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Forwards Constituent Ltrs Re NRC Policy on Possible Interim Licensing of Facility
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 10/26/1982
From: Carney W
To: Palladino N
Shared Package
ML20067C200 List:
NUDOCS 8212080689
Download: ML20067C214 (5)


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  • WILL?AM CARNEY M2RCH R NC AND Psa4T Desynecy, Nrw Yona wasenmotone errect. suecceses#Tmse I113 L . m House Orrecs EbueLosses OCEANOG. APHY (202) 225-3423 FISHE.IES. WILDurE CONSERVATION.

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, e. 'C-~','t0"' Congregd of tfje THniteb sintates

%)ouge of Representatibeg - ,m.s.

Niastington, D.C. 20515 "ag",7,,"csoy,"ca

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October 26, 1982 va^asg;r^ng;,, ^viano" Hon. Nunzio Paladino Chai rman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 H Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Chairman:

Enclosed please find inquiries from two of my constituents, Mr.

William Hafner and Mrs. Nancy Romaine, regarding NRC policy on a possible interim license for the Shorenam Nuclear Power Plant.

I would greatly appreciate any information you could provide that would help address their concerns about this issue.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

With all good wishes, I am i

l Si erely urs, WILLIAM CARNEY ? .C.

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8212080689 921203 PDR ADOCK 05000322 H PDR

Suffolk NucEar Study Grcup 17 (ctober 1982 Congressman 9.'ik11am Carney US House of Representatives dashington, DC 20515 SUBJ: Interim operating licenses es per H.R. 2330 dE: My letter of 12 September and your reply of 14 October

Dear Mr. C'a rney ,

Thank you for your reply to my letter regarding the above topic. While I appreciate the copy of the Commit tee Report which you ferwarded, unfortunately, you foiled to answer or even address my original ~ concerns.

Since this organization is a modest attempt to take a responsible, mature, and professional approach to matters involving commercial nuclear pcwer- in particular reactor ,

safety- 1 would appreciate more comprehensive replies in the future. -

Therefore, my referenced letter is.being resubmitted for your, re-evaluation. I trust my concerns will be given a more thorough consideration this time.

. L1 addition, I am increacingly concerned that in it 's effort to redirect resources te aid this accelerated licens-ing process, the N3C will drain already tight funding and manpower from safety-related areas, h2 discuscions with the NHC staff it is hardly comferting to the oublic to be con-sistcntly told that "we agre e bu t , quite honestly , we don 't have the money or manootter. . . " I should know because it has haocened to me on numercus occasions.

Furthermore , reccrds indicate tnat the NRC failed to sub-mit- despite recented requests- information regarding the ,

budgetary impact of these accelerated licensing provisions.

  • en more disturbing, is that the Com.mittee on Ehergy and Commerce somehow interpreted this administrative silence to l

mean tnat such new licensing provisions would not compromise agency safety activities. If the Committee did not have the necessary budgetary figures from the UdC, exactly how was tne Committee able to make this determination especially in light cf the fact that Commissioner Hend rie stated that the funds which would be needed to implement such interin licens-ing provisions rould come from various technical assistance support programs ? Certainly tne Committee mus t have based tncir conclusion on offical NdC sources rather than just the 54 Robmwood Street Mastic. N.Y 11950

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SNSG/ Carney 17 October lo82 oninions of Commission representatives. Nhat documentation was presented by the agency to show that various safety activities would not be comuromised ? If no such document-ation was presented- as annarantely it wasn 't- why did the members of the (sub ) Committee not oursue the matter? Che certainly can 't help but wonder why those who had made requests of the Commission- which the Commission didn 't answer- didn 't follow up their initiatives. As a member of Congress who will shortly be expected to vote on the F

provisions of H.R. 23 30, did you personnally voice any questions on the matter??

.<c reove r Commit tee Report tr.akes it quite clear that it in no way, the seeks to avoid the requirements of the normal licensing process and that the Committee will "ex e rcise strong oversiS ht activities to ensure that this directive is fully enforced. " Please describe the specific "ove rs igh t "

activities the Committee refrences and what provisions have been made to deal with possible violations.

I find it somewhat l'ronic that in this Committee Repo rt uhile refering to the Of fice of Nuclear ReEulatory Research ~

it clearly states:

Uhder the provisions of the Energy. Reorgdn-ization act of 1o74, which established the ~

Nuclear Regulatory Commission as an indepen- ,

dent regulatory agency, the Commission is prohibited from conducting original research which may be viewed as promoting nuclear energy and thereby compromise the Agency 's Regulatory Integrity.

...Yet, here we find that very agency seeking regulatory amendments based on economic considerations... and a Congress-ional Committee going along with it.

Ihank you for your time and awaiting your timely and .

concrehensive renly, Sincerely, b L._ - ~

William el . Hafner l

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' Bill Hafner  ?  !

^ 54. Robinwood . Street - l Mastic, NY 11950 (

12 Septe.mber (1982 '

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. 1 Congressman '41111am Carney ,


, US House of Representatives s s s Eashington, DC 20515 ,



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Dear Mr. Carney,

I wish to thank your staff for their prompt. reply to my recent request for a c,opy of H.II. 2330. My major interest in th,is piece of legislation is that section which would amend the? Atomic Ehergy Act of 1954 to permit' th9 issuance .of interisoperating -

licenses pelor to' the completica of licensing hearings; ihe direct applicability to.. the Shoreham plant seems o.bvious enough. .

of the However, I can situation. 't help but According thehee Mbts'abSut~the completA legality

derall Register of April 29 -

1982 this NRC request is based - -dely, if not entirely, on econ,omic considerations.- -

i 1 Yet according to the very act the -Commiss on proposes to1 amend; -

4' URC safety decisions are to be made on. the basis of . technical safety and its' potential offect on members of the public. It should not involve _ecnnomic considerations.

r . . , .

Nor does the EnergyI'R3 organization Act ~ of 1974 amendW7..of tlie ^

substantive public health and safety and common defiense and security standards to separataset theforth in the ABA

" regulators " from ofthe 1954. Basically;' all this did was E "p romo tors .


, In sunmary, it would soem that by proposing 'this amendemebt the A DRC has not only exceeded its regulatory responsibilities Aa set forth in the AEA of 1954 but is now acting the role of " promoter" N' s.

in what seems to be direct contrast to the- spi,dit o'r Energy Reorganization Act of 1974. .

N Considerin5 the potentially significant consequences \of this '

amendment your feedback on this matter is -requested.t ' ', -

.,' ~ -

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7 hank you, > - 7 "' ~


s Sinc,p'roly( '


, i Bill Hafn96 1 a..

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DATE: October 16, 1982


I. C L OR VI. SIT TAKEN BY: aph NAME: Mrs.. Nancy Romaine *


ADDRESS: 2615 Falcon Avenue CITY, STATE: Medford, New York ZIP CODE 11763 HOME PHONE: OFFICE PHONE:





, COMMENTS:- Mrs. Romaine called because she iust rocaived the Cnnarpecman's letter reaardino the temocrary licensina of Shoreham. (M.R.23301. She it under *

the impression that if this bill is oassed that it would orchibit the nhvsical inspection of the plant by virtue of the fact that the low level radiation would, ,

make a complete. inspection impossible. Accordino to the Congressman't latter.

he feels that if this legislation passes it would not interfere with a comolete

, inspection. She would appreciate it if the Congressman would clarify this for L



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