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Amends 178 & 159 to Licenses NPF-4 & NPF-7,respectively, Implementing Revised 10CFR20, Stds for Protection Against Radiation
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 02/17/1994
From: Berkow H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20063K973 List:
NUDOCS 9403030128
Download: ML20063K972 (34)


c,a asco UNITED STATES 5"



WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001


The Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Comission) has found that:


The application for amendment by Virginia Electric and Power Company et al., (the licensee) dated July 16, 1993, as supplemented by letter dated November 15, 1993, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Ad),

and the Comission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B.

The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Comission; C.

There is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities authorized by i

this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Comission's regulations; D.

The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the comon defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and E.

The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Comission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied.

9403030128 940217 PDR ADOCK 05000338 P



, l i-j 2.

Accordingly, 'the license is amended by changes to the Technical Speci-.

fications as indicated in the attachment to this license amendment, and paragraph 2.D.(2) of Facility Operating License No. NPF-4 is hereby amended to read as follows:

(2) Technical Specifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendices A and B, as revised through Amendment No.178, are hereby incorporated in the license. The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance i

with the Technical Specifications.


This license amendment is effective as of its date of issuance and shall i

be implemented within 30 days.


kD b-lDLC Herbert N. Berkow, Director Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation j


i Changes to the Technical Specifications Date of Issuance: February 17, 1994 l

i i

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I l


-- TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-4 DOCKET NO. 50-338 Replace the following pages of the Appendix "A" Technical Specifications with I

the er. closed pages as indicated. The revised pages are identified by amendment number and contain vertical lines indicating the area of change.

The corresponding overleaf pages are also provided to maintain document l


i Remove Paaes Insert Paaes 1-4 1-4 B 3/4 7-7 8 3/4 7-7 B 3/4 11-2 B 3/4 11-2 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-2 l

6-13 b 6-13 b 6-15 6-15 6-20 6-20

-l 6-24 6-24 6-26 6-26 1

F i

P i

1.0 DEFINITIONS (Centinued)

ENGNEERED SAFETY FEAmRE RESPONSE TIME 1.12 The ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURE RESPONSE TIME shall be that time interval from when the monitosed parameter exceeds its ESF actuation setpoint at the channel sensor until the ESF equipmentjs capable of performing its safety function (i.e., the valves travel to their required positions, pump discharge pressures reach their required values, etc.). Times shall include diesel generator starting and sequence loading delays where applicable.

FREDUEPCYPOTATON 1.13 The FREQUENCY NOTATION specified for the performance of Surveillance Requirements shall correspond to the intervals defined in Table 1.2.

FULLY WITHDRAWN 1.13a The control bank FULLY WITHDRAWN position shall be within the interval of 225 to 229 steps withdrawn, inclusive.

Definition of the FULLY WITHDRAWN position for each specific cycle shall be documented in the rod insertion limit operator curve.

GASSOUS RADWASTE TREATM NTSYSTEM 1.14 A GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM is the system des'ened and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting primary coolant system offgases from the primary system and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the total radioact}vity prior to release to the environment. The syGrem is composed of the waste gas decay tanks, regenerative heat exchanger, waste gas charcoal filters, process vent blowers, waste gas surge tanks and waste gas diaphram compressor.


Leakage (except CONTROLLED LEAKAGE) into closed systems, such as pump seal or a.

valve packing leaks that are captured and conducted to a sump or collecting tank, or b.

Leakage into the containment atmosphere from sources that are both speerfically


located and known either not to interfere with the operation of leakage detection syvans or not to be PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE, or c.

Reactor coolant system leakage through a steam generabr to the secondary system.

MEMBER (S) OFTHE PUBUC 1.16 MEMBER (S) OF THE PUBLIC shall include all indhriduals who by virtue of their occupational status have no formal association with the plant. This category sher include non.

emp6oyees of the licensee who are permitted to use portions of the she for recreatlonal, o-=thnal, or other purposes not associated with plant functions. This category shall n01 include non-employees such as vending machine servicemen or postman who, as part of their formal job function, are=% ally enter an area that is controlled by the Beensee for purposes of protection of incividuals from exposure to radiation and radioacthre rnaterlets.

NORTH ANNA - UNIT 1 1-3 Amendment No. H.H.IM 149 NOV 2 21991

i 1.0 DEFINITIONS (Continued)



1.17 The OFFSITE QDSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) shall mntain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring alarm / trip setpointe and l

in the conduct of the Environmentai Radiological Monitoring Program. The ODCM shall also contain (1) the Radioactive Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs required by Section 6.8.4 and (2) descriptions of the information that should be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and Annual Radioactive Effluent l

Release Reports required by Specifications and

OPERABLE - OPERABILITY 1.18 A system, subsystem, train, component or device shall be OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified function (s), and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal and emergency electrical power sources, cooling or i

seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component, or device to perform its function (s) are also capable of performing their related support function (s).

OPERATIONAL MODE - MODE 1.19 An OPERATIONAL MODE (i.e., MODE) shall correspond to any one inclusive combination of core reactivity condition, power level, and average reactor coolant temperature specified in Table 1.1.


1.20 PHYSICS TESTS shall be those tests performed to measure the fundamental nuclear characteristics of the reactor core and related instrumentation and 1) described in Chapter 14.0 of the FSAR, 2) authorized under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, or 3) otherwise approved by the Commission.

CRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE 1.21 PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE shall be leakage (except steam generator tube leakage) througa a ron-isolable fault in a Reactor Coolant System component body, pipe wall or vessel wall.

PROCESSCCNmOLPROGRAM 1.22 The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) shall contain the current formulas, sampling, analyses, tests and determinations to be made to ensure that the processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes based on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance with 10 CFR Parts 20,61, and 71, State regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements goveming the I

disposal of the radioactive waste.

PURGE - PURGtNG 1.23 PURGE or PURGING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is required to purify the confinement.

NORTH ANNA-UNIT 1 1-4 Amendment No. 76, H, T N,

7 H, 178

PieJJT SYSTEMS ER W The service life oka snubber is evaluated via manufacturer input and information through consideration of the snubber service conditions and associated installation and maintenance records (newly installed snubber, seat replaced, spring replaced, in high radiation area. in high temperature area, etc...). The requirement to monitor the snubber service life is included to ensure that the snubbers periodically undergo a performance evaluation in view of their age I

and operating conditions. These records will provide statistical bases for future consideration j

of snubber service life. The requirements for the maintenance of records and the snubber l

service life review are not intended to affect plant operation.



The limitations on sealed source removable contamination ensure that the total body or individual organ irradiation does not exceed allowable limits in the event of ingestion or inhalation of the source material. The limitations on removable contamination for sources i

requiring leak testing, including alpha emitters, is based on 10 CFR 70.39(c) limits for plutonium. Sealed sources are classified into three groups according to their use, with surveillance requirements comtr.ensurate with the probability of damage to a source in that group. Those sources which are frequently handled are required to be tested more often than those which are not. Seated sources which are continously enclosed within a shielded mechanism (i.e., sealed sources within radiation monitoring or boron measuring devices) are considered to be stored and need not be tested unless they are removed from the shielded mechanism.

b NORTH ANNA-UNIT 1 B 3/4 7-7 Amendment No.7 2, 7 f>, 33.




i I

t Specifications 3/ through 3/ have been deleted NORTH ANNA. UNIT 1 B 3/4 11 1 Amendment No. 48. 133 JUL 5 L990

1 RADOACTNE STORAGE 3/4.119 LtOUlD STORAGE EASES 3/ LfoulD HSLDUP TANKS The tanks listed in this Specification include all those outdoor tanks that are not surrounded by liners, dikes, or walls capable of holding the tank contents and that do not have tar k overflows and surrounding araa drains connected to the liquid radwaste treatment system.

Restricting the quantity of radioactive material contained in the specified tanks provides assurance that in the event of an uncontrolled release of the tanks' contents, the resulting concentrations would be less than the limits of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B. Table 2 Column 2, l

at the nearest potable water supply and the nearest surface water supply in an UNRESTRICTED AREA.

Specifications 3/ through 3/ have been deleted.

4 d

NORTH ANNA-UNIT 1 B 3/4 11 2 Amendment No.48.13@.178


5.1.1 The exclusiongirea fsite boundary) shall be as shown in Figure 5.1-1.



LOW POPUtATION ZONE 5.1.2 The low population zone shall be as shown in Figure 5.1-2.

MAP DEFINING UNRESTRICTED AREAS FOR RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS AND UQUID EFFLUENTS 5.1.3 Information regarding radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, which allows identification of structures and release points as well as definition of UNRESTRICTED AREAS within the SITE BOUNDARY that are cecessible to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, shall be as shown in Figure 5.1-1.

5.2 CONTAINMENT CONFIGURATION 5.2.1 The reactor containment building is a steel lined, reinforced concrete building of cylindrical shape with a dome roof and having the following design features:


Nominal inside diameter = 126 feet.

b. Nominal inside height - 190 fcct, 7 inches.


Minimum thickness of concrete walls - 4.5 feet.


Minimum thickness of concrete roof - 2.5 feet.

e. Minimum thickness of concrete floor pad - 10 feet.


Nominal thickness of the cylindrial portion of the steel liner - 3/8 inches.


Net free volume - 1.825 x 106 cubic feet.

h. Nominal thickness of hemispherical dome portion of the steel liner - 1/2 inch.

i NORTH ANNA - UNIT 1 5-1 Amendment No. H, 77,178 4




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NORTH ANNA - UNIT 1 5-2 Amendment No. 4,f /.178


e. Radioactive Effluent Controls Prooram A program shall be provided conforming with 10 CFR 50.36a for the control of radioactive affluents and for maintaining the doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive ' effluents as low as reasonably achievable. The program (1) shall be contained iri th's DDCM, (2) shall be implemented by operating procedures, and (3) shall include remedial actions to be taken whenever the program limits are exceeded.

The program shallinclude the following elements:

1 ) Limitations on the operability of radioactive liquid and gaseous monitoring instrumentation including surveillance tests and setpoint determination in accordance with the methodology in the ODCM, 2 ) Limitations on the concentrations of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS conforming to ten times 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, 3 ) Monitoring, sampling, and analysis of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents in accordance with 10 CFR 20.1302 and with the methodology and parameters in the


ODCM, 4 ) Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released from'each unit to UNRESTRICTED AREAS conforming to Appendix i to 10 CFR Part 50, 5 ) Determination of cumulative and projected dose contributions from radioactive effluents for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM at least every 31 days, 6 ) Limitations on the operability and use of the liquid and gaseous effluent treatment systems to ensure that the appropriate portions of these systems are used to reduce releases of radioactivity when the projected doses in a 31-day period would exceed 2 percent of the guidelines for the annual dose or dose commitment conforming to Appendix l to 10 CFR Part 50, 7 ) Limitations on the dose rate resulting from radioactive material released in gaseous effluents to areas at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be limited to the following:

a) For noble gases: Less than or equal to a dose rate of 500 mrem /yr. to the total body and less than or equal to a dose rate of 3000 mrem /yr. to the skin, and b) For lodine 131, lodine-133, Tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with hah-lives greater than 8 days: Less than or equal to a dose rate of 1500 mrem /yr. to any organ.

NORTH ANNA-UNIT 1 6 - 13 b Amendment No. M,178

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS ANNUAL REPORTS 1/ Annual reports covering the activities of the unit as described below for the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to March 1 of each year. The initial report shall be submitted prior to March 1 of the year following initia! criticality. Reports required on an annual basis shall include:

a. A tabulation on an annual basis of the number of station, utility, and other personnel (including contractars) receiving exposures greater than 100 mrem /yr and their associated man-rem exposure according to work and job functions,2/ e.g., reactor operations and surveillance, inservice inspection, routine maintenance, special maintenance (describe maintenance), waste processing, and refueling. The dose assignments to various duty functions may be estimated based on pocket dosimeter, TLD, or film badge measurements. Small exposures totalling less than 20 percent of the individual total dose need not be accounted for. In the aggregate, at least 80 percent of the total whole body dose received from external sources should be assigned to specific major work functions.
b. The complete results of the steam generator tube inservice inspections performed during the report period (Reference Specification
c. The results of specific activity analysis in which the primary coolant exceeded the limits of Specification 3.4.8.

The following information shall be included:


Reactor power history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded; (2) Results of the last isotopic analysis for radiciodine performed prior to exceeding the limit, results of analysis while limit was exceeded and results of one analysis after the radiolodine activity was reduced to less than limit. Each result should include date and time of sampling and the radioiodine concentrations; (3)

Clean-up system flow history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded; (4) Graph of the I 131 concentration and one other radioiodine isotope concentration in microcuries per gram as function of time for the duration of the specific activity above the steady state level; and (5) The time duration when the specific activity of the primary coolant exceeded the radioiodine limit.

11 A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine those sections that are common to all units at the station.

2./ This tabulation supplements the requirements of 920.2206 of 10 CFR Part 20.

l l

NORTH ANNA - UNIT 1 6-15 Amendment No. E. 9f>.178




MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT Routine reports of operating statistics and shutdown experience, l

including documentation of all challenges to the Reactor Coolant System PORVs s

or safety valves, shall be submitted on a monthly basis to the Director, Office of tianagement and Program Analysis, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C. 20555, with a copy to the Regional Office of Inspection and Enforcement, no later than the 15th of each month following the calendar month covered by the report.

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NORTH ANNA - UNIT 1 6-16 Amendment No. 3, E, 37, 64 63


M4NUAL AADf0 LOGICAL ENVtRONMENTAL CPEAATING PEDOAT* The Annual Radiological Environmental Operafing Report covering the operation of the unit during tne previous calendar year.shall be submitted before May 1 of each year. The report snali include surmnaries, interpretations, and analysis of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period.

The materlat provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in (1) the ODCM and (2) Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3,and IV.C of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.

  • A singie submittal may N made for a multiple unit station.

NORTH ANNA - UNIT 1 6 19 Amendment No. 37,fg,J),63, 105. 130 JUL 5 1990



  • The Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 1 of each year. The report shall include a summary bf the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from thewnit. The material provided shall be (1) consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and PCP and (2) in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and Section IV.B.1 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.

i i



i A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine those sections that are common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactrve material from each unit.

l t

i i

NORTH ANNA UNIT 1 6-20 Amendment No. 48. f 3.130.

i 178 l


ADMENISTRATIVE CONTROLS Records and drawing changes reflecting facility design modifications a.

made to systens and equipment described in the Final Safety Analysis Report.

Re[ords'of new and irradiated fuel inventory, fuel transfers and b.

assembly burnup histories.

Records of facility radiation and contamination surveys.



Records of radiation exposure for all individuals entering radiation control areas.

Records of gaseous and liquid radioactive material released to the e.


i f.

Records of transient operational cycles for those facility components identified in Table 5.9-1.


Records of reactor tests and experiments.


Records of training and qualification for current members of the plant staff.


Records of in-service inspections performed pursuant to these Techni-cal Specifications, j.

Records of Quality Assurance activities required by the QA fianual, k.

Records of reviews performed for changes made to procedures or equip-ment or reviews of tests and experiments pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.



Records of meetings of the SNSOC.

Records of meetings of the Systen Nuclear Safety and Operating m.

Conraittee to issuance of Amendment No. 30.

Records of the service lives of all hydraulic and mechanical snt.bbers

'I n.

required to be OPERABLE by Technical Specification 3.7.10 including the date at which the service life commences and associated installa-tion and maintenance records.

Records of secondary water sampling and water quality.


Records of Environmental Qualification which are covered under the p.

provisions of Paragraph 6.13.

Records of analyses required by the radiological environmental moni-q.

toring program that would pemit evaluation of the accuracy of the analysis at a later date.

This would include procedures effective at specified times and QA records showing that these procedures were followed.

Records of reviews performed for changes made to the OFFSITE DOSE -



NORTH ANNA - UNIT 1 6-23 Amendment No. 30,33,$3,77,

130, JUL 5 1990


6.11 RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAM Procedures for personnel radiation protection shall be prepared consistent with the requirements of 1Q CFR Part 20 ar.J shall be approved, maintained and adhered to for all operations involving ~ personnel radiation exposure.

6.12 HIGH RADIATION AREA 6.12.1 In lieu of the " control device" or " alarm signal" required by paragraph 20.1601 of 10 l

CFR 20, each high radiation area in which the intensity of radiation is greater than 100 mrem /hr but less than 1000 mrem /hr shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and entrance thereto shall be controlled by requiring issuance of a Radiation Work Permit.* Any individual or group of individuals permitted to enter such areas shall be provided with or accompanied by one or more of the following:

a. A radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the arca.
b. A radiation nionitoring device which continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in the area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rate level in the area has been established and personnel have been made knowledgeable of them,
c. An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures who is equipped with a radiation dose rate monitoring device. This individual shall be responsible for providing positive control over the activities within the area and shall perform j

periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified by the facility Health Physicist in the Radiation Work Permit.

6.12.2 The requirements of 6.12.1, above, shall also apply to each high radiation area in which the intensity of radiation is greater than 1000 mrem /hr, but less than 500 rads /hr at one meter from a radiation source or any surface through which radiation penetrates. In addition, locked doors shall be provided to prevent unauthorized entry into such areas and the keys shall be maintained under the administrative control of the Shift Supervisor on duty and/or the Plant Health Physicist.

' Health Physics personnel shall be exempt from the RWP issuance requirement during the performance of their assigned radiation protection duties, provided they comply with approved radiation protect;on procedures for entry into high radiation areas.

NORTH ANNA-UNIT 1 6-24 Amendment No. 76, 33, f B, 178



11,4 DCOCESS CONTAOL D AOG A AM (PC A) 6.14.1 Changes to the PCP:


Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as required by Specification 6.10.2.r. This documentation snail contain:

a) Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s) and b) A determination that the change will maintain the overall conformance of the solidified waste procuct to existing requirements of Federal, State, or other applicable regulations.

2. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the SNSOC and the approval of the Plant Manager.

NORTH ANNA UNIT 1 6-25 Amendment No. 48,103, 130, JUL 5 1990


Changes to the ODCM: y a.

Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as required by Specification 6.10.2.r. This documentation shall contain:

1) Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s) and 2 ) A determinat.on that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190,10 CFR 50.36a, and l

Appendix i to 10 CFR Part 50 and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.

b. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the SNSOC and the approval of the Plant Manager.
c. Shall be submitted to the Comnission in the form of a complete, legible copy of the entire ODCM as a part of or concurrent with the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release l

Report for the period of the report in which any change to the ODCM was made. Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g.,

month / year) the change was implemented.

6.16 DELETED NORTH ANNA-UNIT 1 6-26 Amendment No.f E. M.



  1. 1(4 4)(

9 E




Y-WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 m.


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that:


The application for amendment by Virginia Electric and Power Company et al., (the licensee) dated July 16, 1993, as supplemented by letter dated November 15, 1993, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act),

and the Commission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR

-Chapter I; B.

The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C.

There is reasonable assurance (1) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health'and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations; D.

The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and E.

The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied.


Accordingly,7 he Ticense is amended by changes to the Technical Speci-fications as indicated in the attachment to this license amendment, and paragraph 2.C.(2) of Facility Operating License No. NPF-7 is hereby amended to read as follows:

(2). Technical Soecifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendices A and B, as revised through Amendment No.159

, are bereby incorporated in the license. The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.


This license amendment is effective as of its date of issuance and shall be implemented within 30 days.


>b-C Bi Herbert N. Berkow, Direc or Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Changes to the Technical Specifications Date of Issuance: February 17, 1994 l

l l



-- TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-7 DOCKET NO. 50-339 Reolace the following pages of the Appendix "A" Technical Specific 2tions with the enclosed pages as indicated. The revised pages are identified by amendment number and contain vertical lines indicating the area of change.

The corresponding overleaf pages are also provided to maintain document completeness.

Remove Paces Insert Paaes 1-4 1-4 B 3/4 7-7 B 3/4 7-7 B 3/4 11-2 B 3/4 11-2


51 5-1 5-2 5-2 6-14 b 6-14 b 6-15 6-15 6-20 6-20 6-23 6-23 6-24 6-24 6-25 6-25 l

l f

l I

1.0 DEFINITIONS (Continued)

ENGNEEAED SAFEW FEATUPE RESPONtv T1ME The ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURE RESPONSE TIME shall be that time interval fro 1.12 when the monitor 6d parameter exceeds its ESF actuation setpoint at the channel sensor until the ESF equipment is capable of performing its safety function (i.e., the valves travel to their required positions, pump discharge pressures reach their required values, etc.). Times shall include diesel generator starting and sequence loading delays where applicable.

FREQUENCYNOTATION 1.13 The FREQUENCY NOTATION specified for the performance of Surveillance Requirements sh4 correspond to the intervals defined in Table 1.2.

FULLY WITHDRAWN 1.13a The control bank FULLY WITHDRAWN position shall be within the interval of 225 to 229 steps withdrawn, inclusive.

Definition of the FULLY WITHDRAWN position for each specific cycle shall be documented in the rod insertion 1imit operator curve.

GASFOUS RADWASTE TREATMNT SYSTEM 1.14 A GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM is the system designed and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous affluents by collecting primary coolant system offgases from the primary system and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the total radbactivity prior to release to the environment. The system is composed of the waste gas decay tanks, regenerative heat exchanger, waste gas cWcoal filters, process vent blowers, waste gas surge tanks ard waste gas diaphram compressor.



Leakage (except CONTROLLED LEAKAGE) into closed systems, such as pump seal or vatve packing leaks that are captured and conducted to a sump - <x: ting tank, or b.

Leakage into the containment atmephere from sources t',9 rn oth specifically located and known either not to interfere with the operstk t '< akage detection systems or not b be PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE, or l


Reactor coolant system leakage tnrough a steam generator 2 the secondary system.

MEMBEPlS) OFTHE PUBUC 1.16 MEMBER (S) OF THE PUBLIC shall include aN Ind. iduals who by virtue of their V

occupational status have no formal association with the plant. This category shal include non-employees of the licensee who are permitted to use portions of the site for recreational, occupational, or other purposes not associated with plant functions. This category shall n21 include non-employees such as verxing machine servloemen or postman who, as part of their formal job function, Gially enter an area that is contro5ed by the Econsee for purposes of genckwi of indviduals from exposure to radiation and rasoacere motettais.

nt y. 37,7H. W NORTH ANNA - UNIT 2 1-3 n

NOV 2 21931


Y 1.17 The OFFSITE QOSE4ALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid


effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring alarm / trip setpoints, and l

in the conduct of the Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program. The ODCM shall also contain (1) the Radioactive Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs required by Section 6.8.4 and (2) descriptions of the information that should be -

included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and Annual Radioactive Effluent l

Release Reports required by Specifications and

OPERABLE - OPERABILITY 1.18 A system, subsystem, train, component or device shall be OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified function (s), and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal and emergency electrical power sources, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component, or device to perform its function (s) are also capable of performing their related support function (s).


1.19 An OPERATIONAL MODE (i.e., MODE) shall correspond to any one inclusive combination of core reactivity condition, power level, and average reactor coolant temperature specified in Table 1.1.

PHYS!CSTESTS 1.20 PHYSICS TESTS shall be those tests performed to measure the fundamental nuclear characteristics of the reactor core and related instrumentation and 1) described in Chapter 14.0 of the FSAR, 2) authorized under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, or 3) otherwise approved by the Commission.

4 PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE 1.21 PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE shall be leakage (except steam generator tube leakage) through a non-isolable fault in a Reactor Coola-t System component body, pipe wall or vessel wall.

PROCESSCONTROLPROGRf4A 1.22 The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) shall contain the current formulas, sampling, analyses, tests and determinations to be made to ensure that the processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes based on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance with 10 CFR Parts 20,61, and 71, State regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal of the radioactive waste.

l PURGE - PURGING 1.23 PURGE or PURGING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is required to purity the confinement.

NORTH ANNA - UNIT 2 1-4 Amendment No. 3 T,114.130, 159


3/4.7.11 SEAL ED SOURCE CONTAMINATION The limitations orksealed source removable contamination ensure that the total body or i

individual organ irradiation does not exceed allowable limits in the event of ingestion or i

inhalation of the source material. The limitations on removable contamination for sources i

I requiring leak testing, including alpha emitters, is based on 10 CFR 70.39(c) limits for plutonium. Sealed sources are classified into three groups according to their use, with l

surveillance requirements commensurate with the probability of damage to a source in that group. Those sources which are frequently handled are required to be tested more often than those which are not. Sealed sources which are continuously enclosed within a shielded mechanism (i.e., sealed sources within radiation monitoring or boron measuring devices) are considered to be stored and need not be tested unless they are removed from the shielded mechanism.

3/4.7.12 SETTLEMENT OF CLASS 1 STRUCTURES In order to assure that settlement does not exceed allowable values, a program has been established to conduct a survey of a specified number of points at the site on a semiannual basis.

The first survey was conducted in May 1976 to establish baseline elevations for most of the points. Where applicable, the baseline elevations of points established subsequent to the May l

1976 survey have been adjusted to the May 197S survey by an evaluation of the settlement records of settlement points on the same structure or on nearby structures. Baseline elevations for points established on dates other than May 1976 are indicated in Table 3.7-5. Additional surveys will be performed semiannually. The determination of the elevation of the points shall be by precise leveling with second order Class Il accuracy as defined by the U.S. Deorrtment of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmosoberic Administration. National Ocean Survev.1974.

When any settlement point listed in Table 3.7-5 is inaccessible during a survey, comparison to allowable settlement shall be based on settlement of other ooints on the same structure or on nearby structures having similar foundation conditions. When any settlement point listed in Table 3.7-5 is dislocated or replaced, a documented review of the settlement records of points on the same structure and additionally points on nearby structures having similar foundation conditions shall provide a new reference elevation for the point that reflects the estimated settlement since the baseline survey. If the total settlement or differential settlement exceeds 75 percent of the allowable value, the frequency of s'irveillance shall be increased as dictated by the engineering review. Measurements of certain points are required to be performed at i

least once per 31 days for the first five years of facility operation to provide additional settlement information.

l NORTH ANNA - UNIT 2 8 3/4 7 7 Amendment No. 7#7,159 i

1 l

l Specifications 3/ through 3/ have been deleted I

NORTH ANNA UNIT 2 B 3/4 11-1 Amendment No. 37, II4 e JUL 191990


IE I I 3/ UOUlD @LDUP TANKS The tanks listed in this Specification include all those outdoor tanks that are not surrounded by liners, dikes, or walls capable of holding the tank contents and that do not have tank overflows and surrounding area drains connected to the liquid radwaste treatment system.

Restricting the quantity of radioactive material contained in the specified tanks provides assurance that in the event of an uncontrolled release of the tanks' contents, the resulting ccncentrations would be less than the limits of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 l

at the nearest potable water supply and the nearest surface water supply in an UNRESTRICTED AR:_A.

Specifications 3/ through 3/ have been de'eled.


NORTH ANNA - UNIT 2 8 3/4 11-2 Amendment No. 37,17#,159

5.0 DESIGN FEATURES 5.1 SITE EXCLUS!CN AREA 5.1.1 The exclusiog area,(site boundary) shall be as shown in Figure 5.1-1.

l LOW POPULATION ZQNE 5.1.2 The low population zone sha!! be as shown in Figure 5.12.

MAP DEFINING UNRESTRICTED AREAS FOR RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS AND UOUID EFFLUENTS 5.1.3 Information regarding radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, which allows identification of structures and release points as well as definition of UNRESTRICTED AREAS within the SITE BOUNDARY that are accessible to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, shall be as shown in Figure 5.1-1.

5.2 CONTAINMENT CONFIGURATION 5.2.1 The reactor containment building is a steel lined, reinforced concrete building of cylindrical shape with a dome roof and having the following design features:

a. Nominal inside diameter - 126 feet.
b. Nominal inside height = 190 feet,7 inches.


c. Minimum thickness of concrete walls - 4.5 feet.


Minimum thickness of concrete roof - 2.5 feet.

e. Minimum thickness of concrete floor pad = 10 feet.


Nominal thickness of the cylindrial portion of the steel liner = 3/8 inches.


Net free volume = 1.825 x 106 cubic feet.

h. Nominal thickness of hemispherical dome portion of the steel liner - 1/2 inch.

DESIGN PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE 5.2.2 The reactor containment building is designed and shall be maintained for a maximum internal pressure of 45 psig and a temperature of 280*F.

i i


,5-1 Amendment No. 37. 53,159 l



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NORTH ANNA - UNIT 2 5-2 Amendment No. H,H,159

i 1


I b.

in Plpri Rattiation Wonnoriner A, will ensure the capabilty to acerately determee the airtome iodine concentration in vaal areas under accdem condstens. This program snes include the fonowmg:


Training of personnel, 5

l (ii).

Procedures for rnontortn0. and (iii)

Provisions for maintenance of sampling and analysis equipment.

c. Secondarv Water Chamistry A program for morwtoring of secondary water chemistry to inhibit steam generator tube degradation. This program shallinclude:


Idemficahon of a sartplin0 schedule for the critical variables and controlpoints for these variables, (ii)

Idemnication of the procedures used to measure the values of the enecal.

vanabios, t

t (iii)

Identification of process sampung points, which shaB include monitortn0 the decharge of the condensme pumps for eveence of condenser inleakage, (iv)

Procedures for the recording and menessment of data.


Procedures defining correcove actions for aB control point chemetry conditions, and (vi)

A procedure identrying (a) the authortry responsible for the irnerpretation of the data, and (b) the sequence and timmg of admnetradve events required to initiate corrective action.

j L


Post-Accident Samnting A M M d M 91e 6 to 6 W @ rem W, radioactive lodines and partimistes in plant gaseous effluents, and containmort atrnosphere sanges under accident constions. The program shes inesude the sonowing:

j (1)

Training of personnel, j


Procethree for sampung and analysis, j


-ior, e-of sarta and ana i

NORTH ANNA-UNIT 2 614e Amendment No.M,148 u

DEC9 1932 1



Radioactive Effluent Controls Procram j

A program shall be provided conforming with 10 CFR 50.36a for the control of radioactive: effluents and for maintaining the doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC from radioactiveyeffluents as low as reasonably achievable. The program (1) shall be contained m tiie'ODCM, (2) shall be implemented by operating procedures, and (3) shall include remedial actions to be taken whenever the program limits are exceeded.

The program shallinclude the following elements:

1 ) Limitations on the operability of radioactive liquid and gaseous monitoring instrumentation ina,uding surveillance tests and setpoint determination in accordance with the methodology in the ODCM, 2 ) Limitations on the concentrations of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS conforming to ten times 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, 3 ) Monitoring, sampling, and analysis of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents in accordance with 10 CFR 20.1302 and with the methodology and parameters in the l

ODCM, 4 ) Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released from each unit to UNRESTRICTED AREAS conforming to Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, 5 ) Determination of cumulative and projected dose contributions from radioactive effluents for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM at least every 31 days, 6 ) Limitations on the operability and use of the liquid and gaseous effluent treatment 4

systems to ensure that the appropriate portions of these systems are used to reduce

-l releases of radioactivity when the projected doses in a 31-day period would exceed 2 percent of the guidelines for the annual dose or dose commitment conforming to Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, 7 ) Limitations on the dose rate resulting from radioactive material released in gaseous effluents to areas at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be hmited to the following:

a) For noble gases: Less than or equal to a dose rate of 500 mrem /yr. to the tot 31 body and less than or equal to a dose rate of 3000 mrem /yr. to the skin, and b) For lodine-131, lodine-133, Tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days: Less than or equal to a dose rate of 1500 mrem /yr. to any organ.

1 NORTH ANNA UNIT 2 6-1 4b Amendment No. F7,174,159 i

t ADMINISTRATIVE CCNTROLS The startup t& port shall address each of the tests identified in the FSAR and shall include a descriptionwf the measured values of the operating conditions or characteristics obtained during the test program and a comparison olthese values with design predictions and specifications. Any corrective actions that were required to obtain satisfactory operation shall also be described. Any additional specific details requested m license conditions based on other


commitments shall be inc!uded in this report. Startup reports shall be submitted within (1) 90 days following completion of the startup test program, (2) 90 days following resumption or commencement of commercial power operation, or (3) 9 months following initial criticality, whichever is earliest. If the Startup Report does not cover all three events (i.e., initial criticality, completion of startup test program, and resumption or commencement of commercial power operation),

supplementary reports shall be submitted at least every three months until all three events have been completed.

P ANNUAL REPORTS 1/ Annual reports covering the activities of the unit as described be!ow for the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to March 1 of each year. The initial report shall be submitted prior to March 1 of the year following initial criticality. Reports required on an annual basis shallinclude:

a. A tabulation on an annual basis of the number of station, utility, and other personnel (including contractors) receiving exposures greater than 100 mrem /yr and their associated man-rem exposure according to work and job functions,2/ e.g., reactor operations and surveillance, inservice inspection, routine maintenance, special maintenance (describe maintenance), waste processing, and refueling. The dose assignments to various duty functions may be estimated based on pocket dosimeter, TLD, or film badge measurements. Small exposures totalling less than 20 percent of the individual total dose need not be accounted for. In the aggregate, at least 80 percent of the total whole body dose received from external sources should be assigned to specific major work functions.

.11 A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine those sections that are common to all units at the station.

21 This tabulation supplements the requirements of {20.2206 of 10 CFR Part 20.

t NORTH ANNA-UNIT 2 6-15 Amendment No.159


The complkte results of the steam generator tube inservice inspectioFs performed during the report period (Reference Specification


The results of specific activity analysis in which the primary coolant exceeded the limits of Specification -3.4.8.

The following information shall be included:

(1) Reactor power history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded; (2) Results of the last isotopic analysis for radiciodine performed prior to exceeding the limit, results of analysis while limit was exceeded and results of one analysis after the radiciodine activity was reduced to less than limit.

Each result should include date and time of sampling and the radioiodine concentrations; (3) Clean-up system flow history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded; (4) Graph of the I-131 concentration and one other radioiodine isotope concentration in microcuries per gram as a function of time for the duration of the specific activity above the steady-state level; and i

(5) The time duration when the specific activity of the primary-coolant exceeded the radiciodine limit.

4 MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT Routine reports of operating statistics and shutdown experience, including documentation of all challenges to the Reactor Coolant System PORVs or safety. valves, shall be submitted on a monthly basis to the Director, Office of Management and Program Analysis U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.

20555, with a copy to the Regional Office of Inspection and Enforcement, no later than the 15th day of each month i

following the calendar month covered by the report.

i i

i l

i i

l 1

NORTH ANNA - UNIT 2 6-16 Amendment No. 37, #7,33 i



i The AnnuiT Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering tne operation of the unit during the previous-calendar year shall be submitted before May 1 of each year.

The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting perio

Tne material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in (1) the ODCM and (2) Sections IV.B.2, IV.8.3,and IV.C of Appendix ! to 10 CFR Part 50.

l l

i i



1 i

p h

~~A~ single submittal may 5 ma~de for a multiple unit station,


NORTH ANNA UNIT 2 6 19 Amendment No. 37.47.H.1 M,


ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS (Continued) j ANNUAL RADf0LOGCAL EFFLUENT RA FASF REPORT' The Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 1 of each year. The report shall include a summary o'f the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit.' The material provided shall be (1) consistent with the ob}ectives I

outlined in the ODCM and PCP and (2) in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and Section IV.B.1 of Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50.


J t

i A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine l

those sections that are common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate j

radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactrve material from each



i i

NORTH ANNA - UNIT 2 6-20 Amendment No. 37.47,77#,

159 s



Records of reactor tests and experiments.

Records f training and qualification for current members of the plant staff.




Records of in. service inspections performed pursuant to these Technical Specifications.


ReTrds of Quality Assurance activities required by the OA Manual.

Recoord' of the service life of all hydraulic and mechanical snubbers required to be k.

s operable by Technical Specification 3.7.10 including the date at which the service I

life commences and associated insta!!ation and maintenance records.


Records of review performed for changes made to procedures or equipment or reviews of tests and experiments pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.


Records of meetings of the SNSOC.


Records of meetings of the System Nuclear Safety and Operating Committee to issuance of Amendment No.11.


Records of secondary water sampling and water quality.

l p.

Records for Environmental Qualification which are covered under the provisions of Paragraph 2.C(4) (3) of Ucense No. NPF 7.

I q.

Records of analyses required by the radiological environmental monitoring program l

that would permit evaluation of the accuracy of the analysis at a later date. This l

would included procedures effective at specified times and QA records showing that these procedures were followed.


Records of reviews performed for changes made to the OFFSITE DOSE CALCUl.ATION MANUAL and the PROCESS CCNTROL PROGRAM.

6.11 RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAM Procedures for personnel radiation protection shall be prepared consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20 and shall be approved, maintained and adhered to for all operations involving personnel radiation exposure.

6.12 HIGH RADIATION AREA 6.12.1 in lieu of the

  • control device" or " alarm signal" required by paragraph 20.1601 of 10 l

CFR 20, each high radiation area in which the intensity of radiation is greater than 100 mrem /hr but less than 1000 mrem /hr shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted a high radiation area and entrance NORTH ANNA - UNIT 2 6-23 Amendment No. 77. 37. E3, 57.


ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS (Continued) thereto shall be controlled by requiring issuance of a Radiation Work Permit.' Any individual or group of individuals permitted to enter such areas shall be provided with or accompanied by one or more of the following:

A radiatioIi monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in a.

the area *

b. A radiation monitoring device which continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in t

the area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rate level in the area has been established and personnel have been made knowledgeable of them,

c. An individual qualified in the protection procedures who is equipped with a radiation dose rate monitoring device. This individual shall be responsible for providing positive control over the activities within the. area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency rpecified by the facility Health Physicist in the i

Radiation Work Permit.

6.12.2 The requirements of 6.12.1, above, shall also apply to each high radiation area in which,

the intensity of radiation is greater than 1000 mrem /hr, but less than 500 rads /hr at one meter from a radiation source or any surface through which radiation penetrates. In addition, locked doors shall be provided to prevent unauthorized entry into such areas and the keys shall.

be maintained under the administrative control of the Shift Supervisor on duty and/or the Plant Health Physicist.


'Fiealth Physics personnel or personnel escorted by Health Physics personnel shall be exempt from the RWP issuance requirement during the performance of their assigned radiation protection duties, provided they comply with approved radiation protection procedures for entry in high radiation areas.

'I t

h 1

i ~

NORTH ANNA UNIT 2 6-24 Amendment No. M,159



Changes to the PCP:

Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as required a.

by Specification 6.10.2.r. This documentation shall contain:

1 ) Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s) and 2 ) A determination that the change will maintain the overall conformance of the solidified waste product to existing requirements of Federal, State, or other applicable regulations.

b. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the SNSOC and the approval of the Plant Manager.


Changes to the ODCM:

a. Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as required by Specification 6.10.2.r. This documentation shall contain:
1) Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s) and 2 ) A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent l

control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190,10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.

b. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the SNSOC and the approval of the Plant Manager.
c. Shall be submitted to the Commission in the form of a complete, legible copy of the entire ODCM as a part of or concurrent with the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release l

Report for the period of the report in which any change to the ODCM was made. Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g.,

month / year) the change was implemented.

NORTH ANNA-UNIT 2 6-25 Amendment No. 37. 7 N,


I u


6-15 is DELETED NORTH ANNA -UNIT 2 6-26 Amendment No. 31, 114, JUL 191990