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Six Month Operating Rept 3 for Jan-June 1972 for Monticello Nuclear Nuclear Generating Plant
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1972
From: Mayer L
To: Giambusso A
NUDOCS 9104250437
Download: ML20058K846 (128)


___ - _______ _____ __

~Rigulatory Fila C NSF NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY M I N N E A PO LI S. M I N N E S OTA B S 4 01 August 30, 1972

& D Mr A Giambusso s\

D2puty Director for Reactor Projects g

- 7, Directorate of Licensing 9-  % .j~. -

-12 D[

~ '

United States Atomic Energy Commission lfi Washington, D C 20545 "

./ d v Daar Mr Giambusso:

4 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATIIG PIANT Docket No 50-263 License No DRP-22 Six Month Operating Report #3 '

January 1 - June 30, 1972 In accordance with Section 6.6.D.1 of Appendix A, Technical Specifications, _

of Provisional Operating License DPR-22, enclosed are three copies of the l subject operating report. The other required 37 copies vill be transmitted i as a separate bulk shipment.

Yours very truly, L 0 Mayer, P.E.

Director of Nuclear Support Services LOM/ma f, E/s cc: B B Grier DOCKETED 1 p#


  1. AIL SEC10ft

,  % D3CVU CLEng 9 N / gn #

4994 9104250437 720830"1 b.#d /

CF ADOCK 05000263 CF t ,



l l

TABLE OF C0 fret #S l

l. I NTf0DUCTl0N ]

l i


l i


A. Nuclear '

B. Electrical l C. Shuidowns i




i l

l 1

I l

I. I fR FDDUCT 10N This operating report for the f/onticello fbclear Generating Plant summarizes the six runth period from January 1,1972 through June 30, 1972. I t is submitted in accordance with the reporting requirements of the Provisional Operating License DPR-22 and Section 50.59 of 10 CFR 50 l as described in the following paragraphs.

l l Section 6.6.D of Appendix A, Technical Speci fications, of the ]

l Provisional Operating License DPR-22 for the fAonticello tbclear '

Generating Plant requires that a routine operating report be submitted to the United States Atomic Energy Commission at the end of each six ,

month period. The reports are required to contain the following infor- l mation (summarized on a monthly basis): l l

a. flu clea r l (1) TOmber of hours the plant was operated.

(2) Tbmber of times the reactor was made critical.

(3) Gross thermal power generated.

1 (4) Operating histogram, showing the thermal power level of the reactor versus tire for the report period. )

(5) Equivalent Full Power Hours. '

b. Electrical l

l (1) Gross power generated (in fMh).

(2) Net power generated (in fMh).

(3) Length of time generator was on line (in hours).

c. Shuidowns (1) IJumber of scrams and shut downs. l (2) Duration of down time (in hours). l (3) Reasons for outage.
d. fAaintenance (on systems or components desiE ned to prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear accidents)

(1) Nature of maintenance; e.g., routine, emergency, preventive, or corrective.

(2) The effect, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor.

(3) The cause of any malfunction for which corrective main-l tenance was requi red.

(4) The effects of any such malfunctions.

(5) Corrective and preventive action taken to preclude l recurrence of mal functions.

(6) Time required for completion.

l l e. Radioacti ve Lioui d Waste *

(1) Total curie activity discharged.

(2) Total volume (in gallons before dilution) of liquid waste

, di s charged.

l (3) Total volume (in gallons) of dilution water used.


(4) Average concentration (in uc/cc) at outfall of discharEe i canal.

(5) Maximum concentration released for any consecutive i 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> during the reporting period, including time

  • and date.

(6) Percentage of annual limit released.

(7) Results of isotopic analyses and estimated curies of each identified nuclide released.

(8) Total curie activity of Tritium d.scharged.

f. Gaseous Waste *

(1) Total curies activity discharged separated into noble Bases, iodine, and particulates.

(2) Maximum activity released "ar any consecutive 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> during the reporting period. .

(3) Percentage of maximm annual limit released and LPC value. 1 (4) Results of all isotopic analyses and estimated total curies of each i denti fied nucli de released.  !

g. Spqli.d Radioacti ve Waste (1) Total volume (in cubic feet) of solid waste generated.

(2) Gross curies activity involved.

(3) Dates and disposition of the material if shipped off-site.

l h. Envi ronmnial f.bni torinn l

(1) A narrative summary, including correlation with effluent releases of the results of off-site environmental surveys performed during the report period.  !

(2) Tabulation of results of the environmental monitoring program, including a figure showing location of the monitoring stations.

(3) For any samples which indicate statistically significant levels of radioactivity above established background levels, a comparison with applicable 10 CFR 20 limits shall be provided.

Section 50.59,10 CFR 59, permits the holder of a license authorizing operation of a nuclear reactor to make changes in the facility, changes in procedures, and conduct tests or experiments, provided that the change, test, or experiment does not involve a chanEe in the technical specifications or an unreviewed safety question. The licensee is required to report such changes, tests, and experiments to the Commission.

In addition to the above requirements this report includes a brief chronological summary of the plant operating history during the report period.

  • To comply with the latest AEC recommendations and to avoid wasteful effort in preparation of essentially duplicate reports, the radio- ,

active liquid and gaseous release data contained in this report is presented in the format recommended in AEC Safetv Guide 21 - Measuring and Reporting of Effluent from Nuclear Power Plahts.



11. CHf0f0 LOGICAL HISTORY 1/1/72 Work on the torus and ISIV's continued during the outage which to began tbvember 12, 1971. The torus interior was sandblasted 1/24/72 and repainted. The ISIV's were disassembled, repaired, and successfully leak tested. The Safety / Relief Valves were l

disassembled and main stem galling was discovered. f4ew stem-disc assemblies of hardened material were installed on all four safety / relief valves. Following discovery of a loose jam nut in a core spray isolation valve motor operator, all similar valve operators were inspected and the jam nuts were l

pinned or staked.

1/24/72 Criticality was achieved with fewer control rods withdrawn to than required for the initial clean-core criticality.

1/31/72 Investigation of this unexpected behavior included critical reasurerents utilizing both rod sequences; shutdown margin derenstrations; temperature coefficient reasurements; deter-mination of critical rod position vs temperature; and independent core analysis by NSP, General Electric Company and consultants.

It was found that the poison curtain worth and the effect of curtain depletion on core reactivity had been underestimated.

All calculated and empirical data was found to be consistent.

l 1/ 31/7 2 Returned to operation at low power.

2/1/72 Operatedat50% power. Performance data was obtained for the I to modified main steamline flow restrictors.

I 2/4/72 l

2/5/72 Operatedbetween40-70% power. Obtained further performance data for Main Steam Flow Restrictors.

2/6/72 Shutdown plant to repair leaking manhole covers on the to low pressure turbine inner casing.

2/9/72 2/10/72 Operatedbetween40-70% power. Obtained further performance data for Main Steam Flow Restrictors.

2/11/72 Reactor scram from APRM Hi-Hi Flux caused by a sudden speed increase of the #11 recire purp. An interlock was added to the speed control c.ircuitry to limit speed changes caused by control malfunctions.

2/13/72 Returnedtooperationat60% power.

2/14/72 Raised power to 100% in steps. Obtained further performance to data for Main Steam Flow Restrictors.

2/24/72 2/25/72 Operatedat100% power.


- _ ~ - - - - - . . . . ,w . .

i i

! 2/26/72 Reactor scram caused by turbine stop valve closure during

! stop valve exercising. During the brief pressure transient caused by the stop valve closure, the "A" safety valve

comentarily actuated. The valve reseated with no detectable i' subsequent leakage. Stop Valve Controls were readjusted )

to increase valve opening time during exercising, thereby

eliminating the hydraulic pressure pulse which had caused  ;
stop valve closure. '

2/27/72 Returned to ope-;C - . at low power.

I 2/28/72 Operated a t 90-95% power.

3/3/72 Reactor scram frora high Pressure caused by closure of #2 l turbine control s alve due to a control linkage malfunction. l The linkage was s epaired and the linkage connection bolts j were staked to prevent a recurrer.ce. l l

l 3/4/72 Returned to operation at low power.

3/5/72 to Operated at 80-95% power. 1

3/10/72  !


3/10/72 Special testing was conducted with one steamline isolated i

,( and to obtain main steam flow restrictor performance data up to j 3/11/72 120% of rated steam flow.

3/11/72 Briefly reduced power to 55% to allow repair of a leaking jack

plug on #12 reactor feed pomp.
3/12/72 4

to Operated at 100% power.

3/18/72  ;

3/18/72 Plant shutdown to repair leaking shaft end plug on a feed- l water cher.k valve.

l Returned to epsration at 80% power.

3/19/72 3/20/72 to Raised power to 100%.

3/21/72 l

i 1

3/21/72 to Operated at 100% power.

3/24/72 3/24/72 Shutdown to repair turbine control linkage. Linkage connection bolts on all four control valves were welded in place.

(' 3/25/72 Returned to operation at 70% power.


, n - + ,

1 l

1 l

1 3/2o/72 Increased to 90% power. 1

(. '

3/27/72 increased to 100% power. A malfunction of No.11 recirculation pump speed control system caused a runback to minitum speed.

Peactor power dropped to 60%. Operation continued with the speed mntrol system out of service. Reccior power was increased to 80% by manually operating the variable speed fluid coupling.

3/28/72 increased to 100% power.

4/1/72 Power was reduced briefly to 70% to test the turbine stop valves and exercise the LSIV's, l

4/2/72 Operated at 100% power. On 4/7/72 No. 11 recirculation  :

to pure speed control was returned to service. A recorder I 4/P/72 was installed to moni tor pump speed cont rol signals.

4/8/72 Reactor power was redaced to 60% for valve exercising.

While exercising turbine valves the reactor scrammed from turbine stop valve closure. A pilot valve on the  ;

No. 2 stop valve was found to have been assembled without )

proper pi <ning of the pision and stem. The pilot valve was readjusted and pinned. The Plant was returned to operation at90% power.

4/9/72 increased to 100% power.

4/10/72 A partial speeo runback on No. 11 recirculation pump occurred.

Analysis of traces from the control system recorder isolated the problem to the fluid coupling scoop tube drive. Pl ar.t operation continued with the speed control system out of service.

4/10/72 erated at 100% power, except for a brief reduction to to Op%

50 power on 4/15/72 for valve exercising.

4/21/72 1

4/21/7 2 Scram from trip of cain steamline radiation nonifors caused when hiEh valtage cable accidently centacted conitor chassis.

Plant was returned te operation. Insulating shields were

, designed for the conitors to prevent a recurrence.

i 4/22/72 Operated at 100% power except for brief reductions for to valve exercising. During this tire an underground cable <

5/12/72 fault caused a four day outage of the 1 AR reserve trans-  ;

fo rme r.

, 5/12/72 Scheduled outace for AEC operator licensing exams and Beneral to maintenance. A faulty amplifier in the fluid coupling scoop  ;

5/14/72 tube drive for No. 11 recirculation pump M.G. Set was identified l as the cause of previous intermittant speed runback. T he '

amplifier was replaced and the control system was returned to ser vi ce. A thorough inspection of turbine control linkages 1 was conducted and all connections were fastened, pinned or locked as per design.

l i

, 1 l

-- q


5/1A/72 to Returned to operation and increased power to 1007.

5/18/72 5/19/72 Operated at 100% power except for brief reduction for to valve exercising. i 5/23/72 l

5/23/72 Generator lockout and subsequent reactor scram from control '

valve fast closure caused by generator phase overcui rent.

The overcurrent resulted from a failure of the arplidyne output breaker and subsequent inproper manual voltage adjustment.

The arplidyne breaker was replaced. Inspection of the torus i area revealed a damaged bolt in a vertical support for the  ;

ring header. The bolt was replaced.

5/24/72 Operated at 100% power. During this period six bolts to were removed from torus ring header supports for examination.

6/2/72 They were replaced with st ronger bolts.

6/2/72 Scheduled outage to replace "A" safety valve and perform to l plant maintenance.

6/4/72 6/4/72 Returned to operation at 90% power. (

6/5/72 Operated at 100% power except for brief reductions for 2 to valve exercising.

6/10/72 During this period it was found that Technical Specification head capacity req.2irements were not satisfied by RHR service water pum;n No. 11 and No. 13. No. 13 purp was overhauled and the flow measuring system was cleaned and modified.

Requi renents were then met; however, investigation is )

continuing to attempt to explain the differences in measured pump performance between vendor shop tests and site tests.

During this period a complete inspection of torus ring header supports was pe r forme d. Damaged bolts and improperly cut bolt holes were discovered. All bolts were replaced with heavier grade bolts and locknuts were installed. Plans for permanent repair of torus ring header supports include balancing of static loads, repair of bolt holes and again replacing all bolts.


111. OPER AT i tG DAT A A. fbclear Data k

t Year: 1972 Jan. f eb. March April Vay Jane

  • N. f hours the 73.1 570.8 719.0 703.3 709.5 699.2 plant was operated.
    • fLmber o f t i mes the reactor was 7 4 2 2 2 1 made critical.

Gross thermal (1500 power generated f44)

( tn.'D) 0.037 25,234 41,102 46,673 44,502 26,825

      • Eqaivalent full Power Hours 1 36 3 591 671 640 673
  • T he plant i. o sidered to be operating from the ini tiation of control rod withdrawal .. ake the reactor critical, until the reactor is returned t o the all-rods-i n condi t ion.
    • This is the number of tires the reactor was made critical from an essentially all-rods-in condi t ion. Fepeated critical and subcritical operations during operator trainigg exercises are not includad.

, *** Histograms of power operation are included at the end of this section.

B. Electrical Month G r o s s 'i?.H Net W.4 Hours Generating Jan. 0 -2,253 0.48 Feb. 210.320 2013 266 455 March 340.970 327,770 647.5 j April 337.430 372,648 691.5 {

1 670.0


May 365.960 349,520 1

June 382,760 365,2B4 685.3 4



, . -ena -o, g s q . -oc a ses a ser o 4

~.- .- . -

C. Shutdowns -


(- 5 2 2 15_,..____.

40. Shutdowns 4 1 1 Kours Shutdown 670.9 125.2 25 15.2 35.5 20.9 99 2. 6 S cr a-s 0 2 1 2 1 0 6 Du ration O f Down Shuidewn Period T i ne. Hou rs Reason for Outare l

l Januarv. 1972 l

1. November 12, 1971, @ 0240 571. 7 Shutdown to replace No.12 to January 24, 1972 @ 1942 feedwater pump rotating assemb1' (continued from November, Extended outage for maintena,:e 1971). of USt V's, removal of torus baffles and modification of relief valve discharge, j Otner work completed during the cuta;e included replace-nent of set pressure adjustment

( springs on the main steam relie:

valves; installation of a, of f-gas loop seal isolation switch and control circui t; modi fi-cation of the main steam flew rest ri cto rs; repainting of the torus interior: replacement of the stem-disc assemblies for the main steam relief valve.l inspection, pinning and staking!

of jam nuts on motor operated !

valves; and general maintenancel

2. January 24, 1972 @ 2213 to 27.6 Evaluate achieving cri ticali ty i January 26, 1972 @ 0152. earlier than expected.

Congleted shutdown margin demonstrations.

, 3. Ja,uary 26, 1972 @ 0332 to 1.1 Conpleted criticality measure-January 26, 1972 @ 0438. ment in Sequence 6.

Changed rod withdrawal secuence

'B' to 'A'.


4. January 26,1972 @) 0559 to 42.5 Completed critical neasurenents January 28, 1972 @ 0030 in Sequence A. Evaluated shata i

down margin demonstration data and analytical calculations.

Completed additional shutdown margin demonstrations.

l I

t . . . - .-

I Du ration of Down ,

- Shutdewn Period Tire. Hours Reason for Outace

5. January 28,1972 @ 0913 to 16.0 Repair 'C' steam relief valve. !

January 29, 1972 @) 0110. l

6. January 29,1972 @ 1445 to 12.0 Repair ' A' steam relief valve.

January 30, 1972 @ 0245.

. Februarv. 1972  !

I 1. February 6, 1972 @ 0205 47.4 Repair low pressure turbine j to February 8,1972 y 0130. inner casing manhole covers. l


2. February 8, 1972 @ 0558 42.1 Repair low pressure turbine to February 10, 1972 @) 0002. inner casing manhole covers.
3. Februar y 11, 1972 @ 0900 3.1 Scram. Sudden increase in to February 11, 1972 @) 1205. No.11 recire pump speed caused an APRM High-High Scram.1 1

, 4. February 26, 1972 @ 0503 32.6 Scram. While exercising turbing to February 27, 1972 @ 1405. stop valves a control system l malfunction tripped all stop '

valves causing a stop valve

, closure scram.

3 March. 1972 4


, 1. Mar ch 3,1972, @ 1305 25.0 Scram. Turbine control valve  !

to March 4, 1972 @ 1405. No. 2 linkage failed causing a high pressure scram.

1, Ac ri l . 1972 l

1. April 8, 1972 @ 0130 9.1 Scram. While exercising turbind to April 8, 1972 @ 1040. stop valves a control system calfunction tripped all stop valves causing a stop valve closure scram.
2. April 21,1972 @ 1037 6.1 Scram. Accidental trip of to April 21, 1972 @ 1642. steam line radiation monitor.

Mav. 1972

1. May 12,1972 @) 2015 30.8 Scheduled outage to conduct to May 14,1972 @ 0301. AEC Operatpr Li cense Exams and perform maintenance.


.' of Down Shutdown Period T i re. Hours Reason for Outare 1,

2. May 23, 1972 @ 1303 4.7 Scram. Amplidyne output to May 23,1972 @ 1745. breaker tripped. Manual voltage adjustment caused
generator trip which resulted 4

in control valve fast closure j scram.

June. 1972

1. June 3, 1972 @ 0035 20.8 Scheduled outage to replace to June 3, 1972 @ 2120. ' A' steam safety valve and perform maintenance.


4, i

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l fONTICELLO REACTOB THERMAL POWER LEVEL g During the Month of February, 1972 1670 _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __._____

- . L60D. I '

. 1400 ,

d n

C w _ _l 200 _

it v> -

H '

i g 1000

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W L. s 800 __

t 600 l i

f i

! .400 .


200 4 i
O  ;

4 8 12 16 20 24 l29 FEBRUARY, 1972 6

_ _ . _ _ _ . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ - . - - ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ______-___4

1 l


, REACTOR THERMAL POWER LEVEL i During the Month of March, 1972 1670 _


..._ .1600 ,

1400 7 .


.@ .1200 _. ..

E .

i N 1000

4 .

! !5

' $ __ 800 . __

i 600' .

r I

L_._._400 - -

I e I 200 I

O J f 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 31 i MARCH, 1972 f

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t . _

i j During the Month of

, May, 1972 l

l 1670 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


' I w___ 1600 .__.

f .

I'!00 i


._.y,.. 120D .

.__- -.J x .

W m

p 1000 E

< I L$ 800 .

600 .

i 1 l - ,


!._ _ ._ .400 _ . .

1 i i i 200  !

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4 8 12 16 20 24 28 31 i

MAY, 1972




I During the Month of June, 1972 1670 _

.. 1600. _ . _

s 1400 J l 5 .'

4x_ 1200 H

,y 1000 n

. 5_..

a 600 I

600 ,

i L_


_40_0 a

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0 4 8 12 16 20 24 23 30 ,

4 JUNE, 1972 l


._.m.. _ _ _. . _ . . . . __ __ . . . . _ _ _ _______________._...____..____...__.______...._._______..___.._________________._____....____________________.______.__.___.___.m

tV MAI flTENATEE A "Footine Operating Pepori Maintenance Record" form, ' containing all of the information required by the Technical Specificationsi has been established to facilitate reporting of maintenance work performed on systems or components designed to prevent or mitigate the conseq.;ences of nuclear accidents. The forms are completed for each item of mintenance on such systems except routine surveillance testing. This section contains copies of the maintenance record forms for this report period.

i 4

4 4

i 4

4 0


M-002 ROUTINE OPERATIf6 REPORT MAINTENAtCE PECORD (Required for systems or components designed to prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear accidents)

1. System or Component: Neofrnn 'Anniin r i ng R yef nm
2. Date Performed: 1 ? ? Time required for completion:

1 3. Nature of the Maintenance: Routine EmerEency[3 Preventive Correctivebd I 4 Brief summary of work performed: pn,1,-ga r., ; i na c3 n,4 r,- ; - , ,_ , _ ,_ , m 4 e in SRM Channel 23.

J l

1 i

b 1 )

I l

5. The ef:ect 3 if any3 on the safe operation of the reactor: None _


. (  :


6. The cause of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required:

i Randon failures i i

7. The effects of any such malfunctions: SRM Channel 23 read lower than true l

neutron count rate at the low end of the monitor instrument scale.


8. Corrective and preventive action taken to preclude recurrence of malfunctions:

The failed electronic comp'onents were replaced and the channel was calibrated and functionally tested.



,, , . o. .-

l l

i FY)!!T I E OPrP Al I ?O RFPORT "A i :Jir tJAff r pr roph

( Reau t red fo r syslers or corponent s des mrnd to i preveni or rr.i t irain iho ennsequer.cer. o f nu s Iear accadents)

1. e sys t em o r Cocponen t : f.OV 2071 (HPCI Test Valve)
2. Date perforced: 1-4-72 7;y,, requi red for conpletion: 2 days
3. Naiore o f t he 'da i r. t en ar ie r. : Fnu l i n.- Erorrency O % v-"4've Ocorr<iive8!

4 Br tef currary af wo L ner fnrmd:

Installed a new valve stem and stem nui.  !

i l

p i

5. The effeci, i f any. en the .afe operation of the r,% c'or:

None i

6. T he cause o f any mal funci s c. for which co r r e.: i i v& c.a i nienance w a.. re ga i red:

Inproper setting of valve limit switches resulted in dacege to stem and nut.

7. T he e f fe ct s o f any ruch mal r.,nc.t iens:

l Distortion of valve stem and stem nut ihreads. Valve was made inoperable.  !

. Correc t i ve and pr event i vc w ' i o r, iakon

  • n p r ecl o de . . > u r , on c. n f 2,1 f u ric 4 2nns:

Installed a new valve stem and stem nut. Resel limit switches.

i E[ tis 0?E.MTIriqJ15 PORT MA[f((Q{QtgJQ'fMQ l (Requi- 9d for .s/stoaa or coup mots designed ts '

prevent or mitigate the conn squence:= of nuclear accidents) l 1 Systera or Couponents fS t V 2-86C 2 Date performed 1-05-72 Ti e req. tired for co;dition: 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />

3. Natu*e of tJte thintenance: Routine O smergen=y'_; Preventive rj] Correctiv.


4. Frief suanry of work pactor.nel:  ;

installed a new spool valve assembly to replace rebuilt spool valve which l had previously been installed in f61V 2-80-B.

l l

l S. The effect, ir any, on t'te safe op.estion of the reactoc:


6. The causa of any mGrunction for which corrective maintenance was required:  !

1 Dirt in air system.

1 i

7. The effects of any such mn1 functions:

i Sticking spool valve.


8. Corrective and proventive actbn tak+1 ta prec12de racceence af malrunctions:

Blow down air level and accumulators.

e I

n m-- , .w v e- , e -e -,, n n

! PDilT I Nr OPER A1 I ff: Rrp0RT VAI fjTrNArrr PECnRD i j (Fequired for systen.s or co mnnenir d: signed to l

t prevent or miiigain the ennserpencee of nuc1 ear ac.c i den t c ) l i


1. System or Conponeni: General Electric HFA Type D.C. Relays )

1 l 2. Date pe r f orned: 1-7-72 Tine requ i red for conc teiion: 80 hours9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> l 1

3. Nature of the !!ainionance: Routina O Erorgency Prevantive O Correriive O l 4 firief sumar y of wor k per fnr rred:

TSP Protection and Maintenance Department tested and adjusted 207 relays.

l S. The ef feci, i f any. on the .afe operai inn of ihe reacinr :

None, reactor shutdow,.


6. T he cause o f any mal fun :i inc. for abich cert.w+tv- n.a i nic-nance w as re qu i red:

The original setting was made according to incorrect vendor instructions. 1 l


7. T he effecis vf any such mal funct ier.s: l A relay could fail to pickup. l l


'. Co rrec t i ve and preveni i ve. m.+ ion taken to p.ecloda i ncu r r en t.: nf w1Func.4 inns:

All relays of this type were adjusted to pickup at the correct voltage.

t e

I l


M-002 POUTINE OPERATiff. REPORT f/AINTENANCE RECORD (Required for systems or components designed to prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear accidents)

! 1. System or Component:

Neutron Monitorino System 1-8-72 Time required for completion: 2 Davs f

2. Date Performed: )
3. Nature of the Mbintenance: Routine Emergency [3 Preventive [El Corrective [3 4 Brief summary of work performed: Verified oroner drive esble alinnment for all SRM and IRV detector drives. Also verified oroner adjustment of cable hold-down

, i clamps and proper drive cable bend radius. Measured drive cable rotating toroue )

E and found it to be acceniable for all detector drives.  ;

i J

l None

5. The effect, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor: .

1 i

l 4


6. The cause of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required:

4 N/A 2

4 j


7. The effects of any such malfunctions: N/A I


8. Corrective and preventive action taken to preclude recurrence of malfunctions:

1 None W


FOlIT I NF Opfr A7 i ?r; Arr';)RT A i N1 r ?!ATr i4 mRD (Fequ i red for sy . t re o r covera:n t s des ier.ed to preveni o r 'u i s pam t he corw or o f nud ear accidents)

1. System or Component: Emergency Core Cooling Systems
2. Date perforred: 1-8-72 Tine requi red for rc:pleiion: 1 Week
3. Nature of the "ainienance: Routine Erercency Or r-ven + i ve correctise 4 Erief summary of work per for md: Replaced the snap-action switches in the following instruments with snap-action switches of a different electrical rating: LFUI Loop Selection Permissive Pressure swiiches. Reactor High Pressure - RHR Isolation Pressure switches. HPCI Steam Line Low Pressure isolation Pressure bwitches. heactor Low Pressure - ECCS Pumo Siari and Valve Open Permissive Interlock Pressure switches.

RCIC-Turbine Exhaust High Pressure Turbine Trip and Turbine Lxhaust Hupture Utaphragn Hiph Pressure Alarm Pressure switches.

The change in electrical rating of the snap-action switches was recommended by the cressure switch manufacturer to prevent excessive setpoir t drift.

5. T he e f fe c.i . i f any. on the a'. cporaf en None - The reactor


o r i hr, res 'e,-

ww in a shutdown condition during the time the snap-action switcher were being reolaced.

6. T he cause o f any mal fund ie- for which c < r~i t 7
  • ain' nance wa- re qu i red: )


7. T he e f f ecis o f any ti. :h mal tinniiere :


. Corre- t i ve and p rover vr - 4

,o: !akan p., odn i - u t e no: of .al func ' i nns :


R'llIT I 'JF OPFP AT l rf: ArrnnT ?/A! D1 f'Mrr PFmRD (hequi red f or systems or cemnonente dentened to preveni or miiir ak ihe commpe r ece:+ nf nuc ) ear accidents)


1. Sysiem er Componeni: Emergency Core Cooling Systems
2. Date perf orced: 14-72 T i ce requi red for con.nieiion: 1 Week
3. Nature of the fl.ainienance: Pnuitne C Erernonry  % ventivo s Correciive C 4 Br i e f summar y o f wr, r k per f o r ned: Incoected the following Barton differential pressure nwitches for jewel bearing contamination and installed setooint lockinc devices wher e required: 1. HPCI Steam Line High Flow i solation switches. 2. Recire Riser AP-RHR Loop Selection Logic switches. 3. RHR Service Water /RHR Water Low LP Alarm switches. The insoection was recommended by the manufacturer since the presence of a contaminant on the instrtsnent torque tube jewel bearing could result in excessive inst rument deadband. No jewel b~earine contamination was revealed. The setpoint locking devices were installed upon recommendation of the instrument manufac--
5. T he e f fe ci . i f any. nn the af- operation of ihe reacie - turer to prevent selpoint dri ft.

None - The Reactor was in a shutdown condition during the time maintenance was in orocress.

1 I

, 6. T he cause o f any funci s o! for which ce<r, 1 w n.m r. ' enan:o wa. re qu i r ed:


7. The e f f eris o f any such mal t on .t ienc:

1 1 N/A

'. Cor rect i ve and prevent i ve n eion i ake:n +n p o 1, , dn r eco r r one, o f- nisonc : nr.s :

N/A i


FOUT l fjr OPFRAT I ?I. RrPORT f/AI f!Tr NAtor PICnPD (Requi red for sys tems or componento des t ened to prevent or ma iitato ihe coraequencer of nuc. lear acc i de :n t s )

1. Sys tem or Component: HPCI Testable Check Valve
2. Date perforrned: 1-11-72 T i ce- requi red for coup le t i on: 1 day
3. Nature of the Uain tenance: Rout ine O Ererpency O nrev-n 4 i ve- corr"r4 vn x 4 Br i e f rummar y o f wotL rcefo r ned:

Installed new indicating proximity switches.

5. T he e f feci, i f any, on the are opera + inn o f t he reac t o r :

None r


T he cauce o f any mal funciion for wh:ch errect iv- n a i r.irnance wrr reg; ired:

Faulty design.

S 1

7. T he e f fects o f any such mal fun .iiens:

Incorrect indi cation.

7 Cor rect i ve and prevent i vr. a 4 ion iakon to preclud^ rrcurrence of '

-1 Fur >c* inns:

_ Installed new design switches.

. ...s , ,, . _

f0VT I NE OpfRAT i fS RFP0oT VAI NT rNAfrF prcor49

, (Fequi red for sys tems or co conents designed to prevent or mi tigate the consequences of nuclear acci dent s )

1. System or Component: HPCl Inboard Torus Suction isolation Valve
2. Date pe r fo rced: 1-23-72 T i rre requi red for completion: 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> I
3. Nature of the f/aintenance: Routine Erergency Preventive Corrective n l 4 Brief sumtrary of work per forrred:
Correctiv installed the rrechanical interlock in the controller for .

the HPCI inboard Torus Suction isolation Valve.

V i

i \

l i

5. T he e f fect , i f any, on the safe operat ion of t he reactor:



6. The cause of any malfunction for whi ch co rreri e va n.a s nienance wa: re ga red:

The cechanical interlock had been installed apside down.


7. The eff ecis o f any euch mal func.t ions:

Could allow the opening and closing contactors to be energized at the same time.

P. Correetive and preventive a..iion iaken +o pr ecl od+ r mu r renn: a f r.a1 func.+ 1 ons:

Veri fied that all controllers of this iyne in +h, ninni . r. m e r,, 4_

- . . . - .. . . - - . - - ...-c. .. .

l i

R')tiTI fJF OprpAT i tr, prp0FT r/AI TJTFNATF RECORD (Fequi red for sys tems or components desirned to 7 '

prevent or mitigata the consequencer of nuclear accidenis)

1. Sysiem or Component: FO. 11 RHR Pump l
2. Date performed: 1-28-72 T im requi red for complet ion: 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.
3. Nature of the !/.aintenance: Routine Erero.ency 0 Prevent i ve O correct i ve x 4 Brief comrnar y of work per or w d: t Replaced broken bolts in motor junction box.


5. The ef feci, i f any, on the c.afe operat ion of t he reacio,:

TVone i

6. T be cause o f any mal funciior for whi ch to r r eH t v+- nm nienance wa. re gai r ed:

I ncorrect bol ts used. .

7. T he e f fecis of any such mal func t ions:

Junction box fell loose from the motor.

l 1

R. Cor rett i ve and p revent i ve ; ii or, iaken 40 g-c..lude recoreen % o r .,j r r,c4 3on3:

o Installed bolts of correct length and grade. _.

i l

. I k . i i

e f

). TOUT I NF OPFRAT i ff; RFPnFT fM I NT F NAff F RECORD (Requi red for systens or componen t s dns i cned t o prevent or mi tigate the consegiences nf nuclear accidents)

, 1. System oi Component: All safety system limi torque valve operators.

2. Da te pe r fo rmed: 1-29-72 T i ne requi red for comp l ei j on: 2 days i
3. Nature of , - fainienance: Routine Enerrency

, Prevent i ve ] Correct i ve 3

4 Brief summary of work per formed:

j inspected all operator stem nut locking rines. Pinned all rings that were l found loose and staked the threads on all others.



5. T he ef f ect , i f any. on t he .;a re ope ra t i on o f i he reacic*:

None s


6. T he cause o f any mal fund ion fo r whi ch co rrer f i v~ ntenance wn:. re qui red:

Locking nuts were either loose at assembly or had worked loose.

7. T he e ff ec ts o f any toch mal foor.iiene:

Valve could have been inocerable.


'l . Corrective and prevent i ve a_ t ion iaken ^o p e r,cl ude e acu r en c.-

o f nni fund i ons.:

Pinned and staked lock nuts.


l 1

l M-002 l ROUTINE OPERATING REPORT MAINTENANCE RECORD i (Required for systems or components designed to  :

prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear accidents) l

1. System or Component: Process Radiation Monitoring System
2. Date Performed: 2-9 72 Time required for completion: 4 Hours ,
3. Nature of the Ubintenance: Routine [53 EmerEency[3 Preventive [] Corrective J

Renlaced the failed def ector of Off-Gas

4. Brief summary of work performed:

fann ii n r Channel 2. l i

i i

l o

5. The effect, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor: None - The associated instrument nrofection Icgic channel was niaced in a tricoed condition while maintenance was in cropress.

( _

6. The cause of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required:

The detector of Off-Gas Monitor Channel 2 was found failed.

7. The effects of any such malfuncitons: The detector malfunction caused the monitor to read downscale.
8. Corrective and preventive action taken to preclude recurrence of malfunctions:

The detector was replaced and 'the monitor was calibrated and functionally tested.


4 1

1 i ElllLG llPXG[IAQ ,R$MRI JW(((Rfiq%ff/}23Q

! - (Requi. sd for enteus or coup m.mts designed t) j prevent or mitigate the connaquences of nuclear accidents)

! 1. System or Couponent #12 Diesel Generator i

Date performed: 2-15-72 Tie required for coopistion: 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 1


i j 3. Nature of the lisintenance RoutineO !!>nersen=y0 Prevantive rx] corrective 4

f 4. Brief suanry of work paeformal: ,

I installed a new governor, inspected and adjusted all injectors. l 1

1 1

i j e ,



) 5. The effect, ir any, on t'ae safe of the reactor:


I None 4


I  !


. 6. The causa of any adennetian for which corrective msintenance was required:

I l Governor failed to reset the lay shaft. (See 1-21-72 record) 4 4

4 i

j 7. The effects or any such ms1 functions:

i l WA 1


8. Corrective and preventive action tskan t3 pee lade reaccence af malfunctions: l j Replaced the goverr.or.


i 1


. _ _ . - , , - . , . , _ _ , s . . , , , , . . , , . , .._ _ . . . _ . . ,. , , , . . m- , - . , - . , , i

!Ot n I ff nPFRAT I ff. RFPOPl f/AI NT F NAff.F Pi CDPD (Requi red for sys tens or ceconnenir desicned to i preveni o r rr.i iicain the consen enus o f nuclear acci den t s )


1. System or Conponeni: Standby Liquid Punps P-203 A and P-203B
2. Date performed: 3-6-72 Tine requi red for conp l ei j on: 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />  ;
3. Naio re o f t he fla i n t enance: P;utine O Ererrency 0 Pravent i ve O Correct ive @ ,

4 E r i e f y o f wo , ; perforned:

Installed new local on/off switch wi th maintained contacts. Old switch had nomentary contacts, i

5. T he e f feci, i f any. c,n the af e operat ion of ihe reacior :

ft/A i



6. The cause of any malfuncitor- foe wh ; c.h co r r e c 4 i v' caintenance wa: rega red: ,

Design l 1

7. T he ef f eris o f any roch mal h.n .iiens:

tbne. This change was a convenience for the operators. '

I 2

Correc t i ve and p revent i v<. :u4 on + akon +o p,c.cinde r<correncm or ajfoncqions:


_ , w -

+ 9

,.s-. . . . . . . . .- .. ,

l \

l l

T I ff Oprp AT l ry' prpapT ffA l!P[NAtyT pgr,npD l

l red for systers or conoone s dm irned to i or rna tigate the consegn ,ces of nuclear acci denis) ]

.nt. IO. 11 RHR Pump  ;

l 72 7 i ce requi red for coa.p l e t i on:

4 haurs.

, t i enar.ce: Rot line Erre rrency 0 Preve"4 > ve O correcii ve x l aca k per f armd: l 4

l colts in retor junction box.

l 1

l l



On the J.afo ope r a f i e n o f t he reacice:


l 1 1 l I i

r l

l 7.alfun i4or ior which wrreH va e ai r.i.-nance wa: re gai red: i 1

i used.

1 y t o ch rnal f i,nc t : ens:

_;l loose from the cotor.

i I

l 1

t aven t i ve- F 4 ion Iaken i n p r e d t , rb t + cu r r r n .' o f al f ur.c ' l ons; e

of correct length and grade.

1 l

l 1

l l

FOllT I NI OpfPAli ff; RrpnRT f/AI NTENAff f PE r.ORD (Feg;i red for sys t ens n r ce'Tionenir desirred to p revent o r mi t igair- ihe conseg;encer o f nur. lear accidents)

1. System or Component: All safety system limitorque valve operators. -
2. Date pe r formed: 1-29-72 T i re requi red for comp l ei j o n: 2 days
3. Nature of the Mair.ienance: Routire Ererrenc y O rreven4 > ve e correc4 ve x 4 Bri e f summar y o f wo, k per fe rced: _

Inspected all coerator stem nut lockine rines. Pinned all rings that were _

found loose and staked the threads on all others. __



5. T he ef feci. if any. on the . afe operat icn o f t he reacie,; _

None 4

4 -
6. T he cause o f any f un ti i n' fo r whi ch cor re 1 : vo n ai nienance wac re ga i red:

! Lockins nuts were either loose at assembly or had worked loose. -

4 1 -


i _


7. T he e f f e :4 s o f any toch mal fun- 4
  • r rs: _

i i Val ve could have been inoperable. _

1 i

i -

7 Correct i ve and pre veri : ve m + 2 o r, 'aken to p,e-1,,do . c ; r n.c ,. of , f,24 i ons :

.' Pinned and staked lock nuts.



ese m

4 I


- l

M-002 ROUTINE OPERATIPG REPORT f/AINTENAfCE RECORD (Required for systes or components designed to prevent or miti Eate the consequences of nuclear accidents)

1. System or Component: Process Radiation Monitoring System
2. Date Performed: 2 A-72 Time required for completion: 4 Hours
3. Nature of the Maintenance: Routine Emergency 0 Preventive O corrective 4 Brief summary of work performed: Renlaced the failed deteder of Off-Gan i Mnnifnr Channel ') .

l l

l l




5. The effect, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor: None - The associated i j

innirment nrotection Ionic channel was olaced in a trioned condition while maintenance was in crocress.  !

J I -


6. The cause of any malfunction for which correct lve maintenance was required:

The detector of Off-Gas f/onitor Channel 2 was found failed.

7. The effeets of any such malfuncisons: The detector malfunction caused ihe monitor io read downscal e.

I l

8. Corrective and preventive action taken to preclude recurrence of malfunctions:

The detector was replaced and ~the monitor was calibrated and functionally t est ed.


, m -re,-.--r.r- vw.-r - - , ,, -, ---

,-4 - n -- w , w e ,e~---- r-- ~ - r 4 --- --*

~- - _ - .

BP.ELg _f!P,quRrgi,qMlQ JQlR(Q(q$ Jp}'fMQ (Requi sd for Jysteus or coop scants designed to prevent or mitigate the connaquences of ntselear accidents)

1. System or Couponents #12 Diesel Generator Date performed: 2-15-72 Time regttired for coop 1stion: 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 2.
3. Nature of tJie liaintenance Routine C Dnergency' .J Prev 3ntive fX] Corrective

/. . Brief su:nsry of work poeformal Installed a new governor, inspected and adjusted all injectors.

5. The effect, if any, on the hfe opeecst.Lon of the reactor:


6. The causs of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required:

Governor failed to reset the lay shaft. (See 1-21-72 record)

7. The effects of any such ms1 functions:


8. Corrective and preventive a ',lan tho t) peo:114e rearecence of 1sirunctions:

Replaced the governor.

i l

l 1

FOttii fJF GPFRAT I ff. PrPr)pT f!Ai PC f NAff r F:( PORD

( Requ i red fo r s ys t en.s o r comporient s des t pned to preveni o r tr.i + i gai n t he cor,aegaences o f nuclear acci den t s )

1. System or Conponent: Standby Liquid Pucps P-203 A and P-203B
2. Date perforned: 3-6-72 Tire requi red for co,plei j on: 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> 1
3. Nature of ihe Mairdenance: Routine O Everre.ncy P mventive Co r rect i v.,

l l 4 Or ie f y o f wo' k r,er for red:

i Installed new local or/off switch with maintained contacts. Old switch 1

I had momentary contacts, i l

l l


5. T he e f f ec t . if any. on the .a f- oper a' i on o f i he r e t,c i c . :

tVA l

l l


6. The cause o f any mal funci s or for wh;ch correc4 i vt- n.a s ni-nance wa:- reg; ired:

l Design i

I l

t 1

7. The ef f ects of any ruch mal f un .iions:

tbne. This change was a convenience for the operators.

l l


. Correcti ve and prevent i ve  ; tion t ak -.n to p,minda recurrene. o f' al fur.c i i ons:


e l


. .s . _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _

B2!Ill%ll&EGU.G.WM3MUSMGI19234 (Reyti?sd for aysteus or coop swits designed ts prevent or mitigate the conaaquences of nuclear accidents) 1 System or Component: Reactor Protection System 4

j 2 Date performed: 3-9-72 Time required for coe,dstion: 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> i

j 3. Nature of tJte Rsintenance: Routine O EmergencyL] Prevsotive O Corrective @

1 1 4. Brief suanry of work paeformals 1

i Tightened relay hardware on a relay in the IRM and APRM Neutron ronitoring trip j circuit.

1 i -



i 1

l J

1 4

5. The effect, ir any, on t'.w asfe opeestion of the reactoc:

i WA


l .


I 1

l 6. The cause or any tanfimetion for which corrective msintenance was required:

l a

Screws were either installed loose or had worked loose from vibration.





7. The effects of any such mdfunctions

, Could have caused a half scram if the relay had failed.

4 Corrective and preventive action tho ta proclide recceeoes af scrunctions:

8 i

i 1

Tightened all screws on the relay.

i 1 4

! l


4 1 i IA-002 l 4 BOUTINE OPERATIf6 REPORT MAINTENANCE RECORD l l (Required for systens or components designed to 1

- prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear accidents)  ;

! 1. System or Component: Emercenev Core Coolino Systems I 2. Date Performed: 3-25-72 Time required for completion: 3 Hours

3. Nature of the Maintenance: Routine O EmergencyC Preventive CorrectiveO  !

1 4 Brief summary of work performed: Insoected the Barton differential oressure switch which is used in the " Reactor Low Pressure - ECCS h 1ve Onen" cermissive looic for interference in the link-tomovement indicator connection since such interference '


) could result in excessive setooint changes. No interference oroblems in the link- -

{ f o-<,ovement connect ion were revealed. i

1 1

i  ?

4 1 1

5. The effect, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor:  ;

1 1 None 1


1. 6. The cause of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required:

j N/A

.I i

7. The effects of any such malfunctions

t l N/A 1

a 1

i j 8. Corrective and p e tive action taken to preclude recurrence of malfunctions:

. N/A

< l 2

W i . 4 1  !

j i

l i


( Requ i red fo r s ys t ems o r ccoonente designed to prevent or mi tigate the conscrpences of nuclear accidents)

1. System or Componeni: CRD Module 30-15
2. Date perf orced: 4-3-72 Tine requi red for complet ion: 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 4
3. Nature of the t/ai r t enance: Routine Ererr.ency 0 Pr-ventive Corrective x 4 Brief cumrrar y of work per formed:

Replaced one insert solenoid valve.

1 l

1 l J

l 1


5. T he e f fed , i f any. on the .:cfe oper at i on u f t he r .: e c ' c r :

f fjone 1

(' l

6. T he cause o f any mal furiciion for ahich errec4 ! ve- nainienance was re ga i red:

Solenoid valve failed to operate. Speci fic cause not determine'd.

4 l


7. The ef f ects o f any such mal t'urr.f i ens:

The CRD failed to insert from normal drive insertion signal.

E. Correct i ve and p revent i ve r,_ tion iaken to pr eclode e ecurren e of f u nci i o ns :

Installed a new insert solenoid valve.

M-002 ROUTINE OPERATirS REPORT MAINTENANCE RECORD (Required for systems or components designed to ,

g prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear accidents)

1. Systan or Component: Emergency Core Coolina Systems i
2. Date Performed: 4-8-72 Time required for completion: 3 Days
3. Nature of the Maintenance: Routine O Emergency Preventive Correct ive
4. Brief summary of work performed: Comol et ed t he i nsoect i on of HPC I . RC IC and associated spare Barton differential pressure switches for l i nk-t o-<novement interference since such interference could resuli in excessive setpoint chances.

No interference eroblems in the link-to-movement connect ion were revealed in any of the differential pressure switches inspected.


5. The effect, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor. i l




6. The cause of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required: )

N/A l

7. The effects of any such malfunctiens:


8. Corrective and preventive action taken to preclude recurrence of malfunctions:

N/A 6

RDUTI rJF OPFPAT t tT, RFPORT ?!AI!JTFNATEF PECORD (Requi red for e,ys t ems or c.0iponents designed to

.-f preveni or mi tigate the consequences of nuclear accidenis)

1. Sys tem or Component: CRD Module 30-07
2. Date perforrred: 4-19-72 Tire required for complet ion: 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.
3. Nature of the Maintenance: Poutine O Erercency O Praventiva Co r rect i ve x 4 Brief summary of wor k per forned: i installed new "0" ring gaskets on insert valve SV-123.

l t

5. T he e f fect, if any. on t he c,afe oper ai i on o f t he reccior:

None r

6. The cause o f any mal funci t or- for whi ch co r r ec t i vo n.ainienance was regii red:

One "0" casket was missine and the valve nounting bolts were loose.

7. The effects of any such mal funciionc:

Contaminated water was drippina on the floor.

. Cor rec t i ve and p reveni i ve a t ion i akon io pr e:1 ode r e cu r renr of .al funci i nns:

Installed new "0" rine easkets and tightened the valve mounting bolts to the proper torque.


M-002 ROUTINE OPERATitB REPORT MAINTENAfCE P.ECORD (Required for systems or components designed to j

(- prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear accidents)

1. System or Component: Neutron Monitoring System
2. Date Performed: 4 ?s-?? Time required for completion: 9 Mnore l
3. Nature of the Wbintenance: Routine Emergench[3 Preventive Corrective 4 Brief summary of work performed: Corrected a short circuit between the LPRM count trio circuits of two LPRM circuits.

l 1

1 l


5. The effect, if any, on the safe rperation of the reactor: None.

1 1 1 l

[ l

6. The cause of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required:

The originally instal:rd wire was nulled excessively tight causine the short circuit in the LPRM count inout circuitry.

7. The effects of any such malfunctions: With the short circuit, both LPRM's had to be removed from service before the LPRM count inout signal to APRM Channel 4 would decrease.
8. Corrective and preventive action taken to preclude recurrence of malfunctions:

The shorted wire was replaced.

i BD.!E [ Q j),P, $ [{fE . M MfQ 3 1}(($ % G 5 ff M12 (Requi?sd for J/ste:as or coisp naants designed t) It prevent or mitigate the conaaquences of nuclear accidents) 1 &, stem or Cor:ponent: 1 AR Transformer l 2 Date performed: 5-5-72 Ti e required for coop 13tton: 1 week

3. Nature of the Maintenanos: Routine 0 energen=y'i3 Prev.ative O corceetive j
4. Brief su:nsry of work peefor.nel ,

Replaced 200' of cable and constructed a manhole at the splice. l [ i i 1 l 4 r

 ,                                                                                                          i
,        5. The effect, if any, on tile asfe opecstlon of the reactors None                                                                                         i l

C i. , 6. The cause of any us1 function for which corrective maintenance was required: ] j Cable fault. Suspect that cable was stretched during original installation. i i l ' i 7. The effects of any such ms1 functions: The 1 AR transformer was inoperable. 1 1 4 .] 8. Corrective and proventive action takaa to prealide reaccence of malrunctions: I Spliced in a new cable at the fault. Meggered and Hi Pot tested all cables, i  ; i l ( . 4

                                                        .                      . . . . . ... . ., .            ..==:---

B2!!T.0%llP.E!i1TIG AEST..' IRE 48G41ANM (Requi- 9d for Jystea4 or coop iovits de nigned t)


prevent oc mitigate the conaquences of nuclear accidents) 1 System or Component HPCI System

2. Date performed: 5-12-72 Tie required for coopistion: 2 hours
3. Nature of the Maintenanos: Routine O Emergeney C Provsntive O Corrective
4. Brief suanry of work pactor.nni:

Repacked the steam supply outboard isolation valve.

5. The effect, ir any, on the .ssfe op.wsr.lon of the reactoc:

none ( 6 The cause of sny malfunction for which corrective msintenance was required: Deterioration of the pa: king.

7. The effcets of any such an1 functions:

Steam Leak at the packing.

8. Corrective and preventive a:Llon tak41 to proclide recarcence at asirunctions:

Adjusted packing gland and lubricated the stem. o ___m-_______. .m___--._______.-_..__ __m .._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - -

                    . ..           - . .                   __             ._   .-                 -, ,,     ,...--4..,                                  . . . _ .

i i 1 l 89.!ITDjgJF,MSTigXT2R 3ALEQ4G4 FAN @ . (Requi- sd for Jysteus or coup iqacts designed ts

3. b. . '

prevent or mitigate the connaquences of nuclear accidents)

1. System or Couponent: HPCI System 2 Date performed: 5-13-72 Time required for cocpletion: 2 hours j 3. Nature of the Maintenance Routine O Emergency C Prevsntive O Correctiva @


4. Brief su:zury of work paeforse1:

Repacked the steam supply inboard isolation valve. 8 I i i 1 i a i 1 a i j 5. The effect, if any, on t'w asfs opacshion of the reactoct  ! j tbne i

                 .ec j                                 6          The cause of any md function for which corrective maintenance was required j                                                Deterioration of the packing.                                                                                                                                              l i

4 { 7. The effects of sny such mdfunctions: i j Steam leak at the packing. i J l l 8. Corrective and provsntive a:Llan takaa t) proclada recceence o* malfunctions: I Adjusted the new packing and lubricated the stem. 4 b . i t

      . - - - ,            ..,.,         , . . . . , - . . . . - - . . -          - , , - . . , . .     . - , , , , , , . . . . , . - - - . . ~ . , - _           - .- --, -_,s .- - - . - , , e - - - ,. , _ . - .m ._ ..

El%J1%EI.G.fMA MUMGIEGfdQ (Requi?vd for systoni or coup mots driigned ts f prevent or mitigato the connnuences of nuclear accidents) 1 System or Corzponent 80B fSiv 2 Date performed: 5-13-72 Time required for coopistion: 3 hours

3. Nature of t.he thintenance Routine O swergeneyu Prevantive O corrective B
4. Brief sua nry of work pactormni:

Installed a new spool in the test valve. The fS!V f ailed to close during the subsequent functional test because of sticking spool valve in the power valve. The new spool was recoved from the test valve and installed j in the valve. The criginal spool was cleaned and put back in the I I test valve. l l l 1

5. The effect, ir any, on the nfe op.4. stion of t.he reactor:

None (Plant was shutdown) l l

6. The cause of any mGruncti>n for which corrective msintenance was required:

fSIV could not be tested due to suspected dirty spool in the test valve. ) Following replacement of spool in test valve, fSIV failed to l close because of spool valve sticking in power valve. l

7. The effects of sny such ms1 functions:

i Inability to test or operate fSIV.

8. Corrective and p evsative a thn tskaa ta preal:de rea2rcence a! malrunctions:

Installed clean spool valves. Functionally tests were satisfactory. l 1 I i

ML% ll?b'tLKG .h5%.R1 styQtRQfqqff;}}qq (Requi?vd for Jystems or comp m3nts dersigned t) ( prevent or mitigate the conssquences of nuclear accidents)

1. System or Component: Scram Discharge Volume Tank 2 Date performed: 5-13-72 Ti e required for coopistion. 2 hot.ra
3. Nature of the Maintenanoo Routine (5) Emergency [j Provsotive f_] Correctiva O
     /. . Brief su:mry of work poefor. net:                                                                                        ;

i Removed the system test solenoid and disassembled for inspection. l i l l i

5. The effect, if any, on tw ante op.e stion of the reactoe:

None (.

6. The ca2ss of any enf' unction for which corrective msintecance was required:


7. The effects of any such mdfunctions:


8. Corrective and provsntive action tsk4's t) prec12de rececence of malrunctions:

WA i e

                     ,                  --,.-,-,=.---,a       ,-,ew,-,   H+a   sr     -
                                                                                          --'m'* wa - *t ' W tr e e v -' w1+q--w *
                                                                                                                                      .~.       ..- _ . _

I BP.!!T,[g J!?.Fdifl% .RSMRI .dA [jIQQG$fA N3Q (Requi?9d for J/stea4 or coup mots designed t) ,

p. prevent or mitigate the conamences of nuclear accidents)  ;
1. System or Component Reactor Head Spray Valve
2. Data performed: 5-13-72 Time required for cocpletion: 2 hours '


3. Nature of the thintenanos Routine 0 energencyL] Frevsntive O correettre x  !
4. Brief suanry of work p e foran1:- ,

Adjusted the auxiliary switch actuator. I l 5. The effect, ir any, on t'se aste ope. stion of the reactor: $ None 1 a j b 1 J 6. Tne casso of any ancuncti;n for which corrective msintenance was required:

The auxiliary switch operating actuator screws had worked loose.

i 1 l l i

7. The effects of any such m nfunctions:

t l ! T he valve closing contactor failed to operate. 4 1 , 1

8 Corrective eind preventive actlan tW4n t3 pre:12de rasarcence af malrunctions:

l Tightened the actuating arm screws. i i 4 I I.- a s _ _ - _ . - . . . . . - _ - . . _ . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . _ . _ _ _ , . . . . . . - . . , . _ ,,m _ . . .

1 WL002 ROUTINE OPERATIfC REPORT t.fAlf6ENAfCE RECORD (Required for systems or components designed to l , prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear accidents)

1. System or Component: Neutren Monitoring.Svsten l 2. Date Performed: 6-14-72 Time required for completion: 6 Hours'
3. Nature of the Maintenance: Routine [] Emergency [3 Preventive [2] Corrective [3
4. Brief summary of work performed: Renlaced the def ector drive gear box and cuide r n11 e r nf IRM Channel 11.

Also reolaced the cable drive soindle on the ), ( defncfor drive motor. , 1 1 l l

5. The effect, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor: None  ;

i 1 l i 1 (. 1 1

6. The cause of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required: )

l The allen screw which secures the drive cable on the soindle was loose causing < fhe drive nnindle to slin. l l

7. The effects of any such malfunctions: The detector could not be inserted into ihn nnre as a result of the melfunction.
8. Corrective and preventive action taken to preclude recurrence of malfunctions:

The damaced def ecinr drive scindle was reolaced and the loose allen screw was fichtened and secured with a fluid locking material to prevent a similar occurence. The def acine drive gearbox was reolaced since the gear box could not be inspected I for nnnnible damace at the time maintenance was nerformed. I

                              ---.            - . -                           - . _ . ~ - . ..               . . ,

B9.!LT,[g J1?,qqU,$ ,RMRT, jQlg(Rg(JQ)24Q (Requi.ed for sptoa4 or coup mots deligned ts n._ prevent or mitigate the conaquences of nuclear accidents)

1. System or Component: CRD's 14-27 and 30-35 Scram Valves
2. Date performed: 5-16-72 Tie required for coop 1.stion: 4 hours.

3 Nature of the lisintenance: Routine O noergency 0 Freventive O corrective B

l. . Brief suusry of work poefor.nnis Replaced valve seats and gaskets. {

l l i I i l

5. The effect, if any, on the asfe ep--t' of the reactoe:

none ( 1 1 1

6. The ca.2se of any adfunctbn for which corrective msintenance was requireds. l 1

DaT, aged seats - cause unknown. 1

7. The effects of any such mdfunctions:

Excessive leaking. i l h i i 8. Corrective and preventive actbn t* art t3 proc 12de recircence of zdrunctions: l 4 1 , installed new seats. 1 v . 4 r 3 _ . _ . . - - - . . - . - . ~ .. - - . . , , _ _ . , . . - . . . - - . . - . . . , _ . . - . . . . - . . . . - , - - - _ . - . - . . . . . . . ~ . . .

M-002 POUTINE OPERATitG REPORT f/AlhTTENAfCE RECORD (Required for systems or components designed to prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear accidents)

1. System or Component: Rod Block Monitor Channel 8
2. Date Performed: 5-19-72 Time required for completion: 2 Hmirs'
3. Nature of the Maintenance: Routine Emergency 0 Preventive O Corrective O ,

I 4 Brief summary of work performed: Reclaced failed amolifier which caused RBM ] I Channel 8 to read hich in the "zero test" cosition. j i 1 I i l

5. The effect, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor: ~None. )i i

i l 1 l j 6. The cause of any malfunction fer which corrective maintenance was required: )

 .                                                                                               I 1         Unknown                                                                                <

j i i i l 7. The effects of any such malfunctions: Hic;i "zero test" reading on RBM Channel 8. 4 i l b  ! j 80 Corrective and preventive action taken to preclude recurrence of malfunctions: l t Reolaced the failed amplifier. i 1' l l-1



M-002 ROUTINE OPERATif6 REPORT MAINTENAPCE RECORD (Required for systems or components designed to prevent or miti ate E the consequences of nuclear accidents) i

1. System or Component: Rod Block Monitor Channel 7
2. Date Performed: 5-24 72 Time required for completion: 2 Hours
3. Nature of the Maintenance: Routine Emergency [3 Preventive [] Corrective
4. Brief summary of work performed: Replaced a failed driver card in RBM Channel 7.
5. The effect, if any, on the safe operstion of the reactor: None


6. The cause of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required:


7. The effects of any such malfunctions: The malfunction resulted in a drift of 0.5% on the Intermediate Level RBM rod block tr ip.
8. Corrective and preventive action taken to preclude recurrence of malfunctions:

The faulty driver card was replaced. e 1 4

BPEf.G.!FSUIATi3SNRT %1hT(MG{JQMM ] (Requint for Jfsteus or coup m3nts designed ts  ;

                 /..                prevent or mitigate the conn 3quences of nuclear accidents)                                                                            ,
1. System or Component: #13 RHR Service Water Pump  ;

2 Date performed: 5-25-72 Ti m required for coo /Litton: 2 hours

3. Nature of the 14aintenance: Routine O anergen=yu Prev 3ntive O corrective B
4. Brief sun.nry of work po.?formo1: l l

l Installed new float assembly in the discharge vent valve. j

5. The effect, if any, on the asfs opiestion of tne reactor:

None i i 2

6. The cause of any mdrunction for which corrective maintecsnee vus required:

Arms on the float bucket were broken.

7. The effects of any such mdfunctions:

j The pump is made inoperable. i a 1 8 Corrective and provsative action f.skaa to prealade rea2rcense af malfunctions:  ! l I nstalled new parts. 9 a .

                           -.     -         --   w  - - - - ,     -   -.,c, -.-s 1.-m-m--en,gn---g--,,y           .gm----r,---we-,p--,y,w-w   ,   ----+g ry,g g .n-y-m----

H-002 ROUTINE OPERATIfC REPORT t/AlWENANCE RECORD (Required for systems or components designed to prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear accidents)

1. System or Component: Neutron Monitorino System
2. Date Performed: 5-30-72 Time required for completion: 30 Minutes
3. Nature of the thintenance: Routine [] Emergench[3 Preventive CorrectiveE3
4. Brief summary of work performed: Reolaced a failed LPRM in core chamber onwer supply with a snare unit.
5. The effect, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor: None.


6. The cause of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required:

3 A transistor in the LPRM incore chamber power sucoly circuit failed causing the output of the power supply to drop to zero.

7. The effects of any such malfunctions: The failure caused the LPRM to read down-scale.
8. Corrective and prevent ive actica taken to p. eclude recurrence of malfunctions: 1 i

None - The transistor failure was a random failure. e=== i D t i

BQJ1T_(SSJ M 11TI Q 35@ R JAU(($% GC,,P/j}}4Q (Re.3ai?9d for Jy-stens or coup unnts designed ta f) prevent or mitigate the connaquences of nuclear accidents) 1

1. System or Couponent: Water Accunulator CRD 34-15 l 2 Date performed: 5-31-72 Time required for coapletton: 4 hours
3. Nature of t.he tisintenances - Routine O smergencyQ rrevantive O correctiv. @
l. . Brief sumasry of work pactor. uni Replaced the water a:cunulator with a new spare.


5. The effect, if any, on the asfs ope shion of the reactor:

None (

6. The causs of any 'ancunction for which corrective msintenance was required:

Damaged "0" seal ring caused by the plating flaking off. l l

7. The effects of any such mdfunctions:

High water alarm. i i i 1 j 8 Corrective and preventive a: Lion tskan to prealade recarcence of malfunctions j installed new water accumulator. f. II - J d

    -,,,-,#---,    re- -..y--,---ws,--  ..m... r # , - ~ , . +m ,%,, ,mr , c~_,v. s-,_ +, e,.-e-   ,.# - -v -        , c .. . . y     , - , .y, ,.,, +,-                          e   , - .,%,--+-, ,.r I

M-002 ' ROUTINE OPERATito REPORT MAINTENANCE RECORD (Required for systems or components designed to prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear accidents)

1. Systen er Component: Prnna== Radiatinn Mnnifnrino Symfem
2. Date Performed: 6-1-12 Time required for completion: 2 Hn,,rc
3. Nature of the Maintenance: Routine O Emergency 0 preventive Corrective 0 4 Brief sumary of work performed: Reolaced electrometer tubes in Main Steam I i ne f/nni tor Channel "A".

1 4

5. The effect, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor: .None l


6. The cause of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required:

Random electronic component failure. l

7. The effects of any such malfunctions: The faulty tubes resulted in downseale soikinn of the monitor.


8. Corrective and preventive action taken to preclude recurrence of malfunctions:

The faulty electrometer tubes 'were replaced. and the monitor was calibrated and functionally tested. l l( 1 I l

i i l l estaaesens>mmuaurittartac>>2raa , I (Read. ml for Jystea,i or congi swits designed to l C) prevent or mitigate the conemences of accidents)

1. Systern or Couponent: Torus Ring Header 2 Date performed: 6-1-72 Tie required for cos3dstion: 4 hours
3. Nature of the hintenancer Routine O anergencyL] rreventive 0 Corrective g
4. Brief sum.nry of work po: foran1: '

Pemaved six hanger bolts laboratory inspection.  ; e 6 i

5. The effect, if any, on t'w asfs op.estion of the reactoc:


6. The ca.rse of any ad runction for which corrective msintenance was required:

Found loose hangers and bent bolt. Cause being analyzed. l

7. The effects of say such mdfunctions:

j WA

8. Corrective and preventive act,lan tskan ta prec114e rec.recence of sdrunctions:

The hanger loading is being evaluated by General Electric.


1 l l I

M-002 ROUTIPE OPERATIf6 REPORT MAINTENAPCE RECORD (Required for systems or components designed to prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear accidents)

1. System or Component: Neut ron feniinring h+-
2. Date Performed: 6-2-72 Time required for completion: 2 Hours
3. Nature of the Maintenance: Routine O Emergency 0 preventive O Corrective E
4. Brief summary of work performed: Reclaced failed feedback and calibration card in SRM channel 24 l


5. The effect, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor: None - The remainino three SRM channels were operable while maintenance was performed on SRM channel 24.
6. The cause of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required:

Unknown. 4-

7. The effects of any such malfunctions: " Period Test" function of SRM Channel 24 was inocerable.
8. Carrective and preventive action iaken io preclude recurrence of malfunctions:

A replacement card was installed, and SRM Channel 24 was re-calibrated and

returned to service.

i ( )

           - . .           . , . _ . . . .              .,   , - , _ ,,    ,,m..,   ,,      , ,     -

B2iLIL%.'RM1RW.UMG.MIE&RGUANM  : ( for spteur or coup mots designed ts l prevent or mitigate the conaaquences of nucisar accidents)  ; 1 System or Component Main Steam Safety Valve 2-70A l 2 Date performed: 6-3-72 Ti e required for coe,dstion: 12 hours l

3. Nature of tJ1e Maintenance: Routine Dnergency'.] Prevsntive O Corrective x f 1
1. . Brief euaury of work paetorants l Removed valve and installed new spare valve. l l

I l

5. The effect, if any, on t'as .ssfs opesblon of tine reantor:

None (

6. The cause of any ms1 function for which corrective msintenance vus required:

Valve opened at a pressure below i is setpoint . Cause unknown.

7. The effects of any such ms1 functions:

j None i d i i

8. Corrective and pievsntive action tsk4n to prealade resarcence of malfunctions
installed new valve.

i ! (- 1 1

                    ,%,    --sme- -e - . , - - ,-w - -

y,,,...c , , - , , ,, ,,e.,,.3

                                                                                           ,w  ,,-.-,v-.-w..y    a v w ,-     , .,   -.v-.m       ,i,-.,-

EP.!!Il@JREUIl$ 35EQE.dMESM GIl MMQ (Requi?ed for sfstaus or congimats de11gned to

 '                                        prevent or mitigate the ooanaquences of nuclear accidents)
1. System or Coupnent: Torus Ring Heador 2 Data performod: 6-5-72 Tima required for coa,dstion: 4 hours
3. Nature of the Maintenanos Routine 3 DnergencyC Provsative O Corrective C
4. Brief susury of work paeformal Removed seven selected hanger bolts for laboratory inspection.

1 I l 5. Thr effect, ir a../, on t'as asfe op.e. stion of t.he reactor: I l i 6 The cause of any an runction for which corrective msintenance was required l l tyk

7. The effects of air / such ndfunctions:


8. Corrective and pievsntive action takan t3 peo:ltia reaccence of malfunctions:


 --   . . . , , , .     , - - ~ . , , - .      , . - , - -  . . . . . . , , , . . . . - - - . , - , . - - - , . - _ - - , . . . .           - - - , - , - . . . , ~ . . . . , , _

EP.jIT,,,[g JRQ1Tlg AE2R J4U[MRGg2 sng (Re.1ui?sd for Jystems or corgiirunts de11gned ts f; prevent or mitigate the consquences of nuclear acci:lents)

1. System or Component: "B" RHR Room High Water Level Detector.

2 Date performed: 6-12-72 Tim required for coopistion: 2 hours

3. Nature of the N intenanos: Routine O energen=rO rrevsntive O corrective a
4. Brief sum.nry of work poeformal Replaced tube (2D21) in level control unit. [


5. The effect, if any, on the asfe opocst. ion of tine reactor:  ;

None ( 6 The cause of any malometi>n for which corrective msintenance was required: Electron tube failure was causing nuisance alarms in the control room. l l 7. The effects of any such mslfunctions: l High water level unit inoperable. l l C. Corrective and preventive action t,skan to pres 12de reaccence of malfunctions: Replaced electron tube. e

l i l BPELE MGdlilG.E OR j%U(I(% %g2QN3Q (Requi?sd for Jystaa.4 or coqi noants designed t3 prevent or mitigate the connaquences of nuclear accidents) 1 System or Component: #13 RHR Service Water Punp ,

2 Date performed: 6-19-72 Tim required for oogsistion: 36 hours )

3. Nature of the itsintenanoes Routine O Emargency C Provsative C Corrective n
4. Brief suanry of work paeformel .

Disassembled the pump for inspection. { J i

5. The effect, ir any, on t'ae asfs op.4. stton of the reactoca l None i

i f i

6. The cause of any as1Bmetion for which corrective msintenance we required: ,

i The pump operability test results did not agree with the manufacturers pump  ; performance curve. l l  !

7. The effects of spy such ms1 functions:

The pump operability test results were marginal with respect to the Technical Speci fication recpirements. ,

8. Corrective and preventive action tsh n t3 peo 1>1e recceence of malfunctions: I I

Machined the impeller seal rings and installed and machined new bowl ' seal rings. l . l t

                                            ,sn--. , - . , . , , , - , , , - +   ,--,..,---n -e, . , , ,

i BQ!1ILE11?.EGIts X29E .34thT4%G52SN44  ! ( for Jyderas or coop mots designed to Q prevent or mitigate the conaaquecess of nuclear accidents) l

1. Systets or Component: RHR Service water Loop "A" orifice. 2 2 Date performed 6-19-72 Time required for coopistion: 24 hours f
3. Nature of the 14aintenance: Routine O EmergenvG Provsntive O Corrective x f
       /. . Brief su usry of work pactor. net:                                                   ;

Removed ori fice plate for intpection. i

5. The effect, if any, on the asfe opacstion of the reactor:

None l 1



 !                                                                                               l l

l 6 The causa of any us1 function for which corrective asintenance vus required: RHR Service Water Pump operability test results-did not agree with manufacturers pump performance curves.

7. The effects of any such ms1 functions:

RHR Service Water pump operability test results were marginal with respect to the Technical Specification reqairements. j

8. Corrective and provsntive actian tho t3 prealade rec 2rcence of ssifunctionst .
Cleaned and painted the header three feet each side of the orifice.

Machined and installed a steel ring b fill the void on the upstream-

side of the orifice.

e l

      ;__ _                                               - - - - -      - - - ~ ~ - - - ' ~   ~

i i t 5 1 BP.!ZIl% 2GBRG .W03I 24Df[gliGEJANgQ j (Requini for Jystea4 or coop mots designed t) (m l prevent or mitigate the conssquences of nuclear accidents) l 1 j 1 System or Component: Standby Gas Treatment System 1 4 2 Date performed: 6-26-72 Tiria required for coopistion: 3 hours ,

!                                                                                                i

) 3. Nature of the liaintenanos Routine O enersen=y0 Prevsntive O Corrective O )

4. Brief suusry of work paeformal Replaced High Temperature alarm relay.  :

1 ) , 4 i d 5 i j  ; ? l i' I 5. The effect, ir any, on the aste op.4cstion of the reactor: l l None 1 If ] 6 The cause of any malfunction for which corrective maintenance was required: 4 Buzzing relay, j i i

7. The effects of any such ms1 functions:

None i 8 Corrective and prevsntive action tskan to prus12de reaccence af malrunctions: 4 j Replaced noisy relay. l l 1 4 'T r

   -."L                                                                          -,-# _     - .-

l I ELSfsJRE!i1ILEASTAI3%lE48G420MQ (Regatved for systeu4 or coup mots dr11gned ts p prevent or mitigate the connaquencea of nucinar accidents) 1 System or Component: Standby Liquid Control System 2 Data performed: 6-27-72 Tima required for coopistion: 8 hours

3. Nature of the Maintensnos: Routine C DnergencyC Prevantive O Corrective x
4. Brief su:nsry of work pactormel Installed nonitor pilot lights on the system piping heaters.
5. The effect, if any, on t'ae asfs op.icstion of the reactoe:

None l

6. The cause of any adfunction for which corrective msintecance was required:

Monitor pilot lights not included in basic system design.

7. The effects of any such mdfunctions:

N/A l 8 Corrective and provsntire acht1a takan t) prealade rearecence of sd runctions: The pilot lights indicate power to the heaters and heater operation. m-- , + - - w ,,, e-%,,e.,,-,._, ..,r., - -- ~.r r + w - vm 'm--r-- pr>- .a

                                              *-r                                                                                                                      p 3

O RADIOACTIVE WASTE DATA i A. LIC.UID WASTE Units Jan.(1/4/72 ) Feb. Mar. Aor. Mav June TOTAL

1. Gross Radioactivity (B. Y) Batch 1150 a) Total release -6 Curies 2.9 x10 2.9x10 l b) Averare c:rcentration released uci/mi 1.32x10 ~I4 2.8x10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ~I c) Maximum concentration ralensed                                                                        uci/mi 2.1x10-11                                                                                                                                        2 3x10-U
2. Tritium 7 a) Total release ._ Curies 7.6x10-5 b 7 7e 7 7 7.6x10-5
                                                                                                                                                                           .               .w                                                                                .

b) Averare concenir at ion r eleased u. /n1 3.45x10-y3 7 g g g g 7.3x10-16 x v v .

3. Di ssolved noble cases 7 7 7 2 y u_ u_ u_ m l a) Total release Curies X
                                                                                                                                                                         ' ,O                  o.
                                                                                                                                                                                               .                                           m.

m - m X b) Averare concentrat ion released uci/ml X 7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             &-        E X
4. Gross Aloha Radioactivity # ' ' "

o _Q _Q _w -v l n) Tnini relenne Curien X 2 '- "- X

b) Averace concentrat ion released uci/mi X X 3 3
5. Vol. of lia. waste to disch. canal liters 3.78x10 3.78x10 0.22x10 I2 12 12 12 12 12 13 l 6. Vol. of dilution water liters 1.22x10 2.31x10 1.71x10 2.65x10 2. 27x10 l_.04x10 4
7. Isotooes released Curies

! Ba+LA-140 X x '. 1-133 X - X ' I I-131 6.lx10-' 6.1x10~7 Xe-133 X x - Xe-135 X _ x I C s-137 9.3x10 ' 8.3x10-7 4 Cs-134 X X ! Co-60 3.8x10~# 3.8x10~7 Co-58 7.9x10'I 7,9x10~7 Cr-51 X x Un-54' X x Zn-65 X _ x S r -90 11x10- 4 lx10-8 i Others (noecifv) Mo'>> - T c_>=>m X X

9. Percent of Tech. Spec, limit for total activiiv rcleased  % 2 3x10'2, 2 3x10-2

, (x Unidentified and/or non-detectable) i

                                                                                                                                                                                                 .,_- - .-,,-.- ,. .-.-. ,._ - - --.-_, ,- . .. - , - . - - +
     . _ _. . _ ._ =__._ _                                                              _           .__.m _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ . _                                                                                     _ . . _ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ _ - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

d B. GASEOUS RELEASES - Units Jan. Feb. Har. Aor. '.'a v June TOTAL

1. Total noble cases curies 17 14.430 - 30.868 32.044 - 59.090 57.170 - 193,619
2. Total halocens curres 1.73x10~4 3.1x10-4 2.74x10-4 5.63x10-4 0.106 9.4x10-4 0.315
3. Total particulate gross radioactivity (B. .r ) curies 2.2x10-5 , 2.9x10 4 7. 52x10-4 5.53x10-4 9.1x10-4 5.9x10-4 3.1x10-3 4 Total tritium curies 1.75x10'" 1.88 0.62 0,39 0.812 0.9 4.62
5. Total particulate gross alpha radioactivity curies X X X X X X X
6. Naxinun nobic ras release rate uci/see 1,060 15,300 25,100 25.800 33.100 26.450 33,100 (1 hr. interval)
7. Percent of coolicable li"it for:

a) nobic cases  % 3x10-J . 2.0 3.8 4.9 8.0 8.7 4. b) hal onens and nart i cul ainn  % 4.9 %10-4 0.28 0.95 1.6 _ 2.39 _ 1. 34 1.1 4

d. Isotooe released: uries Fariiculates - _ _ _

Gn-137 44x10-9 21x10-2 41x10-# e2x10-6 _ 45x10-b (2x10 ? A5.1x10-5 Ba-La-140 e sx10 !. < 2x10-2 < 1x10-? 46.2x10-0 e8x10-b < 5x10' l S r-90 21x10- ( 1x10~3 < 1x10-0 4 1 x10-'d c 1x10~s (1x10-9 4cl6x10.1x] C s-134 (1x10-9 c2x10-9 41x10-1 46.6x10-( c7x10-' 4.4x10' 4 8.5x10-6 Sr-89 < 1x10-0 (1x10- c1x10~J z 1x10~J 41 x10-+3 41x10-d e -Fx10-8 Halocens cories _ . - _ l 1-131 1.77x10" 3.2x10-J 4.Rx10-J-m 6.7 x10 - 2.16x10-' 1.9x10 f 5.5x10-2 1-133 (1x10-9 1.28x1024 1.15x10 5 2.69x10 5 4.28x10-? 3.5x10-' O.129 l-135 e1x10-0 1.5x10-' 1.11x10-' 2. 27 x10-' 4.13x10-4 4x10-4 0.13 Gases curies Kr-85 0.02 16.3 34.9 36.1 66.5 64 217.8 Xe-133 3.1 2.684 6.474 10,171 11,137 9,684 40,153 , Kr A3 3 3.129 6.340 6.525 11.141 1 0.957 38,095 i Kr-87 2.6 2.047 4.266 3,196 7,691 6,878 24,081 a Kr-?5m 1.8 1.292 2,619 2,351 6,430 4,155 16,849 X e-139 0.6 462 1. 37 6 706 2,102 1,995 6,642 Xe-135m X X X X X X X Xe-135 3.4 3,460 8,336 8,084 13,791 13,526 47,200 Ar-41 45 c 15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -        -4 15                ( 15                    -e__15                  4 15 -      4    80 Ot hers as accreor iet e( soec i fv) x Unidentified and/or undetectable)

__-__m__m._______.._.-...__ ._-__.m___.__. __....__--____._____._____.__.______.__.m _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

C. SOLID WASTE Jan. Feb. Mar. Aoril Mav June L Total Volune (Cubic Feet) 1308 580 1036 367.5 0 541

2. Grons Curie Activity 1.224 2.428 3.001 7.630 0 7.044
3. Disposition All Material was shipped off-site to Sheffield Nuclear Center, Sheffield. Illinoin 1-13-72 2-2-72 3-1-72 4-14-72 -


4. Daten Shioned 1-20 ~/2 3-29-7 2

VI. ENVIRONMENTAL MONI'IORING Sumary Air Particulates were collected on a continuous basis at eight locations within a 14-mile radius of the plant site and at the Minnesota Department of Health Building in Minneapolis on a one hour out of three basis with weekly sample collection. Samples were taken either with the Gelman Nuclear Air Sampler Model #26001, a positive displacement vacuum pu=g or a Bendix Madel #26001, rotary vacuum pump sampler. The air particulate samples for this period averaged 0.11 pC1/m3 of Gross Beta activity, which is lower than the averages of the three year preoperational period and the first year of operation. (See Som9ry Table 1) A tabulation of the data for the period is presented in Table 2. r ( Environmental Gama Exposure (TLD) Between January 1, 1972 and April 19, 1972, ga=a dosage was measured using TLD's at 1h locations and a four week exposure period. Between April 19, 1972 and June 30, 1972, the locations were increased to 40, exposing the same TLD at its location for three weeks bringing all the TLD's into the laboratory for reading and returnirg them the next day. While these TLD's were being read, an auxiliary system of 6 TLD's was placed at the site boundary. The TLD system has been returned to the 4 four week exposure period as of August 1,1972 vith at least 14 TLD's in the field at all times. The TLD data for the report period was partially ob-tained with a batch of TLD's which have a higher inherent background than previously used. Dae to this problem, a statistical analysis of the data cannot be made until the inherent background component has been subtracted. s s _ . _ , _,

1 The inherent background of these TLD's are being determined, and upon comple-tion, the statistical evaluation of the data vill be made. Results of gamma dosage measurements are reported in Table 7 Environmental Gamma Exposure (Film Badges) On April 19, 1972 the film badge program was increased from 14 to 40 stations. Exposure periods were 4 weeks. During the reporting period, five film badges in two different exposure per-iods showed six readings above the minimum "M" (less than 10 mr. ). he film badge contract laboratory, R S Landauer, Jr. and Co, stated that they appeared to have been under pressure or exposed to sunlight. The duplicate badge and the TLD's exposed at the same location showed no elevated levels of exposure. Badge f Exposure Period Reading location Remarks 0001 5-15 to 6-l' H O mr. Station fl An TLD's ( 0o02 6-12 to 7-09 60 mr. Station #1 showed 0005 5-15 to 6-n 480 mr. Station #3 normal 0006 5-15 to 6-n 20 nr. Station #3 exposure 0006 6-12 to 7-C9 260 mr. Station #3 for these 0021 5-15 to 6- n hO mr. Station f6 badges Precipitation or Fallout was collected at the on-site air sample station (which is the location of the meteorological station) and on the roof of the Minnesota Department of Health Building in Minneapolis, No significant dif-ference exists between the data from these two points. (See Table 5) he results are similar to preoperational data and data from the first year of operation. (See Table 1) Rav Milk samples from eight farms within a radius of ten miles of the plant I were collected monthly. An additional four sa=ples of milk were collected


                                                            -3                                                                           .

t I quarterly to the east of the plant within a ten-mile radius by the Minnesota Health Department in cooperation with an existing sampling pmgmm conduct *d  ; by the United Power Association, operators of the Elk River Nuclear Facilit; .  : l Starting in June additional monthly milk samples were collected fmm four l fams within a mile radius of the plant site. The average levels of radio-i nuclides analyzed are similar to preoperational data and data from the first  ! year of operation. (See Summary Table 1) Paw milk data is presented in Table 6. l Mississippi River Water upstream and downstream of the plant is sampled  ! l daily and composited into weekly semplec. A weekly sample is taken about 40 miles downstream of the plant site where the city of St. Paul takes rav vater for their five lake reservoir system. L e results are shown in Table 8 and averages are similar to preoperational data and data from the first year of operation. (See Su= mary Table 1) i Mississippi River Bottom Sediment is sampled quarterly when available. he i results are shown on Table 12 and averages are similar to preoperational and first year operational data. (See Summary Table 1) Topsoil is taken fmm three fields growing crops and being irrigated with Mississippi River water taken downstream from the plant discharge. Topsoil is also taken from three fields in a downvind direction of the plant. These 1 fields are not irrigated and usually grow grasses or. wei:rcs. The results are shown on Table 18 and averages are similar to preoperational and first year operational data. (See Eummary Table 1) Well Water is taken fmm three deep vells and four shallow wells in the plant-area. The results are shown on Table 11 and averages are similar to preop-l erational and first year operational' data. (See Summary Table 1)

                                            -h-Fish samples were taken from the Mississippi River at upstream and downst2 tam 7

locations on a quarterly basis when available. Rese results are shown in Table 15 and averages are similar to the preoperational and first year oper- l i ational data. (See Summary Table 1) Parameters in addition to those presented above are Airborne Radiciodine (Table h), Water taken from five lakes (Table 10), Iake Bottom Sediment * (Table 12), Lake and River Aquatic Vegetation (Table 13), Iake and River Attached Algae (Table 1h), Lake and River Acuatic Insects (Table lo), and , Vegetation from several fields in the downwind area of the plant (Table 17). The results shown in these tables are similar to preoperational and first year operation data. Correlations and Conclusions ( Liquid vaste released on January 4,1972 resulted in an average canal concentration of 1 32 x 10-14 uci/ml. Tnis value is below the detection limits for Gross Beta in water. The weekly river water sa=ples which include this release showed an upstream level of 16 pCi Beta /1 while the downstream level was 15 pCi Beta /1. This was the only liquid release for the reporting period. Downstream results are similar to data from the preoperational per-iod and from the first year of operation. (See Table 1) Some of the TLD data was obtained from TLD's which have a higher in-herent background than previously used. Because of this, a statistical analysis cannot be performed on the data until the inherent background is detemined. A supplement to this report vill be forwarded when the analysis is made. The remaining monitoring parameters sampled and analyzed shown no increase in off-site levels of radioactivity due to plant operation during 4 the period January 1,1972 through June 30, 1972.

Table //1 SUWARY The values are averages of all samples of the parameter taken that period.

                                                            *First Half    *Second Halt'  First Ha.1 1968     1969      1970    of 1971        of 1971       of 1972 Air Particulate (pC1/md) Gross Beta         0. 09    0.20      0.20     0 30             0.20         0.11 Environmental Garra Exposure (TLD) (tr/h weeks)          9.8      8.0       91       95               9.6 Fallout (pC1/m2 ) Gross Beta        N.S. 20,600 12,000      18,000           13,000      5,500 Pdik (pCi/1) Cesium 137           21        1h        15       13              16           17 (pCi/1) Iodine l31             4        h         h        3               4             3 (pCi/1) Strontium 90         12        11         9        9              11          10 3 Mississippi River Water (downstream)

(pCi/1) Gross beta 10 9 11 11 9 11 ( r<iver Bottom Sediment (pCi/gm) Gross Eeta 30 37 50 59 h7 h3 i Topsoil (pCi/gm) Gross Beta 26 h7 5h 57 56 57 l Well Water (pCi/1) Gross Beta 5 3 7 5 4 h Fish (pC1/gm) Gross Beta Flesh 35 11 7 6.5 12.1 75 75 Skeleton 4. 0 25 0 11 7 24.1 16.2 17 5 0 Data collected during 1968,1969, and 1970 are considered preoperational and the data under Columns "First Half of 1971, second Half of 1971, and First Half of 1972" is operational.

Table la DETECTICN LIMITS Sample Analysis Aliquot Analysed Detection Limit

  • Water Gross Beta 250 ml. 2 pCi/ liter Gross Alpha 250 ml. 1 pCi/ liter Cs-137 4 liters 3 pCi/ liter Sr-90 2 liters 0 3 pCi/ liter H-3 3 ml. 200 pCi/ liter l Fallout Gross Beta Entire Sample 3 pCi/ meter Ce-144 20 pCi/ meter2 10 pCi/ meter 2 Cs-137 I Ru-106 20 pCi/ meter 22 Sr-90 3 pCi/ meter l 2

Zr-95 30 PCi/ meter.  ! 1 Air, Particulate Gross Beta 250 m 3 0.001 pCi/m 3 Ce-144 4000 m 0.0005 pCi/m 3 Cs-137 0.0005pCi/mf ' Ru-106 0.0008pCi/qf Zr-95 0.001 pCi/m 3 0.02 pCi/m Airborne Radiciodine I-131 250 m Gamma Dosage Gamma 0 5 mr/4 weeks Top Soil, and Bottom Gross Beta 10 grams 0 5 pCi/ gram Sediments Cs-137 1 kilogram 0.002 pCi/ gram Sr-90 200 grams 0.003 pCi/ gram Vegetation Gross Beta 5 grams 0 500 pCi/ gram

                            ,           Cs-137                   100 grams                               0.020 pCi/ gram Sr-90                     20 grams                               0.100 pCi/ gram j     Milk                               Cs-137                        2 liters                                        2 pCi/ liter i                                        I-131                         2 liters                                        4 pCi/ liter                           1 Sr-90                    0.8 liter                                        O.7 pCi/ liter                              l

'i l Aquatic Vegetation, Gross Beta Entire Sample 0 5 pCi/ gram j Insects, and Algae Cs-137 0.1 pCi/ gram l Sr-90 0 5 pCi/ gram i Fish (Flesh, Skeleton) Gross Beta 5 grams of ash O.5 pCi/ gram of ash Cs-137 Entire Sample 0.02 pCi/ gram of ash l Sr-90 3 grams of ash 0.01 pCi/ gram of ash 3

     *2.8 sigma of the applicable background counts (except gamma dosage).


                              -.----n--    s,<e   .- ,    -,

an r-- -

                                                                              ,,,--,,--,-e     - - - m----,,-,,.,--a           ,,           r., , + . - ,w ,

Table 2 AIR PARTICULATE Sampling Date of f , loca tion Collection Samples & ximum Minimum Average i Station #1 Jan 4 .27 .05 .11 Clear Iake Substation Feb 5 .15 .05 .10 Mar 4 .13 .03 .08 Apr 4 .08 .05 .06 May 5 37 .14 .21 Jun 4 .25 .09 .20 Station #2 Jan 3 32 .06 .15 Becker Substation Feb 5 .11 .07 .09 Par 4 .08 .03 . 06 -- Apr 4 .68 .06 .22 Pay 5 .28 .06 .13 Jun 4 .05 .01 . 03 ' Station #3 Hasty Jan 4 36 .04 .14 Feb 5 .12 .08 .10 Mar 4 .09 .02 .06 r Apr 4 .10 .06 .08

           '                                     May                                                 .25                           .05                          .11 5

Jun 4 .24 .08 .18 Station #4 Jan 1 .01 .01 .01 Plant Site Feb 3 .07 .06 .06 Par 4 .07 .03 .05 Apr 4 .05 .03 .04 May 5 .19 .04 .10 Jun 4 .13 .08 .11 1 Station #5 Otsego Jan 3 .07 .05 .06

Feb 5 .14 .08 .10

$ Par 4 .10 .02 .07 i Apr 4 .08 .05 .07 May 5 .22 .06 .14 . Jun 4 .27 .07 .18 Station #6 St. Michael Jan 4 40 .05 .14 Feb 5 .13 .07 .10 Par 4 .09- .02 .06 Apr 3 .11 .06 .08 . Fay 5 .24 .01 .12 . Jun 4 .07 .01 .05 y l

                           . . - .     .,   , . , _ _ , - _ , , , , . . - . ,           - . . , .         . - . . . . . % .w,   .4-m_     -.. ,.-,---.,,,.-e.-

Table 2 (cont) AIR PARTICUIATE t Sampling Date1of of Location Colle ction Samples Maximum Minimum Avera ge Station #7 Orrock Jan 4 36 .04 .14 Feb 5 .13 .08 .10 Mar 4 .09 .02 .07 Apr 4 95 .04 .28 Pay 5 34 .07 .14 Jun 4 .25 .04 .18 Station #3 Paple lake Jan 4 35 .05 .14 Feb 5 .17 .06 .11 Par 4 .10 .02 .07

                                   ^pr                    4               .08            .05                              .06 Pay                    5                  30          .07                              .16 Jun                    4               .28            .07                              .19 Department of Health            Jan                    4               .48             .05                             .15 Building                      Feb                    4               .11             .06                             .08
 '                                                                                        .06                             .07 Par                    4               .07 Apr                    4               .11             .04                             .07 Pay                    4                  41           .04                             .16 Jun                    4                .22            .13                             .18 1

1 7 i i s i f

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24-12-f RR828g2R" 99999 . 99 8 v v v v v v v v v l i b e, n1_c $.888.$.$.$.8.8 v v v v v v v v v J O O O O O O O O N 24-4-c

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v v v v v v v v v l. et-6e-e $. $. $. $. $. $. $. $. $. v v v v v v v v O , i R 9 g 9R g'99998 2 2 2 8" c4-zz-c . .

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             &           O O O          O O O O N S    24-e-2  80 8          88888 5g5 g    A.


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O O O O O O O 1 24-62-I ddJ d d RRR O O O A*22% O O O O O 24-91-I Jda ddJJd

i , e4-4e-9 R 2 R R R R R R *E 88888888 .


} 24-02-9 88888888$ EEEEEEEEs ) , JJJJJJJJJ i 88888888R EEEEEEEE5 1 24-fi-9 JJJJJJJJJ

r j I r

i g .x e eggO gN 1 j 24-9-9 o555 0 5 8o 8 I i i 1 2L-of-G $8$$$Y JJJJJJJJJ b i 3R RSRS $ ) et-ce-s 88$8888$8 JJJJJJJJJ

o g o H c 2OkOk92k i

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  • e Urd OO O O O Ob gm M c4
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           <    a 24-2-6 888$k$O80 8 O & O JJJJJJJJJ O

a 24-62-4 RRRRRg28g 99999 . 99 .

v v v v v v v v v i

r 24-91 9 Rg2g2gRR*99k 9 . 9 . 9 . v v v v v v v v v .

h Ta ble 5 FALLOUT pGi/md DCifl e: am lin e3 5 0 0 o o 4 0 H 3 a E N S 5 S h 4 ocation collection fa$ $ $ '[ [ [ $N $ $i $ $ k $$ [k #

     'inneapolis                                                        Jan     2100 200             140                              320                                                    50 (80 170             90 150                          170                               16 100                     400 f         al Feb      790                     27                          140                                6.6                 14 (10                 34                               18                                6                     23 Mar      470                                                 182                                                    32     40        6     40                               24 165                           22                     27  800 Apr   16600 670 2300 1730                                                                                        150 180 820          8 2800 790               510 720                                       88 3400                    800 May    8320 160 1190 1160                                                                                        116                     1760     76                       820                               64 1670 Jun      9850 220 1300 1400                                                                                        170          150        1500                             1600 400                           91 1140 i

'fonticello Jan 800 40 200 10.0 (70 50 20 5 24 i- Feb -180 90 (14 10 8 20 Mar 3000 81 441 23 79 42 110 54 207 40 86 700 Apr 10700 380 1900 1500 230 100 160 410 1200 .570 490 190 66 1200 900 May 8800 330' 1200 1100 8 230 150 25 270 1710 130 1300 400 71 1710 700 Jun 9100 150 980 1100 200 110 12 1590 45 1500 600 23 97 1320 600 _ - _ . . _ _ _ _ - . ._.._-_._._._.._....__m....___._._.._m.,m_. .....___.._.___.___._.______________._________________.____.___._.____m _-.--_mem,e-_ _-m._______.m___ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ --__u_ .r____

1 ( Table 6 MIIK ) pCi/ liter Sampling Iomtion C e ion 3 Cs 5 I 9 3r Region #1 North of Plant Site j Dwinger - 13 0 mi. N.W. 1-13-72 24 (4 4.3 1 2-10-72 13 (4 14.0 l l 3-15-72 12 (3 15.0 $ 4-12-72 16 (4 18.0 i 5 ': 72 17 (3 17 0 .! '-12-72 40 (2 18.0 j Kirchenbauer - 11 5 mi. N.W. 1-13-72 24 6 11.0 2-10-72 16 (3 18.0 j 3-15-72 17 (4 16.0 4-12-72 19 (3 15 0 ]' 5-4-72 14 (2 18.0 6-12-72 22 (4 25 0 I Region #2 Southwest of Plant Site Hartzler - 6.5 mi. W.S.W. 1-13-72 20 (4 8.2 2-10-72 21 (2 11.0 t 3-15-72 10 (3 8.4 l 4-12-72 11 (3 6.9 5-4-72 18 (1 92 4 6-12-72 9 (3 9.8 i Schemer - 8.1 mi. W.S.W. 1-13-72 16 (3 5.1 2 2-10-72 19 (2 57 Vandergon - 8.3 mi. W.S.W. 3-14-72 16 (1 55 l 4-11-72 17 (3 6.1 5-4-72 15 (4 55

6-12-72 13 (3 5.6 l

l Region #3 South of Plant Site ,i j Holland - 8.1 mi. S.S.W. 1-13-72 24 (3 52

2-10-72 23 (4 6.9  ;

I 3-15-72 17 (1 35  ! ! 4-12-72 18 (3 52 '. 5-4-72 18 (3 5.6 6-12-72 10 (2 6.6 i H6pkins - 7.6 mi. S. 1-13-72 20 (2 14.0"  ! 2-10-72 22 (3 8.0 l ' 3-15-72 14 (4 6.0 . i 4-12-72 16' (2 50 I l 5 4-72 ' 18 (2 6.4 I

6-12-72 10 (4 5.7 i


E .) l i l ( Table 6 (cont) ) MIIK i $ pCi/ liter Sampling Location C 1 e ion 5 Cs 5 I WSr Region #4 Southeast of Plant Site i Becker - 10 mi. S.E. 1-13-72 20 (4.0 8.3 , l 2-10-72 19 (3 0 7.6 1 3-15-72 18 (3 0 8.1 l j 4-12-72 14 (2.0 59 '

5-4-72 19 (4.0 7.4 I i 6-12-72 11 (3 0 73 l

] Vetsch - 9.4 mi. S.E. 1-13-72 17 (3.0 96 4 2-10-72 16 (4.0- 10.0- l .i 3-15-72 20 (3 0 6.8 j i 4-12-72 15 (3 0 73 > l I 5 4-72 19 (2.0 6.9-6-12-72 13 (4.0 6.4 ) Region #5 Near Plant Site l Hamacher - 1.8 mi. N.W. 6-23-72 17 (1 5 22.0 1 i

Holtraus - 4.0 mi. S. 6-22-72 10 (2.1 10.0

) f Nelson - 2.2 mi. W. 6-23-72 16 (1.2 13 0 Olson - 2.6 mi. N.N.E. 6-22-72 14 (2.8 12.0

Elk River East of Plant Site I

Barthel 2-28-72 27 (2.0 11.0 1 5-16-72 13 (4.0 10.0 i j Iakoduk 2-28-72 14 (4.0 22.0 l 5-16-72 19 (3 0 15.0 i Neilson 2-28-72 24 (3 0 14.0 i 5-16-72 12 (2.0 6.0 Nemeth 2-28-72 18 (3.0 18.0 5-16-72 17 (4.0 19 0 e a

                           - - - , - - - -r- ,e-             --, -             -w  --  m-+ese-  -

p- w

                                                                         -                                     .                                                              ~

NOTE: These results include inhemn, detector backgmund. We are

 ;                                                                                                                                             currently determining this back-ground and will report corrected Table 7                              results at a later date. Until that time, the data shown on this GAMMA DOSAG3                            Table should not be used for any purpose.
 ,                                                                                                       mR/4 wk.

Collection Period 12-26-72 1-25-72 2-22-72 3-21-72 4-19-72 5-10-72 5-31-72 Sampling to to to to to to to location Loca tion 1-25-72 2-22-72 3-21-72 4-18-72 5-9-72 5-30-72 6-20-72 Station la 11.1 miles 306" from Plant 93 8.E 9.3 12 9

  • 11.9 8.7 10.2
                                                                     "  2a  3.8 "

334* " " 93 92 8.8 12.4

  • 10.8 91 9.8 3a 6.4 "


                                                                                          " "  8.6         96            92                     12.0
  • 11.1 95 95
  • " ha 0.6 "

100* " " 8.8 8.9 92 15 2

  • 10.8 11 5

' " 4b 95 5a 10.4 " 106* " " 91 8.7 10.4 11.1

  • 10 9 8.7 93 i
                                                                    "   6a 12.4 "

133* 99 98 10.0 13.8

  • 11 5 9.6 10.1
                                                                    "   6b                                                                                             93        11.4 7a  8.8 "

39' " " 8.9 8.9 8.9 30 5

  • 11 3 92 7b 12.4 95 j

Ba 10 3 " 227' " " 95 90 12.1

  • 10.6 90 i "

13a o.4 " 230' " " 95 85 97 11 3

  • 91 91 13b 91 9.4 l

! " 14a 0.4 " 136' " " 8.5 8.5 93 12 9

  • 10.8 98 10 3
                                                                    "  14b                                                                                             95        10.1 15a  0.8 "

94* 92 8.9 89 12.0

  • 11.0 92 95 89 8.7

. 15b

                                                                    "  16a  09  "

321' " " 8.2 92 8.6 12 9

  • 10.8 8.6 93
                                                                    "  16b                                                                                             97          97 17a  05  "


                                                                                          " "  8.2         91            8.9                     12.4
  • 10 3 10 3 10.7
                                                                    "                                                                                                 10 9        10.8 17b O Analysis or the film badge backup network data has shown this TLD data to be ermneous.

Table 7 (cont) GAMMA DOSAGE mR/4 wk. Collection IMriod 12-25-72 1-25-72 2-22-72 3-21-72 4-19-72 5-10-72 5-31-72 Sampling *a to to to to to to Iocation loca tion 1 .5-72 2-22-72 3-21-72 4-18-72 5-9-72 5-30-72 6-20-72 StQtion #18a 1.7 miles 110' from Plant 8.9 8.7 8.8 23 9

  • 18.5 16.2 17.1 18b 9.8 97 20a 0.8 " 80* " "

10.2 97 10.0 20b 95 10.0 21a O.8 " 46' " " 10.8 10 3 10.0 21b 10.1 97 22a 0.6 332* 10.6 12.1 11 3 22b- 11.8 11.0 23a 1.0 87* 96 97 23b 9.6 97 24a 05 " 191' " " 11.6 10.1 95 24b 10 5 98 25a 0.8 142' 10.1 9.4 9.4 23b 9.8 94 26a 0.8 " 123' " " 10.6 10 3 10.4 26b 10.7 10 7 27a 1.0 " 82' " " 10 3 99 10.1 27b 10.4 10.1 40s 1.6 " " " 39* 9.4 95 91 41a 25 " 336* " " 10 3 8.5 99 42a 27 " 345" -" " 10.0 97 10.0

                    "             "  "                                                                  8.6 43a' 2.6          10*                                                                 10.5             8.9 0 Analysis of the film badge backup network data hns shown thio TLD data to be erroneous.

Table 7 (cont) GAIU4A DOSAGE mR/4 wk. Collection Period 12-26-72 1-25-72 2-22-72 3-21-72 4-19-72 5-10-72 5-31-72 Sampling to to to to to to to Location Loca tion 1-25-72 2-22-72 3-21-72 4-18-72 5-9-72 5-30-72 6-20-72 9 Station #44a 2 9 miles 27' from Plant 93 93 90 45a 35 " 344 99 99 91 45b 95 8.7 46a 4.4 " 348* " " 99 95 8.2 47a 8.1 " 357' " " 10 3 96 92  ! 48a 8.7 " 10* " " 10.7 95 92 Som 1.8 127* lo.6 97 96 , 50b 10 3 97 Sla 2.7 128' 10.1 93 51b 10.0 97 52a 2;l " 144' " 96 93 89

  • 5,3a 34 127 10.1 9.4 95 53b 10.1 99 54a 30 " 122' " "

10.6 89 93 55a 4.7 " 123' " " 9.6 94 56a 8.1 127' 93 9.6 97 57a 3.1.7 136' 10.7 10.1 10.1 58a 10 9 '123' 10 3 10.2 10.3

                                                                    ,                                                ~

Thble 8 MISSISSIPPI RIVER WATER Upstream of Plant Downstream of Plant St. Paul Wa ter intake Period of Collection pCi Beta /1 pCi Cs-137/1 pCi Beta /1 pCi Cs-137/1 pCi Beta /1 pCi Cs-137/1 12-28-71 to 1-3-72 13 (3 11 (1

      'l-4-72                                                                                 14                  (1 1-4-72 to 1-10-72           16            (2                   15          (2 1-11-72                                                                                12                  (2 1-11-72 to 1-17-72          12            (3                    8           3 1-18-72                                                                                12                   2 1-18-72 to 1-24-72           7            (2                   14          (2 1-25-72                                                                                 6                  (3
 ,     1-25-72 to 1-31-72           7            (3                    8          (3 2-1-72                                                                                  8                  (3 2-1-72 to 2-7-72             8            (2                    8          (2

+ 2-8-72 11 (2 i 2-8-72 to,2-14-72 8 (2 7 (2 2-15-72 7 -(3 2-15-72 to 2-21-72 7 (2 8 (3 i 2-22-72 8 (2 2-22-72 to 2-28-72 5 (2 7 (2 2-29-72 10 (2 2-29-72 to 3-6-72 10 (2 7 (2 3-7-72 7 (4 3-7-72 to 3-13-72 11 (2 8 (2-l i

                                                                                                                                      .. .l
          ,e                                            m             .

I h

Table 8 (cont)

MISSISSIPPI RIVER WATER i Upstream of Plant Downstream of Phnt St. hul Water Ir.take Period of Collection pCi Beta /1 pCi Cs-137/1 pCi Beta /1 pCi Cs-137/1 pCi Beta /l pCi Cs-137/1 , 3-14-72 10 (2 3-14-72 to 3-21-72 9 (2 9 (2 3-21-72 9 (2 3-21-72 to 3-27-72 13 (3 13 (3 9 (2 3-28-72

3-28-72 to i-3 f 13 (2 11 (1 4-4-72 10 (1 4-4-72 to 4-10-72 13 (3 49 (2 25 (2 .

3 4-11-72 4-11-72 to 4-17-72 9 (2 9 (2 l 4-18-72 19 (2 4-18-72 to 4-24-72 11 (2 12 (2 4-25-72 , 11 (2 4-25-72 to 5-1-72 15 (1 17 (1 4 14 (1 5-2-72 3-2-72 to 5-8-72 6 (2 8 (2 8 (2 i 5-9-72 7 (2 8 (2 5-9-72 to 5-15-72 9 (2 3-16-72 9 (5 11 (2 f 5-16-72 to 5-22-72 ' 9 (2

5-23-72 l.


m Table 8 (cont) MISSi3SIPPI RIVER WATER Upstrean: of Flant Downstream of Plant St. Paul Water Intake Period of Collection pCi Beta /1 pCi Cs-137/1 pCi Beta /1 pCi Cs-137/1 pCi Beta /1 pCi Cs-137/1 5-23-72 to 3-29-72 9 (2 11 (2 5-30-72 10 (2 5-30-72 to 6-5-72 10 (2 12 (4 6-6-72 11 (4 6-6-72 to 6-12-72 9 (2 12 (2 6-13-72 10 (2 6-13-72 to 6-19-72 11 2 11 (2 6-20-72 11 (2 l 6-20-72 to 6-26-72 10 (2 10 (2 6-27-72 11 (2 6-27-72 to 7-3-72 8 5 8 6 7-4-72 lo (2

              .__._m.   .           _                                                        _. _                          _

l l ! Table 9 i

 !                                                MISSISSIPPI RIVER VATER l                                                    MONTHIJ COFJOSITES t

I i Period Upstream of Flant Downstream of Plant St. Paul Water Intake i pCi b/1 pCi b/1 N Sr/1 j Coll etion pCi b/1 pCi Sr/1 pCi Sr/1 pCi I Jan 600 2.0 800 2.2 1100 2.2  : 4 I I 25 1100 2.6 900 2.8 j I Feb 900 i 600 2.8 800 19 400 2.2

!              Har i

2.9 300 2.4 600 2.2

 !             Apr        500 i

May 700 2.0 900 1.S 500 25 Jun 600 33 600 2.6 600 2.5 1 i i I,i i 3 e i 5 i 1 I 5 i a 4 s

                          .      _.       . . .      _ _ . .  - .       ~ , - _ - . ,              _ --      _     _ .-    , ,  . . . . , , , . .

l Tab. 10 IAKE WATER pCi/ liter Date of Gross 744 737 Cs 99Sr Sampling location Collection Be ta Ce .H o$

                                                                     'Z r Bass lake          1-27-72    11                (2      1000  4.5 2-28-72    12                (2      1100  4.7 3-29-72     6                (2        400 0.4 4-27-72    16                (2      1000  30 5-18-72     9                (3      1200  39 6-30-72     9                (2      1100  2.6 Bertram lake        1-20-72    11                (2        600 19 2-17-72     7                (2        700 2.2 3-15-72    15                (3        600 1.8 4-12-72    26                (2        400 1.0 5 4-72     11                (1        400 2.1 6-12-72    13                (3        500 2.4 Big Iake            1-20-72    17                 5      1000  5.7 2-17-72    17                (2      1500  6.4 3-15-72    23                (2      1100  5.2 4-12-72    34         47     (2        900 1.1   20 5 4-72     16                (2      1000  5.7       l 6-12-72    17                (2        900 4.9       I Clitty lake         1-20-72    22                  9       700 6.3 2-17-72    24                (2        800 9.4 3-15-72    35                (2        800 8.0 4-12-72    27                (2        700 1.7 5 4-72     10                (2        600 19        ,

6-12-72 9 (2 600 35 Locke lake 1-20-72 14 (5 800 2.8 2-17-72 13 (2 1200 37 3-15-72 15 (2 600 13 4-12-72 13 40 (2 800 2.2 11 5 4-72 16 (2 800 2.4 6-12-72 14 (2 700 3.4 lbd Iake 1-20-72 19 800 3.8 2-17-72 24 (52 800 4.6 3-15-72 29 (2 600 1.4 4-12-72 18 (2 600 1.7 5-4W2 16 (2 800 2.2 6-12-72 22 (2 500 34

Table 11 WELL WATER pCi/ liter j Date of Gross Gross 1 3H 90Sr 93 Zr 137 Cs Sampling location Collection Alpha Beta Ce l Plant Well #1 2-17-72 10 8 (2 700 (.18 1 4-10-72 (6 6 (3 (200 (.19 . 6-12-72 (5 2 (2 700 0.24 l Plant Well #2 1-13-72 (3 3 (5 400 0.36 ' 3-13-72 (4 (3 (2 600 0 32 5-15-72 (5 5 (2 1000 0.20 j City of Monticello Well 1-20-72 ,, 4 (5 300 (.30 l 2-10-72 (3 (2 (6 300 (.50  ! 3-21-72 (5 4 (2 (200 0.65 l 4-11-72 (5 6 32 (2 (200 0.41 11 j 5-15-72 (6 4 (2 (200 (.30 l 6-19-72 (5 (2 (4 300 0.25 (' Gouthier 3-7-72 6 (2 3 1000 (.40 4-25-72 (3 4 (2 - 1200 (.22 Schult: 3-7-72 (3 3 (2 400 (.30 4-25-72 (4 3 (2 800 0 37 Swanson 3-7-72 (3 (2 (2 1300 0 31 4-25-72 (3 (2 (2 1400 (.25 Trunnel 3-7-72 (3 (3 (3 700 (.20 1 4-25-72 (3 4 (2 1500 0.24 l l l h i

a Table 12 IAKE & RIER B0ff0M SEDIME!rfS pCi/ gram Date of Gross y)7 l Sampling Iocation Collection Beta Cs 99Sr l Bass Iake 3-19-72 34 0.10 0.046 Bertram Iake 5-19-72 37 0.41 O.050 Big Iake 5-19-72 34 0.83 0.020 l Clitty Iake 5-19-72 37 0 54 0 310 locke Iake 5-19-72 35 0.62 0.100 t i Mud Iake 5-19-72 39 o.44 0.077 i i Mississippi River i Upstream of Plant 5-19-72 38 (.04 0.045 5  ; Downstream of Plant 5-19-72 48 0.14 o.072 .l 4 l } i I 4 4 t I I

l i


_. ... . _ . _ _ _ _ . ._ _____..._..___..-__...--_....._-_m. E, Table 13 IAKE & RIVER AQUATIC VEGETATION pCi/ cram i ca C ec ion ta 11 Ce 1 Ce 137 Cs 140; 54 g 95 g 147Nd W Ru 1 Ri Wsr 95 Zr Baes lake 5-19-72 2h 5.8 (.07 4.9 0.6 0.6 i Bertram Lake 5-19-72 57 07 1.4 o.69 0.26 0.05 27 0.6 0 31 30.0 2.1 29 5-30-72 47 15 0 (.90 11.0 0.7 30 4 Big Iake 5-19-72 56 13 0 0.62 6.6 1.2 1.8 4 5-30-72 39 50 0 55 4.0 03 2.0 Clitty Iake 5-19-72 62 11.0 1 50 31.0 1.6 1.7 5-30-72 51 15 0 0 56 8.0 1.0 2.0 locke lake 5-19-72 61 1.7 (.06 1.0 0.7 o.5 5-30-72 62 12.0 (2.00 17.0 17 30 Mud Iake 3-19-72 32 25 (.08 1.4 1.4 0.2 5-30-72 75 13 0 (.40 90 0.4 50 Micaissippi' River Upstream of Plant 6-14-72 54 18.0 1.60 35 09 13 Downstream of Plant 6-28-72 56 7.o (.50 8.5 (.2 1.4 4 i f

 - . . _ . _ . .            ._ _ . _              _     _. ._ _               _ - _ _ . _ . . . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . .-_.-          .a._.m.-_               _______--______m,,.,v__-vi----,-              +-s_--     _<,+.,-_________.,_.--r--w..,    --       w-= ..e..--+,-m
                    -    - . _ .   - -.          ~ . _ - _ . . . . .                    .   ..-
                                                                                                                                                                    -                                                                            s Table 14

, IAKE AND HISSISSIPPI RIVER ATTACl!ED AIDAE pCi/ gram EB A O O o 0 0 O E 5 5 h Date of oy 3H y g m u 4 .g ye 3H m

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                $  g    g   gH      m 4

n ! Sampling location Collection o H H ^ ' H H e

  • H H b
  • Station #1 - 1400' 5-22-72 32 Above Intake 6-5-72 42 6-19-72 45 Station #2 - 700' 5-22-72 35 Above Intake 6-5-72 79 6-19-72 86 Station #4A- Across 6-5 -72 68 From Discharge Canal 6-19-72 76 Upstream Composite of Station #'s 1&2 _

5-22-72 9 11.0 1.1 11.0 1, 2, & 4A 6-5-72 4.0 (1 35 0.6 2.8 , 1, 2, & 4A 6-19-72 13 (2 07 4.3 Station #9 - Oxbow 5-22-72 28 (3 10 8.0 (2 3 Dicchar6e 6-5-72 70 7.0 8 3 3 9.0 4.0 12 1.6 6.0 + 6-19-72 69 40 4 1.4 4.0 ) Staticn #3 ,- At Dis- 6-5-72 75 charge Transect West 6-19-72 61 Bank Station #3A - At Dis- 5-22-72 48 charge 6-5-72 53 6-19-72 76 Station #4 - At Dis- 6-5-72 63 charge Transect 6-19-72 63 Midstream Station #5 - At Dis- 5-22-72 31 charge Transect East 6-5-72 67 Bank 6-19-72 86



Table 14 (cont) IAKE ATTD MISSISSIFPI RIVER A'ITACliED AIDAE DCi/s rum M $ $ o E 0 e d g $ S E 4 4 Date of E{ pa o ,a g u -4 g g g p p ga S m y Sampling location Collection am a a in a a tn a m a a os Station #6 - 1500' Below 5-22-72 33 DischarSe West Bank 6-5-72 65 6-19-72 72 Station #7 - 1500' Below 6-5-72 19 Discharge Midstream 6-19-72 140 i Station #8 - 1500' Below 6-5-72 45 Discharge East Bank 6-19-72 82 , Station #10 - 3100' Below 6-5-72 39 Discharge 6-19-72 73 Station #11 - 5300' Below 5-22-72 29 Diccharge 6-5-72 58 6-19-72 63 Station #12 - 7600' Below 6-5-72 58 Discharge 6-19-72 94 4 Composite of Transect & Downstream Station #'s 1 3A,5,6, & 11 5-22-72 50 (3 8.0 0.6 30 3,3A,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,& 12 6-5-72 1.0 (1 0.7 05 1.1 3,3A,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,& 12 6-19-72 2.4 3 1 63 13 1.8 1 1.1 6.2 Bacs Icke 5-25-72 90 50 (3 16 1.4 2.4 i 5-25-72 110 6.0 (1 4 4.6 4.5 Bertram Iake 5-16-72 62 16 (1 33 7 2.0 33 Big lake 5-16-72 78 2.0 5 07 1 33 7.0 11.0 2.0 clitty Iake 5-16-72 120 62 6.0 48 6.3 6.0 locke lake 5-16-72 52 1.4 3 0.6 1 2.2 50 0.8 1.6 2.0 Mud Iake 5-16-72 61 20.0 (9 11.0 30.0 3.8 11.0 1

                  . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _           __             . . _ . _   __ - _ _ . _      _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . , . . .                 . _ _ _. _ ...__ . _ _ ~.         _
            -   .  .   ..     .._. ..         -       . . ~ _.. .. _ . _ . .                 .         .      .                     _                 . . . . .

N Table 15 FISH Flesh Skeleton pCi/ gram pCi/ gram B b M & Date , g g g 3 g g g Sampling of g 3H 4  % o y ga o o o @ $ Iocation Type Collection.,Q H H H a 8 e Q $ 8 ' Mississippi River Upstream of Redhorse 6-6-72 730.022 05 0.046 0.008 0.022 0.039 0.021 24 0.05 05 Plant Carp 6-6-72 6.1 0.022 0.009 21 (.03 4.0 Carp 6-20-72 75 0.075 0.062 35 (.03 1.8 Walleye 6-6-72 79 0.100 (.015 7 0.06 05 Bass 6-20-72 73 0.066 0.021 10 (.05 , 1.4 Downstream of Carp 6-6-72 6.6 0.041 0.022 17 0.04 0.04 1.7 Plant Carp 6-22-72 4.8 0.056 0.089 22 (.02 2.0 Crappie & 6-6-72 53 0.056 0.031 16 (.05 2.1 BRs8 Walleye & 6-23-72 15 0 0.094 0.032 6 0.08 07 Northern


Table $ IAEE & RIVER AQUATIC INSECTS pci/aram Date of Gross g 137 Cs g WSr g Sampling location Collection Beta Ce Ru Zr l l Bass Iake 5-18-72 14 (1 5 (1 i Bertram Iake 5-30-72 8 (50 (4 I 4 Big Iake 5-30-72 27 (50 41 j l Clitty Iake 5-30-72 54 (1 11 locke lake 5-30-72 10 (33 5 l Mud Iake 5-30-72 79 29 (2 11 3.8 5-30-72 48 44 (5 18 3.8 Hississippi River Upstream of Plant 6-29-72 (17 (50 (9 l l 4


, m I l l Table 17 FIELD VDGETATICN pCi/g 5 Sanpling of S ,a s an n n N n ,o ,E n

                                                                                                                                                                     $   ,n n o                       $d                             a        N location      Collection u


  • d d d d d *
  • O'
  • b Field #1* 5-2-72 77 39 1.7 20 51 Field #2** 5-2-72 69 30 17 14 39 Field #3*** 5-2-72 60 0.6 25 7 .04 15 (.2 1.6 .08 6.7 09 09 06 .13 6.8
  • 40' S. of TLD #15
                       ** 0 9 mi. S. of Hwy.152 (Keruit Lee Farm)
                     ***  O.8 mi. W. of TLD #13 & O.1 mi. S. of Hwy.152 4


                                                                                                                                                                              . , . . . ,        ,%,.                 , , _ _ _ , . . y-    - _ . _ _ . , . . -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~                                                                                                           ,

(. t Table 18 TOPSOIL pCi/ gram Loca 1 n C1 e ion B ta 2 Bi 11 Ce Ce Cs 57 Cs K 1 la Nb 2 Pb 2269 , 1M Rh N Sr Zr Dech:;ne Potato Co. 5-2-72 5" 0.15 0.03 0.13 0.02 0.43 13 0.02 0.09 0.18 49 51 0.25 0.09

            . ting Pota to Co.                                                                           5-2-72                                                                                                  53                                 0.12                                                                                            0.10 atorsen Potato Co.                                                                            5-2-72                                                                                                  56                                 0 37                                                                                            0.21 egatation Field #1                                                                             5-2-72                                                                                                  63                                 0 77                                                                                            0.43 hoe S. of TLD #15 egatation Field #2                                                                             5-2-72                                                                                                  50                                 0.15                                                                                            0.17 0 9 mi. S. of Hwy.

152 (Kermit Ice Farm) cgatation Field #3 5-2-72 63 0.60 0.43 0.8 mi. W. of TLD #13

                   & 0.1 mi. S. of Hwy.

152 (Swanson) 1 i

e.- N MAP I 4l


4 '

                                        ,                                                           MOMTICELLO                                                                                                                                     O 10
               . ST.                 -

i  :  :  :  : CLOUD ~+ +p7

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     ,                         (TLD's and film badges also exposed at these points) i

i N MAPK ! ,I

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VI1. CHAf6ES. lESTS and EXPERT MEf6S This section describes plant modifications and special tests performed during the past six months. A brief summary of the safety evaluation for each item is included. In all cases it was found that the change , or test did not increase the probability of occurrence or the consequences 1 of any accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR; create a possibility for an accident or malfunction of equipment of a different type than previously evaluated in the FSAR; or, , decrease the margin of safety defined in the basis for any technical  ; speci fi cat i on, f031FIC_ATION OF RHR SERVICE WATER FLOW ORIFICE Descri olion of Chan-e J A " filler ring" was added in the "A" RHR Service Water discharge p ipe to smooth the flow transition between the piping and the flow measurement i o r i fi ce. The original installation had a triangular notch between the l pipe fla,ge weld and the orifice plate. I t was suspected that this l caused turbulence which could have affected the accuracy of the flow j measurement. J The ring is fabricated of carbon steel and ass an outside diameter of f 17.6875'. l he i ns i de di ame ter o f the p i pe i s 17. 00". (Refer to Figure 1). ( Sumarv of Safetv Evaluation Dislocation of the ring is impossible since it is bonded to the pipe by epoxy and is nf la ger dianeter than the inside diaceler of the pipe. A structural failure of the ring is highly unlikely since it carries no load and is, therefore, unstressed. Should a failure occur, the larger l fragments would probably lodge in the orifice or the heat exchanger tube l sheets while the smaller fragments would pass through the system. T he l ficw disruption caused by fragments in the orifice or heat exchanger would be insigni ficant. 4 I ffT ALLAlDfl 0F_fffLOR OPERATORS FOR FEFDWATER BLOCK VALVES Dntr ict i on flotor operators and remote controls were added to the two feedwater block valves upstream of the feedwater regulating valves CV 6-12 A & B. (Re fe r to Figure 2.) Summarv of Safetv ExalygtLeo This change was made to provide a neans for the control room operators to quickly isolate the feedwater regulating valves forlowing scrams and shutdowns, or in cases where a egalating valve might stiek open. Ii

i I thus provides additional means for preventing high water level

   )  occurrences and, in some instances, may eliminate the need to trip the feedwater pumps, j

The mjor safety concern related to this change was to assure reliable  ! valve operation. The cotor operators were designed to open and close the l l valves under the most severe operating condition, i .e. wi th ranxinum ' reactor feedpump discharge pressure across the valve. Testing following installation confirmed their ability to operate properly under that condition. rbrmally, with the reactor at or near rated pressure, the pressure differential across the valve will be less than half of the i maXIFUm, ' I f a motor operator does fail, a handwheel is available to operate the l val a ma,ually. Failure of a single valve in the closed position would , not prevent the feedwater system from supplying water to the vessel. 1 Even if both valves failed in the closed position the low flaw regulating j valve, CV 6-13, will allow up to 10% of rated flow to the vessel. i Complete loss of feedwater flow and regulating valve failure to maximum ' flow have been evaluated in the FSAR. These transients are far more i severe than any which could be caused by malfunction or misoperation of the motor o 43 seconds)perated limits theblock valvas. possible rateThe valve stroke of feedwater time flow (approximately chance which could l occur to much less than for previously evaluated instances of feedwater ! pumo trip or control system failures. ( l WNNECTION OF DOMEjiT,[Q WATER TO THE PL Ata f!AKEUP SYSTEM _Descriotion of Change A removable spool piece was installed in the supply line to the plant makeup system to allow domestic (well) water to be treated and used for plant makeup water. The original installation used plant service (river) water as the water l supply. This change allows domestic water to be domineralized instead of sof tened ri ver water. (Refer to Figure 3.) Summarv of Safetv Evalaation The overall water q;ality supplied to the plant is satisfactory as determined by continuous monitoring and periodic checks by the Plant Chemist. T!.is change no other safety signi ficance since no safety l related systenr_,are involved. SlMM SUPPLY PRESSURE C0tKmL FOR STEAM JET _,A.LR_FMQTORS Descriotion , j The pressure control system for the steata jet air ejector supply steam was l modified by replacing the original locally mounted pnuematic controllers I i j l i

I l with electronic controllers mounted in the main control room. (Re fer l to Figure 4 whi ch shows the modified system for SJAE No. 11. T he cont rols l for SJAE No. 12 are mdi fied in similar fashion.) The electronic pressure ! controllers provide a larger proportional band adjustment range and allow the steam supply valve to be controlled manually from the mntrol room, , l or automatically (normal node). Summagor Safetv Evaluation l This chanEe was made to improve system performance by providing a nore stable, more reliable and more easily adj; stable pressure control system. I f the pressure controller fails so as to close all steam supply valves, the air ejectors will not be able to remove the non-condensable Eases l f rom the condenser, vacuum nill decrease and the reactor will scram. If the controller fails so as to fully open the steam supply valves, the down stream relief valves will open to control pressure and the air ejectors will continue to operate. These failure nodes were present in the original design, therefore no new safety concerns are added as a result of the m di fi cat ion. Previous experience with this type of electronic co'ntrol systea has shown it to be very reliable. Prior to placing the mod.fied pressure control system in operation it was functionally tested to verify correct installation. BEACTOR RECI RCUL ATION SYSTEM - SPEED C3NTO! jYSTEM UDDI FIC ATION Descriniion of Change l The reactor recirc speed control system waa medi fied to prevent recirc pump speed excursions in the event of spurious control signal spikes. I nstrumentation was installed to manitor the di fference betnean the fS l set generator speed and the output of the speed controller. lf the signals differ by nore than approximately 10%, a #1;id coupling scoop i iube lock will be init.ated, fixing generator speed. I nterlocks are l provided preventing this system from initiating a scoop tube lock until j the speed control system is on closed-loop control (~ 25% speed) and feednater flow is greater than 20%. (Refer to Figure S.) Summarv of Safety Evaluahen in the event of control system malfunctions, this change should p-avent sudden reci re pump speed changes. I f the system should cause a scoop


j tabe lock when not required, the fluid coupling scoop tube d-ive may b , l cont rolled man; ally. The modi fication does not affect any of the response characteristics or control limits of the original system. l Any failure which might possibly interupt the speed or speed controller l signals, or interject a false signal into the system, would not result in transients worse than the controller failure transients evaluated in the FSAR. l Previous experk,ce with this type of electronic cohonents has shown l them to be very reliable. The system was functionally tested following l installation of the nodification to verify proper operation. l l l l


        )            REPL ACEMENT OF MAI N DISCS ON S AFETY/ RELIEF VALVES Descriotion of Change The main discs on all four safety / relief valves were replaced with discs having hard surfaced (stellite coated) stems.

Sum,arv of Safety Evaluation l The change should eliminate stem galling and thereby increases the reliability of relief valve operation. The Manufacturers q;ality assurance records for the replacement parts were obtained and found satisfactory. Following installation all valves were functionally tested and found to operate properly. I t is therefore concluded that the probability of occurrence of a Safety / relief valve malfunction is l decreased.  ! l l 0FF G AS SAMPLE SYSTEM M)DI FICAll0N l D;scriotion of Chance The Off-Gas Sample System was repiped, using 1/2" tubing to replace the original 1/4" tubing. This was done to reduce the pressure drop

  , - -   through the system piping. Reducing the pressure drop increases the

( activity concentration in the radiation monitor sample chambers, thus giving a better sample. The modified piping also provides better drainage and moisture removal. Summarv of Safetv Evaluation Ceri fied material was used in the installation. No changes were made in piping layout. The system was satisfactorily leak checked following , the modi fication and radiation monitors were recalibrated to account for ' the increased activity in the sample chamber. A complete functional checkout of the system was perforced. IiSTALL ATION OF SED 3ND UAIN STEAU ISOL ATION RESET SWITCH

Descrioiion of Changg l

A second Main Steam Isolation reset switch was installed adjacent to the original switch to reset the inboard M31V's (Figure 6). The original switch, a three-posi tion I ta0 ARD-f0RMA'_JJUTBOARD swi tch that reset all l M31V's, was rewired to reset only the outboard valves. An insulating barrier was added between the two switches. l Summarv of Safetv Evaluation This change increases the separation of the inboard-outboard resei functions and therefore reduces the possibility of a single event resetting bath sets l

( l of f61 V's. A failure of eithe'r switch would only reset one set of valves. The second set would then maintain the isolation function. Functional testing following installation confirmed proper operation. ADDITION OF TRANSIENT SUDPRESSION DIODES TO RBU RELAY CARDS Descriotion of Change Transient suppression diodes were added to all relay coils on.the Rod Block Monitor LPRM selection cards. This will prevent transient voltage spikes from welding the relay contacts together resulting in inoperability of the RBM. Summarv of Safetv EvaluaiLq0 A diode failure could result in a shorted coil, rendering the relay i nope r abl e. However, the probability of a diode short is less than that of a damaging voltage transient. An open' diode failure would result in a loss of voltage transient protection but would not affect RBM operation. T he re fo re, this change increases the reliability of the RBM system. Correct operation of each relay was verified following installation of the diodes. ( l N3T ALLATION OF RELIEF VALVE ON RCIC TEST RETURN LINE Descriof ion of Change A relief valve was installed in the RCIC test return line between check valve RCIC-38 and the junction with the HPCI test return line to protect the RCIC test return piping from overpressurization (Figure 7). -In the event of an ECCS initiation while testing the RCIC system, full pump discharge pressure could be applied to the piping following the automatic closure of 40-2072. The relief valve setpointis 150 psig with a flow capability of 250 epm. l Summrv of Safeiv Evaluation The operation of the RCIC and the HPCI are unaffected by this modification-since during actual operation the test return lines are isolated from the rest of the system. It is therefore concluded that no safety considerations are involved in this modification. I N3T ALL ATION OF ClM/ CAM TO f0NITOR DRYWELL ATf0 SPHERE SAMPLE Descriotion of Change A continuous iodine monitor / continuous air monitor (CIWCAM) was installed in the existing drywell sample system (Figure 8). This modi fication provides continuous monitoring of drywell activity levels. - 1


   &n arv of Safetv Evaluation The CIM/ CAM is installed outside the Primary containment isolation valves for the present sample system. Certified materials were used in the install-ation. The extra sample line flow for the CIM/ CAM will not effect the oxygen monitoring system.

It was recognized prior to installation that leakage at the CIM/ CAM might be a potential problem and that operation of the installed system would have to be evaluated with regard to leakage. The pressure drops in the present system are such that all leakage is inward. This inleakage affects the CIM/ CAM indication and continually adds a small amount of oxygen to the forus via the sample return line. A conservative factor is being applied to the monitor reading to correct for the affect of leakage. The normal oxygen monitoring and nitrogen purge procedures maintain the torus oxygen within limits. Modificatiors to the CIM/ CAM installation which would eliminate leakage are now being evaluated. ADDITION OF BUS POWER MONITORS TO AUTO PRESSURE REL1EF SYSTEM Descriotion of Chanrie Neon lamps were added to monitor the APR logic bus power supply (Figure 9). The lamps will provide positive verification of bus power supply and will t also be useful in testing of the back-up power supply. Sumarv of Safetv Evaluation A lamp failure would give a false loss of power indication. This would be identified by a lack of verification from an existing control room loss of power annunciator and does not constitute an unsafe condition. The 125V DC Bus A and Bus B power circuits for each APR logic circuit are individ-ually fused with 10 amp instantaneous fuses on both the positive and negative side. Previous experience has shown that these foes will protect against shorts in the logic circuit without loss of the E amp, time delay, source breaker fuses. Thus, a single lamp short would affect only one logic circuit and would not prevent APR initiation. j MODIFIC ATION OF REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM WIRlfC Descriotion of Channe ! The reset and seal-in contacts for the scram actuators were re-wired to prevent a " hot short" from keeping the scram actuators energized (Figure 10). This change has been completed for the "A" scram system and will be done to the 'B' system as soon as possible.

i i  ! i i

- 7-Suwmary of Safetv Evaluation

' This as it change moves awill increase point the reliability of potential failure (of thethe reactor

                                                                               " hot  short"protection across the system reset j            and seal in contacts of the scram actuators) to a location in the circuit

! where it can have no adverse affect on the system. A short in the modified i circuit would go directly to neutral, rather than going to neutral via i the scram actuators. Following the modification of the ' A' scram system it was functionally tested and correct operation ' verified. I i f l 1 REPL ACEMENT OF REACTOR RELIEF VALVE SET PRESSURE ADJUSTING SPRINGS j 'i i Descriotion of Chance - l s t 4 j The Set Pressure Adjusting Springs for all four safety / relief valves were i j replaced with springs of A-286 alloy. . j Sunmarv of Safety EDaluation ) I l ! This change was made to preclude setpoint drift due to spring relaxation, I which had occurred at another BWR. l

                                                                                                                   .I l    ,

The new spring material has better cold compression test properties and ! ( increased resistance to creep or relaxation at high temperatures. The manufacturers quality assurance records for the set pressure adjusting


1 q springs were obtained and found satisfactory. Following installation-j all valves were functionally tested and found to operate properly. It j is therefore concluded that the probability of an occurrence of a safety / relief valve malfunction is decreased. I l-I l i i i d T

                ,  .,,.-,s     .g.--,             .,.,m    ,     , , . . . , , ,     ,.m,'m.,,,  ,,--s.-..

flow s prificePlate


c 2 5 O ,r' Detail % Pressure Taps Below flow

                    >                       lc 7-Ori fice Plate J

Filler Ring ., ( ' Weld \ I Pipe sg Fl ange -'4 Gasket


A hN ! Pressure Tap RHR Service hier Flow Orifice Filler Ring Figure 1

_9_ l r, Chance

                                                                       %)       O s

3 c., (O W rws7-1 rwes-1 rw76-i Cve-12s

                  #11 Feedpump FE2-1 o



CV6-13 l i

                                                                                        -         \

t - l l Chanc'e ( 5 FE2-2

                                                                       @o 16"                                                          "7 -2    6 2A
    >                O                        rwe7-2 rwes-2                            To H,p.

From L.P. Heaters and Heat er s #12 reedpump Reactor l l l Installation of Motor Ooerators on Feedwater Block Valves Figure 2 y

F rom Do es t i c bi l ( Chang,e X

                                                              --                                                                                                              3                                                                  '

Frox. Service Water m ( 5 11 a T 9 g e af ii M c r-u Precipitator I '3 Clearwall FE Level Control Valve Cqnnec t i c n o f Dores + i c Wa t e r to the Plant f?alsgue Sys tem Iigure 3


1 - 11 - ( ') l C07 t Pi l Local 1246 C07 PT __1__ E/S (IP 2 1 6 3-1 a Primary x ga sA x, x Sim Su Pl y ym / To SJA #11 vn is Steam CV-1242 i u V"4 flanual Bypass


( Oririnal Stea Surelv Pressure Control for Steam Jet Air Ejector 007 Pl 12/6 C07 i

                                                                           /P             PC                            I 2'.           1246                           I i

l C07 e E/S 12/

                                                                                                                  -     1---     n O                                                     r _1 Primary _ x              x,         sA       o                                s     Sim Supply Steam        '          V        /N       W                                '     to SJAE #11 CV-1242 m         I m

f/anual Bypass Modi fied St er Surely Pressure Centrol for Stea Jet Air F iecie Figure 4

12 - f fAaster , Dual Controller <->i Limiter 2-184-14 2-184-15 s I 4 Speed Control e . Transfer Station speed irdicator' 2-184-16A

                                                       '                                                      No. 12 Rec Pump Conttr Dual Alarm
                                                                             !!cdule            # V 2-184-31 Sr,eed Signe   1                  Dual Speed fr om f.G Sei                     Limiter                                     ,    ,        s Generator                         2-184-18A Tech v                                            ~-

sf Discharge Valve Cump i Fully Open

        ';c eul e                                        ---- ,

2-1F 4-17 A i Feedwater Flow >20% Fie ;d bresker () Fi eld Breaker () ( ) Closed Field Breaker Ope > Cip en i l l { l l i S004  ; s s ,s I Error Limiting Speed Function Scoop tJetwork Controller Generator Tde 2-184-30A 2-184-19A 2-184-20A Actuator! Sunmer 2-184-27A

                                    +<            /
e. > 1 V
                                         ^ '             HI "E"

LO r i Either Alarm Contact initiates scoop tube < Dual Alarm lock i f signal mismatch

   '                                     fAodule                          exceeds preset value.

2-184-28A I Peactor Recire System Soeed Control System %ck Di agraT. Ficiers 5

                                                                                                          .                 -                            - .=.

i i i l1 i i i f - v l i o 1 16A-S32 16A-S32 l 1__ 3_ j 120 V 7- y- , ' 60 HZ q,

                                                    <>                                                                                                         j t>                                              tp i                                                    ,   16A-K9                                            1 j


                                                   '7 (reset-relay inboard) b       (6A-K10 reset rela outboard) y 1

i ! O l j N O O 1 a 1 i f/.ain Steam isolation Resei I j (original) I i 1 1 4 l 1 1

                             '/                                                    ..

ir i O i

3 1 16A-S32A 11 3 16A-S328 2

120 V 60 HZ hp-, #[,

4 > <>

16A-K9 16A-K10 l

                                               . h (reset relay inboard) k           (reset relay outboard)

. O i O O

!                                   n St eam isolation Reset l                                                       (modi fied)
Figure 6 i

d 1

l 1 i fi i l l ' f.O A) - 071  ! R0 2070 k07 I To CST From HPCI / N/

                   \                          /\                      ,
                                         -    RV 349-b                          l l

V  ! i

                                           \I                         i ORW RCIC-3S

( RO 2109 UD 211 i from RCIC l 1

                   &  . rlO Ab i

l Figure 7 l

j - 15 - i b 4 I

                                                                                                                                                       .i i

1 ] CV3308 CV3307 i O O OA-2-3/4"-EF To Present1; em dha 3/4"SS h 3/8"SS. N Installed ~ l Supply Primary Conta nment l SamPeSysth 3 i Isolation Valves d i i ~ 3/8" Stainless ! Steel'- Change TubinE l .I ! ( i - CIM -Outlet '

CAM J Inlet

! 1/2" SS ! CV3314 CV3313 f Return O O ' [ Whitey 1/2"SS

0A15-1"-EF C't 0% h V
                                                                                                                                  -N From.

c Primary Containment 1"SS 3/8"SS P*l -- l I r,olation Valves

                                                                                                                                         ;'*y*st em i

i e a i nstallation or CIM/ CAM f i Figure 8 e , ,* 3 - , -- - e v c--e . .#~t e - - <--e o ~er-~ - - --r., v- --*m -r--r w =r.

                 .                                                       m-                  m-1                                                       C N                 C N
                                                                               ?             *
                                                                                              -e l


                                                                        %g- . .              *P m         _4 x,Q-----.__.      .      x
                   --                                 N O

_C-,, ' II K2A Seal in a

                        -h '                l                    ll                          i 4

PS10-100A 1-N-


x l ll .? e w om,m ,o PS10-100C m m c a > m

   "                                  mex                               t                      C c- .G.I
                      &    1     x    SE$                             li                       2
                      >    a     -            -

o N C, n o, > e K3A Seal in

   --  O I

0 [ ~N 1 Ib I Ii i x 2

a -

e a K6A Seal in o y g/.t ii ti ", o, w - I  !! Il om

   ,                     3                i                                                    ex m  '

LIS 2-3-72A K2A --<n r- R i S i i, Lf 5 $ i~ ' I l1 r-e 1 o' D T x L I S 2-3-72C K3A

  .                      >               a _H     -                                          S.

G a -. g ma o o 3 eo > ._..-_...I - 7 T K7A Seal In e s


1  ! r l L- - a i RHR - 1 - o PS10-105A or C 5 3-iI & I' E ! RHR $

      '3. i          %                                          PS10-1058 or Di m o

3 i t_ 4 a it a

             ;           >                                        C.S.                     . --

l l PS 14-44A  ! E, I ii <

             .                                                                lI              c C.S.                        c.

PS 14-448 g-. Ii o C.S. II PS 14-44C

l (HotAC i i Scram Logic 5 l Reset::  :: Seal in Contacis--  : Reset Scram Actuators Original Circui. fleutral l (- Hot AC Scram Logic l Scram Actuators 1 a

                      .L Reset 2:      -   Seal i n Cont acte--      2: Reset l                Modified Circuit Neutral l

Modification of Perfor Protection Wiring Figure 10}}