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Certificate of Compliance 9033,Rev 1,for Models 660 & 660E
Person / Time
Site: 07109033
Issue date: 05/05/1977
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20062F877 List:
NUDOCS 9011280247
Download: ML20062F893 (2)


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,4 Perm Nmf$18 UL NUCLE Art RtGUL ATORY 00MW1981CIN

,o"c[p 7, CERTIFICATE OF COMPl.lA9dCC I 3' For Redsometig Meterle6s Peehaps 1 (el **' t cete Numte+ Moveston No.

1.f el No.


$de, 1.lel 7 9de. 5 2 Pat AMBLt 2 tel Th6s certificate is eeswerf to eetlety noct 6ons 173.303e.173.3D4,173.3DS. and 173.306 of stie Department of Transportetten veespecie Meterets Requietsans fe9 CFP 170 la9 and 14 CFR 103) and tertiere 146-10-10e med 1419-100 of the Departmem of Transponetson Deneerews Corpoes Repuletr>ns 144 CF R 1&149), es amen 8ed 2 lbl The packaging see contents descr6 bed in item 6 tielow,, meets the safety atenderes est forth 6n Sutipart C et Ylene 10, Ceele of f ederel Regulatens. Port 71, "Pocheping of Rodeoertow Meteriets for Trensport and Treneporteten of Redeeeetive Meterief Usteer Cartein Condsteru '

2.lci This certificate does not releve the consignor from compliance with any touv6tement of the repeletions of stie U.S. Departmoni of Transportetson or other poplicable regulatory opencies, ecluding the goveeriment of any country through or into svhesh the pocheer wl11 be trenesorted

3. This cortefecate is ensued or. the basis of e safety ainelysis toport of the pockepe dessen or appiteet6ert-3 lol Prepared by (Name end addres) 3 lb) Title and edentefecation of report er espileetion:

Technical Operations. Inc.

Technical Operations Inc. application e

Northwest Industrial Park dated November 8. 1974.

Burlington, Massachusetts 01B03 3 tel oo ne No.


4. C0hDIT40N5 T4*as corteficole is corettienet upoa the fulfillary of the e84Wisenwnts of $ubmert o of to CFR 71, ei opp.icab6e, and the condrtions epocif au 6n lism $ beich
s. oeJ,La of, emoiho,,,ed Conionis. Mod.i ~,,

e.,,,sa, Cie., other Conditio,,, and Re,0,one,,

R (e) Packaging (1)^ Model'Nos.:/ 660.and 660E (2) Description A steel encased, uranium shielded Gamma Ray Projector. Primary components consist of an outer steel shell, polyurethane potting material, uranium shleid, Zircalloy "S" tube, and end plugs. The contents are securely positioned in the Zircalloy "S" tube by a source cable locking device and shipping plug. Tamper-proof seals are provided on the packaginge : Total. weight of.the packaging 1is 44' pounds.3 (3) Drawings The packaging is constructed in accordanc2 with the following Technical Operations. Inc. Drawings Nos.:

066001 B66001-16s 17. 20, 21 B66001-1 to 3 A6b001-22 A66001-4 to 6 B66001-24 B66001-7 C660 A66001-11 B66101-1 B66 % -12 Bill of Materials D66001 m001-13.14 B53301-11 06v001-15 B660E01 B66001-23 9021280247 o01127 Page 5 of 6 PDR ADOCK 07109033 C


1 I-CertificateNo.9033-RevisionNo.1-DocketNo. 71-9033

@) Contents (1) Type and form of material Iridium-192 sources which meet the requirements of special form as defined in 171.4(o) of 10 CFR Part 71.

(2) Maximum quantity of material per package 120 curies e source assembly for use with this packaging is limited to Technical erations. Inc. Model No. A424-9 as shown in Technical Operations, Inc.

awing No. C42400, Sheet 2 of 3, Rev. F.

e name plate shall be fabricated of materials capable of resisting the re test of 10 CFR Part 71 and maintaining their legibility.

gepackageauthorizedbythiscertificateisherebyapprovedforuseunder neral license provisions of Paragraph 71.12(b) of 10 CFR Part 71.

piration date:

December 31, 1979.

REFERENCES lal Oporations, Inc. applicated dated November 8.1974.


[b Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety MAY 5 1577 Pacy 6 of 6
