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/01T-0 on 781129:during Test,Main Steam Line Drain Valve V-1-106 Did Not Close 2 Incore Probes,Did Not Fully W/Draw & Reactor Coolant Valve Did Not Indicate Closed.Due to Jammed Armature,Faulty Fuse Holder & Incorrect Settings
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 12/13/1978
From: Finfrock I
Shared Package
ML20064H184 List:
LER-78-028-01T, LER-78-28-1T, NUDOCS 7812180208
Download: ML20064H187 (3)



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t ,y_i j j . drain valve V-l-106 failed to close due to a deformed power fuse holder;

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' y [ __ rect control adjustments, and prevent _ed thc_. isolation valves in their _

,, _ j y[ containment penetrations f rom closing; and reactor coolant sample valve _ _ .__l 1/ ', .L, V-2f-29 i did not indicate closed due to the failure of relay 6K27

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JJiT)l A jammed armature in relay 6K27, a f aul ty power fuse holder, and incor- _

I l iI,jl rect TIP system control settings and aljustments were the causes for I

[,. -l the events described. The 6K27 relay was replaced, the power fuse holder 1 1

1, l ,1 l in the motor cont rol center for valve V-l-IO6 was repaired, and the posi- l j i 1.,1 l tion switches and logic for the TIP systeni were adjusted. I n n ,m

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. . . e , . ,. n c. .. .n t . n o r . , n.- i OYSTER CREEK flVCLEAR GErlERAT lilC ST AT 10fl forked River, flew Jersey 08731 Licensee Event Report Reportable Occurrence flo. 50-219/78-28/IT-0 Report Date December 13, 1978 Occurrence Date flovember 29, 1978 Ident i ficalion o f Occurience Valve V-l-106 (main steam line drain vaive) and the TIP isolation valves for TIPS 1-1 and 1-3 failed to close during the performance of a lou-low reactor water level primary containment isolation test. This event is considered to be a reportable occurrence as defined in the Technical Specifi-cations, paragraph 6.9.2.a.3 Conditions Prior to Occurrence The plant was in a cold shutdown condition.

Descript ion of Occurrence


On Wednesday, flovember 29, 1978, at approximately 0500, while perforrring a low-low reactor water level primary containment isolation test, valve V-I-106 (a main steam line drain valve) failed to close. Additionally, two traveling incore probes (I and 3) failed to fully withdraw, preventing the isola t ion valves for these penetrat ions to primary containment from closing. Failure of V-2Ie-29 (reactor coolant sample valve) to close was noted during the test hut was later discovered to be a failure of the 6K27 relay to provide power to the valve closed indication.

Apparent Cause of Occurrence C on,ponen t failure, and incor r et t control settinq, and adjustoents are attributeil to be the c a u '.e s for the events.

(1) The inability of the 6K2 7 s elay to provide closcil i sid i c al inii is attrihnted to the j annii ni) of one o f t he stationary contacts intie the arenature of the r e l .iy . This prevent ed t he relay f rori t ravelinet to i, . . . , , . . . o, e e ,r*, ,. ., , ,i

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Dec em'ic i l i, 19/M its fniIy de energi/cd po'.ition. bnt did not prevent it I r om po r forming its intended innction of de energizing the V-21-29 isolation valve ainf 6

de eneroiting the seal in circuit.

f2) TIP l-1 did not fully uithdraw because of the setting for "in shicid" was corresponding to t he set t ing for nachine "s top" in the control loqic; t he re fo re , the isolat ion valve did not close. TIP l-3 required an "in shield" plunger suitch adjustment in order to provide a valve closure signal.

(3) The V-1-106 valve failed to close because of a deformed spring clip on the pouer fuse holder which prevented the energizing of the valve motor operatnr.

Analysis of Occurrente The con taisunent isolation valves are provided to maintain containment inteqrity foilowinq the desion hasis loss of coolant accidenL. failure o f t he above valves to close caused a loss of redundancv in all cases. Primary containment was not required at the time the test was be ing pe r formed , and add i t ional l y ,

if primary rantainment had been required in an emeroency situation, redundant valves could have operated to provide isolat ion o f the primary con t ainment .

Additionally, these valves are normally closed under power operation.

Corrective Action The 6K27 rclay was replaced. The power fuse holder in the motor cont rol center for valve V-1-106 was repaired, and the position switches and logic for the TIP system were adjusted. The appropriate procedures will be T

reviewed to insure the llP position switches and logic for the TIP system are properly adjusted af ter maintenance.

t The 6K27 relay problem and the power fuse holder de forma t ion are cons idered to be isolated events and no further correct ive act ion is required.

Failure Data Relay 6K27 115 VAC GE relay Type P-CR120A02202AA (2NO, 2NC)