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Safety Evaluation of IST Program Relief Requests for Pumps & Valves for Third 10-yr Insp Interval
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/03/1993
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20056D272 List:
NUDOCS 9309150171
Download: ML20057A699 (24)


Enclosure f * *W.y

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l l The Code of Federal Regulations,10 CFR 50.55a, requires that inservice l

testing (IST) of certain ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 pumps and valves be performed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable addenda, except where alternative: are authorized or relief is granted by the Comission pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(1),

(a)(3)(ii), or (f)(6)(i). In order to obtain authorization or relief, the I licensee must demonstrate that: (1) the proposed alternatives provide an acceptable level of quality and safety, (2) compliance would result in hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety, or (3) compliar.ce is impractical for its facility.

i Section 50.55a(f)(4)(iv) provides that IST of pumps and valves may meet the requirements set forth in subsequent editions and addenda that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (b) of 50.S5a, subject to the limitations and modifications listed, and subject to Comission approval. The NRC guidance contained in Generic Letter (GL) 89-04, " Guidance on Developing Acceptable Inservice Testing Programs," provided alternatives to the Code requirements determined to be acceptable to the staff.

Section 50.55a authorizes the Comission to approve alternatives or grant relief from ASME Code requirements upon making the necessary findings. The NRC staff's findings with respect to relief requested and alternatives proposed as part of the licensee's IST program are contained in this safety evaluation (SE). A brief description of each relief request (RR) and a sumary of the staff's conclusion on each request is provided in Table 1, "Sumary of Relief Requests." Attachment I to this enclosure provides a sumary that compares the staff's conclusions following its review of the licensee's second interval IST program (as modified by the licensee's response to NRC GL 89-04 dated October 3, 1989, see NRC SE dated May 13, 1992) to the licensee's third interval IST program submittal dated November 30, 1992. It also provides a status of each item including any remaining action that needs to be taken by the licensee. Enclosure 2 is the technical evaluation report (TER) prepared by EG&G Idaho, Inc. (EG&G).

The IST program addressed herein covers the third ten-year inspection interval which will begin on September 1, 1993, (NOTE: The licensee should indicate the interval dates in the IST Program document). A request for extension of the second ten-year interval from November 1992 to August 31, 1993, was included in the licensee's November 30, 1992, submittal (RR-01). The staff 9309150171 930903 PDR ADOCK 05000271 P PDR ,

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responded to RR-01 in a letter dated April 6, 1993, indicating the

! acceptability of the extension in accordance with provision of ASME Code, ,

Section XI, IWA-2430.

l The Vermont Yankee (VY) IST program is based on the requirements of the 1989 i

! Edition of Section XI, Division 1, of the ASME Code Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and 10 CFR 50.55a. In accordance with Articles IWP-1000 and IWV-1000 and

Table IWA-1600-1 of the 1989 Edition of Section XI and 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2) l (viii), the pump and valve testing requirements were based on the ASME/ ANSI CMa-1988 Addenda to ASME/ ANSI OH-1987. The NRC approved the use of the later i Edition of the Code pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(f)(4)(iv) in a letter to the

! licensee dated September 2, 1992. The additional requirements described in 10 i CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(vii) and the recommendations described in GL 89-04 and its

supplements are also included as applicable, i


The licensee's requests for rclief from the requirements of Section XI have 1

been reviewed by the staff with the assistance of its contractor, EG&G. The

. TER, provided as Enclosure 2, is EG&G's evaluation of the licensee's IST

] program RR. The staff has reviewed the TER and concurs with, and adopts, the evaluations and conclusions with the modifications noted below. Table 1,

"Sumary of Relief Requests," provides a brief description of each of the l licensee's proposed RR as well as a sumary of the staff's conclusion on each

, request. A summary of the staff's findings on Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power j Corporation's response to the NRC's IST SE dated May 13, 1992, is included as l Enclosure I to this SE. The granting of relief or authorization of proposed j alternatives is based upon the fulfillment of any commitments made by the licensee in its basis fer each RR and the alternatives proposed. The j implementation of IST program is subject to inspection by NRC.

The licensee should refer to Appendix A of the TER for a discussion of IST program anomalies identified during the review. The licensee should provide

the NRC with a written response to each anomaly within 1 year of the date of j this SE or by the end of the next refueling outage, whichever is longer. The j necessary actions to address the anomalies should be included in the j licensee's third ten-year interval updated program for the interval to begin 1 on September 1, 1993, to the degree the concerns are applicable to the updated j Code requirements. The updated program should be provided to the NRC and
implemented as soon as possible. The reviews performed by the staff do not
ensure that all components are included and that all testing is appropriately applied; rather, these areas are subject to periodic NRC inspection.

3.0 RELIEF RE00EST V-05 (TER Section  !

i In V-05, the licensee requested relief from the requirements of OM-1-1987,

" Requirements for Inservice Performance Testing of Nuclear Power Plant i Pressure Relief Devices." Specifically, the licensee proposed to replace one-i half of their main steam safety valves with a complement of pretested valves.

i The proposal would also permit power generation to resume prior to obtaining j test as-found data and the sample size would not be expanded based on test q failures.



, i 1 OH-1-1987, paragraph 1.3.3.l(c) requires that the set pressure of the valves  ;

! whici. were removed be tested prior to resumption of electric power generation. i i

lf a full complement of pretested valves are installed, the set pressure test l of the removed valves is required to be completed within 12 mnnths of removal l trom ;he system.

I j The TER recomended that the licensee be granted interim relief (i.e., until

the refueling outage following the August 1993 refueling outage) from the valve testing and sample expansion requirements of the Code pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(f)(6)(i). "During the August 1993 refueling outage, if one of

. these valves fails a test, the licensee should expeditiously perform the j required root cause analysis to determine if there could be a comon mode or >

generic failure concern. If it is determined that the cause of the test j failure is generic or common with the other group valves, the remaining valves l should be imediately be tested, even if this requires a plant shutdown. In l

! the interim, the licensee should assess the testing requirements for these j valves. The assessment may include TS changes and Code inquiries."

! The NRC staff is granting the licensee interim relief, as recomended in the i TER, with the following modified provisions. The valves removed during the

August 1993 refueling outage should be set pressure tested within 6 months of the resumption of electric power generation. If the as-found set pressure of any of these valves exceeds the acceptance criteria of OM-1-1987, Paragraph ,

1.3.3.l(d), a root cause determination (i.e., addressing why the "as-found" l 4

set pressure exceeded 3% of the stamped set pressure) should be made on each  !

valve that failed to meet the acceptance criteria as soon as possible but at a least within 30 days. If the cause could affect the remaining valves, which  !

would require increasing the test sample, verification of the set pressere for

, additional valves will be required to be performed in accordance with OM-1 '

s requirements, even if the unit must shut down to complete the test. That is, 1 if the removed valves are set pressure tested, and if one or more valves  ;

exceeds the stamped set pressure criteria by 3% or greater, Paragraph j 1.3.3.l(e)(1) requires testing of additional valves. If a shutdown is I i required, it should be conducted consistent with the provisions of Technical l

! Specification 3.6.D.2. Alternatively, the licensee may attempt to justify to

the NRC not testing additional valves (and continued plant operation) based on j the results of tia set pressure tests, overpressure protection analysis, and j root cause analysis. I J

Even th'ough the VY Technical Specifications require the set pressure to be l i within 1% of the specified set pressure, testing of additional valves is not i l required per OM-1-1987 unless the set pressure is exceeded by 3% or greater. l Based on the performance history of the valves at VY, it does not appear that l the valves have experienced significant setpoint drift; therefore, the

likelihood of one or more valves exceeding the set pressure by 3% or greater j is not high. Prior to the next refueling outage following the August 1993

{ refueling outage, the licensee should review all the applicable testing requirements for these valves, pursue various methods of meeting the

requirements for testing the removed valves prior to resumption of electric
power generation, ensure compliance with state boiler code requirements (if J l

1 I

. I applicable), and, if needed, request guidance on the intent of the OM-1-1987 requirement from the OEM Code committee. The interim relief will no longer l apply 'Jter the August 1993 refueling outage. For subsequent outages, the ,

licenste must comply with the Code requirements.


In evaluating the licensee's requests for relief from the requirements of Section XI, the staff considered: (1) whether proposed alternative testing a provides an acceptable level of quality and safety, (2) whether the hardship  ;

of compliance is without a compensating increase in safety, and (3) the l j impracticality of performing the required testing considering the burden if  ;

the requirements were imposed. The last column of Table 1 identifies the

! regulations under which the requests are approved. The staff has authorized alternatives pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55t(a)(3) and has determined that granting i

relief pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(f)(6)(i) is authorized by law and will not endanger life or property, or the common defense and security and is otherwise in the public interest. The granting of relief or authorization of proposed alternatives is based upon the fulfillment of any commitments made by the licensee in its basis for each relief request and the proposed alternate J

testing.  ;

Principal Contributor: D. Fischer i

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OF RELIEF REQUESTS Rebe( TER Sechon XI Equipment Alternate Method of Testing Action by Request Sectson Requirement and Identification USNRC l Section Subject  !

l General N.A. 10 CFR 50.55a: The entire IST program Extend IST Interval 2 until Approval is not RR-01 120 month interva.1 August 31.1993 and delay required; request start date starting Interval 3 until evaluated in letter September 1,1993. dated Apnl 6,1993  :

Pump OM 4, Station service water Determme differential Relief is not RR.P01 Measure (SSW) pumps: pressure by measunng required provided Part I differential P7-1 A through -ID discharge pressure and the calculation is pressure calculating inlet pressu e from sufficiently the river level. accumte.

Pump OM 4,15.2: SSW pumps: Perform a computerized curve Relief Granted RR-P01 Establish reference P7-1 A through -ID fit test using differential with provision Part 2 flow rate or pressure quarterly and 10 CFR 50.55a differential measure flow rate and (fX6Xi) pressure determine differential pressure each refueling outage.

Pump OM4,15.2: SSW pumps: Flow is not measured Relief Granted RR-Pol Measure flow rate P7-1 A through -ID quarterly; measure individual with provision Part 3 quarterly pump flow rate and pressure (fX6Xi) each refueling outage.

Pump OM4,15.2: High pressure coolant Measure and evaluate the Alternate RR-P02 Measure mdividual injection (HPCI) bydraulic parameters of the Authonzed pump hydraulic pumps: HPCI and booster (aX3Xi) parameters P44-1 A and -1B pt.mps as a pair.

Pump 2.2.2.I OM4, HPCI pumps: Determtne differential Alternate RR P03 Instrument full- P44-1 A and -1B pressure using the existing Authonzed scale range station inlet pressure (aX3Xii) instrumenta.

Pump OM4, Table 3: HPCI pumps Perform vibration spectrum A! ternate RR-PO4 Vibration P44-1 A and -1B monutormg quarterly but Authonzed acceptance criteria extend the Alert Range (aX3Xi) absolute limit from 0.325 in/see to 0.675 in/ nee.

Pump OM4,j4.6.1.2: Core spray pumps Determtne differmtial Alternate RR-P05 Instrument full- P46-I A and -1B pressure using the existing Authonzed scale tsage station inlet pressure (aX3Xii) instruments.

Pump OM4, Reactor core isolation Determine differential Alternate RR-P06 Instrument full- cooling (RCIC) pump: pressure using the existing Authonzed scale range P47-1 A station inlet pressure (aX3Xii) mstruments.







OF RELIEF REQUESTS Relic ( TER Sation XI Equipment Alternate Metled of Testing Action by 4

Request Section Requirement and Identification USNRC Sution Subject  !

a s

R Pump OM-6,15.2: Reactor building cloned Measure as-found vibration, Interim Relief l RR-P07 Establish reference cooling water inlet pressure, differmtial Granted ,

flow rate or (RBCCW) pumps: pre 6sure, and flow rate (fX6Xi), for one  !

i differential P59-1 A and -1B quarterly and measure all year or until the j pressure Code parameters at a next refueling j reference condition once a outage i j year, ,

i Pump OM-6,1 RBCCW pumps: Determme diffenntial Alternate RR-P08 Instrument full- P59-1 A and -1B pressure using the existing Authorized scale range station inlet pressun (aX3Xii) ,


1 >

. Pump OM-6,15.2: Diesel fuel oil transfer Quarterly observe that pumps Relief Granted l 3 RR P09 Measure flow rate pumps: provide flow greater than is (fX6Xi) 1 P92-I A and -1B used by the operating diesel, measure discharge pressure, 1 and perform full spectrum i

vibration analysis. Once l l

every operattng cycle )

determme flow rate by '

measunng the change in day ,


, tank level over time. I 2 i Valve OM-10, SSW supply isolation Venfy valve operational Interim Relief  ;

j RR-V01 1 valves to the RHRSW readiness by observing that Granted i Measure stroke pump cooling coils: proper cooling water flow is (fX6Xi), for one ]

l times SE-704A, -4B, -4C, established upon RHRSW yest or until the j and -4D pump start. next refueling i j outage l

Valve OM-10,1
SW pump discharge Exercise quanerly during Rehefis not 0 RR-V02 Test frequmey check valves: service water tests, during required l V70-1 A, lC, cold shutdowns, and dunng i and -ID refueling outages if operation with three SW pumps is l permissible.

i i

Valve OM-10, Diesel air start inlet Measure emergmcy diesel Relief Granted

and vent valves: genera:or (EDG) start times (fX6Xi)
Measure strcle AS-24-1 A, -1B, -2A, quarterly using both air start I times -2B, AV-24-1 A, trains. Measurs EDG start i and -1B times using individual air start trains once per cycle.

k i

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4 VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER STATION SAFETY EVALUATION TABLE I SUM 51ARY OF RELIEF REQUESTS Resid TER Section XI Equipment Alternate Methm! of Testing Action by Request Section Requirtsnent and Identification USNRC Section Subject Valve OM-10,1 Check valve tn the fill Disaaemble and inspect or Reliefis not RR-V04 Test frequency line for the diewi fuel test this valve by other required oil storage tank: positive means once each V78-2 year.

Valve O M- 1, Main steam safety Bench-check or replace 1/2 of Intenm Relief RR-V05 ja valves and dual the valves from each group Granted and 1.3.3.l(eX1): function (ADS) relief every refueling outage. The (fX6Xi) until the Test pnor to vah es: resumption of power refueling outage 5

resumption of SV-2-70A, -70B. generation may begtn pnor to following the operation and RV-2-71 A, -71B, -71C, obrammg test as found data. August 1993 sample expansion and -71D The sample size will not be refueling outage expanded based on test failures.

Vahe OM-10 HPCI turbme steam Expand the acceptance entens Alternate

, RR-V06 1 4.2.1. S(b): inlet control vahe for sta :ke times to t35% in Authonzed Stroke time the open direction and 50 % (aX3Xii) acceptance entena in the closed direction. Also measure the time for HPCI to achieve rated flow once each operating cycle.

Vahe OM-10,1 4. 3.2.1 : Scram discharge Exercise open following each Relief Granted RR-V07 Test frequency volume vent Itne check reactor scram and venfy (f)(6Xi) v alves: closure each refuelmg outage

V3-162A and -162B by leak rate testing.

Valve OM-1, Standby liquid control Test in accordance with the Alternate RR-V08 1 1.3.4. l(eX2): (SLC) pump discharge requirements of plant Authorized Set pressure reisef valves: Techmcal Specifications (TS). (aX3Xis) acceptance entens SR-il-39A and -39B Valve OM-10,14."t.2.1: Residual heat retroval Venfy valve leak tight closure Intenm Relief RR-V09 Leak rate testing (RHR) shutdown capabilities of valve pairs by Granted cooling suction and observing downstream (fX6Xi), for one j discharge isolation pressure indication during year or until the

s alves: power operation. next refueling

] V10-17. -27A, and outage


! Valve OM-10, is RHR service water Obnerve that the valves open Intenm Relief RR-V10 and flow control valves: to pass 2700 gpm and Granted I Full-stroke exercise VIO-89A and -89B properly regulate flow (fX6Xi), for one and measure stroke through the heat exchsegers year or until the timee dunng quarterly testmg. next refueling i outa8S 3



OF RELIEF REQUESTS Relid TER Section XI Equipment Alternate Method of Testing Action by Request Section Requirement and Identification USNRC Section Subject Valve OM-10, RCIC rurbine g nernor Venfy valve operational Relief Granted RR-VI i 1 control valve readmess by obserymg proper (fX6Xi) 7 Measure stroke system response dunng RCIC l tunes pump tests.

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Enclosure 1 (to SE)

Summary of Staff Findings on Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Response to NRC IST Safety Evaluation Docket Number 50-271 Item Nue=Iwr Deerripties of Acteams Taken Steews of iteen Amesesey Numeber Decripties et lieen in NitC E is the Neee=Iwr 30,1992, Reepsene end

((Md Reaief Itagnost No.) Dened May 13,1992 to Addsvos SE Itans Resen W Arsen

[New Radwf Reaguest No.1 hase I You ers requemed to provide alw NRC wah a descnptum of the he Died trservel Verm>re Yenhee inservic Tessms (IST) ne requeced informatum i.

Osaeral process used in devekying the IST Program. De subneuel should Pngrom is devekyed, meiresined, ervi emplenunted es part of amluded in the Tbrd-irmlude, se e nunimum, densde of the dncumerge used, the awduni the Vernwa Yonkee Congonent Teming Program. De Interval ISTPm8'am No of determening a corryoners requires emnervke temma, the besas for Vernuwe Yenkee Camponere Temma Pngram Plan provide. further estam is resquared.

the teming requered, the besee for categorsang volves, and the inaructwne for the devekymers or revieson, renew, and nuduni ce procese used for uneusminsng the pmgram currers with altruvel of the IST Program Plen, mapporteeg Asumersetum, demga nawhficasene or teher activities performed under ermi isrylemerams pmeedures. A copy of Sectam 4 0, 10 CFR 50.39. If a descriptum of shie pruceos is rue airesJy *Techn cel Program Devekymere end Revie.on.' of the available from eximmg &rumensatkm,the eneff envinnone thes hie Vermus Yankee Cmemens Tesims Program lieu is etteshed.

requess couW be enewered in 2 to 4 pages. It dumM be incorporesed into the IST Pn> gram in egynynate sectame. We rwpaeas this informetwa be subensued wahin one year of the done of thm SE, or by the end of the nees refueling smaege, whhever is Reser, 1

6 leses Neenhor therripesen of Actosas Taken Seenes of leems Asseemly Number Ekscriyeese of Iwss em NM(' 9: le the Newenber 34,1992. Rema and MMdRehef W No.) Dened May 13,1992 es Addrene SE lumes Remessag Acties

[New Rebel Regsent No.l hem 2 GP-3 ro9seene rehef fnun the Ciele reqorenwam to swanure ne nird beerval Venrmws Yeniee IST Pnigram ie ennen en la e P. M. Sears to L A.

Amrunely No. I edwateneis " , masts. De licensee pnemes to measure conformesse wnh the ASMF/ ANSI Stamierd OMa 1984 Treneley lesser desed (OP-3) werensenin ___ wah ANSI /ASME (*4 4, Dre A es. De Addenda km ASMF/ ANSI OM 198 7. Vibratam measurenwrits 9 2 92, the eneff appnwed

[RA PO4) bcename eleo penposee ehernate elkmeMe ranges kw high pressure are takes in accwdeme wah Peregraphs 4 6 4 emi $.2 and the see of the 1999 EJnwi cooless inyection (HPCD puoy veevion sneesuremerne. Releet Table 3 of Port 6 As such, Reinf Requem No. GP-3 of the of ASME Secomm XI. De should be gressed pW the tsce sees venfies shot the pnyosed Secoral beervelIST Progne is s=, kmger required and has been 1989 Edamm of Sect oo XI tessing woesW deoect any sigeficam mechenecaldegradetmeof deleted. For the HPCI puny wereine, Reluf Requem No. pnwuke that the rules kw vertical kne she8 punge. If that degradmance ceases be detected, RR PO4, Reviemm 0, se submsoed wnh the nied intervel IST IST of punge and velves are she bcomene abando inveengene ehernete nesting nwommie for those Prognm Ples to enabhah supplenwenal hrrats fue weretum os specified is ASME/ ANSI punge. If en accepehle ehernees rneabod is komt, it sh(wid be velasy. He hasta and beme are esmsesters wah alwee Operstmen amt Maimenance incorporneed isso the IST program withis two years. If the contemed to Rehef Requese No. GP-3. For versnelIme shaft Swaderde Port 6 6W 4) e=1 inveniseisce shows shot no accapable eternetaves emist, shie alw=kt punge, verstaca sweeurenwres are taken is comp 4*.ance with Port 10 g*4-10). De be docuawesedis the prognes and the pnyceed seeing swsssened Peregreg4n 4 6.4(b)of Part 6. pnyosed vibneum nemmg is untal en ehernate snethod is kond and irignemensed. performed in accwdance wnh OM e, therefun, sui further octam is required.

Mc= RR PO4 requema enemhng the Alert Range sheiduse hirst fue die HPCI punge. Die request is evolussed in TER Sectaan 2.2.3.I and the ehernetsve is authorued pursuers to 6 $0.53e 1 (sOHi).


Beme Nussber thacripeies of Actions Takes Searms of Iseus Aswaaly Nameber beecripanee of iteam as NRC SE le the Nevessber 30,1992 Meepense and toed beintit yeema No.) tuned May 13,1992 to Addnas SE Items Remsameng Actue

[New ReW Rmaperus No.l haan 3 PI regneste reluf frsun the Code requiremeis to nwemare inlet ne nard leserval Vern==v Yankee IST Program se ennen in OM e does me twtuire Anuanaly No. 2 pressure and ikw rose, quarterly, for the eresse =sier (SW) conf 4wwsme wah the ASMUAN51 Standard oms.1988 messirenness of punir indes (PI) punire. The lacesses pnyones to perform a conyuterued curve fit Addenda to ASMUANSI OM 1987. Vertxel hae sheft pung pees.are allows (RR-poll tem qsinneriy and a fWI Dow tea while nwasunng ikvw wah a detYeressiel presam, ik,w rete end vibretum awasurenwres are differeedel pnesun to be tesnporarily insamtied inarunens dunng tefueling meages. He data taken in eccs 'eme with is 4. 5 erma 6 of Port 6- Rehef Reques deternuned. New RR WI fman ilus see wul be evolunted against s%e Ca=le ecceptame entene No. BR P9d, Aevimm 0 is subautted wah the nied hverval 157 replaces Pt and is evaluesed and that of Table 1. The data wdl elec

  • seed km calculate e iww Prvarom Itaa and docurnerum the tems4 to be perfornwd on the in Tut sectwa

head / capacity curve for she queneriy km. Rehef is gremed, 55W Pumps. As mated in Rehef Request No. RR POI, the RR P01 is grermed punuans pnmded ebe fW1 ihm sees pericemed at rebehng outages nwets the reevAs of 4he refuelmg outage testmg will be evaluateJ agemst so i 50.55e 1 (th6$1 wah Code tem snethod requiremente. De licensee should also coesinue Inch the a:ceptance entene of Table 3 of Part 6 and the pmvimon The peq=wal to quarterly lessmg and erive to make it as meannngM e test es quasesmuve values pnnuled in Table 4 2 of the nird beerval desernune differemaial prectscable. IST Prognwn lian. The instrumernatum used for thee iemme =da pressure is acceptable swet the opphcable accuracy requirenwism of Table i of Pan 6. panided the cakuletiams As pan of1he preperstica of Rehef Request No RR WI and yield en acceptable level of we resp.=ve to hem 9 of Genenc leuer 89 04, Vernuwe accuracy. Convering tese Yankee bee reviewed the quarterly SSW pony testme sneth.=is data to refereme curves can for snee of anymvernesse and/or eheniste enethode for eseesamg be ecceptable if the curves the hydrouht con &txm of the pumps The review imiuded the are devekred or vehdated feembdwy of aweisaruasve ibw inarumessa and testang per the provisums lissed is performed at samlear plares of einular vissage and configurati.m. this SE iw devantame see The revww mushaded that the presers teming techniques retket meerssfwd and juusfied. Nie the cunere techredogy and are conasaces wah thnee prevenuely nuasunng pump flow rete apprtned by ibe NRC. encept dunng the yearly tem is acceptable ponaled slee pump swersenance and fedure histones do me ,

irefecate peublema or failures that have res been detected by the quarter 1y seamg.


Itema Neueber Descripenas et Acteams Takan $daran of lieue +

Amesse(y Nausber lhecripense of items in NRC $E la the Nemeber 30,1992 Respuese and IOnd hht Respasel No.) Deseul May 13.1992 to Addreas SE lieses Ennenung Actise

[New Eased Respeset Nel been 4 P4 requema rebef fruen the Cale requirement in estabhsh refersme The Third husrvel Vernwa Yankee IST Progreen is wnser a OM 4 does see require Aanmely No. 3 team condammee kw unassunne vibrotmie, flow rete, emi differenhal conformente wah the ASMDANSI Saandant (hl985 measuremess of pump isJe4 (N) preemare quarterly, for the BBCCW punve. He twenece proposes Addenda to ASMUAN51 * *4-1987. Cerunfugel pung pn amure. New RR.N7

[RR-N7] no is====o es-fumed puny vegetum, mies pressure, differenhal differential prvesure, fbw rete end vereuon measuremeras see replaces P4 and is evaluesed preemare, sad ibw rese quarterty armi km measure all Code taken in accordarece enh is 4, 5 sal 6 of Pert 6. Measurenwes in Tl3t Sectum

paremesere se e IWI flow refereme surmlake one a year. Puny of purry inlet pressure prwr to orartup is me required. RR-N7 is grersed for se curves represess sa infieene see of refereme pxrve of fbe rotes and Rcquess No. ItR-N7, Revie.on 0 is subewusd wah the sesenm permal of one diffen sial pressieres. Reetag the acceptance cenene on these Thrd laterwah IST Program Plan and documens the present sw used the neut refuelma values paruut evolustion of pung cosmidaan and detectum of Vernwu Yentee gmention that at is inyroctuable tu estabhah maage, ohn hever is longer, degradeuca liowever, pung curves shouW be developed or repeatable ref erence values denng queneriy inservue seming. pursuern no S $0.$$a

, manufacturer's curves validened when the puny is known to be Regarding the use of a refereru;e curve few each of the two 1 (fh6Ki). Cturpenna test

<geressag acceptably. Alas, e erfficeein sesmhet of data ptunes armat RBCCW punys, Vertrewe Yankee wdi review the feseabday of dela no reference curves cea

' be takes to prmide en accurene curve fit. To reduce the enabhshmg omh curves included in this review wdl be lub be acceptable if the curves amentaissy esexanted wah curve teams and inyruve the ebddy to the guidehnes prmuled ebove amt the en.immg eyecm and are devehyed or wahdated desact degradesum, the G6owing guedelines newwld be cama dered. instrumerestem capabilitsee. Tks review wdt be corrynesed, and per the pnms*me heed in

e. Use tudy ngnme of the curve where puny operatum is esehle. the resuha anuluded in the nird-Isserul IST Prognm, by this SE or deviaimma are
b. Do me use relaisvely flat regien of the pusry curve. Septenter i 1993. kiersified and gueif.ed. To
c. Take et leam $ tese pweme wishee the tem regma of the curu dec=wuereie the adequacy of
d. Use insesumernessoa se acciarete as practscable fu test p.mnse. e yearly sesi frequemy,
e. Use e curve fis owthod that auniermaes usertainry. more informata= should be
f. Do et extrepolete the curve sewe than 5% from eny test poers. prmided aboue the puny Siace pump weresam levels anny vary sigsfweruJy over the ronge fadum reaes, mairmensme of the curve, a mesbsmi sammld be devekved for esagmng v4retmus hiahwy, emi types of acceptarre creens that wdl give equsveiers postection se prmided degradatana la addethm, by the Code. This may require taking vibrosom neseuremersa es nuwe desaded informetum verinas ptures to the puny curve esul assigrung conservatrve ah.mid be provated at=ms the ,

weresioss webxity nference values kw regsme of the pump curve. yearly tem amt its abday no The pesay ciarve eney be drvmied inno es many regn=w es necessary. de4ect pump degradatumi.

laserint relmf alumW be greened for the peruwl. As the end of that period the licenses should inglemens quenerty teeing that adequasely samsecre puoy end silows detecirm of de grodotum.

The licensee iambceaed that RECCW purrys,inle pressure cannie be snessured before startup because they are suwmmlly runnsng.

IWPJ400 gives en allowerxe for thet omsatma. Derefore, rehef to me necessary frt.n abat requiremese for these purrys. Ile vever, if one of shees pumps is idle prmw to teams, inlet pressure sawuW be measured as required.


. . - .- - ~ -

lesse Numabw therription of Actamme Taken Samens of ineen Asemasey Number Deerr4 pion of Iteen su NRC $E la the Nenumber 30,1992, Respemme and LOW Rehuf Bava Nej Desed May 13.19*2 to Addries SE Iteams Reesammme Actase (New Renaf Remymmet No.]

been 3 P6 mPassaa rebet inmi the Code requinnwns to examere Tie Thrd Irmersal Vernuws Yankee IST Progreen is wntien en New RR IVA repines M Amausmaly No. 4 differennial pressure and (bm rete for the diesel fuel oil transfer confwmeme wah the A5MUANSI Standard OMe.1984 emi is evaluased ha TER (M) punge. The bcomene payones to venfy these pucye are sepable of Addenda to ASMUANSI(41987. Pueruve displuemerm Sesuon RR PU9 is '

[RR.P09l providing desige floor rosa once every operetmg cycle. The perry discharge pressure, fW rete end vihrstne measuremerna grsoned permiara in i 50.55e hcenmoe has me pasyuend mir junified less cammervetsve fW rate are taken in ucordance wnh is 4,5 eat e of Part 6. Itchef 1 (fx6 Hit k is usumed ecceptance creene for these punge. %erefurt, the alinweble Rsquem No. RR-IV4, Revisica 0 is aduruned wah the that the fW rate rengee specified in Table IWP-3100 2 should be used as requ; red. Thrd interval 1ST Progrsm Ples and d=xemerne the Vern=we deterwunarson se u accurate lawig teria rennef alum &d me be gesated. An iraenm perwat should Y ankee psiestion that the prescra temmg orthods for the dieact no data editamed (=um be provided to alkm the lectance time to deveky nad implemere e feel oil transfer punge are cuenmeneursse with the purry type inassunwina sweims ibe tesa moduulibas adequenely auwmawe purry camdamm. While set azul servie and provute an acceptable level of qualdy ered safety. Cinde requirerneiss. If th>e =

scceptable for the keg term, she pnyoned testing ofumskt alkm ee is =4 the cue, the hcensee

= # T=a* aemeeenwas of pung syereimmel reademens for une year w shiudd justify woms b less unast abe next rebhng cusage, whhever se longer. lisenm rehef ascurate soformetmo.

alumid be grossed Eir that pened As the end of that perwat the ,

laceamee sanoidd irnpleasess quartetty temang that adequately nousunors puoy cosminson and alkms deesclave of degradation. ,

basa 6 OV-3 requema rehef frora the leak sesues requerenwins of Code Vahre seat leakage raie iemma is perbmed in accordance with General rebelis ras kmger Amwmmly No. 5 1s IWV-3421 ihnmeh IWV-3427 for the CIVs timed in the relaf 14 2.2 of Pen 10. In actntame wah of Part 10, ruguemed (nim the relmed  ;

(OV-3) requem base. The licensee pnycees so leak tem them acconhag to Categwy A velves whb are CIVe are temed na Econtame wnh Code requiremeras. No ,


[N. A l the requireewsde of 10 CFR 50, Appendit L Also, thces velves Aprendia L Also, in accordance unh 10 CFR 50.55e(bM2 Xvii), further action se required.

wdl be leak rate named indivuluntly per the plass's Tectumet the mauiremesma of is and of Pan 10 ere Specificatkume (TS), se required by IWV-3426, and corrective also inglemesmed Ew all Caaegivy A valves wkh are CIVs, action edi be tekee as empsired by 3427(e). Relief stundo be regardiene of whether or me they prevale e RCS pressure

  • grassed peuvuled the feceases teste lhene velves to the requerenwiss indelion fumenm. As mah, Rehef Requen No. OV 3 of the of Appenden 3. Type C, esel is IWV-3426 emi -3427ta) per secos.1 Inservel IST Program is no kniger required end has been 01,49 44, Poetson 10.1En releef is hseuted to easeases the deleaed. For Verna as Yankee, rem. _ leakage rates for cosseuuness indaime capabe'ay of these valves. Relief from cormanwnese isointion valves are provided in Sect.on 3.7. A.4 of r IWV-3427(b) applies only to the teaung of the etweennwas the Ves===e YanLae T3, wkh maies thes the leakage frorn any iso 6esson nuncexe. For Cenegwy A valves that perfonn any other one imentium valve shall one eueed 5 perseen of 1, at 44 pas '

leakage restrwtion henctam, is addess to or other than and that the leakage fruen say one meia mese lane imdatsoa containenese indetxe, the requirenwru of IWV-3427(b) alumid be volve shallimm eaceed 15.3 ocf/hr at 44 peig. These j anet. mappleonesmal, sangle velve leakage bmas provide added ses.rance, beysed the regereewats of Appends I, that valves receive ibe payer estesekun end mai-ace bekwe exceemse i leakage occurs. For Caaegory A valves whab perfann any unber I leakage essarm impi Anastana,in oddamm no or onber than  ;

connaiamus i-A=ame, esatsas is performand is accordame wah of Port 10. where requued. Requems are m subaused with the TMrd-iseerval IST Progrsm.


_ _ - - ... . - . . ~ . . . . . _ .

Itese Noesber Ikerriptwm of Acteese Tekse Natue of Items Asemaly Namsber %erripties of Iteam se NRC E la the Neeeseber 30.1992, Reepense med load Rsswd Reerwet No.) Dated May 13, 1992 te Addrone E Itsens Rremmemag Action (New Radief Rsursset No.1 bem 7 V2 requeme relaef frown the Code tem mechal and frequemy The nird haervel Vermet Yankee IST Program is ennen in Rehef is sui bmger re9aemed Aszwnely No 6 requireemenes for claeurs testmg the SW eystem supply to diesel accorden e wah t Ms.1988. Ched velve emerciang sena are frum the releoed Code (V2) generator (EDG) coudsag pedets ched valves ne hensee perfmmed in accontese wnh 14 3 2 of Port 10. As part of the requirements for these (N. A.l prey (mee to Adlercke etercise them < yen quanerly and i nfy preperstam of the umi interval IST Program, Vermms Yankee selves No further wwun is their closure capabliny by disassembly emi inyectum denng the perfuemed e detaded revww of the nefety fumtme of essh ched requeral .

1990 rehaelang ciaege. Subsequeraly, their closure wouLi be volve tweh in the open ens dwed puestame. Ibs review venfind by a poestive amene, on en eherneung bene, et refuchng umketed that venfxetum of the chwure capahday fw thed inatages. De pnyosed dmeesembly and mapectum of these valves velves V70 43 AAB is rue requad For venfwouon of the is requsred as part of the comnutmente made for IIR 89 017. werung capabsidy,14 3.2 4(e) of Port 10 males. % crveseen thesseeeely and inspectum aimedd be used se en ettemene to the may Le by observmg a derect imketor exh as a pmamm Cale closure temmg requireewane ordy oben testmg web fbw or inihesung devke, or by other imketorte) math as changes in by pressure measuremesasis uryractacobie. Fnwn the azview of symem pressure, (bw r=w , level, tenversture, aest leakage h kensee's SW eystem PAIDe it appean that k may be feamble teaung or wher poesuve er4 cane? As enwh, venfketuin of the to test the reverse &w closure of these valvee, accor+ng to the operung capahddy is performed by enmanng that greater then the Code tem swahml. If n is out fesable to test these ched valves trurumum coolmg weier ibw rate reqnted denng m) cbeed acconhng to the Ctde methods, is nught be prestacable to operatame is obtamed dunna survediame tesung of the venfy their cbaute veng smwinirveeve diagmisuc teaung respecuve EDO Based on the above, Rehef Request No. V2 of techniques, onb es esinasucs, radmigesphy, ce magneuce ne the Secoral Isserval IST Pmgram is no bnger requued and bee hceasee ehmaki, therefore, conender these and usher methods of been deleted.

'smingg these valves chwed, Geven the difraculues associated wah testing these vehes cbeed queneriy tw during cold shusdowne, the Dineseembly and mapectue of thed volves V70 43 AAB =di oppnynste frequency for the tem is each refhehng anaage. Ched cosairmae to be performed in acconiance wids mudaes performed valve daneseerd>ly and inspectam is e menneneme prucedure and in respamse to INPO SOER 86 03 and I1.R 894)l7. neee ran a tem equivalent to reverse Ssw cbeure seeing. Dre studies deterwuned the inyectawa frequency and sieduni wah pnzedure hee some ne&a, which nught make ate routme see se a conadersuon of the valve type and service, the prevanas submaine Ew testing undesrable when <wher methods are poemble. degradetnm empenessed in these valves, and the susceptahday ,

As discuemed is I ER 89417, these velves are suscepuble to, and for corainumg degradstum. De inspectum frequency and have eepenenced agesfuent degradeuos. Also, muce e methat of method eruvide reasoneb6e soeureme of the abddy of these temme secb of these veJves closed trught be feseable denna velves to perform their safety related ibnctam. Evaluamm of the refbehas amteges, kmg term rehef shmdd me be grermed. heenat sepobddsee of trarverve erd moissrumve lemmg teclunques se reiwf should be grossed for une year er ured the nest reluchng performed wie Verrraum Yankee's pertmapetum in the ASME outage, wbcbevor is keger, Dwing that permal, the inceance Corrownee on Operuueme and Ms reeneme of Nmlear PWer should evab aa authode of tesung these volves closed accordang to Plazas, <*her induary grays, est the semw of veedw myphed the Code. By the end of that permal, the tscensee shoulJ tem the** infonnotum. Presessly, k is Veromme Yankee's puestum dies for volves per the Code or pnyeme en ehernate meduwd that pmvidee a those cases where k is rum precaxeble to perform ched valve tsamuwbie aherneuve to n. If the hceasse deterwunes that the only testang with ibw or by pressure sneasurements, the ehernate tesi leamble meduwt of saeessing the closure capabday of these valvea enedmd seed for e specific apphcotion aimmld be chosen beoed am is by &sesseseddy and inspectum, the hceasee should esher follow the informasson required and the lunaatume end adversages of the swidehnea of GL 39 04, Pewsuon 2, or pnyues and jusufy each medwwt. Die ou,y result in the cunemed use of devimuone fmet thes ponexm. Ovven the history of these valves, n diosaseaddy and monintrumve diagamuc teming techanques, exh may be appropneta to ce- Ar &asseesely and inspectum of each es acommics, redwyrgby, or magneuce.

volve each refuehng outage.


=. . _. .. -- _. .-. . ._ _ .  ; - - . . ~ .

Iteam Numeber ikwrisemme of Accians Tabs wees of it Naay Nuseber Ibrevisvien of its a se NRC SE in eine Nevenstwr 30, IM2, Reep m., and itMd R.sent Remynnst No.) Desed May 13,1992 to Addrna SE Itessas Reemaanang Aetnam (New R.shed Rmposet No.l base 8 Vl9 requests relief frten the Code anae (mung requmnwens for N nied beerval Verwund Yankee IST Pngram is wnnen in Rehef se <=> kwwer requemed Amanaly No. 7 the HKI equesenes cmdary luw sadation volve. I he h;ensee mmrdame meh OHe-1988. Vahe sert 4e time temmg is fnmi the nlased Cale (Vl9) pnymes to venf'y isa cyarstam via renuse irminstmin arut by perimmed in accordame sah 14 2 I of Part 10. Velve requemeses im this vehe, lN.A.l edequase cadug fksw to syssem keds dunng purry surventisme V1340A is the cad:ng weter i*detam valve for the HN! gland No further actum is That pnymal allows mdy a hauled easesarrwee of the neel comienser est hibe oil corder & veive has => manual reqund.

vehe's candesuo esmi is ran adequate for the keg term. Some corurni swikh, but is evened ihree rrurmacs efter se ayerung nwemul of aroke tanung or inerwise evalua6ng the cormf amm of a.gnalis pruvalcJ w wahe V2314 A rewww of previous abia vahe is necessary to semese its everstumal reediruss. The Vernwu Yardee eruke tmw test dets irmfwates that en adequate in- slumid actively pursue s!wenais owthmte of esmesmg this saaesernent of the everstamal readiness of valve V23-30A anni vain's condaico. Mettwide enyluying magnetxe, scuumacs, the samattawd cmsaA higic may be made by recoedmg and ehrsauence, w other sahandogies should be invemigated for their evaluaung she ande tmw fnwn the iruttation of the eyemng sumabdsty. If an adequate ehernese awthod is found to be prestu el, signal to velve V23-14 to the full operung of valve V23-30A-is should be inylemessed lisenm rehef should be grerved for one Based on the above, Rehef Request No. Vl9 of the Secos=f year or until the nest refueling outage, whihever is k nger. tiderval IST Pniges,m is emilimger required ermt has been deleted.

bem 9 V21 pquests relief frtwn the test fnquency requnnerva of N nud Ira--vel Vernw=s Yankee IST Pmgram is ennen in Refuehng t haage Amunely No. 8 IWV 352 8 for cuand nwl dnve scram vehen. De hceance e< wedanc eMe 1988 Valve anae inme iemmg is lustfusimin No ROJ VU6 (V21) pnynees to test these vehee ca en altereste refuehng uutage ham performed cordante with 14.2.1 of Part 10 and theck valve derramarrates the

[Rol V06l Relvf slamaW be granted (nwn the Code test frequemy provided the encrussng tems are perforned m accord =e wah 14.3.2 of inymtxaley of teams twensee enher folk =s the TS or esercises these vahen et each Port 10. la e. uwdeme sah the hard laterval IST Pnigram and these vehes queneriy or rehaalmg ausge per OL 89 04, Natmus 7. Poa. tam 7 of GL 89 04, the vehee will be tested each refuelmg dunng cend shusskvens outage. As such, RR V21 of the Second-IrmervalIST Pmgram nerefore, the teming is in to as kmger required and has been delened. Jusufmatsim for the aumdarme enh (M-10, refuehng tmstage tem frequemy is provided in Refuelms Oimage 14 21.2 and me fur &r jusuficatum No. ROf-V06, Revisam O, subnvuod with the actum se reqund.

Third Interval IST Program beta 10 V23 requess rebef frmn abe tem frequency requuteurus for he nird timerval Verwurs Yankee IST Progrum is wnuen in Refuehng Ouiage Ammnaly No. 9 eserciseng St C invecison check valves. De twenaec pcyooes to accordame weh OMa-1988. Check volve esercisma seas are Jusufnetam No ROJ VOS (V23) venfy their =renmg each refue%g mange. Deir chang woubt be performed is accordmace enh 14.3 2 of Part 10. In acc4= dance denumerates the

[ROJ.VOSj demmenseted every other nfuehng cutage. Relief shtmakt be wah the Bird laservalIST Progrsm and Posexm 7 of inyrmtscalmy of iemmg grarsed provuled the hcensee esercises the velves k) the syen armt GL 39 04, the valvee =til be lessed eacle reftnehng us. stage. As these valves quaerterly or closed poestems each refuelmg oassage. assh, RR V23 of the Second laservalIST Prugnm is on kmger dunns ca.4d diusd.r=ne.

required emi hee beca delened Jusuficetum for the Reftnebng Wrefore, the teming is in Outage test frequency is provmied im Refueling (hatege accordame =sh (M-10, lumificata= No. ROJ V0$ Reviemm O, esberwued wnh the and m> furbe

%ird Imerval IST Pngram, asiam is requered.


Iteam Namelser Ikerripeamm of Actmas Taken States ofIsem Ame=ma&y Neunbar Ikerriptnam of lieem en NRC SE la the Neveenber 30,1992, Reepense and lO6d Wadud Reest No.) Dated May 13.1992 to Addrves SE Itemis Reseammag Actsam lNew Rabel Request No.1 hem 1I V33 requesta rehef inwn the Cole tem medu=1 tequnnerne for the he esfesy functum of the RWCU purry deatharge check velves. Refueimg Outage Amunaly No.10 reactw wunar cleammap (RWCU) pung dia6herge ched velves. he V12 28 AAB,is to prevent reverse ihm folleming s poorulated Jusufkaamm No. ROJ VIO (V3)) heenese priyoses to verify their skieure via observata of lugh energy hne break (HELB)in the purry am: tam p.pmg. he denummunies b

[ROJ-VIO) agyrupnene eyeem ismiacsim or by usher pedeve meario. After RWCU HELB analysee for the puny cubicles assumes a bnak in myractacalsy of trasmg revww of du syneem PAIDe ermi h beste for rehef, n is ree clear the puny suctme pipmg armi forward flow tely due to the these volves quarterly or shy these volves cannot be enerdeed to the ckwed pondon, es presente of the dietharge check valves To ensure coremued danns cold shutamne.

required quarterly ce during cold shuhksene. He request does me valuiay of this assunytum, venfkatxm of valve clueure upon henfm, the iesung u in provide adequese emptomation. If further investigetam shows that ceasetme or aversel of fkiw is performed uraler the acconiance with Okt 10, these volves beve a safety Eanction in the skwed posumm and that hird lesesval Vernand Yankee IST Prt gram. Jusufketum kw 14 3 2.2 armt mi Anther quarterly or cold shundown temma is anyractxel or preseres an the refuelma (4 stage tem frequerry in pmvuled in Refuchng actam is requind.

, unwomal hardship, the licensee should revise ervi resubnut the Ousage lumstkstam No ROJ V10, Reviam 0, subnuned enh request. k eman, lumever, corsam e detailed eaplanatum of the the hard laservalIST Program.

inyractacaldy armi burden er urmaeuel herdship of corrylying the with Code. Ismerim rehef ekmand be grarsed for one year or ursal the nesi refuchng restege, whibevor is kmger. At the eral of that permW the hcensee should inylemere teming as the Code fregoen6y tw resubmd the rehef reques with an adequate technical justificatum, hems 12 V34 requema rebef frum the Code esersiems medum! and frequency As part of the preperstmin of the hird haerval IST Program. Rehef is no kmger requested Ammisty No.12 re.piirenwins for the chaled water pung discharge check valvs. Vermorm Yankee perfixmed e detailed nview of the safety fnwn the rel+ted Code (V34) The heen e saberuas that the valve is esenised tyen dunng muinal lben:tme of each cimk valve Imdh in the eyes samt eksed requiresrwins for this valve.

(N.AJ systens cyerstaca and puny marvedlance teaung. he Lcensee puestums. His review ismiscated ht venfiatme of alw ekwure No further e6tsoa es pmposes to venfy its closure annually by disassembly or by placing capabihty for the coresul ruona ve:estatum clulled weaer puny required .

the symean in ehernase cordiguestum and obserymg the psesoure dietherge check valve, SCW-8 A, is nas requind. As such, indecetme ARet revww of the system PaiDe and the besse for Rehef Request No. V34 of the Secuart InnervalIST Program is relief, is is nos clear why this valve cenrue be enervised km the no longer required and has been delesent.

ckwed poemson dunns cold shutdowns. De requem does ime provide adequate emplenetum. If fbrther invenigetum sho=e that this volve has a safety funcison ist h closed poestion end that quarter 1y ar cold shutdame teams is ingractical or preseres na unusual hardship, the licenene almuki revise and resubmst the request. k musst,lu=ever, corsain a detailed eaplanetxe of the ingrects;ahey and burden at tasmesual hardship of complying wah the Code. Immensa rehef should be grermed for one year ce une.1 the mens renashsng outage, whhever is longer. At the end of that perand, the lacensee should inylement toutmg at the Code frequeary at remabense the rehef reques with an adequate tschencel jeimGtkauce.


4 16mm Nuseber Ikerripoon of Artsaus Takse Mat =s of lican Ameusely Nissaber Descripense of item in NitC SE la the Neveseber 30,1992, Response and MMd Rabed Reapenst No.) Defed May 13. 1992 to Addrves SE Iteens Reumas==g Artnam (New Relief Reposed No.l hem 1) Rehef requeas PJ sad P$ regens punge wah grease pasked & Thed Imerval Vernuars Yankee IST Pnigram a ennes in Relief is m3 kmger requemed Armenaly No.13 beanage iban ensums be chec ked for pngwr tubensra level or confinmente with OMe less. T. hie 2 of Pan 6 does as Inwn retened code (P) and PS) pressure. Reimfis noe gesaded fmm the Code nqummers. Wese reque the inesnurenns of pung lubrxare level or pressure. requirenusa. No fbrikt (N. A.l requests any be denseed fn=ri the program and thea issue addreseed As exh, Relwf Requem Nos P3 smi P5 of the Smwnt laserval e6 tate is required sa e was. IST Pnigram are mi kmger required armt have been deleteJ hem 14 The bene provided for rehef request P2 is run clear. k states that ne nini intervel Yankee IST Pn. gram is unrum na Rehef is re. hmger requessed Armenaly No.14 SLC piany differeessel pressure =di not be measured as euttam a conf wmence with the A5ME/ ANSI 5tarmford OMe-1918 fnwn related Code (P2) from a veesed tank esmi stay very. De pn.yoned misernate tem Addende km A5MFJANSI OM 1987. Pamuve draplacemens requiremersa No further

[N.A,l eppean as to enablish refeream cambtume. Singly nuesunng pung dietharge presaure, ihm rete and vibreuon awamuremem. autism a required.

fkm and vdpresam weluna essabhshing refertru e vehnee ought me are taken io scamiante =ah is 4, 5 emi 6 of Port 6.

give adequate informauon ha pnyerty essess the ayersimmel Measuremers of pneetive desplacemers pung differessul pressure readtness of these punge. Generally, dmharge pressure is set ami is me required hg the SIC purrys, a reference discherge pung fkm rese is esacased in desernune <5=rstumel readmess of preseure edl be esambhahed and the pump lbw reae munutored pos.tive displacerners pungs nos requess should be revued k> end reconled De fkm rate value will be analyzed to the n=we clearly desenbe she pr vc

  • emmg and show thaa et is e acceptame uniene peuvided in Table 3b of Part 6. As muh, reenwinble aherneuve to the Con - his informatmia should be Reinf Requess No. P2 of the Sement intervelIST Pnigram is mi provided as port of any future IST program subnunal. kmger required and has been deleted kese IS Rehef requess VIis fnr puntdietharge check valves in the SW A revww of Venr=ws Yonkee's tycroung. shui &=a sal Relicf Reques No R R-V02 Amosnaly No.15 eyinem. De requess addresses frequentice for nesting the valves, refmims humory iminates that tyereuon of all fter SW runve ie de"**arstes the (VI) Immever, does me addrene cokt ebutdown. Smce SW eyes n, bada emwmally required dunng power eyereestme and cokt abuiAmne inyrsteneldy of tenaug

[RR.V02l are numb kwer in thaa plare nuwie, the licensee shonf edher seat dunnq appromirnesely seven nuuths of the year to sneet tverstmg these velves quarterly or the velves dunna that condaios,if preciacable, or provafe e and shutdown (t=deng heet load requireewsne. He invers of RR dunng cedd shutdowns obea jusedwauen for defernns she nesse. Du is conomiered to be VI of die Second laservalIST Pmgram was no tem the pung eli four SW punye are portaculariy invertars to the hghs of the degradstum found to effect dietharge check velves, V701 A-D, whenever three puny required herefore, the other cimk velves in skue system. <rersoon is pusable. Tu beuer c<=vey shu fact, Reinf Requess samma ie in accordance unh No. RR-V02 Revismui 0, embauued wah the %ird laserval IST OM lo,14 3 2.2 amt the Pmytem stance *Choc k volve emerusing edi be pesfewmed rehef requem could be dunna the regularly a6heduled quarterly SW tessa, and dunas deleted ami a refuehag ea6h cold shutdown and refuehng unange, only if gentam wab uutage jusssfketnia three SW puerra is pernweseble bened on the ukemete beas esak mahnuned.

tenverenare sad required coulmg bada. De nunmuam frequency of am.h temma will be twu o per year web a summum inserval between tests of three omsuhe."


Items Nimmber Ikerripoas of Arteame Tekne Sameine et lesem Ammmely Neenber Descrip6am et Ireen se NRC M le the Nevensiber 30,1992 Rempasse sad (Oed Retief Reysset No.) Deted May 13,1992 to Address SE Iteens Reusemmeg Actiem

[Near Redist Be No.] _

hann 16 Relief requese V3 propnose to venfy pnyer eversuora of several he valves in quessm, SE-?G4A D, are 3/4-imh de==d New RR.V05 seplace, V3 Amunely No.16 Category B velvos in the SW mapply to the ses dual heat renwvvel nperated gate valves located in the RilR$W puay nm*w cuadmg ermt is evaluated im TER (V3) (RHR) service waner (RHR$W) pump are**r umlers by oymem water knee, one for each puny. De valves are rapid acting Sectam RR-VOI is

[RA N 0ll warnaswelF-- . The pnyised sees appears to be very velves with => km;al or renuse poenne ne velves granted for se inserve penod linua d is its abilwy to detect es.y degt Jatme of thcee vahes ahort have em snanual cordesd switches but inmead are uwendled by pureusin to i 50.55e of cosylete failure. The test may ime alkm a pnyer deternunatioes the respective RHR$W puny part circuary. Tbs enkes 1 (fk6Mi). The licenere of avershomal readamese Some method shoubt be devekyed to obtaining acevrete stroke tanwa for these volves verv difncuh. etwaald deve!.y a means so edequanely eseess ryernasossel readiness of these velves he System avw=h6catmns wouki be necessary to directly nwesure the uhtain meemngful ante licemese should rearned to stus consern wahie sia nuwshe. anAe tanus of these vel,es and would be comly and burdensome times or to teherwise to Vernma Yankee. Due to the volve sue end con 6gurethm, ammutar for degradmg sunnel anAe time is alnwist inmantaneme. When these types of ceralstame. We temma volves do me averste pnyeriy, they neus cswrumudy fad to aught Lvedve row itsruarve everete at all or exk in owne irmermediate puestkin. In either diagramsic techruques. Ifit case, adequate anaesanwee of the eyereshmal readiness of these is desenvuned that n is volves is performed by visual confirmatum thas pnyer coedmg snyractical to use lemma wster ik= is estabhahed ug=m puny mart. Condeng water flow outhode effectively, as is read locally in=n fkm indicaior F1-lO4-70A-D. he above enhanced maiteenante posatme is provided in RR V0i, Revimon 0, subautted wah abe progrern or penodec Thrd-11servalIST Prvgram. rept cenwar may be acceptable.


lieue Nes=her Ikerrignon of Atenee Take. Matas of Itmas Amamealy Nas4>er Ibecripties of Itees in NRC '4 la the Neemebe .14,1992, Response and (06d ReE=(Resposet Nej Deded May 13,1992 to Addnes SE lieuse Reuesammig Arten

[w. mastR.sym.t N.1 y

hem 17 Rehef Rarpees V7 r,queste rehef fnwn the cloacd esenians The n>rd Irmerval Vermu.s Yankee IST Program is *ntien in Re fucima (hang, Aemnehes Nos.17 eraf 22 -

m of Sectam XI fw the me==rd feedweter check volves accwdence enh OMe-1988 Check velve enersiung teste are Jusufwesa No. RGI-V03 (V7 and V8) he licensee ppe to dansesemhis and inspect these velvee im a performed in accordere e wnh 14.3 2 of Part 10 14 3 2 2te) denumstrates the

[ROJ V03) sorrybag basis during refbehag outages to venfy volve closure of Port 10 mates *If se sue practnebne dunng piers inyvicucelwy of temang Retuf request V7 is effected by GL 89 04 Pusatum 2. However, geratuut a cokl shutdowne, a nmy be hauled to full sert 4e these velves quarterly w mace diesenesely is to venfy velve closure, tius nhef request is dunng refuehng outages? M(=hfxeuone have been curgleted during cadd shukk=ne.

me approved by the Genenc 14aer emi is evolueted in etush elkm for leek usung of feed =eter check velves herefore, the tesing to in Sectum 3.101 I of the TER. Due to the intracts.elay ermi burden V2 28 AAB nese velves are =>w leek tested each refuehng esamience wuh (*( 10, of coeplying wnh the Code snetim=I st=l frequeery requiremerse, emetage in eeuwdere,e with 14 2.2 of Part 10 and the Vernmins 14.3 2.2 ermi no further reiwf sh mid be gearsed wab the provinome. The Yankee Appenden 3 Program. Refer to the discuseum provuled estam ie reqmred.

luemees shnmid investigste useduwls of verifyirig the reverse ik= in response to hem 6 for further informessoa ce leek k skisure capabihty of these volves other than d esseerrely eral is the Venmus Vent ee pomuon that this leak tesima, coupled inspectum. k may be practscal, et least each refuehng (mdage, to wnh exercieng the esives w the full open poetxus by the pnyer verify by meirurumve diagnneta: techruque that the velve dieke (yeratum of the feedwater system et plare mortup awete the letter tesvel to their ckwed aeste when the upsenem imdatum volves are ami sesens of 14.3.2 2(elof Port 10. As such, Rehef Request skwed. Velves that are diosaseneled in heu of testmg should have Noe V7 ermi V8 of the Seawal treervalIST Program are su e post mousenerre part stridte esereise performed prwe to their kmger required and have been deleted. Jussfacetion for the return to servue. refuehng tanage tens frequeery is provided in Refuehng Outage Jueufsetuso ROJ.VO), Reviewn 0, embanned wmb the Relaf request V8 requeste rehef from the leakage este measuremers hard huervelIST Pergrim requiremsena of the Code for time feedwater check volves, V2 28 A eral -288. De hcenses states that these velves need tue chee to provide pnsnery coraemment indetson sad that en etengtem was approved by the NRC fnun testing them to venfy a cossaisurwes iedetuse haectum. Ihmever,if these valves perfium armeher Esmetite 34 mere their ocer leakage is hnuted to e specific maammm enumes, they suses be tened in accorderace wah IWV.3420 to venfy their einidy to perforat that fbutuut. If n is determmed that these volves do enn perform e nanctum where their leakage rete in linuted to a specific ornmimum, they alumkl sus be categorhed A or A/C in the IN program and this whef sequest should be deleted (a soumid be aimed sa the IST program that these valves are enesweed frusa conaeanmers isoletum leek rete sesung).


i Ismos Nuenber theeriptman of Takes Staena oflesem Amessety Nimmber Deurripteam ofItcan in NRC $E le the Nonenbee 30,1992 Kampemese and N)Id Radid Rap No.) Dated May 13,1992 to Addnes SE Itemas Reemmeneog Actose Peew Rand Revaaut No.1 beam 18 Rel.ef requess Vl5 amt V25 requem ninef from the leak rate The Thmi linerval Venmww Yankee IST Pmgram is rween in New RR-V09 aplaces V2.5 Amuse.ely No.18 testang requireensats of the Code for the hased presatire b iumlery acavdame weh (*4e 1988. k4easuremers of Categwy A vahe arid se evaluased in TER (Vl3 and V25) imdatsne volves. In these requens, tiw hcensee mates that adequate aces leakage rates are performed in accordame with 14 2 2. Secimo 3 6 l l. RR-VOS ie

! [RR.V091 lesi inghuseos of these valves is venf ed by corsummius umwatonna Consissers enh IWV 3421,14 2 2.l of Part 10 mates that grarsed fiw an imerum perumt l of downeusem pressure. IWV 3421 states that vehee shsh **sives whsh furstam in the cimene of plars wersime m o purutare to n 50 55a Asactine in the consroe of plare opermuum is a meaner that meaner ht dennesintes functionally adequate mest 1 (fkoM) . The pnyone f demonsarases ftanctumelly adequese seat taghtness need me be leek leak tightness need me be adJitumelly leak tened. In anh semma does me venfy the l tested. la mach casee, the vehe recwd shall provide the basis for cases, the veNe eeuwd shall provale the benas for the comiusme infividual leak oghtnese of the concbamme thma operstmeal reservatama consistuse naisfactory ht werammal cheervetams nestaute natisfutawy the subf at vahee, bia Ic4L desmestrutmo. k appean thee these vetves meet the condetnes denumstratme

  • Regard ng RR Vl5, armuhraamms have been tras them os pairs wah specifwd in IWV-3421. If stue is the ceae, these relief requess coswlesed mixh stiow kw the imiswedualleek tearms of valves upsenem valves keek rate would t=e he needed anJ could be deleted. Vl4-12AAB ermJ Vie -3 AAB. These valves are amm leak tened temmg them an usuedame each refuelmg outsg en accordance sah 14 2.2 of Part 10 and enh & Cale has as been the Vernwe Yankt < Appenden 1 Program. As muh, RR Vl3 is etw =*n to be irrytmucal or

=> keger requirr -s and has been delesed- k> be an unusual hardsh p methous e conyeeseting Regardmg R5 V25.1) Fw valves V1046 AAB, full difIerentset tacrease in the level of pressure is 4memed on the vehes durmg artnal werstams ont quelay and safety.

avwasone4 of dwestream pnaaure is perfiumed by readma Thersfive, by the end of the Pl-80-ibOA/B. As these valves fumtase in the course of plars usens permmi the lueasee operstne is a manner be deennmsnien knotamsily adequate alumlJ aleve&y ami seat le.aL+ghaneos, the requimmeens of 14.2.2 I of Part 10 are imrico*88 P"=.edurra to antisfied and e Relief Requem is m, kmger requered. 2) For volve leak rose sesi vehes V1417, V10-17, full differeraisi pnseure is nie irwomad on the vehe -27A, and 278 in dunns armal tverstame due to the presence of valve VIO-18. eccordame = tb

Neaher vatve VIO-17 av V1018 con he eyemed wwh renceow preemire greater ha 100 peng due to the preseme of an innerkm L The waaremma n==mionrig prmeded by PS.14llt dennestroses the funutumally adequete seas leakeghtnene for the ismerface bewween the lugh pressun RCS mai the enacbed km pnemere symem 3) For vahes vl427AAB, hall differesusal pressere is as imposed on the velves dunng avmal weretuws due to the presence of valves VIG46 AAB. The conurnams i e==ueoring prendal by PS-14122A/B desrmestretes the Atactumally adequate seas leak tightreme kw the interface between the hesh pnemare RCS ami the enached km pnaau.e eymem.

Reisef Raquaess No. RLVU9, Resianon 0, is memined wah the Third Irmerval tST Progna and seates the ebove inkwmatene kw valves VIO-17 and V10 27AAB. k slmmid slao be mmed that ee Verumus Yankee 13 do mas include teams requiremeens for Pfve and that Vermone Yankee does == heve Eveis V PfVs as defined by Generic taaer 87&.


leese Neseber IWripense of Actimme Takes Norwe of Itan Anessaiy Pnumber Ihr tripense ellessa im NRC M' la the Neecebee .W,1992, Repasse and 101d R44 sf Regamut Nej Deted May 13,1992 to Addreas SE Iteams Hammenes Actnes

[New Radief Rayment No.l hem 19 Relwf respem V22 sequests rehef imm the Cafe tem frequemy Behef Requen No RR-V07, Revisam O, few the Bird Innerval New RR.VO7 replacea V12 Amwnely No.19  %. -- - br time scram dietharge vedune ve:W check velves. IST Pmgram states that the opersbehty of the murim dietharge est is evaluesed in TER (V22) his relief request mases that eyerehday of these valves is volume vers check velves. Vl3-162 AA B, will be denumesrated $estam 3.41.1. BR-V07 is

[REV07) denumstrated by decreasing scram discharge volunw water level by decreasing aceum dem.harge volume weier level urim reset grermed purwant to l 30 35a upon reset fun screm. Ewever, the requem does me apenfy of fr wn cash strom h ehecid be remed that the strum egnal for 1 (fM6Mi). Nu further octam this canJdioma will be ci served kdhming every scram or leaa high mrom discharge volunw mater level sented be remet uswal is required.

frequently. Sectue XI leating should be performed as to the the water is dreuwd Code specified frequenmy as practsable. If less frequess nesems is inserated by this relief reques, a eh.wid be revised atml resubauueJ bem 20 Relief reques V26 requess rehef fun the wruke same N valves m quemum, VIO 89AAB, prvvale flow twerut ftw New RR VIO replaces V26 Am1mnaly No. 20 measuremers requirements of the Cale for the RHR flow cusurut the RHRSW to the RHR heat enchangers. N valves preserely and is evaluated m TEJL (V26) valves, VIO 89A and 898. W licensee mates that prvyer valve have een menuel corsrul ownches but insaced ere sorun=lled by fettam 31 1.1 RR VIO as

[RLV10l ryerstam is verified through sawmel syssem opernimm dunna puny the respe6tive RHR5W pung mort circuary emi e ik=w caend grarsed for en usenm penal te ste. h hceneec's revrosed sesamg does not prevale e nuana to poestum nw=lulauw. Die makes obtaisung accurate uruke tmws pursuers to l 50 $$a detect volve degradaten A segnefuerely degraded velve sney be for these valves very diffnuit Velves VIG 89 AAB are to be 1 (f)(6)(i). W pnyosed capable of perfornung a ham.tmo durma e pornp tem, but as be replased donna the 1993 Refuehng th4sge, e6heduled to stan in seeing should be perf*wmed capable of perfornung m.e esfety narmixe umuler accalere sondamme August 1993. As port of this replateamed, test switchee =dt be ured valves VIO 89A emi (such es mmksng ks as fail eefe pentum) when celled upon to do added to alkm for full er de testmg. Nr the irsenm, adequate -898 are replaced dunng the so. & lecermee shawklinvemigets the precanelay ofivrylemersang senesenere of abe operatumal readmese of these valves se 1993 refuehng antage.

e tem that rrumatore the sewuliamm of these valves and allows performed dunng awmel quarteriy testmg by ensuring thas the ARe the 1993 sefuehng desecax n of degradasum. & licenace almuald tesposal to thee ensumum deesgn bene flow of 2700 gym is actpeved thniugh the emmege, these valves eh.=sid comern withis nas awwnha. respectsve heat enchanger. Such sessmg providea en tverstumet be samke ime tened in challenge to the valves equivalerd to accmlent cormletions. h accwdame enh (*4 10, valves fad in the se se pimimm, es sui.b, temmg to the fad eefe 14.2.1 ponetum se rod appisable. RR-VIO, Reviestm 0, subnutsed with the Therd Interval IST Progrum pmvidea the eherve informaamm eral wdl remain in effect used the valve replacenessa are completed .


liens Nas=Imer lh'ernyemme of Artiesse Takam Status of itsee Amamely Nussber Descripnem of Innan se NRC E le the Novanher 30,1992, Respamme and IO4d Ratwf Rauperet No.) Desed May 13,1992 to Addnee SE Itemaa Remmasenag 4tsen (New beief Regewet No.1 leani 21 IWV-3411 and -3526 establoeh the velve esersiung frequency se The Hird 14merval Vermwn Yankee IST Pn gram se wnnen in The heerersby of(*4-10, Armanaly No. 21 orme every three ano who, encept se provided by IWV-3412 ermi accordence wah the ASMEJ ANsl stamtard (mle 19ss Addemia 1 4 2.1.2 and 4 3.2.2 (Versma) -3522. Dese is persus une of the cow shusdown frequency for to ASMF/ ANSI (*t-1917. Valve esercising tems are perf.wmed ahmW be folkwed in all

[N.A.] leams whea Anil-struite emertmng se aos practnel durng ptera in enordance weh 14 2.1 of Peit 10. is 4 2.1 1(at thrwgh estuetaww. No Aanha wtum everstion. Several rehef requema is the Vermus Yankee IST of Port to prvvide the required test (nquencies, is required.

program request to eset a refuehng <smage esercise frequency. unludmg tenning dunng cold shutdowns emi refueling := stages, in Bene request provide bases for ma eserueing the valves dunng tww of quarterly testing. To suppin tem frequencies sa power operatame, but fail to pnyvide technscaljusurnatum for =>t acawdance wuh these la, jushinatame are subnuned wah the testing the valves during cckt shus. owns *Vhen velve teming is . Dird Isservel IST Program shnh docunwra the technmal bases inspractical or an er===l lieniship quenerty dunng gwmer fw p 4 emercisms the vetvu dunng tunh gewer geratums emt operesnoo, at awas he perfurened et cow shutdowns if practical. It cedd shut &wns se appinable.

com only te deferred ki refLselmg outages if at is denummioted to be anproctical or en unumsal herdshy donog b.nh power geration and cold shusdowns. Die information shouW be documeised, for tuth frequencies,in each specific relief r=<paese. De licensee should review all rehef requema for tese frapaeacy to ensure that they provide en adequate justificasson es discumeed aberve.

kom 22 V5 requeste relief from the Code requiremetta to measure the he air man symem for each Vernwu Yankee EDG is 34 New RR-VO) replaces V5 Armunely No. 23 asu64 times of the EDG eir mart volves, ASI and A52 (on cada haaUy redurslass es they share comnum piping, uurpormnse end end is evaluated to TER (VS) EDG). he licensee pnyosee to imlitectly oncerteia valve irubatmg logw. Dere are two est asert odermini velves inssailed Sc(tam 3 81.1, RR V03 is (RR.V03) 9eratumel readmese by verifying the stanmg tinus of the EDGE in parallel on each EDO, AS 24-1 A/B en EDG-1 A and grarsed punuare to i 50 55e are 13 seconde or lees. Many EDO eir teart systenu are convosed AS-24 2A/B on EDG-lB. Dunna quenerly testms, indirect 1 (f)(6)(i). No further actmas of two totally redundare air start traine, esther of wbkh con men sneasuremere that one of the two parallel air mart odenoed valves is required.

the deseel within the required time. If the Vern==4 Yankee opens prungdy is performed by numskens the EDO mart tune

.nstalletsen is knally redundars, the proposed testmg may rue detect ami ensuring the EDO marts wahin the Verumms Yankee TS e eerswaly degraded or faded volve. In this case, en ehernate lamat of 13 socoats. Measurms the EDO mart time gwee switual of testmg that deaecte seedsymhnal valve degradassom nimosid indecetum of posable vehe degradetku (se a pear) eince any be developed and inglesiereed. De laceasee shouW resped to mansfness change in volve anAe tanw wouW result in bmger thse concern withis see umwehe. EDG stan times. la adddam, to A.rther essess the operatunnel readmeen of each est mart solesm=d velve, en ismiepealeen operzbdwy test is performed once per opererang cycle. Tbs tem es performed by ehernately bftang the ptmer lead to one of Ibe two air mart valves. Operetumal readiness of the remeisung vehe is deternened by snessuring the sta ting tame of the EDO.

neee testaeg teikneques are conessens wah those prevamely appened by the NRC, RR-VG), Revie.on 0, subnuned wnh the Ding leserval RST pograsa s==ce this tesemg.


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lesse Neuber ihmeriptism of Aetmum Teksu Staome of Is,es A--ay Nummber Descripenas of items em NRC SE la the beensber 30,1992, R a panee and MMd Reenf Resposet M.) Dated May 13,1992 to Addnes SE lasses Rememums Action

_INw Radid Ray N.I hem 15 GV-2 ray == rehef from the Code correctave actmo requnnunts ne Tbra truerval Vermwn Yankee IST Pn>grom is ennen in Rehef is mi bmeer rap =med Antwn.Jy No. 26 for sistAe timme ---- _sms on power tereted vehee. he occamtarwe =wh the ASME/ ANSI 5 aadard (Ste-1988 AJdenda fnmi the r=lM Code (OV 2) licemmes conyone m.nem time nuesurepurds to refereme ande to ASME/ ANSI (241987. Vehe anAc tsme acceptame requnswiss. No bather

[N.A.) times inssend of the pavious test nuesurememe Die prevens cntene is ensbbshed in ucordame nh 14 2.18 of Port 10. ectum is required gndust meir ugytng emi is, therefore, better than the Camle As the cruena enabbahed en 14 2.1.8 of Port 10 are edersksi to requires =re The licecmee also differeesistes between new itwee casa.ned in Rehef Reques No OV-2 Ew the tyeresed velves and caber power tyereced velves and has ana+gned sected treervel IST Progress. rehef fnwn the code requiremeren snare rearictive criterie to these valves. his is also en is no longer necessary. Cwm6ve attuus for valve enertisang improvemos to the Sectkm XI requiremersa. When pimer tests will be in _:cordarse wah 14.2.10 of Port 10. As such, aperesed valve arche tiews deviene eigsfxemly fnmi the previous Releef Requess No. GV-2 is mi bieger required eat bas been struke tanwe but remeie beks the hmeting venues of ibli sande deleted .

tiswa, IWV-34!7(e) requires the tem fnquemy be imreased to orace each suweh ursal cortective actwa in taken. His elkms closer sumukmng of the degnded volve to enmare that at is suit capable of perforwung he Aussion. If eruke tmwe increase agefwamly from reference values,2.b.3 of this requem indecates that kw valves awmelly tested dunng refuehng tmdages only, the sene frequemy wtmid reamie et ends refuehng <mmage. The ctmaki pernut a sigsfmedly degraded valve to res sie en service for as ermire reeckw cyck. Lakewise,2 b.2 of this requem cimlJ pernut e engwficemly degreded velve tested at cobi shuukmne to remeim in servke Ew the remsinder of a reactor cycle (if there are tw> ether cobi abundeveres dunng that cycle). These is of ttus rehef request are ime sceservative and sney nos provide en adequate level of qualsy and enfesy. he licemene shoido respoemi to this cerxero wadmin esa numshe.


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