency core cooling and to supply normal makeup (MU) to the reactor coolant system during plant operation. In early 1982, a generic cracking problem in the HPl/MU nozzle assemblies was ,

discovered in B&W facilities, and subsequent inspections revealed cracking at Oconee Units 2 and 3. An in-depth study was undgr ken by the B&W Owners Group and a report was submitted February 15, 1983.l4 gi This report recommended rerolling thermal sleeves, repairing or replacing damaged com-ponents, operational modifications, and an augmented inservice inspection plan. The NRC staff agreed with the r in a memo dated November 30, 1983.(46)ecommendations of the B&W Owners Group 2.4 Comoliance with Reouirements 2.4.1 Applicable Code Edition The inservice inspection program must comply (10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4)(i))

with the requirements of the latest edition and addenda of Section XI incorporatedinto10CFR50.55aonthedate12monthsbeforg7the the interval. The licensee requested on December 2, 1983,( 1 thestart of approval of a common ISI interval start date of April 1,1984, for all three Oconee units. This request was approved by the NRC on November 7, 1984.(48)

Subsegyggttothisapproval,thelicenseesubmittedarequestonJanuary23, 1986,U / to move the interval start date back by one month to March 1, 1984. SAIC recommends that the March 1, 1984 start date be approved (see relief request evaluation in Section 3.5.3 of this report). Based on a March 1,1984 start for the second interval, the applicable Code for ONS-1,

-2, and -3 is the 1980 Edition of Section XI with addenda through Winter 1980. -

Section 1,0 of the ISI plan states that examinations of ONS-1, -2, and

-3 Class 3 components included in Examination Category D-B will be selected in accordance with Table IWD-2500-1 of the 1980 Edition through Winter 1982 addenda. Use of this later Code edition is acceptable, provided all related requirements of the later addenda are met, per 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4)(iv).

The licensee has not explicitly stated in the ISI plan that 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(iv)(A) is being complied with. This regulation requires the use of the 1974 Edition of Section XI through Summer 1975 Addenda for selection of Class 2 piping welds in residual heat removal, emergency core cooling, and containment heat removal systems. A review of the examination listings and drawings in the ISI plan has been performed, and it appears that the licensee is complying with 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(iv)(A) for this interval.

The licensee has indicated his intention in Section 1.2.2 of the ISI plan to apply Code Case N-356 to the first ISI interval at GNS-1, -2, and

-3. The licensee formally requested permission to apply Code Case N-356 6 .

'N by letterdated datedMay February 28, g1.(49) The NRC staff approved this request by letter 16, 1989.L This Code Case extends the recertifica-tion period of Level III NDE personnel from 3 to 5 years, and is approve ~d for use in Regulatory GJide 1.147, Revision 7. It is therefore recommended that the licensee be allowed to use Code Case N-356 for recertification of Level III NDE personnel.

2.4.2 Code Requirements The first 1 theISIprogram.9{ervalISIprogramofrecordiscontainedinRevision5of

\O The ISI prograa submitted was reviewed (exclusive of pump and valve testing) and the following observations were noted:

The Inservice Inspection Program for ONS-1, -2, and -3 identifies appropriate Code classes for each component of the power plant.

Examination instructions and procedures, including diagrams or system i

drawings identifying the extent of areas of components subject to examina-tion, have been prepared. They are listed in the ISI program component tables, cross-referenced to weld and hanger isometrics and component identification drawings, and marked on pipe and instrument drawings (P& ids).

Examinations and tests are to be performed and evaluated and the results recorded ~providing a basis for evaluation and comparison with the results of subsequent examinations as required by Code.

Visual, surface, and volumetric examinations are defined as specified by Code.

Exemptions from examination meet Code specifications IWB-1220, IWC-1220, and IWD-1220. Replacements are performed to IWA-7000.

Examination requirements, methods, acceptance standards, inspection u

intervals, . deferrals, the selection of items to be examined, the number of items to be examined, and the examination fraction of each weld inspected meet the requirements of Tables IWB-2500-1, IWC-2500-1, IWD-2500-1, and IWF-2500-2.

2.4.3 Preservice Inspection Commitments There are no license conditions related to PSI at ONS-1, -2, and -3.

However, the NRC has required an augmented inspection of HPI/MU nozzle assemblies as discussed in Section 2.3.2 of this report. In order to address this augmented inspection, the licensee has scheduled volumetric examination of all HPI/MU safe ends at least twice during the 10-year interval areach unit. The nozzle-to-pipe welds and nozzle-to-safe end l

welds are also inspected as part of the normal ISI weld inspection program.

The augmented inservice inspection program is subject to review by the NRC staff.


l 2.5 Conclusions and Recommendations i Based on the preceding evaluation, it is concluded that the Oconee '

Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3 ISI program meets the requirements of both the Codo and the NRC regulations.



The following additional conclusions are made concerning the second interval ISI plan.

The licensee requested on December 2,1983(47) the approval of a common ISI interval start date of April 1,1984, for all thr This requestwasapprovedbytheNRConNovember7,1984.(po)Oconeeunits. Subs 9g approval, the licensee submitted a request on January 23,19860ggnttothi: 1 to move the interval start date back by one month to March 1, 1984. The January 23, 1986 relief request is evaluated in Section 3 of this report. It is recommended that the March 1, 1984 start date for the second interval be approved.

Category D-B examinations will be performed according to the 1980 Edition, Winter 1982 Addenda. Use of this later Code edition is acceptable, provided all related requirsinents of the later addenda tre met, per 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4)(iv).

In a letter dated February 28,1989,(49) the licensee requested permissiontoapplyCodeCase(g0}1- 56 to the gave ISI plan for 0N3-1, -2, and -3.

By letter datec May 16, 1989, the NRC approval to the licensee to use Code Case N-356. Subsequently, Revision 7 of Regulatory Guide 1.147 was issued, listing Code Case N-356 as generally acceptable to the NRC staff.

It is therefore permissible for the licensee to apply Code Case N-356 in determining the recertification period for Level III NDE personnel.

The iicensee committed in Reference 43 to review all relief requests for hydrostatic testing submitted in the first interval for applicability to the second interval, and to resubmit those relief requests for the second interval if required. Any relief requests submitted by the licensee that are not considered in the TER will require review by the staff.

3. REQUESTS FOR RELIEF FROM ASME CODE SECTION XI EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS Thirty-two second-interval relief requests have been identified that require review. Nineteen of these are requests for relief from hydrostatic

( testing following repairs. The following sections evaluate these pending relief requests.

Where relief is recommended in the following report section, it is l done so on the assumption that the proposed alternative examination and all applicable Code examinations for which relief has not been requested will be performed on the subject component. Where additional examinations beyond proposed alternatives and Code requirements are deemed necessary, these are included as conditions for recommending relief.


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The material included _in the_ paragraphs titled Code Relief Reauest. '

Pronosed Alternative ExaminB112D. and Licensee's Basis for Recuestina Relief, is quoted directly from the relief request except for minor editorial changes such as removing references to figures and tables not included in this report.

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1 3.1 CLASS 1 COMP 0NENTS 3.1.1 Reactor Vessel Relief Recuest ONS-001. Nozzle-to-Safe End and Safe End:t; aioe -

Welds. Units 1. 2. and 3 Cateaory B-F. Item B5.10 Code Recuirement All nozzle-to-safe end and safe end-to-pipe welds in cominal pipe size 4 in. or greater in the reactor vessel shall be surface and volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB 2500-8 during each inspection interval. The safe end weld examinations may be performed coincident with the vessel nozzle examinations required by Category B-D. Dissimilar metal welds between combinations of (a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steels, (b) carbon or low alloy steels to high nickel alloys, and (c) high alloy steel to high nickel alloys are included.

Code Relief Recuest Relief is requested from surface examinations of circumferen-tial welds for the two core flood nozzle-to-safe end welds at each unit.

Proposed Alternative Examination Welds will be inspected by UT from the inside surface. ,

Licensee's Basis for Recuestina Relief Approximately 40 man-hours would be required to prepare each of the two core flood nozzle safe ends for inspection. The preparation would involve removal of the refueling canal seal plate,-

shielding bricks, shielding supports in the nozzle area, and insu-lation. The radiation levels in this area are expected to be 0.5 to 1 R/hr. An alternative approach is to enter from the bottom of the vessel and build a scaffold approximately 30 ft high to reach the nozzles. This approach would require approximately 80 man-hours, 40 in the 0.5 to 1 R/hr area and the other 40 in the 1-2 R/hr radiation present at the bottom of the reactor vessel, for a total exposure of 60-120 man-rem. Shielding is considered impractical in this area.

Any remote inspection would require practically the same preparation work.


a me 1

Evaluation The core flood tanks inject water directly into the react ~or vessel following a break in the primary pressure-retaining boundary, thereby providing a vital source of water for reactor core cooling.

Assurance that the welds and base metal in the core flood system are ,

structurally sound must therefore be provided by either performing the required examinations or an alternative that will provide equivalent or superior results. The increase in safety achieved by performing the required surface examination or an equivalent alternative outweighs the impracticalities cited by the li:ensee.

The licensee has not provided sufficient technical justifica-tion that the proposed volumetric examination will detect 03 flaws.

Therefore, to provide the degree of assurance necessary tFat outside diameter (00) flaws will be detected, the licensee should either (1) demonstrate that OD flaws can be detected using the proposed alternative volumetric examination or (2) perform the surface examination as required. If the licensee chooses the first option, he should clearly demonstrate to the NRC staff that the actual procedure and instrument that would be used in the examination would detect OD flaws in the existing configuration. This demonstration should prove that 00 flaws can be detected of the type which would be expected to be detected by the required surface examination on the subject safe-end welds. Demonstration of detection of machined calibration notches in a basic calibration block is not adequate for this purpose.

Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that relief should be granted only if the licensee demonstrates by the next refueling outage that the actual procedure and instrument that would be used in the proposed examination would detect OD flaws in the existing configuration. If he cannot demonstrate to the satisfac-tion of NRC that the proposed examination would detect OD flaws, relief should be denied.

References References 9, 12, 13, and 41.

11 ,

3.1.2 Pressurizer No relief requests. -

3.1.3 Heat Exchangers and Steam Generators No relief requests.

3.1.4 Piping Pressure Boundary Relief Reauest ONS-002. Nozzle-to-Pioe Welds. Units 1. 2. and 3 Cateaory B-J. Item 89.11 Code Reauirement For circumferential welds with nominal pipe size 4 in, and greater, surface plus volumetric examinations in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 shall be performed during each inspection interval on essentially 1007,of the weld. The examination shall include the following:

(a) All terminal ends in each pipe or branch run connected to vessels.

(b) All terminal ends ar.d joints in each pipe or branch run connected to other components where the stress levels exceed the following limits under loads associated with specific seismic events and operational conditions:

(1) primary plus secondary stress intensity range of 2.4S* for ferritic steel and austenitic steel, and (2) cumulative usage factor U of 0.4.

(c) All dissimilar metal welds between combinations of:

. (1) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steels, l

! (2) carbon or low alloy steels to high nickel alloys, and i

l (3) high alloy steels to high nickel alloys.

l (d) Additional piping welds so that the total equals 257. of the circumferential joints in the reactor coolant piping system.

This total does not include welds excluded by IWB-1220.

12 l

\ , . - . - , , .

sA These additional welds may be located in one loop (one loop is currently defined for both PWR and BWR plants in the 1980 Edition). -

for welds in carbon or low alloy steels, only those welds showing reportable preservice transverse indications need be examined for transverse reflectors.

  • Code Relief Reouest Relief is requested from surface examinations of circumfer-ential welds for four inlet and two outlet nozzle-to pipe welds in the- Reactor System.

Proposed Alternative Examinatign Welds will be volumetrically examined from the vessel 10 using an immersion ultrasonic technique, which will not require access to the 00 surface of the weld. The outlet' nozzle-to-pipe welds will be inspected during the first ' ,spection period of the second interval.

The inlet nozzle-to-pipe welds will be inspected during the third inspection period of the second interval.

Licensee's Basis for Reouestina Relief There are four inlet and two outlet nozzle-to-pipe welds in each Oconee Reactor Coolant System. These nozzles are SA 508 Class 2r welded to A106 Gr. C pipe. The inlet nozzle welds are 33.5 in.

diameter, 2.33 in, nominal wall thickness, and the outlet nozzles are 36 in diameter, 2.86 in, nominal wall thickness. Preparing these welds for surface-inspection will require removal of the refueling canal seal plate, shielding bricks, shielding supports in the nozzle areas, and insulation. This would require approximately 300 man-hours of work in a 700-1000 m-rem / hour area for each unit.

Sheilding would be impractical in this area due to the limited space and close proximity to the reactor vessel.



The licensee has proposed to eliminate the surface examination but to perform a volumetric examination conducted from the reactor vessel 10. The examination volume was not specified by the licensee. This alternative volumetric examination is not, however, sufficient in itself to provide the degree of assurance necessary that 00 flaws will be detected. The increase in safety achieved 13

- =. - - . . .

l 1

i I

, by performing the required surface examination or an equivalent I alternative outweighs the impracticalities cited by the licensee.

The licensee should either (1) demonstrate that OD flaws can be detected using the proposed alternative volumetric examination or (2) perform the surface examination as required. If the licensee chooses the first option, he should clearly demonstrate to the NRC

  • staff that the actual procedure and instrument that would be used in the examination would detect OD flaws in the existing configuration.

Relief from the surface examination should only be granted if the licensee can make this demonstration to the satisfaction of the NRC staff.

The demonstration should prove that 00 flaws can be detected of the type which would be expected to be detected by the required surface examination on the subject welds. Demonstration of detection of machined calibration notches in a basic calibration block is not adequate for this purpose.

In addition, the alternative examination schedule that the licensee has proposed does not meet the minimum requirements for examinations to be completed during the second inspection period of the second interval as described in Table IWB-2412-1 of Section XI.

The licensee, whether the first or second option is followed, should l conform to the Table IWB-2412-1 schedule requirements.

l l Conclusions and Recommendations 1

l Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that relief l should only be granted if the licensee meets both of the following l conditions:

l (a) demonstrates that the actual procedure an'd instrument that I

would be used in the proposed examination would detect OD flaws in the existing configuration, and-

! (b) performs the examination in accordance with the schedule I

requirements given in Table IWB-2412-1.

l References l References 9, 12, 13, and 41.

14 l

3.1.5 Pump Pressure Boundary Relief Recuests ONS-007 and 0NS-008. Unit 2 and 3. Reactor Coolant Pumo Casina Welds and Internal Surfaces. Units 2 and 3. Catraories -

B-L-1 and B L-2. Items B12.10 and B12.20

[q11 Reouirements Pumo Casina Welds. Item 812.10 Essentially .t00% of the lengths of the pressure-retaining welds in at least one puap in each group of pumps performing similar functions in the system (e.g., recirculating coolant pumps) shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-16 during each inspection interval. A supplementary surface examination may be performed as required in IWB-3518.1(d). The examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval.

Pgmo Casinos, item B12.20 The internal surfaces of at least one pump in each group of pumps performing similar functions in the system (e.g., recircu-lating coolant pumps) shall be visually examined (VT-3) during each inspection interval. The examination may be performed on the same pump selected for volumetric examination of welds. The examinations may be performed at or near the end f the inspection interval.

C' ode Relief Reauest Relief is requested from the requirements to examine 100% of the pump pressure retaining welds and internal surfaces.

Proposed Alternative Examination The remaining portion of the casing can be visually and volumetrically inspected and the results of this portion of the inspection should be indicative of what conditions exist in the inaccessible areas.


j. Licensee's Basis for Reouestino Relief The pressure-retaining welds in Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) Al (Unit 3) and A2 (Unit 2) were inspected in the third inspection period of the first 10-year interval. Due to maintenance activities 15

j in the first inspection period of the second 10 year interval, on RCP B1 (Unit 3) and the second inspection period of the second 10-year interval on RCP Al (Unit 2), the pressure retaining weld of the pump casing was accessible for inspection. The RCPs for Units 2 and 3 are manufactured by Bingham yilliamette Company and designed in such a way that a large portion of the internal pressure boundary is inaccessible for visual inspection, and small areas at the outer

  • edges of the volume are inaccessible for volumet*ic inspection using <

radiography. The area on the inride radius of the discharge nozzle is too thick (approximately 14-in.) to inspect with any available technique. Ultrasonic inspection is impractical due to the pump casing being composed of cast stainless steel having characteristics of large grain size and high attenuation.

Evaluation Because of the Bingham Williamette design of the Ur.its 2 and 3 RCPs, it is impractical to volumetrically examine 1007, of the casing welds anc' visually examine 1007, of the internal pressure bou.1dary surface. The licensee has proposed to perform tie required exami-nations to it.e maximum extent practical. The welds and surface area which can be examined are sufficient to determine the general-condition of the pump and, along with the Code required hydrostatic test and pump testing as required by IWP, will provide necessary assurance of structural reliability. Therefore, relief is recommended. j Conclusions and Recommendations

- Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that for the examinations discussed above, the Code requirements are impractical.

It is further concluded that the proposed alte' native examinations will provide necessary assurance of structural reliability. There-fore, relief is recommended as requested.

References References 12, 25 and 35.

3.1.6 Valve Pressure Boundary  ;

No relief requests, '

i 16 l


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3.2.1 Pressure Vessels .

No relief requests.  !

3.2.2 Piping Pressure Boundary Relief Reouest ONS 006. Containment Sorav System and Reactor Buildina Emeraency Sumo Pinino Welds _. Units 1. 2. and 3  ;

Cateoory C-F. Item C5.ll_liateaory C F. Item C2.1 in 74S751 Code-Reouirement Table IWC 2520, Category C F in the 1974 Summer 1975 Edition of Section XI requires 100% examination of circumferential butt welds at :tructural discontinuities and circumferential butt welds  ;

in piping within 3 pipe diameters of the centerline of rigid pipe  ;

anchors or anchors at the penetration of the primary ranctor con-tainment, or at rigidly anchored components. IWC 2411(e) requires that 25% of the required Nelds be examined during the first interval, with a different 25% examined for each successive interval. In accordance with the 1980 Winter 1980 Code, the examination method required is a surface examination in accordance with Figure IWC 2500-7 for welds in piping of nominal wall thickness 1/2-inch or less.

Code Relief Reouest Relief is requested from surface examination of Containment '

Spray System piping beyond valves BS 14 and BS 19 to containment spray nozzles and piping from the reactor building emergency sump to valves LP 19 and LP 20.

Proposed Alternative Examination The license has proposed no alternative examination.

Licensee's Basis for Reouestino Relief l

The piping of the Reactor Building Spray System from valves BS 14 and BS-19, which runs vertically and adjacent to the Reactor l

Building wall to the spray nozzles at the building dome, makes the required examination difficult and dangerous to perform. The l

l l 17 l -

l l

- a piping from the reactor building emergency sump to valves LP 19 and tP 20 is embedded in concrete and is inaccessible for the required examination.

The design pressure of the piping is within the limit for .

exemption under IWC 1220(b); however, the design temperature is not.

Although the design temperature of the piping is 3000F, analysis indicates that the maximum temperature of the fluid to be contained within the piping following the Dssign Basis accident is 2500F and that the fluid temperature will drop below 2000F within 25 hours2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br /> after the Design Basis accident. In sum, the subject piping is not normally subjected to the design conditions noted and would only be operated in excess of 2000 F for approximately 25 hours2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br /> following a Design Basis accident.

Evaluation for the subject containment spray piping, relief is not recommended since the licensee's description of " difficult and dangerous" is not sufficient justification for declaring the Code requirements impractical.

For the portions of reactor building emergency sump line that is encased in concrete, ability to volumetrically and/or surface examine these wolds is restricted by not having access to the out-side surface. Alternatively, performance of flow tests required by IWC-5221 and IWC-5222 would provide adequate assurance of .

structural reliability for this interval.

The ASME Code Committee has addressed the subject nf open ended portions of systems in Code Case N 408 (approved by ASME, July 12, 1984). Code Case N 408 is as follows:

Inquiry: When determining the components subject to examination and establishing the examination requirements for Class 2 piping under Section XI, what alternative exemptions to those stated in IWC-1220 and what alternative examination requirements to those stated in IWC 2500, Category C F, may be used?

Reply: Paragraph (a)(6) of the reply exempts pi)ing and other components of any size beyond the last sautoff valve in open ended systems (or portions of systems) of RHR, ECC,

_, and CHR systems that do not contain water during normal plant operating conditions from the volumetric and surface examination requirements of IWC 2500.

I Code Case N-408 has been referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 6, dated May 1988. Therefore. Code Case N 408 is acceptable for use in current or updated inservice inspection i

l L

18 i 1

L programs. This regulatory position provides an exclusion from.

volumetric or surf ace examination for ASME Code Class 2 piping and other components of any site beyond the last shutoff valve '

in open ended portions of systems that do not contain water during normal plant operating conditions. .

Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, the following is concluded-(a) for the subject containment spray piping, the licensee has not provided sufficient justification for declarin; the Code requirements impractical. Therefore, relief .s not recommended for this piping. ,

(b) for the portion of the emergency sump line that is embedded in concrete, relief is recommended, provided that i

, the flow tests required by IWC 5221 and IWC 5222 are performed. ,

-The licensee should review the provisions of Code Case N 408 as stated above for possible applicability to the open ended piping for which relief is requested, t'

References References 12 and 16.


3.2.3 Pump Pressure Boundary No relief requests.

I 3.2.4 Valve Pressure Boundary i

No relief requests.





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3.3 CLASS 3 COMPONENTS No relief requests.

3.4 PRESSURE TESTS 3.4.1 Class 1 Components i

3.4,1.1 Relief Reauest ONS 005. Hydrostatic Test of Reactor Coolant System.


Units 1. 2. and 3. Cateaory B 9 Item B15.51 Code Reauirement The piping pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined (VT-2) during, the system hydrostatic test performed in accordance with IWB 5222 once per inspection interval. The -

pressure retaining boundary during the test shall include all Class I 1 components within the system boundary. The examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval. System pressure tests of the reactor coolant system shall be conducted in accordance with IWA 5000. System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or altered components shall be governed by IWA 5214(c).

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from the Code hydrostatic tests of the following pipe sections in the Reactor Coolant System:

Piping between valves IRC 4 and IRC 66 (SYS 50, 150 47, Unit 1) 2RC 4 and 2RC-06 SYS 50, 150 44, Unit 2 3RC 4 and 3RV 67 SYS 50, ISO 45 Unit 3 Proposed Alternative Examination '

There is one 3 in. NPS, 0.438 in, wall weld, and one 2 1/2 in.

RPS, 0.375 in, wall weld between each set of valves. Both weldt in each unit will receive a liquid penetrant inspection at or neer'the end of the in pection interval. This insrection will be done in addition to any other ISI inspections perforned on the sysicm.


4  ;

P Ljcensee's Basis for Reauestinn Relief 4

Personnel safety requirements call for valve RC 4 to be closed during reactor coolant system pressure tests. This valve would have

- to be open to produce hydrostatic test conditions at valve RC 66 (or .

valve RV 67). -

0 Evaluation The subject section of piping is in the pressurizer relief piping. Valves 1, 2, and 3RC 4 are gate valves which are open during normal operation, but are closed during hydrostatic testing. ,

Valves IRC 66, 2RC 66, and 3RV 67 are relief valves which cannot be '

exposed to the reactor coolant system hydrostatic test pressure for

)ersonnel safety reasons. There are two welds (3 in, and 2 1/2 in.)

setween the two valves. The licensee has proposed to perform a ,

liquid penetrant examination on the subject wolds at or near the end of the-inspection interval.

The proposed alternative examination, along with the Code- L required system leakage test each refueling outage, will provide adequate assurance nf structural reliability.

1 Conclusions and Recommendations

, Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that for the examinations discussed above, the Code requirements are imprac-tical, it is further concluded that the proposed alternative examinations will provide necessary added assurance of structural reliability. Therefore, relief is recommended as requested. ,

References References 9, 12, 13, and 41.


_ ._. _ . . .._ _ .__ _ _ _ ..._.__ __._. _ __...m._._,._ _ _ ._. __, tildtpstatic Testina of Class 1 Renair Welds Associated with ,

Valve ILP-46. Unit 1. lWA 44a0 Cnde Reauirement IWA 4440 states that after repairs by welding on the pressure-retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with !WA 5000. !WA 5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test subsequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressure and temperature specified in !WB 5222, IWC 5222. and IWD 5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from the requirement of hydrostatic testing following the maintenance or modifications concerning a 1 1/2 in, check valve, number ILP 46.

Proposed Alternative Examination it is pro)osed to liquid penetrant test the stainless steel socket welds t1at replaced valve ILP 46. Addition . , visual examination for leakage at system operating temper..ure and pressure will be performed.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief l

Hydrostatic testing is impractical and uneconomical because the entire pressurizer would have to be pres urized to perform the test.

Evaluation Valve ILP-46 is an alarm check valve in a 1-1/2 inch pipe. To perform the required hydrostatic test, the entire pressurizer would rieed to be pressurized. The licensee has proposed to pjrform a surface examination and a visual examination for leakage at system operating temperature and pressure in lieu of the required i hydrostatic test. This examination is acceptabic for aC partial l penetration welds. If there are full penetration repair welds associated with valve ILP 46, a volumetric examination should be performed.


l I

Conclusions and Recommendations .  :

Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that for the j examinations discussed above, the Code requirements are impractical, e It is further concluded that the alternative examinations discussed ,

above will provide necessary added assurance of structural reliability. Therefore, relief is recommended provided all full penetration welds are volumetrically examined.


References Reference 15, t

i f

.I k


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  • vft -

i Hydrostatic Testina of C1 J utt_LRemir Welds Associated XjlLLg Pressure In_iection System Valve 2LP 45. Unit 2.1WA 444Q Code Reauirements IWA 4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA 5000. !WA 5214(b) requires that 1 the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test l subsequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with <

the system test pressure and temperature specified in !WB-5222, IWC 5222, and !WD 5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

i Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from hydrostatic testing of repair welds associated with the Low Pressure Injection System.

Proposed Alternative Examination 2LP 45 will be inspected in accordance with IWA 5211(b) during i the next Unit 2 cold shutdown of sufficient duration.

Ltcensee's Basis for Reauestino Relief 2LP-45 is used to cool down the pressurizer while shutting down the reactor. It is not utilized during normal operations. Thus, testing of 2LP 45 during operation would cause a depressurization event.

Evaluation In the licensee's May 15,1989(37) response to the staff's request for additional information, the licensee states that Valve 2LP 45 has subsequently been replaced by Valve 2LP 131. Any repair welds associated with Valve 2LP 45 therefore apparently no longer exist. Even though it is apparent that the Code requi-ements were not met for these repair welds while they existed, it is concluded that relief is no lon er required. Relief from the rq welds of Valve 2LP-13 was submitted March 7, 1988,(J' placement l and this relief request is evaluated elsewhere in this report (see Section



, _, , ~. __ _ __ _ _

Conclusions and Recommenda11gni .

4 4

Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that for the  !

repair welds discussed above, relief is no longer required. l i

References ,

References 30, 32, and 37.

i i

. I 1





2 I


r Hydrostatic Testina of Class 1 ReDair Welds Associated with Hiah Pressure iniection System Valve 2HP 188. Unit __2, lWA-4440 Code Reauirement

  • IWA 4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA-5000. IWA 5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test subsequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressure and temperature specified in IWB 5222,

!WC 5222, and IWD 5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replacco component.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from hydrostatic testing of repair welds associated with High Pressure injection System Valve 2HP-188.

Procosed Alternative Examination 2HP 188 will be inspected in accordance with IWA-5211(b) during the next Unit 2 refueling outage (end of Cycle 9). The inspection will be performed during check valve testing on 2HP 152 and 2HP-153 (as specified in the Oconee Nuclear Station Inservice Inspection Program Manual).

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief Pressure testing of 2HP-188 during normal operation would unnecessarily cause an additional thermal cycle on the B loop injection nozzles.

Evaluation Valve 2HP-188 is a 4 inch check valve in the high pressure injection charging piping. The licensee has pro)osed to perform a system functional test (!WA 5211(b)) on the su) ject welds, rather than a required hydrostatic test. The subject welds are not isolable from the reactor coolant system, rendering a hydrostatic test impractical. It is therefore recommended that a surface examination be performed on all partial penetration repair welds and volumetric examinations be performed on all full penetration 26

. _ - - . ~ _ - .

, repair welds associated with Valve ?HP 188. This examination,.

along with the proposed system functional tost and the Code required

, hydrostatic test as part of the 10+ year _151 plan, will provide necessary assurance of structural reliability. Therefore, reitef is recommended. -

ponclusions and Recomme_ndations  !

I Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that for- l

! the hydrostatic test discussed above, the Code requirements are impractical. It is further concluded that the alternative examination discussed above will provide necessary assurance of 1 structural reliability. Therefore, relief is recommended. provided  ;

(a) for partial penetration repair welds, a surface t examination is performed, (b) for full penetration repair welds, a volumetric l examination is performed, and.

(c) a visual examination is performed at operating temperature and pressure, References Reference 30. 3 s



[ 27

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ - _ - _ - - - - - -+ Hydrostatic Testina of Class 1 and 2 Regair Welds Associatd.xtit Lgw Pressure In.iection System Valves LP 131. LP 132. and LP 13L Units 1 and 2. IWA-4440 Code Recuirement IWA 4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be l performed in accordance with IWA 5000. !WA 5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test susequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressures and temperatures specified in IWB 5222, IWC 5222, and IWD 5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

Code Relief Recuest

-Relief is requested from performing hydrostatic testing on repair welds associated with Low Pressure injection System Valves LP 131, LP 132, and LP 133 at Units 1 and 2.

Procosed Alternative Examination A liquid penetrant examination and an inservice leak inspection at operating temperature and pressure will be performed to verify the integrity of the welds.

Licensee's Basis for Recuestina Relief l

It is impractical to perform a hydrostatic test of the welds I

associated with installation of Valves LP 131, LP 132, and LP-133.

{ The piping and welds associated with the installation of these valves cannot be isolated from the reactor coolant system.

Hydrostatic testing of these valves would unnecessarily place additional hydrostatic test cycles on the reactor coolant system.

Evaluation l -Valves LP 131, -132, and -133 are identically configured at Unit I and Unit 2. Valve LP-131 is a-l 1/2-inch Class I check valve. Valves LP-132 and LP 133 are 1 1/2 inch Class 2 gate valves,-

normally closed. The piping is designed for 2500 psig and 3000F.

Due to the arrangement of check valves, the subject valves cannot 28

i J

be isolated from the reactor coolant system for hydrostatic testing rendering such tests linpractical, The licensee has proposed to p6rform a dye penetrant test and a visual examination at system pressure and temperature.

l Code Case N 416, which has been referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.147. Revision 6, dated May 1988, gives alternate examination requirements for Class 2 piping after repair or replacement. Accor-ding to Code Case N 416, hydrostatic test of a repair or replacement on Class 2 piping that cannot be isolated by existing valves or that requires securing safety or relief valves may be deferred until the next regularly scheduled system hydrostatic test, provided both of the following conditions are met:

(a) prior to or immediately upon returning to service, a visual examination (VT 2) for leakage shall be conducted dring a system functional test or during a system inservice test in the repaired or ieplaced portion of the piping system, and  !

(b) the repair or replacement welds shall be exmained in accordance with IWA 7000 using volumetric examination methods (lWA 2230) for full penetration welds or surface examination methods (!WA-2220) for partial penetration welds.

4 Code Case N-416 is referenced in Section 1.2 of the ISI plant '

however, the licensee has not predded sufficient information to determine if the repair areas are partial or full penetration welds.

If the Class 2 repair areas covered under this relief request are partial penetration welds, the provisions of Code Case N 416 are being met, and relief is not required. -!f any of the subject Class 2 repair welds are full penetration welds, the volumetric examination requirements of Code Case N 416 should be performed.

It is recommended that the Class 1 repair we is covered under this relief request comply with the same requireme. ts discussed above for Class 2 welds.

! C.20clusions and Recommendations I

Based on the above evaluation, the following is concluded:

(a) If the repair areas are partial penetration welds,

, - the proposed examinations for the Class 2 ropairs meet l the requirements of Code Case N 416, and relief is not required,.and for the Class 1 repairs, relief is recommended as requested.


.. . _ _ _ . . - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~. _ ____.____

1 (b) If the repair areas are full penetration welds, the,

, volumetric examinations required by Code Case N 416 should be performed on both the Class 1 and Class 2 welds. ,

. 4 i

References References 27, 31, and 32. 3 t



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3.4.2 Class 2 Components l HydrostdjnTest of han.Stnerator Drain IJnes Af ter Renair.

Vnit 3. Article-IWA:4440 ,

Code Beauirement  :

lWA 4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA.5000. IWA-5214(b) requires that -

the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test '

subsequent to the component *epair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressure and temperature specified in IWB 5222, IWC 5222, and IWD 5223, as applicable to the system which contains '

the repaired or replaced component.  :

T i

Code Relief Reauest s Relief is requested from the hydrostatic testing requirements of Paragraph IWA-4400(a) for the portion of steam generator drain lines betweer. 3A OTSG and 3FDW 144 at Unit 3.

Prooosed Alternative Examination The following alternative examinations will be imposed on the weld repair areas:

(a) The welds will be penetrant tested, then examined during the system pressure test prior to the Unit 3 startup.

(o) The welds will also be inspected during the OTSG/MS line hydro as part of the Inservice Inspection Plan.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief To perform the required hydrostatic test on welds 24C, 25A, and 26A would require the filling of the Steam Generator and Main Steam lines up to the stop valves with water.

Evaluation The subject welds are in the 1-1/2 inch steam generator 3A drain line. The only way to hydrotest the subject lines is- to fill the steam generator secondary side and steam lines to the stop valves with water and pressurize the system to the required 31

1 hydrostatic pressure. The licensee has proposed to perform a dye penetrant test of the repair weld areas and a system pressure test .

prior to plant startup. i Code Case N 416, which has been referenced in Regulatory Guide - .

1.147, Revision 6, dated May 1988, gives alternate examination requirements for Class 2 piping after repair or replacement. Accor-ding to Code Case N-416, hydrostatic test of a repair or replacement on Class 2 piping that cannot be isolated by existing valves or that requires securing safety or relief valves may be deferred until the next regularly scheduled system hydrostatic test provided ooth of the-following conditions are met:

4 (a) prior to or immediately upon returning to service, a visual examination (VT-2) for leakage shall be conducted during a system functional test or during a system inservice test in the repaired or replaced portion of the piping system, and (b) the repair or replacement welds shall be examined in accor-dance with IWA 7000 using volumetric examination methods (IWA-2230) for full penetration welds or surface examination methods (IWA 2220) for partial penetration welds.

Code Case N 416 is referenced in Section 1.2 of the ISI plant '

however, the licensee has not provided sufficient information to determine if the repair areas are partial or full penetration welds.

If the repair areas covered under this relief request are partial penetration welds, the provisions of Code Case N 416 are being met, and relief is not required. If any of the subject repair areas are full penetration welds, the volumetric examination requirements of Code Case N-416 should be performed.

Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, the following is concluded:

(a) If the repair areas are partial penetration welds, the proposed examinations meet the requirements of Code Case N-416, and relief is not required.

(b) If the repair areas are full penetration welds, the volumetric examinations required by Code Case N-416 should be performed.


L References Reference 17.

32 Hydrostatic Testinn of Class 2 Repair Welds Associated jdlh Unit 2 Main Steam Power Operated Valve 2MS 84, Unit 2._1WA 4412 ,

Code Recuirpff;_ni n -

IWA 4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the presture retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with !WA-5000. IWA 5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test subsequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressure and temperature specified in IWB 5222, IWC 5222, and IWD 5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from hydrostatic testing requirements for Unit 2 Main Steam Power Operated Valve 2MS-84 repair welds.

Prooosed Alternative Examination (a) The welds will be 100% radiographed.

(b) The. welds will also be inspected during the OTSG/MS line hydro -

as part of the Inservice Inspection Plan.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief -

To perform the required hydrostatic test would require the filling of the main steam line with water, and would place additional cycles on the steam generator.

Therefore, the licensee requests that Valve 2MS 84 be con-sidered exempt from the requirements of Paragraph IWC 5210(a)(2).

Evaluation Valve 2MS 84 is in a pipe that is 8 in. 10 x 1/2 in. nominal wall thickness. The only way to hydrostatic test the subject lines is to fill the steam generator secondary side and steam lines to the stop valves with water and pressurize the system to the required hydrostatic pressure. The licensee has proposed to perform a radio- '

graphic test of the repair weld areas.

) '.

l I

33 l . . _ --- .- - - - - ~ . - . . - - - . . - . . -- - - - - -

Code Case N 416, which has been referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 6. dated May 1988 gives alternate examination requirements for Class 2 piping after repair or replacement. 'Accor-ding to Code Case N-416, hydrostatic test of a repair or replacement on Class 2 piping that cannot be isolated by existing valves or that requires securing safety or relief valves may be deferred until the .

next regularly scheduled system hydrostatic test provided both of the following conditions are met:

(a) prior to or immediately upon returning to service, a visual examination (VT 2) for leakage shall be conducted during a system functional test or during a system inservice test in the repaired or replaced portion of the piping system, and (b) the repair or replacement welds shall be examined in accor-dance with IWA 7000 using volumetric examination methods  !

(IWA 2230) for full penetration welds or surface examination methods (!WA 2220) for partial penetration welds.

Code Case N-416 is referenced in Section 1.2 of the ISI plan; however, the licensee has not provided sufficient information to determine if the repair areas are partial or full penetration welds, if the repair areas covered under this relief request are full penetration welds, the provisions of Code Case N-416 are being met, and relief is not required. If any of the subject repair areas are partial penetration welds, the surf ace examination requirements of Code Case N 416 should be performed.

Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, the following is concluded:

s-(a) If the repiir areas are full penetration welds, the proposed examinations meet the requirements of Code Case N-416, and relief is not required.

(b) If the repair areas are partial penetration welds, the surface examinations required by Code Case N 416 should be performed.

References Reference 24.

34 Hydrostatic Testino of Clasi 2 Repair Welds Asjociated with low Pressure Servict Water Valve 3LPSW 15. Unit 3. IWA-444Q (ode Recuirement: -

IWA 4440 states that after repairs by welding on the pressure-retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA 5000. IWA-5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test subsequent to the component repair or replacement shali comply with the system <

test pressure and temperature specified in IWB 5222, IWC 5222, and IWD 5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

Code Relief Recuest Relief is requested from hydrostatic testing repair welds associated with Low Pressure Service Water Valve 3LPSW-15.

Proposed Alternat ke Examination A radiographic test will be performed, and an inservice leak inspection will be performed at operating temperature and pressure.

Licensee's Basis for Recuestino Reliqf Isolation valve 3LPSW-108 leaks past the seat. Consequently, in order to further isolate 3LPSW 15, the entire LPSW system must be shut down. Shutting down the LPSW system would require shutting down all three reactors. ,

Evaluation The only way to hydrostatically test the subject welds is to shut down the entire Low Pressure Service Water system, which requires shutting down all three reactors. The licensee has propesed to perform a radiographic examination of the repair weld areas, and a system pressure test prior to startup.

Code Case N 416, which has been referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 6, dated May 1988, gives alternate examination requirements for Class 2 piping after repair or replacement. Accor-ding to Code Case N 416, hydrostatic test of a repair or replacement on Class 2 piping that cannot be isolated by existing valves or that 35

.~ - _. _

requires securing safety or relief valves may be deferred until the next regularly scheduled system hydrostatic test provided both' of the following conditions are met:

(a) prior to or immediately upon returning to service, a visual .

examinatio , (VT-2) for leakage shall be conducted during a system functional test or during a system inservice test in the repaired or replaced portion of the piping system, and (b) the repair or replacement welds shall be examined in accor-dance with IWA-7000 using volumetric examination methods (IWA 2230) for full penetration welds or surface examination methods (IWA 2220) for partial penetration welds.

Code Case N 416 is referenced in Section 1.2 of the 151 plan; however, the licensee has not provided sufficient information to determine if the repair areas are partial or full penetration welds.

If the repair areas covered under this relief request are partial penetration welds, the provisions of Code Case N-416 are being met, and relief is not required. If any of the subject repair areas are full penetration welds, the volumetric examination requirements of Code Case N 416 should be performed.

[pn.clusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, the following is concluded:

(a) If the repair areas are full penetration welds, the proposed examinations meet the requirements of Code Case N 416, and relief is not required.

(b) If the repair areas are partial penetration welds, the surface examinations required by Code-Case N-416 should be performed.

References-References 27 and 37.



, 36 l-

.. - - - _ . - - . - . - - _ _ - - - . _ . ~ . - . - . - - - - Hydrostatic Tesiina of _ Class 2 Repair Welds Anpciated with low Pressure Iniection System Valve 2LP 19. Unit 2. IWA 4440 Code Reautrem?nt - .

lWA 4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure r(;taining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with 1WA 5000, lWA 5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic, test subsequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressure and temperature specified in IWB 5222, IWC-5222, and IWD 5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired o* replaced component. '

Code Relief Reauest P.911ef is requested from hydrostatic testing repair welds associated with low Pressure Injection System Valve 2LP-19.

Proposed Alternative Examination 2LP-19 will be inspected in accordance with IWA 5211(b) during the next Unit 2 refueling outage (end of Cycle 9). The system will be pressurized by installation of a flange on the open end.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief 2LP-19 cannot be pressurized since the system is open ended.

Evaluation l .

Valve 2LP-19 is a 14-in. gate valve that is normally closed with an open-ended discharge to the reactor building sump. There is a flange connection on the open end of the piping to which a blind flange can be attached. The licensee has proposed to perform a system functional test (!WA 5211(b)) on the subject welds with the blind. flange installed. Based on a review of Drawing 0FD 102A 21, Rev. 3, there does not appear to be any reason why the required hydrostatic test (IWC 5222) cannot be performed in place of the system functional test proposed. The licensee should either (1) perform the required hydrostatic test or (2) conduct a nondestruc-l tive examination (surface examination of partial welds, volumetric l examination of full penetration welds) in accordance with alter-native examinations for Class 2 piping given in Code Case N 416.


- - . - . . . - _ . - - - -.----=----.:.-.. --

I Onclusions and Recommendations  !

Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that there is  ;

not sufficient justification for declaring the Code requirements

, impractical. The licensee should perform either of the following -

examinations: *

(a) The required hydrostatic test (!WC-5222) with the blind i flange installed, or  ;

4 (b) Along with the proposed system functional test (IWC-5221(b)), a surface examination of all partial penetration I welds and a volumetric examination of all full penetration i welds should be performed in accordance with Code Case i N 416, References  ;

Reference 30.

t b

ee ~

38 l_

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l Hydrostatic Test of a ReDair to Class 2 feedwater System Weld 308. l Unit 1. IWA 444Q  !

Code Reauirement .

IWA-4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the crossure-retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA-5000. IWA-5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test subsequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressure and temperature specified in IWB 5222, IWC-5222, and IWD 5223, as apnlicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component, j

Cnde Relief Reauest Relief is requested from hydrostatic testing of repairs to Unit I feedwater System Class 2 Weld 308.

Proposed Alternative Examination A VT 2 inspection and a radiograph will be performed on the subject weld. In addition, the weld will be hydrostatically tested as part of the 10 year ISI of feedwater, OTSG, and Main Steam, Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief Performing the required pressure test would require a hydro-static test of the Once Through Steam Generator (OTSG), and associated piping. Hydrostatic testing of the OTSG would require filling the Main Steam lines with water and would unnecessarily plico additional hydrostatic test cycles on the OTSG.

Evaluation The only way to hydrotest the subject weld is to fill the steam generator secondary side and steam lines to the stop valves with water-and pressurize the system to the required _ hydrostatic pressures. The licensee has proposed to perform a radiographic inspection of the repair weld arcas and a system pressure test prior to plant startup.


Code Case N 416, which has been referenced in Ruulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 6. dated May 1988 gives alternate ex1mination requirements for Class 2 piping after repair or replaument. Accor-ding to Code Case N 416, hydrostatic test of a repair ce replacement on Class 2 piping that cannot be isolated by existing volves or that

  • requires securing safety or reitef valves may be deferred until the next regularly scheduled system hydrostatic test provided both of the following conditions are met:

(a) prior to or immediately upon returning to se'vice, a visual examination (VT 2) for leakage shall be conducted during a system functional test or during a system inservice test in the repaired or replaced portion of the piping system, and (b) the repair or replacement welds shall be examined in accor-dance with IWA 7000 using volumetric examination methods (IWA 2230) for full penetration welds or surface examination methods (IWA 2220) for partial penetration welds.

Code Case N 416 is referenced in Section 1.2 of the ISI plant however, the licensee has not provided sufficient information to determine if the repair areas are partial or full penetration welds, if-the repair areas covered under this relief request are full penetration welds, the provisions of Code Case N 416 are being met, and relief is not required. If any of the subject repair areas are partiti penetration welds, the surface examination requirements of Code Cace N 416 should be performed.

Conclusions And Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, the following is concluded:

(a) If the repair areas full penetration welds, the proposed examinations meet the requirements of Code Case N 416 and relief is not required.-

(b) If the repair areas are partial penetration welds, the surface examinations required by Code Case N 416 should be performed.

References Reference 31.-

l l

l 40 l

l 3.4,2.6 Hydrostatic Tettina of Recairs to Class 2 Low PreJJure Service Eater System Welds 31 and 32 Assgrigjed with Valve ILpSW-6. Un'it 1.

IWA-4440 Code Reagjylmg IWA 4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA 5000. !WA 5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrestatic test subsequent to the component repair or replacement < hall comply with the system test pre:sure and temperature specified in IWB 5222,  ;

IWC 5222, and IWD-5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is. requested from hydrostatic testing of repairs to-Welds 31 and 32 associated with Valve ILPSW 6.

Prooosed Alternative Examination

  • Welds will be radiographed and a VT 2 examination will be performed when the system is placed inservice.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief Welds 31 and 32 cannot be hydrostatically tested since the marbo plug used for the pressure boundary cannot withstand the differential pressure from the opposite direction. Further iso- ,

lation would require shutdown of all three reactors.

Evaluation Valve ILPSW 6 is in a ten inch pipe. The licensee has stated that the marbo plug, an isolation device, would unsent with the applied differential pressure across the plug caused by the hydrostatic test pressure.

Code Case N 416, which has been referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 6, dated May 1988, gives alternate examination requirements for Class 2 piping after repair or replacement. Accor-ding to Code Case N 416, hydrostatic test of a repair or replacement on Class 2 piping that cannot be isolated by existing valves or that e


-1 requires securing safety or relief valves may be deferred until the next regularly scheduled system hydrostatic test provided both of the following conditions are met:

(a) prior to or immediately upon returning to service, a visual ,

examination (VT-2) for leakage shall be conducted during a system functional test or during a system inservice test in the repaired or replaced portion of the piping system, and (b) the repair or replacement welds shall be examined in accor-dance with IWA-7000 using volumetric examination methods 5

(lWA 2230) for full penetration welds or surface examination methods (IWA 2220) for partial penetration welds.

Code Case N-416 is referenced in Section 1.2 of the 151 plan; however, the licensee has not provided sufficient information to .

detcrmine if the repair areas are partial or full penetration welds. If the repair areas covered under this relief request are i full penetration welds, the provisions of Code Case N 416 are being met, and relief is not required. If any of the subject repair areas are partial penetration welds, the surface examination requirements t of Code Case N 416 should be performed. ,

I Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, the following is concluded:

(a) If the repair areas are full penetration welds, the proposed examinations meet the requirements of Code Case N 416, and relief is not required.

(b) If the repair areas are partial penetration welds, the surface examinations required by Code Case N-416 should be performed.

References References 31 and 37.

42 Hydrostatic Testina of Class 2 and 3 Regair Welds Associated with Low Pressure Service Water System ValvaEW 15. Unit 1. lWA-4440 Code Reauirement

  • IWA-4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA-5000. IWA-5214(b) requires that the test pressure Ond temperature for a system hydrostatic test subsequent to the t.omponent repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressure and temperature specified in IWB-5222, IWC-5222, and IWD-5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from hydrostatic testing of repair welds associated with low Pressure Service Water System Valve ILPSW-15.

Procosed Altern3tive Examination A radiograph will be performed, and an inservice leak inspection will be performed at operating temperature and pressure.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief In order to isolate ILPSW-15, the entire LPSW system must be shut down, which would require shutting down all three reactors.

Evaluation Valve 1LPSW-15 is in a ten-inch pipe. The only way to hydrotest the subject welds is to shut down the entire LPSW system, which requires shutting down all three reactors. The licensee has proposed to perform a radiographic inspection of the weld repair areas and a visual examination for leakage at system operating pressure and temperature.

Code Case N-416, which has been referenced in Regulatory Guide

.l.147, Revision 6, dated May 1988, gives alternate examination requirements for Class 2 piping after repair or replacement. Accor-ding to Code Case N-416, hydrostatic test of a repair or replacement on Class 2 piping that cannot be isolated by existing valves or that 43

. . . . .- . . - - . - .- -=- . _ , . - - - - . - - . - . - . - . . . .


requires securing safety or relief valves may be deferred until the next regularly scheduled system hydrostatic. test provided botk of the following conditions are met: ,

(a) prior to or immediately upon returning to service, a visual examination (VT-2) for leakage shall be conducted during a

  • system functional test or during a system inservice test in the repaired or replaced portion of the piping system, and (b) the repair or replacement welds shall be examined in accor-dance with IWA-7000 using volumetric examination methods (IWA-2230) for full penetration welos or surface examination methods (IWA 2220) for partial penetration welds.

Code Case N-416 is referenced in Section 1.2 of the ISI plant however, the licensee has not provided sufficient information to determine if the repair areas are partial or full penetration welds. If the repair areas covered under this relief request are full penetration welds, the provisions of Code Case N-416 are being met, and relief is not required. If ar.y of the subject repair areas are partial penetration welds, the surface examination requirements of Code Case N-416 should be performed.

Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, the following is conclude.-

(a) If the repair areas are full penetration welds, t,e proposed examinations meet the requirements of Coc Lase N-416, and relief is not required.

(b) 'If the repair areas are partial penetration welds, the surface examinations required by Code Case N-416 should be performed.


L References References 31 and 37.

4 44

- Hydrostatic Testina of Class 2 Repair Welds Associated with


Feedwater System Valves IFDW 207 and IFDW 209. Unit 1. IWA 4440 Cnde Reauirement .

IWA 4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure-retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA 5000. 1WA 5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test subsequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressure and temperature specified in IWB-5222, IWC-5222, and IWD 5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from hydrostatic testing of repair welds associated with Feedwater System Valves.IFDW-207 and IFDW-209.

Prooosed Alternative Examination A VT-2 examination of welds will be performed during hot shutdown. In addition, dye penetrant testing will be performed on welds.

Licensee's Basis for R0auestina Relief The inlet side of FDW-207 and FDW-209 cannot be hydrostatically tested without pressurizing the steam generator.

Evaluation Valves IF0W-207 and IFDW-209 are in 1-1/2 inch piping connected to steam generator 18. The only way to hydrotest the subject welds is to fill the steam generator secondary side and steam lines to the stop valves with water and pressurize the system to the required-hydrostatic pressure, The licensee has proposed to perform a dye penetrant test of the repair weld areas and a system pressure test prior to plant startup.

Code Case N-416, which has been referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 6, dated May 1988, gives alternate examination requirements for Class 2 piping after repair or replacement. Accor-ding to Code Case N-416, hydrostatic test of a repair or replacement 45

a on Class-2 piping that cannot be isolated by existing valves or that requires securing safety or relief valves may be deferred untti the next regularly scheduled system hydrostatic test provided both of the following conditions are met:

(a)- prior to or immediately upon returning to service, a visual

  • examination (VT-2) for le:kage shall be conducted during a system functional test or during a system inservice test in the repaired or replaced portion of the piping system, and (b) the repair or replacement welds shall be examined in accor-dance with IWA-7000 using. volumetric examination methods (IWA-2230) for full penetration welds or surface examination methods (IWA-2220) for partial penetration welds.

Lede Case N-416 is referenced in Section 1.2 of the ISI plan; however, the licensee has not provided sufficient information to determine if the repair areas are partial or full penetration welds. If the repair areas covered under this relief request are partial penetration welds, the provisions of Code Case N-416 are being met, and relief is not required. If any of the subject repair areas are full penetration welds', the volumetric examination requirements of Code Case N-416 should be performed.

Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, the foilowing is concluded:

(a) If the repair areas are partial penetration welds, the proposed examinations meet the requirements of Code Case N-416, and relief is not required.

(b) If the repair areas are full penetration welds, the volumetric examinations required by Code Case N 416 should be performed.

References References 31 and 37.

l 46 Bydrostatic Testina of Class 2 Reoair Welds Associated with Feedwater System Valves 2FDW-206. 2FDW-209 and 2FDW-144. Unit" 21 IWA-4440 Code Reauirenent IWA-4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure-retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be -

performed in accordance with IWA-5000. IWA 5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test subsequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test presssure and temperature specified in IWB-5222, IWC-5222, and IWD-5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from hydrostatic testing of repair welds associated with Feedwater System Valves 2FDW-206, 2FDW-209, and 2FDW 144.

Proposed Alternative Examination A liquid penetrant examination and a VT-2 inspection at operating temperature and pressure will be performed to verify the integrity of the welds. In addition, the welds will be hydro-statically tested during the second 10-year interval inservice inspection hydrotest of the main steam lines.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief The piping and welds associated with installation of the valves cannot be isolated from the steam generators. Hydrostatic testing l of these valves would require hydrostatic testing of the steam generators and associated piping. Hydrostatic testing of the steam generators would require filling the main steam lines with water and wou1G unnecessarily place additional hydrostatic test cycles on the steati, generators.


Evaluation The subject valves are in 1-1/2 inch piping connected to the i steam generator. The only way to hydrotest the subject welds is to fill the steam generator secondary side and steam lines to the stop 47

4 valves with water and pressurize the system to the required hydro-static pressure. The licensee has proposed to perfctm a dye penetrant test of the repair weld areas and a system pressure f.est prior to plant startup.

Code Case N 416, which has been referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 6, dated May 1988, gives alternate examination '

requirements for Class 2 piping after repair or replacement. Accor-ding to Code Case N 416, hydrostatic test of a repair or replacement on Class 2 piping that cannot be isolated by existing valves or that requires securing safety or relief valves may be deferred until the next regularly scheduled system hydrostatic test provided both of the following conditions are met:

P (a) prior to or immediately upon returning to service, a visual examination (VT-2) for leakage shall be conducted during a system functional test or during a system inservice test in the repaired or replaced portion of the piping system, and (b) the repair or replacement welds shall be examined in accor-dance with IWA-7000 using volumetric examination methods (IWA-2230) for full penetration welds or surface examination methods (IWA-2220) for partial penetration welds.

Code Case N-416 is referenced in Section 1.2 of the ISI plan; however, the licensee has not provided sufficient information to determine if the repair areas are partial or full penetration welds. If the repair areas covered under this relief request are partial penetration welds, the provisions of Code Case N-416 are being mat, and relief is not required. If any of the subject repair areas are full penetration welds, the volumetric examination requirements of Code Case N-416 should be performed.

Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, the following is concluded:

(a) If the repair areas are partial penetration welds, the proposed examinations meet the requirements of Code Case N-416, and relief is not required.

, (b) If the repair areas are full penetration welds, the volumetric examinations required by Code Case N-416 should be performed.

l References Reference 34.

48 l

1 l

1 3.4.3 Class 3 Components , Pressure Tc.itinn of Class 3 Emtraency Feedwater System Pioina.

Units 1. 2. and 3. Cateaorv D-A. Item Dl.10 Code Reouirement Paragraph IWA 5211(c) requires thet a system inservice test be conducted to perform a visual examination (VT-2) while the system is in service under operating pressure. The examination shall be conducted each inspection period.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from performing a system inservice test on the emergency feedwater system piping downstream of valves FDW-372 and FDW-382 on all three units.

Proposed Alternative Examination Piping will be pressurized during the steam generator / main steam line hydrostatic test as part of the inservice inspection plan during the 10-year interval.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief This section of piping cannot be adequately isolated from the steam generator. Testing of this section during operation could result in thermal shock on steam generator tubes.

i Evaluation l

The emergency feedwater system is intended to operate only in emergency situations. Operating this system downstream of the last shutoff valves during normal plant operation could result in thermal

,l shock to steam generator tubes. The licensee's proposed alternative examination will . provide necessary added assurance of structural integrity during this interval.

l l

, 49 y v -y- a J --

l Conclusions and _ Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that the Code requirements are impractical. it is further concluded that the 1 proposed alternativ2 examination will provide necessary.added assurance of structural integrity during this interval. Therefore, relief is recommended as requested.

Referencq1 Reference 18.

t l

50 r

l l Pressure Testina of the Reactor Buildino Hydrog.en Purae Cart.

Units 1. 2. and 3. Cateaory D-B Item 02,1Q (qdg Reauirements Paragraph IWA-5224(d) states that where the respective system primary pressure ratings on the suction side and discharge side of system pumps differ, the system boundary shall be divided into two separate boundaries (such as suction side and discharge side test boundaries).

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from the requirements of IWA-5224(d) for the reactor building hydrogen purge cart on all three units.

Procosed Alternative Examination A visual examination will be performed, licensee's Basis for Reagestino Relief

. . The inlet side of the Reactor Building Hydrogen Purge Blower design pressure is O psi; the outlet side of the blower design pressure is 0.65 psi. The blowe: cannot be isolated from the system; consequently, a leak test would damage the blower.

Therefore, the requirements of IWA-5224(d) cannot be fulfilled.

Evaluation The reactor building hydrogen purge system is operated as necessary to maintain the hydrogen concentration below the control limit. It appears that both the suction and discharge portions of this arrangement can be considered'open ended, for which IWD-5223(c) and (d) would be applied. Therefore, confirmation of adequate flow during system operation shall be acceptable in lieu of the system hydrostatic test. The blower need not act as a pressure boundary for such a test, and relief is not required.


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Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that for the purge cart discussed above, relief is not necessary. Confirmation of adequate flow during system operation will be acceptable in lieu of the-system hydrostatic test, References Reference 22.

l ,

l l-l l.

! 52 L - pressure Testino of Class 3 Penetration Room Ventilation ' System.

Units 1. 2. and 3. Cateoory D-B. Item D2.10 Code Reouirement IWD-5210(a) requires that the pressure-retaining components within the boundary of each system specified in the examination categories of Table IWD-2500-1 shall be pressure tested and examined in accordance with Table IWD-2500-1 during the following tests:

(1) system inservice test, IWA-5211(c)

(2) system functional test, IWA-5211(b)

(3) system hydrostatic test, IWA-5211(d).

[ ode Relief Reouest Relief is requested from pressure testing of the penetration room ventilation system.

Procosed Alternative Examination No alternative proposed.

Licensee's Basis for Reouestina Relief The Penetration Room Ventilation System collects and processes potential reactor building penetration leakage to minimize environ-mental activity levels resulting from post-accident reactor building leaks.

The required inspection cannot be performed due to the fact i that when the system is in service, it is not under pressure, but i under a vacuum that extends to-an open-ended system.

L Evaluation There is no way to-pressure test the subject lines since they operate under vacuum and are open ended.

The Code does not specifically address pressure testing of open-ended lines under vacuum. However, the requirements of IWD-5223(d) state that for open-ended portions of discharge lines beyond the last shutoff valve in nonclosed systems (e.g., service water 53

systems), confirmation of adequate flow during system operation shall be acceptable in lieu of the system pressure test. These )

i requirements could logically be applied to the Penetration Room l Ventilation System, it is therefore recommended that confirmation  !

of adequate flow during system operating be obtained in lieu of l pressure testing for the subject lines.

l Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that the Code requirements are impractical. It is further concluded that the alternative examination discussed above will provide necessary assurance of structural reliability. Therefore, relief is recom-mended provided that adequate flow during system operation is obtained.

References Reference 28.



54 Hydrostatic Testino of Class 3 Purification Demineralizer Pioina.

Units 1. 2. and 3. IWA-5240 ,

Code Reouirements IWA-5241 requires visual examination (VT-2) to be conducted by examining the accessible external exposed surfaces of pressure-retaining components for evidence of leakage. For components whose external surfaces are inacessible for direct visual examination, only the examination of surrounding area, including floor areas or equipment surfaces located underneath the components, for evidence of leakage shall be required.

Code Relief Heauest Relief is requested from visual examination of Purification Demineralizer Piping during hydrostatic testing.

Proposed Alternative Examination Piping will be hydrostatically tested during the 10-year inservice inspection by performing a pressure drop test.

Ljcensee's Basis for Reauestino Relief Piping from the demineralizer to the point where the piping penetrates the floor cannot be inspected due to the fact that radiation dose at the demineralizer is in excess of 250 R.

Evaluation Visual examination of the Purification Demineralizer Piping l_ cannot be performed due to the unacceptably high radiation dosage that would be received by inspectors. The licensee has proposed as an alternate to perform a pressure drop test on the subject piping.

IWA-5244 addresses such a test to be performed on buried components.

A pressure loss test is an acceptable alternative for the inacces-l sible Purification Demineralizer Piping.

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I Conclusions and P.ecommendations '

Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that for the piping-discussed above, the Code requirements are impractical, It-is further concluded that the proposed alternative examination will provide adequate assurance of structural reliability, Therefore, relief is recommended as requested, References References 28 and 29.

i i

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- - = - - Hydrostatic Testina of Emeraency Feedwater Pumo Turbine Steam Drain Gate Valve 1S043. Unit 1. Article IWA-4440 -

Code Reauirement IWA-4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure-retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in acco.Mance with IWA-5000. lWA 5214(b) requires that the test pressure ano temperature for a system hydrostatic test subsequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressure and temperature s]ecified in IWB 5222, IWC-5222, and IWD-5223, as applicable to tie system which contains the repaired or replaced component. IWA 4400(b)(5) states that componert connections, piping, and associated valves that are 1 in.

nominal pipe size and smaller may be exempted from the system hydrostatic test.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from the requirement of hydrostatic testing following maintenance or modifications concerning a 3/4 in. Velan Model WH-254B 2TY Gate Valve.

Procosed Alternative Examination Liquid penetrant testing will be performed on the welds, and a leak check will be performed at system temperature and pressure (495 psig and 310a F).

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief Hydrostatic testing of this valve is impractical and un-economical; since the valve cannot be isolated, testing would require pressurization of both the auxiliary steam header and the Turbine Driven Emergency Feedwater Pump.

Evaluati.g3 Article IWA-4000, Repair Procedures, gives rules for repairs and attaching replacements. Paragraph IWA-4400 of this article defines the rules for hydrostatic testing as applied to repairs and replacements. This paragraph includes an exemption from 57

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hydrostatic testing of repaired or replaced valves that are 1 in, nominal pipe size and smaller (IWA 4400(b)(5)). The gate valve for which relief was requested falls in the 1-in, and under valve'

. category. Therefore, relief is not required.

Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that the relief request discussed above is not required and, therefore, should not be granted.

References Reference 15,


58 Hydrostatic Testina of a Repair Weld in the Emeraency Feedwater Pumo Turbine Oil Cooler Pump Suction Line. Unit 1. Article IWA-4440 Code Reauirement IWA-4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure-retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA-5000. IWA 5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test subsequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressure and temperature specified in IWB-5222, IWC-5222, and IWD-5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from performing a hydrostatic test in accordance_with IWA-4400(a) on the emergency feedwater pump turbine oil cooler pump suction line tie-in weld to the 78-in, condenser circulating water line at Unit 1.

Procosed Alternative Examination D In lieu of the hydrostatic test, the weld will be inservice leak-tested and penetrant-tested prior to returning the emergency feedwater pump turbine oil cooler pump to service.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief The subject repair weld cannot be . isolated from the condenser circulating water system. Performance of the required hydrostatic-test would require pressurizing the system to the condenser cir-culating water pumps.

I Evaluation l The line containing the repair weld cannot be isolated from the 78-in, condenser circulating water intake pipe, rendering the required hydrostatic-test-impractical. The licensee has proposed to perform a dye-penetrant test of the repair weld areas and a system

_ pressure test prior to returning the emergency feedwater pump turbine oil cooler pump to service. These examinations are a reasonable alternative to the required hydrostatic test for the subject Class 3 repair weld.

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Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that for the repair weld discussed above, the Code requirements are impractical.

It is further concluded that the proposed alternative examinations will provide necessary assurance of structural reliability.

Therefore, relief is recommended as requested.

References ,

Reference $1.


60 l

l s Hydrostatic Testina of Class 3 Repair Welds Associated with Auxiliary Steam Check Valve 1AS-39. Unit 1. IWA 4440 .

Code Reouirement IWA-4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the 1

pressure-retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA-5000. IWA-5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test subsequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressures and temperatures specified in IWB-5222, IWC-5222, and E'D-5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or repiad component.

Code Relief Recuest Paragraph IWA-5211(t), which states that the pressure retaining components within each system boundary shall be subject to system pressure tests under which conditions visual examination VT-2 is performed in accordance with IWA-5240 to detect leakages. The required system pressure tests and examinations, as referenced in Table IVA-5210-1, may be conducted in conjunction with one or more of the following system tests or operations:

(a) a system leakage test conducted following opening and reclosing of a component in the system after pressurization to nominal operating pressure. (We assume that the licensee actually meant that the requirements under IWA-5214(b), hydrostatic test subsequent to component repair and replacement, are impractical . )

Proposed Alternative Examination Welds made on piping will be radiographed and a visual exami-nation will be performed at system temperature and pressure.

Hydrostatic testing of welds will be performed later as a part s of the 10-year Inservice Inspection Plan.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestino Relief The auxiliary steam header cannot be drained properly after the performance of the hydrostatic test required by IWA-5211(a). (We assume the licensee means IWA-5214(b), hydrostatic test subsequent to repairs and replacements.)


Evaluation The-licensee has stated that the auxiliary steam header cannot be drained properly after the performance of a hydrostatic test. As an alternative, the welds will be radiographed and visually examined at system operating temperature and pressure. The welds will be hydrostatically tested at the end of the 10-year interval as part of the _ISI plan.

The proposed alternative examination, along with the Code-required hydrostatic test at the end of the interval, will provide necessary assurance of structural reliability. Therefore, relief is recommended.

Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that for the examination discussed above, the Code requirements are impractical.

It is further concluded that the proposed alternative examination will provide necessary assurance of structural reliability. There-fore, relief is. recommended as requested.

References Reference 23.

62 Hydrostatic Testino of Class 3 Repair Welds Associated with Main Steam Check Valves 3MS-83 and 3MS 85. Unit 3. IWA-4440 Code Reauirement IWA-4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA-5000. IWA 5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test susequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressures and temperatures specified in IWB-5222, IWC-5222, and IWD 5223, as applicaule to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from hydrostatic testing of repair welds associated with main steam check valves 3MS-83 and 3MS-85.

Prooosed Alternative Examination (a) The welds will be radiographed and examined for leakage at system temperature and pressure.

(b) The welds will also be inspected during the OTSG/MS line hydrostatic test as part of the ISI plan.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestino Relief To perform the required hydrostatic test would require filling

'the main steam line with water, as these valves cannot be isolated from the main steam line. Therefore, the licensee requests that valves 3MS-83 and 3MS-85 be considered exempt from the requirements of Paragraph IWD-5210(a)(3) and (b).

Eyaluation The only way to hydrostatically test the subject lines is to fill the main steam line with water and impose an additional hydro-static test cycle on the main steam system. The licensee has proposed to perform a radiographic examination of the subject welds along with an examination for leakage at operating temperature and 63 l

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pressure. The 10 year hydrostatic test will be performed as required as part of the ISI plan _. The proposed alternative exami-nation will provide necessary assurance of structural reliability, and relief is therefore recommended, t Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that the Code requirements are impractical. it is further concluded that the proposed alternative examination will provide necessary assurance of structural reliability. Therefore, relief is recommended as requested.

References Reference 26.

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. .- - - -- . -. -. -- ~ . - --.=.- - _- . . _ -- - Hydrostatic Testino of Class 3' Repair Welds Associated with Soent Fuel Coolino System Valve ISF-65. Unit 1. IWA 4440 Code Reouirement IWA 4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA 5000. IWA-5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test susequent to the component repair or replacement shall comply with the system test pressures and temperatures specified in IWB-5222, IWC-5222, and IWD 5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

(git Relief Reouest Relief is requested from hydrostatic testing of repair weld; associated with Spent Fuel Cooling System Valve ISF-65.

Procosed Alternative Examination valve ISF-65 will be inspected in accordance with IWA-5211(b) during the current Unit I refueling outage (end of Cycle 10). The inspection will be performed by draining the refueling canal to the reactor building sump.

Licensee's Basis for Reouestino Relief Valve ISF-65 is not used during normal system operation. The required inspection cannot be performed during system operation as the refueling canal would have to be filled with water in order to put the valve in service.

Evaluation in response to a request for additional information, the licensee stated that the valve was tested by system functional test prior to startup and was successfully hydrostatically tested during the next refueling outage. This valve was disassembled and repaired af ter refueling efforts were completed. At that time, it was impractical to fill the canal with water, and the licensee decided to wait until the next refueling outage to hydrostatically test the valve. Relief is required since the required examination was delayed for one fuel cycle.


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Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that the Code requirements are impractical, it is further concluded that the proposed alternative examination will provide adequate assurance of structural reliability. Therefore, relief is recommended as requested.

References References 30 and 37.

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l .. . _ , . , _ . , , . , , , _ . . . . . . Hydrostatic Testino of Class 3 Reoair Welds Associated with Main Steam System Valves 2MS-83 and 2MS-85. Unit 2. IWA-4440 Code Reauirement IWA-4440(a) states that after repairs by welding on the pressure retaining boundary, a system hydrostatic test shall be performed in accordance with IWA-5000. IWA-5214(b) requires that the test pressure and temperature for a system hydrostatic test susequent to the_ component repair or replacement shall_ comply with the system test pressures and temperatures specified in IWB-5222, IWC-5222, and IWD-5223, as applicable to the system which contains the repaired or replaced component.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from hydrostatic testing of repair welds associated with Main Steam System Valves 2HS-83 and 2MS-85.

Proposed Alternative Examination Welds will be 100% radiographed and a VT-2 inspection performed at operating temperature and pressure. In addition, the welds will be hydrostatically tested during the second 10-year interval inservice inspection hydrostatic test of the main steam lines.

Licensee's Basis for Reouestina Relief Hydrostatic testing would require filling the main steam lines i with water. The piping and welds associated with installation of the 2MS-83 and 2MS-85 valves cannot be' isolated from the main steam headers based on past_ experience using 2MS-82 and 2MS 84 as boundary valves and past experience with trying to make the main steam system watertight. In addition, the emergency feedwater pump turbine could potentially be damaged by the required hydrostatic test.

t Evaluation The licensee has stated that past experience indicates the l

subject welds cannot be isolated from the main steam headers.

The licensee has proposed to perform a radiographic inspection of the repair weld areas and a system pressure test prior to 67 h g @

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. plant startup. These inspections, along with the_ Code-required hydrostatic test as part of the 10 year ISI plan, will provide necessary assurance of structural reliability. - Therefore, relief

  • is recommended.

Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that for the hydrostatic test discussed above, the Code requirements are im-practical. It is further concluded that the proposed alternative-examination will provide necessary assurance of structural reliability. Therefore, relief is recommended as requested.

Raferences Reference 33.

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3.5 GENERAL 3.5.1 Relief Reauest ONS-003. Ultrasonic Calibration Blocks for Reactor Coolant System Pioina. Units 1. 2. and 3 Code Reauirement Calibration blocks for ASME Code Section XI examinations are required to meet Section XI Appendix III, or Section V requirements, as specified in Section XI, IWA-2232.

Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from he requirement of ASME Section XI, Paragraph 111-3410 in Appendix III that the basic calibration blocks shall be made from mat'erial of the same nominal diameter and nominal wall thickness as the pipe to be examined. This relief request is applied to main loop welds in ferritic steel piping of the Reactor Coolant System.

Proposed Alternative Examination Calibration block 40350, used during the first 10-year interval, will be used for all ultrasonic inspection of ferritic steel reactor coolant piping welds from the OD surface. Reference levels for the inspections will be set in accordance with Article 5,Section V, of the 1980 Code. Appendix A gives criteria for determining the gain adjustment for flat calibration blocks.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief Two new calibration blocks would be required to comply with the Paragraph III-3a10 requirement. This would require fabrication of i two new piping sections, cladding, heat treatment, and machining the l

final calibration blocks.

Use of the existing block (40350) would assure that the second interval inspections are directly comparable to those done during the first interval.

69 1

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Evaluation The licensee has not provided sufficient information or justification for requesting relief. Based on problems Duke Po'wer has had in the past with reactor vessel ultrasonic examinations and the importance of the reactor coolant piping, relief is not recom-mended.- The licensee should demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector (ANil) and the NRC staff that the proposed calibration blocks provide ultrasonic calibration that is equivalent or superior to Code.

Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that there is not sufficient justification for declaring the Code requirements impractical. Therefore, relief is not recommended.

References Roferences 9, 12, and 13.

70 O

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1 3.5.2 Relief Reouest ONS-004. Ultrasonic Calibration Blocks for the Pressurizers and Steam Generators. Units 1. 2. and 3 , l Code Recuirement Calibration blocks for ASME Code Section XI examinations are required to meet Section XI, Appendix Ill, or Section V require-ments, as specified in Section XI, IWA-2232.

Code Relief Reouest Relief is requested from the requirement of ASME Section XI, IWA-2232(a), which refers to ASME Section V, Article 4. Paragraph T 434.1 of Article 4 requires that calibration blocks be fabricated from a nozzle dropout, prolongation, or material of the same speci-fication, product form, and heat treatment as one of the materials being joined. This relief request is applied to the pressurizers and steam generators.

Prooosed Alternative Examination The calibration blocks used during the second 10-year interval at Oconee will be the same calibration blocks as used during the preservice and first 10-year inspection intervals. The calibration blocks are scheduled as follows:

(a) Pressurizer head to shell welds - Bicek 40394 (b) Steam generator head to tube sheet - Block 40305 (c) Steam generator secondary shell - Block 40394-(d) Steam generator shell to tube sheet - Block 40338

(e) Pressurizer nozzle to head welds - Block 40394 (f) Steam generator primary nozzle to head welds - Block 40305 (g) Steam generator secondary nozzle to shell welds - Block 40338 i=

Licensee's Basis for Recuestina Reliqi

, The Class 1 pressurizer shells and heads and Class 2 steam l generator shells are fabricated from A212 Grade 8 material, which i is no longer available. The Class 1 steam generator heads are l fabricated from.SA 302 Grade B material which is not available in the required thickness (9 in).


These welds were examined during the preservice inspection and tha first 10 year interval using calibration blocks 40305, 40338, and I 40394. Continued use of these blocks would provide for direct comparison to previous inspection data.

  • Eval uat.Lo.D The licensee has not provided sufficient information or justification for requesting relief. Based on problems Duke Power has had in the past with reactor vessel ultrasonic examinations and ,

the importance of the pressurizer and steam generator, relief is riot l recommended. The licansee should demonstrate to the satisfaction of  !

the AN!! and the NRC staff that the proposed calibration blocks i provide ultrasonic calibration that is equivalent or superior to Code.

Conclusions and Recommendation 1 Based on the above eva1.artion, it is concluded that there is not :ufficient justificatica for declaring the Code requirements impractical. Therefore, relief is not recommended. ,

t References References 9, 12, and 13.

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3.5.3 Start Date and Acolicable Code for the Second Ten Year Interval.

Units 1. 2. and 3 Code Recuirement paragraph IWA 2400(b) states that the inspection interval shall be determined by calendar years following placement of the power unit into commercial service. 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4)(ii) requires that the inservice inspection program comply with the latest Code incorporated in the Federal Register 12 months prior to the start of the 120 month


Code Relief Reauest Relief is requested from the requirements of Paragraph IWA. l 2400(b) and from 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4)(ii).

Engrosed Alternative Examin d Lqn Instead of beginning April 1, 1984, and applying the 1980 Edition, Winter 1981 Addenda, the second interval will begin March 1, 1984, and apply the 1980 Edition, Winter 1980 Addenda.

Licensee's Basis for Reauestina Relief

,,- The April 1, 1984, common start date was previously approved.

Failure to revise the common start date to March 1, 1984, would result in an unnecessary administrative burden. Specifically, it would require the update of the current ISI plan for the second 10-year interval. This requirement is deemed unnecessary due to the fact that differences in the subject codes are administrative '

in nature, with no substantive technical differences.

Evaluation The licensee re sted on December 2,1983,(47) and was granted on November 7,1984,gpol t permission to establish a common. start date of April 1,1984, for the three Oconee units. The 1980 Edition of

, Section XI, Winter 1981 Addenda became effective on March 9, 1983.

l Therefore, this would be the required Code for an interval, with an April 1, 1984 start date according to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4)(ii).

However, for an interval with a start date of March 1,1984, the effective hie would be the 1980 Edition, Winter 1980 Addenda.

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  • The licensee has already written his 151 program to the 1980  ;

Edition, Winter 1980 Addenda. Failure to set the second interval start date back one month to March 1, 1984, would mean that the ISI program would have to be updated to the newer Code requirements.

Based on the fact that the subject Codes are essentially the same in

technical content, and the burden placed upon the licensee if the April 1, 1984, date-is retained, it is recommended that the licensee be allowed to start the second interval on March 1,1984.  !

l Conclusions and RecommendJtiens j Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that the Code

requirements are impractical, it is further concluded that the alternative proposed by the licensee will provide an acceptable level of safety. Therefore, relief is recommended as requested.

References -


References 19, 47, and 48.

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3.6 SVPPOR15 3.G.1 Enabber Functional Tritino Proorgm. lWF 5300 and IWF 54022 Units 1, 2. and_1 Code Recuirementi IWF-530.2: Inservice tests for snubbers 50 kips (22,680 kg) or greater:

In the course of preparation, lWF 5400: Inservice tests for snubbers less than 50 kips (22,680 kg):

(a) Inservice tests shall be performed during normal system operation or plant outages.

(b) A representative sample of 10% of the total number of nonexempt snubbers whose rating is less than 50 kips shall be tested each inspection period. Each representative sample shall consist of previously untested snubbers.

After all nonexempt snubbers in the plant have been tested, the test shall be repeated taking the same snubbers (or their replacements) in the same sequence as in the original tests. A representative sample shall include snubbers from various locations, taking into consideration service and environment.

Code Relief Reauest Duke requests relief from the Section XI inservice testing requirements in IWF 5300 and IWF 5400.

Prooosed Alternative Examination Hydraulic and mechanical snubbers will be tested in accordance with Technical Specification 4.18.

Licensee's Basis for Recuestina Relief There is a conflict between the Oconee Nuclear Station snubber Technical Specification 4.18 and the ASME Code concerning snubber functional test sampling methodology. The conflict occurs in the 75

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" definition of the population" from which a 10 percent sample of the total population is to be tested. The ONS Technical Specifica-tion requires a 10 percent representative sample (representative by size, location, randomly selected) be selected from the total i population of safety related snubbers, with hydraulic and mechanical  !

snubbers treated separately. In contrast, the ASME Code takes a representative sample which is 10?, of the total population, but is selected from previously untested snubbers (until all snubbers have been tested).

Therefore Duke contends that the Technical Specification sample method provides for superior confidence in total population quality between refueling outages, as it samples a percentage of the total l

> population each refueling, in comparison, the ASME Code introduces '

population stratification based on the numbers and types of snubbers previously tested (highly dependent on failure rates in certain  ;

populations), and is not representative of the total snubber  :

population ouality during operation.

Evaluation -

The ONS technical specification requires a 10 percent representative sample (representative by size, location, randomly selected) be selected from the total population of safety related snubbers, with hydraulic and mechanical snubbers treated separately.

The initially selected sample will then be tested each refueling outage. The licensee contends that the Code tampling plan introduces stratification based on the numbers and types of snubbers previously tested. However, if a representative sample is taken each inspection period as required by footnote 1 of IWF-5400(b), stratification would not result.

The licensee has not provided sufficient justification that the proposed sampling plan is equivalent or superior to Code require-monts. Further, 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(ii) provides for revision of technical specifications not meeting 151 program requirements.

.[onclusions and Recommendations Based on the above evaluation, it is concluded that for the snubber sampling plan discussed above, there is not sufficient justification for declaring the Code requirements impractical.

Therefore, relief is not recommended, and the technical specifi-l i cations should be revised to meet the Code sampling requirements.


, Reference 20.

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1. Safety Evaluation Report, Oconee Unit 1. December 29, 1970.
2. Safety Evaluation Report, Oconee Unit 2 and 3, July 6, 1973.
3. NRC to W. O. Parker, Jr. (DPC), November 7.1980; Safety Evaluation  !

Report on the Inservice Inspection program at Oconee Un u s 1, 2 and 3. '

4. R. W. Reid (NRC) to W. O. Parker, Jr. (DPC), January 16, 1981; safety evaluation of replacement hydrostatic test relief request.
5. P. C. Wagner (NRC) to W. O. Parker, Jr. (DPC), April 8, 1982; safety  :

evaluation of relief requests.

t. P. C. Wagner (NRC) to W. O. Parker, Jr. (DPC), May 17, 1982; Revised evaluation of one relief request.
7. J. F. Stolz (NRC) to H. B. Tucker (DPC), February 14, 1984; evaluation of relief requests.
8. J. F. Stolz (NRC) to H. B. Tucker (DPC), February 7, 1985; evaluation of relief requests. t
9. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC) September 25, 1984; Oconee Unit 1 Inservice Inspection Program, i
10. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), March 5, 1985; Oconee Unit 2 Inservice Inspection Program.
11. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), May 1, 1985; Oconee Unit 3 Inservice Inspection Program.
12. H. B. Tucker (Duke) to NRC, July 5,1988; response to May 4,1988, request for additional information, ISI Plan, Revision 5 attached.
13. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), Se~ptember 13, 1984; submits five second-interval relief requests.
14. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), November 16, 1984; relief request from hydrostatic testing of system modifications.
15. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), December 11, 1984; relief request from hydrostatic testing of system modifications.
16. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), November 12, 1985; relief request from inservice inspection of containment spray piping.
17. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), November 22, 1985; relief request from hydrostatic testing requirements.

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18. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), January 10, 1986; relief request from hydrostatic testing requirements.
19. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), January 23, 1986; relief' request from interval start date.
20. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), January 31, 1986; relief request celated to snubbers.
21. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), April 18, 1986; relief request frcm hydrostatic testing requiren.ents.
22. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), May 15, 1986; relief request from hydrostatic testing requirements.
23. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), June 27, 1986; relief request from hydrostatic testing of system modifications.
24. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), December 3,1986; relief request from hydrostatic testing of system modifications.
25. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, February 9,1987; relief request from scheduling requirements for Unit 3 reactor coolant pump examinations.
26. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, March 2,1987; relief request from hydro-static testing of system modifications.
27. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, March 5, 1987; relief request from hydro-static testing of system modifications.
28. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, April 7, 1987; relief request from inservice inspection hydrostatic testing requirements.
29. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, April 9, 1987; relief request from inservice inspection hydrostatic testing requirements.
30. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, September 25, 1987; relief requests from hydrostatic testing of system modifications:
31. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, October 29, 1987; relief requests from hydrostatic testing of system modifications.
32. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, March 7, 1988; relief requests from hydro-static testing of system modifications.
33. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, March 15, 1988; relief requests from hydro-static testing of system modifications (Main Steam Vaives).
34. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, March 15, 1988; relief requests from hydro.

static testing of system modifications (Feedwater Valves).

35. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, March 16, 1988; relief request from scheduling requirements for Unit 2 reactor coolant pump.


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. 36. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (t4RC), floverrber 18, 1985; withdraws l relief request submitted November 16, 1984.

37. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, May 15, 1989; response to March 27, 1989, request for additional information.
38. NRC to DPC, July 22, 1985; request for additional information on the Inservice Inspection program.

39, f4RC to Duke, May 4, 1988; request for additional information on the second interval inservice inspection program.

40. D. S. Hood (NRC) to H. B. Tucker (Duke), March 27, 1989; request for additional information on the second-interval inservice inspection program.
41. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (t4RC), October 8, 1985; response to request for additional information.
42. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), October 23, 1985; transmits omitted attachments to October 8, 1985 letter.
43. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to J. F. Stolz (NRC), August 28, 1986; response to several staff concerns regarding inservice inspection.

44 H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), September 19, 1986; supple-mental response to July 22, 1985 request for additional information.

45. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to J. F. Stolz (NRC), February 15, 1983; submittal of the final report by the B&W Owners Group concerning HPl/MU nozzle safe end cracking.
46. NRC Memo, W. V. Johnson to G. C. Lainas, November 30, 1983; review of B&W Owners Group safe end task force report.
47. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to H. R. Denton (NRC), December 2, 1983; request fi-common interval start date.
48. H. Nicolaras (NRC) to H. B. Tucker (DPC), November 7, 1984; approval of common interval start date.
49. H. B. Tucker (DPC) to NRC, February 28, 1989; request for approval of use of Code Case N-356.
50. D. B. Matthews (NRC) to H. B. Tucker (DPC), May 16, 1989; approval for use of Code Case N-356, 79

VSe of dEk4W f f Of dit3 COntsined 09 thil theet et tubtett 10 the feltfKt on On the t. tie Day Of th 5 riroposal or quotatonn APPENDIX A REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION XI 1980 EDITION WITil ADDENDA TllROUGil WINTER 1980


  • M An Empicyee-C ~M Company

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APPENDIX A Requirements of Section XI of the Anarican Society of Mechanicar Encineers Boiler and Pressure Caie, 1933 Edi tion with Addenda t'1rca$ Win ta 1980 A.1 CLASS 1 REQUIRC4ENTS A.1.1 CATEGORY B-A, PRESSURE-RETAINING NELDS 14 REACTOR VESSEL A .1.1.1 Shell Vel ds, item Bl .10 A. Ci*cumferential and Longitudinal Welds, items Bl .11 and Bl .12 All pressure-retaining circumferential and longitudinal shell welds in the reactor vessel shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figures IWB-2500-1 and -2 over essentially 100% of their lengths during the first inspection in terval . Examinations may be perforned at or near the end of the interval.

A.1.1. 2 Head Wel ds , Item B1.20 A.1.1. 2.1 Circumferential and thridional Head Welds, Items B1.21 and 81.22 All pressure-retaining circumferential and meridional head welds in the reactor vessel head shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWS-2500-3 over the accessible portion up to 100% of the weld length during the first inspection interval. The bottom head welds may be examined at or near the end of the interval.

A.1.1. 3 Shell-to-Fl ance Wel d, Item Bl .30 Essentially 100% of the length of the shell-to-flange weld shall be volumetrically examined in accordance wi th Figure IWB-2500-4 during the first inspection interval . If partial examinations are conducted from the flange face, the renaining examination required to be conducted from the vessel wall may be performed at or near the end of each inspection in terval . The examination of die shell-to-flange weld may be performed during the first and third inspection periods in conjunction with the nozzle examinations of Examination Category B-D (Program B). At least 50%

.of. shell-to-flange weld shall be examined by the end of the first inspection period, and the remainder by the end of the third inspection pe riod.


, . . -. ----c. , ,.

A.I.l.4 Head to-Flange nela, item 61.40 Essentially 1007, of the lengtn of tne nead to flange weld shall be volu-metrically and surface examined in accordance witn Figure IW3-2500 5 during ,

the first inspection interval. If partial examinations are conducteo tr'oin l the flange face, the remaining examination required to be conoucted from the i vessel wall may be performed at or near the end of each inspection inteoal. l A.1.1.5 Repair Aelds, item 61.50 A. l . l .5.1 Repair Welds in the Beltline Region, Item 81.51

- All base metal weld repair areas in the beltline region where repair l depth exceeds 10% nominal of the vessel wall shall be volumetrically '

examined in accordance with Figures twB-2500-1 and -2 during the first inspection interval. Examinations may be performed at or near the end of  :

the interval. The beltline region extends for the length of the vessel thermal shield, or in the absence of a thermal shield, the ef fective length ,

of reactor fuel elements. If the locattun of the repale is not positively ,

and accurately known, then the individual snell plate, forging, or shell i course containing the repair thall be included.  !

i i

A.l.2 CATEGORY B-8, PRES $URE-RETAINING WELDS IN VESSELS OTHER THAN REACTOR VESSELS A.l.2.1 Shell-to Head Welds in the Pressurizer, item B2.10 A. Circumferential Snell-to-Head Welds, Item B2.11 All circumferential shell-to-head welds in the pressurizer shall be volumetricilly examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-1 over essentially 100% of their length during the first inspection interval.

A. Longitudinal Shell Weld, Item B2.12 One foot.of the selected longitudinal shell weld in the pressurizer intersecting the examined circumferential shell-to-head weld shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-2 during the first inspection interval.

L A.I.2.2 - Head Welds in Pressurizer Vessels, Item 82.20 A.l.2.2.1 Circumferential and Meridional Head Welds, items 82.21 and 82.22 All circumferential and meridional head welds in the pressurizer shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-3 over essen-tially 100% of their lengths ouring the first inspection interval.

A-2 l


A.1. 2. 3 N'3d Welds in the 9 eimir/ Side of the Stm G,nerators, Item B2. 30 A.1. 2. 3.1 CircJmferentl31 and Wiridional Head Weldi, it9ms B2.31 and Br.32 All circa1ferenth1 ani meridional head weld; in th? primary side of the steam generatJes shall ir volumetrically exanined in accardance with Fi gure IW3-2500-3 over essentially 100% of their 1en ati during Die firs t insp?ction in terval .

A.1. 2. 4 Tubesheet to-H)3d Wel d, item B2. 40 The tubesheet-to-head weld in the primary side of the stiam aenerators shall be volumetrically examined in accardance wi th Figure IW3-2500-6 over essentially 100% of its lencth durina the first insp?ction interval.

A.1. 2. 5 Shell (or Head) Wal ds in the Primary Side of the Heat Exchanoers, Item B 2.50 A.1. 2. 5.1 Circumferential Welds, Item B2.51 All circumferential shell (or head) velds in the primary side of the heat exchangers shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figures IWB-2500-1 and -3 over essentially 1001 of their length during the first inspection interval .

A.1. 2. 5. 2 Longitudinal (or H?ridional) Welds, item B2.52 All longitudinal (or meridional) welds in the primary side of the heat exchangers shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figures IWB-2500-2 and -3 over essentially 100% of their length during the first inspection interval .

A.1. 2. 6 Tubesheet-to-Shell (or Head) Welds , item B2.60 Tne tubesheet-to-shell (or head) welds shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-6 over essentially 100% of its length during the first interval .


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A.I.3.1 Re ac tor V es sel Noz zle-to .'es sel selds, ittu b3.9) m d a 3.10 0 All nozzle to-vessel welds ano inside radius sections in the reactor vessel snall be volu.r,etrically examined in accordance with Figures lhd-2500-7(3) through (d) during the first in terval of operation. The nozzle-to-vessel weld ano aajacent areas of toe nozzle and vessel are incluced. At least 255 but not more than 50s (credited) of tne nozzles snall be examined by the end of tne first inspectico period and the remainder by tne ena of the inspection interval, it examinations are conducted from insiae the conponent and the nozzle acid is e xamineo by straight beam ultrasonic method from the nozzle bere, the remaining examinations required to be conducted from the shell may be perf ormed at or near the end of each inspection interval.

A.1.3.2 Pressuriz er Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds, items 63.110 and 63.120 All nozzle-to-vessel welds and inside radius sections in the pressurizer snall be volumetrically examinea in accordance with Figures IWS-2500-7(a) through (d) during the first interval of operation. The nozzle-to-vessel weld and adjacent areas of the nozzle and vessel are included. At least 25% but not more than 50% (credited) of the nozzles shall be examined by the end of tne first inspection period and the re-mainder by the end of the inspection interval.

A. I . 3. 3 Steam Generator Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds, Items 83.130 and 63.140 All nozzle-to-vessel welds and inside radius sections in the primary side of the steam generator shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figures IW8-2500-7(a) through (d) during the first interval of opera ti on. The nozzle-to-vessel weld and adjacent areas of tne nozzle and vssel are included. At least 25% but not more than 50% (credited) of the nozzles shall be examined by the end of the first inspection period and the remainder by the end of the inspection interval.


A.1. 3. 4 Heat Exchaner 'bzzle-to-Vesul Welds, Itoms B3.150 and D3.160 All nozzle ta-nstal w1 ds and i1sid+ radius sections in the primary side of the heat exchancer s1all be volumetrically exanined in accordance with Figures l'JB-2500-7()) throuch (d) durino the first interval of operation. The nozzle-to-vessel weld and adjacent 3reas of the nozzle and vessel are included. At lesst 25t but not more than 50% (credited) of the nozzles shall be exanined by the end of the first inspection period and the 4

remainder by the end of the insNction interval. l A .1. 4 CATECORY 0-E, PRESSURE-RETAINING PART!AL PENE1 RAT 10N WELDS IN VESSELS A.1. 4.1 Resctor Vessel Partial Penetration Wolds, Item B4.10 A.1. 4.1.1 Vessel ibzzles, Item 84,11 The external surfaces of partial penetration welds on 25% of reactor vessel nozzles shall be visually examined (YT-2) during the first inspec-tion interval . The examinations shall cumulatively cover the specified percentage among each group of penetrations of comparable size and function.

A.1. 4.1. 2 Control Rod Drive tbzzles, Item B4.12 The external surfaces of partial penetration welds on 25% of the control rod drive nozzles shall be visually examined (VT-2) during the first inspection interval. The examinations shall cumulatively cover the specified percentage among each group of penetrations of comparable size

.' and function.

A.1. 4.1. 3 Instrumentation Ibzzles, Item B4.13 The external surfaces of partial penetration wel S.5% of the instrumentation nozzles shall be visually examineu *

. . Ing the first inspection interval. The examinations shall cumula ..c cov- the specified percentage among each group of penetrations o- .omparable size and function.

A.1. 4. 2 Heater Penetration Welds on the P ressurizer, Item B4. 20 The external surfaces of 25% of the heater penetration welds on the pressurizer shall be visually examined (YT-2) during the first inspection in terval . The examinations shall cumulatively cover the specified per-centage among each group of penetrations of comparable size and function.

I A-5

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I A.1. 5 CATE00RY B-F, PRESSURE-RETAINING O!SS!!!!LAR METAL WELDS A .1. 5 .1 Reactor Vessel lbrzle-to-Sa fe rnd Utt W1ds, Itn 05.10 All nozzle-to-nfe end butt welds in nominal pipe size areater than 4 in. In the reactor vessel shall be surfice and volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-3 during the first inspection interval. 1 The examinations may be performed caincident with the vessel nozzle I examina tions required by Examina tion Ca teaory B-D. Dissimilar metal welds between conbinations of (a) cirbon or loa alloy steels to high alloy s teels, (b) carbon or low alloy steels to high nickel alloys, and (c) high alloy steel to high nickel alloys are included.

A.1. 5. 2 Reactor vessel Nozzle-to-Sa fe End Butt Wel ds, Item B5.11 The surfaces of all nozzle-to-safe end butt welds in nominal pipe size less than 4 in. in the reactor vessel shall be examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 during the first inspection interval. The examinations may be performd coincident with the vessel nozzle examinations required by e Exanination Ca tegory B-D. Dissimilar metal welds between conbinations of (a) carbon or lw alloy steels to high alloy steels, (b) carbon or lw alloy steels to high nickel alloys, and (c) high alloy steel to high nickel alloys are included.

A 1.5.3 Reactor Vessel ibzzle-to-Safe End Socket Welds, item B5.12 The surfaces of all nozzle-to-safe end socket welds in the reactor vessel shall be examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 during the first inspecticn interval . The examinations may be performed coincident wi th the vessel nozzle examina tions required by Examina tion Ca tegory B-D.

Dissimilar metal welds between combinations of (a) carbon or low alloy i steels to high alloy 5teels, (b) carbon or low alloy steels to high niekel alloys, and (c) high alloy steel to high nickel alloys are included.

A.1. 5. 4 Pressurizer Nozzle-to-Sa fe End Butt Welds, Item 85.20 All nozzlo-to-safe end butt welds in nominal pipe size greater than 4 in, in the pressurizer shall be surface and volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-3 during the first inspection interval .

Dissimilar metal welds between combinations of (a) carbon or lw alloy steels to high alloy steel, (b) carbon or low alloy steel to high nickel alloys, and (c) high alloy steel to high nickel alloys are included.

! A.1.5.5 Pressurizer Nozzle-to-Sa fe End Butt Wel ds, Item B5.21, The surfaces of all nozzle-to-sa fe end butt welds in nominal pipe size l

1ess than 4 in. in the pressurizer shall be examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 during the first inspection interval. Dissimilar metal l


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i welds between combinations of (3) carbon or lw alloy steels to high alloy 5 t+el , (b ) ' bon or 101 111ay 1 teel to hich nicxel alloys, and (c) h1gh alloy 5 teel -s high nickel alloys ore included.

A.1.5.6 Pressuriz er Ibzzle-to-Sife End Met N ds. Item %.?2 The surfices of all nozzle-to-safe end socket welds in the pressurizer shall be examined la accordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 during the first inso?ction interval . Dissimilar mtal welds between corbinations of (a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steel, (b) carbon or lw alloy 5 teel to high nickel alloys, and (c) high alloy 5 teel to high nickel alloys are included.

A.1.5.7 Steam renerator thrzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds, Item 05.30 All nozzle-to-safe end butt welds in nominal pipe size greater than 4 in, in the steam generator shall be surface and yolumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 during the first inspection interval.

Dissimilar metal welds between cortinations of (a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steel, (b) carbon or lw alloy steel to high nickel alloys, and (c) high alloy s teel to high nickel alloys are included.

A.1.5.8 Steam renerator !Jozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds, item B5.31 The surfaces of all nozzle-to-safe end butt welds in nominal pipe size less than 4 in, in the steam generator shall be examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 during the first inspection interval. Dissimilar metal welds between conbinations of (a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steel, (b) carbon or low alloy steel to high nickel alloys, and (c) high alloy ste'el to high nickel alloys are included.

A.1.5.9 Steam renerator tJozzle-to-Sa fe End socket Welds , item B5.32 The surfaces of all nozzle-to-safe end socket welds in 'che steam generator shall be examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 during the first inspection interval . Dissimilar metal welds between combinations of (a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steel, (b) carbon or low alloy steel to high nickel alloys, and (c) high alloy steel to high nickel alloys are included.

A.1.5.10 Heat Exchanner Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds, Item B5.40 All nozzle-to-safe end butt welds in nominal pipe size greater than 4 in, in the heat ?xchangers shall be surface and volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 during the first inspection interval.

Dissimilar metal welds between corbinations of (a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steel, (b) carbon or lw alloy steel to high nickel alloys, and (c) high alloy steel to high nickel alloys are included.


A.1.5.11 Het E<chanaer 'b::le-to-Safe End Dutt Wel ds, Item 85.41 All nozzle-to-safe end butt elds in nominal pip? size less than 4 in.

in the heat exchancers slh111 be surf ace and voluwtrically examined in ac.

cardance with Figare IWB-2500-8 durina the first laspection interval. Di s -

similar metal welds between combinations of (a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steel, (b) carbon or low alloy steel to high nickel alloys, and (c) h1gh allof steel to hiah nickel 311oys are included.

A.1.5.12 Heat Exchanaer tb :le-to-Safe End Socket Welds, Item B5.42 All nozzle-to-safe end socket welds in the heat exchangers shall be surface and voluretrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-B during the first inspection interval. Dissimilar metal welds between conbinations of (a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steel, (b) carbon or los allay steel to high nickel alloys, and (e) high alloy steel to high nickel alloys are included.

A.1.5.13 Pipin o Sa fe End Bu tt We_1 ds , Item B5.50 All dissimilsr metal safe end butt welds in piping greater than 4 in.

shall be surface and voluwtrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 durin J the first inspection interval. Dissimilar metal welds between corbinations of (a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steel, (b) carbon or low alloy steel to high nickel alloys, and (c) high alloy steel to high nickel alloys are included.

A.1.5.14 oicino Sa fe End Butt Velds , Item 85.51 All dissimilar metal safe end butt welds in piping less than 4 in, shall be surface and volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 during the first inspection interval . Dissimilar metal welds between cot:binations of (a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steel, (b) carbon or low alloy steel to high nickel alloys, and (c) high alloy steel to high niekel alloys are included.

A.1.5.15 Pipino Sa fe End Socket Welds , Item B5.52 All dissimilar metal safe end socket welds in piping shall be surface and volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 during the first inspection interval . Dissimilar metal welds between combinations of (a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steel, (b) carbon or low alloy steel to high nickel alloys, and (c) high alloy steel to high nickel alloys are included.


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A.1.6 CATEGORY D-G-1, PRES 3LRE-RETAINING BOLTING LARGER THAN 2 INCHES IN DI AMETER A.1.ti.1 Resctor Closure Head ibts , item B6.10 The surfices of all reactor closure head nuts larger than 2 in, in diam?ter shall be examined during the first inspection interval. Bol tin g may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the bol tino is removed. Examinations may be perforced at or near the end of the f.ispection interval.

A.1.6. 2 Reactor Closure Studs, in Place, Itens B6.20 and B6.30 All closure studs in the reactor vessel larger than 2 in. in diameter shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with figure IWB-2500-12 during the first inspect on interval. A surface examination is also required when the studs are removed. Examinations may be perforned at or near the end of the .nspection interval.

A.1.6.3 Threads in the Flance in the Reactor Vessel, item B6.40 All threads in the flange in the reactor vessel shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with IWB-2500-12 during the first inspection in ter val . Examination includes threads in base metal and is required only when the connection is disassembled. Examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval.

A.1. 6. 4 Reactor Closure Washers and Bushinos, Item B6.50 The surfaces of all closure washers and bushings on bolting larger than 2 in, in diameter in the reactor vessel shall be visually examined (VT-1) during the first inspection interval. Bushings in base material of flanges are required to be examined only when the connections are disassembled; bushings any be examined in place. The examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval.

A.1.6.5 Pressurizer Bol ts, Studs, and Flance Surfaces, Items 86.60 and B6.70 All bolts and studs larger than 2 in, in diameter in the pressurizer shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with IWB-2500-12 during the first inspection interval . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under ten-sion, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the bolting is removed. The flange surfaces shall also be visually examined (VT-1) when the connection is disassembled. The examination includes 1 in, of the annular surface surrounding each stud. Examinations may be perforned at or near the end of the inspection interval.


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A.I 6.6 Pressurizar Nuts , B; chinas, and Washers, item B6.80 The surfacas of all nJts, Sushinas, and washers on bolting larger than 2 in. in diameter shall be visu111y examined ( VT-1) during the first in-spection interval . lushinas in the base matorial of flanges are required to be examined only when the sre disassembled; bushings uy be i n s pe c te d i n pl .1: 9. Boltin 3 nay be ex3nined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the con:lection is disasserolei, or (c) when the bol ting is removed.

Enminations nav 5e performed at or near the end of the ir.stection interval.

A.1.6.7 Bolts, Studs , and Fl ana? Surficos in Steam Generators, Itens B6. 90 and 36.10j All bolts and studs larcer than 2 in, in diameter in steam generators shall be volunetrically examined in accordance with IWB-2500-12 during the fi rst inspection in terval . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassenbled, or (c) when the bol ting i s removed. The flange surfaces tha11 also be visually examined (VT-1) when the connection is disassenbled. The examination includes 1 in. of the annular surface surrounding each stad. Examinations may be performed at or near the end of the insp?ction interval.

A.1 6.8 Nuts, Bushinas , and Washers in Steam Generators, Item B6.110 The surfaces of all nuts, bushinos, and washers on boltino larger than 2 in, in diameter in steam generators shall be visually examined ( VT-1) during the first inspection interval. Bushings in the base material of flanges are required to be examined only when the connections are dis-assembled; bushings may be inspected in place. Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the bolting is removed. Examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval .

A.l.6.9 Bolts, Studs, and Flanae Surfaces in Heat Exchanoers, items B6.120 and B6.130 All bolts and studs larger than 2 in. in diameter in heat exchangers shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with IWB-2500-12 during the first inspection interval . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the bol ting is removed. The flange surfaces shall also be visually examined (VT-1) when the connection is disassembleJ. The examination includes 1 in, of the annular surface surrounding each stud. Examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval. Examinations are limi ted to bolts and studs on components selected for examination under Examination Ca tegories B-B, B-J, B-L-1, and B41-1, as applicable.

1 A-10

A.1.6.10 Nuts , '41shinos , tnd Washers in Hent E<chanoers, item B6.140 The surfaces of all nuts, bushings, and washers on bolting larger than 2 in, in diamter in heat exchangers shall be visually examined ( YT-1).

during the first inspection interval . Bushings in the base material of flanus are required to be examined only when the connections are dis.

assembled; bushings may be inspected in place. Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or

(:) when the bol ting is removed. Examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval. Examinations are limited to bolts and studs on components selected for examination under Examination Categorice B-B, B-J B-L-1, and B '4-1, as applicable.  !

A.1.6.11 Bolts , Studs , ar.d n ance Surfaces in Pipino, Items 86.150 and B 6.160 All bolts and studs larger than 2 in. in diameter in piping shall be volumtrically examined in accordance with IWB-2500-12 during the first inspection interval . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassent)1ed, or (c) when the bolting is re-moved. The flange surfaces shall also be visually examined (YT-1) when the connection is disassenbled. The examination includes 1 in, of the annular surface surrounding each stud. Examinations may be performed at or nese the end of the inspection interval.

A.1.6.12 Nuts, Bushinas, and Washers in Piping, Item B6.170 The surfaces of all nuts, bushings, and washers on bolting larger than 2 in, in dianeter in piping shall be visually examined (YT-1) during the first inspection interval. Bushings in the base material of flanges are required-to be examined only when the connections are disassembled; bushings may be inspected in place. Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassenbled, or (c) when the bolting is removed. Examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval.

A.1.6.13 Bolts , Studs , and R ange Surfaces in Pumps , Items B6.180 and B6.190 All bolts and studs larger than 2 in. in diameter in pumps shall be volunetrically examined in accordance with IWB-2500-12 during the first inspection interval . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassenbled, or (c) when the bol ting is re-moved. The flange surfeces shall also be visually examined (YT-1) when the connection is disassembled. The examination includes 1 in, of the annular surface surrounding each stud. Examinations may be perforned at or near the end of the inspection interval. Examinations are limited to bolts and studs on components selected for examination under Examination Categories B-B, B-J. B-L-1, and B-N-1, as applicable.


,., =.n - . _ -. . , . . , . . . , , . - - . - . . e. -, , , _ . , . , . . , , . . ., . , , , ,_.,.,.n,,., ,... . - , . , , , . , . . , . , . , _,.

l A.1. 5.14 lb ts , *i nhin os , .ind Wschers in Pumps , ! tom B6.200 The surfaces of all nuts, Sushinas, and washers in bolting larger than 2 in. In diameter in puaps shall be visually examined ( YT-1) during the first inspection In terval . Bushinas in the base matrei31 of flanges are required to be exa nlied Only when the connections are disassembled; bushings may be inspected in place. Balting may be examined (a) in place under t?nsion, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the ,

bolting is removed. E<aminations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection intervil. Examinations are limited to bolts and studs on camponents selected for examination under Examination Categories B-B, B-J, B-L-1, and B 'i-1, as applicable.

A.1.6.15 Bolts , Studs , and F1ance Surfaces in Valves , items B6.210 and B6.220 All bolts and studs larger than 2 in in diameter in valves shall be volumtrically examined in accordance with IWB-2500-12 during the first inspection interval . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the bolting is re-moved. The flange surfaces shall also be visually examined (VT-1) when the connection is disassembled. The examination includes 1 in, of the annular '

surface surrounding each stud. Examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval. Examinations are limited to bolts and studs en components selected for examination under Examination Categories B-8, B-J, B-L-1, and B,'i-1, as appli cable.

A.1.6.16 Nuts, Bushinos, and Washers in Valves, Item B6.230 The surfaces of all nuts, bushings, and washers m bolting larger than 2 in, in diamter in valves shall be visually examined (YT-1) during the first inspection interval. Bushinos in the base material of flanges are required to be examined only when the connections are disassembled, but bushings may be inspected in place. Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension (b) when the connection is disassenbled, or (c) when the bolting is removed. Examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval. Examinations are limited to bolts and studs on components selected for examination under Examination Categories B-B, B-J, B-L-1, and B,'4-1, as applicable.

l l


_ _ _ - , _ _ . _ _ - - - - _ __. _ M i

A 1,7 CATEGORY B G-2, PRESSURE-RETA!NING BOLTING 2 INCHES AND SMALLER IN Dl#4ETER A.1. 7 .1 Bolts , Studs , and ib ts in Reactor Vessel , item B7.10 The surfaces of all bolts, studs, and nuts 2 in, or less in diameter in the reactor vessel shall be visually examined (YT-1) during the first inspection interval . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the bol ting is removed.

A.1.7.2 Bolts , Studs , and tuts in P ressurizer, Item B7.20 The surfaces of all bolts, studs, and nuts 2 in, or less in diameter in the pressurizer shall be visually examined (VT-1) during the first inspection interval . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the bol ting is removed.

A.1.7.3 Bolts , Studs , and tuts in Steam Generators, Item B7.30 The surfaces of all bolts, studs, and nuts 2 in. or less in diameter in the steam generators shall be visually examined (YT-1) during the first inspection interval . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the bolting is removed.

A.l.7.4 Bolts, Studs , and !bts in Heat Exchanoers, Item B7.40 The surfaces of all bolts, studs, and nuts 2 in, or less in diameter in the heat exchangers shall be visually examined (VT-1) during the first inspection interval . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassenbled, or (c) when the bol ting is removed.

A.1.7.5 Bolts , Studs , and ibts in Pipino, Item B7.50 The surfaces of all bolts, studs, and nuts 2 in, or less in diameter in piping shall be visually examined ( VT-1) during the first inspection in terval . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the bolting is removed.

A.1.7.6 Bolts, Studs, and NJts in Pumps, Item B7.60 The surfaces of all bolts, studs, and nuts 2 in, or less in diameter in pumps shall be visually examined (YT-1) during the first inspection in terval . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the bol ting is removed.

A-13 i



A.1.7.7 Bolts , Studs , and ibts in Valves , Item B7.70 The surfaces of all bolts, studs, and nuts 2 i1. or less in diameter in valves shall be visually examined ( VT-1) during the first inspection inter-val . Bolting may be examined (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the bolting is removed.

A.1.7.8 Bol ts , Studs , and !bts in Control Rod Drive Housinos , Item B7.80 The surfaces of all bolts, studs, and nuts 2 in. or less in diameter in l control rod drive housings shall be visually examined (VT-1) during the first inspection interval when disassembled.

A .1. 8 CATEGORY B-H, VESSEL SUPPORTS A.1. 8 .1 Inteorally Welded Attachments in Reactor Vessel, Item B8.10 The attachment weld joining the reactor vessel support to the pressure-retaining membrane of the reactor vessel where the support base material design thickness is 5/8 in, or greater shall be surface or volumetrically examinod, as applicable, in accordance with Figures IWB-2500-13 -14, and

-15 during the first inspection interval . Weld buildups on nozzles that serve a. supports are excluded. The examination includes essentially 100",

of the length of the weld to the reactor vessel and the integral attachment weld to a cast or forged integral attachment to the reactor vessel, as applicab' e. One hundred percent of the welding of each lug on the vessel is incluted in the examination.

A.1. 8. 2 Integrally Welded Attachments in Pressurizer, Item B8.20 The attachment weld joining the pressurizer vessel support to the pressure-retaining membrane of the reactor vessel where the support base material design thickness is 5/8 in, or greater shall b6 surface or volu-metrica11y examined, as applicable, in accordance with Figures IWB-2500-13,

-14, and -15 during the first inspection interval. Weld buildups on nozzles that serve as supports are excluded. The examination includes essentially 1001 of the length of the weld to the pressurizer and the integral attachment weld to a cast or forged integral attachment to the pressurizer, as applicable. One hundred percent of the welding of each lug on the vessel is included in the examination.


- -. - . -. - . - _ . _ . ,. Y~ ' ' ' '

A. I .8. 3 InteorallY Welded Attachments in Steam Generators, Item B8.30 The attachment weld joining the steam generator support to the pressure-retaining membrane of the generator where the support base

.naterial design thickness is 5/8 in, or greater shall be surface or voluretrically examined, as applicable, in accordance with Figures IWB-2500-13. -14, and -15 during the first inspection interval. Wel d buildups on nozzles that serve as supports are excluded. The examination includes essentially 100% of the length of the weld to the steam oenerator and the integral attachment weld to a cast or forged integral attachment to the steam generator, as appilcable. One hundred percent of the welding of each lug on the vessel is included in the examination. The examination is limited to the attachment weld on one steam generator.

A.I.8.4 Integrally Welded Attachments in Heat Exchangers, Item B8.40 The attachment weld joining the heat exchanger support to the pressure-retaining membrane of the heat exchanger where the support base material design thickness is 5/8 in or greater shall be surface or volumetrically examir.ed, as applicable, in accordance with Figures IWB-2500-13, -14, and

-15 during the first inspection interval. Weld buildups on nozzles that serve as supports are excluded. The examination includes essentially 100%

of the length of the weld to the heat exchanger and the integral attachment weld to a cast or forged integral attachment to the heat exchanger, as a ppli cable. One hundred percent of the welding of each lug on the heat exchanger is included in the examination. The examination is limited to the attachment weld on one heat exchanger.

4 A.1. 9 CATEGORY B-J, PRESSURE-RETAINING WELDS IN PIPING A. I .9.1 lbminal Pipe Size 4 In. and Greater, Item B9.10

, A.l.9.1.1 Circumferential Welds, Item B9.11 For circumferential welds in pipe of nominal p'pe size 4 in, and l

greater, surface plus volumetric examinations shall be performed in ac-cordance with Figure IWB-2500-8 over essentially 100% of the weld length during each inspection interval. The examination shall include the foll owing:

(a) All terminal ends in each pipe or branch run connected to vessels.

(b) All terminal ends and joints in each pipe or branch run connected to other components where the stress levels exceed the folloding limits under loads associated with specific seismic events and operational condi tions.


(1 ) primary plus secondary stress intensity of 2.4Sm for ferritic

$ttel and austenitic steel, and ,

( 2) cumulative usage factor U of 0.4 (c) All dissimilar metal welds between combinations of .

(a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steels; (b) carbon or low alloy steels to high nickel alloys; and (c) high alloy steels to high nickel alloys.

(d) Additional piping welds so that the total number of circumferential butt welds selected for examination equals 25% of the circumfer-ential butt welds in the reactor coolant piping system. Thi s total does not include welds excluded by IWB-1220. These addi-tional welds rmy be located in one loop (one loop is currently defined for both PWR and BWR plants in the 1980 Edition).

For welds in carbon or low alloy steels, only those welds showing reportable preservice transverse indications need be examined for transverse reflectors.

A. Longi tudinal Welds , Item B9.12 For longitudinal welds in pipe of nominal pipe size 4 in, and greater, surface plus volumetric examinations shall be performed in accordance with Figure IWS-2500-8 for at least a pipe-diameter length, but not more than 12 in, of each longitudinal weld intersecting the circumferential welds re-quired to be examined by Examination Categories B-F and B-J. For welds in carbon or los alloy steels, only those welds showing reportable preservice transverse' indications need be examined for transverse reflectors.

A.1.9.2 tbminal Pipe Size Less Than 4 In., Item 89.20 A.1. 9. 2.1 Circumferential Welds, Item 09.21 For circumferential welds in pipe of nominal pipe size less than 4 in.,

surface examinations shall be performed in accordance with Figure IWD- l 2500-8 over essentially 100% of the weld length during each inspection interval. The examination shall include the following:

(a) All terminal ends in each pipe or branch run connected to vessels.

(b) All terminal- ends and joints in each pipe or branch run connected to other components where the stress levels exceed the following limits under loads associated with specific seismic events and operational conditions.


(1 ) primary plus secondary stress intensity of 2.43,a for ferri tk steel and austent tic steel, and

( 2) cumulative usage factor U of 0.4.

(c) All dissimilar metal welds between combinations of:

(1) carbon or low alloy steel 5 to high alloy steels; (b) carbon or low alloy steels to high nickel alloys; and i (c) high alloys steels to high nickel alloys.

( .1) Additional piping welds so that the total number of circumfer-ential butt welds selected for examination equals 25% of the circumferential butt welds in the reactor coolant piping system.

This total does not include welds excluded by IWB-1220. These additional welds ra1y be located in one loop (one loop is currently i defined for both PWR and BWR plants in the 1980 Edition). 1 A. Longi tudinal Welds, Item B9. 22 For longitudinal welds in pipe of nominal pipe size less than 4 in.,

surface examinations thall be performed in accordance with Figure IWB- l 2500-8 for at least a pipe-diameter length, but not more than 12 in. of each longitudinal weld intersecting the circumferential welds required to be examined by Examination Categories B-F and B-J.

A.1.9. 3 Branch Pipe Connection Welds, Item B9.30 A.1. 9. 3.1. tbminal Pipe Size 4 Inches and Greater, Item B9.31 For welds in branch connections 4 in, and greater, surface plus volumetric examinations shall be performed in accordance with Figures IWB-2500-9, -10 and -11 over essentially 100% of the weld length during each inspection interval. The examinations shall include the following:

(a) All terminal ends in each pipe or branch run connected to vessels.

(b) All terminal ends and joints in each pipe or branch run connected to other components where the stress levels exceed the following limits under loads associated with specific seisinic events and operational conditions.

(1 ) primary plus secondary stress intensity of 2.4Sm for ferritic steel and austenitic steel; and

! ( 2) cumulative usage factor V of 0.4.

1 A-17

(:) All dissimilar metal welds between combinations of:

(a ) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steels; -

(b) carbon or low alloy steels to high nickel alloys; and (c ) high alloy steels to high nickel alloys.

(d) Additional piping welds so that the total number of circumfer-ential butt welds selected for examination equals 25% of the circumferential butt welds in the reactor coolant piping syste'n.

This total does not include welds excluded by IWB-1220. These additional welds may be located in one loop (one loop is currently defined for both PWR and BWR plants in the 1980 Edition).

For welds in carbon or low alloy steels, only those welds showing reportable preservice transverse indications need be examined for transverse reflectors.

A. tbminal Dipe Size Less Than 4 Inches, Item B9.32 For welds in branch pipe connections less than 4 in., surface examinations shall be p9rformed in accordance with Figures IWB-2500-9,

-10, and -11 over essentially 100% of the weld length during each inspection interval . The examinations shall include the follsaing:

(a) All terminal ends in each pipe or branch run connected to vessels.

(b) All terminal ends and joints in each pipe or branch run connected to other components where the stress levels exceed the following ilmits under loads associated with specific seismic events and operaticnal conditions.

(1 ) primary plus secondary stress intensity of 2.4Sm for ferritic steel and austenitic steel, and

( 2) cumulative usage factor U of 0.4.

(c) All dissimilar metal welds between conbinations of:

(a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steels; (b) carbon or low alloy steels to high nickel alloys; and (c) high alloy steels to high nickel elloys.

(d) Additional piping welds so that the total nuntar of circumfer-ential butt welds selected for examination equals M% of the circumferential butt welds in the reactor coolant pwing system.

This total does not include welds excluded by IWB-1220. These additional welds may be located in one loop (one loop is currently defined for both PWR and BWR plants in the 1980 Edition).

A-18 i

A.1.9.4 Socket Welds, item 09.40 Socket welds shall be surface examined in accordance with Fiqare IWB-2500-8 over essentially 100% of the weld length during each inspec; ion i n te rval . The examinations shall include the followin?:

(a) All terminal ends in each pipe or bra 7ch run connected to setiels.

(b) All terminal ends and joints in each pipo or branch run connected to other components where the strass levels exceed the following limits under loads associa ted with specific seismic events and operational condi tions.

(1 ) primary plus secondary stress intensity of 2.4Sm for ferritic steel and austenitic steel, and

( 2) cumulative usage factor U of 0.4.

(c) All dissimilar metal welds between conbinations of:

(a) carbon or low alloy steels to high alloy steels; (b) carbon or low alloy steels to high nickel alloys; and (c) high alloy sbiels to high nickel alloys.

(d) Additional piping welds so that the total number of circumfer-ential butt welds selected for examination eq Jals 25% of the circumferential butt welds in the reactor coolant piping system.

This total does not include welds excluded by IWB-1220. These additional welds nay be located in one loop (one loop is currently defined for both PWR and BWR plants in the 1980 Edi tion).

A.1.10 CATEGORY B-K-1, INTEGRAL ATTACif4ENTS FOR PIPING, PuiPS, AfD VALVES A.1.10.1 Inteorally Welded Attachments on Pipino, item B10.10 Volumetric or surface examinations, is applicable, per Figures IWB-2500-13, -14, and -15 of essen tia113 100% of the weld length are required for all integrally welded support attachments of piping. Incl udes the welded attachments of piping required to be examined by Examination Category B-J and the weld attachments of associated pumps and valves in-tegral to such pi ping. Includes those attachments whose base ma cerial design thickness is 5/8 in, or greater.

A.1.10.2 Integrally Wel ded Attachrents on Pumps, item B10.20 Volumetric or surface examinations, as applicable, per Figures IWB-2500-13, -14, and -15 of essentially 100% of the weld length are required for all integrally welded support attachments of pumps, includes the welded attachments of piping required to be examined by Examination A-19

Category B-J and the weld attachments of associated pumps ano yalves in-tegral to such piping. Includes tnose attachments whose base material design thickness is 5/8 in, or greater.

A.l .lu.3 Integrally Welaen Attachments on Valves, item u10.30 Volumetric or surface examinations, as applicable, per Figures IWB-2500-13, -14, and -15 of essentially 100% of the weld length are required for all integrally welded support attachments of valves. Includes the welded attachments of piping required by Examination Category B-J and the weld attachments of associated punps and valves integral to such piping.

Includes those attachments whose base material oesign thickness is 5/8 in, or greater.

A.l.ll CATEGORIES b-L-1 AND B-M-1, PRESSURE-RETAINING WELOS IN PUMP CASINGS AND VALVE BODIES, AND 8-L-2 AND 8-M-2, PUMP CASINGS AND VALVE BODIES A.l .ll .1 Pump Cas ing Wel ds, Iten 812.10 Essentially 100% of tne pressure-retaining welds in at least one pump in each group of pumps performing similar functions in the system (e.g.,

recircuiating coolant punps) shall be volumetrically examined in accordance wi th Figure IWu-2500-16 during each inspection interval. The examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval.

A.l .ll.2 Pump Casings, Item 812.20 The internal surf aces of at least one purp in each group of puaps per-forming similar functions in the system (e.g., recirculating coolant pumps) shall be visually examined (VT-3) during each inspection interval. The examination may be performed on the same pump selected for volumetric examination of welds. The examinations may be pirformed at or near the end of die inspection interval.

A.l.ll.3 Valve Body Welds Nominal Pipe Size Less than 4 in., Item 812.30 The surfaces of essentially 100% of the body welds (nominal pipe size less than 4 in.) in at least one valve in each group of valves with the same construction design (e.g., globe, gate, or check valve) and manufacturing method that perfccm similar functions in the system (e.g., containment iso-lation and system overpressure protection) shall be examined in accordance wi th Figure IWB-2500-17 during each inspection interval. The examina tions may be performed at or near the end of tne inspectian interval.

l l

l A-20 l

A. Valve Body Welds, tbminel Pipo Size 4 In. and Greatar, Item B12. 31 Essentially 100% of the body welds (nominal pipe size 4 in. and greater) in at least one valve in each group of viles wi th the sane con-struction design (e.g., globe, ga te, or check valve) aM manufacturing method that perform similar functions in the system (e.q., containment isolation and system over-pressure protection) shall be volumetrically examined in accordance wi th figure IWB-2500-17 during each inspection in te r val . A supplementary surface examination may be performed as e41uired in IWB-3518,1(d ). The examinations nay be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval.

A 1.11,4 Valve Body Exceeding 4 In Nominal Pipe Size, Item B12. 40 The internal surfaces of at least one valve in each group of valves with the same construction design (e.g., globe, gate, or check valve) and manufacturing method that perform similar functions that exceed 4-inch diameter in the system (e.g., containment isolation and system overpressure protection) shall be visually examined (VT-3) during each inspection in terval , The examination any be performed on the same valve selected for volumetric examination of welds. The examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval.

A.1.12 CATEGORIES B-N-1, INFRIOR OF REACTOR VESSEL; B-N-2, INTEGRALLY WELDED CORE SUPPORT STRUCTURES AfD INTERIOR ATTACH 4ENTS TO REACTOR YESSELS; and B-N-3, RD40VABLE CORE SUPPORT STRUCTURES A,1,12,1 ' Reactor Vessel Interior, Item B13.10 The accessible areas of the reactor vessel interior, including the spaces above and below the reactor core that are made accessible by removing components during nornni refueling outages, shall be visually examined (VT-3) during the first refueling outage and subsequent refueling outages at approximately 3-year intervals.

A 1.12,2 Boilino Water Reactor Vessel Interior Attachments, Item B13.20 The accessible welds in the reactor vessel interior attachments shall be visually examined ( VT-1) during each inspection interval. The examina-tions may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval .

A. Boiling Water Reactor Core Support Structure, Item B13.21 The accessible surfaces of the core suppcrt structure shall be visually examined ( VT-1) during each inspection interval. The examinations nay be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval.


A.1.12.3 Core Support Structure for Pressurized Water Reactor Vessels, Item B13.30 The accessible welds and surfaces of the care support structure shall be visually examined ( YT-3) each inspection interval. The structure sull be removed from the reactor vessel for examination. The examinatioas may be performd at or near the endof the inspection interval .

A.1.13 CATEGORY B-0, PRESSURE-RETAINING NELDS IN CONTROL R0D HOUSINGS A.1.13.1 Welds in Control Rod Drive Housings, Item B14.10 The welds in 10% of the peripheral coatrol rod drive housings shall be surface or volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWB-2500-18 during each inspection interval. The ex6minations my be performd at or near the end of the inspection interval.

A.1.14 CATEGORY B-P, ALL ; RE S.J -RE AINING COMPONENTS A.1.14.1 Reactor Vessel P reR*e % tr.aing Boundary, Item B15.10 The reactor vessel presnre-retaning boundary shall be visually examined ( VT-2) during the y tem leakage test performed in accordance with IWB-5221 during each refuelfrg outage. System pressure tests of the reactor coolant system shk ' be aducted in accordance with IWA-5000.

, System pre.ssure tests for re - 1, replaced, or al tered components shall be governed by IWA-5214(c ). The pressure-retaining boundary during the l system leakage test shall correspond to the reactor coolant system boundary with all valves in the normal position which is required for norm 1 reactor operation startup. The VT-2 examination shall, hwever, extend to and include the second closed valve at the boundary extremity. A system hydro-static test-(IWB-5222) and the accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system leakage test (IWB-5221) and VT-2 exanination.

A. Reactor Vessel Pressure-Retaining Boundary, Item B15.11 The reactor vessel pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined (VT-2) during the system hydrostatic test performd in accor-dance with IWB-5222 once per inspection interval. The pressure-retaining boundary during the test shall include all Class 1 components within the system boundary. The examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval . System pressure tests of the reactor coolant l system shall be conducted in accordance with IWA-5000. System pressure

! tests for repaired, replaced, or altered components shall be governed by .

l IWA-5214(c ).

A-22 l

A.l .14. 2 P ressurizer P ressure-Re tainin a Boundary, Itr1 B15.20 The pressurizer pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined

( VT-2) during the system leakage test performed in accordance with IWB-5221 during each refueling outage. System pressure tests far the reactor coolant systen shall be conducted in accordtMe with IWA-5000. Sys tei pressure tests for repaired, replacd, or altered components shall be governed by IWA-5214(c ). The pressure-retaining boundary during the syste,n leakage test shall correspand to the reactor coolant system boundary with all valves in the normal posi tion which is rettired for nornal reactor operation startup. The VT-2 examination shall, hmever, extend to and include the second closed valve at the boundary extremity. A system hydrostatic test (IWB-5222) and the accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system leakage test (IWB-5221) and VT-2 examination.

A. Pressurizer Pressure-Retaining Boundary, Item 015.21 The pressurizer pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined

( VT-2) during the system hydrostatic test performed in accordance with IWB-5222 once per inspection interval. The pressure-retaining boundary during the test shs11 include all Class 1 components within the system boundary.

The examinations may be performd at or near the end of the inspection i n terval . System pressure tests of the reactor coolant system shall be conducted in accordance with IWA-5000. System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or altered components shall be governed by IWA-5214(c).

A.l .14.3 Stea:n Generator Pressure-Retaining Boundary, Item B15.30 The s' team generator pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined (VT-2) during the system leakage test performed in accordance with IWB-5221 during each refueling outage. System pressure tests of the reactor coolant system shall be conducted in accordance with IWA-5000 System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or altered components shall be governed by IWA-5214(c). The pressure-retaining boundary during the system leakage test shall correspond to the reactor coolant system boundary with all valves in the normal position which is required for normal reactor operation startup. The VT-2 examina tion shall, however, extend to and include the second closed valve at the boundary extremity. A system hydrostatic test (IWB-5222) and the accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system leakage test (IWB-5221) and VT-2 examina tion.

A.1.14. 3.1 Steam Generator P ressure-Retaining Boundary, Item B15.31 The steam generator pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined (VT-2) during the system hydrostatic test performed in accordance with IL-5222 during each refueling outage. The examinations my be A-23

performed at or near the end of the inspection interval. The pressure-retaining boundary during the test shall include all Class I components within the system boundary. System pressure tasts of the reactor coolant system shall be conducted in accordance with IWA-5000. System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or altered components shall be govened by IWA-5214(c ).

A l.14.4 Heat Exchanger Pressure-Retaining Boundary, Item B15.40 The heat exchanger pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined ( YT-M during the system leakage test performed in accordance w:in IWB-5221 each refueling outage. System pressure tests of the reactor coolant system shall be conducted in accordance with IWA-5000.

System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or alteed , components shall be governed by IWA-5214(c). The pressure-retaining boundary during the system leakage test shall correspond to the reactor coolant system boundary with all valves in the normal position which is required for normal resctor operaticn startup. The VT-2 examination shall, however, extend to and include the second closed valve at the boundary extremity. A system hydro-static test (IWB-5222) ano the accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in-lieu of the system 1eakage test (IWB-5221) and YT-2 examination.

A.l .14. 4.1 Heat ,3 changer P ressure-Retaining Boundary, Item B15.41 The heat er:nanger pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined (VT-2) during the system hydrostatic t t performed in accordance with IWB-5222 once per i spection interval. W ,,ressure-re taining boundary during the test shall include all Class 1 components within the system boundary. The exam natio% may u performed at or near the end of the inspection intervai . System pressure tuts of the reactor coolant system shall be condr :ed in a tt,rdece w'th IWA-5000. System pressure tests for repaired, rep 1"e' t. e> con 1ponents shall be governed by IWA-5214(c ).

A.l .14.5 Piping Pressure-Retaining Boundary, Item B15.50 The piping pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined

( VT-2) during the system leakage test performed in accordance with IWB-5221 during each refueling outage. System pressure tests of the reactor conlant system shall be conducted in accordance with IWA-5000. System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or altered components shall be governed t'y IWA-5214(c ). The pressure-retaining boundary during the system leakage test shall correspond to the reactor coolant system boundary with all valves in the normal position which is required for normal reactor operation startup. The VT-2 examination shall, however, extend to and include the second closed valve at the boundary extremity. A system hydro-static test (IWB-5222) and the accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system leakage test (IWB-5221) and VT-2 examination.


A l .14.5.1 Piping P res sure-Retaining Boundary, Item B15.51 The pipina pressure-r?taining boundary shall be visually examined

( VT-2) during the system hydrostatic test performed in accordance with IWB-5222 once per inspection interval. The pressure-retaining boundary during the test shal1 inelude al1 C1 ass 1 camponents 11 thin the sy;um .

bounda ry. The exaninations may be perform!d at or near the e,d of the inspection interval . System pressure tests of the reactor coolant system shall be conducted in accordance with IWA-5000. System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or altered components shall be governed by IWA-5214(c).

A.1.14.6 Pump Pressure-Re taining Boundary, Item B15.60 The pump pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined ( YT-2) during the system leakage test performed in accordance with IWB-5221 during each refueling outage. Systen pressure tests of the reactor coolant system shall be conducted in accordance with IWA-5000. System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or al tered components shall be governed by IWA-5214(c).

System pressure tests of the reactor coolant system shall be conducted in accordance wi th IWA-5000. System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or altered components shall be gaverned by IWA-5214(c). The pressure-retaining boundary during the system leakage test shall correspond to the reactor coolant system boundary with all valves in the nornal position which is required for norral reactor operation startup. The VT-2 exami-nation shall, however, extend to and include the second closed valve at the boundary extremity. A system hydrostatic test (IWB-5222) and the accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system leakage test (IWB-5221) and VT-2 examination.

A. Pump Pressure-Retaining Boundary, Item B15.61 The pump pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined ( VT-2) during the system hydrostatic test performed in accordance with IWB-5222 once per incoection interval. The pressure-retaining boundary during the best shall include all Class 1 components within the system boundary. The examinations any be performed at or near the end of the inspection inter-val . System pressure tests of the reactor coolant system shall be conducted in accordance with IWA-5000. System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or altered components shall be governed by IWA-5214(c).

A.l .14.7 Valve Pressure-Rataining Boundary, Item B15.70 The valve pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined ( VT-2) during the system leakage test perforned in accordance with IWB-5221 during ea ch re fuel in g ou tage. System pressure tests of the reactor coolant system shall be conducted in accordance with IWA-5000. System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or al tered components shall be governed by IWA-5214(c).

The pressure-retaining boundary during the system leakage test shall A-25 l

_ ._ _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ a

correspond to the reactor coolant systam boundary with all valves la the normal position which is required for normal reactor operation startop'.

The VT-2 examination shall, however, extend to and include the second closed valve at the boundary extremity. A system hydros ta tic tes*. ( IW3-5222)' and the accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system leakage test (IWB-5221) and YT-2 examination.

A. Valve Pressure-Retaining Boundary, B15.71 The valve pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined ( VT-2) during the system hydrostatic test performed in accordance with IWB-5222 once per inspection interval. The pressure-retaining boundary during the test shall include all Class 1 components within the system boundary. The examinations may be performed at or near the end of the inspection interval .

System pressure tests of the reactor coolant syst?m shall be conducted in accordance wi th IWA-5000. System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or altered components shall be governed by IWA-5214(c).

A.1.15 CATEGORY B-Q, STEAM GENERATOR TUBING A.l .15.1 Steam Generator Tubina, Straiaht Tube Design, Iter B16.10 The entire length of the steam generator tubing shall be volumetrically examined in 3% of the heating surface in each generator during the first j inspection interval . The heat transfer surface is speci fied in terms of J the number of tubes to be examined.


l A.1.15.2 Steam Generator Tubing, U-Tube Design, Item B16.20 Steam generator tubing (hot leg side), U-bend portion, and cold leg side (optional) shn11 be volunetrically examine'd in 3% of the heating surface in each generator during the first inspection interval, l

1 -

l l


A. 2 CLASS 2 REQUIREMENTS A. 2.1 CATEGORY C-A, PRESSURE-RETAINING WELDS IN PRESSURE VESSELS A. 2.1.1 Shell Circumferential Walds. Iten C1.10 Essentially 1031 of the shell circumferential welds at gross structural discontinuities shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-1 during each inspection interval. A gross structural discon-tinuity is defined in 10 -3213. 2. Examples are junctions between shells of different thicknesses, cylindrical shell-to-conical shell junctions, and shell (or head)-to-flange welds and head-to-shell welds. For mul ti pl e vessels with similar design, size, and service (such as steam generators and heat exchangers), the required examinations may be limi ted to one vessel or distributed among the vessels.

A. 2.1. 2 Head Circumferential Weld, Item C1.20 Essentially 1007, of the circumferential head-to-shell weld shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-1 during each inspection interval . For multiple vessels with similar design, size, and service (such as steam generators and heat exchangers), the required examinations may be limitad to one vessel or distributed among the vessels.

A. 2.1. 3 Tubesheet-to-Shell Weld, Item C1.30 Essentially 1007, of the tubesheet-to-shell weld shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-2 during each inspection inter-vel. For mul tiple vessels with -similar design, size, and service (such as steam generators and heat exchangers), the required examinations may be limited to one vessel or distributed among the vessels.

A.2.2 CATEGORY C-B, PRESSURE-RETAINING N0ZZLE WELDS IN VESSELS A. 2. 2.1 Nozzles in Vessels 1/2 In. or less in Pbminal Thickness, Item C2.10 All nozzles in vessels 1/2 in, or less in nominal thickness at terminal ends of. piping runs shall be surface examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-3 during each inspection interval. Terminal ends include nozzles welded to or integrally cast in vessels that connect to piping runs (man-ways and handholes are excluded). Only those piping runs selected for examination under Examination Category C-F are included.


A.2.2.2 Nozzles in Vessels Over 1/2 In. in Nominal Thickness. Item C2.20 A. Nozzle-to-Shell (or Head) Weld, Item C2.21 The nozzle-to-shell (or head) welds of all nozzles in vessels over 1/2 in, in nominal thickness at terminal ends of piping runs shall be surface and volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-4 during each inspection interval. Terminal ends include nozzles welded to or integrally cast in vessels that connect to piping runs (manways and handholes are excluded). Only those piping runs selected for examination under Examination Category C-F are included, l

A. Nozzle Inside Radius Section, Item C2.22 The inside radius sections of all nozzles in vessels over 1/2 in, in nominal thickness at terminal ends of piping runs shall be volumetrical' examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-4 during each inspection interval. Terminal ends include nozzles welded to or integrally cast in vessels that connect to piping runs (manways and handhc n are excluded).

Only those piping runs selected for examination under Examination Category C-F are included.

A.2.3 CATEGORY C-C, SUPPORT MEMBERS A.2.3.1 Integrally Welded Support Attachments in Pressure Vessels, Item C3.10 The surfaces of 100% of each integrally welded attachment in pressure vessels shall be surface examined in accordance witn Figure IWC-2500-5 during each inspection interval. Examination is limited to integrally welded attachments whose base material design thickness is 3/4 in, or greater. For multiple vessels of similar design and service, the required examinations may be conducted on only one vessel. Where multiple vessels are provided with a number of similar supporting elements, the examination of the support elements may be distributed among the vessels.

A.2.3.2 Integrally Welded Attachments in Picing, Item C3.40 The surfaces of 100% of each integrally welded attachment in piping shall be surf ace examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2500-5. Exami-nation is limited to integrally welded attachments whose base material design thickness is 3/4 in. or greater. In addition, examinations are limited to attachments of those components required to be examined under Examination Categories C-F and C-G.


l A.2.3.3 Intearally Nelded Puno Attachments , Item C3.70 The surfaces of 100% of each integrally welded attachment in pumps .

Shall be exanined in accordance with Figure IWC-2500-5. Examination is limitad to integrally welded attachments whose base material design thickness is 3/4 in or greater. Examinations are limited to attachments of those components required to be examined under Examination Categories C-F and C-G.

A.2.3.4 Integrally Uelded Valve Suocort Attichments, Itr.m C3.100 The surfaces of 100% of each integrally welded valve attachment shall N' examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2500-5 during e(ch insp;ction

.a te rval . E< amination is limited to integrally welded attachments whose base material design thickness is 3/4 in, or greater. Examinations are limited to attachments of those components required to be examined under Examination Catagories C F and C-G.

A.2.4 CATEGORY C-D, PRESSURE-RETAINING BOLTING GREATER THAN 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER A. 2. 4.1 Bolts and Studs in P ressure Vessel s, Item C4.10 For bolts and studs in pressure vessels,100% of the bolts and studs at each bol ted connection of components required to be inspected shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-6 during each inspection interval. Bolting nay be examined on one vessel in each system required to be examined that is similar in design, size, function, and service. In addition, where the vessel contains a group of bolted connec-tions of similar design and size (such as flange connections and manway covers), only one bol ted connection among the group need be examined.

Bolting may be examined in place under load or upon disassembly of the connection.

A.2.4.2 Bolts and Studs in Piping, Item C4. 20 One hundred percent of the bolts and studs at each bolted piping connection shall be volunetrically examined in accordance with Figure B4C-2520-6. The examination of flange bolting in piping systems required to be examined may be limited to the flange connections in pipe runs selected for examination under Examination Category C-F. Bolting may be examined in place under load or upon disassembly of the connection, i


A.2.4.3 Bol ts and Studs in ?uros , Item C4. 30 For pumps,100% of the bolts and studs it each bol bad connection of pumps shall be volumetrically exanined in accordance wit's Fi gurc IWC-2520-6. Bolting on only one pump among a group of pamps in eich system required to be examined that have similar designs, sizes, functions, and service is required to be examined. In addi tion, where one punp contains a group of bolted connections of similar design and size (such as flange connections and manway covers), the examinatio1 nay be conducted on one bol ted connection among the group. Bolting nay be examined in place under load and upon disassembly of the connection.

A.2.4.4 Bol ts and Studs in Valves, Item C4.40 For valves,100% of the bol ts and studs at each bolted connection of valves shall be volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-6. Bolting on only one valve among a group of valves in each system required to be examined that have similar designs, sizes, functions, and service is required to be examined. In addition, where one valve contains a group of bolted connections of similar design and size (such as flange connections and manway covers), the examination nay be conducted on one bolted connection among the group. Bolting may be examined in place under load and upon disassembly of the connection.

A.2.5 CATEGORY C-F, PRESSURE-RETAINING WELDS IN PIPING A.2.5.1 Piping Welds 1/2 In. or less ?bminal Wall Thickness. Item C5.10 A. 2. 5.1.1 Circumferential Welds, Item C5.11 The surfaces of 100% of each circumferential weld 1/2 in, or less nomi-nal wall thickness shall be examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-7 during each inspection interval. The welds selected for examination shall include

a. all welds at locations where the stresses under the loadings resul ting from hbraal and Upset plant conditions as calculated by the sum of Equations 9 and 10 in NC-3652 exceed the specified value;
b. all welds at terminal ends (see (e) below) of piping or branch runs;
c. all dissimilar metal welds;
d. additional welds, at structural discontinuities (see (f) below) such that the total number of welds selected for examination in-cludes the following percentages of circumferential piping welds; A-30

l For boiling <3 tar reactors:

1. none of the welds exempted by IWC-1220;
2. none of the welds in residual heat removal and emergency core cooling systrns (see (g) belod);

3, 50% of the nain steam system welds;

4. 25% of the welds in all other systems.

For pressurized water reactors:


1. none of the welds exempted by IWC-1220;
2. none of the gelds in residual heat removal and emergency core cooling systems; ,
3. 10% of the main steam system welds 8 in, nominal pipe size and smaller;
4. 25% of the welds in all other systems,
e. terminal ends are the extremities of piping runs that connect to structures , components (such as vessels, pumps, and valves) or pipe anchors, each of which act as rigid restraints or provide at least tvo degrees of restraint to piping thermal expansion;
f. structural discontinuities include pipe weld joints to vessel nozzles, valve bodies, pump casings, pipe fittings (such as, elbows, tees, reducers, and flanges conforming to ANSI Standard B16.9), and nine branch connections and fittings; 9 examination requirements are under development.

For welds in carbon or low alloy steels, only those welds showing reportable preservice transverse indications need to be examined for transverse reflectors.

A. 2. 5.1. 2 Longitudinal Welds, Item C5.12 Longitudinal welds 1/2 in, or less nominal wall thickness shall be surface examined in accordance with IWC-2520-7 ( 2.5 t at the intersecting circumferential weld) during each inspection interval.

A. 2. 5. 2 Pioing Welds Over 1/2 In. Nominal Wall Thickness. Item C5.20 A. 2. 5. 2.1 Circumferential Welds, Item C5.21 One hundred percent of each circumferential weld over 1/2 in, nominal wall thickness shall be surface and volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-7 during each inspection interval. The welds selected for examination shall include A-31

a. all welds at locations where the stresses under the loadings resulting from Normil and Upset plant conditions as calculated by the sum of Equations 9 and 10 in NC-3652 exceed the speci fied value;
b. all welds at terminal ends (see (e) below) of piping or branch runs;
c. all dissimilar metal welds;
d. additional welds , at st uctural discontinuities (see (f) below) such that the total number of welds selected for examination in-cludes the following percentages of circumferential piping welds;


For boiling water reactors:

1. none of the velds exempted by IWC-1220;
2. none of the welds in residual heat removal and emergency core cooling systems (see (g) below);
3. 50% of the main steam system welds;
4. 25% of the welds in all other systen;s.

For pressurized water reactors:

1. none of the welds exempted by IWC-1220;
2. none of the welds in residual heat removal and emergency core cooling systems;
3. 10% of the main steam system welds 8 in, nominal pipe size and snaller;
4. 25% of the welds in all other systems.
e. ' terminal ends are the extremities of piping runs that connect to structures, components (such as vessels, pumps, and valves) or pipe anchors, each of which act as rigid restraints or provide at

?jg least two degrees of restraint to piping thermal expansion;

f. structural discontinuities include pi'pe weld joints to vessel nozzles, valve bodies, pump casings, pipe fi ttings (such as, elbows, tees, reducers, and flanges conforming to ANSI Standard B16.9), and nine branch connections and fittings; 9 examination requirenents are under development.

For welds in carbon or low alloy steels, only those welds showing reportable preservice transverse indications need to be examined for trans-verse reflectors.

A. Longitudinal Welds , Item C5.22 Longitudinal welds over 1/2 in. nominal wall thickness shall be surface and volumetrically examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-7 ( 2.5 t at the intersecting circumferential weld) during each inspection interval.


A.2.5.3 Pioe Branch Connections, Item C5.30 A. 2. 5. 3.1 Circumferential Welds, Item C5.31 -

The surfaces of 100% of each circumferential weld in pipe branch connections shall be examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-9 during each inspection interval. The welds selected for examination shall include

a. all welds at locations where the stresses under the loadings resulting from Normal and Upset plant conditions as calculated by the sum of Equations 9 and 10 in NC-3652 exceed the specified value;
b. all welds at terminal ends (see (e) below) of piping or branch runs;
c. all dissimilar metal welds;
d. additional welds, at structural discontinuities (see (f) below) such that the total number of welds selected for examination in-cludes the following percentages of circumferential piping welds; For boiling water reactors:
1. none of the welds exempted by IWC-1220;
2. none of the welds in residual heat removal and emergency core conling systems (see (g) below);

3, 50% of the main steam system welds 8 in;

4. 25% of the welds in all other systems.

For pressurized water reactors:

1. none of the welds exempted by IWC-1220;
2. none of the welds in residual heat removal and emergency core cooling systems;
3. 10% of the nain steam system welds 8 in, nominal pipe size and snaller;
4. 25% of the welds in all other systems,
e. terminal ends are the extremities of piping runs that connect to structures, components (such as, vessels, pumps, and valves) or pipe anchors, each of which act as rigid restraints or provide at least two degrees of restraint to piping thermal expansion;
f. structural discontinuities include pipe weld joints to vessel nozzles, valve bodies, pump casings, pipe fittings (such as, elbows, tees, reducers, and flanges conforming to ANSI Standard L

B16.9), and nine branch connections and fittings;

g. examination requirements are under development.

For welds in carbon or low alloy steels, only those welds showing reportable preservice transverse indications need to be examined for trans-verse reflectors.


A. Longi tudinal '.hi ds , Item C 5. 32 Longitudinal welds in pipe branch connections shall be surface examined in accordance wi t') Fi gure IWC-2520-7 ( 2.5 t at the intersecting circumfer-ential weld) during each inspection interval.

A.2.6 CATEGORY C-G, PRESSURE-RETAINING WELDS IN PUMPS AND VALVES A. 2. 6.1 Pump Casino Welds , Item C6.10 One hundred percent of all pump casing welds in each piping run examined under Examination Category C-F shall be surface examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-8 during each inspection interval. For multiple pumps of similar design, size, function, and service in a system, only one pump among each group of multiple pumps is required to be examined. The examination nay be perforced from either the inside or outside surface.

A. 2. 6. 2 Valve Body Welds , Item C6.20 One hundred percent of all valve body welds in each piping run examined under Examination Category C-F shall be surface examined in accordance with Figure IWC-2520-8 during each inspection interval. For multiple valves of similar design, size, function, and service in a system, only one valve among each group of multiple valves is required to be examined. The examination may be performed from either the inside or outside surface.

A. 2. 7 CATEGORY C-H, ALL PRESSURE-RETAINING COMP 0NENTS A. 2. 7.1 Pressure Vessels, Item C7.10 Pressure vessel pressure-retaining boundaries (other than open-ended portions of systems) shall be visually exemined ( VT-2) during the system leakage test performed in accordance with IWC-5221 during each inspec-tion. N3 co:nponents wi thin the pressure retaining boundary are exempt or excluded from the examination requirements, except as specified in IWA-5214(c) for repairs and replacements. Where portions of a system are subject to system pressure tests associated with two different system functions, the VT-2 examination need only be performed during the test conducted at the higher of the test pressures of the respective system function. The pressure retaining boundary includes only those portions of the system required to operate or support the safety system function up to and including the first nornelly closed valve (including a safety or relief valve) or valve capable of automatic closure when the safety function is required. A system hydrostatic test (IWC-5222) and accompany-ing VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system pressure test

( IWC-5221 ) and VT-2 examination.

l A-34

A. 2. 7.1.1 Pressure Vessels, Item C7.11 Pressure vessel pressure-retaining boundaries (other than open-ended portions of systems) shall be visually exanined ( VT-2) during the system hydrostatic test performed in accordance with IWC-5222 during each inspec-tion priod, ib components within the pressure retaining boundary [as defined by tbte (7)] are exempt or excluded from the examinatim *equire-ments, except as speci fied in IWA-5214(c) for repairs and rep 1 .ts.

The system hydrostatic test (IWC-5222) shall be conducted at e- the end of each inspection interval or during the same inspection > -lod of each inspection interval of Inspection Program B. The pressure retaining boundary includes only those portions of the system required to operate or support the safety system function up to and including the first normily closed valve (including a safety or relief valve) or valve capable of automatic closure when the safety function is required.

A. 2. 7. 2 Piping, Item C7.20 Piping pressure-retaining boundaries (other than open-ended portions of systems) shall be visually examined ( VT-2) during the system leakage test performed in accordance with IWC-5221 during each inspection period. Ib components within the pressure-retaining boundary are exempt or excluded from the examination requirements, except as specified in IWA-5214(c) for repairs and replacements. Where portions of a system are subject to system pressure tests associated with two dif ferent system functions, the VT-2 examination need only be performed during the test conducted at the higher of the test pressures of the respective system function. The pressure retaining boundary includes only those portions of the system required to operate or support the safety system function up to and including the first normally closed valve (including a safety or relief valve) or valve capable of automatic closure when the safety function is required. A sys tem hydro-static test (IWC-5222) and accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system pressure test (IWC-5221) and VT-2 examination.

A. 2.7. 2.1 Piping, Item C7.21 Piping pressure-retaining boundaries (other than open-ended portions of systems) shall be visually examined ( VT-2) during the system hydrostatic test performed in accordance with IWC-5222 during each inspection period.

Pb components wi thin the pressure-retaining boundary [as defined by ibte

( 7)] are exempt or excluded from the examination requirements, except as speci fled in IWA-5214(c) for repairs and replacements. The sys tem hydro-static test (IWC-5222) shall be conducted at or near the end of each inspection interval or during the same inspection period of each inspection interval of Inspection Program B. The pressure-retaining boundary includes only those portions of the system required to operate or support the safety system function up to and including the first normally closed valve (including a safety or relief valve) or valve capable of automtic closure when the safety function is required.


d A. 2. 7. 3 Pumos , Its C7.30 Pump pressure-retaining boundaries (other than open-ended portions'of systems) shall be visually examined ( YT-2) during the system ' leakage. test performed in accordance with IWC-5221 during each inspection period. W components within the pressure-retaining boundary are exempt or excluded from the examination requirements, except as specified in IWA-5214(c) for repairs and replacements. Where portions of a system are subject to system pressure tests associated with two different system functions, the VT-2 examination need only be performd during the test conducted at the highor of the test pressures of the respective system function. The pressure-retaining boundary includes only those portions of the system required to operate or support the safety system function up to_ and including the first "

normally closed valve (including a safety or relief valve)_-or valve capable of automatic closure when the safety function is ' required. A system hydro-hydrosta tic test (IWC-5222) and accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system pressure test (IWC-5221) and VT-2 examination.

A. 2.7. 3.1 Pumps, Item C7.31 Pump pressure-retaining boundaries-(other than open-ended portions of systems) shall be visually examined (YT-2) during the system hydrostatic test performed in accordance with IWC-5222 during each inspection period.

k components within the pressure-retaining boundary [as defined by Note (7)) are exempt or excluded from the examination requirements, except as specified in IWA-5214(c) for repairs and replacements. The system hydrostatic test (IWC-5222) shall be conducted at or near the end of each inspection interval or during the same inspection period of each inspection ,

interval- of Inspection Program B.- The pressure-retaining boundary includes only' those portions of the system required to operate or support the safety system function up to and including the first normally closed valve (including a safety or relief valve) or valve capable of automatic closure-when the' safety function is required.

A. 2.7. 4 Valves, Item C7.40

Valve pressure-retaining boundaries other than open-ended portions of systems) shall be visually examined (VT-2) during the system leakage test in accordance with IWC-5221 during each inspection-period. % components within the pressure-retaining boundary are exempt or excluded from the examination requirements, except as specified in IWA-5214(c) for repairs

. and replacements. Where portions of a system are subject to system-pressure tests associated with two different system functions, the VT examination need only be performed during the test conducted at the-higher of the test pressures of the respective system : function. The pressure-l retaining boundary includes only -those portions of the system required to L operate or support the safety system function up to and including the first

! normally closed valve (including a safety or relief valve) or valve capable of automatic closure when the safety function is required. A system A-36

hydrostatic test (IWC-5222) and accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system pressure test (IWC-5221) and VT-2 examination. -

A. 2. 7. 4.1 Valves , item C7.41 Valve pressure-retaining boundaries (other than open-ended portions of systems) shall be visually examined (YT-2) during the system hydrostatic test performed in accordance with IWC-5222 during each inspection period.

No components vii thin the pressure-retaining boundary [as d3 fined by Note (7)) are exempt or excluded from the examination requirements, except as speci fled in IWA-5214(c) for repairs and replacements. The system hydrostatic test (IWC-5222) shall be conducted at or near the end of each inspection interval or during the same inspection period of each inspection interval of Inspection Program B. The pressure-retaining boundary includes only those portions of the system required to operate or support the safety system function up to and including the first norcully closed valve (in-cluding a safety or relief valve) or valve capable of automatic closure when the safety function is required.


A. 3 CLASS 3 REQUIRD4ENTS A. 3.1 CATEGORY D-A, SYSTEMS IN SUPPORT OF REACTOR SHUTDOWN FUNCTION A. 3.1.1 Pressure-Retaining Components, Item 01.10 The pressure-retaining components in the pressure-retaining boundery shall be visually exsmined (VT-2) during the system pressure test IWA-5000/

IWD-5221 each inspection period. A system hydrostatic test (IWD-5223) and accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system pressure test and YT-2 examination. The system hydrostatic test shall be conducted at or near the end of each inspection interval or during the same inspec-tion period of each inspection interval for Inspection Program B. The system boundary extends up to and including the first nornully closed valve or valve capable of automatic closure as required to perfonn the safety-related system function. There are no exemptions or exclusions from these requirements except as speci fied in IWA-5214(c).

A. 3.1. 2 Integral Attachment--Component Supports and Restraints, Item D1.20 Component supports and restraints shall be visually examined (VT-3) in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For nul ti ple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be exam-ined. The integral attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).

A.3.1.3 -Integral Attachment--Mechanical and Hydraulic Snubbers, Item 01.30 Mechanical and hydraulic snubbers shall be visually examined (VT-3) in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For mul ti ple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be exam-ined. The integral attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).

A. 3.1. 4 Integral Attachment--Spring Type Supports, Item D1.40 Spring type supports shall be visually examined (IT-3) in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For mul tiple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachnent of only one of the mul tiple components shall be examined. The integral attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).

I A-38 i

.. . . _ . . _ . . __ m . . _ _. . _ _ . _ _ . . . - _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A.3.1.5 Integral Attachment--Constant load Type Supports, Item D1.50 Constant load type supports shall be visually examined (VT-3) in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For multiple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be examined. The integral attachments selected for examination shall cor-respond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).

A.3.1.6. Integral Attachment--Shock Absorbers, item Dl.60 Shock absorbers shall be visually examined (VT-3) in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For multiple components within a system of similar design, function and service, the integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be examined. The integrai attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).

A.3.2 CATEGORY D-B, SYSTEMS IN SUPPORT OF EMERGENCY CORE COOLING, CONTAINMENT HEAT REMOVAL, ATMOSPHERIC CLEANUP, AND REACTOR RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL A.3.2.1 Pressure. Retaining Components, Item 02.10 The pressure-retaining components in the pressure-retaining boundary shall be-visually examined (VT-2) during the system pressure test IWA-5000/

IWD-5221 each inspection period. A system hydrostatic test (IWD-5223) and accompanying VT-2 examination-are acceptable in lieu of the system pressure test and VT-2 examination. The system hydrostatic test shall be conducted at or near the end of each inspection interval or during the same inspection period of each inspection interval for Inspection Program B. The system boundary extends up to and including the first normally closed valve or valve capable of automatic closure as required to perform the safety-related system function. There are no exemptions or exclusions from these require-ments except as specified in IWA-5214(c).

A.3.2.2 Integral Attachment--Component Supports and Restraints Item 02.20 Component supports and -restraints shall be visually examined (VT-3)-in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For multiple c

components within a system of. similar design, function, and service, the f integral attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those i

component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).

i l

A-39 i

A.3.2.3 Integral Attachment--Mechanical and Hydraulic Snubbers, Iten 02.30 Mechanical and hydraulic snubbers shall be visually examined (VT-3)~ in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For multiple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be exam-ined. The integral attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).

A.3.2.4 Integral Attachment--Spring Type Supports, item D2.40 Spring type supports shall be visually examined (VT-3) in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For multiple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be examined. The integral attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).

A.3.2.5 Integral Attachment--Constant Load Type Supports. Item D2.50 Constant load type supports shall be visually examined (VT-3) in accor-dance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For multiple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be exa'a-ined. The integral attachments selected for examination shall corresp6nd to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).

A. 3. 2.6 Integral Attachment--Shock Absorbers, Item D2.60 Shock absorbers shall be visually examined (VT-3) in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For multiple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be examined. The integral attachments selected for examination shall corr'espond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).

A.3.3 CATEGORY D-C, SYSTEMS IN SUPPORT OF RESIOVAL HEAT REMOVAL FROM SPENT FUEL STORAGE POOL A.3.3.1 Pressure-Retaining Components, Item 03.10 The pressure-retaining components in the pressure-retaining boundary shall be visually examined (VT-2) during the system pressure test IWA-5000/

IWD-5221 each inspection period. A system hydrostatic test (IWD-5223) and accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system pressure test and VT-2 examination. The system hydrostatic test shall be conducted at or near the end of each inspection interval or during the same inspection A-40

period of each inspection interval for Inspection Program B. The system boundary extends up to and including the first normally closed valve or-valve capable of automatic closure as required to perforn the safety-related system function. There are no exemptions or exclusions from these require-ments except as specified in IWA-5214(c).

A.3.3.2 Integral Attachment--Component Supports and Restraints, item 03.20 Component supports and restraints shall be visually examined (VT-3) in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For multiple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be exam-ined. The integral attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).

A.3.3.3 Integral Attachment--Mechanical and Hydraulic Snubbers, Item 03.30 Mechanical and hydraulic snubbers sha'11 be visually examined (VT-3) in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For multiple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be exam-ined, The integral attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those component supports - M ed by IWF-2510(b).


A.3.3.4 Integral Attachment--Spring Type Supporg Item 03.40 2;*ing type supports shall be visually examined (VT-3) in accordance with IWtn 9500-1 during each inspection interval. For multiple components within a sydc' of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachment of oily one of the multiple components shall be examined. The integral attacha ints selected for examination shall correspond to those component suppor s selected by IWF-2510(b).

A.3.3.5 Integral Attachment--Constant Load Type Supports, Item 03.50 Constant load type supports shall be visually. examined (VT-3) in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For multiple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the

-integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be exam-ined. The integral attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).



A.3.3.6 Integral Attachm.ent--Shock Absorbers, Item 03.60 Shock absorbers shall be visually examined (VT-3) in accordance with IWD-2500-1 during each inspection interval. For multiple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be examined. The integral attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b).



l A.4 COMP 0NENT SUPPORTS -l A.4.1 CATEGORY F-A, PLATE AND SHELL TYPE SUPPORTS, ITEMS F-1, F-2, AND F-3 All supports within the examination boundaries of IWF-1300 having components and piping required to be examined during the first inspection interval by IWB-2500, IWC-2500, and IWD-2500 shall be visually examined (VT-3) each inspection interval. The areas subject to examination are mechanical connections to the pressure-retaining component; weld and mechanical connections to the building structure; and weld and mechanical connections at intermediate joints in a multiconnected integral and non-integral support.

A.4.2 CATEGORY F-B, LINEAR TYPE SUPPORTS, ITEMS F-1, F-2, AND F-3 All supports within the examination boundaries of IWF-1300 having components and piping required to be examined during the first inspection interval by IWB-2500 IWC-2500, and IWD-2500 shall be visually examined (VT-3) each inspection interval. The areas subject to examination are mechanical connections to the pressure-retaining component; weld and mechanical connections to the building structure; and weld and mechanical connections at intermediate joints in a multiconnected integral ano non-integral support.

A.4.3 CATEGORY F-C, COMPONENT STANDARD SUPPORTS, ITEMS F-1, F-2, F-3, AND F-4 All supports within the examination boundaries of IWF-1300 having components and piping required to be examined during the first inspection interval _by IWB-2500, IWC-2500, and IWD-2500 shall be visually examined l (VT-4) each inspection interval. The areas subject to examination are mechanical connections to the pressure-retaining component; weld and mechanical connections to the building structure; weld and mechanical connections at intermediate joints in multiconnected integral and non-integral support; and spring-type supports, constant load-type supports, snubbers, and shock absorbers.

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