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Six-Month Operating Rept 2 Jul-Dec 1971
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1971
Shared Package
ML20127B716 List:
NUDOCS 9211300529
Download: ML20127M981 (150)


{{#Wiki_filter:........... .. A s - ? " t RETURN 7, 1 R 00bt gyg " %e -. e \ Uizy gwRM pgpg tDR1HERN ST ATI E. f0WER COTAtJY LDNilCELLO fjtCLE AE GLffERATI fJi PLAffi 4 REf 0RT TO UtillED ST AT ES AT0VIC EtJERGY COW.i!SSION D! VISION Of RE ACTOR L ICENSI ft LICEfSE fD. DPR-22 SI X-WNTH OPERAT l fB REFORT ID. 2 d)LY 1. 1971 to DECEWER 31, 1971 t, 9211300529 720228 PDR ADOCK 05000263 R PDR i..

T ABLF Or rotarras

l. I f3 FODJCT10tJ CHFOfDLOGlCAL HISTORY III. OPERATI tG DA1 A A. tkielear B. Electrical -

C. C hu t downc. IV. f,%1 til Ef 4AICE - V. RADl0AC11VE WASlE DA1 A A. Liquid B. Gaseous C. Solid f VI. Ef#1ROMDS AL i-04l . TORI f L VI1 CHAfLES, TESTS, AND EXPERIMEfES

_ _ ~ . . -- _ ., _ ... y , . , , , _ , ,,, mu y., . 71 - =g . _ . _ _

l. I fMODUC1100-f This operating report for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant  ;

summarizos tho six month period from July 1,1971 through December 31, 1971. I t ic submi ttod in accordance wi th the reporting requi re-ments of the Provisional Operat ing Lic.ence DPR-22 and Section 50.59 of 10 CFR 50 as described in the following paragraphs. Section 6.6.D of Appendi x A, Technical Speci fications, of the Pro-visional Operat ine t i conse DPR-22 for the l'enti cello f)Jclear. Ceneral-

o. ing P1 ant requires ihat a routine oporating repori be submi tied to the Director, Division of Reactor LicensinC, of the Uni ted States _

Atomi c Energy Commiss ion, at the end of each six month period.- ' Tho reports are reg; ired to contain the following information (conrnarized . on a month)y basin):

a. fMleu ,
                                                                                                                               'l (1) Numbet ni hourc the plant was operated.

(2) Number of tiens the reactor was mado critical.  ! (3) Gross thernal power cenerated. . (4) Oper at ing hi s tog ram, showing the thermal powor level of the reactor versuc timo for the report period. ( D) E giivalent f ull Power Hourc. i

b. Fi t ri<al 4

(1) Grecs power ponerated (in UNh).

                                           -( 2) Net power penorated (in DNh).                                                 ~!

(3) Length of tim generator wac on lino (in hours).

c.  % 4 dowes

t (1) fonber of scrams and shutdowns. (2) Du r a t . o n o f down tino (in hours). ( 3) Feasons- for outage,

d. Maintennnee -(on- systems or componentc- designed to provent ~

or mi tigate. the consequences' of nuclear accidents).  : (1) l'ature of maintonance:- o.g.,. routine,-emergency, p <entive, or corrective. (2) li a of fe:f, i f any, on the safe operation of- the reactor. (3) The cause of any malfunction for. which corrective main - tenance was requi red. (4) 1he ef fects of any such mal functions. (5) Corrective and preventive ' action taken to preclude recurrence of mal functions. (6) T~ime requi red for completion.:

e. Radionetive t iosid Waste- .


                                         .(1) Total curio activity discharCod, (2)- Total volume (in gallons before dilution) of liquid waste--
  '                                               discharCod.

(3) Total volume (in gallonc) of dilution water used. 5 , . . , _ .. n-,,.~.-.-,_a,._._,,_,_- -_ - ,- . - .- , _ . . u_ _ _ s. a. .

                                                                  -   2-                                                l l

(4) Average concent ration (in uc/cc) at outfall of discharge canal. , (5) ba rum concent ration released for any consecuti ve l 24 hours djring the reporting period, including tino l and date. J ((> ) Percentare of annual- limt t released. (7) Pose!ts of isotopic analyses and estimated curies of  : each i ckm t s ried nuclido releacod. ' ( U) lotal curio act ivi ty of 1 ri tium discharged.  :

f. O, wen, s fins t e-(1) T o tal cu rion act i vi t y diocharpsd cr-rparaied in to noble ra',co, l odi no, and par t i cula tes.

( 2) Nimam act ivi ty reloaced for. any consecutive 24 hours durinr the repor t i ne period, includinc iiro and date. (3) Por:chtagu of maxicon annual limi t roleannd and IPC


valuo. . (4) hecults of all i sotopic analyses and estimated total r urinn of each i dent i find nuel t de - released.

p. Scii d Padiend i vo Wae M (1) lot al volare (in cubic feet) of colid waste ponerated.~ .

(2) . G rosa cu r ie act i vi t y i nvol ved. , (3) Dates and disposi tion of the material if shipped off-si te. ( i

h. Envi ronmnial "oniinri nc j (1) A narrative summary, including ciorrelation with effluent releacos of the resul ts of- o f f-si te envi ronmental surveys perfortred during the repot i period.

(2) T abulation o f the results o f. _the envi ronrental troni to ri ng-program, including a firure showing location of the , noni torine stations. (3) f or any simples which indicate statistically signi ficanti levels of radioactiviiv! above ostablished background levels, a comparicon with applicable 10 CFft 20 limiis' a chall be provided.- Section 50.59,10 CF R 50, permi ts the _'holde'r of a licence c aathorizine " operation of a nuclear reactor to make changes in ihe f acili ty, changes in procedures 3 and conduct . tests or experiments,- provided-that the change, test or experi. ment does not involvo a change i'n , the technical specifications or an unroviewed safoty cpestion.. The

                    - licensee is. required to report such changes, tests and experiemonts to the Commiss ion. _                                                                            ,

In addition to the above .requirenents this report Lincludes.a.brief.; chronological commary of the plant operating _ history du r i ng- t he -- 1 repo r t . pe r i od.

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11 CHf0tOLOGICAI HI C10hv 7/4/71 Compteied 100 hour war e ant y run. 7/5/71 Perforned turbino t rip test from 100% power. This completed all startup tests. 7/6/71 Compleled ini ti al drywol1 ineriinp. 7/7/71 High steam flow isolation colpoints snt at tested value of 113% of rated cteam flow pendine developnoni, safety evaluation and review, and AFC approval of protodures for porforming tests at 140% of rated itow. hoactor power lims ted to 90% of rated. 7/14/71 Whi le os tabi nhin;. s team f low t o the t ain enndenter following a reactor isolation, the wator loop snal at the air ejectorc discharco won lost, rouulting in of f pas boine discharged to the turbino - bu i l di ne cump. , his rerul ted in the di r, chm pe 'of a cmall amount of pasocus niivi ty ( 2000 uci/ cec) f rom the reactor _ building ventil at ion siack over a hal f hou r per iod. Modi fi cat ions wore mado io res, the air ejoctor niaam supply and the loop seal isolai t on cont rols to provent a recu r renc o.- 7/15/71 Outare to renove turbine stop valvo and intercept valvo startup to _ screeno. Replaced fil ter olenents in condannate/domineralizar 7/25/71 ' B' and chorni cal ly. cleaned condensato/dominorali zor 'C' . 7/26/71 to i 8/7/71 Operated at 90% power. 8/7/71 Reactor uc ram f rom condensor low vacuum due to coolinC tower return lino screens plugging while going .to clocod circulating-water system operation. 8/8/71 Operatedat903 power. 8/9/71 Roactor teram cauced by improper opening of' nonsing- line while calibraiing condonner ' vacuum twi tthos. 8/10/71 Operated at approximately 90% power, except for _ brief periods to du ri ng Aurust 11 and 12 when output varied between 50% and 75% P/20/71 power while conductire tesis of the variouc moden of circulatino

  • water system operation.

8/20/71 Reactor ceram f rom APRM Hi-Hi t rip caused by cudden increase in No. 11 recirculation pump speed. Replaced f aul ty cont rol ampli fier. 8/21/71 Operated at:40% power. 8/22/71 Reduced power in ho t s t andby -lo repai r fl ange leak on 12-A Lp-drain coolor. 8/23/71 Operated at 90% power.

              't o 8/25/71

l i l

         ,                          8/26/71    Shutdown plant _ to repair inak on 12-A feedwater heater. $hile I      /                               to      shutdown discovered and repaired leak in generator hydroCon seal,~                                    i 9/1/72     Also replaced filter eiernots in condensate /domineralizer vessels =                                   '

. ' A ' , _ ' D ' , a n d ' f. i .  !' I ! 9/2/71 Operated at 90C power.  ! ! to j 9/5/71 l 1 9/5/71 Low air pressure caused closure of condensate demin outlet valvet. j which in turn cauced a low suction pressure trip of the reactor. j feed pumps. Peactor scram was ini tlated by low water level . l l Lenuort.. Air compressor loading valvo repairs were completed and nddiiional oporator t raininr' was insiiiuted to prevent a  : recur re nce. i L 9/6/71 Opnr ated ai 45% power while repai ring feedwater pump fk>. 11 i nbo a r d _- seal. ] , l- - l l 9/7/71 Operated ai 90% power. to - q 9/9/71  : 1 9/9/71 Shuidewn plant to test fUlV closure resol ci rcui t_.- Ci rcui t _ found  ! ' s a t i s f acto ry. l I 9/11/71 Operated at 90f nower excent for a brief period during 9/15/71 to when load decreased to 50% due to a t r ip' of No. 11 recirc pump.  ; 9/21/71 After t e-connecting a loose wi re found . in - the reci re MG sef ' .i excitor cont rol ci rcui t, the reci re purp was recterted and power j wat returned to 90"I. ,. 9/22/71 Reduced pow + r to 507I to close 'B' steamline .icolation calve  ! and test'HPCI syniem. les t 've i fied ibat the. di f ferential pressure . '} developed by the HPCI s team. lit - flow elbow is af fected by flow in- I

                                              ' O' s teaml i ne.           The HPCI system was derrenstrated io. operate success--


                                             . fully in both AUTO and f!ANUAl cont rol with 'B' Steamline TS I V l Shu t.                          I RHR service water puno No. 12 t ripped as a resul t of; a short iri                                  !

t he tro t o r. Motor w iensively damaged.

1.  !

9/22/71. Operated at 90;$ power except f or a brief per_iod during 9/24/71- -i to when nower was decreated to 60% io tesi the HPCI system. . _) 9/24/71 'i V . . . . L 9/24/71 . Plant shutdown while inver,tigating RHR Servico 1.'ater System. flow 1 il anomaly. i nves t igat ion revealed _ t hat < t he . vendor supplied . flow j I ori fice calibration data wan in error. -.7 9/26/71 _0perated at 90% power. j to ~ 9/27/71 -

       -$ '                        9/27/71    Reactor. power wat reduced to 60% when No. 11 reci rc punpilield

_ breaker tripped. Cause could..not be determined. e

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3-9/28/7) - Restar ted tb. 11 recirc pump. Reactor scrammed due to APPA Hi-Hi t r i p when No. 11 reci rc pump cpeed suddenly increased. 9/29/71 Operated at 60% power wi th one recire pump in operation while to invectication and repair of tb. 11 recire purro speed and excitation 9/30/71 cont rols were in propress. 10/1/71 Compinted repairs in Ib. 11 reci re pump con t ro l s, pi eced i t in - operation tM brourht reactor ;mwer to 90k. 10/12/71 Peduced power in 60I. f or 12 hourc to replace tb. Il feodwater to pump inboarrJ m al. 10/13/71 10/16/71 Ib.12 PHR Service water purro restored to operablo status with , rebuil t ro tor. Li 10/2R/7] Redaned ponor io 60I for five hourc to take fb.12 reci re W cei ' out of Lervice in replace brushet.  ; 11/10/71 Reduced power to J0f to take No. Il Recire LU set out of service due to high vibration. 11/12/71 Scheduled Plant t huidawn to int. tall new design rotating astembly to in No. 12 RTP and perform general maintenance. lesiinc and 12/31/71 inspec t ions pe f ormed du ring the ou t ape revealed that neveral f,GI V's g were leakine and several f orus baf fles had become detachod f rom their supports. T he ou t ace was extnnded to repai r t he flalV's and to retrove all inrus baf fles. Other work completed durinr the outare included modi fi cat ion of t he main cleam flow' rost riciers, extension of the main steam relief valves, discharge lines, i nstalla-tien of an off pan loop seal low level isolation sensor, replace-mnt of the cet pressure adjustnent springs for the main steam relief valvec, and balancing of ib. I l Pnci rc W se t. ) l .vg ,wwa -w,- , , - - , <-.,..,e!- ,s,,,-- -~,nv.~,-e .;-mr----<n e-w e ve+a... ..~,,r, n. e -*~=wr

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e ( l i t . OPERATING DAT A A. Nuclear Year 1971 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 4 No. of hours the plant was operated. 490.1- 536.2 650.5 745 289 0 Number of times the reactor was made critical 3 3 5 0 0 0 Gross thermal power - Cenerated (f!WD) 26,389 32,027- 32,299 45,694 16,884 0 m. l quivalent i ull Power Hours 379 460 464 6 57 243 0

                       + The plant- is concidered to be operat ing from- the initiat ion of control rod-withdrawal to make the reactor cr it ical, until the reactor _ is returned to the all-rods-in condition.

Thic is the nunber of times the reactor was made er itical from an eccent ially all-rods-in condition. Repeated critical and cuberitical operations during 4 operator training exercises are not included.

                   *+*      Histograms of power operation are included at the end of this section.

B. Electrical f.'ont h Gross MllH Net L3H Hour s Generat ine July 218,550 207,493 452 Aug 262,P60 247,996 547 Sept 263,270 247,592' 592 Oct 377,470 358,534 '745 Nov. 13?,170 _129,936 - 286

                           -Dec                  0            -3 220 3                                         0 m

-~ -. . _ . - - J C. Shutdowns July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. -Dec. 8 No. Shutdowns 3 4 4 0 1 0 12 i Hours Shutdown 253.9 1 57.8 69.5 0 456 744 1681.2 3crans 2* 3 2 0 0 0 7

  • I ncl udt s Plm ned act an for 7ur bine Tr ip Test.

Dur at ion of Down ' Bhut anwn P<-rind Timo.Hox;s Pt neon for Outane Julv 1071

1. July 5,1971 I 0115 6.5 Scram. Planned scram from turbine to July 5, 1971 0'0749 t r , I, test at 100% power.
2. July 14,197191341 11.7 Scram. When a pressure transmitter to July 15, 1971 G'0130 was valved in service followirg routine calibration, a pressurr;

{ corce occur red in the instruncr.t sensing line. The _ surge _ t r ippcd th main steam line high flow-switches connneted to the samt line causing a group i isolation, ilV closure caused the scram. ,

3. July 15,19717 IF10 235.7 Shutdown to r(nove startup scr+cns -

to July 25 1971 9 1350 3 from turbire _ stop and interccrt valves. A u_no si 1971

1. August 7. 1971 3 0906 3. 5 Scram. While going to closed August 7,1971 O 1736 c irculat ing water system operation-both c i rculat ing -water _ pumps t r ippe<

due=to low basin water level caused: by plugged cooling tower return lin< sc r een. The resulting -low cordenser vacuum caused the scram.

2. Auoust 9 1971 @ 1316. 10.1 Scram. While conductino calit-
             -to'Augusk 9, 1971 @ 2320                                ration of condenser low vacuum scram switches, the sensing line was opened to atmos-phere resultinglin a scran.



- - _ - ,._._._. . m. m. 1 Dur at i on of Down Ghutdown Per iod lime. Hour s Rewon for Outoce

3. August 20, 1971 @ 2: 45 4.3 Scram. Reactor r eci re. punp No,11 to August 21, 1971 0303 suddenly increased in speed caus-ing an APRM high-high scram.

4 August 26, 1971 9 090r 134.0 Shutdown to repair flance leak on to September 1, 1971 O 1819 fredwater heater 12A. t x t c.nd ed ouiace io repair generator hydroger coal leak 5..t t mber 1971 _

l. August 26, 1971 @ 0905 18.3 see August to ' Lept ember 1, 1971 & 1019 (cor !inued from August )

f 2. S epi nnber 5, 1971 @ 0743

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .       Scr am.           Both reactor feedwater to %p t anter 10, 1971 @ 1100                     pumpr tripptd on low nuction prr.uurt .vhen the condensair dom i ner al i zer control valveo closed due to low air pressure.

Low water it. vel scrammed the reactor. Air compressor unloading i val ves wer e r e pai r ed.

3. S ep t e.ab er 9, 1971 @ 2130 13.6 ihutdown to tect MSIV closure to 5 ptemtet 10 1971 6 1106 3

rc< st circuit. Circui t found to operate properly.

4. September 25, 1971 9 0600 A.5 Shutdown s investigating RHR _

to Septemb.:r 25, 1971 4 1430 Service !.A dyctem flow anomaly. Vendor flow or i fice calibrat ion data found to be in error.

5. Sep t mber 28, 1971 0 0116 20.3 Scram. Sudden increase in tjo. 11 to Septunber 28, 1971 @ 2135 r eci re pump speed cauced an APP'3 High-Hign scram.

htober 1971 No Shutdownc tovember 1971 j

1. Novembo 12, 1971 G 2400 456 Shutdown to replace 12 feedwater to end of Reporting Per iod pump rotating assembly. Extended outage for maintenance of MSt V's rcmoval of torus baf flen and modi f-ication of relief valve downcomers.

Other work completed during this

                -.nw . . .~. . .. nu-.-     ,- w - = - =--- - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Durat ion of Down Shutdown Period Time. Hourn Reason for Outane ) outaBe included replacanent of' set pressure adjustment springs on the maia ricam relief valves,

                                                                                                         . i nst al l a4  af an off gas loop seal'isot           swiich and control circuitry, and modi fication .of: the main steam - flow restrictor s.

Dcc m ber-1971

l. All month- 744- See flovember d'.


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                           -ty t,%t tatt4MEE           '

A " Routine Operating Report Maintenance Record" form, confaining - all~ of the information required by.the Technical Specifications, has been established to facili tate reportinB of maintenance work performed on systems or components' designed to prevent 'or mitigate: the consequences of nuclear accidents. . The forno are completed for: each item of maintenance on such systemo except routine surveillance testing. This section contai_ns copies of the maintenance record. forms for this report period. e 5 4 s e


[Oi tT I Nr ppr W r g ; ff g1 "A , ;) Ary3. gy49 ) f (f44uirad ini -.vs %na or , ru n.3 n

  • n u r.od in 1 provent nr mi l i c a t n -- the m m."punr,- .. r rc;.1, air e cid6nic) l l
1. System or Componeni: Reactor Proiection System -1
2. Date performd: 7/9/71 1 m rogo rod for rey,1c.j inn: 3 Hours
3. Nature nr ihn % hanar, . : fiolino O renrmn-y 0 ' -v niivJ - :c rrectieJ o @
4. Br ief summary o f wot I o i n r n, d: Replaced._two High Reacto r Pressure scram -

oressure swi iches. Reneved snubbers from sensine 1ines for all' four Hiph , fieactor Pressure Swi t chen. - - . ,

                                                                                                                                                             -                 k T he ef feci, if any. or, th- . a 4 r n " r .4 f i or. n f ile i,,4rie,
5. W NE. T he t r i p -

lonic channels of the inst ruments were placed in the t ripped condi tion while maintenance was i n prop ress.

6. The cause of any mal fur r fin -for wh:ct ro -'i. ain;6 nance viv- re gii rdd:

Probably due to plurr:ed snubbers.

7. The ef fects o f any nurh nal ronc tinna: Two 'of the four swi tches- did not = trip wi thin reaui red limi ts. The reactor hich oressure scram protecijon was no't [

defeated, however, since only one failure occurred in each of the two scram, logic protection channels. A. Corrective and preventivt asion taken-+n p,<cando -i -cu r enr+ of st runct ions: Manuf acturers inspection showed the two swi tches' to moet speci fications.

                              ' The surveillance test'. frequency was increased .for a tinu' sufficient to' deter-mine i f the problem was sti11 in existence.                             No- forther problems experienced
                              , since . removal of snubbers.                                                                                                                  .
   .         ,,._     - . ,         -     _ _ _ - . , . . . _ _        _._        _ ~.        ~ . -      _   - . . - . _           . . . - _ . ,. _ _. - ....-_ _ _ _ -
.w,_ ,,.- .,.,.-... _                    .~.-           m  .. .

Riot l Nr OrrilAUtJ: i:: ? shi "AiblitA T ijmiD (Requi red t or syslonn nr - . :pe ! - d., . r gr a d t o prevent o r 'ti l i c a ' " the e.o r r,"cpor.a t -ol' n;. lear arci& nts)

1. System or Componeni: #11 Diesel Generator _


2. Date performn/18-19-20/71 d:_ t e rm r% qui red for . ocpie t inn: 20 hours.
3. Nature o f the t'ai n ":nnoce- F4utinn 0 _t ~ rro" v 0 va 4 ; v>-

O ccrrm 'ive 8 - 4 Brief summar y o f wm l n. r formd: Char ted several relay operations during a start of the diesel. Found that the s tart failure alarm was initiated by relay PFD( T imine out 1/2 second to soon. Adjusted timing of the re l a'y and made a functional test of the diecel, a 5.- The ef feci, if any. on t h<. at- opor# inn ,f the r ocic : fDNE 4

6. The cause o f any mal func t t or f or wh;>b<o re ... n: r,14 arn wa. re g.i red:

Speed sensing relay not operating soon enough.

7. The ef fects o f any such inal h v t n er: Nuisance alarm.

R. Correct i ve and p r even t i ve. , >onlahn to pr.:- % dn t o o r r enc- af wl f unc t i ons: _Noi applicable. . b-

ITTi t T i Nr Op rP A1 i t r RrN IRT l'Ai r_f l : A T I ilrahD y_ (Pequi red t or . y', i n ne or iuroo n. :n t - J " . i " .. uf 'n 4 proven t or na t ipain ihn rn o".ot por .< < 4 of on. - l ent ci-idonic)

            ._1. System or Component:            411 & A12 diesel cenerators.
2. . Date performnd: 7/19/71 Tine regn red for en: p loi mn: 2 days
3. Nature of the Mair,lenance: Rouiin" Fenr ncv 0 P ab n:iw 3 ' Corrective O )
4. Brief summar y o f wor k per for mod: Perforned factory recontrended rnodi fi cati'ons on diesel penerator blower bearinos. _ _ _

T-The ef fec t , if any, on the a ' e op.> r a ' i o n o f t h+: rom '- : _jone, Reacto r


5. was shutdown.

, . ,    (                                                                                                                      --
6. The caur>e o f any mal fon. l i r.- fee whi-h <<r+- + ' ti i n : -< ar + wn: ~ re ep i red:

7 The e f feein o f any such tr,al hena i ii1ne : j- R. Co rrect i ve and p reven + > ve 4 ton takon to pe- Dod" t + cur e nne+ c f al funct ions: i , ! l I t w - , _.- . . . . , a.

                                                                                 . mtIT I fE OprnAl i rp is mnT f.'ni N1 ?:Mnr r$ conn (Requi red f r., s yn t nnn or rocoor,en t ; dm whod in preveni or na Iiraio t he cownrperir4m o f <mlnar accidents)-
1. Sys tem or Componen t: No. #13 & #14 RHR pump suction relief valves.
2. Date performed: . 7/20/71 Tine requi red for c:nn p t e t ion: 1 Day
3. Nature of the Wainh: nance: Routino O tron,.enry a n.nv.,ci. .- cor,,ctive.g 4 Brief sunnar y of wor t, per fornJd: Installed new relief valve springs. Sot' relief valves at 150 psig. i b
5. T he ef fect , i f any on - t he  :$ f. oporgt i no o f tim e c. d a . . IONE reactor was 3

s hu t down.

6. Ihe cause of any nal foro ii: 'nr .vF .h ..- r- - > - i r. J an r w. regiired:


7. T he e f f ec t s o f an, n,ch malJ,nd ic.c.n: _

R. Correct i ve and prevor,t i ve , in. > +n to pr- 4 e . - J, e < of .O functions: 4


l _ wM, ,awi-w-.- we -- --ms--wve-.+i,-yer v' 7- yf YT-e d P m--.-m_-.m m-a-- +- 0*-5 *T ' * ' ' " 'I ~

        -__x               m m- .- . . . .. .    . . _ .

BQ!EMG J F.CM.lfl4. REM . MIME.hfilfM M4Q L (Requi?'*1 E)r J/sto:a4 or emy ocuts do ligned t) b: prevent oc mitigate the conn 3raoncoa of nuclear accidents) 1 System or Component: Core Spray Test Valve LO 1749

2. Date performed: 7/27/71 Ti m re ptre,1 for coa,aation: 2 Days -
3. Nature of the thintenance: Routino C 9noegonny'_; Prevantive ffj Corrective [}
4. Brief eurtaary of work pecrornol:

Removed motor from valve operaior. Checked motor on the bench - appeared to be ok. Run motor on the bench - current normal.

5. The ef fect, if any, on t'w nf 3 o?*stion 60 t.he reactoe:

None, maintenance did not af fect cyctem operability. [

6. The cause of any nit' unction for which correative mintenance was required:
7. The offects of any such malfunctions: -
8. Corrective and provsative actico tak49 to preal Flo c.3ceconce of malfunctions:


Fml i Nr OprF< Al I f p prpor.T 9A i y1 t'NMrf nr cc,pn f ') (Requi red f or sys tens or romoonenir d%:cnod in provent or mitinain the e.ornnepen/<:r. o f rujclear 'acci dento )

 ,;-                1. System or Componnn t : Off Gas filter F-3A
2. Date perforned: 7/27/71 Ti er rogo red -for rote 1< Finn: -1 Dav
3. Natu re o f t he !!aiH enanct: Routint- O tro~<nev 0 m v ra i v correc4 ive W 4 Brief commar y o f wot i per rnr ned: I nst al led new f i l t e r car t_r i dge 'i n o f f p as __

fi l ter F-3A t o repj ace p reyjous fi l t e r whj rch was damaned_ by mo i stu re du ri ne a renp testinr. (inTE: f ilier F-3B has been i n se rvi ce dump l aryt ope ra t i on- - to date). _

5. The efferi, if any, on the cm ,v r M m n nf t ! .e o i: < : IONE. Reactor was shutdown.


6. T he cause o f any f on f i r. or wh , < h ' t r i - a*-

n io n eran~ wnn recnired: Leaking loop seal fill valve on off pas line.

7. T he e f fect s o f any. s u ch ina l : m-- l i e ra : Damac_ ed fi l ter.

R. Corrective and preven t i vt 'ico ! al an 'op" A d, > % :" on a of al func t i ons: Repaired valve. i y-t-



.     .,w,.,       -         . - . . ..                                                                                                              ,

1, f0t11i Nr oppr<AT n; r;ppon] yA ;:;IT ' e A U" f;f rDkD . (Roqui rod f or sysiens r r corronorfh J. s i nod 5 -~

                                        -provenI-or miiipal" Iho enosngmtic n+ nf encjnar don i n ) '-

1.. System or Component : Core Sprav Test Valve LD 1749

2. Date perf ormd: R/5/71 -Ti m r.93 ired for co pJolion: 2 Hgurs
3. Na t u re o f the Va , r,1 < * #m:

Moniine O t ""r- ne < 0 t' < v< ni i ve - O cc rrxii v- 8 I 4 Br i e f f.umat y o f woe i oneIne w d: 1 i phiene d al 1_ l oose_pri,s i n t he 1 i_ mi i swiich _dri.yp_gq3r assembly and ahtsmilimit swi tchs. 5, The e f feci, if any. on ! h<. 4f- caor.dinn nf i% . , 't : f0NEn maintenance-did not af fect system operabi1i ty. 3 1 1

6. The cause o f any ul fontiin: fo' wh: ch - r4 - ' t a- Jn i a.m:n wa- re m i red:

Faultv Insial1ation.

7. - The- e f fecis o f any :;n ;h mal rana f mrc : . Valve would. not open.

R. Corrective:and preventive aJ on t abn t o p n hi o e.o r, enc << o r -al runet innt. . -( ,

_. & m.' . ....~4m i

e-rp1TtM' m n m iW. krpn y " g a~eA pr y r:spp-( Re g.n r nd i o r sy , t. n - r. , . e qs.x,o n.)r . t Ice. o r.e,j l o

                                               .provent or tilir # . Jhv                     we.- pra,9 e r rex l,,a,                           acc itien t s) 1.. System or Conponen t :         - Drywell Vacuum Breaker Valvo 2392 H
2. " Da te pe r fo rned: 8/9/71 l i n.. r.qn red (nr e n,.,rii61, on:_ 4 Hou rs -

Nature o f the E nb:nnr1ce: Honijr- 0

3. "" r -m O . . ,,.. n 4 , ve - . . r:ncr2,ci ve (x3:

4 . Brief sumrnar y o f wo_i k- ne fo r wd: R0 Paired broken air- line to test' operator for Valve A0 2332H,

5. T he ef fec t , if any, on the if- opnratico o: Is v. 1,w : BO NE. Reactor 1

was shutdowa. (-

                           . 6. T he cause o f any sai ion 4       3
n or .a ,o-r- , . - u v - wer re m i md:

Air line movement during relief valve -blowdown to lorus caused a 90 copper _ ell to break. - .

7. - The effects of any vnch mali ,nr.tiene: The -test operator would not function. _

t R. Correct i vc and p ro0en t i vc , r ior, f eL~ 'o p, h,ci,- u w n o,a of ral fone t i or.s : Replaced missing pipe clarros to' restrain air line movement. k -. o .._;,_.-- .,; - , , , ,, , -,


i fuIT t Nr OPFRA1l tb firlorl f/A I fjl e l'A PT f I i Coldt '

(Requi red .:or oys t ons or corennenl' :hninned-!n proven t o r- n'i t inain t he c.onwpenro= of re>.:loar accidenic)-

1, System or Component:-Steamline Drain Isolation Valve AD 2374 l

2. Date performed: 8/9/71 T i w requi red for concle' ion: 3 Hours _
3. Nature of the h!.I , nam:e: Pno1in" O Everconev [] P ev niiv-- O correctiv- B ;

4 Brief sonunar y -o f wor k ;<-r f or *d: . Valve failed to open. Found relay 421F in ?,CC 31306 was not closinc fully. Ad ius ted ag,y,ap 3 operat _i on sat i s f acto ry. .

5. T he ef feci, i f any. on the 6 opm a t i c, o f t h" r ha. I n > : fpNE - Reacto r was shu t down.
6. T he cause o f any mal fun Lt ica f o r w h ,0.h co < r n ' ' < t iu n h t w n w *, re gii rad; improper relay ad jus tnent. s
7. The ef fects o f any euch mal h,vlione: Pre gnied valve'fr_gm reogenine.

R.- Corrective an'd preventiv< i i on -i al on in py ~ u h - r em :"nn- o l ~nl f Und ions:- , Not applicable. a e I

                                 ,             ,             -,              , - -                           ~-                     -r4'

I!!F(,'.IP 0.?.cW.1.'3.rt 2 .G".0.ftt .W.N.T.E.N.W.M.9.M. E. . . - (*1oTai. 9d f w J nt.rn or coop oont 3 d311gned tr pruent oc mitigate the conamnocos of nuclear accidents)

1. Systen or Coup m ots: . . . . . .R.e.a.c..t.o.r C.l.e.a.n.up. .. .I .s.o.l.a.t.i.o.n. .V.a.l.v e. .f0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
2. "Date performels 8-9-71 Timo ru.pir.31 N' m.a W.nn 2 .h.r .. .
3. Natu'*e of : the tMoteqanc-3: Routino O succe,nri Prev 2nttva. corrective xi
                   /. . Brief sumvy of wrk .w'formnl:                                                               . . .Wi r.e.
                                                                                                                             .    .c. h. e.c. k. e. d. . t h. e. .c. l o. s. i n. g. . g o. n. t..r. g } . gw. iht. 9 . t . . . . .
                       .Fo un.d. .t.h.a.t. .c.o.n.t.r.o. l. .w. i.r.e. .//15. .w.a. s. . i. n. s.e. r. t e. d. . so.9.                                                                    4 . i n. t o. .kt. h. e. . i r... m. ' n. a. l . h l 99 M.C.C. -.t ha.t. .t.h.e. .w. i.r.e..w.a. s. ,. s.e.c.u. r.e.d. . b. Y =. t. h. e. .w. l' r. e. . l' n. s. u. l.a. t i. o.                                           ... n. t....
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ' ~

La.n.d.ed. .

                                        .w. L' r.e. .s.o. .t.h.a.t. . t. h. ?. c.o.P.P_e. r i. s. . s. nc u. r. e. ld. . ' n. . t. h. e. . t e. r. m.1' na, l . b l .oc. k. t . . . . . . . . ....,..
5. Tna sfrects t r an ,s on t'w nf3,n or cm ructoc: .. . . N. o. n. e.1 -rengtor. ...


                        ,.a.s.   .s.h.u.t.d.own..  . ..                        .             .. .            ...               .                  . . . . . .... ... ....... . ...,........

o< . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

6. Tnn caaa of cy :adrancthn for whleh corrective min'.enn.1ce vu : equired: 8

l.t.Y. . i.n. s. t.a.l,l.a t. i.o. n. .. ... ...,. . .. . . . , . . .. . ..... . ,, . . . .

                             ~.,..-................. ...                                                      ..,.,.                .        .       ... .              . . ...... .... , ..........,
7. The of fects 90 iurr mich c.dfunc tlans__:
                         .T.h. e. .v.a. l.v. e. . f.a. i. l,e, d_ . t o. c. l o. s. e. . o. n. . a. n. .' 1' s, o. l a. t. i o. ,n . s. i. C. n. a. l . .. ....
                             ..... .........-. .                                       ...~. . ,, ...., .                                       ..... .                  .. .               .. ..                u.          ... ..... .
                   '8. Cor'*ective and parnattys a:Jon tho tr proalid.i re.Wenw e malennatlhna:
                         ,Ngt,qppliq M qs...                                 ,       ,            ,,,     ,,,, , , , , , , .                               ,,        . .                  . ,, ,                   ...           ,,..,2.
                           - .-........-.,..                                 ....,                   ....................,......................w.....--

i ri R04 'lE OM'ds U'l C W0RT % f N.T.!D. J.ip R.m. . 1. . 30. -  ! (Rept wl Sc .ipt.m : v e.m mots d.nigned S - . prrtsat oc mitica% the coon rr.macM of nan 19ar acold. ant.c)  ;

1. Systea oc Coopwnt: . . . .Th P, S . .. C i c cui t , B r ede t . 56--QDl b, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . ,
2. Date perfor:rdi: 3/In/n . , Tie qtired 'n .m.n Wan: . , .

3 Natit e af tm %N, - Rootinn O hcny.X Prenative Octrestive

           /. . Brief rumy of wark 4 4forwil:                                        . .Wj .r e. . h. a. d. . b. u. r. n. e. d. . o f f. .f r. .om. . t. he. . },pa.

r ..d. . n.i de. .. rcuit.teder, . 99 pf[ 1chprrpd wi re;, jnstalled, pew J pg. or tho,- , wh e; .cl eoced. t ecm i cal .st ud. 9 f. t hp. AQQ, , , Qbpg.ked, pypim for, grpupd, , , .,... . . . .

                      .-. ...        .........                   ....m.
                                                                               .. ................                          ....1        . . . . .     .................


5. Tno 2f fect> 1" an..r.e.f.o.r.e4. A1.1. >a.f.f.e.c.t.e.d. .cy.s.t.e.m.s. .w.e.n.t, .t.o. .t.h.e. .".s.a.f.e.". .f.a.i.l.u.r.e.


8. - Car"eative and par.*ntive 'autbn bh-m ti pcu.G Mo rac tm.nas < m.g runctinas:
                .!Jud, n, barruly, scep.r.eAs.ipn .1,ug pn .t.h.e..,w.i r.e. .an.d. .t ight cn,ed ,t,he, ,st,ud nu,t.s ,cn, ,th,c,- ,,,,;
                 .ACR .t.cmim.l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . .


n - it' *

 -(s                                    . ..          .

f0IT I Nr OprnAT i t3; r<rPORT' 'JA1 rJIt .*tAff r nf CopD (Requi rod ior sys torn or cosmon+.n!L J,s mnod in provent or mitigatn t he coy,orporer.r:'- of nucl er acci den t c)

1. System or Component: RHR system
2. Date performed: R/20/7JTinn requi red for rourloison: - 2 Hours _
3. Nature of the !/ air.h.nnoce: nnolino O Leeronn v 0 r cv> O correctiv- "-

4 Brief tunanar y of wm l per for m .d: Adjusted position indicating switches on valves-P,0 2010 and LD 2008.

5. T he e f fec+ , if any. nri lhe afe oprrat i c o ,, r 4he et cr 'c : None, Maintenance.

did not' affect system operability. (

6. T he cause o f any mal fnni t io for whi<h
                                                                 -      o. 4     +
n ler.aner. ws . regsi red:

Faulty installation.

7. - T he e f focis o f t,y so .h mal FE t ier.:: Improper valve position indication.

fl. . Correct i ve .and p ruen t i vo . ,on tak m , ar t cind' r 4 ce r or:4 a! :al func t i or.s :

                    -Not applicable, t

4 . . . . . .. s

                                                                                                                                                                                                    .t t

fu n i Nr. nprr:Al l tr:- r:rr9FT "A! m rNAF,Cr r:crAnn l (Requi red for-- ny ;ine or wwenon t e de i tnod:-- in . _ . proveni o r 'a l itui n iho covgmnre ol' nu.lyiar m rp'donic )

1. System or Component: RHR - A loon, j
2. Date performod: 8/23/71 linn requi red for corolotion: l ja_y__
3. Nature of tho Mainkoanco:

nonlino [] !rorennev 0 P <v "tiv- @ co r re< 4 i v- . !

                                                                                                                                                                                                     'E 4    Br ie f summar y o f wo r k pr r t oe ,+d:

I ns Lq11 ed new so r i nc e i n re l i e f va l ves _FV-1990 nad H -f 92. So+..ralief valven al_110a Aix m _ _._._ +. ,

5. T he e f feet , if any, or, k .* one W mn nf C+ r .

1e<: No An ihe core sprays, contai nment cool i ne, deisel ponerators, and remain'ino LPCI components i. were operable during the maintenance period,

6. T he cause o f any ion :i l o %r whi o -re 'v< . i t ' '* : r e n wn. erp p r.d:
7. The e f fec t s o f any su ch mal *;,r- iions: _

R. Corrective and prevenjiw.  : or. -! skar; io -pt:

                                                                       ,                                                 r                  2no of-' ml fune f ions:

i w v g - ,

                                     ---w.   ,--y... . . . g.-  ,, a  p           ,.yr.,     ~. _, , , , .       ,n..r,%,-           .     [.,'._,
                                                                                                                                                -      y   ,...%,-.    .,y-       -- -.- . .s . - ,   w
    ~       -. -. -                     .-.~.. . - - -                                 - . .                  .           .

F0J-'f.6F4 OPFd. F. .I tC REP.O.R.T. .W N.T.E.'M. s4.14. .M. . .lD. (Re la'.nl f v .s,/ staua oc outi symt.s do11gned ta prmat oc mitt. gate the cuan qmocots of naolear accidenta)- 3

1. Systea oc Coupwnt: ,,,, , , ,WQ [ .,$yst e .St en.dte i o. ppt. l evel . sw. 23-90. . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Dite .acrformel _R . .?J ,n , Tie reaalemi f u coo.n ati.on:
3. Nst'tae af the $!.t'.n teqxice: Rootine D b 'gwny', Prevsot!va CorrectivaiXl
4. Brief canvy of var'K .oa 'i oru l: '
                                                                                                                     . . .R. e. w. i. r. e. d. . l o. a. d ev.i9.1e,vpl. witcb.ft w.......                                            ..

i.o.n.e.t. i.o.n. b.o.x... . . .,.. .. . ..... . . .. .. .. . . ... ............ . .

5. Tne arrect> tr au.r3 m the nf e r.wn e,1,n o f t.he reacim: . . . N. 9 An . ......,. ...
                                ~.. ... ......                                  .............,....................... ..... ..........                                                                                        . ....
6. Tnn caaan of any an1runctbn l'or which currect.t ve mairdenmace wie re luired:

W __r..o.n. g .i. p.e .o f .w.-

i. r.e. . i.n. s. u l.a. t. i o. n .w. a. s. . u. s. e. d. . H. i .c he. r. .t e.ra. p. ur. e ,w. i r. e. . i n. syl. at i on . i s. . ..

regu i r ed beca.u..s.e. .o. f. .t.h.e. .h.e.a.t. .c.on.d.u,c. t.ed. .to. .th.e. . A qyel . qw. i tgh. t . . . . . , .. ...........

                           . .........,.. ....- ...                                            .....-...-....... ... ~...... ....                                                 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .
7. The effects ur wrs och mlfunctloas: . _ . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . -
                               .                m e. .d.r.a,i.n. .va._l v.e, .S.V. 2.0.4. 3. .w. a. s. .o.P. e. n. .a, n. d. .c.o. n. d. e. n..s. a. t e. . d r. a. l' n. . P. o. f. . h. l' ch. l e. Ye. l. . . . . -

alarm was initiated. ,, ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . - , . ...........

8. Coraective nn.1 pre, sauve a:tho bba t, oceal t.!o rgcccence a" .mlrunotboa:
                        -. Re.w. i.r.e.d. -.w. i.t.h. .p l.a.s.s. . i.n. s.u. l.a. t. e.d. .w. i. r. e.              .

i l t

                         -. ...                 . .          ... .               . . . . .... .                      . ....             .,.s..              ,. .           ...           .. . ..... ... .                            . . ,

I i I h .. B0!LIMG .!!P,GEIA4 EMfG. .vWJitCIVIG% JM'!M4 f- (Requi?9d f or 3/3taai or coop i nats do11gned t) prevent oc mitigate the conagionceo of nuclear accidents) 1 System or Component: Plant Protection System

2. Date performed: 9/1/71 Tim required for cooplattant 12 hours
3. Nature of the 14aintenance: Routino O Emergencyij Prevantive fj]( Corrective O
4. Brief suanry of work pufor.nnl:

? Replaced the sixteen Main Steamline High f low I solat ion Swiiches, (0-200 psid) with lower range uni in (0-70 ps i d). This was done to provide instru-ments with a more appropriate ranp;e for the exist ing JP vs steam flow _ response.

5. The effect, ir any, on t'w nce opestion oc t.c.a reactoe:

fDNE, Reactor was shutdown. I b

6. The cause of any nirunction for which corre'tive aninteannce was required:

Obt Applicable. _

7. The effects of sny such ms1 functions:

Not Appli cable.

8. Corrective and preventive action takan to proclicle racrecence of malfunctions:

Not Applicable, b

             ,,                                                                                                                      1

t-r 4

                                     .[p!n iNF OPfRATIff: Ffp0R1 "A 1 N1 rPA'rT T+ MP[i (Requi red f or r,ys t en.r. or coq;onen t e Jos i er.ed io preven t nr . mi t ira'n t he conr.oquenr.ns of n v:loar srcidonisi
l. Sys tem o r Componen t : #12 Diesel Generator
2. Date performed:9/5/71 Tini recpored for con,plOtion: 2 Hiurs. .
3. Nature of the t!ain t.: nance: Poutirr- O s c e r ".nnev 0 o v-" > , v<- correctivr 1 4 Brie f summar y o r wo r t ne, rne m.,d: Disascembled air pilot valve.7031 and cleaned.
5. The ef fect , i f any. o r- the a f.+ cmc r a t i r.n o f Ihn r .: . . - i n . : f0NE. Redondant-starting system rernained operable during main % nance.
6. The cause o f any mal fonclin1 fo, whi c h c o
r. , 4 , c . n o ; n . s ar rn wa - re spi red:

Piece of dirt between valve seat and disk. i 3

7. The effects or any vh mal tn-t wru : n linn enough air pressure would '

bu i l d up to onp age t he s t a r t e r p i nnons and s t a r t the diesel.

                                                                      .M                       % -
                                                                                      --_m             --

_j R. Correct iva and p rce .R i ip, ab n '.+ pu -- i n . - e+ 1

                                                                                                 ..-0r'**1 ?          a' * 'il fu n c !
  • O r.s :

i tDNE f i (

                                                                                                                                                  's I

, a

_ .. - . _ _ . - ._ . _ _ ,m _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . . - - .. _. . . - . _ 7.. ._ _ 4

   -l -

i; fouT f fJr nprpAT 1 rp prpor:T "A I UTrNATF r4 cnkt) V (Requ.i red t rir sys t e ns or wn.e..on t s _ * , t er,od to-provent or mitiriate the- en ,wn,enre, o f nydthat acci de.n t s )

                     'l. System or Conponeni:                     ECCS Ini tiat inn Low-Low Reactor Water Level Swi tch                                                               ,
2. Date performed:_9/9/71 T in r.: qui red for. cor plet ion: 1 Hour *
3. Na tu re o f t he fla i n t <.nev.c e : Poulino O E"><nency O P 'venii ve- O norrective n 4 Brief comrnary of wot L mr for wd: Swi tch failed to operate :daring routine surveillance test and was, t he re fo re, icrnediately replaced. _
5. The ef feci, if-any, er the a ti ope r a ' i n n ,r sh- r.m,ci n,: tDNE- The ECCS ini tiation locic cont rolled by the swi tch was caintained in the j- t ripped condi tion while the inst rument was out for maintenance.-


6. The cause o f any mal fm- f ie for whleh m r< "- c o n h o rm + vi a reggrEd:

Faul ty Mercury swi tch.

7. The e f f ects .of any w h mal i inc tl c ra; . Althogh the swi tch failed 'io operate durinc the surveillance test, the remainincu reactor Low-Low' Level Switches were funct ioninc and woul d have ini ti at'e'd- the ECCS systems - -

had a low-low level 'condi t ion occu rred. S. Correct i ve and p re veM i ve x :on tal w *n nu :t s - emw-, o r .nliundians: - Not apoli cable.


_ , - . , . - - . . . _ - . . , , . - _ , . _ _ - - ~,_ . . . - - . ._

                                                                                                          -       . - - ,     .---     ---i 3

p 4 8 4 f(M i Nr OPFRAT I ti; ferPnPT "A1 ?!1 r t,Atr:r r$cor<D f (Requi rori: tor sys tons ne co mononic :liu crnni to proveni e r mi t igain lhn core orpnnrun o f nucinar accidonic) 1, System or ' Component: HPCI

2. Date . pe r forme d: 9/21/71 Tine regaired for roc.pletion: 1 Day
3. Nature of the Uainion.vien: Routina O reo r- ocv 0 rs v o' i v~ 3 co r r et i v" 0 ; -

4 Br i e f summar y o f- wa r i perfoe w d: 1 nsialled a new disk in HPCl_ exhaust rupture element PSD 2038. I e

5. The e f fect , if any, c !h, a: ormra? tor < '

Nr m. ! , . PDNE, Reactor was shutdown. _ ( --.

6. l he caote o f any neliunut t o for wb h -o n a i n h -r :t"-" wm ro e p i .ro J:
                      -. 7. The ef f ecis o f any eur.h mal ronc t ier.3:

R. Corrective and praventie. - tion l akmrt 4 0 pc t d r ku r. or nf ~al funM inns: 6


ir b- ii - ais ie

m . m - , s. .- y- - . - , l I

    .                                                                                                                                                                I f0011 Nr OrrnAl l to f;rmr T "A s NTt NATr r t Mr.i) -

(Requi rod for syq!em; nt ; ocoenc.n t r d o n t; n y:1 to _' provent or nuii,: air- t he Nosort n;ru.t.r. o f ou - l onr accidtnin) l.- System or Component : RHR Service Water

2. Date perforned: 9/23/71 Tier regor6J for conpintion: IS days
3. Nature of the Maintennn,e: Pnu t i m O :vr,rennev 0 P r e v-"4 i ve correcJivea;
4. Br ief curvnar y of wor t nor ur md: Removed No. 12 RHR Service Water Pump and

_mntor fo r mo to r ret;u i l di ne and pump inspection.

5. T he e f fec t , if any. on th : r r,p'reiino of t hr- r-a3 'n .

tDNE, the remaininc_ ~ three RHR service water pumps were operable during the maintenance ~ period, , ( .-

6. T he cause o f any nal f un: i i c toe wh s c h m- r r- iv c +
                                                                                                            ,                one,   wa', ' re rp i red:

Improper loading of bottom motor bearine.

           -7. The ef fectst of any much niali.m t t r. r: :                   The bearing overheated and seized-wi th a subsequent fi re i n t he mo to r.
                                                                ,N 8       Correcti ve and p reven t i v            '.cn
                                                            -        ! ak s r, t o-     prwio+             t-    .o r r^n c e      nf caffunH icns:
                     ' I nstalled b' earing correcib and rcoasured thrust float on the other gumps.

E 1

      -,       --+         -      - , ,        ,--n:,               ,             ,,,-s   , - , ~ <

ar + , . , , , w ,u y 4

foin i fy OprBAll ff; fy r'nP1 "Al NTrtNfr i

  =r                             (Requi rnd f or '.y'.,l ont. t*r                  orn a it ion i n desesaid to preven 1 or o t iruta iho em , yinnar, of <w Inar are.i don t c )
1. System or Cornponeni: #12 Diesel Generator
2. Daio F,e riortrod:9_/27/71 Tin., rm+or.d fnr r om1il o t i on: --..u 2 He r , s-
3. Naturo of tho % t h nanco:

hou i e t o [] Dooc"n v (~] A < v soI ve ,] Ce r rwt i vo @ 4.- Brint sunanar y or wnst p.ain,,..d: Disant,embled air _ pi_loj valve 703) and cleaned. __~.._. _ _..__ __ . 8

               ;     T he of f oci, if any.       <

n ihn a- o is'tn I, f h. - . 4  : IDfE, redundant startine system retnained operable durino maintenance. ( _ ___.

6. T he e of any 'wilfor-tio in' sh . h o r- ' -

n o r n rm o wv. regu rnd: A picco of dirt b a a the valve seat and the disk. 7 The ef fects o f any e vh mal F,n t ierr:_ Ai r was blowinn by_and out the valve vent. R. Corro tive and pra m + m 4M*n to p> ' ii= iey, % nce of alfunaiorai-Filters were cleaned and air lines woro-blown clean. -- _ e6 ap - 1 4

                                                                                                          +-                =====-        . son. _           a __w ese-                                  *e + me m_                              _go. m---

i i f ot ri a r ry T A' ' r. f .rrr

  • A i 'J w(' I 1 ap9 '

( Reg.o r e el l a r- s yn t r a' rie , o r.po r .. .n ' : Jm, i e r .,,d t o prevent ni nu l w.d o thn noe r p u .. . - of o n. I sm, arcidento) t

1. Sys tem or Corponen t : RX cleanup outlet valve t,0 2398 [
2. Date perforned 9/28/73 'i mi- r eeq u r ,<1 f o r em pt<i kro_ 3 Hours t
3. fMture of tha fAsin i n n" m : 1 <" ' i '- O '"" ~" v 0 " ev t i ve- O co r r x t > v - @ !

i 4 Drtef commary ni wo,I no i n, v J: _Femyed remhanien1 interlock and reinstalled. ' p r eogL1,y, _ _ _ _ _._ r s

                                $.        T he e f fee t, i f arey,                    .r; the an ou i at inn of f h                            e r.n 1o :                         fDNE      y Reacto r

__was chutdorn, ' l 6, T he cauan o f any mal t urn iim 'or wt h , m r* i

                                                                                                                                              + carnter n e wi                                        r etp i rod:


                                         ,,J,.1chan           i cal inter _ lock accombled wrog.                                                                                                                                                ;
7. The effects o; any m.-h mal ce wrr: Pedricied the onestion of the _ Valve f.btor Contre Jg.r,, t
                                                                                                                                     .___-m .

i ( b fbb% b b /!' b & V' \ e k.I ' r* $/* fkE I Ih h" O .h a I) I 8JG+ OnSl

                                                                             --- W gassumspg a w .

au==e-o-1Y t' Y w t w vi -N' - e -- - 9= v i t's t' * - -,-'-m co- - we mmUme,--r--*--mwme-wwt--+ew---+-t--rm.-~'te-1+,* --2,--- < ~ e rw-='-'c*- rw n-==rw-r-*-ee

ETlllfs JP.FM.I.Ti .lW.MI .RMI${M'l4 #1MM (Rogat?vd f)r Jatoai or coop mots d.nie,ned to provant or mitigato the conn sponcea of nunhar accidenta)

1. System or coraponent: Mai n S tearn Li ne t,bni to r B 2 Date performed: 10/7/71 Tim.i repired for covbtton 2 hours
3. Nature of the lhintenance: Routino[] DnorgencyLJ Provsntive I] Corrective @]
4. Drief sinnry of work pufor.nois found loose wi re on roter. Also a screw in oro of the capacitors was too long so t hat the <:apaci tor was r.ot properly trount ing on the ci rcui t board.
5. The ef fect, ir any, on t'w nfe op est,lan of t.ho reactoes None, I nst rurrent channel i n t r ipped condi tion dar ing L8aintenance.

6 The esasa of any mcrunction for uh.tch corrective mainteannee was required: Vendor acsembly errors.

7. The offects of sny such m0Cunctionn -

Intermi itant downsceiv cpikes.

8. Corrective and pcovaative actlan tuvi t) pros ido rac 2:*conce of ad runctions:

All sirnilar rnoni tors checked for sarne condiiion and repai red as necessary. t

 -,,c,,--            -   ,   -

n - - . , , , - - - - ,, . , . , , , - , -

[OUT I Nr nprP A1 i f p f<rPnr1 nA 1 t q : NArfr r;cong ( (Eequ i rnd f o r e,yc l e tto o r corger.on l u dm i er.ted i n preven t or fra t in air ihn rormqmr. err. n f eiv lear ' aces denic)

1. System or Component: DPIS-2-llPA Vain Steamline Hich flow Isolation Switch
2. Date perfort . '
j. 3 3/ ?) T i re- rogu rac for comp l o i i on: 1 Hour
3. Nature of th.. rA3;nnmance: Routi,." O ruerc<n v o n. "-"+ivo.O corr-et'v- 0 4

Drief summar y of wr t porineavd: Fead iusiq.tLgiuatine r eghanism.


_._ t r

5. T he ef fect . if any. on the a f- r;po r # m n <. f 4- emic!n<: fRff, _ The asociated ,,

instrument irip 1 or i c was pl ared i n t_ho i r i oped c.ondi i i qn whi le mainiJ magg.,_wn

   ,             in propress.                                                                                                                                             y
6. T he cauto o f any 't :d iun i i e fra w' . . h . w e ' +:+- siinien w n w m reqqrod:
  • inoroper factory ad jus (ment. _
                                                                                                 --                                                                       r
      ' 7. The effocis of any r h med h.n1 + (m :                                     Would not allow the swiich to trip at the desi red t rip set ting repeatedly.

4 R. Co r rec t i yo and p r ^wn ; i t ' ion *, v - p r. m  : i m .m ony o r - 4d f unc.t i ons: tbt applicable. _ 1 _ eusseere- wen *=.a. ' _ u. _ . _ . . _ .,. . .__ _._,m,. _

c. - . . .;

B9)llMC llP.QEl.'ll JWNRI 3 Vit4htl44 JM ? MQ f 3 (Requint for J/staa4 or coup i1mts do11gned ts prevent oc attigato the conn spoocos of nuclear accidente) 1 System or Component: Orr Gas Monitor # 1 & 2

2. Date performeils 10/14/71 Tie repired for cosplation: 2 hours
3. Nature of the litintenances Routino O Dnorgency'U Prevantive O Corroative @
         /. . Brief etnury of work po:'formo1:

P.epai red er ror in capaci to rmunt ing,

5. The errect, ir any, on t'w nfe oper, ton of the reactoc fDNE, Incirument channel in t ripped condi t ion du ri ng maintenanco,


6. The enaso of sny malrunett,n for wh'.ch correct,1ve aninteonnee was required:-

Vendor asse +1y error. Tho effects or any such mutunntionn 7. Iniermiiteni downscale opikes.

8. Corrective and proveative action L *40 to pceal vlo reciccence of ad functions:

Not applicable. l l _

      .-          _ , . , . _ . - ~ . _ - . . - . _                         _ _;- -._ _.-.        ..     .  . . . _ _   ~

i IEEDiG J Ff4GWi X5'.9E .% UiT4hTM JMMM (Requi?vd f or J/Staai or costii nato d4siigned ta prevent or mitigato the conn rpoocos of nuclear accidente) 1 System or companont: Main Steam Line fknitor A, C, & D Date performod: 10/14/71 Tiw repired for yq13 tion: 3 hours 3 Nature of the thinteunce: Roution O Emorgonny',J Prevantivo O Corceetive @]

4. Brief ananry of work po for.nn1:

Corrected error in not.nting capaci tors on ci rcui t board. tkunting error caused poor contact to capactfor torno nals.

5. The effect, ir any, on t'w nf e op,wnton of the re.wtors fDNE, I ncirumont channel in t ripred condi tion durinc, Mainienanco.
6. Tuo cauoe of sny merunction for which corrective mintenance w4s required:

Vendor assomf ly er ro r.

7. The effects of any such m dfunctions:

I ntermi t tent downt cali spi kes. 8 Corrective and provsative actlan th ti pre.nido evweenes of m,Grunctionst fbt Applicable. ( .m n 4 9 4

l 1 I i l i 101111 y OprnAl l Sf, { rp r 1 "/, ; ric"Aq r re m . -- M, , ( Rewi red f o r n y. t orn c., mw ou t - t i. - : im o 1 o provent or 'u t e r e t ha cry,, q mni er. .u < cir lear acci d< n4 9 ) I

1. e.;ys tem or Conponeni . CV 23N- B HPCI Condensate Discharge to CRW l
2. Date porfornnd: 10/20/71 1 y,,, c.,g , , .a f o r 4..q, h, t r i, : 2 Hours, f
3. Na ture o f t he l'a i r h.onor <::

Paui i v O lerso o<v O N v=niev< C Q rro.:tivo @ . 4 Briei suninae y o r wm ! - i .u wd: Rep!ared Solenoid Valva

                                                                -=    -

i i J' emeees-- S. The effect, if any, nn the W~ rpu n' ten of - h. e .- ='ce: fpff (- (; . 1 he cauc.e o f any nail f un. I io :ta wh;=i ,<r

  • m r ec . - < w ri- . rena rog
                                                                                                          ,1.i-Faulty Solenoid Valve
7. T he e f fect s o r nny m,-h mal r.,n a i rc.:. : CV 2394B remained open during HPCI ,

operation. Thin had no ef fect -on HPCI operation since the- redundant

           , valve,CV 2394A, was operating properly.

R. Co r reqt i ve and p reven f i w t &n - ! abn +ofr- - h ,& . . . o r . . m ,--- o # m1 fu ndi nna : - Not Applicable.

                                                                                                                         $m                er

f on1 r y ,prr r ;*r- . 1, ':'ol T Ai-.. sAecr<'wi (hogtu red f or 'y n. or e roe nem i J' . ce r.1 m provent or na t iryw t h+ an.w 9, ora e.t. of oo l,mr .i, ci den t s )

1. Sys tem o r Componon' , RCIC System Steam isolation Valve f.0 2076
2. Date por fornod:10/.2.1/711 i a s- requ i ro J foi ce e l <: > i n, : 5 Hours
3. Naturn o r ihn vair.h r,an  : n. ,o t i n.,

O" v 0 " v "' v< 0 corr ><$ive O 4 Drief summar y o f woil i .: i .a w it Cleaned and lubricated valvo, odjusted packinc and reduced closing torque twiich settinp.

                                                                       . _ . _ . . - - -                    =              .

L. Tho effact, if any, ca, iho A inn ,,f

                                                                            .      iho          i . . ,e 4:_jpX.                 ThqjiPCI System was operable during the tinn that the RCIC system was isolaiod.

6, The cauto o f ariy mal f un iln 'nr wh . c h < r . . *, '

                                                                                                 ,: . r, m wo w e,:

en g o r n,1: Closing Torque settire too high. __

7. T he e f f ects o f any such rnal f 6mi tens: Valve would not reopen af ter having '

boon closed while h61 and then allcwed to cool. A. Corrective and prev"ni is

                                              - 4an t ok' * - i n ru < 4 o d- ' u e                           w at EM fun .1 i nns:                       I Tests conducted on valve following raaintenance veri fied proper operation.                                               _


                                                                                                                        . me t


iou t : y err /a i 3. i s om 1 'Simi"vr ii< nun (h.3cpir..j tor s y'. ! - .r e q ,ni . n i - <!ri,4 .,d ',, preveni or 'ilica'" -

                                                                                                     ' h+                    i n i .o rt ier o < <                 "       I < o . leae
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   *cci de ni s )

1. c sys tem or ror'po ne n i : '.DV 2071 (HPCI Test Valve)

2. Dato perforn d: 11/2/71 -1i.- r m ie.d fne m' 2 Days
h. : i o":_

f,'n t u r e e f th< t'aie* [~] ' ro rr.xtiv. 8

3. -

e .: " I t> [~~) ' " i . < m v " + i v.- 4 Btlef t.u">f'at , of *>+'i r**' -+ d: Peplaced Lien ant i-ro t at ion ciop and cleaned up r i en t h e o n dt_.. . _ _ . . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . - . _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ . _ _ . S, .T he e f f e r. i , i f atiy. ,r' t he. -i > o-d

                                                                                                                               .t   ;i : r.o , f             a               *              ,

IO'T - UICI c yclem rermined oper able du r i nr, mainionanco work. re pi red:

6. 'T he c aut e o f a r"< ' il i m , in or w', H r< * . ;r. < m w i.

O ve r t r avel in the cleted direction. _ __.

7. The efrectc e rm, ,
                                                                                . h na j n ,o                         i ic,        :

Damare to stem and sicm nut threads. R. Corre-tive ami p t < .r 4

                                                                                                                   ",          d-                   ;i.-
                                                                                                                                                                             "         '< " -                         c,        a'        ,1fon:! ion 3:

Roset f o rque twiiches and 1imii swi tches.

J ELIMS J!%iFJ.H.Mll4LNIMUMNM (Requi ',d f1r J/stra i oc citii nuts do signed to i prevent oc mitigato the conn rrioaces of nuclear accidents) i System or Compownt: Main Steam Line Moni tor 1 "A"  : 2 D2te performod: 11/3/71 Tiivi vertire1 for cogil3 tion: 1 1/2 hours  ;

3. Nature of the litintmnce Routino[] DnorgencyL; Provantive f] Corrective @
4. Brief eurmry of work po: formo1:  ;

Replaced capaci tors C3, CA & C';. i i s

5. The offect, if any, r)n t'w nfe opi'stion of the reactoes  ;

fDNE, I nst rument channo) i n t ripped condi tion durinC Maintenance.

 , ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                 i t                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,
6. The cause of any vt1Nuotton for which corrective Inintoonnce was required:

f aul ty capaci tors, y

7. The effects of any such m t1 functions:

I ntermi ttent downscale spikes.. t b $ _d a e q g ,- Not applicable. o

       , . . , , - , , , ._,--._-,v,-         -.,..,*-.,m,,-       ,.   - . . . . . ~ . - , _ , . _ , , . , . - - . -  _.--~wg ..   --e   <,- . ,n   -e.         ..---.c -
                                                                                                                                                                                     +-,4     -- - . - - - - - - -

E917.U!% JF.'FdPJ H )W.T(T, ,%!,'f(@GUF4 MM (Rolut?9d f)r .shtaal oc utt mats dtsigned to provant oc mitigato the coon q100003 of nuideur accidents) 1 System or Couponent: - Plant Protection System 2 Date performod 11/13/71 Ti+i repired Mr cognation: 12 hours

3. Nature of tlio thintenuco Roittino C Dnoegeqayia Prevantive I,] Corcoctive @)
4. Brief autwry of uurk poefor.nn(:

f4eplaced the sixioon Main Sieam Line High flow isolation Swi tchen (0-70 PSIL rant,o) wi t h the originall y i ns talled swi t chen (0-200 PSI D ranco). T he doad-band reacured dur ing a rout ino curveillance ioni was eucessive.

5. The ofrect, ir any, on t'w nfe op+%lon of the reactoc:

Ibne, heactor was shuidown.

  • i
                                                                                            .i I

6 The cause of any raronethn for which corrective maintoaance vua required: , lho source of the problem was later revealed to be jewel bosring contamination. *

7. Tho offecta of any such m d functions:

The jewel bearing contamination caused excessive deadband in the swi tch set ting.

8. Corrective and provantive a:!,hn tho t) proil 14o _ rawcenc9 of xdrunctions:

Replaced the 16 swa tches and ini tiated a program to' inspeci alli Barton instrunente used on critical systems. ( k

t fot_n i NF nPFRtd I f U f.m M T UA f ?F' f ATr nrrnp3 () (Regtu red t ot s yt. o r s o r : n vorir.n h Jmwned in prevent o r 'ni i innin i he em. ,oip.:rn er. o f w lear au i donis)

l. System or Component: 412 Diesel renorator.
2. Date pe rforrnedill/15/71 T ine encp i red for ,

ore t o l i n.i: 3_ Hours-

3. Nature of ihe flainiona<u e: iSu i i ro O ! me w ncy O P rve aiva @ corrrctive e

O 4 Br ief suminary of wo'i reeforw d: Reyjge d t op,_l e f t _ a i r s t a r t i nn mo t o r _:in_ihe i nso r_vi ce tra n r cold.d_b_ di nance;nbjed and i nran_et ed fo r cenoral condition. 4 g ( l g b) F I i 3 *I b y' .t b f g hn fI O I d e I( [I ' Shuidown. ( O eie f *g, !I h i 4 p Il ' hI k f$ # h l, f f f1 (


9 G

  • h ( l ) f ' .
      - 8. Corrective and provent:yo                   -

or,. i nani, tn m: - t i,an , m co r -n - nr



                                                                                                                                        , . . ,          =--P-

_____ n _

     .e i

rein i Nr oprn AT i tr. nipori e ni ni _ LArr' m iyygi [ (Requi red trir s p!c na or inainoon t i d o i . r..rj fn p reiven t o r un l i c. v . t he < o'eq4enom o f no. lenu accidents)

1. System or Component : f/ain steam isolation valves.
2. Date perfornied: l l/15/71T i, .. rnep i red for co 3. h a . n.,: 2 days
3. Natu re o f the !!ai n f or.cyn e: Pou t i m O "<m ov0 t' ,v "iiv- O correciiv: @

4 Brief sumar y of wo'I rer fnt wd: Repaired all leaks in PSIV dashpo_t piping.

5. T he o f f ec t , i f any, on t he, a' op oat i e n i f ' h+ romin,: PONE, Reactor was -

shu t down.

6. The cause o f any mal t wl i r fne wh ch erre e .iinhnvenwr rerpirod:

Poorly installed pipinp.

7. T he o f f ects o f any v oc.l, mal r m. l i e re : Leakage of dashpot _ fluid causing decrease in valve closure tino.
8. Correc.tive and preventive ,
on Iak,n to pre lob i ecue cones n f .al funct ions:

Remade all defectivo joints wi th teflon tape sealant. I%




I rn eti y e.r pf,,,ti; c' "H-I a' e udi

                                                                                            ? r lW <

() (Hnqui rnd f ar ,y ' ro oe , o o. .u ' - ! . . , . . ' .c, p f L:VPf)I Of I Iit t' I I I'- *tt's i 1 [ i *,,1 - ,

                                                                                                                ' it . , ] + i tt t         Jr,e,1 d 91It, )
1. System or Corponont: "D" Main Stearn Safety - Relief Valve
2. Date 0orforrrnJ: 11/16/7._11 .. r ,, eiti i r. r ) !m

_ t erm, t ., 4 o ,: 4 Hours Nature of the 'fa ; ' < < . r . . :

3. si ino O 'en., -

O v, 4 i i ter. O corris,iie* 0 4 Drier :.uumary nf u't c h o -."): Disascembled valve , top works and solenoid for int 13ection. B

                                                                                                                   . . . . _ . . _ =
                                                                                                             -N                                         s--
5. T he e f f ec t , if anv. nr. t h< a'i (qurolion , . f s h. , r . , ,m  : _

f0ff, ficactor was shutdown. (" __

6. The cause of any mal iui :i t o fn> wh i c.h cc. < r n 4 . unnh. ,,-c--

w n- ,cepired:

7. The e f fecic o f any c h mal run d i, .ra :

R. Correctivo and prev 2ntive t t ion i nt eri in pro.ind -in<ur mnr.- nr rar,c_i ; on3 : . (.._ .- -

                                                                                                                                . usmeer--

i r IpuT i t,:r op[r,t.1 : f r nrpor.1 i% i w 3. Atr: i t r%<3 i f) - ( Re qu i r d f o r n y*. k nn n r wwni.ol- J m enmi n ' prevent or n tic.w. I hn ur-cpora = o f m,ol .,a v,: don t s ) }

1. System er Component: __W l V 2-80-A
2. Da te pe r force d: l l/16/71 T i em r e qu i r e, j rn r en p h.,i,.,n: 2_ Hours
3. Natu re o f t he f/ai rwec: ibut "" O trer"corv [~1 "rev-niivc- corre<tive 8 i 4 f3r ie f sumanar y o f wo' i rr.r f n t wd: Pepl aced main ogorat ine spool valve.




5. T he o f rect , i f any, cn tho .af o operation .' t h.4 r . : .; s h.: fDNE, reactor

__was chutdown. (

6. The cause of any mal furn iino in, which <<-te, ' ,

e ai ntr n w + e v. rc epi red: S0001 valve sticking.

7. The ef fects o f any euch mal hen-iior. : Slow valve closure.

R. Corrective-and preventive- ; + ion t ahn to p t :lo A recor cne- of alfunctions:

  • All air lines and ai r accumulators- were blown clean. - ~

g,_.' y- --

                 ,--9r .-.,*'t    F--'t'--  r***-+-                       '=n-sev-        ,---wor + **e'-v                      *-"~**m---                      ->ow-rw,-*'

. _ _ _ . . _ . . . _. . . . . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . - _ . . _ _ . _ - ~ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ .._. .__.._m-- - . - _ h f [Tm i n nprp A1 ! ti, to imr r f m > q1 r ",%tre r ent.r>  ; y ( Requ i r,H t o r c yt : r n.; or von t - J. . i r .. .f ; r. provent o r fri t ic.m. t ho .o n..o g ,n t n.t". o f m ' t.iar acci den in ) r e

1. oystem or Componnni: f6iV 2-86-A 3
2. Da te pe r fo r ne d:l l/22/71 1 i ,.r- required for e n<tp i n t i on: 40 days >
                                    .; . Nature of ihn Lir.le nmwe:                     Pontino O t ro : or < [~1 r - v : " 4 i ve-                                                        cner eiive W     .

4, Brief rorvnary of woe l por i r r wd: Disa;sembled valve and rebuilt poppet ruido and lapped main peppel and pilot valve.

5. 1 he e f fec t , i f any, on ths .afe nperation ,' ih,. re ,-10<: TOfE, reactor was shutdown.
6. - l he caUse o f any mal i on. i i on for wh ; c h co r r n ' ,a n-si n . h r an" wy re tp i r ed:

Valve body deformation and worn main poppet fuide. u

7. The- e f fec t s o f any s uc h mal func t ir nz:._E ff leakage a. ,

A. Cor rec t i ve and prewra r e  : on Iaken +i- p,v -iod? in o'>en c d alfur.<,,iions: not applicable.

--y,-- g-       ,#3r%,=g     g-  y'            -pp-g.g  e     .y, - . -   -.g yg w w 3, w9a           eam.-g9       y p      y              g.y.      w  y  .ab.evae.  ,,ury.+..      J r_%     y  --ye  ymi9 a   -y hgemw      pm

fonitrg norDAllts krPord '/AI Ni r NAf f r ty ry,hp (Requi red ior sy'tv.n or noroor:onf: dnsacrod in proveni n r na I m a t " ihn w morporm.<< ni owloar ucidenic)

1. System or Compononi: PS 2-3-52B ECCS Valvo Opening Permissive Pressure Switch
2. Date perforned:11/24/71 Tic.. r.giirnd (nr erw eto!>on: 2 Hours
3. Na t u r e o f t he fla i rd enant e: 1%uiana O '"er""nv 0 r -"+iv- O corr-ciiv, g 4 Brief t ornar y of w:.r k re+ t or mdt A seinoint lockinn devico.was installed to keen t hq__t,r,1p, sei t i ng _ f rom dr i flinn.
5. The effect, if any. nn the cf. m.. ration ,>; i b" - . . a a d n . : fD NE. T he associaied loric channel wan maintained in the t rippedgondi tion while the -

7 maintenance _ was i n prorress. i

6. The cause o f any mal fon l w in, wh: -h . n er . ',
                                                                                              ,< + m ni. nan n wn , re:pi red:

The instrunent was not originally purchased with a setpoint lockine, device. 11 is believed that the inst rument -cottine dri fied as a result. _

7. Tho' ef fects of. any vu-h mal runci ten : The int rument was found to t rip below the desired settint. _
8. Correct i vo . and p revent . vr m w iakon in o. v.h a. eecurrnnc. a f mn1 f unc t i on3:

A program was initiated to install setpoint locking devices on all similar inst ruments. . . . _ . .

 '''''''b ' '

i i i Kol i NF Opr NAT t f y; rtrrHF! HA i'.18 UAtr.r. nt php - - . .- - ,. ( (Fvictored for u ys t one.- or corronon k de- and in provent or ni t ipain t hr, <.onsorper,,;on o f <>uc l +4ni wer den in )

l. System or Conponent: All inboard and outboard fElV. I
2. Dato pe r fo rn<>d: 11/30/71 l i ne rerro red for rnupini enn: -

_ 14 days '

3. Nature of the Maint<:nnore: Poutin- O c e"<rr "ev [~1 " v-"i > v<-

O co r rer ' i v 0 4 Dr i e f t~orrnar y o I wo,t pro rn e *d: Intr >ocied and dyogenet rant checked all _ , fSI V dashpoLng.Mc n_snuds. k

5. 1he effoct. if any, en ih. n'- one , at u o o f 11 . v . :;is ti u : f0ff, reactor was shutdown.  ;

h b" iE- f 5 f e I - f

7. T he e f f ec t s o r any ta. + na l e ,n. -

t i o n:. : ___ _  ! f' A. Correetive and pteven+iv< c, io, I cl. sn . t o p < ;1, o lc. i ., o r. .sn :.- n r c11 rune t ioris:- I' ( _m-M

                                                              , -', m . r v
   --w-+ ,,.,,+-,v,-.                            ,.q.v.,E  ,w               ,E . - r - ,.             .r-,  ,,,-.,m,,,,._w_,-                 y,, , - ,  ,..,e--.w,,       ,v.      .,,,--e-, ,,m,-        ,-m* , , , -c,---,..,-
       . . _ . . __ - . . . -..-.. . - . , . - . . _ _ _ - . _ . _ _ _ _                                                . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ . _ . _ . . _ _ . _ . ~ . . - _

i i i

                                                                          - fDtil e NE ppro A1, y, hrpor T 9A i f;1 r Wg Mepf g                                                                                                                          ,
                    ,                                            (lioqtu rod f or sy kn2 t.< -- o:x o r ,,,ii t - J. . i e n.d i r,                                                                                                                      j prevent or r.itman- i hr- torn "giene.e of nucloor acc i doni t,)
1. System or Component: tb. 11 Diesel generator
2. Date performed:12/7/71 T c, requ re d fo r c.n .n b i . nii: 6 Hours
3. Nature of the flaitaminrr e: Ibu t i r-O ' "a < ~< "ev El :'e sv "4 > v~ @ co r rec t i v'4 0 4 Brief summar y of woi k t e Ine wrt: Disase,embled all tubine and valves in the-s t at i ine _ system. C1naned and lubricated all :orrponen ts. Replaced ono l coct ion of damaged .t_ubing. _. - .-

I b I E

5. T he e f f eci , i f any, o rs + h <. a'. nonratinr. o f : N , r .- in<: fDfE3 reacior was shutdown.

( - ,

6. The cause of any nlino tua bs' whi< h " >< > ;u rz ime r e- ws regsirod:
7. The ef f ec ts o f any w + M t ierc: -
                                                                                                                                      -.                                                                   _                                            i P. Corrective and preventiv,                                - - ion t at -ri in p<r.Indy . . : o . . .n e. . n f .al fun,:t j ons:

r k.- h k

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   =3 w-r    g-w,-     e ,ty ,e.v, - , -             ,y- -,.9,, , . - -   ,--,y-     ,,we,-,---.4.w,    7-.-+--rw_,-s--w,,,w_,--_%-m...                              m        ew,r y--    m y ,.yw_,w.-.3m-..y            r-,-,,- ,.-,%,.-e-ww..wm,--r-

1 r top 11 q <.nrf Al i m i<rpor:1_ ' M ht ' wr i an w ( (Rognrmi t o r t y , ' < c o r., . e4.o i ,u + 1 i. ,. 3d 4 preven 1 oi ra i i r ci oi t ho . n. .;.e n mrn 1. ..; . .. . - l eia, 3c.u den t t,)

1. Sysiem er Conponnn t : fLiv 2-860
2. Dato pe r forrmd:12/12/71 T i r ,. regie rej f o r a y l <. i : ,w : 4 days Natura of ihn N n '
3. ac  : 's t!"" o, n y [] "< v.nfiw [] co, re. t i . s [] ,

4 Brief nm :rur y o r to,i i er t ~ wrl: Disassembled valve and lapped main poppet  ; and pilot valvo.- - 1 S. Iho effeci, i f am . r, n !hr ' ei . op rai'on <>f i h. e or b * :_fELando r was shuidown. I t r . _ _ _ _ . - _ i s

6. T he cause o f any a 11 t un- !in Ine wh;rh <<<> n.4 v r- a r r . w en w n - . egri red: - l Scratches on piloi valvo seat. --
                                                                                                                        =-                                                                             _
7. T he e f f ec t e c.f any s u c h n.a l r u. t i o n : Excessive valve leakace.- ,

Shubin anse r< . Correct ive and prov:n t i ve a iion ! abn to pv i nd v e :o r ro c. of wi functions: thi App.licabic. I 4 e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . p-

.-_--,.~;- ,:,,-,.., , . .

                                          .J,....-.-    , . - ,         ..   .    - , _ , . , , , , . . , . - . _ - , . - . - - - , , ,                                .m.,       _ , . . _ . . . . _ , . ,   - - , . - m.-+- ,
 . -.          ..... - _. .~._ - ...                         - .-          . - - - . . .                                                  _ . . _ . . - . . -                              - - - . . . - . -                                  . - . . - -

l l l 4 gm i y i:PrP A.' ! *t. p : nr1 UA i :s t t A r t - li muti

       ' ()                                           ( r;orp , r,,a i o r s c.
  • r. o. myo r.,4n i . J c , r ,. 1 . n i

preveol or "a f w + . I hr- en%orp a: " . ui no luar ar_e i don i r. )

1. Sys tem or Co"pononi Main s team cafet y-relief valves A, 8, C, D
2. Dato perforned: 12/13/711 i ro- < < n u r n d f r, r- <ra gl o t i ni,: _ 2 days
3. Nature of tho Win!"nw +:.  !%u i "~ O ' "" " v 0 t ' W <. i ' -- Q co r r < t i a O ,

4 Br i e f r.ungnar y o f woi l n 7 1or w "i: Chanrod out main pressuro not springs and inspected volve top works. '

                                                                                                                             =-                                     . - - - - . -                                       - . . , _

hh h Shemsep. _me

                                                                                    -                                      "-                                          tm---             -

_ . Mmg 6 mmm WetPMW eegte.N

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -W h-'


                                                                                                                                                                                **esa w --- -
9. T he e: f f e "- t , if a r,y , nn !he a'o ope s M son . ' ' t h+ . ' r . fn,_ J Jk m a;ior .,,,,,,,,.,_

was shutdown. 3 -- ___- 4 bl e I hC CSUSO O f Sny 'Ml lii P I l t t IOf '# f t i ' .l t "*r"~'f yr. m, i : r, ' . r'. qh ' r Wft reglirnd;

  • 4
7. Tbe effoctc ef any roch malF m !to m: __


                                                                                                                                                                        **                                               . . .rese
                            .8.       Cor rect i ve' and p r + ven t i ve              i cri ! nL% t o [, e
  •> e e ~.:tri o n :r of 31 func l'i ons t t


                                                                                                                                                                                     . ~ -                                                                       I
   ,. _   ,. c          m,.-,.. x            __    .,           ..c,._,,_            , . . . - .              . . , . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . . . _ . _ _ . . _ _ . . . _ . . . . . . _ . _ _ . . . . . ~. . -. .

g)I n 1 $li apr q A,t i ey _ p--j ; # 1 ' ' A i . : t i jc . r 3p tg lT (Fogorod for c./ -r- ne o ronon t

  • l< ,. i .n provent or 'a
  • l i c a t - tho <<"r- c on o a n-loar er ci den t r. )
1. System or ConponenJ: Main steam safety valves A R R
2. Date pe rferned:_ 12/14/11Tiio. requ i ro l f c> r coo p k i n . : 1 day
3. Na t u r e c f t h" fla i n ! : v ! o: I - > i ' - O u m - <- < 0 << " ' i v- O corr"<iiv' 8 4 Drlef :oncarf of wn ! pee im wd: - 9,hangedoui valvos.
5. The etfoci, ii any. i !h- a'4 ni o e i % of 't " r- 'n': fDfjE 3 reactor was Shu i down.

g --. .----

6. T he cause o f any mal f un .iin- 'n- wh; h r t - >i-" -

Irwe wr mg o rod: I t is not unusual for very slicht leakare to -dovolop under normal service condi tionc. _._ .-

7. The errects or any n .h mal f er licrc: Very clicht leakaro was observed darinr vessel hydra, , _, _ _ _

A. Corro6tive and preventiv oo t al,n hs p,- h.J . u r_ cn m of alfonc! ions:- tbt Applicable. - _ I' h ' ' ' 'E E' .r

s 4 p piyr or,rtw ir; i e w ; e ;t, ; + ! t v3 s , , i n ,3rj ( Requ i r nl eo r <. yo ' r- re oe i, ,: or.,e>t- d . , ,a d .c provent or mi t inl<- lho con s 9.t t o , of nucinar 3eci don t c )

1. Sys tem or Cernponerii: !Elv 2-ROD _  ;
2. Date per forned:12/17/71 l in- e < qu i r ed f r r c o >.p l ed : nn: 18 d ay_s_ _
3. Natu re o f i hn !hu r b n m, o: h u
  • i n. O ' " r "< v 0 t' -"'>- O co r r"' t i va 8 '

4 Dr s ef sungnar y nf enr i : e h , wd: Dissassembled - - - - val ve and 1appe_d poppei_ - - - and oi.jpt valys _, __, . _

5. N effect, if any. - n iho e, o op.s r.u i c n . f 1 h. -


                                                                                                                                                              .                              r.                          ,:

urnacto r _._ was shutdown. { ~ ,

6. lhe cause of any ulis,r, i im fne ali -h ,<r,- '
                                                                                                                                                                                     "              .ite                   <mw                   .*,n         re gii rr4d-Imperfections in valvo coatirm surf aces.
4 pun & *e*>
7. The e rfor in o f any .v h n al font i i e re : Excern-valve leakare.

N R.- Correc t i ve and prev 6cl e . .on !al 3n in p - ..i yi, e- - on , of al runel j on3: Not Applicable. l l- s Y h - - - e essmas .eueems.O geen

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~I Nf Pb' l 9ta        M     W       gf *M-e --,p ev g-m=y-mw*1gm +*Mmp&gH -Tpau yNu3--.4*    w(b  q    s hp                # swam >w-vr'.. y    a-+g-r+gwey--m              p  b s w -via       MW--O                 e    s--y-e*-  'N.*t*       'e -Vst.44*    9-     '.0 m e tri ne*  ti,W 'IP
 - . - _ _ . ~ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ .           . _ .    . - . . - - __ . _.__.                                                        .-           _.             .._                  . . . . _ _ _ . _                              .-_ _

8 , t 1. pn , ty cornte i ty. arrwq m(gg3p H rn89

       ;      )                                        ( fioqu i rel f o r n y' . ' ' r ' <><                      o "g .i ni .n t -                    J" ; i ci..s j in                                                                            '

e . provent or -:iiav W i hr .w "9 nw < -- +d >v. :loor ar e.i don i c ) i

                                  ). System or Conponent fSi V 2-%-D                                                                                                                                                                             '
2. Date pcr fornod 12/27/7[i i w- ro pirr,d fe,r c co n f u t int.: 10 days
3. Nature o f t he h e< i or m+ r.: f:mfinn O cc"> 4 "v0%v .i>v^

O correr i < < O' 4 4 Brief convnar y of wo,8 :+ + t ro % d: Dicassembled__ valve and lapped rnain poppet and pilot valvo. .,_ 1

5. Ihe of8 ect. i f ar,y. or : h.. V. ops e ci' 1 e n .

t h. .. '*rr: fDNE, i Reactor was shutdown. 1 1

                                                                                                                               . ,.o en aum
6. T he cauce o f any r :! b - 1: 'n' wh " > r< '
                                                                                                                                                        . < ;o r : wwr- .'                                        re rp i rc:d:

Imperfections in sealing surfaces.

7. The e ff ecis o r any #A mali m :_ Excesc_valvo leakage. .;

A R. Co r rent i ve and p r ven' > e .

                                                                                                  .o6 : i ak6n 4 ,                  -
                                                                                                                                                )J >= u r < enc < M aifunetions:

1 Not a_pplicable. t f 1 +- .

       -rt-         e v      -

r -.w.. ..ev.. -.~,-,,-w, em ca r-..,:. ,v- ..,,e.iem. e-,--,-: ..--,ir- ,.....gewre w -y3,y -me,#4,%-e w----4<-w-  %. w -




i r


t [..T N. (9 M f t C S. 8 4 c.-e 1 8  ; e i O O .-* O O o o si ~ Oe N ."*. Q) - fD x A x 0 e X f Q x OJ @ W B- OO Q(") 4 Cw

g. e~ ..* (h O *-*  % e-o O t e tn O. . e wn OJ e e .E N O @

p- *; n' .-e v e M

                                                                                                                                                                                  ~             es           O                                             .*          f
                                                                                                                                                    *1                    :,      -               1          O                       'N                       i        l o                        o. . .m                                                     o
                                                                                                                                                       -i                            I                                                       I                         I e               O         -e                               N                                 O                e-o    ;
                                                                                                                                                 >        o.-. m              x        O.-a           x         6 m          m                 -

o x ro m x N .o o x X.e L' *1 es iti M t 'a ( ) *-4 r* )

  • ra e 4 e e's N  %-. . N.

N in *1 - .4 -v c-a .- M f m

                                                                                                                                                    @                                  e        o.*          O-                         of                 V 4                O.
                                                                                                                                                                        ~           1             I          W                               I                f 4

O, O-. O O V O

                                                                                                                                               +>         -                        -ee                   e                                                     O.4 e

x tn x x x 4 x x ($7 , e m Lt . m Om 9.-e - y- N N t'. i v1 .-4 th th N N O. e~ s e e mm u .) a

                                                                                                                                                            -*   +t.       u           N                      .-4   %        O.-e             N                M m                   o         O.        c'            &                        ..-.-

1 I l' c-4 0 .l e O J O

                                                                                                                                               +          O. o u'.

O.~ O.-. O.-. {x Oe

c. x x . t y l e. c+. 2, x t.k [,

e t-

                                                                                                                                                                           $*          b
  • b. bb O N b* _N C m -. .-4 N N (o v m e-e N N
                                                                                                                                                    +-1                           -

i m tn fn *7 4 s .O 1

  • O b O t-y O-# -

O.~ . O.e e a p. c o< x x -1 x x 4 "1+ r, m M Om N N & M N.-4 @ N in e- e

                                                                                                                                                             .       e. M.       ' .
  • J. w *1 N O.s {D.
                                                                                                                                                          -e     A         h           M            M      '4v              '(O                M               M Oe                       _ er                                            m m                                i          M            o               N               1                1 1                7                         I        -O                N                                 O X        O       cf       C           O.w       .O                          b.                Oe            .*=e e-.        -e     w          e4           x          e-4      C[ ^              I                X                X 3         x     CT           x        tn             x      L3 m-           O            ' C' )               W.
                                                                                                                                               '")        y          es    w           Q                     OA              N             -
                                                                                                                                                             . o              .         .         v.       <O m            N                    .               .
                                                                                                                                                          &      N         b           03                  :  .-e v          t-               N              .m T                                   F T        O                '---e          N' cJ)        C          (5           -             m                                 .I
                                                                                                                                                           -ta  -.L                      r.           O                 m                             I s       m       .ta           to           3                 y               <                U
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                                                                                                                                                          .-    - .O        .O.          o     @ .C.  .       I-                     -U         a      .

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J 7 3 2 2 00 6 8 2, 1 66 / 1 1 2 0 0 1 00 7 6


d e g r l c a a t s h u a c i i i n l r s C C C n  % u .h ~ i A c ce4 3 H D s e s i e t e t s2 s s 1 a o s r / s . e a 3 l a a i n e i G 1 u e G P ci id . e r e c g - u' rug e t u e n a e d

                                                                                                           'e i

s C l i t t l I

                                                                                   ,u es       e                   C r a           b           d            r      n    b                              m           t                 a l       o            o         a      et     o   I            nae       i a      l' h t:'

a M l P ci H I i T D ac reim s t xl ae t s u o . . . . . . . oi o T a b c PL a b Mr a b -TD e s _ O- a . 2 3 4 G 1 B

4 W l' C.- Results of Iso 1opic Analysia July Aug. Sept. Ce t . ro v. Dec.

         .1. Radioactive Liquid ?iaste
a. Isotope-i ' 3 ~' Ci -3 -6 -3  ;
                                                                                                                  -4 7.1x10      3.0 % 10        4.9x10         1.34x10 '"    2.01x10            2. 23x10 -5 Co rjI Ci          1.05x10

_a -5 2.56x10 ; _. q, _ c,

                                                                                                                             -5 4.2x10                         9.74x10       3.6 510            3.10 60 2.10 -5
                                                   -5              -6                                               A              J Co         Ci          2.5x10      3.23x10                          --

1.62x10 ' 9. W 10 ~ 51 -4 -'r

                                                                             -5                                                    -6 Cr         Ci          1.35x10     7.8x10 ' --     4x10             ---           --

6.19.x10 Cs IE Ci- - -- -5 1x10 I

2. Gaseous Wade
a. fJoble Gases 134' Xe Ci- .24 349 900 721 353 -

S7' Xe -Ci 106- 2275. 2507 2913 ~t124 -- ! Xe* Ci 121- 2086 1991 4333 1778 --

                   'Xe         Ci            93        1562-           1413         1902             762-                --

135- c: Xe 145-. 3743 4570 5120 1989 -- 133' Xe Ci 495 2822- 2N2 4937 = 2411

x ^ s t L- I t 4-4 duly Aug. Sept. Oct. *:ov. Dec. f . b. todirie Ci (See B.I.b)

c. Particulate M -5 < gg 4 h Co C i .. 13x10 _ _ _ _

r 6n- _. a Co ~ Q - - - - -

                                                                                                                                                            $10 l0 -Lr 140Ci                                  < 5xin -7
                                                                                                   -6 Ba                              1 10                                    < 10          <10-5                 < 5x l o"                                                                       I i-
                                                                                                   -7                                                       < '

gr<M' C i _<10

                                                    < 10-d           < 10 '                               < 10-7                < 10

_10 i

                                                                                                                                       -I I                          Csl3/C'i                .
                                                    < 5x 10-         < 5x10-                < 10-        $10-I                  $10                         1 10
i t

l Cr 0I Ci < 10 - -

                                                                                                                                                           ~i10 i

l: ~ D. Solid hole. l 1. Total Volurn'e(Cub. Ft. ) $43 1161.3 0 110.7 0 3115.7

2. Gross C0rie Activity .992 4.96 0 2.11 0 2.05 [

r 3.y Di speci t ion All . '.hterial was chipped of r- site to. Shef field ?!uclear Center, Sheffield, 111.

4. Dates shipped. 7-9-71 3 7 I . -

10-6-71. -

                                                                                                                                                          ' 12-3-71                                             :

8-25-71: 10-27 12-6-71

. . 12-7-71 t
           .,.                                                                                                                                              12-8                                            i


  • T- k r-5  % etv'- $  %-9 *9% -#4 bT+1ett m
  • 1't N=S e
                                                                                                                            -W-         b   T   r* +7*'"-         tr 4'Md1 - ee ni mem > ei ywr< m.egee. e-%e



l ggag ' The Environmental Monitoring Program yielded no increases in the levels-of radiation due to planc operation during the period of June 30, 1971, through December 31. 1971. Ai,r_phrticulate was continually monitored with Gelman or Bendix Air Nuclear Samplers at eight locations within a 15-mile radiuc of the plant site and'at the Minnesota Department of !Iealth Building in Minneapolis. All air particulate samples for this study pnlod averaged 0.2 pC1/m3 of Gross Beta including the . data taken from the air sampler located on the roof of'the !!innesota Health Department Euilding. Tab,le 2 shoss these results , i Environmental Gamma Expostge_[H@ Off-site 7d on-site locations (See Maps I and II) during thic study period averaged 0.6-mr/bweek period _(See Table -7_) which is similar to the data accumulated during the pre-operational period and "First Half of 1971" (See Table 1). . Environmental Gamma EgosurL[fil,m,bages) Exposure at off-site ' and on-site locations (See Maps I and II) during the study period were repcrted by._the film badge centractor, H 3 Landsuer, Jr. . Company as "M" .for h-wpek periods. This means that less than 10 millirems _of gamma radiation was accumulated during-each exposure period. hecipitation or fallout was collected at the on-site nuclear air sampler (See Map II) and at The Minnesota Health Department Building in-Minneapolis. No significant difference existed between the data from these two points.-(See Table 5)- f

 . - . -      .a    . -.               -- .       ..     . .-               . . . . - - . - - -           .=     a. , - -   .    ,
      - = _ - -        -

Raw Milk from four regions was sampled by NSF and an additional area by the - Minnesota Department of Health (See Map III) within a ten mile radius of the plant. The average levels of radionuclides analyzed, are similar to the pre-operational data and the "First Half of 1971" (see Table 1) Mississippi _ River _ water sampled daily and composited into veekly samples taken upstream and downstream of the plant (See Map IV) averaged 9 pci/1 of Beta - radiation for each area. This is similar to pre-operational and "First Half of 1971" levels. (See table 1) Missisedp g iver Bottom _d,edig nti is sampled each quarter year and analysed ' for radioactivity. The study periods results averaged 47 pCi/gm of Gross Beta which is similar to pre-op? rational levels and "first Half of 1971" results. (See Table 1) o

   +                                                                                                  ,

Topsoil taken from three fields (See Map VI) gro#ing crops (potatoes and soy-beans) and being irrigated with water taken from the Mississippi River down-stream from the plant discharge is analysed. The results shoe an average of 56 pci/ gram of Gross Peta activity. This is similar to the pre-operational and "Firrst Half of 1971" results, (See Table 1). Well Water is taken from three deep wells and four shallow wells in the plant area. The deep and shallow wells averaged 4 pCi/1 each. This is similar to the pre-operational and "First Half of 1971" results. (See : Table 1) Fish taken from the Mississipp:. River .at upstream and downstream locations (See Map IV) averaged 7.6. and 7 3 pCi/ gram (dried weight) of' Gross Beta. This data-compares to fish analyses performed during the pre-operational and "First Half ( of 1971" periods (See' Table 1). The fish analyses data is presented in Table 14. i l

. , , . .,,,. , - . . ,_ .. _ -. . _ . _ _ . _. - _ .m . _ .. Additional parameters besides those presented above are Airborne Radiciodine . (Table 4), Water taken from five lakes (See Map V) in the area (See Table 10), hSh!.$0.!!95._S.111.91".t, (Table 11), Lake,,and,Ri,ve,r,A, quat _i,c,,Veget,a, tion (Table 12), Lake and River Attached Algae (Table 13), clams (Table 15), Lake _and_ River Aggagig,[qsgggs (Table 16), Vegetation from several fields in the doenwind area of the plant site (Table 17), and agricultural _crge analyses from the river irrigated fields (Table 18). The data presented in these tables are comparable to pre-operational and "first Half of 1971" results with no significant-variation. Conclusion Effluent release levels were so low that correlation between plant emissions and these environmental parameter results was impossible. ( No statistically significant increased levels of radioactivity were found for any of the parameters studied during this report period,

 -    _ - . . ~. _ . . _ _ ,               _     .          _ _ _ _ _ . -. , _ , .                           _. . . . --       ,,m         _ _. _

ff?Y q

                                                                                                                                                             .t Table'#1 a


                                     - The values are averages or all samples or the parameter taken that period.;


                                                                                                        *First Half           *Second Half                      -


                                                               -.68           1969         1970               or 1971               of 1971' p                                  --       ----         ----         -----------          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                          '----~{p5[7m3J5ross_ Beta-           0.09           0.20         0.20.                                    o.20
                                                                                                            . o.30
  • Environmental Gamma Exposure *
                          ~~~-~[TE5J-(Ef74weeki)~~~-- 9.8                     8.o          91                 95                   ~9.6 Fallout 2
                          ~~~--[5Ci/m)GrossBeta                *I . S . 20,603        12,033           18,000               113,000.


                          ~~~~ (pCi/1) Cesium 137              21             14          15                  13                   :161 (pCi/1). Iodine 131           4              4           4                   3                      4           -

(pCi/1) Strontium 90 12 11 9 9 11


Mississip i River Water

                         ~~~~~(pdi fi di5si Fita               11              9            9               _ 12                       91 River Bottom Sediment                                                                                                                 '
                         - --{p5I7EsI 5F522 feta              30             37           50                  59 47 To
                               --{pCi/gm)GrossBeta            26             h7:          54                 57-                    $6:                         ,

Well Water

                         ~'---[6E71) p    Gross Beta             5             3'           7                  5 f4' Fish

_(pC1/gm)GrossBeta - Flesh 3.5 :6.5 11 7 12.1-- 7.5' SkeletonL 4.0 25.0 111 7- 24~.1 . 16.21 ' t

  • Data collected during 1968,1969 and 1970 are concidered pre-operational and the

data under Columns "First Half of.1971 and Second Half;or.1971" is. operational.-- dj l

  • w ., ~ .i w 1,3 +-- F y r**-e

Table 2 AIP. PAICICUIATE 1971 Feriou of No. cf , _ nCi _Groer. Beta /neter} Somnline Icest3c.n Onlice' ira 3 .0 c c 1 " . <imum ' ant .um svara a Station #1 Clear lake July 4 .72 .44 .60 Subotation Aucust 5 45 .17 .27 September 4 .24 .08 .12 October 4 .03 .06 .03 llovember 5 .03 .04 .05 December 4 .09 .07 .03 Station #2 Becker July 4 78 43 .58 Substation Augunt 5 43 .17 .27 September 4 .20 .05 .12 October 4 .23 .06 .12 November 5 .06 .04 .05 December 3 .07 .07 .07 Station #3 Hasty July 4 72 52 .60 Aucunt 5 44 .16 .29 Septenber 4 .23 .06 .12 i October 4 .11 .06 .03 l'ov c nber 5 .06 .03 .04 Dccenter 4 .03 .07 .03 Station #4 Plant Site July 4 59 36 49 August 5 34 .16 .21 September 4 .20 .06 .12 October 4 .06 .03 .04 November 5 .06 .01 .03 Dacember 4 .02 .01 .02 Station #5 Otseco July 4 .64 .42 51 Aucuct 5 45 .16 .27 Scptember 3 .15 03 .11 October 3 .03 .08 .03 November 5 .07 .03 .05 December 4 .09 .07 .08 Station #6 St. ?!ichael July 4 .84 .29 59 Au:;ast 5 .43 .13 .29 Septc=ber 4 .21 .07 .12 October 4 .10 .07 .03 November 5 .07 .03 .05' December 4 .03 .07 .03 i

hble 2 i AIR PARTICU1 ATE 1971 o k" No. of rCi Cror, Beta /r.eter S r pline location Collection F .n r k r, . - . .: i F.: - tr,un / ve: rm-Station #7 Orrock July 4 .61 .47 58 Au r;u s t 5 39 .18 .26 September 4 .22 .05 .11 October 4 .09 .07 .OS November 5 .09 .03 .05 December 4 .09 .07 .03 Station #8 thple Lake July 4 .69 .60 51 Ausint 5 41 .18 .28 September .24 .03 .14 Octcber 4 .09 .07 .03 November 5 .0S .03 .05 December 4 .13 .06 .09 DeInrtment of Health July 5 56 .25 46 EvildinC Augur.t 4 30 .18 .24 September 5 .17 .07 .11 October 4 .09 .05 .07 November 4 . O P,

                                                                              . O '4       .05 December            4                 .09              .07          .03

( ' Table 3 AIR PARTICUIATE-MCimlLY COMPOSITES 1971 pCi/m3 Period Col eetion amp en 11 Ce 1 Ce IN Cs 137 Cs 131 I 9 103 Ru 1 5 95

                                                                                                 !To           Ru     7n     37 Jun           40                                            .09           (.0040                    .067         .053 Jul           32                                            .17           0.0026                    .051         .030 Aug           40                                            .11           (.0006                    .020         .009 Sep           31                                            .04           s.0005                    .016         .006 Oct           32                                            .02           s.0004                    .016         .002 fiov          32                    (.000E                  .C1  0.0001L O.UOO3 0.010 .0030 (.0004        (.0002 .002 Dec           31                  0.0006 .cl                     (.000? O.0003 (.007 .0009 0.0005         0.0007 (.00 s

all 4,

Table 4 AIRDO:C;] RADIOIODI !.; 1971 f eriort of  !!n. of nCi Iyyy/r3 S amt li n e- Inc, Lien Co' P . . i m T- H n vemre Station #1 Clear Inke July 4 ( 02 Su bsta tion Auguct 5 (.01 Septerber 4 (.01 October 4 ( 01 1:ovrd er 5 (.02 De c r r 1-c r 4 ( 01 Station #2 Becker July 4 (.02 Substation Aurant S (.01 Septe:aber 4 (.01 Oc t ci er 4 (.01

                                       !!cvt:: o o r       5       (.02 December            3      (.01 Station d3 Hasty                   July                4       (.02 Auguct               S       (.01 Sept <;ber           6       (.01 Octo'ter            4       (.01 I:overber           5       (.02 Dece ber            4       (.01 Station #4 Plant Site              July                4       (.02 Aumint              5       (.01 Septerber           4       (.01 Octobt:             4       (.01
                                        !! overt er         5       (.01 December            4       (.01 Station #5 Otsego                  July                4       ( 02 Augus t             5       (.01 September           3       (.01 October            3       (.02 November            5       (.01 Dacember            4      (.01 Station #6    St. Michael          July                 4      (.02 August               5      (.01 Septenber           4      (.01 October             4      (.01 November            5      (.02 December            4      (.01 i

Table 4 AIRBOPE RADI0IOD]!G 1971 Ieriod of  !!o. cf nCi Tyyy/n) Sw nline Inc,14 ~. CC h riinn ", m M e r,

                                               .             v e rva Station #7 Orrock            July               4          (.02 Aurmst             5          (.01 September          4          (.01 October            4          (.01 l'ovember          5          (.02 December           4          (.01 Station #8 lbple lake        July               4          (.02 Autprt             5          (.01 September          4          (.01 October            4          (.01 llovember          5          (.01 De cer.:ber        4          (.01 Composite of all Stations    July              32          (.002 Autuct            40          (.001

( September 31 (.001 0::tober 31 (.001 flovember 40 (.003 December 31 (.001 i

t " r.

                     #.     . Po    emm8888o H                H-
                                                                       $       k-   H N

w ' \O O ORAOoo e4,O s 4 ,O 8 eO. ,O 8 s to (4 w m w. CN e4 N trs ts) tA N N Ch ri Ltg it% t.t.: *) r4 ed 3 h e4 H H 1 et st a 88888 o' s AO s- to 88e


8 os o h - O tt' H e4 a m .J e4 H ' v4 5 e'N O O O H r0 A v \ tu N v


a v .- H d

                       ?                               8 9                                                         A O

0 0 0 N N

                    %                                 V n

s H tr' tt% O ttN trT O H\ rA ed r< \ v4 e4 N H v v v se v N-Q () O O O th O 4 O O O O ts \o n u Es H n**$SN RN$$

  • S


  • R~ 'ts
    .O  3k              m a2~     n ,"

r n n H e4

                    ,a      Om8 8 8 8.o8o <O     u          $s88888   tn    ' sm
                    -7 H
                            \D A N AO N                     AO A tf\

ed v4 0 O tt% O A r4 a e V H e4 85, 0 Le .W EevT8 rd CNR CO W R R-N ss AD r-4 8$$n2R9 r4 N \o tt% A Om 0 N N\ H ri O b O LTN O r4 4 V N H d O D U ed t3 C. 4) > U Ls O @ p 6 0 0 D 5 0 O U O y es H v4 c . to O ;. n  % < ta O k" A O O i M e4 O t.0 C H ri C O O v4 14 et Q< D r 4 4J d U 4 5.S .! x 8

    '!                                       Table 6 MID:

pCi/ liter Drrte of Samplinc location Cellection 137 Cc 131 I 90Sr Region #1 - North of Plant Site Dwinger 7-2?-71 31 (4 21 9-22-71 14 (4 16 10-20-71 15 (4 21 11-17-71 11 (3 24 12-16-71 10 (4 16 Kirchenbauer 7-?3-71 35 (3 25 3-13-71 ' _6 (4 6 9-22-71 23 (3 36 19-20-71 16 (5 22 3?-16-71 13 (5 15 Kiffmeyer 11-17-71 13 (4 14 Coener  ::'-10-71 16 (4 33 ( Region #2 - Southenct of Plant Site Da lman " 1^.-71 m; 16 9 Hart:1er " 2^-71 19 (3 13 9-?2-71 7 (? 10 10-?0-71 10 3 3 l'-1<-71 16 9 Schremer 11-17-71 12 3 3 Subra 2-1R-71 12 (* 5 Vandercon 7-2h-71 17 (2 7 n :?-71 c (2 h a 10 :'0-71 10 (4 3 11-1"-71 11 (5 6 12-10-71  ?' (S 6 Region $3 - Vert of Ilant Site Holland 7-2"-71 13 (h 6 b-lE-71 16 (7 6 9-??-71 1? (L 7 10-TO-71 15 -(5 g< 13-1"-71 9 ( '+ r 17-16-71 1h (4 6

b! hble 6 MII); pCi/ liter lhte of Sampling Iocation Collection IN Cs 131 I 90Sr Region #3 - cont.

              !!ophins                          7-28-71     13          (4     5 9-22-71     13          (3     6 10-20-71    14          (4     6 11-17-71    14         -(5     8 12-16-71    13          (3     7 Urich                             8-18-71     17          (4    10 Region #4 - South of Plant T ito L. Becker                        7-2 -71     23          (5     8 8-18 01     17          (3    10 9-22-73     1P.         (3     5 10-20-71     8          (4     6 11-17-71    14          (4     9 12-16-71     7          (3     5 Vetsch                           8-13-71     21          (5     9 9-22-71      9          (2     7 10-20-71     9          (3     7 11-17-71    15           (4    S 12-16-71    16           (2    9 Zachmn                           7-?2-71     15           (3    8 Elk River - Zast of Hant Site Barthel                          F-P4-71     17           (4    6-11-23-71    16           (L   12 Inkoduk                              !

S-2*-77 19 -(3 16 11-10  ; 13 (3 18 Neilson 0-24-71 21 (4 11 11-10-71 19 (3 18-Nemeth L-24-71 22 (2 14 11-1C-71 32 (4 21 i

    ']                                                 TAB 12 7 GAMM DOSAGE mr/4 weeks

f: Dtte of C'ollection e l o a a o a n a s yi p- tc i E l E d 7 I d' S. n d d i e ?$*E- i de_ l

                         .                   't-  [". __      "

d' ____9 Sta tion #1 11.0 ') . 4 10.5 99 99 10.0 9.4- 10.0 Station J2 10.1 3.5 9.8 9.5 -. - 9.6 9.5 Station #3 9.2 3.3 9.9 9.4 9.4 9.2 9.4 93 Station 04 10.1 91 9.6 10.2 92 10 3 91 97 Station #5 10.1 91 97 9.6 9.3 9.6 91 95 Station #6 10 9 9.6 10.6 10.4 10.4 - 10.4 10.4 Station #7 92 - 10.0 - 92 9.6 - 95 Station #8 10 5 9.5 10.4 10.2 10.2 10 3 9.8 10.1 ( Station #13 - - 9.5 93 9.2 9 3- 91 93 station #14 c.6 S.4 10 3 97, 10 3 9.8 10.2 9.8 Station #15 8 . '. 6.4 93 9.4 9.4 96 9.0 91 Station #16 95 8.3 9.5 9.4 91 91 8.8 91 Station #17 10.7 8.9 10.4 9.9 10.0 9.6 92 9.8 Station #18 95 90 92 9.8 97 . 9.4 4 I


       . Upstream'of Plant-                    Downstream of Plant                  St. Faul Water Intake pCi Cs-137/1         p"i Be ta /1    uCi Os-137/1     p0i Data /1    ~ pCi Cs-137/1 eCi Beta /1                                                                      _

1 -12 (2 15 (2. 18 (4

-1        12                 (2-                  11             (2 14             (2 71        10                (5                    9             (2 19             (3
-71           .8             (2                    9             (2 6             (4 fl .       17                 (2                    9             (2 13             (3 10                (2                    9             (3 11            -(2

-71 '? (2 7 3 9 (4 71 15 (3 8 (2 lo (2 -71 6 (2 '9 2 11 . (3 - 21 12 . (2 8' (2 lo' .(2 ; 71 : 7 (2 9 .. (2-10 .(5 (2 7. (2 T. 8-

                .                                                 .~

Table 8 MISSISSIPPI RIVER WATER Upstream of Plant Downst-ean of Plant 97 St. . Inul Uater Intake . Collection pCi Beta /1 pCi Cs-137/1 pC3 . eS J_

                                                                                                                 ,0i_Cs-137/1 DCi 03-13'/1 _

rCi Bet./1 9-21-71 7 (2 19-21-71 to 9-27-71 6 (2 5 (2 9-28-71 11


(2 9-28-71 to 10 4-71 6 3 7 (2

  • 10-5-71 8 (4 10-5-71 to 10-11-71 7 (2 5 4 10-12-71 8 (2
  .10-12-71 to 10-18-71        8            (2                 8            'S
 '10-19-71                                                                                        9                (2
  .10-19-71 to 10-25-71       10           .(5                 9           (h 10-26-71                                                                                       9                (2 10-26-71 to 11-1-71        10            (2                11             4 2-71                                                                                       12                 (2 11-2-71 to 11-8-71          9          '(6-                 9             7 11-9-71                                                                                        9               (6-
 '11-9-71 to 11-15-71         10            (3              10             (2 11-16-71                                                                                       8                (2 11-16-71 to 11-22-71         8            (2             .10             (2 11-23-71                                                                                        9               (3 '

11-23-71 to 11-29-71 8 (5 10 '(2 '

 '11-30-71                                                                                      13                *5 11-30-71 to :12-6-71      '11             '
                                            -3                 7          (4


                                                              '                                                O       >

Table 8

                                                ..ISSISSIPPI RIVER WA'I52                                               ,

Dov.. stream of Plant St. Isul Vater Intake .l Upstream of Plant

            ,7 pCi Beta /1    pCi Cs-1?/1   :Ci Peta _.'1   uCi Cs '37/1 Collection       pCi Beta /1  pCi Cc-137/1 11               (3 12-7-71 12-7-71 to 12-13-71      7             (3                     6            (2 9                4 12-14-71 2                    10              6 12-14-71 to 12-20-71    11 10               (2 12-21                           12             (2                    11             (2 12-21-71 to 12-27-71                                                                        6               (3 12-23-71 F
   -                                              i                                   g

Q Table 9 MISSISSIPPI RIV2R'dATCR MON 3!LY CC4! POSIES , 1 1971 I Period Upstrenn of Flant Downstream of Flant St. haul Intake Coll etion pCi 5H/1 pCi 90Sr/l pCi H/l PCi 90 Sr/l pCi H/l pCi 90Srl July 700 1.7 700 1.C 300 19 August 900 1.7 800 15 800 1.6 l September 900 1.4 1000 1.5 700 1.4 l October 1000 1.7 900 1.2 600 1.5 I November 700 1.2 500 1.0 700 0.? , December 700 2.1 600 1.9 800 1.1 1 4

        ,. 4    .. .     .  ...   .              . . _

l l y, Table 10 ] 1 IAKE WATER 1 pCi/ liter Ih te of 'Iross g.j. Sarnpline Inca t ion Collection be ta Ca bl gSr , Bass lake d-4 "1 14 (2 1000 2.0

-3G "1 11 (5 900 0.6 10-6 >l 1; (;' 900 29 10 ,' ) '1 l ~- w 600 31 11-11-71 10 (5 900- 3,o 1J-Jt,-71 12 (4 1300 59 Big lake 7-10 71 20 (2 1200 4.6
                                                        . , 4 ~ 1             lb,           (3       1100      5.2 c'-          1          1c            (2       1300       51

1 '-o '11 (2 1700 50 11-l+?1 19 (5 1400 5.3 1 -1;-71 16 4 1100 4.2 Clitty lake 7-19-71 33 (2 1200 2.2 n 4-71 12 (5 1100 2.5 9-2-71 13 (5 500 25

,                                                       10-6-71                  3E           (5       1100       4.3 11-10-71                 11            l2        400      1.7.

1?-20-71 17 (3 ?OO 4.2 Ida lake 7-19-71 21 (2 ' 00 4.4 1 4-71~

                                                                                 ?O           (1       1 00       3.5 Bertrara lake                              9         .-71           10           (?         sOO      1.6 10-6-71                  lb             A       '300      1.1 11-10-71                1;           (5        1100      13 17-2; '1                1?           (2         900      1.2 locke lake                                 7-19-71                  l'            ,2        200      19 l 71                 M            (4       1100       2.5 0-5-71                      -)        (S         900      2.5-10-6-71                 '            (2       1.~,00     2.1 11-10-71                 l-          (5         000      1.8 1~-P2-71                 11            (5        E00      0.8 Itud lake                                  " 19-71
                                                           -                     %            (2         600      2.0
                                                          ,-4-71                 4.^          (2         700      2.5 9- -71                   ~5           (3       1200      -2.1 10-6-71                 "5           (3       1200-      2.0 11-10-71                l'            (2        400      1.7 11-22-71                19           (2         600      1.7 v.

Table 11 T IAV, : L RI'ER BO'!?rH S7.DIMGTS p';i, ,n

nt e of Gross pq g g Sunlinc loca tion Onllection N ta Ce y ,,,Oc Ib Sr 9;Zr Ihas Inke ' '0-71 42 0 0" O.02 Bertram Inke 10-1-71 W 0. O. O . ~' O.20 0.04 Big Inke 10-T.-71 4? 1.10 0.06 Clitty Inke 10-i'-71 50 1.1 0. . ' O . 0 -? 0.44 9 05 locke Inke 3N1-71 47 0 0 07 Hud Inke In-1-71 76 0. ' ') 0.0; Misairsippi River-L 3 atreum 10-0-71 46 c. i (.01 4

Micrinr npi i<iver-Iu nstream 10 'f-72 l7 (.a (.01


                                             'Ihble 12 IAKE & RIVEH A'4UATIO VZGETATICN pCi/ cram Inte of      u ons    l'+ 4          1 ""7     131 I   106       o0             95 S tmnline Lom tion         Co11cetio::    Beta          re              'h             Ru    ' Sr -            Zr-Misnisnippi River-Upstream of Flant          7- % 71      110                 (0.1                          0.48 A- 19-71      52       11        (0.6         (0.2     5       0.55       -1 3 10-2-71       7Ei        5.      (0 i         (0.1     4       0 35          1.0 Misnissippi River-du.:nst. ;. n o f Plan t   7 L71        100                 (0.4                          1.10 E-lo-71       72         7       i; .;        (0.1     4      0.72          1,4 10-2 '/1      67         9          1.0       (0.2     4      0.55          19 Bass lake (p 4    - l)       b-31-71       61         5        ,'o. 4      (0.1     3       1 10         2.8 Bertram Iake                 10-1-71       54        (5       (0.2         (0.2     7       0.17         07 11-11-71     59                 :0.5         (0.6             2.10 i      Big lake                     8-24-71       80       10        (1.0         (0.2     5       4.20         2.0 10-2-71      110        (2       ( 3.2        (0.2    il      5 30 (0.4 11-11-71     117                   'J . "        .1          40.00 Clitty lake                  3-24-71       4?         6       (1.0         (0.1     3       2. 20 -- (1.0 10-2-71       97       l?           1.3       (0.1     5      5.60          2.5 11-11-71      44                              (0.2            2.00 (0.2 Locke Iake                   B-24-71       42         6       (0.5         (0.1     4      0.72          15 10-1-71       46        (3       (0.3         (0.1    (2      0 30          0.2 11-11-71      69                 (0 3          C.4             1.40 Hud lake                     3-24-71       29         9       (0.6         (0.2     4      0 58           (.4 10-1-71       51       (3        (0 3         (0.1     4      0.50-        0.8 11-11-71      24                 (0.1         (0.1            0.99
                                                                      'Ja ble 1 ~;
                                       . .,4 n,     I p.31 g.I;I
                                                                     .2          ..n,  . w s i f.;;
                                                                                  .. .i. i m. .      ..3 ,.3i..,.

s. n ;i/ . t ri,

                                    %te of                     '? r o r ~.                                     . . ,

g . Bc ' i 3 ;, ,, C" - e m /.r


S i m ril..i.n. .c Lo ca .t i on Collectice

                                                                              ._                  ----...n._
                                                                                                                         .D.u _10Pr E,tn tion v1-1400' A b ovr- Inta ke              ' -n-71                         2C )
                                       . ,: :1                      1. a
                                       -,,1                           o
                                       - I r,, ; 1
                                    . .. ; b1                       1-n p; ;1                            ' r-
                                     . . O ':1 1: ,- 1.-     1 71 10-Jc-71                          ',

Station #? - 700' Above In take 7-9-71 1M 7- '2 '?1 100

                                    ? t-y1                            7c
                                       -1o-71                         ', a

( 9-2-71 110 0-16 '/1 .r; 9 30-71 - 10-11-71 6:

                                              .. ,,                   r,..

I ,-n._,. . t.. Station #4A - Acroco From Discharre Canal 7-19-71 l'O

                                    '?- 22-71 1-19-71                            70 9 .;-71                         1. 0 9-30-71                            to 1C-1L "1                           '6 10-JJ ~1                            ~0 Upstream Compocite-Stntion J's 1, 2 and 4A                   7 n-71                                                                  0.c                0.E 1, 2 and 4A                    'J-71 5              (1.0      14         1.4     10 1 and 2                      c "-71                                                  Ti             l0.7      14        1.4        5 1, ? and 4A                   1-19-71                                                .' E           :1.0        9        ~.4       4 1, 2 and 4 A                 9-?-71                                                  20             J0."        3        1.7       7 1 and 2                      9-16-71                                               10">             (4.0      13 4         23       22 1, 2 and 4 A                 9-30-71                                                                 0.L                1.4 1, 2 and 4A                  10-14-71                                                                o.'                O.9 1, 2 and 4A                  10-23-71                                                                0.                 1.4

i l O Tab 30 13 MISSISSIi21'I H! ." i ATPACl!MD AIDA3 faije rnn _ In te of Gronn gg g _.%2 glin:- Loca tion Collce tf or Be ta Cn g,',Co g'N Sr g2r Station #9 - Oxbow 9-9-71 7'4 (2.0 (.6 7-??-71 130 43 (::.0 26 1.0 17 d-5-71 120 110 (6.0 6C 1.6 13 71 65 60 0; .0 50 0.7 12


9-2-71 l'0 19 ( ~ . ') 21 1.6 4 9-16-71 i', J,20 () O P3 1.6 4 9-30-71 51 10-14-71 71 (0.4 15 Station #3 - At Discharr,e Transect Ueot Bank 7-9-71 130 7-? 'l 9". 2- - 9;! d-l'j 'l 42 9-2-71 71 9-16-71 87 [ 9-30-71 73 10-14-71 EO 10-26-71 71 Station #3A - At Discharge 7-9-71 160 7-22-71 160 6-5-71 9 ". 8-19-71 85 G-2-71 c5 9-16-71 SS 9-30-71 77 ', 10-14-71 96-10-2S-71 93 Station #4 - At Discharge Transect Midstream 7-22-71 210 2-5-71 110 3-19-71 33 9-2-71 51 9-16-71 69 9-30-71 53 10-14-71 65 10-23-71 64 muimim musii ii . i

( Table 13 111SSISSIPPI ;'.IVER ATTACHED ALGAS pCv y; ram Da te of Gruss lu Ce 15?

                                                           '-Os 40   95 Zr Sp gling Incation Collectici.      E ta                       10"Ru ' Sr Station #5 - At Discharce Transec+

East Bank 7-??-71 l' O 6-h-71 90 c 71 5 9 '-71 110 9-16-71 106 9-30-71 56 10-14-71 (1 10-20-71 57 Station #6 - 1500' Below Diccharge West Bank 7-9-71 150 7-2?-71 120 6 t-71 76 6-19-71 45 9-2-71 110 9-16-71 71 9-30-71 59 10-14-71 74 10-2E-71 60 Station #7 - 1500' Below Discharce Midstream t'-5-71 120 0-19-71 15 9-2-71 E6 9-16-71 67 9-30-71 54 10-14-71 24 10-?3-71 Sa Station #8 - 1500' Below DiccharGe Eact Bank 7-9-71 140 7-22-71 120

                         . --5-71       ^9
                         ': .-19-71     63 0-2-71           4 9-16-71         6 9-30-71        5%

10-14-71 77 lO-2t'-71 70

Table 13 MISSISSIPII IF7SR ATTAC:iSD Alna:: r.31/ cram i Ih ta of Gross Sn :nlint* Ioca tion Oc'1Ectior .% ta 1 Ce IN Co 1 iht N Sr 95 Zr

                                                         -~.        . _ _

Sta tion #10 - 3100' Below Dir, chart e i "-9 71 1 zu 7-7 :'-71 110

                              . 71                71
                               -19 91                 -
                            ' '- : '-? 1
                               -lr-71                10'
                             ;-10-71                  c. c.

10-14-71 7-10-: J-71 S /. Sta tion #11 - 5300' Below Discharge- 71 li

                                .' n_y1               c;9
                               . 5 '11               1, n
                               -l'-?'                 7t 0-2-71                    n9 ce-16 ,;1                  ,
, ,,o.': ; e .'

Station #12 - 7600' 5 20-??


Below Discharge 10-11.-71 10-TC 91 7" Station #13 - 12000' 9-?O-71 JJ Below Discharge 10-]L-71 10-1;-71 c Composite of Trancect ant: Downstren Sta tion j'c 3,3A ,6,8,10, 611 7 a-71 T. 07 3,3A,4,5,6,8,1tL11 7-T{-71 'O . I'-

                                                                                               .       1.1    13
  ,,3A ,4 ,5,6,7, L ,10W 1 < 5 "]                                .1          (O.             Il         1.-     6
 .' ,3A ,4,5 ,6 ,7,6, re11         . 1c-71                       1/          O.                  .

1.6 4 3,3A ,4,5,6,7, .1,10: 1 ~-"'. ' ('.'.' 10 1.; 9 3,3A,4,5,6,7,E,10~'.. -1:a' 1 1. 1" 1.4 , 3,3A ,4,5,6,7,0,10,11,l' -1; o .-71 li n." 1.2 2 3,3A,4,5,6,7,c,10,ll,1 i; 10 4-71 U.< 1.0 3,3A,4,5,6,7,f,10,1:,61 10 ~-7: (0.1 1.6

4 a - -4 4 2.-..n:n- ma

( Tai'le 13 IAKS AtlD C0f:IETTF: l'ISSI.%1rTI !?] N' n?ra'%i3D AIDAE b riod

_o .C.i.n/ cram Of I'rc.c s Sampling Location 164 l 7 Ca 106 90Sr 95 3r Cn11cetf or. Me ta Du

                                                          . _..       .. - Ce lipatream of Plant             -?4-71                      C'-              N       , '.0          17          1.7      3 J -2.' -71                     6                         0.-                    2.0 Downstream of 12nnt          -?h-71                        $r               .-    Jr.a              '.        15      4' sm-71                   6-                         1.9                    23 Be rt ram Irae
                                  ~.h-71                       9' (1.0              "

4.1 # 1d-26-71 c4 (O. 2,5 Bir Inko .+'1 7;' -O 4.0 (15 h 2n-?6-71 Y;  :.0 }0.0P.O Clit ty Inke 71 110 s' PO .k.0 '14 73 4 10-26-71 'D' '. 6.4 lock' Inke -l'4-71 51 17 sG.9 G O.8 3 0-?6-71 26 J.O.4 1,3

    !!ud Inke                   , -2 4    *,'1                52               (2         0. -         ! .'      O.3     -(1
                                                                      'Ihble 14 FISH ID t
  • pCi/ cram FI'"U 8'**l** "

Sampling of O che Type 5 ~7 0s Ioca tion Collection Gross Beta Os Sr Gross Beta - Sr-l Upstream Redhorce, Cucker, 8-23-71 91 . O.5 .017 20.0 .03 .26 and Carp Carp 9-29-71 75 .07 .015 16.0 (.02' 2.4 Redhorso 12-2-71 5.3 .12 .073 24.0 1M 0,02


Walleye and Bass ' 9-10-71 8.9 .10 .004 g,3 .06 1,90 Black. Crappie 10-9-71 6.9 .Oli , cot 19,o (.09 7,oo

           ' Downstream     Redhorse            9 C-71         E.4                .00        .017        14,o        (.02         2.00 Carp                9-20-71        7.1                .06        .017        16.0        (.02         2.60 3.1                                                   (.01 Ecdhorse          2-71                           .32        .078       29 0                      0 38 Walleye and Bass '9-9-71'           7.4               .08       . 002            2.8        .o7        1 50 9-29-71        5.3                .02         .g, .          6.7        .o6        1.20 t-

Table 15 i ) CIAMS (Flesh) pCi/ cram Lute of Sam Collection Grnss Beta 737 _ __~ pling location_ _ _ _ - . . _ Cs Upstream of Plant Aufust o throurh 4.2 (.02 23, 1971 Downstream of Plant Aur>st 6 tnrouch 4 . '- (.02 9, ' 71 "dsble 16 1AKE L RIVI; AQUATIC 1NSECTS

                                                                 ..    -DC i/ ~ra:r.

sote of G una D er. ling Lorntion C-dlaction ' 'a 137 00 { Cn 132.I ' Sr sii :rinsippi Tiver - 71 6.0 (: (.4 (0.4 Upstrea~ 10-9-71 ,' . ? s/ (12 0 (1.0 Mississippi River - a-24-71 '

                                                             ..              5           (1.5        0. ?;

Downstream 10-9-71 (9 (L (3.0 0.8 Bertram lake 10-1-71 li (. (. 0.8 Clitty Iake 5-19-71 10 '+ (.9 32.0 10-2-71 N, 4 (1.' 19 0 Mud Iake 8-19-71 lho (1 (3.1 16.0 10-1-71 70 di O.0 11.0 10-26-71 99 2 25 0 d ii

Table 15 i C1/.M3 ( F'.e sh ) pC1/ cran Date of l y37 Sa_mP in e lo ca_t i o_n - Collec t i o.n G r_o_ss Be ta Cs Upstream of Plant August 9 throurh 4.' (.02 23, 1971 Downstream of Plant Augu s t 6 tnrouch 4." (.02 9, 71 S hle 16 1Ari & HI G. nQUATIC INSECTS


n::i/ ~ ram ic C+: of G i aa.a C: mr.lin:: Location CoLlaction  : *- ) 37 Cn 131 90Sr

                                                                                                                                                                                                            ' I di:. sicsir te ;.ivcr -                                                    i-?h-71                                                                 ' .L         (,                           i . ')     (0.4 Upstrer                                                                  10-9-71                                                                 :.7         s/                      (1:1 0          (1.0
               !!icsissippi Hiver -                                                      2-24-71                                                                  '
                                                                                                                                                                    ..            5                      (1.5           0.8 Downstream                                                              10-9-71                                                                 <    1       (L                        (3.0           0.8 Bertram Iake                                                               10-1-71                                                              1              ( '.                         s.          0.8 Clitty Iake                                                               3-19-71                                                             10'                2                          (.9        32.0 10-2-71 66               4                       (1.           19 0 Mud lake                                                                   B-19-71                                                            lho              (1                        C2.1          16.0 10-1-71                                                               70              M                        O.0           11.0 10-26-71                                                              99                2                                     25.0

-. . . . . . . . - _ _ _ - - . . - = - . . . _ - . . _ - - .- . . . . - . . .- . - . ~ - - . . - - s . k

          'j                                                                                                                              "'able 17 i

P19fD 7,WRATJul ' I _vaif>=. im D3tte of < rort ,'">

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~4 S n nnlin.t*         w Ioention                              Co.11.      .c e t i on                 Beta                                    17 ?n                   I*_ %            957,r
                                                                                                                            = _ _ -                      - .

_ ' . Ce Vogotation Field il '-?-71 75 ,8

                                                                                                                                                                         '                                          ~

i.' 37 "onetation Field #2 '-I-71 41 17 s.? 25 i Vegetation Tield #3 E-3-71 64 4. 3 14 ' 19 1 I Tuole 1C I ( AGRICUI.TURAL Ct!C1'S


nGi/m'ne Type Tbte of Groso _ Sample Ig Sampline Ioestion Collection '3 eta ' ~.Cn III I 903 , Potatoes Dechene Pota to Co. 8-?-71 ^9

                                                                                                                                                                        ..                    (.005                      s.004      .005 Ewing Totato Co.                                            8-?-71                               E.0                     .011=                      ' 005
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .       .004 Petercon Potato Co.                                          E-3-71                              9 2-                    .066                       :.006     .006 Soybeana                       Dochene Potato Co.                                          9-lh-71                              05                      .o30                      s 020      .075 h
     -      a-w----,,--.,-,,-e.,r-r,--               - , - - -,&,  -- ,--,--.,,-,n                  u,-nn.--.-,           w         n,,,-,,-,--,m-,          ~ , - , ,        ,--r-+      w    - - - ~ - ,     e               r -  * <          -n   -

_ . . , _ , ._ _ - _ . - _ __.. . . _ . , _.-_ _ . _ __. --._- - _ _ ._. -__-_._.____.__--.---.-.--_---_.m . .. . - . _ i i l r i hble l') l TOICOIL 6 1 pGi/cmn thte of <irconn S,meline Incation 144 137 Cn 106 90Sr 95 Collection Be ta Ce N Zr l Vegetation Field #1  ?;-J-71 60 .17 .16 Vegetation -Field #? %3-71

                                                                                                                                                                                          .??                       .16 t

Vegetation Field #3 3 3-71 02 .26 .22 Dechene 1otato Co. 3-3-71 f1 .25- (.01 (Potato Field) 9-16-71 c' 40 .19 Dechene Potato Co.  ?-3-71 3 17 4 .04 .24 1 (Soybean Field) Ewing Potato Co. B-3-71 S? .22 -.11 (Potato Field) Peterson Potato Ce. 0 % 71  % 1.1 33 3 .16- .22


t (Potato Field) 4 b

  - -        r. , , - . . , --.-              e     ,-,mann               n. .,. - - - ,, - - . . - - . ,- .       n-._--.,-..         + ,     ,.,0.       ,,-...,en,,     -N,- -.-_,v.-   nn.,,~.,  w   , , . . - - , , . + . - -

p, Table 20 () hT11 WATSR


rici/li te r Ih te of Groco Gross g pgline, location Co11cetion Alphn heta )il g Cn Sr Gauthier 7-27-71 (3  ? (3 1000 (.10 10-6-71 (4 4 (2 1300 .23 Schultz 7-27-71 (3  ? (4 700 (.10 10-6-71 s 'i 6 (5 1000 .23 Swannon 7-27-71 (3 > (7 1400 (.10 10-6-71 (4 2 (2 1300 (.14 Trunnel '/-27-71 (4 (2 (4 400 (.10 10-C-71 d. 4 (5 1100 .17 Honticello Supply 7-17-71 (4 7 (2 (200 (.10 n-1>-71 (4 4 (2 (200 (.10 9-e-71 (4 '3 (3 300 (.15 10-o-71 (5 4 (P 200 (.14 11-17-71 (3 '. (2 (200 (.10 12-ab-71 . 3 3 (200 (.10 Plant Supply #1 7-20-71 6 R (2 200 (.10 L-17-71 G 4 G 400 (.1? 9-2-71 (4 _'> (2 300 (.13 10-6-71 (5 o (2 700 (.12 11-17-71 U- 4 (2 600 (.10 l'lant Supply ,/2 7-20-71 +4 S (5 (200 (.10 5-17-71 (0 6 e r,

                                                                                                  ?00                      i.11 9-J-71           (h         7           (2      600                      (.12 10-6-71          ( r,                    'r-C                   700                      (.13 11-17-71         (3         h           (5      300                       (.10 12-2?-71         (3           3          (2     400                       (.10
  ---w- - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - , -                       , - , - - - , - - , , _            -           . , , - - , - - - - , - - . - - - , - - , - - , - - - - , - . - - - - , - - - - - , . , - - - - , - - , - - - - - - - - , - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - -                                          - - , - , - _ _ - - -                   - - - - - -
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               .{           Vll. CHAfGES, TESTS and EN)ERIMENTS 1

This section describos plant modi fications and special tests performed , during the past year. However, several major items (such as the removal of torus baffles, extension of relief valve discharge lines, main steam flow restrictor codifications, and testing of the flow restrictors at greater than rated flow) which have boon previously covored in separate ' reports to the AEC, are ret included. Instellation of Banana Pluvn and Perentnelnn for tha Sienm leak Dniection System hmrerature Swi_tchen nssocinipd wi th the HPCI Svsiem (16 swi tchen). . RCIC Svntem (16 swi t ches) and the Main Steam Lire (16 twi tches). The 48 steam leak detection temperature cwitches wore ori Ci nally connected to local wiring by ccans of twist-on wire nuts. Each tice the switches were removed for calibration, a portion of the connecting wi res was removed. To make the swi tches nore casily removable the wiro nut connectors have been replaced wi th in lino banana plugs and recepincles. Af ter the plugs and receptacles were installed the proper reactor protection response to a high tonporature was verified for all temperature switches. Inniallation of Vacoon Breaker nn the lnw Prsnore Side of the Reactor Vessel Vent t ine io Clor,ed Radwnsic

          .(                       A vacuum breaker was installed between the reach                  vossel vent valve (XDV-3) and the drywell equipment drain sump to prevent irmation of a water seal in the drain lino which would result in a vacuurn in the vessel when the vessel is cooled below 212 F. (See figure 1) Ine vacuum breaker is jocated after the two isola-lion valves on the vessel vent line.

Pprount HPCI Svr, inn i ovel Swi t chen 23-9] A and ?3 91B - The lovel switches which transfer the HPCI system suction to the torus on high torus water level were relocated from the ~ iorus to the adjacent concrete wall to prevent spurrious trips caused by torus vibration. An ori fice was also installed in the lower sensing line to damp out vibration induced-waves in the torus. (See figure 2) s Core Sorav Svsiem I n innt inn Valven - 450 r si- Intei leck The control logic for the Core Spray System injection valves (MD _1751 and MD 1753 in "A" loop and LO 1752 and M3 1754 in'B" loop) was codi fied .to permit single . valve operability tests wi th reactor pressure below-450 psi. The original valvo control ~circui t would open both valves when the inboard isolation. valve control switch was operated with reactor pressure below 450. psi. The control circuit- chango consisted of removing wires- from the inboard isolation valves control switches (M)-1751 and u]-1732) contacts 2_and 2T which e~nergized the Valve Open' Permissive relay (14A-K13A) when reactor _ pressure was ' greater than 450 psi. This opened both -the inboard and outboard isolation valves foro the ( affected Core Spray System ( See . figure 3). With the above change' completed, the valves can be opened, one at' a time, through the 1 and IT contacts of-- 4w-,.p-we '-

                  ++-vo-+            -

ee-,-r - e,,-.e-- ww e ---m-e 1-s w '-a- =-w- -e%=----- , w e. -+-e1 e, ---n , e vb

i , thei r control recpecti ve swi tches. The operation of the valvo control I ci rcui ts during automatic core spray ini tiation is unaf f ected. I PCIC Svetem f rhausi Pinino Vv uum Breaker Installation i A solenoid operated vacuum breaker was installed on the exhaust piping of the i 4, RCIC turbine to provent a steaVwater ha rwr in the steam exhaust piping l af ter system chutdown. T he stendwater hamwr was caused by condensing the I recidual steam in the exha ssi line after the turbine chuidawn, and thereby I drao ng torus waior into the evacuated exhauci lino. When - t he sys tem is shut-down and steam supply valve W 2079 is cloned, the vacuum breaker opens for .l three minutes to br eak vacuum in the s team whaust piping (Sco figure 4). The vacuum breaker colonoid valvo is de operated from the 125 V DC battery supply system. lhis permi ts valve operation durine locu of of f si te power i and is concibient wi t h iho PCIC electri cal desivo phi lorophy, t ipon lecc of power or colonoi d f ailurn (open ci rcui t) the valvo fails closed. i f the vacuum breaker solenoid valvos should f ail open during RCIC operation, a small amount of exhaust s team, at 8 pcip, could be diccharged to the RCIC ' room ainosphnre. P ri mary _ con t ai nnoni integrity would still be satisfied as thoro are two check valvec on the hCIC turbine exhausi line before it enters the to rus. The escapine ninam would be cr;ni tored by the reactor building exhauci plenum radi at ion noni tors. 1 ho s team leak de tect ion alarm and isolation temperaturo switchen, located approximately eight feet above the i vacuum breaker line would alarm at 175 F and thui t he PCIC cteam cupply - [ valves at 200" f. fAisture Sennraior c ont rol s vs4m %di fi raf ien The moisture separator level control system was rodi find to automatically. open the reisture Leparator drain tank dump valvec to prevent iurbine trip and subcequent reactor sr. ram caused by high noisture separator water level. The changeo listed below were made to all four noisture separator level cont rol cyctems See f igures 5a and 5b).

1. An instiurnntat ion standpipe was installed to' cover iho range of the troisturo coparator drain tank hi hC water level alarm and the rmsi ture
                                         -separator hich water level turbine lockout relay trip.
2. A ten second delay was added to the moisture separator high water level trip.- i
3. The second set of contacts for the reisture separatoi high water level ,

swi;tch was connected to open the moisture separator drain tank dump valvo. 4 The moisturo separator drain tank high water level. alarm swiich was connected to open the reisture separator drain tank dump valve.

5. - A di f ferential- pressure switch was installed between the top of the noisture ceparator and the top of the moisture separator drain tank.

The swi tch trips the rmisture separator drain tank . dump valve when _

 !                                         high pressure in the drain tank cauces water to backup into the
       . . ,. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . , - _ . . - . _ . _ . . . . . _ _ _                             _ , _ . _ _ . _ . _ ~ , _ ~ _ _ - . _ .., _

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the roisture separator.  ! l The offect of thoso changes was to make the moisture separator level control -i system more responsive to sudden plant power levol transients. l Pressure Wave Sonnere on Unin Steam Line Six pressure sonsors were torporarily added to the main steam lines betwoon - iho fEIV's and the turbino control valves .to coasure proccure variations, ' during plant iransients. Pressure sentors woro added as shown in figure 6 . 1ho instrucentation was rorreved at the comploiton of the startup test  ! program. Modification nf the Peactor Perirculation Pumnc Seal Svn tem - , i The reactor reci rculation pucp seal syciems were nodi fied in prevent thermal chockine the seals following pump trips with the reactor at rated tecperature. iwo modi f i cat ions were made:

1) An ai r eparated shutof f valve was installed in the reci rculation pump ,

controlled seal leakof f line. The valvo will automatically close on , purp trip and thus provent hot reactor water from being forced through thu seals. ,

2) A continuous seal injection system was installed to provide a cooling ..

water cupply to .the lower seal cavity. The injection system is supplied-f rom the Cont rol Rod Drivo Hydraulic System (Sco figure 7). , The air operated shutoff valvo was desirned to~ fail open on loss of air . a pressure and loss of elect rical power, thereby' atsuring. continued seal cooling - and lubrication. With a recire pump isolated, the seal injecijon system could pressurire the pump casing and the piping between the isolation valves. Relief valvos have therefore been provided in each seal injaction line. .  ; Connections are provided for leak rate testinc the check valves on either side of primary containnnnt. Preseure 6dule Conne-tions 40 Reactor Pressure i nst rument at ion s A torporary pressure module was tapped into Eei ht existing reactor instru-nentation lines. The purpoco of the redule, consisting of two pressure , di f ferential t ransmi t ters and associated valving, was to measure pressure.- drops -in the :reci rculation system not measured with existing plant instru-montation. . The following instrurrent lines were Liapped: insi rurent t.ine - P ress4r_9 DPl.2-111B(low) Reci rc Pump Suct ion - DPT 2-1118 (high) Reci rc Pump Discharge DPIS 2-129 A (low) Jet Punp_ End Riser DPl 2-3-65 (low) Downcorror r ee M- f +a-. . n-.+ 4rs % s w- . , me.. na-=-a m m . .r v . e - e--m e w T ' v- 9 Fr tC 4YWV'T'Mv=N9 pbFw'PF-*f rW' W Vr' y T -$'4W ~&"*fyy-' 'N' 7=PW D'W 'F e T PT **I'-F'**

  • 7 7-N*' U-'t

i l I ns t ronent L i ne Pressure DPT 2-3-62 (high) Below Core Plate IPT 2-3-62 (low) Above Core Plant i DPIS 14-43 A Core Spray Sparger . DPIS 2-129 C (low) Jet Purp Middle Riser The pressure module connections were recoved af ter the conpletion of the startup test program. RCIC and HPCI Systems Centrol Ci rcui t Wdi fication T he RCIC and HPCI systenc cont rol ci rcui ts were nodi fied to automatically perform the following whenever the respective steam admission valves are opened (See figure B):

1) Close the steamline drain valves, CV 2046 A and B for the HPCI system and CV 2082 A and B for the RCIC system.
2) Transfer the condensate pump discharco from closed radwaste to the renpec t i ve RCI C or HPCI punp suc* ion by closing CV 2394 A and B for the HPCI sys tern and CV 2898 and CV 2899 for the RCIC system. ,

Prior to this chance the above operations were perfortnod automatically only , when the systems were automati cally ini tiated. During the manual mode of (, operation of the systemo, the operations had to be perforned manually. The chances do not af fect the automatic operation of the HPCI and PClO systems. Poactor Relief Valven Lbdi ficat ions The reactor relief valves (4 valves) were rodified to decrease the closing line of the valve and to reduce the pressure reset band. The change involved increasing the sire of the ori fices in the second stage and main pistons. Tho work was performed under the direction of a Manufacturers representative. The change does not al ter the relief setpoint. Wdi fi ent ion of t he Re-i rculat ion Svsien of t he Reactor feedwaier Porqq - The reactor feedwater pumps recirculation system was modified to provide greater recirculation flow and better control. The recirculation lines were increased from 6" to 8" to provide a higher minimum flow. The size of the holes in the recirculation spargers in the condenser were increased from 3/8" to 1/2" to accommodate the higher flow rate. New flow control valves _ and associated controls were installed in the recirculation lines to replace the on-off type originally supplied. The controllers in the recirculation line now have proportional band and reset and are set to- control total flow through each pump at a mininum of- 3000 gpm. The new reci rcula' tion control valves are of the " drag" type and take the full pressure drop. The restriction - t- ori fices provided wi th the original system were removed. A start permissive interlock was added which recpi res that the reci rculation valve be-open- before the associ ated feedwater punp can be started.

5 (O Modi fication of the Resetor Peei rculation System Valves Closinn Control Circui t

  '     The closing circuit for reactor reci rculation system valves (pump suction, discharge, discharge bypass and loop cross tie) was modified to prevent over-torg;ing the valves into the seat (which can later result in failure of the valves to open). The contact in parallel with the torque swi tch was changed from a contact which is closed for $ of the closing stroke to a contact which is closed for 9% of the closine stroke (See fig ~ure 9). T he contact opens at 9% of the closing stre'<e aliowing the valve to torque into the seat. Permval of the torque swi tch from the closing ci rcuit during 9 % of iravel allows the torgm swi tch set t inr to be maintained at a low value, just suf ficient for proper valve seating. Previously, it was necessary to set the torque swi tches high enough for the normal fluctuation in torque that               -

occurs during the valve st roke. Upon receipt of an LPCl initiation; the reca re system valves must close to properly select the injection loop. 1 he modi fi cat ion to ihe valves p rovi des p reater reli abi1iiy. T he valve trotor overload c.ontacts are the only contacts which can interrupt the closing sienal.

  • Modi fi cat ion o f the Sc r am Din harre Volum T he scram discharge volum was increased to provide 3.34 gallons of f ree volume available per drive (405 gal) during a reactor scram. T his modi fi-cation was made to provide addi tional marcin to acconrnodate the normal over-piston water during a scram plus stop-piston seal leakaEe. As the
  !     CRD mechanism stop piston seals wear wi th drive use, the leakage of reactor water across these seals during a scram increases. T he increased scram discharc,e volone will accennodate the normal scram water f rom a CRD plus the maximum stop piston seal Icakage with which a drive would still be operational.

Addi tion of Pulsniion Snubbers in t he Sens i nn L i ne o f t he Mai n S t eaml i ne - Hinh flow isolation Swiiches - The senuing liries of the sixteen main steamline high flow switches (DPlS 2-116 A thru D, 2-117 A thru D, 2-118 A thru D, and 2-119 A thru D) were fi t ted wi th sel f cleani ng, pi n-type, pressure snubbers to reduce the di fferential pressure fluctuations observed during power operation. The snubbers are located between the di fferential pressure swi tch and the associated instrument valve mani fold such that the snubbers are included each tim pressure is applied to the instrument for test and/or calibration. Following snubber installation,

  1. all of the instrument sensing lines were tested by applying pressure di rectly to the lines while verifying movement of the instrument pointer to insure that the snubbers did not block the sensing lines.

Deletion of SBGT Heater SCR Cont rol Ci rcui t rv To provide more reliable operation of SBUTS air heaters E-34A-1 and E-34B-1, the heater SCR cont rol ci rcui try was replaced wi th contactors which energize the electric heaters when the proper mininum flow has been detected by the existing flow switch (See figure 10). Previous experience had shown that . (~ the heater SCR control ci rcuit was not needed since full power to the heaters is requi red to maintain adequate heating of the incoming gas.

 ._     . -- _. - .     - . - -          - -              - - - - - - -                             _ -   -      - - - --       ~ - . _ -


                                                                                -   6-b   

tbdifications of the Off-Gas t con Seal and Leon Seal isolation Valve CV-1534 Control Ci rcui t A level switch was added to the of f gas loop seal to close the loop seal isolation valve (CV-1534) on loss of the water seal, Also a manual switch was added to allow the control room operator to manually close the loop seal isolation valve. (See firures 11 and 12) The addi tion of the level swi tch and the manual control swi tch does not affect t he operation of the isolation loEi c from the Of f-Gas radiation coni tors. If CV 1534 fails in the closed posi tion, water will collect slowly in the off gas line, giving the operator amp l e t i re t o t ake co r rec t i ve ac t i on. I f the level switch fails to trip on low level in the loop seal, CV 1534 can still be closed using the handswi tch. A.i r Fjec4 c r Steam Pressure Coqtrol Valves Interlock with Air Ejector Suction Isot at ion Swii r h m-10M An interlock was provi ded on control room swi tch HS 1084 ( Ai r Ejector Suction isolation) which pariially closes the air ejector steam supply valves (PCV-1242 and PCV-1243) when the swi tch is in the CLUMD position (See figure 13). This interlock was added to provide a coans for preventing a sudden air ejector flow surge when the main s team lines are repressurized following an isolation. Prevention of air ejector flow surges insures that the water loop seal on the of f-gas discharge line is maintained. Wi th the ai r ejector steam supply ( valves partially closed, the surge in ai r ejector steam flow which occurs i f the main steamlines are rapidly repressurized is not great enough to' cause loss of the loop seal. Installat ion of a Swi t ch to Byoass t he "R IN " ode" Interlock on the Primarv Cnniainmnni Puron and Vent Valves A key locked swi tch was installed to bypass the "RUN Abdo" interlock on the primary containnent purge snd vent valves, A0 2377, A0 2378, A0 2381, AD 2393 and A0 2396. T hose val ves are no rmal l y i n te r l ocked wi th t he mode swi t ch such that they cannoi be opened when the reactor is in the ION Mode (See Iigure 14). Open i ng o f t hese val ves i s necessar y fo r a ne r t i ng o r de-i ne r t i ng. T he bypass w i l l be used onl y when i nc rii ng o r de-i ne rt i ng the p ri mary con t ai nmen t , ii in no way af fects a group 2 isolation signal to the purge and vent valves. L'odi ficat ion o f t he Ron 4cr Peri rculat ion Svntem Crnss T io Val ves f.0-65A and B Onenino Circuli T he l' seal-in" contacts- we re - removed - from - t he openi ng ci rcui ts o f tho' reacto r reci rculation sys tem crosa t ie valves LO-65A and f.0-65B. _ l his allows the operator to open the valves in small increments and thereby prevent sudden now i nc reases. The LPCI System interlocks to the cross-tie valves are not affected by this i I mo di fi ca t i on. l l l-I i

                                       .*-w     w - m --           ww ,     -   vm,   w r-emt       . - -      ,     y -    e--  r    --- --yw---y*
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                  . lj                                                                                                                                i
                  .g                                                                                    ,            t                                                                                                                                 i r               d Addition of Test Jacks to Plant Instrurents 4

Test jacks were added to plant instrumentation associated with the reactor s protection system and emorgency core cooling system to facilitate testing and calibration. The test jacks are wired in parallel with switch contacts and are mounted on local junction boxes to provide access during testing. i All of the test jacks are capped when not in use and are identified with permanently rmunted tags inscribed with the associated instrurent and switch numbers. Test jacks were provided for the instruments listed in Table 1. Addi t ional Peactor l evel i ns t rocen t a t i on ' Addi tional tecporary reactor level inst rurrentation was added to existing plant inst rumen tat ion to allow test ing of a prototype water level trans-mitter. The prototype level t ransmi t ter was installed in parallel wi th feednoter Control System level t r ansmi t ter 6-528. A di f ferential pressure transmitter was installed in parallel wi th level ins trucent Lils 2-3-598 to coni tor the Varway level column di f ferential. T he ou tpu t o f t he t wo addi tional level instronents is sent to a high speed six channel recorder (See F igures 15 and 16). The instruments will be removed at the conclusion of the test. Addi t ion o f a Senl-I n Ci rcui t for the Ai r E incier Suction Valves isolation (


Cootrol Circuiis A seal-in ci rcuii was added to the at r ejector suction valves isolation ' control circuii. T he modi fication included the addition of a GE HFA relay at cont rol room panel C-07, and the addi t ion of a reset pushbu tton on the bench board of C-07 (See figure 17). The operator must now manually reset the isolation after the ini tiating signals are cleared. An annunciator (7013) is used to alarm the scal-in condi tion. The addi tional components are highly reliable and are the same type as those used in the reactor protection system. Beactor Building Vent fan Indication Additional indi cat i ng lights for reactor building vent fans were provided on the control room and local panels. The original design did not provide indication for vent fans that were t ripped by local magnetic contactors. - Red indicatine light were added for the following uni ts: V-AC-10A V-AC-10B V-AH-4A V-AH-4B V-Ef-24 V-Ef-28 V-Ef-10 Core flow Dist ri bu t ion Measurenonis following fuel loading and prior to installation of the vessel head, the t flow dist ribution through selected fuel assemblies was measured. T he flow test was con 8 acted at atmospheri c pressure 'and ambient temperature. Individual fuel bundle flow at the exi t of the selected fuel bundles located symmet rically in the inner zone of the core was measured with a specially fabricated flow-

               ,_      - , _ _                _ _ _ _ _                -4    ._   , , _ . . . _


         . )                                                                                                                                     1
         ':                                                                     -8                                                              i
        .i fl l        4
                                                                                                                                            'i measurin8 device.

Flow distributions for three core flow rates with syrmetric operation of  ; the recirculation pumps were determined, A corrplete description of the ' test and test results is given in General Electric Licensing Topical Report titled " Core Flow Distribution in a flodern Boiling' Water Reactor as measured. in f.bnticello ( NEDO-10299)." . (,

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    .                                            From Reactor Vessel Vent 1

Change Vacutn Orcaker [ N M - XDV-2 XDV-3 c cs k A k A VM VN CV 2371 CV 237'? n To Drywell Equipment Drain Sump Intiallation of Vacuum Breaker on the Low Pressure Side of the Reactor Vessel Vent figure 1 (

O Concret e Wnll

       /                 x                                                x
       / BracinC 1

(5)23-91 A (1)23-91B fj]{S

   !                                                                           LB T    s 23-91 A (b)23-9

(' ] , NN


1/8" Or i fice

          /         Revised installat ion                        Oripinal Installation

/ Rmount of HPCI Systm Level Switches . Figure 2

4 Contacts close when any one , of three feeder breakers to Core Spray Punp Motor bus i s elo +d. ( 14A-K4A 14A-K3A 2T Core Spray Inboard injection


I ^ ~"c. I g Valve Cont r ol Switch Contact s Contacto closed 7 clored when cwitch in cloced. when voling,e available at f Core Spr ay Punp Motor bus. , Runoved 14A-K10A Contact s clot,e< on Core Sprny Aut unat ic --


Initiation ( Cor tacis close when reactor pressure __450 pci. 14A-K9A __ 14A-K9B__ e 14A-K13A , Core Spray injection Valvec

                                                                                             % Open helay (opens inboar d and ouiboard injection va l vo r.) .

e Core Spray injection valven - 60 psi' Interlock figure 3

       ,                                           e ..       .
      ;                                                                                                                                      2
                              ,j                l.
                              ..l          ,
     , .                    ; i            ,.

[ l. Steam

                                       ,                                                                    PS17-3"ED                   Supply
    . ,i '              r,              '


    .i,                    .            ,,

i **

    .                          .                                                                                                f.O 2078
                               ,. ,L                                                                                        h-f                               !                                                                      %         c          d for!

3 rni n,

                                   }                                                                                f.0 2078afterl is     Piping

[~, RCIC Pump closed. l Chance

                                   !                                                   Drive Turbine             -
                                                                                                              =*                         A

{ j Vacuan Breaker utoan Solenoid Exhaunt va}ve in Tnrg, r19 p our i < 0

                                                                              \,ncoun B.reaknr Conn rtion .

PS 13-720 BB-FI-2 lF 4 l Contacts Close Cont ac i t, _. ._ V hen TDPU relay 125 VDn" close wha -

                                                                                                                       '""'C' " S*
                                                                                  .'.0  207 ' i <                  M 150 nec. TD close cloned.                             before drop out.

V coun breaker BB-FA-2 p._3pg Polav [ valve solenoid [Feir ient Chwo n RCIC Eynten Exhaunt Piping Vacuuta Breaker i Figure 4 T

I ( ..I l I I Moisture Separator fliph Level ,286/T Moi st ur e i Separator () J Trip of T ur b i no Lockout Relvy Moisture Separator Drain Tank tiigh Moisture Level Alarrn c j

   ,l                                                               e arator                               i            ,-            ,'         y
                                                                    '"I"                                                                                     ?

Dump Valve ak Cor traller Control Valve i T Cont r oller i

                                                                                                                                                             , e T

j # T LX Dump Valve (to condenser) Cont rol . Valve v;. (to HIP hnaler) L'><1

                                            .,                                                          ./

LOlt,TURE SEP ARATOR COf4 TROL SYSTEV (Or iginal) Figure Sa.

[ ' 'Poisturo Sep:rctor - Moisturo Separcier Drain Tonk i' Diffcrentict Pressure switch. Opens dunp valve on

                                    ..I' ,High Differential prescure.

c _ .__ ._._ ___ __ q l 1 I l 1 Moisture l Seporaior g f/oisiure Sep , l High Level l switch opent, 286/T l dump valve

                           ;                      and trips                                                                                                                                                   I g                      Tur bi ne                                                                                                                                                    l Lockout Fela-                                                                                                                                               l t          <            (10 sec.                                                                                                                                                    l r"                      time delay                                                                                                                                                  l 1                       on turbine I                       trip)                                                                                                                                                        I I

I l Moicture Sep

                           ;                       Drain Tank                 -u-High Level                                                                                                                                                   l I-        S            Switch Alarno                                                  ,.                                                                                            l I                      an4 opent, Dump                                           ,jj           Q         ,I                    ,,           ,,             ,            ,,

l (. l vaiv . I Drain I l gg Dum Valve Solenoid de- l C ont r all er energizes to Control i I t r i p dump i- - l Valve i-4 i valve NE l Contrall er h[i^" h - l ['T ,__J I

                              !                                                                                                                                                         l
                                                                                                         ~~~           -

l , l x V l Dunp Valve l l (to condenser ) I I L _ _ _ _ _ __ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ J Y Control Valve (to HIP heater) r>c d'

                                                                                                                           ,;>                       ,;,             ,n           ,;,                  ,,


r (s) . 1

  • i 1

18" Main Steamline D 18" Main Sicamline C _. 1 R" Ma i n Si naml i ne B 1R" Main Stramilne 's To PT 1176 i

                                                    ,                                                                        T mporary P r ecsur e f                                                          '

Sensors O Ps 2-134 D { , To PT 5300 0 X C D U

                                                   .                                                                                     ()  (~) () ().Turb.ine Ten porary Pr escure
                                                   '                                               O                   X                                cieg        sen - e PT 1209                                               Y IV*S 0                          () O () ()Torbine
                                                              ,                                            Temporary                                    Control Pressure        l                            Valves Sensors 4


                                          .l.    ,_                                  .


i from Control Rod Dr ive Ptrnp X X lo Recire Pump #11 flow Reducer Flow O Indicatoi p/' Relief gValve Ox Pr essur e Indicator v ( '; X ORW r- N Containment

        '._                                                 Penetration To Recire Punp
                                                                     #12 Lower Seal Reactor Recirculation Purp Seal inject ion Systm Figure 7 i


If I




f I l t

      !                 Clor,es on
  • Closes or. hich Primar y Low Reactor - Contairr,ent Prec1ure Water Level _ '

2 3 A-K. , 3 A 4B L coa l I r. 23A-K2 a 23A-??1 7 csei 3 f ( >23A-K23 Hel y Energizes i Close CV 2046A e B and CV 2394A & B Original Control Circuit ( . O LS-2 __ "0-2036 Contacin close when Stea- > Admission Valve is fully open. 23A-K7 %RelayEnerrizectoCloce CV 2046A 3 B and CV 2394A & B y 4

                                                'todi fi ed Control Cir cuit HPCl Systm Control Circuit Chances

( '( i (Identical changes were made in F.ClO Control Circuit) 1 -- fic,ure ?

                                  .                ,. +-       ,, -                               ,-.. --n_-

e ____J2 +~ H +. e a . , . a4 i.- . . .: 4 h 9.. 1. . i L - 9Y f Contaci originally used was closed i-for the first 5% valse travel Torque .. ,st Chanced to Contact which is closed Switch t -- for the firsi 95% valve travel o 1


For Valve Logic details see Elem. Dia. 750E166, Sh. 6-es

                                                   --    U 0


                                                   #k,-f'-Closing Coil 0.L.

N ,, 4 Modifications to Reactor Recirculation Systnm Valves UC-53A et 8 43A & B, 54A 3 8 and 65A & B 3 E i figure 9 l

          )                     l-l l!

f, p, - 4 .


j 480 V, : pha se i *

         !                      ,                                                         I l                                                                   SCR 4
t. Stari Relay Cont,v it, 20 KW Closes when flow i t.

established and trnp. / Heater WW. is below 180 F 1 i. Di f fer- 1i

            ,                               ential 1

T unp. j Controll4 7 n e To 1 To Conrnon Ground Original Air Heder 9CR Control Circuit FO V, 3 phat.c To g Ground

R,  :: R, ;Z 3 $ Contactor
                                                                    .:. -                          CoiI g                           - To
                                                                                %                          Conwnon
                                                                / hnk.. L,N Stari Relay Contactc i l l1                                                   -

l flodified Air Heater SCR Control Cirquil F igur e 10 ( o

                =9 ia OG'i - 6" - ED
              . To       -+-.-

Stack 7 --------_7 CV 1534 <1 DlL -- 1 1/2" - HC D><3 3 c I l I Change j

                                                                          <                              l (l

L. 12 5" t I 5 l i  ;

        !                         f l

l CRW li " N iI n t; 4" Y__J-

        !           n_                            r                       e 4.


                         /////                         / / / / / / //


      ]                                      Off-Gas Loop Seal Level Switch
F igure 11 i-t a  !

_ 41 ._ ._ ___ _ __ _%.. . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ _ _._ _ _ . . . _ _ . . , . _ ._,_y

                                                                                                                                                ,           7,     .
                                                                                                                                                            ,              t    *,!- ,.                    . .    !.
i. j , m ' ._ :. ' .

9-10 9-2 9-10 i J

                                                                                                                                                                                             " ~

AA-46 17A-55 AA-40 Change  ! .' ' ! 2 l

                                                                                                                                                                     .                                       .9 g;                                                             -                                                         -- _;                . _ _ .

Q( N is , G .' :> 3 _ . - ' s u  ;

                                                                     -                                                                                                                                            I r-- - - - - - - - - - i                                           9-1Q                                   Local                                                I                            i l             , . .                    1                           H5          __           _               LS                                                                             i iImer l                                 /

I , / I / - l 4I / l O 3 ll 0j l e' ( W' 9 -10._ 9-10 i


9-10 Aa-44 AA-49 AA-47 l

                      'I I

I i l g

                                              ,i i iI SV 1534            SV 1928                 SV 2353 1

I Closes 0-15 -ir. I j af ter clutch energizes

  .9                                                           l 8'                     !      9                          10 n l ec-e                   %                l n                                                                        e

~~ 7 5 I Clutch w I

u. - x l e e' O L h a o .- l T P_ C - I c cx l c> 6 258-? '-

R- hy , 3 I I L_ _ _ _ _____ _ _._ ___ _J 9_) g f7- 57 M difi ations to the Off-Gas Loop Seal isolation V Ive Control Circuit

           --.      17A-F3 L                  -I N                                                                                                  Figure 12 120 V 60 Hz Vital AC Bus


        ~                                                      m                                              #


                                                                                                                                        .l .:

i . 4 Charge To No. 12' Air Ejector C07 Syctem HS 10F4 T( Air Ejector f) _ Suetion Sepply

             'm PC .                                          $
                                                              -la Valves 12 2
                  -"                            "                J              ressur e Regulator "V-12'2' !.p..

4  ;} h/S-

                . W(a .f                        I d


                                        .w           l F.0,                =;        ,P  ,;-

rN N 2ain Stea: Supply. to: Air Ejectors

-(Schbatic Shown ForL No.11--- Air. Ejector System Only)'

j Modificationsfio: Air' Ejector Pressure Control. Systems - i Figure 13 1

m ' 1 . Q t

                                                                                                             .     ,   i 4     -
                                                                                                                               -   =
                                                                                                                         ~   ~

Group 11 Isolation - Logic Open in fiun IJode EE-23 16A~K41 C04 EE-22 r ii e, y To Pilot Solenoids for C04 _ . . . 1_ . _ A023;1, A02375, A02336 y Key Locked Switch ed A0 2323 or C04 I--l -

                           ! 'o   l2c. I g                                                     Cha oe' t_ _ _ J
                            ~Bgass/wr: al
                                     - - - - - - - - - - . _ . . _ _ _ . . - ~ ,      j KK-36\-

C04 if Tc Pilot Scleroid 16AbK33 KK-3a for A0 2377 Open in C04 Pun " ode Grcup i1 isolation Logic installation of Key Lock Bypass Switch Figure 14 -

l~ (.. f }'

                                                                                                  ..                                                                     ,.        .[WQ                                    _
                                                            .                                                                                                                                   ..                           . .e     1 it-                                                                                                                                                                       ,                                .I b
                        , CONDENSING                                                                                                                          -

2 1 . CH AM B ER ' ,

             .              Co                                                                                                                                                                                                L[:.   '

LT LI T dh, -- 86

  • N11 A N11B. #

O O. Co-5 C -5 - 2-3-2A 2-3-2B L1 L1

         .         F--86A                                                                                                                         033 ~ ~ - ~ ~ l i                                                   ^

I l' ~ l i GEARC

                                                                                                                                                                                   .I; LITS        LIS'         LIS        LIS        Lis       2- 3-3 A               2-3-3B        Ll3       LIS-        LIS      __LI S . LITS ._ i_j l                           A PT:          ,_.

59A 57A 578 12A 72C, 723 72D 56A B' 59B 8-


- 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    'g                  l
                                                                                                                                                  ,.-%_                                                           :    f-Lo'             --       '

Co -5 ~ - -. i. tg LT LT Li  ! G-52

                                                                                                                                                    *h "                              '.

6-94-- -- E-94 i i 6-52/{ g 9: es i e  :

                                                                                ' N12A        -U12B                                                                                                                                 2 Siy-Channel'-                                    F
High Speed

.. . Co-3 Co Re'co rde r - l- LITS Li- LI- -- LITS y l ': 73A 9tA 73B 4 9IB '




Insirumenis Added dPk 'O ~ i  : r 65f-- 93 .. 4 o 9  : RX NESSELLLEVEL INSTRUMENTATION 2 .

                                   .            .       1               ..           . rieurti s .-
                                                                                                            .                      .                            ,      L             ;.: 1              .


f m-O. Q' . y Rack. Isolation Valves-- y i v s

       'ib i5 e e
                       ,,                                            Q~

h% T s

                     'I I '

Added GE/MAC ldPT Transmitter  !; i I

                                                                     ;         i j                                      ,

t -

                                                                               '       To              '

i 1 D PT6- 533 ,

                                                                    .i        _     ,
                                                                                                +      w       +
                            '                                                      ?                  cea LITS 2-3-59B                              1' -

i l- _ *. 1 r: I t

                                -                                    L >-

i i

                   ..     ..t                                            LT                                  \
                      <,                                            G-528-BARTON L
                   '* 4                                                                          \

22 fl. Js


Instrument Calibration Taps Temporary Reactor Level I nst rtrnentat ion -

                                                    . Figure 16~.

( h _.q_..______ _ _ - _. . - _ _ _ . . _ __ , , _ _ _ _ _ . _ , , t

              ?-                                          =

G a m a a n'~ ,_

TS 1918 : PS 1920  :: TS 1919  :- HS 1033 -
     -        m                             m
                                                                                        .                                                         e Z.2
                                                                      ,Kxsoal-inj                                            - 34S 10c Z;?S1920Z 3519192:P51921 :: T31919_~ _P51921-m31921                                                    2'_P31176                                   -

r _ Kx o Kx o l ( } = = a+: u e u

                                                                                    /                       e                -

f Change Kx c a c a 14 M" O [fi31 - 3A 9151439_.3fl51?2A"__9GIMB


o-b o-9 op p3 1 __- PB Reset 2 k 2 >V10'3A LV1043 SV104A/SV10948

                                                                                                                  -             -               J 7

Alarm 7813 8 ;- Kx Air Ejector Valves Suction isolation Seal-In Circuit For Air Ejectors Suction Valve Isolation Figure 17


i Page 1 Rev 1 TABLE I

                                                                                                                             . 'h.

TERVIN ALS INST. NO. DESCRIPTION 5".' PANEL J BOX 1 SW 2 SW 3 SW 4 PS 2-3-55 A Rx H.P. Scram (115 VAC) C-55 JB 107A AA9/AA10 SPARE B C-55 JB 1078 KK2/KK3 SPARE C C-56 JB 112A EB2/EB3 SPARE D C-56 JB 112B ._KX2/KK3 SPARE sm _ PS 5-12 A Drywell HP Scram (115 VAC) C-55 JB 108G RR2/RR3 B C-55 JB 10BH UU2/UU3 q C C-56 JB ll3F PP2A'P3 N x D C-56 JB 113G RR2 F 3 .#x / - s / LIS 2-3-57 A Rx Lo Level Scram (115 VAc) C-55 JB 107A EE5/BB6 BB7/BBS SPARE SPARE B C-55 JB 1978 LL5/LI6 LL7/LLB SPARE SPARE LIS 2-3-58 A C-56 JB ll2A AAS/ m AA7/AA3 SPARE SPARE B

                                                          ._ C-56     JB 112B      LL5AL6           LL7/LL8        _ SPARE               SPARE LlS 2-3-72 A        ECCS Initiation ON    ( 3 25 VEc)      C -55    JB 10RB      F F7/FF0        FF5/FF6          FF3/FF4          ,

FFI/FF2. B Rx Low Level C-56 JB 113 E JJ7/JJ9 JJ54U6 W 3/W4 JJ1/W 2 C C-55 JB 10SC HH7Au H HH5/HH6 SPARE SPARE D C-56 JB 113B FF7/F Fa FF5/FF6 SPARE SPARE PS 2-3-51 A Rx Press. - ()15 VAC) C-55 JB 107 A AA2/AA3 SPARE . B Condenser Vacutn C-55 JB 1078 Kh7/KK10 SPARE C And Steam iso. Intks C-56 JB 112A 889/B810 SPARE - D C-56 JB 112B KK2/KK10._ SPARE [ PS 10-100 A Drywell H.P. Init. (125 VDC; C-55 JB 109F PPl/PP3 SPARE B Auto Blowdown C-56 JBll3E  !"sil A."J3 SPARE - C - C-35 JB 108F / QQl/QQ3 SPARE e D _C-56 JB 113 E NNIAsi3 SPARE / t PS 10-101 A Drywell H. P. Init. (125 VDC) C-55 JB 10SE NN1/NN3 NNS/NT/ . B ECCS - C.S. & RflR C-56 JB ll3K VV-1/VV3 VV4/VV6 C C-55 JB 108J VV-1/VV3 VVS/VV7 I D C-56 JB ll3J _TT-1/TT3 TT4/TT6

m . Page 2 Rev 1 T ABEF 1 m { TERVIRALS O


INST. NO. DESCRioTICN P EEL" J BCX SW 1 SW 2 SW 3 SW 4 s I PS 2-3-52 A RX Press-Core Spray & RHR C-55 JB 100B EE2/EE3 EES/EE6 B valve Perniseive (125 VDC) CM JB 113B E E2A E 3 EESME6 EE21/EE22,

  • T PS 2-3-5.3 A ECCO Pu p Start Permssive C-121B
  • C-121B EE 21/EE 22 .

PS 2-3-53 8 " " " " ( 125 VDC ) c-;??n

  • C-122B EE27EE29 FE29/EF 30 MN LPIS 13-83 RCIC Hi Stea, Flow C-122C C-122C GG 4/GG 5 GG1/GG3 A DPIS 13 na ( 125 VDC ) C-122C C -122C GGil/GG12 GGP/GG IO: 1 dred [

DP I S 23-76 A HPCI Hi Steam Flow C-122C C-122C HH1 3 HH4/HH5 g~

                                                                                                                                                >                         /

v4/ B " " " " (125 VDC) C-1220 C-122C tV4/tU S JJ1/tU3 [ J M M $ib ,x' _ N HCC 1 Hi Stea, F1ow C-122D C-122D AA4/AM AA7/AAS lNSTETJ"ENI ./ - DP I S 23-77 A B

                                        "       "      "        "           (125 VDC)    C-122D        C-122D      EE4/EB5      EB7/BBB j
                                                                                                                                                             .-       I[ _                  ' -

C ' DPIS 14-43 A Cort Spray Tep Header D/P( Annon) C-121B C-121 B CO27/CC2C SP ARE - X-~ . . .

                                                                                                                                                                                              -                                      I B          Cor< Spray Bot to- Header DP                       C-1218       C-121 B      CC2 M C30    LPARE             _
                                                                                                                                                                   '                            ~~~'

DPIS 2-11C A ' m n St eam Flow H i D/P A. ( 115 V AE ' C-126 JB ll3A CC1/CO2 SPARE ,


x /


B " " " " " C-1/6 JB 113B DD1/DD2 SPARE - 'N - .-

                                                                                                                                                         ~x                                                                   ~~

C " " " " " C-126 JB 1130 El/E E 2 EPARE .  %,g D " " " " " C-126 JB lilD FFI/FF2 SPARE .~~~dN g%~~- __ ~! DPIS 2-117 A Ca m Steam Flow h DB B. ( 115 V Ac ; C-126 JB 1134 CC4/C:5 SPARE MN ~ ~ N-

                                                            " "         "                             JB 113B      DD4/DD5      SPARE
                                                                                                                                                                                                -           y~~ -


                                           "         "                                   C -126 C                "         "      " "         "                C-126        JB 1130      EE4/EE5      SPARE
                                                                                                                                                                                     .             *k N,. %~'                                                  '~

D " " " " " C-126 JB ll3'u ff4/lF5 SPARE < . Slain Steam Flow Hi D/P C. ( 115 VAC } C-126 i JB 113E <U1/JJ2 SPARE / ~ #<~ DPIS 2-118 A  % /  % B

                                        "          "     "      "       "                C-126        JB ll3F     KKl/KK2       SPARE             .-                                 ._

C " " " " " C-126 i JB ll3G LL1/LL2 SPARE . D " " " " " C-126 lJB1.'3H L"/1/t'72 SPARE .- JJ4/JJ5 < y' 7 - DPIS 2-119 A Main Steam flow Hi D/P D. ( 115 V AC i C-126 JB 113E SPARE




B " " " " C-126 JB 113F KK4/KK5 SPARE - . C " " " " "' C-126 JB 113G LL4/LLS SPARE / D " " a  ; " C-126 JB 113H fM4N/5 SPARE ,m

                                                                                                                                                                            -             m DPIS 2572                              Sup. Chamber Vac. Brecker D/P                      LOCAL        LOCAL       WIRE NUTS      TN
                                                                                                                                   #-                            %-d"'%

DPIS 25?3 " " " " " 935' EAST Sf/ALL BOX WIRE t.1)TS ~



. _ _ _ _ _ _ _           . - ... x .         -


Pape__3 _Pe_v I

      -              T ABLE 1            _ __                  .                                                  TERVINALS lt!ST NO.                    DESCRIPTICiN                        PAfEL          J BOX       SW i          SW 2                  SW 3                  SW 4 PS 2-134    A       f/ai n Steam Low Press I so. (115 V AC :       0-210         !!ONE      INTERNAL       SPARE B         "       "      "      "    "                                 "            "                                   . '

C-210 SPARE C " " " " " " " C-210 SPARE D " C-210 " " SPARE .- PS 5-11 A- flain Cond. Low Vac. Scram (115 V AC -; SW Turb Fl r " " g n n n n n n n n n n Ng' ~ l C " -" " " " " " " " "

                                                                                                                  .-                             i D        n       vt     it      et     tt          et     et   n       n           et      .

x , 7 ,. N N f y ../ - - . ,- m PS 10-105 A RHR Purp 3A Disch. AC int r. (125VDh C-129A l C-129A CC1/CC2 ( ;%]gXt B RHR Punp 3B Disch " C-129B C-129B CC1/tC2 IN sp- , C RHR Pump 3C Disch " C-129 A C-12o A - I lCC4/CC5 D RHR Punp 3D Disch " C-12ob C-129B CC4/CC5 ' _; -

                                                                                                         ~                                                    %

RHR Pump 3A Di sch " " E C-129A C-129 A AA10/AAlll, - ' i F RHR Pump 3B Disch " "- ' C-129B AAll/AAl2 - C- " l C-129B f RHR Pu p 3C Disch " C-129 A AAl2/AA13!- i I l C-129A  % H I RHR Pump 3D Disch C-1298 l C-12'3B AA13/AA14l ~ II PS 14-44 A [ Core Spray Pump Disch " A"'( 125VDC) ^ C-129 A I C-129 A EB4/BBS D# i i B f Core Spray Puep Disch "B" C-1298 C-129B AAIS/AA16 Y! .

                                                                                                                                            'l C       Core Spray Pump Disch "A"                                                         N              -

C-129 A C-129 A AAS/AA9 L7N , D Core Spray Purrp Di sch "B" C-129B C-129B AA9/AAIO I I - I- ~' PS 7110 Control Valve Fast Closure Scram FRONT STAfI TOE INTERNAL h , PS 7111 Control Valve Fast Closure Scram " " " " PS 7112 Control Valve Fast Closure Scram " " " " x# 7 PS 71'13 Control Valve Fast Closure Scram " " " " w

Pape 4 Fev 1 iABEE 1 m TERVINALS p


INST. NO. DESCRIPTION PANEL'. J BCX Sa 1 SW 2 SW 3 SW 4 PS 13-87 A RCIC Low Steam Press (tant) 25-1B 25-10 EB1/EB2 SPARE ALL FOIR M B isolation 25-1B 25-1B BB3/En4 SPARE SWITC!ES Li C TJJ 2075 - 2076 25-1B 25-1B EBl/EB2 SPARE TO SAME 7 D 25-!B 25-1B EB3/FF4 SPARE TERMINALS yx PS 23 f8 A HPC I Turb. St ert 'I mi C-214 C -214 EB3/in 4 SPARE ALL F0tB B iso Valve Auto C-214 C-214 EB1/EB2 CPARE SWITCHES _.- v' N C Closure interlock C -214 C-21a EP3 Ef4 SPARE TO SA!/E , D ' C-214 C-21a EBl?"2 SPARE TERMINALS

                                                                                                                                    /              -

DPIS 2-136 A Roci rc Pump A D /'P ( ' ;< f ;-7 3 C-7 3 "'/G10 SP ARE

       -137 A  RHR Loop 'mloctior-                          C-7 3     C-7 3       E B1/if 2    SPARE       r~
       -138 A                                               C -7 3    C-7 3       E R S/V'6    SPARE       g-            '~~s ,, 7
       -139 A                                             j C-73      C-73        t O/: J10    SPARE                                p --

LPI S 2-136 B Rmi rc Ptrp B D/P  ; p c, -

                                                    , ,;    C-74      C-74    lAA?/ AA10       SPARE       [              ~~
       -137 B  RHR Loop 3electton
                                                          - C -74     C-7 4      EBl/i32       SPARE
       -139 B                                                         C-7 4      M S/i 16      SPARE       [~' p l C-74               ;
       -139 B lC-74        C-74    f E!Og ?!O       SPARE                     x DP i s 2-129 A  P eirc Riser D/P                             C-121B    C-1218

( 129 m;) lDD7/DDS SP ARE f~ N --,_/ '_ s . ~ s B , C-122B


C-122B j DD7/DDS SP ARE - . * '-

                                                                                                                                  , #x ' ~~

g - C C-1218 C-121 B i N ~ i DD14/DD15 SPARE


D C-122B DD16/DD17 , SPARE l C-1228 s PS 10-119 A Drywell Pressure (125 VLc) C-55 JB 10BJ Mil /?.ll3 SPARE ~~ b Suto Stop Signal C-56 JB 113K UU4/iJU6 SPARE -- C For Contairment Spray C-55 JB 10BJ VVS/VV10 SPARE - D C-56 JB 113K VV7/VV9 SPARE _ y PS 2-3-49 A LPCI Pecire Loep ( 125 VDC ) C-1218 C-121B DD25 /DD26 SPARE B Select Permissive C-1228 C-122B EE22/EE23 SPARE , PS 2-3-50 A C-121B C-1216 EE25/EE26 SPARE / B C-3 ??R C-D??R fra/rF9 ap94r ,/


Pare 5 Pev 1 TAELE 1 TERulNALS INST. NO DESCRIPil0N P AEL J BOX S?J 1 SW 2 SW 3 SW 4 PS 2-128 A Rx Recirc Close (Annuc) 0-1228 C-122B EE13/~_E16 EE17/EE19 B RHR Ico. Valve C-1228 C- 22B i i FFZ/FF3 FF4/FF6 - l  % LIS 2-3-59 A Close 72ain Turb Stop Valvec( !!5V A')! C-35 JE 10 A 3S 3,1; 4 DD 1/DD 2 SPARE SPARE B Restore FW to Level Control C-56 JB 113A 3 ED 3 TJ:4 DD 1/bD 2 SPARE SPARE PS 2-102 Rx Head Seal Press 'C-55 JB 116 l lTTl/TT2 [3 PARE [ PS 10-122 A RHP Hx Gut Hi (^' d C-129 A l C-12> A CC11/CC12 SPARE p-B Press. Alarm C-123 C -120 B Cll1/3012 i T ARE j Q PS 10-92 A PHR 'sater to ( A s, o,:)  ; C-12' A 4 i

                                                                                        '  C-129 A        EB10/BB11      SPARE        y'               #.

B Service Cater D/P ' C-1238  ! C-123B E01DMBil i SPAPE


DP!S 3-202 CPD Filter D/P CRD t--t,i L~ 2 ' - t ! "'i - * : - -

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